TNC Facts -n-Figures It has been 11 years since the first publication of a special In The Main newsletter devoted to transient non-community (TNC) issues. Over the years we have heard from several of you that you find the information useful and look forward to the issue. We hope you will find this edition just as helpful. There are 948 TNCs registered as of October 1, 2007. TNCs are generally privately owned, make up the majority of public water systems in the Commonwealth and include the following service types: Type of TNC Restaurant Commercial Establishments Recreation Areas Summer Camp Water Vending Hotel/Motel Institution Schools/Daycares Seasonal Residential Areas Industrial/Agricultural Medical Facility Service Stations/Rest Areas Bottled Water Companies Other Transient Facilities By Yvette DePeiza # 180 144 130 119 95 72 24 21 19 8 8 7 3 118 How to Maintain Compliance As an owner/operator of a TNC public water system, it is your duty to ensure that your water system is operating in a way that protects the health of you, your employees, and your customers. To help you provide safe water and maintain compliance with MassDEP regulations, make sure you: • Hire or become a certified operator. If you hire a certified operator to run your system, you must have a written contract outlining minimum responsibilities and tasks. Go to http:// approvals/cmplcntc.doc to obtain the required MassDEP form, complete the form, and submit it to MassDEP for approval. • Collect samples (nitrate/ nitrite, total coliform, sodium) and any other special samples required by MassDEP and have them analyzed by a Massachusetts or US EPA certified laboratory. For a list of certified labs, go to: Labcert/Labcert.aspx. • Install and maintain a master water meter • File the Annual Statistics report on time. For TNC by Type Over the last eleven years our Restaurant Commercial Establishments Western and Northeast regions Recreation Areas Summer Camps Water Vending Hotel/Motel saw increases in theirSchools/Daycares numbers of Institution Seasonal Residential Areas Industrial/Agricultural Medical Facility Serviceregion Stations/Rest Areas TNCs, with the Western Bottled Water Companies Other Transient Facilities See “Facts” - page 9 1% 0% 1% 1% 1% 12% 2% 18% 2% 3% 8% 15% 10% 13% 14% Match the color on the pie chart to the color to the left to see what type of TNC it is. By Denise Springborg information, go to: http:// approvals/dwsforms. htm#statrep. • Develop, file, and keep updated a cross connection control plan. For information, go to: http:// crosscon.htm. • Post your Annual Water Quality Report provided by MassDEP. For information, go to: dep/water/compliance/tncccr. htm. • Pay the Annual Safe Drinking Water Act assessment fee. See “Compliance” - page 3 Enhanced Drinking Water eDEP or after it is signed and submitted by your lab by using the secure sharing feature • Eliminate paper and mailing costs for water quality data • Minimize the most common filing errors By Andrew Durham MassDEP has just enhanced Drinking Water eDEP; an electronic filing tool, which labs can use to submit drinking water data to MassDEP on behalf of public water systems. The following contaminant groups can now be filed electronically through eDEP: Nitrate, Nitrite, HAA5, TTHM, Lead & Copper, Inorganics, Radionuclides, PCE, SOC, Secondary Contaminants, Bacteria, VOCs, Asbestos, Sodium, Chlorite, and Chlorine Dioxide. Filing electronically takes the place of submitting paper copies and has many benefits for you and your lab. By using eDEP, your system can: • Meet US EPA/MassDEP recordkeeping requirements • Get immediate confirmation of receipt upon filing • View your data on-line before eDEP is safe, secure, and available 24/7. Using eDEP will save Safe Drinking Water Act Assessment money because it lessens the need for manual data entry. Recent enhancements to the system include: • Enhanced performance/speed • Additional Secondary Contaminants (potassium, hardness, and specific conductance) • New bacteria rules accommodate both Total Coliform Rule samples and Surface Water Treatment Rule samples MassDEP encourages water systems to talk to their laboratories about using eDEP to file their drinking water data. Paper forms will still be accepted; however, MassDEP is anticipating that electronic reporting will be mandatory in the future. For information on eDEP’s features or to sign up as a registered user visit and click on eDEP Online Filing. For more information on Drinking Water eDEP, contact Andrew Durham at 617-574-6855 or email ITM Best Tasting Water Commonwealth of Massachusetts Deval L. Patrick, Governor Timothy P. Murray, Lt. Governor Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs Ian A. Bowles, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection Laurie Burt, Commissioner Division of Watershed Management Glenn Haas, Acting Asst. Commissioner Drinking Water Program David Y. Terry, Program Director Marie Tennant - Editor 617-292-5885 Department of Environmental Protection 1 Winter St. - Boston, MA 02108 (Washington, D.C.) – If you’re looking for the best tasting water in the nation, move to Massachusetts. The Three Rivers Fire District in Palmer, Massachusetts took top honors at the 8th Annual Great American Water Taste Test. The taste test is held each year on Capitol Hill in conjunction with the National Rural Water Association’s Annual Rally in Washington, D.C. NRWA represents over 25,735 rural and small utilities so you can see it is a tremendous accomplishment for the Three Rivers Fire District to win this national competition. They competed against the top water systems from 48 state rural water associations in order to secure this award. John Sasur, Water Superintendent, heads the district. The 964 district connections get their water from two ground water wells. They entered the water taste test after winning their state competition at the MASS Rural Water Association’s Annual Conference. See next page 2 Training $$$ Available for Small System Operators By Dan Laprade Operators of small water systems (population < 3,300) can get reimbursed for the expenses they incur in obtaining training contact hours and taking the operator exam. The money is available through a cooperative effort between the MassDEP and the Massachusetts Coalition for Small System Assistance (MCSSA) and is available on a firstcome first-approved basis. Current funding covers the period from July 1, 2006 through May 15, 2008. Eligible expenses include: Z Half day and full day classes, programs or seminars Z Certified Operator Examination fees Z Travel ($.40/mile) to/from trainings (excluding travel to exams) Additional details of the reimbursement process can be found on the Reimbursement Application form which is available from your regional MassDEP office or by going to the MCSSA website at and clicking on “Services”. ITM Compliance - continued from page 1 For information, go to: http:// laws/9602.doc. • Prepare for the Ground Rule - effective 12/1/09. This new rule will require systems with groundwater sources to take source water samples (install a tap if you do not already have one) following a total coliform detect and participate in a state sanitary survey inspection every five years. For more information, see the related article in this issue. To help TNCs and improve their operations, the MassDEP has established several on-going programs: • Training/Compliance Assistance – Offered by the Massachusetts Coalition for Small System Assistance - water/compliance/ssatrain.htm • Partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to identify recalcitrant TNCs and suspend local Board of Health (BOH) operating permits for BOH licensed facilities. • Bi-annual special TNC newsletter • TNC Guide (updated version will be available on-line December 2007) • On-line training and information http://www.mass. gov/dep/water/compliance/ certop.htm#train ity, Pennsylvania; and Stephens County Rural Water District #5, Oklahoma. State Rural Water Associations conduct preliminary competitions selecting the best water from small and rural systems to represent their state at the national finals. Every spring, the National Rural Water Association sponsors the Water Rally and Great American Taste Test on Capitol Hill to give utility and state officials an opportunity to visit one-on-one with their Congressional representatives and discuss key water and wastewater issues. ITM Though most TNCs are in compliance and recognize that providing safe water is an important function of their business, others may need assistance. If you have questions regarding the requirements listed above, please contact your regional Drinking Water Program. See page 8 for the list of ground water rule contacts. ITM continued from previous page Each judge evaluated glasses of water from the five finalists measuring them on clarity, bouquet, and taste. The five finalists were: City of Mt. Shasta, California; Town of Avilla Water Department, Indiana; Three Rivers Fire District, Massachusetts; York Springs Municipal Author- 3 Water Conservation Anyone Can Do! By Brian Thibodeau, City of Salem Water Department Don’t use the toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket; this saves 400 - 600 gal/mo. In-Doors The Kitchen: If you have a double sink fill one with dish detergent for washing dishes and fill the other one for rinsing- this will save approximately 250 - 500 gallons per month (gal/mo). Wash your vegetables in a pot and rinse them off in a second pot - this will save over 150 - 250 gal/mo. Keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator, so you won’t have to run the tap until the water is cold enough. This will save 200 - 300 gal/mo. The Laundry Wash only full loads. You’ll save between 300 - 800 gal/mo. If you are in the market for a new washing machine – check out the new front loaders – they’ll use 17-26 gallons per load instead of 45-60 for tub washers. Save 13 gallons for every load. The Bathroom Think about replacing older toilets, which use 5-7 gallons per flush, to a newer model which uses only 1 ½ gallons per flush. Look for leaks; why pay for water you’re not using? Install water saving showerheads or flow constrictors in bathtubs to save up to 800 gal/mo. 4 Put a plastic bottle or a plastic bag filled with pebbles in your toilet tank. Displacing water in this manner allows you to save up to 300 gal/mo. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth - you’ll save 3 gallons a day, almost 1,000 gal/ mo. Turn off the water while shaving – fill the sink with several inches of water to rinse your razor – you’ll save another 1,000 gal/mo. In the shower, if you run the water until it’s heated, use a bucket to catch the water. Use it to water your plants, this will save you 200 - 300 gal/mo. Shorten your shower. Even one or two minute reduction will save up to 700 gal/mo. Out-Doors Garden Put a layer of mulch around trees and plants. Bark, peat moss, or gravel slows down evaporation and saves 750 to 1,500 gal/mo. Water plants during the cooler part of the day. Early morning is better than dusk since it helps prevent the growth of fungus. Saves 300 gallons/mo. Don’t water on windy days; it becomes dispersed and evaporates quicker. Cut down on watering on cool days and overcast days and don’t water when it is raining. Adjust or deactivate automatic sprinklers. You can save up to 300 gallons each time. Car washing If you are able to, wash your car on the lawn. The rinse water will take the place of that day’s watering. Don’t keep the hose running when you wash your car. Fill a bucket with detergent and water, wash your car, and then use a quick hose rinse. If you wash your car every week this will save 150 gallons; for a two-car family that saves up to 1,200 gal/mo. Recreation Ask children to help conserve by not playing with the garden hose. This will save up to 10 gallons per minute. Use a pool cover to cut down evaporation, it will also keep your pool cleaner and reduce the need for chemicals. Saves 1,000 gal/ mo. ITM Cross-connection Control Program By Otavio dePaula-Santos A well-run TNC water system includes routine and preventive maintenance tasks such as inspections of the well and the surrounding water protection area, water quality monitoring (water sampling), cross-connection surveys and backflow device/assemblies testing. This article will discuss the cross-connection aspect for TNC systems. A cross-connection is when potable drinking water lines are “crossed” with non-potable water. This can produce an undesirable event that could possibly be lifethreatening. A seemingly innocent cross-connection can be filling a swimming pool and leaving the hose under the water. Back siphonage can pull the pool water into the drinking water lines. Attaching a lawn insecticide sprayer onto your hose and spraying the chemical is another more serious cross-connection. Without cross-connection protection the chemical could be siphoned into the drinking water lines and may be fatal to humans. The best approach to deal with an undesirable cross-connection event is to be prepared. The following are some steps to reduce and prevent cross-connection incidents: C Adopt only current plumbing practices according to the state plumbing code. C Make sure that a Massachu- setts Certified Plumber does all the plumbing work. C Fully implement all of the components of the Cross-Connection Control Program (CCCP); in particular having the system surveyed. A survey will look for and evaluate cross-connections, devices (Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer), and assemblies (Double Check Valve Assemblies) according to the CCCP Regulations. What are the steps to take after a cross-connection incident? C Isolate the affected plumbing system and immediately stop the backflow. C Notify the users of your system about the event and provide guidance regarding the consumption and use of water. C Contact the proper local and state authorities to report the incident. Make sure that the information on your Emergency Response Plan (ERP) regarding “Local Authorities Contact List” is updated and the ERP is posted or kept in an easily accessible place. C Activate the emergency response procedures: C If the contamination is already known and if it is restricted to a facility or a small area of the distribution system: stop the backflow, isolate the site, then flush and disinfect the domestic line and any other service lines (such as fire protection lines). C If the contamination is unknown and/or if your whole facility was affected: stop the backflow, isolate the area and take samples. After the contaminant is known: flush and disinfect your distribution system. Continue taking samples for a period of time to make sure that the lines are clean and the contaminant has been removed. C Install a backflow preventer to