acial juvenation 1 I Love M~ PhenTabz Rx· (Amphela-HCl ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .sw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Trust the Exp~rt? in da VinCI Robotic Surgery Elimin~l i "9 di~~ while prele'ving urino'Y aoo sexual function is cr~ical to fNery man with (arlCe<. An individualized appIo.Kh with a ",'eful dilCussion of all t'e<l1 men! opt ions is how each coru.ultation begins at Specialists in Urology. This compreOen~ ptostate caocel treatment cente< is bo~ in Naples. Florida aoo led by William Fig lesthaler, Mo, a ooard certified urologist and expe<! in perfOlming centers in N<lpies, Bonita Since founding the da \/loci" robotic surgery program in Soothwest Florid! in 2005, Or. Fig lestha1er h115 performed thousands 01 successful robOIic procedures on patients from aoo FOIt al Specialists in Urology include twelve bo.lrd certified urologim and four boa rd certitled ,i'dkltion oncolog ists. St<l)'lng tr...e to his vision over the pall tWO decad~ robotic surgery. Sprirlg> Myeri. These (~te<5 feawre TrueBeam~ 5T.. High Definition Ftapid ....c~ Fladiothe<apy a<ld other CUlti"9~ le<:hnoIogies. The experts Dr_ Fig~thil ler hil~ ~(eeded in making Naples. Fkxida a destinatioo for those ~og highly e<perIeoced e<pe<ts in perfo<miog the rTlQ';t adv~oced treiltlTll.'l1tl available 10< prostate cancer in the world. nearly every stale ¥Id from aro<.tnd the world. WilfiomM. Figlesthaler,MD, fACS Or figleslha1er"S compreheo!i\le prostate caoce< program iocllJd5 r>OI only 00 surgical team. but alw three mte-<x-the-art oocology in Urology _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHea lthandWelines _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Regardless of Your Age or Medical Condition! TAKE BACK YOUR SEX LIFE! Do You Suffer with Hormonal Symptoms? We Have Bioidentical r-Hormone e~ ___ e/dkie ~- J~use an Ir'J~ualited Approach & Provide Outstanding GYN Care Designed fur tho Unique Woman You Are ® W_~ uo.... GYNECOlOGY FOR WOMEN Of ALlAG>S M~ , • •••• M ..... Now m~1I of all ages can find the solution 10 erectile dysnmclion and premature ejaculation and start enjoying a gn:at sex life. We offer personaljzed treatment that's fast and easy. wil h no surgery o r pain. One appoint mem will chan&" your life fO",""I. See Results In Just 1 Visit ... and Get Your Sex Life Back! Our Licensed Physicians Wdl Help You ELIMI NATE ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION ~ ~USMALE CLINIC Call (239) 693-5200 12650 World Plaza Lane, Building 72, Suite 2 Fort Mycrs, FL 33907 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfHealth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Contents December 2011 6 Controlling Cra....ings: 20 8 23 Strategies for 51 rress Prostate Specific Antigen Effect ive Treatment Options for Low Back Pain SeeSpol. See Spot Change. Female Sexuality Inaccurate Blood Test Versus lifesaving ScreerWIg Tool 9 Happy 50th Birthdayt Now, What About Yo..- Health? 24 ""'"..... '" \VOght """ 25 we;.. e~ I Face Uft: The M of Facial Rejuvenation 1 a The AGE-ing Process: Staying 26 ct......... ">l the RiIjrt Restoration Young by Eating Smartl 11 VAX-O Therapy Relieves 27 Put Your Best face Forward See Riverchase Dermatologv. this Holiday Season! Back Pain 14 ArttYitis of the Foot and Ankle 29 16 Help for Depression Overcome the Blues this Holiday Season 18 31 From Memory and Thinking Difficulties to Emot ional Problems... We Can Help! Spiritual Wellness Down With Groan Ups! Prepare Now to Transform Your Ufe In 2012 19 A New Concept to Change the Way We Exercise! Find us on Facebook Same week appointments available. SWFL's MoslComprelzellsive Skill Cellier • Three Fello wship-trained Mobs Surgcons • Dcrmabeam Non.surgical Radiation Therapy • Camisa Psoriasis Center • Cosmet ic and Laser Dermatology • Aesthet ic and Plastic Surgery . Spa Blue MO - Med ical Spa www.RiverchaseDermato) ~~:~~ _ I FIO<\cI.I .......... dtt!Iif,ft ofIIoH. Find • copy M ~ in mo.c IIfIIC*)' _ 00" _ .............. _ . To get your .l1lele published . od for.d rate., e.1I 239.389.9449 Crlst.o@gwhlltrn.rketlng .eom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www .swf HealthandW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 Health &. Wel lness December 2011 - Collier Edition hick & Thin CONTROLLING CRAVINGS: STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS By Dr. Caroline Cederquist and AnneElena FootBf CM*!at ...tIen they feel like Webrating. ...tIen they are hlMng fun with friends, Of ...tIen they just find themse/Ves in an unusualI)' good mood . Good food is an enhar.cement to most enp,-able e.>:periences. o mall)' cha llenges. You m/ly !\ave holiday parties to SUrvive. You\<e got holiday treats in the fridge and a host of cookies and candies and other ~Oes that everyOne will bring in to work and leave lying tantalizingly around. But )'Ou\oe got also )'Our New Yea~s resolution, howewr )\luVe flamed it this ~J-no caros, less fats. better exercise, more ffesh fruits and vegetables- and )Olj're already warming up to it. so pemaPs !<lure steeled 8g;linst those scattered temJ)lations. M8\'t)e IWW armed }(IurseW with little reminders of )!l'Jf motiVations for eating better, losing weight arid getting healttly. Maybe )Uure making ~ easier by exiling the jun~;ou used to eat and getting the house stocked with the good foods ;ou should be enjoying. But no matter ""'at else )UU do, )UU're still going to haw cravings that hit )UU out of nowIlere. Irs like having a guerrilla enemy trying to undermine )(Iur best dietary intentions. These recurrent, unwanted urges can derail )Uur weight-loss efforts and erode )(Iur confidence. But)Uu don't have to let them. I reall)' canl CM*!mphasQe the significance CfIlYings have for people with entrellChed weight issues. They are a big pan of the problem. M a result. we put some considerable effort into helping people identify and unde!stand theirindividualtril?8lS. and ultimately break the assodatioos that cause them. But even if JOU don~ have a structured approach for breaking the root of the craving problem, there are th ings JOU can do to effectively respond ""'en a craving arises, SO we've created a defensiVe arsenal for )(Iu. Distraction There'S a saying: "II )(Iu don~ like hOW JOU're feeling. change ""'at JOU're doing," You can apply ~ to almost arry leeling, but ~·s especially helpful for dealing with the urge to eat A simple shift in )Uur current activity is often all ~ takes to derail a craving, instead of letting the craving derail )(Iu. SO ""'en)(lu feel a craving about to oYerwhelm )(Iu. do some· thing else. Think about )Uur dream vacation. Get out 01 the house and go for a walk. phone a frieI1d. anyth ing to take )OUr attention ~~ from the urge to eat If jOUVe armed JOUrself with a list or notecards itemiIing )OUr motiVations for losing weight. by all means. take a momem and read those. preferably out loud. TypOcally. JOU onl)' have to distract )(Iursell for a brief period. as cravings typically pass with in minutes or eYen seeonds. But if cravings bombard )UU all d~ long, confronting the enemy may be a better strategy. Understanding the Enemy Cravings result hom various physical, psyeholog;cal and environmental fac:tors that affect the w~ )(Iur body and brain function . The causes tall roughl)' into four genera l categories: time of day. places. actMties and feel ings. Most people feel hungry around "dinner time," whatever that is for them. Going to )(Iur mothers house, Of eYen past the local donut shop, can stimulate a desire to eat Watching television is an activity that's notorious for raising the impulse to eat Confrontation The confrontation approach pits )Uu against )(Iur urges as though the)' uul)' were )OUr foe. If)(lu are struc~ by a craving for ice cream,)(Iu can pretend the craving is another person trying to COrMnce)(lu to eat the ice cream , You can argue with this person and assert that)(lU will not succumb, and state )(Iur reasons why not Anotl1er approach is to visualize the food itself. cartoonishfy animated and beckoning)'Ou with promises of lulfillment But jI:IU are a th inking, reasonable being, You wil l not be led Emotions can be the most compelling stimulus of all. astra)' by a mere carton of ice cream. You recognize the Marry times. uncomfortable feelings such as anxiety or craving aoo take charge. You can tell it. "You are but a resentment cause people to reach for food. But good passing urge. You are not the boss of me. I am in control 01 feelings can trigger an eating spree, too. Many people my own life and my weight." End 01 dlscusskln. _____________________ _____________________ Collier Edition· December 2 0 1 1 Health & Wellooss 7 Commonly Asked Vein Questions By Dr. Johrl P. larldi. MD. FAGS, RPVI, RPhS. ~le (J arirose and Spider Veins affect millions 01 people lI'ItIu!tW 1he 'IO'd. 00Is1he last ten years the treatment of bQth Varicose and Spider Veins has chan~ drastically. Initially. tile only 8'l8llable treatmenl for Varicose Veins was a radical surgical procedure called 'ligation and Stripping"""'ich required multiple incisions and multiple stitclles. this has now- been replaced by teehnlques that close the leaking I'aNes of the veins with either a Laser or Radio Frequency instrument Spider Veins""'ich were ini· ~ally treated only with an IrritaUng sal ine solution with multiple potential side effects has largely been replaced by Foamed SClerotherapy, ,.."ich has ellOOllent results and very few side effects. In my vein practice there are a multitude of commonly asked qves~ons concerning veins and these will be addressed in the next few paragraphs, What CaLises Varicose Veins? this Is the most common qves~on proposed 10 me. Varirose Veins have marly laClOl'S that can lead 10 their formation, The most common reason for Varicose Veins to form is strictly a heredit)' component If one's mom or dad has Varicose Veins then there is a strong propensity for this to be passed on to their children, The second most common cause of Varicose Veins in women is pregnancy. This is due to the uterus putting pressure on the pelvic veins resulting in weakening of the l'alves leading ultimately to Varicose Veins, Other common causes of Varicose Veins are trauma, prolonged standing. aging and prolonged inactivit)', What are the complications of Varicose Veins? Varicose Veins can lead to many potential complica· tions. These can inClude clots in the veins called ·Superficial Ph lebitis· or ·Superficial ThrombQphlebi· tis.