Tuesday, August 24. 1982 Page 4 Henderson Home News, Henderson, Nevada Ouellett Named to Hospital Committee Larry Ouellett has been named chairman of the Development and Finance Committee of St. Rose de Lima Hospital Foundation. Appointed by Charles Ruthe, President of the Hospital's new financial organization, the Committee hasifalready begun to study ways and means to create community wide financial support for the Hospital through its nonprofit Foundation. Working with St. Rose de Lima Hospital's Governing Board ana Administration, the Development and Finance Committee will establish financial support to aid - in financing the continued growth of the Hospital. "We're going to actively involve many people representing broad community interests in our work, "said Ouellett. "We'll use every available resource to assure all people of the finest medical care at the lowest possible cost." Already working on the Committee with Ouellett are: Charles Armstrong, Dave Brandsness, Father Caesar Caviglia, Jeanne Olsen DeMarco, Joe Foley, Preston Henley, Alex Hossack, Dave Jamison, Robert Bachman, Nick Lathuris, Mary Roberts, Joseph Shalev, M.D., and Hershel Trumbo. "The separate, nonprofit, nongovernmental, charitable corpora- tion was established recently on April 5, 1982. As the financial Master Planning Arm of the St. Rose de Lima Hospital, it provides the means to assess and determine community health care needs, to state them realistically; to formulate plans to obtain these objectives; and to encourage public interest, action, and support of specific projects necessary to achieve the Hospital's purpose", concluded Ouellett. "A Time To Live With Leo Buscagfia" On PBS Basic High School Registration Schedule Basic High School students will register for classes on August 26 and 27. Exact registration time is determined by grade and birthdate. The following schedule will be closely adhered to: In order to insure a smooth and orderly registration procedure, we will schedule you according to your grade and the month of your birthdate. (See schedule below) i SCHEDULE GRADE COLOR BIRTHDATE DATE TIME Tz Tnnj Jan., Feb., Mar., April Aug. 26, Thursday 7:30 a.m. 12 Yellow May, June, July, Aug, Aug. 26, Thursday 8:00 a.m. 12 Green Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. Aug. 26, Thursday 8:30 a.m. i Pink 11 Jan., Feb., Mar, April Aug. 26, Thursday 9:30 a.m. Yellow 11 May, June, July, Aug. Aug. 26, Thursday 10:00 a.m. Green 11 Sept., Oct.. Nov., Dec. Aug. 26, Thursday 10:30 a.m. Pink 10 Jan., Feb., Mar., April Aug. 27. Friday 7:30 a.m. Yellow 10 May. June. July. Aug. Aug. 27, Friday 8:00 a.m. Green 10 Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dec, Au«. 27, Friday 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Pink Aug. 27. Friday 9 Jan., Feb.. Mar., April 10:00 a.m. Yellow Aug. 27. Friday 9 May. June, July, Aug. 10:30 a.m. Green Aug. 27, Friday 9 Sept.. Oct., Nov., Dec. Aug. 27, Friday 11:00 a.m. January through December, 9-12 9-12 Blue August 30. Monday 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (All students who have failed to register will register at this time) DO NOT REPORT BEFORE YOUR APPOINTED TIME Registration packets will be mailed to all pre-registered students on August 13. Parents and students are encouraged to work together tq prepare a sample schedule prior to registration day. Those students who are new to Basic High School and have not pre-registered. and those students who failed to pre-register during the spring, may do so in the school's administrative office prior to August 26. OM Fashioned Ice Cream Social Sunday, Home Made Ice Cream And Cake Many years ago a event in Ruth's back Social was held at .the church. DR. LEO BUSCAGLIA "Let's take more time for fun," urges Dr. Leo Buscaglia, "because fun brings laughter and laughter brings wellness and wellness prolongs life." The popular Dr. Buscaglia brings this cheerful prescription to public television in an all - new special, "A Time To Live With Leo Buscaglia." Presented during public televisions 'National Membership Week,' the one - hour program will air Wednesday, August 25 at 10 p.m. on PBS, Channel 10. Speaking out - of doors in Sacramento, California's Capital Park, Dr. Buscaglia uses the b«auty of the setting to illustrate his message: that people should take the time to celebrate the good things in life - things like friends, food, flowers, sunshine, balloons and having fun. In Buscaglia's words, "Each of us has a time for life. There is a misconception that we have forever; in reality, we have such a brief moment in time. But remember, even that brief moment is yours -it's yours to celebrate, to misuse it, to lose it is to devalue our greatest gift, the gift of life." How to Deal With Clothing Stains By Katherine Everson mayonnaise) because a Area Extension Home sugar and oil stain look Economist much alike. On this type of stain, work in deHave you ever had tergent (liquid or a the experience of a paste made from granugarment not showing larjwhen stain is NEW. spots until after you Otherwise, you will remove it from the have difficulty removdryer or after removing ing the stain. 