Document 183368

How to reach us
Monday – Friday
City Hall
1208 S. Lundstrom St.
Phone: 244.5578
Fax: 244.3413
Police: 244.3707
Emergency 911
Fire: 244-3322
Planning: 244.2552
Parks & Recreation:
Public Works: 244.5429
Court: 244.2773
Patrick D. Rushing
Deputy Mayor:
Kevin Richey
Council Member:
Tanya Dashiell
Council Member:
Steve Lawrence
Council Member:
Doyle Inman
Council Member:
Barron Williamson
Council Member:
Dave Malet
On March 20, 2014 the City took another step to bring jobs to Airway Heights
and the greater Spokane region with the announcement of the successful
recruitment of a new aerospace employer to Airway Heights. Doug Gines, Vice
President and COO of Exotic Metals announced plans to expand its 48-year old
aerospace supplier company to a second location at a new development site in
the City of Airway Heights. This move marks the first step in creating a new
Aerospace Center of Excellence in Airway Heights.
Exotic and the City have been working together for 18 months to consider a
number of sites to locate the company’s new 150,000 square foot aerospace
manufacturing plant. The final site location was selected by Exotic following
an extensive, international and multi-state evaluation. The 56.6-acre site,
purchased from the Spokane International Airport, is located near McFarlane
and Lawson streets in Airway Heights and presents ample room for future
growth and expansion.
Exotic anticipates the Airway Height’s facility will be an employment site for
up to 150 workers. Typically there are between 2 ½-3 ½ indirect jobs created
for every direct job in aerospace, further enhancing the economic impact to
Airway Heights and the greater Spokane local economy.
“We’re excited that Exotic Metals is joining our City, culminating successful
recruiting efforts led by our officials,” says Airway Heights Mayor Patrick
Rushing. “The Airway Heights City Council shares a unified vision and goal to
grow aerospace in and around the City. Moving forward on this vision will help
make the lives of our residents and businesses more productive and financially
Exotic Metals, a six time Boeing Supplier of the Year, currently employs 900 employees in Kent, Exotic
engineers, manufactures and provides after-market support on vital systems and components for the most
advanced commercial aircraft in active service today. State-of-the-art, high-temperature, high-strength sheet
metal designs and fabrications are produced for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) such as Boeing and
United Technologies.
“Working with Airway Heights has been very productive,” says Doug Gines, VP and COO of Exotic Metals.
“The City provided a welcoming, pro-business approach that helped make this important decision for Exotic an
easy one and will continue to pave the way for a seamless development process.” The City pledged funds to
extend sewer service to the site, add traffic capacity at the McFarlane and Hayford Rd intersection, and to fasttrack the permitting process, which includes a 48-hour guarantee for plan review submittals.
“Our intention is to make Airway Heights an easy decision for growth and expansion in the aerospace
industry,” says Mayor Rushing. “With no B&O tax, numerous incentives and expedited processes, plus over
one thousand acres of developable industrial, commercial and residential zoned property, the City is primed for
growth and economic development.”
Construction of the manufacturing facility will begin in late spring-to-early summer and should be completed
by spring of 2015.
Retail Sales Tax Rate Change Effective April 1, 2014
One major source of revenue for the City is the retail sales and use tax. This revenue source is
receipted into the Current Expense fund and provides for general government services for
police, fire, courts, parks and recreation, building and planning, financial services, and City
administrative services. It is not used for water or sewer operations.
The sales tax rate in Airway Heights will increase from 8.7% to 8.9% on April 1, 2014. This is
due to the approval by the citizens of Airway Heights of a sales tax increase last November providing funding
for a Transportation Benefit District (TBD) in the City. The two-tenths of one percent (.002) increase will be
used specifically for transportation purposes. When these funds are received by the City from the Department
of Revenue they will be deposited into a special TBD fund.
Sometimes people inquire as to the disposition of the sales tax money. Let’s say you make a purchase for
$100.00 and there is an 8.9% sales tax rate, or $8.90 of sales tax on that item. When that sales tax is
distributed by the Department of Revenue, where does that money go? The biggest portion goes to the State
of Washington. The remaining taxes are considered local sales taxes.
