Quantum Theory and its Applications Introductory Lab Objectives: I. Learn how to login to the computers. II. Basics of Linux. III. Using Molden and Emacs. IV. Understanding Gaussian’s input, output and how to run it. I. Learn how to login to the computers: From your desktop computer you will login to CLEO, a cluster of PC’s working under Linux operating system. There we’ll do all the hard work. 1. Open StartX (icon: ) in the “Novell delivered application” window. This is a Linux terminal emulator suitable for communication with Cleo. 2. For this time only: Copy in your directory the script “cleo” by writing cp t:/69615/cleo . (don’t forget the final point, which means the directory you are now). 3. Execute “cleo”. This file is a script that enters automatically to Cleo and sets the work environment. 4. Your user i.d. is “student#” where # is a number (one for each group and for all eternity). Your password is also “student#”. Now you should be in Cleo. II. Basics of Linux: Linux has also nice windows and colorful stuff (know as GUI, graphical user interface). But serious people work with terminals with a command line interpreter (like old DOS). So everything is done by writing commands (case sensitive!!!). Some of the most useful ones are: ls List the content of the directory. pwd Tells us in what directory we are mkdir directory Makes a directory cd directory Changes directory cp file1 file2 Copies files rm file Removes files mv file1 file2 Renames a file or moves it from a directory to another top Load of running programs in the node cat file Shows content of a file more file Shows content of a file page by page tail file Shows the last ten lines of a file grep ‘string’ file Shows the lines in the file which contains the string logout, exit Well, it should be clear what it does Examples: mkdir dir1/dir2 Creates the directory dir2 inside dir1 cd dir1/dir2 Goes to dir2 cd ../ Goes up one directory cd ~/ Goes to your home directory cp ~/file dir1/dir2/ Copies file from home directory to dir2 cp * dir1 Copies all files to dir1 cp -r dir1 dir3 Copies all the directory dir1 to dir3 tail -f file Shows the appended data as file grows grep ‘SCF Done’ h2.log Shows the lines in the file h2.log that contains the phrase SCF Done Linux exercise: Find the files h2.g and h2.log. These are the input and output of a Gaussian optimization of H2. Create a directory called “Introduction” and move those files there. Look into the input file. Enter to the new directory and search in the output file the energy of each step of the optimization. The string “SCF Done” appears in the line of the energy value. Return to your home directory. III. Using Molden and Emacs IV. Understanding Gaussian’s input, output and how to run it Emacs is a graphical text editor where we will make most of Gaussian work. The easiest way to open an existing or unexisting file is emacs file & The & sign tells the computer to open emacs in the background, which permits us to continue using the terminal. Open the file “h2o2.g”. This is an input for an optimization calculation of hydrogen peroxide. Change the H-O-O-H dihedral angle to 100. degrees (don’t forget the point!). Save the file. To run a file in Gaussian you just type in the terminal g03 input_file & Our Gaussian is not a graphical program. It is mostly invisible. To see it running you can use the top command or the tail -f output_file one. The standard is to have the input file with .g or .g03 extension, while the output will be .log. Run the “h2o2.g” job. In the meantime (be fast) type “tail -f h2o2.log” to see the output file growing. To exit write ctrl-c. Then check if its running with top. You should see yourself in USER column, and in the COMMAND one L502 or another number. This is the Gaussian execution. To leave the top type “q”. The job takes aprox. 1’30’’. We will check the results graphically with Molden. The command is molden output_file & Open with Molden the output file. Play one minute with the molecule. Try changing the visualization with “solid” and putting labels to the atoms. Check the evolution of the optimization. Click on "Geom. conv." and look what the graphs show. Select "distance" button and click on both oxygens, and then use "monitor". Also see the dihedral angle. Advance through the steps by clicking on "next" or "movie". See now the final geometry parameters. To see the orbitals select “Density Mode”. Click on "orbital" and see their energies and population. Select the HOMO and click on "space", putting 0.2 in "Contour Value?". What kind of orbital is it, σ or π? Bonding or antibonding? Try changing the contour value to 0.4 and 0.05. What does this value means? Return to normal view with "Mol. Mode". Look at the Z-matrix with "ZMAT Editor". Change one hydrogen to chlorine, and put a different dihedral value. Save it as a Gaussian input by clicking on "Gaussian" button, writing a suitable name and clicking on "Write Z-Matrix". Close with "Close" and exit from Molden with the skull button. Look how Molden compose your new input file. Charlie Brown..'I can't get that stupid kite in the air... I can't... I c a n n o t...' Lucy..'Oh come now Charlie Brown...That's no way to talk... The trouble with you is you don't believe in yourself... You don't believe in your own abilities... You've got to say to yourself...'I believe I can fly this kite.'