Cairn Connection

Cairn Connection
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Inside this issue:
New Officers
Meeting Dates
Welcome New Members
Membership Mtg. Minutes
Board Mtg. Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
New Member Applicants
Winter Fun Match
2006 Awards
Versatility Award
Ask Dr Cindy
Volunteers Needed
New Champions
Bus Cards/Whelps
Points Schedule
In Memory
Meeting Dates for 2007
Board Meetings:
June 28th
September 19th
Membership Meetings:
July 18th
October 17th
Don’t forget to mark your
From the Editor:
Tell me what you think of this name for our newsletter. In the coming issues I will try out some of the other suggestions to see what seems best.
Your New Officers:
Thanks to Joyce Whall, nominating committee chair. Along with her hardworking committee
the following slate was proposed and voted into office at our meeting on May 12th.
President - Tom Godwin
Vice President - Nancy Delyea
Secretary - Val Perry
Treasurer - Bev Lloyd
Board - Becky Scherbarth
Curt Whall
Susan Harper
Newsletter Editor - Karin Godwin
Welcome New
Bill McFadden & Joanne Faucett – Seattle, WA
Michael & Ann Glidewell – Redmond, WA
Rebecca Kranz – Auburn, WA
Fran Wold – Auburn, WA
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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CCTC Membership Meeting Minutes 9-27-06
Members present:
Karin Godwin
Janice Albert
Bev Lloyd
Bob Lloyd
Pat Gentry
Susan Harper
Nancy Delyea
David Delyea
Jamie Wilson
Val Perry
Greg Perry
Betty Richardson
Becky Scherbarth
Curt Whall
Joyce Whall
John Woodman
Carol Woodman
Meeting was called to order at 7:25 PM
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the 6-06-06 general meeting were previously distributed via email attached to the meeting notice. It was M/
S/C to approve the minutes as printed.
President’s Report
In Tom’s absence, Nancy Delyea presided over the meeting. She read a message from Tom stating that the inaugural Performance Day and Fun In the Sun had been a huge success. He thanked the members for their hard work and thanked Joyce and Curt
Whall for hosting the event. Nancy welcomed the members Val & Greg Perry, Jamie Wilson, Janice Albert, Mackenzie Junor and
Susan Harper and thanked members for attending the meeting.
Secretary’s Report
Karin reported that she has received two new membership applications. Michael & Ann Glidewell, and Bill McFadden &
JoAnne Faucett will be published in the next newsletter. Senior lifetime members Don and Marge Stephens were also reinstated in
the club.
Treasurer’s Report
David distributed the report of expense and revenues associated with CCTC events and activities. He also reported that we
had a gain in membership over last year. It was M/S/C to approve the treasurer’s report.
Committee Reports
Newsletter – Karin reported that the fall newsletter will be out shortly. She asked that members send any information they
would like included in the newsletter. An article on Ocular Melanosis, an eye disease in cairn terriers will be printed in the upcoming newsletter.
Fundraising – John Woodman needs items for the silent auction. He suggested that if you are shopping and see something
you like, buy two!.
Website – Due to other commitments, Kevin is no longer able to manage the club website. Karin has agreed to take over
the website. Kevin continues to offer use of his server to the club at no charge. It was recommended that the club newsletters remain on the website for a period of one year.
Historian – It was reported that we need a new historian. Pat Gentry suggested we might want to build a photo journal of
club activities.
Storekeeper – David Delyea has been in charge of the club store. He reported that we are low on items. It was discussed
if we should order new shirts or maybe consider ordering club jackets.
Rescue – Three puppies were rescued from a pet shop this last summer. Two of the puppies were placed but one may be
coming back due to family circumstances. A 2 ½ year old female was placed and will become a service dog. There are 2 more
cairns who may need to be rescued. Curt thanked Pat Gentry for her mention of the club rescues she included in the Northwest
column of the Cairn Terrier Club of America newsletter. Curt also asked that members let him know if they are available to foster
rescues. He has a folder with potential homes and records for the rescue dogs.
Old Business
None at this time
New Business
A nominating committee needs to be formed. Committee should include one board member, a committee chair and three
additional members. Joyce Whall agreed to chair the committee. Susan Harper agreed to be on the committee.
