a ‘how to’ guide for community panels Camden Community & Police Consultative Group – A Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England and Wales, No. 5348915. Registered Charity No. 1111175 Funded by the Metropolitan Police Authority Contents The basics: what is the Met’s Safer Neighbourhoods scheme 1 Volunteers: the importance of community volunteers to SN 1-2 Getting started: how to set up a neighbourhood panel 2-3 The first public meeting 3 Day to day: the work of the panel 3 Support: how Camden police can assist community volunteers 4 Structure: how Safer Neighbourhood teams and panels fit into the larger policing and consultation structure in Camden 4-5 Camden Council: how the council can contribute 5 Data: obtaining ward-based crime data and local crime information 6 Sample constitution Appendix a Sample agenda Appendix b Role of the Neighbourhood Panel Appendix c Sample fact sheet and questionnaire Appendix d Reimbursement forms Appendix e Camden community consultation structure Appendix f Community police structure Appendix g Community safety structure Appendix h Camden Community & Police Consultative Group 16 – 18 Whidborne Street, London WC1H 8EZ t 020 7278 5459 f 020 7278 9027 admin@camdencpcg.org.uk www.camdencpcg.org.uk a ‘how to’ guide for community panels The basics: What is Safer Neighbourhoods Safer Neighbourhoods (SN) is a new initiative that was introduced by the Metropolitan Police in 2004 tackle the low level types of crime that have a high impact on local communities. The aim is to provide every neighbourhood with a team of officers consisting of 1 sergeant, 2 police constables and 3 Police Community Support Officers (CPSOs). The difference between these officers and other community police is that it is the community and not the Met, which sets their priorities. Their job is to focus on issues that concern people who live and work in an area, whether it is anti-social behaviour, graffiti, disorder or other quality of life issues. And most importantly, these officers cannot be assigned to duty elsewhere in the Borough or in London except under extraordinary circumstances. By the end of April 2006, every ward in Camden will have at least a partial SN Team. Each Team will establish its own neighbourhood panel, which will be made up of residents, community volunteers and local businesses. Because many issues of anti-social behaviour are not criminal, local authority representatives are invited to panel meetings. The purpose of the panel is to meet regularly with the team sergeant and to agree upon a priority list of local community safety concerns and issues that the team should target. In addition to giving direction and local advice to the Safer Neighbourhoods team, the panel is also involved in deciding what type of action should be taken and should have an input to the problem solving approach. The local community at large will also have input into this targetsetting procedure through regular public meetings and other forms of consultation. Volunteers – the importance of community involvement in Safer Neighbourhoods Local community involvement is key to the success of the Safer Neighbourhoods scheme. People who live and/or work in a neighbourhood know what the problems are in the area, what are the causes and often how best to tackle the problems. Safer Neighbourhoods teams work alongside local communities and other partners, such as the local council, in combating the issues that most concern local people. People can become involved at many levels. Those who chair a a ‘how to’ guide for community panels 1 panel or become panel members must commit to attend a number of meetings a year and be prepared to pass on information and advice, both to the police and to the local community. Others may decide they would simply like to be kept on a mailing list, attend the occasional meeting, and pass on concerns and information to panel members or the SN team. Some members of the community may decide it is enough for them to simply know how to contact the team if they need to do so. Getting started – how to set up a neighbourhood panel When a SN team has been designated for a particular ward, it is the responsibility of the sergeant in charge to make initial contacts with the local community. In many cases, the sergeant will call upon people who have been involved in community safety issues in the past to set up a small working group or provisional panel. The first important task will be to meet with the sergeant to help plan the first public meeting. In addition to setting the date, location and time of the meeting, the group should work with the police to decide the agenda of the meet- ing, determine who will chair the meeting and appoint who will be responsible for generating publicity (print media, flyers, mailing lists, etc.). At the first public meeting, volunteers can be enlisted to serve on the now formalised panel. It is the responsibility of the police to make sure that this panel is