4. The fourth type of it from storage? Puzzling, isn't it? And yet, greasy-looking dryer there is an explanation. stain, especially on 1. Many fruit juices, lightcolored clothes, is soft drinks, and al- the result of using a coholic drinks spilled fabric softener "sheet" on a garment disappear in the dryer. A high and leave no visible concentration of sofstain, but the sugars are tener attaches to the deposited in the fabric. garment when the When placed in a dryer "sheets" rub against or stored in a warm the fabric. Industry is closet, the heat browns working to eliminate them, causing a yel- this problem, but such lowish or brownish stains still occur. Regustain which doesn't lar washing of the garcome out. When some- ment will remove this thing is spilled, rinse greasy-looking stain. the fabric immediately in cool water. And, as Buying Carpet And Rugs soon as possible, work in detergent (liquid or a Carpeting and rugs paste made from granular) before you forget often go on sale in August. If you need new about the spill. 2. A second cause of carpet or rugs this this brownish stain could be the time to buy could be from pouring and save money. The term carpeting liquid detergent or fabric softener directly generally refers to a into the washing soft floor covering exmachine, which was al- tending from wall-toready filled with soiled wall. Rugs can be either clothing. Both of these room size (covering the products (read direc- floor to within 8 to 12 tions) are to be diluted inches of the walls) or before adding. An ex- area (available in variception for the liquid ous sizes and shapes). detergent is to fill the Carpeting and rugs are washing machine with major purchases that water, add liquid de- last a long time. They tergent, let agitate a should be chosen minute, then add the carefuly. Before you go to the clothes. 3. A third cause, par- store you need to deticularly on polyesters, termine the following is that the stain is a things: greasy stain (such as -what do you want your rpom to look like? Relaxed and informal, or reserved and elegant? -what furniture will you use in the room? -how much wear will the carpet or rug get and by whom? -:what colors are you going to use in the room? What colors are used in neighboring rooms? how much sunlight does the room get? Now sketch your room (or rooms) on a piece of paper. Draw in the placement of furniture or any built-in pieces. To determine the amount of carpet you need multiply the length of the room by the width and divide by 9. Example: A 9 x 12 room equals 108 square feet. 108 divided by 9 equals 12 square yards ofcarpet needed.Ifyou are buying a rug, sketch in the size and shape. Take the sketch and measurements with you when you shop. It is also helpful to take along paint samples and fabric samples. It's hard to remember the exact color of your sofa when you are surrounded by carpet or rug samples! The price of carpeting will largely be determined by the fiber content and the density of the fibers. The color and density you need will depend on where the carpet is to go and how it will be used. A reliable, experienced salesperson can show you different carpets or rugs that will be suited to your needs. Area rugs can also be priced according to fiber content. Some area rugs are available in exotic fibers and furs. Padding and insulation may or may not be included in the price of the carpeting. If it is not, ask for a price quotation for the entire job. Large, room size rugs have bound edges and are generally padded. Checkto see if the binding and padding are included in the price of the rug. To insure the best buy for your money always: read the label, choose a dependable brand, buy from a reliable dealer, purchase the best quality you can afford and obtain a written guarantee. small organization started a yearly event in Henderson called the "Ice Cream Social". This was a group of women in the working world called the BPW. This yearly event was held at the home of Ruth Ball. Many of these women who belonged to this organization were also active members of the Community Church and when the BPW gave up the annual event the members of the church continued to have the yard. Every year the Japanese lanterns lighted the back yard and the men packed all the tables and chairs and utensils in trucks between Ruth's home and the church and some of the women, like Ida Belle Riggins would bake five and six cakes for the evening. After Ruth passed