How to restore business in process management. Business Process Management System The following presentation will introduce BPMS as a new paradigm in information systems. 1 What is Business Process ? Traditional Structure Business process Business process is a coordinated and standardized flow of activities performed by people or machines, which can traverse functional or departmental boundaries to achieve a business objective that creates value for internal or external customers. (Chang,J.-2006) The traditional structure of companies as functional silo of activities has been challenged since the 90’s by a new approach : the Business Process. The basis of BP is to recognise that activities in companies goes across functions and use various resources to reach the objective. For example the customer relation is no more the role of sales but it needs also the input of various department like supply chain, finance etc.. In addition, the business evolve constantly and organisation and process needs to evolve with it. 2 Evolution of concepts Business Information systems •Taylor •ODBC •TQM •ERP,CRM,EAI •BPR •WfMS, SOA BPMS BPMS is coming from two different evolution of concepts. On the information systems, the original DB systems made to store data has evolved to workflow management system able to automate information exchanges and workflow. It generates ERP, MRP and CRM systems. The last technical step has been the Service orientated Architecture which tried to integrate the different IT resources in order for them to communicate. ( http,XML for exemple) On the business side, from the Taylorism, organisation introduced TQM and, during the 90’s, the Business Process Reengineering but the BPR failed because of the technology unable to be flexible enough. The ERP/MRP system blocked organisation into the “best practice” organisation type with lots of difficulties to evolve. The BPMS is the technology which enable the BPR vision to be applicable. It does effectively allow business process to be implemented, and changed by using flexible technology. BPMS is not only an interface between IT system but a real tools for BP development. 3 Organisation shift Strategic Management Operational R&D input Organisation Information Architecture Knowledge Process output Sales Finance HR HardwareSoftware Data Network IT Infrastructure Strategic HardwareSoftware Data Network Management Knowledge R&D Sales Finance HR Operational The real challenge of BPMS is to change the organisation to a business process organisation. It means mainly that organisation needs to think in terms of process instead of function process will use function and data to produce the needed output 4 IT System Architecture ERP ERP BI Supply chain Management BI CRM BPM process layer Supply chain Management Warehouse Management Accounting & financial system Accounting & financial system Warehouse Management CRM In the technology point of view, the BPMS will make the integration of various IT resources in order to make process easy to manage without redesigning each system. 5 Contents What is BPMS ? Why BPMS will benefit an organisation ? What should be done to implement BPMS ? The objective of the assignment will be : - To define what is BPMS - To explain what benefit organisation can expect from a BPMS - To review from various experiences what should be done to effectively implement a BPMS 6 Liverpool John Moores University Faculty of Business and Law Executive Master of Business Administration Student Information Emmanuel DUPUIS MGTEDUPU ID : 314553 MANAGING INFORMATION MGTMEM010 24/04/2007 (2948 words) 12 pages + Bibliography Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Literature 3. Benefits of BPMS 4. Business case – illustration a. Background b. Key drivers and issues c. Method d. BPM Approach e. Technical Approach f. Results g. Comments 5. Conclusion 6. Reflective learning 7. Bibliography 1 How to restore business in process management ? “Something different is happening in the world of process..”(Ould,2004). Process has been referred to in the past as the way things were done within an organisation. In the best-case scenario, processes were described using flowcharts and procedure manuals in an effort to standardize the operations. During the 90’s, a new science imposed its view by “re-engineering” the processes of an organisation. Driven by information system engineers, the “Business Process Re-engineering” movement cemented business processes into information workflow systems. Enterprises came under the control of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems defined as embodying “best practices”, but these systems proved themselves incapable of evolving according to the needs of the company. The process becomes a victim of the “information” (Ould, 2006). Since then, the BPR (Business Process Reengineering) movement has found a re-birth in the need for companies to adapt more effectively to changing market conditions. Business Process Management becomes the new standard as a management approach to redesign organisations, and this leads to the new technology: BPMS (Business Process Management System). The paper presents a literature review on BPMS, the origin of BPMS (i.e. what it is and where it comes from) and the benefits that can be expected from it. In addition, a business case of an American Health insurance company is used to show a real experience of implementation of BPMS. It describes