MCO OPEN ENROLLMENT IS MAY 3-28 You have options, make the best choice From now through May 28, Ohio employers have the opportunity to select a new Managed Care Organization (MCO) for their workers’ compensation team. This is the only chance you’ll have to change your MCO until May 2012! In the high-risk construction industry, workers’ comp premiums represent a huge cost of doing business. It’s critical that you select an MCO focused on the most important area of workers’ compensation – achieving quick, safe return to work that prevents your workplace injuries from becoming lost-time claims. The Builders Exchange of Central Ohio endorses CareWorks as the MCO of choice for your business. To choose CareWorks, complete the open enrollment form found on and fax it to 888/358-5319 by 5 p.m. on May 28. The Newsletter of The Builders Exchange of Central Ohio • May 11, 2010 Phone: 614/486-9521 • Fax: 614/486-7620 • Published Weekly by The Daily Reporter. Meet Get ready to tee it up on Thursday, June 17 THE 2010 RISING LEADERS Heather Cassady WHAT: 2010 BXF Construction Open WHEN: Thursday, June 17 • Check-in at assigned course from 7 to 8 a.m. • 8:30 a.m. shotgun start WHERE: 2 Courses to Choose From • Kinsale Golf and Fitness Club • Scioto Reserve Country Club 19th Hole: • Scioto Reserve Event Center • Doors open at 1 p.m. • Buffet lunch and awards to follow • Hundreds of dollars in prizes will be awarded Company: Turner Construction Co. Title: Lead Estimator/ Sustainability Manager Years in Construction Industry: 9 Rising Leader Comments: “The Rising Leaders Institute is an opportunity for me to enhance my leadership and management skills. The curriculum includes several business sessions which has and will continue to provide the knowledge I need to excel in my future career. The Rising Leaders Institute provides a networking opportunity with other individuals and experts to develop a better understanding of our industry.” The Rising Leaders Institute (RLI), supported by a grant from the Builders Exchange Foundation, is an intensive, 12-session program focused on building management skills and business knowledge of high potential individuals, and preparing them to serve as the future leaders of the construction industry. Participants in the Rising Leaders Institute are required to have a champion from their company, a manager who acts as their mentor throughout the program. Cassady’s mentor is Sondra Mokos, special projects division manager for Turner Construction Co. With a curriculum developed for the Builders Exchange by The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business, the sessions are taught by OSU faculty members. For more information and an application for the 2011 Rising Leaders Institute, contact Mary Logan So (ext. 236) or visit the BX website at COST: $695 per foursome which includes green fees, golf cart, skins game, continental breakfast and buffet lunch WHY: Don’t miss out on networking with industry professionals while impacting the future of your industry. Proceeds benefit the Builders Exchange Foundation which supports efforts in construction workforce development, industry image enhancement, expanded education opportunities and improved industry business practices. For more information or to register, contact Deb Murphy (ext. 233) or Pam Austin (ext. 222) at the Exchange or visit Sponsorship opportunities at the BXF Construction Open Hole Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$295 Refreshment Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . .$60 Hole sponsors receive: • first choice of course for play • game signage at sponsored hole • company recognition at “19th Hole” • promotion in the Exchange newsletter • special prize drawing • free raffle ticket for this year’s drawing • a tax deduction of $265 Refreshment sponsors receive: • company recognition at “19th Hole” • promotion in Exchange newsletter • special prize drawing • a tax deduction of $60 Thank you to our sponsors cart sponsor registration and dinner sponsor Turner recognizes outstanding team members at annual “Subcontractor of the Year” dinner BX 2011 PRODUCTS & SERVICES GUIDE How to accomplish more…for less What is your company doing to market its products and services? If your brand is struggling to compete in this economy, and you don’t have the time to delve into the multitude of advertising choices out there, trust the BX to give you prime visibility in your own Columbus construction market by advertising in the 2011 BX Products & Services Guide. The Guide concentrates your efforts on the key markets where you want to be seen. We distribute to 3,500 hand-picked area engineers, architects, building owners and managers, purchasing agents, contractors and suppliers. And the classified listings you choose receive double exposure through the printed directory and the searchable online directory on the BX website which averages 7,000 visits each month. Can’t find your ad packet? Contact Sanda Elkins (ext. 216) or Becky Covey (ext. 232) at the Exchange. They’ll review the many choices you have this year, and will help you select the ad package that best suits your company. Interested in display or online advertising? We’ll even help you design your company’s ad at no extra cost. Dan Jones, left, purchasing manager for the Columbus office of Turner Construction, presented awards to representatives of eight specialty contracting firms at Turner’s recent “Subcontractor of the Year” dinner. You CAN afford effective advertising: • • • • • • • • • Online advertising for less than $30 a month Up to 30 individual classified listings – $254 Three listings and three trade lines – $79 Highlighted text ad – $100 (your logo in a blue box within the classified listings) Value Package – $150 (three classified listings and one highlighted text ad) Quarter page display ad – $325 Third page display ad – $450 Half page display ad – $750 Full page display ad – $1,025 (includes 30 classified listings free) Put your trust in the BX and start getting RESULTS! It’s easy and affordable for your company to accomplish the targeted visibility it needs, at a price you CAN afford. But hurry - the deadline to secure your selections is Friday, May 28. Turner Construction Company recently held its traditional “Subcontractor of the Year” dinner to recognize team members for outstanding performance and success on Turner projects completed in 2009. At the annual event, Turner recognizes subcontractors who it believes have distinguished themselves by providing a level of service and expertise that exceeds their contractual obligations. “Recognizing our subcontractors for going above and beyond is our way of saying thank you,” said Kyle Rooney, vice president and general manager of Turner’s Columbus office. “Their exemplary performance adds value to the team and assists Turner in delivering our commitment of outstanding service to the client.” INTRODUCTION Is your company in drug-free compliance? You could be by May 19 The BX offers drug-free workplace training for your employees and supervisors to help you meet the yearly training requirements of the BWC drug-free workplace program (DFWP). By participating in these training sessions, employees receive consistent messages and facts about the risks and harms of drug and alcohol abuse, and managers and supervisors learn to observe and document changes in an employee’s job performance – and what to do about it. When asked to comment on whether they would recommend this program to others, here is what past attendees had to say: • “The content, and hearing the shared experiences of other classmates, made the course very informative.” • “My expectations of the class were met. The BX trainers put energy into the presentation, making an often dry subject matter fun.” The BX is next offering these two-hour training sessions on Wed., May 19, at the Exchange. Time: Employee Education 8 to 10 a.m. Cost: $35 for BX members, $50 for nonmembers Time: Supervisor Training 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost: $55 for BX members, $75 for