Enagic How To Succeed CORE GROUP Capitalise on “Synergy” “Synergy” is a phenomenon, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It helps to explain the power of teamwork and why teams strive to capitalise on it. To create positive Synergy, teams must have the right people in the right places, all focused on achieving a common goal. • Are the right people in place in your Enagic team? • Do you capitalise on Synergy? • Do you have complete trust in your Enagic members? • Do you make the team? Making the team means doing what it takes to support your team. Help, support and guide them towards their goals and most importantly, gain trust among your fellow team mates, with honesty. SYNERGY HAPPENS WHEN QUALIFIED PEOPLE ALIGN ON A COMMON OBJECTIVE. A Good Leader Explains, A Great Leader Inspires. Kangen Enagic CORE CORE GROUP GROUP How To Succeed By the Kangen Core Group Global Team The 4 Corner Stones There are 4 key elements that need to be in place to make it possible for you to be successful in building up a large sustainable business. 1 The Company must be financially stable. Enagic was founded in June 21st 1974 in Tokyo, Japan by Hironari Oshiro, for the research and development for water treatment technology. Enagic is a profitable privately held company which has become the market leader, creator and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of a revolutionary water technology that controls every aspect of production, from assembling to distribution. The net result is the finest, purest, ionized, micro-clustered, alkaline water in the world known as Kangen Water® (meaning ‘return to origin’ in Japanese) that has tremendous anti-aging and health benefits. 2 The referral programme must allow both the company to make money, and the distributors to make good money. What’s so unusual about this referral programme is that there are NO Monthly Qualifications, the plan pays on a point structure rather than levels and the Company pays a very healthy 73.5% out in commissions. The marketing Plan is based around the direct and indirect sales of the LeveLuk SD501 Kangen Water® technology with no product purchase required every month. Dynamically designed to incorporate the most effective reward system for today’s networker & entrepreneur. You make good money along with the company resulting in a win, win scenario. Forget about earning €50 checks and €100 checks. Your first direct sale of a SD-501 will earn you €175. You earn €350 with your 3rd direct sale, €525 on your direct sales after your group reaches 10, €700 on your direct sales after your group reaches 20, and €875 on your direct sales after it grows to 50. After your group grows to 100, you will earn up to €1050 on each direct sale. You can receive these same referal commissions for down-line sales as well, as long as you make a direct sale every 90 days. Please ask an experienced Enagic distributor for further explaination of Enagic’s referral programme. This marketing plan is also a patent system. 2 www.synergycoregroup.com Kangen Enagic CORE CORE GROUP GROUP How To Succeed 3 The timing in the market place must be right. 4 You must have products that the end consumer will continue to buy time after time without you nagging on them to do so. One of the biggest trends happening right now is health and wellness. The baby boomers (those born form 1946 - 1964) have governed trends in the last sixty years. Although they represent 30% of today’s population, 66% of all goods and services purchased in the market today are from this group. What do they want more than anything else – to look younger and feel better. Enagic’s technology is perfectly aimed at the baby boomers, and thereby positioned in front of this major trend. Enagic’s technology is proven to be the best in the industry, can help against a wide range of diseases, make you feel better and give you a better standard of living. There is a lot of documentation on the effects of Kangen Water®, in addition to lots of satisfied customers. People would of course like to have Enagic’s technology – they just have to know about them first – and the only way they can hear about them is through someone who already is a distributor. When it comes to the residual income this too is also very rewarding. See referal programme for full details. When people experience the benefits of Kangen Water® they simply cannot help but tell their friends. HOW THIS BUSINESS MODEL OPERATES Firstly, we would like to explain what Network Marketing stands for, which is rapidly becoming the preferred method of doing business by major companies. A lot of people confuse this with Pyramid selling because of methods used in the past, by unscrupulous companies in the market. 