Winter Fun Match
Carol Woodman will secure the Bed & Biscuit for the match. Janice Albert, Joyce Whall, Susan Harper & Val Perry
agreed to serve on the hospitality committee for the match.
John Woodman will not be available to do silent auction and fundraising. Bob & Bev Lloyd have agreed to fill this position. David has bid sheets.
The club will not be having the awards dinner in Portland in January. It was discussed to have a dinner in the spring for our
awards. Liz Whiton has agreed to have plates engraved. She needs members to send their new champions to her by January 31st.
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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CCTC Membership Meeting Minutes 9-27-06 (cont.)
Carol Woodman knows of a retired person who makes ribbons. We should let her know if we need any.
Referral knows of a retired person who makes ribbons. We should let her know if we need any.
Carol Woodman
Liz Whiton and Bev Lloyd have both agreed to be contact people for Washington for breeder referral.
Breeder Referral
Meeting was
pm have both agreed to be contact people for Washington for breeder
Liz Whiton
Respectfully submitted,
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm
Karin Godwin, Secretary
Respectfully submitted,
Membership Meeting Minutes 5-12-07 (pending approval)
Karin Godwin, Secretary
CCTC Membership Meeting Minutes – 5-12-07
Members present:
Carol Onstad
David Delyea
Bev Lloyd
Bob Lloyd
Becky Scherbarth
Bev Jennings
Nancy Delyea
Karin Godwin
Jamie Wilson
Val Perry
Greg Perry
Tom Godwin
Sue Gumser
Gus Gumser
Curt Whall
Joyce Whall
Susan Harper
Meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the 9-27-06 general meeting were previously distributed via email attached to the meeting notice. It was M/S/
C to approve the minutes as printed.
President’s Report
Tom thanked the membership for coming and welcomed all to the awards dinner. He said that we are fast approaching our 20
year anniversary and to date we have concentrated on our fun matches and summer events. We would still like to submit papers for
sanctioning to AKC, hopefully those can be completed this summer.
Secretary’s Report
Karin reported that she has received three new membership applications. Carol Slavin, George & Peggy Marinovich and
Phyllis Kind. The new applicants will be posted in the next newsletter for comments from the membership. If there are none within 30
days, approval for membership will follow. No other correspondence ha s been received.
Treasurer’s Report
David distributed the report of expense and revenues associated with CCTC events and activities. It was M/S/C to approve
the treasurer’s report.
Committee Reports
Newsletter – Karin reported that the spring/summer issue will be out shortly. She asked that members send any information
they would like included in the newsletter. It was discussed that it might be possible to scan some of the old newsletters for the archives. Greg Perry volunteered to scan the old newsletters for the club. There was discussion about AKC archiving documents from
the member clubs. Since they feel this is a high priority it could help with the submission of our hard drive to archive the club
newsletters. The motion was seconded and discussion followed. It was suggested that we purchase two so that we would have a
backup in the event any problems with the original copy. It was decided that one should be purchased now and decide later on a
second. It was M/S/C to buy one external hard drive. We will continue to save all of the records in hard copy. Greg will explore the possibility of online storage as well.
Trophy Committee - Liz ordered plate and plaques for newly earned titles. The board had previously decided that information must be turned in by the deadline for the current year. Previous years cannot be awarded. Please remember to turn in new title
information by the deadline.
We need a trophy chairperson to oversee or assign committee members to secure trophies and ribbons for matches as well as
plates and plaques. The chairperson should review the policies and procedures and advise the board should changes need to be made.
In the past toys have been donated by members. The chairperson should be responsible to check for these and solicit donations.
Becky volunteered to be a co-chair with Liz if Liz is willing to accept this position.
Fundraising –Bev & Bob Lloyd agreed to chair this committee. They will run the silent auction
at our match and summer event. A post will be made in the newsletter asking for donations.
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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CCTC Membership Meeting Minutes 5-12-07 (cont.)
Non Conformation – The Summer fun day & match will be held August 4th and 5th. A committee needs to be formed to organize
the events. Joyce and Curt will host the event. Joyce has volunteered to be the committee chair. Bob Lloyd will be one of the
parking attendants. We need to line up people for Obedience and Agility. We also need to get the obedience equipment from Vicki.
