Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board 5 – Doing the Overlays Now that the board itself is colored, you need to add the overlays that VASL needs to fully support all the terrain changes it can do. First consult the Ye Olde Book’s Appendix B table to see what overlays you’re gonna need for your board, given the terrain on the board. For what we’ve got on board 64, we’re gonna need: BridgeToFord NoBridge Bamboo BrushToOpenGround NoCliffs HedgesToBocage PalmTrees OrchardsToCrags OrchardsToShellholes NoRoads RoadsToPaths NoWoodsRoad RowhouseBarsToOpenGround WallsToBocage WallsToOG DenseJungle LightWoods NoFactoryEntrance Beyond this list, we should also look at the board itself and see if there’s any special unique terrain feature in there that will require a Board-Specific Overlay (BSO). There’s the infamous Tuomodome on 64K7 that will probably need a circular or square stairwell at some point, but that be handled by a draggable. There’s also the square Brush fields in J9, H5, and C3; odds are somebody’s going to want to turn those into plain old Grain at some point, so let’s add a Board-Specific Overlay (BSO) rule for that as well – call it BSO_64_BrushFieldsToGrain. 5.1 – The overlaySSR file- As you know from reading the Ye Olde Booke, each board’s overlaySSR file tells VASL where the put the overlays when certain terrain rules are invoked. The overlaySSR file (no .txt extension or extension of any type, although it’s just a plain text file) is kept in the same folder as the gifs of the board and the overlays themselves. As you do the overlays, you’ll need to update the overlaySSR file to enter the coordinates where the overlay goes. Thus, before you even start drawing overlays, let’s set up the overlaySSR file. Best thing to do is steal one from an existing board, but if you want, you can just type one from scratch in a text editor. Tom Repetti 5-1 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board The first lines of every board’s overlaySSR file should be these: (You don’t enter the line numbers on the left; my text editor shows them but they’re not in the file itself) These lines are part of every VASL v5 board because these rules are inherent to VASL v5. The first rule, WallsOnly, is invoked when the user selects the “Walls” dropdown on the “Hedges Are:” menu in the TerrainSSR dialog. The overlaySSR file is structured this way – first the rule on one line, then the action to take on the line(s) below it. Then a blank line before the next rule. Here, when WallsOnly is invoked, VASL replaces all HedgeGreen colors on the map with the Wall artwork given by the WallPattern.gif file (which is inherent to VASL itself). The next rule, WallToCactus, is invoked when the user selects the “Cactus Hedges” dropdown on the “Walls Are:” menu item. Here, all of the three Wall colors are replaced by the CactusPattern.gif image. The next rule does the same for Hedges. Technically, these three rules don’t necessarily have to be there if your board doesn’t have Walls or Hedges, and even if it does, VASL itself should have these rules in its own global overlaySSR file. However, you never know what VASL version some user might have, so I like to be safe and just include these rules in the board’s overlaySSR file anyway. The rest of the overlaySSR file continues as above, with rules followed by the actions VASL will take. Since this is the overlaySSR file and not the colorSSR file (which we’ll get into later), we’re going to be telling VASL which overlays to put down and where. Your next job is to take the bulleted list of rules on page 5-1 above and insert it into the overlaySSR file (without the bullets), adding two blank lines between the rules. Then, in the line immediately after each rule, enter the name of the overlay file that will be laid down upon invocation of that rule. The convention is for the filename to be <bdnum>_<rule>.gif. Lastly, add <space>x,y to the end of that line. You should get something like this: Tom Repetti 5-2 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board Tom Repetti 5-3 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board You’ll note that I didn’t follow the convention 100% with certain overlay file names, and the order of the rules isn’t exactly the same as what’s in the bullleted list. The former issue isn’t a big deal – the file name can be anything you want it to be, as long as it makes sense to you, but it’d be nice if it made sense to someone ELSE too. The order of the rules does matter, though, as