assure that backflow will not reoccur. C Conduct a new cross-connection survey of your system, or at a minimum, re-survey the affected area. C Notify the users of your system of the actions that were taken to control and remediate the cross-connection incident. Keep them informed about the water quality as a way to restore their confidence in your water system. Be proactive and do not fear communicating with your users or customers. ITM 5 Boil Order - Do Not Drink Order - Do Not Use Order By Yvette DePeiza Sometimes, contaminants may get into a TNC drinking water source or system. When this happens MassDEP may issue an order to protect the public health. In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 111, Section 160, MassDEP “may …make rules and regulations and issue such orders as in its opinion may be necessary to prevent the pollution and to secure the sanitary protection of all such waters used as sources of water Type of Order When Order is Used Boil Water Microbiological contamination when there is no identified risk due to inhalation, skin irritation, or flammability supply and to ensure the delivery of a fit and pure water supply to all consumers.” There are 3 types of public health protection orders used by MassDEP; Boil Order, Do Not Drink Order, and Do Not Use Order. For detailed information on how MassDEP uses these orders read MassDEP policy 8706, located at http://www.mass. MassDEP Region During Business Hours Western 413-784-1100 Central 508-792-7650 Northeast 978-694-3200 Southeast 508-946-2700 What to do Boil water at a rolling boil for 1 minute before using for any human consumption1 purpose Use bottled water or water from an alternative source You may bathe with this water but when bathing do not swallow water (sponge bathe kids). You may flush toilets. Do Not Drink Do Not Use Chemical or radiological contamination when there is no identified risk due to inhalation, skin irritation or flammability. Bacteria contamination when boiling or disinfection is not available or practical. Do not use water for human consumption1 purposes. Use bottled water from an alternative source. Chemical or radiological or unknown contamination when there is a risk from inhalation, skin irritation, or flammability. Do not use the water for any purpose. You may bathe with this water but when bathing do not swallow the water (sponge bathe kids). gov/dep/water/laws/policies.htm. One of the most important things to remember when you exceed a maximum contaminant level or suspect contamination is to contact your regional MassDEP office and your local board of health. MassDEP staff are available to help you address your water supply problem and notify your consumers. ITM After Business Hours / Weekend or Holidays Examples of What to do Do not flush toilets or other units until MassDEP has determined it is safe to do so. Procedures for Food Establishments Boil your water or if you cannot boil use bottled water, or water from an alternate source for the following human consumption purposes: • Brushing teeth • Washing hands • Washing cuts, bruises, etc • Cooking • Washing vegetables • Washing eating/cooking utensils • Pets (water, food, bathe) Food establishments must follow MA DPH procedures and the direction of their local board of health (LBH). Use bottled water or water from an alternate source for the following human consumption purposes: • Brushing teeth • Washing hands • Washing cuts, bruises, etc • Cooking • Washing vegetables • Washing eating/cooking utensils • Pets (water, food, bathe) Food establishments must follow the DPH guide and the directions of their LBH. You may flush toilets. Use bottled water or water from an alternate source. 888-304-1133 Use bottled water or an alternate source for all human consumption purposes including showering. Discard any products prepared with the water collected during the period of concern e.g. baby formulas, foods, ice cubes, etc. Do not use the shower or flush toilets until approved to do so by MassDEP. Showering and flushing may present a risk from inhalation. When or if flushing is allowed or required by MassDEP flush all pipes and units e.g. hot and cold water taps, toilets, humidifiers, dishwashers, washing machines, etc3. See pg. 18 of the DPH guide2 for procedures to follow during a Boil Order. LBH may be more stringent than the DPH guide. See pg. 15 of the DPH guide2 for procedures to follow during a water interruption incident. LBH may be more stringent than the DPH guide. Food establishments must follow the DPH guide and the directions of their LBH. See pg. 15 of the DPH guide2 for procedures to follow during a water interruption incident. LBH may be more stringent than the DPH guide. 1 On 2/26/88, the US District Court settled the US vs. Midway Heights case in part by claiming “human consumption includes drinking, bathing, showering, cooking, dishwashing, and maintaining oral hygiene.” 