Our wants W« do printing ta all Ita branches neatly and cheaply. Fino assortment of ths latast designs In type, good p-essas and competent help, enable ns to do a good job. Low prices for flrat-olaaa work. ENTERPRISE ' am •MMroat, but a * property worded adrcrtlsescat ocde? cm flmriaj Kotlas* ie ears to aapply at a.wet of I M than ose cant a Try It. ALTAMONT tBTABLflHID 1!0•1• • • |Uf n T u i U A»V, DEVOTED TO VICINITY INTERESTS AND T H E GATHERING OF LOCAL NEWS. CO., BDITOIU A SO Pitoraisroua. ALTAMONT, N. Y., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1902. VOL. WHOLE NO. 956. Tueonier to bis llpa with a mumbled, AN UNQUIET SHIHlT. "Here's luck I" Suddenly Trenwlck T*e Hrstcrloas tl«bl Tfcal For Tears wat conscious of raging thirst He ttMMteel Cape Solr. emptied bis glass at a draft and Bet It For many years on Cape Nolr, tbo down, clinking It lightly against the massy silver tray. Ridgeley beamed western point of Maria, a strange vacuously on blm. "Really, you'll light was seen, dancing and moving agree Jenkins bna a touch," be eald. about In the most unaccountable manBy Mavrtka "Have another! Dot It—It'll set you ner. At ono iiioment it would rise like McCwIlocb-WIIIUsis ] up ao near tbe clouds yon won't ooine a column of uro Into tbe air, and nt another time It would fall like a meteor. J ' OWKW, UOt, try down again until tomorrow." We have just received a lot of Gold Pilled Riding Bow Space of the be*t .aaCsVa^aQ ^tcGy^kldt'Vf^Ot^BKM quality They are made up wtth a Hold Gold note piece and ends, thereTrenwlck shook bis bead. "1 must Then It would seem to top over tbe >•••••••••••••»••••••••# keep flwny from the clouds," he aald. point and drop Into tbe sea, afterward by making a spectacle Dearly equal to Solid Gold in wearing quality. Fitted with fint quality leus«a. appearing again In tbe same spot 011 "Nol Can't do It, dear boyl Borry, "You know how I used to build cas- tbe hillside. Tbe habitants tell this At a price within the reach of all. tles there. I have never built one— but 'pon my life I limply can't," Btdg» story about It: ley tald, nodding aolemuly and Wink- alnco May died." In tho tfme of tbo war for tbe posRidgeley set down bis glass. This ing Uke an owl. Hldgel^r waa fortytime tbo quiver rang underneath I t session of Canada a French vessel, five, blbuloue, bolboua, wttb a fortuat "It's odd about us three," be said, pursued by an English warship, is a question that interest* every man. There is a certain ctyle •wollcn to match hla bulk and a food- speaking very low. "May was tbesteered Its course Into the bay nt this that is absolutely neceaeary to follow in order to be drened in the new for spending his money In atrtctly only one to marry. I wonder bow we point for refuge. A boat was lowered from tbe aide of tbe richly laden merhla own waya. happened not tot" proper manner. The accompanying facto may interest the men who "Oh, I've always bad too little mon- chantman, and In this thirteen men Tbe room waa deadly itHl Trcnwlck swiftly rowed to tbe shore. Tbeir oblike to be correctly dressed. . •tarted a little at the dick of a ooal ey and you too much," Trenwlck Mid, ject WM to accrete a chest or gold turning toward the door. "Bo lone, cracklnc In tne grate. Be got op, atood SVSIIXlfG WKDDIrTCW. B A L L » , BBCBFTIOira, VOBMA& DIHrTXB8 . which tbey bad brought wltb them. On with bla back to toe Ore, ao tta tatltato old roan! Get Over tbe caution of a reaching tho point thoy drew lots to A l l D T B I A T B B - E v e n i n g OrtsiOoat, withstef^bnieted Vest of samr material a» coat 1 capitalist aad marry before It's too tight could not reach bis face as he ceo which of tbe men obould remain Tronsero also ths taxots material ca Coat; Opera or High glib Hats Hhlto Cblrt oitb CuO» atlate." eald, wltb tbe least little shrag: tached; Lap-front, Standing or PoJto