HOW TO BUILD A SLI.DEBOARD Instructions: 1. Glue the Formica o r plastic sheet to the plywood. 2. Drill 3/8" holes in the board. Start 2" in from the end and 2" moving toward the center of the board (see diagram). Seven or eight holes should be enough. The holes make the bumper of the slideboard adjustable for skaters of different heights. 3. Drill 38" holes in the 2"x2" wood strips to match the holes in the board. 4. Was the Formica or plastic thoroughly to ensure a smooth, slippery surface for easy gliding. The surface will need to be re-waxed frequently. 5. Bolt the wood strips onto the board. 6. Glue the foam padding onto the wood strips. You may also glue a strip of carpeting over the foam padding for extra protection as skaters hit against the bumpers. c-C.--- I n the training video, "Champions Train to Win," there is a significant section on training on a slideboard. The video does a great job of explaining and demonstrating the proper technique for using a slideboard. The benefits of a slideboard are t o increase power and improve stroking technique. . Materials needed: One 4'x8'x3/4" sheet of plywood One - 4'x8' sheet of Formica or plastic Two - 4' sections of 2"x2" wood stripping Two - 4' lengths of foam padding to glue on wood strips Four - 3/8"x3" bolts with washers Carpenter's glue Furniture polish or paste wax - YY -0- ', .- .:I, .' =.. :n.L . - .. . ' +8' ... .. .,<; .:.. , ..<- '?...Z-> ..r .p----) P O W C A GLUED TOj-- PLRQOOD.BASE- - . . - . -. - ELEVATION OF SLD.ESOARD - -- ___ Speed Skating Training Journal Name: .' Today's Goal: Date: Morning Weight: Hours Slept: Future Goal: How I feel today: Today I think I trained: Coach Said: Great Good O.K. Alright Bad Before During Today I worked on: This speczjk skill felt best: This specific skill felt uncomfortable: - Dietary recordfor today= Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: t Snacks: Supplements Sport Specific Exercises for in Line Skating NOTE: When the skater is performing these exercises each repetition should be completed with heel down. The beginning phase of the push goes out to the side. . Not to the back! , When performed correctly skaters should see the following benefits 1 Arm and leg coordination . Ability to remain balanced while in ttie skating position 2 Increased flexibility and range of inotion 3 4 Increasedstrength 5 Improvement in skating technique Ability to isolate each leg which will evenly balance leg strength 6 The applicable benefit number (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6) is listed at the end of the exercise in parenthesis I) Warm up Jog Karaoke High Knees Cherry Pickers ( skips) Sit Ups Push Ups 2) Active Stretch Leg Swings Rotors Swings Calf Raises - out, straight in 3) Isometric Exercises: Used to develop strength related to the skating position Leg Kick - Balance on one leg, kick the other leg forward and back (1,2,3,4) eg Circle - Balance on one leg, circle the other leg to mimic the stroke and recovery (1,2,3,4,5) - Crosses and Strokes Also known as crossing in place (1,2,3,4,5) II - " Wide Steps Stroking to the side (alternate legs) (1,2,3,4,5) , Crosses both Ways - Stationary crosses in both directions (1,2,3,4,5) e Squat swings - Complete 10 swings and then hold squat for 10 seconds ( 2,3,4) , - Lunges Thrust forward holding arms under one leg and then pull chest to knee in skating position (3,4) One Leg Squats - I n Skating Position with one leg on chair (2,3,4,6) Side Squat, Cross Squat ? - Stationary Dry Skating Working foot circles:and skating motion (1,2,3,4,5,6) Jump Rope 15 sec - 30 sec - 45 sec - lmin 4) Endurance Exercises are designed to increase .aerobic capacity Forward Strides - Imitate the straight away skating technique moving forward (1,2,3,4,5) Cross Overs - Imitate corner crossing technique Low walks- Step forward with long stride in the skating position; heel to toe with forward foot, drag back foot (1,2,3,4) \ - Squats- no movement except for arm swings - .. -.