the project and the benefits that the organisation realised from it. Finally, the case study attempts to review the key success factors that can make a BPMS implementation a true success for organisations, and mentions the key actors in the field of BPMS. Literature review. After Taylor’s (1911) revolution, process management focused on improving the efficiency of organisations by automatisation and division of labour in order to produce more at lower cost. It is only during the last part of the XXth 2 century that organisations started to focus on the effectiveness and efficiency of their processes. During the 1940’s Deming (1994) introduced the notion of TQM (Total Quality Management) as best practice, which started to be implemented only during the 80’s. This sparked a revolution in organisations that started to focus on long term quality versus short term productivity (Chang,2006). Another revolution occurred in 1982 with the publication of “In Search of Excellence” (Peters and Waterman, 1982). BPR (Business Process Reengineering) started to be recommended for organisation to achieve operational excellence. Yet, Hammer (1993) the father of BPR recognised that BPR did not fully deliver on the promise. Nevertheless, Porter (1994) highlighted the importance of processes in the “value chain” on the creation of value. “Activities, …, are the basics of competitive advantage.” (Porter, 1996). Since then, Business Process Management has been a constant subject of discussion for continuous improvement. Adoption of BPM by organisations has given rise to great interest in the technologies that make it possible (Chang,2006). Indeed, IT solutions have been continuously evolving from ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) to ERP/CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to BPMS. BPMS is the term used to describe the family of technologies that have emerged in response to the BPM movement. BPMS is a new class of software that allows organisations to design and manage processes. (Chang, 2006). BPMS is a bridge technology between existing information technology and business process owners. A business process is a socio-technical system, executed by humans and machines, and a BPMS is purely a technical system. For a traditional IT system to be improved or to evolve, IT analysts will be using the traditional waterfall project implementation methodology to modify it. Functional specifications would be defined with the process owner. Then, the technical analyst would configure the system accordingly and, if needed, they would develop specific system interfaces to exchange information with disparate applications. The implementation process would thus take time and often by the time the solution is in place, the business needs would have changed again. Where previously development or evolution of IT was managed by system-analysts, BPMS allows the business 3 owner to adapt their own processes, and to test them without making long and complex modifications to traditionally coded systems. BPMS is the direct legacy of WfMS (Workflow Management System) popular in the 90’s (Shaw, 2007). “Just as relational database management systems supported the aggregation of business data and the creation of enterprise data models, a BPMS achieves the same for business processes” (Smith and Fingar, 2003, p. 15). But where WfMS was viewing processes as tasks that humans were performing, BPMS is process oriented designed. BPMS offers the classic WfMS facilities, but enhances them to integrate the process decision and to offer the simulation of process in order to improve it. (Chang, 2006) Benefits of BPMS BPMS technologies can be very beneficial to companies in terms of reducing project lead times, reducing hand-off errors and offering increased flexibility to adapt systems to ever-changing business needs (Reijers, 2006). The implementation of BPM is a logical progression of TQM (Pritchard,1999) whereas the BPMS is only the technology to achieve it. The main drivers for an organisation to go the BPM route are the needs to improve responsiveness, the threat of competition, and the need to improve quality. This leads to the following benefits: improved relationships with customers, better cross-functional working and change in organisational culture (Pritchard, 1999). However, in order to gain maximum advantage from BPMS technologies, the organization must become more process-oriented (Parkes, 2002). Otherwise, people may remain in their functional silos, resisting change. Process orientation is an essential ingredient for successful process re-design and re-engineering efforts to implement BPMS (Hammer, 1993). In addition to the business side, BPMS technology can improve the value of the organisation. Traditional IT technologies were based on data and applications merged together. Departments were relying on incompatible information systems. Workflow management and ERP have separated data 4 from applications and transform that data into a corporate asset. The benefit of those systems was to make normalized data available to the entire organisation. Similarly, BPMS technologies have extracted business rules and business processes out of the IT application, thereby exposing these rules and processes as corporate assets (Pegasystem,2006; Chang, 2006). This is illustrated in figure 1 Figure 1 – Courtesy of Pegasystems, Inc Business case – illustration Background The organisation, that