ORCHIDS, COOL A WITH BEST THE IF. Formerly of the Royal THEM; GROW TO HOW SPECIES IN ALL OF LIST DESCRIPTIVE CULTIVATION W. Botanic Botanical Gardens, Drawing," Kew. Author of *' fyc.,Afc, LONDON: ROBERT 192, HARDWICKE, 1874. PICCADILLY, The Art of PEEFACE. COOL-GROWING ORCHIDS of Many trouble them and should rather promenade peculiar We of whose one to the have cool Masdevallias, novelties the been will others Andes works the of was such originally published January The Horticultural \st, 1874. W;IXT in the of north what say slopes India have to freely volume London. offer we the in frontispiece Society of yet linger Williams, simple guide first the ? Orchids, luxuriate of western Anderson, for and will temperature. of the Royal collectors the group best shall when the to love easy as genial the to the Who Warner, a an best a Odoiitoglossums light to Bateman, as of many and mountains created little hand-book intermediate for explored by of or atmosphere an additions fine habitats. or Heath of that " same succeed will bath the a grow resembles some native brought having cultivation import be with them. House. generally, their to they vapour Indian to thoroughly The a Cypripediums, in unseen of than Orchids which climate East yet required in before perfection to are house future great a grown that expense The be be may Azalea. an have of a here the and this general cool or figured Journal COlSTTJElSrTS. INTRODUCTION i ...... PURCHASING POTTING RESTING SPECIFIC ORCHIDS 10 WATERING AND 15 ORCHIDS 19 VARIATION 24 ...... ORCHID HOUSES ORCHID HOUSES 27 IN STYLE NATURAL THE 34 ... ORCHIDS IMPORTING 37 ... ORCHIDS PROPAGATION OF HARDY 43 ORCHIDS 49 INSECTS 53 LIST DESCRIPTIVE ... 41 ORCHIDS HYBRIDISING Noxious SITTING-BOOM THE FOR ... 55 CYPRIPEDIUMS 135 ... GENERAL INDEX 141 ... ... ILLU S. POT ORCHID 15 TANK WATER MOVEABLE SPAN STRATIO1ST 18 HOUSE ORCHID -ROOFED 28 ... COOL ORCHID LEAN-TO HOUSE (section) HOUSE ORCHID AND 30 ... ORGANS SEEDLING PHAJUS AERIDES ... ... (section) 31 ... SEXUAL ... 29 ... YlNERY ... FERNIEHURST AT HOUSE ORCHID ... ... ... ORCHIDS or 45 DENDROBIUMS 50 PHAL^NOPSIS AND 51 ... ... ... ... ... CRISPUM ... CATTLEYA MOSSI^E 65 ... CATTLEYA ... ... TRIANLE CYPRIPEDIUM 67 YEITCHII BARBATUM 71 ... ... ... ... CYPRIPEDIUM CAUDATUM 73 CYPRIPEDIUM FAIRIEANEUM 75 CYPRIPEDIUM VILLOSUM 77 ... ORCHID ... ... ... PANS 140 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ORCHID COOL GROWING. INTRODUCTION. Orchids WHEN tropical and excessive and heat accepted To of but under The to under humid valleys South or or the even at temperature often old we can the was Orchids command in a flowers, often they time few flowered it would then, ; be at the Under effort of more of the they intervals in the of Mexico but in the who or their hottest under specially so adverse conditions imported newly their produced duction. introa few and scarcely and grateful mouth to mouth, At early collections. Loddiges of highest temperature colours from the regions of expiring nature, delicate habitat from less, after or however, spoken celebrated these many still their to was a from, come arid the the now been come placed this be began soon that have chains were even months, last developed fragrance as the and classes. have to towering Andes^ they heating. and Now the driest, and wonder hardly properly of system died ; the means flue and same, mountain of line snow all in its native archipelago, Africa, the required promulgated of might management Indian the Western treatment the of been appear it grew all they plant might a conditions their to have it would where climatic that from country, horticulturists by Orchid-growers what idea an appears truth gospel little moment Orchids Peru, them, grow as earlier the matter or subtropical regions, this into imported first were would summons B one ORCHID COOL Z the and savans the among then Chiswick at head of authorities other or air in Europe. Although early specimens, might plants, still and risen the celebrated Those also of the who invest and intelligence for their value, while all capable repay We plants. Orchids alone heart the with contrary,we of the understand more we of their shall admire delicate flowers. so, would some heat all is Orchids and All not the these plants have and cultural us rigidlyadhered as them as any by many, enjoyingvigorous health comparativelyfew places where implying of that inspire can On the find by one that the and one Orchids " difficult to more economy, open are their latively super- cultivate as Still the old idea of excessive suppose. to will beautiful, all worthy are beautiful so in attends thankfulness. they means interest beautiful they only shall we of men increase ever most requirements plants are by rapidly livingwonders, these of culture, that respectfuladmiration, our we that good plants will kindly feelings and argue have they since. understood be not everyone culturist, professionalhorti- the their contemplating worthy are and poor of Devonshire lasting pleasure which and would nearly them, will receive cases of the but and employ judiciously, slightoutlay on any of general public ever most of considered notice only of skill to grow the real be Lawrence, in Orchids capital. In the mind Mrs. estimation, not but petalsfor delicate large proportion a then pleasureof seeing one their now the acknowledged time, including the Duke the plants at in the amply attracted they be unfrequentlythe not lovelyplants unfold it would fashion, everything ran the indescribable first,or in of not the as wonder new Then plants." palmy days, when, had of these interested inspect some to marriage bell,while at Kew the first time " horticulture,if a as day marvellous in its centre smoothly literati of the GROWING. although we in such rarely find places,while cool Orchids are in the cultivated in J INTRODUCTION. real health. and Masdevallias in this regime since or important fact specimens and well in low a find houses, we why not the in and a and with regimehas been pseudo bulbs, Orchids grow and as fresh and grow Orchid our find the sequence, of this coincidence reason and Droseras the the The healthy. the " of this rule at least. will Sphagnum as and also are The only the sary neces- only reason and Droseras is,that the Moss in his with alive them the Orchids. the Orchids do do for Warner, Esq., of Broomfield, Robert successful him, a growing freelyon natural a to keep requisite extend part of the year very in "Wherever, in requireartificial heat, absolutely has been tated debili- moisture, and be and Droseras vigorous health cannot we such moist, moderately-shaded situation, and moisture the healthy cultivation many with swamps. also, as we simply this bad by pot tops should Sphagnum looking green to ruined heavily charged on tops of the pots, shade with than that temperature, still they require the if in its native freelyas survive deal cool a is a very This knows grower to been mean be to Moss Sphagnum is Orchid dry atmosphere. Although atmosphere Orchids have as subjectedto their firstintroduction. far better luxuriant most Odontoglots, Disas, Oncids, country have been for every ; imported plants are high enjoying the finest collections of The system as be found earnest, they may at cool Orchid attempts others, the ing, grow- under growth this vigorous,producing great,plump, well-ripened fine foliage,and of abundance finely-developed flowers. A plant of Odontoglossum Anderson, at Meadowbank, flowers. bearing fifty-six many never other been remarkable Alexandras produced This grown a plant was fine branched instance far as occurred floweringis at a cool James spike, along with pit,and has grown Odontoglotsand Masdevallias,in surpassedso Mr. by concerned. Ferniehurst, the Another seat B 2 of E. 4 COOL Salt,Esq. ; flexuous The branched house dozen plant of a the and Cool for Count 1852 early part in 1852 of doors in relate his own that occurred to of glauca, Cymbidium 5" Eeaumur as shade in sheltered position. subject often to plants and all the waters led have as try since this : flowers the in I select I put" out followed it every year, I zebrina and effect. In sun a year, or my baskets This in now I put of some a good What trunks Orchids. little result and I habit of ; air for the August. August. and the by receiving of larger scale into varieties out viz., June, July, and place a am is Tetschen end appearance, I until in the heat flows after perfection. half-shadyplace,where I the as it is surrounded the Elbe on fectly, per- grew sometimes was (99^" Fahr.). their in Brasavola They the plantsin at the made air in the open daytime temperature; I took ; insigne,Dendrobium temperature the flower well were Skinneri. experiment again same which trunks the the of flower-buds time repeated (Oaks), on of which In ever, will,how- We the in the several grew not them valleyalong which a putting seventy-fivespecies 'months speciesdid the to " 30" Eeaumur of Bohemia. afterwards to high as is in short a me Bohemia, place (43" Fahr.) tinent, con- procedure : Lycaste morning frequent changes to mountains, while of of some the Fran"ois Josst, gardener . was After the possible practisedon marginatum, Cypripedium in unfre- not nearly as as Tetschen, Pringianurn,D. speciosum, and although cool, the very temperature ago M. mode me The July. a half-a- range. long at flowers. with along long a mum 45",that is 50" for the maxi- is was observed I it then low the 38", though as Hohenstein, out noble species,is kept same temperature find that let him and low growing we Thun Orchids In the 40" for the minimum Orchid produced is grown, plant moist, and as winter mean this is very descends quently macranthum spike bearing seventy-seven plants of atmosphere GROWING. Oncidium in which other ORCHID I three do is of trees Between the pertusum, Tradescantia so as to produce a pretty viridis,and Cissus marmorea, order to protect the plants against the scorching rays plant Ferns, and very some Philodendron heavy rains, I cover the spot with canvas, but INTRODUCTION. I endeavour shaded are too much ordinary way has plants have several them gardeners keep is described list of a : the least ; and in rest var. ,, Echb. parvi- fil. treated in well. the plants lowing fol- The alcove way " " " " " Cervantesii, Llave. grande, Lindl. Lindl. Insleayii, leeve,Lindl. " nebulosum, Lindl. " pulchellum,Batem. " var. grandiflorum,Hort. bicallosum,Lindl. Lindl. filipes, ,, Oncidium " " leucochihtm, Batem. " microchilum, Batern. " sphacelatum,Lindl. ,, suave, Lindl. Sobralia decora, Batem. superba, Hort. autumnalis, Lindl. Candida, Hort. furfuracea,Lindl. Galeottiana,Morren. Ly caste majalis,Lindl. rubescens, Lodd. " " " " ,, dichotoma, E. et. Pav. Liliastrum, Lindl. macrantha, Lindl. violacea,Lindl. Stanhopea connata, j, Echb. fil. Lindl. Trichopiliatortilis, var. pallida,Hort. " is proved " " Barkeriana,Hort. " Although,as " " " Lindl. var. ,, " acuminata, albida,Batem. var. Skinneri,Lindl. var. alba,Hort. var. latimaculata,Hort. var. leucochila,Hort. var. picta,Hort. Maxillaria cucullata,Lindl. LindL tenuifolia, Lindl. Odontoglossum bictoniense, citrosnium,Lindl. " 3, fil. Lindl. anceps, cruenta, LindL ,, Echb. luteola, " vegetate many All " " " " too hot. " " " " that violacea,Echb. fil. aromatica, Lindl. Colleyi,Lindl. consobrina,Echb. fil. j, calamiforme, Lodd. Jenkinsii,Wall. Pringianum, Bidw. speciosum, Sm. Ep dendrum Candollei,Lindl. cochleatuin,L. diffusum, Sw. falcatum, Lindl. radiatum, Lindl. selligerum,Batem. Skinneri,Batem. Stamfordianum, Batem. varicosum, Batem. virgatum, Lindl. vitellinum,Lindl. Gongora galeata,Echb. fil. Batemani, Echb. fil. " vigorous ; more prove the Lindl. Lycaste sjiperbiens, Dendrobium " I even facts exotics to temperature (41"Fahr.),but are the " ,, " other the year These which Orchids Lindl. Cattleya citrina, Coelia macrostachya, Lindl. Cypiipediuminsigne,Wall. Lselia they order Barkeria Batem. spectabilis, Brasavola glauca,Lindl. Calauthe striata, E. Br. flomm, This in I water others. as 4" Keaumur flowered. Orchids period of some as in the actually their low as suffered not of require fallen well so hothouses. in employed times several flower never plants which that shade, for I find too much avoid to ,, by the above ,, collection,many Orchids COOL O will grow well in ORCHID GROWING. low, moist a temperature, that doors, stillit is essentially requisite of those made treatment, JSTo one and genera or very would for tropical regions could moist be temperature and Odontoglots endure the cooler Oncids. dry resting period Some temperature. preconceived this can on the country they may well, and as We ideas subject,while be grown the be may so ; if much the better. required. In mollified as is a much of source and of without any winter a of fire-heat at all use reeds, straw, which our and or travellers plants grow treatment to I and in high it matters be but far I would to the gardener the not during minimum, a houses, mats as afforded us conditions knowledge guides it would not the by be understood natural though great a perfectlywell while information respectingthe certain extent, Secondly,it satisfied that to one when even both expense cooler fire heat when unnatural reduced valuable much use summer, material bark. a will succeed abroad, since that a that moisture. well am during may ignoring altogether the collectors place it is Orchids carefullyusing covering either that in the grown to practicableby reallybeautiful its own been great mistake employer, and months their them a atmosphere in the first is from come cool, moist here us trouble,annoyance, his number as that these maintain we I contend well with It is it is not not of most to temperature of their native habitats natural they succeed a have they temperature they recommend. little what in tioned last-men- argue example, do for suitable the can may cool the very as well afford to allow better than even in essential so growers for plants,i. e., Odontoglossums cool low-lying humid the Nor adoption. its Phalsenopsids, highly recommended tropicalDendrobes. the from successfully grown so the follow imagine 'that,the Dendrobes to cool amenable are be selection proper results may moment and Aerides, Yandas, and species which disastrous a a of out even or us as by in in in all 7 INTRODUCTION. be cases desirable, even letter the the natural plants in their native Dendrobes conditions found are of the year season thereby,any the lack In them with supply we are ; of of moisture. can it able but keep to the third I allude essential for flowers a are our on and Another brightness ; this our posal. dis- quite so Dendrobes, that us at doubt no we require at not here during the cool section,is full and but daytime also taking precautions against tiffanyor perforated zinc is beneficial during could never almost see the the hermetically and hot as temperature is far hot and and Orchids close Bateman, treatment beautiful of all great requisitein the culture especiallythe J. much tells Dendrobiums our that Indian Benson a quantities,and so the to the home are is the result comparatively dull,cloudy atmosphere. our close for fited bene- are of Orchids fortunately is as dry added for those not the pastures by season, high temperature Lieut.-Colonel produced and in unlimited moisture be, may they artificial treatment our Orchids cool deficient in colour I summer own light,which to that lawns our great essential is "c. Phaleenopsids, of than case during up follow not which of the Moulmein some shrivelled it does more heat scorching and but ; example, to the out under surroundings luxuriate,as the or For scorched possible,to follow and exist to habitats. are it were one, free cold over openings. daytime, why closed during night-time, A more the Esq., years promulgated and night ? and be kept so airy night vigour than a especiallyfor Odontoglots, Oncids, generallyfrom as the and and cool to health conducive coarse If ventilation during not they generallyare. more course plant-houses should why reason night, of draughts, by tacking the more ventilation,not only the through Orchids, ago Mexican being applicableto interestingOrchids, a Peruvian or the system of cool great number and in his Andes. own of very practice, 8 COOL with of the one its finest is at many establishments I must admit that I found during now in a imported in to water established as preserved,in plants; order is worth will the of MoNab, the bulbs of by plant Cirencester strong vigorous plants,but plants to the sapping their is the sun life's I blood, and and in the tropics certain and flourish in the most not deny, cases because who integrity, drobes, more Still in the actually die. I themselves especiallyof tropicsthey freelyplaying round elicited are in be them, and it formosum, a are sickly or thoroughly extreme from that argued the to This state not in sun, gentlemen like of of Den- positions. of nature, with subjectedto in' I would gathered specimens D. case they rarelyagain recover, fully exposed have that the in end only Dr. aware of way exposed positionsbest. have than unrooted surest It may species are having especiallyin can which well am expose quickestand debilityof constitution,from some to last remark authority an or humid a its truth growers, College. tion. evapora- if This time. less no be must by a much so bright sunshine, the same in than atmosphere more respirationis essentially requisite, of more happily require not energies, even at the attention the from their impair demonstrated been do sphere atmo- would I far better start still a moist them is maintained atmosphere will prevent loss from to Carefullyshade evaporation dry a potted and placed If into growth. be them start Imported plants temperature. healthy, of reverse months. to large quantities, healthy strong pieces,they hot the grown, are imported Odontoglots,which house, in order cool them the winter Haying the increase. sparingly applied or was recommend particularly are cool Orchid to cool Orchids where never moisture maintained impetus an gave strated demon- world, he the in present rapidly on visited except where GROWING. collections usefulness, and which growing ORCHID the air the inter- 9 INTllODUCTION. vention of glaring crystal a rendered from the that in a on the series which harmony we fallacycould led to infer from all other going told Begonias, Ferns, the Orchids their "Orchid in our in stoves well as for the not above ere be in perfect best placed in which Orchid absurd more almost be side occupied superstitiousprinciplesentertained by succeed of be made, ever many in called to might but them hundreds Orchids house with expected are of Melastomads, structure a be exclusion utter Palms, by There in the houses ordinary plant stove, an can or exclusive, and side they home. country the of would One the grow grown house" in and cated compli- a require greater a globe, to our can must at plant a plant grown it were on the point. It may fine We habitats this as of have gardens by Orchids were Peperomias which native an and have we instead on that Orchids this that vegetation. especially repose. particular portions some this is conditions, between easily be promulgated. not served justlyob- surrounded and themselves, but really,in all truth, to of is frequently are nating ema- rather, unperverted nature, or warfare peaceful heat mosphere at- been side one of artificial circumstances and Again, It has plant, perhaps, continual a on unhealthy unnatural cases," and point, where same close a and dry alter unfettered, other, the and apparatus. water in case of state hot the by circumstances " in the correct arid roof be taken as a foliageplants succeed, them, would success than which, however Orchid culture. that rule there luxuriate, often when placed in desirable, our are wherever also with Orchids, far so-called not tropicalFerns or at greater " and least many chances Orchid of houses," absolutely essential to 10 COOL HINTS IN ON buying Orchids, considered. Some but time establish there the are as been higher ranges have us South arid unhealthy atmosphere. of life,far hard-wooded to Hence often are and very told well known far as that specimens plant which has become are many just glance know at Orchids being guided There are of or two well, you as to and naturally and are other very prices by great advantages to by difficult to This concerned. are than by an bad these. It is better treatment. Supposing buy is old-established Orchids, and buying may very killed afterwards. Orchids of an far too little moisture. and debilitated the Northern or annually are in far less time ways one is that from Ericas many manage cool truth imported plantsinvariablymake established There as difficult to Orchids are Orchids that expensive to untrue, however, than heat added high temperature a hundreds much too be so continent Orchids so plants, still being exposed establish more intelligent may The beautiful by being subjectedto is grower and be found American blished esta- generalityof Orchid skilful a be good established, a suppose. of killed we already will not they India tenacious the regular and thousands of the in good imported plants would some have collection time, and to is with commence best no there few a grower, important questions to prefer to these where OECHIDS. few a amateurs healthy,blooming from are especiallywhere employed; Orchid GllOWING. PURCHASING there plants,and places,more ORCHID your own Orchid any good be derived from will we that you plants, catalogue. buying in specialquotations for most of the Orchids in to the principal will be furnished on application quantity,and cultivation nurserymen, who make these plants a specialityin their 12 ORCHID COOL GROWING. amongst imported lots of L. Skinneri. niveum pedium bought was Phalrenopsis Luddemanni The golden Oncidium and well-known that gold 0. Marshallianum characteristics one be may habit pubes is obtained dusky Oncidium glorious Oncidium (sarcodes)amictum. several plants not of the dingy-flowered Oncidium remark same In the D. Farmeriihad being from it had the to the of The Eeichenbach's greatly vary which they in are elongated bulbs, exactly like D. densiflorum, 12 to 15 inches when long,and still, received short,thick,quadrangular bulb, commonly this obtain to Fairfield,a plant of and the brisbanensis,a worthless is bigibbum kind, but the would-be confound lectors Col- at collection of Orchids ance appear- identical. to under of all instead macropus Dendrobes the beauty. they species are conditions species. Dendrobium in this two (0. zebrinum). habit, according when for in external applieswith nearly equal force striped Oncid grown. the all external grandest agreeably surprisedwere in habit ; The inferior to it in would O. macranthum be and mistake in closelyresembles speciesmuch other to be the old as grievouslydisappointed, the Oncids, 0. macranthum, lovely Still it is " not it flowered. trusting to the rosea. (equestris) P. supposed was crispum, until in for sold was glitters,"and concolor, and 0. as delicate little Cypri- The and green speciesthat rare very of this possessors dingy a by them, met with and able valu- plant must not purple-flowered resembles it very D. closely in habit. splendidum resemble's Oncidium and there other find in a are other Orchids many habit, so much even in distinguishing them difficulty condition, much Schomburgkia in less crispa habit, while when and each experienced cultivators even when after superbiens are Odontoglossum microchilum, closelyresemble shrivelled Laelia 0. poor which that so the cordatum in a healthy importation. nearly and 0. tical iden- macu- OX HINTS identical habit, and in CattleyaSkinneri Some tiacum. resemble when after the forms of of the plants somewhat but case since much the After in little a mind, although sdeceived in this and when There most they country, and sold by at rates established if cooler can possiblybe cially especase Pescain this but made, is mistake a C. Warneri and all the are numerous tinctive observation, the dis- of always a occurring when, see all the collected by resident correctlynamed then sold of the as named pleasurewill matter the different in their before the chances than is as plants in are frequently Of bloom. botanists, they on their arrival are in plants. Imported principalOrchid considerably lower a as possibility, not to be as exposed varieties,and rare does most occasionally according to been and the eye experienced are they have or are in be fixed variation is plants. More the more which, characteristics, of this are found cases nearly generally the labiata will most to which the collector case, auran- very triumphans, close habits the in favour more between Odontoglossum indeed, as, are group. even habitats. growing those be derived demanded from serymen nur- for growing Orchids, in proportionto the capitalexpended, than speciesfrom now of 0. Cattleya liable to much are plants are may of bulbs of Orchids surroundings course is foliage,as those stated,of obtaining new the Devonianum, their external in of course, much D. habit, study appearances native Pierardi pseudo of this beautiful local Dendrobium beautiful. same exists orange-floweredEpidendrum resemble are psendo Lindeni Uropedium little disappointment will follow both forms and little difference of their denuded foliageand in their elegant importation. The torei other but and 1 '" ORCHIDS. caudatum Cypripedium bulbs. are each closelyresemble latum PURCHASING be the by cultivatingthe obtained tropical lowlands. obtained at Many far more expensive of the finer prices scarcelyabove those species of the 14 class better We not find that in cost bad altogether, with being difficult plants to of impossible the by to atmosphere, the keeping Never try accepted you and experiments with " by with common sturdy having in with which these, and and cheap kinds. and flowers. It moisture are grown ; if " in killed annually Orchids experiment course followed health, are they a foliage much too valuable to -formed finely they success flaccid hundreds many atmosphere have and large Orchids though treatment must of kill shall their treatment subjected of instead in difficult of perfect be of most systems for yet then, we crop diverse and roots complain the the rational the to are introduction, pseudo-bulbs, abundant an the subjected; culture, shrivelled from first have in Orchids at or growing unfortunate give Orchids their new Orchid up both not manage. are their good will you plants. purchase to Only tion cultiva- seeing at been moisture of judging they from must, to kill, which to is and atmosphere, have them. plenty refuse give they grow annoyed so cases many their greenhouse ordinary they because to men treatment, the in of that that while plants, become condition simply of choice than more and GROWING. greenhouse gentlemen kinds, rare and stove does plants by ORCHID COOL too follow dry. the experiment AND POTTING are and this very gas, with together beneficial,indeed vigour of that most is gas foundation always cool Orchids in ammonia small actually essential growing plants especiallydoes More acid Carbonic the be to spheric atmo- liberated of in by decomposing vegetable substances, quantities less or be considered must cultivation. more ORCHIDS. and, in conjunction with important operations, moisture, Orchid 15 ORCHIDS. WATERING- AND POTTING THESE WATERING of all kinds. best in grow this remark to It is quantities, the is a growth and notable fact decaying vegetable matter apply to such Orchids as Layer of Sphagnum. Small Crocks. Large Crocks. Orchid in b etter they matter turfy loam, they will derive grow, their contained of the vigorously the a its varieties grow fact ready for compost. Most the fibre it contains the every the peat, sand, and or cultivator dried the that decaying vegetable mineral Cypripedium insigne in Cypripediums conclusivelyproves from from Again, of the more which more it than compost. old but nutriment in and Masdevallias. and Odontoglossums will grow Pot, drained and stituents earthy con- knows C. barbatum cow-dung, and how and this ]t) COOL of nearly exclusivelya compost is of sand contributes course plant, but the While it districts is on injurious, it contains. the water Sand becomes it would case do crocks," which dried previous Oncids, and rather or from being fibrous dried from horse-droppings,a broken river fine for this for the drainage will or were, has the free be found should riddance the to cool hold be root can when of of sour, never be the the fresh and one-fourth of well chopped livingsphagnum, and sufficient quantity sand is the compost Orchids, and coarse best that if placed on can good only by absorption,as water This then of being generally is the principleon must be superfluousmoisture, and ones preventing reallygood about There grown. repeatedlyobserved Odontoglots, at a This full, small very thus sand, ordinary white majorityof quickly become been little purpose. half freely. added attraction. by capillary all Orchids will be crocks, adding well-washed be used consist may Odontoglots be at least and down, or washed larger pieces,to prevent passing away peat, to which few to washed compost itself should The too top of the the drainage, For less,of crocks, a layer of the on Orchids thoroughly used. being if and regards as the to respect lime in that as potting only not carefullyand their to than more superfluouswater a be In good. observed, with stone in lime- employed, be not be care carefullywashed, Masdevallias, the pots should being placed compost also great quantity of of the be than be should obtained should should pots themselves, but of the sand to condition. porous a that account harm more in recommend it should milky perfectcleanliness and some character nutritive a compost I would selection,for in its which the The decayed vegetation. of nothing keeps of sand speaking taken *' GHOWIXG. ORCHID the that cool or supplied with the the compost decay. It especially more too which obstruction will roots Orchids, growing, provided no it much compost water is fresh POTTING and applies to flora. that the and open, the a in thin and do not this crush of to have a or of fresh and the into it and plants,but or the fuller a place drainage, the out caution, and See that the rim above pit, or drained decay. sparingly wooden tank, 2 to 3 feet four solid