- -. . II I I I Sport Specific Exercises for I n Line Skating 5) Power Exercises: designed to increase the explosive power of the muscle groups used for sprinting Piease Note: Each exercise begins with the knee bent at 90 degrees. Skater must use an explosiv6 motion to completely extend the knee and hip. Master each exercise technically before using it in a power situation. Perfecting the technique will help prevent injury p Wall kicks - 15 sec - - 30 sec - 45 sec lmin High Bounce Jump - High Jumps with arm swing ,pulling-kneestachest.(3,4). Quick Bounce Jump - Small jumps up and down in the skating position; use arm swing (1,4) - Bounce jump over line Height and lateral distance with arm swing Jumping Jacks - in the skating position (slow - med- fast) Cross Jumps - Jump wide to side - land on one foot- then cross free foot behind ,repeat in opposite direction Keep fiee foot off floor (balance) (1,2,3,4,5) Frog Jumps - Leap forward feet together - Squat Jumps Duration 1 minute - Jump every 5 seconds, arms and hands should be in front of the body (3,4 Jump Thrust Squat - Jump up, Pull knees to chest, land in the squat position, kick both feet back behind body (supporting yourself with your hands) pull fee back into squat positionjump up repeat (3,4) - Leg Switch Low Skating, with one leg forward and one leg back, jump up and switch legs in the air (1,3,4) Box Jumps Side Leg Switches - Keep knee under chest, shoulders do not move (1,3,6) One Leg Squat Jumps - Bring knees to chest (3,4,5) One Leg Jump Thrusts - Repetition of explosive jumps up, repeat on other foot (3,4,6) -- One Leg Jump Forward - Skating position, keep f i e leg off flmc jump forward (3,4,6), - Dry Skating Leaps (1,2,3,4,5,6) 5.A) Suicide Drills free leg off floor, then jump to the side Two / Ones - One leg forward two times, onto the other leg dragging the free foot to keep leg low to the ground; Jump forward two times on the other leg and repeat (1,2,3,4,5,6) Windmills- Jump forward from a down starting position, swing both arms over your head from back to front, as in swimming the buuttemy stroke and repeat (3,4,5) ^ .. r r n r r r n r -.,.A, a , . , . a > , L , " L A . r n n r , .. -. r\ GENERAL SPORTS NUTRITION All the sports nutritionists tell us that there is na one "maglc food" that will make you feel stronger and bster, train harder or compete better. It Is W e though that the foods you eat and when you eat can affect your athletic performance. Some of the following general sports information may help you eat to achieve a better performance. TQUcan endanger your" health and performance due trs lack of fiuids. To prevent yourself from becoming dehydrated, drink lots of liquids before, during and after strenuous exercise. Water is always safe before exercise; water and/or dlluted sports drinks during exercise; water, sports drfnks or juices after exercise. To tell if you have had 'adequate fluids, simply monitor your urine. It should be clear colored and not dark, QUICK ENERGY ... Eating a lot of sweets and/or sugary foods for "quick energyHbefore you exercise may hurt yaur performance, ARer you eat any kind of concentrated sugar like dried fruit, juices, soft drtnks, candy, etc., your body