VENTRAX VIEWS E-MAGAZINE Issue 275 Vol. G6 April 2014 PP12812/10/2012(031058) FIND OUT WHERE YOUR TIME GOES PG.2 THINK YOU CAN GO WITHOUT SLEEP? THINK AGAIN PG.4 THE VALUE OF TIME PG.5 STRESS MANAGEMENT PG.7 A GOOD MANAGER SHOULD BE, FIRST AND FOREMOST, A GOOD HUMAN BEING PG.10 3 WAYS TO FEEL LIKE YOU’RE ON VACATION— EVERY DAY PG.14 PG.8 THIS MONTH’S TOPIC FOR “SELF DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR” “Learn The Skills On How To Balance Our Life – PG.8 Home, Health & Work” FIND OUT WHERE YOUR TIME GOES AM Dr VengaKalachulu You must find out where your time goes. You can do this by making an Activities Time analysis. This means that you should make a list of all your tasks, whether recurring or unique, and decide how much time you should devote to each. Also, decide when you should perform each task. Next, you should log your time everyday for a period of 2 weeks. Identify what you are doing at every 20 minutes time period. Keep a daily log of all your activities for these 2 weeks. Analyze these tasks and compile them to find out how much time you are spending on each activity. Some of the activities can be productive, however many, it will be time wasters. Learn why your time goes where it does. Answer the following questions to find out how you are currently managing your time. 1. In a typical day, how much of the time are you really using well? 2. What kind of interruptions do you have? How often do you receive these interruptions? 3. Did you attend any meetings today? If so, how many? Were they productive? Did you have to attend all the meetings? 2 Ventrax Views April 2014 | 4. When you arrived in the office in the morning, did you waste any time? If yes, how and how long? 5. Did you do any tasks which you need not have done? Or could you have delegated these tasks? Were there repetitive tasks? 6. Do you spend too much time at lunch or do you spend it productively? Can you shorten your lunch period? 7. Are you doing things that are part of someone else’s job? 8. When do you do most of your work – which part of the day? When do you find that you are most unproductive? 9. Are you using your traveling time effectively? 10.Do you manage to spend time for yourself? Is it sufficient? Treat time as a personal capital, and invest it in activities that can pay off handsomely. If you want to have time, never worry about how you are going to get time or whether you will keep it. Good fortune is a factor in financial success – it must always be coupled with effort and hard work. Effort and hard work is effective use of time. The 24 hours each day are yours to invest wisely or spend foolishly. Develop The Skills Of Being Organized [FOC] Effective Self Management Learn The Skills Of Managing People To Improve Profits [FOC] Self Mastery by Dr Venga Effective Self Management Make Workplace Fun For Employees [FOC] Effective Self Management Self Mastery by Dr Venga Learn The Skills On How To Balance Our Life Home, Health & Work [FOC] Effective Self Management Customer Service Excellence Effective Self Management Leadership Development Effective Self Management How To Be Positive Always? [FOC] Effective Self Management Customer Service Excellence Effective Self Management Effective Self Management How To Get Rid Of "I Will Do It Later"? [FOC] Effective Self Management Leadership Development Self Mastery by Dr Venga Effective Self Management How Do We Change Our Habits? [FOC] Effective Self Management t For booking and more information kindly call 03-8062 1133 or visit our website at t Approved training provider with PSMB t The above programs can also be conducted in house Jan 10 Jan 24 Feb 11 6pm-8pm 9am-5pm 6pm-8pm Bankers Club KL Ventrax Training Centre Bankers Club KL Feb 17 Feb 25 Mar 20 Mar 21 9am-5pm 9am-5pm 6pm-8pm 9am-5pm Bankers Club KL Ventrax Training Centre Bankers Club KL Ventrax Training Centre Apr 8 9am-5pm Bankers Club KL Apr 11 6pm-8pm Bankers Club KL Apr 29 May 15 & 16 May 27 June 16 & 17 9am-5pm 9am-5pm 9am-5pm 9am-5pm Ventrax Training Centre Ventrax Training Centre Ventrax Training Centre Ventrax Training Centre June 20 July 10 July 11 9am-5pm 6pm-8pm 9am-5pm Ventrax Training Centre