A P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E S OV E R E I G N S O C I E T Y Vol. 3 No. 3 March 2000 A C C E S S t o In t e r n a t i o n a l A s s e t Pr o t e c t i o n a n d Pr i va c y THE OFFSHORE WORLD How To Launder Money Dear Member, Pssst…want to launder money? It’s easy. Just form a cash-based business— almost any one will do—and slip the money you want to launder into the cash register. By Mark Nestmann Presto…your business becomes more profitable…the taxman loves you because you’re paying taxes on your laundered proceeds…and you’ll almost never get caught. Here’s an example. You own a bookstore—not a very profitable one. To help make ends meet, your friend Guido installs a few slot machines—illegal where you live—in a back room you previously used for storage. (Guido could also be dealing drugs…or running a prostitution ring—the principle is the same.) Every day, Guido hands you an envelope stuffed full of cash—your share of the previous day’s gambling proceeds. Before you and Guido began doing business, your bookstore took in an average of US$800/day. But your expenses are about US$700/day, making the enterprise barely profitable. Guido’s envelope, which usually contains about US$200, triples your profit. There no need to “hide” your money offshore, because it looks completely legit. You deposit it in a local bank, declare the income to the taxman and go on your way. Let me be clear. This example isn’t to condone money laundering. It’s to show you how most money is laundered in the real world—in the businesses of high-tax countries, not in offshore banks. But consider that laundering laws were originally designed to combat “consensual crimes”—namely, drug offenses. In a society of sovereign individuals, there would be no need for laundering laws, because no truly consensual activity would be illegal. The draconian powers these laws give governments to seize private property before trial or without a criminal conviction would end. What if a money launderer commits a crime with an identifiable victim? Shouldn’t the victims of the crime have some recourse? Of course—and over 1,000 years of common law holds that the proceeds of a crime are not for the criminal to enjoy, but must be returned to the victim. (The same principal applies in civil law.) Laundering laws turn this precedent on its head. Once a “laundering offense” is committed, the monies involved vest to the government. The government becomes the new legal owner of the property, retroactive to the time the crime allegedly occurred. (Some laundering laws include provisions for victims of fraud or theft to recover their property—but the process is less predictable and more expensive than more established procedures; e.g., bankruptcy). The effect is to create a system in which governments and criminals have a cooperative relationship. In many jurisdictions, these monies may be spent for any “law enforcement purpose” the agency making the seizure dictates. In the United States, this has included such items as a new Corvette, health club memberships and even adult movies.1 It is because of the forfeiture provisions of laundering laws that governments worldwide are expanding them to encompass “all crimes.” And given the symbiotic relationship laundering laws spawn between criminals and the state, the odds are overwhelming that far from fighting crime, such laws will facilitate it. (For proof, just look at the history of the War on Drugs.) In a community of sovereign individuals, persons whose money was stolen by force or fraud would have the right to recover it, through the courts or with the aid of whatever businesses form to aid the victims of real crimes. And whatever limited government that existed would not profit from theft and fraud. Mark Nestmann, Editor, TSI Inside this edition... • • • • An All-In-One Cyber Privacy Solution ........................p. 2 The Sovereign Individual vs. The Sovereign State......p. 4 Going Public: A Unique Perspective ...........................p. 5 Liechtenstein: One of the World’s Oldest Offshore Centers...........................................................................p. 7 • Looking for a Low-Tax Retirement? ............................p. 9 • • • • • Belize—A New Tax-Free Program For Retirees .........p. 10 Feedback ......................................................................p. 11 Sovereign Snapshots ...................................................p. 13 The World of The Sovereign Society ..........................p. 15 Conference Calendar ..................................................p. 16 page 2 PRACTICAL PRIVACY STRATEGIES An All-in-One Cyber-Privacy Solution By Mark Nestmann f you’re worried about privacy on the Internet—and you should be—you may already be using the programs I’ve reviewed in TSI and in my special report Practical Privacy Strategies for Windows 95/98. These programs plug important gaps in Internet privacy, but none of them presents an integrated solution. I But unlike many Internet start-ups, there is substance behind ZNS. For instance, Ian Goldberg, ZNS’ chief scientist, is one of the world’s leading cryptographers. Goldberg is known for cracking “DES-40,” a widely used encryption protocol; breaking the Netscape e-commerce encryption system; and deciphering the GSM cellular phone encryption standard. A new program from Zero Knowledge Systems (ZKS) changes this status. Freedom 1.0, released in November 1999, uses high-grade encryption with key lengths of 128 to 2,048 bits to encrypt the contents of any Internet communication, including e-mail, chat room, Web browsing and newsgroups. It also encrypts data going in or out of your PC. Freedom 1.0 is available for a 30-day free trial at ZNS’ web site at http://www.zeroknowledge.com. Or you can purchase it for US$50. The trial version expires after 30 days and provides three online pseudonyms, or “NYMs,” as Freedom calls them. The commercial version gives you five NYMs. None of these capabilities are new. The Anonymizer, for instance, provides anonymous web surfing and re-mailing capability. PGP provides e-mail encryption capabilities. PGPNet protects communications in chat rooms and other point-to-point communications. SSH Tunnel and Terminal provides an encrypted data channel to and from your Internet Service Provider. (All of these products are discussed in Practical Privacy Strategies for Windows 95/98, available for free downloading in the members only section of http://www.sovereignsociety.com. A printed version is sold at http://www.sovereignsociety.com/bookstore.cfm.) Freedom 1.0 puts all these capabilities together in one easy-to-use package. It represents a significant advance in Internet privacy—although you’ll still need to use a program such as PGP to securely delete sensitive files you no longer need and to periodically “wipe” free disk space on your PC. And Freedom 1.0 won’t necessarily protect your computer against hacker tools such as Back Orifice 2000, Netbus and commercial software such as WhoWhatWhere and PCAnywhere that can give a system administrator—or a hacker—control over your computer. To avoid them, keep your anti-virus software up to date and be wary of opening any file sent to you by someone you don’t know. Or use firewall software such as BlackICE Defender. http://www.netice.com. A series of widely publicized Internet security breaches—several of them uncovered by ZKS—made Freedom 1.0 one of the most talked-about product releases in the brief history of the Internet. The company has already raised US$25 million in venture capital—an amount it claims is the most ever for a “privacy” product. While web sites can normally trace your travel on the Internet, when you log in using a NYM, your surfing is linked to nothing but a number, and ZNS claims that it keeps no records of who is using those numbers. This is a better approach than other companies—such as http://www.privada.com—in that no one holds information that can compromise your identity. With Freedom, your privacy isn’t dependent upon the assurance of a third-party that they aren’t maintaining identifying information or that they won’t disclose it. According to ZNS, the information simply doesn’t exist in any accessible form. Freedom 1.0 Encrypts Data From the Moment It Leaves Your Computer When you log on to the Internet with Freedom 1.0, messages or data is encrypted from your computer to the Freedom server that you designate. The encrypted data bounces from one server to another and eventually arrives at its intended destination. You control how many intermediaries are used. The more there are, the greater the security…but adding more intermediaries slows communications. I tested Freedom 1.0 on two systems—one running Windows 95, the other Windows 98, Second Edition. The software is not compatible with other operating systems. Nor will it work with America Online or PGPNet. In Windows 95, installation went smoothly and didn’t cause any hardware or software conflicts. You create a passphrase and one or more anonymous identities (NYMs). Then you create an encryption key, choose a Freedom server and log on to the Freedom web site for a tour of the system’s The Sovereign Individual is published monthly (12 times a year) for $250 per year (annual membership $295: $250 publication fees, $45 membership fee) by The Sovereign Society, 5 Catherine Street, Waterford, Ireland. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Sovereign Society, PO Box 1566, Newburgh, New York 12551-9979. For information about your membership in The Sovereign Society, contact Member Services at +353-51-844-068 or fax +353-51-304-561. Our email address is: sovereignsociety@compuserve.com. Editor: Mark Nestmann. Legal Counsel: Robert Bauman. Contributing Editor: Nicholas Pullen. Managing Director: Erika Nolan. Contact the editor through the Society or by e-mail at assetpro@nestmann.com. The PGP public key of The Sovereign Society is posted at http://keys.pgp..com:11371. Search for sovereignsociety@compuserve.com. The PGP public key of the editor is posted at http://pgpkeys.mit.edu:11371. Search for assetpro@nestmann.com. The Sovereign Individual may not be reproduced or place on any electronic medium without written permission of the Society. Other publications may reprint brief excerpts if the name, address and telephone number for the Society are listed. This publication does not render legal or other professional services or advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, please consult a competent professional. Your questions, comments and suggestions are welcome. ©The Sovereign Society, 2000. Chairman–John A Pugsley, US, BVI. Tax Advisor–Vernon Jacobs, CPA, US. Medical Advisor–Jonathan Wright, M.D., US. Board of Advisors • Mary Anne Aden, Costa Rica • Pamela Aden, Costa Rica • Douglas R. Casey, US • Michael Checkan, US • Jean-Maurice Clerc, Switzerland • James Dale Davidson, US • Richard Duke, J.D. • Stuart Goldsmith, UK • Ed Gunther, France, US • Julia Guth, US • Adrian Hartmann, Canada • Ron Holland, US • Hubert Jongen, Belgium • Vernon K. Jacobs, US • Rita Jongen, Belgium • Marshall Langer, UK, Barbados • Jurg Lattmann, Switzerland • Pierre Lemieux, Canada • David S. Lesperance, Canada • Leon Louw, So. Africa • Vince Miller, US • Brian O’Kane, Ireland Humberto