February^ 1996 Guide WANT A VIPER FOR A VALENTINE? Our classified pages offer everything from the Astro to the Viper. See inside pages for the best deals on new and used cars. How To Shop For A USED CAR Or TRUCK Chevrolet's Astro has proven itself a popular people-mover. Roger, Houston, all wheels are go... Chevy's Astro LT with all-wheel drive can pull boat or trailer, and cart along the entire family the slippery boat ramp. Like many tall vehicles, the Astro tends to lean in tight corFORBES NEWSPAPERS nering maneuvers, while it rocks someThere's no denying thnt mini vans domi- what on pitching asphalt. We found its rear nate the famUy transportation scone. At climate controls and mirror switch in an last count, there were some 17 different exjd position, located across the top of the iterations from 10 makers. Most are made dash, and its sliding temperature stalk strictly to move passengers and cargo, but somewhat stiff. Under the hood is a 4.3some can accommodate both people and liter V(5 producing 190 horses, while 260 cargo and pull a moderate-sized boat or foot-pounds of torque give very good accamp trailer at the same time. celeration and are enough for most towing Chevrolet's Astro comes in standard CS duty. This engine features internal balance trim, as the mid-line CL, and as the topshafts to limit harsh vibrations. During a line Astro LT with all-wheel drive (AWD) recent ski trip, we found its rubber floor — our test model. mats at all seating positions handy for protecting the carpet from slush and mudEXTERIOR Astro has a freshened look for 1995, with laden boots. After the trip, we simply restyled front fenders, hood and grille, pulled the mats out and hosed them off, keeping the vehicle consistent with the vacuumed the vehicle and the inside was , rest of the Chevrolet truck lineup. Part of quickly cleaned. our test model's LT decor package inHANDLING cludes body side molding and composite headlamps, and a rear opening which uses While the Astro's handling isn't specswing-up rear glass. The two half-height tr.cul tr, its practicality is stellar. The Astro doors make loading cargo easier and the is designated as a heavy-duty people haullarge window area offers more visibility in er and performs this task well. Our test back. All vans feature special solar glass model features eight-passenger seating aft of the front doors to reduce the sun's and its rear seats can be moved fore and harsh rays, while new tender Hares portray alt. while all have adjustable seat backs. a more assertive look. New this year, all Access to its rear seating area is easy with Astro models are of the extended body dea step at the side door, although the area sign, as its shorter body style has been accessing its front seats is a bit narrow. discontinued. With eight passengers aboard, there are still 41.3 cubic feet of space left for cargo. INTERIOR The list of Astro's standard features is With the rear seats removed, more than lengthy. It includes: air conditioning, an 170 cubic feet of space appears. We came AM/FM stereo with digital clock, intermit- to a complete stop from fiO mph in ICO feet tent wipers, deluxe.1 minors and great cu- on wet pavement, thanks to the anti-skid pholders atop the center console at the brake system. driver's right knee. Our tester's LT decor SAFETY group adds a CD player, eight-passenger seating, power windows, door locks anil All Astro models use a front disc/rear mirrors, plus tilt steering, heavily tinteil drum braking setup, with a three-sensor glass, keyless entry and cruise control. In anti-lock braking system (ABS), along with addition, its overhead console has spots tor a driver's side airbag and side impact maps and small items, and LT models use beams, a reclining six-way