-'.;'••-• '•-'-' FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD some exhalations from the soil, which ' " " * •.'.-""^"'/'.i."-'.'-"*/:!^ «-'^'^'-:'-5"'-^7' Bownrlght Cruelty. Above all other earthly ilk, NEWS AND NOTES FOB WOMEN ;, Presidential Hirsute Adornment. not only infect the cattle breathing the I hatu the big, oH-fashioned pills; To permit; yourself aad family to i Potato Culture. "' Mr, Cleveland is the only President air, but also poison, the water and the By slow degrees they downward wend, Miss Mary Anderson carries a life in who has ever worn only a mustache, with "Suffer I" J And often pauBB, or upward tend; Peter C. Hiller, of Pennsylvania, thinks herbage in certain localities. It prevails MEN WHO XA.SB With sickness when i.t can bo prevented^ B A BE0U- suracee of $100,000. With such discomfort are they fraught, and the rest of his face smooth-shaven. cured so easily clover ground the best for" potato land, in the Southern States, but occurs in the Their good effects amount to naught BUSINESS. George Washington wore no beard. John There aro 7,162 women missionarie: With Hop Bitters ! 11 North in the fall, when the vegetation though corn stubble is generally used Now, Dr, Pierce prepares a pill Adams had a slight patch of whiskers in and preachers in England. because more convenient. Hillsides are becomes hard and indigestible and the That just exactly fills the biu— A Pellet, rather, thatia all— Tliere are 600 professional beauties i front of each ear. The faces of Jeffernot the best selections for potato culture, soil saturated with decaying and tei- The I h n j s an* Their Methods of son, Monroe and Madison were smoothA pleasant Purgative, and small; Killing- People—Guided by Gooil London who don't -work at all. as heavy rains often damage the growing menting matter. In the Southern mounJust try them as you feel tbeir need, shaven. John Quincy Ad ams had a light Having experienced a great dial'bt V and Bad Oinens. -crop. He cultivates the land with a tains it prevails in certain well-known Yellow is a distinctively f ashionabl pair of side whiskers, which followed You'll find that I apeak truth, indeed. "Trouble!'1 from indigestion, so muga sol! harrow as soon as the ground is dry places, as i n rich coves where the-water In the year 1807 a band of Indian ras- color in the ne-w spring millinery. •.j the line of his cheek bone. Andrew THE desire for Egyptian curiosities has as- that I came near losing rny enough after very heavy rain. Fertili- gathers and forms the heads of springs cals was accidently detected in the act We! „ , The old chine silks are revived, -with Jackson wore no beard. VanBuren had sumed the proportions of a craze in London. zers, especially those that contain pot- and streams and where the air is con-of dividing, what turned out to be the rings of-a dark color on light grounds. My trouble always came after eating myi thin side whiskers, which ran around The Morning IJreSs. ash, he found better than barnyard ma- fined and usually warmer than in open clothes and other property of some mur-1 food— It is said that a lady's standing m society Tea gowns and morning gowns are nearly to his nostrils. Harrison, Tyler, However light nure. A. "W. Harrison has no faith in places, and where decaying vegetable dered travelers, and by laboriously fcl 1 .can easily be determined by het dress at the And digestible, i the analysis of the soil as a guide for the matter in the soil is abundant. For pre- lowing this clue that great mystery of both made with blouse fronts and long Polk, Taylor, Fillmore and Buchanan breakfast-table;an expensive, showy costume For two or three houra at a time I had U> were all smooth-shaven. Mr. Lincoln, indicating that the wearer has notyat learned farmer. " I t is a -will-o'-the-wisp. He vention all such places as are known to iniquity — Thuggee — was eventually trains. he first came to Washington, tho proprieties. But no one need be afraid go through most feeds the plants on the principle of like be productive of the disease should be dragged into the light. There is a widow in Birmingham, Ala. when Excruciating pains, shaved his beard and only let it grow of being called "shoddy" if her loveliness is begets like. For instance, a pear tree he ditched • so as to draw off the stagnant thirteen years,old, and she attends thi "And tho only way I ;ever got" Some years later Dr. Sherwood, an old as apparent by daylight as at the hops. during the latter years of his stay here, •would fertilize -with the ashes of a pear water, the ditches running up to the ris- resident in India, published a pamphlet public school. "Kelief!" Perfect duty is never the attendant of disHe always shaved his upper lip. AnWas by throwing up. all my stomach corn tree. Oyster shell lime is preferable to ing ground; sick cattle should be kept about the Thugs which sent a thrill of Tulle, embroidered with daisies, corn- drew Johnson was as smooth-shaven ease; above all, of those diseases peculiar to tained. No one can conceive the pain that the common stone lime. His potato inclosed, as their dung and urine will horror both through the Anglo-Indian Sowers and buttercups ia chenille, women, and which find a ready cure in Dr. I had to go through, until as a monk. Grant wore a stubby short Pierce's "Favorite Prescription." Price refield of twelve acres he plants in rows infect the soil, and dead animals should and the British public. According to among the novelties. "At last?" j mustache and beard. Hayes and Gar-duced to one dollar. By druggists. three feet apart, sowing a handful of be buried deeply or burned. The treat- him the sect seems to have originated I was taken! "So that for three weeks 1" field wore long mustaches and full Susan B. Anthony began life as ment should boas follows: Give plenty fertilizer of wood ashes and oyster shell HENRY IRVING says much of tho mortality lay in bed and ages ago in the north of India, where its "lime at each hill. Cultivation is essen of linseed meal gruel, warm, three times members were called Thugs, or Deceivers, school teacher at $8 a month, and in fif- beards. Arthur wore a small mustache of this country is due to buckwheat cakes. Could eat nothing! and long side whiskers.