Pacheco, Costa Rica Dr. Jose V. Pascar, Uruguay • Katherine Peddicord, Ireland • Jacob Rees-Mogg, UK • Lord William Rees-Mogg, UK • Norman Rentrop, Germany • Eric Roseman, Canada • Dr. Erich Stoeger, Austria • Jack Sturgis, Luxembourg • Frank Trotter III, US • Ben Vernazza, US • Robert Vrijhof, Switzerland • Peter Zipper, Austria page 3 PRACTICAL PRIVACY STRATEGIES features. You must also provide an e-mail address from a “POP” server (such as one you can obtain through the Anonymizer’s dial-up service at http://www.anonymizer.com). Freedom doesn’t work with web-based e-mail services such as Hotmail. It was a different story with Windows 98, Second Edition. I couldn’t finish the installation because, upon rebooting, I was informed that a system file had been corrupted. I rebooted step-by-step, skipped the Freedom 1.0 files, and got back to my desktop, only to find that I couldn’t connect to my Internet Service Provider. Fortunately, ZNS technical support was able to assist me in manually editing the Windows registry to completely uninstall the program. It turned out that the problem was on my end. I had merely disabled PGPNet when I installed Freedom 1.0. I should have completely uninstalled it—and when I did, Freedom 1.0 loaded and ran without further problems. offending address into Freedom 1.0, and any e-mail from that address will never reach your inbox. You can also automatically subscribe to the “Real Time Black Hole List,” a database of known spammers, to block e-mail from those addresses. Similar capabilities are present in Outlook 2000 and newer e-mail programs, but it’s nice that Freedom 1.0 includes them. The Freedom 1.0 “cookie jar” collects cookies and allows you to keep them or delete them. (Cookies are tiny bits of computer language exchanged between cooperating programs that help track web site visits and eventually build an online “profile” of your purchases, which web pages you visit, etc. This profile can be sold without your knowledge or consent.) Freedom 1.0 Works Seamlessly With Your Existing Browser and E-Mail All of these features worked well. But there was one important drawback: performance on my Pentium-133 Windows 95 system slowed markedly. The performance of my 400-MHz Windows 98 system didn’t suffer as much, but still was significantly slower than when running without Freedom 1.0. To load Freedom 1.0, you click on the icon the installation creates on your desktop and enter your passphrase. A small dialog box appears on your screen, which is present during your entire session. You then choose your NYM, log on through your Internet Service Provider and begin using the system. To send anonymous e-mail, you bring up your e-mail program, compose a new message and send it. Freedom 1.0 alerts you of an outgoing message, which NYM it is from and its intended recipient. If you don’t want your messages anonymized, don’t load Freedom 1.0 before you send them. Recommendation. Freedom 1.0 is an impressive debut. While there are kinks to be worked out as with any “1.0” software product, I am most impressed by its ease of use, that it uses published encryption algorithms and the forthright manner in which ZNS deals with claimed security vulnerabilities. For instance, while the source code for Freedom 1.0 isn’t itself published, the company has hired a world-class cryptographer—Bruce Schneier of Counterpane Systems (http://www.counterpane.com/cis.html) to audit it line by line for back doors or other weaknesses. Web surfing is even easier. You bring up your browser, type in a URL and Freedom 1.0 acts as an intermediary to avoid disclosing your identity from the web site. As with any technology, there is no question that the anonymizing features Freedom 1.0 uses could be employed by criminals just as it can by persons who simply want to reestablish control over their digital identities. I can’t imagine that the National Security Agency, British Intelligence or the IRS will view Freedom 1.0 very favorably. But ZNS has designed Freedom 1.0 in such a way that it can’t be employed for one very aggravating use—spam. The system will simply refuse to send excessive amounts of mail from any NYM. And anyone can go into the Freedom web site and shut down e-mail from a particular NYM so that it can’t be sent to their e-mail address. This limitation also makes it impossible to launch the kind of mass attacks that have recently shut down many commercial web sites. To surf newsgroups privately, you use Freedom’s own web-based newsreader, rather than the one in your browser. I never got this feature to work on my Windows 95 system— the web page Freedom 1.0 referred me to never finished loading in my browser. But it worked fine on my faster Windows 98 system. Freedom 1.0 also supports the popular IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol. To chat privately, you activate your NYM, and then log on to the IRC server. You will be automatically routed through the Freedom network, with the route used to the server hidden. If you use an e-mail address, make sure you use your NYM’s address to protect your real identity. A useful utility within Freedom 1.0 is Word Scan, which allows you to make a list of words that should not leave your computer—e.g., your real name, address or telephone number. When you activate Word Scan, Freedom 1.0 will scan for that data and warn you before sending any mail containing it. Word Scan works for text in web, IRC, e-mail and news connections. Products such as Freedom 1.0 demonstrate that there are market solutions to the loss of privacy that is often viewed as inevitably accompanying the transition to an “Internet economy.” There is no need for a government “privacy commission” or for new laws that prohibit companies from collecting certain types of information on the Internet. Particularly when some consumers are willing to disclose information about themselves in exchange for specific benefits (TSI 12/99) and when products such as Freedom 1.0 now exist that allow those who don’t to protect themselves. Freedom 1.0 can block unsolicited bulk e-mail (spam) before it even reaches your computer. Simply enter the For more information: Contact Zero Knowledge Systems at +1-514-286-2636 or http://www.zeroknowledge.com. page 4 THE CHAIRMAN’S CORNER The Sovereign Individual vs. The Sovereign State K iana and I have been somewhat out of touch with news and events in the United States for the past few months as we’ve been aboard our boat, Eris Island, in the outer cays of the Bahamas. Our days are so filled with hurricanes, boat maintenance, reading and sunsets that morning newspapers and nightly TV newscasts are distant memories. Not being subjected to the daily roar of the American media has dramatically reduced our level of anger at bureaucrats and politicians. We simply don’t hear regular reports of Big Brother’s assaults against individual liberties. For my own peace of mind, I shouldn’t have read James Bovard’s newest book, Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen (St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1999). His chilling catalog of horrors refreshed our memories, reminding us why we became committed to individual sovereignty. Bovard does a masterful job of chronicling the widening plague of abuse of American citizens by the bureaucrats, police and apparatchiks of the State. Of most interest, however, is his historical review of the way in which the definitions of liberty, sovereignty and rights have evolved. Bovard notes: “The concept of sovereignty may be the most dangerous Pandora’s box in the history of political thought.” The idea that government by its nature is “sovereign” and therefore should enjoy “sovereign immunity” from the laws that apply to citizens is woven throughout all of the great bodies of political philosophy. It is an ancient and seldom questioned presumption. One of the earliest exponents of state sovereignty was Thomas Aquinas. Writing in the 13th Century, Aquinas’ world was one where secular kings were beginning to usurp the “divine right” of the Catholic Church. Aquinas accepted the sovereignty of kings, but argued that they were subject to divine and natural law, as well as to the customs of the realm. In Aquinas’ view, the Roman maxim, “What pleases the prince has the force of law” was valid only if the prince’s command was reasonable. English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, writing in the 17th Century, took the concept of state sovereignty further. Hobbes maintained that in order to survive, the people must surrender their individual rights and submit to an absolute sovereign authorized to act on behalf of each of them. The king was presumed to act in the best interests of his subjects, subject only to the laws of God. The 18th-century Enlightenment discredited this concept of “divine right”—but shifted state sovereignty from the king to a ruling entity called “The People,” which was now to exercise supreme power—somewhat paradoxically—over itself. French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau was an exponent of this theory, arguing that subservience to the State was a moral obligation. Unfortunately, handing any person the cloak of sovereignty confers on that individual power over the property and actions of others. And power tends to corrupt, whether that person is a king, politician or a “disinterested” bureaucrat. Self-interest By John Pugsley overwhelms good intentions. When the mantle of sovereignty is accompanied by immunity from being held accountable for acts of aggression against other individuals, the outcome is preordained. Acting under the concept of sovereign immunity, politicians and their appointed agents are literally “above the law.” They can kill with near impunity. They can make contracts and break them without threat of paying restitution. They bluntly claim a prerogative to damage or destroy the property of private citizens without compensation, during searches for contraband, or in enforcing environmental edicts. Government officers at every level run amok over the lives of citizens, immune from the consequences of their aggression. As Thomas Paine wrote in his introduction to Common Sense, in 1776, “...a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom.” Surely, the concept of State sovereignty is a longstanding custom and rarely examined. But is it right? Bovard raises the ultimate question: “In the same way that every military invasion raises questions of national sovereignty, regulatory incursions by politicians and bureaucrats must raise questions about the sovereignty of individuals over their own lives. What pretexts justify government massively transgressing the borders of the individual’s own life?” None that I can see. If you and I were cast ashore on an uninhabited island, by what rationale could I assume sovereignty over your actions and property, or you over mine? If there were three of us, would any two of the group be justified in usurping sovereignty over the third under the rubric that it was for the good of the group? Whether it is two others or two hundred million others, I reject the idea that I should relinquish sovereignty over my own life for any reason, including the “greater good” as defined by majority vote. It is the blind acceptance of this specious argument that fuels