explained in the YoB. The rules (and thus the overlays) are applied in reverse order from what you see in the overlaySSR file. Thus, NoRoads gets applied first, and other rules (if invoked) put their overlays down on top of the NoRoads overlay. Therefore, certain rules need to come before others because VASL’s convention is to have those overlays get laid on top of the overlays that come after them (NoWoodsRoads has to come before RoadsToPaths, for example). Make sure you follow the instructions in the YoB for the ordering and you’ll be fine. If you get it wrong, then it’ll be obvious when VASL displays things in a funny way once you test the file, so at least you have some quality control there. The “x,y” in the file is just there to remind you (the newbie) where the x,y coordinates of the overlays will go in that line. As we draw the overlays and then autocrop them to their minimum size, the x,y placement of that overlay’s upper-leftmost pixel will be entered in place of the “x,y” in the overlaySSR file, to tell VASL where to place that overlay. Again, if you get it wrong, it’ll be obvious when VASL puts it in the wrong spot. It’s SO annoying to get that wrong, so don’t. With the overlaySSR file all laid out, you’re ready to begin drawing the overlays and filling in the x,y coordinates in that file, which you’ll keep open in a separate window as you draw. I tend to start from the bottom and work my way up, simply because I’m a traditionalist and have respect for the primacy of the NoRoads overlay, since it has to come last. 5.2.1 – NoRoads NoRoads needs to come last because so many other terrain changes (especially those in the PTO) assume that the roads are gone. Fortunately, they’re easy – Duplicate the road layer and move it to the top of the layer stack, above the Top Hexgrid. Then select each level-specific road color and replace it with the corresponding levelspecific Open Ground color. For bd64, we only have level 0 and level 1 roads, so it’s not a tough process. When you’re done, you need to “burn in” the top hexgrid – remove the parts of your overlay that cover the hexgrid layer so that the hexgrid shows through. You will do this for EVERY overlay, so pay attention. First, go to the Top Hexgrid layer and Select All. Then deselect transparent pixels. Then go to your overlay layer and hit Cut (ctrl-X). This will turn transparent the pixels in the overlay that lie on top of the hexgrid. Next, another two steps that you will do for every overlay, so keep paying attention. You want to copy the overlay layer and paste it as a new image. Different graphics programs handle this differently. Gimp does exactly what you want – it autocrops the image to the smallest rectangle necessary before pasting as a new image. Other programs might not do that, and if yours doesn’t, then you need to autocrop the overlay layer before copying-and-pasting it into its own new image. Save that new image using the filename you listed in the overlaySSR file – here, it’d be 64_NoRoads.gif. Tom Repetti 5-4 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board Lastly, you need to find the x,y coordinate of the upper-leftmost pixel in the autocropped overlay and enter that in place of the “x,y” in the correct line of the overlaySSR file. In Gimp, the easiest way to do this is Select All in the overlay layer after you autocrop it, which will draw a rectangle around the autocropped overlay. Then with your Pencil tool set at 1pix size, zoom in until you can point your pencil at the upper-leftmost pixel; Gimp shows the coordinates of that pixel in the bottom info area of the board’s window. Note that although the boards themselves are 1800x645 px in size, the coordinate of the upper-left pixel is 0,0. Thus, for NoRoads, the x,y is almost always 1,1 because the NoRoad pixels covering the road in A5/A6 start at x=1, while the NoRoad pixels covering the roads in I1, Q1, and Y1 start at y=1. Thus, the “bounding box” of the NoRoads overlay will almost always have an upper-left corner of 1,1 – the exception is for boards that don’t have roads in A5/A6 or I1/Q1/Y1. Here’s the NoRoads overlay (with frame added for clarity): Once you’re done with this overlay, you don’t need to save its layer in the bd64.psd file. You can if you want, but I don’t because too many layers make it hard to navigate the layer stack. 