Feb - Mar ’05 ISSUE 102 SAN FRANCISCO BICYCLE COALITION P R O M O T I N G T H E B I C Y C L E F O R E V E R Y D AY T R A N S P O R T A T I O N FREE How to Marry a Bicyclist Making the Rainbow Connection on Folsom St. Rainbow Grocery customers and Folsom Street commuters had reason to rejoice recently as work crews laid down the final paint job on the long-awaited extension of the Folsom Street bike lanes, from 11th Street to 14th Street. This important addition to our city’s Bike Network was made, thanks to the good work of the Department of Parking & Traffic’s Bike Program as well as the support provided by the letters, postcards, and calls from SFBC members. For updates on other key Bike Network projects, see page 3 www.sfbike.org Finding shared values is a factor in any relationship, and bicycling can make for an excellent foundation. Who better than your own life partner to share your exhilaration at new bike lanes being striped? Imagine not having to explain why you need three bikes (one beater, one touring, one Burning Man). It’s also a practical issue: if one person bikes to a date and the other drives, where do you go from there? For those of you who want to include your bikes in your Valentine’s Day celebrations, we offer the following four-step process to finding the bicyclist of your dreams—and riding off into the sunset together. Step 1: Decide What You Really Want The first step in marrying a bicyclist is determining the sort of cyclist you want to spend the rest of your life with. As you are probably aware, all bicyclists are not created equal. For some, bicycling is a mode of transportation; for others, it’s a way of life. Some strap a bike to the back of their Saab to hit the trails in Marin, while others ride to City Hall to speak out in support of the latest bike lane proposals. Is bicycling more of a practical or political statement—or both—for you? Knowing your own attitude toward biking can help you decide on what you’re looking for in a partner. Realize, though, that with each qualification you put on a potential spouse, the fewer people you have to choose from. Even if they don’t already bike for everyday transportation, you can always convince them. Step 2: Find an Eligible Bicyclist My grandmother has a saying: “If you want to meet a nice Jewish girl, go to synagogue!” Along similar lines, if you want to meet a bicyclist, go to Zeitgeist. Or ZCritical Mass. Or any SFBC event. Longtime SFBC member Emily Tilles met an eligible bachelor on the Howard Street bike lanes soon after they were striped. She simply struck up a conversation at a stop sign, and you can too. What should be your opening line? How about, “So, what do you think of the new bike lanes?” Or “Boy, we could use a bike lane on <insert name of street here>.” Or “Didn’t you outbid me at the Winterfest auction?” Newlyweds Patricia Gideon and Christopher Sharron (see “How I Married a Bicyclist,” below) knew they were destined to bike together forever when they met at a friend’s birthday party. How did they know? As Patricia puts it, “I was walking out the door when I saw this nice-looking guy in an SFBC T-shirt. He said he was a member and didn’t even own a car.” If you don’t want to go to events or be caught stalking the local bike racks, you can always look online. On Friendster, there are currently more than 500 single men and women in the Bay Area who mention biking and bicycling as interests. Regardless of the social networking site you use, consider featuring a bicycle or helmet in your main photo to clearly broadcast your interests. If all that fails, Cycling Singles (www.cyclingsingles.com) is a site that focuses specifically on pairing up two-wheelers. C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 4 FOR UPCOMING SF BIKE EVENTS: www.sfbike.org/chain PHOTO: SF HISTORY CENTER, SF PUBLIC LIBRARY PHOTO: NINA BALL Are you lonely? Always locking your bicycle to a rack with no bike beside it? Do you have visions of riding a bicycle built for two? In honor of Valentine’s Day, we offer a guide to turning two-wheeled fun into four. From Leah’s Desk Happy New Year! K, so you’re probably not reading this until February or March, but I think it’s not too late in the year to wish you a happy 2005. In fact, I encourage us to say it all year long because I think it is going to be a good year for the Coalition, and for bicycling in general. Why so rosy a prediction for 2005? For starters, much of our advocacy success hinges on convincing local decision makers to support our agenda, and we are thrilled to see another pro-bike Board of Supervisors in office this term (see Quick Releases, page 3). And we have reason to believe that Mayor Newsom will be an ally to the SFBC’s work in the coming year, hopefully helping to fasttrack key bike projects. And there are plenty of bike projects that need nudges. Thanks to the SFBC’s last two years of outreach work to help create the Bicycle Plan Update, in partnership with the city’s Department of Parking & Traffic and Transportation