the endless growth of government. I subscribe to H. L. Mencken’s view: “Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent.” This is directly attributable to the primitive belief that the State should be sovereign—and an affront to anyone seeking to become a sovereign individual. page 5 FINANCIAL STRATEGIES Going Public: A Unique Perspective By Eric Barnes President & General Manager, Capital Funds Group © 2000 - All World Rights Reserved What’s The Better Deal? A Modern Fable In 1999, your private company grosses US$1 million. Your Fairy Godmother will give your company US$10 million. You won’t have to repay the money. You’ll keep 100% equity in your company. Your alternative is to have Sponsor A take your company public. They’ll raise US$10 million in return for 43.2% of your stock. Your insiders will retain about 4.626 million shares (56.8%) of your company’s stock. In either case, you use the money wisely to build your company. In five years, you want to sell it. At that time, your company’s profit is US$3 million/year. Which offer should you have taken five years earlier to get the best price? The Fairy Godmother option leaves you with 100% ownership of your private company. It should sell for 1.5 times its annual profit (considered by most business brokers to be a very high estimate). Your golden parachute is worth US$4.5 million. The Sponsor A program assumes a public company merger in five years. Based on your company’s earnings, its stock should trade for over US$40/share. Your 4.626 million shares will be worth over US$184 million—more than 40 times as much as the Fairy Godmother option. The moral of this story is to take your company public. But…ALL PUBLIC OFFERINGS HAVE INHERENT RISK! This cannot be OVERSTATED. There are no guarantees. Anyone who offers them to you has something other than YOUR best interests in mind. If you’re not willing to assume some risk, do NOT engage in any public offering. Powerful Advantages of Going Public • Raising funds becomes easier. • Banks prefer public companies for financing and lines of credit. • You become a much more attractive acquisition target. • When it comes time to sell, your company is priced on its share value times the number of issued shares. This is far greater than the balance sheet value of a private company. • You will have more funds with which to expand your company. • You will have easier access to global markets. • You may gain considerable tax advantages if you are moving into worldwide manufacturing, sales and/or distribution. • You can use your stock like money to acquire assets and other companies. Drawbacks of Going Public • You will have to make regular official reports on the financial condition of your company. • There may be regulatory scrutiny. • You must answer to a group of strangers called “stockholders.” You must keep them informed of your activities, your victories and your defeats. Some of them will even call and bother you. • Proper record keeping becomes even more vital. The Five Methods Of Becoming a Public Company 1. Standard IPO method. This means beginning from scratch, hiring attorneys and accountants, finding market makers and an underwriter who might be interested. Then you do all the paperwork demanded by the Securities and Exchange Commission. You’ll wait anywhere from 18-24 months before acceptance into the market. You’ll spend up to a year doing “dog and pony shows” for prospective market makers and institutional investors. Your risk is that the market makers will not perform and that investors don’t buy your stock. If they don’t, your merchant bankers, underwriter and market makers may simply walk, leaving you holding an empty and very expensive bag. You will spend US$1,000,000 or more plus US$300,000 paid up front to an underwriter in non-refundable fees. And most IPOs leave the insiders with less than 50% ownership of their companies. You lose control. Market professionals often immediately sell your stock short. This can add 1020% more stock into the market that never profits your company! Your investor relations cost go up accordingly, though you have no benefit from it. The hard fact is that of small companies taking this route, less than 50% ever finish the IPO process. The odds of bucking the short selling are even lower. Over 98% of all companies that go public with an IPO fail within five years.2 2. Reverse merger. A public company buys your stock for restricted stock. You own over 50% of the issued stock for your company. The past management then sells their free trading stock as you make your best efforts to improve the share price of your public company. Stock support costs destroy your company as past management laughs all the way to the bank. 3. Shells. You can buy a publicly trading and reporting “shell” corporation. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you will likely buy a worthless shell. If you page 6 FINANCIAL STRATEGIES do know what you are doing, you will battle with the sellers to disclose the problems with the shell. The worst two problems are: (1) stock, warrants and options hidden by current insiders who will dump it into your market efforts to raise your price and (2) the potential for lawsuits due to the actions of past management for which you now become liable. As of December 1999, the cost of an over-the-counter trading shell is between US$400,000 and US$450,000. To this you must add the costs of proper “due diligence” (US$100,000) and the filing of the S-4 (US$150,000). Thus, the cost of a clean shell will exceed US$600,000. 4. Spinoffs. These are private companies spun off from companies that are already public. This shortens the process to 4-7 months and reduces cost. You also have a new company with no hidden secrets and no hidden shares. However, you may still find yourself dealing with excessive shares, short selling and other difficulties. You will still be relying on the acceptance of your stock in the general market. If your market makers won’t support your stock, you will again be left holding the bag. Nevertheless, in a world of difficult choices, spinoffs are the best method available for going public. 5. The Supported Spinoff™. This unique program, offered through Capital Funds Group, is notably different in that the consultant, the spinoff sponsor, the underwriter, the market makers, editorial writers and the investors are all delivered as one single working entity. The spinoff sponsor takes insider non-trading stock in your company as part of their fees. They have a vested interest in ensuring your success in the market. Nor does the underwriter require half the non-accountable expense as an up front fee in order to deliver funding. This results in an immediate saving of approximately US$300,000, more than the total cost of the Supported Spinoff™. Further, the underwriter’s own offshore investor pool can provide over US$10MM in an offshore private placement for your company. If you qualify for this program, your chances for success have now grown to over 80%, absent a total market meltdown. Current Fees As of August 1999, the Supported Spinoff™ Sponsor introduced a monthly payment plan that calls for an initial payment of US$15,000, then US$10,000 per month, with a cap of US$100,000 if you’re not yet approved for trading by the SEC. At the first funding of the company, there will be an additional US$150,000 due, for a total of US$250,000. Part of the fee is 150,000 shares of the client company’s “insider stock” that is pooled and vaulted along with the rest of the insider stock. There is also an underwriter’s fee of 8% deducted from the final amount raised. Fees may change. Contact Capital Funds Group to confirm current costs. If you are interested in becoming part of the our next funding cycle, schedule a formal meeting with the Supported Spinoff™ Sponsors in Sacramento, Cal. at your earliest convenience. You should be prepared to make a presentation to the sponsors of what you intend to do with the funding and satisfy them that your company meets their criteria. You should bring your attorney, accountant and any other advisors you deem necessary to this meeting. The underwriter will not be present unless your prior due diligence has brought you to the point of being prepared to sign the Letter of Intent and the Sponsoring agreement. You will have the opportunity to ask whatever questions you need answered to become comfortable with both the program and the Supported Spinoff™ Sponsors. This is critical. If you are taken into the program, you will be involved with these individuals for up to five years. Unless your company is successful, their stock, pooled with yours, will have no value. They want your success to happen. They will also have a seat on your Board of Directors for that period of time. After acceptance into the program, you will be given all the information necessary for you to conduct a complete due diligence effort. This will include resumes of all the principal players as well as lists of references. This will cover the Supported Spinoff™ Sponsors, their attorney, Capital Funds Group and a great deal of information on the underwriter. This meeting requires a non-refundable fee of US$950. The purpose of this, according to the underwriter, is to separate the real players from the shoppers. We also offer a service creating an IBC (International Business Company) for you. There are distinct advantages in having such a structure, both as an international business and as a place to hold your insider stock.3 Send an e-mail to IBC@capitalfundsgroup.com for a short article describing this program, its advantages to you and its costs. Contact me now with an executive summary of your business plan, a paragraph or two on how you would apply a US$10 million funding and your most recent financials. I look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your greatest goals. (About the author: Eric Barnes is President & General Manager of Capital Funds Group. Tel.: +1-510-547-3846. Fax: 1-510-450-0369. E-mail: pres@capitalfundsgroup.com. Internet: http://www.capitalfundsgroup.com. This is an abbreviated and edited version of a longer article. For the complete version, e-mail Article@capitalfundsgroup.com.) (Editor’s note: One of our members has suggested Canada as a lower-cost alternative to the United States when forming a public company. We’ll be exploring this and other options for offshore entrepreneurs to raise capital in upcoming issues.) page 7 ASSET HAVEN FOCUS Liechtenstein: One of the World’s Oldest Offshore Centers4 By Mark Nestmann t is said that bankers in Switzerland don’t talk…but that those in neighboring Liechtenstein have no tongues. The privacy laws in this tiny enclave are among the strictest in the world and the company laws, dating from 1926, among the most innovative. Nor do the court-tailored remedies devised by resultsoriented judges in common law countries burden Liechtenstein. An action such as the Mareva Injunction (which permits a court to order a worldwide asset freeze in advance of any judgment9) could not exist in Liechtenstein without an act of the legislative assembly. The Principality of Liechtenstein is also the only offshore financial center with laws developed to deal with the threat of confiscation by governments—a problem the House of