The Highland Games will be held on July 28 & 29 at the King County Fairgrounds in Enumclaw. Nancy says that
conformation has been added to the program as well as agility and earthdog. Between 3000 and 5000 people attend. Nancy would
like to have people bring their dogs and sign up for 2 hrs shifts. It was suggested that we might add a link to the Highland Games
site from our website. Tom says we should have a coordinator in charge of the Highland Games and also the Seattle Kennel Club
breed booth. Karin will put a notice in the newsletter.
Website –The domain name will need to be renewed in October. It is currently registered to Brad. Karin will contact Brad
to find out what needs to be done to accomplish this.
Historian –Greg Perry has volunteered to be the club Historian.
Storekeeper – Sue Gumser has volunteered to be the club storekeeper. The board feels we should try to order some new
sweatshirts and t-shirts in time for the summer event if possible. There was discussion about the possibility of ordering club jackets.
Sue Gumser will check into this.
Breeder Referral - Liz and Bev Lloyd have been handling this duty. Bev reported that she is receiving many phone calls
and emails from the club website.
Rescue – Curt reported that 4 males and 1 female have been rescued so far this year. Rescue is on the rise. There is a
problem trying to find homes for older dogs. We need to find more foster homes. Becky said that she would be willing to be a foster
home. A notice will be put in the newsletter asking for volunteers. We need to have a complete accounting for each rescue brought
in to include cost of care and amount of donation made to be reported at each meeting. Curt reported that one of the new
owners had made a donation of $150 to the rescue fund.
Old Business
None at this time
New Business
Election of Officers – Nominating Committee Chairperson, Joyce Whall
Committee Members, Becky Scherbarth, Susan Harper & Val Perry
Slate – President – Tom Godwin
Vice President – Nancy Delyea
Secretary – Val Perry
Treasurer – Bev Lloyd
Board Members – Becky Scherbarth
Curt Whall
Susan Harper
No nominations were made from the floor. It was M/S/C to elect the slate as presented.
Round Table Pizza in Federal Way is no longer available for meetings. Alternate locations were discussed. Several
people volunteered to look into a new location for our meetings.
The board meeting dates for 2007 will be June 28 and September 19.
The General meeting dates will be July 18 and October 17.
The board recommended changing the date of the winter fun match. It was M/S/C to have the
winter fun match on
March 15, 2008. The awards banquet will be in January during the Puyallup show weekend.
The board recommended that the newsletter editor be made a voting member of the board. It was M/S/C to implement this
change and necessary changes to the constitution along with other suggestions for changes should be made to the board.
It was also recommended by the board that we redefine the Vice President’s duties. Some of the match responsibilities need
to be moved to board or club members with the Vice President acting as committee show chairperson. The board will appoint the
committee and ask for volunteers at the next board meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Karin Godwin, Secretary
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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CCTC Board Meeting Minutes 4-4-07
CCTC Board Meeting Minu tes 4-4-07 (p ending app ro val)
Members present:
Becky Scherbarth
Tom Godwin
Karin Godwin
Nancy Delyea
David Delyea
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm
It was M/S/C to approve the minutes of the 7-22-06 board meeting as written.
President’s Report
Tom said that wee need to get on track and move ahead toward sanctioning. This should be the number one priority. Tom
shared catalogs from the other
sanctioned matches as well as the first A match catalog from the Cairn Terrier Club of Denver.
If we can get sanctioned we could have a second specialty in the Northwest.
Secretary’s Report
Two applications have been received, Carol Slavin, George & Peggy Marinovich
All other new members have sent the new members packet.
Treasurer’s Report
David passed out his written report showing income and expenditures. Copies will be distributed at the general meeting.
Tom says we should create and follow a budget to determine what amount should be charged for each activity. Next board
meeting a budget should be established for major club events such as the summer events, winter fun match, SKC breed booth raffle
items, trophies etc. Should we send out raffle tickets in advance for our raffles? We doubled our money on the raffle item purchased
for the winter fun match. Items listed on the website for raffle need a way to pre buy if someone cannot attend.
David also reported that he has received correspondence from Phil Leaton former Treasurer and CPA saying that we must
file an informational tax form with the IRS. Forms are not available but we need to file when available.
Committee Reports
It is time to publish a new newsletter. Karin will begin work on that right away. She will send email asking members to
send in items. We will continue to send out to members without email. Volunteers will continue to send to those without email.