Authority, we have at least 20 prime projects that will dramatically improve biking in San Francisco. Now, SFBC members will be needed to ensure that these projects are implemented A.S.A.P. You know what that means: we’ll be looking for committee leaders and volunteers for several new grassroots campaigns. Stay tuned for calls for help in the Biker Bulletins. (If you’re not getting the SFBC’s weekly e-mail Bulletins, sign up at www.sfbike.org/lists.) Organizationally, the SFBC is strong, with plans to grow stronger. We increased from 4,200 to 4,500 members in 2004. This year, we will launch an unprecedented Membership Campaign to reach 5,000 members in 2005. I want to take this opportunity to thank our members for their generosity during the past year. We not only reached, but surpassed, our fundraising goals largely thanks to increased support from members like you, through responses to our End-of-Year Appeal, major donations, and support at events like Winterfest (see page 5). Our strong financial shape will allow us to (hopefully!) move our offices within the next few months to a bigger, better space. With this anticipation for the new year, though, we also have some hard goodbyes to bid. Two of our longest-term and most treasured staff members are moving on. Both Michael Calfee, former O Membership Director, and Mary Brown, Bike Network Director until the end of February, are heading back to school to prepare for what will surely be exciting new directions in their lives. You can’t really think of Volunteer Night or Bike to Work Day or any of the SFBC’s outstanding parties without thinking of Michael’s enthusiasm and passion for the SFBC’s membership. His work during the past three and a half years has helped the SFBC membership grow impressively, while always keeping a strong focus on ensuring that members felt connected to and excited by the SFBC’s work. Every new member and volunteer was made to feel welcome and appreciated by Michael’s warm style and clear dedication to the cause. And what to say about Mary? She has shaped not only the SFBC during her seven years with us, but San Francisco itself. As a tenacious volunteer, Mary led what is regarded as the SFBC’s most well known victory, the Valencia Street bike lanes. What we now take for granted on Valencia Street took years of grassroots campaigning to succeed and launched the SFBC into a position of real power that benefits us today. Later, as both Membership Director and Bike Network Director, Mary continued to inspire other volunteers to follow her lead of doit-yourself, on-the-street organizing. It’s hard to imagine kicking off a new bike lane campaign without her experienced planning, focused vision, and much-appreciated sense of humor. I know I speak for loads of SFBC members when I write how deeply we will miss Michael and Mary, and how much gratitude we feel for their years of commitment, skills, and spirit. There is not enough room in this column or in this newsletter to do them justice with written thanks. I hope that our successful work to dramatically improve and increase biking in 2005 will show our appreciation for the tremendous groundwork they have laid for us all. BY LEAH SHAHUM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Congratulations to New SFBC Board of Directors Thank you to all of the members who voted in the annual SFBC Board of Directors elections at the end of 2004. We congratulate the following top vote-getters who started their two-year terms on the Board in January: John Calaway, Jean Fraser, Brooke Kuhn, Deb Janes, Amandeep (’Deep) Jawa, Ann Lyons, and David Soward. And a special thank you to all of the candidates who ran for the SFBC Board. (This was the most contested Board race in as many years as we can recall.) If you are interested in knowing more about the Board’s work or service on the Board, please contact Leah Shahum any time at leah@sfbike.org. And Board meetings are open to SFBC members; contact us for meeting information. To find out more about the SFBC’s Board members, see www.sfbike.org/board. PAGE 2 TUBE TIMES Michelle Thatcher E D I TO R tubetimes@sfbike.org Jeffery Bennett P RO D U C T I O N Brandon Fine DISTRIBUTION Published six times a year by the SAN FRANCISCO BICYCLE COALITION 1095 Market St., Suite 215, San Francisco, CA 94103 phone: (415) 431-BIKE fax: (415) 431-2468 email: info@sfbike.org www.sfbike.org The SFBC is a 4,500-member advocacy organization working to transform San Francisco’s streets and neighborhoods into more livable and safe places by promoting the bicycle for everyday transportation. SFBC STAFF Jodie Medeiros AC T I N G M E M B E R S H I P D I R E C TO R Josh Hart P RO G R A M D I R E C TO R Chris Hayashida Knight O P E R AT I O N S D I R E C TO R Leah Shahum E X E C U T I V E D I R E C TO R BOA R D O F D I R E C TO R S Jon Calaway • Dale Danley Mark Dwight • Chris Fenster (Treasurer) Jenn Fox • Jean Fraser Deb Janes • Amandeep Jawa • Brooke Kuhn Ann Lyons (Secretary) Clay Mankin Renée Rivera (President) • Eric Sloan