secretes insulln, which is a hormone that canles the sugar from your blood into the muscles. The combined effect of insulin with exercise a n cause your blood sugar ta drop too low, You may experience low blood sugar and feel lightheaded, shaky, tlred and uncuordlnated. Ar you need an energy boost prior to exercise because you are hungry, you don? have to eat sugary foods far energy. Sugar Is already stored In your muscles in the form of glycogen. A better choice may be a slrnple snack of crackers. or bread.. The best option for quick energy Is to prevent the need for an energy boost! Simply eat better prior to training or cornpet-lng ... Fuel up rather than trying ta run on fumes!! I f you allow yourself time to digest your food and store It In yaur muscles, you will be ready far tmtnlng or competltlon. You wlll'already have adequate energy! PRE-COMPETITZUN MEALS ... I f you are planning strenuous morning exercise (such as competlng in an early morning race) you will.fue1 your muscles best if you eat a high carbohydrate meal the night &fore. By eating a hearty amount of pasta, potato, rice, noodles, bread and other carbohydrates for dinner, you will have tlme to digest the food and store it in your muscles as glycogen. I f you were to eat a big breakfast prior to the race, the food would sit undigested in your stomach and "bounce along for the ride." This may cause discomfort or unwelcome "plt stops!" Sometimes athletes like to eat a small snack within 1-2 hours of training or competlng. This keeps them from feeling hungry and can help maintain a normal blood sugar level. Some popular choices include cereal, bread or crackers. RECOVERY FOODS ... You should eat carbohydrate rich foods \ 1 1-2 hours after hard exercise to replace the glycogen that you burned off. That is when your muscles are most receptive to replacing this fuel. A simple afterexercise snack might be orange juice and bananas - rich sources of not only fluids and carbohydrates but also potassium and vitamins. Raisins, dried apricots and potatoes are additional potasslum-rich foods. Remember that carbshydrates quickly refuel your muscles and prepare you for tomorrow's training or competition. I f you are tempted to choose a greasy burger with French frles for your recovery meal, try hard to choose Instead thick crust pizza with vegetable toppings, or a dinner that focuses on potato, bread, vegetables, juices, etc. -- NsncyCLark.M,RD - THE PRE-COMPETITION MEAL Whcnitccmrartoprrarmpetitioneat@yauhave Some athlcb% break a" "re rules and enjoy a big meal w b t foodr ;d;h aulds within an hour d thc writ and suffa rto digestive to througha p * k Others to eat nothing for four hours work bzst for yrmr M y . No on food or 0 -t during h j n j n to 4 1 slau. top & -. Sonn ath*to (arch as y" what simply foadr (if my) set& comfortrbly, w!-ten tkxe in sports involving running d jumping) may W est nothing for four haurs befo1y .n went. YOU eat them (ant. two, or three hours ~rior?), * L "+ p = - . f t e r h v i n g a t m a ~~m~~~~~ small. 100 to300 cab& snack within on hour, or a ~ ~ ~ t O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t h r r3.Ifpugctwrynrvauorhawascnsitivertomsch, c h w n , , , f dwl event. The p a 1 d this pmxompetition1is to YOU m Y P E ~ ?to no&g before the event- In that any caw, you 1ShouId make a speciizl effort to eat extra the dut-dthaut A d q kjiw to help annarmpk for ladc of event-day fuel. ~disc~mfort.