3 Kangen Enagic CORE CORE GROUP GROUP How This Business Model Operates Did you know that Network Marketing is being taught at more than 200 colleges, including Harvard Business School. Dr. Charles King, Harvard PHD states: “At the University of IllinoisChicago, I teach Network Marketing. It is the wave of the future and all of the facts support that”. Harvard Business School suggests that in order for the opportunity to qualify as a ground floor opportunity the number of existing reps must be less than 1% of the total population of the country where the company is operating. In the United States this figure is equal to 1.5 million people. If the company has less than 100,000 distributors, Harvard Business School considers it to be ONCEIN-A-LIFETIME opportunity. Harvard Business School Network Marketing which is regulated by the DSA (Direct Selling Association) and the FTC (Fair Trade Commission) and it is an extremely lucrative but very fair, business where everyone has the same opportunity. Traditionally when companies bring products into the market, they go through a chain from manufacturer, to distributor, to wholesaler and then finally to the retailer who in order to make us aware of their products they usually spend millions on advertising, TV, radio etc. and also huge amounts on celebrity endorsements. This method of business requires a company to spend millions and millions before a single product is ever sold and they don’t know how much they will earn from those sales. When they chose Network Marketing as their marketing method, the customers do the marketing of the products both by direct and indirect word of mouth recommendation. Now the company pay for the marketing after the sales have taken place and this gives much greater control of their cash flow. Network Marketing around the globe, involves over 1% of the population and accounts for tens of billions of sales each year. 4 www.synergycoregroup.com Kangen Enagic CORE CORE GROUP GROUP The Power Of Duplication How we make money, is to build up an organisation of sales people and customers and we get paid from the turnover in OUR own organisation. All this income is sales commission and in order to make a lot of money from Network Marketing you need a good system that everybody can follow. If you later find that you can do this better and more professional than what you learn here – don’t do it. Remember that the more “professional” you do it; the harder it will be for others to copy what you are doing. As in all other aspects of life, your success depends on your own belief and faith in what you are doing. You cannot succeed at something that you don’t believe in. The amount of money that you can make from this concept is so great that most people can’t imagine that they can make this kind of money - even if a number of people have proven that it is actually possible. To succeed in this type of business, you must have a goal, a plan and a system that works. This is a new way to work and think for most people, it requires you to obtain knowledge about the business in order to know what to do. A common mistake is to try to learn everything before you start to work, the best way to learn is to learn while you are working, find the recipe for success and follow it. It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel as you have all the tools you need to build a solid business with the Kangen Core Group System. The method described below has been proven when building a large network, your success is up to you, only - if you DARE to try. One thing is absolutely certain, if you DON’T dare and instead continue to do what you always have done, you will always get what you have always got. THE POWER OF DUPLICATION Building a large network is NOT about recruiting a lot of people yourself, it is about teaching others to do what you do so you get lots of people to work with you and for you. To succeed in doing that, you need to have a good system for duplication. We have that system here with the Kangen Core Group Success System. To illustrate the importance of that we will give you an example: let’s say that Bob knows a lot of people, and that he is able to recruit 100 people per week. (which I believe nobody can do in the long run) Margaret is choosing another approach, she will sponsor 2 new people during a month and then train these 2 people during the same month. These people shall then learn about the products, the company, the system, the presentation and how to use the tools. Margaret shall not do this on her own but is assisted by her sponsor/ upline this is something that most people can do. The next month Bob continues to recruit 100 people per week while Margaret helps her 2 recruits to do exactly the same as she did the previous month. (Month 3), Margaret’s job is to be a mentor, she guides and coaches her people to make sure that the duplication continues also. (Month 4), the people she sponsored herself will take over as mentors and Margaret will have completed her job with this group. www.synergycoregroup.com 5 Kangen Enagic CORE CORE GROUP GROUP The Power Of Duplication We have presented this example to lots of people and all of them say they DON’T believe they can do what Bob is doing and almost everybody says they think Margaret’s job seems easier. By working like Bob you could have 10,400 people in your business after 2 years - and this is a job that almost nobody believes they can do, but working like Margaret, with duplication once a month, you