Justin Smith • David Soward Potholes Giving You Pain? The Department of Public Works (DPW) relies on the public to report potholes on city streets. Note the location of potholes when riding your bike and report them to DPW. Ask for a tracking number so you can follow up if the problem isn’t fixed with 48 hours, as DPW promises. Contact: 695-2100/ potholes@sfdpw.org Please let us know if any pavement problems linger - contact josh@sfbike.org with a description. Desperately Seeking Drivers Do you have a friend, coworker, or roommate who regularly drives to work? Have they expressed interest in trying a bike commute? If so, let us know! We’re looking for a regular car commuter who’s willing to try biking to work for a week as the subject of a Tube Times feature story. E-mail tubetimes@sfbike.org for more information or to volunteer. Sign on to Bay Bridge Access Platform The SFBC, in collaboration with the Transportation and Land Use Coalition, Bay Area Bicycle Coalition and East Bay Bicycle Coalition, is continuing to build support for the completion of the Bay Bridge Bicycle/Pedestrian/Maintenance Pathway from Treasure Island to downtown San Francisco. You can find out more about this exciting project—and get other organizations you are affiliated with to sign on to our platform, asking state and regional leaders to fund a shore-to-shore pathway—by visiting our Bay Bridge page at sfbike.org/baybridge. Contact josh@sfbike.org for more information or to join the Bay Bridge Task Force. BABC Hires New Executive Director The Bay Area Bicycle Coalition (BABC), representing the interests of Bay Area bicyclists on a regional level, has hired its first executive director. Nicole “Cole” Portocarrero started in December and will be working on Bike to Work Day 2005, which the BABC will coordinate thanks to a grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. Cole graduated from UC Berkeley and has had many years FEBRUARY - MARCH 05 experience with community development and fundraising in the nonprofit sector. You can contact her at cole@bayareabikes.org. Broad New Coalition Opposes Park Projects A broad new coalition of organizations has formed to oppose the widening of Martin Luther King Drive in Golden Gate Park to four lanes, as well as a second entrance to the underground parking garage currently being built in direct contradiction to Proposition J. We are calling on the Board of Supervisors to put the brakes on this disastrous plan and protect the park from the vastly increased traffic that would result. The De Young Museum is slated to open in October, and without adequate plans to improve transit and bicycle/ pedestrian links, many fear auto gridlock in the park. Take action by visiting our web page at www.sfbike.org/save_mlk. SFBC Celebrates (Local) Election Victories Members had good reason to celebrate the election victories of SFBC-endorsed supervisorial candidates. Every supervisor who was endorsed by the Bicycle Coalition was elected, including Jake McGoldrick in District 1, Aaron Peskin in District 3, Ross Mirkarimi in District 5, Tom Ammiano in District 9, and Gerardo Sandoval in District 11. A key victory was that of Green Party member Ross Mirkarimi, took the place of Matt Gonzalez “The SFBC’s endorsement and volunteer support were key to our success,” says Mirkarimi. “I am excited to work with my new colleagues on the Board to close outstanding gaps in our Citywide Bicycle Network.” First up next year for District 5 are improvements to the Potrero Traffic Calming Needs Final Push for March Implementation The SFBC is continuing to work with neighborhood and safety groups to advocate for the original, community-based plan for Potrero Avenue, which will add bike lanes in each direction, remove two traffic lanes, and add a middle turn lane and pedestrian refuge islands. This plan would put the freewaylike street on a ‘road diet,’ just like we successfully won on Valencia Street in 1999. The only problem is that Muni has been resisting the community consensus, trying to force through a weaker plan that places the northbound bike lane smack-dab between a traffic lane and a bus lane. This plan also retains more car traffic lanes, keeping five car lanes on this one-way street instead of four lanes, as most neighbors prefer. We urge our members to write to City leaders, especially if their Supervisor is Tom Ammiano, Sophie Maxwell, or Chris Daly. Contact info for all elected officials is at sfbike.org/leaders. Bike Plan Update Yielding Results After two years of community planning, the first of the Top 20 Bike Plan Update (BPU) projects are moving toward action. Proposals to add bike lanes on two small but important pieces of the Bike Network are working their way through the legislative process — 14th Street between Market & Dolores Sts. and Oakdale Avenue between Bayshore and Selby. You can support them by writing Supervisor Dufty to express support for 14th St. bike lanes and by writing Supervisor Maxwell for Oakdale Ave. bike lanes (and also asking her