· In addition to this. Varicose Veins can bleed. They can cause ·Ulcerations" and they can lead to a condi· tion cal led ·Chron ic Venous Insufficiency· ,.."ich is a discoloration and swelling of the leg from backup of blood over a long period of Ume. The Amer\carl Board (J PIieboIogy What happens to blood In the leg after Varicose Vei ns are treated? This IS one of my most cummonly asked questions in patie nts who undergo Laser Ve in Ab latio n_ One must remember that Ihe Saphenous Vein is a Superficia l Ve in _So, In treating th iS \'e ln ~'e are only treating \'e ins in the Supe rfi cia l System. There are actually three leve ls 01 veins in the body_ A Superficial Syslem, a Oe€P System and a Connecbng System_ The Deep and Connecti ng Systems are not louched, therefore. once tile Supe rfic ial System is closed, blood wil l ~ow norma lly through the Co nn ecti ng Syslem to the Deep System withOut any change In the functio n ol the leg What Is Phlebitis? Phlebitis is essentially an inftammaton of the veins and there are two kinds of Phlebitis. One is ca lled Superfida l Phlebitis or SuperfICial Thrombophlebitis, which is due to a clot in a Varicose Vein. ThiS is usually treated with warm compresses and anti·inflammatory medication and usually resolves within ten days to two weeks, The<e is a very low threat 01 this prowessing to a Deep Thrombophlebitis and Pulmonary EmbQlism. On the other hand. Deep Venous Thrombophlebitis Is a dot of the deeper veins. namely the Femoral and Poplitea l Veins and also the Iliac Veins. These are veins located deep in the body. Clots that develop in these areas are serious and must be treated with anticoagutation consisting usually with Heparin and Coumadin. They also carry a risk of breaking off and going to the lungs to cause Pulmonary EmbQlisms. Do varicose Veins recur after treatment? The recurrence rate of Varicose Veins after Vein OOSIJre Treatment Is approrimately five percent within five years. H veins do occur then a source for tile recurrence must be estabfished. This could be othef valYes that have reopened or Accessory Veins that have formed or eYeII missed or duplicated l'eins. Again. this can be ascertained by a Ouplex Ultrasound. How do YOLi treat Varicose Veins? The treatment of varimse Veins. as mentioned in the first paragraph. is to close tile leaking valYes with either a Laser or Radio Frequency deonce. This is done in an office envi· ronment undef a loca l anesthesia with mild sedation and carries an excellent cosmetic result. The<e is no Iongef a"1 need for extensive Incisions or any prolon~ surgery, Another commonly asked question Is, for how long do I wear Compression Hose following Vein Treatm ent? As a ru le of thumb , fo llowing laser Vei n Ablation or RadiO Freq uency Ab lation, two weeks of Co mpre5Slo n Therapy is recomme nded. Thi s usua lly consists 01 a grad ua ted Comp re5Sion Stoc ki ng or Su pport Bandages. In refe rence to Sp ider Vein Treatme nt usua ll y lOI1y -eighl ho urs 01Compre5Sio n Thelapy is all Iha t IS necessa ry. How Is the diagnosis ofValYular Insufficiency made? The ans....1lr to this question is that an a.te nsive Duplex Ultrasou nd of the Venous System will make the diagno SISof Valvu lar Insufficiency.Th is sIIould be done by a Certifted Technician and interpreted by a Physicia n Certified 10 read Du ple>: Ultrasoun ds. Dr. John P. Lalldl at the bme 01 thIS w~ting is one 01 less tha n 1.000 physjcians v.OOdwide to obtain the designa \Ion 01 Diplomate 01 tile AmellC<l n Boaro 01 Phleoolog)'. In add ilxln to thIS, he obta ined his RPVl (Registered f'tIysi dan Vascular Interprotation) and he is also one 01 less tha n 200 pe<lple both pI1ysIcIans and non pl!ys>cians v.OOdv.'ide to obtain the RF'tIS (Regislered Phlebolog)t Sonowapher)_ He has performed CM!r 12,000 vein closure procedures In oo\h laser and '/NUS Closure_He MS aM treated thousands of pabents for spider vein resolution . He is medlCO l director oIVo nish Vein and Laser Cente r located In Naples v.flic/1 has been a state 01 tile art Vein Center designated to vein treatment for CM!r 12 :.ears. In addllioo to this he is medlCO l director 01 laBella Mia MedlCO l Spa whICh IS attached to The va nish Vein and laser Center, Are the treatments of Varicose Veins and Spider Veins considered "Cosmetic?" The answer to thiS question can be bQth Yes and No. How do you treat Spider Veins? Varicose Veins are almost always a non-(osmetic Issue Spider Veins are treated usJng Sderotherapy, which is the when it can be proven that they are due to valvular Insuf· injection of a solution to eradicate the vein. There are ficiency. Valvular Insufficiency is proven by an extensive many forms of Scerotherapy including: Liquid ScleroVenous Ultrasound. Spider Veins on the other hand can therapy. Ultrasonic Gu ided SClerotherapy and Foamed be due to Valvular Insufficiency, This occurs in about one SClerotherapy. There aoe also ma"1 ~inds 01 Sclerothird of Spider Veins and is proven by an extensive therapy agents including, the detergent agent sodium tetVenous Ultrasound. However. if there is no Valvu lar Insuf· radecyf and tile Irritan~ glyr::erin. The old Sderotherapy of (2391403·0800 I www.l.i.m ficiency demonstrated then Spider Veins wou ld be con· Hypenonic Sal ine is raoely used. sidered strictly cosmetic. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 Health &. Wellness December 2011 - Collier Edition PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN Inaccurate Blood Test Versus Lifesaving Screening Tool By William M. Flglesthaler, M,o. P =wc cancer screening has received a great deal of press over the past decade or two. The introduction of the prostate specific antigen blood test (PSA) in the late '80s has resulted in a significant number of prostate cancers being diagnosed at early clinical stages. In fact. eacll year over 200,000 cases of prostate cancer are diagn<»ed in the United States alone andover 30.000 men die of this disease annually. Early Diagnosis is Key Early diagnosis is a key ingredient 10 successful cure rates with decreased moTbidity. Current knowledge on how to use PSA values 10 determine which men need urological evaluation is vitally important to primary can: providers, especially when dealing with healthy males between the ages of 40 and 80 years of age. It was once considered standard of care to intcrpn:1 any PSA reading between zero and 4.Ongldl as normal. Fluctuations within this range were given linle if any significance. In addition. levels as high as 6.5ngldl were even OOIlsidered acceptable in men over the age of10 at One time. Using these pammcters was successful in minimizing thc "over diagnosis" of prostate cancer in elderly males with clinically insig_ nificant prostate cancers. Unfortunately, many younger patients with more aggressive cancers were left undiagnosed until they had non-organ-confined disease, which negatively impacts cure rntes as well as morbidity of IrCatmcnl. In addition to !he total PSA blood test, free PSA testing may be used 10 increasc the specificity of a borderline or high PSA result (4-1 OngIdl). F~ PSA is reponed as a percentage of the IOIaJ PSA, and represents !he fiaclion of scrum PSA Iha! is unbound 10 a carrier proICin. Patients with prostate cancer have less fn:e PSA. for Interpreting PSA Values in the Screening for Prostate Cancer The following guidelines represent the current standard for interpreting PSA values in the screening of men for prostate cancer. It is imponant to include in this discussion the necessity of the digital rectal exam which if aboonna! must he evaluated, regardless of the PSA result: • PSA levels over 2.Ongldl in males under the age of SO and PSA levels over 2.Sngldl in males under the age of 60 slwuld be OOIlsidered abnormal. • PSA levels over 4.0 ngldl should always be considered abnonnal and wanant urological evaluation. • An increase in PSA (PSA velocity) of O.7ngldl over an IS-monlh time span should be considered significant. even if within the nonnal range for PSA (0-4ngldl). • Free PSA levels below 1O'Y. indicate a significant risk for prostate cancer. • PSA levels should be considered inaccurate if obtained in the presence of a urinary tract infection, prostatitis or aller a traumatic foley catheter placement. A period offour to six weeks after treatment should be sufficicntto allow the PSA to return to baseline. • 5-a·reductasc inhibitQTS such as Proscar or Avodan the PSA by SO-A. over a six-month period of time. and discontinuing these medications will resull in the return to the baseline PSA reading over a similar time frame. Therefore, a patient who is started on Avodan, takes it as directed and then has a similar PSA reading a year later should be referred for urological evaluation and possible prosta\e biopsy. 11 is important to question patients who are prescribed these medications regarding treatment compliance when in\erpTCting their PSA values. 10,,"'CI" PSA Blood Test is a Valuable Adjunct to Digital Rectal Exam In summary. the PSA blood ICSl is a valuable adjunctlO the llIII1uai digital rectal examination. In order 10 rrw:imizc the benefit ofPSA. it is essenliallO properly interpret !he result as it relates to the patient's age, velocity of change and oIhcr ~ which rould alter the PSA value such as infection, lJ'auma or medications. The primary care provider is !he fmt responder when it comes 10 detennining when a patient may be al an elevaled risk for prostate cancer based upon arutual screening. Both the digital rectal exam and the PSA blood test an: nocessazy 10 properly screen male patients for prosta\e cancer. Urological refC1T1lI should be ccnsidered whenever there is a question of an abnormal PSA or digital rectal exlUTtirunion. Hilliur M. Figlatltllkr, M.D.. is a CUm all/lMllS of Wake Forest University ~.i,g'::'"~'N l "'ith ""Mrs from the Uni",nily of North Carolina Sclwol ofMedici1Ui 01 Chapel Hill. NCo Dr. Figleslhaler campleled his urological ,~"''''d training 01 Ihe University of Kenruc/cy, Alben B. Oandler Medical Center in winglan, KY. published l'I?uarch "" proslate cancer in cooperalian "'ith Jah/U Hapki/U Uni''eI'Sity. BaMman!, MD. and Iw,s given nW1UirollS presenlati(}ll.f at bath rtgional and noli"",,1 confel'l?lICes. H,'" I AlllQllg his specinl inlereslS is lile treatment ofprwlate CIlIICtr. including da Vinci robotic radical prostatecIOMy (/Ilip:J/youJlJJe.comIspecialislSim.rology). His rm.11S for ewe, preserwliOll of bladder COII/1OI, 1t1um 10 _ I acli>'ilies and Il!C<Wery of rewal fiurctian an!oulStanding and second 10 MM. lIe often has nugeoru scheduling ,uilS 10 Naples /() OOser'Yl! his I«hniqla'S and has treated palums from over 20 Stales, eight countries, Ihree txmtirwnlS and counh·ng. lie WW" IIJOjI rncemly featured on /lle ABC evening /lell-3" local affilialefor his ma.<leryofthis.rwgery. Dr. Figleslholer is board unified, a Diplomate ofthe Americtln Board of Urology, W" well as a Fellow of lile American College ofSurgemu. Or FiglesthaJer is illCluded in Castle Conll(l/ly~ lop doctors I'I?ferrol guide based 011 plt)-3"icimr-leaJ remuch and peer roW..... by leoding hospilOU and medical professionals. 