the of the first,until the at The supply. best say 4 feet long by Get mounted deep. wooden tepid soft water, there until supplying water it should and porous Orchids this wheels, and it be can when drawn 2 or on filled the entire be not well the roots to can of adopted unless drained. blocks on thoroughly saturated. is the healthy growing compost is perfectly it is the Again, be the This only way by thoroughly well suppliedwith at their roots. best plan observe evince in full house use at house, and the plants,or rather the pots, plunged held of moisture will they but graiidi- Carefully spread demands roots from with nearly so The cool very slightlyelevated plants Disa dailywhen compost, but or remark watering well-established,healthy-growingplants is carriagewith best way them, are the the same of moisture supply times a compost. galvanisediron length of be bruise or feet broad which in kept put the water method low be of the bulbs production a liberal a syringed several pack firmlywith pot, and 2| to shady position. When the pot has been layerof sphagnum, the best you have, over and bases The a upon roots be it should ; 17 ORCHIDS. drainage is perfect. This, in addition growth WATERING glorious terrestrial Cape Orchid, the roots, should and AND a with to pursue the habits tendency to of the regard watering themselves plants stop growing, to to or they roots, they should be moisture, both at the roots at what of the year period to commence encouraged by grow, the and in the this may when ; rest, water gradually withheld, only giving just enough shrivelling.When is to and they should to prevent to produce applicationof atmosphere, no occur. fully care- If the more matter moisture 18 COOL has reduced been in the require that house being should be removed they as, for instance,a moderately the they should All to fresh, porous, suspended, be require an abundant well-drained will with these injurya actuallymake essential mean most winter Water intermediate to near period of of moisture of many and them, a if Tank. temperature comparativelylow temperature. or possiblyobtain. conditions,will vigorous atmosphere, the dull supply compost, and to commence staged as or can species two humid more a tained speciescon- or rest, greenhouse warm Moveable without at they require all the lightthey Orchids favoured when one possible,for during glass,i.e.,light,as the year if rest, and at heat, except extra of the of most in consequence grow, house, where GROWING. OECHID and not only of 45" to luxuriant bear 50", but growth in that 20 COOL period of the if left to round. are GUOWING. is reduced repose to in tendency keep to making on it must on be allowed essential these before though plantsshould being far on of more that to 55" at of case is they places in which they annually,and flowers or are often found in be to one of that Europe, of Mr. of there scores their flowers the the fine an growths, and plants are spikes are flowers cut This more " off the other than is Fine of cool produce an at of young the plants flower- this,I may Orchids" plants as soon process words, in Leeds; near fine and well-ripened, plump, pseudo bulbs, and able to of of rests as moving re- the generally supposed. energeticpropensity for making far better as crop leave to as systematic in one nearly every of far Some their Ferniehurst, at relieves, or, much but illustration an Salt, so as be found quality. cut collections fully expand. plants operated on It induces E. they As finest finest looked, over- Sickly roots. this treatment to be of the expand. be induced, produce out, and another to country may to under places where its blooms spike as allowed even remaining two one this thinned judiciously flower-spikesare point are Oncids apt is produce flowers, it to should Still flowers greatest importance. Phalasnopsids in finest of the a repose is, however, which to night. of season possible,to produce leaves, pseudo-bulbs,and the very added moisture, be allowed account 110 essential more perpetual growth, and one the Cattleyas same There and plants the the mentioned. fact a the when profuse production it is in than all the year atmosphere. periodical a the resting Orchids, of way that insure to plants Odontoglots shown temperature of, say, 50" cool moderately a air . Lcelias,exhibit the congeners, they persist, as flowering moist especially if supplied with more and habit cool,airy,and a of their some this especiallyis More minimum, a themselves, in growing grown and ORCHID abundant vigorous hence crop the of fine RESTING spikes well-formed and would otherwise flowers The be. 21 ORCHIDS. the of flowers production mere however, requiresbarely half the constitutional both requisiteto produce is therefore,but few Orchids artificial habitats fertile unknown abundance of heat, and air of the on deficiencies When in atmosphere ? rob the season's or had It is not condition, too do it is trees, where fill up thus in kept suffer materially will see we surrounded by and paper, " parched a rest which during leaves exhausted rest would the the them to more yet this pernicious True rest." secreted much and rare many large proportion of been dry termed, in the full blazing is called a the and hot a pseudo-bulbs become their of tered scat- sap, or preceding in sickly, a produce either bloom. impression is,that erroneous rested during our drier winter than rule,though applicableto be genial light, of they like brown pseudo-bulbs rested, kept much means that often How of treatment growth. Another This found more juice,which debilitated be be Day by day system the a produce cases maii3r in with collectors. be not glaringcrystalroof, and wrinkled, their leaves elaborated and should " a native luxuriate branches naturalists by it will or assisted in their case hundreds, and species resting,"as under growth and countless evaporation. valuable to when tropicalclimate, eventuallybecome rest, Orchids temperature, in ripened trunks, stems, created at from a is the here, and us seeds, which, they germinate never perfect fruit, and tropical regions they to which cultivation,comparativelyspeaking, different How means. In ! vigour sun, in they alone, energy capable of producing perfectseed, even are by and flowers than following year all Orchids require if not actually season, during some or, the Orchids, must to all,since applied indiscriminately 'Odontoglots,Oncids, Dendrobes, Disas, and months. summer we not have by any many Masdevallias, to 22 COOL their commence To of many nothing say of moisture thwart her are efforts,and who Orchids, The the the excepting unnatural the and they look if like more when than they last they in bloom ? longer in would I have in found cool of the* sound this course rule, a as not even to this hygrometer will careful the and they may perfectionin a and the latter which last are am we a until to told that cool and in dry beaut}'. dry atmosphere moist sphere atmo- favourable to the moderately I at longer cool and to be most wonder they ought into be removed so- shrivelled what add ; of water not and often that use need one the- careful1 generallyscorching hot are cool with in in addition the at reliable may time, is she be This and Again, how a to atmosphere other any glance should never grown weather. summer; a preservationof flowers,and experiments with the to becoming parched leather thongs than temperature, in order Do at during winter, Aerides are recommending conditions treated. rationally Orchids of pipes unnatural advised Vandas be hot-water two than which dryness, to these often days as During frostyweather, is drier hot for reason is obvious. atmosphere prove, the to succeed house, should Indian to some, careful only would who such absurd but the cases, during dry, sharp, frosty and they do, that as some house invariably are equally cautious are of moisture abundance of treatment watchful cultivator of the East high temperature root, cannot contrary, would best results ever especially with more supply an The workings, knowing, success. the months. sufficiency a the at or results,but, on best, and, in invariablythe to atmosphere who in her to withhold this,or which genera, winter and autumn our injury. cultivators by assist Nature's to the plantspermanent obtained guide in do as to useful possibly conduce do the such either to other speciesbelonging growth during to rest attempt GROWING. ORCHID fullyconvinced, Odontoglots and Oncids, will be from found to be the as bulbs foliage, and state a of dry a should we from suffer continually things flowers, atmosphere, as excessive endeavour ration, evapo- avoid to well much as possible. as A careful external to from plant losing This than more rest. it roots and its concentrated must from shrivelling in only be being is will decidedly or to by the furnished prevent injurious means plant to enough the prevent of will with too the bulbs to by about just supplying atmosphere supplied than more the is plant energies from would although moisture, leaves much individual accordingly, acts the any detects quickly cultivator when then moisture far observant and appearance and rest, at In generally. case 23 ORCHIDS. RESTING plants ration. evaposuffer much and when 24 COOL VARIATION SPECIFIC WE search may so and far depth as the and proved by growing invariably experienced striking when grower, of illustration the from having deep a crimson apparent in other run of from the varieties Alexandra in the " size the yellow colour Cattleyas the chaste and in many well are of their on the lips,but apply to and constitution it is the marked as several P. of any " is depth collections, our length and other P. species,as only speciesthat will this only in of the diffusion vigour. speciesin variable PhalaBiiopsis in and their (crispum) distinct,not in the the which beautiful extremely forms ; variety, fur in constitutional Schilleriana in and notorious and also varies genera, blossoms. different the rosy Odontoglossum its sepals,the remarks amabilis, and of cite may distinct are Odontoglots colouring leaves,as well robust of that queen a variabilityis equally different to imaginable. of their P. this signs As potted. deep very into the most of which breadth and of the most by even first typicalform grandiflora exists several them, a species belonging while protean variability, may more external no Skinneri, which to lip; were were caste purest white much grow I variability, their They conditions, when some they size vigour, as same amongst lovely winter-flowering Ly colour that be detected superiorityto do, newly imported plants others, although there vigorously than concerned. are preciselythe found be of Orchids the relative constitutional to batch a species under same it will of themselves flowers the than more vary colouring and of richness and vegetable kingdom entire plants that greatly in regard also vary be of shape of ORCHIDS. AMONG the through, classes few find but GROWING. ORCHID breadth The same Lurlclemamiiana, latter has the truly superb subject itself to cool most genus, treat- VARIATION SPECIFIC I would ment. breadth of measure remark gives deal good the proof of being its and a flowers long-petalledflimsy but across, of the mention mere substantial many breadth lack they that no variety, since a since flower a first-class here 25 ORCHIDS. AMONG comparatively worthless, are substance sepals and in their petals. In of the finest collections of one there are twenty some greatlyin breadth of apparent that when select to as petal and varieties Orchids, too, which been related, but also and pseudo-bulbs, of Mexican Spaniards differingin bulbed other a the varietyblooms be grown may single flower. Esq., son, Mr. of " of there James has thus be and freely, that substance. only account by speciesbloom to the from seed succeeded short- varieties " are be may asked, flowering It will years. those flowers this causes normal for diversityin colour, size,form, different bloom which the types in F. Daw- to in last few these the fact that in their native of good striking species? and "We stitution, con- several habitats,where in close posed proximitysimultaneously,they are exfertilising agency of insects,and being reproduced it follows seedlings, vary raised it What, varieties, distinct produce large,richlycoloured divergence from can good two are an of the de Maio Anderson, gardener species regularlyduring " of their thickness regularity,while the without its ever producing for years this that just tolerable Meadowbank, seen and are has as pseudo-bulbs. The their with on only the Flor majalis which length be careful should possible. There as length vary flowering propensities.For Laelia of country it becomes Hence not greatly, vary their this,take " of them in the in example substance. purchase Orchids, we some this thirty imported plants,which or we good in Phalaenopsids as has seedlingsof any that some just been class of proportion, if stated. Everyone plants will all the not who understand has that 26 COOL they this to differ from apt are the when case other producing plants, and when great bulk of that nearly all the the have proved their parents, and fertilisation in their varieties variabilityin their its and Orchidaceous pseudo if its external really is a genuine pleasure its floral much in wondered that wild between books does found to from what has exist which the of he the such often is not in the the been plant a by what different drawings Orchids that of ? vary the of means varieties were unfold stranger vary cultivation, need matter any if it betray him, not plants representations the of its relatives,, delicate under even to does extraordinary variety, with watch portraitsof charm carefully he How those does growth cross- imported an ! from extreme unfeigned anxiety first time with of all the This additional foliage with an that proof watch aware Schlimmii,. origination an breeding, cross- distinct tropics. Seeing, therefore, disparity in question be adds or habit state, and at that exists plants cultivator bulbs treasures. a the with species,or new is the but country, less or to well Cypripedium from introduced flower-spikefor its compares in this more habitats beauty are pretty conclusive a professional or showing is be to native cultivation, for amateur and grandiflora extent, influences, We raised affect certain a their agency. I conditions to owe seedling Orchids this and surrounding varieties insect by themselves. than individuals different flowering on diverse circumstances in especiallyis- ; more again cross-fertilised,, are more best our of Disa exception beautiful under effected as even variety exist parent plant varieties local cause they the that GROWING. the these plants allow willingly ORCHID same the in plant complaint of it b" difference The greater so- ; but than plants originallymade. ferent difthe may selves, them- IS COOL by ORCHID and door, glass partition a rather being kept be might The required. and about might have the benches "either did high, These compartment one so give to as placed upon cast-iron Iron is better than wood, which will a Cool humid a sad celebrated nopsids in may be roof might this House, collection In to the constructed, into which be conducted for use moisture --explained, is Orchids, and slate benches as bare This essential and of might give not the all the rain-water inside. As to the has been a ago, Phalsecistern from the already well-being of speedilybecome way in the long finest of the house centre ports. sup- naturally reallyhappened some be ground. Manchester near damage country. partly below atmosphere, damage. serious very Orchid more should benches slabs Roofed as will be about slate suddenly, causing and or other, or "lecay quickly in of feet the than side benches high, ment compart- one stone Span case feet 3 drier or larger plants. to room 4 of to allow as staging or wide head so warmer feet 4 GROWING. dry all after COOL having been practiceto small up benches and and vigour benches will Cool materiallyaid or a During Ferns the hot in cold cover be from the ventilators be House at conducive the planted,as shown from the for that the sun's bordering finish path Selaginella carpet and to the house in the In blinds order is a ; illustration. plants will requireto rays, and purpose. with with health the on green injuring the plants,it either to the Fernielmrst. clean months this, the to during and neat addition fresh in coal,broken cannel planted a good plan a water, which, space form Orchid summer provided draughts The soon be may highly may giving a carefully protected should In hold to plants. side hortensis, which few made be of the the layer of thin a months, will be summer down, it is carefullywashed. also may with 21J HOUSES. damped or them cover hot beneath watered ORCHID on to rollers prevent good plan perforated sheets be of zinc to or 30 ORCHID COOL piecesof "else to tack GROWING. the tiffanyover coarse inside openings the house. and These many more .suggest themselves to who symptoms to must be which his Orchid houses circumstances. of does any intelligentworkman place,in a trifle a few weeks compared plantswill a Lean-to not therefore,be ; may, at who the attentive The Orchid vator, culti- erected may their great under happen pleasure the construction of House. call for any most, and with the afford. of soon ready to counteract any unhealthy plants may show through being subjected skill they mind will, however, ever Section cool the of adverse course a little details the to be first cost culture of amount direction about of the will be but of these lovely COOL Although which still there 10" are Orchids some is other Section both thrive If a and at HOUSES. grow freelyin a to grow of House bloom vigour which in them true or temperature a and of 45", or would Orcliids. house, but of Orchids house, say 60 feet long,is builb,it should partment com- temperature 8" successfully.They cooler lovers cool house a require adapted for Vines the 31 winter mean speciesthat in order warmer, luxuriant kept OKCHID not with delightto that see. be divided in the 32 COOL middle; this gives two of these may extra an row GROWING. ORCHID of 30 feet compartments be kept of pipes,one than warmer the other flow and each, and the addition by In this return. one end warm many Cattleyas, Lselias, Trichopilias, Cypripediums, Oncids may a be grown, connoisseur if grown of the glots. Many will bear house which with would hardly give in the cool end Orchids usually grown absolute impunity a the to OdontoIndian in the East winter mean and satisfaction with along of ture tempera- of 50". known I have small houses as rule a of and they which do require at not but they at grown sunk not for also such frost for and house Syon As exclusive has as by throwing erected, and other places in these seen of some the Scotland. Warner, of the Yines conducive England and a Yinery very in grown Esq., in of and to the moist Anguloas, and Odontoglots, and of many the crop the well Orchids are selves themfree- of out-of- manner Orchids The genial atmosphere healthy vigour are partially successfullyby Broomfield, and -others. the been commoner the-way places,both vated exca- Orchids, absolutelyfor in all been for have structure over still on Orchids a mats houses ; previously remarked, houses to be such only not The convenient few to enter flowering speciesbeautifullygrown also a be genial,., as Ferns. at require to and also very are lady visitors been indeed, I have ; be plants and stove against them. or hand, the ground has can Plants may artificial heat remarkably well, answer houses. so house a there generally humid much so the other convenient the most whole On night. before for in success level. ground houses, but is being easilyprotectedfrom them the either houses marked with fullyexposed ; they more are such raised such not below in well grow atmosphere in partiallysunk good arguments very cultivated Orchids have Eobert partial shade highly are Dendrobes, Lycastes, of Grapes is a very ORCHID COOL agreeable secondary advised once the truly very which might experience that in growth equally true of sections of culture may be of that be not heat by Orchids under at the a very of pp. different moderate Orchids a green make will be conditions, outlay. from vigorous bright and this accompanying adapted and ing grow- which above, found over more- know a in The genera. 31) I foliage he worth Yines." vinery warm than more and Yines, Dendrobes fresh 30, few under other many (see are has Warner and there choice genial of " Orchids cultivated many houses erected Mr. association subdued is sunlight is the consideration. asserts 33 HOUSES. similar to houses the 34 COOL HOUSES ORCHID THE gives some of plants when houses from idea point general adoption as at specialbeauty Indeed, when effect of the whole Orchids, however, have few a others, but in bloom. and see a habited and in close in the houses at home. that in some of the step Palms beauty with as unattractive natural we way it is of natural I am gracefully- group natural are amply nature here arrangement quite well present themselves cases follow possible to aware to our sufficient of the As I have native their Grasses, to in a certain our Orchid culties practicaldiffi- notice, and to when arrangement, Orchids. our Some Aerides, Yandas, luxuriantlyin grow in details,the general are when beauty Orchids grower into consideration. to of out pseudo-bulbs,but minute nearer along sense. commonest attractive plump taken any ordinary an contiguitywith Ferns, Melastomads, Palms, and extent a floral a plants are certain a general they of its pointed out, habitats these get little more Ferns before and We for noted pleasure that gracefulhabit, a in than houses, professionalOrchid these only being most Orchid our other To the overlooks astic enthusi- that strong growths, fresh foliage,or ordinary visitor the collection of the is appear, for thoir Orchidaceous a there amateur, to scarcelyhope generally any style beautiful made even tithe of the plants. be can not are from derive enthusiastic I admit must give a not Succulent and natural of that fine tribe grace may generalityof the Ferns not manner elegance,in would an in the and present, though at or observer the beauty arranged, flower, they do or house of view of Orchids present or of the in this eesthetic admirer Orchid an STYLE. however arranged. Still, judiciously arranged an NATURAL THE IN shows frontispiece and GROWING. ORCHID know that bility preclude the possi- system being attempted, but there are 36 Sobralias. and Phajus would being flowered from if almost impossible picturesque carried and appearance, the cascade little is easy plant), the aquatic be left the system, with the as of a so come while few as into house Ferns, the delicate perly pro- the cade cas- graceful a elata have suitable introduce ; Steelii, might colours utilized or other openings could containing by adopting this be gay always Selaginellas, would two or been pots and in Loddigesii Nymphaeas, bloom (Dove Stanhopea a by rockwork. hidden Scuticaria might trailing plants, to pots. when for Cycnoches kind to is Peristeria as smaller this in is arranged have partly below of the it considerably heightened and water since water planifolia, and arranged exotics, the in grown grown idea macrostachya, Vanilla they when plants plants Coelia goldenOrchids be might the the Oncidium some naturally with from such rockwork, background flowers. is houses In plants choice together of plants. a ensemble The group. culture flowering tout of coccinea, in The while foreground, the boiler. tumbling species some complete the recognise to Eenanthera by the what carrying pipe The Orchid-house an shows specimens, situations, them to Wallichii terrestrial Cape, represents The round other the justice manner, out. passes It do to noble make suitable in P. bloomers. many and out frontispiece, which a and America, planted and abundant very flava South perfection in and Cyrtopera India, Our themselves feeders gross and grandifolius Phajus establish soon GROWING. ORCHID COOL and form of kept Mosses, an the priate appro- fragrant IMPORTING IMPORTING - ORCHIDS, perhaps important subject, of be out is much collections in represented,even and will doubt no clears the way are well. The continue their to though southern or terrestrial Orchids cultivators. not to mention Assam Orchids those of other main is will they down and season, officer and lately in the this is the these the Bengal various and the profusion mountains, but which he has never both, for come An kindly supplied me and hunting seen enter, the winter parts of India, and whilst to to their hills. lovelyLilies,Primulas, Rhododendrons, in the wild Nagahs, during many with as plants,or his met in It is difficult natives with he has of plants,which gorges, allow has Assam, Suddyah mountains. season army Lower rare to trade warm finest great continent or and the the yet unknown as cultivators. flowers Debrooghan of and mountain do might plants of some are new There country. even Upper to poorly yet comparatively as tribes, the Mishmeys experience of but are rich private enterprise parts of the both during return of they, however, ; our private collections, until to neighbouring down These Suddyah to and so localityfor enter to bring trifle. mere the this object to tribes and European Orchids be grown, unknown rich a profuselyin for any moderately of,and could The in the India, are grow are district, including that great We Africa Central not generallyacknowledged enterprising collector an unheard not Cape to be may even public to it here to ere introduction vegetationof unknown, Upper best this way terrestrial our localities where many this in approach completeness. epiphytal species,but in a do to allusion it is especiallyas place,more there that brief a to reference in repeatedly questioned been HAVING 37 ORCHIDS. and mentions Ferns which shooting in cultivation. in A 38 collector the a ORCHID COOL going out else make language, or who native be country have favourable Orchids. that Plants be obtained may of drawings first who to the correspondents instances over known by giving the themr and in succeeds plants send are native Pass, do at reach not that small a of beautiful scarcelyless thoroughly coloured the to sum In addition the hills. or vicinityof in the Oontadoora the to Orchids The feet. nearly 17,500 herbaceous many Himalayan plants from obtained be interestingmight with investigated, well of choice graphic small villagenear parts of the locality.Many in speciallocality noticed were elevation, but that could above, different speciesof Iris,Myo- elevation an tribes from bringing them is in any this in two or case certain offering a mentioned Panchoa a culties diffi- persons India, who in to grow sotis,Delphinium, and Fritillarias Panchoa. innumerable Many way. of something take, into his employ to English, or his in resident his mind some thrown understand should up understands will some India to GROWING. might range be by pleasure and profit, both collector. well-qualified any is but Collectingplants,however, for if great them, there is every journey to this be when packed tightlyin at that a is not care common If the pack them the If during packing case, growths plenty of the evil is the result. much greater chance soon A a spreads,and few robust of or shavings, good dition. con- necessary to in it becomes should Packed season. this country their on bulbs dry fibre among little is of but It in lost and dry collector, a transporting being the of allowing glass-roofedplant-case, a room. growing plants together their growing, are carefullyin decay and rest, or plants more packing possibleOrchids they generallyreach season duty probabilityof country. at in taken half the case, a mass if for of one to use this to commences stagnant rottenness plants carefullypacked reaching crowd have a country in excellent IMPORTING condition the of case them well established thoroughly which on afterwards in which cases often arrived In sending be taken Orchids the when only the has ruined the labour had been has their was officer of the steamer which suggest themselves and prepare them the importation are their native plants and best brought earth. shrubs are as seeds that will best certain keep for over over death in years impaired; Amherstia for to but example, a their a native good plan other or have well as them certain of than at rest, it is at packed other in moist them. There are cannot clay or are many without others, be in tropical packed dry place render terrestrial many and soon to know that may when there that capital and captain it is of Palms sent vitalitybecoming nobilis tubers sent seeds Many dryness is earth, or of valuable placed,to less the northern cases it is circumstances Orchids living bulbs, and Many present. Orchids, of this little details will These adverse shipped our in the are during reached of both collector,but to the against any of scores they should care been having rigour of amount during bright sunshine. shaded manner disappointed many, glass-roofedcases, on safety. here The collect to reach having with arrangements, if possible, to make in in this their of large a of case this months. expended In the habitats. will contents after plants,often home, there need abroad, they and season, country during the winter winters to for failure cause the firmly to destination country from that so can condition. Inattention late in too to this them ship screwed or branches obtained so grandiflorapacked in excellent weather. warm off to P. off the In obtain possible to to be sent are together. logs reaching their and PhalaenopsisParishi have The if nailed they of their little fear but it is by lopping they grow. trimmed, and be sides of the closely huddled epiphytal Orchids, some of the trees be great numbers than 39 OIICHIDS. their as the imported or 40 COOL for preserved in gardener Satyriums, Orchids terrestrial resting and rare sent by thin sheet post, reference living way. from them. abroad, a of can method when a be or no of one of friends necessity for this of and he from a parcels there in observed, in had to received in sent convenient of be may wrapped India being small Orchids plants that the during European recently the African quantity the and Habenarias, South moss, post, Yanda obtaining tree, herbaceous Hooker of doubt has of damp by the the in over little plants species of Many Dr. sending plants inexpensive soil. india-rubber. to There in packed sent Alpine interesting or other Nature from Tubers adopt. be in packed season, falls imperative many might condition. good and an to and Disas, in ripens becomes collector or time it as this cases some soon as GROWING. of length any seed her sows ORCHID and living collect that and plants send ORCHIDS ORCHIDS ORCHIDS of apartments plants ib is yet have we see and for many months before they ; of some in will make be can the finest one very of transferred this is of colour artificial which to the only had of which Crotons 6Q above last winter descended succumbed last winter in an Orchid this is in fine " to 40Q its last of one plant,with of Under purity Orchid the during decoration the light gas- white under house in frequently descended yet this plant is Aerides ordinary lean-to, frequently to of many a paratively com- Oncidiums, cristata freezing point,and Indian Another and of: the temperature placed plant was uninjured. we The is these To front hall. the being dazzling flowers there objects imaginable,the of the loveliest light. this 38", or one Orchid the to besides especial occasionallyfor and room, for the decoration, and indoor the they again and growth, cases after their employ to repeatedlyused we forty spikes, for thirty or dining winter severe for close before Coelogyne and ; sheltered a bloom Odontoglossums all Orchids in being injured. Lselias. know, but in Ward's Coelogyne cristata,Lycaste Skinneri, for used are vigorous growth a the best are their cool beautiful drawing-rooms flowering of their glorious Cattleyas and they Orchids again commence these placed grown Some these the used been and of That if finish danger no for the decoration occasionallywe summer and as they sitting-room, belong the together, growing house Orchid specieshave is matured, commence EOOM. many table species that during position; growth which dinner any many of: doors out for use of the rarity to a SITTING pre-eminently adapted. seem decoration the a 41 ROOM. yet very generallyused as " SITTING THE FOE not are THE roll and treatment, but the odoratum temperature probably two " small lower. plants 42 of this and Aerides COOL ORCHID as healthy are GROWING. would be winter season taken in said of other During if the its many plants cold sink not there the atmosphere, which The room : " cold in being and the 0. cucullatum aurantiaca Yanda ; ; same for Oncidium ; ; the while L. anceps ; will aridityof allowed to lower a The following of the L. O. in sitting- aromatica Barkeria Alexandras ; Phalaenopsis, Lselia albida, L. autumn Cypripedium barbatum, losum, C. insigne,and Cypri- difference dry. and for shades to of we sharp frosty removed Sophronitis grandifloraand ; in be nubigenum, ; and the decoration cruenta Cattleyacitrina Odoiitoglossum caerulea cases, pots should and and winter and degrees feared in the to be feared are Andes. the room, glass draughts they Skinneri, L. cristata Skinneri but common " several suitable alis,L. furfuracea, and B. ; of close soil that is wet Orchids Lycaste Coelogyne the the to be danger position in use last is most compost temperature between list of is little "c. from protect them temperature, there a and S.cernua, Sophronitisgrandiflara, get comparatively dry before is ; of the Peruvian cutting draughts insigne,C. venustnm, weather. 