Collar: Broad-end vTnlto Tio; Pearl or White Gloves "Stop! Aro you going back down to guard tho treasure. Tho ono to "Tnat mutt be aa you pleaac I won- there?" Ridgeley asked, nodding in the whom the lot fell was forced to swear We carry a very fine aeaurtmrat of ROOCEI. PIET A CO.'8 A M dress salt*. A large der, though. If you quite realise what direction of the street Trenwtck shook a solemn oatb, by land and sea, by lino of fine dress ehlrta, also a great variety of Flak, Clark A Flagg's neckwear and gloves night and day, by tbe ruler of tbe his head. "No use. I cannot alter— your refusal matt mean to mef" nuthcr world, that he would be faithful For a moment Bldcaley •** attest; anything," be said. "1 think I aball to the trust through life, unless renrFOBHALDIircVEB CLUB, STAG, THEA.TEBPAETT—Dinner jscbots ciojzle Co to my club for an hour. After that Sells Men's Felt Bouts Combination as low as $1 26 then hla hand went to tbo bell, and bo lloved by his returning comrades, ami -well, I have not quite dedded." breasted rest, tame natertal a* coat: Trousers of tbe same material as coat) Black derby ur •aid half querulously: "8ay what, my oven after death would bnunt the spot a pair, and up to $2.60; the best qualities. Men's alpine bat; * bite ablrt with coffa attached; (Steading or high-band, taroed-dowo collar; Bn>«d "Come hack." Rldgeloy said. "I—I should no ono come to take his place, boy? You must have a bracer—two want to talk to you. I—I haven't been aod black ailk tie; Orav anada or tan gtoraa. shoes, 97c to $1.50. We offer as a special inducebracer*—before you go down to tbe says a writer in the Bra. street Beastly placo anyway! Itfe— quite square with you. It la—not tbe To eccuro the fulfillment of thlo vow Oar Tascdo eclta acdo by BOQCBS. PEBT & COcro verydedracfo Carl Cb ment 600 pair women's up-to-date kid tip and patent money I mind. But—yon were not It'a a ehnme you ever went Into It" dreas ehlrta and collars and Flak, Clark A Flaig'e flat neckwear and glows, wttb a lame l his wicked associates then and thero line square wltb me—In the old time, you tip shoe" At $1.23. of alplD»or darby oata, enables to dreaa you op In U t vary ban atyle. "It will be a blacker aname my gat- know. May—I love her. I lore her put him to death and burled him with ting out of It," Trenwtck aatd grimly. yet And you—you came between us. the treasure. The ghostly light waa Tuen. bio voice ehaliiug wltb passion: Bo I'vo watted to get even, you know. supposed to be tbo spirit of tbe murDAY WEDDING, APrKENOON CALLS. EBCSPTIOHi A17D MATINEE "Itldgeloy, surely you—you doo*t un- I knew you'd come to me some time. dered man, and many person!) who, Fiock coat, with single or donoltt.brMatarl vase, n a a aaatanal aa ooat; iroaaers ut stn,-d derstand It It—It Is all true, every Ob, I'm not quite such a fool as I look! tempted by the hope of recovering the worsteds In dark tones) Blgb silk bat; White ablrt and cuffs attacked, and a lapfront ur pobtreasure, ventured Into the tin tinted word I told you. To save myself from You—you kept mo from getting what collar: Black satin, white, or light tone ascot or foar-la-haad cravat: Tan or gr»y »n»d» spot fled in terror and told blood beggary I used another man'a money I wanted most in the world. Now— curdling atorles of tbe horrible pban gloves. tbe score's even—and I—and I cant without hli knowledge. Uuleaa-unleM toma and frightful sights which they We are sbowlnc a aoattnterestlac line of Prtooa Albert coats aad wets. We bavs an tm I replace It before he doea know I •ball be glad." bod witnessed. Tho Hclit Is seen no l P n "You have done right I was a cur to longer. Perbnpa some adventurer go behind tbe bara-tbat Is, If I let myB^^m.