How to become a Gold Enterpriser Closing Your First Contract Deal With A Local Gold Refinery in 120 Days A Gold Enterprisers View of the US Economy and its indebted citizenry (An unbiased Analysis part 2) Pessimism makes for poor strategist/ The world as we knew it has been changed potentially for the worst • • • • • • • And in such cases it is very important to prepare one’s self to go beyond their imagination to embrace a path of action which excludes any comfort zones or boundaries which may inhibit a beginning which will enable one to rise above their problems to view them from an aerial position, enabling you to distance the immediate affect it has on you Every level of comfort must be put to the side as often these areas of comfort usually counter the possibility to go beyond these familiar surroundings to embrace the need for self directed and controlled change which is tantamount, we must understand that to get in front of a problem is preferable to being in it or worse, behind it. Now what does this self directed change look and fill like or more important, how does it work? Well before we enter this zone lets lay a bit more ground work of what we are up against and the essential tools we will have to gather to begin this journey of self directed controlled change. Death of Debt Debt is a force which can be reversed through proper understanding of how to collect the pieces of the puzzle which constitute an in-depth clarity of what money really is, how it works , how its created and how to get access to it without stress or fear of it Once you have permitted yourself to arrive at this level of functionality you will without question realize that money is more than simply currency or capital To say how these realities will manifest in your endeavors is for your eyes only and no one else's Manual Two How to become a Gold Enterpriser closing your first deal with a local refinery within 120 days. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Primary Documents Overview CIF FCO BWT Letter of intent Letters of Credit VAT Creating a Basic Prospectus Mediating Seller to buyer Agreement Supply Quality Industry Facts Refinery contact Protocol using the four markers Documenting contacts Reviewing markers Primary course of action Document Preparation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Protocols for Securing Supplies Contact Documents Document Evaluation Short list of National Refineries Reviewing Letter of credit Apex Epic Resource Support Securing Quality Supplies US Import Laws Revenue Sizing Chart and future projections exercise Earning Revenue as a basic referrer How to start How to market How to earn Basic weights and measurements of precious metals Alluvial Gold Profit Specs Registration for Total Training Gold Bullion Business Primary Document Overview In summary let’s review the following documents: : ( Cargo, Insurance, Freight) cost are incurred by the seller • Provision of Goods in Conformity with the Contract The seller must provide the goods and the commercial invoice, or its equivalent electronic message, in conformity with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity, which may be required by the contract. Payment of the Price The buyer must pay the price as provided in the contract of sale. Cargo, Insurance, Freight Sample as displayed in Manual one : The full corporate offer is the beginning document to finalize the sales agreement the buyer will submit to the seller, this document lays out the initial negotiating terms from the buyer to the seller. The seller will then reply with counter request until both parties can agree upon a final purchase price Your job as the Gold Enterpriser is to mediate between both parties as to limit the continuous repetition within the negotiating phase of the sale This is why a Gold Enterpriser is paid a handsome fee as the contact source for the quality reliable Gold Supplies as well as the price negotiator Full Corporate Offer Sample as displayed in Manual one : (Border Weight Time) is the time period of inspection and clearance of import goods and payment by buyers bank to seller’s bank upon satisfactory assay test from refinery This is standard procedure in gold supply selling particularly directly to refineries Border weight time Sample Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ (Letter of Intent) is a lite proposal from the buyer to the seller of an intent to purchase, in a semi formal format The letter of intent is used for introduction and serious interest in a business transaction Full Corporate Offer Sample as displayed in Manual one used by banks to pay for business transactions between businesses to avoid problems in the transactions like unsatisfactory supplies and or other related potentials which eliminate fraud and overall dishonesty as the seller isn’t paid until the cargo is approved to be satisfactory, if not the cargo is returned without incident Letter of Credit Sample is also added to certain import goods particularly precious metals in the USA, the buyer will pay this value added tax on the purchasing of these gold supplies. The sample document is simply for viewing in its entirety for clarity on how certain items are taxed upon entering the USA jurisdiction VAT Tax Sheet Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Summary Conclusion: Each of the documents reviewed provide a basic overview of how the Gold Enterpriser mediates between the seller and buyer using specific documents to begin and close the purchase agreement It is also important to know that