239-434-6300 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.swfhe althandw e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Collier Edition - December 2011 Health & Wellness Happy 50th Birthday! Now, What About Your Health? By Millennium Physician Group hen your vehicle reaches 100,000 miles, mosl manufacturers m:ommend taking it in for a complete tunc-up, Michael Wang, M.D., suggests to his patients thaI Ihey think of their 50th birthdays as a good time for the ~IOO,OOO-mile check-up." "fifty years of age----« 100,000 miles. so to speak-is when you see Ihings really start to go wrong," says Dr, Wang. who pnlCtices with Millennium Physician Group in Naples, "A lot of Ihese medical issues could be asymptomatic, meaning you don't know Ihere is anything wrong. It is beSI to have a complete physicaL" lm, Pozniak and Wang say they completely under_ stand why patients hesitate to get Ihe exam, It's an invasive procedure that involves inserting a tube in the m:lUm to look for polyps. which can be cancerous or lead to colon cancer. "Women tend to deal better because most have been getting pap smears for years and are more used 10 an invasive SCreening," Dr, Wang says. Many patients also hesitate because of the preparation, he says, "The day before the exam. you nced to drink a laxative that can cause diarrhea and bloating, and you cannot eat," he says, Fifty is also the recommended age for many screening exams for both men and women, One important test- and probably the least favorite of patients-is the colonoscopy. About 90 percent of colom:tal cancers occur in prople 50 and older. and colorcctal cancer is the second most common deadly cancer for men and women in our country. Dr, Pozniak says, \1,,,;ng wurk ",onuther t:,clur th," pul, pc'Uplc uO', With preparation and the ""mal exam, which ....'<ju"e' ane"the";a, a fX:n.un could be ab"-'!II jor two day, of their jah, That a particularly big concern in light "fthe cum'!lt ""'onomy, he say,. adding that sche'<luhng a culunuscopy on a \lunday could mean ",i"ing "nly one day of work There i, ,uch a thing a, a CT colonography. or 'irtual ~ulonu,<'upy, on which Ih~ culon" scanned with a CT machine . [t', not on,",i,'e and dl"" nO{ re4utrc ane,lhe,;a. bul pat,en" hayc 10 du Ihe ,,1me preparation and the yiew (}f the culon " not a, complete "M,"t phy,ician, lend to fa' ", the !Tadittunal colonu,eupy exam, wh,eh enables them to take care "f the polyp, right away during the pm_ «'<l ure," Dr. Pu/mak ,ays \len ,hould al", rece,,'e " prustatc c"ncer ,<'r<'Cning hy the ir 50th hirthday,. alth"ugh it i, one of the mure euntr"""",i,,l " ...."'ning e~am', he ,ay" During the ,,,<'<'n ing, the phy,ieian i, lookong t'>r a p,,"tate"fX:cific antigen. or PSA, that can mdicate canceL "Yuu euuld ge1 a numlal readmg ,nth cancer and an "h"o,.",,,1 reading without," he s"y' What phy""an, "re really looking fur " huw lhe rSA change, during the years. "We fulluw the trend of the screenin!:-" If your rSA i, a I the fiN exam, "lid a 1.2 the ,,-,<,"nd time, thcn you"", pmoohly OK lfil goe, fmm a Ito" .1,then yuu ,hotlld folluw wilh an ",,,l"g'''''' he Why is 50 the magic numbcr'! Mostly it has to do with statistics. says Luis Pozniak, M.D .. also with Millennium Physician Group in Naples, "Population studies tend to go by decades, like the <lOs, 50s and 60s. Based on those studies. age 50 is the line of demarcation when your risk ofheallh problems and disease increases exponentially." Patients should get their blood pressure. cholestewl and blood glucose levels checked every year by age 50. Dr, Wang says, "The goal of every physician is preventive medicine. As prop1e age, their cholesterol S\aIlS to creep up, Their blood pressure and blood sugar s\aII creeping up, too. Ifwe catch this early enough. we can often prevent it from getting WOT$C," he says. 9 ur "'J'" Women ,hould also rccci,c a hone den,ity te" at age SO, Thc liN exam ""ts a, a ha.",lit)C to lind OUI how Michael Wartg, M,D. Luis Pozniak, M,D, m..:h de'l,it)' the woman" lu,;ng ea<:h year. Dr. l'"""ak "'y', A comprehen,i,·c phy,ical can "",m intimidating to • ~ • MILLENNIUM PHYSICIAN GROUP www,MlllennlumPhysleliln,org Michael Wang, M.D. 1284 Creekside St, SIt. 107, Naples, FL34IOS 239-249·7830 Luis Pozniak, M.D. 1750 SW Health Parkway, Building 1, Naples, FL 34109 239-249·7800 th"", who arc afraid they will hear had t)Cw ,. Dr. Wang ""y" H"WeH'T, 111<"t pc'l'pic arc diagl1<w..'<l wilh en"rely m"n"gcable he"lth he "'Y" '''''Co, What of the n1<>rC scriou, health ,,,,,,,," "B}' naturc, we tend to ignore thing, that dnn ' t gi", us prnhlems T<'1l nr 14 yea" later. it can tak a hite nut or yuur body and ",on'l g"'c il b:ock," Dr P""""k "'Y" ",,,, a ph}";,c",n, it " my ~'TCal s"tish1cH"" to make sure yuu don 't liw U/IC day Ie,,, b,xau", "l!I..,th ing could haw ht:en rrnentcd ." lntere,k-..i in " f"ll heallh che'l:k·"p'.' S.:h<.'<l"k "n appotnlmc!l1 "ith one uf uur phY>lclUn, "xby, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 10 Health &. Wellness December 2011 - Collier Edition The AGE-ing Process Staying Young by Eating Smart! By Betsy Opyt. RD, LOIN, COE - The Southwest Inslitute for Cardiovascular Fitness & Treatment hen we often think aoout Ihe aging proceSS, we usually think about wrinkles, gray hair. """,, motor function and loss of memory. It is something we will all go through sooner Or laler. What if I lold you lhat you have more control ovcr your aging process than you once though.? After all. you have heard the saying, "You are what you Cal." What you an: ealing may end up killing you faster. What are AGE's? AGE's is nOl jusl a number determining your decade. but a lethal oombination of sugars and fats that create a destru<;live compound in our bodies and shift our aging proceSS imo fifth gear. AGE's is an abbreviation for Advanced Glycation End products and are found in some of our most common cooking methods - grilling. frying, and microwaving - along wilh the way foods are processed oommen.:ially. Ifyw have a high alllQ\lnl of AGE's in your diet, even in your 20's. y<:>u arc On your way to developing chronic diseases y<:>u would nonnally see later in life , JUSt by culling ywr AGE's consumption, you can save your eyesight. your menwry, skin and blood vessels, and delay "Father Time's" natural process_ AGE's Desboy Healthy Cells This may be a new concept for you to digest, but AGE's have been around ever since ea,'ernen discovered fire, AGE's fonn when dry heal causes sugar and fat to bn:ak down inlO protein molecules that shrivel up and tum brown or black. Well-done meats. erispy coaling 00 chicken, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SW'CFT Cardiology Tt< t<» ~<M I~ ~~ f~'tT~ James V. Talano. MD MM FAce • Peter R. Foster, MO FACe Sajan K. Rao, MD FAce· Janet K. Sparker, PA-C RN 1-- - - - 239.261.2000 - - - --I 615 Ninth Street N. Suite 101 973 North Collier Blvd Marco Island, FL 34145 Naples, Florida 34'02 W~,~~," ''''''',I~'id''"'"d accept most insurance plans. 28281am0mi T~~ Hot\I1, ~~ Aofida 34103 I 239·681·2165 7890 &mnerIi1 Lakes DrM!. Fo:t M)'n Florida 33907 I 239·7SB-6396 YffnI.l'tJysIela IISReha bliltatlon.eom VAX-O Therapy Relieves Back Pain ~I Alial Decxwnpression. VAX·D is a rmUlionart non-lrnasi'Ie treatmeot for patients 'I>tlo soffef from chronic low bad<. pain 01 ned! pain, as well as leg pain and nurnllness caused from herniated 01 degenerated (lscs and posterior facet syndll:llTle. Patients 'I>tlo I\a'.'e had back 01 ned! SlIrget)\ )eI continue to experienI;:e low back pain and/or sciatica pain,lTI3'I also be candidates torVAX·D. Back pain can disrupt dally Irte, making it dill\ctl~ to complete simple tasks 01 eniO'J' certain actiVities. While I)a(:k pain $ lJSlIally treated with a coml)nation of ttJer&. pies. Including medication, bed·rest, chlropl'llCtic care, and exercise, mall! of these treatments only temPOlluily reducesymptOmS. V.AX·D is the only medical device that delr.ers treatment throof11 its patented Iogarlthmio: (Iecompoesslon curve. The treatment is desi~ to relieve pressure on struc· tures that may be causing back (l( neck pain usually associated -..ith bulging 01 herniated discs and live disc disease. V.AX·D is sate I and efleclive and does oot in· vot.oe the risIrs associated with surgery 01 injections also used to treat cnronio: pain, _11ef&- Priof to VAX·D treatment. patients are fitted with a patented 'peMc harness' and then are placed in a pror.e position on a VA.'(·D table and console {patients remain fully clothed during treatment). The V.AX·D The.apeutic Table and COOSOIe technology applies and maintains a baseline tension of 20 to 24 pcM.lnds to the patient's peMs throo~ the treat· ment session (e\IeIl 'IItle!l at rest) , Distr3ction cycles then rJlC7..e from the 20 to 24 pcM.lnd range up to a pre-detennined tension based on the patients' oondition. During treatment. patients U'tilili! handgrips to extend the arms aboYe the head (like hanging from a bar) to stabilili! and restrain the upper body during lumbar distraction, Our newest Genesis 3 table allows those paVents with shouldef or arm issues, to lie on their back and utilize a special attachment under their arms to achiew pain free treatment The cervical collar is utilized for those patients needing ned< treatments. VAX·D differs from COI'fo'entiona l mechanical traction in that ~ uses this spec;al rogarith im, and creates a negative pressure in the disc that aclteiYes the same goats as surgery. ..reducing pressure In the discs. Many patients ", III fIOtlce a benefit earl, on In the treat ment protOCOl , and as treatment prog!esses, they " ill e'-P€rience a gradual reduction of symptoms. Patients .,hose back pain Inc ludes Inl lamma!lOn may be presc ri bed non ste rOIdal ant i Inf lammatory agents or other medications, Pat,ents who have tumors, bone fractures or osteoporOSIS are not can dldates for th is treatment VAX D cli nics have s.uccessfully operated for more than ~fteen ~ars in the Unrted States, as well as in Canada. Puerto RICO, Me<ico and Austra lia. More tnan 3.000 patients each d<ry receive VAX D therapy I~ the United States_ ."th stua,es repMmg high levels 01 success s Rehabd,tation IS one 01 the lev, treatment centers that offers VAX·D therapy in comb ination with physical tMrapy. It is bell (M)d that thiS blende<l treat· ment results In the best outcomes lor patients. Not ooly does P'hysicians Rehabil,tation offer complete com prehen~lve treatme"t 1m chrQ"1C bilck OJnd ne<;k p,,,", they do 0;0 I",th Ihe best pnce~ In Ihe ~reOJ' For mOle Informatron on VAX-D treOJtments OJnd pri Cing, or to mOJke ~n OJPPOIntment ple~se COlI! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Everything in balance. back into I Pain Management Center of Naples. PA ~ ~ a yop nance. family filllnces. !he day-to-day. we III seek a sense of balance aM harmony. And no time is more deserving than the retirement years when Of" JUS! Ce .... lcal & Lumbar Epidural InJ.etlon.