plus .The GTArn I once· owned s • How to avoid auto buye' .caliR : Sport Seat as Alfa DuettolKamm-Tail Sport Seat as Alfa GTV 2000 1967GTV GTV2000 '66-78 Spider mention this code #71018 to recieve free shipping **Offer expires Sept.30 2006** phone: 713·849·2400 fax: 713·849-2401 ~9~ - IL CONTENUTO Vol 50, No. 10 • Toll Free (877) 399-AROC (2762) OCTOBER 2006 WWW.AROC-USA.ORG NATIONAL OFFICE AROC ADMINISTRATOR: JOLENE JUSTUS PIlone: (816) 459·7462 P.O. Box 12340 Karu;.. CiIY. MO 64116-0140 admin@aroc·U> EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: President: CHIP DENYKO 10240 Panons 51. Tamp., FL 33615·2624 (813) 886·6165 • chir<!enykoCanlC·tlS3.,lfg Vice-l"'esident: BREWSTER THACKERAY 2117 N DmwindJie 51., Arlingtun, VA 22207·1961 (703) 8C7'()798 •·usa.or~ Secretary: JOHN JUSTUS 3719 NW Briarcliff Rd. Kansas Cil)" MO 64116·1762 (816) 413·9476 • jjuslU.@aroc.u>.,.org Treasurer: ED GELLER 89 Hdler Hill Rnad Blairslown. NJ 07825·2323 (908) 362·6378 • EA~lIer@earlhlinlc.ncl Legal Couruel: GEORGE PEZOU) 120 MiI;n 51. Humington. NY 117,,3.6906 (63)) 427·0100 • georgc.pezoldCtransp< DIRECTORS AT LARGE BOB KLEINFElD 7700 Em 29th Ave. -105 Denver. CO 80238 (720) 226·0631 • alfabobCcomcaSl.nel DAVE BEACH '76.6 SW 147TH AVE SHERWOOI). OR 9714°.8405 Departments: (503) 6'5.6314 • IlA\·III.BEACII@AROC-USA.ORG JOE FAHERTY: Membership Chnir P.O. Box 10-1 Fox Island, WA 98333·010-1 (253) 549·2082 • joevdoccCnetscape.nel EUGENE KESSLER: InsllTance Chair 13212 Cabin""od Dr. Silver Sprin!:. MD 2090-1·3128 (30)) 989·0792 • eu~"'neIc17@verizon.nct • harrellbatteries@veri:on.nci ARNO LESKINEN: Concours Chair H83 Sollih Niel.on 51. Gilberl. AZ 85296·9725 (480) 722·1316· amoaroc@an>e,"> GEORGE LINTON 222 fl.1), 51. Douglaston. NY 11363·1248 (718) 920·760-1. GTI.SGTV@'fllC·usa.orll ERIC STORHOK: WebsiJe Chair 1451 RO>ewood 51. Ann Arbor. MI4810-1 (73-1) 66}·9135 • SlorholcC,uoc· CHAR SOMMERS: MembershipCo-Chnir 12608 NW Barnes RD ApI "'2, P'lrIl.nd, OR 97229·6037 (503) 350·1705. AlfaCharCaroc·usa.orll Newsletter Exchange Chair: BERNIE ZElAZNY P.O. Box 523 Alpine, TX 79831·0523 (412) 837·1717· ilemie_:@'''oc-t..... 'lfll Fllr Smding UPS," FtdEx: 405. B North H,,,ri><m Slreel Alpine, TX 79830 ARI Liaison: O. DElMAS GREENE 1410 Pineal'l'le Ln. Clearwater. FL 33759·2315 (727) 799·1486. Compelilion Chnir: Russ NEELY 6C()O C",ey Run Lane. Edmond. OK 73034 (405) 340·1228 • AlfaNeel~o@AROC.Usa."rll Restoration/Preservation Chair: Bill GILLHAM 12988 Meadowood Rd. SE Je(ferson. OR 97352·9221 (541) 327·1486. ho"lil,'an@proaxi •.com Alfa Owner is Published for AROC by: PARABOLICA PUBLISHING, LLC. 5252 Oran~ A\·e. Suile 109 C)'!.IeSS. CA 90630 Phone: (714) 236.8676 • Filx: (714) 827·2304 EdiI(}T: CASEY M. ANNIS Co-Editor: En McDONOUGH edmcdflh.openworW.c,.m ConlTibuting EdItor: KEITH BOOKER lceilhCwbo"ker.frene"·e From the President ................................... ,........ 2 AROC Chapter Directory ,..................................... 3 Profile: Ed Geller, AROC Treasurer .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Calendar of Events ............................................ 5 News ............................. , ......................... 6 Alfa History ................................................. 8 Alfa Owner Service Directory .................................. 23 11 Mercato .................................................. 25 Features: The GTAm I once owned .... ,., .............................. , 10 Buying or Selling an Alfa? Look out for scams! ..................... 14 The Goodwood Festival of Speed ................................ 16 Tech 101: 1957 Giulietta Spider Impra Heater ..................... 20 DATA: Alfa Owner (lSSN 0364-930X, USPS 543-520) is puhlished monthly by AROC, P.O. Box 12340, Kansas City, MO 64116-0340. Alfa Owner is edited and produced by Parabolica Publishing, LLC., 5252 Omnge Ave. Suite 109 Cypress, CA 90630; for the Alfa Romeo Owners Club, Inc., P.O. box 12340, Kansas City, MO 64116-0340. Subscription is $60.00 and pan of AROC membership dues and is available only to paid members. Periodical postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, and art are welcome but cannot be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope bearing sufficient postage. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AlIa Owner, P.O. Box 12340, Kansas City, MO 64116·0340. All membe~ communication regarding non-delivery, address changes. information on needs or chapter information should be addressed to the AROC Administrator at the AROC national address. DISCLAIMER: While it is a primary service of the Alfa Romeo Owners Club to disseminate technical infonnation. any maintenance technique or possible modification puhlished in Alfa Owner should be weighed against conventional. rmditional, and generally accepted techniques and modifications. Alfa Owner should not be considered the authority on maintaining or improving Alfa Romeos and the vicws expressed are those of the author of an anicle or person quoted. The mention of a product, service, or procedure herein does not constitute endorsement of it by the club. its offices or employees, Alfa Oumer, its editor, the author, Alfa Romeo distributors of North America, Alfa Romeo, SpA, or Fiat Auto. Prudent owners should consider possible tcchniques or modifications in light of common sense compromises among economy. longevity, perfonnance, reliability, driveability, legality and resale value. Any modifications possibly affecting emissions or safety are the sole responsibility of the person perfonning them and when such possible modifications are presented in Alfa Owner, it is with the understanding that they will be used for racing and not on public highways. It is also incumbent upon the owner of an Alfa Romeo to consider the effect of any changes in his vehicle upon any warranty in force before undertaking any technique or modific<uion. Failure to do so could result in denial of warranty coverage by Alfa Romeo Distributors of North America. This publication and this organization will not assume liability for any such consequences. Advertisement of products or services in Alfa Owner magazine docs not necessarily imply endorsement or approval by the Alfa Romeo Owners Club. OCTOBER 2006 • 1 FROM THE PRESIDENT BY CHIP DENYKO Last month, I shared thoughts about planning and looking into the future to ensure successful event schedules. This month, I want to place a "call to arms" thought with you. If you want to help the club survive the next decade, then pay atten.. tion! Each year, 6 of 12 Board of Directors are elected to serve a two .. year term. During this term the group is charged with managing the vision and decisions, hopefully under the leadership of the president. The time is now for chapters to begin identifying potential members willing to serve in this duty. If elected to the board you would need to attend the board meetings at the annual conven.. tions. Further, via e.. mail and conference calls, additional discussions and business are conducted throughout the year. The current president also defines committees and assigns chair positions, typ .. ically based on skills and interests. Each chapter may have a maximum of 2 current board members, no more. Members may be nomi .. nated in one of two ways, by nomination from the chapter (signed by chapter officers) or by petition of 15 or more members. Either must be submitted to the AROC administrator by the deadline. Candidates also provide a short biography which will be published in the Alfa Owner. Candidates should use the bio to help the membership get to know them and decide for which of the candidates they wish to cast a ballot. Each year at the end of the Board of Directors meeting, the newly elected officers are sworn in, then the newly created board elects a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. I am aware that one current board member, our treasurer, Ed Geller, plans to retire from service to the board fol .. lowing the Detroit AROC convention. We will need someone to fill this important position as the club moves forward. Without volunteers to serve we can't operate. Please consider if you or a chapter member would be a dynamic addition to the Board of Directorsthen talk with your local chapter officers and let them know. AROC Administrator Jolene Justus will be sending forms and information to each chapter president very soon! Please make this a point of discussion at your next chapter meeting or event. WE NEED YOU! We also are in need of someone to take over the duties from Newsletter Exchange Chair Bernie Zelazny. If you would be willing to collect and redistribute the chapter newsletters, please contact Bernie. He'll be happy to explain how it works and provide tips and pointers on making the job easier. Please give this volunteer a well ..deserved break! Speaking of volunteers ... a humungous THANK YOU to Shayna Geller. At the Tulsa convention we provided a questionnaire for the purposes of ere.. ating a datasheet for potential advertisers in Alfa Owner. Shayna analyzed and compiled the infor.. mation for the board and Alfa Oumer. The ques .. tionnaire was a 2.. page survey of information simi .. lar to many surveys found with newly purchased products. Its purpose is to provide a press packet for potential advertisers who want to know just what our audience is in order to determine the potential market for their product. My thanks to those of you who graciously completed those surveys. We plan to use that experience to develop a full membership survey and not only compare the results of the two, but better tune our questions as well. In Alfa news, a new model akin to the Alfa Sud -the Grande Punto has been proposed with a direct injection 230 hp engine! Even as these announcements proliferate, and Alfa models get even sexier {if that's possible}, we still wait for an official word on the return. I expect further announcements as we patiently wait. Now that we have the business out of the way, it's the time of year where, in the South, we are hopefully getting a little cooler-and just right to take that top down. For the sedans a nice drive on the two .. lane roads provides that aural sensation we all crave. There are a host of chapter events this time of year, so please consult the event calendar and chapter Web sites to see if there is one near you. It's almost the holidays again (went quick did .. n't it?) so keep your Alfisti friends in mind as you check the AROe Merchandise page. Now-go drive that Bella Macchina! Ciao, CHIP DENYKO lL PRESIDENTE, 2 • OCTOBER 2006 AROC~USA AROC.S CHAPTER DIRECTORY ARIZONA • Arlwna ARoe: • Bill GmnsIadt 9321 N 40th Pl. Phoenix. AZ 85028-5101 (602) 765.