State of Washington
Local Sales Taxes:
Public Transportation Benefit Area (STA)
Public Facilities District (Arena)
Spokane County (For Criminal Justice)
Spokane County (For Juvenile Justice & Detention)
Spokane County/City of Airway Heights (Crim Just)
Spokane County Emergency Communications
Spokane County (For Mental Health)
Spokane County
City of Airway Heights
City of Airway Heights TBD
Total Local Sales Taxes
Total Sales Tax Rate and Amount
Percent Amount
6.50% $6.50
0.15% .15
0.85% .85
0.20% .20
2.40% $2.40
8.90% $8.90
For every $8.90 in sales tax paid by the customer the City of Airway Heights receives $0.85 for the Local Sales
Tax, or about 9.5% of the 8.90% paid, a portion for Criminal Justice purposes, and $0.20 for the Transportation
Benefit District.
The Airway Heights Police Department has recently experienced a sudden increase
of vehicle prowling and vehicle theft reports. An experienced vehicle prowler/vehicle
theft suspect can gain access to your car in virtually seconds. Most vehicle prowls
themselves take less than two minutes. The damage done to locks and windows can
be very expensive to repair and cause great inconvenience.
The following are recommendations that can reduce your risk of being a victim of a
vehicle prowl or theft.
 Keep the interior of your car “showroom” clean. Never leave valuables, including bags, purses,
wallets, briefcases, laptops, cell phones, loose change or anything that may appear valuable to
a thief in plain view.
 Do not store or leave credit cards, identification or personal information in your glove box or
anywhere in your Vehicle.
 If you have to leave valuables in your car, put them in the trunk
before you get to your destination.
 When you exit or enter your parked vehicle, stop and take a look
around the area.
 Before leaving your parked vehicle, always remove the keys, roll
up the windows and lock the vehicle.
 Make a habit of locking your garage door and vehicle doors. If
possible, store your vehicle in a closed and locked garage.
 If your vehicle is stored in a carport or parked near your house, leave your exterior lights on
throughout the night.
 If you park on the street, choose a well-lit, open space even if it means adding additional
street/yard lighting & trimming back trees/bushes that block your view of your vehicle.
 Consider replacing the light fixture closest to your vehicle with a motion detector unit. Motion
detectors are good psychological deterrents since the normal assumption of a person seeing a
light come on is that someone has seen them. Additionally, the light makes the prowler or thief
more visible.
If your vehicle is broken into, report the crime to the police. If it is a crime in progress, contact 9-1-1. If
not, contact the Airway Heights Police non-emergency number 509-244-3707 to report the incident.
Take note of any details of the suspects, vehicles, and or activities, and share your observations with
the police.
The Airway Heights Police Department is currently in the process of developing a coalition with other
departments in the area to develop a team to proactively deter vehicle prowling and vehicle thefts in
Airway Heights.
Remember, most crimes like smash-and-grabs occur because of an easy opportunity. The majority of
criminals do not want to work hard, so do not make it easy for them.
Airway Heights Women Infants & Children (WIC) Program Has Openings
What is WIC? WIC improves the health and nutrition status of pregnant women,
new mothers, infants and children under age five. WIC is funded by the United
States Department of Agriculture. WIC provides services to 315,000 individuals
each year. One quarter of all children under age five in Washington State are on
the WIC Program. If you are pregnant or have a child under age 5 WIC has
openings in our Airway Heights Office. The WIC program is run out of the Airway
Heights Community Center every Wednesday 9:30AM – 4:00PM, call 244.9334 to
see if you qualify. A family of four can earn up to $3,677 per month and still
qualify for the program. WIC Provides health and nutrition risk screening, nutrition education,
redeemable grocery store checks for nutritious foods up to a $50 value per month and referral to
other community services and organizations.
During Spring Break the Airway Heights Police Department and Airway Heights Fire
Department will conduct an active shooter training using Sunset Elementary. With all
the active shooter events at schools, businesses and colleges, emergency response
agencies need to be prepared. The purpose of the drill is to test the new national
response models for handling the shooter and providing rapid care to the injured.