· Lumbar & (e",lc.1 Faut BIoct Occipital Henr. iliad· lumbar & C.rvitallbodj~,,...u.ncy Ablation s..crolliac Jo;nl Inj_clio.... Tria" Point InJoCllons· (eUac PInus Block after I fulltime locus on career, child~ and othoer cornrnitments, the time anives to re.lp !he rewmls 01 living ~l AI TheAriington. the neweSt retnmen! lifestyle choice in the Naples aoo Marco IslaM area.)'OII can continue to live the life )'OIl'.,. planned ... haw1and with peace of mind ... knowing ewrything is in place for the ruwre. including an emphasis on fitneSs and welloess, and the availability of on-site heahll care. if needed. The Arlington A Lutheran Life CommunilJ M ODEl AND INFORMAT ION CENTER 12276 TamiamiT",il Easc.Suite 501. Naples, Florida 34113 (239) 206·2646 or toll-free (866) 98~9690 www.Arlington _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Th.I •• rag.women 911nl3O pounds Mth menopause. Yoo do nol ha •• to accept ~I W. can help r. . . ... metabolic changes tho' occur during menop~u" so yoo c~n surt losing thOSt unwanted pounds. Dr. Cederquist is a nltionally recognized boriatric: physician sptCi~1Iy trained ~nd ctrtified in .,.,.;ght manlgtll1trlL We specialize In womtfl \\tIo 1m. tried ev«ythln9 for weight lou and 11111 ean' lose. W. can help. Yoo'lilook and ltel spectlI<;tIt. Ind .. , • Yoo'. be amazed at howthose STUBBORN POIImfs su", vanishingl See for yourself... C&g~r.ghJN Weight Lon and Well"'$$ Caroline J. Cederquist, M.D. -~"--.- "'--""'-"._'.' Call right now! 239.591.0444 Get Your FREE Diet Profile Log on 10 wwwOrCed erqulStcom MI MP P our physicians are accepting new patients -, o..rt.s Kilo, M.D. /~,,_ .. u_ ~ /1~SJr ..... _ J. /w ..... _J.'w 239·594·5456 I4c ct prin9 New Po/ienlS Som e Day I4ppoirrfm e nl> 14 . 01/001 . ___ 239·249-7800 MILLENNIUM • • PHYSICIAN GR.OUP .........w.MltlennlumPhl'$l( _____________________ _____________________ 14 Health'" Wellness December 2011 • Collier Edition Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle By Myles Rubin $amotin, MD - Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon. Fellowship Trained in Fool and Ankle The signs and symplontS of anhrilis are gC1lmllly the same throughout the body and this holds true for the foot and ankle joints. Stiffness, swelling, tcnd<,:r_ ness and pain arc associated with lower c~tremily (fool and ankle) arthritis. Bone spurs may form at the joints and since the foot is made IIlQStly of bone, thesc spurs may Slick out and make the join! appear lumpy. The joint may become defonned. Some- times, with the weight_bearing joints such as foot and ankle, Ihcjoinl may fccl '"Unstable~ or fccl like it is ready to give OU\. The worst symptom will be that any walking may bewrnc quite painful. The good thing about fool and ankle arthritis. if thcre is one, is thai then,: an,: many types of conservative trcaUTIrn! that can be usod in order to alleviate the symptoms, which is mainly pain with stiffness. Simple steps such as steroid injections, ami_inflam_ matOf)' pain rcliC'VefS. placing pads, arch suppons or OIher inserts into footwear, and even CUStom footwear or brncing of !he foo! or ankle can all be used to relieve symptoms. Physical therapy, exercise and even a weight loss program can be a benefit to easing)'QUl" symproms. A Sp<X:ialist in foo! and ankle is gencmlly aware of all these treatment types and will utilize !hem in an attemp! to help !he patient Howcver. like the large joints such as hip and knee, conservative treatment sometimes will not work at all on a patient and more likely, will help for awhile, bUI duc to the increasing severity oflhe arthritis, will eventually cease helping the patient Surgical oplions will then need 10 be considered. If you have mild or moderate anhrilis., especially in the ankle only, an ankle arthroscopy may be warranted 10 help CUI back on Ihe 3nhrilic changes in Ihe ankle joint In the foot and toe joints, as well as more arthritic ankle joints, surgery may involve an anhrodesis (fusion) of the joint to eliminate pain. In some rare cases of severe ankle anhritis. a specialist may recommend an ankle replacemenl using prostheses, which are used in hip and knee replacemenl surgery. But, mOSI Sp<X:ialists will generally avoid Ihe ankle replacement surgery. !;inee the lechniques and proslheses are not as advanced as they are in hip and knee replacement surgery and they have been known 10 have many more implant failure!; with catastrophic results. The most imponant thing about anhritis of the fOOl and ankle. which I have stated !;<.:veral times, is to be seen and followed by the proper clinician who can help you in many ways to solve your anhritic ankle Or fOOl and help you return 10 a more pain-free, less symptomatic life. r am a Board Cenified Onhopaedic Surgeon with a Sub-specially, Fellowship Trained in FOOl & Ankle surgery. In fact, I am the only surgeon wilh these qualifications in our area. r believe this makes me uniquely able 10 deal with Ihese problems in a !itatc-of-the-an atmosphere and method that will keep you in good hands and provide you with the mOSt dc!;ired result Myles Rubin Samotin, MD Boa ,d C. rtlfled Orl ho l>Mdte Surgeon feoow.",p lr •• M<! . s..,1>$i><'< .al •• t . ~ """t an<l """'e Su'go', C",um"'. Uol...,,,I!y..... """mde .... """"" Cent",. II"...,."", JoiOl Dise • ..".. N"", yO"< Cit\' 239_514.4200 810" tin A...... uHIo,'n. Su,'.4 N.pIo~ rk><od.! .!-Il08 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 0.. Myle'S Silmotin is a Columbia Universiry Graduate and Fello\VShip Trained at the Hospital for Joint Diseases In New York City. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________________ 16 Health &. Wellness December 2011 - Collier Edition Help for Depression Overcome the Blues this Holiday Season! By Oavid Schimmel, CEO - Oavid l awrence Center illions of Americans struggle with depression. Depressive disorders represent a major public health problem affecting approximately 15% of adults and 8%ofchildrcn. While th= "",a lot of miSpcrcqllions about depression, il is important for those of us al the David Lawrence Center. a notfor_profit, behaviQllll health agency that provides comprehensive, ;ruwvative mental health and substance abuse solutions for children. adults and families in Southwest f lorida, 10 cducare the community Ihat there is help for depression and its symptoms can be OVe1'Come. A depressive disorder is a syndrome Ihal rcf1e.:ls a sad {)1" irritable mood e~ceeding nQrn'lal sadness {)1" grief. Depressive signs and symptoms can be characterized by negative thoughts. moods, and behaviQl'S, but can also affect s~ific changes in bodily functions (crying spells, body aches, low energy Or libido), as well as problems w;ch eaeing, wcighc or sleeping. Many of thesc Symp10mS are caused by changes in the nervous syscem of the brain chac can result in withdrawal from daily activity levels. Individuals suffering from depression who do not seek treatmen1 can have dramatic loss of productivicy and absenteeism from work, as well as a variccy of other physical symptoms. Adolescents suffering from depression are at risk for developing obesity, and medical studies have indicaccd that depression causes significanc problems in functioning more SO than arthriti s, hypertension. chronic lung disease and diabetes. Depression can coexist wich vinually every ocher mencal health illness and we are seeing a growing crend of depression in the elderly. -r DAVID LAWRENCE CENTER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .swfHeal thandW _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expert PSYC Care Can Count On David Lawrence Center is a not·for-profit, behavioral health agency that provides innovative menial health and substance abuse solutions for children, adults and families in Southwest Florida. With the largest network of board certifie<l child, adolescent, adult and geriatric psychiatrists in Collier County combined with our comprehensive inpatient, residential, outpatient and community based services, you and your family are in expert, caring hands. MEDICAL SERVICES Compreheo~ve , psychiatric evaluations Certified in Suooxooe' detoxification Treatment planning and re/efTals Mulople speciaHies Medication management Co-occurring treatment services Crisis stabilization and Baker Ad referrals Telemedince Medicaty supervised inpatient detoxification Bilingual treatment services -r .. DAVID LAWRENCE CENTER ADDITIONAL MEDICAL STAFF E. 50$;1, M.D. o. ~, IIUl. CPA O. Ebaugh,ARNP M. Genity, PA NAPLES 239-455·8500 • IMMOKALEE 239·657-4434 • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 18 Health &. Wellness December 2011 - Collier Edition to Transform Your Life in 2012! By Madeline Ebalini, MATP, RYT and Deborah lee, PhD, AN Integrative Mindfulness, Bonita Sprirogs I Better Ch0ic6s Health Coaching. Naples However, equally impOrtant in the 1nlnSfonnation process is often an exploration of sulxonscious reasons why YOU'Vel 1101 made the changes you know you need to make. Habitual behavior panentS (those neural pathways) frequently emerge in response to ongoing strossors or past traillT\atic events. We may 001 even be aware of how OW" subconscious mind retains old, painful emoIions. We don~ like 10 feci these wtpleasan\ cmoIions and may engage in coping behaviors _ like smoking, overeating, or other unhca.Ithy habits - 10 temporarily soothe the pain they bring. These coping behaviors may provide temporary comfon. But the Iong-1CIm impact on the body and our lives can be serious. Research shows us what it takes to make lasting, healthy change. Because these changes are difficul1. and lake lime 10 develop, consider engaging a partner who's in your comer and will support you as you do what it takes to actualize your long-tcnn life vision. An 'nugratil't: lIeilllll Omen , and a regular Mindfulness Practice, can be the perfect platfonn fTom whK:h 10 make your vision a reality. Your Integrative Health Coach, and your own personal mindfulness practice, can help you clarify your most important values and priorities (your motivators) and help you cope with stress beller. so that your unhealthy coping behaviors eventually fall away. Integrative health coaching is about looking at your whole life- everything that makes you who you are - including your personal and professional development, relationships, communication, physical environment, and spirituality.lntcgr3tive health coaches won with you to develop a plan and set goals that are imponant to you. Your coach provides structure. suppon, motivation. information and acrountability necessary to make your transfonnation a sustainable reality. At the core of who you are is mindful awareness; being present and aware in each moment of your life. as it unfolds. The health and emotional benefits of a regular mindfulness practice are vast, as the explnding volume of medical and scientific research demonstrates. Cultivating mindful awareness, through learning and maintaining a regular mindfulness practice. builds a sense of calm and case in your 1ifc and goes hand-in-hand with making and sustaining lifestyle change. Your regular practice might be a gentlc and therapeutic yoga sequence, Or a period of ! ining practice focusing on the breath. You might li ke "'a/king mea,'tation. or the practice of mentally scanning your body nocicing how each pan fccls(known asa body !can). You'llicam all of these practices in a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course. lin the nat MISR COUI'M runs Jan. 2nd through .1wd. 6th, 1It_.L. . . illlu .. lL...... MIt or mil (239) ~1113. Madeline Ebelini, MATP, RYT Integrative Mindfulness Madeline Ebelinl, founder of l nte~atJVe Mindfu ln ess In Bon ita Spnngs, holds a Master of Ms degree In Transperwnal Psycholog, (MATP), ana IS a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYTI. She compteted professlona I traln"'g in MIndfu Iness Bawd Stress Red uction (MBSR) With -;en lor faculty at the Center for Mindfulness In Med 'cloe, Health Care, and Soc let, at the Un iversity of Massachuwtts Med ica l School, Includln~ Dr. Jon Kabat1,nn . Integrative Mindfu ln ess offers the 8-week MBSR COu rse throughout the \'Car, and free monthly introductory talks . TM ne.o:t free introd uctory talks ""II be Tues. Dec_ 6th at IPM arld 7PM . The next MBSR coorse ""II begin )an 2. 