()()61 • • ARoe: olTucson· Robm Scmim 1700 N. Harrison Road, Tucson, AZ 8571S (520) 886-6848 • CALIFORNIA • Alfa Romeo Owners of Southern California • NormJl!\ Silmman 21330 StanweU St.• Clullsworth. CA 91311 • ARoe: of Central California. Fttd Zimmermann 1128 Palomino Road. Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805) 682·5744 • • ARoe: of San Diego • lAnce Dong 243 Mulmeld Way • San Marcos. CA 92069 (760) 798·1652 • • Delta Sierra Alfa Romeo Club • Doug E/lingtr P.O. Box 161587 • Sacramento. CA 95816-1587 (916) 791-0781 • • Orange County Chapter. StlUmt Sandtman Jr. c/o 1753 N. Batavia Street • Orange, CA 92865 (949) 588-0500 or (714) 279·0500 409 East Main St. • Warrenton, MO 63383 (636) 456·3326 • Strada Fanwma (MO/KC) • }ohnJIISIW 3719 N. BriardiffRd.• Kansas Oty, MO 64116·1762 (816) 413·9476 • jjustus@aroc· NEBRASKA • Alfa Club of Colorado • Ashk, House 6165 Oakley Ct • Castle Rock. CO 80104 (720) 733-0707 • ahooseS4@msn.c:om • Stmda Fanwma (MO/KC) • }ohn}II$IW 3719 N. BriardiffRd.• Kansas City. MO 64116-1762 (816) 413·9476 • NEW JERSEY • Alfa Owners of New Jersey • Emico CiaOOuoni 46 Peters Place· Red BanIc, NJ 07701 (732) 5JO.9105 • NEW MEXICO • New Mexico Chapter • Mary Boning 4408 Sombra PI NW • Albuquerque, NM 87114·5407 (505) 898·1550 NEW YORK • Alfa Club of Colorado • As1dt, Howe 6165 Oakley Ct.• Castle Roclc. CO 80104 (720) 733-0707 • • AlfaBuff. Frank Pomca 7269 Pendale Drive. North Tonawanda. NY 14120 (716) 743-4106 • • AROCNew York (Long Island AROC) • Georgt Unum 22Z Bay St. • Douglaston. NY 11363·1248 (718) 920·7604 • GTUNTON@aol.c:om • NYAROCNET CONNECTICUT NORTH CAROLINA COLORADO • Connecticut Chapter • Dal.'id y~ 27 Strickland Road • Middlc6cld. cr 06455·1204 (860) 349·1031 • www.c:thrr.c:om/alfa/lndcx.htm yager.res@sner.RCt FLORIDA • ARoe: SW Florida • Ptur F. DiMauco 5853 Wild Fig Lute. Fan Myers, FL 33919 (239) 415-4251 • Florida Alfa Club • Delson Coma 5016 12th Ave s.. St. Petmburg.. FL 33707·3609 (813) 327·5313 • www.F1oridaAlfaClub.c:om • Florida F'1f5t Coost Alfa Romeo Club. Dan Scanlan (904) 448-6148 • dbjscanCbel1south.nct • South Florida • JIM Garcia 510S Donatcllo Street. Com! Gables, FL 33146-2021 (lOS) 667·2574 • Mid Florida • Howard Bmuttin 22S S. Slu\dowbay Blvd. • Longwood. FL 32779 (407) 17~7947 • GEORGIA • Piermonte. Gary Prir.cNU 1723 Maryland Avenue•• Charlotte. NC 28209·1533 (704) 332-6865 • • Mid.Atlantic AROC (Serving VA, NC &. SC) • 8m Neil, 103 W Whitaker Mill Rd. • Raleigh. NC 27608 (919) 834-4515 • OHIO • Buckeye Chapter. Andrew Musilli 60 East Olentangy Street. Powell, OH 43065 (614) 848-9740 • fax (614) 848-9750. • Northeastern Ohio Chapter. Harry Hob&, 8698 Auburn Road • Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 3S+6085·hobvcs@nc:web.ner • Ohio Valley. Gary Ktslin 6026 Bethany Road • Mason. OH 45040 (513) 398-7737 • OKLAHOMA • AROC of Oklahoma. DaI:id Simmons 922 S. 263 W. Ave • Sand Springs. OK 74063 (918) 865-4957 • • Gco'8ia ARoe: • Julian Wade 420 Beaumont Dr Stone MOlI1\tain. GA 30087·2604 (770) 921-8217 OREGON ILLINOIS PENNSYLVANIA • Oticago <lIapter • CanneIo La Spina 9606 S. Pmbide • Oak Lawn, IL 60453 (70s) 499·5197 • lslauth@c:otnc:a$t.RCt INDIANA • Scott &. Margaret Bethke Brake Materials &. Parts. Inc:. 800 Sherman Blvd • Fan Wayne. IN 46808 (260) 426-3331 • KENTUCKY • Kentucky Alfa Romeo Society. Mm/c Roethandtr 3244 Raintree Dr. Newburgh. IN 47630.B310 (812) 490·2228 LOUISIANA • Deep Sollth Alfa Romeo Clllb, lnc:. (serving LA. MS, &. AL) Andmu Mmapact. President lOS Plum Ridge Drive • Brandon, MS 39042 (601) 825·9183 • Andy.MenapaceCetg01I.c:om MASSACHUSETTS • Alfa Ownm of New England. Daile Pratt 300 Westfield Street. Dedham. MA 02026-5631 (781) 320-8208 • daveCdvpmtt.c:om MICHIGAN • ARoe: Detroit Scott Whitford • Praidmr 820S San Marro Blvd. Sterling Heights, MI48313 (586) 264-8537. whitford6Oc:omcast.allll • West Michigan AROC • Jolm GTOd! 21SO OIenEcho SEt Gmnd Rapids. M149S06 (248) 651·2796 MINNESOTA • Stella Del Noni • Ed SoIsIIId 3701 Pi11sbuty Ave. • Minneapolis, MN 55409 (612) 822-0569 • cso! MISSOURI • Alfa Romeo Owners of Oregon • Man, Sdlnddtnnan P.O. Box lOOn. Ponland. OR 97296 (S03) 245-4595 • • Central Pennsylvania AROC • Milce Mihm 1725 Powder Mill Road • York. PA 17403 (717) 741-0460· • Delaware Valley ARoe: • Bob BI'IIII, 105 Spowwood Lane. Kennen Square. PA 19348 (610) 925·1837 TENNESSEE Bernie P.O. Box Alpine, TX 79831·0523 E·Mail: (432) 837·1717 For Sending UPS or FedEx: 405 B. North Harrison Street Alpine, TX 79830 AROC LIBRARY Tech Material Tim NeiU E·Mail: p.o. Box 248 Ironia, NJ 07845·0248 (973) 598·9097 6 P.M.-9 P.M. Eastern Time Technical Hot Lines Tom Sahines E·MaiI: 9 P.M .• (408) 262' 62 79 .J P.M. Weekdays Pacific Tune Pre SPICA Models ~ 10 Stewart Sandeman I (949) 888·4451 i 7 P.M.-IO P.M. Pacific Time All Postwar Models BiU Daemke E·Mail: (503) 366.0345 I 7 P.M.-IO P.M. Pacific TIm~ All Post·Korean War Models I Wes Ingram ! E·Mail: (360) 707·5701 • wesingram.oom 3 P.M.-7 P.M. Weekdays Pacific Time SPICA Injection Systems I Richard Sirgany E·Mail: . (305) 266·0810 Mon-Frt ~ regular worl(ing hours ~ EST ! Steve Patchin Alfisto Steve Alfa Romeo 164 models E·Mail: sdpatchin@aroc· • A.LF.A. Inc .• Paul Dosttr 4217 Lindawood Dr.• N~hville. TN 37215 (615) 292-0740 TEXAS • Lone Star AROC • Richard Cross (J Karen Phillips 4907 Cross Creek Ct.• Arlington. TX 76017·2741 (817) m-4260 • Sc:uderia Houston • Milce McMMon 4510 Northshore Ct. • Missouri Oty. TX 77459 (832) 457·2557 • Chapter website: • Texas Hill Countty • Sherman Han 3910 Balcones • Austin. TX 78731 • (512) 452·1532 Chapter Website: hnp:// WASHINGTON • NWARC. Fttd wright 312 2I1th Place SE. Sammamish, WA 98074 (425) 369-0699 • WASHINGTON, D.C. • Capital AROC (Serving MD. DC, &. VA) • HmIan Hatlk, 3121 N. Pershing Drive. Arlington. VA 22201·1629 (703) 966-6827 • HadleyAsocOmsn.c:om Chapter Website: WISCONSIN • AROC WiicoNin • Suw W~ 1947 Wallace Lake Road • West Bend. WI 53090 (262) 306-8238 • ."hll "Online" AROC members now have . II option to contact most club tech advisors 'ti( e-mail. Be sure to include your AROC member nulJ, ~~~hen sen~i~e~m~~nq~~~~_! __ __ ~ II JOLENE JUSTUS Phone: (816) 459·7462 P'O.Box 12340 Kansas City. MO 64116.0f1O admlnOaroc·IGa.QrJ : Single Issues 1958-1984 ............. $2/cop Indexes 1958-1964 ................. $1/cop 1965-1970 ........................ $1/cop 1971-1980 .......................• $2/cop 1985-Present ...................... $4/cop T,pe ur prim :your address along with wlume and Issue number and dau. and enclo$e a chedc ur mane, orrIer for /he fuU amoIDU of purc:hase. Prices indude postage and handling. In the few cases of very rare Wue3. ,au wiD be stIU CI pIroroccp, instead of an originaL • AROC St. louis • Dr. Phil Dtan OCTOBER 2006 • 3 r PROFILE: Ed Geller, AROC Treasurer inances: not every .. one's favorite topic, but without some .. body monitoring them, no business can succeed. And while one can think of AROC as a car club, a hobby, or a society for the preservation of Italian art, we are in fact a business as well. This month, I want to introduce you to the board member whose portfolio covers this aspect of the Club, Treasurer Ed Geller. F Ed has always been a car guy. His first car was a 1954 Austin Healey he bought after he earned his accounting degree from Lehigh University in 1966. In 1973, he needed a new car and wanted to buy a convertible while he still could. That was the era when people worried the government was going to ban ragtops in the interest of safety. (Remember how many faded away before the "last ever" 1976 Cadillac Eldorado?) A friend suggested Ed look at an Alfa. He did and bought a red '73 Spider. Unfortunately, two months later, he totaled that car. But making lemonade out of the accident, he used the insurance money to buy a 1973 GTY, which he kept for 22 years. "We joined AROC in 1974. In 1976, we bought our second Alfa. We drove Alfas as everyday cars until we could no longer get a new one," Ed says. Ed and his wife Shayna, who served for seven years as the club's administrator, currently own a Montreal and a 1750 round .. tail spider. Ed bought the Montreal in 1981 after the person for whom it had been imported decided he didn't want it. He bought the Spider in 1994 from its second owner, with 29,000 miles on it and original paint that it still bears, along with its original interior. Ed added 4 • OCTOBER 2006 BY BREWSTER THACKERAY a roll bar in order to mount three .. point seat belts. "Our trip to Tulsa in the Spider was very pleasant except for the heat," Ed says of this summer's con .. vention trip. "We had no trouble with the car at all. " With the Gellers' two Alfas both vintage cars, they have also become active in the Antique Automobile Club of America. Ed has also run track events with the Performance Drivers Association for more than 25 years, both as a driver and volun .. teer worker. When he isn't playing with cars, his main hobby is music; he plays the oboe with a sym.. phony orchestra as he has since high school. Ed was first elected to the AROC Board in the mid .. 1980s and was treasurer for five years, vice president, and then president in 1991 .. 