Trophy Committee
Liz has completed plates and plaques. Late plates should not be accepted and should be clear to all that we have to stick
with annual awards only. We need to clarify what titles will be awarded. At the next meeting we need to ask for volunteers for the
trophy committee chairperson and they will be asked to review the policies and procedures for this position and advise the board.
The trophy chairperson will be responsible for assigning committee members to secure trophies and ribbons for matches as well as
plates and plaques.
Non Conformation
Since Curt was unable to attend we need to check with Curt & Joyce if we can hold our summer event on August 4h and 5th
at their house. We need to start to plan at the next meeting.
We need a chairperson for this committee this person will secure auction items and run the silent auction at our matches.
We need a new storekeeper who will be responsible for ordering items and sales of same. We need some sweatshirts.
We should have a new order in time for the summer match. T shirts also need to be ordered. The board feels that we
should order M-L-XL and a few 2X with other size being special order. We also need to investigate ordering jackets on a special
order basis.
We need to find out about re registering our domain name in Oct. Karin will check with Brad about it since it is registered
in his name.
We still need someone to work as historian. Does someone want to work on our club album? This person needs to attend
our match and summer event and other key shows.
Breeder Referral
Liz and Bev have been doing a great job. The board needs to set guidelines for this position. Karin will work on this
section of the policies & procedures.
Two have been placed and Nancy & David have a 7 yr old male available who had to be given up by their owners when
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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CCTC Board Meeting Minutes 4-4-07 (cont.)
they went to a retirement home.
The board agreed that we would like to have a quarterly report made to the club listing all rescues that have been placed.
Old Business
We need to set a timeline and complete the paperwork to submit to AKC for approval. Nancy and Tom will work on this
sometime in April.
New Business
Board and general meeting dates for 2007
Board meeting June 28th, Sept 19th
General meeting July 18th, Oct 17th
Awards lunch Karin will call to see if May 12th is available for general meeting, election of officers and awards. If
Denney’s is not available we will look for another location. Karin will research and send out flyer as soon as approved by the board.
The board would like to recommend we change the date for our winter fun match to spring possibly the weekend in March
between the Seattle and Bremerton shows. The awards banquet could take place in Puyallup in January during the Puyallup show
weekend in place of the match.
The board recommends that we change the constitution to make the newsletter editor a voting member which would fill the
empty board position from the elimination of the second vice president. Club to vote at the general meeting
The board recommends we redefine the VP duties. Some of the match responsibilities need to be moved to board members
with the VP acting as committee show person chairperson. The board would appoint the committee and ask for volunteers. Nancy
will look at duties of VP and advise the board on other possible changes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm
Respectfully submitted,
Karin Godwin, Secretary
Submitted by Treasurer David Delyea
Treasurer’s Report
2006 Summary
This year was a very successful year for our club. In 2005 we had 72 memberships at the end of the year. This
year we had 79, an increase of seven. Our summer events broke club records for both attendance and revenue.
The Breed Rescue Fund had an opening balance of $1,024.82 and finished the year with a balance of
$1,123.69 for a net gain of $98.87. It received donations of $1,006.00, had expenses of $912.18, and interest income of
$5.05. The club rescued three puppies and three adults during the year. All three puppies and two adults were placed
in good homes. One adult was still in foster care at the end of the year.
The General Fund had an opening balance of $2,064.93 and finished the year with a balance of $3,709.36 for a
net gain of $1,644.43. During the year the fund had revenue of $3,532.95, expenses of $1,904.81, and interest income
of $16.29.
The following financial data reflects the reporting period of September 28, 2006, through December 31, 2006.
Breed Rescue Fund
Opening Balance
Donations to the fund were made by Glen and Ruth Herz, $100.00; Kerry Bangert and Jennifer Liggett, $200.00; Dennis
Hicks and Margo Morgan, $50.00; and Elizabeth Cooper and Rose Ridlon, $50.00.
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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Treasurer’s Report (cont.)
The fund had veterinary expenses for the exam of three puppies, $135.71; and for the vacination and treatment
of an adult for ear infections, $76.47.
The Breed Rescue Fund had a net gain of $190.32 from the previous reporting period.
General Fund
Opening Balance
The source of revenue was membership dues, $40.00.