we will name “RIS” to keep confidentiality, is a health insurance company part of a corporation network. Their core business is to provide the interface between their “members” (clients) and their “providers” 5 (doctors, hospitals etc.). They have 1100 employees and 700 000 members. Their vision is “To improve the quality of life of our customers and of the people of the area by improving their health”. And they include in their mission statement: “Promote a coherent, integrated, and efficient state wide healthcare system that meets the needs of .. residents” Before the start of the project, RIS was organised in silo by department where people were focusing internally on their scope of work, and were unable to work across departments effectively. Procedures were inconsistent and inefficient for providers (physicians and hospitals). No metrics were in place to measure individual performances. Members and providers were unsatisfied with the service levels provided to them. Key drivers and issues In 2002 RIS started a project to implement a BPMS into their organisation in order to strengthen their financial stability, achieve enrolment objectives, simplify processes and make service a differentiating value. In addition, they wanted to improve the health of the people served by using the 900 000 contacts per year to be proactive in promoting health programs. They wanted to be more responsive and more accurate in their member and provider’s communications. Organisational issues were as follows : Business processes: - Inconsistence of data between departments - Workflow requires manual handling - No automation of members’ requested tasks. - Multi-IT system with no single view across departments Application : - Multi-IT system to collect various data - Application required long learning to be used - IT system not organised to support streamlined business process Metrics : 6 - No possibility for failure analysis - Long resolution time for members - Single contact can’t see broad pictures quickly - IT needs to produce reports Method They entered into a two-year initiative to implement and reorganise their customer service operation. The first year was focused on selecting the right BPMS vendor/partner and setting up the organisation in order to realise these objectives. The second year was spent in system implementation and rollout. During this period, they also changed their “core” mainframe system from a “built in house” to an industry standard membership and billing system. They reviewed all their business processes in order for the customer representative to be the real interface between members and providers. The audit and analysis their business processes were conducted in cooperation with Pegasystems (the selected BPMS vendor, who had significant experience in the field of health insurance process re-engineering). They implemented an overlay of BPMS in 7 months using an iterative project methodology where functionalities were implemented in iterative releases along the way. Previously, Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) were extensively trained to handle processes from start to finish on a bespoke IT system capable only of bringing all information needed to a set of rudimentary mainframe screens, requiring the human actor to manage access to legacy systems. The BPMS overlay system allowed the CSRs to follow “intelligent” process flows with “intent-led” screens, which helped them to bring the client‘s interaction to the centre of the organisation. BPM Approach The BPM exercise was conducted by the BPMS supplier;. The approach of analysing and reviewing processes helped the organisation to adopt best practice processes and on the other hand, the supplier was involved into process development from the beginning. The BPM project was part of a three-year strategic business plan. Management increased their span of 7 control to ensure proper oversight of productivity. They developed a quality assurance program to monitor interactions with customers. They established a more effective and efficient training department and changed the culture to transform the call centre into a customer centric organisation Technical Approach The organisation was running an in-house mainframe system based on a bespoke membership and billing database model. They were facing issues in terms of data exchange between departments, and compatibility of systems. The vast majority of workflows were performed entirely manually. Technical changes were made on the mainframe system to evolve from an internally developed system into a more standardised system (they standardised both their systems and databases). At the same time, they started the implementation of the BPMS. The iteration method was used due to the requested project implementation timeline (7 months), and because of the large number of pre-built processes available from the supplier. Indeed, in 7 months, 80% of the processes and business rules were coded and customised to fit the needs of the organisation. Two phases were ultimately developed; phase I was deployed in 7 months to automate the CSR’s (Customer Service Representatives) members services interactions. The second phase took the same amount of time, and resulted in the implementation of the CSR’s interface with providers, as well as handling grievances/appeals. Results In two years, they achieved the following: Ability to perform root cause analysis of