Personnel from neighboring fire districts and law enforcement agencies will be on hand
to evaluate Airway Heights Police and Fire response.
The Fire Department is always looking for volunteers with the big pushes in December and August to coincide
with the West Plains Regional Fire Academy. If you are interested in volunteering, applications are available at
the Fire Station or on line at on the Fire Department page. Applicants must pass a written test and
physical ability test; those that pass are then interviewed by a committee of current volunteers and the Fire
Chief. Deadline for applications to be in the August 2014 Academy is August 8, 2014.
Speaking of the Academy there are currently four new volunteers in class with graduation planned for June
2014. In conjunction with the recruit training there is also a Crew Leader Academy for current firefighters who
want to become officers. Three current AHFD firefighters are in the Crew Leader Academy. The Crew Leader
Academy has officer training classes and those classes are followed with recruit training classes where the
Crew Leader trainees get to practice their Officer skills guiding the recruits.
On February 22, 2014, the Fire Department held its annual awards dinner with special guest speaker Randolph
Mantooth. Randolph spent the two days preceding the dinner visiting the fire agencies on the West Plains.
His talks focused on the importance and value of Emergency Medical Services and that most of the current
firefighters born after 1970 have never lived in a time without EMTs and Paramedics. Randolph’s talk at the
dinner was to answer questions from the firefighters and EMTs. If you don’t remember who Randolph is. .
.well, he was Johnny Gage on the television series “Emergency” and all the questions he answered dealt with
the series.
The Awards presented at the dinner were for Rookie of the Year: David Carney, EMS Provider of the YearRebekah Stranberg; Firefighter or the Year: Robert Counts and Joshua Barter; and Officer of the Year: Gregg
Hutchinson. Congratulations!
In April and May the Fire Department and other local emergency agencies will conduct training exercises in
the vacant Solar World buildings including live structural fires.
Through March 25, 2014 the Fire Department has responded to 261 calls, 231 medical related and 30 nonmedical. The non-medical calls include fires, service, water problems and actually anything that isn’t medical.
Department of Social & Health Services (DSHS) Mobile Unit
The DSHS Mobile Community Services Office will be offering
services in Airway Heights at the Community Center on April 29th &
July 15th from 10am to 3pm. The DSHS Mobile Community Services
Office (CSO) is a fully functional office staffed with experienced
program specialists. This allows us to process eligibility
determinations for our social service programs on site. Like the
local community services offices within DSHS, we process new applications, reviews, or changes on existing
cases for our food, cash, some medical programs that still remain with DSHS, usually for elderly or disabled
folks, and Medicare Savings programs. With the medical expansion and transition of most of the medical
programs to the Health Care Authority, DSHS no longer handles the bulk of medical applications. However,
there are folks from various community service agencies that have been trained and certified to assist
individuals and families with the medical enrollment process. DSHS has also invited a representative from the
Spokane County Library District to offer medical enrollment services at this event and a representative from
the Salvation Army Spokane Regional Services Department who can screen folks for eligibility of rental
assistance. To learn more about our services, folks can visit our website at .
As predicted in the winter newsletter, development in Airway Heights is looking to
really pick up this spring and summer. The Kalispel Tribe’s second warehouse is still
on hold, but the Copper Landing multi-family project is moving forward. They have
completed prepping the site and are in the process of building the units. It still
appears to be on track to be ready to begin renting units this summer.
There is still no news regarding the status of the Spokane Tribe casino approval. The
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has already recommended approval to the Department of Interior. Recently,
both the City of Spokane and Airway Heights wrote a request to the Department of Interior asking it to make
its recommendation and move this along. Upon completion/approval of Interior’s review, it will then be
forwarded on to the Governor for signature.
With the passage of Initiative I-502, the use of recreational cannabis (marijuana) is now permitted in
Washington State. This is a completely different process or regulation than medical cannabis. The State is
trying to bring the medical cannabis regulations more in line with the retail system. Medical cannabis facilities
seeking to locate in Airway Heights require a special City license and review, above and beyond the City’s
normal business license. Parties seeking to develop a medical cannabis co-operative or collective garden for
dispensing purposes or to open a medical cannabis dispensing facility should contact the Development
Services Department before signing any leases or property purchases.