40" below sheltered a recommend -as " suffice to in varieties beautiful ordinary sittingroom, an the cool summits in set strongly pedium and months summer subjectedto small precautionsarc Odontoglossum Alexandras, Oncidiumnubigenum, plants are would and prevent the plants being frozen to does speciesfrom the if due as in the house Odontoglossums impunity together in of which temperature with Skinneri Lycaste of the Epiphytes, to the be removed many be done may last for weeks maybe with frosty weather transit. will but ; Lycastes,this the growing now are Indian recommend folly to Phalsenopsids,Vaiidas, "c., to not and ever, floweringvigorously. It and as - spectabilisand S. and cernua 0. Ada Pescatorei, C. venustum, Zygopetalum Mackayi. ; C. vil- 44 ORCHID COOL enlargesrapidlyafter which attain length a fertilisation rarely half are contain of from however, difficulty, of state than is generally supposed seed good perfect seeds that but manyfailures that cultivators to raise When hybrids. examined under a the nucleus ought to reticulated it is useless developed, might we having being well as admitted far as which those as cultivators the raising of has already been who researches most that have " the opportunity to Orchids at * seed and rare succeeded in after last is far from has forgetting what generally be to learn, in to induce ought extended more Veitchii,one Cypripedium * of the Cattleya Harrisianum, Two rearing seedlingplants of so That is concerned. undertake Calanthe place ; Ferns of young still much Cypripedium (Selenipedium)Dominianum. least have is not to take present in cultivation, or * perfect, branous, translucent, mem- in this direction done the attempts are hybrids,it will have from take, for example, beautiful of we Orchids exoniensis, together with * ~Not in the way produce their they which occurrence. achieved Orchids If the nucleus batch spore-cases, rarely more be attributed if ; coat. a the to come expect germination to obtain empty uncommon already been seed or to expect the sown an testa highest condition. much the beneath seen tioned, men- obtained, they should are good microscope be have I experiencedin seeds great before as good to this may have Orchid be in indeed, I believe ; The be in the produced are seldom, and very and, ; plant to experiments, place fertilisation,but in mere seed produce to careful many conclusion the parent requisitefor health, in order After lie in the not of the taken has ovules. minute percentage of good seed fair it is of place, the thickness that after takes that before long sixtydays does capsulesof Phalsenopsis, the ; inches, and 4 to 6 hundreds many obtaininga inch an little finger,in about and QUOTING. growers or at the beautiful Cypripedium (Selenipedium)Schlimii,viz.,M. Leroy, Passy (France),and Wandsworth. of attended Royal the Perhaps I have here compiled parents, where of Mr. Calanthe list of a More known. has in be crossing mentioned Limatodes. with hybrid Orchids, might of the Dominy, may with has success succeeded which amongst genera, Rucker, Esq., brilliant most perseverance Calanthe, and with Phajus the Nursery, Chelsea, who reputed to S. Pilcher, gardener patience and Exotic several Mr. 45 ORCHIDS. TIVBIUDISTNG added, but be their this is A. of 1. Column an Orchid. A, (Burlingtonia) Vandse Cattleya). 5. Pollinia 7. Pollen (Disa). anther; 3 . and 4. of Malaxideae 2. Pollinia B, stigmatic cavity. Pollinia of Epidendrese (Dendrobium) grains separated by . and (Lselia and Ophrydese of 6. Pollinia maceration, of under seen a microscope. sufficient may to show fairlyask, that have much these science ? natural of plants affinity specimens " their nor Mr. if not successful Pilcher done so than experiments. as may far ; and we botanical the prove by poring quickly,with horticultural have nothing for graftingwe far better Unfortunately for Dominy results By hybridisationand done already been has over greater barium hertainty. cer- science, neither yet given us the details Mr. of 46 ORCHID COOL GROWING. HYBRID of Talking sowing of the late Donald " G-et the Take a down them of ragged inches distances long, and pot with whole water from will stick is under gradually. to fibrypeat As the half holding your the sides the the pen and in 60 No. put a smooth sunbeam. pot upside piece 2 a the hole inches Then or hole in big pot at e.qual outside, and begin the or thickness, place against it the bottom subsides 60. of No. charcoal,3 inches of the breathe dusted. of the piece of to fill Now pot in the left hand. finger by water sides in width the bottom water, equally over cracked that the a and bottom, fingeron the on surface the put a dust the as pot, and or recipefrom emptied on small as against water, seeds the Orchid an a " " pieces of rough, put your ; at seed, here is : 32 turf their ends on sow No. the hole take four 4 four being clean over Then the seed-podof very square Beaton seeds the paper, Orchid ORCHIDS. till the let off the hole very, pot, the very seeds pot, the peat, and the charcoal. just like much so place the pot the safely on pot, and in put tide mark. a of square it will not pot where get the heat is at Calcutta has into this world could never " have I of the from packets before if not sanguinea, course, of the Angrascum all of by I route a that all the speciesare science ought epiphytal Orchids as funale, and from Jamaica ; and as able to solve the be to not we look and for seed for advertised be Balsam regularly as from naturallyreproduced May to abundantly in Epidendrums reproduction here. years many from and Oncidiums of their sale seed, Primula quite so cheaply ?" Perhaps seed the best soon as covered with contains or before surface the If their to be months, they show easiest to obtain the of few out appears three raising seedlingsis living Sphagnum. will make germinate of manner ripe,on as some probability two Orchids :" seed, horticultural problem pollen they say, of the world gettingout the why to of the 100 brought 1,000 ripe seed-pods hanging seen know, of we follows as Broughtonia some I but, truth way, of means of life. where and of every a the Put twigs. soon, very to leave as so of the fathom." is Another that just the found them the germ them given not that seedlingsare it is now, if 99 out of deep the mouth of the than dry point ; and vegetate, and will not seeds till your across thickness more inch an the twigs, glass over the for air all round space twigs two put ; with point is all off, the water When water, it to that hold wing a of saucer a it,and in water of 47 ORCHIDS. HYBRIDISING while from seed ; a The others friend blocks or the seeds uncertain, Disa themselves. pots thousands appearance. very of are that good, in each time they take are all capsule to requiringonly as many grandiflora is informs the sow that some remain to me one years of the that he has 48 of young hundreds already been obtained. that there abroad stock Orchids some are Schroederi Aerides the number. time must but this if since seedlingswere be some in is always to prove no but them would be a germination of Orchid will give us How by state. In Mossise, unless they what at home for these we shall genera, " see If that we our list of near There and be can view, the rearing when the plants varieties. of has taken place in If the seedlings? are difficult to manage so has Cattleya already been hybrids does not effected, include many Cattleya,Cypripedium, Goodyera, Phajus, Calanthe, have Limatodes been raised seed, in from Manchester, but whether would appear to be a belongs to the Yandas an hybridsor most and being Orchid not all. to say. Calanthe although readily, the other Den- ment establish- I cannot between affinity natural Phajus,seeingthat they cross callyone of varieties many agency Laelia,Anaectochilus, Aerides, and drobiums eventually may understood, hybridisation at what look always seedlings,there Doubtless, the insect crossingby habitats,and ? of beautiful and new e drawback, distinct,there success. is better seeds beautiful would there they out turn decided habitats considerabl serious case pecuniary point a know we the some a seed, then, germinates abroad, why is it here and flowering condition, a year the to as account to we their native year other many are reared that, in doubt of prove should be, but reach not uncertainty an that would blooming a ; Schroederi) being amongst var. be denied it cannot practice out in their native even seedlingswill elapseere in holding rare, (A.crispum Again, supposed be moment a Portei, P. Lowii, and Phalaenopsis intermedia " hybridshaving four or supersedeimportedplants,provided will the rely on can for it cannot course seedlingOrchids that we of matter Cypripedium, single pod. a three germinate readily, to a from plants also, appears As GROWING. ORCHID COOL botani- Epidendrea*. PKOPAGATIOX PROPAGATION THE majorityof: there are The that some imported,or does not its flowers plant or Orchids. into cut bottom D. The lengths,the heat. So manner it does as a latter being inserted with a bulbs and laid others, old bulbs the have close a with cut are the on a should be of in moist a laid cutting-pan,or situation,where a round a be the a syringed all Orchids close humid latent buds on sphere, atmo- the parts Odontoglossums, Lycastes layerof large proportion Then, in moss of them a warm, will root break lost accidentally appliesto " and Camarotis to the their " a leading growth. The same be may freely. Aerides, Yandas, and Saccolabiums These last are only be propagated by lateral breaks. strong imported plants that very freelyby some and It labelled or Nearly Oncidiums, on a Orchid-house, the Zygopetalums, Miltonias, Maxillarias, and placed in in sphagnum. watered moist. in Devonianum, layer of livingsphagnum. it fresh and bulbs them propagated the be - twisted in the freelyfrom the old bulbs provided always that there are back be any cutting plunging D. as may common a be among will break Old in may case tions. collec- of D. nobile freely. may quantity our the plants,they should from which moss, to keep occasionally removed. small beauty propagate and bell-glass, many being covered back as easy to treated,they break ; or good plan to bottom the on the on flowering bulbs tops of the pots and pegged down is much so old transparens, and similar depend perhaps as are covering them pan, readilymultiplied;still propagatedat long intervals. of its being multiplied in difficulty the Dendrobiums other ORCHIDS. very are only be can value of Orchids of the OF Orchids 49 ORCHIDS. OF can duced prohave remark beautiful,though neglected,old Orchid Angraecums. Thunia alba and T. Bensonias " are 50 ORCHID COOL GROWING. by cutting up easilymultiplied very pieces 3 to 4 inches long,and treatingthem occasionallyproduce young frequentlydoes Luddemanniana Masdevallias, Disas, and division Seedling plants as after the Orchids P, flower-stems, plied readilymulti- Orchids,are plantshave but are breaks,and lateral the on for recommended this, while Cypripediums, other most into pseudo-bulbs old Phalsenopsisoften produce Dendrobiums. by the attained rarely met to a good with, although size. some Seedling Beridrobes, have been obtained from seed, s dypripeditiffi good things G. SchJimmii, seed freelyif fertilised as recommended, especially Very j more and seed* some Disa the latter comes grandiflora of the beautiful in originated quantity of species generallycomes their this up from Varieties into which manner. membranous, it sports have seeds " from and freely, seed very Orchids produce netted true an when less doubt- immense properly 52 COOL Dendrobes Seedling has Manchester, near of of result Several been off it will to produce The delicate old the trade, and of also Phalsenopsids, years the pollen is far exposed, of when bulbs. cold, wet, these the on illustrates a Grown than often rotten plants are grown in and the a root ceding pre- nursery plant young also raft way, bury the sphagnum, pots. of apex young Phalae- Schiller's this to itself The successfully are in off and semi-circular in rational and shows Consul "c., the the establishments. flower-stem, of round pot-tops. adopted granclifolius Saccolabiums, more the broken top on fall private to its propagates bulbils for Calanthes plants These on have thank to has humilis generally Leicester. Turner, bulb little Phajus also young Pleione flower-stem the This nopsis. old an three equally applicable are on if or those adventitiously produced plants two pseudo are illustration Our for living sphagnum methods done three vexillarium. C. numerous decaying into freely mass drobes. Den- Cypripediums have we and little freely, producing its whom Dominy, propagate, often fracture. a and ; seedling with heterocarpum Laelias, and Harrisianum easy very Mr. D. at Broughton, about seedling plants Cattleyas, Mr. by Cypripedium of shows seed Lower promising very raised been imported Ainsworth, some fertilising hybrid raised very from, latter Dr. to have nobile. D. are the also sketch Our old, the " gardener Mitchell, Mr. Cypripediums and Nurseries Fairfield the GROWING. ORCHID by grown the with aerial as which on is roots roots in generally INSECTS plants often that do serious any taken precautions are prevent injury. Thrips but dry; in the life. house dry a certain it is almost to Calanthes, but two of In smoking smoke burning them do will the in the yellow fly,so juicy common well known hesitates that smoke their condition name objected to his bulbs it use " Orchids at Odontoglots, but and foliage are harms with or be never by Ferniehurst, fresh use. be and a hot of the never bered remem- plump, in them, though Mr. Bateman, Orchids of tobacco its charge it must and taken, shrivelled has who twist," by should They " paper, be must degree Culley, Cool rarely in connection the " tobacco as care damage. Mr. of of considerably reduced if in the least collection to sold of doses rag, i. e., the old manufacture in the are serious dry atmosphere. whose its appearance yellow thrips Tobacco out. Odoiitoglossums great subjected to smoking which for insect moderately strong three or the vile rubbish preferableto chances and The Schlimmi. will clear smoke the the a of the atmosphere operationson commence coverings of the rollers used is far is ought houses, will infest the flower-spikesof Odontoglots in Orchid tobacco this favourable most if there and corner, foliageof Cypripedium and the to atmosphere Orchids cool, moist is not the spider sometimes, though rarely,makes Eed in The case. and cool to assistants worst, especiallyif the is excessive devoted house Odontoglossum of the one house houses the be to never the of is his or not is, if ordinary that damage, cultivator the by ORCHIDS. pests, although, it is insect to 53 ORCHIDS. INFEST subject are they temperature INFEST THAT .INSECTS MOST THAT smoke is well-known, in the strongly Odontoglossum houses. Orchids grown in cool houses rarely suffer from the small 54 and white Aerides brown COOL ORCHID scales which Yandas and it will most likely be Trichopilias. IH with tepidwater, near so liable to Some and " fly; in invention and it forces it in This affected,but water-barrow useful any immersed it may for after doubt, but it is applied. capturing and of thrips and applying to go of the the few long a the of this use way, delicate most slightest degree. individual plants are contrivance This the plants who to of white be can plants of every may be without the and use brown half it. of entirely with which partly in of the any the filled with be insect held be than may possessed once against the compound this useful I would trivance con- caution methylated spirits scale. It kills scale seriouslydisfiguresthe foliageoperated especiallyif more on, of a for is made better no then the care never clearingOrchids trouble. success the a the death ensure cultivator unwary without is and Anyone would with by syringed thoroughly without wasted. being to for the not Atherton, of Nottingham, in but when over otherwise they as and them figured. infested,or be liquidand as " Parr flower-buds there insecticide so Cattleyas large quantity of good-sized specimens have we " Fowler's compound injuring a cleaned be to when the dirt,they are pests of fine spray, useful latter is very " among description without and dust effective contrivance little of the a appearance? among all the better Messrs. form the an among regularly sponged are of insect used registeredan latter kind havoc very effective in the destruction are have we put in end free from the attacks sad such warm plants kept Frettingham's." have the the and insecticides green has the in be, and the plants look would also make if they should still, ; and GROWING. it The gets caught by the following are destroying insects sun's well-known that infest rays soon methods Orchids generally. For Cockroaches and crickets, place bell glasses,bottles, THAT INSECTS smooth glazed or and drown till day but smoking, paper, 1 small pan, and the it may 1 had or at spoil the from as a as soon time a few and seen, difficultyin keeping and Slugs may filled be leaves, is also a or good 1 with of oz. in the at about not allowed once to Ants or sugar, collected by pieces of bark a treacle little bran with trap for woodlice. for the a if the and mixtures to the burn Tobacco duty, 3s. 6d. be be may gallon. per and the after, and week destroyed or bottles placed under hollow side if is little there them, in house, a aloes crowns. spread, for must successive than of a creasing in- quantity apt may being placed bones much its appearance, on it in soaked paper bitter free bond, by tobacco spiders, or are nurseries clean. killed on it is safer gets two them fresh, unpicked wetted or the thrips immediately washed half either water, the at be without smokings in examined strong enough of tobacco be good the Three if it leaves toes Pota- by boiling paper turpentine, which or pure examined plants done be of insects 1 Ib. of tobacco to or only not mixture a places, and many for or ; gallon a soap should They to soft made water with tobacco containing plants thrips washed be of oz. kill be weight increased. gradually will plants certain a with in water the still burning, may If paper, of strength of risk andif be nights the the over should suffer. dissolved be sprinkled which carefully will some saltpetre it,it doubles beused, of the in which Green-fly very slanting position, a destroyed by placing be plants, done in are water, may the be leaves of oz. and sides disappear. they it must the or paper, treacle about in halves every the Woodlice themselves. cut in with fill them that so pans, 55 ORCHIDS. INFEST by sponges or some down, pans. bage Cabwhich 56 COOL SELECT ORCHID DESCRIPTIVE GROWING. LIST OF COOL OKCHIDS.* Acineta. THIS is Central a small of genus America. Pseudo-bulbs hen's large as below depend this section should A. Barkeri (Mexico, 183 7) to bearing fifteen A. densa. above ; lemon " A flowers from speciesof all the and Peristeria robust This July. colour. bulbs, drooping, yellow dark son, crim- several times and specieshas Barkeri. growing species,in sub-globose and yellow, dotted fresh green of the colour ; a three about long, bearing the base thirtyflowers to racemes, speciesinhabits shady valleys. leaves,two feet long,and of scented; May figuredas This inches seven Scapes stout, produced been " . lanceolate flowers ; be grown. Pseudo-bulbs, five broad baskets, in which the angular eggs, bearing two to four broad lanceolate, ribbed leaves sub-globose, fleshy,arranged on stout, pendulous which from robust, sub -terrestrial Orchids with of a also ; similar consistence waxy brown habit known ; as to the colour Acineta Warscewiczii. A. Humboldti flowers two is are feet (Columbia, 1842). " speedilyfade. long ; it has occasionallyknown figuredas Acineta as large-growing plants, and house, together with Peristeria affect a April ; scapes Humboldti, and All the preceding shady positionin copious supply a and superba. its species,but fine in March It blooms been A of moisture the when growing. Ada. A. aurantiaca * warm Those end (New Granada). species marked of the This " house. with an asterisk * will be genus found is as to succeed yet only best in the LIST OF COOL ORCHIDS. J3rid.es crispurn. 57 58 COOL the represented by rather dwarf grows at it bears from colour black are of apex inches The conspicuous in winter erect long and allied to Brassia, nodding spike, or last flowers considerable a of their account on habitat elongated petalsare its ; it is flowers, rather scarlet an ; its native in nearly ; orange- inside. very flowers ; the to sixteen with time, and twelve to towards twelve streaked ten 8,500 feet collections our and evergreen, of elevation closely set from present species in growing, an GROWING. ORCHID brilliant spring. Aerides. *A. high ; from leaves jagged apices ; about one cylindrical, to two white, suffused blooms about *a. A. *A. in with May or var. affine, variety of foot a long, with feet long, rose, and the lasts This superbum. " racemes flowers numerous freely with dotted June, and to one feet three affine(Sylhet,1837)." Stems about a is but purple in month ; fection. per- coloured deeper a being the last. This crispum (India,1840). " fine speciesis rather formal habit, its leaves being broad, nearly horizontal,and bluntly bilobed at their long, often once somewhat rhombiform, suffused white with or twice rosy by at with and three feet leaves,and flowers rose ; to eighteen inches large,the lipbeing the apex, and white, petals pure it deeply generally blooms or very July. is a robust varietyof the above, high. crispum Warneri. the normal *A. bilobed crispumLindleyanum growing *". A. narrower ; purple ; sepals and freelyabout May, June, often twelve branched shaded delicately *a. A. from apices; spike " handsome Another deeper coloured flowers variety,having than those borne form. Fieldingii(India). " This is one of the finest of all,and 60 COOL borne on solitary They be must moisture Clfwesi. sepals and is found in Columbia A. Ruckeri Flowers brown, speckled with same six thousand " cultivation. Its tinged This the formation con- species preceding. either are a deep lighterbrown introduced species was (1844),and is of one large, sub-globose flowers with ; tawny yellow. or A. Olowesi as liberally entire like the varietysanguinea, or beautiful This April feet elevation. Habit " in the be globular or nearly so. Granada, 1845). nankeen uniflora. year as and the consequently at five to (New March about greenish-orange outside,inside they crimson A. is ripened pseudo-bulbs golden yellow,lipswhitish concave, of the flower high growing. clear petals are the inches sixteen to shady position,and a when Flowers " from growth, in grown supplied with A. season's GROWING. twelve produced are preceding HID from scapes (Several of which of the OUC peach, and in the the best in cately white, deli- are spotted profusely with pink inside. A. eburnea. which A " succeeds and rare if treated beautiful white-flowered species, above. as Arpophyllum. A small .'ind Mexico. collection A. One of A, of about pseudo-bulbs. densely and twelve The is feet flowers to fourteen with They Granada New I have plants are a beautiful long, and deep inches form long. is in the seen peat, one-third lumps of fresh plenty of plant,the borne on purple " leaves slender small, but cylindricalspikes on When well grown, the objectsof singularbeauty. They fibrous like are rosy symmetrically arranged freelyin crocks. This two and plants flower freely, grow from Turner, Esq.,Narborough-road, Leicester. " are epiphytes finest the giganteum (1839). of which from of evergreen genus spersed turfy loam, freely inter- charcoal water when and an abundance growing. of LIST COOL OP 61 ORCHIDS. Barkeria. Deciduous Like vigorously in shaded with plants in pans dipping flowered B. this three A lip white two or lilac,blotched or with daily when admirably and of Costa Eica A five to seven in It flowers time in with long, very its apex near ; October, and lasts o? slender, sepalsand blotch deep purple a " time a very speciesbut spike in August an erect in beauty ; sepals and purple, having reddish It is A (Costa Eica). on lastinga long centre. there slightly, a at its able consider- beauty. Flowers or feet flowers September melanocaulon lippink varies It is free-flowering species, two racemes ; crimson. in cultivation. petalsrosy purple ; lipwhite, with. these grown times reddish Barkerias, and varieties three bearing from B. slightly long ; sepalsand petalsrosy " apex. 111 living sphagnum, succeeded Lindleyana (Batem. 1840). native I have four or suspended beautiful, slender-growing feet two of the finest of all the B. freely.They glass,and and high. profusely. " being the. sticks elegans (Guatemala). lilac ; inches bloom they regime they species; spikes slender, one oak tepid water Under growing. well Mexico, or twelve lightfabric. other filled with in six to beneath close tiffanyor them America cool, airy temperature, a baskets small or pans from Orchids, if grown all other grow Central pseudo-bulbs slender having from epiphytes, desirable and September, petals blotch a rarely met species,and of rosy green lilac ; in the well treated grows like its congeners. B. SJcinneri and from is valuable the (Guatemala). " as apices of a winter the This If kept dry a very vigorous species, blooming plant. Spikes produced ripened growth long, often branched, forming blossoms. is a it lasts from dense from six to nine of mass eightto ten inches deep purple weeks. 