representative and diverse. At the first neighbourhood panel meeting, members will need to lay down some guidelines, decide upon the format, timing and structure of future meetings, and articulate what commitment will be expected of neighbourhood panel members. It must also be clear to members, and the community, how changes to panel membership will be made in the future (see appendix a, sample constitution). Most panels are composed of between 10 and 20 community members. Special care must be taken to make sure that the panel includes all sections of the local community. Local councillors, as the local elected representatives, should also be involved in the working group, though their role may be limited to an advisory one depending on the wishes of panel members. a ‘how to’ guide for community panels 2 The first public meeting The SN team will put a great deal of energy into bringing along new faces to the first public meeting, so it is important that this meeting goes well. Preferably, the acting chair of the panel or another member of the public will chair the meeting and not the police. There should be distributed: • concise explanation about the purpose of SN (appendix d); • clear information including contact details for the local SN team; • questionnaire asking about local policing priorities (SEE SAMPLE); • sign-up sheet for those who would like to be kept informed; and • volunteer form for those interested in joining the panel. Most SN teams hold public meetings between two and four times a year, so it is important to establish a database to keep people informed. Day to day – the work of the panel Many panels meet bi-monthly. The panel size must be kept large enough so that these meetings are always well attended but not so large that they become ineffective. The purpose of the neighbourhood panel is to agree upon a realistic and achievable course of action to address the issues raised by the community. The panel will assess the information collected by police and other sources and consider how to prioritise the community concerns. About three tasks for action should be agreed, with feedback given at the next meeting. A communication strategy will also be required to keep the whole community informed of the priorities and the outcome of problem solving work. Police should ensure that the priorities are achievable within available resources, and set a timescale for achievement or feedback to the community. Partners may need to agree the level of their involvement. The panel will review priorities agreed at previous meetings and monitor progress. When a priority has been resolved a new problem will be agreed. The panel will also adopt a problem-solving approach and encourage local action and multi-agency work. a ‘how to’ guide for community panels 3 Support: how Camden Police support volunteers Camden police, assisted by the Camden Community and Police Consultative Group, will reimburse panel chairs for modest out-ofpocket expenses and meeting costs. In addition, the police will pay for the writing and distribution of minutes (appendix e), an oftenthankless task for which it is sometimes difficult to find volunteers. In addition, Camden Police hope to work with Camden Council in providing training for chairs of the neighbourhood panels. Structure: how Safer Neighbourhood teams and panels fit into the larger policing and consultation structure in Camden Police Structure Each SN sergeant reports to his or her police inspector. For purposes of community policing, Camden is divided into three large Community Tasking Units (CTU’s), each headed by an inspector: a North Unit covering the wards of Hampstead, West Hampstead, Frognal & Fitzjohn’s, Belsize, West Hampstead, Fortune Green and Kilburn; a Central Unit, encompassing the wards of Highgate, Kentish Town, Cantelowes, Gospel Oak and Haverstock; and a South Unit, including Regent’s Park, St Pan- cras & Somers Town, King’s Cross, Holborn & Covent Garden, and Bloomsbury. Camden Town has its own Unit covering Camden Town & Primrose Hill ward. This is the only SN Team headed by an Inspector. In addition to the SN teams in every ward, the north, central and south units each have a team of 16 officers who support the work of the local teams and focus on priority crimes. There are other police in the borough whose remit is even broader – officers in the Borough Support Unit are not assigned to any particular area but instead are assigned to particular tasks as needed. Officers involved in the Community Support Unit and the Borough Support Unit comprise more than one-fourth of all police working in the borough (appendix f). Inspector Taylor Wilson (taylor.wilson3@met.police.uk) is the Project Manager for Safer Neighbourhoods and co-ordinates the start up of the wards and provides ongoing support. CTU Inspectors report to Chief Inspector Simon Turner (simon.turner@met.police.uk), who is in charge of all community policing. He, in turn, reports to Superintendent Martin Richards, one of three superintendents in a ‘how to’ guide for community panels 4 the Borough, and whose portfolio includes all partnership work. The Borough Commander is Chief Superintendent Mark Heath. Community Engagement Structure The chair or representative of each Safer Neighbourhood Panel will be invited to attend a regular meeting with the local CTU inspector. These area-wide ‘cluster’ meetings will be attended by the SN sergeants, a council officer from the Community Safety unit, and supported by information from crime analysts. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss issues of mutual concern amongst the wards and to share good practise. One representative from each of the four CTU’s will be nominated to be the link member with the Board of the Camden Community and Police Consultative Group (CCPCG). In addition, all panel chairs or a representative are invited to be a voting members of the CCPCG. The Camden Community Police and Consultative Group is the borough-wide consultative body. The CCPCG (camdencpcg.org.uk) is a registered charity, funded by the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA). Its purpose is to engage members of the community with police and the council in improving community safety in the Borough of Camden. It holds six public meetings a year attended by the Borough Commander and lead members of the Camden Council Community Safety Partnership. Subcommittees look at specific areas of concern such as stop and search, youth crime and communications. The administrator of the CCPCG sits on the main working committee of the Community Safety Partnership. The chair is a member of the SN Steering Group. Camden Council: how the council can contribute to Safer Neighbourhoods The police cannot address all community safety problems. Some are matters for Camden Council or other bodies to address. Poor street lighting, security issues on estates, some anti-social behaviour, street environment issues, etc., are matters that need to be referred to local government. The council is currently looking at how best it can support Safer Neighbourhood teams. Many people find it useful to involve their local councillors who can expedite actions of council officers. Panel chairs may also bring up matters for council attention at the area wide CTU meetings. a ‘how to’ guide for community panels 5 Data: obtaining ward-based crime data and local crime information Currently, ward-based data can be found on the main Met Police website: http://www.met.police.uk/crimefigures/. You can also look at Camstats, the on-line crime statistics website for Camden: http://www.met.police.uk/camden/camstats/. Camden Police and Camden Council are considering other ways to improve the flow of information between all parties involved in community safety, including the crime statistics and intelligence but this project is in a beginning stage. a ‘how to’ guide for community panels 6 Appendix a – sample constitution 1. NAME The name of the panel shall be referred to as the X Ward Safer Neighbourhoods Panel, hereafter referred to as the XSNP. 2. PURPOSE To represent the views of X ward communities on community policing issues and to work with the X Ward SN team and Community Safety Partners to promote community reassurance and community safety. 3. AIMS To work with the local police ward team to: 4. a. Identify issues of local concern that have an impact on levels of crime, the fear of crime or the quality of life in an area b. Assist police in community engagement c. Assist in problem solving and crime prevention activity d. Assist in environmental audits e. Review priorities at regular intervals f. Provide information to the community on progress of priorities MEMBERSHIP a. The Panel should aim to be broadly representative of the community it serves in terms of a mix of: residents, businesses, ethnic minorities, gender and age. Members will have good community contacts and be able to galvanise other local people into action. Full voting membership shall be limited to community representatives. b. Councillors representing X ward shall be invited to send one member to attend the meetings to assist and advise the XSNP, but they shall have no voting rights. c. Council, and other statutory service providers and agencies, may from time to time be invited to the meetings to assist and advice the XSNP d. The Safer Neighbourhood Sergeant has permanent voting membership. e. Admission to full membership may be considered at any meeting, when it will be decided by a simple majority vote of existing members who are satisfied that the new member accepts the aims of the Constitution and is representative of some part of the local community or group of people. a ‘how to’ guide for community panels sample constitution, cont... f. 5. 