—New York teen years saved $300. daily, and two drams of chlorate of potMy sufferings were so that I called two, tial. I t is important that the field bo and thence spread south under the name reliable"—Dr. Sng«"3 Catarrh The "old World. doctors to give mo something that -would' ashin each mess.—New York Times. kept clean of weeds. In Valparaiso women have obtained of Phansigars or Stranglers. Remedy. stop the pain; their their "rights" so far as to be employe' ^Efforts were no good to me. Thuggee was not only a profession.but "FRESH American oysters" is now a famil Household Hints anil Kecipe*. Among reigning sovereigns and their iar sign in many places in. London. At last I heard a good deal Cattle Feeding* a religion as well, and so close and secret as conductors on the horae cars. "About your Hop Bitters! The nine daughters of the late Bishop consorts who are authors may be counted "Il.oii«[li on Hatu. A. cattle raiser in Illinois has so far If you p u t soda in the water with were its principles that little was really And determined to try them." Queen Yictoria, King |,Oscar II., of SweJackson, of London, were married to which you are to wash windows, you known of it even among the natives Clears out rats, mice< roaches, flies,ants,bedGot a bottle—in four hours took the con* changed his system of cattle raising that den; DomLuis, of Portugal; the Shah bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Drgts. tents will find that finger marks, putty stains, nine vicars in the bishop's diocese. themselves. To speak of the Thugs, or of * : he now feeds corn every day in summer Nasr-ed-Deen, of Persia; Queen ElizaOne! For a splendid Magazine and chance for em. to his steers in pasture. He lias experi- etc., will be much more easily removed even to think of them, was held to be The Empress Eugenie is said to own beth, of Koumania; Prince Nicholas, of ployment, Next day 1 was out of bed, and have noS' address W.H.Thompson,Phila. ,Pa. than if clear water alone is used. unlucky. No good could, and much several houses in New York city which mented until he is convinced that this seen a yield her a handsome income for th Montenegro; Dom Pedro II., of Brazil, Colonel Seller's Bye Water, "Sick!" _ ' •way of feeding pays best. 3Iany Orange To make hasty-cup pudding, beat four harm might, come of it. and, it is said, King Louis II., of BavaHour, from tho same cause since. The profession of Thuggee was kept rents. t The colonel never made a success of tho county dairymen feed their cattle more spoonfuls of flour with a pint of milk ria. There are also many royal artists, I have recommended it to hundreds of OthWater business, but Carbolins struck or less chopped corn at all seasons of the and four eggs to a good batter, nutmeg strictly in the Thug families, descending Now silk jerseys are beautifully beaded Musicians and priests. There is proba- Eye a bonanza with Petroleum as its base. If ers. ~5Tou havo no sucb. year. The best feed makes the best milk, and sugar to taste; butter teacups, fill from father to son. If a stranger wished with jet in various designs, .and some bly, however, but one royal doctor.-Dukc your hair is thin and f ailing out, try it. "Advocate as I am,"—George JCendall, Al* and milk dealers have found it out. Corn them three parts full, and send them to to enter, he had to get some holy old times in patterns covering the whole gar- Charles Theodore, of Bavaria, is in praciston, Boston, Mass. Heart JPnln«i. , . Columbus Advocate, Texas, April 21, '83. and bran in some form is the natural the oven. Will bake in a quarter of an Thug to agree to become his gooroo, or ment. Palpitation LDropsical Swellings, Dizzmes3, tice at Munich, and is a surgeon oculist spiritual parent. After years of apprenfood of cattle. In seasons of drought hour. Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by Dear Editor:—I have tried your Hop Bitters, of high reputation. The newest lace pins are in the shape and find they ai'o good for any -complaint. "Wells' Health ReneWel'." and during the extreme cold winter, catCelery maybe kept for a week or lon- ticeship, and having passed creditably The best medicine I ever used in my fam* a moss rose, and are made of red gold tle need a large amount of farinaceous ger by rolling it in brown paper and then through the inferior offices of scout, of Jjrnzw Axle Gretus*. , ily. with a diamond surrounded by sap- A Parisian pianist recently played one Use the Frazer matter of some kind, if continuous pinning it up in a towel, keeping it in grave-digger, and holder of hands of set Axle Grease, 'tis the best in . • •:•• '•$*•• . ; , . H. TALEKER. of Wagner's operas in a cage of lions the world—will wear twice as long as any othgrowth and thrift are to be maintained. as dark and cool a place as possible. Be- shamshea, he wasfitto climb to the topphires. er. Ask your dealer f or"lt, and take no other Some of the new cashmere gloves and finished it unharmed. This is one of the best of arguments that fore using let it remain in a pan of cool of the professional tree as a bhurtote or MEKSHAK'S PEPTONIZED BEEF TONIC, tho only can. be used in favor of grain raising, and water for an hour, and it will be quite strangler. Having been ordered to purify have the long waists embridered in chain preparation of beef containingits entire nutrihimself by prayer and fasting, and to stitch on the closed tops, with silk of as we have repeatedly" shown, can be crisp and cold. A Chancellor's Opinion. us? xiui.u genuine without a bunch of tious properties. I t contain^ blood-making have as much silver money about him as paler shade. pursued with equal profit in Orange Hon. James Harlaa, ex-vice-chancellor fores generating and life-sustaining properties; •green lions oh tho white, label. Shun all tha A lunch or tea cake made by this repossible, the candidate and his gooroo, county as 5n the West. Every Orange The women of Turkey wear the same of Louisville, Ky,, a brother of Justice invaluable for indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous vile,' poisonous stujE with "Hbpfe-or "Hops" . - -,-. county miller who has to pay the cash cipe is very good. One cup of sugar, a with a shamshea, started ofi disguised kind of trowsers as the men all the yea Harlan, United States supreme court, prostration, and all forms of general' delKitty; in their name.' ~" piece of butter the size of an egg, two as ordinary travelers. If possible, they round, save when they attend a ball or sajs of St. Jacobs Oil: "I use it, and I also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether tho for his corn, oats and rye "will tell you cups of milk, two eggs, one quart of result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overjoined company with somesolitarv, poor upon state occasions. this whenever you have occasion to take know full well whereof I speak in pro- •Ivork or acute disease, particularly if resulting A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. a grist to his mill.— Orange County flour,, two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- wayfarer, and waited patiently "for the pulmonarycomplaints. Caswell, Hazard £ der and one teaspoonful of salt. Bake time when, after the midday meal, he lay Upright jabot bows in front of a bunch nouncing it a most extraordinary cure for from DR. T. FELIX GOUKAUD'S Farmer. Co., Proprietors. Hew York. Sold by druggists. in a good oven, and eat hot. This cake down to sleep in the shade; but, before of nodding flowers, which tower abov all that is claimed for it by its" proprietors. Every family should have it." "Biiclm Paibn..*' must be broken, not cut. proceeding to actual business,it was nec- the high crown of the hats, are the Quick, complete euro, all Kidney, Bid der Remor 55 T«D, Destroying tlie Codling: Worm. -. Pimple*, !Trec. Light and delicate dumplings are made essary to withdraw and watch for a good features in Spring millinery. and Urinafy Diseases, Scalding, Irritation, The manufacture of artificial ivory from kles. Mothomen. If it came shortly they turned An inquirer asks the Country Gentle- by this recipe: Half a pound of beef All the trimmings of hats. and bon bones and scraps of sheepBkin is "a new Stone) GfaveljCataiThofbladder.tl.Druggists. .Patches, R u b and 6km dls. man for the comparative advantages of suet, chopped extremely fine, ten ounces their faces westward, and the gooroo, nets are placed directly in front over thi ndustry. Housewives, shop giris and saleswomen all et2«s. and «T< the different modes for destroying the fine bread crumbs, one large tablespoon- taking the handkerchief, tied at one end forehead, on the forepart of the crown suffer from Weak Back and Sideache. Apply codling worm, the great enemy of the ful of flour, the grated rinds of two the goor khat or holy knot, with a rupee and tower high above the same. a Hop Porous Plaster and get instant relief. POCTORS^URIQUS. fl« * , A famous strengfchener. 85d druggists'. apple crop._ I t is replied that there are small lemons, four ounces of powdered inside it. He then delivered it to the In the Ecole de Medecine, in Paris, Shall a Physician 1'ell the Truth or tho tout of SI three remeaies, all of which have merit, sugar and four eggs beaten very light. disciple, who, leaving the gooroo to pray there - jean, und it NEW YORK has 150 professional tea tasters are 78 women students! of whom Not? A. Nice Point i n Ethics. BO barmlesE iM the paper bands the least. Large num- Mix thoroughly and add the juice of two to Davee, the goddess from whom they 46 are Russians, 14 Frenchwomen, 11 -taslo it to be A Sensible Health OndcllUi important. bers of the insects are caught under lemons. Divide this mixture into four claimed to have sprung, crept stealthilv Englishwomen and 7 Americans. Bi'fo the prw BALTIMORE, Mft,—A decided stir has been p n r » t i o n if these bands, but often a larger number parts, tie in well-floured cloths and boil with the shamshea to the unconproperly nmde. here ovef the question as to the right UriionHotel, opposite Grand Central depoc. Some of- the new spring hats have caused , 'Aooopt ni scious slumberer, whom they awoke, escape. "Where practicable to employ one hour in slightly salted water. 6(H)elegan rooma, fitted up at a co3b of oae milli'll of a physician to certify to the merits of a dollars, counterfeit oi $1 and upward perday. Europo&n plan. E\ihigh Tyrolean crowns and narrow brims, and in an instant his hands were, sheep, they prove an efficient protection, similar name. not in the modern pharmacopojia. tutor. Kcqtauraut supplied with thebaat. Horsacirs, To make meat pie, slice roast meat in pinioned, the fatal noose passed around looped very high on one side with a remedy Tho distin Dr. James A. Steuart, one of the most enli- Stages and elevated railroad to All depots. JfamiUoj provided they are in sufficient numbers W'^UHBHaHB^^'^^ gniEhed Dr. I» can livo bettor for less money at tho Grand Utrioa thin slices, and put in a saucepan with a nent physicians in the South, and Health his neck; then came a stifled cry, a chok- space in the loops for the trimmings. A. Sayre «aid to a lady of the haut ton fa patient).* "At to keep the fallen fruit promptly deHotel tban nt any other lirst-class hotel in tho city. Commissioner of this city, had analyzed a little water, and the gravy left over. Add 'y'ou'Xadits will uge them, Irtcommcnd 'GovraficPt Cream? ing gurgle, a convulsive struggle and the voured, and provided also that they are ax (hit least harmful of all the Stem prepara'ivnr. On* Two pupils in a school in AYashingtoi newly-discovered article, and certified offibottle will last sir months, U3injf it every day. Ala* kept in the orchard year after year a little butter, pepper and salt, and cook sleep of the grave settled on his eyes for- Territory were recently obliged to stay a cially not only to its efficacy but to the fact TENNESSEE has twenty-five Mormon elders Poudre SobtHo removes superfluous h»ir without m. Slice in a few raw ever 1 This work being done, the murmry to the skin. M x t M. B . T. GO0RAU0, Sola through the summer months. Where slowly till tender. home and take care of the baby while that it replaced old-time preparations of a Prop.. 49Bond St.. N.Y. Foraideby aUDrnggioUand similar character which, analyses had proved, sheep cannot be turned in, the paris potatoes, cover and cook till soft. Line derers, leaving the corpse to the grave- their mother attended court as a juror. Fancy Goods Dealers throughoat the TJ.