will have 16.77 million people in your organisation after 2 years. Remember this is a way of working that most people believe they COULD do… Bob Margaret Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Week 1 100 x Week 1 100 x Week 1 100 x Week 2 100 x Week 2 100 x Week 2 100 x Week 3 100 x Week 3 100 x Week 3 100 x Week 4 100 x Week 4 100 x Week 4 100 x Total: 400 People Total: 800 People Total: 1,200 People Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 After 2 Years Total: 10,400 People After 2 Years 2 Fully Trained People 4 Fully Trained People 8 Fully Trained People 16.77 Million People This is just an example to show you how important duplication is in order to get others to do the same as you are doing. It also illustrates another method of creating business because most people are thinking linear income - they can only understand the effect of their own work and think that they have to do everything themselves as they cannot envisage how to leverage other peoples efforts. For some people it might seem that recruiting others is most important, but it’s all about having a duplication system on how to bring as many customers as possible into your store and then show them the goods and how to utilise them in order to create a huge turnover.. We have the perfect duplication system here and once you follow the steps provided, you can achieve your financial goals. It is up to you to go out there and achieve those goals with the help of your sponsor and upline support team. Get yourself plugged into the system on www.kwcgtraining.com as these tools will help you grow and develop your business. 6 www.synergycoregroup.com Kangen CORE GROUP Your Step By Step Guide 5 Year Warranty Technology Business 15 Year Life Expectancy Enagic’s (How to get a return on your investment) Step By Step Business Training Business Model TECHNOLOGY Presentation BUSINESS Presentation STEP 1 Arrange a meeting. STEP 1 Arrange a meeting. STEP 2 Show Technology DVD - Play Steps 1 and 2. STEP 2 Show Business DVD - Play Steps 1 and 2. STEP 3 Show tests with pH drops and ORP meter and spray Beauty Water on hands. STEP 3 Show tests with pH drops and ORP meter and spray Beauty Water on hands. STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 Provide the Technology DVD, Dr Corrine Allen’s CD and the Water Therapy book. If your contact has an email address forward them the Enagic corporate website, Demo website or your personal Enagic website. Give Water Samples / Beauty Water and get commitment if your contact decides to do the 14 day Free Water Trial. Closing - Take order and complete registration form Or Offer Peak and Pass for your upline/sponsor to close sale STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 Provide the Business DVD, Dr Carpenter’s Business CD and the Water Therapy book. If your contact has an email address forward them the Enagic corporate website, Demo website or your personal Enagic website. Give Water Samples / Beauty Water and get commitment if your contact decides to do the 14 day Free Water Trial. Closing - Take order and complete registration form Or Offer Peak and Pass for your upline/sponsor to close sale Enagic Optional Business Events for Distributors & Technology Purchasers CORE GROUP Marketing & Development Tools • Public Demonstration www.printdoctor.ie/kangen Educating people on the benefits of this technology. In order to move your business forward please decide on which information pack you are going to invest in. Enagic Monthly Payment System (EU) Enagic Payment System (EU) 2 Options DVD SD-501 SD-501 Platinum “If You Don’t Change Directions, You’re Going To End Up Where You Are Headed” SD-501 Platinum - Unit Price= €3000 (Inc VAT 19%) = €3,570 CD 1 e3,119 - €3,677 e3,689 SD-501 Platinum - Shipping €44 + Supplies €63= €3107 Installment Charge 3 Payments VAT 19% Shipping Fee + + + 10 Payments 16 Payments Deposit Total Total Installment Your Brain On Water + €30 Is The €570 The SD-501 Platinum SD-501€44 With A Sleek New Design. It Has 6 Payments Exactly The Same Interior €570 €60 As The SD-501 With The Same €44 7 Large Platinum Titanium Plates. €100 + €570 €160 + €570 + €44 + €44 Monthly Investment Daily + €600 = €1,244 €2,400 €800 €28.57 + €600 = €1,274 €2,400 €400 €14.28 + €600 = €1,314 €2,400 €240 €8.57 + €600 = €1,374 €2,400 €150 €5.35 Example over 16 months Alkaline Ionized Restructured 2 Options Water is The New Gold SD-501 Platinum www.kangendemo.com 01 With a VAT number your downpayment would be Dr. Corrine + VAT on supplies €570Allen e1,449 €160 + €44 + €600 + €63 (For Supplies) = €867... Inc VAT = €1,437 SD-501 • Business Demonstration WATER THERAPIES Compiled from information written by: Dr. David Carpenter, Dr. Peggy Parker, Marsha Clark, Lauri Tauscher. REMEMBER “If You Don’t Change Directions, You Are Going To End Up Where You Are Headed” Educating people on Enagic’s Business opportunity. Enagic Enagic Payment Payment System System (EU) (EU) After your deposit is paid your investment over 16 months SD-501 - Unit Price= €2780 (Inc VAT(Inc 19%) = €3,308.20 SD-501 - Unit Price= €3000 VAT 19%) €3,570 www.brainadvance.org would be €150 perPlatinum month which works out ate2,899 €37.50 per= week. e3,427.20 SD-501 - Shipping €44 + Supplies €63= €2,887 - €3,415.20 SD-501 - Shipping €44 + Supplies €63= €3107 - €3,677 www.kangendemo.com €5.35 per day. You Platinum Can Also Your Unit Outright Or Installment VAT Total ShippingPurchase Monthly Deposit Total Installment VAT Total Shipping Monthly Daily Deposit Total Charge 19% Installment Investment Daily Over Fee 10, 6 or 3 Months Charge 19% Installment Fee Investment 3 Payments The SD-501 Platinum Is The SD-501 3 Payments With A Sleek New Design. It Has 6 Payments Exactly The Same Interior 6 Payments As The SD-501 With The Same 7 Large Platinum Titanium Plates. 