92. He left the board for about a decade before rejoining it in 2000. He has been treasurer both while on and off the board, and was also the technical librarian for 20 years. "I tend to get involved in keeping running any organization with which I am involved," Ed notes. The treasurer's role is a natural one for him, as his professional background includes four years in public accounting, which qualified him to take and pass the CPA exam, and 25 years with Block Drug Company as head of internal audit and then as division controller. What explains Ed's enduring dedication to AROC? "The Alfa Club is a wonderful organiza.. tion that I enjoy very much, particularly the peo.. pIe. I want the Club to remain viable. I have used my training as a CPA to help make that happen. The frustration is not being able to afford all of the services and benefits that we would like to provide to our members," Ed says. "Shayna's position got me involved in the day .. to activities of running the Club. She made many improvements in record keeping and simplifying operations. I gave advice where requested." I asked Ed what members can do to make the treasurer's job easier. "Understand the difficulties we face in trying to pay for all of the benefits we provide," he replied. "The biggest expense we incur is the publication of the Alfa Owner. We are pro .. ducing a monthly full .. color magazine for a mem.. bership of approximately 4000 people. To my Continued on page 28 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ·2006 November 4 October 7-8 2006 CAROC Fall Challenge The Mid-Florida AROC will present its 4th annual "Viva Alfa Romeo" Auto Show and Parade, in the town of Celebration, Florida. All Alfa Romeo owners are welcome to Please con' participate. tact Rick Demichna at (386) 322,9212 email: or contact Howard Bernstein, at (407) 774,7947 email: 2-day Track Lapping Session and Time Trial at Road America, Elkhart Lake, WI Contact Wayne Seely: or Carol Dickenson: 14 NWARC Pacific Raceway Lapping Day. Contact Dave Kingstone (425) 823-9031, or Kathleen Edwards or check our Website at Rockville, Maryland Car Show. AROC Capital Chapter is a sponsor of this multi-marque event. For information see: how.htm or contact Harlan Hadley, 703/966-6827 or 21 Best of France & Italy Car Show & Concours, Woodley Park, CA. For information con' tact Bruce Colby of AROSC Drivers Day at Grattan Raceway, presented by AROC Detroit. For more information contact Scott Reynaert (313) 562-9436 21-22 TIme Trial & Race at Willow Springs, CA. For information contact Bruce Colby of AROSC 29 NWARC Bremerton RacewayDriver's Training 1/2 price for Ladies and Teens. Contact Dave Kingstone (425) 823-9031, or Kathleen Edwards: or check our Website at 4-5 25-26 Wine Tour. For information con' tact Bruce Colby of AROSC December 3 AROO Annual Holiday Tour followed by brunch at some heretofore unknown gourmet location; POC Char Sommers (503) 350,1705 Eureka Springs Fall Fling, AROC Regional eventGimmick Rally, Autocross, Banquet, Concours, Awards Brunch, Eureka Springs, AR, Best Western Inn of the Ozarks. Contact John or Jolene Justus, (816) 413,9476 or Chapter Officers and Event Chairs: What's going on in your neck of the woods? AROC members are often on the road, and interested in knowing what is happening in other regions. Please send us your events so we can spread the word! In order to provide a full chapter events calendar in Alfa Owner, we are asking all chapters to send their events information in the following format: Date • Event Title • Event Type • Location Contact Person • Contact Details Send this information to: E .. Mail: Events@aroc .. Or Mail to: Parabolica Publishing c/o Casey Annis 5252 Orange Ave., Suite 109 Cypress, CA 90630 Please also refer to www.aroc .. for additional information. OCTOBER 2006 • 5 NEWS AROC Introduces Additional Membership Categories, Benefits t the 2006 AROC Board Meeting, a pro.. posal by John Justus and Brewster Thackeray for additional membership cat.. egories, inspired by suggestions from AROC mem.. bers and comparisons to other car clubs' practices, was presented and approved. Three new categories of membership have been created. These new categories will not in any way change the rights, privileges or costs of standard AROC membership. Standard dues will remain $60 per year. (Certain chapters charge small addi.. tional fees, which will be added to the new cate .. gories as well.) Gold Family membership is a new category tar.. geted to appeal to current and new members where two people are actively involved in the hobby. Family membership gives both partners the right to vote in local and national elections (two votes per membership, with ballots provided when appropri.. ate), and it doubles their dues split that is sent to their local chapter. Gold Family members also will receive two AROC Window Decals. Only one Alfa Owner magazine is sent per family. The cost for a Gold Family membership is $80. Would you like to give additional support to your club? Consider Verde membership. This $100 A 6 • OCTOBER 2006 category includes an enamel Alfa Romeo Owners Club lapel pin, a copy of the AROC membership Roster, and quarterly listings in the Alfa Owner and on the Web site (anonymity is optional for those that prefer it). Verde Family membership ($120) includes all benefits of Gold Family membership as well. Verde members will help keep our club in strong financial condition, and we salute you in advance for your commitment to AROC's success! Finally, we are inviting our corporate friends to join us as Platinum Business members. This $250 category will provide a second monthly copy of the Owner each month on request (a spare for the office or shop), a copy of the AROC Membership Roster, and an enamel Alfa Romeo Owner's Club lapel pin. Platinum Business membership will now be the only way to secure a monthly listing in the revised Alfa Owner Service Directory.. the key resource for Alfa owners looking for businesses that support their hobby. This Platinum category will also include prominent links from the AROC Website. Every category of membership is valued by AROC. Thank you for your support of your nation.. al and regional Alfa Romeo Owner's Club! Alfa Romeo back on the podium in WTCC T he World Touring Car Championship made the first of two visits to Latin America the week of July 2, 2006 and Alfa Romeo fin .. ished both races on the podium, but SEAT and BMW took the top spots in the Brazilian round. The first race was enlivened by the fight between Alfa Romeo local boy Augusto Farfus and SEAT Sport men Jordi Gene and Peter Terting. Starting from the po Ie, Farfus managed to maintain the lead for half of the distance in front of his home crowd, but finally Gene and Terting succeeded in overtak.. ing him, giving SEAT a 1.. 2 finish. "I'm very happy because to race at home is a pleasure and to finish 3rd and score points is great," said Farfus at the finish. "The second race was fran .. tic and I had an accident which put an end to my race. I think the event and track here could be improved but we must remember it was the first visit from the WTCC, and people have learned a lot. For me and Alfa Romeo, it was a good week.. end." Race 2 was full of drama. Andy Priaulx led all the way from the green light to the chequered flag, but he was forced to re .. build his lead twice after two safety.. car periods. Behind him there was a breathtaking fight for the second position, with a number of clashes that involved Rydell, Gene and Farfus. Finally, Gianni Morbidelli and his Alfa Romeo managed to claim second place beating Alessandro Zanardi by inches. With these results, Andy Priaulx re ..gained a solo lead in the Drivers' Champions~ip, with a 3 ..point margin ahead of James Thompsbn, while Gabriele Tarquini is third, one further point adrift. The SEAT vs. BMW fight is also very close in the Manufacturers' Championship, with the Spanish make leading by one mere point. I OCTOBER 2006 • 7 8 • OCTOBER 2006 OCTOBER 2006 • 9 his is a true story about the second car I purchased (the first was a Duetto from mas .. ter Alfa mechanic Bill Stevens). As you read the story, keep in mind the year is about 1979 and I was 20 years old at the time. The GTAm was purchased from an ad in the "Alfa Romeo Owners of Southern California" newsletter and was being sold by a Los Angeles lawyer whom I shall leave nameless. The ad said, "GTAm roller for sale $2300 call so .. and at this #." I called, and went to this attorney's house in Cowabunga (name changed to protect the innocent city) to look at the car and the rest of his magnificent $$$ car collection. The GTAm looked great, though it was strange seeing the cheap American Racing 15x8 wheels mounted to such a lovely Bertone Autodelta body. The steel body was straight and the paint was not too bad; however, the tangerine red color was too far from real red for my taste. I noticed the fiberglass wheel flares had been well done and did not have the exposed rivets. Still, I agreed to buy it. The attorney then asked me to sign a can.. tract which states, "the car will be missing certain racing parts such as the engine and transmission" and also that the car has been paid for. I sign the contract, fork over the money, and the attorney kindly says he will deliver the car to me in Laguna Beach after he has his stooge remove the engine and transmission, doing me a great favor as I do not have a trailer. The next week, the attorney's stooge delivers the car (and makes a hasty retreat). The car was technically a roller as delivered, however, it did not have most of the Autodelta parts that it had before. Here is a short list of what was missing ... sliding block, special axle with magnesium oil sump, radiator, oil cooler, oil tank, large gas tank, special fuel pump, special front uprights, brake calipers and disks, adjustable front suspension arms, sway bars, shocks, etc., etc. "What was left?" you ask. As delivered, it sat on a useless non .. Alfa rear axle and junk front suspension with those ugly American Racing wheels with 12 .. inch wide racing slicks. The car was naked inside except for a crappy non .. Alfa race seat, lightweight dash (no gauges), and Pep Boys steer.. ing wheel. On the outside, the hood, trunk lid and flairs were genuine Autodelta fiberglass parts, though the hood had sagged so much from engine heat, as to be nearly unusable. The doors were crude home made fiberglass skins with steel inner sheet metal. It did come with the nice Glaverbel 4mm thick lightweight front window and also included the aluminum valance panel that covers the windshield wipers. I suspect the attorney accidentally overlooked these rare parts in his haste. The side windows were plastic and the rear window was a standard glass part. Though the paint quality (outside) was fair, the color had to go, and the gray Zolatone interior was suffering from outdoor storage exposure. I decided to repaint the entire car. The good news was that, overall, the basic body was pretty straight inside and out. It was obvious that the attorney had fulfilled his contractual obligations and then some. Naturally, I called the attorney on the phone and he reminded me that he was a