The Washington Liquor Control Board (LCB) is the state agency that developed, and is in the process of
implementing, the regulations. As part of that process, each county was allotted a specific number of licenses
for retail sales. Spokane County was allotted 18 retail licenses, with 8 reserved for the City of Spokane, 3 were
granted to the City of Spokane Valley, and the remaining 7 licenses are “at-large” retail licenses. This means
the remaining 7 retail licenses can be scattered through the remaining jurisdictions, including Spokane County.
Retail stores can only locate in C-2, General Commercial and industrial zoned properties. However, retail
cannabis stores cannot front on Highway 2.
At this point, no retail applications have been submitted for Airway Heights. However, there have been 5
applications submitted to the state for recreational cannabis production and processing licenses. At this point,
only one proposal seems to be moving forward. All production and processing facilities must be completely
inside a structure and can only locate in the City’s industrial zones. No outdoor growing or processing of
cannabis is permitted in Airway Heights. Prior to the signing of any property lease or sales documents, any
parties seeking to develop a recreational cannabis facility, regardless of the specific license being pursued,
should contact the Development Services Department.
For more information regarding the City’s regulations on retail or medical cannabis facilities, please go to the
City’s website ( and click on “I-502 & Medical Cannabis Information”, or Planning Commissioners still needed! Applications Available at City Hall
YWCA West Plains Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP)
West Plains ECEAP Preschool is a state funded program serving income eligible 3-4 year-olds and their
families. Classes are half-day morning and afternoon, Monday through Thursdays. The program encourages
families to be involved in their child’s education and has several ways families can participate.
West Plains ECEAP preschool provides the following:
Two Certified Teachers, Family Service Coordinator and
Community Volunteers
Education, Health, Nutrition, and Social Services
Parent Involvement and Training Opportunities
Fun and Educational Field Trips
Developmental and Health Screening Services
Kindergarten Readiness
ECEAP is effective at increasing children’s social-emotional, physical and pre-academic skills. Strengthening
families and building their capacity to support their children’s success. Children who attend learn to manage
their feelings, get along with others and follow classroom procedures. The program works closely with
parents to support their children’s health and education and to meet family goals. ECEAP also helps family’s
access medical and dental care and social services. All of this provided FREE the program is funded by the
Washington State Department of Early Learning for income eligible families with 3 and 4 year olds.
For more information contact Shannon Griffiths at (509)244.4833 or email:
To protect the public water system from possible backflow of water from
services that have a potential for contaminants, a backflow assembly is
required to be installed. Backflow assemblies assist in protecting all users of
the public water system. All automatic irrigation systems are required to have
a backflow assembly that must be tested every spring before the system is
restarted. To insure protection of the municipal water system all assemblies must be tested by a certified
tester every year. The City of Airway Heights requires testers to file four documents with the City prior to
testing assemblies. Documentation required is:
1) City of Airway Heights Business License.
2) Certificate of Liability Insurance.
3) Certification of Calibration for Testing Equipment.
4) Current Backflow Assembly Tester Card.
The City maintains a list of testers who have met the criteria listed above and are eligible to provide this
service to residents. Please note that if you choose to use another tester other than one that has met the
Cities criteria you must be sure documentation required by the City is on file prior to testing. If all documents
are not on file, your test document will not be accepted and a re-test will be required by a tester who has met
the above criteria. Please note there is a filing fee of $15 that is due for each assembly tested, fees are due
when the paperwork is turned in.
In addition to the required backflow test the Public Works Department would also encourage residents to
check their irrigation and other household plumbing systems each year. The average American household
wastes more than 10,000 gallons each year from easy-to-fix water leaks. That’s enough water to wash 270
loads of laundry. If that doesn’t seem like a lot, consider that, across the country, easy-to-fix household leaks
can add up to more than 1 trillion gallons of water lost every year. That’s why we consider it important to
remind residents to check their plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems each year.
Sprinkler Spruce–Up
Homes with automatically timed irrigation systems use about 50 percent more water outdoors than those
without. Your system can waste even more if it’s programmed incorrectly, a sprinkler head is pointed in the
wrong direction, or you have a leak.