each time a transaction is completed by the Gold Enterpriser, earns the enterpriser a handsome sum for their expertise and service Much of the documentation presented will not pertain to the Gold Enterpriser but between the Seller and Buyer which makes Gold Enterprising a lot less laborious, however it is important to be well versed in every aspect of transactions with clear focus on the details regarding the documents provided. Review the documents consistently to obtain greater knowledge as it applies to these processes, also listen to the audio CDs for full manuscript description details as a audible support and resource guide further simplifying the retaining process . CD 1 CD 2 MP3 Gold Bullion Business The Prospectus • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Prospectus Draft Template (ANTH 410/510 for a qualitative project) 1. Title Page and Summary a. begin with a title page and summary paragraph. b. summary should define problem and/or your intention. c. include description of procedures. d. keep it short, try 50 - 100 words. 2. Introduction a. clearly define the problem, aim, and/or scope of study. Why is it an unique, exciting and important project? Use a “grabber” statement or image; make it persuasive. b. list the key research questions and/or topics that will be addressed by the project. c. provide appropriate background, setting the stage, i.e., what led up to this proposal? d. identify the possible benefits of the study, to the collaborators, interviewees, host community, and/or the anthropological discipline. 3. Literature Review a. cite key relevant professional literature. Convey your knowledge of the topic and it relevance, and annotate your literature review with a brief paragraph synopsis of each citation, showing how each source is applicable to your particular study (for our project, cite and provide summary of 3-4 sources). b. sources can address (broadly and/or specifically) the subject/topic of the research as well as the methodology used in researching the subject. The more directly relevant the citation is to your topic and/or methodology, the better. 4. Procedures a. identify the possible collaborative nature and interdisciplinary scope of the project. b. anchor your research in the appropriate theoretical paradigm (e.g., constructionist or positivist, depending on the audience; do not overtly state your theory base). c. if positivist, define main concepts and variables (operationalize), and address issues of reliability and validity criteria. d. if constructionist, discuss why this approach best given topic, and address issues of authenticity and trustworthiness criteria. e. how will interviewee(s) be selected, discuss the nature of sampling techniques used. f. specify how information/data will be gathered. The modes of inquiry (e.g., key consultant interviewee, unstructured/semi-structured interviews, participant/observational, archival, etc.). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Prospectus 2 g. specify how information/data will be analyzed and/or interpreted. h. identify and discuss the particular style(s) and approach(s) to presenting the interpreted data, including written format, video/audio media, orally presented. i. give the topic under study, address the issue of reflexivity and your own role in the study. j. identify the ethical issues, e.g., possible risks to interviewees/consultants, cultural property rights, and confidentiality/ anonymity, and that you will be using the Informed Consent Form, and the nature of the consultantbased Review Process. k. discuss how will the project’s data, e.g., recorded untranscribed interviews, and final paper be archived, and who will receive copies of the study, e.g., Latah County Historical Society, interviewee and his/her family, etc. 5. Schedule a. the “when and wheres”of your project (use specific dates and activities, acknowledging changes will have to be make once you get started, with calendar dates). 6. Qualifications and Budget (as an appendices) a. describe your technical and academic credentials, and any previous field experience as a researcher. Provide a Curriculum Vitae on a separate page(s). b. put together a tentative budget (even if fictitious), as if I were a Funding Agency; use a budget style. 7. Informed Consent Form a. provide copy of the modified form adjusted to reflect your project. 8. Format a. for aspiring anthropologists, use the American Anthropological Association Style Guide (based upon the Chicago Manual of Style of parenthetical documentation), with a title page, page numbering, running headers (which can be your last name or brief project title, centered at the top of the page, and page numbering at the upper right top, following your title page; no header on your title page; see above), double-spaced lines, 1" page margins, 12 point font, and subtitle headings as outlined in this template. b. proof read your project for grammatical errors and typos. c. present your project as a hard copy, in a professional-looking binder. d. submit your prospectus on the day due. Late submissions may not be accepted. Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Gold Bullion Business • • • • Standard procedure for mediating between seller and buyer involves the seller’s price and what the buyer is willing to pay; this can often be a lengthy process to satisfy both parties interest. There is also the process of locating reputable suppliers that can produce quality and quantity supplies on demand. Many have given up as Gold Enterprisers because the back and forth negotiations simply weren’t yielding results. Fraud is very common in this industry which is why it is scarcely populated with professional Gold contract seller brokers. There are several pitfalls in attempting to go on line and find reputable sellers this approach is highly un-recommended. Once you the Gold Enterpriser has finalized an agreement with a refinery here is what happens next Appropriate Documents between your company and the refinery will occur Apex Epic Resources will receive the documents from your company and will negotiate the price with the refinery Once an agreement has been reached Apex will submit to the refinery a sample of the Au79 dust to be assayed by the refinery for quality test of purity Once this is complete the refinery will place an order for a monthly volume order, then you the Gold Enterpriser will receive your check from Apex Epic Resources Apex Epic Resources has streamlined this entire process by removing the need to negotiate with a seller, the Gold Enterpriser simply Negotiate with the buyer regarding the quality and quantity available, Apex Resources will handle the rest, it’s that simple. Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Gold Bullion Business Gold Bullion Business • • • • • • • • • In this segment qualifying prospects using evaluations markers will be presented. Qualifying Prospects as potential clients include the following steps: Create a list of 100 refineries in your state by referencing sources like – Yellow Pages Internet Thomas Business Directory And state Business Directories of all types primarily metal refineries that refine precious metals And research each one thoroughly categorize these refineries into three group – • – Multiple Processing – Gold Buyer –number of employees; facility size – Gold buyer volume of production, Terms and Conditions. • – size, Processing Capabilities, number of employees, Age of company, Products produced – Gold buyer – Terms and Conditions. – size, Processing capabilities, Age of company, Gold buyer, Terms and Conditions. • • • • • While preparing your prospect research; it is important to note that under no circumstances should you contact the refinery at this stage, your task is to complete thorough research on each company, document and file this data for later use. It is understandable that an eagerness to contact refiners might be tempting, if you do this the refinery will want equal information about who you are, and keep in mind refineries only deal with businesses regarding such matters, so to contact them at this stage would be highly counterproductive. Preparation for your full training is determined by how you view this preparedness manual set, it also provides you with comprehensive data accurate to the minute, regarding the scope of essential basics necessary to become a Gold Enterpriser Gold Contract Seller. By carefully studying each step provided throughout these manuals will undoubtedly increase the readers understanding and basic knowledge • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Use the document provided to list categorizes and file each prospect according to the four markers presented below: Does the refinery process alluvial gold deposits? ☐ Positive (yes) 25 points or -25 ☐ Negative (No) Does the refinery currently have a source which they purchase from? ☐ Positive (yes) 15 points or 15 ☐ Positive (No) Does the refinery offer finished Gold Products to other Businesses or financial institutions? ☐ Positive (Yes) 10 points or 10 ☐ Positive (No) Does the refinery have a reputation of integrity and fairness? ☐ Positive (Yes) 50 points or - 50 ☐ Negative (No) Marker Score _______ if the refinery does not score 100% do not list them in your final prospect log sheet to be contacted at an appropriate time. • • • • • • • In the precious metals industry Gold Contract Seller profession in basic yet comprehensive detail. This highly informative introduction into Gold Enterprising helps the reader to decide if Gold Enterprising is a new skill which the reader might consider acquiring especially in today’s economy where career opportunities currently are slim and job growth is non-existent, Gold Enterprising can satisfy both career and work opportunities. Company Location and Age Supply Sources Capacity to deliver Price; do not discuss prices on first contact, wait until documented agreements are secured at which time price will be agreed upon and assay test is completed if 10 to 50 kilograms of AU79 Alluvial dust samples are received by the refinery from seller. Delivery time BWT and 5 business days . Gold Bullion Business State _____________ Date______________ State ___________ Date______________ Company Contact Number ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ State _____________ Date______________ State ___________ Date______________ Company Contact Number ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ State _____________ Date______________ State ___________ Date______________ Company Contact Number ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ State _____________ Date______________ State ___________ Date______________ Company Contact Number ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ State _____________ Date______________ State ___________ Date______________ Company Contact Number ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Remember, after your total training your list of prospects should be no les than one hundred potential clients And upon the completion of your training your primary objective