away, the youtiTbf the church, planted a tree in the patio area>/n her honor and ap'pr^iation of all she had done for them and the Ice Cream The firtt itewardess was Mi» Ellen Church, a registered nurse, who welcomed 11 passengers aboard a flight from Oakland, Calif., to Cheyenne, Wyo. in 1930. church, This event brought friends in the community together every year to enjoy homemade ice cream and cakes made by the women of the This year the Ice Cream Social will be held on August 29, (Sunday). The price will be $1.50 per serving and will be from 6 until 8 p.m. Address is 27 E. Texas. Gigantic Rummage Sale Set Beat infiation! Select from hundreds of fabulous bargains in children's, women's, and men's clothing, furniture, housewares, antiques, appliances, books, collectibles, tools and odds-andends, at the New Life Rummage Sale in Boulder City. Beginning at 9 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 26, the rummage sale will run through noon Saturday, Aug. 28, at 700 Wyoming Street (corner of Utah and Wyoming Sts.) If you have items you wish to donate (taxdeductible), simply call Joe at 293-2627 or 293-4444. and he'll stop by with his truck, at your convenience. mittee was created to tell the community of the Philosophy, Purpose and Program of the newly organized Foundation." Stepman, in accepting the Chairmanship, reiterated, "It is the job of our Committee to effectively keep the community informed Acetone can be used on natural fibers to remove super glue. Acetone will dissolve many man-made fibers, so make sure of the fiber content before using. AMYL ACETATE HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN THE REMOVAL OF SUPER GLUE ON SYNTHETIC FIBERS. But it is not always successful. The amyl acetate must be flushed from the fabric w'ith a dry cleanng solution. Recommend taking garment with synthetic fiber content to a professional cleaners as soon as possible and explaining type of stain. about our Foundation's completely autonomactivities and its pro- ous, nonprofit corporajects." tion organized under The Committee, one the Nonprofit Laws of of five Standing Com-- the State of Nevada. Its mittees of the Founda- objective is to provide tion, has as its mem- supplemental income bers: Mary Knight, for the development of Jerry Sherry, Sister facilities, services and Barbara Stanek, Bob programs of the nonSwadell and Joe Foley. profit St. Rose de Lima The Foundation is Hospital. Rock Concert May Affect Traffic California High- The Nevada notorUtj of . Rock way Patrol, Southern Region, would like to inform Las Vegas esident|——JJUt ^„ e.tim.ted via 1-15 could possibly encounter some traffic congestion in this area. •»»r^MSliBSwWiiiiijil'Vi^JJS'»gi^TO^^ . Jt- -B - -^ ill Ne. CS4STfC17IMS, Llec-M Ne. TM44I Neva4a •latei. Besletared ewaer DaaMll-rMfe,NaiW.CkarlMaMNe.SS8,LaeVetaa.N««. mm Ugal OwMT SaM. ItotlceU kerefer gtvea lha< I, Walker Tewlag MS N. PartaMi, leB^erta*. Ne*. will lell tkmt MMtltMtf »ref«rty ea Wa4., Aac.ll ll8lall«a.M.aliaN. PtfkMB, Hea4ert«a, Nevada. We reMnre the rigkl l« bid. H - Auf. i; 17. M. INt NOTICE or APPLICATION FOB PERMISSION TO APPROPRIATE THE PUBUC WATERS or THE STATE OF NEVAnA JULY tr. INt Application No. 4S713 Notice li hereby |lvcn that on the 24th>day of May INZ, Dale B. King, Jr. and Joyce King of Lat Vegaa State of Nevada made application to the Slate Engineer of Nevada for permission to appropriate O.OSO of a second foot of the public waters of the State of Nevada. Diversion is to be made tnm an underground source at a point located wlthia the NWK 8WV4, Section U, TttS., RSOE., MDB&M., or at a paint from which the V/V, corner of said Section 1« bears N. S3' 17' 00" W., a distance of 617.57 feet. Water will be used for quaslmuoicipal purposes from January 1st to December 31st of each year. Date'of nrst Publication Aug. 3. IMZ. Date of last publication Aug. 31, 1981 Signed: Peter G. Morros PETER G. MORROS. P.E. SUte Engineer H - Aug. 3,10.17. 24, 31,1982 IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK HLED AUG. 3 3:SS p.m. '82 LORETfA BOWMAN CLERK BY MARY RAUGEN CASE NO. P14794 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT A. TOOLEY. NOTICE OF HEARING OF Fl RST AND FINAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION FOR ATTORNEY'S FEES AND FINAL DISTRIBUTION CECILIA A. TOOLEY, having filed the First and Final Account and Petition for Attorney's Fees and Final DIstribuUon, on this 3rd day of August, 1982; and the 3rd day of September, 1982, being a day of regular session of said Court, at 9:30 o'clocli a.m., at the courtroom of said Court, in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, having been set by said Court as the time and for the hearing upon said First and Final Account and Petition for Attorney's Fees and Final Distribution, and the award