Simple Tips for Sprucing Up Your Sprinkler
When it comes to a home’s irrigation system, a little maintenance goes a long way. Before you ramp up your
watering efforts, spruce up your irrigation system by remembering four simple steps—inspect, connect, direct,
and select.
Check your system for clogged, broken or missing sprinkler heads. If you’re not the do–it–yourself type, go
with a pro—look for an irrigation professional certified through a WaterSense labeled program.
Examine points where the sprinkler heads connect to pipes or hoses. If water pools in your landscape or you
have large wet areas, you could have a leak in your system. A leak about as small as the tip of a ballpoint pen
(or 1/32nd of an inch) can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month.
Are you watering the driveway, house, or sidewalk instead of your yard? Redirect sprinklers to
apply water only to the landscape.
An improperly scheduled irrigation controller can waste water and money. Update your
system’s watering schedule with the seasons, or select a WaterSense labeled controller to take
the guesswork out of scheduling.
On February 17, 2014 Court Administrator Mrs. Suzanne Wohl retired after 36 years of
public service. Mrs. Wohl worked with Spokane County for 30 years before coming to
Airway Heights to serve the last 6 years of her career. With the departure of Mrs. Wohl Mrs.
Debbie Breza was promoted to become the new Court Administrator for the City. On March
17, 2014, Ms. Xanthe Supita was hired to fill the vacant position as a Court Clerk with the Airway Heights
Municipal Court. Ms. Supita has an extensive background in the various positions of the court clerk’s office.
She was not only a Court Clerk for Spokane County District Court for 6 years but was previously with the
Spokane County Probation Department for a year and a half. In addition to attending various trainings
throughout her career, she has received her Diploma in Office Systems Technology from Phillip’s Junior
College. Ms. Supita is a resident of the West Plains and is excited to work in her own community.
We Create Community & Quality of Life; through People, Parks & Programs
2014 Parks & Recreation Master Plan Update & Needs Assessment Survey
We are beginning the task of updating a Parks & Recreation Master Plan to help shape the future of Parks &
Recreational opportunities for residents. Our goal is to present statistically valid survey information to the City Council.
In order to accomplish this we will need to have 309 surveys completed and returned. Your input is critically important
to the success of this effort to update the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and assist the City Council in making
financial investments representative of the community’s wishes. Surveys can be downloaded and printed from the City
Website ( under the News Section at the bottom of every page on the website. Surveys are also
available at City Hall and the Community Center. We will continue to collect surveys until our goal of 309 returned is
reached. Please take the time to complete and return the survey. Updating the Parks and Recreation Master Plan is
something that happens every six years. The reason the City undertakes this effort is to remain eligible for grant funding
opportunities provided by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) and other funding
organizations. Washington State funds RCO from federal pass through money that is collected from the Land and Water
Conservation Fund (LWCF). Having an updated and approved comprehensive Park & Recreation Master Plan is a key
element to a successful grant application; as such citizen participation is a key element in this effort.
Only one survey per household may be completed. (Survey must be completed by an adult age 18+ preferably head
of household & you must live within the Airway Heights City limits). RETURN COMPLETED SURVEY’S TO CITY HALL,
As an incentive to complete this survey the first 310 households that return the survey will be entered in to a drawing
to receive a $50 Visa Gift Card.
All information collected will be kept confidential and used for the purpose of updating this plan only.
The City Council recognizes that as the community continues to grow we need to continue to explore ways to
offer more and better programs for the community. This led to conversations about how to best engage our
residents to assure that the programs that we are offering are actually what they want and will participate in.
On February 3, 2014 the City Council passed two new ordinances that will be added to the Airway Heights
Municipal Code.