to fill the gap on Oakdale between Third St. and Phelps). Another separate improvement slated for approval is adding bike lanes on Fulton St. between Baker and Webster Sts. Thanks to the DPT Bike Program for their work on these projects. Also, the BPU’s Policy Document will be going to the Board of Supervisors for approval soon, and we’ll need members’ support at a public hearing. Stay tuned for the date and details! PHOTO: DAVID ENG- Quick Releases Masonic/Fell intersection as well as Masonic Avenue bike lanes. “Ross understands that investing in the Bike Network will benefit all City residents, including car drivers, by reducing the competition for limited parking spaces and road space,” says Josh Hart, program director of the Coalition. By now you've noticed the volunteer crossing guards at the perilous intersection of Fell and Masonic at the Panhandle - SFBC and Walk SF's safety program is going strong, and changes are in the works to improve safety for bikes and pedestrians on this important route in the citywide Bicycle Network. Special thanks to the many volunteers who've given their time to create a safer space for alternative transportation! For more info, or to volunteer as a crossing guard, contact Josh Hart at 431-BIKE x23 or josh@sfbike.org. PAGE 3 H O W TO M A R R Y A B I C YC L I S T C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 1 Step 3: Go on a Bike Date So, by now you’ve decided what sort of bicyclist you’re interested in, and you found one at an SFBC party. Where do you go from here? On a bike date. There are two types of bike dates: those that are about the biking itself, and those that use bicycles for transportation. Following are a few suggested bike dates. SFBC Cultural History Tours. The SFBC hosts at least 20 tours of San Francisco, with topics ranging from graffiti to the Gold Rush. This is a great chance to spend time together while seeing and learning about the City. Marin Headlands/Paradise Loop. What could be more romantic than riding across the Golden Gate Bridge and watching the sunset from the Marin Headlands? How about lunch on the water? With added mileage and incline, this bike date is geared toward more athletic bicyclists. Opera/Symphony. Imagine biking to the Opera House—in full evening wear. Arrive exhilarated by the fresh air and the thrill of doing something different. Grab a bite at one of the many restaurants in the Civic Center/Hayes Valley area that now have bike racks, such as bicycle-friendly Midori Mushi. Golden Gate Park. With car-free Sundays, nothing beats a bike through the park and lunch by the ocean. To add a little advocacy to your date, you can always write a joint letter to the Board of Supervisors to encourage Saturday closure and to the National Park Service to call for more bike parking by Ocean Beach. Embarcadero/Farmer’s Market. With ample bike parking and abundant organic food, the Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market makes a great bike date. Pick up some fresh fruit, bread, and cheese, then bike down the Embarcadero bike lanes and find a nice spot to watch the boats sail by. Step 4: Swap Rings By now you’ve met, dated, and moved in together (hauling your stuff across San Francisco on an SFBC bike trailer, of course). You’re ready to make a formal declaration of commitment, state-sanctioned or otherwise. As any event planner can tell you, weddings come in many shapes and forms. For the bike fetishist, that means proposing with a chain ring from Resource Revival, registering at a local cycle shop, rolling down the aisle, and biking away on a tandem or pedicab. Less fanatical cyclists can simply encourage their guests to bike by providing cycling directions to the wedding location and providing ample bike parking at the reception. And wherever your honeymoon may be, consider renting bikes and spending at least a day riding around, remembering how it all started. How I Married a Bicyclist I was at a friend’s birthday party, having done my share of the musical entertainment for the night and also having downed my share (and someone else’s) of the available alcohol. I was hanging out near the exit, and this fantastic redhead was on her way out. She said “Nice shirt.” I thought, “Jeez, I hate it when they objectify me like that, just staring at my chest and all.” But then I remembered I don’t have a great chest. That’s when I realized she REALLY meant my shirt. Now what shirt was I wearing? Ah, yes, the ol’ SFBC shirt. What an inroad to conversation. We chatted about SFBC and biking for a bit, and then she was gone. A few e-mails later, we had our first date. On it, we recounted various bike adventures (her Alaskan AIDS Ride, my Bostonian riding trials by snow and asphalt), shared our mutual grief at the general public’s love of cars, and addressed other bike-related philosophies (e.g., how long do you REALLY wait before applying the patch to the tube, and the ecology of C02 cartridges verses pumps). She told me about her commute from the Financial District to the Sunset