Liechtenstein, the royal family whose prince is head of state— has dealt with for centuries. In a criminal inquiry, Liechtenstein provides legal assistance only for crimes that are also criminal offenses there (dual criminality). A Liechtenstein court reviews all such requests before assistance is rendered. Legal assistance is forbidden for tax and other “fiscal” offenses. This tiny alpine enclave, surrounded by Austria and Switzerland, has entered into a customs union with Switzerland and uses the Swiss franc as its currency. However, its legal system is separate from that of Switzerland. And by joining the European Economic Area in 1995, it gained most-favored trade status with the European Union, without sacrificing the potentially anonymous relationships its laws allow. Apart from the European Convention for Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (1959)10, Liechtenstein has ratified no Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs) and has only one tax treaty in effect (with Austria).11 But Liechtenstein has ratified the European Anti-Laundering Convention and defines laundering as dealing with the proceeds of “any serious crime.” I Unlike newer arrivals to the “offshore” world, Liechtenstein has a highly diversified industrial economy. Personal income averages about US$39,000/year, making Liechtenstein one of the world’s wealthiest countries. Liechtenstein’s prosperity makes it less susceptible to political pressure than less affluent offshore centers. In 1926, Liechtenstein ratified the “Law on Persons and Companies,” or “PGR” (the German acronym).5 This statute created several unique entities that allow near-absolute anonymity. They include the Anstalt (translation, “establishment”) and the Stiftung (“foundation”). The PGR also provides a statutory framework for the recognition of trusts, making Liechtenstein one of the only countries with a civil law background6 to do so. In 70 years, there have been only minor amendments to this law. These entities can provide significant asset protection to you and your beneficiaries. A creditor who disputes a transfer of property to a Liechtenstein structure must do so within 12 months before the granting of an enforcement order or the opening of bankruptcy proceedings. This period can be prolonged to five years if the creditor can demonstrate that the transfer was intended to defeat its claims. This can be extended another five years if the creditor notifies you in the initial fiveyear period, via a written pleading, of its intention to attack your structure. The extension begins on the date the writ is filed in Liechtenstein.7 This is a longer period than in some competing jurisdictions, but with the exception of certain judgments from Switzerland and Austria, Liechtenstein does not recognize civil judgments from other countries.8 All such matters must be relitigated in Liechtenstein courts, where punitive damages are not enforced. In contrast, most common law asset havens will honor foreign judgments. Always Use an Attorney The attorney-client privilege is perhaps stronger in Liechtenstein than anywhere else in the world. Anything you tell your attorney in his capacity as an attorney is subject to his duty to remain silent. Even a court may not overrule this obligation.12 Always initiate any contact in Liechtenstein through an attorney. However, most Liechtenstein banks and trust companies will discourage you from working directly with an attorney. But if you persevere, you will find a Liechtenstein attorney you can use to create an Anstalt or Stiftung. An Ideal Estate Planning Tool An Anstalt is a company formed by one or more persons or legal entities. It is legally separate from its founder. You can structure an Anstalt almost any way you want, free of the restrictions of the common law trust. But like a trust, the Anstalt may have beneficiaries. You can also configure the Anstalt to be taxed as a trust to comply with your domestic requirements.13 The Anstalt can provide virtual anonymity, limited liability and complete control (if you want it and can handle it). It permits current and successive beneficiaries (usually family members) to participate in a “dynasty” instrument of perpetual duration. Anonymity is achieved by always working through your attorney. While the Anstalt must be registered, your identity as founder need not be disclosed on registration documents. The person forming an Anstalt is the founder and possesses founder’s rights. The founder should be your attorney, who will execute a deed of assignment to you, customarily in bearer form. You become the holder of the founders’ rights. While this transfer can occur anonymously, it may be reportable and/or taxable in your own country. page 8 ASSET HAVEN FOCUS The Anstalt’s power can be used to its fullest potential only by a person who is not subject to the jurisdiction of a litigationcrazed country such as the United States. If you maintain significant control over the Anstalt and you are named in a judgment, a court may order you to repatriate assets conveyed to it—and hold you in contempt if you don’t. If you later expatriate, your attorney can revise the Anstalt to better exploit the possibilities under Liechtenstein law. However, if you have the power to amend the articles, a creditor could argue that you control it and that you should be ordered to repatriate its assets for the creditor’s benefit. An Anstalt that does not engage in commercial activities is the preferred structure. This avoids the requirement to submit audited financial statements to the Liechtenstein government each year to which commercially active Anstalts must adhere. It also makes it more likely that your domestic tax authorities will treat the Anstalt as a trust, not a company. This avoids the potential (in the United States) of double taxation. Your Liechtenstein attorney may create an entity owned by the Anstalt that conducts a business without affecting the commercial status of the Anstalt itself. A Flexible Family Foundation A Liechtenstein Stiftung or foundation is in concept similar to foundations used for centuries in civil law countries. These entities are not nearly so flexible as the Liechtenstein Stiftung. In recent years, Panama and other civil law countries have also passed foundation statutes. These laws, while possessing admirable asset protection features, are as yet untested.14 A Liechtenstein Stiftung is a fund endowed for a specific purpose or purposes. Like an Anstalt, it has an identity separate from its founders. Unlike a trust, the Stiftung may hold both legal and beneficial title to assets in its own name. (In a trust, a trustee has legal title to assets, while beneficiaries have beneficial title.) Yet the Stiftung can be configured to be treated as a trust by your domestic tax authorities.15 The Family Foundation, (Familienstiftung) which may not engage in commercial activities, is again the preferred structure. As with the Anstalt, it is not possible to own a Stiftung. However, the founder can influence its management to a much greater degree than a trust settlor. And unlike a trust, the members of the Foundation Council, the ruling body, can be changed without affecting the title to assets held by the Stiftung, under whatever circumstances are defined in the bylaws. In a trust, changing the trustee requires changing the legal ownership of the underlying assets. From a practical standpoint, this can be difficult. Your Liechtenstein attorney should be the only member of the Foundation Council. The Council is liable to the Stiftung for any negligent or reckless breach of its obligations. You may also appoint a protector (a familiar feature of common-law trusts) to supervise the Council. The founder may also be a beneficiary and also reserve certain rights, including the right to revoke, change or amend the Stiftung’s articles. The Stiftung can also protect the interests of your beneficiaries against creditors. Only the Stiftung’s assets are available to creditors in payment for its debts. A Stiftung begins its existence when entered into the Public Register. However, a Family Foundation only needs to deposit the foundation deed—which should contain only your attorney’s name—with the Public Register. Both your identity and the names of your beneficiaries may be kept secret. Again, as in the Anstalt the full power of this strategy can be exploited only if you expatriate. Retaining too many rights over the Stiftung may lessen its effectiveness as an asset protection vehicle.16 Foundation, Establishment—or Trust? Because the founder’s rights can be passed to succeeding generations in an Anstalt, this structure is more flexible than a Stiftung, in which the authority of a family over its wealth is shared with the Foundation Council, particularly after the founder’s death. The Anstalt is thus a more suitable dynastic vehicle. The Anstalt’s downside is that: (1) founder’s rights are economic rights and may constitute part of your taxable estate and (2) your heirs might not take proper precautions to responsibly use the immense powers that the bearer[s] of the founder’s rights wields. What about a Liechtenstein trust? While Liechtenstein is one of the few civil law jurisdictions to explicitly recognize a trust, the concept of a “trust” is not part of civil law and the legal results if challenged may be unpredictable. For this reason, using a common law jurisdiction for a trust may be preferred. Another consideration in any Liechtenstein structure is the concept of forced heirship. Under Liechtenstein law, your spouse and heirs have a right to a compulsory portion of your estate. However, Liechtenstein law allows a forced heirship challenge only if the law governing you or your country of residence permits it. This will rarely be a concern if you live in a common-law jurisdiction, but may be if you live in a civil-law country.17 For More Information A Liechtenstein legal firm that is willing to let members deal directly with an attorney is— Dr. Dr. Batliner & Partner Aeulestrasse 74/Postfach 86 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein Tel.: +423-236-0404 Fax: +423-236-0405 Contact: Iwan Ackermann or Martin Gstoehl (Editor’s Note: The Sovereign Society will be sponsoring a gala tour of European banking havens September 18-25, 2000 that will include a visit to Liechtenstein and an opportunity to meet with attorneys from the Batliner Group. For more information, contact Amberlee Huggins, World Financial Seminars, 105 W. Monument St., Baltimore, Md. 21201 U.S.A. Tel.: +1-410-223-2633. Fax: +1-410-223-2650. E-mail: AHuggins@agora-inc.com.) page 9 EXPAT LIVING Looking for a Low-Tax Retirement? Come to the “Switzerland of the Americas” By Nicholas Pullen and Robert Bauman and US$100 per dependant. I You must spend at least four months each year in Costa Rica. ID cards—carnets—must be renewed every two years. f you’re looking for a peaceful retirement haven with an ideal climate, first-class amenities, a moderate cost of living and low taxes, consider Costa Rica, the “Switzerland of the Americas.” For about US$1,000/mo., you can live a comfortable if modest lifestyle in a modern studio apartment with a swimming pool. Situated in Central America with Pacific and Caribbean Sea coastlines, Costa Rica has a long