power driver's seat anil leather-wrapped steering wheel. A large SUGGESTIONS storage bin is slipped beneath the front Optional all-season P21!V7!jR15 tires are passenger seat and fold-down armrests mated to aluminum wheels as part of the make for a comfortable driving position. LT decor group and this alone makes the Astro drivers sit high, and piloting it gives LT option useful Our model is equipped a commanding view of the mad ahead. with rear air conditioning ($523), rear heatENGINEERING er ($20f>), and an electric rear window deThe built-in strength nf the Astro AWI) (tigger ($l!v1), plus a compact disc stereo is its towing capability. We pulled nm boat upgrade at $100. The optional tow package from the water easily, since its dnvclrnin <$H0!)> enable:; Astro to pull up to 5,000 1 kept wheelspin controlled, especially tin pound. -;. By TOM HAGIN T Choose From Over 3O0 Vehicles And, Be nested With Respect In The Bargain! At Th© Flemlngton Car & Truck Country Family Of Dealerships You'll Find A Low Kay Approach, A Blggar Selection, And A Better Price. What You Won't Find la the Uaual Rlgamarole Moat People Associate With A Volume Uaed Car Lot. So Why Not Vialt Any One Of Our Six Used Car Locations ly Surprised... You Won't Feel Bruised! Today? You'll Not Only Be Pleasantly At Dltschman/Flsmington Ford Lincoln Mercury This Is Just A Partial Listing - Many Unadvertised Specials In Stock. 1992 PONTIAC OR AND AM 1991 OLD* CUTLASS CALAIS 6-cyl.. auto. AMJFM Merao C O M . , AIR, ps/Ww, crsa., tilt. 43 287 ml. VIN #NMO53627 Incl. 12 mo/12,000 ml. will. 4 - c y l . , a u l o . ps/bi'locks. A M / F M c o t s . , a/c, ( I VINHMM018870 20.145 ml Incl. 12 mo /12.000 ml. wan. 6-cyl , aulo., p s / b , A M / F M siarao c a t s . , a / c . till, c u e , ir. wpr /wshr./delr. 37.696 ml. VIN tNZA38711. 6-cyl, aulo, pB/tVwflocks, AM/FM cass a/c. Cfuise. lilt 41,463 mi. VIN#MUC12742. Incl 12 mo/12,000 ml. wwr. S llr VB, aulo. pa/b/w/lockt, a/g, lilt, c m . , AM/FM tlareo cats. 25,537 ml. VIN #MF14&3BZ Bal. of mfg. wwr. 3 llr ve.auio AM/FM cast.. ps/b/Wlocks. a/c. rr. (MltTwShr./wpr., crse,till, it rack 21,512 ml. VIN *PDJ13456. Sal ol mtfl warr. 5.8 Itr. VB. aulo.. AM/FM cass., a/c, ps/bAnr/loeke. crce.. 111. 68.775 mi. VIN •KN820941. Incl. 12 mo/12.000mi wwr. 6-cyl. aulo.. ps/b, AM/FM cass. a/c. pw/locKs. crse.. till 42,923 mi. VIN INKB92727. Incl. 12 mo/12.000 mi warr. 10,490 1992 FORD ABROSTAR VAN 13,490 1991 FORD MUSTANG CONVMTIBLS 12,990 1989 FORD F280 4x2 PICKUP 10,490 1989 BONNEVILLB L I 7990 1991 MERCURY TOPAZ 7290 1992 NISSAN PATHFINDER M 1991 FORD EXPLORER 4x4 1993 MERCURY VILLAQER 1992 FORD F1SO SUPBRCAB 4-cyl. auto., p t / b , AM/FM cass., a/c. p/w rr. dfgr , cruise, till. 41344 ml VIN tMB62B933. Incl. 12 mo./12,0O0ini. warr. 6-cyl, 5-spd. paft, A M F M c a s t . , a t pwfacta, i r . < H / M t * t o p . , c m . Ul.Gunrf VIN•NWQ16513.45.611ml. Incl 12moyi2.00Onil.wair. LINCOLN MERCURY CaU 908-782-8678 S S At Flemlngton Dodge Chrysler Plymouth This Is Just A Partial Listing - Many Unadvertisod Specials In Stock. 1991 BAOLS TALON TSI 1990 TOYOTA CAMRV 2-dr. (i. wtil. drive. 4-cyl. auto,. AM/FM cass. a/c. ps/b/w/locks Bolol mlg wair 44.454 ml VIN «ME096005. 4-di. 4-cyl, 5-spd m/irans. AM/FM cass.. a/c. rr. oetr.. ps/b. VIN HLU124GB8 Stk K4C1524A. 7 0 . 0 1 mi. 1994 JEEP WRANGLER SB 4x4 1991 SATURN 8C2 5-spd , 1-6 eng , AM/FM. a/c, ps/b, hardtop, n . datr./wpr.. full spare Bal. ot mtg. warr. 12,369 mi VIN •flP464626. 2-dr Groon. 4 c y l , aulo. AM/FM cass. alum whig . p/s/b/w/locks. a/c. crw . till, rw dolr VIN #MZ144O91. 40.973 mi. Stk #4C-1680A 1993 FORD THUNDSRBIRD 1992 MAZDA MIATA CONVBRTIBLB VG aulo. AM/FM stereo cass. a/c. p»/b/wAocka/mlris., ir. dalr . Ml. crsa Bal of mlg warr VIN (PH153510. 