big.. shot lawyer and that I had signed the contract; done deal. Now in today's market $2300 may sound pretty good for a GTAm tub. Keep in mind, even in the early '80s, most old nice cars were cheap and hardly anybody cared about race history unless it was a Ferrari or Bugatti. I'm sure many of you are sitting back laughing, and thinking $2300(!), that's chump change. Well, it is now!! Back then I was earning $6.50 an hour building boat tanks and living in Laguna, so there was precious little money left over from my pay checks. Fortunately, the missing Autodelta parts were still fairly plentiful. Looking at the ARose newsletter, I called every shop to find parts. From Alan Ward of Ward and Dean, I got the sliding block parts and special front uprights with the correct Ate aluminum GTAm calipers with special 10.5" brake disks and a set of suspen .. sion springs. From Dave Vegher of Veloce Motors, I got the special 9x 13 wheels, Koni shocks and the Autodelta GTA fiberglass doors with door handles and the neat sliding Plexiglas vents. Dave also offered a 2.0L GTAm motor in near.. new condition for something like $2500, which I couldn't afford, plus the car had to be a daily driver. Back in the '80s, Dave's shop was like an Autodelta storage unit. Special Alfa TZ and GTA racing parts hung from the wal~~1 ceil.. ing and rafters. From Howard Jackson of Jafco, I purchased a pair of used 45 DCOE Webbers, Shankle headers, valve springs and camshafts. Total cost to replace the missing Autodelta parts was about $1200. At the local wrecking yard I purchased a com.. plete, but crunched, 78 Spider for $1000. I removed the drive train from the Spider and added the Webbers, headers and Veloce cams to the engine. I disassembled the rear axle and brought the differential housing to work and managed to TIG weld {my first time} an alu .. minum mount for the sliding block pivot. I then discovered that wheel size was a problem and only two types of street tires were available to fit the 9x13 rims, both Pirellis. The CN36 .. type tires were$200 less than the incredible p.. 7's, so you know which ones I used. Tire size was 235/60/13s stretched to the max to fit the 9 inch rims. A pleasant surprise was that all the newly acquired but used Autodelta parts fit the chassis without any rework. As mentioned, the body work was fairly straight, so I simply sanded and resprayed it in my front yard {with 50..foot Eucalyptus trees overhead}. I used the paint scheme from the Fusi book, which was the only picture of a GTAm that I had. The paint turned out great and remained so to the last day I saw the car 13 years later. The colors chosen were AR501 Alfa red and AR008 Farina white; the gutted interior was satin black. I installed a pair of favorably priced Corbeau Monte Carlo racing seats that loosely resembled 67 GTV seats cov.. ered in cloth. The car was quite fast for its day. Smog laws had strangled new cars so much that even Corvettes, Porsches and Ferrari 308s didn't have 200 to play with. My GTAm had about 140 and weighed around 1700 lbs., so it had the advan.. tage over most. Back then, there were very few road .. racing .. type cars on the street. In fact, even a car painted red was somewhat unusual. For three or four years it was my daily driver. It got me to work every morning and to the grocery store, laundromat, and beach on the weekends. I often took my dates out in the car. I considered it a good omen if I got a second date with the same girl. The GTAm did not come with a pink slip {remember those?}. It was never titled, registered or road legal in the USA. I did not even attempt to register it with the DMV. For ten years I used the Duetto License plate and registration when driving it. One time I actually had to smog the GTAm while claiming it was the Duetto. Because the Duetto wasn't in a drivable condi.. tion, yet I needed to maintain the registration so that I could continue to use the GTAm! Naturally, I got pulled over all the time by the cops. Sometimes this was well earned; more often than not, it was for a "fix .. it" ticket. I got so many "fix.. it" tickets that I eventually learned to sign them off myself using the name and badge # from one of the earlier tickets I had received. Amazingly, the cops never noticed it wasn't a convertible as stated on the Duetto registration. Several times I actually outran them in my hometown of Laguna because I knew the side streets and alleys better than they did. Laguna is a small town though, and a couple of times I got pulled over by different cops asking me if I knew they had been chasing me some previous time. I always played dumb and very respectful, blaming it (not hearing the siren) on the excessive noise the car made, at which point I got another fix .. it ticket (for loud exhaust) and was released. Here's what I know about the car history. The chassis according to the Fusi book was from 1970 with hanging pedals. Unfortunately, I do not remember the chassis #. It was either imported complete or assembled in the US with all Autodelta parts, possibly by a SoCal Alfa racer named Bob Barlow and his father Dick sometime in the mid .. '70s. It also passed briefly through Dave Veghers hands in a package deal that included a GTA. He then sold the GTAm to another guy who raced the car in SCCA and Alfa Club races who then sold the car to the attorney who may have driven it in several local Alfa Club races. I owned the car for about nine years and sold it to John Cote in 1990, who owned it for three years before selling it to Robert Pass of Passport Transport. I contacted Robert Pass the other day and unfortunately he does not remember the car from the photos I sent him. He thinks that he may have "flipped" the car before actually seeing it. Besides the challenge of reassembling the GTAm and the great fun I had driving it, there were some serious life lessons I learned. The first and most obvious: do not sign a contract without fully understanding what you are signing. If I had asked the attorney to be specific about which parts he would remove, I'm sure he would have only removed those parts. The second lesson that took a while to sink in, is that it's not the attorney's fault I got burned it's mine! (see above). And the third lesson is, that from disas .. ter can come great things. Eventually, I turned my hobby with Alfas, racing, and restoration into a career. My friend Alex Bacon and I formed Vintage Prep and built several nationally successful Alfa race cars and also restored cars that won National level concours including Pebble Beach. " Buying or Selling an AHa? Look out for Scams! By Brewster Thackeray M ichael, an AROC member in upstate New York, has a sweet, low.. mileage '81 Spider for sale. You might have seen his ad here in the Owner. Like any of us looking to sell a car, he was delighted to get an inquiry on his vehicle (reprinted here verbatim): I am interested in the above mentioned vehicle please get back to me with ,photos,last asking price,present mechanical condition of the vehicle and shippment method. Thanks Swarzt Thanks for your mail and pic,I have spoken to my client and he has instructed me to inform you that pay .. ment will get to you in a certified check of $13 ,995. 00 made by my client. Due to company policy this check has to be made out in this amount to you, because com.. pany policy only allows a refund payment on one check,so you are required to deduct cost of the vehicle i.e $8,995 when payment gets to you and refund bal.. ance $5,000 to my customer's agent via western union money transfer or through the agent bank account for him to be able to offset shipping charges. Since I reside in new york After payment has reached you and bal.. ance sent back to him ,our agent will come pick up title/paperwork and drive to a prepaid shipper to be shipped to my customer. I could send the check to you through ups or fedex courier immediately. Please for .. ward your full names, address and phone number now. Thanks. Swarzt Maybe you have received such a note yourself. It's odd it asks for information that was probably in your listing, such as the "last asking price," and the phrasing and grammar are awkward. Michael replied with the full information. The inquirer, who used the memorable name "Swartzt Butt" again asked the price, and the seller told him'~: At this point Michael wrote to us to share his $8,950, detailing the car's fine condition and suspicion it was a scam. It absolutely is. If you remarkably low 22,000 miles. "Swartzt" sent a more receive inquiries along this line, assume the worst, detailed, yet again poorly written note, this time: and you will be right. 14 • OCTOBER 2006 Of course, someone with better grammar and research skills might string any of us along. But any request to work with an overpayment check should set off your "scam alert" light. Another twist scammers are using involves "second chance" offers for items on e .. Bay. Maybe you bid on a car that you didn't win. Suddenly, the owner appears to be offering it to you at a very desirable price. My friend L.D. is a professional Internet car salesman. After running an e .. Bay auction he was contacted by someone who wanted to sell him a van. The problem was, L.D. hadn't bid on this par.. ticular van-he was the sell.. erl It was sitting in his yard. He decided to mess with the scammer and exchanged a number of e.. mails. His last one blasted the guy for being the twist .. ed, untalented wannabe crook he was and reflecting on how many years in hell he had earned with his feeble attempt. (As when dealing with any crimi .. nals, law enforcement probably would urge against doing this due to potential risk to yourself. But L.D. sure had fun.) Clueless notes, bad grammar, transparent check schemes-does anyone really fall for these things? Sadly, yes. Roll Call newspaper reported a case where a young woman who worked on Capitol Hill accepted an offer on her Buick. She got a $10,000 check for a $6,000 car, and sent the extra $4,000 back to the buyer via Western Union. His check bounced. Her money did not. She was out $4,000 and still had a car to sell. Unbelievable, but it happened. Almost nobody enjoys the experience of buying a new car. Selling an old car can be just as big a nightmare. The scammers make it that much less fun. Hopefully by keeping each other informed, we can stop them from