... Go ahead say it....' Charlie Brown..'I believe that I can fly this stupid kite.....I believe that I can fly this kite........ I a c t u a l l y b e l i e v e t h a t I c a n ******' Lucy..'I'll bet you ten-to-one you're wrong.......' Schulz Quantum Theory and its Applications Laboratory 1 Objectives: I. Construct ex nihilo the molecule FH2C-CH2F. II. Check its properties and most probable conformation. F F The 1,2-Difluoroethane has two distinct conformations. Here we will study the reaction energy F of its rotation. As energy is a relative amount, you F Anti Gauche must express one structure against the other. (Question: Relative to what is then expressed the energy in Gaussian?) So, build both conformers, run the two jobs with the theory and basis set that you find appropriate and check: Conformers relative energies. Thermodinamical constant of rotation and their relative concentrations. Geometry parameters (distances, angles, dihedral angles). Symmetry, dipole moment, Mulliken charges. Take care that the programs results are in atomic units (Hartrees), which are extremely annoying. We will use kcal/mol, which is an ugly unit but the most standard and comfortable for chemical reactions. 1Ha = 627.51 kcal/mol It is a profoundly erroneous truism ... that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. -- Alfred north whitehead Quantum Theory and its Applications Laboratory 2 Objectives: Look what Gaussian can calculate. I. Make two calculations of methane single point energies, one ordinary and the second adding the keyword “nosymm” (note that the input files are ready, by the name “CH4.symm.g” and “CH4.nosymm.g”). Check the orbitals by inspecting the coefficients and with molden. What can you say about the two different sets of orbitals? Taking the orbitals of the symmetric calculation construct an interaction diagram from C + H4. II. Run the “H2O.g” and “D2O.g” files. They are water and heavy water optimizations and frequency calculations (check in the inputs how to do a frequency job and how to change the isotopic number of atoms). Are there any differences in geometry or orbitals? Draw the vibrational normal modes and their magnitudes for H and D. You can also see the vibrations in molden. Look up the difference in zero-point energy (ZPE) when changing isotopes. What are the components of Gibbs free energy? What extra calculations does Gaussian make to the energy using the freq keyword? What are the components of the entropy and how are they affected by isotopic change? III. Analyze the canonical and LMO orbitals of water (files “H2O.canonical.g” and “H2O.localized.g”). Note that for the LMO job you need first the canonical orbitals. Gaussian reads them from a checkpoint file and then makes Boys' localization. The keyword is "guess(local,read,only)". Guess means the way to make the initial guess for the orbitals; local is for localization; read looks the orbitals in the checkpoint file; only is to retain the orbitals without further optimization. IV. Make a frequency calculation of N2 (“N2.g”) and N2+ (“N2plus.g”). Explain the differences. V. Calculate ethane in its optimized and eclipsed conformations (“Ethane.g”, “Ethane.eclipsed.g”). Check the frequencies and explain the meaning of the negative frequency in the eclipsed state. By using Eyring’s transition state theory calculate the rotational constant of ethane. VI. Calculate the H-NMR chemical shift of propene (“propene.g”) -optimized in HF 631G*, keyword nmr- by comparison with the TMS calculation (“TMS.log”). Look the isotropic magetic shielding value. Compare the results with tabulated values. To err is human - and to blame it on a computer is even more so. Quantum Theory and its Applications Laboratory 3 Objectives: Understand the different levels of calculations. I. RHF, ROHF, UHF a. Optimize H2 (starting from 0.74 Å). Calculate the dissociation energy with reference to atomic H and a single point energy of H2 at infinite distance (∞ ~ 10 Å). What differences we have when using RHF or ROHF on each job? Test carefully what kind of spin state to use (singlet, doublet, triplet). b. Analyze the energy difference between ROHF and UHF in H, Li, Na and K. Look at the orbital energies and the total energy in the “SCF Done” line (it is more accurate than the final resume). After the energy appears the eigenvalue of the S2 operator (as “S**2”) in atomic units. What should be the value for these atoms? How does it changes with the atom number? What is spin contamination? ˆ2 Ψ = S (S + 1)h 2 Ψ S II. Models and Basis Measure the dissociation energy of H2 in HF, MP2, CISD, and BLYP using STO-3G, 6-31G and 6311++G** basis sets. Compare the results with the experimental value of 104 kcal/mol. Remember that CISD is not size consistent! III. Orbitals • Look at the orbital coefficients for an H2 HF/STO-3G at 0.74 and 1 Å. What is the superposition integral value of the s atomic orbitals in the σg and σu? σ g / u = N g / u (sa ± sb ) • Test that Ng = 1 