62 ORCHID COOL B. Skinneri a. This is pi.38). at above, flowering superba(seeWarner's var. fine,richly-coloured varietyof the " the a same time, (Guatemala, 1843)." This spectabilis B. is fine, large- a the individual flowered,summer-flowering species, inches fullytwo a across lilac colour rosy purple, and rosy plants of in and May ; dotted July,and spotted with or of many this,as being sepals and petalsoblong, acuminate, lipwhite, margined ; flowers other with lilac deep crimson ; of or imported Orchids, vary greatly; blooms lasts from eight weeks to ten in beauty. to the drawingprecedingspeciesmay be removed in flower, and, if protected by a large glass-shade when will form objects of: beauty, the enjoyment of bell-glass, and This room or which the need be marred not by of welfare, if the temperature to their ultimate anxiety as any the is apartment kept above freezing-point. Calanthe. A of beautiful genus trifolia will grow in vigorouslyand (East Indies,1819). veratrifoUa " length,plaited,with colour scapes ; the from sepalsand labellum bruised when the ; ; to three two the flowers of blue turn a a warm more or fresh green high,freelyproduced white, except the pure six to bloomed, is feet and feet two on golden papillae the it lasts from well freely in Leaves margins, wavy well-grownplants; flowers of flower vera- of the cool house. compartment *C. plants,mostly tropical ; stillC. the tips green disc on of the eventually black if eightweeks in perfection,and, and plant; May and July, beautiful Cattleya. This is Orchids, six to one some eight of the of the inches most showy genera speciesbearing across, and most we handsome have amongst flowers, from beautifullytinted with LIST crimson, purple,and into each delicatelyshaded while others surpriseus by of pure, glowing of white grounds, fibrous colour peat and moist but some few Walkeriana blocks best in living sphagnum the cool small-growing species,as C, C. the borne good size,and five inches or of in grown of across, either be grown a on and one block with February and March ; it in habit covered largeas pigeons' eggs, Two and a to bout uniform bright The lastingabout on a when *0. one solitaryfrom Flowers day three being Its with a broad, of inch latest the month block, and are in Moss beauty. in in lumps glass ; beauty k handsome other and Cattleyathat pseudo-bulbs from a are when inches pale glaucous colour, of a and of a deliciously perfumed. most consistence, waxy It should tepid as six to ten developed bulbs, and stout dipped should silverymembrane leaves ; the a and four It near very no lemon-yellow colour, flowers a leaved a in of are are five weeks is colour. or ; On growths two lilac colour. and This " a light. its flowers ; suspended strikingly unique species,there long both lastingfour (Mexico, 1838). *(7, citrina young, the little livingsphagnum a charcoal, well drained, and approaches best do shallow pan, in fibrous peat, sphagnum, and a in Aclandiee, C, together ; they two fresh good temperature near making bright rosy a in purest species, rarelyexceeding of habit a the marginata, suspended flowers from often and season, it has height; masses all luxuriate moderately a small, shallow pans in pots they ; *(7. 'bulbosa (Brazil,1846)." A dwarf six inches with boldly contrasted Cattleyas grow softness, in which manner (bulbosa),C. citrina,and in or the lavish airyatmosphere, and of indescribable with other are these colours specieshave Some gold. 63 ORCHIDS, COOL or be water grown once or wards, downtwice a growing. crispa(Rio Janeiro, 1826)." Also as Laslia crispa, It is a grand known in old Orchid-" some one lections colof the 64 useful,and most twelve from to easy very leaved high, one clavate, -bulbs Pseudo grow. inches fourteen to GROWING. ORCHID COOL well when ; producing strong spikes,each bearing from five to nine delicate flowers. Sepals and petals white, or white suffused grown margin, which Flowers from of the excellent an is above, floweringat the same crispa superba. " *(7. labiata (Brazil,1818). of the Orchids one or more finest of flowers " of crimson Orchids the generallylasts The of the pallida. " labiata." collections to succeed so effective in *C. marginata for growing on a in block. bright crimson hence the the under goes variety of is not autumn a this dense of a mass flowering for the often varied flowering is have delicate glowing exhibitors to The name. finest winter- plants received. variety is It of the " useful, and distinct very shining,and leaves, very name is It varieties, many across, one This it summer-flowering may added be to . type in flowering,though it the normal general appearance. (Brazil,1843). " small Mowers purple name. specific under is perfection. habit, having light green generally good a useful very season in var. but of the one treatment month a *a. C. labiata, in July Cattleyalabiata old real lips being It is early spring shows. to the to variety deeply-coloured fine six inches or is also and grown, five are purple. according for plant cultivated of the lilac,the apex rosy two time. grown, beautiful,are labiata" a The " less flowers. lasting from across, This C. the to well grown. when exhibitions %. makes finish crisp generallyflowering about perfection,and This white narrow a beautiful most a four to five inches August. or gives in four weeks velvet, with crimson lip lilac ; with pan, little plant suitable dwarf previouslyadvised, or as from A three colour. It is to four Lip with a inches for across, clear white perfumed. delicately placing of a margin, Flowering LIST about September OF COOL 65 ORCHIDS. October, it lasts or fortnight a or three weeks. *(7. MossioB sheet (Venezuela,La Guayra,1836). " of Orchid anchor of the introduction so, for its beauty or growers, rather This was speciesis the previous to Odontoglossum Alexandras, and deservedly will bear comparison with that of any other Cattleya Mossise. plant in the plant is that alike. On vegetableworld. there this scarcely two are point The the Gardeners9 great charm varieties Chronicle about to be of June this found llth 1864, in speaking of the protean characteristics of this species, as illustrated in the magnificentcollection of named varieties 66 COOL R. grown by a of two mass feet across, his he each the collection will best he his C. Mossiae are of petalsbeing delicate a richlycoloured blotching varieties superba. " picta. *(7. Skinneri Its being on a about shades like of all a of good a sepalsand the lip most gorgeous The principal TrianicB. upon A it is Esq., plant is also easily grown, them and oblong two from pur four pie,the lip plant for the and easily grown of Leicester, exhibited in London of known distinct very first-class a has also been with white, lip rosy-lilac months, makes is species in this it. a Flowers crimson- bright as 1866, twenty and C. Mossiae very C. much one thirty in grown admired. Warscewiczii, and Mossiae, it sports freely into less distinct varieties or is long. This allies,C. labiata and more This blossom, having between This " inches A. Turner, of speciosissima. pseudo-bulbs bear clear gentleman's collection several pure of flowers its which rosea. " exhibitions, as plant gloriousmass *C. velvet. C. e. darker. freely. remarkable that those the the in forms flesh tint,while d. C. Mossiae three summer very spikes out across, or crimson smooth spike,of a and flowers be not many flowers inches " clavate several spring it will how seeking (Guatemala, 1836). leatheryleaves to nine of " C. plant. mind his lilac auraiitiaca. 6. O. c. rosy flowers. " C. Mossiae a. eight was place Cattleya Mossise to and golden-yellow, with veining and are six to " remarkably most are individual The its noble in future about set fancy." some up specimens, thirtyof that so make then from bore of Orchids must admit, and suit is other, lover ; and of the one alike,and plants are distinct from for GROWING. Warner, Esq., says Scarcelytwo enough ORCHID a blooming ; sepalsand petalsnearly yellow as doubly valuable. " they throat." do in They the are winter 68 ORCHID COOL if two three or moderate of each only are produce treatment, they will, with grown, even beautiful of their succession a expensive,and are round. all the year flowers mentioned Cattleyasherein of the None GROWING. Ccelogyne. We have only species in one excepting,of course, Pleione group. Many of of the to cool treatment freely,or them ; sufficient in A (1837). " India, Sylhet,and from 5,000 the Ccelogynes when plump three to of the well their bers mem- are able amen- flowers in justifyus to so including inches bright orange its in month flowers its snowy Fern house forms the recherche This has of rows twenty is old an for the winter grown drawing-room. neatlyarranged most a or from bear beauty. two on a flowers drooping a lip,which disc,and specimens glossy green long ; on colour, except the of the finest of Orchids either the Orchid seven large or as dark inches at colour, and quite green bearing two five to on frequentlyfound Pseudo-bulbs six to twelve yellow a it is glossy a each across, Well-grown spikes,and last of eggs, grown, purest white teeth. glorious winter-floweringplant from where ISTepaul, from leaves lanceolate one produce 8,000 feet altitude. to largerthan pigeons' of delightfullittle not abundance, including in here. C. cristata two do but worth the select list" our N. this genus frond A from scape ; blotch a pectinate ninety to plant,but decoration of singlespike of of Maiden-hair head-dress. Colax. C.jugosus. " which we first saw Pseudo-bulbs worth. leaved This " leaves is a in Mr. rare and strikinglyhandsome S. Eucker's from two species, choice collection at Wands- to three broad, lanceolate,from inches high, ovoid six to nine inches ; two- long ; LIST flowers inch one and OF COOL half a 69 ORCHIDS. from across, inch long and erect spike ; sepalsabout pure white; petals white, heavily blotched panduriform, streaked, white, with column The vivid rich purple of known Brazil,and blotched few purple the is very blotches Also and between contrast beauty. a one Maxillaria vigorously in grows white pure bluish in It is the intermediate front. and long a Jug^osa," broad, purple ; segments It lasts an purple; lip yellow ; on inch an with streaks pleasing. " as half dark with four to two the time in native a house. Cymbidium. This is comparatively a large with of terrestrial genus in cultivation. still, they are freelyin compost of fresh fibrous peat and and a rarelymet of lumps intermixed. charcoal thoroughly well drained, and when green, from sixteen 50" in be must pots plants like plenty of of are a the moderate moisture ; worth Flowers as This much C. Hookerianum. as " a from is from When across. distinguished by the A fine a weeks in ; some suffused with down the truly distinct five to ten in and noble largegreen lip; individual not beauty. species, flowers,with blooms from three flower,this plant is easily pale yellowish green plant of scapes and specimen plants of species, fiftyto one hundred guineas each" stripedwith foliage, being distinctly margins. erect fine paleyellow-crimsonblotched inches descend generally,though or ; not velvety,golden ridge a is This bearing great spikesof to four colour springlast fullysix in the together,on two petals slightly spotted lipswith of the disc. centre inch broad an temperature that does purest white their long, half eighteeninches to winter; flowers borne soft flesh colour a sand " varieties have it are crocks, with (China, E. Bengal). Foliage distichous,pale freelyin grows they all grow They The ; growing. *(7. eburneum below the Orchids dark this flowered petioles of green, in the and rare having collection its red of 70 COOL G. Davis, Esq., Colston Sikkim temperature, *G. Master plentifully supplied with sii erect scape shaded with almonds ; flowers the labellum ; of this the freelywith grows the during winter Indies). Flowers E. " treatment months, lasts of curious like C.eburneum as and an less suffused or delicatelyperfumed, ; same of the apex near speciesis more delicate flesh colour moderate a moisture. of the native (l"41,a of the native a vigorously in grows white, five and eight together,from snowy or if It is Basset, Notts. and Himalayas, GROWING. OKCHID ; five to six from weeks. Cypripedium. A large and interesting genus speciesof plants,the of North temperate woods and moisture of the peculiar,from hence their " plants will descend compost of fresh in fibrous then the give meet a vigorously in a beautiful pans should growing thrips. are Most well them as in those of them, cultivation. at and the become tained con- good dry, even be used be grown purposes. neglected,but been hope of in summer may for exhibition Many house drained, and speciesmay and portion pro- is there through syringe of the has cool well to the adapted half-hardysection or all allowed be large cow-dung, be 71), p. admirably fibre more dried never and will succeed the " are Cypripediums in the winter. freelywatered popular synopsis with houses. or flowers The A well " when down large flat pans, hardy be must rest, and at freelyto keep The pots plants may They when in better it the other. the the heat to Lady's Slippers." 45" loam hand one lip (see slipper-shaped grow below turfy peat. The months. as the a name, on decidedlyterrestrial plants,and are a America having common not widely distributed,from are tropics on their of these that does which beautiful and long ere them present in cultivation in we to are quite our plant LIST OF Cypripedium COOL ORCHIDS. barbatum Veitchii. 72 COOL barbatum *C. ORCHID Leaves from variegated. Flowers from purple a colour " five to six inches and two mixed with nearly white, stripedwith the green, Lasts January *0. barbatum a. " nigrum. the distinguishedby colour purple *C. c. but added in of the barbatum with nurseries the select named *(7. caudatum C. This all the Cypripediums,and Leaves from and rosy after twelve of length grows vigorously in pot should into which the some growers the dark and the It is well inches compost above be covered roseum. be found " This is considered a killed of cool by being the of finest temperature. green. large yellow gradually gate elon- ultimatelyreach the which inches. This recommended, plant and the livingsphagnum, freely. deeper coloured, and a better with met long, bright to root is a fresh with be should Often to three two thirty or one in expands, and plants will large as Dayi, long-tailedspecies often is grows twenty top of the C. caudatum variety, grandiflorum. C. or curious a long,bearing flower-bud great a. is as July. purple flowers,the petals of the distinct grand variety,and a fourteen to feet flowers has high temperature. to two margins. variety. of the flowers Peru, and in one varietythan the by normal type. '*G. Fairieanum ; to June. and good superbiens " of This " It is coddled Scape the base their upper handsome collections. (1848). highlands a Another " across, lip. Veitchii. most large and superior size spotted petals, to the from A Dayi. b. *C. barbatum from blooms and sepal being towards purple,greenish a summer long, green dorsal along weeks, and at half to three inches a petalshaving shining hairy warts six with met is This Ophir, 1838). commonly very exhibitions. of Mount (Malacca, plant,and well-known GROWTHS. (Assam). " This is a rare and very distinct LIST OF COOL Cypripedium. ORCHIDS. caudaium. 73 74* COOL leaves plant ; from glaucous, and erect on large six to hairy,of with *C. long about with heat to temperature of the East brown coloured scapes is brown. waxy a. This flowers C. is a house green the coloured a fusion pro- spring, and the showy as of its some impunity pit, a ; leaves the foot a or chocolate- solitary on the at profuselyspotted with winter-flowering plant,its eight weeks. is much it is it will bear sepal large,white old fine a it differs in its flowers, with introduced well in grow freezing,or base, and This earliest it will as dorsal six to " the flowers splendid lastingfrom which shaded free-floweringqualities; with ; high ; insigne Maulei. type, from in in solitaryor petals green, so ; foot a lipgreenish,with of above kept towards green ; have about green, blooms One temperature, foot somewhat growing. Indian a : it is not ; culated reti- six weeks. or across, sepals and generally ; long ; bright more apex ; of the best for particularas month inches to six with is worth one colour, stripedand a is sepal prettiestspecieswe lasts insigne (Nepaul, 1821)." if the or dots but species,and not four solitary the dorsal ; " four to six weeks congeners, borne colour, curved same of the one dotted of brown G. petals ; hairy scapes purple,and high somewhat long ; (Java, 1857). Leaves from erect lasts from inches inches September, and flowers pairs,on nine it is ; hirsutissimum ; five to greenish white a purple like the letter S flowers three GROWING. spreading horizontally ; flowers scapes, and ORCHID varietyof the having largerand more white normal brighter the dorsal on sepal standard. *C. Lowii. on Sarawak, leaves from from two " high trees it does twelve to four phytal strong-growing species is epi- this Although in the remarkably to sixteen feet dense well inches long, two jungles under cool long, dark to and of Borneo treatment green five flowered ; scapes ; colour ; 76 COOL ORCHID GROWING. yellowish green and purple, spottedwith April -and May, and lasts from plants of Cypripedium Lowii eight to be may John Eussell, Esq.,Mayfield, near there are Mr. by grown brown in Some weeks. ten fine in the collection seen Falkirk, N.B. Sorley,and flowers ; The of plants in the finest health are and vigour. G. ScJilimmii. from the of long bo ; at bright a flowers borne eight,only of from erect on to three two swollen, white, with A front. fine of E. leaves plant of this this inches broad, the be found Lancashire. them lip ; in blotch in the tion collec- I measured sixteen plant being in six sepals ; rose purple rosy speciesmay found plant,and time same spotted with fine a Wrigley, Esq., Bury, on two over often inches of from number the at it the leaves ; sixteen to to the expanded species Granada, where twelve scapes greenish white, petals white, rounded, New little 4,000 to 5,000 feet colour, from green distinct of resources altitude an pretty and very inexhaustible flourishes are A " long, and inches the the best possible health. G. venustum. from and of one long G. than purple ; the hardiest time a. Another in 1816 Nepaul green " A " during two broader are with This green. the winter is lasts a months . vigorous varietyhaving larger flowers often and lines,petals green class,except C. insigne,and blooms ; leaves with lipsbronzy, veined pardinum. the variegated species,introduced sepals white, of its in flower venustum, scape; : old and and three the together blotches not on one so well defined. *C. villosum. Mountains base brown behind " A fine leaves ; ; flowers colour, speciesfrom green, from shining as spotted Moulmein With purple four to five inches if varnished. flowerer, blooming in the spring and or It is the towards across, a Tonghoo of a the bright remarkably lasting for five or free six LIST OE COOL ORCHIDS. Cypripedium villosum. 77 78 ORCHID COOL When weeks. well GROWING. it makes grown, exhibition fine a plant, twenty -five to fiftyflowers. bearing from Dendrobium. A lovely and grown, nobile is of the best to a to the flowering freely. equatorialregions, and house; but and flowered along with of the many places the end warm as This is conducive Dendrobes from are of the heat in their to East Indian list may our of the cool Orchid the be house, Cattleyas, Cypripediums,Trichopilias, Dendrobium Miltonias. in all in the and growth, airy atmosphere. an species mentioned all those grown in require like their full size,they should majority of The have, and Dendrobes, luxuriant tissues, and their ripens treatment and sun D. otherwise, require to be or pseudo-bulbs attain or gradually exposed dozen Orchids vigorous make bloomers. speciesare free-flowering moderately cool temperature. to their stems profuse very of the most plants, whether encouraged and are Orchids, easily terrestrial winter-floweringplants we noticingthat amenable be of them some one it is worth all other epiphytaland of genus nobile choice where should flowers be grown by the required during are winter. *D. of clirysanthum (1828.) " flowers India, and which are often clothed are produced. the drooping The stems globose in form, two blotches about is a July of fresh green with a thick September, ripened pseudo-bulbs, when foliage lasts two grows heterocarpum (Ceylon). plant,producing paleyellow to " on seven in the centre and native a ; the flowers each side of they are sub- consistence, and the lip has waxy crimson is species develope themselves in fascicles of three vigorous speciesand *D. old its freely on flowers of rich to This flowers generallyflowers to three well in A ; a a This moderate ture. tempera- winter blooming fragrant with weeks. brownish hairy lip, LIST twelve stems finger. plant is old one, but not in and beauty the D. with identical of generallyknown it is internodes high, flat,fluted,the in the produced same of smaller, and a more from China *a. D. and largerand deeper eight or seven and Ferns in a. best year, themselves 6. These nobile a feet The flowers are are of little a best the to D. weeks. a nobile. Introduced strong growing variety winter-floweringOrchid the being by encouraging formation borne deep two in flower had be them for invaluable are Flowers lilac,and with purple,with D. in decorations. shaded colour to two flowers. The of the the stems, each bloom with is quantity may exotics other dinner-table up " months flowers The house. one one growth, and retardingothers, by keeping their under nurserymen It is on but Linawianum, nobile, but to three This coloured 1836). if grown have, and It is in 1824. " (Macao time ladies. good companion a moniliformemajus. D. nobile, we Japan of authority Bulbs D. in lastingtwo in December, and colour. rosy D. contracted. as way winter-floweringspecies and Flowers plant is it here. employ ought long a the best our gardeners to the above, it is best to with to of this name proper it Lindley. " Orchids, the This crops last with the as house. enormous flowers The monilifoTme- According *D. and favourites aureum thick as frequentlyas so culture always are and intermediate an flowers. deliciouslyperformed high, with met be, consideringits easy to as inches freely in very 70 ORCHIDS. COOL eighteen to It grows an OF two inches of or in in some a cooler mixing bouquets three across, of for with and together a white tipped with purple. Lips tipped crimson blotch on the disc. pendulum Wallichianum. " are two the distinctions of the are but best defined slight. varieties of " nobile," but 80 COOL *D. to South speciosum (New large size, and a flower,I have four thick colour always thick long,as from from white colour. called the winter or " longer and A " Flowers the peat and been above growing, the from which by sifting. To Exposure to plants the habitat. a . creamy- is commonly It flowers it in in having also are flower-spikes profuselyand in makes excellent an should will sun of fresh compost a small the add this -dung ; sand coarse receive either will if beneficial be and a few do, though the of abundance an fibrous particleshave pot is well drained. that the preferable.See are of This the best grow dry horse-droppingsor dry cow former or well grown. dry turfy loam, removed lor^g,one last;but differs from very to weeks. bulbs, and slender three well-ripened bulbs brown. its native of the plant when exhibition in of the inches dark-green a consistence,and with liberally fourteen to eighteen inches to lasts three form more longer. Both Lily spring,and *D. Hillii. much Eock " when apices, of their waxy dotted Lip twelve the apex a well bloom difficult to base, bearing from the at twelve small, of rather Flowers it to at considered some large,from are being produced two " leathery leaves spikes ; Wales, 1824). -A plant attaining found the wrist as GROWING. though by Its bulbs treated. ORCHID air is When water. freely admitted. transparens (1849). This *D. dwarfed a flowers Flowers with D. it is in with like impunity. D. and to one pink, lipwith April or May, treated slender,two nobile,pseudo -bulbs from semi-transparent, shaded white when species comes epiphytal on Altitude, 5,000 to 6,000 feet. In habit and flowers it looks trees. like little India, where the cool hills of Northern from pretty " a one a bears It grows a high ; half inch across, purple blotch lasts well. nobile, and and feet cool in the centre. very freely temperature 1. LISA 2. Pollen GRANDIFLORA. masses. 3. Stigmatic surface 82 COOL " feet three to scarlet,and rose, high,two gold. handsomest Orchids cool Orchids." of " its growth a and two and Heat Flowers this grown is dry atmosphere a in It blooms light of the one be in every collection fatal to are July and August, lasting feet the to high flowers ; deepest from erect, to four two varieties blotched rose, variety. flower-stems of different the flowers In colour white finer coloured a Foliage dark-green.; " three to across. pure well have, and should we beauty. macrantha. from "When grandiflora superbais D. D. five flowered. to from time. long a. Stems cjrandi flora. Foliage dark-green,shining. D. two GROWING. ORCHID inches vary from spotted with or crimson. Epidendrum. This is a very of which bear species are *E. They pan and petals dark purple in or a on light. Lip with as *b. E- atropurpureum roseuni, growing rose pseudo-bulbs long in and very purple,the apices or a dark well either in blotch a of shallow near perfection May, " the June. E. macrochilum. album it is found conical inches twelve months atropurpureum aurantidcum. or It grows *a. E. *E. are free-floweringand livingsphagnum, suspended to three It lasts two A coloured, with rose its centre. block It is also known roundish six to greenish,incurved. some of them majority " Its most epiplytes, part of easy culture. most Leaves leathery. Sepals crimson the (Mexico, 1836). species. two-leaved. are and for the are American dingy yellow flowers, still or handsome, atropnrpuTcum showy very dirty white very fragrant. of South large genus A " on native recks is a has coloured variety. lighta of Mexico in deep and exposed rosy purple lip. Guatemala, where localities. In habit LIST it resembles in ten to scarlet orange E. Frederici Peruvian Gulielmi. broad, dark inch an disc a It flowers in green ; and rare the six to It is is habit,a native of elevated localities. inches extremity specimen of Stems of the this at flowered in October *E. nemorale. a has It often been a three on ; sepalsand lilac colour rosy July,lastinga *E. to four feet a ; Hall, November, lanceolate in 1840. high, two-leaved paniclesat was a fine which individual E. verrucosum. from Pseudo-bulbs flowers ; petals lanceolate, the freelyproduced flowers of three delicate a lip striped with violet ; inches or mauve about flowers month. " resembling bright, shining green those ; Orchid, which rare erroneously called Mexico as 1872. beautiful,though a in thick high, as Manchester, near tinct dis- very it is found There prismatocarpum (Central America). shape somewhat of and large,drooping panicles; across and blooming speciesand flower-stems. Manley from to five inches colour. of the column apex free crimson deep a Orchid, free-flowering three figured and introduced was to panicle terminal, sepals and Guatemala, where slender This is " Linden. long, one Foliage distichous, linear-oblongor stem. beautiful very flowers,small, of the brightest rosy lilac in dense the in. beauty. There energetic M. eight colour,the in This " pipe six weeks of the well grown. myriantJmm. in a is by white. being pure effective when E. of the spike, and showy. long,lanceolate,of Lips trilobed,crimson very or This " erect, leafy. Leaves petalsabout the month species introduced inches two short a the apex distinct varieties of it in cultivation. two Stems on from colour, very April and May, lastinga are Flowers cluster a 83 ORCHIDS. Cattleya Skinneri. bulbs, five brightest COOL OP of the colour, two Pseudo-bulbs cochleatum, old E. -leaved in ; spikes terG 2 84 COOL ORCHID minal, erect, bearing 'from flowers inch an and vltellinum of crimson month in the whole this and across, and freely in peat suspended exhibition compact producing from flowers, which a. varieties. fine is majus has It is is The of two foliageof it grows ; and pan, splendidand a good specimens grown, of scarlet glowing six weeks. or distinct the collection of F. B. exhibited been flowers shallow a month a bear of its most one plant of it,in Esq., of Blackburn, in thirty spikes at least good in June profusion spike. house. well and species Cattleya citrina cool a to twenty last A lightin flowers bearing a placed colour, pink, showy erect of like that with varieties an plant when vitelUnum E. on sphagnum, the near white beauty. This " ; some ten to fifteen plant is glaucous, in individual ; creamy purple ; genus, bright orange-scarletflowers inches a six weeks or (Mexico, 1840). of the best one of across, triangularblotch a twenty flowers to purple ; lipwhite, tinged July,lastinga E. ten half a dark spotted with having and GROWING. with and best Dodgeson, twenty-fivefine it. spikes on Eriopsis. This is Orchids habitats roots a small genus not often met they often moderate growing with found are South of in temperature, with ; they grow best water sub -terrestrial in ; of margins the into descending collections the on American potted in fresh native their streams, they ; copious supply a their of require a when water peat and living sphagnum. *E. very 'bilo'ba. This " distinct inches, or even in plant has habit more, been recently imported, and ; pseudo -bulbs from in length, conical, of five to a dark eight brown colour, corrugated like shagreen leather,and bearing from to three a broad foot to lanceolate eighteen inches leaves at their long, curved apices ; or flower- drooping; is two spike flowers LIST about across, shaded round their lasts freely,and grows The blotches. brown gardens also known in at Stevens' under the yellow, lip three- ; central is not considerable a lobe white, showy, but distinct, time in flower. It is Eriopsisrutibulbon, having been as that plant brown warm brown, lobed, yellow, speckled with with petals oblong, dark with margins 85 ORCHIDS. sepals and inch an COOL OF sold name. Goodyera. This is a habitats in northern which species, few high or G. discolor gardens, but Several altitudes. is the best. One long, 1 2 inches China, and well grown When gardens. of A. native discolor." distinct. the it is broad, of inch of pure Hcemaria G. is a in grown repens, rich dark a colour, stripes more or and contorted. or sphagnum, moisture. requiring It is less erect numerous lemon-yellow a in velvety-green winter, bearing flowers,with with met pretty plant. Leaves very curiouslytwisted blotch This a on plant cool perature tem- occasionallyknown as discolor. the This " leaves, and towards the abundant macrantha. green long G. inacrantha will The are leaves species with Japanese a tubular flowers,white shaded in foil-is luteo-marginatls. This " find,if you ovate, of lightergreen, well grown is dark- with rose base. plant,you with white freely in peat and a. in Flowers lip,which grows are species,G. often having interrupted longitudinal white spikes generallyfound are in Scotland. is found G. of but genus and peat and pretty, putting one Tariegated Hederas. a can dark overlook bold terriblylong name. yellow margins. livingsphagnum of pretty velvety-green