«l?2o *. u ^^lbwtu00"tJKd *"*• *$* ttm*' fcoojws.rani" * c o or HAK . self live. You know 1 would never do como to you, knowing what I did," bolder than tho rest succeeded In disHOBAFf NEB * UAfUTS make Thto ooat a .d vast, with a p«lr of o«r fane* striped troni. Trenwtck eald thickly. "1 cannot ask covering tbe gold, carried It off and ers. will dr«s a man up In an unusually fine manner, Neckwear, gloves, shirts and collars to that" complete the outfit. "Out tbe whole wretched meaal I'll your pardon, because I cannot pardon thus gave rest to the unquiet spirit lend you five hundred," Ridgeley be- myadf. i crossed your path because I loved my sister and was etnbitloue for gaa ATFXRrTOOH TBAfl, «to.-Frock soat, stogie or atable-breaeted vast of same her. By the light I bad I waa right"— TO CURE CORNS. Trenwlck'a face got gray. Something matartsl u coat; Trousers of striped wonted,, light or dark: Btgb silk bat; Wbtte shirt; Poke "Yea. You wero right" Rldgeloy We hive OD baud and are constantly reviving from tbe largest manafa0 seemed to dutch bia throat InvolunA Pew Rencaira, Cheap and Simple, or wtng collar; Ascot of Fonr-lo Hand cravat, with tan or light gray coadaglovea. torero to th« country tbe uewo«t Lwlgns on 1 tbe best goods la Wagons, Carriages tarily bo stood a thought atratgbtcr. said, dropping his head upon tbo table, aad InTolvlas Ns Danger. wltb a sigh that was half a sob. '1 "A Trenwtck never yet ran away from arrtes. Road Wagons, Weighs, Etc. We have a large line of Mack clay salts, wttb frock costs, at prtose raadng between t a s o When tbe feet aro pressed into tight anything," bo began, then dropped bis bad nothing and wasn't much myself. fitting shoes— high bods make tho and fSB 00. A targe Hue of fine white eblrts and collars. Bofna WatcrboasoTeaDerlor DeckCar load of light and heavy bob sleighs and cotters Just received. But oh, if you bad let me have M-May wear aod Flak, dark A Flagg's gloves. WH o«rry a very large line and yna are sure to find what yon want ID oar face In hia handa, saying huskily, "nor I—feel—aa—though I—might have- pressure greater—by lidding friction stole until I disgraced the blood." we have a needlollke point formed hi gtoefc. naytutf in large quantities, wo get beat price* obtainable and low rente "Cheer npl You—you make me conquered tbe world." enable an to cell olio iper than oily dealers. "Goodby!" Trenwtck said huskily, tho skin, and tbo greater tbe pressuro B U S I N E S S a n d M O B B I N G WBAB.-aingla-bras*tad or dooUe-braaated sack nervous," Ridgeley aatd, nodding tho deeper tbe point will grow. The coat witb vert and trousers to match ooat: Darby bat; Oolond shirt with ooCs attached, wttb again and settling tbe big diamond again moving toward tbe door. Half best preventive remedy known la realstanding or high-band turned down collar; Ascottte,onoe over or fanr-ln-hend; Tan or gray upon bis shirt front wbero It would way he turned back. Bidgdcy still sat ly to go barefooted, but since this Is glovaa. catch a brighter gleam of firelight wltb bis bend on the table. Trenwlck not considered ethical In civilized life I Ridgeley was given to purple and One went up to blm and said In bis ear, wtll give a few simple remedies which b n Mltoto ^ » » w y » » ^ ^ « o d a « B p l e t e o n e . Prices ranging between a s 65 Unea Upon the least occasion hie rai- "Will you do one thing for me, Ridge- may be of some value for the afflicted: 990-"* ley?" Two car loada to arrive soon ment waa positively riotous. A ruby, First—Place on the cj»rn a piece of We neve also a very large assortment of Fancy Shtrta, wltb many oxcloslvo "What lo It?' Ridgeley aaUed, withalmost priceless, glimmered upon bis cold, moist linen folded several times, Neckwear, Bats, Gloves, etc., to all the popular shapes, e t o 7 out stirring. DELAWARE AND band. He turned tbe stone, glanced wrap It up In dry linen, then go to bed. PBOPB88IONA.L. complacently at It and called to bis "To keep this while