over Presidio’s Arguello Street hill—I was impressed. And that was before I found out she keeps a spare set of clothes, shoes, water, rations for earthquakes, and a full medical kit in her bag (about 20 lbs.). She can kick my butt on a bike. About our third date, we roamed all over the waterfront on a beautiful sunny day and then into the Sunset to crash a friend’s party. Another date had us escorting a friend of hers, who was biking her way across the country, over the Golden Gate Bridge. I brought champagne on ice (in my backpack—kept the body temperature cool on a very hot ride). Most of our favorite dates have involved bikes. Little did she know at the time, but I already knew she was more special than any other woman I’ve ever dated: she is a bike person. There is a philosophy and an attitude necessary to ride a bike in the City (more so to commute every day): equal parts dedication, fortitude, kiss-the-ground-when-I-arrive gratitude, and above all, appreciation for living. Her commitment, despite every setback imaginable—from stolen bikes to assaults by automobiles—is inspiration and comfort and hope to me. I worry a lot about her biking everywhere (she wiped out in the rain on 17th Street three days before the wedding), but it’s part of who she is, and she is who I love. I married her on New Year’s Eve, 19 months (or roughly 2,500 miles) after meeting her. BY DAVID GARTNER Another reason I love my wife, partner, gal is that in lieu of wedding presents, we asked folks to give to our favorite “things that need money.” SFBC was her nomination. BY CHRISTOPHER SHARRON It’s winter in the City, and that means short days and plenty of rain on the streets. But wet weather doesn’t mean you have to take the bus; a set of fenders and some rain gear can keep you on your bike all year long! For help, check out the SFBC’s Nighttime and Wet Weather Riding safety education video online at www.sfbike.org/wet_weather. PAGE 4 Winterfest 2004 a Huge Success Moments of captivating performance, scintillating conversation, and great deals marked the night of December 5 at SOMArts Gallery. Winterfest 2004 was our most successful annual celebration yet, and lived up to its reputation as the SFBC’s biggest and best party of the year as we brought more people together, raised more funds, and had more incredible local art in the auction than ever before! Members came together to enjoy the mesmerizing acrobatics and aerial dancing of Circo Zero directed by Keith Hennessy, the energizing professional auctioneering skills of John Cardoza/Cardoza Auctions, the riveting holiday funk of jazz trio St. Julien Experience, the witty Haiku Hut, beautiful locally made crafts, tons of bike gear in the silent auction, great food, and of course New Belgium Brewery’s fine beer. Thanks to all of our hardworking and generous volunteers, those who donated items and talent, and the festively costumed attendees. Many thanks also to Jonn Herschend, Susan O’Malley, and Michael McConnell for organizing the art auction. All of your efforts helped us to raise over $30,000 for bicycle advocacy in the coming year. Welcome to the new members who signed up at Winterfest, and thanks to our longtime members who enjoy the party every year. This member appreciation party is for you! See our Winterfest Photo Gallery at www.sfbike.org/winterfest PHOTOS: NINA BALL/DAVID GARTNER Thanks to our generous SPONSORS Event Co-Sponsor Planet Bike Scorchers ($1,000–$4,999) Bellwether/Profile Design Big Swingin’ Cycles John Cardoza Chimes Printing/ Action Printers City Cycle Co-Motion Cycles inktank design KHS Bicycles New Belgium Brewery Noe Valley Cyclery OnGuard Locks Pacific Cycle Roaring Mouse Cycles Timbuk2 Designs Valencia Cyclery Law Offices of William Weiss Sprinters ($500–$999) Avenue Cyclery Bally Total Fitness Breezer GU Sports Inertia Designs Patagonia Primal Wear San Francisco Opera SOMA Fabrications Specialized Voler Apparel Wilson Bicycle Sales Xtracycle Coasters ($100–$499) A. Maciel Printing Alta Transportation Consultants Arizmendi Bakery Art by Opsal Bay City Bike Rentals BikeAID Bike Blender Bike Nook Bikeparking.com bikestation Blazing Saddles Joe Breeze Bolinas Surf/2 Mile Surf Shop Buff California Bicycle Coalition Chris Carlsson Mona Caron Chrome Circus Center Dahon DD Cycles Dol Active Wear Embarcadero YMCA Fehr & Peers Associates Firefly Fisher Bikes Fossil Fool David Gartner Giant Bicycles Golden State Health Gravy Wheels Hideo Wakamatsu USA Izze Beverage Co. Joie de Vivre Hospitality Phoenix Hotel Kool Stop Intl. Le Colonial LeVeL Components Light and Motion LoFi Customs Marin Bikes Mission Cliffs My Own Bag Pedal Express PlantIt Earth R.E.Load Baggage Inc Rainbow Grocery Cooperative REI Coasters cont’d Road Rage Bicycles Bruce Scanlon See Jane Run Sports SF Brewcraft SheBeest Sheila Moon Shiatsu by Sebastian Slim’s The Sock Guy SRAM Surly Thule Racks Velo Press Verge Sport Yoga Tree Thanks also to our Participating Artists Bill Acheson, Altered Ego, Jose Arenas, Laura Ball, Nina Ball, Amy