hurting us and our fellow auto hobbyists! KEY TIPS • If an e.. mail has excessive grammatical errors, or asks questions that nobody who has read your ad should still have, be sus .. picious. If the writer asks generic ques .. tions that could apply to any car in the world, they're not an Alfa buyer. • If someone claims to be an agent for a buyer, be wary. Most legitimate agents will not identify themselves as such initially because it implies they have a wealthy client-the antithesis of how to secure the best price. • If someone wants to negotiate a price without having asked you questions about your car or seen it, you don't want to deal with them. If someone won't give you a phone num .. ber or speak by phone, they're not a serious buyer. • If someone proposes an unorthodox payment method, "just say no." Don't accept an over.. payment; anyone who really wants your car can get you the correct amount per your terms. If they want a refund, especially via Western Union, it is almost certainly a scam. • If you receive a large bank check, ask a bank cashier to verify its authentici .. ty. Even after doing so, wait for it to clear and tell the seller the car and title are not available until it has cleared. If you are paid by PayPal, make sure the payment is both received and has cleared your account (that it is not "pending") before you move forward. • If you list your car on e.. Bay, consider doing a "private auction." This will hide bidders' identities, at least during the auction, reducing the risk they will be harassed by scammers. Also with e.. Bay, rec .. ognize that if you include a "buy.. it .. now'-' price, a scammer can instantly end your auction, wasting your time and money. " OCTOBER 2006 • 15 1938 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Millie Miglia Spider in Cartier et Luxe. he Goodwood Festival of Speed, located in Chichester, England, has always been a great place for Alfisti and the fourteenth running of the event on July 7,9 was no exception. Improbable though it may seem, it's now 100 years since the first Coppa Florio{Targa Florio in Sicily and six past winners were at Goodwood to celebrate the occa, sion, including Arturo Merzario and Nino Vaccarella. Three,time Targa winner Vaccarella T 16 • OCTOBER 2006 (1971 in a Tipo 33/3) enjoyed runs up the Goodwood hill in the Alfa Romeo Museo Storico's Tipo 33{rT/12 from 1975. Merzario shared the same car but also ran a Ferrari 312PB, similar to his 1972 race winner, co,driven then by Sandro Munari. Although Vaccarella's face rarely shows much emotion, I'm assured by his nephew that Nino was having a ball! Nino Vaccarella prepares to set off in the 33IT12. OCTOBER 2006 • 17 Wonderful 8C 2900B Touring was Cartier winner. Nino Vaccarella and Arturo Merzario. static display, was a 1924 RL Targa Florio belonging to Contessa Francisca Lurani, the car previously owned from 1967 by Count "Johnny" Lurani. The Cartier "Style et Luxe", an annual event at the Festival, is a slightly different take on traditional concours. It is the equivalent of the classic bar room debate about which is the most beautiful car ever made. A celebrity panel tour the fifty entries, waving their arms and rubbing their chins, until a winner is announced. Not for the first time, the The ex-Luarani 1924 RLTF. winner turned out to be an Alfa Romeo. Bill Ainscough's Touring bodied 1937 BC 2900B was Marco Cajani and the Scuderia del Portello brigade simply stunning and a worthy victor. Also among were also out in force, as they are at many European the entries were Corrado Lopresto's 1939 6C 2500 meetings. Making a first appearance, but only as a and Pierre Mellinger's 6C 2500 MM Spider. ,.. 18 • OCTOBER 2006 Alfa Romeo All-Alloy Twin Cam Companion: 1954-1994 four-Cylinder History, Care, and ResloraUon: Glulletta and Alfetta Families by Pat Braden Softcover, 8-3/8In. by 11 tn., 296 Pages 392 photos and illustrations No. GALG •••••••••••••••• PrIce Don't forget to tell us your size! M-L-XL-XXL '3995 The Alta Romeo All-Alloy Twin Cam Companion Is dedicated to aU of these cars that used the aU-alloy twin cam four. That means that Ifs about the Alfas that Americans love best Spiders, Berlinas, Sprints, even those Incredibly rare SZ and TZ models - they're all In the AJfa Romeo All-Alloy TWIn cam Companion. Chapters focus on Aifa America. the various body styles, the engine, englna repair, the transmission, suspension, restoration and racing. What goes wrong and what doesn't Is all covered In the pages of Pat Braden's flnal work about his beloved Alfa Romeos. According to Don Black, the retfred chief engineer of Alta Romeo, Inc. Uthls volume remalnsas a technical history for all A1fisti to savor.n But, with all the hands on Infonnatlon, It is far more than atechnical history. In short, whether you want a book to sit and read In your favorite chair or to keep on your work bench for scores of helpful hints and procedures, The Affa Romeo AllAlloy TWIn Cam Companion Is the book to own if you have an Alta Romeo built from 1954 to 1994 that uses that jewel of a twin-cam engine. Alfa Romeo Owner's Biblenl by Pat Braden Softcover, 8-112In. by 11In., 288 Pages 400 photos and illustrations No. GALF ................................Price The Alfa Owner Classic High quality 100% combed cotton pique shirt is styled with carefully stitched shoulder and side seams, split shirttail hem and double reinforced collar and cuffs. The embroidered logo proudly displays the AROC emblem. Made in the USA, this is the best shirt money can buy! No. AR5D11V Milano Verde (Forest Green) No. AR5011R Alfa Rosso(Alfa Red) ~500 No. AR5011B Marino (navy blue) ................ Price ~~ Each Magnificent Grill Badge Just like the old European rally badges. This is awinner. Our new heavy metal AROC Alfa Romeo badge is beautifully made in gold gild with afull cloisonne Alfa Romeo - Milano Logo in five colors. Easily attaches to all grillS with included steel backer plate and 3' long threaded brass rods. Grill Badge is 2-112' wide and 3' high. ~ftOO No. GR-101 ................................ Prlce ~~.,. Great Sweats! '3495 Tune-Up, Maintenance, and Repair Procedures Competition Tuning • AIfa Buyer's Guide • History and Development Few cars evoke the passionate experience that comes with owning an A1fa. Accelerating at 100D-RPM Increments just to hear the exhaust note. Admiring the sensuous body styling and engine castings - so often copied In the designs of lesser cars. Head gasket repairs, valve adjustments, camshaft timing carburator. and SPICA fuel InlecHon tuning, and drlveshaft "donor replacement are lust afew of the maintenance and repair procedures explained and backed up with hundreds of step-by-step photos. You will also find expert advice on thIngs you should know when buying a used Alta where to look for rust. or signs of neglect or abuse - plus hlgh-perfonnance tuning for street and track, choosIng accessortes, and fascinating marque history. Covers Alfa models from 1954 up, IncludIng 184. Wick the moisture away and stay wann during cool Alfa outings with our beefy Alta Owner sweatshirt. Hanes,10 oz. 90% cotton, 10% polyester Navy (goes with everything) Blue. Elegant, discreetly embroidered historic Alta Romeo and Owners Club logo. Specify size when ordering. No. ST-101 Medium ST-103 Xl Sft~O No. ST-102large ST-104 XXl Price ~~.,- Winners Wear Winning T·Shirts Arguably the finest design ever created for an Alfa T-Shirt, Front the 2002 Alfa Owner T-Shirt Design Contest winner was inspired. Fine 100% combed cotton with beautiful sllk~ screening. A great piece of memorabilia you can wear with ... pride. Isn't that Enzo sitting on the right? ." .1,'. . 1, I TSH2001 Beige T-shirt with Alia Owner on front and photo-montage on back I $'1900 //®. Don't forget to tell us your size! M-L-XL-XXL Wear The Right Hat! Why A Leather Key Fob? Hats designed by Alfisti for Alfisti. Make sure the emblem on your hat is the one on your Alta. Our hats are top quality cotton with structured front and Velcro adjustment. The emblems are directly embroidered into the fabric and have upwards of 7000 stitches. Emblem reference: D'Amico &Tabucchi, G. Nada, Ed~ore, Milano, 1996. 1950 -1971 Beige No. HAT1D1 1972 -1981 Red No. HAT1D2 Price 1982 Blue No. HAT1D3 Usually, the dash is scuffed or scratched by the metal key fob Swinging back and forth. That's why you need a soft leather fob! Especially for the older cars with metal dashboards or chrome trim. Get one today and stop scratching your car. No. FOBOD1 $700 leather key fob Price $'1900Each i .."-. It/· . ". .,. , ' Price ,/ / .e-- '__ f[) ([) (£) I ! .'( , II J q:/I Back .......... .1 CALL 877-399-2762 (9-5 EST) BORDER ONLINE AT WWW.AROC-USA.O'RG • Tech 101: 1957 Giulietta Spider Impra Heater By Conrad E. Miesiak T here comes a time in one's life when you feel you can still contribute to others with shared knowledge. I have been doing this for a number of years especially among my acquaintances in the Detroit region. Sometimes I think I'm boring them, or I'm bragging. Our Fred Flynn called this a show and tell. I'm just trying to demonstrate what can be done if one has the wherewithal and is a cheap .. skate. I have been collecting and/or making parts while "remanufacturing" my Spider Normale. Thirty years ago I restored the car which was a real "rust bucket." Hoffman Motors was my only source for a nosepiece, front fender, rear bumpers, etc. There I go again, boring. On to cases. If anyone has ever had the stock Impra heater out for service you will recall that the hoses at the heater are preformed elbows. Not only couldn't you find them, but bending straight hose and fitting clamps was near impossible because of 20 • OCTOBER 2006 the lack of headroom. I still can't do things backwards from a mirror image. In shear frustration I formed "curvy" extensions using 5/8" annealed cop .. per tubing. The exact details are lost in antiquity (I've forgotten), but I came up with a method for soldering them to the core. Nowadays one can make severe bends in any thin wall tubing by first filling with Cerrobend, a bismuth alloy. Similar material is used in sheet form as the "fusible link" in overhead sprinklers. Cerrobend melts in hot water. I first came upon this material working at Holley Carburetor Aircraft on an invention using diameter 1/8" x .005" wall tubing. The idea was to make a