2 For DPH’s guide visit 3 For more information read MassDEP’s flushing fact sheet at Registered TNCs Are Improving Compliance By Yvette DePeiza • There has been a steady and significant increase in the number of TNCs that understand the routine monitoring and reporting requirements. This is a significant achievement and has resulted in better than 95% compliance in fiscal year 2007. TNCs are staying clear of violations and penalties and have taken the provision of water as an important function of their business. • These good results are a reflection of the effort and good work of TNCs and MassDEP, and its partners all working together. The majority of TNCs have taken the following actions: • Hired or became a certified operator • Collected and had their Massachusetts or US EPA certified laboratories analyze their drinking water samples as required • Filed Annual Statistical reports on time • Developed and filed a cross connection control plan Posted their Annual Water Quality Report provided by MassDEP Paid their annual Safe Drinking Water Act Assessment MassDEP has also instituted several programs that have helped TNCs to improve. These programs included the following: • Training/compliance assistance – This was initially via MassDEP circuit riders and after 2003 via the Massachusetts Coalition for Small System Assistance • Enforcement priority for TNCs lacking certified operators • Partnership with Massachusetts Department of Public Health to initiate the suspension of local Board of Health (LBOH) license for recalcitrant TNC facilities with LBOH permits. # of TNCs with no M/R (monitoring and reporting) violations TNC with no M/R violations 1000 800 600 400 200 0 FFY FFY FFY FFY FFY FFY FFY FFY FFY FFY FFY 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) With the focus on training and enforcement and also ensuring that all TNCs have a certified operator many TNCs have become more professional in how they deal with the drinking water requirements. Even though we are pleased with the progress that we are seeing there is more that can be done. TNCs have high rates of ownership changes that result in periods of time when new owners have compliance problems as they learn about the drinking water requirements. In addition, each year MassDEP has identified more than 50 unregistered TNCs that are operating without MassDEP approval. MassDEP has stepped up its enforcement in this area to make sure that when a consumer enters a TNC they can be assured that the facility is registered with MassDEP and that MassDEP is tracking the quality of the water. We are encouraging the LBOH, certified operators, and others to keep us informed whenever they are aware of changes in ownership or of any new TNCs. We are also working with local permitting authorities to identify and refer all public water systems to MassDEP for approval. If you know of any facilities that meet the definition of a TNC but are not registered with MassDEP encourage them to contact the local MassDEP office for approval. ITM 7 Regional and Boston Contact Names and Phone Numbers Post near your phone Topic Annual Statistical Reports Assessment Fee (SDWA) Bacteria Monitoring Bottled Water Certified Operator Cross Connection Daycares (Childcares) Disinfection By-products Rule Emergency Plans Enforcement Ground Water Rule Lead and Copper NONs New Source Approval New System Registration Region CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON Contact Person Paula Caron Bill Zahoruiko Dan Disalvio Deirdre Cabral Mark Bolivar Phone 508-767-2719 978-694-3232 508-946-2793 413-755-2148 617-292-5527 BOSTON Kathy Romero 617-292-5727 CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON Paula Caron Bill Zahoruiko Karen Dube Dede Cabral Denise Springborg Paula Caron Jim Dillon Chuck Shurtlef Rick Larson Otavio Paula-Santos Bob Bostwick Hilary Jean Chuck Shurtleff Doug Paine Paul Niman Lynda Laine Anita Wolovick Alyse Ayler Dede Cabral Otavio Paula-Santos Bob Bostwick Jim Dillon Rick Rondeau Doug Paine Ken Pelletier Kelly Momberger Jim Dillon Dan Disalvio Dan Laprade Nick Anastas Marielle Stone Hilary Jean Rick Rondeau Bill Prendergast Paul Niman Bob Bostwick Tatyana Karpenko Chuck Shurtleff Doug Paine Yvette DePeiza Kelly Momberger Jim Dillon Kermit Studley Jim Bumgardner Steve Hallem Andrea Lemerise Tatyana Karpenko Giliane Tardieu Bill Prendergast Paul Niman Paula Caron Kelley Michael Terry Martin Deirdre Cabral Mark Bolivar Barbara Kickham Jim Persky Kermit Studley Catherine Skiba Bruce Bouck Kelly Momberger Jim Dillon Chuck Shurtleff Jim Gibbs Mark Bolivar 508-767-2719 978-694-3232 508-946-2762 413-755-2148 617-574-6879 508-767-2719 978-694-3231 508-946-2879 413-755-2207 617-556-1085 508-849-4036 978-694-3229 508-946-2879 413-755-2281 617-556-1166 508-849-4027 978-694-3228 617-292-5701 413-755-2148 617-556-1085 508-849-4036 978-694-3231 508-946-2816 413-755-2281 617-348-4014 508-849-4023 978-694-3231 508-946-2793 413-755-2289 617-556-1157 508-767-2827 978-694-3229 