colour,reticulated having in mind its is a very some When Moss, it is extremely of the best of the yellow 86 ORCHID COOL G. velutlna. much very and more than silverystreak shaded white with of the last-named those leaves habit smaller are velvety-green,but dark same species,in the discolor,but well-defined a Flowers each. smaller G. of the numerous, having velvety-leaved handsome resembling addition of A " GROWING. the down centre salmon, rather or rose in species. Helcia. H. " with met in collections. our Trichopilias,from readily distinguished by ovoid, inches two from and four to purple in as the on slender it lip. of brown rings disc. ; Clmaiidrium, once Pseudo-bulbs Flowers from scapes at leathery,oblong, Leaves long. the to be may flat a be rarely to related inches two inches to four three with petals pale yellow, marked rather or inches seven long; sepals and blotches having is plant nearly which high, one-leaved. solitary,on across, its is It of most old This sangidnolenta (Ecuador). irregular blotched lip white, with anther-bed, fimbriate, or Trichopiliaproper. Lselia. This is bulbous the strikinglyhandsome a epiphytes well Cattleyas,they known bear and American Like gardens. doubly are many in great showy freely in peat, sphagnum, and of genus valuable their flowers. crocks, in best in L. autumnalis, L. furfuracea, L. acuminata, and " Flor de blocks. L. near Laelias L. are " Maio other of smaller the to to a Spaniards, small-growing strikingly beautiful. for the decoration (1840). " L. kinds, growing Cattleya (bulbosa) useful acuminata be purpurata and Mexican Jongheaiia is species,said very ; but In Pseudo-bulbs superbiens, L. as do albida, the grand best upon very habit Walkeriana. of perature, tem- winter-flowering as do pots grow moderate a The L. relatives, They plants. as largerspecies, pseudo- Most beautiful it comes of the apartments. rather roundish in outline,and flat,bearing five to six on spike,twelve a and petalspure disc ; white individual plant is called account of flowers the its Flor " purity. L. L. alLida well on a on slender and of block "virgin scape from half a with streak a December they to inches across. the sepals ; the on This .Guatemalese, in on January or perfection. pretty form a cork" of the inches It a clear white the disc. on month borne blooms when greenish ; grows Flowers individual long ; across time long Acacia. feet becoming species, free-flowering autumnalis. or lemon-yellow a is a L. to two one two of fresh remain blotch freely in is This they lip white, ; Like five weeks. or in Flowers for are useful after being removed -bulbs from last,its crystallineflowers the purple by This January,lastinga or a weeks beautiful the to expand, afterwards first flowers " in habit one It (Guatemala, 1838). similar a Jesu" " long from rosy-violetflowers. delicate above, with de violacea. acuininata inches to two one to three two Flowers eighteen to from leaf. oblong lipwhite, with ; February, lastingfrom a. thick one 87 ORCHIDS. COOL OF LIST bouquets, as the from plant. (Mexico, 1834). L. anceps inches " flowers with a from two ; flowers a. four to feet inches lip,having leaves oblong, long, four across a to dark green. five flowered colour rosy trilobed crest ; golden or four perfumed, lasting for to abundant an six four six ; lilac, down weeks supply of in December. L. anceps 6. L. anceps BarJceriana Dawsoni. of the normal sepals and on to four ; perfection. Strong plants produce bloom . two velvet crimson its centre in leaved long,angular, one Flower-scape from Pseudo its apex. " type, from petals,and A rare a and is a richer coloured This which white is a strikinglybeautiful it differs in lip,with desirable varietybut a plant. having pure bright purple scarce. variety white blotch, 88 ORCHID COOL L. autumnalis its leaves lilac " are two colour,with rich a the best of winter weeks in Manley Hall, in November Fetch Yinery, fully exposed afforded by and one, being some L. as cinnabar ina as as Leaves from on four A inches orange-scarletflowers,with it flowers,which it March, lastingsix weeks. in every * L. bulbs ; long, warm a up to recurved. high, bearing from generallydoes It is easy base, tapering crispy lip. The the whole freelyabout very grow, house and should be collection. elegans. A distinct from to two " one two to three and petalswhite, inches species,sometimes *a. L. species,with tall,fluted,pseudo- feet shaded high borne across, crimson-purple. A of to seem it, brilliant -flowered at the three in which remarkable a was very eighteen inches bright orange-colouredflowers a quill. twelve to five rich At slight shade the Scape erect, from to living species in fine block a with growing. this six to of one deliciously block a rounded and is rosy twenty-threespikeson as " thick is most except strong goose a bright This when plant oil many long, December, lastingabout have (Brazil,1836). species. Pseudo-bulbs, upwards. sun, One counted thick the to the Vines. I have and moisture to feet to two light but best used angular, and so one a or Does of plenty Mr. not crimson-purplelip. perfection. and sphagnum, of blooming Orchids, Mowers perfumed. three five flowers like L. something and from Scapes to habit two-leaved are narrower. from bearing In (Mexico,1836). its bulbs but anceps, GROWING. with two-leaved. on stout a delicate erect Flowers scape lilac ; rosy strong-growing very and ; from sepals lip brilliant free-flowering Cattleyaelegans in gardens. called elegans TurncriL ; " This is a very richlycoloured form elegans. L.flava. " smaller, and Habit similar the leaves are to that of L. cinnabarina, but rather shorter and more erect. Scapes 90 COOL high, bearing inches from five to colour streaked with palepurple pallidflowers of this lastingfrom freely, also the disc. on speciesare to four three The weeks in ; pallid or and glaucous leaves and characteristic. very This " de Maio," of the Mexican beautiful speciesin It flowers perfection. (Called flower eggs from flowers ; four silvery lilac, the with margined house, and cool suspended lilac inches crimson be on in round, in block a and grown all the year sun best bright a purple, Should to the pigeons' of across, white. Does glass. It is of dwarf larger than or with ; centre fullyexposed the near five to or of the most one speciesdo. large as Flower," "May though, unfortunately,it does blotched lip rosy ; the other profusely as so is the Spaniards,and the genus habit,having pseudo bulbs a flowered to two long, lanceolate,white majalis (Oaxaca, 1838). Flor not leaves Cattleya Lindleyana.) L. " nine to glaucous narrow, long ; pedunclesone inches six lilac,pale creamy-yellow, blotched liprosy ; thick, but two inches seven sepalsand petals two rose GROWING. flower; pseudo-bulbs erect, slender, from in as ORCHID airy an situation. *L. Perrini when (Brazil). A in not pseudo-bulbs,which from nine L. the purple. year, like C. bulbosa purple ; is not about a ; flowers common a sepals and April and May, distinct very appearance and the very freelyabout lilac petals rosy rarely two a lasts flat,that to petals rosy blooming twice species, plant, though narrow, fortnightin beauty. a solitary, very sepalsand petals lie giving Flowers leaves and sepals ; lastingabout " flowers The ; distinctly ; long prccstans. A beautiful^iwarf crimson This inches species,easily recognised purplish-coloured clavate its by furrowed crimson November or flower are twelve to purple ; lipdeep October well-known " very a desirable flower. the lip together. considerable is in ; in same Grows one ; time. plane, freely LIST on flat a abundant in log, supply living sphagnum when of moisture 91 ORCHIDS. COOL OF and moss, growing. nearly forgotten crispilabia.I had also goes under free-blooming plant, which in some Lawrenceana gardens. In habit L. " and cinnabarina flava, but L. five,on a time long *L. in pumila. flowers block it of L. name L. approaches from flowers inches sixteen to here three to long, lasting a shallow a It has crimson purple lip; This " well grows on a the roof. identical is purple solitaryrosy suspended near pan, marginata. pumila dwarf-growing plant, another Cattleya Pinelli. richlytinted a in or have We " as and twelve the purple flowers, the rosy ; this mention to beauty. often known L. from scape has undulate crisp or lipbeing beautifully requires an with Cattleya marginata. purpnrata (Brazil). This *L. Orchids for across purple, and It is indeed in the common and price of Orchids real value making its for cheap, but Lselia peat, fresh two when " still it is It flowers the to three superbiens. more drainage,and growth. the time last from L. rarity. than This from of all lipcrimson, from eight inches veined with yellow throat, delicatelypencilled. no the less beautiful none guide sure a sphagnum the in The best moss, are beauty and held. in a pot crocks, and pot should May, June, ; tolerablycorrect plant watered shows summer their to purpurata grows being freelyinterspersed. full of crocks about lilac ; a is six to from cultivator,though it is fibrous coarse, charcoal to the to their as having noblest good plants bearing purposes, sepalsand petals rosy ; crimson index exhibition of the one thirty glorious flowers, to twenty or is " be half- freelywhen July,or just Its blossoms weeks. is one attractive,and a large growing plant, seldom to two spikes of easilygrown ; bloom ducing pro- annually ; pseudo-bulbs spindle- 92 COOL feet from five to of across, and December and This from in ; being borne flowers from in from Lasts plant,when in not spike from cluster a of five to six inches crimson It is arrivingat maturity. January. dullest lipyellow ; flower-spikes doubly valuable part of the year three to four weeks flower,cannot be " " in perfection. distinguished Schornburgkia crispa. *L. xanthina (Brazil). This is " and two-leaved flowers from yellow colour Kemarkable flowers called the among Leelias xanthina, but Catfcleya easily-grown flowered the on ; disc. blossoms bearing yellow a high, clear, golden- a streaks month it is inches seven of orange as lastinga summer, five to across, lipswhitish, with ; in the inches three to and nine to twelve peduncles erect, ; two distinct a variety; pseudo-bulbs clavate,from one with floweringduring the of its account on its apex near flower ; purple, delicatelypencilled; the long time a flowers deep, rosy purple,veined a crimson are long, the twenty GROWING. large,leathery leaves shaped, bearing two five to ten ORCHID ; Sometimes in bloom. Lselia. true Leptotes. *L. bicolor (Brazil,1831). A pretty little plant,having thick, " fleshyleaves, like rushes, channeled sometimes pan growth, doing well suspended the near the lateral lobes with either light. sepalsand petals being blotched These glaucous,and generally drooping. free very above. linear on Flowers and being serrulate,the rosy lilac. a Blooms in leaves It is block ; central lobe of shallow a white, the numerous, incurved plant a in or are lip,three-lobed. winter, and rhomboid, and lasts a month. Lycaste. This South is a well-known American of The genus them, as of them is very possible culture. well as one Orchids, from of terrestrial continent, many all of the easiest best genus L. Skinneri of the most nearly allied very and beautiful, is variable to Maxillaria. the one of the of Orchids. LIST COOL OF " Lip, L. " greenhouse, and in the removed plant be to crimson, having lasts L. long a brown orange, flowers green three to a deep serrated ; column floweringspecies,but weeks L. A having inches with freely very large-growing species, purple lip; sepalsand a long, shaded green purple colour, margined white. not This all at is showy. (Brazil,1838). Harrisoni transversely,and distinct a Lasts with with rich. and free- month a Flowers in large,waxy, sepals and Pseudo " bulbs angular, bearing leaf, broadly lanceolate margins. scape; spotted six or in flower. "wrinkled green four of lip ; not time. " petals from if the even Blooms crest. gigantea (Central America). bearing great good a pale greenish-yellow lip white, ; golden yellow a even species, though numerous brown with blotched bearing month, a orange, vinery,or a for on distinct It bears strikinglybeautiful. and A " flowers freelyin last for lipdeep ; drawing-room. a Deppei (Guatemala). L. of the five weeks. or orange relied golden flowers,which of its crop be may and and free-floweringspecies. It will grow crimson. with in the winter last four Sepals greenish yellow ; petalsdeep blotched free-flowering very common, Another (Guatemala). cruenta a is very Flowers possibleculture. easiest It hairy. very is flowers yellow species,producing numerous spring. This (New Granada). L. aromatica 93 ORCHIDS. form, and from to one white petals concave, or t lip rosy purple,and very round, and lasts bloom, may be removed a long hesitation, as, if the hairy. Blooms in time to the olive solitarydark a along wavy three on creamy nearly flower. The is kept a yellow; plant,when above its stout all the sitting-roomwithout atmosphere green, year in the least all freezing, will be well. *L. lanipes.-Pseudo " bulbs large,one to three leaved; leaves 94 twelve lanceolate, from white creamy numerous in from of suffused the from November for other a margin. often met to profuse most cultivate. to easy beautiful It varieties,varying the deepest rose and sepals and as month it will in six weeks. or are flowers from are less to four for the decoration drawing- a its flowers Even very two perfectionin lovelymixed very or plant generally flowers of all Orchids keep more or heavily blotched very lasts in flower best six,nine, scapes petals white, This crimson. Flowers summer. on solitary, across, with when Ferns cut and delicatelyperfumed, and of ladies' hair. for the decoration admirable the during of the one The exotics. bloom March, and weeks, and last several very liprosy lilac,often rosy apartments, vase ; ; to It is of room rose deepest months. is of the One purest white the high with with have, and distinct and varieties its inches twelve are we four to six inches from This its petals though essentiallya winter-floweringOrchid, crimson, and some October. in sepals and ; fringed along or " sports into Flowers Lycaste Barringtoniaa. as flowering Orchids colour ciliated high (Guatemala, 1842). Skinner i L. long. ripened pseudo bulbs, solitary, inches blooming in collections with nine lipwhite, ; America; South of the six to from scapes on inches eighteen to the base from produced GROWING. OECHID COOL Masdevallia. This is a come from they luxuriate easiest the round. year of fibrous loam " higher in cool They which caudate trifid, should peat, fresh that retained curious be placed in sphagnum, has been being best. and They They will be are producing small pots in a the fibrous found of to the abundant nearly all blossoms crocks, and sifted and Andes, where Peruvian localities. cool, moist of which Orchids, many of the ranges possible culture, growing of their crops of very large genus a the compost little fibrous lumps only luxuriate in LIST the coolest COOL OP in company of the house end and macranthum, the agreeable contrast the to Lindenii, M. Yeitchii, M. M. civ His. to their slender tails M. coccinea. ; and coat." M. to in green This " years, and some Harryana of of richest the somewhat is in June 1872. flowers M. are " M. from a This the Mr. " in yefcto fine from M. evidence continual is another glowing This the to This one other for sepals ; is Londes- Kensington, growers, this richlycoloured using in species bouquets. from New orange-scarlet blossoms very on solitary, long slender scapes. of M. Linden's of long. plant to Lord Its strong darker, and South bloomer. of scapes several distinct species. inches Lindenii, but of soldier's a be 16 slender freelythan more even is are as to 12 varietyof it, at stance, sub- good recentlyintroduced a crimson-lake. to introduced the other Denning, gardener great continent as spathulate, is singlyon colour last,they speciesflowers Lindenii. This adapted for cutting and the M. brown. of red as than growth being the bearing freely.Like This a to be iynea. Granada, in From well have been " Lindley, rosy-purpleor larger. speciesseems of in leaves exhibited borough, M. are long,fleshy. Flowers great beauty. It appears similar the flower all best pretty, having flowers size borne good golden- tovarensis, species has " of an tube, terminating in three a beautiful smaller growth, imported Flowers into (New Granada). one of M. six inches the words use and colour, spottedinside with is very It is rather plant,and four to sepals fused having best of the some form flowers collections. our Leaves " The lilac glowing white Harryana, coccinea, and M. maculata, but be introduced their snowy Oncids. and yellow Odontoglots and purple pure Disas, Oncidium with Odontoglots ; bright orange-scarlet and and 95 ORCHIDS. South M. Harryana. many America. species,and the introductions Its flowers leaves are are of a 96 ORCHID COOL GROWING. colour, lovely pale silvery-lilac rosy-purple,but all retaining a colouring. than those may be Its flowers of M. turn imported plants from speciesof the time. to it grows In the of shorter segments be to batches with common but rare, very among vigorously in and into merging transparency promiscuously by livingsphagnum, surrounded and It appears up time genus, wonderful rounder are Harryana. expectedto varieties some the of the other cool house, supplied with plentifully moisture. If. tovarensis.- This is " short threes, on of the lateral old The a in each if flower-spikes, allowed Hoya other is It carnosa. a caudate appendages curious a in rarely more in manner. analogous manner of being remain, will continue to successively,in or The triquetrousscape. flowers its flowers pairs, sepals cross produce old borne whiteness, snowy little gem, a to its easily recognised by to the pearly blossoms. Veitchii M. " Masdevallias are foot a scapes, a or from is with a introduced present at length ; in more twelve to campanulate tube, colour still remains This " the handsomest to flowers gardens our of the rest of the all the indescribable into ; the sepalsbeingdenselybeset brilliancyto species,it keeps caudate or bright purple hairs, which, mingling beneath, give an its leaves sepalsfused ; narrow the lower brilliant orange, ; large size, singly,on eighteeninches high their extremities of all the with the growing on the orange flower. Like and floweringall year-round. Maxillaria. *M. dered will grandiflora (Lindley, Peru). one well of the repay finest any trouble pseudo-bulbsroundish, on solitary, scapes species of from two or the extra inches four to nine This " high and genus, in care ; inches be must consi one that its cultivation one-leaved high ; ; flowers sepalsfrom ; 98 COOL for example. spectabilis, M. GROWING. ORCHID eighteen inches long,bearing to four to with inches brown, clinandrium, rather in lilac a purple or same blotch lip the on disc. anther-bed, is laciniate,or in as way October, and about three Odontoglots ; some of the margin or fimbriate, in the plant flowers unlike not convolute, white, with The flowers five to ten Sepals oblong, pale yellow, barred across. chestnut from twelve erect, from Flower-stems lasts This Trichopilia. for two weeks three or beauty. *a. M. grandiflora* This Candida largerand brighter coloured vigorously in the cool a is " blotches intermediate or a variety,having fine It grows its flowers. on house along with of many Cattleyas. *M. Clowesii inches seven twelve feet (Brazil,1840). " long,tapering upwards, to sixteen inches high,bearing from inches across inches two long,half barred with across the It is centre. other have been M. *a. The specieschanges to expanded time. Clowesii This major. " white yellow a is one a to two or four half a to deep yellow colour, violet a well striking plant when shows. some a from leaves and one Lip white, with a five to largeflowers,three broad, of brown. ; from petals oblong, inch an chestnut suitable for autumn two five to fifteen sepals and ; two-leaved Flower-stems long. from bulbs Pseudo lip of colour this blotch grown, and one or after the flowers garden variety,having larger flowers. *M. and " generallyconsidered habit are Regnelli (Brazil). A it is like borne a several but the flowers and petalsan weak inch far variety of more long, and coloured delicately of the one together on are very an M. erect best in the Clowesii, and spike in the a white lip,the genus. the centre white In flowers manner same chaste, having pure species, ; sepals, of which is 1.Mil ton i a "Warsoewiczii. 2. Oncidium superbiens. 3. Loslia furfuraeea. 4. Barker ia Lindleyanav Centerse. LIST COOL OF suffused with deep lilac,or colour. This is lasting from and August best struggling known for leaved. six to nine broad and purposes. They Good specimens Blooms in *a. M. August, and rich deep petals creamy-white ; lip its base. This large flat pans in from bear with species bition exhi- for and thirty to fiftyflowers. three lasts from of M. weeks. is often called M. Morel This " to four spectabilis.The it grows purple colour; and congener, from - atro-purpurea, but it is undoubtedly nothing but form highly-coloured a two- freely in peat, sphagnum, grow it out-of-the-way scalyflower-stem a near grown Morelliana. spectabilis M. or on by with meet smooth, compressed, purple or often are of this is wedge-shaped in outline,white or of lilac often we manner high ; sepals and its varieties crocks. all Pseudo-bulbs flat,cuneate largeblotch liana Of all the Miltonias borne solitary, inches in species,flowering indeed in existence Flowers bright purple five to six weeks. species; places in gardens. and beautiful " far the varieties some 1835). (Brazil, spectabilis *M. a in and rare a 99 ORCHIDS. makes whole quite striking plant a as for is of flower its freelyas the a autumn exhibition. *6. M. a fine deep *c. M. which rosea. spectabilis rosy leaves snowy It is sometimes a the normal small its lilac blotch (a garden variety,having a Warneri. called M. have here a delicate variety, type in having its sepalsand whiteness, and Warscewiczii lip is beneath of native pure white, with the the column. Peru). " from Pseudo-bulbs with sharp edges,two-leaved eightinches long,very flat, from spike,or to is " exceptionof six to This virginalis.We spectabilis differs from petalsof *lf. lip. " twelve rather to eighteen inches panicle,erect thirty flowers. Flowers or long, Flower- erect. nodding, and bearingfrom one and a half ; inch across H 2 ten ; 100 COOL ORCHID GROWING. sepals and petalsoblong, with brown warm rather and colour with tipped wedge-shaped,the purple colour,the plant,and grown sinuose tipped with grows well in margins, wavy of a golden yellow; lip broad basal apex or half being white. of is a very This intermediate an dull violet- a easily house. cool or Mesospimdium. M. two-leaved. bars They flaccid, slender half inch an together for with the twelve Flowers broad. half their it is and on this grown, flowers, and spikes of lively-coloured plant they last long, a one-third fused or pressed ; bears a to right angles at or half . sepals connate, closelyadnate ; brown long petals length ; lip white, bent well When white, bilobed. lateral inches and oblate or transverse crimson, borne rosy sepals the oblong with sixteen deep to which column, marked to panicle; long ; Pseudo-bulbs " often are from leaves ; inch an (Amazon). sanguineum crest numerous long time in beauty. M. and vulcanicum. to be appears lanceolate ; a introduced nice addition compressed, ob-pyrif orm, are This has been " panicle bearing to the cool two-leaved ; recently? house. leaves Its bulbs rather of its congener, those thick, crimson rosy-purple or numerous Epidendroid flowers,largerthan somewhat M. san- guinea. Wanodes. N. very bulbs medusoB. " rarely to are thick of a in borne pairs, be and of the met of a with most in fleshy,about glaucous tint,and oblong, in One afoot greenish colour shaded growth outline,its margin deeplylaciniate with ; ; Its pseudo- leaves distichous, Flowers generally long; curiously twisted. of the the Orchids, and collections. our apex near of all curious sepals and petals brown; the colour liproundish, of the lipis a 1. 0 don to gl os 2. 3. 4. " sum Uro- Skinnerii (erosuin) ma.cu.la.tum " Oncidium Phalacnopsis 102 ORCHID COOL than material GROWING. sufficient for generallyconsidered is greenhouse plants. 0. Alexandra " the genus will probably is identical with rose retain its lip white, crest, and spotted with vary much of on phyllum, forms to the be proud fall below also called 0. Bluntii. like colour streaked also and ; the lower noble a country. done. This the nearly all abundance an of that plant,of sepals and reddish brown It inhabits I believe a very crispum a creamy petals are ; the lipis part being yellow. This " plant,but round year is like 0. of the is plant This " room of flowers. N". Granada). (Rchb. fil., 0. aureo-purpureum be of the dinner be Granada). the upper be removed will spottedinternallywith similarlymarked, Yenus temperature of the flowers halves macro- even may decoration narrow-petaledform a A. or the quantity,producing (New species flowers, tastefully plants for the provided It of the of the loveliest is one tiara that or The harm of this Farleyense wear. 40", no 0. Andersonianum white spike wreath used ; not shape,or to or impunity in small a inches yellow on flowers colouring.It and land's Eng- to to two one of lemon The below. natural a does in compliment purest white, rarely spotted of Adiantum drawing-room grown in name of Lindley, but of crispum blotch a rose frond a would table,with when with in form arranged herself present Orchids, and bridal 0. the broad, of the inch an ; very with member superb Queen. Sepals and petalsfrom future long, often This (Bateman, Bogota). it has cold is said to flowered never region,and in is described this as bearing many-flowered spikes of golden yellow flowers spotted and blotched with rich erroneously,referred 0. angustatum. leaved from ; " A panicles from fiftyto one purple. It to the well-known is 0. sometimes, though luteo-purpureum. pretty little species; pseudo-bulbs twoone hundred to on two a feet long. spike, about one Flowers inch small, across ; LIST COOL OF 103 ORCHIDS. sepalsand petals lanceolate, pale yellow spotted lipwith blotch a sporting into of lilac 0. Bictonense. A " tolerablydistinct two or one from half inch barred and blotched shaded with pale lilac or 0. a. with Bictonense heavily blotched and brown rich has high, and one suffused April,lastinga This " not a greenish-yellow, are lip white, ; colour. rose superbum. with plant, feet two Flowers petals ; varieties. thirty flowers. to sepals across; variable about Flower-spikes twenty A brown free-floweringspecies,though very strikinglyhandsome. bearing its centre. across with crimson-brown, and a month. and sepals and petals deep-coloured rosy-purplelip. b. 0. Bictonense of flower-spike of album. this This " has a pure white ' bracts bears foliaceous speciesoften lip. The instead properly developed flowers. 0. blandum (N. Granada). " Odontoglot in species,its its the 0. Cervantesi A (1845). " high, three inches two base with lilac. across to is dwarf ; freely about Spikes from one to barred petalsrosy-lilac, at the lip cordate March species, having solitaryleaves. five flowered. pretty but a last-named the majus. -growing lanceolate sepals and crimson-brown This flowers ; Like that of 0. naevium even angular pseudo-bulbs, and six inches pretty white-flowered a heavilyspotted with purple-brown, but are lipis larger than is of 0. naevium. way flowers This not Flowers triangular,white or species; generally showy in month April, lasting a or or beauty. 0. Cervantesi gardens but best it is membranaceum. under the of name " this group *0. citrosmum. " form of is 0. membranaceum deep-rosy large-floweredform This is a met with in Odontoglossum membranaceum, only a large-flowered varietyof is often This 0. Cervantesi. roseum, The another of the old 0. Cervantesi. good old white-flowered the species, 104 COOL 0. of pendulum ORCHID shining, two-leaved. and spikes pendulous, bearingfrom blossoms. It flowers This perfection. *0. a. roseum. 0. citrosmum of flowers -two fifty remarkably a well. from with in roseum form the He best of the above, had collection 0. sarcodes flowers to seventy fifty having has Mr. in "W. Mitchell on sarcodes cool a borne tory conserva- spike, a oblong, " leaves ; simple,erect, bearing from from two inches three to blotched white, with few brown variable a in the often been depth confounded species. This blooming in is 0. coronarium. coming Its a from the Andes creeping rhizome, Flower-spike 0. is of and Peru, forty bear a flowers brown, margins yellow ; lipof time in flower. ; a This is very and has totallydifferent a easily-grown kind, four weeks. species we altitude produced to lip cordate, species coolest an short twelve thirty long at are about a or ; yellow a markings, maculatum, of the one flat bulbs erect, from or of its lastingthree This large,wrinkled, This ; petals nearly brown free-flowering and a " richness with and May, soft with lines Flowers acuminate, of blotches. and and sepals much equal, lanceolate, apices very and yellow ten to fifteen flowers. across; colour, barred with bright green, scape A Ains- of Dr. O.cordatum( Guatemala, Mexico, 1837). Pseudo-bulbs generallyone-leaved the rosy-purplelip. a Warscewiczii, and Oncidium has in in Miltonias. Manchester, near month a grow single-branchedspike. plant,Miltonia this grows on to petals and Flower- lasts Cattleyasand noble A " Broughton, Higher found be in thirtylarge fragrant June, and the sepalsand large rosy-tinted worth, and May species will citrosmum plant of fifteen to of the house, among end warm in Guatemala from introduced Lindley, pseudo-bulbs large 1840; GROWING. oblong sixteen at intervals leaf at the along apex. high,bearing and bright golden plant of 8,000 feet. inches sepals have, petals bright colour. flowered in Lasts 1872 in LIST Lord OF collection,under Londesborough's Denning, it has the third bulb nurseries introduced. been bears cool very gardens suspended the last 0. as the near made and well This growth. in and some also, peat and more in moss, from Flowers light. by borne is known in Mr. country, although candelabrum, Grows of care flower-spikewas treatment, 0. brevifolium. flat pan The from back, not and rarely,as the for the first time, I believe,in this long plant 105 ORCHIDS. COOL March a to May. 0. Coradinei. possiblybe it much natural a resembles is considered inches its on of the crest habit a as the plant gets that of this plant 0. This Its flowers dingy is not about are brownish freelyand gloriosum pseudo-bulbs from twelve yellow three to flowers inches It slender, three flowers be increased in spotted Its brown; blossoms radiating white a very pretty and 0. of ngevium freeits or flowering. Its conical,two-leaved; spikes long,bearing brown a lip whitish A mode of across, in bloom. " of the some time and and inches with inches resembling habit as long a Granada). eighteen across. and soon two with lasts compressed are triumphans, or purple, with flowering species, somewhat 0. nut chest- The pretty so blotched crocidipterum(New congener three its base. more will to three large irregular near two which " distributed. " It flowers crest. is two or a of 0. this number greenish yellow colour, with spots from (Peru). species. spotted white, with different doubtless two may 0. odoratura petalsfrom smaller this triumphans of which splendid thing,bearing a 0. cristatum other few a growth spike,but on and Sepals lip creamy ; lipis to be appears 0. pale yellow colour, with a disc,and and thinks of the forms one type. blotches brown the of Eeichenbach hybrid between and " the across, blotch Professor " ; are individual pale numerous flowers two delicatelyscented, or like 106 COOL Hawthorn. in The shape, but white 0. which with of that 0. it becomes the this dwarf group. 