history of stable government (with the exception of a brief civil war in 1948). The official language is Spanish, but English is widely spoken, particularly in the larger cities and in the thriving expatriate community. Costa Rica’s tax legislation is based on the principle of territoriality. Residents are not liable for income tax on foreign income they receive, only income derived in Costa Rica. Nor do capital gains taxes or estate taxes exist. This makes Costa Rica an effective domicile to avoid estate taxes. One downside to Costa Rica is crime. According to an official U.S. State Department warning (Nov. 1999), most crimes are non-violent, but violence is increasing18. As in all countries, the best defense is to keep a low profile and to blend in with the locals. Residency Through Pension or Investments To qualify for residency as a pensionado (retired person with pension), you must demonstrate a minimum income of US$600 per month from a retirement plan or pension. You may combine you and your spouse’s pension income to achieve this threshold. This income must be permanent and be remitted to Costa Rica. All remitted pension income is exempt from income tax. However, imported motor vehicles are hit with a whopping duty of 100%, with household goods subject to duties of from 25 to 100%. To qualify for residency as a rentista (retired person with investment income), you must demonstrate a minimum income of US$1,000 per month from investments, such as a certificate of deposit or an annuity. Qualifying investment income is exempt from income tax. You must also provide written verification from a financial institution to Costa Rican authorities that sufficient funds are on deposit in a permanent account to provide the required minimum income for at least five years. You must re-qualify for rentista status every five years. Your spouse and any children under 18 qualify as dependants and may accompany you to Costa Rica. Pensionados and rentistas can claim spouses and children under 18 as dependents. Children between the ages of 18 and 25 who are attending school full-time are also classed as dependents. The cost to process residency applications is approximately US$700 per principal applicant, US$250 for spouse You and your dependents may not earn a salary in Costa Rica until you become permanent residents. However, you are permitted to own and operate an income-generating business, make investments and own real estate. Income from a Costa Rican source is subject to income tax at a flat 17% rate. You can apply for permanent residency after two years of pensionado or rentista status. (Citizens of Spain are exempt from this requirement.) Citizenship and passport is possible after you have been a permanent resident for seven years. There are companies that purport to sell “instant” Costa Rican citizenship based on “honorary consul” or similar status, but these generally rely for their existence upon corrupt contacts within the government. Avoid them. Permanent Residency Through Investment You can obtain immediate permanent residency in Costa Rica as an inversionista (investor) by making an investment in a government-approved program: • US$50,000 in an approved organization in the tourism or export industry. • US$100,000 in a reforestation project. • US$200,000 in any other type of business. For details of current approved opportunities, contact your Costa Rican consulate or the Costa Rica Tourist Board (address at end of column). Qualification under this category provides all the privileges of permanent residency, including the right to work or operate a business in Costa Rica. One current government approved investment program is the Forestales Alegria SA or “Melina Farm” reforestation project. By purchasing a parcel of land in the Melina Farm project you and your family can obtain immediate permanent residency. And you receive income from the sale of harvested trees free of Costa Rican taxes. The project consists of 70 one-hectare parcels. Fifty of these parcels are now for sale at US$115,000 each. This price includes administration costs, legal fees, and two years of management and care of your parcel by a licensed forestry engineer. Management is overseen by the Costa Rican Department of Reforestation. This program appears to be legitimate, but Costa Rica has a long history of investment and real estate scams perpetrated against foreign visitors. Title insurance is generally unavailable. Due to irregular enforcement of property rights, existence of unresolved expropriation claims, and squatter invasions, property protections are uncertain, particularly in rural areas. page 10 EXPAT LIVING Belize—A New Tax-Free Program For Retirees By Nicholas Pullen B elize offers an even lower cost of living than Costa Rica, albeit in a less-developed country. But Belize, while lacking some of Costa Rica’s amenities, is the only English-speaking country in Central America. It also offers lovely scenery, a tropical climate and some of the world’s most innovative laws to attract new residents and foreign capital. The Belize economic citizenship program has existed for several years. We have not recommended it because of some widely publicized scandals in it several years ago, although the program now seems to operate with less political interference. Belize also offers one of the world’s strongest “asset protection trust” laws and has enacted innovative legislation dealing with international business companies (IBCs) (see TSI 2/00). In 1998, Belize enacted legislation to establish itself as a retirement haven. The Retired Persons (Incentives) Act establishes the “Qualifying Retired Persons” (QRP) program. If you qualify, you are exempted from taxes on all your income earned from sources outside Belize. Further, remittances of this income are exempt from income tax. You will not be allowed to work in Belize or receive any income from a Belizean source. However, QRPs can operate a business in Belize. Income arising from activities and operations outside Belize—even if the business is being directed from Belize—is exempt from Belize tax. Only income to your business earned from Belize nationals is subject to income tax at a rate from 15%-45%. Import duties are also waived for a vehicle, personal effects and household goods brought into Belize by QRPs. The waiver also covers an airplane, boat or other means of transport. Additional vehicles can be imported duty-free at the rate of one every five years. (A similar waiver was once in effect in Costa Rica, but has now been discontinued.) No “Minimum Stay” Restrictions As a QRP, you are under no obligation to reside in Belize for any particular length of time each year. However, to continue to qualify as a QRP, you must maintain a year-round residence in Belize. To qualify, you must over the age of 45 and demonstrate the ability to make regular remittances of income into Belize to support yourself and your dependants (if any). Your spouse and dependents qualify along with you at no extra cost. Dependents are classified as children under 18 (23 if in school full-time). There are two options: (1) demonstrate an income of US$12,000 per year accrued from a pension or an annuity; or (2) demonstrate an income of US$24,000 per year from any other source outside Belize. The fees for the program are US$700 to join, an application fee of US$100 and a further US$100 for your ID card once your application has been approved. Belize—Downside Belize is a developing country and many amenities to which you may be accustomed are lacking, particularly outside Belize City, the capital. And even there, for instance, it is not possible to access U.S. bank accounts through automated teller machines (ATMs). You will need to obtain cash advances from local banks, during business hours, using your credit or debit card. Crime, including robbery and mugging, is also a problem, according to the U.S. State Department. Belize City has been the site of more reported incidents than other areas of the country. Keep valuables out of sight, avoid wearing jewelry, and travel in groups during daylight hours to minimize the risk of being targeted. (Editor’s Note: The Belize Country Kit features a book and video on retirement in Belize. For more information, call International Living at +353-51-304-558 or e-mail sovereignsociety@compuserve.com.) Resources and Contacts The following agencies are jointly responsible for administering the QRP program: The Belize Tourist Board, New Central Bank Building,, Level 2, Gabourel Lane, P.O. Box 325, Belize City, Belize, Tel.: +501 231913, Fax: +501 231943, E-mail: info@travelbelize.org The Ministry of Tourism, Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Belize, Tel.: +501 823393, Fax: +501 823815, E-mail: tourismdpt@btl.net An excellent source of information about Belize is http://www.belize.com. You can read an online newspaper containing information about current events there at http://www.belizetimes.com. And Belize Today is a magazine focusing on travel and life in Belize. http://www.turq.com/belizefirst. For more information on the pensionado, rentista or inversionista programs, contact the Costa Rican Tourism Board: Instituto Costarricenese de Turismo, Departmento de Rentistas, Apartado 777-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica, Toll-free from North America and Europe: +1-800-3436332. For further information on the Melina Farm program, see http://www.melina.co.cr. A law firm that can assist in all aspects of residency applications is: Tacsan & Umana, Tel.: +506 222 1835, Fax: +506 233 5804, E-mail: tacuma@sol.racsa.co.cr Another excellent resource is the Association of Residents of Costa Rica (ARCR). Contact: ARCR, P.O. Box 11911007, Centro Colon, San Jose, Costa Rica, Tel: +506 221 2053, Fax: +506 233 1152, E-mail: arcr@costarica.net, Internet: http://www.arcr.org Costa Rica information web site. http://www.infocostarica.com. The Costa Rica Forum is a useful place to get in touch with and receive information from existing foreign residents in Costa Rica. page 11 FEEDBACK An important benefit of membership in the Society is the opportunity to network with fellow members. We invite your feedback (anonymously, if you prefer) and any other information that you believe will benefit other members. The Society does not necessarily agree with nor endorse the views expressed herein. Send your feedback to: The Sovereign Society 5 Catherine Street Waterford, Ireland. Phone +353-51-844-068 Fax: +353-51-304-561 E-mail: sovereignsociety@compuserve.com Don’t Serve as the Protector of Your Offshore Trust Dear TSI, In reference to your recommendation that persons forming an offshore trust not serve as a trustee or protector of that trust (TSI 7/99):19 The situation you discuss is one in which the U.S. persons gave up the role of co-trustee (or protector) after they had been ordered by a court to repatriate the assets from their trust. These persons were then jailed for contempt of court until they ordered the foreign trustee to return the assets. But suppose they gave up being cotrustee or protector before the court ordered them to repatriate the assets or better yet, before the investigation started or lawsuit filed? Would the courts still hold them in contempt? Best regards, A U.S. member Mark Nestmann