Bankers Club KL Ventrax Training Centre Aug 13 & 14 Aug 26 Sep 22 Oct 10 9am-5pm 9am-5pm 9am-5pm 6pm-8pm Ventrax Training Centre Ventrax Training Centre Ventrax Training Centre Bankers Club KL Oct 13 9am-5pm Nov 13 & 14 9am-5pm Nov 9am-5pm Ventrax Training Centre Ventrax Training Centre Bankers Club KL Nov 26 Dec 9 Dec 15 Ventrax Training Centre Bankers Club KL Ventrax Training Centre 9am-5pm 6pm-8pm 9am-5pm Ventrax V entra Views April 2014 | 3 THINK YOU CAN GO WITHOUT SLEEP? THINK AGAIN We all know we should get more sleep. But if you think that the only downside to too little sleep is being a little tired at work the next day (which, obviously, can be remedied with coffee), then you might want to learn a bit more about how your body responds to a lack of zzz’s. In fact, there are a whole slew of other health issues that accompany a lack of sleep, from unhealthy cravings to an increased risk of stroke to higher anxiety. Read the infographic beside to get a sense of how little to no sleep impacts your body and then, if you’re part of the tired masses, check out some of our simple solutions and expert tricks for getting a little extra shut-eye. 4 Ventrax Views April 2014 | THE VALUE OF TIME Dr VengaKalachulu We are careless of recognizing that time is the only resource that is given free and we need to use it carefully. Always remember that how you manage your time, will spell the difference between success and failure, profit and loss, satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Another fault of human beings is that discipline, that is required very much for effective time management, is against human nature. In any country for example, the citizens are disciplined as they have laws to keep them in line. However, in time management, we do not have laws. The concept of time management assumes complete freedom to plan, choose and act according to our needs, likes and wants. Thinking that we have a time management problem and that enrolling in time management program will solve our problem, we look forward to participating in one. Most time management seminars are highly motivating and we walk away feeling all geared up to charge into life. However, after a few days, as discipline disappears, we go back to our old habits and end up in the rut again, leaving our expensive notebooks and diaries in our drawers. Then we end up saying that we do not have time to manage time. Remember readers, there are no quick push button answers to improve in time management. But as a person who never went to school says, “I have no option but to use my mind”, we too will need to digest the material in this book and implement it according to our needs, according to our lifestyle and according to our ability. Most people acquire knowledge and they understand the need for them to use time better. They have the intention to be more organized. They start off enthusiastically. Get people to give you some “space” to change your habits. Ventrax Views April 2014 | 5 To find out more about your own personal balance: Take the Work/Life Balance Quiz Disclaimer This is not a scientific test. Information provided is not a substitute for professional advice. If you feel that you may need advice, please consult a qualified health care professional. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I feel like I have little or no control over my work life I regularly enjoy hobbies or interests outside of work I often feel guilty because I can’t make time for everything I want to I frequently feel anxious or upset because of what is happening at work I usually have enough time to spend with my loved ones When I’m at home, I feel relaxed and comfortable I have time to do something just for me every week On most days, I feel overwhelmed and over-committed I rarely lose my temper at work I never use all my allotted vacation days I often feel exhausted – even early in the week Usually, I work through my lunch break I rarely miss out on important family events because of work I frequently think about work when I’m not working My family is frequently upset with me about how much time I spend working Agree Disagree 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 What Your Score Means 0 – 5 : Your life is out of balance – you need to make significant changes to find your equilibrium. But you can take control! 