5.2.2 – BrushToOpenGround – This rule is invoked by Extreme Winter, and is generally handled in the colorSSR file, where the brush colors go to their OG equivalents. However, paths through brush also need to be removed, and that’s why we need an overlay. As with most other overlays, you create this overlay by creating a blank layer above the Top Hexgrid, then go to the layer with the terrain feature you want to overlay and select only that terrain feature. Here, go to the Brush layer and select all the path colors (you won’t affect the path through the woods because that’s in the Woods layer). Then go back to the blank overlay layer on top and fill in the selection with the color you want (here, OGL0). Then burn in the top hexgrid, save the overlay layer as a new file, and record the x,y coordinate as usual. Here’s the 64_NoBrushPath.gif file (with frame added for clarity): . Rather small :-) 5.2.3 – HedgesToBocage & WallsToBocage – The procedure for both of these overlays is the same. Create the blank overlay layer, then go to the Walls & Hedges layer and color-select whichever terrain type you want (for Tom Repetti 5-5 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board Walls, you can also Select All, then deselect both transparent pixels and Hedge pixels). Then go to the overlay layer and fill with BocageBrown. In the YoB Appendix A, you’ll see there’s three BocageBrowns; which to use depends on the highest hill level where you have walls or hedges. If there are no walls or hedges on hills in your board, use BocageBrownL0. If you have walls or hedges on Level 1 (like in bd64), then use BocageBrownL1 for all the bocage on the entire board. If you have walls or hedges on level 2, then use BocageBrownL2, etc. The reason for this is that Bocage looks best when it’s the same color for the entire board. However, the BocageBrown that stands out from Level 0 is so close to the Level 1 hill color that it’s impossible to distinguish from L1 OG. Thus, when we have walls or hedges on level 1, we use a different color that’s easy to pick out from Level 1, and we use that same color for the bocage on level 0 as well. Ditto if the highest walls/hedges are on Level 2 – we use the BocageBrownL2 color everywhere because we only want one BocageBrown color on that board. Once you’ve filled with the right color (here, BocageBrownL1), then shrink the selection by 2 pixels and fill with BocageGreen. Then burn-in the Top Hexgrid. Before you save, you should doublecheck the Bocage to make sure the inner Green area is thick enough to be noticeable. For some think walls/hedges that are turned to Bocage, the Green is pretty hard to pick out once you burn in the top hexgrid. In that case, you should simply thicken the green part where necessary, and burn in the hexgrid again. Save the overlay as a new file and record the x,y coordinate as usual. Here’s the 64_HedgesToBocage.gif and 64_WallsToBocage.gif files (with frames added for clarity): Tom Repetti 5-6 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board 5.2.4 – WallsToOG – This rule is needed when there are walls on a hill or valley. Walls on level 0 are replaced by the level 0 Open Ground color using the WallsToOG rule in the colorSSR file. Here, since we’re covering up the hill walls anyway, we might as well include the L0 walls too. Do as you did before with the WallsToBocage rule, but instead of filling the walls with BocageBrown, you fill with red. Then go to the Level 1 layer and select the L1 hill color. Then go to your WallsToOG layer and deselect transparent pixels; this will leave selected only those walls that are on top of L1 hill; fill those with L1 OG color. What’s left (on this board) is on level 0, so (re)select all the remaining reds and fill those with L0 OG. This board has an unusual situation of having a wall on a hill cliff (around 64Q8 and V8). When you fill in the wall with L1 OG, you’ll notice that the cliff looks odd. Tweak it by extending the cliff artwork onto what was the wall: When done, burn in the Top Hexgrid, save the overlay as a new file, and record the x,y coordinate as usual. Tom Repetti 5-7 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board Here is the 64_WallsToOG.gif overlay with frame added for clarity: 5.2.5 – RowhouseBarsToOpenGround – This teeny tiny overlay is needed to cover up the little bits of BuildingShadow that are left hanging out in the open when Rowhouse Bars are turned into open ground. It’s also necessary to turn the Rowhouse Bars themselves into the right level-specific Open Ground color when that Rowhouse is not on Level 0; the colorSSR rule of this name only changes Rowhouse Bars to Level 0. Note I leave the building part next to