0. stellatum be may naevium, from larger branched blotched its fine varietynaevium inch along wavy long and time group *0. half a their the flowers margins It blooms ; to is the the whole green ; six to nine flower inches be four to oblong, undulate, of rown. ; to a a May, lastinga strong form of the for this is the most and when exhibition well grown plant. long,broad, lanceolate, and seven rich five to nine inches across flowered ; ; Its well grown, white, or dark sepalsand petals yellow,barred it often bears ; flowers golden yellow colour, barred lippale,creamy When inch an type. valuable stout, from scapes from individually shining brown ness, white- thick, slightlyangular, two-leaved glaucous pseudo-bulbs are from of snowy and April group, fine,decorative,and leaves naevium, and petalsfrom in appears O. naevium species of a 0. are " makes distinguishit by true grande (Guatemala). Truly named, gorgeous good a long, lanceolate,acuminate, incurved, very in flower. of which when ; yellow flowers, spotted sepals and ; much very speciescomposing cultivators creamy majus, lip tical plant is, in habit, iden- This which sepals are established, it flowers brown, whereas, in the spottedwith purple an the ; said of all the spikes,and with half its of 0. Cervantesi those thoroughly well same much or in bloom. (0. erosum) " 0. September, Cervantesi, but gloriosum (New Granada). with and yellow. pretty little speciesis,in size basal their on bilobed a of clear lemon apices,while to their barred freely,and and This like 0. much brown resembles of blotch lip having ; naevium, lastinga long time only mass a profuselyin August habit, very are white is " barred of of 0. naevium those exactlylike are Ehrenbergi (Mexico). and GROWING. instead yellow very later than its flowers crest, around Flowers ORCHID from with with twenty to LIST thirtyexpanded form of the perianum and small the at easilycultivated, It is very Krameri, in the and best, like Citrosmum finest 0. Schlie- Insleayi and 0. species. other It is the time. same of which group, the are does flowers 107 ORCHIDS. COOL OF end warm of the house. *0. a. " fine,richly-blotched 0. Hallii. 0. 0. luteo purpureum. See " hastilabium. or on fluted and pseudo-bulbs, glaucous spike,from a strong-growing species, with a two three to brown May 0. ; lippurple at graduallyin inches liystrix.See " fluted longer, and sepalsand brown ; brilliant November related lip smaller barred ; A to 0. pseudo-bulbs of 0. that " those than delicatelytinted flesh-colour ; below yellow crest, lines ; ; the are Its to of 0. peat and sphagnum, of occurs also dotted in the to four weeks. flat,one-leaved; ; warm soft two and end more suffused flesh-colour,having undulating with rather flowers (pendulum), a in Flowers petals oblong, white, lipreniform, lipis flowered citrosmum of the most pretty little species, very three ; heavily with crimson. three flowered ten grande, and pseudo-bulbs are sepals and which about compressed, more five to with A (Costa Rica). two the flowers Blooms yellow, barred or green pendulum. purple species closely resembling January, lastingfrom and with ; weeks. flower-spikesfrom than sepals ; purpureum. golden yellow, spotted flower-spikesfrom smaller its petals pale Krameri *0. brown 0. luteo habit, but across one months. " in fiftyto at its apex for many Insleayi (Mexico, 1840). grande with base, white succession July, lastingthree to *0. the from flowers ; tall, branched and petalslanceolate,incurved, pale green, open in is This " erect flower-spikes, hundred garden variety,.with selected flowers. thick, pale green, and A grande superbum. purple. a transverse Grows of the house. well 108 COOL ORCHID 0. luteo purpureum This feet). " is hystrix, and a GROWING. Granada (New variable very 0. radiatnm species,of the are altitude " 8,000 to 9,000 which series of but long It is is not whether question a and extreme an slightlydifferent forms, type through ties. sub- varie- intermediate the even Hallii,O. characteristic most these, again,becoming merged into the normal a 0. O. grand superlativelybeautiful triumphans of form this species; pseudo-bulbs conical, slightly compressed, errant two-leaved leaves ; ob -lanceolate, often flower-spikesfrom individual to three one from flowers feet inches colour bronzy a long,sometimes to four two of ; branched; across ; sepalsand petalslanceolate,acuminate, golden yellow, heavilyblotched with brown ; lip white, margin serrate, and a. 0. luteo purpureum flowers having radiate a from golden Hallii. three brown, tipped and yellow ; lipan inch to makes a four fine of E. feet sepals and ; with forms, brightgolden with and bore A flower-spikesin of the One the ; brown. with four bore brown ; from spikes was thirty flowers it ; exhibition. hystrix. " varies from 0. luteo purpureum of this variety long, branched, 0. luteo purpureum and finest across margined Salt, Esq. plant for garden form, inches the behind, streaked green of this splendid specimen three of white, streaked radiate, golden, column collection crest. broad, serrate, white, spotted with crimson sepalsand petalsare the its having brown, One " four to petalscrimson crest with spotted grande This type in colour the normal and selected varietyis only a 0. radiatum are also varieties the size and species,distinguishableonly by only. colour of their flowers. 0. maculatum very similar to that distinct much (Mexico, 1838). The ; " of O. o( this habit cordatum, but sepalslanceolate, yellow,barred broader, clear golden yellow,with the flowers with two brown or three plant is are very ; petals brown 110 COOL from Flowers March OKCHID GROWING. May, lasting from to three four to weeks. nebulosum 0. a. above, without flowers 0. c. in as blotched varietyof 0. the clouded nevadense species at from Flowers but few spots a its disc. like the rest, 0. odoratum not a and a brown; lip in with Sierra 0. beautiful inches across form Flowers " round Nevada, and time A in strictum a. 0. also very odoratum, var. It is well grown. a it by across ; serrated? the bears petals crest on cool treatment free-floweringspecies Pseudo-bulbs ovoid, about bearing '^flowers numerous, month, and belongs to golden flowers, very brown. a old beauty. sepalsand are late-acuminat petalslanceo- blotched unlike not lanceolate-trilobed, last the yellow ; lipwhite, segments in colour, excepting the addition crest. showy sepals and ; bright yellow colour a and suspiciouslylike crocidipterum. Flower-spikes of profuselyspotted more 0. nebulosum. inches Granada). half to two or in nurseries easilydistinguished from lastinga long great deal unlike two-leaved. one the (New form, having labelled its lateral lacinisB and It is from yellow crest,not radiate,as in the last -named. margined on the densely spotted more looks it is three to two brown, tipped,and with glance bilobed a is another This " first the lip. but it is only a Granada). 0. luteo purpureum, having simply This " of exception the Odontoglot (New the the It is sometimes pardinum, of segments of the perianth,the type, but normal brown. free-growing form on pardinum. the 0. the spots of brown with gardens on A " white, with pure few a spots nebulosum flowers and the being crest, and candidum. of a with the white other bilobed fragrant. very rich 0. con- this group. latimaculaturn. heavily blotched tolerablydistinct form, " This with and form bright has deep crimson very effective when LIST 0. Pescatorei (New with sepals ; bold serrated four has E. of petals even more, lemon April in perfection. of segments forms of this lip white, ; bilobed yellow in long, hundred one whiteness and twelve feet two to ten and thick six to to easily distinctly a from one rather It is Pseudo-bulbs pearly a but having from bearing variable,but a crispum. leaves ; is colour its by varietyof this,bearing superb and May, lasting three Lord flowers or Londesborough three inches great substance. There lovelyspecies in across, also are collection the of Salt, Esq. *0. " species. pale very pale green shorter inch will whitish or than be scapes the ; leaves white require to should winter months. sudden never It changes, seen of 0. 0. requires an in it grow order to freelyas so The of it are Plants fine of it has specimen been rather house it does there grown an blotch, delicate,and in fall below it a flowered, lilac a than most which 50" it is during equal temperature, grow of flat,fiddle-shaped temperature Wrigley, Esq., of Bury, under Hubberstey. and species is to three or white, with warmer allowed and petals oblong, about large O. Krameri. be not a and slender, Grass-like, slender, one lip very This two-leaved are sepals and distinct very Leaves in the centre, Odontoglots, except grown ; purple spots. found bulbs colour. green is,contracted few a ovoid Its glaucous ; long, pure that and A Phalcenopsis(Ecuador, 1850). beautiful " or 0. panicles from or Flowers broad very some and crest. fine with latter purple blotches, and weeks, a its relative drooping, and or flowers in brown, two-leaved long; spikes erect species,similar fiddle-shapedlip. or speckled with inches This the distinguishedfrom panduriform Granada, 1851). than habit in Ill ORCHIDS. COOL " strikingly beautiful smaller OF the free from successfully.I have in the the care by exhibited both rich the at collection of Mr. Thos. dozen, and Manchester one and 112 COOL London in sixty delicate flowers, all expanded with Blooms time. same GROWING. ORCHID is also sometimes about May, lastingfour called Miltonia A " high altitudes,where at sudden great and to inches from of fiftyto hundred a withstanding dark to fourteen about flowers inch an white, curiously bent W, of is as dark its flowers and March a. 0. pulchellum majus. " not of in ovoid, bearing flowered twelve or crystallinewhiteness twisted, having April,lastingsix capable should we green, high, ten and produced are to be Flower-spikes erect, fragrant species,and deliciously a habitats chaste, white-flowered yellow colour, with clear lemon a or frost,but narrow. inches across plant is said Bulbs leaves, very green twelve from easy culture. very in their native A " species,of subjected rigorous treatment. pulchellum (Mexico, 1841). 0. two of such subjected to it to be advise This two or is temperature Flower-spikes strong, eighteen flowers. degree a It strong-growing species, high, often bearing feet to two the changes. five weeks. or pulchella. O.platycodon(Peruvian Andes). found the at few a purple dots. useful very for lip like shaped crest a ; ; a It cutting, great profusion. Flowers in weeks. This is larger a flowered form, similar to the last in habit. 1}.0. small pulchellum tenuifolium. " flowers,not 0. radiatum " so See species. with blotch to three chestnut on twelve feet brown its basal ; very the last. as America). " from Pseudo-bulbs variety,having luteo-purpureum. (South leaved; leaves from erect, two widely expanded 0. 0. Reiclienfieimi Another high five to A seven to fourteen ; sepalsand vigorous growing inches inches long; panicle floweringspecies,lastinga long time with short, white. very in barred petals green, lip wedge-shaped, white, half,column high, two- beauty. a A lilac free- LIST O.rosenm Backhouse Messrs. enough Pseudo-bulbs arched flowered fiowers ; rosy-crimson colour,the It is very distinct,and of its colour. 0. " Pseudo-bulbs flowered it resembles lanceolate,about ; white. A white, with account from broader habit. of 0. citros- those long,white, barred one to across ; three- sepals with brown than the versely trans- sepals,pure only ; lip oblong lemon-yellow bilobed a deep month. inches two few spots at their bases a twenty- uniform a a only being white. scapes ; to one inch an of larger than petalssub-hastate, much white, with pure from flowers ; been species,of: dwarf Mexican in habit to ten cultivated,on more April,lastinga beautiful entire last few years. from and across, be angular, rather which mum, A in the of the column apex should Flowers Rossii. inch an the ob-lanceolate,about drooping, or about leaves ; at present, Sons, of York, have it within ovoid, two-leaved long ; spike prettiestof and and introduce to is but little known oldest of the one 113 ORCHIDS. This " fortunate foot COOL (Lindley,Loxa). although group. OF crest ; or date, cor- column delicate,free-floweringplant,blooming during the winter, and lastingfrom three to four weeks. It is native a of Mexico. a. 0. Rossii superbum. " than having largerflowers from two three to distinct and longer with a *0. 0. inches inches than segments blotched the Warnerianum. pseudo-bulbs two broad select varietyis typicalspecies. barred across, better a form, Its flowers with are crimson, very effective. b. O.Rossii scape This with ; the " high ; is another flowers leaves, two sepals and purple This from to three three inches petals pure at the base ; fine form, having five,on to a across, with white, barred and lip cordate,crenate, white, golden crest. Sclilieperianum (New grande ; but Granada). it flowers in June " and In habit this bles resem- July,lastinga long I 114 COOL time in flowers beauty ; of the last-named and it is totallydifferent for individuals of this while so others is decidedly as Titley,Esq., of Gledhow, this varietyof it blooms as it makes grown, exists barred with case 0. grande species,which - is also known a good different but ings, of mark- in no case T. proper. fine a at a among freely; Leeds, has near colour, lip is golden being nearly destitute or to those grande, of which, doubtless, variety blotched the amber well some species, are pale yellow or valuable, however, Some exhibition. form, blotches; the or When season. a similar in that of 0. It is only a variety. plant but of of bars than smaller yellow,but GROWING. large,and as species; destitute nearly ORCHID A. darkly-blotched Odontoglossum as pretiosum. 0. We (0. erosum). stellatum " have plant,bearing solitaryflowers. Flower little scapes petalsabout lip white, somewhat margin. It flowers freelyin growing, though known by its flowers it has be tolerablywell four high; sepals and a by and has been distributed ; now, in this brown its long time a on its basal calli. It has under the 0. flowered care of Mr. showy of the is a plant Easily dens, gar- it appears very we to ful beauti- sepalsand petalsoblong, apices being rich, with violet blotch purplish violet in front of its Wrigley, Esq., Kemmery. if ; the in continental in the collection of E. G. triumpJians.This, " a brown jagged lip. country. It is a ; high. showy. however, colour, their portion,and with July, and white, golden yellow; lip fiddle-shaped, blotches inches jagged round means any rarelyflowered chestnut bright much very plant,having large,glossy flowers of inches June not three to two six and being solitary, tripudians. This though -bulbs plant only and concave, " pretty little a long, pale yellow, barred worth 0. than more inch one Pseudo whole long, one-leaved, inches here except 0. grande, is the most yellow-flowered Odontoglots. j* Pseudo-bulbs LIST like those with ; two-leaved margins of the Pescatorei, but across yellowcentre, the a lemon This is rather for the and rare, and spring Orchids to fine a if This is thick, and long ; to ten when water broad bear lanceolate twenty flowers inch an and a petals oblong, green, heavily barred cordate, of a bilobed five flower-spike inch tinged with lemon 0. leaved and the yellow. leaves (New from Grass -.like; at one present pseudo-bulbs to twelve feet are inches high, bearing across ; brown sepals and lip broad, ; white, and having November, lasting much in collections. rare ; lipof sepalsand petalsabout ; lateral the size,largerthan that enormous The " spike extreme lipis quitetwo Granada). nine to or base inches inches being tinged in breadth. Pseudo-bulbs tvrelve erect narrow a sepalsand petals,is pure white, colour,the rose an sepalshaving a singlestreak decidedlyflabellate, having lip,like delicate Wallisii ; ; or liberally most decidedlynovel, and a flowered seven the centre sagittatebase with to and Phalsenopsis, of 0. October here have long, pure white, the purple up with cool, a linear,two-leaved; leaves,linear ligulate; pseudo-bulbsare Its of "We " but species, desired with seen in flower. 0. vexillarium. be half mottled about Blooms crest. four to six weeks to colour livelyrose a be Its three to I have It affects leaves,nine spikes simple,two flower well grown of the easiest of one must growing. lipwhite Ferniehurst. treated. properly moist, and rather shady situation,and supplied with plant when gloriousspeciesat " ; bright a purple rose. exhibitions. (Guatemala). grow brown tippedwith apex early summer 0. UrO'Sk inner i all cinnamon will make fine varieties of this some to seven-flowered. jagged,of slightly golden yellow colour,spottedwith with larger,speckled sepalsand petalslanceolate, ; petalssometimes the 115 ORCHIDS. three flower-spikes ; four to six inches Flowers COOL of 0. something brown OF ovoid, long, very arching,from two" narrow five to I 2 ten 116 ORCHID COOL flowered. Flowers two three or inches petals oblong, about sepals and yellow, blotched blotch rosy GROWING. with partiallyadnate apex to the in the as which very improbably a finelycoloured form. 0. zebrinum. of This " to and one much white, very the white unlike in half a other any plant also inch across ; under is not of Wallis's introductions same habit the five to manner six those as of moderate are and wavy, from sepals and Oncid or size, petals equal, barred I have with brown, the of Oncidium name Flowers seen. considerable September, lastinga goes lip large corrugated golden crest, quite Odontoglot and August a species it one flowers Its ; a epidendroides plant, having in the crisped or lip having 0. Flower-stems species. golden a white apex ; Linden. curious a branched long, flexuose,and of the last-named one is macranthum. Oncidium feet of M. establishment to the It is of coloured, with old variable showy very long, crest, margin, and ; column, of (0. Lindleyanum), inch one purple ; lip straw rosy the near across, time. This zebrinum. Oncidium. This most except the we in numerous adapted for latter must one if genus, enumerated finest of them many in the cool Orchid growing be of the species,and of all the are truly are remarkable flowers the more most for or Amongst in and be grown and its should cucullatum a less blotched will succeed the less the Orchids, 0. serratum, 0. crispum, 0. producing part of easy or 0. macranthum, noble equally beautiful. others mention to perhaps themore house. cucullatum, O. Phalasnopsis,0. nubigenum, and not is Epidendrums, culture. compost in Most profusion with brown, The varieties, may The of splendidum, of the Oncids golden yellow and they are larger growing recommended pots. 0. for smaller for species Odontoglots, kinds, either be grown as 0. in shallow 118 COOL bulbs roundish being inches two colour feet three to it with apical lobe rhomb species,one or a cool in iform, clear " six ; of one a brown ; variable very to 0. bifolium varieties have brown, like the sepals. and blooms the best freelyin very long, with in dark green brown ; lip from ; form known crispum (Organ Mountains, brownish species,having inches high, bronze ; to bronzy two-leaved flowers three red or fluted from inches brown or ; colour. in a to jus,should ma peat and living Brazil). " A free-flowering thirty,on often an sepalsand to two one tinged erect with spike,and petals colour, very unique. five weeks. inch glass. oblong, the half This, together pseudo-bulbs,from leaves twenty across warm winter, lastingfour ; and one pan, the close under three long, pale yellow,or 0. bifolium shallow, well-drained sphagnum, suspended long,often leaves from ; to one as compact panicles drooping, many inch an most inch one two-leaved brightest golden yellow a and pseudo-bulbs are sepalsand petals half of the be grown is Its the still better 0. August, spotted with brown; barred across, This have. inches flowered with is Some with the golden yellow, being equal barred at spottedwith easilygrown. more in as margins brown clear This yellow. to pale yellow a wavy crimson and well as of half lateral sepalsconnate ; lobes of its varieties two bifolium. fluted,and two lateral June, July,and species we green with a temperature. *0. to brown portion fimbriate petalslanceolate,and Flowers in size length ; petals oblong,with colour, and much their and margins wavy spikesfrom ; one variable very chestnut warm of the discal margin in being only ; lip triangular; base from the ridge up one-leaved ; golden colour, streaked clear well-defined a flowers ; sepalslanceolate,with ; for half their a ovoid, with long across, colour, barred of GEOTTIXG. of Laolia acuminata centre, like those one ORCHID are Flowers of a in LIST 0. a. crispum old good block the dwarf in or from flowera freely, and four on three well for cut adapted laeve; bulbs branched flowers ; more when old,and having five to seven inches green, with for yellow lines large flowers a golden yellow colour colour, having a across. the ; three to ; colour ; When A " It is free- Odontoglossum feet sepals and in length, yellow to its disc. across and petals green, lipwhite, changing purple ; bearing a 1835). fifteen Blooms weeks. cool house. leaves ; A large-growing Pseudo-bulbs from lanceolate,bright nine to fifteen bearing from sepalsunguiculate,about ; petalsbroader lipdagger shaped, of fleshywhite two-leaved glaucous colour, a at to four weeks. flower-spikesfrom ; It flowers and called branched, branches each brown warm inches from long, two-leaved long, flexuose, and of of ; white lip ; golden yellow lip. " adapted long, band long beauty. (Peru and ISfew Granada). Oncid, well three a ; lastingquite six 0. macranthwn fifteen a across brown foot purple. Guatemala, five inch an to flat,and ; erroneously less with or in the winter, to and from roof, exposed high, branched, two-leaved, large, of flower-stems ; barred (Mexico a Pseudo-bulbs, borne stem Lasts flowers. species, often growing culture. feet 011 purple in 9,000 to old, free-bloomingspecies, flowers, having leucocliilum fluted four to small 0. this either spikes a on darker An creeping a profusion of the to five weeks of easy being intervals, spikes from feet much " as ten, 8,000 well colour, spottedwith lasts from well known under to seven flexuosum (Brazil,1818). short varietyof from -growing species, growing purple,spotted with rosy altitude " pot suspended close a light; 0. brightercoloured a Granada (New sepalsand petalsrose or 119 ORCHIDS. species. A " COOL is Forbesii 0. cucullatuin feet). OF crest. Its well grown, and a of five inch an a clear, bright purple glorious flowers it is difficult to are find 120 COOL noble more a substance GROWING. ORCHID blossoms looking plant, the and lasting Flowers time. long a of good July and being in August. 0. Marsliallianurn plant,of which as it is identical with leaves the of spots and The rich a and 0. the coolest like light,and, crispum Forbesii, does (New old the as of supply inch months, Granada). flexuosum, and marked in or O. its congeners, peat and in brown pot a or inches with a pan crispum in sphagnum of brown across ; and blooms month lasting a adapted for cutting. This species gold ; flowers in of the most easily as dant abun- an laden with good ties varie- dullest the flower, and, one is freelyproduces throughout in It is " spikes, heavily long-branched fragrant blossoms an well brown to three two either pseudo- of the house. end 0. obryzatum grown from well its but sidered con- In habit crispum. of reddish instead are It grows the near 0. species; green flowers It is best shown. been golden-yellow colour, blotches. suspended have last-named pale are bronze-coloured. across, specimens golden-blossomed varietyof a bulbs and " fine really beautiful A (South. America). winter is well moreover, of winter- valuable flowering Orchids. 0. ornithorhynchum (Mexico, 1826). from " one to two inches high ; Pseudo-bulbs two-leaved leaves " and flower-spikesfreelyproduced during autumn much branched, and blossoms crest indoor mass 0. on of the a lilac lip. decorative heavilyladen, like or This and its larger form being, when purposes, oblong ; winter, very last,with the purple colour, with glaucous a fragranfc golden corrugated well are well grown, adapted one for dense of flowers. Phalcenopsis (Peru). 0. cucnllatum, but bears " more This plant showy in habit flowers speckled with purple ; petalswhite, with ; resembles sepals white bright purple bars LIST beautiful weeks five to from green half a It is ; peat, inch two with five to " apices of small to five feet with a " of the long,bearing from flowers In leaves to one crimson one brown. tion, in cultiva- Oncids it is identical habit speciesscarcelyworth a the lipand from feet twelve ; species slightly resembles the habit, its ovoid pseudo-bulbsbearing in leaves of 0. macranthum deep brown This (Peru). 0. macranthum ensiform from flower. bulbs, from collections. 