responds: I relayed your question to Richard Duke (http://www.assetlaw.com), an asset protection attorney and member of our Board of Advisors. Here’s what he told me— “If you resigned prior to investigations, then you may be okay. But to be safe, I tell my clients to completely “go offshore.” If they are afraid of doing this, then it shows that they want to retain control and therefore they should use domestic planning techniques only. The impossibility defense can only be alleged on a legal basis if the action (required by the court) is truly impossible. Removing a U. S. person as cotrustee or having that person resign will be classified by most U. S. courts as a charade. The same is going to be true of the appointment of a U. S. person as trust protector. “Most U. S. courts will conclude that U.S. trust protectors can remove the trustee and exercise other controls over the trust.” Richard Duke, Tax Attorney A U. S. settlor wants a U. S. trust protector for only one reason: to oversee the trustee. And even with narrow powers and negative powers, this resignation or removal of the U. S. trust protector is going to be classified as a charade by U. S. courts. Most U. S. courts will conclude that: 1) the U.S. trust protectors can remove the trustee and exercise other controls over the trust (according to foreign trust law and the trust instrument); and 2) the resignation or removal of the U. S. trust protector created the impossibility defense (too late!). This was the lesson of the Anderson decision (TSI 1/00). If the U. S. settlor is not going to give up real control to the trust assets (required for the trustee to be the legal owner in a trust relationship), then don’t go offshore. I am not saying that the foreign trustee, after resignation will return the assets—the foreign trustee won’t; it didn’t in the Anderson case). But the court will hold the settlor in contempt and place him in jail; and most settlors do not want to go to jail.” Can PGP be Broken? Dear TSI, I am a software engineer engaged in research and development efforts in cryptography and related areas. I am afraid I must take exception to recent articles on PGP that have described it as essentially unbreakable. This unfortunately is not true. Public key encryption algorithms, such as those used in PGP, are breakable, without using supercomputers, with standard PCs, and in (very) finite time—less than a day for a very powerful PC. It is also not true that the only way is brute force. It is true that specialized knowledge is needed and that this knowledge is not yet widespread, but it has been done. PGP is indeed “Pretty Good Privacy.” Unfortunately, it is not much more than that. The technology it uses is not stateof-the-art and is now more than a decade old. It is breakable. Not easily, but breakable. The major reason the U.S. Department of Justice dropped its case against Phil Zimmerman (who wrote PGP) was that it was no longer legally viable. The legal definition states that exportable encryption must be breakable by the NSA. PGP is. A member in Israel Mark Nestmann responds: We continue to get messages that “PGP is breakable.” Here are the facts: 1. Public key encryption programs such as PGP can be cracked, but according to the information we’ve received from cryptography experts, only with much shorter key lengths than we recommend. A public key encryption key called “RSA-129,” approximately equal in security to a 426-bit PGP key, was cracked in 1994. Five years later, another team of researchers broke “RSA-155,” approximately equal in security to a 512-bit PGP key. However, nothing was discovered during the course of the experiment to cause any other keys to become less secure.20 It is conceivable that in another five years, researchers may be able to break the equivalent of a 768-bit or even a 1,024-bit PGP key. But longer keys are page 12 FEEDBACK exponentially more difficult to break than short keys. One measure of the effort is how many millions of processing instructions per second, or “MIPS,” are required to do the job. The RSA-155 key was broken after about 8,000 MIPSyears. But a 1,024-bit PGP key would require 300 billion MIPS-years to crack. To break a 2,048-bit key would require a billion times more MIPS than a 1,024-bit key.21 But for safety sake, we recommend even longer key lengths: 4,096 bits, or the maximum length permitted by the current version of PGP. As far as PGP possibly containing “back doors” that make it easier to attack, I addressed that possibility— which most cryptographic experts consider remote—in TSI 7/99. The following statement from Phil Zimmermann may also put this issue to rest: “No version of PGP in which I have been personally involved has ever had any back doors or any other mechanism to intentionally weaken PGP. Phil Zimmermann, Creator of PGP “No version of PGP in which I have been personally involved has ever had any back doors or any other mechanism to intentionally weaken PGP. After all the hardship and legal persecution that I endured to bring PGP to the world, I find it surprising and offensive that anyone would think that I would quietly stand by and tolerate any compromise in the cryptographic integrity of PGP…Network Associates [the company that now owns PGP] has not shown the slightest interest in compromising the integrity of PGP. They recognize that it would not be in their business interests to do so. Anyone may download the source code for PGP from http://www.pgpi.org and examine it for any back doors.”22 Ultimate Secrecy, Revisited Dear TSI, I would like to follow up on Mark Nestmann’s reply to the anonymous letter entitled “Ultimate Bank Secrecy” published in TSI 1/00. I don’t necessarily endorse all the techniques I mention, but am simply pointing out alternatives. Mark mentions the Austrian Sparbuch and similar offerings available in Croatia, Lithuania, Zimbabwe and the Czech Republic as possibilities. They are, but to a very limited extent; they are NOT suitable for investment accounts. All of these are deposit accounts and with very few exceptions (the occasional incoming wire transfer is possible with some banks) require the physical presence of the passbook to deposit and withdraw funds. Disregarding the potential language problems in providing instructions for doing this, the locations of these countries make these accounts impractical for most people other than for “emergency” funds. Depending on your specific requirements, it IS still possible to open anonymous accounts with a number of banks or financial institutions located (generally) in the smaller Caribbean tax haven countries. However in view of the recent high-profile failures of a number of such banks, particularly in Antigua, care must be taken in selecting the home for your funds. Don’t expect the banks that offer such accounts to openly promote them. Judicious research and careful approach is needed to track down and get a response from suitable institutions, which can be difficult for a beginner to the offshore world. An easier method is to obtain an “ATM only” debit card, which, unlike credit or debit cards that can be used to make retail purchases, does NOT always require identification to obtain. But here we start to enter a “gray” area, since for such an account to be opened with 100% assurance of anonymity, a false name and mail drop address must be used to take delivery of the card. If there is no fraud intended, this is not necessarily illegal. You can set up the account to accept incoming funds via wire transfer (some accept Western Union Quick Pay transfers or even e-gold), but debits can generally occur only with the ATM card. Moving further into the “gray” area, it’s still relatively easy to find banks, both in the Caribbean and in the Baltic Republics, particularly those with a good Internet presence, that will open “no reference” accounts, although ID by way of a certified or notarized passport copy is almost universally required. Now, most banks are more concerned about accepting your money and covering their own backs against external audits than with 100% compliance of all rules and regulations, so as long as the documentation you send them looks authentic, you should have little problem. It’s relatively easy for anyone with a good scanner and image manipulation software to creatively modify virtually any document, even passports, so that the resulting copy is indistinguishable from a genuine original. A notary stamp presents little problem as does a mail drop address and you have a 100% “anonymous” account (or a 100% anonymous signatory to a corporate account) with full banking facilities and even the option of obtaining debit or secured credit cards. Of course, as Mark said in his own comments, “you also need to do some soul-searching” before committing to such means of obtaining untraceable accounts, but I feel that the availability of such options needs to be pointed out to those who have a genuine reason for wanting anonymity in the face of increasingly invasive and repressive authorities. With regards, An offshore reader Mark Nestmann responds: The techniques mentioned here are interesting from the perspective of achieving ultimate anonymity—if you really need it—but potentially violate a number of laws. For instance, while the act of obtaining a debit card in a false name may not be illegal, knowingly purchasing or manufacturing a fake government-issued ID with which to identify yourself to the bank is illegal in the United States and many other countries. Then, of course not reporting the existence of the account and/or income it generates also may violate the law. Be very careful. page 13 SOVEREIGN SNAPSHOTS By Mark Nestmann Caribbean/South America Marc Harris Organization salesman sued. The sole defendant is Kevin McNamee, former head of the Harris firm’s Costa Rica office. An elderly U.S. investor claims she is owed US$37,668 of a US$70,000 investment she made through the Costa Rican office in 1998. Source: Offshore Alert, 11/99. http://www.offshorebusiness.com. Comment: The Harris Organization recently lost a libel action in U.S. District Court against Offshore Alert publisher David Marchant (TSI 10/99). Antigua discuses “harmful tax competition” with OECD. While wanting to learn what measures the OECD plans to bring against “tax havens,” the Antiguan government is not acknowledging the OECD’s authority to oversee the tax regimes of other countries. Source: International Enforcement Law Reporter, 10/99. Comment: Sounds like the proper attitude to us. Europe U.K.: Avoid these tax mistakes. For instance, if you live in the United Kingdom and own U.S. shares in your own name, they may be subject to U.S. estate tax. To simplify matters, transfer your holdings into one or more offshore companies. Transfer the company’s ownership to an offshore trust of which you are a beneficiary. At your death, probate is a non-issue, since the trust is an independent legal entity. Source: Finance Confidential, 12/99. Tel.: +44171-447-4040. U.K.: Use “roll-up funds” for tax efficiency. U.K. residents can defer or eliminate tax by using offshore “roll-up” funds. These funds reinvest income and capital gains and thereby can accumulate tax-free until the shares are cashed in—perhaps when your tax rate falls or you are non-resident. Source: Tax Beater