Berk, Chuck Bierwirth, Ivan Blackshear, Valerie Britton, Heather Brubaker, Julie Caine, Mona Caron, Kevin Chen, John Daniel, Monica Denevan, Robin Denevan, Ariel Dovas, Lisa Ruth Elliott, Scotty Enderly, Tom Fowler, David Fullarton, Phil Frank, Jim Gaylord, Allegra Gibson, Tracy Taylor Grubbs, Lori Gordon, David Hamill, Audrey Heller, Mondo Jud Hart, Jonn Herschend, Amanda Hughen, Cynthia Ona Innis, Jason Jagel, Josh Keyes, Hugo Kobayashi, Leslie Kossoff, Stefan Kirkeby, Noah Lang, Kenneth Leaf, Sam Lopes, Jeanne Lydon, Richard Lynch, Brian McDonald, Michael McConnell, Muscovie Design, Paul Musso, Pete Nelson, Audrey Newell, Susan O’Malley, Heather Patterson, Michael Rauner, Frank Revi, Will Rogan, Mark Rodriguez, Lynn Rubenzer, Alice Shaw, Andrew Shultz, Dan Siegler, Stephanie Smith, Jennifer Stuart, Jefferson Thomas, Michelle Townsend, Liz Walsh, Dave Warnke, Audrey Welch, Jennifer Wofford with Brian Scott, Kelli Yon PAGE 5 .onrtsg, e k i sfb eve ms! wwfwo.r updadteadction ite s, an ride CHAIN OF EVENTS FEB-MAR ’05 The SFBC is constantly updating its website at www.sfbike.org. For new events and full details, check it often. STREET SKILLS CLASSES Sat., Feb. 12 | 10am–2pm Ingleside Police Station, 1 Sgt. John V. Young Lane (Off San Jose Ave. in the middle of Balboa Park. Just north of Ocean Ave., near BART) Monday, March 7th | 5:30-9:30pm SF Department of the Environment, 11 Grove St. at Market Saturday, March 19th | 10am 2pm Richmond Police Station, 461 6th Avenue (1 Block So of Geary) These four-hour classroom courses teach the basics of safe and enjoyable cycling, including riding in traffic, necessary equipment, crash avoidance, and legal rights and responsibilities. Open to adults 14 and over. Bicycle not required. Note: This is the “Day 1” course for League of American Bicyclists’ Bike Ed certification. Pre-registration required. Go to sfbike.org/edu or call 431-BIKE x23 to sign up. BREWS, BIKES, AND BUCKS* Sun., Feb. 13 | 2–6pm Broken Drum Brewery, San Rafael Come to the 7th annual beer party and fundraiser benefiting Trips for Kids. Meet mountain bike pioneers such as Gary Fisher, Joe Breeze, Tom Ritchey, Scot Nicol, Jacquie Phelan, Otis Guy, Charles Kelly, Ross Shafer, and Steve Gravenitis. Proceeds from the sale of beer go to benefit Trips for Kids and their 40 chapters around the country. CRITICAL MASS* Fri., Feb. 25 & Fri., Mar. 25 | 6pm Justin Hermann Plaza, at Market St. Spring is a coming and the mass is getting fat—won’t you please ride along—make sure to fix that flat! “HI ARNOLD!” BIKE RIDE, A.K.A. AMERICAN RIVER TRAIL/DAVIS RIDE Sat., Feb. 26 | All Day RSVP for ride departure time We’re off to see Gov. Arnie! NOT. On this all-day trip we’ll take Amtrak to Sacramento, travel the American River Trail (approx. 35 miles) with an option to go to bike wonderville Davis for some pizza—all depending on speed, time, and surliness of riders. Don’t ask about what exact time we’ll be returning, just know it won’t be before 5pm! RSVP to ride leader Michael Cobb at mishmean@hotmail.com. Amtrak roundtrip fare is $14 (see amtrak.com). Rain cancels. CYCLING AROUND: A BICYCLE TOUR OF RECYCLING CENTERS IN SAN FRANCISCO* Sat., Feb. 26 | 12pm Intersection for the Arts, 446 Valencia Street (btwn 15th & 16th) Join the Intersection for the Arts at this tour of recycling and creative reuse centers, led by recycling mavens who wish to share their knowledge and love of recycling with others. Free of charge and open to everyone, this event is part of “Life Cycle Analysis,” a brand new collaborative painting and sculptural installation investigating the role of consumerism, consumption, and recycling. Please bring sunscreen and drinking water. Helmets required. Rain date: April 9. For more information contact Rebeka Rodriguez at rebeka@theintersection.org or (415) 626-2487 x108. ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY NIGHT RIDE ACROSS THE BRIDGE! Sun., Feb. 27 | 6:30pm Panhandle Statue (Fell and Baker) It’s been a year since we began our two-wheeled nighttime ventures— join us in our ride across the Golden Gate Bridge to celebrate! Bring snacks and drinks to share. 12–15 miles. E-mail robinm@exploratorium.edu for more info. Heavy rain cancels. MTB BASIC CLINIC WITH BICYCLE TRAILS COUNCIL OF MARIN* Sat., Mar. 5 | 8am RSVP for departure location www. fo sfb ride r updat ike. s, an ed e org d ac vent tion s, item s! youth hostel. Approx. 