of attorney's fees in the sum of t2.7S0.OO, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause, if any they have, why said First and Final Account should not be granted. Reference is hereby made to said First and Final Account and Petition for Attorney's fees and Final Distribution for further particulars, DATED this 3rd day of August, 1982. LORETTA BOWMAN. Clerk By Mary Haugen Deputy (DISTRICT COURT SEAL) IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK No. D4O120 YOUNG HEE SONG, Platntlfr vs. YOUNG TAEK SONG, Defendant SUMMONS THE STATE OF NEVADA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT; NOTICE! YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. THE COURT MAY DECIDE AGAINST YOU WITHOUT YOUR BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN to DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW. THIS ACTION IS BROUGHT TO DISSOLVE THE BONDS OF MATRIMONY HERETOFORE AND NOW EXISTING BETWEEN YOU AND THE PLAINTIFF HEREIN. TO THE DEFENDANT: A civil Complaint has been filed by the plaintiff against you. 1. ir you wish to defend this lawauit, yeu must, within 20 days after this Summons is served on you, exclusive of the day of service, flle with this Court a written pleading In response to this Complaint a. Unless you respond, your default will be entered upon application of the plaintiff aad this Court may enter a Judgment agaiast you for the relief demanded In the Complaint, which could result In the UkiBg of money or property or other relief requested la the ComplainL 3. If you wish to seek the advice sf an attorney is this matter, yoa should do so promptly so that TMir response asay be flled on time. 4. Yoa are required to serve your respoBM upon pialnUirs attoraey, wkoee address is JAMES J. BROWN, ESQUIRE 8a« Beat Charleetoa Blvd., Las Vegas, NV I91M LORITTA BOWMAN, aerfc of Court By RUTH DOWD DepatyCleiL (DISTRICT COURT 8BAL) DATE: July 10, ItH H - Aag. 10.17. M, II, lOU Stepman Put)lic Relations Chairman for Foundation Ben Stepman has been named Chairman of the Public Relations Committee of the new St. Rose de Lima Hospital Foundation. Charles Ruthe, President of the charitable, nonprofit organization, who made the announcement said, "the Public Relations Com- USGS Mappers Working In Four Areas Of Nevada This Summer Sagebrush, sand Mid searing heat arc all in a day's work for surveyors and field lEGAl NOTICE assistants with the U.S. Geological LMALNOnCI It7« Ckrytler to be eeM te Survey who are workkUketl kMiar wkM UUe It ek- ing in Nevada this ulMikyMckaBte'illM Sw- H - Aug. 10, 17, 24, ion Removal Of Super Glue From Clothing Henderson Home News, Henderson, Nevada Page 5 ' Tuesday, August 24,1982 lEGAl NOTICE IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OP NEVADA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK NoD4««0B JOE WREN, Plaintiff vs. EULA WREN, Defendant SUMMONS THE STATE.OF NEVADA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT: NOTICE! YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. THE COURT MAY DECIDE AGAINST YOU WITHOUT YOUR BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN to DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW. TO THE DEFENDANT: A civil Complaint has been Hied by the plaintiff against you. 1. If you wish to defend this lawsuU, you must, within 20 days after this Summons is served on you, eiclusive of the day of service, nie with this Court a written pleading in response to this Complaint. 2. Unless you respond, your default will be entered upon application of the piaintifT and this Court may enter a Judgment against you for the relief demanded In the Complaint, which could result in the Uking of money or property or other relief requested in the Complaint. 3. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this mattor, you should do so promptly lo that your response may be nied on time. 4. You are required to serve your response upon plaintiff's attorney, whose address is STANLEY W. PIERCE. ESQ., 300 Fremont Street, Suito 118, Las Vegas. Nevada 89101. This is an action brought to dissolve the bonds of matrimony existing between Plaintiff and Defendant herein and for the relief as prayed in the Complaint for Divorce on file herein. LORETTA BOWMAN, Clerk of Court By SHARLEEN NICHOLSON Deputy Clerk (DISTRICT COURT SEAL) DATE: August S, 1982 H - Aug. 10, 17, «4. 81. Sept. 7. 1982 IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK FILED Aug. 10 11:23 a.m. '82 LORETTA BOWMAN CLERK BY JANICE KENDRICk CASE NO. P14838 In the Matter of the Estoto of DOUGLAS DUANE CATON, a-k-a JOHN RICHARDS, Deceased. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, NEVADA NATIONAL BANK, Administrator of the Estote of DOUGLAS DUANE CATON. a-k-a JOHN RICHARDS. Deceased, will sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder, upon the torms and conditions hereinafter mentioned, and subject to confirmation by the above - entitled Court, on the lat day of September, 1982. at the hour of 1100 oclock AM., at the office of the Administrator, NEVADA NATIONAL BANK, TRUST DEPARTMENT, 233 South Fourth Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101, all right, title and intorest of the Estate of DOUGLAS DUANE CATON. a-k-a JOHN RICHARDS, Deceased, that said estote has acquired by operation of law, or otherwise, in and to the real property situated in Clark County, Nevada, located at 908 Slayton Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107, and more particularly described as: Lot 30, Block 7, Charleston Heights Tract No. 20A, as shown by msp thereof on nie in Book 7 of PIsts, page 70, in the office of the County Recorder of Clark County, Nevada. Bids or offers are invited for said property and must be in writing and will be received at the office of: NEVADA NATIONAL BANK TRUST DEPARTMENT C-O Lorri Jackson, Trust Officer Co-Administrator of Uie Estoto of DOUGLAS DUANE CATON, a-k-a JOHN RICHARDS 233 South Fourth Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 or may be Hied with the Clerk of the Eighth Judicial District Court or may be delivered personally to said CoAdministrator, Attention: LORRI JACKSON, Trust Officer, at any time after the flrst publication of this notice and before nuking said sale. Said sale will be made en the following torms: SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS (r.ON.OO) dosra. assuBM present debt on the real property, and balaacc due at the Ume efcioelag. The Administrator of this estote reserve the right to reject any and all bids. DATED this 9th day of August, I9S2. NEVADA NATIONAL BANK By (s) Lorri Jackson LORRI JACKSON, Trust Officer Administrator of the Estote of DOUGLAS DUANE CATON. ska JOHN RICHARDS MORSE-FOLEY By (S) Steven R. Scow sravKN R. scow, ESQ. Attorneys far Administrator 3M E. Carson, Suite 7M Us Vegu. Nevada 89101 H • Aag. 17, 24, 31, imt summer. The government mappers are compiling and fieldcheckiilg data that will be used to produce a new set of topographic maps of four areaa. of the state, covering 5,416 square miles. Three mapping crews from the Survey's Rocky LEGAL NOTICE IN THE EIGHTH JUDiaAI DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK NO. D4«M9 RAYMOND NcCRACKEN, PlalnUffvs. KATHERINE MeCRACKEN, Defendsnt SUMMONS THE STATE OF NEVADA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT: NOTICE: YOU HAVE BEti*' SUED. THE COURT MAY DECIDE AGAIN.ST YOU WITHOUT YOUR BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 20 DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW. This is an action brought to dissolve the bonds of matrimony now atid heretofore existing between Plaintiff and Defendant. TO THE DEFENDANT: A civil Complain! has been flled by the plaintiff against you. 1. If you wish to defend this lawsuit, yoii must, within 20 days after this Summons is served on yon, exclusive of the day of service, file with this Court s written pleading in response to this Complaint. 2. Unless you respond, your default will be entered upon application of the plaintiff and this Court may enter a Judgment against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint, which could result in the taking of money or property or other relief requested in the Complaint. 3. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should to so promptly so that your response may be filed on time. 4. Yon are required to serve your response upon plaintifTs attorney, whose address is LEONARD P. ROOT, ESQ., Attorney for Plaintiff, 401 E. Fremont, Suite No. 7, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. (s) Loretto Bowman LORETTA BOWMAN, Clerk of Court By (8) Ruth Dowd RUTH DOWD. Deputy Clerk DISTRICT COURT SEAL DATE: JULY 26, 1982 H - Aug. 3. 10, 17, 24, 31, 1982 IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OT THE STATE OF NEVADA, I S \ND FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK No. D45799 LUZ TIONQUIAO Plaintiff vs. CONRADINO B. TIONQUIAO Defendant SUMMONS THE STATE OF NEVADA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT: CONRADINO B. TIONQUIAO NOTICE! YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. THE COURT MAY DECIDE AGAINST YOU WITHOUT YOUR BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 20 DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW. This action has been brought to recover a Judgment dissolving the bonds of matrimony presently existing between you and the PlainUff. TO THE DEFENDANT: A civil Complaint has been flled by the plaintiff against you. 1. If you wish to defend this lawsuit, you must, within 20 days after this Summons is served on you, exclusive of the day of service, file with this. Court a written pleading in response to this Complaint. 