-S.. Canada* were adulterated and poisonous. The mediand-Europe. Er~Bewnre of base imitations. 8I.000K©' green remedy has proved a very efficient a deep dish with nice crust, as for a diggers, who were not far off, returned ward for arrest and proof of any ono soiling the same. cal and cliirurgical faculty, of which he is a chicken pie, pour in your meat and poIn underwear the latest craze is foto their friends, to whom the gooroo one, and both may be used together if Combines in a proportion peculiar to itself, the active member, held that he had violated the code tatoes, bake just long enough to cook tucking. Tucks in groups and clusters, Saw-Mill. presented his sen in triumph as a fullthe sheep are not admitted until copious of medical ethics, and much public interest' medicinal properties of the beat blood purifying and Paynes' Automatic Engines rains have washed away all the poison the pastry, and serve. Leave an open- blown bhurtote or strangler. He then narrow and wide, are seen in all articles was aroused -because' o£ the confidence strengthening remedies oi the vegetable kingdom. It took back his own rupee as well as get- of underclothing to the exclusion of lace felt hoth hi his professional stand- Will positively care—when in tho power of medicine—* that has fallen on the grass during the ing in the top for the steam to escape. ing and official integrity. Spring Debility, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scrofulous *nd operation. Incases where this remedy Hominy fritters help make variety for ting all his son's money, tor the purchase or embroidery. It was argued that to thus place a limita- Cancerous Humors, Pimples,, JBoils, Dyspepsia, BilThe new sateens almost rival silks ancl tion has not succeeded, it has been owing to the breakfast table. Boil the hominy of what was wanted for the solemn feast, OR the acts of a physician and especially iousness. Indigestion, Sick Headache, Catarrh, Hbeua want of thorough and repeated spray- the day before, then take two teacupfuls to which all friends were invited, and satins in beauty; the variety of styles an of a health officer, was opposed to the spirit matism, and all diseases or affections caused by impuning at the right time. After the poison of it and stir a small cupful of sweet the chief dainty of -which was the dish almost innumerable. Tapestry sateen of the age; that such reasoning might have ity of the blood and low state of the system. with patterns in imitation of cross-stitch been logical enough when it was to the interhas done its work in destroying tho mi- milk and a little salt with it, and one of goor, or holy sugar. Our Favorite Medicine est o£ rulers or societies to invest themselves work are new and pretty. nute young larvEe, the summer rains egg, four tablespoonfuls of flour, with with a supernatural halo, but how when **I know that Hood's Scriaparillahaadone me a great •wash off all that remains. half a tablespoonful of baking powder. A sleeper, said the Thug informers, The most fashionable colors of thi thought should be free and untramrneled, such deal of good, and we esteem it in. our family an old and for oncnlnr IB). B. IV. f A i n i i o i Have your frying pan ready with the fat "was always aroused before being stran- spring season are the smoke blue and things savored of barbarism. It was the duty valued friend. My husband has been subjected to less.N SSend , Monufoctuxare of all styles Aulonsutic E n hot in i t ; drop this batter in by spoon- gled, because their religion expressly grays, the stone shades, rock grays and of a phvsician, especially of a health officer, severe headaches, but is greatly benefited by Hood's S O ines, from 2 to 330 H. P.: also Pulleys, Hangers sna Against Ensilage. haftng, Elmira, N. Y. Tigs. 1 8 5 0 . to condemn publicly any remedy which he fuls, and fry a delicate brown. The forbade the killing of one who slept. browns. The smoke blues knew to be injurious, but it was not right to Sarsaparilla. My son suffered from spring debility and f Professor L. B. Arnold lately referred flavor is better if half butter and half The reason of this probably was a fear mushroom loss of appetite* and was restored to health as soon as •VIBHATlXG TELEPHONE. and grays suggest color rather than say that he should be debarred from testify- he began to take our favorite medicine.—M)1S. THALIA in the 2ViJttnetothe rejection by the An- lard i3 used, rather than all lard. Gives splendid satisfaction. No exori lest an attempt to slip the noose around show it. ing to the merits of anything which he Tmew bitant retital -feo to pay—Sold outright E. SMITH, Scipiovills, IS. T. glo-Swiss Condensing company of milk of oe good. If this were so, the world would 4'I consider Hood's Sarsapitrilla the best blood puriauaVGuaranteed to work nicely on ltxti In connection with ironing, a hint on the neck of a person lying down might •White hair is so fashionable that New to -within1 its compass" (smiles), or money cows fed on ensilage. A. letter from that not receive the benefit of half the discoveries be a failure, and result in an alarm and Toik ladies are ordering white wigs to refunded) Constructed on new and fier, foritsavetlmy life*"—J.H.MABTM?, Delight.Kan. the use of irons may not be out of place. association, published in The London Agmade in art or science. Thus the people aricientific principles; works entirely DJ detection. •vibration." 