~dwOrhelhelpa. a r mt ~~ O P'4. Always eat familiar foods prior to competition. Do wi h Y P d m such not try anything new! Experiment with new f m d . fight-,-e blurred fati8ues &ling training to determine if thy ~ l welt e ause hWty to ccxKmtrate, ndhdechiv"acid stomach', gas, heart burn, cramps, or intestirul a l e the stomach, abearb some of the g d c juices, dkvmfort and v e n t feelings of hunger. mpopl~.5. Eat a &ydrakhscd diet rary day to pment to M ~ Y W P d ~ l e t i o nand enmm a d ~ a t e d i e the fd you a t wm ~ eyour t w y glycogen replamart. Onc high-carb presvent meal youaccrdscardputitto~d cba not compensate for a week of inadequateeating. Justrs eating too mud preexerck food clln have adverse effects ( r u m , stomach cramp),so can 6. When traveling, plan to bring your favorite sporb eatin too little food (low energy). The following fcmds such as a hied-and-true cereal, energy bar, fruit, to consider regding your own or smdwich. This wa yoii can worry less about g u i d e L offer personal pre-exerdse eating program. Beallwt each fueling -If pnd be to focus m performing. person is unique, you must extto kam which foda-ad how much of them-work bcst for p. 7. The pre-competition meal may have a greater psychdogid than physiological value. For example, if 1. Choose primarily carbohydrates before an event you firmly believe that a steak dinner helps you bemuse they digest quickly urd u e d y available perform best, then eat it even though this meal "breaks far fuel. Some popular choices include banmas, cereal, the rules" regarding pregame suggestions! But also be bread, bagel, crackers, and pasta. A little protein and sure to accompany the steak with a noodlesoup, fat a n OK to eat for sustained but large potato, rolls, v t g ~ t a b juice b and other a Y d r a t r patlorn of hicd MI, .nut bum%,rich WS th.t will fuel your m d e s . he sim ly a o t h c r f a t t y m e ! a l s w i l l ~ g e r i n t h t s t o ~ d m a f~k~ourktomachmdiraprnrsoureofmusckd y frel heavy, uncomfortable and talk back to you. plrm dted 'p" - wtt L - 4 2 Pay attenticm to meal timing. In general, you should. allow 3 to 5 hours for a large meal to digest; 2 to 3 hours for a snuller meal, 1to 2 hours for a blenderized meal (liquids a n absorbed more rapidly than solid foods), 0-to 1 hour for a d l snack. h vkll, eat extra carbohydrates the day prim to a competitive event and d o ~ t t l soyourmusclcem e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Before morning cventr: Eat a hearty, hi5h c a w h drate dinner and bedtime snack the pnor nightdatmominp.ata1ightmul(ar&r1t02sllasof tout andla -4 = t*aa to .t.Mlluyour blood sugar, absorb some of gastric juices, and keep you from f u h g hungry. Bcfm aftlnwon events f i t a hearty breakfast q d a lighter mrbohydmte-basedlunch. Before evtnin evcntr: Eat a hear breakfast and lunch, then a li&t meal as tolerated 1- h o w prior. 'I : Suapk high carbohydrate, low fat prr-coaspctltropfood ruggcrtionr: ortwd juice, -4 IOWWmi14 burur~, kwt, ~p , g p r , ~mnrb tout, pulalra sandwich with hearty bread bat little mayo, nauik map, thkk-cwt pizza wl single cbc#,no ntrat. : -4 brgrb torrt. - ( ~ d QI frrrh ML b --b,---k1-- -- d& *"rprw i& ria, *to, a sd -g or & ~ g f i t : ~ ~ h ( S . R D HalthworL Chatnut flllL MA (12467 nuwyckrludcom ~)mniwangy\tedwithpr~percrpdit. Introduction Eastern vs. Western - ,a P kana Form matters, not distance Prana Lines of energy Complimentary poses & symmeby (go left go right) - Sivasana Feeling the breath On our backs Hamstring process P Legs up, head & legs up &g ). Legs to the side P Happy baby Hips > Ankle over knee, bringing leg up and in - On our bellies Sphinx & cobra Locust Crossed-legged P Getting it 'stralgnr > Twist & bend > F o m r d leaning > Arms out, arms up straiaht 9 Tailor's pose P Double pigeon Straight legged ), Forward bnding 1 legged, both legs Wide legged & forward bend Easy twist Boat Squats - D D d .' > ---- I. FLvIDs, DEHYDRATION 6r TkIIRST QUENCHERS DrfnLring~$~fluidsisessentklfortopathletlc FMdrdnrhgkmdcrrrckr perbmm=- Unf-tely, many .ctive p d p b y too li* attention m proper h y b t l m ind include edcqwte fluids in t k i r sport. diet. They kdgueeariyarbd~llurtthdr L Drink 8 to 10 ourun?s of water, sports drink or diluted juice every 20 minuks. Becauge you may be sweating three times this amount you may still have a fluid deficit Stop drinldng If your stomrch is 'slodiin8.I reduce your abiity to provide adqua* dmJIRtlm to boththtmtgidesandbodydsa.'Ihtsnota\lyhurts your performance but a h endangers your health because body fluWs have h p o r h n t )oba muid in the blood trmsports glucose to the muedes Prcd c m h away lactic add. Urine dimbates waste products. 2 Prcrrnt dehydration b drinking Pdequatr fluids early in&event.Lhink& yougetthimty! B y h e time your brain signals thirst you will ham lost 1% of your body weight (15lbs m 24 oumm of swcat for a 150 Ib. pman).By rk dehydration (3 Iba sweat besb youhaw miuccd).ourw~capIcityby10bo15%. Fznidsrrpa~ 1. Drink to quench p u r thirst, and then drink wen %ids dndng tnri?aillg more Because the thirst medwrism inadequately indb ~adrilybasis,mPkaueyoudrinkena~ghflukl.artcs whether or not you've taken arough fluids, oull Yotr cm &ly determine if you have had enough to have to tell by monitoring your urine. If several drink by monitoring the volume & cobr of your urine. pas8 without your having to urinate, you are still dehyl.You$rwrldurfnateercrytwotofourhwnr~& drabed.Keepdrinkiq! mt the day. The urine h u l d be a light color, like 2. Juices(such as orange, apple, cranberry) replace not lemonade, md in significant quantity. If the urine is only fluid but also offer more carbohydrates than do d& amcentrated and ecanty, you need to consume maataportsdrinks Drinking 1624 ounms within the harr after exexbe h e l p musdes d u e l and Rcover. ~water,fuiaurd~fluidR No& Ifyoutakevltamtn~yoururLvmaybedufr cdmd. h4cmitor hydration by the pmtity of tarhe For the'casual exertiser, water is always approptiPnddrrnbvJsofcok#. L ate. Water is convenient, familiar, and satisfies your Z.Totnanrrwawuenslrdyourrwe*tLosacsdurfng body's needs. For highly competitive athleteJ who axerdse,w e i g h ~ b e f o r e a n d afterahard work- srcrdse intensely for .n hour, and for endurance out.E.drparmdlostrqrrorent~cmepoomdf16~) athletes who expend luge amounts of energy for more of sweat. During tnfning, practice dren an hour, a sports drink during exercise will optil a r i s a r ~ y 8 ~ t r y t o ~ . Qywr* 9 L sweat mize fluid a h r p t i m and retention, and enhance 3. You don't haw to drink d y wakr for fluids Jufae, s t a m t u and endurance. The beverage should offer 50 s p o r t r d ~ ~ d r f n l r s , u ~ i w a t r r y f o o d r w r d rto80calorSesper8~plusallttledfum.Besurr m yogurt oranges, melon a d sw dl have a high water to experiment during tmining to learn which flavors of fwd lxahce. sports drinks settle best in your stomach. m m t that COnMButes to ov e 4. Be awue that beer, wine and daohd cur hurt your S o d h n r p ~ t ~Ifgouchooeck,drfnlr*beverp%-' S w e ~ contnim t not only wata but also small es,bewretofirstquerrdryourtMrstwithotherf,lulds amwnts of d u r n (and other deetmlytta) thpt keep (and eat ~ y d r a t c to s fuel your musdes). That is, your body in fluid bi.rlurcm. You laee smdl iunoyntr of drtnk two of water, eat