Senior Advisory Commission - The Senior Advisory Commission is designed to engage seniors and utilize their
particular insight and opinions on the issues affecting the senior population in the community as it relates to
programs for seniors. The Senior Advisory Commission will help to:
A. To act as a liaison for all seniors in the City of Airway Heights and advise on ways to enrich and enhance the
health and quality of life of seniors in the community;
B. To solicit input and act as a public forum for issues that affect seniors in the community;
C. To provide advice based on input received to improve the programs, policies, and services provided to
D. To form partnerships in the community to educate, inform, and improve the quality of life for seniors;
E. To work with and support existing senior programs;
F. To assist with volunteer recruitment; and
G. To assist with the marketing of senior programs, activities and events.
The Youth Advisory Commission (YAC) is designed to engage youth and utilize their particular insight and
opinions on the issues affecting the youth and the teen population in the community as it relates to programs
for youth and teens. The Commission will be composed of youth representatives from area schools, YAC will
help to:
A. Provide a structure within city government to respond to the needs of youth and children;
B. Serve as a voice for all children and youth by understanding, recognizing, and making recommendations to
the City Council on issues that promote a safe, healthy, and positive environment for youth and child
development; and
C. Plan and implement activities and programs which promote a positive environment for youth.
YAC plans and implements events, initiatives and projects such as the Youth Issues Candidate Forum and the
City Council Youth Awards. YAC members gain valuable experience in leadership and opportunities to build
their skills in marketing, public relations and public speaking.
Applications for both commissions can be downloaded from the City Website ( under the
News Section on any page. Applications are also available at City Hall and the Community Center.
The Parks and Recreation Department is very excited about this opportunity to engage residents and make
real improvements to the programs offered to both our senior and youth populations as we continue to strive
to meet our mission to: Create Community and Quality of Life, through People, Parks & Programs.
The City will officially celebrate Arbor Day on April 25, 2014, as a part of this year’s
activities we will be installing an additional 50 coniferous trees at the Aspen Grove Park
Site. We are inviting the community to join us with the tree planting activities on Saturday
April 26th at 11:00AM to celebrate Arbor Day and dedicate Aspen Grove Park.
We also wanted to take this opportunity to stress that trees have an impact on more than the
visual value they bring to our community parks. Trees also make city streets more
beautiful. But improving the aesthetics of our parks and streets is not the only benefits that trees provide in a
community. Recent research conducted by Kathleen L. Wolf PhD at the University of Washington shows that
people’s reactions to trees can have positive effects on everything from the market value of homes to traffic
One of the most little known facts about trees’ effects is the importance of their impact on central business
districts. Downtown districts are the places where small businesses meet the everyday needs of nearby
residents, and are the soul of a community. They significantly contribute to the local economy and provide
jobs. Trees help make these places more welcoming and appealing.
PhD Wolf has worked with communities throughout the U.S. to do research studies on how consumers respond
to business districts that have a quality urban forest canopy. The ways in which trees and other urban greenery
affect shoppers is subtle, but the outcomes are all about the bottom line. The studies found three key factors
that were remarkably consistent in large cities and smaller main street malls. First, judgments of product value,
product quality, and merchant responsiveness were more positive in places having trees. People infer that they
will have better experiences in more attractive settings. Second, people claimed they were willing to travel
more often, for more time, and over greater distance to a retail district having trees. This means that a district
having a quality urban forest may attract visitors over
greater distances, boosting the number of possible
customers. Third, visitors said they would spend more
time in those districts with trees once they arrived.
Customers were also willing to pay more for products
and services, by up to 9% in the smaller communities
and up to 12% more in districts within larger cities.
Planning, planting, and the maintenance of trees are real
costs. But, these findings suggest that those expenses
may be offset by the additional revenues they help bring
Some of PhD Wolf’s surveys were done with
businesspeople. They generally rated the value of tree
benefits lower than shoppers do, suggesting some
merchants may be unaware of how trees affect
Section of corridor revitalization “DRAFT” plan looking
consumer behavior. That’s unfortunate since even a
west along the HWY from Lawson St. to Lundstrom St.
modest investment in the planting and maintenance
of trees along a streetscape could make a positive difference to a small business district. But it’s never the
responsibility of business owners alone to make their business district greener. Trees need help to thrive in the
urban environment! A comprehensive plan is critical to a successful downtown greening. Good planning leads
to landscaping that can create positive experiences – in part because a plan helps garner support from
community members, boosts fundraising, and ensures that details are thought through. A plan also prepares the
way for ongoing maintenance over the decades-long lives of trees. Healthy trees maximize benefits and reduce
PhD Wolf stresses that local businesspeople can and should be champions for trees-after all; big trees improve
wealth and health-for neighbors, employees, and customers. The effect trees have on the customer experience
is just one more example of how trees tap into the deep appreciation that many people feel for nature and its
numerous benefits. Some benefits may be unexpected and some may be subconscious; but they’re all worth
investing in.