3Two or three xnontht' renwear at evening entertainments, or they gued, -while the faculty threatened expulsion ricultural Gazette, states their position When done using let the irons be at once tal fee to the Dell Telephone will buy In winter Thugs pretend to follow difand talked of tune-honored customs, ethics, .'dutrifi'hfasomplets private line. Itii use powder to excess on the puffs and fully. We make an excerpt, and invite removed from the stove, and as soon as I Ike only P B A C T l d A X and S T O Sold by all Druggists. $1; six for So. Prepared only professional courtesy and traditions. ferent occupations, and in summer set loops of their ever growing higher and A B L E non-electric Telephone made, attention especially to the concluding cooVput on a shelf, or in a closet away and warranted to give satisfaction, n But the matter soon assumed a new and by C. I. HOOD <fc CO., Apothecaries. Lowell, Ma33. sentence: "The evidence that silage from steam if possible, as they become out on their strangling expeditions. higher coiffures. tneniy re/iiKdea1: AOTSrTS CJH surprising phase. A few days afterward a Sometimes they traveled in small parties, IOO Doses One Dollar 'mate immense profits and EC! all tin milk cannot be be used for condensing rusty if exposed. Starch is so apt to work they can do. "No previous expeThe colors in new silk gloves range certificate appeared in the daily papers bearA Letter of Thankg, rience required. Where 1 have no agenti is conclusive. Both in our interest and stick to them it is well to always wash and at other times in bands of a hundred from dark to pale shades of modes, tan, ing the autograph signatures of Governor Mrs. LydiaE. Piukham—Very dear Madam: Telephones may be ordewd direct for private we. Circular! in the interest of farmers who may con- them before putting them on to heat for or even two hundred strong. If a soli- russet, and nut brown from filbert and McLane, Attorney-General Roberts, Mayor My -wife Arie A. Green has suffered with a free. H . T. J0HN80H, _ city postmaster Adi-eon, chiefs of template the use of silage, we find it ad- the week's ironing. Many a soiled spot tary passenger was overtaken his fate hazel to chestnut, golden brown, grays Latrobe, 103.S. Division St., Buffalo, y . Y. State and municipal departments, judges and displacement ivhicli eauseU her unknown visable to announce at an early date that on garments may thus be saved. Wash- was sealed. Several Thugs would creep from slate to pale Bussian, and many clerks of courts, Federal officials and Contill I had almost given Up all hopes of MODERN our future contracts for the supply of ing is better than rubbing with salt as up behind him, seize his arms and legs, intermediate tints of gray, blue, amber, gressmen, emphatically endorsing the action pains any relief for her. But the Guiding LOW-COST milk-will contain a clause declining to re- many do after ironing starched clothes. twist the handkerchief round his neck, and ma3tie. of the health commissioner, and concurring finding HOUSES. and throw him to the ground a corpse. in his opinion as to the efficacy of the remedy, Spirit referred me to your Vegetable Com ceive milk from silage-fed cows. ExperTake an ordinary cracker barrel and Gilt or silver-figured woolens are asserting that they did so from personal ex- pound. I went 12 miles to purchase a bottle Just published. A large book, girlcir They often disguised themselves as iments •with silage were begun in either paper it or cover with cretonne Tioi?B, descriptions v-XA .reliwith it and practical tests and obser- and the first tioo doses gave her immediate plant, aMaaMtaofwmoderahoiuea, $400, America several years since'; but we areby gathering the top and bottom or lying merchants, artisans, soldiers and Dil-shown again for spring; in these there perience vations. relief, and after the use of tne first bottle she up to $6,600, for all climates. .So informed that agitation there regarding it in side pleats. The lid may be made grinis. Their scouts, going on in "ad- are merely a few bars, blocks or rings of Gompleteabookofthigkindusaalry There could be no gainsaying such evidence herself a new person; two bottles en- COStSIS. O0RI'£IC!tOSLT5OctB., it has in a great measure subsided; tnat by joining the pieces of the barrel htead, or vance, entered the towns, and learned different sizes done in dark, twilled as this,but,as i£ to cap the climax, shortly after- declared •Address, -'.• cured her. Your medicine is invalu- nntpoit-patd.' BUILDHia ASSOCIATION, 'i large numbers of silos have been thrown by cutting a new lid. This should also what travelers were on the road, their woolen, and these figured parts form the ward there appeared another certificate with lively able to me. It was indeed a messenger of «BoekmaaSt.,(Box27W,)i(.t.; autograph signatures of leading practicing vest and trim the lower part of the front numbers, apparent wealth, and whether into disuse. The American condensed be covered and have a finish of knife physicians from all parts of the State, includ- peace In my house, it cured my wife, and God milk factories without exception decline pleating around its edge, two or three armed or otherwise. With them the of the skirt. Tho Strowbrldge ing the physicians of all the leading hospitals, I am the happiest man alive to-day. Broadcast 8eeder< to receive such milk, and many "butter inches wide. For a knob use a part of a Thugs would mingle like harmless wayIn proposing by letter to a young lady, tho physician to the city fire department, the knows Words cannot express our feelings towards Bows sll groin and gnus factories do the same. Milk is" a pecu- large spool, cut crosswise, and fastened farers; gradually, and without exciting an Indianapolis lawyer borrowed a for- port physician, vaccine physician and resident you. Beads; jilsster.nftlt, nrtici and catnfaierclkl ferttilliar substance, its soundness can scarcely on with a large screw; o? a small knob 'suspicion, each traveler would be placed mula from a book "on etiquette. The physicians of infirmaries all endorsing the fcen. Fully -wHtTlttitBil, Geo. W. Green, Campti, Ea. and stating that it had been tested jLcentiY,-»ntedtoB«U this. be graded—It is either sound or good, handle in wood can be bought for a-mere between a shamshea and a bhurtote, who, young lady learned the source of the discovery by them in hospitals and private practice for popn]»r machine. Special This remedy contains no injurious driigs. or it is bad. I t is our opinion that milk trifle at hardware stores. This makes a at a given signal, would seize upon the inspiration of his pen, and bv way of re- weeks with wonderful curative effect, Jiricti quoted to farmer! forlJitroduetton-Tirlier«we jiot good for one purpose is also not handy depository for the soiled clothes, victim and draw tight the deadly noose. ply used the formula prescribed in the and that analyses had shown no trace of )I*T« no Afanti.Sond for CfttalofQa and price' 1o t '. • - Not infrequently a company of thirty or same book for a declination. opiates or poisons, prevalent in other good for any other purpose."