2012 Register at Madellfle also leads a tree love guoded mindfu lness pract.:e on li ne each Thursday morning at SAM at www.emindfu!mirldfulnesspractice_htm l. lrrte!r..tiwMlndfutnessisacom pi lmentaryresource for cQ/lo.'eO\lonal hea~hcare and wellness Madeline can be reached at Madeline@[rrtegratiYeMindfulness,net Deborah A. Lee, PhD, RN Better Choices Health Coaching Deoornh Lee. PhD. RN IS an l ote~ati,e Health Coach and President of Better Choices Health Coaching baSC<l In Nap les She received her tra,n,ng at Duke I nte~atJVe Medoclne's Integrative Health Coach Prof=a l Tra," ,"~ Prol}am where sne is currently v.ur\<.Jog towards ce"i1ica~on as an Inte~atove Health CoaCh . She brings 30 )ears ot pro fessional and persona l elPenence to her inte~"tiv" health coach,ng proUic,,_ After worl<ing oS a ho&ll ital and home care nurse. researcher, university professor,pcb"c hea lth prolewonal and hea lth care administrator In the U. S. and Canada. she deoded to return to thc root of why she bccJme a nurse: to hetp people feci better and stay healthy. Deborah can be reached at Deooran.Lee@BetterChoicesHealthCoacl1ing.oom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Collier Edit ion - December 2011 Health 3< Wellness 19 A New Concept to Change the Way We Exercise! 8yCOnooptl0l0 20 Minutes a Week Is All You Need to Be In Great Shape! The Company, called Concept 10 10, is Now Expanding Worldwide! Concept 10 10 Method of Training The Concept 10 10 metitod of training is unlike anything else you might have tried before. Paradoxically. it is both amazingly fast and very, very slow. How Concept 10 10 Differs from Conventional Exercise We asked him "Why not just do jogging, aerobics or some olher eonvenlional activily?" His answer was pretty thought provoking: This technique will take each muscle that is worked to a state of complete fatigue in just a few repetitions. Doing so sets offnumcrous metabolic changes Ihal grow Ihe muscles, slrengthen the bones, signal the body 10 bum more fal, and increase the musele's ability to draw oxygen from the blood. thus providing optimal cardiopulmonary fitness in addition to strength. "If you are out of shape and begin to jog, for uample, you'lI slrenglhen your thighs, calves, hips and abdomen, but not the rest of your museles and bones. lbe Concepl 10 10 program slrenglhens these same muscles along with all the rest - to a much. much grealer degree, and in about one tenlh the time. $(I if it is strength you are looking for as you grimly jog mile after mind-numbing mile three or four times a week to Stay fit, why not save your ankles. hips, knees, and back, and spend less Ihan thirty minules a week doing Concept 10 10 instead? NOI only will you gel slronger fasler and more safely, you'll also have the 3-4 hours you saved to do somelhing you lruly enjoy." Jorgen Albn:<.:htsen, President and CEO of Concept 10 10. Inc . explains the training Concept of 10 10 in those words and he is convinced Ihat the ConcepllO 10 way of ex ere ising is the fU1Ure for those who want results and personal anenlion and where time is a major issue. "The same applics if you are playing tennis. rac_ quetball, baskelball, aerobics, or any olher spon a couple of times a week JUSt to Stay in shape (0. 10 gel in shape) and nOI really for Ihe enjoyment of Ihe game. Drop it. Spend a fraction of that lime doing Although you will complete a total body strength training session in about 20 minutes, you will perfO"" each exercise with exquisite slowness. How the Technique Works Exercise in it Fraction of the Time Free Seminar Thursday, December 22nd 5:30PM @ ___ ·eoo_,-_ -.. "'.'· . . _ . . . ""-'- '- -~-"" ' - ' -~- ' -_QlId Learn about a DRUG FREE alternative that wi~ chaoge YOU' life! Limited Seating ... call NDW! 239-444-3106 27~99 SWF Katural Health Center Riverview Center Blvd., Bonita A. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 20 Health &. Wellr.ess December 2011 - Collier Edition Effective Treatment Options for Low Back Pain Secondary to Lumbar Spondylosi By Pralhima Moorthy, M.D. A s the name dire<:ts. Lumbar Spondylosis is a condition in which the Lumbar Vertebrae are degenerated due to slippage of discs and occurrence of OSIOO- phytes commonly known as the Ixmc spurs. Spo;mdylosis is the disease oflhc spine. In this condition the vertebrae lend 10 mOve and slide OvCr OnC another. This condili<m is also referred as Spinal Osteoarthritis. This condition occurs due 10 Ihe defect in facet joints (spine joints). As the lumbar region of the spine bears maj.mty of the weight of body and also lolerate chronic forces acting on it, then spondylosis is mOre likely 10 occur, thus it is known as Lumbar Spondylosis. In this medical condition the patient feels chronic pains in the lower part of the vertebral column due to the misplacement of the vertebrae. The age factor plays a signifi_ cant role in the cause of spondylosis and the condition is mostly seen in people having the age above 40-45. Following rould M Ih" mlljor ChllllCes ..>/rich alii /""dlh" pt:rSOll 10 Spolld}1Ilsis: • Age Factor (mostly seen in p<X>ple above 4045 years of age and common m the age of 60) • Constant sining position for a long period of time • • • • Restless and SIrong physical activities Lifting of heavy objects External injury Genetic issues TREATMENT OF SPONDYLOSIS The lreaDnCnt of the disease can be carried out by various methods sueh as: • • • • • • Physical therapy progam Hot and cold water treatmenlS Aquatic therapy Analgesic applications Oral Medications lntervcntional ~ures sueh as lumbar facet JlCf'.'C blocks or lumbar radiofrequency ablalion • Swgory What is Radiofrequency? Radiofrequcncy waves an: electromagnetic waves which travel al the speed of lighl, or 18MOO miles per second (300,000 kmls). Radiofrequency Energy is a type of heal energy thai is created by a special genenllor al very high or super high frequencies. With the use of this specialized generator, heat energy is m:ated and delivered wilh precision to target nerves thai carry pain impulses. The "-'Suiting Hlesion"involves a spherical area oflissue deslruction mthe lip of the RF needle that can include pain-canying nerves. How is this procedure done? Once a structure has been detennined 10 be a pain generator, its nerve supply is targeted for intem.Jption. A small insulated needle or Rf cannula is positioned next to these nerves with fluoroscopic guidance (live vidoo X_Ray). Your doctor knows _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Collier Edition - December 2011 Health & Wel lness are at elevated danger for ulcers or other dangers from H, pylori, for instance stomach cancer, One should kecp in mind that make )'<Jur surroundings clean, green and geon fre<: because it helps in decreasing the h. pylori infection risk. H pylori Symptoms and Treatment By Shardul A Nanavall, MD H 21 Treatment of H Pylori clicobacter pylori are also known as "h pylori" is a bacu:rium liable for Il10SI ulcers.11Iis bacteria deteriorates the defensive coating of Slomach. pcnnining digestive juices to irritate sensitive abdomen inside layff. lJo<.:um have \:OI\firmcd that in the majority of cases of h pylori illncs.s gencmtes no vital signs or symptoms as compared to ulcer or gastritis in which you may haVl; pain in abdomen, bloating, dyspepsia indigcscion, fecI hungry and mild nausea. Sympcoms thai can happen with H. pylori infection includes: a) A dull pain or flaming pain in abdomen (chronic gastritis) b) NauscaAnd Vomiting e) Repeatcd burping d ) Bloating e) Serious wcight loss r:::--~ What callses H pylori? By extensivc rescarch it is found that world'$ half inhabitants are contaminated with Helicobacter pylori symptoms. What is the real process of its diagnosis? This is usually passed from one person to another without showing any symptoms. 11 is interesting to note that countless people got this organism in their abdomen, bul don't obtain any ulcer or gastritis. Heavy coffec drinking, chain smoking, and alcoholism increase the risk and causes of ulc~ from H. pylori. Often peptic ulcc~ arc there with dyspepsia which is higher abdominal ache with dull gnawing). Some patients would feel pain al nighttime and they testimony release from pain by taking food with antacid but feel a reappearance of pain in 2 to 3 hou~. Medical Test For Helicobacter pylori You should ~uest an immediatc appointment wilh a specialized doctor if you observe any continual signs & symptoms that worry you too mU\:h, Inquire about instant mcdical aid if you e~perience severe pain in abdomen. trouble in swallowing your food, having blood filled or dark tarry stool or bloody vomit after meals. At medical laboratory, hasic blood and stool tests can verify your infection with H. pylori and if you contain symptoms. the doctor will decide whether you should go through screening tes\. Most a(X:urate medical test to spot H. pylori is by upper-endoscopy of stomach, esophagus or duodenum. Since this procedure is all-encompassing therefore it is noonally applied only on people assumcd to have u1c~ problcm or they Aller subsequent advanced treatment by specialized doctOls the breathing and stools test can verify whether you haVl; been healed of thi5 infection or nOi. Patients who are suffering from H. pylori symptoms and ulcer problem as well arc almost certainly going to benefit from being treated. And those unusual patients who suffer of acid reflux, hean_bum and H. pylori are less likely to benefit from Ihis trealment whieh means thai this lreatment usually doesn'l work with all patients. H. Pylori IreaUllCnI must be taken ONLY when advised your prescribed doctOl and it usually lasts fOl duration of for 8 to 15 days. Medications included are: a) 2 dissimi lar antibiotics are given which include metronidazole (Flagyl). clarithromycin (Biaxin), tetracyclines or amoxicil1in. b) Some doctors refer proton pump inhibitor. for instance esomeprazolc (Ncxium) omcprazole (Priloscc) or lansoprazole. c) Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) is also Ii"en in some unusual cases ofHelicobacter pylori symptoms for fast treatment to patients. To INrn mono about H. Pylori treatment ples$O c all Dr. Na navaU at 239-593-9599. Advanced Gaatroenterology of Naples 3439 Pine Ridge Rd .. NapIM, fL 34 t 09 Thinking About Long-Term Care Insurance? J~~~~':'::~~~~!, ~ , Coro<ious _ f < • 0inIc0I _ _ _ ~ , o;"Ioonm& _ 1 " , . . - ' - " " 0I0<0I~' "',_SodoIion c..ufoo<l 9Sl0 : : : ::::::~~~~r~ I/"",AiNHtIA I'tIUI n.AI InJj Give 1m. I ~ Of llirrr Prt",i~", lid If"'" ".