10 Payments 10 Payments 16 Payments 16 Payments €30 €30 + + €528.20 €570 + + €60 + €528.20 + €100 + €528.20 + €160 + €528.20 + €60 €100 €160 + + + €570 €570 €570 + + + €44 €44 + + €380 €600 = €982.20 €2,400 €2,400 €800 €28.57 €44 + €380 = €1,012.20 €2,400 €400 €14.28 €44 + €380 = €1,052.20 €2,400 €240 €8.57 €44 + €380 = €1,112.20 €2,400 €1,374 €2,400 €150 €5.35 €150 €5.35 €44 €44 €44 + + + €600 €600 €600 = = = = €1,244 €1,274 €1,314 Example over 16 months €2,400 €2,400 €800 €400 €8.57 Example over 16 months With a VAT number your downpayment would be €160With + €44 a + VAT €380 +number €63 (For your Supplies) = €647... Inc VAT = €1,175.20 1,187.20 downpayment would be 1- Starter Pack • Home Demonstration €28.57 €14.28 €240 €528.20 + VAT on supplies €160 + €44 + €600 + €63 (For Supplies) = €867... Inc VAT = €1,437 €570 After your deposit is paid your investment over 16 months would be €150 per month which out at over €37.50 per week. After your deposit is paid yourworks investment 1616 months After your downpayment is paid your investment over months €5.35 per You Also Purchase Your Outright Or would be €150 per month which works out at €37.50 per would beday. €150 perCan month which works out at Unit only €37.50 perweek. week. Over 10,Purchase 6 or 3 Months €5.35per per day. YouCan Can Also Purchase Your Unit Unit Outright €5.35 day. You Also Your OutrightOr OrDo It 03 YOUR INVESTMENT OPTIONS Alkaline Ionized Restructured Water is The New Gold These demonstrations are carried out in the comfort of people’s homes. Over 10, 10,66or or33Months Months Over Change Your Water, Change Your Life Brochures, DVDs & CDs Total Investment = €97 • Water Therapies 2 - Executive Pack Same as the starter pack with the addition of the Demonstration Folder and additional marketing material plus a professional carry case for all your marketing materials. Total investment = €197 Educating people on the benefits of Enagic’s SD501 water technology and the 7 different types of water. • Online WeBinars 3 - Professional Pack The perfect way to kick start your Enagic business. Same as the Executive Pack along with everything you require in regards to marketing this technology. Along with your very own professional carry case you will be provided with 5 of all of the special packs. Please view special packs for details. Total investment = €345 PinPoint ORP meter = €155. You can purchase this online. www.reefdreams.co.uk/acatalog/Pinpoint-ORP---KanganWater-Testing-Kit.html You can direct people from anywhere around the world to learn more about the company, technology & business model. • Training Optional but highly recommended - EWS websystems website = €250 yearly or €25 per month www.enagicwebsystems.com • Beginners Training • Advanced Training • 6A Training • Demonstration Training Please ask an Enagic distributor for event schedules NOTES 1. Decide on which Starter Pack you will purchase. 2. Make sure you get email address and contact numbers at all times. 3. Do not attempt to be an expert, always seriously consider peek and pass. 4. Make sure you bring Kangen Water, ORP Meter, pH drops and Beauty Water to all presentations. 5. Beginners, Advanced and 6A Training is strongly encouraged, please contact your upline or sponsor for details and dates. 6. If online contact then start with step 4 (and step 5 if there is a local distributor) and close with step 6. 7. It is highly recommended that you purchase a Business Micro Site from www.enagicwebsystem.com 8. THE INITIAL GOAL IS TO GET YOUR CLIENT TO INVEST IN THE TECHNOLOGY. For more information view the Kangen Core Group Training website: www.kwcgtraining.com GOAL SETTING Written Goals In 7 Simple Steps The car is packed and you’re ready to go, your first ever cross country trip. From the rolling hills of Clare to the garden of Ireland…..Wicklow, and you’re going to see all the country. You put the car in gear and off you go. First stop Limerick. A little while into the trip you need to check the map because you’ve reached a cross road you’re not familiar with. You panic for a moment because you realise you’ve forgotten your map. (Oh No!! this has happened before). But you say the heck with it because you know where you’re going. You take a right turn, change the radio station to RTE 1 and keep on going. Unfortunately, you never reach your destination (and we don’t ASK!!). Too many of us treat goal setting the same way. We dream about where we want to go, but we don’t have a map to get there. What is a map? In essence, the written word. What is the difference between a dream and a goal? Once again, the written word. Written Goals In 7 Simple Steps Goal setting however is more than simply scribbling down some ideas on a piece of paper. Our goals need to be complete and focused, much like a road map, and that is the purpose behind the rest of this article. When you follow the 7 goal setting steps outlined in this article you will be well on your way to becoming an expert in building the road maps to your goals. 