6 – 10 : You’re keeping things under control – but only barely. Now is the time to take action before you’re knocked off balance. 11 – 15 : You’re on the right track! You’ve been able to achieve work/life balance – now, make sure you protect it. 6 Ventrax Views April 2014 | STRESS MANAGEMENT Scheduling is key. Try to thrive on having a fully fleshed-out, full, comprehensive schedule. Try out the use a physical calendar for everything work & non-work related. Include everything, from social events and meet ups to workouts and meal planning. Having the week and month clearly planned out helps me manage stress more effectively. Effective Communication Another important aspect of your work/life balance is communication. Ensuring you communicate well with both those at work and those in your personal life is crucial. Be clear about how you need to balance your responsibilities with people at work. If you need to head out early, let your coworkers know as soon as you can. You don’t have to share everything in your personal life at work (and probably shouldn’t), but being considerate and giving basic explanations and notice goes a long way. There’s nothing wrong with having rules about work (no company related work on Saturdays or notto-be-missed family dinner on Wednesday, for example), but make sure your coworkers know. at my athletic activities know sometimes I have to miss when work is extra busy. As long as I communicate my plans, no one gets upset. It can be hard to make time for or have to say no to those on both sides, professional and personal. Honing your communication skills can help. Striking the Right Balance It may take you some time to get the right balance between your personal and professional lives, but with a plan you can find the sweet spot. Manage your stress through scheduling and organization, and communicate your plan and how you balance your responsibilities with your coworkers and family/friends. What are your best strategies for balancing your work and home lives? The same goes for those in your personal life. Let them know when you’re working late and can’t make happy hour or need someone else to run an errand that week. Hopefully your friends and family respect your work time and recognize that those obligations will take up large chunks of your day. I have run club on Tuesday and Wednesday nights and yoga on Friday; my coworkers know I have to leave at a certain time to make these activities, and my friends Ventrax Views April 2014 | 7 SELF DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR S Apr 2014 DATE: 11 APRIL 2014 TIME: 6.00PM - 8.00PM VENUE: BANKER’S CLUB KELULI ROOM (LEVEL 21), BANKERS CLUB (AMODA), JALAN IMBI, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA L Learn The Skills On How To BBalance Our Life – Home, Health & Work Having a balance between home, health and work can be a challenge. With this challenge come great rewards when it is done successfully. By balancing a career with home life it will provide benefits in each environment. You will become healthier, mentally and physically, and you will be able to produce more career wise. With a Work-Life Balance, you will be managing your time better. Better time management will benefit all aspects of life; you will be working less and producing more. Find out more at our Self Development Seminar in April 2014 PLEASE CALL 03-8062 1133 OR EMAIL US AT SALES@VENTRAX.COM.MY TO BOOK YOUR SEAT. TIME MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP T T Time Management Workshop is specially designed to help The yyou understand and use the planner. The better you organise yyour time with your planner, the better you can use your time ffor attaining your personal and organizational goals. You’re most welcome to bring along your friends and colleagues. TIME MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP AT VENTRAX OFFICE. PLEASE CALL 03-8062 1133 TO BOOK YOUR SEAT. “PEOPLE WHO VIOLATE YOUR BOUNDARIES ARE THIEVES. THEY STEAL TIME THAT DOESN’T