you live and de- With this treatment the hnrd epiderB R. man, who came noiselessly through stroy It beforo yon die." Trenwlck said, mis swells up, and after sis or eight us the door, "Two flwty ones, Jenkins, and slipping a golden oval Into hla hand. hours the outer covering of the corn 1903, trains will ran as make 'cm good and long." Then aa "May's miniature," he began. "1 can- can be removed with a dull knife. follows between Albany tbe door closed behind Jenkins: " Ton not bear to have It found on me aad When this treatment has been followed and Altamont. leaving me soul, dear boy, I'd Uke to see you maybe exploited as the most sensa- for three or four days, n email aeedtellbany at the Maiden through, but twenty thousand! It tional feature of the case. There will Ilko growth (tbe corn) cnu be extracted Lane depot. >CFIOE : MAIN ST., ALTAMONT. would be downright Immoral to risk so bo noise and dirt enough In It anyway. without pain or bleediiiR. By washing much money. Why. that would keep I don't want It to touch her, yet I tho feet often In cold water the tender Bonn : 9-9 A. M. 1-8, 7-8 r. H. a yacht In commission almost a sea- could not destroy this myself." plnco will heal rapidly. After getting Talaphon* Omll. Altamont, N. V. "1 would kill you If you did," Ridgeson through!" rid of this corn It Is well to wear shoes Trenwlck turned to tbe window. Out- ley cried, clutching tbe picture and car- Whieb are neither too largo nor too aldo the tide of life In the avenue waa rying It to but llpa. "May, darling." bo small so as to avoid excessive pressure •p at flood. It wns turning 12 o'clock. moaned, "they shall not take you away or friction. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Ho bad until 8 to make good bis bal- from me ngaln. I have cried nlgbt aftSecond.—In place of tbe linen a crust NKW SCOTLAND, H. T. ances. If only ho could make good, be er night because 1 could not remember of bread soaked in vluegar mny be apyou-your eyes, your llpa and all. Now Office B o n n : 8-10 a. m. 1-8, 0-7 p. m was sure the very nest day would find I will not give you up for millions—all plied. SSSS88 him In tbo flood tide of fortune. There Third.—Tbo best application is to Telephone Call, 11, Clartavtlle. waa a Qckle, semlpanlcky market He the. millions In the world." soak a whole onion twenty-four hours sesaas "There Is no need. Goodby," Trcn- In vinegar, then apply one of tbe layers stood to win tbe stake of bla life If wlck said, wltb his band upon tbe of tbo onion to the com and keep It In o S only be could keep above water until 8SSSSS 3 £ Uie tide turned. Nothing short of that latch. Ridgeley almost bellowed after place by a bandage through the nlgbt. Will be in hia offlce at New Salem BtJSSSS Imminent baiard would have brought blm, "Come back I" After repeating this procedure n few 8B3S51! His checkbook lay upon the table be- times tho corn can be removed without from 8 to 9 a. m.. and from 1 to 9 p m.blm to Ridgeley. d In Voorhneavllle offlce from 11 to side him. With a shaking band he any trouble. By either of these simple Ridgetey had seemed to him tbeso scrawled bis name upon a leaf and 11:80 a. m , and 7 to 8 p m. S&BggB applications this troublesome agent I38S9S3 twenty years past, ever since be came tossed It blank to Trenwlck. ToiwihrniM. 1 No. 18 at New Salem. can be removed without any da niter of Telephones, j M a a 5 ^ V o o r o e e 8 v U l l , suddenly into great riches, aa not much "Pin that In for what you Uke," be blood poison nnd "free of charge."