32.412 mi. 4-cyl, 5-spd mrtrans , AM/FM cass„ a/c. ps/b, VIN #NO325750. Stk. *94MS01A 32.600 mi Qol mlg 3/r/SOOOO mi. bA) warr. Wagon, 4 - c y l . auto . AM/FM CBsa., a/c. ps/b/w/locris, n. del , cruise V I N « L O H 3 t a a . 7 4 . 0 1 6 m i Slk.«5Ci315A. V6. aulo.. AM/FM CBBS , n/c, ps/b/w/lockE/mlriB , Wl. cr69. VIN »MA61904 Bnlolmfa P/T warr. 44,510 mi. Stk I4C1S76AZ '17,295 12,495 1990 TOYOTA CAMRY DX •949S 1991 MAZDA MPV MINI VAN 12,995 1991 JBBP CHEROKEE LAREDO 4x4 •15,995 1990 JBEP CHEROKEE LAREDO 4x4 •12,995 1991 MERCURY SABLE WAQON BASE PRICK: $20,<tHK PRICE AS TKSTKI): $27/117 ENGINE TYPE: 4..'J liter VG W/CPI ENGINE SIZE: 2(\2 rid/ 4293 cc HORSKPOWHR: 1 !)0 oo 4400 rptn TORQUE (ft/lbs): 2(10 <a> M400 rpm WIIIWMtASK: I I 1.0777.5" TRANSMISSION: Kourspeed null >mnl ie CURil WEIGHT: 43OU \\m FUKIi CAPACITY: 27.0 gnh. TIKES: m f W liRAKES (F/R): Front disc, re;ir dnim w/AMS DRIVE TRAIN: KrontoritfiMr/all wheel drive VEHICLE TYPE: Kightp;issen^er/r<)tir -door PERFORMANCE: EPA Economy, rnpn, city/hi>;hwnv/nver; ij',e; lfV 11)/IV ACCEIj:UATION, 0-liO M P H : I 1.4 seconds DOMESTIC CONTENT: 1)5 percent TOWING CAPAPC1TY: 5,500 pounds 10,795 12,996 '10395 FlennincitDn Aulo.. VC. AM/FM cassette. ps/b/w/locKt, a/c, till, crse., 7 pass sealing, n d«lr S * . »51019 A. VIN *MO802063 6 5 7 0 0 ml IIIH1SIIK Dodge 4.(Jr. 14 ong . aulo. AMrFM c u i tic. pt/btitnxkt. « t a . UK, 'I iKk 51.693 mi VIN*MLS67728 Bal. ol mlg. P/T warr. 51k. »5C12SSA •ymnuth Dodge TrucHs Call 908-788-5858 S I-6 ong . aulo , AM/FM cats., a/c, ps/b/w/lock*. alloy writs . ovtrhend console, tilt, crss., lull spare. VIN tLL198743. 70.200 mi Stk #5C1222A At Remington Mitsubishi This Is Just A Partial Listing - Many Unadvertlsed Specials In Stock. 1991 HONDA CIVIC LX 1992 ACURA INTEQRA OS-R 4-di , 4-cyl.. 5-spd. m/trans., ps/b/tv/iocks/mifra . AM/FM tlmoo cass 45.400 ml, VIN •MLO674B4, 2-di, 5 >(>d . 4 cyl, pn/b/w/kcKs AM,TM c m CD. alloy Mils . sir, cloth slB . ir del cue . I'll, uklUni. tun r( 33 969 ml VIN INS00O2U Slk tft13 1992 MAZDA MIATA CONVERTIBLE 1992 LINCOLN MARK VIII LSC Rod 4 c y l . 5-spd m/trans., ps/b, AM/FM si cues, ale, alloy wins 51.000ml VIN #01301804. 1992 ACURA LBOBND L '12,990 VC, aulo, ps/b/w/tocksAnoon r ( . ale. AM/FM cass. till, crse . llhr, iilloy whis VIN #NO0OS240 45,000 ml VB. ouV> a/c. p5/b/w/tock5/saals, AM/FM cass.. leather, BBS wtils VINHNV010S07 16,000 ml 1994 FORD MUSTANO '15/480 •21,490 V0 mitu , n/c. pE/bM/locks. AM/FM cass , crsa , nil, alloy wtils VIN I H . T | »l\f\ 13053 10.000 mi 1992 HONDA PRBLUDB SI 1992 MITIUIISHIAU WHIU M I V I MOO QT VM (Kill i.oupn. 4 cyl . auto , ABS, Bjn i l . ps/b/w/locks, AWFM COBS , CD VIN #0008460 24.B0Oml. All Whl Duvo. 5-spd m/trans . 6-cyl . 4-whl. »loBH<ln{j ps/Ww^ocks, cltm cntrl a/C 4 more 38.OXJ ml VIN #NYO542I7 1994 MITSUUIHIMONTW0 LI 4x4 7#M»IH0IR 1992 I9UZU AMIOO CONVERTIBLE 4 cyl. 5 t | i d rn/uaru , |>s/b, a/o, AM/FM cnnwlia VIN (N900/434 ir,,UOOira 1993 JEEP CHEROKEE 4x4 SPECIFICATIONS '14390 4 dr.. 8 cyl .auto. p/s. pvb, AM/FM slsr. a/c. p/w/Vxks. rw del., till. cruise. 45.649ml.. VIN #KW222717. Incl. 12mo/12.000ml. warr. Auto. I o Itr. VG. pi/tVw/tocki, crulM, nil, rt/c. AM/FM itereo ca-,» . nlloy whla VIN #riJOO I / 6 3 20.000 ml, TEST DRIVE defr. Orson. G cyl (lultxnatic. ps/b. AM/TM cnntotiB VIN *n'j\li\f 4i>,urjoriii 10,990 19,490 I f FleminotDn Call 808-782-8600 Art £ Ft* cjwamwmNflRY Family Off Dealerships Pficon includn nil corjlG lf> t>o pnld by connunwr oxcnpl lor lie , log, A Inxou Every Vehicle Here Is Covered ByA 12 Month/ 12,000 Mile Warranty At No Extra Charge! RTS. 2O2& 3 1 , Flemington. NJ Call For Updated Availability Of Unadvertbed Specials & Recent Tiwht Wtmm You Expect 7b Pmy L#M/
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