issues generating calls to the Service Centre and quickly resolve potential problems. Improve accuracy of information communicated to customers Service representative able to access all necessary data from a single application - the new information system (BPMS) performs the search for information in the back end systems and presents it to the desktop in a user-friendly fashion 8 Improve inquiry timeliness for responses from external departments to avoid repeat calls Empowerment of Service Representative to resolve inquiries on first contact Improve Service Representative’s productivity; eliminating the need to navigate multiple back end systems The application provides them with the opportunity to educate customers about health and wellness programs offered through automated workflows build in to the application Specific metrics in place for improvement monitoring: - Root cause analysis - Call handle time reduced by 120 sec ( on 10 min average calls) - Customer Service Representative training reduced from 10 weeks to 8 weeks - Members satisfaction rate improved from 80% to 85% - Inquiry accuracy increased from 97% to 99% - 1st call resolution from nowhere to 85% The project was qualified as a “winner” by the CIO. Comments Two main comments were made at the end of the project, between the organisation and the BPMS supplier. First, the latter admitted that iteration methods of information system implementation needs to be clearly explained and defined, as most organisations are accustomed only to waterfall project implementation methodologies. Users tend to expect too much from the initial application rollout, where 70-80% of the tasks are covered and 20-30% of exceptions still need to be handled outside of the system during the time of development. Second, it has been recognised that the concomitant BPM process and the change of the IT system ( mainframe ) increased the overall risk profile of the integrated IT program, even though they ultimately succeeded in driving the two changes successfully to completion. The 9 supplier now recommends that changes of this magnitude be conducted in two different steps. Third, the selection of the right BPMS provider is key to the success of the project. Indeed, the choice of Pegasystems was driven not only by the fact the system was fully integrated, but also by the experience they had in the business field and the “ready to use” business rules they were able to provide. Conclusion BPMS is only a piece of software that support modelling, enactment and analysis of business processes (Reijers,2006). The critical success factors of BPMS implementations remain the Business Process Management (BPM) and the change that the organisation is ready to assimilate. ”Key considerations in the deployment of a BPM approach include the clear articulation of BPM intentions, the link between BPM and strategic programmes, the acquisition of process competencies, skills and knowledge, and the willingness to address human resource issues as part of an overall BPM initiative (Pritchard,1999). BPMS extends the WfMS capability to support the company in its evolution to “process orientation”. Research suggests that the reasons for the failure of BPMS projects are similar to those undermining business process reengineering projects, e.g. poor change management, resistance from rigid bureaucratic organizations, and lack of sustained top management support (Reijers, 2006). Process orientation is considered as an essential ingredient for success and can have a direct effect on customer satisfaction. (Hammer and Champy,1993). 10 Bibliography: Chang, J. (2006), “Business process management systems”, Auerback publications Deming, W.E. (1994), Report card on TQM, Management Review, January: 22-25 Hammer, M. (1990), “Reengineering work: don’t automate, Obliterate”, Harvard Business Review, July-August, pp 104-112 Hammer, M. and Champy, J. (1993), Re-engineering the Corporation, Nicolas Brealey, London. Khoshafian, S. (2006),Change and Innovation in Service Oriented Enterprises, Pegasystems Ould, M.A. (2005), “Business process management”, BCS Parkes, A. (2002), “Critical success factors in workflow implementation”, Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Jasmin, Tokyo, pp. 36380. Peters, T. (1995), In search of excellence – Lessons from America’s best-run companies. HarperCollins Business. London. Porter, M.E. (1985/1999), Competitive Advantage, The Free Press, New York, NY. Pritchard, JP. & Armistead, C. (1999), Business process management : lessons from European business, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 10-32. Reijers, H. (2006), “Implementing BPM systems : the role of process orientation”, Business process management journal, vol 12, No4, pp 389-409 Shaw, D. & Al. (2007), Elements of a business process management system: theory and practice Business process management system, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 91-107 Smith, H. and Fingar, P. (2003), Business process management: The third wave, Meghan-kiffer Press, Tampa, Florida. Taylor, F.W. (1917), “The principles of scientific management”, Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York / Unabridged Dover (1998) Websites : Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Jim SALEH from PEGASYSTEMS Inc for the information about the business case and for his help to understand this subject. 13
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