0. serratum grand five to block, with a narrow beautiful dingy-flowered0. pubes the place in distinct and in on most a four oblong two heavilyblotched time or plant having spike from across, of the most one It is the of the house. high, bearing flower- lasting a long a A " inches in sixtyto seventy golden-yellow and two well cool end in the (Peru). codes seven darkest purple,like with bright lemon-yellow crest. beauty. Grows livingsphagnum, sat blotched free- flowering plant, lasting from and in *0. a 121 ORCHIDS. white lip fiddle-shaped, pure petals,and having COOL OF to one two long, branched from flowers two colour, very peculiar,on feet long and and Grows flower to three inches an flowers arch that of across, of the account spike like flexuose petalsbeing connate, forming the column. ; crested the over well in the cool house, treated like 0 macranthum. *0. habit A splendidum (Guatemala). " of size and 0. Bulbs four to flower-spikeerect petals green, seven ; an inch inches flowers heavily barred bright golden yellow colour. the species,having microchilum, but bearing flowers beauty. leaf, from robust superiorto it in high, bearing a solitaryoblong long, and two inches with brown It is one of great substance across ; ; lip of sepals a of the finest rich ; and and speciesin cultivation. *0. tigrinum (Mexico). Also O. Barkeri. " It is a very known beautiful and in many collections as showy species; sepals 122 COOL and petalsrich brown, one inch to yellow colour. weeks in fine branched large the This of 0. splendidum has yellow ; lipfrom winter, resemble has (Barkeri)tigrinum bulbs, similar in form of habit- in rigid a stout, angular,, of Odonto- those to a The those bulbs, bearing green on collection. widely different are dark lastingsix fiftyflowers borne Ainsworth's plants bright golden very and autumn Dr. smooth, 0. to four-leaved a species closely the solitaryleaf,while two in with of specieshas this last-named, but barred across, during spike, flowers half a Mowers beauty. GROWING. heavily and inch an ORCHID glossum grande. Palumbina. *P. Candida. Oncids. the A " pretty It is very purest white, of time in cool treatment, beauty. sphagnum. A ; fibrous carefullydrained, be last it thrives as the to flowers Its consistence, and pot, with small a death collections. our of Guatemala native in plant, related distinct stout, waxy a It must is sudden in rare and are a of long well under peat and fresh ture stagnant mois- time. to it at any Pescatorea. P. cerina altitude foot waxy of long, straw with " distichous white or red ; column and two to creamy also known and of scapes three Cherique. stout, inches yellow ; a an Leaves bearing each It is a chaste May, lastinga under the and beautiful considerable generic names of time. plant, This Zygopetalunx Huntleya. grandifolius.The plants of " a yellow or lemon Phajus. P. a sepals and across; lip of at semi-circular, plaitedcrest, streaked a purple. flowering in April plant is flower ; colour, having charming Orchid, growing the volcano 8,000 feet,on blossom, from petalspure A (Yeragua). this small genus are ever- LIST and green, of native a from two from tw'oio four to four noble in moist flowered high,many sepals ; crimson-brown ; It localities. Leaves flower-scapes ; from flowers three for a lip convolute, white, ; The adapted this; petals lanceolate, of throat. well flowering species are and without within, white plant of Chatsworth, in 1871. at long,broadly lanceolate across colour dark a feet inches brownish with feet to three A spring. Kong, growing Hong abundant specimens, producing an fine spikes species bore thirty-six is 123" ORCHIDS. in -winter and of flowers supply COOL noble form soon OF spikes of this free- cutting. January to March, lastingsix weeks. Wallichii P. " vigorous growing plant,similar A tall spikes,from five inches brown three across, throat. later than of to a Lasts in habit five feet high. brown warm sheltered hills in (India). Khasya six weeks last,bearing Flowers colour in to the ; positions. four to from lipyellow,with beauty,blooming a month a the last. Pilumna. fragrans."This *P. nearly related from four Flowers to from white pure to and two on under " name whiteness, having snowy plant figured in not nearly so good The is a of this like moisture growing. the flat* leaf. a been spot of the Botanical as this successful in plant, Messrs. obtaining perfumed plant,which deliciously favourite freely treated when Orchid,, sepaledspecies. green Sons, of York, have become soon white-flowered spike; sepalsand petals stout a is in all probability another good importation will of on its disc. this beautiful Trichopilias.Its pseudo-bulbs are inches high, bearing a dark green four to lip also ; Backhouse a the seven bright orange Magazine is a very in our collections. Trichopiliaswith a It grows good supply of Pleione. This is a -pretty little genus of elegant plants from the 124 mountain .either uplands of epiphyteson as localities. Of all best a to the of stems these they Moss-grown none plants in shallow in trees little leaf -mould a should be shaded to fade they and should This will induce possiblybe be the pleasure their bearing from collection. bloom, to twenty Some cultivators of these flowers should essential are be potted soon P. humilis rose-coloured species. margin bulbs the being being smooth, delicate when sphagnum well expanded from P. two grown, at become soon the to three bear same time. in well leaf- in shade cases and ; pectinateridges This green to It is of easy the easily purplishflask- fall off and twenty on is species or ; yellow and lip with in plant produces ; these they 7,000 to 8,000feet corrugated,as other the bulbils on rooting into Pans of this, thirty flowers, culture,and all lasts beauty. lagenaria (India). Something " Ferniehurst plants from white six can had I have the flowering plants. from weeks not nothing flowered. its dark little apices of decliningbulbs the have serrulate. by in order vigorous growth, and Altitude Flowers the others This species. they veins, having about recognised from shaped after (Upper Nepaul)." delicate little disc, the their to begin little alpine gems in these grow then mould, sand, and livingsphagnum, but in all moisture sun, exotics. cool pans eighty to leaves to the and freely, these seeing great tion the addi- growing they their as using corrugated pseudo-bulbs. stout lovelythan of but as found pans, When fullyexposed more them more sand. more be it will well-drained freelywatered, thoroughly ripen to and shady Crocuses." compost of fibrous peat and livingsphagnum, with of a rocks, possiblybe can cultivation In found are Moss-covered on lovely "Indian called. these grow plants,growing than sometimes are India, where alpine plants chastely beautiful they GROWING. northern sub -terrestrial as else or OECHID COOL like its congener, P. 126 trilobed,with sphagnum, a hairy centre or and produces its four lasting from each sepals having lateral yellow, the GROWIKG. ORCHID COOL red four well Grows disc. blossoms golden lines ; lip peat and in freely, very is also called growing plants,very nearlyrelated to the weeks six to It bloom. in Epiphora pubescens. Restrepia. A of small genus Pleurothallids,and a be requireto kept all the year A " sterns about are leaf,from ovate moist (Columbia). antenntfera, *JR. the base like the flowers dotted each bearing solitary a is produced. flower-spike and crimson rosy colour, purple,the lower sepalsbeing petals slender, pale yellow dotted with purple, and, sepals, having curiously the whole freelythrough be grown by all who fond are It. elegans(Columbia). to the last in a blunt rounded apices. and months, summer It should vegetable curiosities. is a colour, and freelyin Flowers of This " similar the white with and sphagnum, species. Its slender curious of which in well grow round. high, yellowish a heavily spottedand ; inches two of Sepals long, 'darkest They showy. temperature, potted in peat and cool very scarcelymore smaller-flowered form, very equallycurious in its structure. cool house. Sobralia. This of genus from dark-green from quitedistinct The Orchids. reaching is ovate the apex -lanceolate of these blooms, of a in the warm feet in leaves. tall,slender the The and when is clothed are of the cool house, in a often with produced are some large,handrich the Sobralias in abundance. classes Reeds, flowers stems, and species; and, they are produced end of that height, other most white, lilac,rosy-purple,or colour, according to "well grown, seven from resembles growth five to in habit crimson plants are grow rough compost well of LIST peat, crocks, and fibrous of water plants I Potter when have when have to two flowers from height from top of long stems, individually fine plant across for than rich crimson not are in March " produced are at the least last,but they are of some three in to rapid April. " the from lasting very and vigorouslygrown. splendens(Guatemala). than ; purple and yellow. exhibitingwhen healthy plants they Flowers or finely-colouredblossoms sepals and petalsrosy purple ; ; with flowers but, on ; flowers its sub This of a has rather richer colour. -varieties,are species,being only from one and a much half to two height. with (New three " remains in very fine or to three two large flowers on longer than seldom feet short a purple ; lipwhite rosy flower species,but rare from It grows to four sepalsand petalsmauve, also A Granada). in collections. bearing from This in vary the S. Rucleeri met finest Orchids singlyat plant, feet in of the very One borne S. macrantJia er a bear .succession. -dwarf of corner all days The the feet, but Unfortunately,the .smaller Rhodes, Esq., seven a a. in Its varieties grown. lipbeautifullysuffused four of John largest S. macrantha. five to six inches Makes of the magnificently,beinga tall-growing, " well One growth. It grows (Guatemala). 8. macra/iitha we flowers superb varietyof but Leeds. House, fernery,and warm their They require large supplies is in the collection seen Newton sphagnum. making 127 ORCHIDS. COOL OF and spike ; crimson. of the any high, other .species. Sophronitis. Of this small genus we all interesting and .species, have three do livingsphagnum fine produced in the Their four beautiful. very dense-growingepiphytes, and Moss. or best on They flat are very are small, blocks, with bright scarlet depth of winter, and introduced flowers showy. aro They 128 OUCHID COOL house. They in well remarkably grow be must GROWING. the end warm of the copiouslysuppliedwith Peruvian* moisture when growing. 8. " three reddish scarlet, produced to nine four two the red. Moss, or three to inches to three does and the roof. the two are for dozen inches long, three inches long. freelyabout little small flowers plant of this leaves and green andrae. This with and years a in an well pan, and " and the should be grown from from leaves ; by the to- one to one one varieties two or bulbs and others. The effect with in seen of thia smaller, deeper produced by four only expanded fresh with company a flowers,as those of Odontoglossum Alex- will in a in flower, may last for or weeks unharmed I have bell-glass. Wardian case taken be seen for several to th@ if covered this grown successive ordinary sitting-room. 8. violacea. coloured Brazil). This and are when glass shade flowered sphagnum shallow shorter plant, when clean streaked or in winter. species,even white drawing-room, and sepalsand : with a leaves- large,brilliant scarlet,produced the flowers, is wonderful ; large,from pseudo-bulbs are There than in two-leaved Flowers having plant, some coloured The December. block a Mountains, and one flowers ; substance good sphagnum Flowers bloom. three long on in the group, best winter flowers winter, lasting from lip yellow,barred ; well either S. grandiflora (Organ last of and across, planted in peat suspended near ; short, one-leaved inches brightest scarlet This long thickr beauty. " oblong, from with in and drooping spikes, from on (Brazil). Pseudo-bulbs S. coccinea petals of inch in the Flowers together. to six weeks two short oblong fleshyleaf,scarcely an bearing an bright Pseudo-bulbs (Rio, Brazil). cernua " This is species from another the pretty and Organ mountains. very distinctly Its pseuda- LIST bulbs ORCHIDS. COOL long,bearing a lanceolate narrow differ from Its flowers lilac three two to leaf about the of its congeners those dee"p violet colour, not or 129 . from slender, spindle-shaped, are rosy OP length. same in inches of being in scarlet,as a all the preceding. Tricocentrum. This part of small geniis consists for the most flowered conspicu in- plants. *T. and albo purpureum. This " is,however, well worth produces its flowers freely.It fleshyleaves, lanceolate green inches brown ; base. It *T. from comes " from much two four to six sepals cinnamon scapes; a pair of purple lilac New Granada, and grows to Somewhat resembles larger and four yellow,barred inches with blotches near its well,blooming preceding in habit, finer flowers. across brown the ; lip white ; Individual blooms sepals and petalsgreenishat portionbeing bright orange-yellow. very from form, and in dark cool treatment. tigrinum. has pseudo-bulbs,but no drooping on with lipwhite freelyunder but Flowers long. has growing, the This basal apex, the is beautiful a and species. rare Trichopilia. This is a beautiful blooming plants. They cool house under of genus freelyin grow what is known moist. well elevated latter but inches across above should the well drained are receivingtoo *T. They we coccinea much shall rim planted can There only notice are (Central America). " sepalsand Flowers from kept very good or pots, then fibrous peat if the of their species in many Bulbs is in the best and of the treatment, that little fear be profuse end warm house, which of the pans there water. long, one-leaved. ; be the Mexican as is,cool but drier than the Peruvian cool and and easily grown most from two to ever vation, culti- useful. two to four four inches petalsligulate, creamy- white, mottled with K 130 red COOL brown or and and This very flowered. with white. from Flowers blofcches ; white to two in the crimson lipdeep four inches centre with two hundred one ; reddish- slightlyedged of flowers flowers to across this in the collection of Charles than same spike, a in the genus, sometimes and more on spikes from to Leeds, bore three crops had flowers Flower Esq., Baildon, near has Blooms margin. of the best two mottled plant of A a weeks. is sepalsand petals white crimson one decidedlyone free-flowering species. " three to three two crispa. a with June, bearingfrom lasts from *T. GROWING. lipdeep crimson ; freelyabout ORCHID Stead, annually, expanded at the time. crispamarginata. This is a varietyof the preceding from which darker coloured it differs in having much species, *a. T. " flowers, and crimson *T. a distinct very lip.It is very suavis. "We " rare, of spring flowering Orchid leaved glaucous, one from Flowers January ; and when beauty. oblong arid its to deep well grown. winter easily grown an rare leaves to margin very beautiful here have white pure and Pseudo-bulbs flat slightlyglaucous. March, bearing three large blooms on drooping spike ; sepalsand petals pure white, spotted with bright rose ; lipalso white, blotched with rosy pink. It flowers a very lastinga fortnightin beauty. freely, grandiflora.This is a selected garden variety richlycoloured flowers than those of the normal *a. T. suavis with more " form. *T, tortilis. " lanceolate. Bulbs Flowers solitaryor much This is a and twisted ; variable lip pure or together on three a drooping with brown white, heavily spottedwith of its varieties plant,some brightly coloured July,lastingtwo two oblong- leaves petals pale yellow, blotched spike; sepals and very slender, one-leaved; flowers. weeks in red. bearing some hand- in June and Blooms perfection. LIST COOL OF 131 ORCHIDS. Uropedium. 17. Lindeni. and This " is the might correctlybe it of Cypripedium caudatum, no pouched lip,but it is exactlyidentical dark green foliage from large, two wavy margins, with dark of petals one beautiful,and the covering which both freely. It with whole this lasts month the of water want or to and the when fully does best crocks, into Cypripediums delightto root flower,and and be must in the freelysupplied atmosphere, all the shrivel,through aridityin the at the of living sphagnum, layer root more end warm It with netted loam, peat, and of In length. sepals Cypripediums. also the in If allowed year round. in long freelyin of fibrous a at the moisturej both place. plant,having scape; feet two grows with plant and a in its inches stout a having in colour,and hairy. It is far compost a it differs twelve to reddish-brown house, along with pot, using on variety monstrous a greenish yellow colour, veined a curious a as the last-named to three a in which with developed, of the cool from nine or green; than to long petaloid segment a habit Flowers referred in this genus, have only specieswe roots, it will take sphere atmo- long time a to itself. recover Vanda. This but superb there They the most *V. beautiful coerulea best during in the a even best more fibrous basket of the in claim can being as of species, rare suitable India,and for cool amongst are of exotics. This " dullest lovelyand many mostly natives are rare is stiff-growing a species,which peat, livingsphagnum, and crocks. suspended period spikes of pale mauve or we (Assam). freelyin grows does only two are treatment. contains genus or of the close to year, light. is now a It flowers bearing many-flowered lightblue flowers,from instances, on Yandas, and the It spike. becoming ten It is very to twenty, one cheap. of the It is 132 much very leaves inclined for which ; light,and and then and another *F. The used to be noble a Grimston at former it from borne transitions, to six weeks of it at specimen has to the exposed sudden Park, in Lord plant its on temperature should spots. It lasts from four The teres. This " in perfection. Dalkeith, Londesborough's twenty-eight flowers yellow flowers This is sometimes in grown cool a well I have of native well well grown on and fullyexposed peat, sphagnum, and makes Sylhet, and plants from in perfection. shy-flowering species,but a good plants of seen large rosy-purpleand the to established,it will flower fibrous in its congeners four to five weeks considered airy house, thoroughly It does last from and August, to Its stems. freelyproduced are June it is easilydistinguishedfrom is quill-like foliageand its and draughts. yellow singlespike. a by is to grow remedy cold with, spotted free equal as possible, it seldom collection. 011 the best as There GROWING. become to free from be maintained - ORCHID COOL it trained noble a when sun freelyenough. crocks teak on if in a rafts. exhibition pot, It is plant a when well grown. V. teres Andersoni. *a. type, and by some This " is considered is fine a variety of to flower the normal freely. more Zygopetalum. This is a containing one genus flowering Orchids of They plenty of all of them air and nearly related are Z. catoreas. speciesin maxillare and Z. about are a their making dozen Mackayi are two growth. and Pes- of the best Huntleyas, Warreas, (CentralAmerica). species,bearing a the winter- the genus. Z. aromaticum petalsof to well known well in the cool house grow when moisture two There great merit. speciesintroduced, and with or " flowers soft pea-green four colour ; This inches is a across. rare and tiful beau- Sepals and liplarge and nearly cordate, LIST in purple centre, with the perfumed sphagnum well grows ; COOL OF a in 133 ORCHIDS. white pure margin brachypetalum. A very handsome having brown sepalsand petalsmarked with lasting from beautiful about grow from five to Flowers rich violet have green on with brown white, the pure This marked all the is a and MackayL " purple A months. Sepals and with brown dark in crocks. during a pot in a short spring is genus ground white only to be found, Park. Tatton spikes,bearing of well-known flowers during It three plant,bearing the dull winter petalsgreenish yellow,heavilyblotched beauty streaked from four and blotched to six with weeks, and violet grows compost of peat, charcoal, sphagnum, Requires watering freelywhen the this purple. Egerton, at and lipwhite, It lasts in purple. best ; with flowers. handsome long spikes numerous stained speciesof plant,which rare petalsbright being petals,the with larger lip very broad, cordate, crest sepalsand brown " ; and grass-likefoliage, four white lipwhite, with slightly ; spike; sepalsand erect an lipbeing gramineum. Z. mences com- habit,but has much in purple. Nearly and narrow, a decided a believe,in the collection of Lord has or brown Z.maxillare heavilyblotched very I It is beauty. " resembles of the seven with barred nearly reniform, Z. cember, De- in purplish blue colour. (St.Catharine, Brazil). This strikingspecies Gautierii colour flowers producing stout, erect Sepals and large flowers. November, divergent hairy lines,of green, in deep a " petalspale green, flowers. It weeks to four three and green, plant. easilygrown (Brazil). A strong-growing plant,which spikes,bearing somewhat white. species, and Z. crinitum to with lip,streaked violet-coloured or Brazilian " *Z. living moss. Z. very peat and pot in fibrous a strongly ; and summer months. making There its are and growth several 134 COOL varieties colour of this old produces its leaves flowers with a to brown at peat and it either but it case bulbs seven 1872 borne Hardy, Orchids, but curious, and pardoned In Messrs. these for of Calceolus eastern flourish their -admirable is there planted of sandstone Its still one and pots, the pots should be at is four lectively col- York, two exceptionally may be in loam and the Cypripedium of C. a an broad thirtyfully at the visits,all open flowers with gales by upwards congener, sheltered limestone western, least of speciesat garden. in hardy premeditated design. our plunged to beautiful, we rock of my sand, and alluded to have I counted beautiful more In 1870 strong breaks, present genus the Here during luxuriantlyin peat in in Slippers. luxuriantly from rock. flowers has it made which a on when species. nine species very nursery, aspect, sheltered expanded the deviatingfrom slightly Backhouse's this Lady's intention as of its some lovely plants recesses well ! Half-hardy our will vigorous breaks, which 147 flowers not from watered well obtained, from seventeen or Originallyit was herbaceous succeed be 1871, it made In it made have lipwhite, Zycopatalum pot, or a requires to when healthy growths. in fine the green, well-grown plantsbear remarkably fine plant of a ; Wrigley, Esq., of Bury, Lancashire, Edwin his collection in sphagnum petals blotches and bars time. a and in time long a the last, and than Sepals narrower. transverse flowers growing. in and lasts smaller This ; time. much are and 100 block mass the autumn, in blooming species,which free is another ; in and the size and in slightly vary richlypurple-stainedbase grow it had This " shorter are marked fine plant,which Its bulbs beauty. 50 GROWING. of their flowers. Z. maxillare. with ORCHID same spectabile, grows freely. "When spent tan or grown ashes, and LIST of the the surface this not only preserves of Speaking but the over it is a at supply of abundant cultivation the with deluge them well gardener hope H.E.H. to speciesthat most of the to morasses, them rare and de to Orchids any herbage, the close We of all the here be or in close Sedges, often attempt being at home. Plant in contiguityof evaporation,not planted append a but also list,and spongy to them out only from from grow in a amongst assists which tiguity con- still it is made sun, Good habitats, native growing we lovely of Cape blazing noon-day growth by preventing undue themselves. found and of the many their to Needle, Twickenham, sub-aquatic situations; the they may In then Mr. by be be grown can America, the are positionshere soil in which at in plants dry,and doubt a and these Orchids an should grown dust the culture Grasses, find are is dry as as obtain they treatment Paris, Europe. from shaded they hardy N. from It non. qua particularseason, beyond other or sine a become That of Moss, bogs, in similar position Moss hardy damp exceedingly us top-dressing.For a habitats that taking up south the is worst to Comte to come and Hope, The them of others to hear as native at are unhealthy, shrivelled half-hardyCypripediums demonstrated been has with in which water. There freelyinto livingsphagnum, meet moisture is to allow receive Orchid no it contains. compost their moist. that plants. layerof livingsphagnum a freelyused or compost kept moderately can In rest. observe ; the at to the appearance it especially, more keep hardy to when is sphagnum Orchids, mistake dust other or quite exceptionalto plants where all cool to go without livingsphagnum of moisture state here that will not root Orchids few and peat fresh clean I would sphagnum, be allowed pot should and neat a with equable an 135 ORCHIDS. COOL pots covered root, but also gives moss OF their the the plants Lindley's synopsis species of hardy Lady's Slippers with which we 136 COOL When congeners. GROWING. of which acquainted,many are ORCHID rival rock our and fully appreciated, we more in blooming and in the Californian Sarracenia californica), will bear pula to them " This and England, shady nooks and (Darlingtonia Plant perhaps southern musci- Dionsea counties. Cypripediums. C. Calceolus (Europe). of plants Pinguiculas,Sundews, with in the company these see be to come moist Pitcher purpurea; Hardy the north hope may gardens, along our doubt no bog gardens healthy vigour,lighting up corners and beauty their tropical in found speciesis occasionally is of one the rarest of in native our wildings,bearing solitaryflowers. Sepalsand petalspurplish, veined within lip ; pure yellow outside, marked with deep, orange-scarlet, hairy lines. C. parvifiorum (America). sepalspurple,with fanciful corkscrew The flowers than those darker ; Stems " or smaller species are of the next two-flowered veins, petals linear, twisted lipyellow,concave of this and one species,which like depressed in and darker it otherwise ; a front. coloured somewhat resembles. C. pubescens (North America). Flowers " sepalsand petals yellow, streaked twisted and ; with red, the latter linear in front. yellow,convex lip pure generally solitary; G. guttatum (Northern Kussia, Siberia,and North " A and rare leaved flowers ; blotched C. lovely littleplant ; with inches high, two- and (Siberia). " veins ; Flowers rose-coloured, with lip globose, inflated,with deeper- reticulations. C. ventricosum last-named the few purple. coloured coloured a solitary,of pearly whiteness, spotted macrantfium deeper stem America). lip,and (Siberia). This but species, the whole very " the petalsare flower is of a much narrower much resembles and the longer than deeper rosy purple. LIST C. OF American (North spectabile regince,C. Jiirsutum, and chastelybeautiful of the white petalspure in or solitary, C. acaule All the others suffused here named Stem " by petals; lip tapering white a yellow colour. The in Calceolaria. C. montanum and half sepals acuminate, two the of that of C. form serve " but front " " describes sepal is are any times many to those of coloured the other than bright red, forcibly of two inches or a large-flowered three-flowered long; lip white, ; of syn. C. parviflorumof species other being as North Eichardin nearer American plant, smaller, and, in addition, the bidentate. " this its superior on the longer segments, spectabile; this cordigerum (N. India.) If sepals narrow bright,clear,golden a with lanceolate distinguishit. spectabilethan its flowers C. to a passerianum (N. America, son). Lindley of Stems " flated, large,in- a similar markings, (N. America). the rose. Flowers inside and with point,woolly larger,and form of which flower,having blunt a spotted herbaceous C. flowers caulescent. to four three lipis rather deeper is however, may from small to but one, afnuityto and in front. " reminding C. most leafy flower- centre solitaryflower, a a the (PelicanFlower). and size and C. niveum ; Not " with colour, chequered with spectabilein form, segments, bright rose furnished are bearing terminated C. Irapeanum C. with two, radical, from C. arietinum. part, of rivallingC. syn. C. Jiumile. rosy-purplelip,depressed and the of delicacyof colouring. Sepals rises,bearing leaves,and One " family,even (North America), flower-stem C. album, syn. pairs. Leaves stems. in lipwhite, ; Woods), G. canadense. of the whole tropicalsection 137 ORCHIDS. COOL species had sepalsand petals,I should not Of this Lindley speaks as white flowers, with have no doubt of its follows pale being a green mere : 138 ORCHID COOL variety of C. Calceolus, from satisfactory [structural] examined, already it will been Calceolus is not kind worth Its in texture name Kew stems resemble those of We believe years but is remark which will has recently been 5,855, and is of some height, and feet in this Palm, or species probably apply Japan." not its geners, con- of as I have its leaves its specific introduced was now several to small, a tall-growing species Sobralia a C. Thunberg's collection. general a several indicates. ago, species as to grow into beautiful curious This " extend t. so adding palmifolium. seen. not if no has Calceolus, which which, Magazine," by further think, when into This " it distinguish can I and must Botanical " I merge Dahuria, (N. America). white-flowered C. to rightly named, in the but in which character. found be found C. candidum figured GROWING. in cultivation, the above-named to a species. CypripediTim. FLOWER-STEMS Lateral C. C. parviflorum, C. Sepals always C. pubescens, LEAVED. connate. C. candidum, spectabile, molle, C. palmifolium. Lateral C. C. MANY Sepals free Calceolus, C. cordigerum, Irapeanum, C. macranthum, at their apices. C. montanum, C. ventricosum. Sepals entirelyfree. C. arietinum. FLOWER-STEMS C. guttatum. STEMLESS Leaves C. TWO-LEAVED. (acaule) huniile. SPECIES. all radical. C. passerianum, 140 INDEX LIST ALPHABETICAL AND OF AffGULOA- PAGE Clowesii macrantha Merida 60 Merida 60 Grenada New Columbia 60 ,, (syn. A. virens) eburnea i Ruckerii ,, 60 ... 