2 + 2 s a sb Nu = 1 2 − 2 s a sb σ g σ g = c a2 sa sa + c b2 sb sb + 2c ac b sa sb • Look at the orbitals of H2 at 0.74 Å, calculated in HF with STO-3G and 6-31G. How many orbitals you have? What are their atomic orbital components? When all else fails, try the boss's suggestion. When all else fails, try the boss's suggestion. Quantum Theory and its Applications Laboratory 4 Objectives: Understand the importance of the orbitals. Analize the solvent effect. I. Construct the Walsh diagram for NH3 • Optimize ammonia in HF/STO-3G (symmetry?) using opt=vtight to receive a better geometry. Draw the orbitals in an energy scale. What are the H-N-H angles? • Do the same as before, but now fixing all the H-N-H angles to 112º. To do this, write as a keyword “opt(vtight,modredundant)”. This tells to the program that we want to create new “coordinates”. So after the z-matrix (with the specified angles) we write: [blank line] 213f 214f 314f [blank line] This “fixes” the angles between the three atoms. In here, assuming that 1 is nitrogen, we constrained the three H-N-H angles. Draw the orbitals besides the previous ones. • Repeat the prior job but now with angles of 120º (symmetry?). Again, draw the orbitals and match them to create a Walsh diagram. II. Solvents • Optimize HCl. With this geometry, calculate a single point using as solvents water, ethanol, chloroform and heptane. To do this, we will learn to use the “checkpoint file”, a file that permits to take the results of a job to start a second one. So, in the very beginning of the original input file write: %chk=input_file_name.chk We will read the geometry and the orbitals from the gas phase calculation to start the solvent ones. The new calculations overwrite the checkpoint file. So, in order not to delete the checkpoint original data, copy the file to a new name and use this name for the solvent input. To read the geometry, charge and spin, use “geom=allcheck”. With this only the title section of the input must be written. To read the orbitals, write “guess=read”. This means when “guessing” the orbitals for the SCF procedure, read them from the checkpoint file instead of using the standard guess (usually extended Huckel). The default solvent model is called “Polarizable Continuum Model” (PCM). It is based on a dielectric continuum that surrounds the molecule. The principall parameter is the dielectric constant of the solvent, and then the solvent radius and density. The keyword is SCRF(solvent=solvent_name) Calculate everything in HF/lanl2mb. This is a minimal basis set as STO-3G, but the core orbitals of heavy atoms, which are generally undisturbed, are mixed with the nucleus to form a fixed “Effective Core Potential” (ECP). The water example of the input file may be: %chk=HCl.water.chk # hf lanl2mb pop=full geom=allcheck scrf(solvent=water) • Graph the Mullikan charges with the solvent. Compare the results with the function y =− 1 1 x+ y ∞ − y0 where y0≈ygas phase, + y∞ y∞≈ywater. Why do you think they don’t fully agree? Look also at the changes in the orbital coefficients. III. Carbonium ion: Make a calculation single of the point energy bisected and perpendicular carbonium structures (“carbonium.bisected.g”, “carbonium.perpendicular.g”). Perpendicular Bisected Which one has lower energy? Did you expect that from steric explanations? Can you explain it by inspection of the orbitals? Construct an interaction diagram of the cyclopropane and carbene p orbitals to understand it. Are the C-C bond distances logical? We have learned that nothing is simple and rational except what we ourselves have invented; that god thinks in terms neither of Euclid or Riemann; that science has "explained" nothing; that the more we know the more fantastic the world becomes and the profounder the surrounding darkness. -- Aldous Huxley Quantum Theory and its Applications Laboratory 5 Objective: Make a reaction. We are going to study the hydrogen abstraction of HBr with Cl•, using B3LYP/lanl2mb (unrestricted DFT). Work with checkpoint files. What is a saddle point? How are the derivatives (the gradient) and the Hessian in a minimum, a maximum and a saddle point? I. Finding the minimum. Optimize the linear reactive BrH⋅⋅⋅⋅Cl• and the product ClH⋅⋅⋅⋅Br•. What are the final geometry parameters? What is the reaction energy? II. Scanning the reaction. Scan the reaction to obtain a potential energy curve. To do this, start from the optimized molecule geometry. Write “opt=modredundant” and after the z-matrix, leaving a blank line, write the numbers of the atoms you want to move, the starting distance, “S” for scanning, the number of steps and the step size. For instance, if 1 is Cl and 2 is H, writing 1 2 1.4 S 5 0.2 will separate (dissociate) H and Cl in five steps of 0.2 Å, starting from 1.4 Å and ending in 2.4 Å. It is important to use as the starting step the same distance used in the z-matrix (or a really close one). And don’t forget to leave a blank line at the end. Note that you have four possibilities in this scanning, separating the H from the Br, attracting the H to the Cl, or the opposites, depending if you start from the reactants or the products. Graph energy vs. the