—St. assaas more than a human clot, wholly unlike SS5S&S the alow wltted yet gallant bid whosaid. "No; don't thank ma Only como Louis Republic. sessaa had been bis chum at college. Because back as soon aa you have things BB8TAUB4NT8 Befmetlvs Power al the Rabf. of that semlcontemptuous regard be straight" SoSoSS Trenwlck walked away as one blind, bad never sought to profit by old time Tho primitive form of tbe spinel scaaas Inttaacy with tbe bachelor millionaire, seeing all things through a mist, but ruby ts Uke that of the diamond, eight O B *>*<*« 9 -* -* -t -I -« -« rretiwlcl: wondered dully as ho looked bia spirit waa enlightened. elded, which distinguishes It nt once S23938 688358 For Ladles and Cents. at him bow It came about that be was from tho oriental stone. Tbo color of Oplaat Cane la Oklata. Aaelnat Bracaleta a a s cscc Trie Oe IO4 State Street, a bachelor. It could not bo that old tho genuine ruby Is that of the arteTbo statement that a German firm Over-Work Weakens 8 S Four mognlOcent bracelets belonging G 60JJG A charming story of tbe late queen rial blood, or pigeon's blood, ns It Is to tbe queen of King Zcr, who reigned has offered tho Chinese government Albany, N. Y boy and girl affair wltb bla sister May. of England, vouched for by Mr. A. F. called. g Rrtn« Sundays only It Is extremely hard and after nearly 6000 B. C , were among the dis- $15,000,000 annually for tho exclusive Your Kidneys. May bad been dead this twenty Story. Is told In the "Childhood of t Itni4 Jro*t of tho snpphire Is tbe hurdest of thecoveries nindo by Professor Petite rights to sell opium throughout tbe DINNER I I a. m. to 3 p. m. years and more. She bad died Indeed OUsealtby Ktaaeys Make Impure Blood, * Bona daily f Stop* on signal. beforo her wedding gown was out of Queen Victoria." It to so consistent coruuilums, which renders It dltUeuSt while excavating at Abydos, Egypt, empire Is slgnltlcaut for tho evidence BXOBLLEHT MSAL3, Mo. *| "tnpa t>i discharge pxgpeogere. fashion. Judge Barton, her rich old wltb tbe queen's known kindness of to understand why the earth so rarely last year. The workmanship of then It affords of tho hold which the opium All the blood tn your body pane* through « ^U>p» on Sundays only. Tabloo Rooorvod for Ladloo. husband, had mourned her deeply, bat heart that It sneaks for Its own truth. gives It up. Its tint Is as beautiful by lo most Ingcnloua and delicate. Tho curee baa upon tho Ohtncso people. It your kidneys once every three minutes. Tbo Princess Victoria bad set her nrtlfldnl light as by day, nnd Its powIs quite as consistent for tho Germans 'W Prnlnsi 19, 20, 33, 24. 20, 28 going The kidneys are your B. E. ELLIS Prop. not enough to keep blm from exacting heart on buying a doll she had seen tn ers of reflection are so great that an- finest bracelet la formed of oltcrnntlng : usurious Interest for every loan be plaques of gold and turquoise, each to eccuro a monopoly of this miserable blood purifiers, they filfast and trnins 11, 81, 23, 21, 37, 30 going a shop window, but her mother, tbe cient belief credited It wltb power of ter out the waste or inado TrcnwlcU nor from turning blm surmounted witb tho royal hnwU and stuS In tbo future as it waa for Eng(rest will stop at Blsrnere and Foot Impurities tn the blood. ontdooro when tbe debts and tbo Inter- Duchess of Kent would not let her emitting light The ancients even sup- paneled to imllato tbo front of tbo land to ferrco It upon China ID tho first (Jroveoo signal Ifahey are cick or out cat nto up the family estate. Tbo buy It until her next allowance of posed that It would shine through tomb or palace. This bracelet consists place, but In neither case ts tho trans550 BROADWAY, Time tablm showing local and through clothing wttb undlmlnlsbed power. of order, tbey fail to do Judgo'e widow lived thero now, wltb pocket money was due. of thirteen gold and fourteen turquolHO action creditable to a professedly tbetr work. ALBANY. her healthy young son to come after At last the day came, and tbe prinrain Hervtc* may be ohtnin«d a t all D Opp. New Depot, plaques tu tbe form of a facade, where- Christian nation, aays Leslie's