the hexside without a BldgShadow; it’s something of a PITA to add and doesn’t seem to make things any clearer, visually. When done, burn in the Top Hexgrid, save the overlay as a new file, and record the x,y coordinate as usual. Before Tom Repetti After 5-8 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board Here is the 64_RowhouseBarsToOpenGround.gif overlay with frame added for clarity: 5.2.6 – OrchardsTo [Crag, Shellholes] & PalmTrees – These three are needed when you have Orchards. If your board has a lot of orchards, these three will take time. The easiest way to do these is one after the other. First, duplicate the Orchards layer, bring it to the top of the layer stack (above the Top Hexgrid) and make the layer size equal that of the image itself (in Gimp, it’s Layer > Layer to Image Size). This will ensure you can make these overlays larger than the original Orchard layer itself, placing the Crag, Shellhole, or PalmTree clipart anywhere in the Orchard hex you want. Next, fill in each levelspecific Orchard color with its corresponding Open Ground color. Unfortunately, Orchard Trees need to be accounted for too. What I do is select Level 0 Orchard Green, then expand the selection 1 pixel, then deselect any transparent pixels as well as any Orch Green colors that look like they lie on Level 1. Takes a bit of practice, but it’s doable. That leaves you with the Orch Green L0 as well as the OrchTrees that lie on Level 0 as well. Fill this selection with Open Ground Level 0. Repeat as necessary with any other levels. Next, we’re gonna make it easy to see which hexes had Orchards – as it stands, with all the orchard green colors filled in with Open Ground, you can’t tell where the Orchard hexes are, which makes it tough to know which hexes to put the Crags, Shellholes, and PalmTrees in :-) We’ll fix this by putting a red ring around all the level 0 blotches that are covering up the old orchards. Select All, then deselect transparent pixels. The next part depends on your graphics program. In Gimp, expand the selection 1 pixel (Select > Grow), then select the 1-pixel-wide border of this selection (Select > Border). Fill this selection with red (see below): Tom Repetti 5-9 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board This easily tells us where the old orchard trees were. Next, duplicate this “Orchard blank” layer twice – we will use one Orchard blank layer for each of the terrain types that Orchards can turn into. When you work on one, make the other two invisible. PalmTrees is easiest – go to the PalmTrees clipart file and select a section of four Palm Trees. Paste a copy of this section over each orchard hex, using the multiple-rotations scheme mentioned in Section 4.5 when we laid down the orchards originally: Normal, Rotate Left, Rotate Right, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Flip Horizontal and Vertical. This will let you achieve some kind of variety in how the PalmTrees look. For orchard-roads like P10 and T10 above, you may need to use a quad-section of Palm Trees that has a wider spacing than usual, since the road often makes the trees space wider. You don’t need to be careful about placing Palm Trees over the road artwork itself; in the PTO, the NoRoads overlay is put down first (before the PalmTrees overlay), so the Palm Trees won’t be cut off by the road-to-OG overlay. Once you’ve laid down all the PalmTrees, you remove the red “Orchard Hex Here” circles by Selecting All the red pixels on that layer and cutting them. Then burn in the Top Hexgrid, save the overlay as a new file and record the x,y coordinate as usual. Delete or make invisible the PalmTree overlay layer in the layer stack and make visible the next Orchard blank layer that you’ll use. Tom Repetti 5-10 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board For Crags, repeat exactly as for PalmTrees, except that by convention we don’t replace Orchard-roads with Cragroads; the ASLRB doesn’t cover that situation, and we’re erring on the conservative side here. Thus, we simply leave those as roads going through Open Ground. For Shellholes, repeat as above. I’m especially proud of how Shellholes look, so be liberal with the variety of shellholes you use from the Shellhole Clipart file. Here are the 64_PalmTrees.gif, 64_Orch2Crag.gif, and 64_Orch2Shell.gif files, with frames added for clarity: Tom Repetti 5-11 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board 5.2.7 – BSO_64_BrushFieldsToGrain – As mentioned above, it’s conceivable that some