reaction coordinate using the reactant and product optimizations and the scanning points (the student that uses Hartrees in the graph will be severely punished). Gaussian makes an optimization of each point in the scanning, so you will find the final results for each geometry under the line “-- Stationary point found.” III. Searching the transition state. There are two ways to find a transition state. • Tradicional way: Starting from a close geometry to the TS (for instance taking the higher energy point of the scanning), and knowing the forces, Gaussian follows the coordinate that has negative derivative (remember that F=-∇V). The keyword is “opt(ts,calcfc)”. Calcfc is for calculation of forces. • Transit-Guided Quasi-Newton (STQN): Keyword “opt=qst2”. For using this method you must provide the reactant and product geometry. The algorithm interpolates a probable TS and search for the maximum energy point in the minimum energy path between both states (a saddle point). The input requires after the reactant z-matrix (or xyz) two blank lines, the charge and spin line of the product and then its geometry, followed by the typical blank line to close the input. Compare both methods. What is then the TS geometry and energy? Include it into the graph. IV. Frequencies. Using the checkpoint files, make frequency calculations of reactant, TS and product. Calculate the rate and equilibrium constant of the reaction. A well established transition state must have only one negative (actually imaginary) frequency in the coordinate of the reaction. A minimum (stationary point) must have all the frequencies positives. Thus a frequency calculation confirms that we found the state we were looking for. What frequencies have large and small values? What does it says about the bond strength? What normal mode receives negative frequency? ν = 2π Big k kosc Small k µ Negative k V. Kinetic Isotope Effect (KIE). The KIE measures the relation in the rate when an isotope is changed. The most common is using protium (1H) and deuterium (2H), which gives KIE=kH/kD. The rate difference comes mostly from the different ZPE with H and with D molecules (which one has higher ZPE?). In the X-H bond dissociation the disparity in the ZPE in the TS is much lower, since the reaction coordinate frequency is imaginary. So in spite of having the same activation energy, the activation free energy changes with the isotopic mass. One way to make the calculation is taking the data from the checkpoint file. An input example is: %chk=BrD_Cl.freq.chk # b3lyp lanl2mb freq(readiso) geom=allcheck guess=read [blank line] [blank line] 35 2 79 [blank line] In here we read the geometry and orbitals (do they change with an isotope change?) and ask for a frequency calculation with the isotope numbers that appears at the end. They must be specified in the same order as the geometry. But this is a semi-quantum calculation. The full quantum one must include tunneling probability. To do this we will use Wigner’s correction, which says that Qt , H k KIE = H k D Eyring Qt , D where Qt = 1 + ut2 24 Wigner ut = hν k BT ν is the reaction imaginary frequency. Gaussian provides it in wave number (cm1 ). To convert it to Hz, multiply it by c. Analyze then the ZPE and free energy change in the reactant and TS, and the semi and full quantum KIE. Bonus: There is also a thermodynamic KIE. Check what happens with the equilibrium constant. Kinetics Fact --------------- = ----------Mechanism Fiction Quantum Theory and its Applications Laboratory 6 Objective: Understand the compexes. I. Octahedral CoH63- (Model for CoF63-) • Make an electron count of the complex and see the formal charge of the metal. • Make a single point calculation of the low spin (singlet) complex at B3LYP/lanl2mb level using 1.60 Å for Co-H distance. • Draw the valence orbitals (from the fifth). Specify along with the energies their symmetry names, the bonding character and which atomic orbitals form them. • Compare the result with the orbitals in 6-311g* basis set (orbitals 10 to 24). • Check the occupied valence orbitals of the high spin complex (quintet, orbitals 5 to 15 for alpha, 5 to 11 for beta) using UB3LYP/lanl2mb. • Repeat the calculation of the high spin complex using keyword “stable=opt” and analyze the difference in the orbitals and energy. What do you think stable=opt means to Gaussian? • What state is the fundamental, singlet or quintet? Check with both basis set and compare with the value of 53 kcal/mol received at the CCSD(T)/6-311g* level. II. Square planar PtH4= (Model for PtCl4=) • Make the electron count and formal charge of this complex. • Run the single point energy of the singlet using Pt-H distances of 1.69 Å in B3LYP/lanl2mb. • Draw again the orbitals (5 to 17) and compare them with the octahedral complex. Why do you think d8 transition metals prefer square planar geometry? III. End of the laboratory • Say to the assistants how thankful you are for their extremely generous work. • Open the bottles. • Start the party. ... For afterwards a man finds pleasure in his pains, when he has suffered long and wandered far. Homer
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