—New and will be useful in any family. THE EDMISTON k W-ABDKLL C0MPAN7, cough mixtures. They further stated that when applied into tho nosforty persons, men, women and children, York Tribune. SB1 k 3S3 TIKBT STBICJ:T, BROOKLYN, E. D., N. YAll the managing mammas among the they had been induced to take this step in trils, -will be absorbed, effecwho had banded together for mutual of the many hurtful preparations which tually cleansing the heac: Intelligent Seals. * Ikying Agenti cant SELL and tell safety, has been thus in a few minutes English nobility are arranging to bring view catarrlial virus, causing the truth about JONKB. Put y o w out their debutantes simultaneously with contained narcotics and poisons and of the ofliealthy Bones as a Fertilizer. secretions. It alThree varieties of seal seek the great destroyed. dangers consequent on their use. The remelays inflammation, protect ^ ' S I P 1 ' fJOU *"* Henry Stewart sets forth the value of ice packs of the Newfoundland coast in . In burying the dead, the Thugs first the Prince of Wales' two daughters, dy in question is Red Star Cough Cure. Such the membrane from fresl colds, completely heals thi bones as a fertilizer in a very plain man- March to bring forth their young—the broke all the joints andthen ripped open respectively seventeen and sixteen, who a conclusive answer as this to the narrow ar- sores andrestores the senses ner. They consist, when fresh, of sixty- harp seal, the hood seal and the square the bodies, lest these, by swelling, should will be launched on the sea of English guments of the few, arrayed public sentiment of taste, smoll and Iiearim;-! three and a half per cent, of mineral flipper. There is another seal which crack the earth above, and be scented society the coming season, which begins on the side of the Health Commissioner, and It is J WAGON SCALES. it is significant that Dr. Steuart has since matter (of which fifty-five per cent, of frequents this coast and is native to it, out by the jackals. If possible, they in July. _ _ _ ^ Beam Box. Tare Beam. FrelerJ been appointed to o£Bc6 bv the Mayor for a I Paid. Free Price I,i«. Every Sttt, the bone is phosphate of lime); thirty- but differs greatly in habit from the dug the graves in the jungle; tfut, if the third term, and has had his appointment Uddreii JONES ST BIHG3AKT0H The Amount of Water Trees Absorb. one and a half per cent, of organic mat- others. It is called the dotard, and does ground was open, they would encamp unanimously confirmed by the City Council. A few applications re BiuenruaTOjriT. v. to the high professional reputation lievo. -A thorough trealmcn ter, chiefly gelatine and fat, andfiveper not whelp until the fishing season is and light fires to dry the damp, freshlyDr. J. SI. Anders, in a geological sur- of Owing trill exre. Agreeable to use.. the gentlemen who endorsed his action, as cent, of water. The organic matter con- nearly over, and >.% the young seals are turned earth. Nothing was ever left to vey report,gives the result of his inquiry 50 cents by mail or. as to the enviable standing of the owners Prico at druggists. Send for cirtains three and a half per cent, of nitro- the most desirable portion of the catch chance. The travelers' graves were often as to the quantity of water pumped from well of the remedy, The Charles A. Vogeler Com- cular. Should try S c g n e z o l , tlie sure cure for Dyspepsia, gen; the mineral matter contains from the dotard does not make up to any dug beforehand in some lonely jungle. Stomach Disorders, sucli as Sorarness of Breath, ELY BBOTHERS, the earth by trees. He finds that the pany, of this city, -wide-spread interest has Water <rto., Tiigitisrs. O-.VCKQ. K- if. twenty to twenty-five and a quarter per great extent the cargoes of the vessels. already been created in the subject, not only arisin Brash, Gastritis, Headache, Hatulency, TJseSeffAt the beginning of the present century average exhalation from soft, thin- here, but in Philadelphia, Washington and nez; mediate t to iEe cent of phosphoric a2id, and thirty to It does not escape entirely, however, for . THIS PLASTER leaved plants in clear weather amounts taste. Sent postpai other neighboring cities. The feeling is aid on receipt of 25 cents. g Actidlr«ctlyupoBUi«nin». thirty-five per cent, of lime. The phos- all summer long and through the fall there were supposed to be ten thousand to about one and a quarter ounces troy generally SJSGNEZOL C S cl«» tncl tQsnerreioI the expressed by professional men that CO., 21 Beekman St., N- Yphoric acid and the nitrogen are the val- and winter months it is netted and Thugs in all India who annually murdered per day of twelve hours for every square Red Star Cough back, toe i u t of.a!l pain, Cure, on account of its free•We will send you FltJEM OHE COPY of tho uable elements, the former being worth, speared and shot in large numbers by the thirty thousand people. - Between, the foot of surface. Hence a moderate sized dom from narcotics and poisons, inaugurates J?OK ALL 1 years 1836 and 1837 more than nineteen I.Tlnsr Troublti, lvhetntr at six cents a pound, $1.50, and the lat- islanders, who are natural seal hunters a most desirable new departure in medicine. elm tree raises and throws off seven and This local or deeply teated thti hundred were hanged or imprisoned in is the pronounced opinion of authoritiester, at twenty-five cents a pound, eighty- and many of whom do little else. The plaster will be loan* to and three-quarters tons of water per