60 Columbia Columbia sanguinea (syn. A. virginalis) uniflora New and 60 Grenada Peru superba virens, see A. virginalis,see and New Grenada 60 ,, eburnea 60 A. uniflora 60 ANSELLIA" africana Natal natalensis Natal Fernando and Po 60 60 ARPOPHYLLUM- (syns. A. cardinale and squarrosum Cselia New squarrosa ... ... """ ... """ Grenada giganteum Jamaica spicatum Mexico see squarrosum, A. 60 cardinale ASPASIA" and Panama *epidendroides (syn. A. fragrans) fragrans, see A. epidendroides *lunata (syn. Cryptarrhena lunata) West Indies, Guinana, and *psittacina (syn. Maxillaria psittacina) ... Columbia Brazil Mexico ATJLIZAEpidendrum ciliaris,see ciliare BARKERIA- elegans Lindleyana Mexico melanocaulon Mexico 61 Cumana 61 Costa 61 Rica 61 Fuchsii, Epidendrum (syns. Epidendrum EpidendrumSkinnerii, and Skinnerii clavatum superba spectabilis Venezuela 61 Guatemala 61 ,, BLETIA" (syns. Bletilla hyacinthina, CymC. striatum, hyacinthinum, striatum, Gyas humilis, Epidendrum and LimoLimodorum hyacinthinum, China dorum striatum) *Woodfordii, see Phajus maculatus hyacinthina bidium and Japan BLETILLA- *hyacinthina, see Bletia hyacinthina BRASSAVOLA*Digbyana *glauca Bletia nodosa, Cym*nodosa (syns. B. venosa, bid'ium nodosum,Epidendrum nodosum, E. curassavicum) Honduras Mexico Baru, Jamaica, Mexico *venosa, see B. nodosa BRASSIA(syns. B.Keiliana cinnamomea Clowesii, Gireoudiana see Miltonia and B.glumacea) Merida Clowefeii Costa Rica and Continued" BRASSIA" glumacea, see B. cinnamomea guttata (syns. B. Wrayse, Cymbidium PAGE guttatum, Jamaica Epidendrum Keiliana, odorata Guiana pallida Surinam Lanceana ,, ... guttatum B. cinnamomea see 141 ORCHIDS. INTERMEDIATE AXD COOL Rica Lawrenceana Costa macrostachya Demerara maculata Demerara Jamaica Mexico Guatemala v major ,, verrucosa major " Wrayae, B. see mala Guate- and ... guttata BUOITGHTONIAgrandiflora, see Maxillaria Cuba grandiflora Jamaica and CALANTHE*bicolor (syns. Amblyglottis flava, Chloidia tripliflava, Bletia quadrifida, Orchis and Limodorum cata, ventricosum, L. veratrifolium *Dominiana (C. furcata = x C. masuca) ... (syns. *masuca Bletia hybrid Amblyglottis masuca, Sieboldtii and Indies Luzon Zednba masuca, grandiflora ,, and Garden East *fureata Cuba Jamaica veratrifolia)Nepal Nepal Japan Java *veratrifolia and and and Ceylon Ceylon Cuba 62 ... CAMAROTIS(syn. Aerides purpurea Sylhet rostratum) CATTLEYA- (syns. *biflora C. and Lawrenceana Laelia Brazil crispilabia and Central America *Brysiana, *bulbosa, Laelia purpurata see 63 C. Walkerii see Karwinskii, Sobralia citrina) grandiflora see Sophronites coccinea, crispa (syn Lselia crispa) *purpurascens *superba *elegans, see Laelia elegans *epidendroides, see C. luteola citrina (syn. C. Oaxaca 63 ... Brazil 128 63 Brazil 64 Brazil 64, Brazil 64 atropurpurea pallida Brazil Brazil 61 Pescatorei Brazil picta Brazil " ,, flavida, see C. luteola Forbesii, see C. vestalis Lselia majalis see Grahami, Holfordi, see C. luteola *labiata ,, " ,, " Lemoineana, see C. speciosissima *lobata (syns. Lselia lobata and Laelia Boothiana) C. speciosissima see Luddemanniana, *luteola (syns. C. epidendroides, C. Holfordii. C. flavida, C. Meyeri, C. modesta. Cattleyae) Epidendrum *marginata (syn. Laelia pumila marginata) Brazil and Amazon ...Brazil 61 142 AND INDEX OP LIST ALPHABETICAL PAGE Continued" CATTLEYA" *maxima (syn. C. quindos Peru alba Peru violacea Peru " ,, Meyeri, C. luteola see modesta, C. luteola see La *Mossige La *Ainsworthii " *alba La *aurantiaca La " *grandiflora *picta *purpurascens *speciosii5sima *splendens *superba *(var. Sion House) and *Perrinii (syns. Lselia Perrinii intermedia angustifolia) *Pinellii (syn. Lselia pumila) quindos, see C. maxima La La La La La La La 65 Guayra Guayra Guayra Guayra Guayra Guayra Guayra Guayra Guayra Guayra Guayra " Ruckerii, C. see Brazil Brazil Trianse (syn. Epidendrum *Skinnerii Cattleya Hugelianum) ... and Trinidad mala Guate66 [ *speciosissima (syns. C. Bassetti, C. Lemoinand C. Luddemanniana) eana, and C. Warscewiczii *Trianse (syns. C. Ruckerii delicata *delicata (syn. C. Warscewiczii *splendens ,, " *velutina Grenada New Grenada Caracas 66 New Grenada Brazil (?) Rio (syn. C. Forbesii) (syn. C. bulbosa) *vestalis *Walkerii Yicinity of New Janeiro Brazil Brazil *Warnerii Warscewiczii, see C. Trianse delicata,see " C. Trianae delicata CHLOIDIA*flava, bicolor Calanthe see CHYSISof Valley *aurea Cumancoa, Venezuela *bractescens Mexico *Limminghei Central *lsevis Brazil CffiLIAmacrostacliya see squarrosa, America Guatemala Arpophyllum squarrosum CffiLOGYNE(Eucoelogyne corrugata of strictum *cristata (syns. Cymbidium and speciosissirnum Cymbidium *flaccida (syn. Eucoelogyne flaccida) C. trisaccata) and *Gardneriana humilis, see Pleione some ocellata, *ochracea ... Nepal Nepal Sylhet and Khoseea Hills 124 humilis lagenaria, see Pleione lagenaria maculata (syns. Gomphostylis Candida Pleione maculata) *media (syn. C. uniflora) *nitida (syns. C. ocellata, C. punctulata, nitidum) Cymbidium see 68 Khasya *corrugata and Assam and Khasya Khasya and Nepal C. nitida Northern East Indies COOL CGELOGYNE" *pandurata 143 ORCHIDS. Continued" PAGE (syn. Eucoelogyne pandurata) Pleione see proecox, INTERMEDIATE AND Reichenbachiana, see prsecox Pleione ... Borneo Reichenbachiana *speciosa (syns. C. nigrescens, Chelonanthera speciosa, and Eucoelogyne speciosa) ... *Lobbii Java Java Wallichiana, COLAX" Jugosis Wallichiana Pleione see 68 Lycaste aromatica Barringtonii, see Lycaste BarringtoniEe Harrisonii, see Lycaste Harrisonii aromaticim, CRYPTARRHENA*lunata, see lunata Aspasia see CYMBIDIUM(syn. Aerides aloifolium *altissimum, East Borassi) Oncidium see Indies altissimum *cordigerum, see Epidendrum atropurpureum *crassifolium, see 0. pendulum *Dayanum Assam *eburneum Khasya echinocarpum, see C. pendulum *ensifolium ensifolium, (syns. Epidendrum ensatum) Chinense, and Limodorum cochleare flabellifolium, see Zygopetalum fragrans, see C. sinense longifolium *giganteum (syn. Limodorum guttatum, Brassia see ... ... hyacinthinum, *juncifolium, Khoseea Japan Hills East Indies East Indies 70 nodosa carpum, crassifolium, C. echinoEpidendrum pendulum, Limodorum Dicheea echinocarpa, and pendulum) (syns. 69 cebolleta Brassavola see ... hyacinthina Oncidium superbum *nodosum, *pendulum and humilis Bletia see see 69 guttata *Mastersii ,, China Sikkim, Himalaya Pleione see ... E. *Hookerianum humile, Mountains C. Philipines, Cuba, and Jamaica, South Brazil *atropurpureum " prsecox, sinense see Pleione prgecox China (syn. C. fragrans) speciosissimum, see Coalogyne cristata striatum, see Bletia hyacinthina CYPRIPEDIUM(humile) acaule arietinum *Ashburtonia3 137 137 (C. barbatum " x C. insigne) Garden barbatum Mount ... " *biflorum Mount C. barbatum " giganteum, " *grandifl.orum (syns. see ,, giganteum and majus, see C. ,, nigrescens, " " grandiflorum barbatum majus) Mount ... Ophir barbatum grandiflorum C. barbatum see nigrum (syns. C. nigrescens and C. East purpureum) East *nigrum superbum C. barbatum see purpureum, nigrum *nigrum barbatum ,, C. barbatum C. hybrid Ophir Ophir Indies Indies 72 72 144 AND INDEX OF LIST ALPHABETICAL PAGE Continued" CYPBIPEDIUM" East *Bullenianum calceolus Indies 136 138 candidum caricinum, cordigerum C. Pearceii see 138 (syns. Selenipedium *caudatum C. Quito 72 ... caudatum roseum) super*splendens (syns. C. caudatum caudatum and bum Selenipedium splendens) splendens superbum, see C. caudatum 72 Panama Panama Moulmein *concolpr Peru .* *Crossii and Numegal (syn. Selenipedium ,, ,, and Humboldtii) *roseum ,, caudatum ... cruciforme, *Dayanum C. Lowii see *Dominianum (C. Pearceii = x C. caudatum) 72 Borneo Garden ... hybrid 72 Assam *Fairrieanum 136 guttatum *Hookerise Humboldtii, insigne 74 Java Borneo *hirsutissimum C. caudatum see 74 Nepal Nepal Mauleii 74 " 137 Irapeanum 74 Java Costa Eica Borneo *Javanicum *longifolium (syn. C. cruciforme) *Lowii 74 136 macranthum 137 montanum East ". *niveum Indies ... 138 palmifolium Mountains *Parishii Moulmein *pardinum Philippines 76 136 parviflprum passerianum and Pearceii (syns. Selenipedium caricinum caricinum) pubescens *purpuratum *Reichenbachianum (syn. C. longifolium) C. longifolium) x Sedeni (C. Schlimii Schlimii (syn. Selenipedium Schlimii) spectabile *superbiens (Veitchiiof some) = 138 C. Peru 136 ... ... Malay Archipelago Chiriqui Garden hybrid 76 Ocana North America 137 ... Java 137 ventricosum *venustum ... ," *spectabile *vexillarium (C. Fairrieanum ... ,, = x C. barbatum) Garden Moulmein *villosum 76 Nepal Nepal hybiid and Tonghoo 76 Mountains CYRTOCHILUM" Bictonense Bictonense, see Odontoglossum Guatemala filipes) filipes(syn. Oncidium flavescens *flavescens, see Miltonia Reichenheimii Karwinskii, see Odontoglossum leucochilum *leucochilum, see Oncidium cordatum maculatum, see Odontoglossum (not see Odoncoglossum pardinum pardinum, O. nebulosum no ,.. CYRTOCHILUM" *stellatum, see zanthodon, INTERMEDIATE AND COOL 145 ORCHIDS. Continued" PAGE Miltpniaflavescens zanthodon Oncidium see CYRTOPERA*flava (syn. Dipodium Northern flavum) India CYRTOPODIUMAndersonii (syns. Cymbidium comosum) Andersonii and West Oncidium Indies and cal Tropi- and Mexico America punctatun\(syns. c. Wilmorei, sissima, and speciosissimum Heleborineramo- Epidendrum punctatum Guatemala (syn. Cyrtopera Woodfordii) Woodfordii St.Domingo ... West Indies, Guiana, ... and Brazil DECKERIAundulata, undulata Schomburgkia see DENDROBIUM*aggregatum (syn. D. Lindleyi) *majus ,, aphrodite, D. see Bast Indies East Indies nodatum D. heterocarpum aureum see aureum, Barringtonii, see Lycaste Barringtoniae Mountains *Bullerianum near Moul- mein (syn. D. ochraceum) *cambridgeanum castum, see D. Khoseea ... Hills moniliforme 79 78 Nepal *chrysanthum *chrysotoxuni *superbum Arracan Plains in Burmah Arracan Mountains Mountains Plains and in Burmah Lycaste Barringtoniae ciliatum, see coerulescens : *crassinode Khoseea Hills Arracan Mountains Assam *crepidatum cucullatum, Pierardi D. see Khoseea *Devonianum grandiflorum, see Maxillaria Hills grandiflora Lycaste Harisonii *heterocarpum (syn. D. pallidum) aureum (syn. D. aureum) *Hillii (syn. D. speciosum Hillii) Japonicum) (syn. Onychium *Japonicum Harrisonii, and 96 see Nepal Nepal ,, and and Ceylon Ceylon ... 78 Australia ... Japan 78 ... 80 and Gardens of Java Javanicum, see Eria stellata Jenkinsii Gualpara ., *Kingianum *lasioglossum D. moniliform see Linawianum, majus Lindleyi, see D. aggregatum Australia *luteolum moniliforme Moulmein and ,, 79 D. castum, (syns. D. Linawianum, moniliforme) Epidendrum inajus nobile ... China and China and ... Macao Brocklehurstianum East elegans East Indies intermedium East Indies majus pendulum pulcherrimum China Macao China Japan Japan ... ... 79 79 79 Indies 79 146 INDEX LIST ALPHABETICAL AND PAGE Continued" DENDROBIUM" Moulmein aphrodite) (syn. nod#tum D. cambridgeanuxn see ochraceum, D. pallidum, 78 hetrocarpum D. see *Paxtonii Hills Khoseea ... ,(syn. Pierardi 79 Indies East Wallichii nobile OP D. Plains cucullatum) and Hills in Bur- and Hills in Bur- and Hills in Bur- and Hills in Bur- mah Plains "latifolium mah Plains *lutescens mah Plains *majus mah *primulinum East Indies *giganteum pubescens, see Eria pubescens *pulchellum East Indies ,, Sylhet Rajabassa purpureum ,, sceptrum, speciosum Epidendrum sceptrum see Hillii,see squalens, Maxillaria see Jackson, Australia 80 Nepal (syn. Stachyobium tricolor, see Port 80 squalens "transparens *triadenium Jackson, Australia 80 roseum ,, Port Hillii D. Java triadenium) ... tricolor Maxillaria New *undulatum Holland DICHJEAechinocarpa, DISA Cymbidium see pendulum OR STENOCORYNE*grandiflora (syns. D. uniflora, Orchis and Satyrium grandiflorum) superba *longicornu africana, " ... ... ,, ... Cape Colony Cape Colony Cape Colony 82 82 82 macrantha uniflora, see D. grandiflora DIPODIUMflavum, see flava Cyrtopera EPIDENDRUM82 album. aloifolium, altissimum, see see falcatum Epidendrum Oncidium altissimum *atropurplireum (sj318-E. aureo-purpureum, Limodorum purpureum, macrochilum, and Cymbidium cordigerum) E. Jamaica ... and Grenada *roseum {syn. j, roeeum) E. E. see aureo-purpureum, E. Venezuela 82 Guatemala 82 ... B^rringtonigs, see see 82 macrochilum *aurantiacum basilare, New .... Ly caste atro-purpureum Barringtonias Stamfordianum carthaginense, see Oncidium carthaginense Cattleyge,see Cattleya luteola Brassia caudata caudatum, see cebolleta cebolleta, see Oncidium ensifolium Chinense, see Cymbidium eiliare (syns. E. cuspidatum and Auliza latifolium M , ciliaris)Tropical America Tropical America 148 INDEX ALPHABETICAL AtfD EEIA" velutina, see Trichotosia vestita, see Trichotosia LIST *AGE ferox ferox ERIOPSISaltissma, see Epidendrum sceptrum Epidendrum ... Socoro and Ocaiia see 84 Grenada New *biloba *rutidobulbon sceptra, OF 85 ... sceptrum *Surinamensis Surinam EULOPHIAalbum alba, see Zygopetalum cochlearis, see Zygopetalum cochleare Mackai crinita,see Zygopetalum intermedium intermedia, see Zygopetalum maxillare maxillaris, see Zygopetalum rostratum rostrata, see Zygopetalum GOODYERA H^MARIA- or *discolor (syns. Gongora discolor) Dawsonii, see Ansectochilus Dominiana, see Anaectochilus Japonica discolor Neottia and 85 Brazil Dawsonianus Dominii Japan Japan macrantha 85 85 phylla var. folus variegata maculata (syn. G. picta) picca, see G. maculata macro (syns. Neottia procera Stelis Stelis procera, odoratissima,) odoratissimum, Tribrachia and caudata, Bolbophyllum tissima) odora- Nepal pubescens (syns. Neottia pubescens, Satyrium tussaca repens, reticulata) rubicunda (syn. G. rubro.venia) rubro-venia, see G. rubicunda North America Manilla *Veitchii Garden velutina Japan hybrid GYAS- humilis, Bletia see verecunda, see hyacinthina Bletia verecunda HABENARIA PLATANTHERAor maculosa alata, see Habenaria maculosa brachyceras, see Habenaria maculata, see H. maculosoa H. maculosa (syns. H. maculata, Brachyceras, monorhiza) Orchis elata, H. setacea,and Orchis Merida, and Brazil margaritacea H51MARIA see Genada, Antigua New Goodyera HARTWEGIAMexico *purpurea HELCIA- Paccha, Peru *sanguinolenta HUNTLEYA" Candida, see Warscewiczella cerina, see Peristeria cerina imbricata, see Zygopetalum marginata, see Warscewiczella Candida cochleare discolor 86 COOL 149 ORCHIDS. INTERMEDIATE AND PAGE Continued" HUNTLEYA" meleagris, radicans, see see meleagris Batemania Candida Warscewicella Guiana sessilinora violacea Warscewiczella violacea, see Wailesii IONOPSIS CYBELION- or (syns. I. utriculariodes utricularioides) *paniculata (syn. I. tenera) *Gardneriana ' and West Dendrobium *rosea Indies and Brazil ...Brazil Brazil I. paniculata see utricularioides,see I. Gardneriana tenera, ISANTHEUMlasve,see Odontoglossum Reichenheimii LJELIAviolacea " albida primulina superba " " anceps " Retatulen 87 Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Mexico 87 87 Mexico Barkeriana Dawsoniana " 86 Retatulen acuminata Juquilla, Mexico 91 88 91 88 Brazil Brazil " " Brazil Guatemala erubescens flava (syn. L. caulescens) furfuracea Brazil 88 Mexico 89 gigantea, see L. grandiflora grandiflora (syn. L. gigantea) Mexico *grandis Bahia Jongheana Lindleyana lobata, see Cattleyalobata majalis (syn. Cattleya Grahami) ... Brazil 89 Bahia 89 ... Mexico 90 ... Mexico grandiflora " 88 Brazil Turner! Warnerii " Guatemala peduncularis (see L. erubescens) Perrinii, see Cattleya Perrinii Pilcherii (Cattleya crispa x Cattleya Perrinii) Mexico and Garden hybrid praestans St. Catherine's = see 90 90 91 Pinellii Cattleya marginata, see Cattleya marginata Stelzneriana *purpurata (syns. Leelia Cattleya Brysiana) pumila, ... 88 Mechoacan (syn. Bletia autumnalis) Boothiana, see Cattleya lobata Brysiana, see L. purpurata caulescens, see L. flava cinnabarium) cinnabarina (Epidendrum crispa, see Cattleya crispa crispilabia,see Cattleya biflora *elegans (syn. Cattleya elegans) Dayana autumnalis 87 87 91 " and Brazil Brazil Nelisii " picta splendens " ,, Brazil ... Brazil *Schilleriana Brazil splendens Stelzneriana, see L. purpurata Brazil ,, 91 150 INDEX L2ELIA" super AND ALPHABETICAL LIST OF Continued" PAGE Jamaica biens and Mexico to Costa Rica Rio Negro 91 *"Wallisii *Xanthina Brazil 92 LEOCHILUSsanguinolentus, see Oncidium cucullatum LEPTOTES- Organ Organ bicolor " serrulata LEUCQGLOSSUMBictonense, see Odontoglos"um Mountains Mountains ... 92 bictonense LIMODORUMensifolium Cymbidium Angraecum f alcatum see Incarvilliee, Phajus grandifolius longifolium, see Cymbidium giganteum pendulum, see Cymbidium pendulum atro -purpureum see Epidendrum purpureum, Tankervilliee,see Phajus grandifolius ventricosum, see Calanthe bicolor bicolor veratrifolium, see Calanthe ensatum, see f alcatum, LYCASTE, see also MAXILLARIA-- see albida, see L. Skinnerii delicatissima aromatica (syns. Maxillaria aromatica, Colax Mexico aromaticus) Balsamia, see L. cruenta BarBarringtoniaa (syns. L. ciliata,Maxillaria ringtoniae, Colax Barringtoniae, Dendrobium Barringtonise, Epidendrum Dendrobium ciliaBarringtotiise, and and Jamaica turn) ciliata,see 93 Cuba L. Barringtoniae cruenta and (syns. L. Balsamea cruenta) Deppei (syn. Maxillaria Deppei) Maxillaria Guatemala 93 Mexico fulvescens and Merida St. gigantea (syn. Maxillaria Heynderyxii) (syns. Maxillaria Harrisoniae, Colax Harrisonii, Dendrobium Harrisonii, Bifrenaria Harrisonii, and Lycaste Martha New nada Gre93 Harrisonii Lawrenceana) Heynderyxii, see L. gigantea lanipes (syn. Maxillaria lanipes) Lawrenceana, see L. Harrisonias macrophylla (syn. Maxillaria macrophylla) plana Skinnerii (syn.Maxillaria Skinnerii) " atro-rubens delicatissima 93 New 93 Grenada Caracas ... Bolivia Guatemala Guatemala (syn. L. albida) Guatemala pallida Guatemala purpurata Guatemala rosea Guatemala Guatemala superba virginalis tetragona (syn. Maxillaria MACROCHILUS*^ryanus, Brazil see Miltonia Guatemala tetragona) spectabilis Rio Janerio 94 151 ORCHIDS. INTERMEDIATE AND COOL MALAXIS- *"GB *caudata, Brassia see caudata MASDEVALLIAcandida, M. see Tovarensis America Chimgera South civilis colibri Peru 95 coccinea Pamplona 95 Brazil elephanticeps (syn. Pleurothallis fenestrata atro-purpurea) Jamaica and Cuba ... Harryana T. ignea 95 Lindenii 95 95 maculata octhoides Brazil pumila polyantha Peru Tovarensis (syn. M. Tovar, Columbia Candida) ... MAXILLARIA, see anatomorum, aromatica, aurantiaca, 96 96 Veitchiana see see aureo-f ulva, see also LYCASTE- M. venusta Lycaste aromatica see aurantiaca Bifrenaria Bifrenaria aureo-fulva barbata, see Bifrenaria vitellina Barringtoniae, see Lycaste Barringtoniae Brocklehurstiana Brocklehurstiana, see Houlettia cristata,Paphinia cristata cruenta, see Lycaste cruenta deflexa, see M. tricolor (syns. Arundina densa flora, Ornithidium densa, Calanthe densi- Sylhet densum) Deppei, see Lycaste Deppei gracilis,see M. tricolor grandiflora (syns. Broughtonia grandiflora Dendrobium grandiflorum) Hadwenii Hadwenii, see Scuticaria Harrissoniaa, see Lycaste Harrissoniaa lanipes, see Lycaste lanipes leptosepala leucochila, see M. punctata lineata,see M. punctata and Andes La of Paraquay 96 ... Guayra lutea, see M. punctata luteo-alba, see M. punctata alba Lyncea, see Stanhopea Devoniensis macrophylla, see Lycaste macrophylla marginata, see M. tricolor nigrescens (syn. M. rubrofusca) Merida ochro-leuca Brazil pantherina, see M. tricolor pendulgeflora, see M. tricolor picta psittacina,see Aspasia psittacina pulchella) pulchella (syn. Arundina punctulata, see M. tricolor punctata (syns. M. gracilis,M. lineata,M. leucochila, and M. lutea) alba (syn. M. luteo-alba) Rollissonii Kollissonii,see Promenaea rubrofusca, see M. nigrescens and rufescens rufescens M. (syns. Xylobium vanillodora) ,, ... ... Brazil Java Brazil Merida Trinidad, Venezuela Cuba, and 152 INDEX MAXILLARIA" LIST ALPHABETICAL AND OP P^-G* Continued" Skinnerii, see Lycaste Skinnerii splendens squalens, Xylobium squalens (syns. Dendrobium Peru ... Janerio squalens) stapelioides,see Prqmensea stapelioides Steelii Steelii,see Scuticaria aureo-fulva stenopetala, see Bifrenaria Bio tenuifolia Mexico tetragona, see Lycaste tetragona tricolor (syns. Dendrobium tricolor,Cymbidium marginatum, M. deflexa, M. pantherina, M. M. penduliflora,M. punctulata, and marginata) vanillodora, see M. rufescens variabilis (syn. M. Henchmanni) venusta (syn. M. anatomorum ?) vitellina vitellina,see Bifrenaria Peru MESOSPINIDIUM*sanguineum Mexico 97 Ocana Mountains Ecuador in 1( 100 *vulcanicura MILTONIAanceps, see bicolor, see Odontoglossum anceps M. spectabilisbicolor *candida *grandiflora " *Jenischiana " *cereola *Clowesii (syn. Brassia (syn. M. grandiflora) Clowesii Clowesii) and " 98 glossum Odonto- Organ ... Organ major venusta ,, 97 Brazil ...Brazil Brazil flavescens " Brazil ... *cuneata (syn. M. speciosa) *flavescens (syias.M. stellata, Odontoglossum Organ Organ Mountains Mountains Mountains Garden *Moreliana Brazil = Brazil hybrid 99 Brazil atrorubens pulchella, see Odontoglossum phalsenopsis *Regnelli speciosa, see M. cuneata *spectabilis(syn. Marochilus Fryanus) bicolor (syn. M. bicolor) Brazil 98 Brazil Brazil 99 Brazil obscura purpurea Brazil rosea Brazil 99 ... Brazil superba virginalis M. 98 Mountains ... stellata, see ... 98 Brazil stellatum, Cyrtochilum stellatum, and Cyrtochilum flavescens) *f estiva x M. (M. flavescens spectabilis) Jenischiana grandiflora, see M. Candida Reichenheimii Karwinskii, see Odontoglossum ,, ... 99 Brazil flavescens (syn. Oncidium . *Warscewiczii fuscatum) ... Cuchero, Peru 99 NANODESMedusse 100 Ecuador NASONIA" cinnabarina, see N. punctata (syn. N. cinnabarina) punctata Mountains Peru splendida Peru of Elsisme, 101 153 OKCHIDS. INTERMEDIATE AND COOL NEOTTIA" *^GE cordatum Nephelaphyllum and *Lindleyana (syns. Spiranthes bicolor Caracas Spiranthes Lindleyana) "maculata Himaculatum, (syns. Satyrium secundifiorum, Physurus mantoglossum niaculatus,and Platistylusatlanticus)...West Indies see Goodyera procera procera, pubescens, see Goodyera pubescens (syns. Stenorrnyncus speciosus, speciosa Ibjdium Sarcoglottis speciosum, and cordata, see West speciosa) , Indies and America cal Tropi- NEPHELAPHYLLUM*cordatum Neottia cordata, Ophrys Listera cordata, Serapis cordata, (syns. cordata, "c.) North. and Europe America pulchrum, Ansectochilus see pulcher Java *tenuiflorum ODONTOGLOSSUMaffine,see Reichenneimii O. (syns. O. (syn. Miltonia Alexandras anceps Bluntii O. crispum) and Bogota ... anceps) and Paxo ... Brazil 102 Merida angustatum apterum, see O. Rossii 113 Andersonianum 102 astranthum , Tropical New aureo-purpureum Bictonense (syns. Leucoglossum Bictonense, Cyrtochilum petalum Africanum) splendens (superbum) " 102 America Grenada 102 Bictonense, and Zygo- 4 Guatemala 103 Guatemala 103 blandum 103 Bluntii, see O. Alexandra 102 brevifolium candelabrum, see O. coronarium cariniferum Chiriqui ... Cervantesii Mexico membranaceum, " see O. membrana- 103 ceum Chimborazo cirrhosum (syn. O. Lichterveldia) (syn. Oncidium *citrosmum roseum " cordatum Mexico 103 Mexico 104 Galeottia- num) O. maculatum, (syns. O. Hookerianum, Oncidium Cyrtochilum maculatum, and Xanthochilum tum) cordamaculatum, VeraCruz (syn. O. candelabrum) coronarium crispum, see Sierra 104 Nevada ... O. Alexandra 102 coradinei 105 cristatum ... Peru 105 crocidipterum 105 Dawsonianum Ehrenbergii gloriosum *grande pallidum, superbum " 104 ...' see O. Mexico and Mexico Guatemala New Grenada Guatemala ... Schlieperianum " Guatemala Forests of Pamplona 106 106 106 113 107 ... Hallii ^ ... 107 154 INDEX ODONTOGLOSSUM" hastatum and AND ALPHABETICAL LIST OP Continued" PAGB (syns. Odontoglossum Oncidium hastatum) phyllochilum and Mexico New Grenada hastilabium West Indies zuela Vene- and 107 Hookerianum, see O. cordatum hystrix, see O. luteo-purpureum *Insleayi (syns O. Lawrenceana Insleayi Barkerii) Karwinskii, see 107 and Oncidium 107 Mexico 0. Reichenheimii *Krameri Costa leeve,see O. Reichenheimii O. Insleayi Lawrenceanum, see New Lindleyanum Lichterveldia, see O. citrosmum luteo-purpureum (syns. O. hystrix, O. radietum, New Euodontoglossum leuto-purpureum) ... Rica 107 ... Grenada 108 Grenada maculatum 108 membranaceum (syns. O. Cervantesii membra- naceum) roseum ,, Mexico 103 Mexico 103 miniatum myanthum New ntevium New , 109 Ocana 109 nebulosum Mexico 109 candidum nobile,see O. Pescatorei Guatemala majus " ,, 109 Ill odoratum , " Grenada Grenada 110 Merida O. (syn. Cyrtochilum pardinum pardinum, Peru nebulosum) Pescatorei New Grenada (syn. O. nobile) New Grenada splendens Forests of Aspasica *Phal"enopsis (syn. Miltonia pulchella) phyllochilum, see O. hastatum platyodon Mexico and Guatemala pulchellum Guatemala and Mexico majus radiatum, see O. luteo-purpureum Reichenheimii (syns. Isantheum laeve,O. affine, O. Oncidium leeve, O. Karwinskii, and Karwinskii, Miltonia Karmnskii, and Guatemala Mexico cyrtochilum Karwinskii) 110 Ill Ill ,, ... Ill 112 112 112 " Rossii (syns. O. apterum, and O. Warnerii) ... 112 113 Ecuado roseum 108 Guatemala and Mexico 113 Rqezlii Schlimii Ocana ' ... Schlieperianum (syn. O. grande pallidum) stellatum, see Miltonia flavescens Barkerii tigrinum, see Oncidium tripudians triumphans (syn. Zanthoglossum triumphans) Costa ... Uro-Skinnerii vexillarium Wallisii Warnerii, Weltonii, 113 114 114 New Grenada Guatemala 114 115 115 New see see O. Rossii Oncidium Warscewiczii Grenada 115 Weltonii 116 zebrinum (ECEOCLADES" falcata, Rica see maculata, falcatum maculatum Trichocentrum Angraecum see 156 INDEX AND LIST ALPHABETICAL OF PA.GK Continued" ONCIDIUM" hastatum hastatum, see Odontoglossum O. Carthaginense see Henchmanni, O. maxilliand *Mans (syns. O. quadricorne Brazil gerum) Peru holochrysum O. Carthaginense see Huntianum, Peru hyphEematicum Mexico incurvum O. (syn. albo-violaceum) Insleayi Insleayi Barkerii, see Ondontoglossum Janeirense, O. longipes juncifolium,see 107 O. cebolletum Karwinskii, see O. Reichenheimii Krameri, see O. papilio Krameri Peru leopardinum (syn O. semele) and leucochilum leucochilum) Mexico (syn. Cyrtochilum and Mexico pictum and Mexico splendens O. oxycanand longipes (syns. O. Janeirense Rio Janeiro thosmum) Rio Janeiro superbum macranthum Guayaquil " 119 Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala ,, " 119 120 Marshallianum nubigenum obryzatum Orniand ornithocephalum (syns. O. abortivum thocephalus arbortivus) ornithorrhyncum O. longipes see oxycanthosmum, Phalaenopsis *phymatochilum puberum, see O. pubes *pubes (syns. O. pyramidale, O. bicornutum, and 0 puberum) *pulvinatum majus pyramidale, see O. pubes O. sarcodes see Rigbyanum, O. see Carthaginense roseum, sanguineum sanguineum, see O. Carthaginense *sarcodes (syn. C, Rigbyanum) semele, see O. leopardinum serratum (syn. O. diadema) Bcuado Peru and New Grenada ... Guatemala and Mexico 120 120 Guatemala 120 Ecuado Mexico Rio Janeiro . Mexico and Brazil Brazil ,, 121 Brazil Regions Cold equator Guatemala Grenada New splendidum superbiens (syn. O. semulum) tigrinum, see O. Barkerii unguiculatum, see O. Barkerii Brazil " ... New Weltonii) ... (syn. Cyrtochilum Zanthodon) Zanthodon ONYCHIUM* Japonicum, see Dendrobium japonicum OPHEYSsee ORCHISAfricana, see Grenada Guatemala *Wentworthianum cordata, Rica Costa (syn. Odontontoglossum Weltonii Nephelaphyllum Disa cordatum grandiflora falcata,see Angraecum the 121 121 121 *varicosum Warscewiczii " of f alcatum Ecuador ... COOL Continued" ORCHIS" monorrhiza, see setacea, Habenaria bicolor Calanthe triplicata,see maculosa maculosa Habenaria see 157 ORCHIDS. INTERMEDIATE AND ORNITHOCEPHALUSabortivus, Oncidium see PACHYNE" spectabilis,see ornithocephalum Phajus grandifolias PALUMBIHTA- (syn. Oncidium candida PERISTERIA, 56 also ACINETA" see 56 Barkerii Barkerii, see Acineta *cerina cerina (syns. Pescatorea and Huntleya cerina) ... Panama Galeotti, see P. longicarpa Humboldtii Humboldtii, see Acineta *longicarpa (syn. P. Galeotti) Guiana 122 56 122 cerina Peristeria see (syns.Zygopetalum *fimbriata Main Spanish *elata PESCATOREAcerina, 122 Mexico candidum) Wallisi and P. Ecuadar Wallisi) Wallisi, see P. fimbriata PHAJUS- Bensonise, see in Plains alba) (syn. Thunia Augustinianus, see albus Burmah P. cupreus Bensonise Thunia (syn. P. Augustinianus) (syns. Bletia *grandifolius, Lour. cupreus Tanker Amboyna villise, Tankervillise, L. Inear- limodorum and villise, Pachyne spectabilis) ... Kong, Hong Tropical America Jamaica, and 122 Lindl., see P. Wallichi Lindl. *irroratus (P. grandifolius x Calanthe yestita Garden Hybrid alba) *maculatus (syns. Bletia flava and Bletia WoodNepal fordii) *Wallichii, Lindl. (syn. P. grandifolius, Lindl.) Sylhet " = ... PILUMNA" fragrans, see Trichopilia fragrans laxa, see Trichopilia laxa PLATANTHERA, see 123 HABENARIA PLEIONE(syn. Coslogyne Hookeriana) (syns. Coelogyne humilis, Cymbidium humile) humile, and Epidendrum lagenaria (syn. Coelogyne lagenaria) Hookeriana humilis Sikkim ... East maculata, see Coalogyne maculata Epidendrum (syns. Cymbidium prsecox, praecox and Coelogyne pragcox) prsecox, ReichenReichenbachiana (syn. Ccslogyne bachiana) PLETTROTHALLISatropurpurea, Masdevallia fenistrata Khoseea 124 125 Assam and Nepal of Mountains ... Arracan 125 125 Indies Arracan see 124 and Assam Hills East Schilleriana Wallichiana Indies ... Mountains ... 125 158 INDEX AND Eria pubescens ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POLYSTACHIApubescens, see 12o RESTREPIA" of Paraguay Andes and Venezuela Ecuador antennifera elegans (syn. R. punctata) punctata, R. elegans see ... 126 Peru tentaculata SARCOCHILUSHunter's Near falcatus River, Australia Neottia see 59 Limo- "unguiculatum) dorum SARCOSLOTTISspeciosa, striata and (syns. Calanthe ungniculatus Manilla, Japan China, and speciosa SATYRIUMbracteatum, Spiranthes lineata Disa grandinora Spiranthes lineata see grandiflorum, lineatum, maculatum, see striatum, Neottia see Goodyera see repens, see maculata pubescens Ansectochilus see striatus SELENIPEDIUMcaricinuni, caudatum, see see roseum, " Pearceii Cypripedium caudatum Cypripedium see Cypripedium caudatum roseum splendens, see Cypripedium splendens Pearceii Pearceii, see Cypripedium Schlimii Schlimii, see Cypripedium caudatum " SOBRALIAcitrina, decora see Cattleya citrina (syn. S. Galeottianum Peru Peru dichotomy ,, minor Galeottiana, liliastrum Peru decora see (syn. Epidendrum liliastrum) ... macrantha " splendens Peru, Mexico, Brazil and Guatemala 127 Oaxaca and Guatemala 127 rosea Peru Ruckerii Ocana violacea Merida SOPHRONITEScernua (syns. S. nutans, S. Hoffmanseggii, S. isopetala) coccinea isopetala, see S. of coccinea some]) and and Ecuador and Rio coccinea Hoffmanseggii, see S. cernua (syns. Cattleya grandinora Janeiro Organ Mountains Organ Mountains Organ Mountains 128 ... 128 [S. 128 ... cernua vioiacea STELIS" caudata, see Goodyera procera odoratissima, see Goodyera pro'cera STENIA*fimbriata Guiana, and Oaxaca ISew Granada 128 159 ORCHIDS. INTERMEDIATE AND COOL STENORRHYNCUSTropical America *coccineus Neottia epeciosus, see speciosa THUNIAalbus Phajus *alba, see Arracan (syn. Phajus Bensonige) *Bensomee and Moulmein Mountains TRIBRACHIAodoratissima, Goodyera see procera TRICHOCENTRUM*albo-purpureum cornucopise maculatum (syns.Angrsecum Negro, "c. Rio Peru, 129 Peru maculatum.CEceo- Pinellii New Grenada Brazil *tigrinum Brazil cladesmaculata,andGeodorumpictum) 129 TRICHOPILIA" albida, fragrans T. see (syn. T. marginata) *coccinea Costa costata... *crispa fragrans (syns. T. hymenantha laxa (syn. Pilumna marginata, 130 Mexico albida and Pilumna fragrans) Popayan and Merida Ocana laxa) Popayan T. coccinea see *suavis Costa tortilis Mexico Rica 130 130 Mexico alba ,, 129 Rica Grenada New Costa "turialvse TRICHOTOSIAferox (syns. Eria velutina and Eria vestita) ... Rica Java TUSSACA" Goodyera reticulata, see pubescens UROPEDIUMCordilleras, Lindenii Maracaybo near Lake 131 VANDA" V. (syn. coerulea Reichb. ccerulescens, non ccerulescens,non fils) Griff, and Reichb. Griff, and see fils, Khasya 131 Sylhet 133 East Indies 132 New Grenada V. 131 coerulea *teres " (syn. Dendrobium teres) Andersonii WARREAcandida, see Warscewiczella Candida digitata,see Warscewiczella Candida Lindeniana marginata, see Warscewiczella quadrata, see Warscewiezella discolor discolor tricolor Brazil ampla Wailesiana, Brazil ,, see Warscewiczella Candida WARSCEWICZELLAaromatica, *candida see Lycaste aromatica Candida, W. Wailesiana, (syns.Warrea H. W. digitata,Huntleya Candida, and radicans) Bahia 160 COOL AND WAKSCEWICZELLA" cochlearis, see Warrea marginata, Zygopetalum *jonoleuron marginata, *violacea ORCHIDS. Continued" cochleare Zygopetalum (syns. Huntleya marginata, *discolor *velata INTERMEDIATE Warrea quadrata, and fragrans) Costa Rica Brazil "W. discolor see (syn. Zygopetalum (syns. Huntleya violacea) velatum) violacea New and Grenada Bollea Surinam and Demerara XANTOCHILUMcordatum, Odontoglossum see XANTOGLOSSTJMtriumphans, see cordatum Odontoglossum triumphans ZYGOPETALUMaromaticum 133 Odontoglossum bictonense album (syn. Eulophia alba) brachypetalum wiczella *cochleare (syns. Eulophia cochlearis,Warscenabellicochlearis, Cymbidun folium, and Huntleya imbricata africanum, see ... crinitum, fragrans, see Z. Mackai see Warscewiczella ... 133 Trinidad 133 discolor gramineum 133 and Eulophia (syns. Z. velutinum Brazil intermedia) *Mackai (syns. Z. crinitum, Eulophis crinita, andE. Brazil Mackai) intermedium coeruleum fragrans, ma jus, see see Z. macranthum minor, see Warscewiczella discolor Mackai macranthum (syn. Z. Mackai major) parvinorum Z. Mackai pallidum parviflorum (syn. Z. Brazil Brazil ... velutinum Brazil ,, (syn. Eulophia maxillaris) (syn. Eulophia rostrata) (syn. Eulophia stenochila) *maxillare rostratum stenochilum see Wallisi, see Warscewiczella Pescatorea AT THE GARDEN Brazil Demerara Brazil velata fimbriata THE PRINTED ... Brazil superbum velatum, Brazil ... Brazil minor) Mackai roseum " 133 Brazil OFFICE, END. 37, SOUTHAMPTON STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C. ALL BOOKS Renewals Books may MAY and BE RECALLED Rechargesmay be Renewed AFTER 7 DAYS be made 4 days priorto the due date. by calling 642-3405. UNIVERSITY FORM NO. DD6, OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 "$
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