Creating a Sense of Place & Providing Recreational Experiences for Active Adults
SENIORS NEEDED FOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE: If your interested in helping plan, and organize
Senior Activities in Airway Heights, contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 244-4845
to become a part of our upcoming Senior Advisory Committee.
SENIOR LUNCH – Tuesdays in the Community Center Banquet Room @ 11:30am -$3.00/Plate
4/1 BLT & Tomato Soup
4/8 Yakisoba
4/15 Chicken Strips & Tater Tots
4/22 Spaghetti & Meatballs
4/29 Polish Hot Dog
5/6 Cheeseburger & Fries
5/13 Beef Stroganoff
5/20 Chicken Parmesan Sandwich
5/27 Meatball Sandwich
6/3 Garlic Chicken Casserole
6/10 Turkey Burgers
6/17 Pasta Salad
6/24 Taco Salad
Senior Drop-In The banquet room at the Community Center is available for seniors to play
cards, board games, work on jig saw puzzles, play pool, watch movies or just gather and
enjoy a cup of coffee and chat. Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9:00am to 2:00pm
Coffee Talk - Share Stories, poems, readings, and tell jokes amongst friends over coffee and
snacks. Coffee provided. Bring your own pastry snacks to share. Topics must be clean, fun
and appropriate. Mondays 9:00am-10:30am - Dates: 4/14/14 – 5/12/14 – 6/9/14
Bingo – Free Bingo with donated items given out to winners. Donate items such as household
Knick-Knacks, Baked goods, board or card games, crafts, etc. Please no clothing donations.
Wednesdays 10:00am-11:30am - Dates: 4/16/14 – 5/21/14 – 6/18/14
Senior Walking Program – Join the Wind Walkers walking club and stay healthy and
motivated with a Social Walking Club. We track your distance and set goals to see where in
the country you can walk! $20 Registration Fee includes Shirt, Water Bottle &Other Goal
Incentives. Also an opportunity to earn milestone achievement shirts….”100 Mile Wind
Walker etc”…. Shirts can be purchased at cost.
Program Begins: May 7th, Runs through September Wind Walkers meets Monday, Wednesday
& Friday at the Community Center 10:00am
Historic Browne’s Addition - Wednesday April 23, 2014 10:00am-12:00pm
Enjoy a self guided tour around Spokane’s Historic Browne’s Addition Neighborhood.
Finch Arboretum Tour- Wednesday May 21, 2014 10:00am-12:00pm
Established in 1949 along Garden Springs Creek, the arboretum now contains about 2,000
trees and shrubs, including 65 groups of lilacs as well as a rhododendron grove, conifer and
maple collections, and a nature trail.
Manito Park and Japanese Gardens – Thursday June 26, 2014 10:00am-1:00pm
Completed in 1974 the Nishinomiya Japanese Garden is the most culturally unique garden
at Manito Park. This peaceful garden revolves around a central feature - the Koi pond.
Crimes Against Seniors: Presented by Airway Heights Police Deptment
Tuesday June 17, 2014 1:00pm-2:00pm (Immediately following Senior Lunch)
Officers from Airway Heights PD will discuss and share helpful tips to protect yourself in
scenarios such as purse grabbing, as well as what to be aware of in parking lots, and walking
AFTER SCHOOL DROP-IN - Community kids come in play some games and hang out with your
friends at the Airway Heights Community Center every day after school from 3:00pm to
6:00pm. We have an assortment of games to keep you busy: Wii w/ balance board and
Rock Band, PS2, Pool table, Ping-Pong, Foosball, Computer games, and board games. We
also have a large backyard for outside games like soccer, football, catch and more…or
come and relax and watch some TV. This program is FREE to all kids ages 8-14 years old living
in the community. A parent signed registration form is required.