2. Unless you respond, your default will be entered upon application of the plaintiff and this Court msy enter a Judgment against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint, which could result in the taking of money or property or other relief requested in the Complaint. 3. If you wish to seek the advise of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your response may be flled on time. 4. You are required to serve your response upon plaintiff's attorney, whose address is Edward Weinstein 2301 Us Vegas Blvd. So., Us Vegas, NV M104. LORETTA BOWMAN. Clerk of Court By URSULA STELZNER Deputy Clerk (DISTRICT COURT SEAL) DATE: July 8, ItU H Aug. 10,17.t4.U,aattu7, 1982 Mountain Mapping Center in Denver, Colo., and one crew from the Survey's Mid-Continent Mapping Center in RoUa. Mo., are working their way along backroads and across open country, through rocky ravines and up steep slopes to locate USGS benchmarks, determine elevations, measure distances, verify occupied and abandoned structures and locate public-land LEGAL NOTICE" NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO APPROPRIATE THE PUBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA JULY t7. 198t Application Ne. 4t719 Notice la hereby given that on the 2«yi day of May 1982, Donald Gonsalves of Us Vegas Stote of Nevada made application to the Stote Engineer of Nevada for permission to appropriate 0.025 of a second foot of the public waters of the Stote of Nevada. Diversion is to be made from an underground source at a point located within the NWV* SWV4, Section 9, T22S., R«1E., MDBdiM., or at a point from which the SV4 corner of said Section 9 bears S. 51* 42' S3" E., a distance of 2,518.17 feet. Water will be used for quasi-municipal purposes tnm January 1st to December 31st of each year. Date of flrst Publication Aug. 3,1982. Date of last publication Aug. 31,1982. Signed: Peter G. Morros PETER G. MORROS, P E. Stote Engineer H - Aug. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. 1982 IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK FILED AUG. 12 9:31 A.M. '82 LORETTA BOWMAN CLERK BY RUTH DOWD CASE NO. I>4«882 In the Matter of the Application of ARLENE MARIE THARP, Petitioner. For Change of Name. NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ARLENE MARIE THARP. has on the 12th day of August, 1982, flled a Petition addressed to the above • entitled Court praying that said Court enter its Order changing the legal name of Petitioner's minor children from MICHAEL LEE BERGSET and BYRON DON BERGSET to MICHAEL LEE THARP and BYRON DON THAKP. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any person having objection lo the changing of the minor children's names as afore - said shall flle written objection with the above - entitled Court within ten days after the date of the last publication of this NoUce. DATED this nth day of August, 1982. (8) James A. Wagner JAMES A. WAGNER, ESQ. Attorney for Petitioner 2200 Civic Centor Drive North Us Vegas, Nevada 89030 H - Aug. 17, 24. 31, 1982 LEGAL NOTICE '74 Ford 4 dr. Sedan to be sold to highest bidder when title is obtoined by mechanic's lien. Serial No. 4J53816S767, License No. VLW21S, Arixona plates. Registered owner Frank Padllla. Caxares, 923 Fair St. Prescott. Ax. Legal Owner: Same. Notice is hereby given that I. SNAP TOW 1239 N. Boulder Hwy.. Henderson.NV will sell above mentioned property on Friday. August 27, 1982 at 10 a.m. at 1239 N. Boulder Hwy., Henderson. Nev. We reserve the right to bid. H Aug. 10.17, 24.1982 LEGAL NOTICE Honda Motorcycle to be sold to highest bidder when tlUe Is obtoined by mechanic's lien. Serial No. SL3(0t01328<, License No. H41880, Arisona plates. Registered owner Allen Peteraon. Box lltt. ••7 Srd Ave. Seattle, Wash. 98104. Ugal Owner: Same. Notice is hereby given that I, Blake's Holiday l«Urine<740N. Boulder Hwy, Las Vegas, Nevada 89122 will sell above mentioned property on Frl., Sept. S. ion at 10 a.m. at (740 N. Boulder Hsry. Us Vegas, Nev. I9UL We reserve the right to bid. H - Aug. 10, 17, t4, 31,1982 SERVING NEVADA SINCE 19M YOUNG & RUE MOVING AND STORAGE CO. AGENTS FOR GLOBAL VAN LINES •LOCAL MOVES '^STORAGE •OUT-OF-STATE MOVES CONTROLLED MOVES INTO NEVADA WHEN ITS YOUR MOVE-IT'S OUR MOVE TOO! CALL 457-3060 1624 MOJAVE RD., LAS VEGAS survey (section) markers. Elevations of the areas being mapped range from slightly above 4,000 feet above sea level at the Battle Mountain project southwest of Elko to nearly 11,000 feet at the Mountain City project near the NevadaIdaho border. Temperatures over a 24hour period, in either of these locations, can range from near freezing at night to around LEGAL IIOTKE ,—j NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO APPROPRIATE THE PUBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA AUG. 17,1982 Application No. 4SS0« Notice Is hereby given that on the 21st day of April 1982, V.H. Ueckert of Us Vegas Stote of Nevada made application to the Stote Engineer of Nevada for permission to appropriate .001 of a second foot of the public waters of the State of Nevada. Diversion is to be made from an underground source at a point located within the 8EV« SEVi, Section 36. T24S., RS«E., MDB&M., or at a point from which the SE corner of said Section 36 bears S. 28* 15' 24" E., a distance of 489.47 feet. Water will be used for domestic and quasi • municipal purposes from January 1st to December 31st of each year. Date of flrst Publication Aug. 24, 1982 Date of last Publication Sept. 21, 1982 Signed: PETER G. MORROS, P.E. State Engineer H - Aug. 24, 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21, 1982 100 degrees in the noonday sun. . Mapping in Nevada is difficult, according to USGS cartographers, not so much because of the environment, but because many of the original, 19th-century land surveys are incorrect, inconsistent and in some cases, lacking comer monuments. These early surveys were conduct- INTS FOR HOMEOWNERi HELPFUL INFORMATION ABOUT WALLCOVERINGS Like a new look for your living room? A change in wallcovering will do the trick and it's a job you can do yourself. A growing number of homeowners are enjoying the satisfaction — and savings —of do-it-yourself redecorating. There's such a variety today .in wallcoverings that you'll have no trouble in Trnding something to suit your taste.. .color, pattern, texture, finish. More than three-quarters of today's wallcoverings contain vinyl — for some very good reasons. Vinyl wallcoverings are stain-resistant, washable and scrubbable. .„. Strippable wallcoverings offer a special bonus to the do-it-yourselfer and the mobile family dweller. These wallcoverings not only go up easily but also come down with a minimum of fuss. Look for wallcoverings made with Stripfil backing, a product of International Paper Company. Nonwoven wallcoverings with this back ing pull off with special ease. Before you begin youi redecorating project, here are some more helpful tips from the Wallcovering Information Bureau. If vou can measure, cut IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK FILED AUG. 9 4:45 P.M. '92 LORETTA BOWMAN CLERK BY LYDIA RODRIGUES CASE NO. D46788 IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE EIGHTH JVDICIAL PARENTAL RIGHTS AS TO DISTRICT COIRT OF THE GINA LYNN KERR, STATE OF NEVADA IN AND a minor. FOR THE COl'NTY OF NOTICE CLARK TO: ERLINDA KE^RR. the No. P13519 natural mother of the above - IN THE MATTER OF THE ESnamed minor. TATE OF YOU ARE HEREBY ELSIE LEE PORTER NOTIFIED that there has been Deceased. filed in the above - entitled NOTICE TO CREDITORS Court a Petition praying for the (90 Days Notice) temination of your parental Notice is hereby given that rights over the above • named the undersigned has been duly minor person and that the Peti- appointed and qualified by the tion hSs been set for hearing before this Court at the Clark above entitled Court on the County Courthouse. Depart- 20th day of March. 1981 as Co ment No. on the I7lh day of administrators of the estate of September, 1982, at the hour of ELSIE LEE PORTER de9:00 o'clock a.m., at which time ceased. All creditors having claims and place you are required to be against said estate are required present if you desire to oppose te file the same with the proper the Petition. voucher.s attached, with the DATED this 9 day of August, Clerk of the Court within »0 1982. days after the first publication LORETTA BOWIWAN, Clerk this notice. BY LYDIA RODRIGUES of Dated March 20.. AD. 1981 , Deputy (s) Arnold Porter (DISTRICTCOURT SEAL) (s) Helen Jackson (s) J. J. Brown H-Aug. 24,31. Sept. 7.14.1982 JAMES J. BROWN. ESQllRE Attorney for the Estate 830 East Charleston Blvd. BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF Us Vegas, NV 89104 NEVADA H - Aug. 24. 31, Sept. 7.14,1982 NOTICE OF APPLICATION (04795) An application, identifled as IN THE EIGHTH JVDICIAL Docket No. 82-437. has been DISTRICT COl RT OF THE flled with the Public Service STATE OK "NEVADA IN AND Commission by Viking Freight FOR THE COCNTY OF System. Inc. for a certlflcate to CLARK operate as a common carrier in FILED tlie transportation of general AL'G. 18. 