day. Dr. Fawcett., who has been for Slv« inrtant relief T>y ap- If jou TTiiH Employ men tciistrihu ting samples and taking seven cents; 100 pounds of bone, then, hide of the native seal is valued more Bombay, Madras and Bengal. Thuggee In the report the facts are applied to like order* for paper nnd PREMIUMS TTO will submit A plying between tho ahouithirty-three years resident physician of the is considered then to have become within proposition for business by whitiyoii enn nink* der blades. in a condition to be available -would be than that of the three others mentioned, Union Protestant Infirmary, in this city, and what is going on in America, where cer^ k^^f^ ^ j worth $3.37. But bones when whole are as it is beautiiully spotted, and is used ten years afterward quite extinct. SHAKP $10,$20, and 930 a the handsomest, ahould enjoy tor one month, at lc.ist, besttain inland fertile districts are becoming Professor John J. Caldwell, M. D., member _ , « - For Kidney Trouble, edited, illustrated journal in. the V. S. One copy with only slowly soluble in the soil. In most largely in making gloves, covering But ancient customs die hard in the converted into deserts by wholesale of medical societies of Baltimore, New York KUeumatlsm. Neuralgia, our compliments, places you under no obligations. Addresi Pals in the Side and Back soil they will decay and wholly disap- trunks and for fur coats. The young o East, and it is not impossible that in the clearings; and in other places, such as and Brooklyn, and with a long experience in .Ache, they are * ctrUtn and military hospitals. Both of these W. W.ThornpioH & Co., Pubt., 404 Arch » l . , Phlta, Pa. ii ••—— ~~—WM.J » U u . ..Aii^j.ijf vMOttij— the VJ. u u anative o <*uu iseal u i mis i umarked uats. J. XH5 VOUUS OI remote parts of India, especially in the the plains of Colorado, where only five civil with black and ipeedy cure. gentlemen, together -with no less than fifty PAINS. pear, only in so many years that it is spots, the native seal is marked with black WE l native principalities, it may linger even or six years of irrigation and planting other practicing physicians of Maryland, x and as a morsel for the epicure is , SoldbjrDrnjglBH for M t & n o o T U J t T Y T I U t E E TEAKS AMON necessary to reduce them to a fine state as —delicious ~ —-"•--•-•• ' - •' canvasback yet. cents, or lire for 91. as the choicest have publicly put themselves on record as to have already produced a measurable inMailed on receipt of of division tc make them useful. This duck that ever swam. The dotard seal ; Of the thousands of persons who dis- crease of rainfall. I t is maintained that the evil of narcotic medicines, and the conseprice b r 8 m i t h , l > o o l l t tle * S m i t h , General is done by grinding them to powder or never leaves the island, and it will not appear annually in India, there are many the deserts of Syria and Africa are the quent value and importance of the new disBr Gen. DODGE slid Sen. SHEKJUN. The ioitcst telllafl Vienti. Boitoncovery referred to. It is conceded that pubbook out. Indorsed Indorsed rjyTrea't'Arlhur, rjyTreatArlhur, Gen's Gens Grant. Grant. ShcOTHiC S by burning them ifco ashes. The latter associate with any other variety of the of whom their friends only know that results of cutting do WE trees, and that lie opinion has completely vindicated Dr. book out. Sheridan, and tthousands of Eminent Judees, Clergymen, S h i d a n and f E tJ d Cl Editors, etc., as "hThedBest (mii Finest Ilhalrated /dfta .method « is ..„ the cheaper, VJAJ but wuu the u-uii .uifciugOli nitrogen I a o o u ^ x a t C >Yi.UU CUIV U l l l c l ViUlcCV OI LUG they were and are not. Wild beasts original luxuriance may be restored by Steuart in his action, and that' in his whole u v v v u . u VI.U.WUJ-' BooTi Ever Ptiblislicd." It takes like •mldBrc. ana A m is lost, and if the bones can be reduced seal family. The female seal brings forth they suppose have destroyed them;bnt skiiif ul planting.—Detroit Free Press. course he was actuated simply by an earnest 10 to SO aday. a3~75.000 Bold. Its Great AM .SMOKEni- its l a d Solid jlftrtf make it the booming book for AacKtk tto o powder "DOViTder for f o r less l e s s than "than the •f:lir> value Train** of rv-f T»?_ ifra young ir/vm-»o in -in the 4-\*n latter i.ttlnuMni.1 part of ~-F May. ~\T^^. m They t desire to benefit the community afc large. OySendforCirculars, Extra. Tirmx TirmxcuLtt cuLtt orCirculars, Specimen Plate, Extra. . trogen, the more costly method is theseek the isolated rocks in the bays sur- it may be that on some lonely road they Made only by t i e N. Y. &- I A. » . WOKTHINGHBf CO llBrtrora.O<)iS llBrtroraOS OKTHINGHBf <fc CO., have encountered a savage more crafty CENTS. Havana Cigar Oo.. 5? BroadGREAT BRITAIN gave last; year lor its forbetter. But in many caacs it is impos- rounding the island, especially selecting Tray. M.Y. ASK POK IT. Quails and Wildcats. eign service $4,500,000, Italy S3,000,00O, Spain Fotiiivcly the Best. Bible to grind them for want of mills, and the northern coast. The native seal of and relentless than even the man-eater $1,000,000 and the United States $325,003. then the burning becomes the only prac- Newfoundland is very iutelligentand sa- 'or hooded snake.—All the Year Bound. Quails are now so abundant that they li positive remedy for the above dlsonse;;by p y lt« ticable method. This leaves the phos- gacious. The educated seals of the muUse Dr. Isaac Thompson's Bye Water if afthrong the roadways. While rewards The Smallest Republic. nso thousftndaof d f cases ott tlio tlio worst w w s t klndandof k l dandof d d f IIon Ion? n? phate of lime in the finest possible con- seums and side shows are always memitaudinjr. have been cured. faith d rrmleBri.^ostronffiBmy l r i i ih are offered by farmers in southern coun- flicted withsoresyes^jJoc a bottle. 1 Druggists. EASILY CUEED. ABTICE FREE. Init8emcacy,thatTwlll Bonn TWO BOTTLES l-'KKE, The little republic of San Marino is in^ ties for killing this bird, which destroys dition to be as available for plant food bers of the dotard family, and when "RosKh on Corns." toettrierwltn a YAr.UAIJT.BTREATISE on tail discus Dr. J. C. HOFFMAN, Jefferson.Wls. toanymfferor. Giro express nml r. O.nddrrss. 