nonmembers Class requirement: Students must submit a copy of their company’s DFWP policy prior to the start of the class. To register, contact Stacey Kruse (ext. 226) at the BX, or register online at Group rates and offsite training locations are also available. For more information, contact Michelle Kadisevskis (ext. 219) at the Exchange. TO Companies honored were: • • • • • • • • The Superior Group Lang Masonry Contractors, Inc. Teemok Construction, Inc. Vaughn Industries, LLC Mock Woodworking Company, LLC Anderson Aluminum Corporation Forum Manufacturing, Inc. Purdy Electric, Inc. Turner Construction Company is recognized as a leading general builder in the U.S., completing $8.2 billion of construction in 2009. Annually in central Ohio, the company builds more than $275 million of work-in-place construction. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS Develop your staff’s basic blueprint reading skills Blueprint reading is a fundamental skill, and it is important that your entire staff understand the basics. For field and office staff, developing their blueprint reading skills will boost their understanding of construction work and their ability to assist in project completion. In the BX course, Introduction to Construction Drawings, students will learn the basics from architect Chris Bendinelli (Maddox NBD, Inc.) and contractor Adam Drexel (Ruscilli Construction Co., Inc.). After completing the class, attendees will understand general terms in the design process, know where to M find information in a set of plans and be able to locate symbols and terms within blueprints and specifications. Attendees will receive an excellent introduction on how to read plans and specifications through lecture and hands-on work with commercial drawings. This class is set for Tuesday and Thursday, June 1 and 3 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Exchange. The cost is $159 for BX members and $259 for nonmembers. To register, contact Pam Austin (ext. 222) at the Exchange. eet the Instructors Chris Bendinelli (Maddox-NBD, Inc.) Chris Bendinelli is vice president and director of operations for Maddox-NBD, Inc. where he has worked since 1985. He has more than 30 years of experience in the industry and has worked in a variety of capacities including designer, project architect and project manager. Bendinelli earned a bachelor’s degree in architecture from The Ohio State University. Among his professional Chris affiliations, he is a member of the American Bendinelli Institute of Architects, is certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, served as a trustee for the Columbus Architecture Foundation and is actively involved as a member of the Builders Exchange. Adam Drexel (Ruscilli Construction Co., Inc.) Adam Drexel has been in the construction industry for 12 years, the last four as a senior project manager with Ruscilli Construction Co., Inc. Prior to joining Ruscilli, he worked for a general contractor and spent four years studying and working with various architects and engineers. He worked as an architecture instructor at the Bowling Green State University College of Technology, and Adam Drexel also served as the assistant project manager in the Office of Design & Construction at the university. Drexel has a bachelor’s degree in architecture and a master’s degree in construction management from Bowling Green State University. 14 TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2010 Any VIP’s coming to your website? You developed your company’s website to gain more qualified sales leads. But are you doing all you can to strongly drive those very important prospects to your site? You need a powerful partner to help link your targeted market to your web information. Get that power with an online display ad on the BX online directory, lead our quality commercial construction traffic to your homepage. Want proof that the BX website can enhance your internet presence? Our online directory received 4,416 visits during the month of April alone. AND, online display advertisers received 53% of these visits. 