1. Make sure the goal you are working for is something you really want, not just something that sounds good. When setting goals it is very important to remember that your goals must be consistent with your values. 2. A goal cannot contradict any of your other goals. For example, you can’t buy a €750,000 house if your income goal is only €50,000 per year. This is called non-integrated thinking and will sabotage all of the hard work you put into your goals. Non-integrated thinking can also hamper your everyday thoughts as well. We should continually strive to eliminate contradictory ideas from our thinking. 3. Develop goals in the 4 areas of life: 2 • Family & Home • Spiritual & Ethical • Financial & Career • Physical & Health Setting goals in each area of life will ensure a more balanced life as you begin to examine and change the fundamentals of everyday living. Setting goals in each area of life also helps in eliminating the non-integrated thinking we talked about in the 2nd step. 4. Write your goal in the positive instead of the negative. Work for what you want, not for what you want to leave behind. Part of the reason why we write down and examine our goals is to create a set of instructions for our subconscious mind to carry out. Your subconscious mind is a very efficient tool, it can not determine right from wrong and it does not judge. It’s only function is to carry out its instructions. The more positive instructions you give it, the more positive results you will get. Thinking positively in everyday life will also help in your growth as a human being. Don’t limit it to goal setting. 5. Write your goal out in complete detail. Instead of writing “A new home,” write “A 4,000 square foot contemporary with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths and a view of the mountain on 20 acres of land”. Once again we are giving the subconscious mind a detailed set of instructions to work on. The more information you give it, the more clear the final outcome becomes. The more precise the outcome, the more efficient the subconscious mind can become. Can you close your eyes and visualize the home I described above? Walk around the house. Stand on the porch off the master bedroom and see the fog lifting off the mountain. Look down at the garden full of tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers and off to the right is the other garden full of carnations and roses. Can you see it? So can your subconscious mind. 3 By all means, make sure your goal is high enough Shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll still be in the stars. Shoot for the moon! This is the most important pOINT - Write down your goals Writing down your goals creates the roadmap to your success. Although just the act of writing them down can set the process in motion, it is also extremely important to review your goals frequently. Remember, the more focused you are on your goals the more likely you are to accomplish them. goals Action Persistence Importance Patience Sometimes we realise we have to revise a goal as circumstances and other goals change. If you need to change a goal do not consider it a failure, consider it a victory as you had the insight to realise something was different. TIime So your goals are written down What Now...??? 4 First of all, unless someone is critical to helping you achieve your goals, do not freely share your goals with others. The negative attitude from friends, family and neighbors can drag you down quickly. It’s very important that your self-talk (the thoughts in your head) are positive. 1. Positive Thinking 2. Positive Actions 3. Positive Habits = Positive Results Reviewing your goals daily is a crucial part of your success and must become part of your routine. Each morning when you wake up read your list of goals that are written in the positive. Visualise the completed goal, see the new home, smell the leather seats in your new car, feel the warm hard cash in your hands. Then each night, right before you go to bed, repeat the process. This process will start both your subconscious and conscious mind on working towards the goal. This will also begin to replace any of the negative selftalk you may have and replace it with positive self-talk. Every time you make a decision during the day, ask yourself this question, “Does it take me closer to, or further from my goal.” If the answer is “closer to,” then you’ve made the right decision. If the answer is “further from,” well, you know what to do. When you follow this