scenario designer is going to want the J9, H5, and C3 “Brush Fields” turned into plain old grain. This is a perfect place for a Board-Specific Overlay (BSO). Create the new overlay layer, then go to the Brush layer and select these “Brush Fields”. Then go back to the Overlay layer and fill this selection with red. Then individually fill each red field with the appropriate PlowedFields grain pattern according to the direction the field runs – C3 will be 120 and H5 and J9 will be either 0 or 90 , whichever you like. When done, burn in the top hexgrid, save the overlay as a new file, and record its x,y coordinate as usual: The BSO_64_BrushFieldsToGrain.gif file looks like this (with frame added): 5.2.8 – BSO_64_NoL4Factory – We want to add this BSO in case a scenario designer wants to remove the Vehicular-Sized Entrances from 64L4 (technically the VSE’s don’t make it a Factory, I guess, but whatever). To do this, we create a blank overlay layer and then go to the Roads layer to select the parts that we want to remove. It’s debateable whether you want to keep the road crossing the hexside; it’ll depend on how the scenario designer writes their SSR, but in this case I chose to keep it. (FWIW, for NoBridges and NoWoodsRoads overlays, I always stop the road short of crossing the hexside.) Go back to the overlay layer and fill in with OGL0. Then we add a 1pixel border of Bldg Shadow around the building where we covered up the road: Tom Repetti 5-12 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board Before After The BSO_64_NoL4Factory.gif file looks like this (with frame added): 5.2.9 – RoadsToPaths & NoWoodsRoads – These overlays are best done together because it’s easiest to create the RoadsToPaths overlay by modifing the NoWoodsRoads overlay (which simply covers up the woods-road with woods). For this, create a blank layer on top of the layer stack, then stay in that layer and draw (in red) the closed region you want to cover with Woods. Fill this shape with red, then fill all the red with Woods pattern. Then cover up the Road section leading into the woods-road with the appropriate level-specific open ground color. Burn in the top hexgrid, save this layer as a new file, then record the x,y coordinates. To modify the NoWoodsRoads overlay into a RoadsToPaths overlay, first expand the overlay to the size of the image itself; the RoadsToPaths overlay might be larger than the NoWoodsRoads overlay. Then take a 5-pix wide pencil of the correct Open Ground color and draw a swath of Open Ground cutting through the woods but following where the Woods-Road was. Then change this to a 3-pix wide pencil of PathBrown2 and repeat this with the Path color itself – the result is a path cutting through the woods with a bit of Open Ground on either side. Then complete the path artwork as we did in section 4.2, using 1-pix wide pencils of PathBrown1 and PathBrown3 to create the “twisted braid” effect. Make sure to have the path go to the hexside and beyond, since we’ll need this to be visible even when the Woods is turned to Jungle (and is thus Inherent Terrain). W done, burn in the top hexgrid, save this layer as a new file, then record the x,y coordinates. The 64_NoWoodsRoads.gif and 64_RoadsToPaths.gif files looks like this (at 200% size with frames added): Tom Repetti 5-13 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board 5.2.10 – NoCliffs – Normally the idea is simple – replace the cliff colors with red, then recolor the red with the appropriate Open Ground color. The hex on the lower side of the cliff gets colored with the lower-level OG color, while the hex with the cliff-turned-into-hill is a little trickier. You need to create one or two crestlines in that verrrry narrow space where the cliff color was. Often the only option is to make those crestlines 1-2 pixels wide and call it good. The walls at the upper level in Q8 make for a different story, though. I interpreted NoCliffs in that situation to mean that Q8 becomes a hillside wall, so there’s no need to do anything other than turn the cliff color into Level 0 OG. One could argue that perhaps the wall should have been pulled entirely inside the Q8 hexsides themselves, but in the spirit of KISS, I left the wall artwork alone. The 64_NoCliffs.gif file looks like this (with frame added): 5.2.11 – Bamboo & Dense Jungle – Bamboo and Dense Jungle can take a while, depending on how much there is on the board. They’re both drawn in similar ways since they’re inherent terrain. I initially do both using a red pencil, which