Weakly. Patns, aches and rheucess hurried to the shop, paid over tbe & 8 . ticket office* The German Wlfe'a Vacation. Tbe use of 815.000,000 worth of opium upon was inscribed tho namo of tho Tabla do llote Dinner, 11 to 3, OOo. lias her. May's child bad not lived. Bomomatism ccme from exsix bright shillings and got the long a o cijaal for the Money. It la a common practice In Berlin for hot? TrcnwlcU felt that ao a cort of queen. Tho gold woo worked by chisel per year will go far toward offsetting cess cf uric acid In the tho wife to Bttiy at home when tbe bus- and burnishing. Tbo eccond bracelet all tho good that all tho missionary TABLES A M 1I8M171D FOB LADIES special punishment to himself. Ho bad coveted doll. blood, due to neglected On coming out of tbe shop wltb her band and family go to tbo seaside. In had a centcrptcco of gold, with ame- forces of other nations can do tn Chi- ktir.37 trouble. QalettMt H*rTlc», the Neatest, Clitaneat, virtually made tbo match for bis els- treasure In her arms tbe princess enthio way tbo wife enjoyo her own boll thjEt and turquolco bcada and bands of na, and tho fact that a trade to tho Klinsy troubb causes quick or unsteady tcr. He wno worldly, oven caco hardCheapest neatoornnt In Albany. countered a wretchedly miserable day, for there la no housekeeping to be braided gold wire. Tbo fastening of drag of ouch dimensions can bo car- fcsart beats, end mokes cne feel as though Gtrlotly Plrat OIQU. Opso AU ITlght. ened, but otlll bo did not lilio to rcccll tramp, who plucked up courage enough dona She foregathers with friends— tbo bracelet was by loops and button ried on successfully Is not a hopeful they bad heart trouble, because the heart b her eyes when lio bad eald to her: to ask for help. The princess hesitated "grata widows," like herself—nnd tbey of a hollow ball of gold, wltb a shank augury for tbo future of tbe Celestial ovsr-worklnj In pumping thick, kidney"Of course you'll marry tbo judge. ra to Hull & Cuffln,) poisoned blood through veins and arteries. You aro tbo luckiest girl 1 know to a moment; then, realizing that she no tube their meals at restaurants, spend of gold wire fastened hi I t Tbo third empire. It used to be considered that only urinary longer had any money left for the man, their afternoons and evenings at popu- bracelet Is of spiral beads of gold and Tataphon* 71 9 havo tbo chauco of him. Tblnk what It troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, DKALBIW IN she returned to the shopkeeper and gave lar places of entertainment and thorrr«tt7 Kettle 1 risk. luzull, In threo groups. Making tbe would bo to put up with an ordinary but now modern science proves that nearly A peculiar etato of tbtsga ts psSaXsA all constitutional tilteasss have their begindull fellow—cay wltb poor old Rldgo- him back the doll. Be gave her tbe oughly enjoy themselves.—London Ex- fourth bracelet aro four groups of 0 •hillings, promising also to keep tbe press. hourglass beada, amethyst between out by a Kingston correspondent to ning i a hlir.sy trouble. ley." And then ho bad otopped short, II you are sick you can make no mistake gold, with connections of gold and tor- connection with the well ksowntatorfor May had run away, with her baad doll for her for a few days. Tea, ladeent Then tbe little lady hurried out of ray borough, says Pearson's Weekly. by flrtl doctoring your kidneys. The mild quotae. high, but her checks like ashes. UNDERTAKER. The borough arms consist of ttea* aad the extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer's rt all came back to blm aa be stood the shop and thrust the whole of tbe When a man gets tired out and III. A Coileetlsa Ia> Meat. S w a m p * R o o t , the great kidney remedy ts be goes fishing, returning shortly with |318 Hudion aT«mit, ALBAHT, H. T.J besldo tbo window watching tbe vivid money Into tbe