4 Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns."15c. Comas in the raw bone or more so, because taken young may be taught almost any closed in the kingdom of Italy. much grain, the Alameda and Contra DB. T. A. SLOCUa, 181 PcarlSs., Now York.] ALL !N|fERFECTIONS.~ San Marino owes its foundation to a Costa farmers say the quail is useful to plete cure. Hard or soft corns, warts bunions. it is not held in any undeCoinposable trick. It is a saying among the Newot the K»oe, Hands * Foot. Sup«rfluoni TYPE setting is taught in Japanese prisons condition by the gelatine.—Mural New foundland salmon fishermen, if a man is hermit of that name, born in Dalmatia them. I t attacks their grain only as a Hair, Moles, W»rt«, Frocklos, Moth, Bed Rose. Aone, BPkHeade.Soara, Pitting And Yorlcer. particularly shrewd, that "he is as smart in the fourth century, and who went last resort, and chiefly subsists upon intreatment. Dr. J o h n W o o d b u r r , 3 7 to Italy to work as a mason at the re- sects. Their destruction of ants is of inN. P e a r l S t . , Albany, N . Y . Estobas-a dotard."—New York Times. Ushed 187(1. SendlOo. for Book. building of the walls of Kimina. Milk Sickness. calculable importance, The quail's great r p O introduce and sell the trade the woll-Soioim antf Its territory covers about twenty-two foe is the wildcat. The latter animal is JL -celebrated Cicnrs of thi>NEW YORK iHATA-Nl Milk sickness is nothing more or less An Oriental Strangler. CIGAR COMPAQ, liberal arrangemonls. SALABT square miles. prolific in the counties named. A quail Changes gray hair to its natural color. Recommended or COMMISSION paid, to the Tjght.Tnan. ITor furthei than splenic fever, and is a disease of A notorious Thug chief was Feringby leading physicians and chemists. Send for circular The population numbers 8,501 souls, particulars and terinB addreHs, ot pnee, nesting will cover fifteen to twenty eggs, the blood caused by some poisonous in- hea, who was arrested at Sangir in 1830. and testimonials. Price. $1. • Tlie New. Y o r k & HavaiHi Cigar Co., M . BItTJCE, 2 3 3 Sixth A v c , S e w Y o r k . • 57 Broadway, Now York. fluence in the soil, water or food, or in This most atrocious scoundrel confessed and the capital, San Marino, has 1,200. and nearly every egg will hatch They It is perched on the summit of a moun- nest once a year, and during such periods all three. It is chiefly marked by a to so many murders that his statements muscular trembling about the neck and were, in a great measure disbelieved, tain called Mount ;Titan, or the Giants, the male is a most pugnacious defender Beaver, Opossum, Mink, bought for casli at highest THAT prices. Send for circular, which {fives full particuflanks, and by the drooping of the head especially with regard to the strang- which sometimes leads to this state be- of the mother and young. A man may fara. E . C . B O P G H T O N , 44,Bona St., New York. ing termed the Titaniac republic. almost strike him with a club. The near to the ground. The milk of cows ling of three parties of "travelers by himLorillar&'s' Climax Plug & l « k i * ) » D l E l o Great English Gout and The republic has an order of chivalry, wily wildcat, as large as four ordinary bearingar«tf«n.'fao-,- thatLorillard's becomes poisonous to persons who drink self and his comrades some years before. D l a i r S n j I SJii Rheumatic Remedy. Koso lieirf fine cut; that Lorillard's created in 1839, under the name of Orcats, will stretch himself out and put out m it. It is known that the disease is ac- At his request the ground at three differNavr Clippines, and that Lorfflard's Snuffs, aro his tongue: the male quail will approach Oval Box, 81.00; round, 50 eta. companied by vegetable organisms in the ent spots which he carefully pointed out der of San Marino. TTOMEBEATJTIFUI,.~Mrs. T. G. FAENHAM, and peck it, whereat the cat seizes his The motto is "Libeatas." XX10 West 14th St., Mew Xork. Cheapest place in A f l f C i l blood which poison it and change its was dug up. It was then covered with A M l fill TEA SETS, &a. New York for Decorative Art Materials. Wholesale & 311 WE. I I B a V A Y toothsome prey.—Ban Francisco Bulletin. to Ladies who act When Italy became a kingdom Napocharacter, causing i t to escape into the grass and bushes of old growth, but on retail. Send 3c, for catalogue. Please mention paper. * " • • • • • • MWW ^ I I as agents for ua. leon desired to preserve this small state tissues and through the- kindneys, mak- reaching a certain depth the skeletons H E W O R L D ' S W O N B E I t S snd Official ni7. ATLANTIC TEA CO., Fitahburg, Mass. tory oj lite Greely Expedition. Grand new book; outing t h e urine dark, red ar black, while were found just as Feringhea had said. intact. " I t is a rare sample'of a repubThere are 356 charitable institutions tells- everi/tliing. Salary or com. to Agents. "Write quick lic to preserve," said the emperor. for special terms. H i s t o r i c a l P u b . Co^Phila,. Pa. the spleen becomes enlarged and gorged in Boston. with blood. ' I t is probably malarial in ..There are about twenty-five greiind le Book, Premium List. Price List aaa Within the last nine years 800 churches TT. S.OABpqO.. OenterlKook.Oonn Keeplng Teeth Perfect anil Quins licuUhv. its origin, and is produced b The Bible has been translated into the glas,s. factories in the United § f t JMorphine Habit Cnreff In Iff have; been destroyed by fire i A i i ^ " Zulu language, . -~_' •to 2 0 day r. No pay till cared. THE STRAGGLERS OF MDIA. ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL'BEAUTIFIES Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Sarsaparilla How To Buii ELY'S CREAM 6ALMGATARRH LIAR MaliiMorSiff, rrEYER $60.5 TON Dyspepsia Sufferers ut1 HEARTHSTONE^-M OUR WILD INDIANS — f — — ' "^ * * r " * * **%**rf WI4AA i w *• ^ ^ ^ \» -Y r * 1 THE OPIUM-HABIT BRUCELINE! RAOOOOir, SEMK, 1USIBAT, T R.uT AWARE IHIOTSSTOOTHPOWDER OPIUM Da.. I, SISFUSKS, I^bunon, Ohio*
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