process everyday you will be on your way to achieving unlimited success in every aspect of your life. The difference between a dream and a goal is the written word. ink it don’t think it!! 5 Your Leadership Team These people work for you so always remember to put these people to work. If for some reason these people are not willing to crawl, walk or run at your pace find someone who is willing to work with you. Your Sponsor Name: Email: Contact Details: Their Sponsor Name: Email: Contact Details: Their Sponsor Name: Email: Contact Details: My 6A Goal Chart My aim is to create 100 Direct or Indirect sales with me selling the 101st Direct Sale, resulting in reaching my Goal of 6A. Position Today In Business 1A = €175 per Sale 2A A Date / / Goal 1: 2 Direct Sales Date: Income = e350 = €350 per Sale Goal 2: 3 Direct Sales Date: Income = e525 3A Goal 3: 11 Direct or Indirect Sales = €525 per Sale Date: 4A Goal 4: 21 Direct or Indirect Sales = €700 per Sale Date: 5A Goal 5: 51 Direct or Indirect Sales = €875 per Sale Date: 6A Goal 6: 100 Direct or Indirect Sales = €1,o50 per Sale Date: Average Income = Average Income = Average Income = Average Income = When I reach 6A my next Goal is 6A2 which means I will help two people in my Team to reach 6A also. Any Other Goals Which Come To Mind Please Write Down Here Locations Of Your Business Number Of Team Members In Business Position In Business How Many Demo’s Per Week Income Goal Per Month Physical/Health Spiritual/Ethical Family/Home Your Purpose For Doing This Business ................................................ Name A Your Why? Where I Am Now A 90 Days A 1 Year Be as specific & creative as you wish. A 3 Years START HERE See, Feel & Believe Yourself Already In Possession Of Your Goals Useful Information For You • Quote your ID number when phoning Enagic’s head office for any inquires • Your ID number can be found on your invoice when you receive your Enagic Water Ionizer • Make sure Enagic’s head office and the Kangen Core Group Global Team have your email address as we both will be sending you out emails in regards to any special offers on brochures, DVDs, CDs and any up coming live events and webinar calls. Send your email address to kwcgtraining@gmail.com and ask to be added to our email list. When filling out Registration Forms it is very important that your writing is in clear CAPITAL letters. • It is so important to stay in regular contact with your new business associates and product consumers as people follow people, so lead by example. • Customer care on your part is key to building a strong, solid and successful business. People do not want to know how much you know, they want to know how much you care. • Any further question you might have please get in contact with your sponsor or upline support team, alternatively phone the main Enagic head office and quote your ID number as they will be glad to answer any questions you might have. • Details for Head Office in Germany are as follows: Wire transfer details Office Details Commerzbank Name: Enagic Europe GmbH KTO: 180321200 BLZ: 30040000 IBAN: DE64300400000180321200 SWIFT: COBADEFFXXX Enagic Europe GmbH Immermannstr. 33 40210 Düsseldorf Germany Tel +49-(0)211-936570-00 Fax +49-(0)211-936570-27 Tax-No: 133/5821/1603 Email: germany@enagic-europe.com Email Services 1 Machine orders, Sales enquiries: 2 Supplies, accessories orders: 3 Machine service, maintenance, cleaning, etc: 4 Commission enquiries 5 E-payment (finance program) enquiries 1. sales@enagic-europe.de 2. Jens.t@enagic-europe.de 3. davide.r@enagic-europe.de ) 1. supply@enagic-europe.de 2. rafael.d@enagic-europe.de 1. service@enagic-europe.de 2. kamal.f@enagic-europe.de 1. commission@enagic-europe.de 2. yoshihiro.f@enagiceurope.de 1. finance@enagic-europe.de 2. michiko.t@enagic-europe.de Any other enquiries, please email: germany@enagic-europe.de Kangen Core Group’s Mission Statement However long it takes, the end result is always worth the effort. NOTE: OPPORTUNITIES ARE SELDOM LABELLED. This is the chance of a life time. You will find out what you are truly made of. Some of your closest friends and family will try to hold you back. They feel it is not for them, so in turn, it’s not for you. You can prove them all wrong. It won’t be easy, and we are sure there will be many times you’ll want to quit. Just hang in there with every fibre of persistence that lies within you. At the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, you can say… “I DID IT” Make everyone around you, so proud of your achievements. Most importantly be proud of you. When you reach your goals, make sure to look back and share with others, how you achieved them. Help, grow and develop your team’s goals, just like you are being helped to achieve yours. Remember, a great leader takes more than his fair share of the blame, and gives more than his fair share of the credit. Do you want to be a great leader? “You can have everything in life you want, when you help enough people get what they want”. SEE YOU AT THE TOP! from the Kangen CORE GROUP GLOBAL TEAM
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