The expenses were for the rental of the Win-Star Bed and Biscuit to hold the 2007 Winter Fun Match, $100.00;
items to sell at the Winter Fun Match silent auction, $20.00; postage to mail the 2007 membership dues notices, $36.02;
and grooming books, $80.00.
The treasury’s current balance is $4,833.05 which represents a net gain of $3.41 from the previous reporting
2007 First Quarter Summary
The club continues to increase the balance in its treasury. Both the Breed Rescue Fund and General Fund had
net gains from the previous quarter. The Breed Rescue Fund balance increased by $98.47 and the General Fund
balance increased $532.31.
The following financial data reflects the reporting period of January 1, 2007, through March 31, 2007.
Breed Rescue Fund
Opening Balance
Donations to the fund were made by Karen Erickson and Lennard Wilson, $10.00; Becky and Ken Scherbarth,
$50.00; Carol Onstad (stuffed rat sales), $12.00; and Nancy Delyea and Bev Jennings (grooming table cover sale),
The fund had no expenses during the reporting period.
General Fund
Opening Balance
The sources of revenue were membership dues, $760.00; Winter Fun Match, $601.00; and miscellaneous
revenue of $82.58.
The expenses were for the Winter Fun Match, $333.73; Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show information booth,
$326.56; award plaques and label plates, $241.30; and miscellaneous expenses of $15.00.
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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Treasurer’s Report (cont.)
The treasury’s current balance is $5,463.83 which represents a net gain of $630.78 from the previous reporting period.
The following financial data reflects the reporting period of March 31, 2007, through May 12, 2007.
Breed Rescue Fund
Opening Balance
A donation to the fund was made by Kent and Linda Dunnam on behalf of Toby, a rescue Cairn that was placed
with them, $150.00.
The fund had no expenses during the reporting period.
General Fund
Opening Balance
The source of revenue was the prepayment of meals for the awards dinner; $195.00.
The expense was for the payment of meals for the awards dinner; $195.00.
The treasury’s current balance is $5,613.83 which represents a net gain of $150.00 from the previous reporting
New Member Applicants
The following people have applied for membership:
Carol Slavin
George & Peggy Marinovich
Phyllis Kind
Karin Godwin/Tom Godwin
Val Perry/Robin Gardner
Vicki Havlik/
Please forward any comments you have regarding these applicants to the Secretary no
later than July 1, 2007
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
2007 Winter Fun Match Results
Thank you Judge Barbara
McNamee for making this a
special evening.
Page 9
Best Adult & Best In Match - Greatscot Just A Tad Bad,
Owner Susan Harper
Best Puppy In Match - Cobblestone’s Big Bad Woof,
Owners Tom & Karin Godwin & Lisa & Dave Tuttle
Best Junior Handler - Mark Delyea
Best Veteran - Ch Kinloch’s Royal Troon, ME Owners
Vicki Havlick & Karen & Hannah Rivenburg
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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More from the fun match
Thanks to all who participated
and made this another successful
fun match for our club.
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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Our Awards dinner was held on May 12th in Puyallup. The following members received awards for titles
earned in 2006 on that evening.
Criffel Tops Oor Wee Tess
Owner: Irene Haney
Kinloch’s Markland Wood
Owners: Vicki Havlik & Carol Onstad
Criffel Tops Oor Wee Paisley
Owner: Irene Haney
Kinloch’s Quail Run, RN
Owner: Vicki Havlik
Kingdom’s Mystical Skyeline
Owner: Becky Scherbarth & Liz Whiton
Kinloch’s Upper Deck
International Ch – March
Owner: Vicki Havlik
Kingdom’s Heather Of TharrBarr
Owner: Becky Scherbarth
Goosedown Pattons’ Chief Of Staff
Owners: Phil & Lynda Leaton
Cairngorm Coffee, Tea Or Me
Owners: Val & Greg Perry & Pat Gentry
Performance Title:
Am/ Can Ch Kinloch’s Homerun CDX Can CD
RN – April
Owner: Vicki Havlik
Ch Kinloch’s Quail Run
RN – January
Owner: Vicki Havlik
Ch Cairngorm Coffee, Tea Or Me
JE – October
Owners: Val & Greg Perry & Pat Gentry
Am. Int. Ch Seajay Tigger Too
RTD – November
Owners: Joyce & Curt Whall
Ch Goosedown’s Briskie CD
NR – Nov, RN – December