~ NfflI M -~ IwtS,tll"'_ c..,. Con!,flll97Ol • Latot"""'ed _ _ -...Ce<tJied _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .swfHealth a nd We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 22 Health'" Wellness December 2011 • Collier Edition and Limb Swelling By Acute Wound Care he holidays are here, which means many will be traveling 10 visil their l'1ved ones, or for those of you who are snow birds. you're heading back 10 lhe wann wealher down soulh . Many individuals choose air travel to reach their destination. For those who suffer from venous insufficiency or Lymphedema. Ihis can be a painful process. Vour Lymphalic system endures an extreme amount of pressure when flying al high al1iludcs. Flying may worsen symploms after enduring exlrcme pressure. Funher. the risk of Lymphedema rises for those who have already undergone radical surgery which may have impacled lhe tymph nodes. After going under the knife for vari'1US surgeries, having joinlS replaced. or lymph nodes removed. your body's Lymphalic syslem isn'l going 10 be w'1rking at ilS top pcrfonnance. Keep Circulation Flowing Trying to get home for the holidays isn't always easy when you have painful swelling in your limbs. The Lymphalic syslem is a major player in the body's immune process. so it's imponant t'1 kcq> your cireulali'1n fl'1wing wilh good heahh. Flying ec'1n'1my elass is the route m'1st prefer t'1 lake when money becomes lighl.leaving you in an uncomfortable cramped seal allowing you 10 become more susceptible t'1 cireulation problems. Some individuals may develop blood clOIS in Iheir legs Over lime from flying. Deep vein Ihromhosis can be caused by cramping Ihat air travelers endure under high ahiludes. This is a lifc-lhrealening medical problem Ihal can be prevenled Ihrough compression the-rapy. Those who develop small blood elolS may nol experience any complicalions, leaving Ihem untrealed. The compression pump sleeves squee~e the muscles ohhe legs or arm as Ihey inflate in a sequenlial pal1cm dislal to proximal. Then Ihey deflale and Ihe muscles are able to relax . This pumping acti'1n promotes the cireulation of the blood prevenling blood clots from occurring. A Noninvasive Treatment Option A compression pump is a noninvasive treatment that allows patienu to alleviale their symptoms while circulating!he lymph fluid !hat has built up. Vour Lymphalic SyslCm gets assiSlance through a massaging aClion that genlly moves the fluid naturally from your limbs back into !he rhytlun at which the Lymph system cireulales. Each chamber ofthc sleevc moves the fluid undernealh Ihe skin in Ihe direction of Ihe lymphalic flow enabling Ihe body 10 gel rid of Ihe fluid and wasle build up. Main Purposes of Lymph Nodes The Lymphatic system is Ihe anatomical underpinnings of Ihe immune system. Ihrough a complex network oflhe lymphoid organs, tissues, and lymph nodes . Your lymph nodes have two main purposes which are to filler lymph Ihen lranspon it back 10 the blood slream, and aclivale!he immune system. The lymph nodes are found slfBtcgically placed throughout lhe whole body. so when a sile encounlers antigens or something foreign, a red flag is drawn and an attack is m'1unted. This mcans when your Lymphatic syslem isn'l working lhe way ifs supposed 10, Ihis is a gateway for infeclions 10 al1ack the body without defense. Any swelling is poten_ lially an indicator for Lymphedema. .9"~a &p;~UJo"e/~!p \t ACUTE WOUND CARE Contact Acute Woond Care lie today. Through patient edu· cation and compression thernpy. we can provide a better qual ity of Iffe for \Wt Call 239-949-4412 or lUi! IWIW.ACIJiEVIOONDCARE.COM _____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Collier Edit ion - December 2011 Health 3< Wellness 9!~a44~~ Choices· ACUTE WOUND CARE Are you suffering from lymphedema and chronic swelling When somrone berom.. .."iously ill. of upper or lower extremities? it can b< difficult We Can Help! __ ~ ... l<:.-q-kIn'n Il'Mtr>Wrt plat\. ... <Ietver!he IUP\OIieI yoo _ to _ .... rfICOve<y ti",.., 'IOU/ own tIomel ~yoo <0 know whO! rype of care is best ... Or where 10 turn for help. · t """~ Call Us Today! 239-949-441 2 23 VITAS can help . VITAS Innovativt Hospice Care' America .. i>ospke 'Hde •. founded in 1978 Proudly ~rving patients &;es in C~lief County 1.8OO.91.VlTAS ' 1.800.938,4827 www.VlTAS.<om _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .swfHealth a nd We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 24 Health &. Wellr.ess December 2011 - Collier Edition Easy Exercise for Weight Loss By Mar1ena Cecil, PA-C I Have a Confession to Make I am nOl an exercise fana,ic. As a mat1er <)f facl [am more likely to work oUlless Ihan three days a week than more. Am I aware of all the health benefits - the lower blood pressure. lower cholesterol, decreased change of cardiovascular disease and reduced Slress levels? Vou bet - all my medical training drilled those A Realistic Exercise Plan We all know e~=ise makes losing weigh( and staying at your goal weigh( much easier. llK= mck is (0 re.alis(ically find ways (0 ge( me most ou( of your e~=ise program and incorponuc i( imo your lifCS(yle. • S", R,,"Ii$lie GO/lls - [f walking rwil'(: per week is all you can do - that is a Great Start! facts and mol"<' in10 my head so 1ha1[ can sh~ 1ha1 information wilh all my patients. So many of my patients as well as family and friends (here fore want (0 know how [ finally beat my lifelong s(ruggle (since! was 14) with weight. More importantly they want to know how I am keeping the weight ofT. Well an honest question deserves a fully diselosed honest answer! Even though I was taking PhenTabz as an appetite suppressant and weigh( loss enhancer. r have to give eredi( to the small changes in my diet and exercise. PhenTab7. provides me with an abundance of energy - this of course increased my motivation to exercise and made the prospect of exercising regularly very possible! Since working out 5 days a week Or running the New York Marathon was not a realistic approachI had 10 do something drastic ... .1 had 10 be honest & genuine about my exercise gools. While this task might seem easy a1 first, coming to terms wilh what [ could commit to long term (ah - Ihe catch) took SOme serious soul searching. Starting Slow IS Starting l..e('s be honest - walking one day a week is MUCH betler than none at all. This simple troth inspired me to see the bencfit of simply starting my exercise rou(ine. I Can commit (0 an easy form of exercise 2-3 days a week with my busy schedule (and general lack of desire (0 exercise). Thus began the march (owards reaching my goal weight and breaking the lifelong cycle of fad dieting. Before you doub( the efTtl:liveness of moderate exercise; please no(( that I have not only lost my 30 pounds but happily I am easily keeping it om B" Happy - Be sure to pick an ae(ivi(y you ac(ually enjoy doing. • Wllleh I/o" CI/lCk _ Your body clock. that is. Try (0 work out a( thc time you have (he most energy. If you're a morning person, schedule your fitness activities early in the day; if you pen up as the day goes along; plan your activities in the afternoon Or evening. )"011 wiD be 1I_lfuI ! rr.u.uv"'" - ~aiJMlII' When you 10se weight, up to 25% oflhe loa may come from IllU$(Ie, ~ in a slower mr:tIboIism. Weigbt lifting will help ~or rdNild any musc:lc you lose by dieting. Muscle keeps your metab0lism revved UfI wlti(:h in Ium, bums more calories, fat. and g[ucose: ($Ugar). l .. ~ Artivily Uuo tDotr DAily Life Walk instead of taking me bus, pari< your car farther from the mall and walk across (he parl<ing lot. take Slai~ instead of the elevator, and wash your car by hand. 15 Mi....res Pf"s - During the first [5 minutes of cxercise, your body bums store.:! carbohydrales (glycogen). After thaI (imc, your body bnms stored fal. So. while \he first [5 minutes are very helpful in losing "'cigh( - cvery minute afta (hat is a pure OONUS to bring you closer to your goal! THE BIG SECRET (Specific Thermal Dynamic Effect) 110w 10 make a 30 minute walk - the benefits of a 45 minute walk! Plr~" Tab: increases your metabolism for hours al a (ime which means you are burning more calories and fal throughoul the day. Hov.·ever, your metabolism will increase by up 10 50% immediately aller a healthy meal! This means you will burn extra calories by incorporating your exercise a( this (ime! It's like a FREE BONUS EVERVTIME! f« iofonnation 00 CMying PhenTabz at jIlUr pr.lCIice 01" to onIef PhenTabz calt 888-066-1714 Phen Tabz Rx~ (Ampheta-HCL) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Collier Edit ion· December 2011 Health 3< Wellness 25 ~ropean ~e 2ft The Art of Facial Rejuvenation by Dr. Alina Stanciu European "?ace .Lift is a unique facial rejuvenation treatment that Dr. Stanciu developed as an alterruuive to surge", Dr, Stanciu's te<:hnique of Auid face sculpting and lifting combines dennal fillers with injtttabies such as BotoX@ Cosmetic in order to correct wrinkles and defy aging. "The combination of these products in the hands of a skillful surgeon like Dr. Stanciu could give re~lIllts mo", dei;irable than an invasive face lift. Visit www.stanciu lO see SOme of the amazing trarufonnations of some of our patients. Join us for a %tJfit If yw are concerned about the foUowing signs of aging: 01 Forehead Lines 02 Crow's feet and tired droopy eyes 03 l,.oss of volume 04 Laugh lines 05 Lines around your lips and mouth To !cam moreon how to treat 'DiswIl:r y>"r 'F",mt<tin t~ arc..sand of Yourli Ii' W y>"r"llt:!t rlii! 'J-U..u.!I Se450n join u' fur an informativ<: pre<tn...ion on December 7 at 5pm. ~~.. Promodoa December ,. 2011 of 'Beauty TOpics to be discussed: European Face Lift, Botox® Cosmetic, Juvederm® & all dermal fillers, Cosmetic/ Functional eye lid surgery, skin care & Latisse® When: Decembe r 7, 20 11 at 5:00pm Where: 3S0 1 Health Center Blvd., 22 10 Bo nita Springs Benefits of a Face Lift: European SlOO off First Rejuvenation Treatment, bring a friend and receive » Fill Lines » Increase Volume » Add Definit ion » M inimal Pain » Short Call 2 3 9.949.2020 to reserve you r spot today! Seating is Limited! Recovery time » Instant Results » Financial Savings 10 units of Botox FREE! ?lUna Stanciu, 'M.'D. FAAO American Academy of Ophthalmology • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery • 15 Years Experience NYTrained Ibnning fur <he fulU~ .. 00 impor ...,,_ 8< p~. r.-n all "'" ear> obou, oo ...... hing ..... r ear> j<op>rdile rho ~nancial fU1U~ of your enri~ family_ Talk w" h a broker who rep~. ,.n,. all , he maio< LTC a.1I;'", and h.. been a Long-Term c.... Sped. li" ro, over 17 yea", Compare before you decide. . H...Iq io a lnnc-T...... c...5p<cialm b.obrioos wid. many _ She.,.., lind oh< plan rIu, ,.,;".,..,... _ Call SENIOR INSURANCE SOWTIONS For a FREE Infonnation Pacl<et at 239.274.6678 VO$it our Il'd> Site ." www.longttlfllCi!tiR$\ltil'lCt-<ll\li....