bands of tbo beggar. "Now," said tbo Irate debtor, "If you flabca, naturally suggestive of the up- a m rsallxsd. It stands the highest for Us three wall eyed pike, restored health per Thames. Last year's nayer bore human stream without BtealthUy he Wheat He Was Wise*. and a blister on his nose. When a wo- disturb me again you'll get what you're the name of Balmon, tbe mayor M the wonderful cures cf the most distressing cases Agent! for turned and looked Rldgdey over, tryNo rents and light rapensea enable The bite Senator McMillan was one man feels thnt way, she hangs around tooking for." and ia sold on Its martts 'me to sell at prices lower than ob < Ins to recall In bla unwieldy bulb tbo of tbe richest and most public spirited tho bouse and cries If anybody looks "Thanks," replied tho urbano col- current year is a Mr. Finny, wfcQe K ts by all druggists in fifty-. Bradl ay'o Qupor Phoophatoo ftnined eUowhero Prompt attention,1 open features, the manly, fair propor- citizens of Detroit Ho waa always confidently expected that the amaync cent end one-dollar clz-[ at her. It must bo lovely to be alector. -"I will try to maho It con-for next year will be Mr. Sraett. Sftfct C3. You may have a tions of hla old college mate. A vague, ready to contribute liberally to insure venient to disturb you at about this ^Credit given. Termn to salt yon.* ts a pretty kettle of fish, and we o a y sample bottle by mail lloaim of Branp-Bont keen anguish shot through blm. Why the success of any public undertaking, man.—Chicago Record-Herald. time tomorrow.1'—Houston Post I Tolephone at my expense. expert to ace Kingston In Its desire to frae, also pamphlet tellirgyou bow to find was all life so crisscross? Why every- which Is stated by way of Introduction Woadcrfal. keep the pot boiling angling for a out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. thing one laid bol'l on futlloT If for- to tbe fact that tbo Detroit committee Practically all the exports of Africa Bprat, q Roach and a Pike for aaeesav Mention this paper when writing Dr. Ktlmar He—She holds her ago well, doesn't tune needs must como to Rldgdey, on tbe entertainment of tbe presidenaro natural products, while her imports It Co.. Btoghamton, N. Y. years. why not have come In time? He waa tial party had some slight financial sho? aro exclusively manufactured articles. She—Yes. She doesn't look a day acnslblo It bad been prldo and poverty difficulties. In eonjo way they cot tho Particular attention paid to all quality Hint bad kept Rtdgdey from speaking Idea that there was only half a dozen older than sho says she Is.—Philadelof Heeds out tn tbo old days Ridgeley bad bad people In the presidential party, and ID phia Record. nothing beyond tbe promise of his very collecting funds they only got enough Watte BOBS* Cfclaa. 402-464 Broadway. Albany, N. V. moderate wits. His uncle, who badto provide for tho entertainment of P The magnificent china service for tbe f educated htm. could barely tolerate that number. Aa a matter of fact Men's 4 buckle Hrctic*. $1.08. Boy§ -rctir* 76c »nd 98c. Men'f felt* and oven, $1.76-$1 98. blm until bis own son died and left thero wero nearly thirty peoplo In tbo White House which is being designed Agent for LumbertvllleBBag Proof Rubbers. at the Wedgwood potteries at Stoke, poor Rldgdey alone to Inherit tbe mil- party and, too late to ask for further PCtl OBNT Interest paid en dally balance lions. That was a month after May'e contributions, tbe committee found I t England, will arrive some time in Deof check -account wh«n baland pattern are marriage. Sho bad not been doaa s n sdf wltb a considerable deficit to meet cember. Tho design ance la (300 or more. of Mrs, Roosevelt1 a selection. lo. 13 lorth Paul St., Albuy, 1. T. months when Bldgeley waa In poaaeav Of course tbo committee faced tbe OH PER CENT Intarast