107 of our members have chosen to invest the $325 (less than $30 a month) in BX Online Advertising. All we need is your logo and your “go ahead”. We’ll design an online display ad that gives you the power to bring those very important prospects to your company’s website. Join these BX members who’ve chosen the BX online directory to draw quality traffic to their websites: • CareWorks Consultants, Inc. • Dynalectric Company of Ohio • Hanlin Rainaldi Construction Corp. • Martin Company, LLC • Mid-City Electric Co. • Momentum Fleet Management Group, Inc. • Paul Peterson Co. • PERMAFLOOR, INC. • RiskControl360° • Rocky Fork Co. We do the work – you reap the web traffic. Contact Becky Covey (ext. 232) or Sanda’ Elkins (ext. 216) at the Exchange today, and link your site with the BX. Get beyond the basics of fall protection Expand the safety knowledge of your field leaders and safety directors by attending Fall Arrest Systems, OSHA 3110. Designed for safety directors, superintendents, foremen, and other field supervisors, this course will assume a basic understanding of fall arrest systems while probing deeper into the issues that caused 969 fatalities in construction in 2008 (statistics courtesy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics). Course topics will include: • Conventional methods of fall protection • Warning lines, safety monitors, controlled access zones and fall protection plans • Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS) suspension • Arresting force engineering vs. improvised anchor connectors • Connecting means: snaphooks, carabiners, lanyards, shock absorbers and positioning devices • Vertical traveling systems: retractable lifelines, ladder devices and vertical lifelines • Pre-cast concrete erection and steel erection • Fall protection for residential construction • Basic rescue equipment and techniques The course runs Tuesday through Thursday, May 18, 19 and 20 at the BX. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., and the program is from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Instructed by Brian Basbagill, CSP (Safex), this course follows the curriculum outlined by the OSHA Training Institute. Upon successful completion, you earn a course completion certificate from the Great Lakes Regional OSHA Education Center. The cost is $725 per person, and bulk discounts are available. Attendees may also receive 2.5 OSHA continuing education units, 3.01 ABIH CM points in safety, and one external meeting credit for the safety council participation. For more information or to register, contact Kelly Purcell (ext. 223) or visit Builders Exchange of Central Ohio is an approved host OSHA training site through the University of Cincinnati and Great Lakes Regional OTI Training Center. BETTER LEVERAGE THROUGH THE BX/MOMENTUM FLEET PROGRAM Dramatic cost savings If your plans include a new vehicle, then join other BX members who have already contacted Momentum Fleet Management Group so you too can save thousands of dollars. One BX member, a fire protection company, saved over $4,000 on one vehicle last year! (Based on MSRP and what was actually paid.) Momentum negotiates directly with several manufacturers and pulls from its huge pool of available vehicles to obtain incredible prices. But no matter what manufacturer you’re seeking, or how specific your needs, Momentum can chase down the details. And they can do much more than search for the best price for you. The firm will handle financing new vehicles, selling your old ones and customizing your company trucks and vans. Whether you’re buying/leasing one vehicle or many, you’ll be part of the “Builders Exchange Fleet.” To take advantage of the partnership, contact Jack Pyros at Momentum, 877/973-5338, ext. 4085 or (Reference the BX participation code 07.) For more information, contact Michelle Kadisevskis (ext. 219) at the Exchange, or visit Check out this deal: 2010 Ford Super Duty F-250 F2A 2WD Reg. Cab 137” XL MSRP $25,875 BX Member Price As Low As $24,182 M embership WELCOME NEW BX MEMBERS — Sponsored by BX staff: — Mechanical Insulators Chris Hart (CEO) 83 S. Skidmore Dr., Columbus, OH 43215 Ph: 614/218-7109 Fax: 740/474-1585 Email: Mechanical contractor CCI BENEFIT SOLUTIONS How will Health Care Reform affect your business? President Obama signed the Affordable Health Care for America Act into law in March 2010. The legislation contains the most significant health care changes in decades, and the topics covered include: • • • • • • • Insurance market reforms Enhanced employer responsibility Health insurance exchanges Individual responsibility mandate Treatment of small businesses Information returns Additional Medicare tax SAFETY After nearly a year of intense debate, many employers are asking, “What happens next?” Most of the reforms will not be enacted until 2014; however, several changes will take place over the next few months. A Health Care Reform workshop will be held on Tues., May 18 from 9 to 10 a.m. at the BX. Staff from CCI Benefit Solutions will be on hand to share information and answer questions. There is no charge to attend, but reservations are required since space is limited. To register, contact Stacey Kruse (ext. 226) at the BX, or register online at BX Safety Training Use the BX as your safety training resource q INTRODUCTION TO ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, OSHA 7505 Thursday and Friday, May 27 Date: and 28 (Registration: 7:30 to 8 a.m., Program: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) Speaker: Ralph Oliveti, CSP (Safex) $475 per person Fee: Credits: 1.4 OSHA CEU 2.34 ABIH (Industrial Hygiene) CM points 1 external meeting credit for safety council firms Course completion certificate - Issued by the University of Cincinnati and Great Lakes Regional OTI Training Center q SAFETY COUNCIL OF GREATER COLUMBUS – SAFETY FOR PEDESTRIANS – OR – PRODUCTION VS. SAFETY Date: Wednesday, June 2 “The health care reform bill passed in March will fundamentally change how health insurance is delivered. All employers will be affected with this sweeping legislation.” — Scott Miller CCI Benefit Solutions BX General Education (Registration, networking and a hot breakfast: 7:30 a.m.; Program: 8 to 9:30 a.m.) Location: The Makoy Center, 5462 Center St., Hilliard, OH 43026 Speakers: Parr Peterson (Paul Peterson Co.) and Mitch Trucco (Trucco Construction Co., Inc.) Sponsor: Turner Construction Co. Free to SCGC members only Fee: $35 for nonmembers of the SCGC Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at the BX, 1175 Dublin Rd. Most courses offer OCILB credit, please call to verify. To register, call Kelly Purcell (ext. 223) at the BX. Bid List Plans and specifications for the following jobs out for bid are now available in the Builders Exchange/Dodge Plan Room for review by BX and Dodge members (*indicates an addendum). The plan room number is 614/486-6575. If calling to inquire about faxing a specific bid, please have the Dodge bin or table number available. A more extensive bid list may be found on the BX website. NDS, B#311 ** Champaign – Graham High School Roofing & Loose Furnishings (A) BP 17 – Roof Replacement (B) BP 18 – Classroom Furniture and Equipment (C) BP 19 – Office Furniture and Equipment (D) BP 20 – Specialty Furniture and Equipment (E) BP 21 – Alternate Furniture and Equipment (201000504349) Est. Cost: $914,000 (A) $510,000 (B) $239,201 (C) $25,367 (D) $10,349 (E) $97,867 (Owner: Graham Local Schools) MAY 11, 1PM B#242 * Franklin – Renovation of Rhodes Tower HVAC SA003550 (201000517865) Est. Cost: $210,000 (Owner: City of Columbus Dept of Finance/Const Mgmt) MAY 11, 1PM B#287 * Brown – Southern Hills Joint Vocational School Boiler Replacement (201000519393) Est. Cost: $500,000 (Owner: Southern Hills Joint Vocational School) MAY 11, 2PM CD * Hamilton – Old Chemistry Facade Restoration – Phase 2 09026C (A) University of Cincinnati (201000520962) Est. Cost: $300,000 (Owner: University of Cincinnati Purchasing Department) MAY 12, 10:30AM B#203 **** Greene – Water Treatment