50 miles. Riders who want to stay at Montara Bay youth hostel need to RSVP by Feb. 18 (riders who want to return the same day RSVP by March 1) to ride leader Michael Cobb at mishmean@hotmail.com. Rain cancels. Events marked with an asterisk (*) are not organized or endorsed by the SFBC. Are your MTB skills a little rusty from all the rain? Want to mountain bike like a maniac but don’t know how? SFBC teams up with BTCM to polish proto–mountain bikers into fierce mountain biking fiends. You’ll learn all the basics and actually ride the trails going to and from the clinic! Bring water and lunch. RSVP and questions to ride leader Michael Cobb at mishmean@hotmail.com. Rain cancels. THE SOUTHERN WATERFRONT: PAST AND FUTURE* Sat., Mar. 12 | 10am Meet at the Bike Hut, Pier 40, South Beach Harbor at Townsend and Embarcadero The future of San Francisco lies south of the ballpark in post-industrial areas with names like Dogpatch, Butcher Town, and India Basin. The tour of this area will be both informative about the past and looking toward a future of parks and water recreation. Hosted by the Neighborhood Parks Council. Rental bikes will be available. Call Paul at 647-5183. RETURN TO PLANET OF THE APES ROAD” RIDE Tue., Mar. 29 | 10am RSVP for departure location This fun little jaunt can be either a one-day outing for those who want to visit the “Planet of the Apes” road and return the same day, or a two-day excursion for those wanting to ride and party at the Montara Bay (415) 495-6027, ext. 206 www.fractureinjurylaw.com SFBC BOARD MEETINGS Dates TBD Open to all members. Check www.sfbike.org for date and location. SAVE THE DATE May 19, 2005 Bike to Work Day! SFBC VOLUNTEER NIGHTS Weds., Feb. 2 & 16, Mar. 2, 16, 30 | 5 - 8:30pm SFBC office, 1095 Market St Suite 215 iNever a better time to help out. Join us! PAGE 6 Accidents/Injuries & Landlord/Tenant Personal Attention, Aggressive Representation (415) 397-1130 DMV Provides Form to Report Unsafe Driving As a bicyclist, you have firsthand experience with the dangers present on the streets. The DMV has a channel for you to report dangerous drivers. When you encounter unsafe drivers on the streets, showing your panic, surprise, or disbelief is the best response. Your vulnerability might push past their defensive anger and alert them to how dangerous their actions were—if they notice you. But if they are oblivious to the danger they create, glance at their license plate. Then report them, using the Department of Motor Vehicles’ Form 699. The form, for reporting “potentially unsafe drivers,” is a great tool for bicyclists endangered on the street. List the vehicle’s license number, and check off boxes that help you describe the dangerous behavior (e.g.,“Acts violent or aggressive when driving”). There’s also space to describe the driver’s dangerous deed(s) in your own words. The DMV might decide to retest these drivers for their competence, or alert them that their driving habits have been reported. When reporting a seriously dangerous incident with a stranger, advises Elvita Yearwood at the DMV Driver Safety Office, try to get at least the driver’s first name. “That’ll help us confirm whether they are the person that car is registered to,” she says. “With only a license plate number, we do send a letter out, but can’t really insist on a re-examination.” So next time, instead of just riding away feeling angry and powerless in the face of danger, report it to the DMV. BY JOEL POMERANTZ You can get Form 699 as a PDF file at www.dmv.ca.gov/forms/ds/ds699.pdf TUBE TIMES INDEX compiled by Elmer Tosta 1. Number of hours a commuter during peak travel time in the San Francisco-Oakland area was delayed during 2002: 73 2. Total number of hours drivers were delayed while traveling at peak times in the San Francisco-Oakland area in 2002: 153,195,000 3. Number of gallons of excess fuel consumed due to the abovementioned time delay in 2002: 245,000,000 4. The total congestion cost of the traffic delays in 2002, based upon $13.45 per hour of person travel and $71.05 per hour of truck time and excess fuel consumption: $2,779,000,000 5. Percentage of smog in the Bay Area attributed to motor vehicles: 75 6. Projected average daily vehicle miles traveled in San Francisco for 2006: 8,603,300 7. Number of pounds per person in the United States of greenhouse gasses emitted from burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and power our cars: 12,300 TUBE TIMES INDEX 8. Typical percentage of the pollution emitted by automobiles in the first few minutes of operation, before pollution control devices can work effectively: 60 Etiquette for the Conscientious Cyclist 9. Number of pounds of pollutants that can be kept from the air by substituting a short, four-mile auto trip with a short, four-mile bicycle trip: 15 Ask the Advice Pedaler 10. Projected rise in sea level along the California coast (in inches) by the year 2100 as a result of global warming: 13 to 19 Dear Advice Pedaler: I am a fashion-forward cyclist. I like to ride in whatever I’m going to wear to the office or the fancy party. But heels on my pumps keep breaking and my fishnet-clad thighs get caught on the cables along my top tube. What should I do? —Speed Dating Dear Speedy: Biking in heels is certainly more comfortable than walking in them. But heels can break if you wedge the pedal between the heel and sole of your shoe. While this secures your foot to the pedal and gives you some leverage, it also pushes the heel away from the sole, and the pressure will cause the heel to break over time. Ride ergonomically and protect your heels by keeping the ball of your foot on the pedal. Toe clips will help! As for the fishnets, you have several options. If you have a fancy paycheck to match your fancy outfit, then purchase a new bike with a “step-through” frame (no wonder they’re called “Ladies” bikes) or a cable-free fixed-gear bike. The economical answer is to slip some shorts on under your skirt, over your stockings. The Advice Pedaler’s friend in fashionable New York uses thin yoga shorts, which she can take off subtly in her cubicle. Yoga not your style? Try ruffled square-dance panties. E-mail your questions for the Advice Pedaler to advice@sfbike.org. FEBRUARY - MARCH ’05 Sources: 1,2,3,4, Texas Transportation Institute. 