BELONG TO THEM.” - ELIZABETH GRACE SAUNDERS 8 Ventrax Views April 2014 | Go to to download replays from the show Ventrax Views April 2014 | 6V entrax Views October 2013 | 9 A GOOD MANAGER SHOULD BE, FIRST AND FOREMOST, A GOOD HUMAN BEING But a good manager should be, first and foremost, a good human being. Just as managing your career well means allocating your time wisely among the different projects and people you oversee, managing your life wisely means giving due time not just to work but to family, friends, community, self, and spirit. You wouldn’t think of spending most of your work day talking with one client on the phone. Why, then, is it OK to devote so much time to your job when you don’t give non-work-related things the attention they deserve? Ethics isn’t just about how you treat others. It’s also about how you treat yourself-at work and beyond. You’re not being fair to others and yourself if you haven’t had a vacation in a long time, or if you force yourself to work when you’ve got the flu. You’re also not being fair to others and yourself if you spend so much time being a good manager that you’re not able to be a good parent, spouse, or friend. And let’s face it: You can’t do your job to the best of your ability if you’re thoroughly exhausted, and that’s not fair to your co-workers or your employer. But working to the exclusion of all else isn’t just unfair (and thus unethical). It’s also tragic, because the time you spend away from the other meaningful relationships in your life is time you can never get back. 10 Ventrax Views April 2014 | Popular Excuses for Working Too Much Let’s now look at some of the common excuses people give for working so much and how to get beyond them. . “I want to make sure I keep my job.” Of course it’s important to remain an employee in good standing. But you shouldn’t assume that there is a direct correlation with the number of hours you work and the likelihood that you’ll hold onto your job. Downsizing is largely a function of economics rather than of job performance; companies are letting people go to cut their losses and hit budget targets. (And yes, letting go of good employees raises other ethical issues, but that deserves its own column.) Working 12-hour days 6 or 7 days a week isn’t going to guard against getting downsized. In fact, it could even backfire. You might look like someone who can’t manage his or her time or isn’t up to the responsibilities of the job. And if you work without any letup, you will reach the point of diminishing returns. This isn’t a time to be less than a stellar employee, but working overtime won’t get you there. “I need to work more to make what I did last year.” Many of the recently downsized are taking lower-paying jobs because that’s all that is available. Some are even taking second jobs and still not making what they did a year ago. But how important is it now to live in the manner to which you have become accustomed? It’s one thing to have to work 70 hours a week just to put food on the table and pay the rent or mortgage. It’s another to work so much to be able to afford lavish trips, expensive clothes, or a certain lifestyle. Instead of working longer, couldn’t you shift your priorities so that you’re able to spend more time with family and friends, exercise more often, or even just read some of those books you’ve been thinking about? “I have a demanding job.” Gone are the days when leaving your office meant leaving work behind. Many of us choose to use our BlackBerrys, iPhones, laptops, and social networking sites to remain constantly available to our bosses, clients, and colleagues, but this can get out of control. It’s flattering to believe that you’re indispensable to your company, and that only you can do the work you spend so much time doing. This is rarely true, however painful that may be to accept. Be honest with yourself: Are you spending so much time on the job because you must, or because of habit, ego, or some other reason? We owe it to ourselves and the people we care about (and who care about us) to work smarter, not harder. “I just love to work.” It’s a blessing to be able to say this, but all passions should