How to Prepare for the Changes Affecting Medicaid & the Uninsured Stephanie Altman, Programs & Policy Director Health & Disability Advocates Cathy A Peterson, President, Peterson Healthcare Consulting Peterson Healthcare Consulting Overview of Health & Disability Advocates • Lawyers, social workers and policy analysts on staff • Client Representation (SSI, SSDI, Medicaid, Medicare) • Medical Legal Collaborations include Cook County Hospital • Training and Technical Assistance to Community Based Providers • Policy/Advocacy (Medicaid, Health Care Reform, Veterans, Military Families, Special Education) Peterson Healthcare Consulting Overview of Peterson Healthcare Consulting • Vast experience helping providers with: • Strategic planning, planning • Business development, • Managed care, and • Revenue cycle • Cathy has extensive Medicaid knowledge ranging from being part a team that created the Family Health Network to assisting FQHCs to enhance their Medicaid strategy to a revenue cycle turnaround for a 200 + MD practice whose Medicaid mix is over 40%. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Learning Objectives 1 About the major upcoming changes 1. in Illinois g 2. The timeline for these changes 3. How the changes will affect Hospitals and Physician Groups 4. Key Actions Providers should take to retain the patients and maximize income Peterson Healthcare Consulting Major changes based on 3 new laws 1. Affordable Care Act - Signed into law on March 23 2010 on March 23, 2010 2. Illinois Medicaid reform (Public Act 096 1501) – Signed in January 2011 096-1501) 3. More Illinois Medicaid reform (Public A t 097-0689) Act 097 0689) - passed in May 2012 Will first discuss the State reform as that will affect providers sooner than the Federal law. We will start with #2 above. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform signed in 2011 Five Major Changes: 1. Caps All Kids at 300% FPL for new enrollees after 7/1/2011 (grandfathers ( df th in i currentt All Kids Kid enrollees ll over 300% FPL until 7/1/2012.) - 4,000 children will no longer be eligible for coverage. 2. Imposes new verification of residency, a potential eligibility barrier, for Medicaid. 3 Moratorium on Medicaid eligibility expansions until 2013 3. (extended now to 2015.) 4. Phasing out the practice of allowing unpaid bills from one year to be paid in the next fiscal year year. 5. Requires that 50% of Medicaid clients be enrolled in care coordination programs by January 1, 2015. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform signed in 2011 50% of Medicaid clients be enrolled in care coordination programs by January 1 1, 2015 2015. Care coordination will be provided to most Medicaid clients byy “managed g care entities,” , ag general term that will include: 1. Coordinated Care Entities (CCEs), 2. Managed Care Community Networks (MCCNs) and 3. Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform signed in 2011 • 2.7 million adults and children are currently enrolled ll d iin M Medicaid di id and d All Kid Kids iin Illi Illinois. i • 434,492 are Seniors and Persons with Disabilities (SPD) -- used to be called AABD (Aged Blind Disabled) • SPDs are 16% of clients but cost 55% of M di id b Medicaid budget d t ((allll agencies) i ) • The State is focused on moving this more expensive population into care coordination programs; not the TANF population (moms and kids) Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform signed in 2011 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities (SPD) are of two t types: Medicaid M di id only l or D Duall Eligibles Eli ibl Under Age 65 & Disabled Age 65+: Total Medicaid only y Duals: Medicaid & Medicare 143,102 19,587 162,689 116,381 153,422 271,803 SPDs will SPD ill b be served db by CCE CCEs, MCCN MCCNs, MCO MCOs. H However, Medicaid only SPDs will be served only by CCEs & MCCNs. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform signed in 2011 For managed care entities: MCO/MCCN both packages will MCO/MCCN: ill be paid thro through gh ffullll risk, capitated rates package g services will be p paid fee-forCCE: service p service; CCE will be paid through risk-based care coordination fees. To be awarded October 2012. LTSS will ill incorporate i t institutional i tit ti l care and d services i and supports in Home and Community Based Services (HCBS ) waivers Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform Currently, Illinois Medicaid has two managed care programs: Voluntary: 222,000 clients have voluntarily enrolled Includes only children and their parents Operated by 2 HMOs (Harmony, Meridian & Family Health Network) - in 18 counties Mandatory: called Integrated Care Program 36,000 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities (SPD) in Cook County suburbs and 5 collar counties Operated by 2 MCOs (Aetna Better Health & IlliniCare) Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform passed in 2011 State now starting Phase II of the Integrated Care Program targeting SPD adults adults. • For Cook County and 5 collar counties only initially • Care Coordination Entities (CCEs) and the MCCN bid this summer and an announcement is expected in early October. • 20 proposals l received i d tto serve adults d lt ((and d children in their families) • Targeted for operation beginning January 2013 (likely to be delayed). Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform passed in 2011 For Medicaid-only SPD clients, client will: • Be offered a choice of a managed g care entity; y if no choice is made, then client will be automatically assigned to an entity • 60 days to choose a plan and 90 days to change to another plan • Enroll into the managed g care entity y for both medical and LTSS service packages (if LTSS is required) • Be required to use the network of providers offered b that managed care entit by entity and to sta stay with ith that plan for one year (unless the client shows cause for change to another plan) Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform passed in 2011 To get to 50%, the focus will also include: (1) Expanding the Medicaid SPD to Central IL and then areas like Rockford and Quad City (2) Dual eligible SPD clients - Targeted to phase-in beginning April 2013 in Greater Chicago and Central Illinois regions (likely to be delayed) Then on to other areas in IL (3) Long-term supports and services package (LTTS ) for SPD clients (including behavioral health, mental h lth and health d substance b t abuse b services) i ) Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform passed in 2011 To get to 50%, the focus will also include: (4) Children with complex health needs - CCEs targeted for operation beginning April 2013 (again likely to be delayed). y ) (5) Mandatory Medicaid SPD enrollment in additional regions - Targeted to phase-in beginning April 2013 (6) Mandatory managed care for other populations – children, families, new Medicaid enrollees under ACA. Targeted g to begin g operations p by y January y 2014. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform passed in 2011 Dual-Eligibles (Medicaid/Medicare) • State has applied to federal Medicare MedicareMedicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI) • Likely to enroll up to an estimated 137,000 SPDs in Cook County, 5 collar counties and 15 counties in central Illinois • 12 proposals l received i db by 9 companies i • No lock in of clients allowed for medical – Federal Law (State trying to get a waiver on this for LTSS.) Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform passed in 2011 For Dual Eligible's: Major Insurers bid to serve this p population p ((e.g., g BCBS, Humana, Aetna)) • Client will be offered a choice of a managed care entity; if no choice is made, then client will be automatically assigned to an entity • Medicare does not permit mandatory enrollment for the medical service package package, so clients can opt-out opt out of service package for Medicare medical services • State is seeking a waiver from federal government to mandate enrollment into a managed care entity for Medicaid LTSS service package Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform passed in 2011 For Dual D al Eligibles: Eligibles • Expect announcement regarding who will serve this population by November 2012. • Expect program to be implemented in April 2013 if approved by HHS. HHS Peterson Healthcare Consulting Major changes based on 3 new laws Have Discussed: 1. Illinois Medicaid reform (Public Act 096-1501) – passed in 2011 Now will discuss: 2 More 2. M Illi Illinois i M Medicaid di id reform f (Public Act 097-0689) - passed in May 2012 Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform – SMART ACT passed in 2012 To deal with large State deficit, Illinois passed more Medicaid reform in May 2012: The Medicaid budget hole of $2.7 billion was filled: • $1.6 billion from SMART Act reductions (62 specific spending reductions; some discussed in next slide); • $700 million revenue from cigarette tax; • $100 million revenue from the new hospital assessment; and • $300 million allocated to Medicaid from increased state revenues beyond projections(all including 50% federal match). match) Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform – 2012 legislation Some of the SMART Act reductions include: • • • Eligibility for adults in the Family Care program is reduced to 133% Federal Poverty Level. New integrity measures will aggressively target client and provider fraud. All provider groups receive a rate cut of 2.7% 2 7% except for doctors, dentists, FQHCs, safety-net hospitals and critical access rural hospitals. Other h hospitals it l th than safety-net f t t and d critical iti l access hospitals receive a rate cut of 3.5%. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Medicaid Reform – 2012 legislation Another key ke change is that pro providers iders m must st now no submit all claims in 180 days – not 365. See the following for specifics: http://www hfs illinois gov/assets/072312n pdf Peterson Healthcare Consulting Major changes based on 3 new laws Have Discussed: 1. Illinois Medicaid reform (Public Act 096-1501) – passed in 2011 2 More 2. M Illi Illinois i M Medicaid di id reform f (Public Act 097-0689) - passed in May 2012 Now will discuss Federal Law 3. Affordable Care Act - Signed into law g on March 23, 2010 Peterson Healthcare Consulting Overview of Affordable Care Act – Federal Health Care Reform • SStates are largely responsible for its implementation a es a e a ge y espo s b e o s p e e a o • Phases‐in changes to private health insurance coverage • Significantly expands Medicaid coverage • Establishes health care exchange to coordinate with Medicaid system Medicaid system • State Option to Expand Medicaid to 138% FPL Authorizes numerous grant programs and pilot • Authorizes numerous grant programs and pilot projects Peterson Healthcare Consulting Key Components of the Affordable Care Act Affecting Medicaid & the Uninsured In 2014…and beyond • Individual Mandate with subsidies for populations 100-400% FPL to purchase health insurance • State or federal “Health Health Insurance Exchanges” Exchanges – new marketplaces with Essential Health Benefits package • Optional Medicaid Expansion to Adults up to 138% Federal Poverty Level • No pre pre-existing existing condition exclusion; guaranteed issue; no annual or lifetime limits; and no gender or health rating. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Affect of June Supreme Court Decision • States cannot be financially penalized for failing to expand Medicaid. • Illinois plans to implement a state-federal partnership exchange for at least one year. • Expects to transition to a state exchange in 2015 2015. • Governor has announced that Illinois will opt to p Medicaid. expand • Need legislation to create a State Exchange and to expand Medicaid in Illinois. Legislature likely to take it up after ft the th November N b election. l ti • If Obama loses election and Senate moves to epub ca co control, t o , ACA C poss possible b e repeal epea and a d replace. ep ace Republican Peterson Healthcare Consulting Medicaid Expansion: What is it? • In 2014, anyone under 65, not in Medicare and under 138% of the Federal Poverty Level ($14,521 for an i di id l/ $29 individual/ $29,965 965 ffor ffamily il off 4) will ill be b eligible li ibl ffor Medicaid. • Federal g government p pays y 100% of the cost of the extra clients for first 3 years. • Primary Care MD rates increased to 100% of M di Medicare ffor 2013 and d 2014 vs. M Medicaid di id rates t – about a 30% increase. • Most applications will be filed electronically through an Integrated Eligibility System with Medicaid and Health Insurance Exchange. Clients will have a single point of entry for insurance and Medicaid. Medicaid Peterson Healthcare Consulting Medicaid Expansion: Who is it? 610,821 uninsured individuals in Illinois will be eligible for new Medicaid “Adult Adult Group Group” in 2014 1,036,706 will become eligible to purchase i insurance th through h th the exchange h ((with ith or without a premium subsidy.) In Cook County County, 330 330,923 923 will be newly eligible for Medicaid and 394,135 will be eligible to purchase insurance through the exchange with a subsidy. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Medicaid Expansion: Health Status of Population • • • • • Fair/Poor Health: 18% Two or More Chronic Conditions: 18% Limited or Unable to Work: 15% More Likely to Be Childless Adults Than Parents Likely to be healthier than nondisabled adults currently y enrolled in Medicaid,, but the least healthy and older individuals are among the new Medicaid expansion group and are more likely to enroll. ll Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute, The Health Status of New Medicaid Enrollees Under Health Reform, August 2010 Peterson Healthcare Consulting ACA and Non-Citizens • • • • Medicaid eligibility remains the same for noncitizens; in general, must be a legal permanent resident id t iin country t for f 5 years exceptt pregnantt women and children. Pregnant g women and children remain eligible g for Medicaid regardless of immigration status. To purchase insurance through exchange with subsidy b id only l need d tto b be lawfully l f ll presentt (generally Legal Permanent Resident or other lawful category.) No coverage for any undocumented non-citizens. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Health Care Exchange Legislation • SB 1555 (now Public Act 097-0142) was signed into law in August 2011 by the Governor. Governor • Created Legislative task force and the Healthcare Reform Implementation Council to guide Implementation and Design of the Illinois Health Care Exchange Exchange. • Governance and Financial Sustainability are the major issues. • Several S bills, including HB 4141, were introduced to establish exchange board and rules but did not pass. The Governor has recently announced that Illinois will opt to have a statef d l partnership federal t hi exchange h ffor fifirstt year. • Illinois plans to implement a state-based exchange by 2015; legislation on governance and financing expected in Spring 2013 session. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Enrollment Issues in 2014 • Enrollment for Single State Entry Point for Medicaid and Health Insurance Exchange must be available online, by mail, and in person by 2014. • There will be roles for Community Based Providers such as clinics, clinics social service organizations organizations, and hospitals to be navigators and enroll patients. • The ACA mandates that a Navigator System will be created using community based providers (most likely used only for individual enrollment) and the insurance broker community (most likely used only for the small business market) in order to educate and enroll into people the exchange. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Essential Benefits Package: What is it? •All health plans sold through the health care exchange must cover these essential benefits at a minimum. •States can use State Employee p y Health Plan,, large g insurers, or largest small group plan as benchmark package. •Illinois has to decide on their benchmark plan by 9/30/2012 and accepted comments through last week. •Medicaid expansion population coverage to be determined but will be benchmarked to EHB.. •Ambulatory patient services; •Emergency services; Hospitalization; •Hospitalization; •Maternity and newborn care; •Mental health and substance use disorder services;; •Prescription drugs; •Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; •Laboratory services; •Preventive and wellness services including chronic disease management; t •Pediatric services including oral and vision care. Peterson Healthcare Consulting The Individual Mandate • Requires most individuals to carry “minimum essential” health coverage. • According to Kaiser Family Foundation, Almost 9 in 10 non-elderly people in the US would either satisfy the mandate automaticallyy or be exempt p from it. Exemptions include: religious reasons, undocumented immigrants, very low income so do nott file fil taxes, t insurance i premiums i exceed d 8% off family income Peterson Healthcare Consulting Actions Providers Should Take • Evaluate number of SPD care for: Can tell by the case number of the individual – starts with a 91, 92, or 93. 93 F For D Duall eligibles, li ibl on the th M Medicaid di id card d on th the back under the person’s name will be the following initials QMB/Medical. This indicates they are dual and Medicare is primary. • Must be able to identify SPD when come for care. Likely will not tell you that they are with a CCE or HMO. Payment is likely to be denied without prior authorization for care. • These individuals will be disproportionately heavy users of care so important to get their data and model it it. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Actions Providers Should Take • Track which organizations win contracts with the State • Announced on web site: • Negotiate contracts with the new entities providing care for SPD – continuity of care is especially important for these patients • Many more people will have Medicaid; so demand for services from MDs who take Medicaid will increase. Make sure to balance the time allotted to this payor group to not affect income dramatically. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Actions Providers Should Take • Expected shortage of MDs for the increase in Medicaid recipients • PCPs paid Medicare rates; so a positive affect for treating more Medicaid; but concern re how long this will last so some hesitant to increase patient base significantly. • Shortage of MD specialists who treat Medicaid; so especially i ll a challenge. h ll • Hospitals lose money on outpatient services to Medicaid recipients – but will be providing more services. Must focus on growing areas with higher margins to offset this. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Illinois Information on ACA Implementation All notices, hearings, proposed regulations and federal grants are posted on the state health care reform i l implementation t ti website b it at: t Mission of To help Illinois individuals, small businesses, policymakers and community organizations understand and benefit from improvements and access to health care under national health care reform. Peterson Healthcare Consulting Speakers Info Stephanie Altman Health & Disability Advocates 312-265-9070 Cathy A Peterson P t Peterson H Healthcare lth C Consulting lti 773-580-6800 cathy peterson@att net Peterson Healthcare Consulting
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