Owners: Phil & Lynda Leaton
Scotch Brooms Celtic Warrior
JE – October
Owners: David & Nancy Delyea & Carol Onstad
Ch/ Int Ch Kintale’s Miss Elizabeth Bennet
RN – November
Owners: Sue & Gus Gumser
Kinloch’s Scotch Broom McKenzie
JE – November
Owners: Vicki Havlik & Carol Onstad
Ch Seajay Warrior Princess, SE
RN – October, RTD – November, CGC – December
Owners: Joyce & Curt Whall
Scotch Broom Angey Oakley
JE – May
Owner: Carol Onstad
Ch Kinloch’s Marywood
SE – March, RN – August, ME – November
Owner: Vicki Havlik
Kinloch’s Upper Deck FDCH
RN – January, NAJ – January, RA – February,
NJP – August, CD – September
Owner: Vicki Havlik
RN - April
Owners: Val & Greg Perry
Misty Meadows Field Marshall Montgomery, NAJ OA OAJ AX
AXJ – January, RN – June, RA – July, RE – October
Owner: Missy Hanson
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Page 12
Versatility Award Winners
Joyce & Curt Whall
The three 2006 versatility awards winners for 2006 were
CH. SeaJay Warrior Princess RN SE RTD CGC - Owners: Joyce & Curt Whall
CH. Kinloch's Marywood ME RA - Owner: Vicki Havlik
CH. Kincloch's Upper Deck CD RA NAJ NJP FDCh-S - Owner: Vicki Havlik
Members Mayumi and Steve Colson are very proud of their
boy “Luke” He was featured on this cute dog calendar. His
Nickname is “Luke Sidewalker”
Two year old “Luke” bred by John and Carol Woodman
enjoys carrots and broccoli for treats.
“May The Force Be With Him”
Congratulations, Luke!!!
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
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Foster Homes Needed
There is a growing need for foster homes for cairns brought into rescue. Curt has been doing a great job but as the
numbers increase so does the need for foster homes. Nancy & David Delyea have fostered two boys. Becky Scherbarh has helped out as well. There have been 4 rescues placed so far this year. If you can help out please contact
Curt Whall at
If you’re not sure about it, maybe this can change your mind.
We have a pretty little cairn bitch and at our age and physical condition we felt that she was about all we
could care for.
My friend, a local cairn breeder, called and said she had received a 10 year old male that the owners didn't
want any more and did we want to take him? My husband said, firmly, NO! One is plenty. So I suggested we foster
him until he could be re-homed. I went out and picked him up and brought him home.
When I set him down, he took one look around and unpacked his suitcase. He eyed my husband carefully and
I think he said to himself "this must be the guy I have to win over" because he set about doing just that. Didn't take
him long either. So much for fostering.
His tail wags continuously and he is very speedy in accepting an invitation to a lap.
It's hard for me to understand how anyone can just throw away a dog, especially one that they had for 7 or 8
years. This is a very sweet little dog, he comes when called, is always willing to mind and gain your approval. Even
our little girl likes him and he has accepted living with another dog harmoniously.
Turns out fostering is pretty great, especially when it turns in to permanence.
Try it, you'll like it.
The Seattle Scottish Highland Games will be held on July 28th and 29th in Enumclaw at the King Co Fairgrounds. In addition to agility and earthdog demonstrations, conformation has been added as well. This
is a great chance to get out with your dog and meet people and talk about our breed. Nancy Delyea would
like to hear from you at to sign up for a 2 hour shift in the booth. If you would
like more information about the Highland Games you can go to their website at
Special thanks to Robin Gardner and her hard working committee for designing the Cairn Terrier Breed
Booth at the Seattle Kennel Club. Bev & Bob Lloyd, David, Nancy & Mark Delyea, Joyce & Curt Whall,
Sue & Gus Gumser, Val & Greg Perry, Jamie Wilson, Bev Jennings, and Susan Harper all helped out in the
booth. My apologies for anyone I may have missed. The booth was awarded an honorable mention for
their design and content.
Thanks to all, great job!!!
In early May the Dachshund club hosted an AKC earthdog trial up on Whidbey.
There was an AKC rep. there and she filed a report on the AKC website. There are
a couple of CCTC club members shown on the picture page she posted.