6. The number of panel members shall not exceed __ number (between 10-20) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS a. The first AGM of the XSNP shall be held no later than eighteen months after the inaugural meeting and once in each calendar year thereafter, but not more then fifteen months after the holding of the preceding AGM. b. The XSNP shall call an Annual General Meeting for the purposes of receiving the Annual Report of the Panel and the statement of accounts; of accepting the resignations of the Officers; of electing Officers for the coming year; of making recommendations to the Officers and voting where necessary to amend the Constitution. c. The secretary shall give at least 14 clear days’ notice in writing to each member. d. Officers of the XSNP shall be: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, nominated and elected from the membership. e. The quorum for the AGM shall be not less then 10 members and will be open to the public. f. Other public meetings will be advertised widely and held at a time and venue that would achieve the maximum participation of the public. Open public meetings will take place ____ (3 or 4) times a year. g. Meetings of the XSNP will (or will not) be open to the public and held at least bi-monthly. Not less than 14 days notice shall be given. The quorum for ordinary meetings shall e not fewer than 6 members. REMOVAL FROM PANEL a. If any member does not attend three consecutive meetings without giving an apology to the satisfaction of the panel or fails to abide by the terms of reference or conduct of business, the Panel will have the right to remove that member from the panel by a two-third-majority vote of members present at a meeting. b. The sergeant, as a permanent member of the Panel, may propose to the group that any member may be removed for the above reasons. a ‘how to’ guide for community panels sample constitution, cont... 7. RESIGNATION A member may resign at any time by informing the chair in writing. 8. 11. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS a. Offensive behaviour, including racist, sexist or inflammatory remarks, shall not be permitted at any meeting, and shall constitute a breach of reasonable behaviour. If the unreasonable behaviour persists then, following a simple majority vote, the member or members responsible shall be excluded from the remainder of the meeting. b. Members may not use their position on the panel for partypolitical purposes either during meetings or as a representative of the panel outside meetings. c. At all meetings except those dealing with alterations to the constitution, decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of those members present and voting. Any alteration to the constitution shall be taken by the approval of a two-thirds majority of members present and voting. d. The chair shall have a second casting vote in the eventuality of a tie vote at any meeting. The chair shall also have a representative role of the panel entering into correspondence with councillors, council and other statutory service providers and agencies, and members of the public. The chair shall also be responsible for setting the agendas of meetings in consultation with the SN sergeant. DISSOLUTION a. If the Panel, by a simple majority, decides at any time to dissolve itself, it shall give at least 21 days’ notice of a meeting to all members. b. If such a decision is confirmed by a simple majority of those present and voting at the meeting, the XSNP shall have the power to dispose of any assets it holds. This Constitution was adopted as the Constitution of X Ward Safer Neighbourhoods Panel at a meeting held at _____ on date. Signed ............................................................................. (Chair) Signed ............................................................................. (Secretary) Date ………………………………………… a ‘how to’ guide for community panels Appendix b – sample agenda Welcome and introductions Attendance and apologies for absence Record of attendees (including organisation they represent if applicable) Set time limit for the meeting and business to be discussed Agree minutes of last meeting & update on priorities agreed at last meeting Discuss current community safety issues requiring attention Agree which issues will be the next set of priorities. Record reason for choice, action to be taken and reason for the priorities being selected Any other business Agree time and date of next meeting a ‘how to’ guide for community panels Appendix c – role of SN Panel Seven steps to community engagement 1. Research Contribute any local knowledge or information about the community, such as contact details or organisations that may wish to be involved 2. Engage Neighbourhood panel members can assist with meetings or activities by arranging them or helping with communication and publicity 3. Public Preferences As above panel members can take an active role in gathering information on the issues that concern local people 4. Investigational and Analysis Panel members can take part in visual audits of the neighbourhood and collate information from environmental surveys. At this stage the different