508-946-2816 413-755-2269 617-556-1166 508-849-4036 978-694-3233 518-946-2879 413-755-2281 617-292-5857 508-849-4023 978-694-3231 508-946-2803 413-755-2270 617-292-5681 508-767-2723 978-694-3233 508-946-2805 413-755-2269 617-556-1166 508-767-2719 978-694-3401 508-946-2765 413-755-2148 617-292-5527 508-767-2724 978-694-3227 508-946-2803 413-755-2119 617-556-1055 508-849-4023 978-694-3231 508-946-2879 413-755-2299 617-292-5527 Topic Organics Monitoring (VOC / SOC) Perchlorate POU / POE Public Notification Resource Protection (SWAP and IWPA) Sampling Schedules Sanitary Surveys TNCs Training and Outreach Treatment Turbidity (SWTR and LT2) UIC (Underground Injection Control) Vending Machines Water Quality Report Region CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON Contact Person Kristin Divris Jim Persky Terry Martin Rick Larson Nick Anastas Kelly Momberger Jim Persky Terry Martin Mike McGrath Damon Guterman Phone 508-849-4028 978-694-3227 508-946-2765 413-755-2207 617-556-1157 508-849-4023 978-694-3227 508-946-2765 413-755-2202 617-574-6811 BOSTON Frank Niles 617-574-6871 CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON Paula Caron Tatyana Karpenko Karen Dube Kim Longridge Marie Tennant Josephine Yemoh-Ndi Anita Wolovick Terry Martin Catherine Skiba Kathy Romero Catherine Hamilton Bruce Bouck Paula Caron Jim Persky Terry Martin Jim Gibbs Mark Bolivar Bob Bostwick Hilary Jean Dan Disalvio Bill Prendergast Mike Maynard Yvette DePeiza Liz Kotowski Hilary Jean Terry Martin Dan Laprade Marie Tennant Purna Rao Hilary Jean Mike Quink Dan Laprade Frank Niles Nora Hanley Hilary Jean Chuck Shurtleff Dan Laprade Frank Niles Bob Bostwick Ron Stelline Chuck Shurtleff Rick Larson Ken Pelletier 508-767-2719 978-694-3233 508-946-2720 413-755-2215 617-292-5885 508-849-4030 978-694-3228 508-946-2765 413-755-2119 617-292-5727 617-556-1070 617-556-1055 508-767-2719 978-694-3227 508-946-2765 413-755-2299 617-292-5527 508-849-4036 978-694-3229 508-946-2793 413-755-2269 508-767-2735 617-292-5857 508-767-2779 978-694-3229 508-946-2765 413-755-2289 617-292-5885 508-767-2784 978-694-3229 508-946-2766 413-755-2289 617-574-6871 508-767-2720 978-694-3229 508-946-2879 413-755-2289 617-574-6871 508-849-4036 978-694-3252 508-946-2879 413-755-2207 617-348-4014 BOSTON Otavio Paula-Santos 617-556-1085 Marie Tennant 617-292-5885 Mark Bolivar 617-292-5527 508-767-2719 508-767-2722 978-694-3227 508-946-2803 413-755-2119 617-556-1055 508-767-2827 978-694-3226 508-946-2816 413-755-2148 617-292-5529 BOSTON BOSTON CERO Director NERO SERO WERO BOSTON CERO NERO SERO WERO BOSTON Emergency MassDEP Zone I, II Approvals Drinking Water Chiefs Paula Caron (Zone 1) Barbra Kickham (Zone II) Jim Persky Kermit Studley Catherine Skiba Bruce Bouck Marielle Stone Tom Mahin Rick Rondeau Deirdre Cabral David Terry After hours or holidays 1-888-304-1133 5-Steps to Respond to an Emergency By Yvette DePeiza G Consider what can be saved, what can be sacrificed. G If applicable, assess any damage to sewer system that could contaminate water supplies. G Secure well houses against unauthorized entry and possible contamination. All water suppliers, including transient noncommunity (TNC) systems, must have an emergency response plan and annually update MassDEP on any changes in the plan. The plan may be as simple as a plan to shut down the facility until the problem is repaired or provide bottled water for all human consumption purposes until the problem is resolved. However, at a minimum, a TNC must do the following when there is a problem that impacts the water quality. 4. Isolate areas that will take the longest to restore service and arrange for emergency water distribution in those areas. G Establish collection points and ration water. G Locate source of water containers (plastic bottles, jerry cans, etc.). G Spot containers at locations to serve immediate needs. G Locate trucks with watercarrying capabilities. G If needed, provide information to the public on emergency disinfection of drinking water. 1. Act to protect life. Implement your emergency response plan to ensure the safety of employees and families. 2. Notify employees, MassDEP, local board of health and any other local/state officials of the implementation of your Emergency Response Plan G Maintain, to a practical extent, records and logs of actions taken and ask all supervisors to do the same. G Coordinate efforts with MassDEP, local board of health and other regulatory agencies. 5. Set priorities on repair work G Get input from MassDEP and other appropriate agencies on essential uses. G Plan to restore service by area. G Prepare and keep current a plan to restore service. 