pal* on an acconnt The. china will be the first service of »i for saviigt, gt, If left on de deposit slon of tbe big estate. fact without a whimper aod arranged English manufacture to be used at tbo until Interest Days. January I and Julyr 1 If thoso two had married! Trcnwlck most handsomely for the accommodali per cent allowed If withdraws bb ^ dashed a band across bis eyes. B e tion of the whole party. But one ofWhite House, The famous twentyntercet Days. JAMES TBN BYOK President. inter was mooning there, wltb life Itself at tbe committee, who Is somewhat noted five thousand dollar service purchased DAVID A. THOMPSON.... 1st Vlee-Pnalilent. by lira. Hayes was from tbe Havlland A wall organised mailing departmrot Stake, Bldgeley was bis hat hope, BAUUELL. MUNHON.Snd Vlco-Preshtent. for bis reluctance to part wttb bis firm of France. glvas out-of-town daposltors every fadlltr of and Rligdcy had failed him. He bad WALTKB MoEWAN Secretary. money, of which ho has plenty, when a local bank, a* well as guaranteeing absolate The new service Is plain white with bumbled himself to supplication. B e he was called upon to dig down Into JOHN D 0APRON Troararar. privacy. could not do it again. B e waa learn- bis pockets for bis shnre of the defi- a gold border, wltb the seal of the TBU8TEEB. ing that there aro things very much ciency drew a long face and made lo all United States hi colors on each piece. Correspondence Invited. John D. Oapron, 0 . E. ArKonlnsor. harder than death. All that ramaioed seriousness a remai-b which has sent The shapes are colonial. This Is the jKiaisTen Krci, HOITJ Rassell, Thomas Auatto, Oharles W. Mead, JOHN D. PASSOM8, J r . now for him was to make an and of everybody who heard It Into gales of first time that the arms of the United Charles O. Lodowtok, Walter MnKwatj. tblBSB as quickly and as decently as laughter. "Now for tbo that time," hoState* have been used for the decoraDavid A. Thompson, Wm. H. Waiver, UEO. P. UILTON Pater Kionear, William Ravles, possible. said, "I rcallte what tbe toes of Sen* tion of White House tableware. The Hamuel L. Mnnsoa, M. W. Tebhatt, rBKDK. . ator McMillan means to us."—Chicago design and shapes have been copy* As noiselessly as by magic tiro ttJl. V. H. Voansman, Rnfos u . Kine • righted and may not bo duplicated exGEORQB Tribune, foaming goblets bad appeared Hidge. Oopoilts commence to draw interest on the cept t>7 permission of the president* Icy motioned Him to coma and taka first da; of each month. Interest orcditcd oue of them, himself.. eagatjlx o u g t a f A woman's whim (9 often a man's The eet consists of 1,859 pieces. aaJ paid January 1st ondyoly 1st. ONE TOUCH OF NATURE I How to dress correctly OPTICIAN andJEWELER $2.50. 78 Division St. Albany. Don't forget that -^Mandelbaunn,-*- 73 Washington Avenue, - Albany, 73 Washington, Ave. HANDELBAUH, FALL OPENING Altamont Carriage Works, James Keenholts, Dayton H. Whipple, Remember ifyou want todress correctly you can find just the article to wear at our store. Dr. Frederic Crounse, Physician & Surgeon. We also carry a full line of ROGERS, PEBT & OO'8 LIVERY. Dr. John H. Fitch, Store Closes Evenings at 6 p. m. Saturdays, n p. m. Babbitt & Go., Dr. F. M. Joslin Glothlere--Hottere--Purnl«her« 23-29 SOOTH PEARL ST. DeGraaf Building, ALBANY. Odell's Restaurant DIRECTORY RESTAURMT Horace S. Bel! Groceries, floor, G-raiQ. Feed, [John W. Brasure! Glover, Tloot&y aod all kinds of Garden Seeds. 163 South Pearl Street, ALBANY, N. Y. Tbe Aliiany Trnst Go Assets over DIIV VflllD U f l l l T t D C ' CflDDI V Or footwear now Udiee' warm shoes BUT i UUlf l i l l l I E n d u U I T L l 76ou . MM* «rcti«i, 080, $ 1.23, %\A%. $5,500,000 2 Deposits and Surplus, $3,400,000.00 tata,-Boiton Transcript. $0 South Poarl, Corner Division SU Albany,
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