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Dear Dr Cindy;
My champion stud dog is about 5 1/2 years old. The last three bitches he was
mated with missed. Before that, he sired 4 previous litters. He was campaigned
heavily as a Special last year and that seems to be when his problem started.
He's a great dog and I have several matings planned for him in my breeding
program. What to I do now?
Vanishing Vitality
Page 14
Cynthia Smith, DVM
Is a graduate of Washington State University. She has been in general practice
since 1987, and in practice focusing on
canine reproduction since 1989. She
practices in Tacoma, WA. She breeds and
shows Maltese dogs and has a husband
and two sons who are much more work
than all the dogs combined
Dear Vanishing:
The first step for you will be to get your dog's semen fully evaluated with a qualified veterinarian who does a lot of work with
canine reproduction. It is best if you can bring a bitch in season for this first evaluation. Although many males can be collected
without a bitch in season (usually using artificial scent or swabs taken from bitches in season and frozen for later use) not all
males can he ''fooled'' this way. lf your initial semen evaluation is poor, it's important to know whether he really has a problem
and that can be hard to judge if he just wasn't excited enough. If you don't have access to a bitch in season (either through your
own kennel or a friend's) ask your vet if he/she can call you when a bitch in season is scheduled to come in. Veterinarians who
work in reproduction usually have bitches coming in all the time for progesterone testing and other workups and most owners are
amenable to their bitch being used as a teaser.
A complete semen evaluation will consist of evaluations of all 3 semen fractions: presperm, sperm- rich, and prostatic fluid. Although infertility is most often blamed on the bitch we know that the male is probably responsible about 40% of the time. The
fact that a male has previously sired litters does not exempt him from suspicion. The testicles are located in the scrotum hanging
beneath the body for a reason. Proper sperm production and maturation needs to take place. Changes of about 3 degrees, even
for a short time, can make a dog temporarily infertile. In coated breeds, one of the deadliest things to the next generation can be
your hair dryer. It doesn't take very long to cook those babies. Hot spots located near the scrotum, fevers of at feast 3 degrees,
frostbite, very hot weather with dogs kenneled outside. There are a whole host of things that can endanger a stud's fertility. This
kind of diagnosis might be made if there were many sperm present on the evaluation but all or most of them were dead.
Semen evaluation might also show the most likely cause of your dog's problem would be prostatitis. Middle aged and older intact (uncastrated) male dogs very commonly have problems with the prostate. Most recurrent urinal tract infections of these boys
can be lined to a problem prostate. This gland is located right outside the bladder, and often harbors reservoirs of bacteria because
it is very difficult for most antibiotics to penetrate into it. Therefore, although many medications clear up bladder infections, the
bacteria that survive in the prostate re-infect the bladder over and over. If there is an infection in the prostate, there will often be
red blood cells, white blood cells, and bacteria present in the third, or prostatic fraction of the semen. Prostatitis very frequently
renders the dog infertile because of the hostile bacterial environment that the sperm are exposed to.
The best antibiotic by far for this condition is enrofloxacin (Baytril). It penetrates into the prostate gland better than other antibiotics. Your veterinarian should also evaluate your dog's prostate directly via rectal palpation. She/he may also recommend an ultrasound or X-rays to better visualize the organ. Intact male dogs can also develop prostatic abscesses, cancer, and benign hyperplasia. These conditions are very similar to those experienced by older human males. In severe cases, your veterinarian may advise you to have your dog castrated in order to resolve a serious health problem. Removing the influence of testosterone will frequently shrink the prostate gland to barely noticeable and help to resolve a chronic infection in just a few weeks.
If no sperm at all are found in the semen sample (and the male was obviously sufficiently aroused with good libido) it is possible
that scarring in the epidydimus may be obstructing the sperm’s passage. Your veterinarian will then test the alkaline phosphatase
content of the semen to try to determine whether obstruction is present. For some reason, we have seen this condition in multiple
previously successful sires after a long period on the show circuit. I do not know what the connection is but it emphasizes a very
important point. If you have a young, exceptional male whom you plan on using in your breeding program for a long time, have
some of his semen collected and frozen so that, if the worst happens, you are not left without recourse. I can’t tell you how many
clients I have who regret not having taken advantage of this technology.