1:08 P M. -82 commodities in the general viLORETTA BOWMAN cinity of Reno, Sparks. Carson CLERK City, Henderson, Boulder, Us BY JOYCE MORGAN Vegas and Stoteline. Nevada CASE NO. P 1S373 The application is on file al In the Matter of the Estete of the offlces of the Public Service CHARLES HENRY ZIBER, Commission, Capitol Complex, Deceased. Kinkead Building, 505 East NOTICE TO CREDITORS King Street, Carson City, NOTICE IS HEREBY Nevada 89710 and the Bradley GIVEN that the undersigned Building, 2501 East Sahara Avhas been duly appointed and enue. Us Vegas, Nevada 89158 qualified by the above entitled and Is available for public vieCourt on the 18 day of August wing. 1982. as Executor of the estote Interested and affected parof CHARLES HENRY'ZVBER, ties may comment In writing to deceased. the Commission and file apAll creditors hsvlng claims propriate Protests and-or Petiagainst said estote sre required Uons for Uave te Intervene at to flle the same with the proper its Carson City office on or bevouchers attached, with the fore September 8,1982 or in the Clerk of the Court within sixty altoraatlve 10 days prior to any (00) days after the flrst publlcshearing date that may be set by tion of this notice the Commission at a later date. DATED this 18 dsy of August, 1982. By the Commission. (s) Floyd R. Zubcr (SI Jesnne Reynolds FLOYD R. Zl'BER. Executor JEANNE REYNOLDS, (s) James A. Wagner Asslstont Secretory JAMES A WAGNER Dated: Carson City, Nevada Attorney for Executor August 20, 1982 2200 Civic Center Drive (SEAL) North Us Vegas. Nevsds 89030 LEGAL NOTICE H - Aug. 24, 1062 that, Including tents and pack burros," explained USGS Rocky Mountain district-cartographer Tom Bray, "but with the advent of four-wheel-drive vehicles, motels and locally available office space, it is more convenient and economical to establish our offlce and living quarters in area towns and drive out to work each day." ed by private firms under contract to the state and territiorial legislatures and, in some cases, were later proved to be faulty. The USGS mapping crews have established field offices in Tonbpah, Battle Mountain, Mountain City, Jackpot and Wells for the duration of the projects. "In the old days our field camps were just and match, you can hang wallcoverings. You won't be happy with the resulU. however, unless the walls are properly prepared first. This means old coverings must be removed. Stripfilbacked vinyls are removed by lifting a corner of each atrip and pulling off. Old paste should be thoroughly waahed off and walla rinsed. Remove nails, picture hooks and light fixtures. Never apply wallcovering directly over new drywall or plaster, without '#?v^ R Three different ways to match wallcovering patterns ...suggested by the Wallcovering Information Bureau. 4- -t- These charts can help you to define measurements of the room to be redecorated before you go shopping for wallcovering. first applying an alkyd primer-sealer. Check the wallcovering manufacturer's directions. If you plan to paint the ceiling, molding, doors or window trim, do it t)efore hanging the wallcovering. Move as much furniture out of the room as possible so you won't have mid-job delays. Don't use newspapers to cover your pasting table. The ink could soil the new wallcovering. Wallcoverings can be a home furnishing bargain... from a budget-minded $6 to rolls at $100 each. They're long-lasting, add a complete new look and most modern ones are easy to keep clean. If you select a pattern that will need matching, such as plaid or a special design, you'll be glad if it has Stripfil backing (ask your dealer). This nonwoven backing allows the cover- ing to be moved and adjusted without stretching for perfect matching. Shop for wallcoverings in a store where trained salespeople can help you. Be sure to check coverage per roll. They can vary from.20 to 28 inches. Prices are usually given per single roll but are sold most frequently in double or triples. Let wallcoverings work for you. They can fool or distract tiie eye from wall irregularities or room defects. You can find effects today ranging from brick to water silk, from, stone to mirror, from bright bold patterns to soft neutrals. The choice and the results will be yours to enjoy. Watermelons grown along the Tigris River in the Middle East have been known to weigh as much as 275 pounds. TAKE HOME ACUDDLEBEAR ASABONUSMHENVOU i MAKE A 9S< DEPOSIT ION YOUR PROFESSIONAL "MOMENTS TO REMEMBER' i PORTRAIT SERIES. Too ctxer yo^ 'C tf« oniy ont wnc iCCs fxse ''eo' "^i dr<a wonde'^ji exc«ssofis on ^oui chi<is 'ace Bu: "i^ «x, can sh«c ttiem wn^ VOU' 'a'^'V and i^evOi Ow sk"i€d photogiaoN:' car cacitut ttiose wccious -noments tor you And just ic making s 95« OCDOM' or you' DOt'ait se"es. wt ''• give you' c^^Hd a lOvaO'C. piusf' S3 95 va-jc Cuddle Beat to i>a* »wt>- and ctV'Sf 'c >w> Vou (^ tve^- navf (< DCfait sitting wifi Cuddle Bcai it vOu '>ke H - Aug. 24, 20, 31, 1982 ycw 80*ixtra<t Set ificiudes 9-8 «J^ 3-S >i 7s and 15 v^aua, $18.95 Bookkeeping & Tax Clinic Small Business Specialists Pickup & Delivery Vb. 732-8801 1815 San ?tif^ LV^ev. 9 straight Across Match Ola' D"tc !.>* wt'ti :ht Po'warfP'Kf-• THESE DAYS ONLY: AUGUST WED. THIRS. FRI. SAT. 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