some pretzels, then sodium w b you sweat but p q d o not deplete your hwcabecr,ifdesiml. body's s a w c g a c r p t possibly under extreme cirrwnstansessudr asexctdsing for more than 4 to6hoUM in F l v U I ~ k r t i ~ s u f i c i v the heat. Maet athletes can easily replace sodium loapes and other L The day before, drink extra water, by eating p-etds, soup, pizza, and other standard ~toberur+yorabodyiswdlhyctrated. food after exercise. Commercial fluid lacement Z Ihcmcanrlngdtheevartdrfnkatk.st16ounar,of drinks are generally weak sources of idm comflulbuptotwohourspriortothestar&Becllwethe pared to what you csn get in your reovery meal. The l c t d n y r r e q u i r e ~ t o 9 0 m i n u t e s t o ~ L i q u i d s ,d i m in s p d s drinks b added to enhaM?e fluid abt w o l w s ~ o m a d e q u a t e t i m f o r y o u t o c m p t r ~~ ~ a n d ~ t i o n , R D t t ~ r e p I R c e ~ ~ t Madder before the start of the event. t: NuKy auk,a RD '9E& E S d t h m che8lnut HUL . m 3. Five or btn minu- before start-time, "& upwon lLprintpsrmhrkn~~popa-. mother8tol6ouncesofwaterorsportsdfink 3- A 4 _ 3 Kneeling Cat&dog Sftting on heels Standing up Tadasana Mwntain Anns & shoulders P Getting shoulders loose Standing cobra Side bends Rag doll with flat back Lunge Warrior 2 Downdog Triangle Agni sara Sitting quietly Eyes closed with measured breathing & 3* eye SPORTS NUTRITION TIPS 2 ' without a doubt a W you a t .nd td;n you eat Whkh is bettec wata or a qmh drink? Water i s affccb athl+ticperformuur.Awhrlyrem Anfarexerckdutkrtrhssthmanbwr, . . p r n h E Y c n ~ ~ p u ~ - a , t m i n~~y a ~, ~ e n w a p r r a u r d . . - S E Y Z oompett~.Uwthc nut* tfps worlcout If you are exmckbg for more than an a sports drink during arcrdw u d ~ h Y W O t l ydratcsand can our -arergi+fns FUBL: he best foods to fuel your muscles are stamina and auiunnr. AM ex-, warn (p us 8 clrboh dnW eidwr rimpk s u p (such as the artmhydrate mrk such as a fruit yogurt do d), r u d y -rrtn8 s q a m in fruit. wifuioa) or j u i c e , o . . p m b - ~ ~ w h ~ t y w t m i y ~ cwrrplc* aabohyidnta (stuchy foods, such 86 past4 w r t c r + c y d n i r a L t" =3%, I bnrd,liae,ar*rLoatmerlcomud-~L Tlvre ~y~ pmvidc not mly avgy but rho P R E - C O M H I O N MEALS: The day &rt a i m p o r b n t v i t m n h s d m i n u d a R @ n d 5 ~ p ( o u r h annpcti~youshouldeatcarbhbte-ridrmenlr a ' i n . d t d d n h . . p a a ~ . a d a d y ) J p ~ ih*.uo~.dlpy.(.timfo.purLYtodl*ath mwdas--but are nutrient-poor ddcm ud lack a r k a n d strncthearorgyasglycogeninyoutrnusck -th.thdpyan Yaur muLdcrrtarr youtniRhudcrand~~. an an empty stomach, current research suggnts pmkh i. a amrr d rro;adL f a d actuall i m p m ~ performance. -%protebrkh DDd. two meal# per day L u s e athkbs vary in k i r ability to tdente Pretplw $c pin two or three cup of m i k or ~ r o o d p o n e e d t o ~ L r i t t g ~ i n i n g t o ~ ) t r i m p o r t m t t o b u i k l a n d r r p u i t m ~ T hlcunhowmudr~whrt)sinbdfoodwMlrbestfor t probdn drould bc the roompmimnt to the artFb.sed your bod . Same po choices indude oatmeal, dnotthemakrfaJ# dwi lowfat frtah or canr\c?d fruit energy bur, BPpasta Avoid large8hard-td' t, fatty QU~CXENERGY: n you am h w , t - md~ -(b.mrrchar---2ZLr ~ an 2 FLtrmStJurtasbckd&ydr;rksanhurtathkic rmurce,so can lack of fluids. To p m m t youSsdf o m Becoming dehydrated, drink lots of liquids before, dur@ and after ~ U O Uexmk:To I tell if flu& monitor your urine. It rhauldktzrk noldultlikeker. ~ h7" -w- t o l ~~~~- * ~ ~ l t s , m467. RurpdukdRopintprmirfa\g~~~proper~t ~ ~
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