will be to close 10% of your prospects list which should be no less than 10 to 15 clients This accomplishment could actually enable you to increase your income by 10.000% no kidding as well as go on to generate substantial profits as a Certified Gold Enterpriser In multiple fields simultaneously if you so choose Gold Bullion Business • • • • • • • Once your company is setup using the check list in manual one (Business Profile) and (Setup Cost Estimation) it is now time to compose a letter of introduction to the refinery prospects chosen through the marker process. Simply take the form containing all of the information regarding the refinery and compose a formal letter of introduction regarding your company’s interest in doing business with that company by providing quality alluvial gold dust supplies to that refinery for the best cost. After submitting that letter to the qualified prospects wait for one week then follow up by contacting the person in charge of purchasing to confirm that they have received your company letterhead of introduction. The company will want to know more about your company in more detail or they may not in any case be prepared to answer certain basic questions as well as submitting a second letter describing in great detail of your company’s services also ask them to visit your company’s website, ideally you should have a very descriptive video on your company website page with a fax and phone number listed. For clarity none of the steps should be conducted regarding contacting the refinery until your company is completely setup and operational. Phone follow-up dialog exchange. Be aware that the refinery is also conducting due diligence on your company so answer each question carefully. By familiarizing yourself with the information contained in both manuals with regard to your new company and its services should be well thought out and crafted in detail by you the Gold Enterpriser State _____________ Date______________ Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Gold Bullion Business Manhattan Gold & Silver - New York, NY Service Company Company Profile: Refining, recycling, melting, assaying & testing services for various precious metals including gold, silver, platinum & palladium. Refining & recycling services are available for jewelers, pawnbrokers, dentists & industries. MRT, Inc. - Emigsville, PA Service Company Company Profile: Environmentally friendly gold & precious metal refining services. Specializing in the reclaim of gold from non-ferrous products such as scrap electronic components using a chemical based process designed & created specifically to maximize gold yield. Metal & Catalyst Resources - Bellaire, TX Service Company Company Profile: Specializing in refining of multiple types & forms of precious metal containing spent catalysts, concentrates, ashes, filter cakes, sludges, honeycombs & solutions. These materials may contain platinum, palladium, rhodium, rhenium, iridium, ruthenium, gold, &/or silver, with precious metal concentrations ... ranging from less than 40 ppm to greater than 15% by weight. Williams Advanced Materials - Buffalo, NY Distributor, Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001:2004 certified. Precious metal refining & fabrication, specializing in: gold, silver, platinum & palladium. Complete in-house refinery & analytical lab. Services include recycling of sputtering targets, PVD chamber services, refining of production scrap & more. Precious Metals Reclaiming Service Co. - North - Multiple Locations Custom Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Specialists in precious metal reclaiming services through refining services for precious metals including gold, palladium, platinum & silver. Enviro-Chem - Rogers, MN Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Thermal processing services with EPA-approved incineration & smelting equipment for preparing metal scrap samples &/or reducing complete lots to metal bars for assaying & determination of value for settlement & prompt payment. Metals recovered include: gold, silver, platinum, palladium & rhodium. Precious Metals Processing Consultants Inc. - Palisades Park, NJ Manufacturer Company Profile: Precious metal refining for precious metals dissolved in solutions: Gold Bug® & Ionnet™ systems allow recovery of precious metals prior to refining: accountabilty insured. Phoenix Solutions Co. - Crystal, MN Manufacturer Company Profile: Manufacturer of plasma arc torches & heating systems for metallurgical applications & precious metal refining. Specifications of plasma arc heating systems include 2,300 hr. rear electrode life & torches from 50 kW to 3 MW. Other products include electric resistance screen heaters up to 2,500 degrees ... F & low dusting bricked storage heaters from 2.5 to 96 ft. duct height. Noble Metals LLC - Bock, MN Service Company Company Profile: Precious metal refining services. Materials include gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium & iridium. Additional services include assaying, weighing, grinding, crushing, blending, classifying, sampling, fuse/flux, smelting, fire analysis & instrument analysis. A & J Finishers Inc. - Schaumburg, IL Custom Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Powder coating & enameling, thermoset epoxies, polyester, hybrids, urethanes, powder, liquid, protoype through production. Abington Metals Refinery & Manufacturing Co., Inc. - Philadelphia, PA Service Company Company Profile: General Refining Corporation - Hempstead, NY Service Company Company