Report. Tel.: +44-171-447-4040. Action to take: Three fund managers that offer roll-up funds are Rothschild, tel.: +44-1481-719700; Guinness, tel.: +44-1481-712176; and Lloyd’s, +441481-704900. Germany’s war against private wealth. Police patrols, helicopters and roadblocks have been introduced to stop German citizens from trying to get cash into neighboring Luxembourg and away from Germany’s crippling taxes. Intercepted cash is instantly confiscated and the owner must go to court to answer charges of tax evasion. Source: Daily Mail, 9/12/99. Fax: +44-171-9374463. Pressure is mounting on Austria to abolish its anonymous Sparbuch, or passbook savings account. The Financial Action Task Force (http://www.oecd.org/fatf) has notified Austria that the Sparbuch is a violation of the Task Force’s “40 Recommendations” to combat money laundering. The European Commission is suing Austria in the European Court of Justice over the Sparbuch, claiming that its existence violates the Council of Europe Money Laundering Directive.23 Austria has announced it will abide by the decision of the ECJ. Source: International Enforcement Law Reporter 9/99. http://www.ielr.com. Comment: Several sources continue to sell Sparbuchs, but it seems clear that they will be abolished— and we thus do not recommend them. France: haven from forfeiture. Despite its many shortcomings as a haven for wealth (stifling taxes, burdensome regulation, haughty bureaucrats, etc.), the French courts will not honor any civil forfeiture order obtained in the absence of a human defendant. (Most civil forfeiture orders are against property, not persons.) Even a forfeiture order accompanying a criminal conviction will not be enforced unless such enforcement is authorized through a specific treaty ratified by France, such as the 1988 United Nations anti-drug convention. Source: International Enforcement Law Reporter, 10/99. http://www.ielr.com. North America U.S. declares war on foreign investors. On Dec. 3, 1999, President Clinton signed legislation that will allow the President to issue executive orders declaring foreign individuals “foreign narcotics kingpins” and have their U.S. assets instantly frozen.24 The act also applies to U.S. or foreign persons who merely provide “goods or services” to narcotics kingpins. Source: International Enforcement Law Reporter, 1/00. http://www.ielr.com. Comment: This new law is the most dangerous extension yet of the ill-conceived U.S. “War on Drugs.” You have no right to contest this designation. Attacks resume on U.S. expatriates. Proposed legislation would penalize anyone who gives up their U.S. citizenship and obtains significant tax benefits as a result. Future U.S. beneficiaries of “tax renouncers” would be subject to a 55% inheritance tax. Further, the government would have a much stronger hand in preventing tax renouncers from returning to the United States.25 Source: Marshall Langer. Fax: +44-20-74934299. Comment: Our Capitol Hill contacts say there is little chance for action on this proposal for now. U.S.: Privacy in the workplace. Employers can monitor employees’ email, Internet use and telephone conversations and conduct physical searches of desks and file cabinets (even if locked). Employees must be given notice of these policies. But employers may not rummage in an employee’s purse or briefcase.26 Source: New York Times, 12/16/99. http://www.nyt.com. You can hold foreign currencies and offshore investments in an Individual Retirement Account. While taking your IRA offshore doesn’t necessarily provide asset protection, there are major privacy and investment diversification advantages. Source: Information Line, 11/99. Contact: Asset Strategies International at 1-800-831-0007 for a free self-directed global retirement kit. The “fiscal offense” exception from extradition is narrower than commonly believed. There are 173 countries that will not honor a formal extradition request from the United States for “fiscal offenses,” which include tax evasion. But 121 of them will extradite tax exiles for other crimes, such as fraud. Filing an income tax return containing material misrepresentations can be construed as fraud and could thus serve as the legal basis for extradition. Source: Offshore Investment, 9/99 (last of a threepart series). http://www.offshoreinvestment.com. U.S.—no privilege. Attorneyclient privilege does not extend to tax returns prepared by lawyers, says a fed- page 14 SOVEREIGN SNAPSHOTS eral appeals court.27 Source Lawyers Weekly, USA, 12/27/99. http://www.lweekly.com. U.S.—huge jump in biggest jury verdicts. The ten biggest jury awards to individual plaintiffs approached an aggregate US$9 billion in 1999, nearly tripling from 1998. Source: http://www.overlawyered.com. Canada rejects national ID card. The proposed card raised serious privacy concerns, would cost up to C$3.6-billion and came with no guarantee of savings from reduced fraud. Source: National Post, 1/5/00. http://www.nationalpost.com Planning for the Canadian departure tax. Expatriating Canadian residents are deemed to have disposed of their assets at fair market value when they depart and to have reacquired those assets for the same amount after leaving. This “deemed disposition” results in a tax obligation. By using a Canadian resident trust to freeze assets, the departure tax is not triggered when a trust beneficiary leaves Canada. More aggressive strategies are appropriate when minor children are beneficiaries. Planning is also necessary to pay the security the law requires to guarantee payment of the tax. Source: Offshore Finance Canada 11-12/99. http://www.offshorefinancecanada.com. World Survey: China most corrupt country, Sweden the least. Transparency International’s annual survey ranks the world’s most corrupt countries as China, South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, Malaysia and Japan. The least corrupt: Sweden, Australia, Canada, Austria and Switzerland. Source: http://www.transparency.de. Idiot sightings. At the airport check-in, the ticket agent asked “Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?” I said, “If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?” He smiled and replied, “That’s why we ask.” Check Out Offshore due diligence directory posted. While warning notices are pub- lished regularly warning consumers of various offshore frauds and suspect companies, there is no centralized database that compiles them. Offshore Finance Canada has now compiled a list of these notices and published them at http://www.offshorefinancecanada.com/d uediligence.html. Caveat emptor. A network of live-aboard sailors. The Seven Seas Cruising Association is an information source for persons who want to “disconnect” from their home country and sail the world. Contact: Tel.: +1-954-463-2431. Fax: +1-954463-7183. If you truly need to disappear… check out http://www.bikershome.com/ ~nix/spycounterspy/home.html. One of the most complete web sites we’ve seen covering “on the edge”—if sometimes extreme—counter-surveillance techniques. Looking for a comprehensive source for economic statistics? Check out http://www.dismalscience.com.rtf. Cyberspace Company offering “digital gold” seeks investors. Start-up DigitalGold, Inc. is seeking US$11 million in venture capital to develop a 100%-gold-backed electronic currency with several improvements over e-gold (http://www.e-gold.com).28 E-gold is flawed because it is U.S.-based and the gold is kept in U.S. bank safety deposit boxes. And e-gold is not compatible with Visa and MasterCard. DigitalGold plans to incorporate in an offshore center and its gold will be maintained in secure non-U.S. depositories. It also plans to offer account-holders a VISA debit card. Contact: Digital Gold, Inc. Tel.: +1-540-789-7411. Fax: +1-540743-4439. E-mail: kgriff95@erols.com. Note: This information is not intended as a securities offering. Internet Service Providers not responsible for posting of libelous content or porn. The influential New York Court of Appeals has ruled that an ISP is merely a conduit for information and thus is no more responsible than a telephone company for defamatory statements made through it. And in Germany, a state court has overturned the 1998 conviction of the former head of CompuServe (Germany) for failing to block access to child pornography sites on the Internet. Sources: New York Law Journal, 12/3/99. http://www.nylj.com. National Law Journal, 11/29/99. http://www.nlj.com. Cable modems are a hacker’s best friend—protect yourself. With a cable modem, your computer is permanently connected to the Internet. Good news for hackers, but not for security. To protect yourself: 1) always enable passwords; 2) turn off “sharing” for your files and hard drives; 3) and follow the suggestions in Practical Privacy Strategies for Windows 95/98, available for free downloading in the members only section of http://www.sovereignsociety.com. A printed version is sold at http://www.sovereignsociety.com/bookstore.cfm. Offshore company online supermarket. Buy a previously formed (shelf) company from the Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Delaware (U.S.A.), Belize, Gibraltar, Mauritius, Nevis or the United Kingdom. Average cost: US$500. http://www.getco-offshore.com. Privacy Mobile phone encryption cracked by scientists. Two Israeli scientists say they have broken the encryption that protects 230 million GSM phones worldwide. They say they can break the code in less than a second. Source: Daily Telegraph 9/12/99. http:://www.dailytelegraph.co.uk What in the world is “REMOBS?” It stands for “remote observation” is used to monitor telephone connection quality. The equipment is supposed to switch over to the next conversation every minute or so…but the switching circuit can be disabled, resulting in a telephone tap. This is perfectly legal in most countries—although in some, a warrant may be required—and impossible to detect remotely. Source: Privacy & Security 2001, 9/99. http://rosseng.com. Comment: Don’t say anything on the telephone you don’t want your spouse, your worst enemy— or the taxman—to overhear. To make private telephone calls, use pay phones and follow the strategies discussed in TSI 3/99 and 9/99. page 15 Society to Begin Chapter Meetings The Sovereign Society will begin a series of chapter meetings in April. You’ll hear from Peter Zipper, Senior Vice President of Anglo-Irish Bank, and Bradley Barros, President of Global Financial Advisors Network, as well as Mark Nestmann, editor of TSI; and Erika Nolan, the Executive Director of the Society. These meetings will be held: • April 18, 2000—in Chicago at the Metropolitan Club in the Sears Tower • May 3, 2000—Los Angeles at the City Club at Bunker Hill • May 10, 2000—Ft. Lauderdale at the Tower Club A nominal fee will be charged. Please look for a detailed brochure in your mail in the next few weeks. To reserve your space today or for more information, contact—Steve Piffath, Member Services, at 1-888-358-8135 or via e-mail at stevep@sovereignsociety.com. Don’t Forget Your Free Member Networking Announcement An important benefit in The Sovereign Society is one free “Member Networking Announcement” for each year of your membership. Use your free announcement to advertise whatever product or service you can provide to fellow members…or seek