SPRING BREAK ADVENTURE PROGRAM – April 7th – 11th Daily field trips to local attractions.
Typical activities include skating, swimming, movies, games, crafts, tours, and more. Parents
drop off kids at the Community center as early as 7:30 and pick up no later than 5:30pm.
Breakfast and afternoon snack provided. Pack your own lunch. Program space is limited to
12 participants – Open to kids ages 8 to 13.
Registration Fee $90.00 for entire week - $25/day for select days.
SUMMER ADVENTURE PROGRAM – June 16th – August 29th - Enjoy 11 weeklong sessions of all
day fun and adventure! Swimming, hiking, games, crafts, trips, and more! Breakfast and
afternoon snack provide. Pack your own lunch. Program space is limited to 12 participants,
so register early to assure your child has a spot. Open to kids ages 8 to 13. Registration
opens Monday May 5, 2014.
Registration Fee: $90.00/Week. $25 Deposit spot reservation.
4 Communities for Recreational Youth Sports “Better Sports for Kids…Better Kids for Life”
FLAG FOOTBALL SPRING TRAINING – Thursdays April 24th – June 5th Spring Training is a fun and
active 8-week program geared towards improving football skills and abilities, while learning
the importance of fitness, nutrition, teamwork and goal setting.
SUMMER BALL - TeeBall (Ages 5/6) Coach Pitch (Ages 7/8) Baseball/Softball (Ages 9-12)
PLAY BALL! Enjoy 6 weeks of Summertime ball in a fun interactive environment geared
towards teaching the basics of the game and having fun! League Dates: 7/7 – 8/14
Monday-Thursday (NO WEEKENDS) Registration Fee: $35/ Player Deadline to register is Friday
June 20, 2014.
LEARN TO DANCE WORKSHOPS & CLASSES – Learn the basics of many popular dances such
as Ballroom, Swing, & Western in this fun new introductory dance class. Pick the dance you'd
like to learn, and enjoy three, hour-long classes with an experienced dance instructor at
Sunset Elementary.
Introductory One-Day Workshops: $5.00/person for each dance style workshop
Thursday March 27th or Thursday April 3rd
6:00pm-7:00pm Ballroom (Fox Trot, Waltz, Tango, Jitterbug, Rumba, Polka)
7:00pm-8:00pm Western (Texas Two-Step, Western Waltz, Triple Step)
8:00pm-9:00pm Jitterbug & East Coast Swing
Dance Class Sessions: $15.00/Person - Register for one time slot per session
Pre-Registration is required.
Session #1: Thursdays April 17th - May 1st
6:00pm-7:00pm Beginner Jitterbug
7:10pm-8:10pm Beginner Ballroom Dance
8:20pm-9:20pm Beginner Western Dance
Session #: Thursdays May 22nd - June 5th
6:00pm-7:00pm Beginner East Coast Swing
7:10pm-8:10pm Beginner Ballroom Dance
8:20pm-9:20pm Beginner Western Dance
SPRING BOWL FLAG FOOTBALL TOURNEY – June 1st & 2nd in Airway Heights
All skill levels welcome. Registration Deadline: Friday May 24, 2013 Cost: $225/Team
More info at .
SPRING BOOT CAMP FITNESS CLASS – Mon. & Wed. 4/14-5/11at 5:30pm-6:30pm at Sunset
Elementary.Work your legs, back, arms and abs with a certified group fitness instructor. This 8week class will push to the limit to help you reach your fitness goals. Workouts will be
modified for men and women of all fitness levels. $50/Person
WINDBREAKERS RUNNING CLUB – Wednesdays @ 5:30pm at the Airway Heights Community
Center. Joggers, Walkers, Strollers and Canines are welcome to join. All dogs MUST be on
Activities Include: Age Separated Egg Hunts
With Special Prize Eggs!
Pre-School & Under
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
2nd & 3rd Grade
4th & 5th Grade
Help us pick this year’s
Summer Movie line up,
by casting your vote at
The top 4 movies as voted by
you, along with the “Sponsors
Pick” will make up our selections!
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