diameter 1" loose coil spring. The shop foreman Oscar suggested I use Cerropend. Now here's a real funny story., A c()upl~ :of years ago I wanted to bend some 3/16" thinwalltu1l>ing. I put my cake of Cerrobend intomyWife'~,old'Joast .. er pan, added water and set it tGl b~H. ~ ,was soon able to fill the tube. I th~n piddred ~<:)muffi ,tMking various bends after which my idea flopped, but I wanted to recover the filling. Everything went back into the roaster. Now here is where my brain failed me in a big way. Not finding a suitable metal can, I used a glass jar which I placed in the sink over the garbage dis .. posal. I then started pouring the whole works into the jar. You guessed it, the jar broke and the Cerrobend went into the disposal and solidified. My wife Julie must have thought, "What a nut cake!" I could just see myself spending $200 for a disposal and drain.. line cleanout. Not being dis .. couraged, I managed to clean the system. To stiffen the extensions, I soldered a spacer between them. The original firew.all grommets were still good at that time and th~ bores accepted the heater no .. sweat. Now the grommets were shot. I decided to make replicas punching suitably sized wafers from 1/16" neophrene sheetstock. I used contact cement to bond the outer wafers to make a pair after which each pair was bonded to the center wafer. I sanded the O.D. against a disc sander, then "voila," I had replica grommets, but with smaller bores, I used a set of "Made in China" punches which worked fine except they should have been sharper. To complete the job, the door hinges had to be repaired. The housing, et al. were blasted, metal prepped, then sprayed with Hirschs Miracle Paint. Be very careful using this stuff. Do not breathe the overspray as NO mask will filter out the isocyanate component. Spray from upwind and hold your breath. " . / OCTOBER 2006 -21 ****************** EREMINAS IMPORTS HOME OF THE TZ REPLICA NEW - Steel crank pulley 1300 $125.90 New - Steel crank pulley 1600 $129.90 NEW - ALUMINUM II Ib flywheel $598.00 WATER pump, 750/101 reblt. 150.00 New mfg.-stronger clutch pivot shaft-liS $69.00 POSTER 1935 8e 2900 - stunning 45.00 STAINLESS 105/1 IS hard Iines@ditT. 62.85 pr.;@ front wheels 48.50 pro Stainless flex br. hoses (with black outer covering - look OE) 1051115 89.903 pc New Seat Belt webbing. black 2.50/ft Colombo & Bariani Cams Why mess with the rest? Get the best!! 1330 - 10.9 mm, 280 deg. duration 566.90 pr 1331-12.0 mm, 292 deg. duration 566.90 pr URETHANE ENGINE MOUNTS: Spider/GTV U R elastomer only 68.70 ea GTV -6lMilano UR elastomer only 66.90 ea .CARBON-METALLIC BRAKE PADS GREAT STOPPING, LONG WEAR. From $29.50 to $68.50 for all 105 -164 SEAT BELT 3-pt. w/retr.$109.90 BOSCH DISTRIBUTOR $149.75 BRAND NEW 164 fro Bumper-w/wiper $1200.00 BRAND NEW Milano hlw reservoir $25.00 Tools: pinion nut, 1300/1600 & 2000 Brand new reproductions. $76.80 CHASSIS STIFFENER $495.00 REINZ head gaskets; 1300-2000 LIGHTENED TRANSMISSION GEARS - lIS $300.00 exchange ORIGINAL ALFA Synchro rings $35.95 We do top-quality engine and transmission rebuilds: we also 13 1 : 11 Talbot. 4 Sport Itinorr .,~ • •-' I <_ •• , i _ ' ... recondition beads, port & polisb, install oversize valves and cross-drill blocks, to pressurize all tbe main bearings. All work bas a one year warranty. No comebacks! lOIII05 fuel filter/reg on fender well 92.60 ELECTRON STA YFAST TOPS 455.00 BUMPER, rear -fiberglass 75-82 Spi 330.00 3-spoke WOODEN STEER. WH $179.00 3-spoke LEATHER STEER. WHo $128.00 ALFETrAlMILANO LEMFOERDER ball joints - the best! Bot. 66.90, Top 67_25 750-115 LEMFOERDER tie rod ends 18.50 BEST QUALITY Italian lOS/liS ball joints upper $91.90 ea., lower $48.60 ea. _ 1-800-253-2468 4442-8 27111/W8. West SeElttie.VVA qS199 (206) 378-0900 22 • OCTOBER 2006 ALFA ROMEO SERVICE DIRECTORY The service/parts providers listed are seriously interested in keeping your Alfa, the marque and ARoe alive and well in America! This Directory is paid for by the listed service facilities. * DENOTES FACTORY AUTHORIZED ALFA ROMEO SERVICE AND PARTS PROVIDER. $ Buy & Sell Alfa Romeos • t/ Service Alfa Romeos • • Alfa Romeo Parts Auto International 9609 N. 21st. Drive Phoenix. AZ 85021 (602) 997-6792 S II • 510 Ballough Road Daytona. FL 32114 (386) 258-0243 (386) 258-6354 Fax $ II • Alfa Performance Connection 1753 N. Batavia Street Orange. CA 92865 (949) 588·0500 or (714) 279·0500 (714) 279-0501 Fax $ II • 4505 Lomas Blvd. N.E. Albuquerque. NM 87110 (505) 265-0855 (505) 265·1558 Fax $ II. 1321 S. Dixie Hwy. W. Pompano Beach. FL 33060 (954) 946-5005 (954) 946-0555 Fax $ II 13955 Poway Rd .• Suite C Poway. CA 92064 (858) 486-0350 (858)486-5118 Fax $ II. Natale's Auto Repair 1386 White Oaks Rd. Suite E Campbell. CA 95008 (408)369-8629 (408)369-8639 Fax $11. 526 Merrick Rd. Baldwin. NY 11510 (516) 623-0199 Phone & Fax $ II. 981 Wyckoff Ave. Ridgewood. NY 11385 (718) 381·6764 (718) 628·7378 Fax " $ II • 1908 Willow Rd. Northbrook. IL 60062 (847) 480-8980 $ II. 415 W. Roosevelt Rd. Maywood. 1160153 Illinois toll free (BOO) 339-ALFA or (708) 450-4430 Roselli Foreign Car Repair 390 Lincoln Ave San Jose. CA 95126 (408) 297-0303 (408) 297-0304 Fax $ II. 148 Ferris Ave. White Plains, NY 10603 (914) 949.0103 (914) 949·0618 Fax $ II. 5928 Belair Rd. Baltimore. MD 21206 (410) 426-7524 (410) 426-8194 Fax www.difana.comll • Milano Motors 4221-R Howard Ave. Kensington, MD 20895 (30l) 564-1099 II. Trail Auto 24349 Ann Arbor Trail Dearbom Heights. MI 48127 (313) 561-3327 (313) 561-4576 Fax (BOO) 445-ALFA lrailauto® $ II • Auto Veloce, Inc. 1472 N.E. 130th St. North Miami. FL 33161 (305) 891-9556 Phone & Fax $ Auto Volante, Inc. 4422 SW 74th Ave. Miami. FL 33155 (305) 266-0810 (305) 266-0894 Fax $ II • European Auto Specialist 4453 Sycamore Rd. Cincinnati,OH 45236 (513) 891-8450 (513) 891-8460 Fax $11. Cherry St.Greensburg. PA15601 (724) 331-4581 Email: Web:! t/ Italian Motor Service South Lake· 2733 Gust Rd. Verona. WI 53593 (608) 848·6123 Phone/Fax II. Reina International Auto LTD 4050 N. 128th St. Brookfield, WI 53005 (262) 781-4077 13560 US Hwy 183 Austin. TX 78750 (512) 335-1479 (512) 335·1226 Fax (BOO) 338·5238 www.motorcarshd.comll • Garcia Alfa Racing 742 West 18th Street Houston, TX 77008 713·862-7375 www.garciaalfamcing.comll • * * Rex Chalmen' Alfa Sport N2001 Rolling Dr. Campbellsport, WI 53010 (920) 946-10700 $ II • Vick Autosports Mondo Car Auto Repair RI. 82 East TWinsburg, OH 44087 (330) 405-0555 II • 1718 S. 148 W. AveSand Springs. OK 74063 (918) 245-2960 email: davecornpton@cox.netll * Pat Slattery's Automotive Service 12730 W. Capitol Dr. Brookfield. WI 53005 (262) 781-3336 Halpert Auto Group Compton's Auto Repair Fast Company, Inc. * 1401 12th Avenue Seanle. WA 98122 (206) 329-7070 20801 L'Ikeshore Drive E. Spicewood. TX 78669 (512) 447-7001 (512) 441·5093 Fax $ II • 36845 Euclid Ave. Willoughby. OH 44094 (440) 946-5700 (440) 946-5239 Fax $ II • 222 Boonton Ave. Boonton. NJ 07005 (973) 335-5373 (973) 334-8202 Fax dba Peter D'Amico Alfa 200 Chesmut Ave. Vineland. NJ 08360 (856) 794-2020 Ferrari & Maserati of Seattle Reina International Auto. Sal's Auto Service $ II. 3406 North Market St. Spokane. WA 99207 (509) 482-2955 Parts: (800) 231·9810 II. Veloce Engineering & Autosport Motorcars (. )" !.:\ 11 ( >.\1:\ II • Nick Falcone Enterprises, L.L.C. Di Fatta Brothers Ltd. \11\"111(;.\.'.; 1480 East County Line Rd. Littleton. CO 80126 (303) 730-7340 (303) 797-8874 Fax $ II • 5363 Main St. Williamsville. NY 14221 (716) 633-8686 (716) 633-1322 Fax $ II • Dominick European Car Repair ( :( >I (>1\:\1)( > Ferrari of Denver Corsmith Italian Automotive $tI. $ II • Vtllage Import Auto Sales & Service * (215)736-3820 161 Rockhill Rd. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 (610) 664·0944 (610) 644-6815 Fax E-mail: tI Italia Automobili Omega Motorsport 3822 Clarington Avenue Culver Ciry. CA 90232 (310) 836-3160$ II • 509 West Bridge Street Morrisville. PA 19067 Alfa Import Center West Suburban Imports, Inc. * Alfa Performance Center Import Doctors 2077 B Camino Ramon San Ramon. CA 94583 (925) 277-9460 (925) 277-9463 Fax www.importdoctors.comll • Alfa of Tacoma 615 St. Helens Ave. Tacoma. WA 98402 Tacoma (253) 572-ALFA Seattle (253) 838-2531 (253) 572-2533 Fax $ t/ • $11. Alfa Auto Clinic 623 Dunton Circle Smyrna. GA 30082 (770) 433-0552 (770) 984-2792 Fax \V:\:-III.'.;(.!().'.; 426 N.E. 102nd Ave. Portland. OR 97220 (503) 257-9655 (503) 257-2407 Fax Performance Imports Italian MotorWorks Foreign Auto Menders, Inc. $t/. Ron Tonkin Gran Turismo Stephens AHa Corp ( :.\UI·( )1;:-:1:\ (856) 691-9420 Fax Parts: (BOO) 781-3278 FastCo® $ II • RML Automotive, Inc. 5200 Vesta Farley Road Fort Worth. TX 76119 (817)572-7793 VJJt~.J:-;I:\ European Classics & Sports Cars 611 Wickham St. Richmond, VA 23222 (804) 321-9280 $ II. Sports Car Workshops 1210 Myers St. Richmond, VA 23230 (804) 421-0295 (804) 421-0297 Fax OCTOBER 2006 • 23 • Wheels • Brake upgrades • Polyurethane bushing kits • Chassis & exhaust components • Braided SS flex brake lines Ingram Enterprises, Inc. For Alfa Romeos and other European sports cars SPICA Fuel Injection High Quality Engine and Cylinder Head Modifications Injection Pumps Cams • Actuators Electromotive Direct Fire Ignition and Programmable Injection visit us: email: Send All Shipments To: 15613 Peterson Rd., Bldg. C Burlington, WA 98233 phone 360-707-5701 We're now in Burlington full time way to contact us is Email I ALFA SPIDER PAR T S With Money Back Guaranteel Complete £nglnes and Parts Transmissions or Parts Driveshafts, fl'f\4(heels, Rear £nds (center sect or wheel· wheel) O£M wheels, power window Regulators & motors, bumpers, O£M dashes, tachs, speedos, Radios, CD players, body parts, Brake calipers & rotors. EVERY PART SPIDERS BUILT WITH - In stock: '72, '76, '82, ~84, '85, '86 (More coming) Download our latest parts catalog todayl You'll find hundreds of new products, accessories, and hard to find parts for your A1fa Romeo. And, as always, be sure to check our web site often for the latest arrivals. Spiders Bought & Sold Ross Durant (409) 915-1414 - (409) 611-6544 rdurant1 24 • OCTOBER 2006 Remanufactured Dashboards and Wood Veneer Kits IL MERCATO Wanted WANTED: Both Front Seats for 1991 Spider. Prefer tan series 4 seats. Will consider others. (07/06) (336) 722,3431 NC WANTED: 1960's era Giulietta Spider in perfect condition, preferably Red. Contact Jim Pugh, 359 Carolina Avenue, Winter Park, Fl. 32789 (407) 644,9055 (07/06) WANTED: Brake warning light switch for hydraulic cluster found in engine compart· ment (rear firewall) 1969 USA 1750 Alfa. Part # Tom Ducibella. Eves: (978) 921·012 (09/06) 1960-1969 1961 GIULETTA Sprint White with blue and grey cloth interior. Nardi wheel. 