Plant Improvements (A) Contract A – GC & Mechanical (B) Contract B – Electrical (200900461411) Est. Cost: $750,000 - $1,000,000 (Owner: City of Fairborn) MAY 12, 11AM B#100 ** Champaign – Mechanicsburg Sanitary Sewer Cleaning & Televising (201000514658) Est. Cost: $130,000 (Owner: Village of Mechanicsburg) MAY 12, 11AM B#236 ** Ross – Selected Conservation Measures (201000477038) Est. Cost: $1,000,000 $2,000,000 (Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center) MAY 12, 2PM CD * Lucas – U of T UMC Nuclear Med Renovation Phase 2 5004101533 (201000524490) Est. Cost: $364,950 (Owner: University of Toledo Health Science Campus) MAY 13, 2PM SHELF B Franklin – Alkire Road/Bridge Reconstruction (West of Harrisburg Pike) PID76255 (200400783080) Est. Cost: $7,342,000 (Owner: Franklin County Board of Commissioners) MAY 13, 2PM CD ** Licking – Demolition of Horse and Paint Buildings AGR100004 (201000528605) Est. Cost: $52,000 (Owner: State of Ohio Dept of Admin Svcs Div of Gen Svcs) MAY 13, 2PM CD * Richland – Mansfield Correctional Institution Roof Replacement DRC060196 (201000526674) Est. Cost: $2,750,000 (Owner: State of Ohio Dept of Admin Svcs Div of Gen Svcs) MAY 13, 2PM B#271 Franklin – Columbus City Schools Security Upgrades (Group 1) 205 (A) Dominion Middle Skyworks Equipment Rental LLC Karla Hall (Sales) 152 Troutman Rd., Delaware, OH 43015 Ph: 740/369-5000 Fax: 740/369-5002 Email: Website: Equipment rental School (B) Ridgeview Middle School (C) Whetstone High School (D) West High School (201000530576) Est. Cost: $500,160 (Owner: Columbus City Schools) MAY 13, 2PM B#312 *** Franklin – High Voltage Switch & Cable Replacement Phase 1C OSU071598 (201000504628) Est. Cost: $2,852,003 (Owner: Ohio State University/ Facilities Planning & Dev) MAY 14, 11AM CD Delaware – Training and Community Center Off-Site Improvements (201000530493) Est. Cost: $728,000 - $849,333 (Owner: City of Delaware) MAY 18, 9AM B#306 Logan – The Homestead at Logan Acres Assisted Living Facility (200800740105) Est. Cost: $3,000,000 (Owner: Logan County Board of Commissioners) MAY 18, 12PM B#319 Belmont – Wastewater Treatment Plant (Renovation) 092 (200800882946) Est. Cost: $1,400,000 (Owner: Village of Shadyside) MAY 18, 1PM B#244 Belmont – Water & Sewer Distribution System 0901 (200800882893) Est. Cost: $2,000,000 (Owner: Village of Shadyside) MAY 18, 1PM B#313 Lucas – McKinley Elementary School (A) Bid Item 1 – Sitework (B) Bid Item 2 – Concrete Paving and Curbs (C) Bid Item 3 – Asphalt (D) Bid Item 4 – Landscaping and Grass (E) Bid Item 5 – General Trades (F) Bid Item 6 – Metal Studs and Drywall (G) Bid Item 7 – Acoustical Ceilings (H) Bid Item 8 – Painting (I) Bid Item 9 – Flooring (J) Bid Item 10 – Fire Protection (K) Bid Item 11 – Plumbing (L) Bid Item 12 – HVAC (M) Bid Item 13 – Electrical (N) Bid Item 14 – Technology (200800800830) Est. Cost: $7,849,658 (A) $478,067 (B) $162,008 (C) $151,754 (D) $56,100 (E) $3,360,879 (F) $315,622 (G) $61,968 (H) $55,802 (I) $139,000 (J) $91,200 (K) $341,000 (L) $1,348,800 (M) $777,500 (N) $509,958 (Owner: Toledo Public School District) MAY 18, 2PM CD Hamilton – Morgens Hall Partial Abatement (University of Cincinnati) 06040C (201000528437) Est. Cost: $106,469 (Owner: University of Cincinnati Purchasing Department) MAY 20, 2PM B#305 Lorain – WTP High Services Pump Station (200800708790) Est. Cost: $5,000,000 (Owner: City of Elyria Department of Engineering) MAY 25, 9AM B#218 Athens – Bromley Hall Renovations 2010 10052RS (A) Ohio University (200800816286) Est. Cost: $1,191,916 (Owner: Ohio University Planning & Implementation) *** BIDS JUST RECEIVED *** MAY 11, 12PM B#323 * Ottawa – Port Clinton High School (Renovations) 20808503 (201000407979) Est. Cost: $1,765,408 (Owner: Port Clinton City Schools) MAY 11, 1PM B#324 Clark – Center City Park Improvements (Phase I) (200900435574) Est. Cost: $500,000 - $2,000,000 (Owner: Community Improvements Corp of Springfield-Clark Co.) MAY 12, 12PM B#250 Franklin – 2010 Capital Improvements – Mechanical (RE-BID) (201000485427) Est. Cost: $290,000 (Owner: Worthington City School District) MAY 12, 2PM B#10 Ottawa – High EDUCATION Below is a list of upcoming BX education classes. For more information and a complete list of classes offered, visit q INTRODUCTION TO CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS * Blueprint reading is a fundamental skill crucial to the industry and it is important that your entire staff understand the basics. Through lecture and hands-on work with commercial drawings this introductory course instructed by an architect and a contractor provides members of your construction team, from office personnel to field employees, the fundamental knowledge of reading and understanding blueprints. Tuesday and Thursday, June 1 and 3 (Registration: Date: 4 p.m.; Program: 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. each night.) Instructors: Chris Bendinelli (Maddox NBD, Inc.) and Adam Drexel (Ruscilli Construction Co., Inc.) Fee: $159 for BX members, $259 for nonmembers * Denotes classes that are part of the BX Certified Superintendent Program curriculum. Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at the BX, 1175 Dublin Rd. Most courses offer OCILB credit, please call to verify. To register, call Pamela Austin (ext. 222) at the BX. School Gymnasium Re-Roof (201000536536) Est. Cost: $136,000 (Owner: Genoa Area Local School District) MAY 12, 2PM B#11 Greene – Valley & Shaw Elementary School Asbestos Abatement (A) BP 11 – Valley Elementary School (B) BP 12 – Shaw Elementary School (201000534247) Est. Cost: $371,300 (A) $196,400 (B) $174,900 (Owner: Beavercreek City School District) MAY 13, 1:30PM B#237 Franklin – Hendron Rd. Maintenance Facility Private Sanitary Sewer Pump (201000539070) Est. Cost: $60,000 (Owner: Franklin County Sanitary Engineering Department) MAY 13, 8:30PM B#325 Union – Kroger Store N399 (Within Wall Remodel) (Marysville OH) (200900736703) (Owner: Kroger Company) MAY 14, 10AM B#330 * Licking – Office Building & Clean Room (Shell Only) (201000438573) Est. Cost: $3,872,000 (Owner: HeathNewark-Licking County Port Authority) MAY 14, 12PM B#210 Lucas – Sylvania Area Family Services (Addition) 08059 (201000526274) Est. Cost: $647,000 (Owner: Sylvania Area Family Services) MAY 18, 9AM B#252 Portage – NEOUCOM Steam to Hot Water Conversion (Phase II) 0451043 (201000534792) Est. Cost: $1,135,000 (Owner: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine) MAY 18, 12PM DESK Wayne – Water Transmission Main Valve Replacement Project (201000539551) Est. Cost: $85,000 (Owner: City of Wooster Engineer) MAY 18, 3PM SHELF D Franklin – Columbus Traffic Signal System (Phase A) SA003565 (200700804142) Est. Cost: $7,500,000 - $7,800,000 (Owner: City of Columbus Pub Svc Dept Office of Support Services) MAY 19, 10AM B#223 Wood – Computer Room UpgradesGenerator UPSs OTC0100053 (A) College Hall Building Owens State Community College (201000534877) Est. Cost: $525,000 (Owner: Owens State Community College) MAY 20, 2PM B#217 ***** Shelby – Hardin-Houston Local Schools K-12 Building (REBID) (B) BP 02 – General Trades (C) BP 03 – Masonry (D) BP 04 – Kitchen Equipment (E) BP 05 – Fire Protection (F) BP 06 – Plumbing (G) BP 07 – HVAC (H) BP 08 – Electrical (I) BP 09 – Technology Cabling & Equipment (200200847539) Est. Cost: $18,900,000 (B) $7,344,000 (C) $2,795,000 (D) $358,000 (E) $416,800 (F) $808,000 (G) $2,040,300 (H) $1,510,400 (I) $1,600,000 (Owner: Hardin-Houston Local Schools) MAY 21, 2PM B#213 Summit – Tallmadge Church HVAC (Improvements) (201000538358) Est. Cost: $55,000 - $70,000 (Owner: Ohio Historical Society Facilities Office) MAY 25, 11AM B#243 Franklin – Site Remediation and Demolition (A) Bid A – 842 W. Goodale Blvd (B) Bid B – 851 W. Third Ave (201000538205) Est. Cost: $2,625,000 (A) $405,000 (B) $2,220,000 (Owner: City of Grandview Heights) MAY 26, 2:30PM B#248 * Athens – Ohio University Honor Tutorial College (Addition) 10053RS (201000538279) Est. Cost: $188,300 (Owner: Ohio University Procurement Services)
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