HOW TO BUILD YOUR STARLIGHT CHRISTMAS CHAIN 1. Set your target As an example, to raise $1000 which will send 5 families on a Starlight Escape simply print out ten x $5, five x $20, three x $50, two x $100 and one x $500. 2. Print out the links to your chain and set up in a central location around your office 3. Promote the challenge - get people around the office excited! 4. Encourage staff and senior management to make a donation by purchasing links – why not encourage your CEO to make the first big donation? 5. Fill out your donation receipt form (found in this pack) so all donors can receive a tax deductible receipt for donations over $2. 6. Collect all funds at the end of your office activity and return your deposit and donation receipt form to Fun Tips! • Run an inter-departmental or inter-state challenge to • As a department why not opt to give a monthly add some friendly competition – see who can build donation and purchase our monthly donation link the longest chain! at your nominated amount. • Encourage your senior manager to take the lead and • Host a morning tea or holiday party and encourage staff to add a link as their ‘entry ticket’. purchase a “Red Chain” to kick off the fundraising • Encourage your clients and visitors to join in and purchase a link when they visit the office. For any questions, please call Natasha at 03 9468 2015 or email Thank you for your support. D O N AT E TO S TA R L I G H T TO D AY. V I S I T W W W. S TA R L I G H T. O R G . AU O R C A L L 1 3 0 0 7 2 7 8 2 7 H E L P S TA R L I G H T C O N N E C T S I C K K I D S TO T H E J O Y O F C H R I S T M A S PROUDLY SUPPORTING THE STARLIGHT CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION Be the ‘Vital Link’ this Christmas. Purchase a link and suppor t the 400 seriously ill kids that will be admitted to hospital ever yday this Christmas period. Every dollar counts. $5 $20 $50 $100 $500 $other monthly Donate and Collect your chain from: Become a monthly donor! D O N AT E TO S TA R L I G H T TO DAY. V I S I T W W W. S TA R L I G H T. O R G . A U O R C A L L 1 3 0 0 7 2 7 8 2 7 MERCHANDISE AND GOODIES Looking for gifts? Hosting a festive par ty? Order your Starlight merchandise, Santa hats and other Starlight goodies to sell at your end of year event. Wands $6 Hospital Wristbands $2 Straws (pack of two) $4 Santa Hats $2 Antlers $2 Keyrings $5 PLEASE COMPLETE ATTACHED ORDER FORM D O N AT E TO S TA R L I G H T TO DAY. V I S I T W W W. S TA R L I G H T. O R G . A U O R C A L L 1 3 0 0 7 2 7 8 2 7 ORDER FORM Please complete and send your order via email or fax to: OR 02 9437 4634 [fax] Units Unit Price Item Name Total Cost Postage and Handling 4.00 TOTAL AMOUNT Credit Card Details: American Express Visa MasterCard Bankcard Diners Card Details: Expiry: Signature: Bank Deposit Details: Account Name: Starlight Children's Foundation BSB: 012 405 A/C: 7770 17629 using CORP MERCH + company name as the reference Cheque Details: Please send me an invoice Cheques made out to Starlight Children’s Foundation, posted to: PO BOX 101, St. Leonards NSW 1590 Please send my merchandise to: Name + Company: Address: State: Postcode: Email: Date Required by (Please allow at least 5 working days): Orders will be ready to dispatch starting 12th October Contact #: Become a Monthly Donor I would like to give a REGULAR GIFT of $___________ per month. (I authorise you to direct debit my bank account or charge my credit card until otherwise advised) Title: ____ First Name: _____________________ Surname: ____________________________ Company: _________________________ Address: ___________________________________ _______________________________________ State: __________ Postcode: ____________ Phone (W) __________________ (H) ___________________ (Mob) ______________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Date of Birth: __ __ / __ __ / __ __ Receipt to be made out to: Company/Personal (Please circle) If you would like to pay by CREDIT CARD, please tick: Amex Card No: Visa MasterCard Diners Expires: Cardholders Name ____________________________ Signature: _________________________ To pay by DIRECT DEBIT (for regular donations), please provide: Account Name: ________________________________________________________________ Financial Institution: _______________________________ Branch: ________________________ BSB: Account Number: ____________________________________________ Please also send me information on: Remembering Starlight in my will Becoming a volunteer Fundraising opportunities Please return to: The Starlight Children’s Foundation, Reply Paid 101, St Leonard’s NSW 1590. Alternatively fax to 02 9437 4634 or call directly on 02 8425 5921 Regular donations will be processed on the 15th of each month. Receipts are sent out annually – in July. Please contact us should you need a receipt of payment at any other time. Donations over $2 are tax-deductible Please do not send me any further Starlight information For information on Starlight Children’s Foundation Privacy Policy please refer to DONATION RECEIPT FORM Please record all donations over $2 for issuing a tax deducible receipt. Donor Details Name Donation Amt Phone Address (for receipt) Email Thank you for your kind support and assistance. The proceeds from the sale of this merchandise will help connect seriously ill children to the joy of Christmas across Australia. Completing your orders: 1. Donations Record all your tax deducible donations on this form 2. Raised funds Deposit the funds directly to: Starlight Children’s Foundation BSB: 012 405 – A/C: 7770 17629 Please use your company name as the reference 3. Completed forms Return your deposit form this donation receipt form to: Natasha at 03 9468 2015 or email
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