81,000 miles Cosmetic and mechanical restoration of a very clean original car. $29,000. Dave (516) 541·9541 Evenings before 9pm. (07/06) 1965 GIULIA SPIDER VELOCE. This car is in exceptional condition. Farina red/black. Full cosmetic restoration. New paint, top, windshield, carpets/mats, seats, tires and more. Absolutely no rust. Engine and transmission in excellent condition. New clutch. Matching serial numbers. Twice shown in the prestigious Palos Verdes Concours. Over $16,000 invest' ed in restoration. All receipts. Photos avail· able. $36,000 Marty (310) 377·4279. Email (09/06) 1967 GIULIA SUPER VINTAGE RACECAR. Modified 1750, 45 DCOE Webers, 2.0 liter gearbox and L.S.D., big brakes, all Plexiglass, full cage, fuel cell, Panasports, no DNF's, very reliable and fast. RMVR, logbook, some spares. $12,000 (303) 651,1994 (07/06) 1967 DUETTO. 6K on engine rebuild, new: front brake calipers & pads, generator, entire front end and drive ass'y rebuilt, exhaust, Vredstein 165SR15's w/< 200 miles. Excellent mechanicals, sound body, no rust, all original (less re·upholstered seats), radio, all no's match. Current owner last 5 years, Dick Hutter (630) 369,1859. Asking $14K (07/06) 1967 ALFA ROMEO GIULIA SUPER SPORTS SEDAN. "Very special" Alfa race car for sale This has to be the fastest Giulia in the world. Due to business commitments and a growing family I now have to part with a big part of my life. The best thing to do is to visit to know all about this car. (10/06) 1970-1979 1970 GIULIA TI. Excellent brown exterior/ tan pigskin.76K miles. 2 L. installed by Domenick's, White Plains, N.Y. Rugh Engineering springs. GTV alloys. Italian gauges. Period Becker radio. Super grille with screened air inlets. New: headliner, window and door gaskets. Fast. Fun. $12950 OBO. Missouri. Jack. 1,800·886·2701. bryantmotors (09/06) 1971 ALFA SPIDER. Convertible, new top new paint, under 5,000 miles on rebuilt engine. $6,000 even. Ask for Sal (845) 897,8292 (07/06) 1971 GTV Chassis No. 1532284. red/tan paint and interior. Excellent engine and trans' mission without faults. Shankle suspension· sump guard·Alfa alloys, recent rebuilt Spica' new clutch master and clutch slave. $18,000. Ask for Grant (80l) 272·6618 (07/06) 1971 1750 GTV, complete but not running. The floor pans need replacing, and possibly the rockers.lncluded, extra doors, trunk lid, hood, seats, wheels, many mechanical parts, etc., taken from a junked GT. $ 4,oooMike Driscoll, (519) 763·8825, (10/06) 1972 GTV 2000, white with black interior. A great driver with straight body, good dash and interior. 32000 miles since rebuild of engine and drive train, repaint and re.uphol, stery in 1989. Has hi.compression pistons, Euro cams, Webbers, etc. Owner's health requires sale. Garaged and well cared for; Asking $9000. Pics available on request email or (410) 465·5172 MD (07/06) 1974 GTV Silver metallic/black interior in excellent condition. In the last five years the engine (some performance mods), gearbox (lightened gears), upholstery (fabric) and car· pets have all been redone. Paint is about 13 years old and in excellent condition. Momo Vega wheels. Second owner with receipts from 1988. $15,000. (650) 948·4831 evenings (10/06) (07/06) (860) 567,0144 1978 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER VELOCE, red with camel leather interior and new black top. Pirelli tires, panasport wheels. 97,000 original miles. Runs great. Immaculate exteri· or and interior conditions. Metcolously main, tained and always garaged. Anna, the present owner, getting too old to seat in that beauty. $ 9,000 or make me an offer. Call 208,661,2556 or email (10/06) 1979 ALFETTA SEDAN. SIN AR11658oo02758, silverw/ brown cloth inte· rior, 2.0 L, 5 speed in excellentoriginal condi· tion, 18,600 original miles, all documentation, matching numbers. $10,000. Contact Paul at e·mail: (q7/06) 1980-1989 1981 SPIDER Red/black w/hardtop. 22K miles, like new w/original sales documents. NY, $8,950 obo. Pictures are at Email (09/06) (917) 843,5306 1982 SPIDER VELOCE, ivory, blue, new top, roll bar, always garaged, 16 year California car, new mats, daily driver, great tires, great turbino wheels, great upholstery, high milage, slight oil leak for ten years, slight rust on lower side panels, great miles, great radio, great AC. $3,000 email: (07/06) 1982 GTV,6 charcol color blue leather int.17,000 orig. miles. original owner. parked in winter. $10,000 firm Beloit WI (608)751·9713 (10/06) 1976 ALFA ROMEO 2000 SPIDER VELOCE, Red, 85,000 miles. Great condi, tion, one family, garaged winters, original paint, no accidents, no bondo, good top. Dual Webers, new front brake calipers, new heater core, runs great. Moving and no stor· age, must part. $3,500. Email: or call (406) 721,3798 (Missoula, MT). (07/06) 1983 SPIDER VELOCE Red w/black top, tan interior. 58K, no rust, garaged and well cared for. Upgrades include 15x7 Panasport wheels and chassis stiffener. Everything works, A/C, power windows/mirrors etc, even the time delay courtesy light ... ! No crunch 5spd trans. Recent tune w/valve adjustment, no leak motor. All rubber hoses replaced 3+ years. Car has no abusive wear in or out. Finish is original with a great patina. $7K Numerous photos, contact (10/6) 1978 ALFETTA SEDAN 78,400 miles, tobacco brown & tan velour. Cromadora 14in Star wheels, balanced engine, dead clutch, no accidents but stored outside with surface rust. Too good for parts, restorable, 2nd owner $5000BO (201) 755·1202 NJ (07/06) 1984 GTV,6 No rust, 60k miles, solid engine + transmission 164S cams, tensioner changed recently. $3,000 OBO Ask for Ray (479) 484·0838 (07/06 ) 1978 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER VELOCE CONVERTIBLE Brown/tan top. Original owner, Southern California, garaged only. 100,000 miles, good running condition with few cosmetic repairs, will make a great addi, tion to any Alfa collection. $3,000 OBO. Please contact: parv351 or (562) 596,6042 (07/06) 1978 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER VELOCE. Yellow, original paint,black interior. 25,179 original miles. Has hard T,top. Asking $14,000. I have owned the car for 21 years. 1985 SPIDER GRADUATE, 84K miles. White, good paint, new top. recovered seats, new exhaust, many new suspension parts, new computer, clutch replaced, new fuel pumps, easily daily driver, A/C does not work, can't enjoy due to leg problems is reason for sale. $5000.00 OBO, 1986 GTV,6 Red with tan interior. Recent tires and exhaust. New PA state inspection. 54K miles. $5500 OBO. Car located in subur, ban Philadelphia, PA Mike (215) 630,1967 (07/06) OCTOBER 2006 • 25 1986 GTV.. 6, white with black velour, Impeccable condition 47 ,XXX miles. No rust with good synchros. Ronal wheels with a spare set of original wineglass. Recent timing belt, tensioner/water pump. $9,900 George (630) 32S~4133 (09/06) 1986 SPIDER GRADUATE. Red/Black runs and looks great. Sl,ooo original miles, 2nd owner. Everything works, AKAI CD/MP3 stereo. Always garaged for the last 8 years. Car is in Maryland. Priced to sell $4,ooo! (301) 482~ 1186 (09/06) 1986 SPIDER VELOCE 35,000 original miles, vehicle in storage past S years. Current reg. and smog, refinished 8 years ago w/ Glasurit paint. Chrome S spoke factory wheels, Alpine am/fm/cd player and alarm. Factory wood steer~ ing wheel, rare champagne metallic color. Tan leather interior with newish black top. A must see, a must drive. Call George (80S) 486~7811 9am~6pm PST (07/06) 1986 CALLAWAY TWIN TURBO GTV6, Red/tan, 61K. #24 of 33. All original (including paint!) and absolutely beautiful. Second owner, all records/receipts/manuals, no rust, no ding, GA car. 1T' 3~piece Gotti wheels, Toyos, slight~ ly lowered, Konis. Fresh clutch, belt, etc., ready to go. Fantastic tourer. Chuck: GA (07/06) 1986 GTV.. 6 Silver/Black Velour. Very good condition. European bumpers. 65K miles on engine. Recent transmission/suspension rebuild by AutoDelta, Atlanta. Interior very good. Owned since 1991. Original except Ronal A~1 wheels (have factory originals also). Car is in Savannah, GA. or (07/06) (912) S07~1262. $4,SOO I HAD MY 1987 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER GRADUATE FOR A WEEK when someone hit me in the left rear end. It's in good shape except where it was hit (left rear panelling and gas tank are gone). The mechanical parts are all in good order: Engine (87,000 miles) Transmission smooth on all gears. Power win~ dows, converted NC blows cold. Original Top Boot (covers convertible top when retracted) in great shape Canvas top is in great shape (rear window is clear)12~disc CD Hella halogen headlights Belts and brakes replaced in 2004 (cross~drilled, slotted rotors installed) New tie rods in front (replaced April 2006) I can be reached at: (07/06) ITB RACE CAR. Limitations within Alia Owner's classified ads limit number of words, so "ONLY SERIOUSLY" interested members please e~mail me at alfaracer for a detailed description of the car and photos. Price is FIRM at $12,Soo. Contact Tom Letoumeu Cumberland, RI (401) 334~3315 (07/06) 1991 SPIDER VELOCE Red/tan leather interior good, automatic. 30K, parting out, car is in N.J. Complete at this time, will take apart and ship whatever you need. Quadrifoglio rims + Pirelli P600 only 8K on. Sal (973) 335~5373 (07/06) 1991 164S, 76k, Black / Tan, beautiful pris~ tine original condition, including all com~ partments, meticulous service by Krause & England and DiFatta, all records, 12 years ownership, 2nd, All systems correct working order, 16" alloys, Michelins, and 5~ S wheels, non tampered original condition, serious inquires only, mid atlantic, Arch, (10/06) 1988 ALFA SPIDER GRADUATE up for adoption to good home. Rebuilt engine, redone interior, runs well, minor electrical issues. Begs to be driven, move forces sale, located in Reno, NV. 116K mi, $3500/ obo. (775) 351~9543 or (09/06) 1989 SPIDER VELOCE. 