3. Preserve water or food in storage if possible G For water storage follow MassDEP guidance G For food storage follow your board of health guidance. See MA DPH guide http://www.mass. For more information on emergency response planning visit gov/Eeohhs2/docs/dph/environmental/foodsafety/ emergency_action_plans.pdf ITM Facts - continued from page 1 SERO SERO WERO WERO 1996 CERO CERO 1996 2007 1996 2007 1996 2007 1996 TNCs continue to provide water to millions of residents, workers, visitors and tourists each day. The water supply provided by these facilities is vital to the public health of the Commonwealth and any deterioration in the water quality will have a significant impact on many consumers. 400 400 350 350 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 5050 00 2007 # of TNCs experiencing the largest increase of 80 TNCs. Southeast and Central saw a decrease in their number of TNCs. NERO NERO 2007 MassDEP has been working with TNCs owners and operators to help them understand and comply with the drinking water requirements. Some of the programs that TNCs find helpful include the contract certified operator program; technical assistance from the MassDEP funded Massachusetts Coalition for Small System Assistance (MCSSA); complimentary sampling schedules; sanitary surveys; and a host of training information and training opportunities. Together, our efforts have resulted in many well operated TNCs. If you have any questions on this information contact Yvette DePeiza at 617292-5857 or at Yvette.DePeiza@ . ITM 9 Self Survey to be at your Best In addition to monitoring your water quality, one of the best ways for a TNC owner to make sure that their facility is operating at its best is to perform periodic sanitary surveys of the facility. MassDEP regulations require each TNC’s certified operator to perform a survey/audit of its system every five years and to report the result to MassDEP. In addition, MassDEP staff will go to each facility and perform a survey approximately every five years. This state-performed survey should be supplemented by the TNC annually doing its own surveys at least to locate, identify, and correct any health hazards that might exist. To help TNCs prepare for the state survey or its own certified operator survey, MassDEP has developed a very useful booklet, “Preparing for a Sanitary Survey.” This booklet is located at http:// The booklet includes information on the following By Yvette DePeiza topics: -Minimum components of a routine sanitary survey; -Self-inspection checklist; -Common deficiencies surveyors hope NOT to find; -Information to help you operate and maintain your water system. Regular use of the self-inspection checklist will insure that TNCs comply with all of the requirements. If a TNC finds any problems, the facility should correct them immediately, or if they are costly begin the process to get them corrected as soon as possible. Do not wait for MassDEP staff to identify your problems. If you do, you may find yourself facing significant enforcement and fines. If you have any questions on this information please use the contact list on page 8 to call your local MassDEP office. ITM Changes or Upgrades in Your System By Yvette DePeiza Yesterday’s gas stations... TNC systems have to be very careful when there are changes at their facilities. Owners and operators must be sure that any changes made do not affect their MassDEP approval. If a TNC facility wishes to change its current function or expand its facility or operations it 10 must contact its MassDEP regional office. MassDEP staff will help you determine if the changes you are proposing will require submittal of a permit to MassDEP for source or system modifications. e.g. changing from a small office or gas station to a daycare, coffee shop, restaurant, or other facility that may serve beverages, handle food, require food permits, or supply water to 25 or more persons on average per day. If a facility that is currently classified as a TNC proposes or initiates any changes in the use of the establishment that would cause the system to be classified as another type of PWS, the facility must meet all applicable MassDEP standards, and obtain the proper MassDEP permits and approvals. Some examples of changes that may affect drinking water status include: a change in the type of permitted occupancy Please use the contact list on page 8 if you have any questions. ITM Today’s gas stations... License Renewal Requirements for Drinking Water Operators By Paul S. Niman All current drinking water licenses in Massachusetts expire on December 31, 2007. By the end of October 2007, the Division of Professional Licensure (DPL) expects to mail out renewal notices to all operators who have up-to-date addresses on file with the Board of Certification of Operators of Drinking Water Supply Facilities (Board). Each Massachusetts licensed drinking water operator should take steps now to insure that they have completed the necessary Training Contact Hours (TCHs) and have the necessary documentation to prove it. Failure to get the necessary TCHs in a timely manner may result in a fine, late fee, or the need to re-take the exam. TCH requirements are based on the highest level of license that an