5, Bay Area Air Quality Management District. 6, Metropolitan Transportation Commission. 7, 10, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 8, Pedestrian and Bicycling Information Center. 9, WorldWatch Institute. www.sfbike.org SFBC DISCOUNTS A CLEAN WELL-LIGHTED PLACE FOR BOOKS AMERICAN CYCLERY ARIZMENDI BAKERY* AVENUE CYCLERY BAY CITY BIKE RENTALS BIG SWINGIN’ CYCLES BIKE HUT AT SOUTH BEACH BIKE NOOK BLAZING SADDLES BIKE RENTALS MEMBERSHIP PAYS FOR ITSELF Join today and get discounts all over town. CITY CYCLE OF SAN FRANCISCO DD CYCLES ELECTRIC BIKE NETWORK FREEWHEEL FRESH AIR BICYCLES GOLDEN STATE HEALTH MISSING LINK NOE VALLEY CYCLERY NOMAD CYCLERY OCEAN CYCLERY PACIFIC BIKES & BOARDS *offers a discount to customers who arrive by bike PEDAL REVOLUTION RHYTHM & MOTION DANCE STUDIO ROAD RAGE BICYCLES ROARING MOUSE CYCLES SALON DES BICICLETTES SAUSALITO CYCLERY SPORTS BASEMENT VALENCIA CYCLERY VISION CYCLERY YE OLDE BIKE SHOPPE See www.sfbike.org for addresses and policy details. PAGE 7 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT # 3819 San Francisco Bicycle Coalition 1095 Market Street, Suite 215 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 431–BIKE A D D R E S S S E RV I C E R E Q U E S T E D www.sfbike.org SEE YOUR NAME HERE! Get the TUBE TIMES delivered to your home by becoming an SFBC member. (MEMBERSHIP FORM BELOW) JOIN THE SFBC Best world biking adventure? ! Become a member of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and help make the City a better place to ride. Members get: OR J W W OI N ON TUBE TIMES newsletter six times per year. W.S LIN THE SFBC URBAN CYCLIST’S SURVIVAL KIT bike map, FBI K reflectors, stickers, transit guide, hot advice and more! FREE RENTAL OF THE SFBC BIKE TRAILERS ACTIVISM OPPORTUNITIES GALORE BIKE SHOP DISCOUNTS see list below right. FREE ADMISSION TO SFBC PARTIES & CULTURAL HISTORY BIKE TOURS! NAME E E.OR AT G! What’s the best city in the world to travel by bike (after San Francisco, of course)? Send us a photo of your best world biking adventure and it might get published in the Tube Times! This photo was taken by SFBC member Chris Gramly in Amsterdam, which boasts some of the finest examples of urban biking facilities in the world. In fact, the city has made it so easy to get around on two wheels that 39 percent of trips made by its 800,000 residents are made by bike each day. (Compare that to 4% of SF’s population of 700,000.) Ample bike parking and forward-thinking bicycle and pedestrian safety features on the streets make Amsterdam a haven for velorutionaries everywhere. _______________________________________________ OCCUPATION __________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________ HOME PHONE __________________________________________ WORK PHONE __________________________________________ EMAIL _______________________________________________ I WAS REFERRED BY ______________________________________ MEMBERSHIP LEVELS ■ $1,000 HIGH WHEELER ■ $250 TWO-WHEELED WONDER ■ $500 VELORUTIONARY ■ $120 CRUISER’S CLUB ■ $52 BUCK THE SYSTEM (includes FREE “Bikes Allowed Use of Full Lane” T-shirt: Men’s Size ____ or Women’s Tee Size ___ ) ■ $25 INTRODUCTORY MEMBERSHIP (families: add $10 each additional member) MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO SFBC, 1095 Market Street, Suite 215, San Francisco, CA 94103. Barter memberships are available in exchange for volunteer time. Check with your employer about matching your donation. As the SFBC uses your donations for unlimited, effective grassroots lobbying, donations to the SFBC are not tax-deductible. If you need a deduction for your contribution, contact Chris at 431-BIKE, ext. 10. NAME________________________________________________ CREDIT CARD # _________________________________________ ■ VISA ■ MASTER CARD EXPIRATION DATE ■ Do not share my name, even with cool organizations the SFBC likes. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Volunteer Night (Wednesdays) staffing an information table daytime office assistance phone-tree calling valet bike parking at events attending public meetings ■ ■ ■ ■ newsletter writing newsletter mailing/distrib. flyer distribution other Printed with soy-based inks on 80% recycled, 60% post-consumer paper, processed chlorine-free. By www.newleafpaper.com. PHOTO: CHRIS GRAMLY I WANT TO VOLUNTEER!
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