21K miles. Red ext, tan into Black top. Beautiful dash and steering wheel. This car came out of the museum in Rosanky. It is a nearly perfect car. Email pic~ tures available. $12,000 Contact: or (512) 263~2069 (07/06) 1991 164S, 61 K, Red/Black. Beautiful origi~ nal car looks new inside and out. Second owner, all manuals/records/receipts, no rust GA car. Always babied. Said to be one of the two nicest around. 16" 3~piece wheels, Michelins. Everything works. Still smells new. Chuck. GA (07/06) 1989 SPIDER VELOCE, 47,000 original miles. Always garaged, lovingly maintained, receipts kept for all repairs. Reason to sell is the most wonderful imaginable: We are now a 3 bum~family. This is a 2~bum car. Cdn $18,000 OBO (613) 236~1901 (07/06) 1994 SPIDER CE, 600 actual miles! Car was in storage at Alfa Of Tacoma until a few months ago when I purchased it as a new car. Unbelievably nice, red/black. Everything works, all documentation / CE items included. See e~bay item 140003190059 for more 1990-Present . Classified... Ad Deadlines/Guidelines: --_._-_.. - •.,.. ......... ,- --- --------------- - ---._-_ -------,_.- .-".-" - _--,. 1988 ALFA SPIDER SCCA PREPARED 26 • OCTOBER 2006 , ..J AROC Member Classified Section: :.J Wanted :.J For Sale Membership Number: Telephone: Name: Address: State: City: Ad Copy: (50 words max.) 1987 SPIDER VELOCE: dark blue w/tan interior, 93k miles, garaged all 19 yrs, repaired only @ Alfa dealers w/Alfa parts, excellent con~ dition inside & out wino problems, $SSOO, located in Westhampton, N.Y., Owner is 60 yrs old & no longer practical. Call Rich (212) 744~8208 (07/06) 1987 MILANO Platinum/silver. Amazing 21,314 actual miles, so looks likes new. One owner. Arizona car. Great driver. Fitted like new luggage, ready to go. $3,000 OBO. George (480) 991~2923. (10/06) ,. The classified ad dtadllneis the 1- of tbem~ preceding the month of the issue. Ads may be mailed, ,faxed or ~mailed. Ads are limited to SO words and must ,refer to Alfa Romeo c:am, parts and accesSories. Ads will ,run for three consecutive issues unless we are lnstruqed to Cancel. To continue publlc:ation of an ad beyond three issues please reconfinn by each deadline ctate. &my. no phoros permitted Please print deady and legibly, to avoid anv misprints. Ads nut free of charge for aU Aifa Romeo OwnelS reganiless of dUb affiliation. No commercial advertisers please. To place the adt mail or fax to: LLC PARABOUCA PtJB~G, 5252 Orange Ave., Suite 109 .~ ,Cypress, CA 90630 Fax: (714) 817-2304 Zip: details. pictures. $26K. Mike·, (808) 391-3562 (07/06) miles. Will not separate. $100 each. Raleigh (703) 525-2919 (VA) (07/06) Rneville 1995 164LS 24 valves. 97K Red/black leather into fully loaded, 5 speed rebuilt engine, pis· tons, valves, bearings, water pump, t·belt. New clutch, brakes, body straight and clean. Pictures available. Asking $7000 OBO. Sal (973) 335-5373 (07/06) PARTS FOR SALE: 2 Weber 40 OC0E32's on manifiold • $ 1,000. 4 14 " Momo bas· ketweave mags· $ 1,000. Air horns for carbs on mounting plate. $ 250 Mike Driscoll, 519-763-8825, (10/06) 1995 164 Q Excellent condition. Black with tan interior. 54,000 miles. Pampered. $17,000 Call Glenn. 913-851-0348 (10/06) 1967 GTV BUMPERS: front $300 rear $200. Hood: $100. Trunk Lid: $150. Cowl Panel: $150. Doors: $200. Plexi Rear Window: $300. 15"x6" Panasports 38 mm offset for all Giulias: $950. 1 set. (360) 588·8311 (07/06) Parts MONTREAL VB ENGINE + TRANSMISSION· Complete with headers, Less Spica pump and ignintion. Stored as dis· play 20 years in dealership, needs rebuild. $3,500 OBO. Call Al Leake: (831) 338-9703 (07/06) LOT OF ALFA PARTS: I have a garage full of parts for '70's Spiders, Duenos, 164, and a '69 Berlina, including bumpers, trim, seats, etc. Too many to list. Please call (973) 335-5373 (07/06) FOR SALE: (1) 1750 shortblock, no cylin. ders $250 (1) 59 1300 engine, complete • no valves/cams #1315-010368 $450 (4) 4 speed transmissions, #8/41 5M38420, #13152, #94037, all early style #15613, late style $125 ea. (2) 74 Berlina front seats, excellent condo $100 pro (1) GTV-6 / Milano driveshaft, com· plete, balanced by Portland driveline servo $250 (2) Grad. wheel beauty rims, excellent condo $30 ea. All prices O.B.O.• Must sell (310) 257- 8691 (07/06) WEBER 40 DeOM pr, Malpassi fuel filter/regulator (sz/tz/ss), Vertex 4c magneto, all new in box. Also complete set EU & US microfiche Giulietta-119 includes factory reader. italmotion (08/06) 4 STOCK ALLOY WHEELS (6JXI5) from 1991 164S. Perfect condition, less than 2000 65 GUILlA SPIDER NORMALE PARTS CAR. The body is rusty, the engine is strong, the clutch is shot. Asking $300. Pictures available Evening phone (740) 881-0129. E·Mail: (09/06) FOR SALE: Alfa OEM front brake pads, part #10541.22,053.00/225 or new #()0713600. Fit all 1750/2000 lOS/lIS from 1969 through 1974 and 2000 Spiders 19751994. New, in original AR box. $10 to a good home, plus actual shipping. (231) 526-6050, (09/06) FOR SALE: Front and rear bumpers for 19711974 GTV with guards and rubber, fuel injec· tion "Quadraflow" air induction system for 1971-1979 Alfa's, Euro. 40mm intake mani· fold for Weber Carbs. Power window motors for Spiders. Piston and liner set for 2 ltr, Ilmm. Hp cams. Pictures are available on all items. All items are priced to sell. Email: (09/06) FOR SALE: 1986 GTV6 PARTS CAR / Bill of Sale Only. Mostly complete GTV6 with lots of rust. has lots of good parts including entire powertrain, front air dam, and more. Car is located in Southern California near Los Angeles. Asking $600 cash. Call Jim Ferris (909) 861-1474 or email ( 10/06) Miscellaneous FOR SALE: Original Alfa Romeo Parts Books (not copies) 1300, 1600, 2000, 2600. 1750 in original binders. Alfa Spider top boots in good condition. Alfa Romeo GT 1300 Junior owners manual with GT Junior insert. Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ manual, Alfa Romeo Giulia SS manual. Email: (09/06) FOR SALE: Alfa Romeo books & manuals for salei300 different titlesi Contact Alex Voss: 4850 37th Ave. So. Seattle WA. 98118. Tel (206) 721-3077 (10/06) EXPERI REPAIR OF All MECIIANII:Al a BEeIBONle SPEEDIIME1ERS, TACHUMEIERS AND CUICICS SPECIALISTS IN THE RESTORAnON OF VINTAGE INSTRUMENTS WfLQltElIFAIt IVEGLIAl SOALaTTI -.JAt:Gf.& • +-P810 Alto SPEEDOMETER lit IJasIDaI S11C111t57 718 EMERSON STREET PALO ALTA. CA 94301·2410 PHONE: fi5O.323.0243. FAX: ~ ii 4i 1S ~ ~. • . - . New AROC Jacket We found one we know you'll like. Black with red trim and lining, water resistant 100% Nylon, inside and sleeve pockets. Embroidered with full color AROC logo. Sizes- M, L, XL, XXL Order JAC -101 Price $55.00 'I"/:i!~ __ L~ Alfa Romeo Parts and Accessories ~ • Bosch Type OE Ignition Wire Set CopperWN 8apprascd coaneoton oe'lDe Dast IIoots Genaaa Collqlaalllds IIosoIa SpIder-S89.00 STY/. 1IIBaao- S120.00 .... :t.ln 5120.00 4 Cyllndol' Wire Sets Rod Wire Black Boots . . . . . . . . . c.dI. . c.r. ~7nlmoe'TJpo $19.96 eSUppnlssctlIllaal 01' COpperWlnlIlloe aam $ 22.00 Stainless Steel Brake Hose KIts S 72.00 DOT Approved appuoatIoas - 7scr101l10f1(tt~ SpecIal GnIcr 102 101 5250 N. Palm Avo 1228, Fmno, CA 03104 Tol-800 225 2m (AIfa) Fa sag 299 3942 omall· autoayag@oarthllnk.nCII OCTOBER 2006 • 27 Do you know anyone who should become a member of AROC? FROM THE VICE PRESIDENT Continued from page 4 Give them this application form. knowledge, no other club our size does this. It eats up a very large portion of our annual budg~ et. We have reached the point where our expens~ es are exceeding our income. We either need more income or less expense. I do not feel we can increase dues. We have not been successful in significantly increasing membership. Therefore, we must cut expenses. The board is currently working on doing just that." Ed notes that AROC is currently an "old car" club, with even the newest U.S. Alfa over ten years old. "As such, we do not have an increas~ ing pool of potential new members. That may change, if the rumors of Alfa's return prove to be true. If not, we must resign ourselves to living within a budget that we can afford." Like other members of the board, Ed appreci~ ates the ideas and insights of the membership, and welcomes your thoughts on ways to keep AROC operating in the black. Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: (H) (W) Cost: $60 annual. I wish to charge the dues to my credit card: Card Number: Expiration Date: Circle One: Visa • MasterCard • Discover • American Express Signature: BREWSTER THACKERAY IL VICE,PRESIDENTE, AROC,USA MOVING? Four weeks before the move: Call, e~mail, or mail your name and new address to: AROC P.O. Box 12340, Kansas City, MO 64116,0340 <admin@aroc,> (877) 399,AROC (2762) Toll free Be sure to include your membership number or your old mailing address as weU. 28 • OCTOBER 2006 I ! 1960'S Four beautiful words ... "Yes, that's in stock." Working Hard To Keep Parts In Stock Our Guarantee We stock more than 4,100 different parts. That keeps back orders down, so you won It have to wait. Inspect your purchase for 60 days. If youlre not completely satisfied, return new, unused product for a full refund. Fast, Fast Shipping If we receive your order by 3:00 p.m. EST, weill ship it that business day. Wei re as passionate about our Alfas as you are about yours. Enjoy the road I Paul Opiela, Founder Direct from Europe We have the volume to deal directly with suppliers in Europe-and pass the savings on to you. 35 Years of Experience Quality parts, courteous service and hard work have made us North Americals largest distributor of Alfa Romeo parts. Our Sales Advisors Know Your Car Our Sales Advisors have years of experience working on Alfas. They don't just sell our parts, they use them. Quality Parts Your Alfa deserves the best. That's why our lineup includes Koni, Bilstein & KYB shocks, K&N filters, Ferodo brake pads, AElBorgo pistons & liners, Deves rings, Regina chains, ANSA exhaust, Robbins tops, Bosch components & many more top-quality products. We Make It Easy To Shop Shop online or from our catalog. Either way, if you need any advice, we're just a phone call away. ~~~~~~~~i Ordering Online On our website, you'll find over 3,000 photos and lots of helpful tech features. You can shop by car or search by keyword or item number. The parts for your next project are just a click away. , " . OUR 2006 CATALOG INTERNATIONAL ®OJJ1S@ ~®tr~~ Call 1·800·726-0555 to order a FREE 84-page catalog or visit our website at
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