have limits. A fully human life is a life in balance, and that means giving due time to all of the things that enrich us, fulfill us, and make our lives worth living. When Freud said that work and love were essential components of a happy life, he didn’t mean that these were one and the same thing. There is a time to work and a time to leave work behind. The good manager leaves time to do both. Ventrax Views April 2014 | 11 MODULE 1 - THE MYTHS OF LEADING FROM THE MIDDLE OF AN ORGANISATION MODULE 5 - INGREDIENTS TO HAVE A RIGHT MENTAL ATTITUDE t 5IF1PTJUJPO.ZUIo“I can’t lead if I am not at the top” t 5IF%FTUJOBUJPO.ZUIo“When I get to the top, then I’ll learn to lead” t 5IF*OøVFODF.ZUIo “If I were on top, then people would follow me” t 5IF*OFYQFSJFODF.ZUIo“When I get to the top, I’ll be in control” t 5IF'SFFEPN.ZUIo “When I get to the top, I’ll no longer be limited” t 5IF1PUFOUJBM.ZUIo“I can’t reach my potential if I’m not the top leader” t 5IF"MMPS/PUIJOH.ZUIo“If I can’t get to the top, then I won’t try to lead” t 5IFSPMFUIFCSBJOQMBZTPOZPVSEBJMZQSPEVDUJWJUZ t *OHSFEJFOUTUPBSJHIUNFOUBMBUUJUVEF t )PXBSFBUUJUVEFTEFWFMPQFE 8IBUJTi.FOUBM4FUw MODULE 2 – INFLUENCE t *OTJHIUBCPVUJOøVFODF t 5IF'JWF-FWFMTPG-FBEFSTIJQ t $PODMVTJPOTPGJOøVFODF t #FOFöUTPG4FMG$POöEFODF t 3FBTPOTXIZQFPQMFNBZMBDLDPOöEFODF t $SFEJCJMJUZ&TTFOUJBMJOHFUUJOHPUIFSTUPIBWF DPOöEFODFJOZPV MODULE 3 – PRIORITIES MODULE 8 – ATTITUDE t 5IF1BSFUP1SJODJQMF t $IPPTFPS-PTF t 1SJPSJUZ1SJODJQMFT t 3VMFTBOEQSJODJQMFTPGEFMFHBUJPO t 5IFNPTUJNQPSUBOUBTTFUT t )PXUPDIBOHFZPVSBUUJUVEF t 8IZEPXFDPNNVOJDBUF t 5SBQTUPFòFDUJWFDPNNVOJDBUJPO t )PXUPDPNNVOJDBUFFòFDUJWFMZBUXPSL t 'SFRVFOUNJTUBLFTNBEFXIJMTUDPNNVOJDBUJOH MODULE 7 – DEVELOPING CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF AND YOUR ABILITY PROGRAM OBJECTIVES MODULE 4 - CREATING POSITIVE CHANGE t 1SPöMFPGBMFBEFSJOUSPVCMF t 8IZQFPQMFSFTJTUDIBOHF t "DIFDLMJTUGPSDIBOHF t $IBOHFXJMMIBQQFO Course Fee : RM 1,500.00 $PVSTFGFFJODMVEFTUFBCSFBLT NPSOJOHBOEBGUFSOPPO MVODI DPVSTFNBUFSJBMBOEDFSUJöDBUFPG BUUFOEBODF MODULE 6 – COMMUNICATION AND LISTENING SKILLS t 5P%JTUJOHVJTI5IF%JòFSFODF#FUXFFO-FBEJOHBOE .BOBHJOHBOE,OPX8IFO&BDIJT/FDFTTBSZ t 5P6OEFSTUBOE8IBU*U5BLFT5P#F"5PQ1FSGPSNJOH -FBEFSBOE)PX5P#FDPNF0OF t 5P"MJHO1SJPSJUJFT8JUI0SHBOJTBUJPOT.JTTJPO t )PXUP%FBMXJUI'BDUPST5IBU)BWFBO*NQBDUPO 5FBN$MJNBUF*OEJWJEVBM.PUJWBUJPOBOE 0SHBOJTBUJPOBM1FSGPSNBODF Venue, Date and Time +VOF.POEBZ5VFTEBZ BNQN 7FOUSBY5SBJOJOH$FOUSF1VDIPOH 4FMBOHPS Group Discount (SPVQPGPSNPSFQBSUJDJQBOUTGSPN UIFTBNFDPNQBOZXJMMFOKPZB EJTDPVOUPOUIFBQQMJDBCMFGFF HRDF SBL CLAIMABLE Ventrax Management Sdn Bhd +BMBO511 5BNBO1FSJOEVTUSJBO1VDIPOH4FLTZFO Ventrax Views April 2014 | 12 1VDIPOH4FMBOHPS%BSVM&ITBO 5FM'BY VENTRAX Time Management with Dr. Venga I want to demonstrate that we can get more out of our time. The secret of doing this, I believe, lies not in our brain power. We have enough, we simply need to look at what we are currently doing and think about what we see. The key ingredient is to have the courage, determination and discipline to change. Change the way you think; change the way you see; change the way you take action! If you can better organize what you have to do, I believe that you will all enjoy a better quality of life sooner than you know it. Ventrax Views April 2014 | 13 3 WAYS TO FEEL LIKE YOU’RE ON VACATION—EVERY DAY Wallow not! There are plenty of (researchbacked) ways to bring home the sunshine— without the sand. (And unlike that dream vacation, they won’t cost a penny.) Here’s how. 1. Go Green When you think about your last vacation, you might picture a seaside, a mountaintop,—not the inside of a hotel room. 14 Ventrax Views April 2014 | There’s a reason why we want to be outside on vacation—being surrounded by nature has physical and mental benefits. In one study, for example, researchers found that people who moved to cities with more green spaces enjoyed an immediate boost in mental health that lasted three years. People who moved to urban areas with fewer parks and gardens, on the other hand, suffered a decline in mental health. That was the case regardless of income, employment, education, and personality. The great outdoors might