(l)fll "' ... $100 off -~ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 26 Health &. Wellness December 2011 - Collier Edition Choosing the Right Restoration By De an Mourselas, ODS find one of the most confusing dental procedures for pa~ents is tMt of a crown, Of even worse, a veneer. I am often 10ld by patients thaI they are riot really sore lOhat either one is, bot between the two, they would r.I1l1er have a veneer. A crown is usually a dental procedure that plWides oot just a cosmetic re5I.I ~ b\II a lI,mellonal one as well. ~neelS are more oftefl used when cosmetics are the only real coocem. What III a Crown? To put rt simply. a crown is a full covering /of a tooth. It covers all aspee\:S of the tooth. in other words. the top and all the sides. This is the procedure of choice when portions 01 the tooth are io fact missing. either from decay or fracture , Sometimes a fill ing can be used in these circumstances. HoweYel, wIlether composite resin ("Me) or amalgam (sil'lerJ is used as the fi ll ing. these pl'OYide very little suength fof the tooth against chewing. In fact, ~ is the remaining tooth structure around a rilling that holds up against the pressure of chewing. There Is an unwritten I'\lJe thaI ~ roughly two-thirds of your tooth is fi lling, then a crown is necessary to prevent fractu re , and fl()S&bly lOOt caMI, or even losing)OOr tooth a~ogether, Crown. Made In a Variety of Way. Crowns can be made in a variety of ways, In the past. these were mainly made with fI/d.Tod<Jf, n they contain metal, theo po~ain is usually fused to rt at the lab to make it look more natural. HoweYer all porcelain (metal· free) types have become extremely popular lately with patients and dentists alike because they look ~at and with advances in their making, can function as well as their metal counterparts. These materials are usually ceramic or the ceramic is fused to a zirconium substructure for strength, arid are giYen fancy names like Da Vinci, Empress, Cemate, lava. and eMax to name a few. These are simpi)' proprietary brands glYen by companies that make these products. As long as their prodllCl is FDA awroYed, and the materials used are documented, theo they are safe. Frankly there are 8 lot of options for )00 and )'lur dentist to choose from. What III a Veneer? In addition to a full coverage crown, lI1ere is the option of a veneer. This is sim ilarto a crown, however it only covers lI1e front (lip or cheek) side of lI1e tooll1. This is a nice conseMtive wtrj to resurface a tooll1 will10ut having to remove that much natural tooth stnJctu re . These restora· ~ons. however, do not provide much strength to a tooll1 and cannot be used in place of a crown. veneers are rea lly only indicated for use in lI1e -smi le zone; which includes lI1e front 6 to Sleeth in most people. In otherwords, they are purely for cosmetic situations to enhance or improve Experience a Un ique Favon'te Offered I.ry Naples Holistic Massage Therapy AIwruriouo.Cft.oM"'_~""",,,,,,,,,,,-,ond""" """'* """* ....w. (vobNc ..... ~ an.:I..,..,..... f ...... enjoy. 6ocioI ___ - . w ""..., """ ..... an.:I..;o.. __ -.o..;.t, ......... .........., ...... l""'...d.oIoouId.n. ...... an.:lkp..-wmub ... ~ 0..:""", ~ ..... .., """ '11""", IIo<.t _ _ .... $' 2(1 I ~~_...... I. L ____--' E,.Iyo.Si-bir. U, IMf m:JJ SH """""''''~.w '1193 Gift Certificates Available _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .sw f He al th an dW eliness .com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Collier Edit ion - December 2011 Health 3< Wellness 27 Put Your Best Face Forward this Holiday Season! By Dr. Alexandra Konowal The Number One Cosmetic Treatment BOTOX<!l Cosmetic is the first and only FDAapproved treauncnt indicated for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to scvere frown lines in adult patients age 65 years or less. BOTOX<!l Cosmetic is a purified protein produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. It works by temporarily reducing the contractions oflhe muscles that cause persistent frown lines that have developed on Ihe forehead, betWeen the brows, as well as Ihe crowsfeel from squinting Qver the years. II has been used to treat conditions caused by overactive muscles in over I million patients worldwide for more than II years. BOTOX<!l is indicated for the treatment of cervical dystonia in patients with neck pain, blepharospasm in people 12 years of age and above and migraine headaches. It bas alSQ been found to aid patients with hyperhidrosis. Qf e~eessive sweating of the underarms, hands and fect. Non-Surgical, Anti-Aging Treatment No anesthesia is required for BOTOX<!l Cosmetic trealments, allhough SQme patients choose 10 have the desired area numbed with a cold pack or anesthetic cream. The entire procedure takes approximately 10 minutes, with a number of injections depending on the amount and severity of the wrinkles or frown lines. Palients ~ TC$ume nonnal activities afterward. since Ihere is no recovery lime needed. An improvement in the frown lines and wrinkles is noted within days and can last up tQ four months. Results may vary and touch-ups may be necessary for deeper furrows. If you do nOI continue the treatments, the frown lines will gradually return tQ Iheir appearance. Open House· December 1st & 2nd· 5-9pm AL TERNA TIVE APPROACH CLINIC INVITES YOU TO A TTEND THEIR WINE AND CHEESE SOCIAL EVENT TORING IN THE HOLIDAYS AND VIEW OUR LOVELY NEW FACILITY. THERE WILL BE GIVEAWAYSANDGREATNETWORKING. ALSO. YOUCAN SIGN UP FOR FUTURE EVENTS SUCH AS ART CLASSES, MEDITATION CLASSES, AND FREE GENETIC NUTRITION SEMINARS/CONSUL TS WITH THE DOCTOR. RSVP 239-~-0212 ALSO. VISITOUR WEBSITE AND VIEW OUR SERVICES WWW.Ai..TERNATIVEAPi.ROACHCLINIC.COM Restorative Health & Healing Center 10201 Arcos Avenue, Suite 201, Estero 33928 239.948.71:91 A. Si.. vers, MO Board Certified in Both Internal Medkine &: Anti-Agi ng. Regenerative &: Furu:tional Medici ne A HealtllY Body is a Balallced Body! Restore Your Body's Optimal Balallcel Nutritional T .. sting &: Couns .. ling • Body Balanc.. Weight Loss Program • N~tura l DetoKifiution Programs' Heavy Metal Tes ting and Chelation ' Male &. F.. male Bioidentical HQrmone T h erapy' High G rad e Nutrac .. uticals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 28 Health & Wellr.ess December 2011 - Collier Edition Establishing a Secure Florida Tax Residency for the Seasonal Resident By ROBERT H. EARDLEY, Esq., Florida Bar Board Certilied Willa- Trusts & Estates Attorney Florida is well_known as onc of the m<;>St desirable TCtirement destinations in tile world - and with good reason. It boasts a wonderful climate, miles of beauliful bcacbcs and numcrws tourist attractions_ FLAWEDTAX RESIDENCY CONSEQUENCES However, perhaps the greatest factor allraeting newCOmelS 10 Florida is its Ia>l benefits, such as: • No income tax • No death tax • A 3% maximum annual increase on homestead property ta~ asscssmcnlS NO INCOME TAX Florida is one of only 7 states Ihal impose no income tax - and it is the only "no-tax" state in the eastern U.S. Interestingly, Florida manages to raise nearly 85% of its revenue JUSt from sales and property taxes. [mponantly. Florida's "no income tax" rule is SCI forth in the State Constitution. Therefore, to impose an income tax would rIXIuire a oonstitutional amendment ratified by vOtCTS - a most unlikely evcnt. Hov.-ever, many states do impose additional death taxes - even ifthen:: is no federal estate tax liability. PROPERTY TAX BENEFITS florida has a history of providing homestead property tax relief dating back 10 the Great Depression. Although Florida grants a $50.000 rOOtlCtion off assessed value, perhaps Florida's most imponant propeny tax benefit is the "Save Our Homes" exemption provided in the State Constitution. This exemption provides that the assessed value of one's home may only be increased annually by the lesser of (i) 3% from the prior year's assessment, or (ii) the change in the consumer price index - regardless of the aclual value increase of the home. Unfortunately, the inoome tax of many states often approaches 5% or higher. For example. New Jersey's top rate is 8.97"/. and Wisconsin's is 7.75%. For many rcti=. a Florida tllX residency is particularly useful because it eliminates nonhern state and municipality taxation On IRA distributions and investment inoome - even if the IRAsand ponfolios remain in the nonhcrn staiC. In shon, the benefit of Save Our Ilomes qualification is that a Florida resident may pay thousands of dollars less in property taxes than the next door neighbor with a comparable "vacation" home. NODEATHTAX • • • • • Another imponant tax benefit for Florida residents is that, in practical effect, Florida imposes no death tax. Florida tax law does contain a '"pick-up" death tax for estates that owe a federal estate tax - but no additional death tax is gcnrntted due to Florida residency. This is because the federal estate tax allows a limited, dollar_for-doHar credit for state death taxes. Florida law tracks this federal credit system and only taxes an estate to the extent that the federal system allows a full tax credit. Thus, under Florida's tax system, no additional death tax is generated - but instead a ponion of the federal tllX is ITICTCly ro-allocated to Florida. For income tax residency purposes., many no11hem Stal<:S utilize an annual "day-counting" test tu make a 1"CSidency determination, backstopped by a 1"CSidency '"intent" test if the day-counting test is avoided. The inl<:nt tests generally evaluate ubjcctive faetOlS (i.e. in which state are one's heirlooms) to dele"";ne onc's "'true" residency. Studies repo11 a net migration of rnot"C than 2 million peOple over the past 6 years tu Florida and uther no tax states. As a result of this and od!er factors. a nwnber of nonhern states are cxperiencing crisis budget situations and arc increasing effuns 10 tax Florida persons. For example. Massachusetts has established a " Residency Unit"' for the purpoSe uf auditing persOnS who claim Florida resideneybut also own a Massachusetts residence. Also. several states have adopIed policies authorizing tax agents to search personal wcbsiteS such as Faccbook - to scck personal infonnation inconsistent with a purponed Florida residency stalUS. If une fails to establish Florida as the primary 1"CSidcncc, the nonhcm state will deem the perSOn a tax resident of the northern state - which then gives that state the legal jurisdiction to tax the person's ent;re income or estate, including retroactively, and 10 assess interest and penalties. In any event. it is critical 10 take all appropriate steps to become a Florida tax residence. and then implement mca$IJTC$ lu <:nSW"\! that the Florida residency remains intact as the years pass. SUMMARY ESTABLISHING A FLORIDA TAX RESIDENCY A number of steps are useful for establishing a Florida tax residency. including' Obtain a Florida driver's license Register to vote File for the homestead exemption File acounty De<:laration of Domicile Update one's Will orTrus\ for Florida law compliance Focus one's major affairs and relationships In Florida Obtaining Florida's tax breaks is automatic for a person who only lives in Florida. However, for the person who also owns a non-Florida home. it is critical tu establish Florida as lhe '"primary" home 10 obtain Florida's tax prol«tions and benefits. For the seasonal resident, becoming a Florida tax resident is c:sscntially a matter uf qualifying as a nonresident of the northern state under that state's law. In conclusion. establishing a Florida tax residency is the right economic dccisioo for most poople. However. it should only be implemented with the utili~tion of Florida and nonhem state legalltax counsel tu ensure that one's Florida tax residency status is sccW't'. 