community concerns are assessed and analysed by police and partners 5. Public Choices This is the key role for the neighbourhood panel. The panel assess the different concerns raised by community at public meetings or other consultations and decides which should be priorities. These should be choices that are informed by research and analysis from step 4 6. Plan and action Panel may be involved in some of activity. Non-enforcement activity, such as communication with the community may be carried out by the panel to help publicise what is happening 7. Review The panel should be part of the review process and agree when a priority has been completed or requires further work This is cyclic process, return to step 1 after the first round of activity a ‘how to’ guide for community panels Survey completed by : (Please enter your details, e.g. department, address incl postcode and house No) Description Problem Number Where? When? How? Who? Why? What? (please enter map (please enter the dates (please describe how you see the (please describe the people you (please state why you think the (please state what change number location where and times when you see problem taking place) see involved the problem) problem is happening) would aleviate the problem) the problem exists) the problem occuring) 1 2 3 Template created by Steve Kong Partnership Information Unit, August 2005 Camden Safer Neighbourhood Teams Panel Funds Protocol The MPS through the Camden Safer Neighbourhoods project supports panels and recognises that volunteers occasionally incur expenses on behalf of the panels. We acknowledge the support and assistance of the Camden Community and Police Consultative Group, a non-profit organisation, in administering a reimbursement system to cover these expenses. The CCPCG will pass on to the chairs, on behalf of their respective panel, a one -off grant of £50. This money is to be regarded as a ‘kitty’ and will be passed on to succeeding chairs so that volunteers need not ever be ‘out of pocket’. It is intended to pay for small incidentals that are needed to support the meetings and additional panel work. We will through the CPCG re-imburse the money spent from this kitty via a simple system of claim forms with valid receipts. Also within the scope of this protocol will be the fees for venues of Panel Meetings. Page 1 12.12.2005 Inspector T. Wilson Camden Panel Re-imbursement Form Ward Name………………………………………………………………… Amount required………………………………………………………….. Reason for Spend………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………….... Receipt / Invoice attached……………………………….………………… Received by………………………………………………………………… Paid on………………………………………………..……………………. Reference…………………………………………..………………………. Page 1 19.12.2005 Inspector T. Wilson Camden Safer Neighbourhood Teams Panel Secretary funds Protocol The MPS through the Camden Safer Neighbourhoods project supports panels and recognizes that expenses are incurred to support the functions of the panel. We are prepared to support the panels with the secretary duties. Often this is a difficult role to fill but it is a much-needed role. We are prepared to reimburse each panel of £50 per bi- monthly panel meeting. This will be for the preparation and distribution of formal minutes by that panel and for maintaining the panel’s database. A copy of these minutes will be forwarded with the claim form to Camden C.P.C.G. who will administer this scheme on our behalf. We acknowledge the support and assistance of the Camden C.P.C.G. Page 1 12.12.2005 Inspector T. Wilson a ‘how to’ guide for community panels Note: all panel chairs are invited as members of the CCPCG. One representative from each Area Panel will act as a link to the CCPCG board. Camden Town and Primrose Hill Safer Neighbourhood Panels Highgate Kentish Town Cantelowes Gospel Oak Haverstock Community Tasking Unit Central Central Safer Neighbourhood Area Panel Safer Neighbourhood Panels Regent’s Park Somer’s Town and St Pancras King’s Cross Bloomsbury Holborn and Covent Garden Community Tasking Unit South South Safer Neighbourhood Area Panel Safer Neighbourhood Panels Hampstead Town Belsize Frognal & Fitzjohn’s Fortune Green West Hampstead Kilburn Swiss Cottage Community Tasking Unit North North Safer Neighbourhood Area Panel Board of the CCPCG The Camden Community and Police Consultative Group Links to Haringay and Barnet SN Panels Appendix f – community consultation structures Appendix g – community policing structures a ‘how to’ guide for community panels 17 a ‘how to’ guide for community panels Safer Neighbourhood Panels Community Tasking Unit Clusters Camden Police Camden Community & Police Consultative Group Camden Community & Police Consultative Board Local Strategic Partnership Various strategic and operational groups tackling the Six priority areas CSP - Commissioning & Performance Management Group Community Safety Partnership Executive Appendix h – community safety structure 18
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