even have healing power. One study found hospital patients in a room with a view of a natural setting recovered faster from surgery and took fewer painkillers than those whose windows faced a brick wall. The great outdoors might even have healing power. One study found hospital patients in a room with a view of a natural setting recovered faster from surgery and took fewer painkillers than those whose windows faced a brick wall. But you don’t have to move cities or carve out a window to reap the benefits of the environment. Instead, take the running path that goes through the park instead of your usual city sidewalk jog, replace your fluorescent office lighting with softer lamps, or simply bring in fresh flowers. It’s no substitute for vacation, but that doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to a souvenir. 2. Celebrate Daily “Every day is a celebration.” That attitude is easy to adopt when you’re surrounded by palm trees and surfside. But it’s also worth pursuing when even when you’re not. One way to do that is by keeping a “gratitude journal,” or a daily log of what you’re thankful for. Diaries can bring on remarkable physical, emotional, and social benefits. People have lower blood pressure and stronger immune systems, they feel more alert and happy, and they are more generous and outgoing, “Gratitude works,- “It has the power to heal, to energize, and to change lives.” So, celebrate the little things in life by taking note of what you’re grateful for every day— be it a compassionate co-worker. 3. Try New Things If you’ve ever said “when in Rome” , you know that seeing and doing new things is a lot of what makes vacation rock. Surfing lessons? Exotic foods? A steep hike with a rewarding view? Sign me up! But “real life” can get dull because newness isn’t the norm. In psychology speak, it’s called hedonic adaptation—the idea that we become accustomed to changes, both positive and negative, over time. New relationships, jobs, and possessions give us only a temporary happiness boost before we return to our humdrum baseline. But by chasing newness, variety, and surprise, psychologists say we can increase happiness in our daily lives. In a series of studies in the Journal of Happiness Studies, for instance, researchers found positive intentional changes in activities—think learning a new language or cultivating friendships—helped students stave off hedonic adaptation more than circumstantial changes, like moving to a better dorm room. In other words, “change your actions, not your circumstances,” the article’s title prescribes. That might mean checking out a new restaurant, joining that new bocce league, or going after a new responsibility at work. But no matter how you interpret it, try to cultivate a little “spring break” in your everyday life. After all, you only live once— and most of that life won’t be lived on vacation. Ventrax Views April 2014 | 15 & BUSINESS ETIQUETTE CORPORATE STYLE TIPS 10 Quick Business Etiquette Tips for Getting Ahead You probably landed your job with your skills, knowledge, and an impressive interview. Now you want to impress the higher-ups so you’ll be considered for bigger and better positions. Follow these tips to be noticed in the best possible way: 1. Dress for success. You’ve probably heard that in order to move up with a company, you need to dress for the position you seek rather than the one you currently hold. Believe it because it’s true. 2. Be on time. Arriving on time or even early shows your commitment and dedication to the company and your job. Walking in late shows a lack of interest and respect of your coworkers. 16 Ventrax Views April 2014 | 3. Respect everyone. You may think that you only need to be nice to your boss, but showing respect for your coworkers and those who work beneath you is a sign of respect that many managers expect. 4. Use proper cell phone etiquette. When you go into a meeting, put your phone on silent or turn it off. Avoid loud, personal conversations in the workplace. Your coworkers don’t need to know all the details of your personal life. 5. Be friendly. When you meet new business associates, smile, make eye contact, and maintain a pleasant tone of voice. Don’t forget to say, “Please,” when asking for something and, “Thank you,” afterward. 