1M rom",,"" af'l"<lUd ~''''in ~'" in....mJfor 1""""1 in/"" "",,"'-I P"'PO'U only afOd ,,,,,",Itl _IH ...lmI_ as 1*8<'1 advia. PI""" 00fLf0s1, 1.gaI <OO1Lf,1 '" obIdin 'f>'Cific adrit:, for".., . i"",Ii"". ROBERT II. EARDLEY u .. f1arida B .. , &aNI C"';fi..t NYu, T,...m ..nd E....,a ..tromey, ~DId. ~ i.< J. D. dqru f"'''' '~e U"Il'enity (If Kentucky C<>II,ge ofUnv ""d .. Masin of fA .... (LL.M.j dtgru I" &Ulle PI"""i"llf""" .he U..ivn:<ity of Miami Sdool (If fAw. .II" e" , dley P"""" ...i,h th N ..pln III .. fi'''' of S ul ...' orl, Wo<Nf & Budd ""d he or M. U.sU,,,,,,, Sue Sprou .., c"" In ,... ~lred "I i." (Ut) JJ1-41O/J. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Collier Edit ion - December 2011 Health 3< Wellness 1. Minimize to Maximize Your s.,ual'l footIp ·11 the bll)'er is unable 10 erwision themselves living in )'Our oome . they wilioot boy it It really is that simple. Remove ALL excess furniture to make each room more accessible. spacious. and airy. this will help m8.llmlre )'Our square footage by establish ing an easy flow throughout the home. giving bu;ers a sense of what the space could become il they lived there. 5. Curti AppNI - Mow. edge. rake. tackle the -..eeds. trim shrubS/trees. and water the lilWI1 so it looks neat and tidy. Replace any burnt out light bulbs. fill borders/ra il ings. and paint the front door (~necessary). Hthe olllside looks good. bll)'ers will want to see wIlat the inside looks like too. ~ i minating pet odors. tobacco. and any strong cooking smells. Once sanitired. use a lightly scented candle or air lreshenef to create a fresh scent 8. $pnIce Up BedI'llClIM & Blitll'IICIIIII • Clean. clean. and more cleaning. Replace old fr:<:tUres. toilet seats. shower curtails. and neutralize window treatments and towels. Rest assured. buyers will notice diny ule grout in the bathroom. and excessive personal care items throughout Easily remo..-e those distractions and create a s;>ace that is both welcoming and functional . 3. Neutrllllze I'Ilnt · Use neutral paint throughout. The 7. Noise Control · When entering a home. oo;ers' most popular neutral colors ior:lude wilite.i)eige. or ~ for the ~rior and shades of wIlite. ooige. and light pastels for the interior. Many bll)'ers will run at tI1e sight of wallpaper and borders, so try 10 limit the;r use. Instead of using bright paint coIOIS. utilize color accents wch as art, pictllres. dikor. pillows. and throws to <KId a splash of color without detr&Cting from the overall room. senses 2. AppNI to tile Senses - Thoroughly clean tI1e home. 4. 5up'tour Home - Mlnlmlre trink.ets and personal items throughout the IIome as they are bll)'er distractions. Open curtains and blinds to bring in natorallight and use mirrors to help ma~ i/)' a space and brighten up a room. H )'lur IIome has a fireplace. show it 011 by keeping it dean, well kept, and ensure the protective screen is in good condition. Removing appliances and gadgetS lrom countertopS wi ll help make )'Our IIome look uor:luttered and il"lYiting. 29 are on alen lor anything unusual, tI1at includes sounds. Make )'Our IIome a serene peaceful erwironment by minimizing the amount 01 noise a potential OOjef will encounlef. Make arrangements lor pets to i)e elsewhere and avoid runn ing the lawnmower. dishwasher. washer. or dljef wIlile ooyers are present Malle sure mechanical ~es are resolved so that noises are eliminated lrom HVAC units and plumbing pipes too. a. CIeIn I IId O...,nIle - ClEANI Vacuuming, dusting. sweeping, mopping. and scrubbing OO5eboaJds will help do wonders 10 sell ;our home. Make sure the basement, attic. laundry room. pantry. under the sink. ClJpboards. and closets are organized and tid)( Blr)ers look EVER'l'WHERE so do not clean one space by rTIOYing the items Into anothef. A clean and org,lnized home ~ the appear· ance the property is 'M!II maintained as it should be. Practiu Cunun trati ng in ... Robe rt H. E. ro;ll,y. E, q . Florida Bar Boerd Ce<tffied Wilo. Trusts & Estates llOW)'Ol" Masta, 01 La,.. oag .... 50 Estate P1an,,"Il • , , , , , • Will.nd Trust Pbn ning Florid. RC$idcncy PI.nning Revocable living Trusu Esc.ce Tax Mini",i~.tion Prob.te ofEsutes Prenupci.l.nd Postnupti.1 Agreeme nts Power> of Anorney/ Living W ills "._you_.. . . .."' . . . you-_... -,--_ -owv.g ... _ .... _ _ .... _ ... .. _ __ OIl< ~'-'POO ond.~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ From Memory and Thinking Difficulties to Emotional Problems ...We Can Help! By Howard M. Kalter, Ph.D. and Ginny Kalter, M. S. Brain Function Cljnlc & Psychological Services e are proud to announce the ope!l ing of oor new office on MalCO Island expanding our abil ity 10 pR:lYide services 10 ou r patients from south Lee COunty and througtJout all of COll ier COunty as well, As a Pl3ctice that offers booth neuropsychological ewluation along with standard psychological services,we offer sophisticated dlagoosti(: and treatment resources for a wide 3J1l1y of problems including evaluatioo aoo treatment of: wrying typeS 01 dementia, cognitive changes from stroke, traumabc bra in injury and other neurological disorders. Other services include diagnosis and treatment lor AOHO in adu lts and children, learning disabilities ,and emotional issl!eS such as depression and anxiety. Our treatment paradigm includes individua l and family counseling, support and education. People will frequently I sk Whal Is I neuropsychologist? A neuropsychologist is a licensed psyehologist (Ph.D Of Psy D) who has completed a two )'ear pOSt doctoral residency in the functioning of the brain and changes in behavior produced b)' brain illness or injury, Non iMSive specialized testing and techniques are uti lized in order to diagnose problems in functioning. A neuropsychological evaluation is indicated for a patient who experiences changes In memory, th inking, reasoning, as well as alterations in persona litt Our geriatric specialization pJOYides expertise in evaluating cognitive (brain) abil ities and limitabons, such as the differenbal diagnosis of l'arying types of dementia processes. This emphasizes detection of short term memory problems. word finding difficulties. d~· ficutly in processing new information and behavioral changes. This testing can also help in diagoosing psevdodementia, e cond ition in ..tIich the individual exhibits impairments in memory. HI!We'Ief. the problem is directly attributable to depression, and not aclllal brain related pathology changes. Depression tends to be part of the total symptom picture with marry types of dementias and likewise the depression itself is lillely to worsen cogni!iYe deficits such as memory impa irment and other thinking skills. A service that is unique to our practice is the performance of in-office driving evaluations.This consists of a one hour screening incorporating neuropsychological tests along with computerized eval uation. This in-office evaluation compares with 98l1> accuracy to performing an on-road test This pJOllides both patient and family with a safe w~ to determine a dri'le(s capabilities behind the wheel. No WO!king knowledge of computers is needed to perform the testl All diagnostic testing and \hefap~ are CO'o'ered b)' Medica re and most major insurance camersl An intewal portion of ou r thel'8P~ include cognitive retra ining. especially for individuals who have suffered a strolle and are left with residual memory and thinking disabilities. We have the patients peJfo(m exerdses with the assistance of comptller based training. Furthermore . we can have patients releam tasks which they previously peJfo(med at home but can no longer successfu lly complete since their illness or Injury .Patients suffering from early dementia can also profit from this training. As a comprehensive practice we also offer therapeutic counseling setVices for a wide arf!!\' of emotional reactions incivding depression. anxiety, relationship difficulties. and other personal issues. We also provide extensive patient and family support. education. and assistance with accessing appropriate community based services and resources. Brain Function Clinic & Psychological Services Now Offerillg Ullique Nellrop\ycllOlogy Serl'i£'es at our Marco blalld office Howard M. Kalter, Ph.D. Memory EVillUiltions Dementiil Diilgnosis In-office i EVilluiltion I, COunseling PsyChOlogiCilI Testing COgnitive Retraining One American dies every hour from orat cancer! NAPLE~ DENTAL CENTER D EA N MOURS f lAS. DD S As a thanks to our community... Please call fotVl complimentary paintless oral cancer sc~ ning with VELscope. (00431) 239.261.7291 www.naplesdentalCf! 201 81h 5t SOUlh, Suile 106. Naples I Downtown al lhe Baker Center _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .sw f Heal th an dW eliness .com _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Collier Edition· December 2011 Health & Wel lness 31 Dr. Rich Simler, Bloomingdale. Illinois, has served the Chun;h in various positions thl"QUghout his 48 year ministry career. He repositioned in 2006 after serving for 15 ye3J3 as President/CEO of Wheat Ridge Ministries. Ikcontinues to scrve them pa"time as Senior Staff Associate as well as serving as the Ambassador of Health, Ilope. and Agingl (A li_HAl) for Lutheran Life Communities, Arlington Heights, Illinois. lie CQfltinucs to write, speak. and CQflsull with other agencies and organizations throughout the world. Dr. Rich Blmler The Arlington A Lu!heran Life Q,mmllnil)' M ODEl AND I NFORMATION CENTER t2276 TamiamiT, East-Suite SOt. NapIes.. Florida H t tl ('239) 206·26-46 or toll·free (866) 986_%90 wwwArlingtonNapIes."'l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Performed by a VQJcular Surgeon and Board Certified In Phkbol.D WOULDN'T YOU RATHER TRUST YOUR VEIN CARE TO A VASCULAR SURGEON WHO HAS PERFORMED OVER 12,000 LASER VEIN PROCEDURES: LASER • VNUS I:LOSURE· SClEROTHERAPY AmazingFa Enhancements with Noticeable Resultsard LittleorNo Downtime La Bella Mia Medical Spa & Vanish Vein and Laser Center 20 10th Street North, Naples, Florida 34102 Naples' New State-Of-The-Art, Physician Directed Body Enhancement Facility by Dr. John P. Landi. (239) 403-0800 Experience a Variety of Services and Therapies in the comfort of Old World Charm and Beauty: INTRODUCING the EASY LIFT'" a lWO-HOUR Face lift under local anesthesia! Great for sagging skin in the cheeks. jowl and chin areas. Erase 10 years from your appearance almost instantly! "Tummy Tucks " perlormed under local anesthesia. Liposuction Permanent Makeup by Sara. Hair Styling by Willie.
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