out members with similar interests. And if you’d like to have your announcement Lifetime Membership Offer run more than once, you can do so for Extended a nominal fee. For details, contact our The response to the lifetime memMembership Office in Ireland via e-mail bership offer we announced in January at sovereignsociety@compuserve.com has been overwhelming…and by popuor at +353-51-844-068. lar demand we’ve extended it until Sovereign Society Moves to March 30, 2000. Larger Quarters Rapid growth at The Sovereign Society has led to a need for more office space. We have therefore moved down the street a few buildings to larger quarters in Waterford. Our new address is 5 Catherine Street, Waterford, Ireland. The fax and phone are the same. Tel.: +353-51-844-068. Fax: +353-51-304-561. New Contact Number for Second Passport Program Marshall Langer, one of the Society’s recommended advisors for our “Residency, Citizenship & Passport Program, has a new fax number for passport inquiries. You may contact him c/o Fiona Cloke, fax: +44-20-74934299. For more information on this program, please see the brochure in the members only section of The Sovereign Society web site. Don’t miss the latest offshore alerts or the current Society news. Please send your email address to us at sovereignsociety@compuserve.com and we’ll be sure to email you with the latest member updates between TSI issues. Become a lifetime member of The Sovereign Society by this date and you’ll receive expedited delivery of all of our publications sent for life …discounts to all of our conferences… and a free copy of our latest research report, The Cybercash Report—all for only US$795. This price increases after March 30, 2000. To take advantage of this offer, contact our Customer Service Office at +353-51-844-068; fax: +353-51-304561. In the United States, contact our representative office at 1-888-325-8125. Or send your check or money order to The Sovereign Society, 5 Catherine Street, Waterford Ireland. New From The Sovereign Society Bookstore The Cybercash Report, edited by Mark Nestmann. (Jan. 2000, 36 pgs. US$49). The Offshore Money Manual 2000, by Robert Bauman and David Melnik. (1999, 360 pp., US$99). You can purchase these titles at The Sovereign Society bookstore at http://www.sovereignsociety.com/bookstore.cfm. Member Networking Announcements If you’d like to introduce fellow members to a product or service that you offer or personally recommend, The Sovereign Society invites you to publish them in our “Member Networking Announcements” department. Your first listing is free. Send in yours today! The Society reserves the right to disqualify any listings it deems unsuitable and does not endorse any person or organization listed or their respective products, services or programs. In addition, the Society shall not be liable for any and all liability, including negligence, that may arise from a member’s use of the following advertisements. M C R MANAGEMENT CONSULTING DR. ROTTMANN Venture Capital Investments-Equity Financing-Mergers & Acquisitions Munich-Zurich-Paris-London-New York-Miami-Los Angeles-Hong Kong Member of International Society of Financiers D-80997 Munich, Germany, Tel.+49.89.8115600,Fax +49.89.8115648 MCR1@compuserve.com, www.cybermall2000.com/stores/management FREE INTERNATIONAL ASSET PROTECTION/PRIVACY CATALOG. From Mark Nestmann, editor, TSI, author, Privacy 2000 and Asset Protection 2000. USA/Canada: (800) 345-6665. Fax: + 1 (603)-357-2073. E-mail: pbs@top.monad.net. Internet: www.nestmann.com. FACTORING SERVICE. Services include collection of monthly payments and late fees, accounting, issuance of periodic account statements, payment forwarding, all contact with payers, including delinquency notices and direct calls for payment if needed. Fully insured to protect your security. Your debtors send contracted periodic payments to us; we post to individual accounts maintained in our system and make deposits to our trust account. Our fees range from 1% to 2% of unpaid principal contract balance per year, payable monthly or $25.00 US monthly, whichever is greater. We send our check to your designated payee with proceeds as soon as payer’s payment clears our bank. You receive a full statement of account activity monthly, annually, or at whatever frequency you require. Your privacy is assured. All inquiries answered promptly. Since 1990. Reply to: jsander@sovereignsociety.com. page 16 CONFERENCE CALENDAR Discover the Secrets of Offshore Wealth Building and Asset Protection Imagine that you could bring more than two dozen of the world’s leading authorities on offshore wealth building and asset protection into your home for four days of intensive briefings. Each could answer any question you might have in their own field of expertise—tax-advantaged offshore insurance products, offshore private banking, asset protection trusts—in reference to your individual situation. You might think that this level of investment counseling is only available to multi-millionaires. But it’s not. When you join us May 17-21 at The Sovereign Society’s Premier Offshore Advantage Seminar for four sun-drenched, tax-deductible days on Paradise Island, the Bahamas, not only will you hear from these experts, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with them privately to review your own personal offshore strategy. You’ll hear from attorneys Marshall Langer on second passports…Michael Checkan on moving assets in retirement plans offshore…Hywel Jones and Colin Bowen on tax-deferred offshore insurance policies…Michael Chatzky on offshore trusts…Eric Roseman on offshore mutual fund investing…and nearly two dozen other experts on privacy, offshore investing and offshore banking. You’ll also meet TSI editor Mark Nestmann and other members of The Sovereign Society staff and have the opportunity network with fellow attendees at our complimentary cocktail reception. But please understand, this seminar is not a convention or a mass meeting. Only by strictly limiting attendance can we insure that you’ll have the opportunity to fire questions at the speakers, socialize with them over cocktails or meet with them privately. Registration for this important event is only $US995. All events will be at the newly renovated Sheraton Grand Hotel. For more information or to register, please see the enclosed brochure, or contact: Michael Whetstine, World Financial Seminars, 105 W. Monument St., Baltimore, Md. 21201 U.S.A., Tel.: +1-410223-2645, Fax: +1-410-223-2650, E-mail: MWhetstine@agora-inc.com NOTES Each issue of The Sovereign Individual contains dozens of references for your further reading or investigation. You don’t need to read the notes to benefit from TSI, but we believe you’ll find them a valuable research tool. To learn more about the legal references and hyperlinks in the notes, please consult your welcome package. 1 2 See FEAR List, 4/8/99. http://www.fear.org. See http://www.inc.com/incmagazine/archives/02980561.html for a number of IPO horror stories. Well worth the read. 3 See TSI 2/00 for a comprehensive discussion of IBCs. 4 Mark Nestmann, Asset Protection 2000 (2d Ed.) discusses Liechtenstein as a financial haven in much greater detail. It also contains a list of Liechtenstein banks and attorneys. You can order it from The Sovereign Society bookstore. The table of contents and excerpts are posted at http://www.nestmann.com. 5 Liechtenstein Company Law (Liechtenstein Verlag), translated by Bryan Jeeves, is an English translation of selected portions of Liechtenstein company law, including the law relating to Establishments and Foundations. 6 “Civil law” refers to a legal tradition based on Roman Law and influenced by the rationalist school of philosophy. Each civil law jurisdiction stands on its own. There is no “common law” exported to other legal systems as in English Common Law. See Mark Nestmann, Asset Protection 2000, available from The Sovereign Society bookstore. 7 Andreas Batliner, “Liechtenstein Law on Contestation.” Memo to Clients, 10/95. 8 “The Principality of Liechtenstein in the European Economic Area (EEA)—Taking Stock and Looking Forward.” PA News, 11/99. 9 For background, see Gee and Andrews, Mareva Injunctions: Law and Practice (Longman Group U.K., 1987) 10 The European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters is the main international instrument in Western Europe for gathering evidence abroad. Cooperation is limited to judicial authorities and does not extend to police or other government officials. See Paul Gully-Hart, “Obtaining Evidence in the Civil Law System.” Published in Richard D. Atkins, Ed., The Alleged Transnational Criminal (International Bar Association, 1995) 11 Andreas Batliner, “Mutual Assistance by Liechtenstein in Criminal Matters.” Memo to Clients, Oct. 1997. 12 Andreas Batliner, “Professional Secrecy of Lawyers and Trustees, the Right to Refuse to Testify.” Trusts & Trustees. http://www.trusts-and-trustees.com/library/batliner-06-961.htm 13 For details, see Brian Jeeves, “Judicial Recognition of the Liechtenstein Anstalt and Stiftung in the Common Law World.” Offshore Investment, July-August 1998. 14 Speech of Andreas Limburg, Offshore Investment Second West Coast Convention, Oct. 29, 1998. 15 Jeeves, Offshore Investment. 16 The Internal Revenue Service recently released Private Letter Ruling 199935051 in which it treated a Stiftung as a corporation, not a trust. See Thomas Azzara, “Liechtenstein Foundations Attacked by IRS.” Tax Haven Reporter, 12/99. Tel.: +1-242-327-7359). This consequence, which led to a significantly higher tax liability, was most likely due to poor drafting of the Stiftung. If the Stiftung is designed to be taxed as a trust, the IRS will generally respect that designation. 17 David G. Forbes-Jaeger and Martin Gstoehl, “Liechtenstein Foundation and Anglo-Saxon Trust Compared.” Memo to Clients, 7/99. 18 http://travel.state.gov/travel_warnings.html. 19 For information on the role of the protector and other participants in an offshore trust, see Offshore Trusts: Your Key to Flexible Asset Protection, in the members only section of http://www.sovereignsociety.com. 20 For more information on these projects, see ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/math/rsa129/rsa129.ps.gz and “E-Commerce Encryption Now Vulnerable?” CNN Interactive, 8/30/99. http://cnn.com. 21 For more information on the effort required to break encryption keys of various lengths, see http://axion.physics.ubc.ca/pgp-attack.html. 22 http://www.pgp.com/phil 23 Council Directive of 10 June 1991 on Prevention of the Use of the Financial System for the Purpose of Money Laundering (91/308/EEC). http://freespace.virgin.net/old.whig/mondir.htm. 24 The Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (1999). H.R. 1555. Public Law No: 106120. Text at http://thomas.loc.gov. 25 H.R. 3099. http://thomas.loc.gov. 26 O’Connor vs. Ortega, 480 U.S. 709 (1987). http://www.findlaw.com. 27 United States vs. Frederick (#982644A, 7th. Cir., 1999). http://laws.findlaw.com/7th/982644A.html. 28 For background, see “Sovereign Society Now Transacts Business in E-Gold!” TSI 10/99. New Website Password The password for the members-only section of The Sovereign Society’s website at www.sovereignsociety.com is:
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