6. Avoid office gossip. Be aware that when people in the office gossip, the conversation doesn’t stop at your level. Those who gossip typically enjoy the drama of spreading the word. 7. Maintain good manners during company meals. Using proper etiquette during a corporate dinner shows that you respect yourself and your coworkers enough to be polite. Learn the placement of utensils so you don’t appear to be a clod. 8. Offer a firm handshake. This is the time to show your confidence and friendliness. 9. Give your coworkers credit. No one likes an employee who steals ideas. You may get away with it for a while, but eventually, the bosses will catch on to your game, and your future with the company will be grim. 10.Be generous. Offer your assistance and knowledge when someone else needs it. After all, you are all on the same team, and when the company improves, everyone wins. When you go to lunch with coworkers, show respect for your server by leaving a generous tip. Ventrax Views April 2014 | 17 THIS PROGRAM CAN ALSO BE CONDUCTED IN HOUSE CUSTOMER SERVICE PROGRAM OUTLINE EXCELLENCE -/$5,% -/$5,% -/$5,% The Art OF-ANAGINGCustomers 5NDERSTANDINGCustomers VARIOUS PERSONALITIES CreaTINGHIGHERvALUETOACHIeve a WINWINSITUaTION s Psycho-geometrics : Profiling your customer s Understanding why customers don’t seem to understand what you tell them s Tailor suiting solutions according to your customer type s Are there alternative people skills? s Seeing through customers’ eyes s Do you and your employees have a right mental attitude s Making a difference s How to say NO tactfully s Dealing with anticipated problems & working past negative Comments s The high performing employee s Elements of professionalism that customers require these days s Steps to understand what our customers really want & require s Differentiating between what our customers say what they want & what they really should have -/$5,% -/$5,% -/$5,% (oWTOMAInTAINGOODCUSTOMER relaTIONSFAcETOFAce THE2OLEOF TeamwORKINCustomer -ANAGEMEnt GOINGBeyONDProducTANDPRIce – creaTINGBUSINESSvalues s The need to increase efficiency and effectiveness s Creating the right first impression s The right personal attributes (manner, voice and efficiency) – establish trust & credibility thru proof s The necessary physical attributes s Communicating benefits to your customers s Establishing high work standards in a group s The key to communication s Solving customers problems is more than a strategy s How to be a good listener : understanding disinterest & then probing for needs s People, Attitudes and Opportunities – How to open up your customer’s thinking s The thinking required to identify opportunities s The Opportunity Audit and the Role of the Team s Starting with situations & strategies – Planning for future business PROGRAM OBJECTIVES s Understanding the power one has in creating an impressive & lasting impression and learning the elements involved s Focusing on “self” i.e. what is your role? What kind of attributes you and your employees should have? s Learn proven tactics on how to say “NO” tactfully but yet still get the deal s Going beyond product and price – creating business values s Understanding the different personalities of customers and how to tailor suit solutions effectively s To identify an action plan for the company to improve the quality of service your customers receive from you and your employees s Realizing the need to work effectively, professionally and fruitfully together to achieve a win-win situation Course &ee : RM 1,500.00 Course fee includes 2 tea breaks (morning and afternoon), lunch, course material and certificate of attendance. Venue, Date and Time 15 & 16 May 2014 / Thurs & &RIAMPM Ventrax TrAININGCentre, PuchonG, SELANGOR Group Discount GrOUPOFORMOrEPArTICIPAnts from the same company will enjoy a DIScount on the applicable fee. s(2$&3",#L!)-!",%s CALL US NOW! further information kindly call +603 8062 1133 or email us at 18 Ventrax Views April 2014 | Do visit our website at
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