Obviously, there is far more that can be said on the subject of male infertility, it was my intent in this article to impress upon you
the need for seeking a veterinarian with an interest in canine fertility so that the many possible medical and even surgical treatments available to you can be explained in detail. Good luck getting your boy producing again.!
*This article previously appeared in our Winter 2001 issue. Thanks Liz for submitting this important information once again.
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Page 15
This is an opportunity to support your club even if you are just a pet owner. It is a lot
of fun and an opportunity to meet other cairn owners and have fun with your cairn
AUGUST 4 & 5, 2007
At The Whall’s House
We need volunteers for the following:
FRIDAY: setup
SATURDAY: ring stewards, assisting earthdog, agility, obedience, rally judges, fundraising
SUNDAY: contest judges, match steward, photographer, grooming, fundraising,
teardown and any other needs that may come up.
Please let Joyce Whall know if you would like to volunteer at
Watch the Website for further details as they become available
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Page 16
April 7, 2007 - Ch. Cobblestone’s MVP At Terriwood “Jeeter”
(Ch Terriwood Grand Slam x Ch Cobblestone’s Top Hat ‘N’ Tails)
Bred by Dave & Lisa Tuttle, Owned by Tom & Karin Godwin, Dave & Lisa Tuttle
May 5, 2007 - Ch Terriwood Starbuck Of Foxhills “Billy”
(CH. Ragtime’s Fearless Wonder x Terriwood Morning Star)
Bred By Janet & Cristina Mucci, Owned by Tom & Karin Godwin
We need items for our silent auction and raffle this summer.
Please contact Bob & Bev Lloyd
or any of the club officers if you
have something to donate.
Page 17
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Terriwood Cairn Terriers
Send your business
Home of top winning Cairn Terriers
Bred with concern for health and temperament
Tom & Karin Godwin
12-16-06, 1m - Ch Terriwood Grand Slam x Ch Kingdom’s Mystical Skyeline
12-18-06, 1 m - Ch Dees Dakota x Ch TharrBarr Lite My Fire Zomerhof
2-25-07 5m,1f - AM.INT.CH. SeaJay Tigger Too RTD x CH. SeaJay Warrior Princess
3-5-07, 1m, 1f - Ch Kingdom’s Moonlight Skyeline x Ch Cherbo West Abbey
4-27-07, 1m,2f - Ch Terriwood Grand Slam x Kingdom’s Majestic Skyeline
5-7-07, 3m, 2f - Ch Rose Croft Best Foot Forward x Ch Mistywyns Lemoney Snicket
(on Mark Delyea’s 10th birthday!!!)
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Page 18
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Crofter's Dream
Page 19
......working Cairn Terriers
Val & Kula’s first agility trial.
Kula did a wonderful job earning 3 first place ribbons in the 4 inch veterans classes over two days. Her last event she had no course faults (otherwise
known as a clean run). Kula is seven years old! It is not too late to teach an old dog new tricks! You can
see from the look on her face how much she loves it!
NEW SENIOR EARTHDOG Ch.Cairngorm's Coffee Tea or Me SE
On Widbey Island on May 21st, Greg Perry handled "Kona" to his third Senior earthdog leg. This was the
final leg and meant another title for Kona.
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Page 20
Ch Terriwood Main Attraction
March 3, 1995—July 15, 2006
Our beautiful boy is missed more than we can express. Fuller was our beloved loyal companion. With his
passing, a great void came into our lives, and those of our two Cairn girls, Liza Jane and Jessie.
Thank you Tom and Karin Godwin for our sweet “B-Man”
He will forever be in our hearts, thoughts and memories
Liz and Sonny Whiton
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Page 21
Terriwood Cairn Terriers
Is proud of our two new champions
New Ch Cobblestone’s MVP At Terriwood
finished his championship on April 7, 2007
with five majors.
New Ch Terriwood Starbuck of Foxhills,
finished his championship on May 5, 2007
with four majors.
Spring/Summer 2007 Issue
Page 22
Tom Godwin -
Nancy Delyea -
Bev Lloyd -
Val Perry -
Karin Godwin -
Susan Harper -
Becky Scherbarth -
Curt Whall -
Liz Whiton -
Bev Lloyd -
Karin Godwin -
The Cascade Cairn Terrier Club Newsletter is published quarterly by the Cascade Cairn Terrier Club The views
and the articles appearing in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the club as a whole
or its officers.