operator holds in accordance with the following schedule: Grade VSS or VND needs 5 TCHs; Grade 1 or 2 needs 10 TCHs; Grade 3 needs 15 TCHs; Grade 4 needs 20 TCHs. These are minimum requirements and the Board strongly encourages operators to get more than the minimum. This will help you avoid any last minute problems with insufficient TCHs. The Board also now recommends relevancy requirements for TCHs for license renewal. No less than 50% of the TCHs required for renewal should be directly related to the operation of distribution or treatment systems (i.e. operation and maintenance of pumps, chlorine and disinfection, instrumentation and measurement, etc.). No more than 50% of the TCHs required for renewal should be indirectly related to the operation of distribution or treatment systems (i.e. safety and administration). To assist operators in obtaining TCHs, be advised that the Board grants TCHs for the following: • Taking and passing a Board exam for a higher grade – Maximum 7 TCH • Memberships – Maximum 3 TCH per renewal period Y AWWA, NEWWA, MWWA – 1 TCH for each year of membership. Y Local organizations recognized by Board – 0.5 TCH for each year of membership. • Attending approved training – TCH as awarded • Attending training by Board approved organization – TCH as awarded • Attending approved inhouse training – TCH as awarded • Attending First Aid or CPR course from Board recognized organization – Maximum 3 TCH per renewal period • Attending relevant courses granting CEUs – 1 CEU = 10 TCH • College credit for applicable courses – 1 Credit Hour = 15 TCH • Teaching courses approved for TCH – Grade 3 and Grade 4 operators are allowed 1 TCH for each hour of teaching, up to a maximum of 40% of TCHs required for renewal • Relevant training given by Federal (EPA, DHS, FEMA, etc.), a Massachusetts State Agency (MEMA, DPH, DCR, etc.), or any other state’s drinking water certification program (NH, NY, VT, CA, etc.) - The Board will not accept training that is only approved by these agencies. It must be given or co-sponsored by the agency. Additional information on TCHs: • The Board Policy on Training Renewal Courses is available on Board website at: http://www. misc/tch_policy.pdf • A list of Board approved training is available at: boards/dw/conedu/dw_ tch.htm Questions regarding TCHs can be directed to Paul Niman at 617556-1166 or by email to Paul. . ITM 11 In The Main Photo by Carlos Fragata MassDEP Drinking Water Program 1 Winter Street - 5th Floor Boston, MA 02108 Rockport, MA Printed by MassDEP Operations on recycled paper. What’s in Your WHPP? By Catherine Hamilton A Wellhead Protection Plan (WHPP) is an excellent source protection tool for TNCs to use. Unlike large community systems that benefit from municipal wellhead protection, small water systems must rely solely on their own actions to protect their wells from contaminants. A WHPP is a document that public water systems (PWS) can develop and use to ensure the long-term protection of their drinking water sources. A WHPP begins with identifying the threats to the water supply. This information can be found in the PWS’s Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP) report, inspection reports, and MassDEP sanitary surveys and correspondence. The WHPP should include water quality concerns and threats along with a description of the strategies and tasks for addressing 12 them. The WHPP should also include a timeline for completion of the activities involved; for instance, post protection signs by Dec. 08, remove underground storage tank from the Zone I by Oct. 08, distribute water supply protection information to land owners in the Zone I by Nov. 08, practice good housekeeping skills monthly, etc. The WHPP should also state if the Zone I is owned or controlled by the PWS. For small systems that do not own or control the Zone I, Best Management Practices (BMPs) are often the primary tool for protecting the well. These BMPs should be included in the WHPP as tasks or strategies. BMPs focus on spill prevention, proper storage, secondary containment, and operational practices that eliminate or reduce hazardous material releases in the Zone I. PWSs should also determine if they are located in the Zone II of a larger community water system. Because the majority of Zone IIs in Massachusetts are protected by municipal controls, a TNC located in one of these Zone IIs is also protected. TNCs that have local protection should include a copy of the municipal protection controls (bylaws, ordinances, health regulations, etc.) in their WHPP. Lastly, the WHPP should be reviewed every few months to ensure tasks and strategies are on schedule. WHPP should be updated every 3 years. WHPP plans are strongly recommended by MassDEP. Source Protection Guidance documents are available on drinking/sourcewa.htm. If you have questions on your WHPP contact Catherine Hamilton at 617-556-1070. ITM
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