is easy to pick out from the existing colors on the map. One way to do Bamboo is to create a blank overlay layer and draw there, completely covering the brush layer. Another way is to duplicate the Brush layer and draw the Bamboo around the existing brush there. I tend to do the latter more than the former, but both will work. The outlines for Brush and Dense Jungle are similar and use the technique described in Section 4.2 above – you use a 1-pix pencil to draw the terrain outline that you want in red, fill it in with red, and then tweak it with that same 1-pix pencil to reduce blockiness and give you an interesting final outline. The fun with these two overlays comes with creating the Inherent Terrain. Many moons ago, we adopted the convention that we would represent Bamboo and Dense Jungle by creating terrain outlines that crossed the hex boundaries just a little, but could wander back into the hex in a realistic-looking way, as long as LOS across all six hexsides was shown to be blocked. Tom Repetti 5-14 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board There’s many ways to create this effect: Which ones you use at any particular moment depends on your mood and the effect you’re going for. I like to vary it just to keep things fresh. BTW, it’s easier when you move the Bamboo/DJ overlay underneath the Top Hexgrid in the stack before you start drawing these inherent terrain types; you can judge where you are with respect to the hexgrid better when you’re not covering it up as you go. When you’ve created all the inherent terrain outlines, then select all the red color and fill it in with the Brush or Woods pattern. For brush on hills, you’ll have to fill with the appropriate level –specific brush pattern – they’re very close to each other in RGB color, but you can define them as separate pattern fills in your graphics program. When done with the Bamboo fill, you should check each hex to make sure the BrushBlack in the new fill doesn’t make the hex IDs hard to read. Color over those BrushBlack pixels with the appropriate level-specific BrushGreen. Next, move the Bamboo/DJ overlay back up to the top of the layer stack and burn in the top hexgrid. For the DJ overlay, you’ll see that your new DJ overlay has made some of the old black hex IDs difficult to read. You need to turn these white in the DJ overlay. Go back to the Top Hexgrid and draw selection rectangles around these hex IDs, then deselect transparent pixels. Then go back to the DJ overlay layer and fill that selection with the WhiteHexID color (251, 252, 253). For both types of overlays, you do as before and save the overlay as its own file, go back to the overlay layer and autocrop and record the x,y coordinates. The DJ overlay almost always has an x,y of 1,1 for the same reason that the NoRoads overlay has those coordinates. Tom Repetti 5-15 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board Here are the 64_Bamboo.gif and 64_DenseJungle.gif overlays with frames drawn for clarity: 5.2.12 – LightWoods – This is a relatively new addition to the overlay pantheon, and isn’t actually going to be used until the rules for LW come out with Haakaa Paale. Still, the overlay is easy to do and we’ve been including it in the standard geo board set for a while. To do LightWoods, duplicate the Woods layer to the top of the stack, select and cut all of the WoodsGreen from that layer. Then select all the WoodsBlack in that layer and fill it with the appropriate open ground color that that piece of woods is sitting on. It’s easy for bd64 since all the woods is on L0. For woods on hills, you’d start at the highest hill level layer, select all the hill color in that layer, then go back to the overlay layer and deselect transparent pixels. This will leave you with a selection of the WoodsBlack that lies on that hill level. Fill that in with the right OG color for that level and continue. For multiple hill levels, when you go back to the overlay layer, you’ll have to deselect previous OG hill colors in addition to the transparent pixels. When done, burn in the top hexgrid, save the overlay as a new file, autocrop the overlay layer, and record its x,y coordinates as usual. Hint – the x,y coords will usually be 1,1 for the same reason that the Dense Jungle overlay’s coordinates are 1,1. Tom Repetti 5-16 11 Mar 2012 Quick ‘n’ Dirty How To VASLize a Geo Board Here’s the 64_LightWoods.gif overlay, with frame drawn for clarity: Tom Repetti 5-17 11 Mar 2012
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