Profile: Smelting & Refining Service Heraeus-Inc - Newark, NJ Manufacturer Company Profile: Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium & Iridium & Sweeps Geib Refining Corp. - Warwick, RI Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Refiners Of Precious Metals Karlan Service Inc. - Paterson, NJ Distributor, Manufacturer, Manufacturers' Rep, Service Company Company Profile: Manufacturer, dist & rep. of silver recovery & refining equipment. Metallic exchange units, ion exchange units, silver, gold, platinum. Colonial Metals, Inc. - Elkton, MD Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer Company Profile: Manufacturer Of Compounds & Organic Chemicals, Solutions & Salt Catalysts AMI Doduco, A Technitrol Co. - Export, PA Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer Company Profile: Electrical Contacts & Assemblies Gannon & Scott - Cranston, RI Service Company Company Profile: Precious metal services Mid-States Recycling & Refining - Des Plaines, IL Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals Refining, Smelting, Assaying, Broker Lucent Technologies Electroplating Chemicals & Services - Murray Hill, NJ Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Electroplating Chemicals & Services; Palladium & Precious Metal Plating Precision Etchings & Findings, Inc. - Warwick, RI Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metal & Brass Etching, Precious Metal Refining Epner Technology, Inc. - Brooklyn, NY Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: ISO 9001:2000 & NADCAP certified plating & refining services including finishing & plating on magnesium, nickel, palladium, platinum, & precious metals. Turn-key fabrication is also available. Plating is available on stainless, copper & their alloys, electroless nickel, tin, & LaserGold®, as well as ... difficult substrates (molybdenum, titanium) including plastics & other dielectrics. Selected services meet military, ASTM & ASM specifications. All plating services are EPA compliant. Serving the aerospace, electronic, optics, microwave, medical, & semiconductor industries. Brand Names: Laserblack, Lasergold Weaver Industries, Inc. - Denver, PA Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Graphite ingot molds & continuous casting dies for gold & silver refining. Precise custom machining of graphite & carbon. Large inventory of extruded, molded, & isostaticly molded material.Product Catalog A-1 Alloys - San Diego, CA Distributor, Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer Company Profile: Custom manufacturer of aluminum, brass, copper, stainless, hi-temp & exotic alloys, titanium, precious metals & plastics. All shapes & sizes, tubing, foil, wire mesh & grating available.Product Catalog D. F. Goldsmith Chemical & Metal Corp. - Evanston, IL Distributor, Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Smelting & refining services for precious metals including gold & silver. Sipi-Metals - Chicago, IL Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: ISO 9001:2000 certified precious metal refining services. Processing methods used include mechanical, pyrometallurgical & hydro-metallurgical techniques. Metals such as gold, silver, platinum & palladium are refined. J & J Materials, Inc. - Neptune City, NJ Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Capabilities include smelting & refining services for precious metals including gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, & osmium. Other services include reclamation of metal straps & metals brokering. Metalor Technologies USA - Attleboro, MA Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified custom tailored refining & evaluation services for precious metals including gold & silver. State-of-the-art refining services are suitable for materials containing precious metals including mining dores, industrial scraps, wires, tubes & dishoarded bars. Applications include ... industrial, waste management & recycling.Product Catalog trickland Co., Inc. - Minneapolis, MN Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Buyers, Sellers & Refiners Of Gold, Silver, Platinum & Palladium Browning Resources US - Rapid City, SD Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals Refining Service Schmidt, H. & Son, Inc. - New Orleans, LA Manufacturer Company Profile: Manufacturer of aluminum tubing. PGP Industries Inc. - Coalfield, TN Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Silver Refiners For Photography & Printing Engelhard Corp. - Houston, TX Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Manufacturer Of Catalysts For Petroleum, Chemical & Environmental Ind. Jasco - Houston, TX Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals Refining Service Omoco International, Inc. - Paramount, CA Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Mineral Exploration, Evaluation, Refining race Design - Chicago, IL Service Company Company Profile: Action Metals & Refining Clermont, FL Distributor, Service Company Company Profile: Distributor of precious metal refining service Johnson Matthey, Inc. - Deptford, NJ Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Precious metal refining service Metalpure LLC - Sparta, NJ Manufacturer Company Profile: High Purity & Commercial Grade, Alloys, Billets, Powder, Sheet, Rod, Foil J & B Hirsch Co. - Great Neck, NY Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals & Alloys Supplied In Pure Or Fabricated Form Wel-Met Corp. - Cranston, RI Service Company Company Profile: Metal Refining Service Action Mining Services - Henderson, NV Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Gold Assay & Mining Equipment, Chemicals & Supplies Southwest Silver Refining Co. - Carrollton, TX Service Company Company Profile: RMI Refinery, Inc. - New York, NY Service Company Company Profile: Gold & silver refining service Federal Refining, Inc. - Newark, NJ Manufacturer Company Profile: Manufacturer Of Precious Metals Abington Metals, Inc. - Abington, PA Service Company Company Profile: Service Heavy Weight Service Co. Wichita Falls, TX Service Company Company Profile: Precious metals refining service Harvco Alloys, Inc. - Newton, MA Service Company Company Profile: Gold, Silver, Platinum & Palladium Mowrey, W. E. Co. - St. Paul, MN Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium Manufacturers/Refiners Pyromet - Aston, PA Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Manufacturer of precious metal refining & service Mark Refining Co. - Downey, CA Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals; Sales & Refining San Antonio Silver Recovery, Inc. Helotes, TX Service Company Company Profile: Silver recovery, environmental Enviro Chemical, Inc. - Rogers, MN Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals Majestic Silver Refiners Ltd. - Philadelphia, PA Service Company Company Profile: Allied Precious Metals Recycling Co., Inc. - Tucson, AZ Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Jewelry, Precious Metal National X-Ray Services, Inc. - Corpus Christi, TX Distributor, Service Company Company Profile: Silver AMM Co., Inc. - Staunton, IL Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Petroleum Refining Services Precious Metals, Inc. - Attleboro, MA Service Company Company Profile: Plating, Refining Metals & Residues Processing, Inc. - Cockeysville, MD Service Company Company Profile: Precious metals refining service Northeast Metal Reclaiming - Buffalo, NY Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metal Refining Service M & M Refining Co., Inc. - Buffalo, NY Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metal Refining Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ State _____________ Date______________ Pease & Curren - Warwick, RI Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Gold, silver, platinum, palladium Wood-N-Walls Division AMS Coating Systems, Inc. Hutchinson, MN Service Company Company Profile: Wood Walls Equitable Metals Corp. Detroit, MI Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals Refining Service Metal Refiners Services Sunrise, FL Service Company Company Profile: Refining Service Aaro Metals Co. - Sugar Land, TX Distributor, Service Company Company Profile: Silver Consolidated Chemical, INc. Wichita, KS Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals Refining Services Houston Precious Metals Houston, TX Service Company Company Profile: Refining Service Silver Services - Plano, TX Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metal Refining Service Metallurgical Chemists, Inc. Somerville, NJ Service Company Company Profile: Instrumental & Chemical Analysis Of Precious Metals. Services Include Assaying Westbury Alloys LLC. Westbury, NY Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metal Refining Service Adec, Inc. - Elkhart, IN Custom Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Specializing In Separation Of Materials Hallmark Refining Corporation - Mount Vernon, WA Service Company Company Profile: Recycling services with offerings that include metal & precious metal refining services. Harding Metals, Inc - Northwood, NH Service Company Company Profile: Gold Membranes International Inc. - Glen Rock, NJ Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer Company Profile: Manufacturers Of Membranes For E-Coat, Electrodialysis, Recovery Of Precious Metals & Demineralization MRP Co., Inc. - Cockeysville, MD Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Service Sabin Metal Corp. - East Hampton, NY Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals Refining Service Advanced Chemical Co. - Warwick, RI Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: ISO 9001:2000 certified precious metal refining services for variety of industries including jewelry, automotive, aerospace, medical, semiconductor & printed circuit board industries. Metal refining capabilities include melting, thermal reduction through incineration, stripping, ball milling, drying, ... acid digestion & blending. Glines & Rhodes, Inc. - Attleboro, MA Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Assayers & Refiners Of Precious Metals Metech International Inc. - Worcester, MA Service Company Company Profile: Quantification & Recovery Of Precious Metals & Other Constituents. Recycling Of End-Of-Life Electronic Equipment United Refining & Smelting Co. - Franklin Park, IL Service Company Company Profile: Precious metal refining service Albar Precious Metal Refining Inc. - Pompano Beach, FL Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metal Refining Services For Gold, Silver, Platinum & Palladium. Ames Goldsmith Corp. - Glens Falls, NY Manufacturer Company Profile: Refining Used Ethylene Oxide Catalyst. Manufacturer Of Biocides, Silver Flake, Silver Powder, Silver Nitrate, Silver Oxide United Precious Metal Refining - Alden, NY Service Company Company Profile: Allied Metals Corporation - Troy, MI Service Company Company Profile: Metal Refining Nelson Refining Systems - Salt Lake City, UT Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metal Refining Systems Specializing In Prepaid Recycling Of Silver Bearing Wastes And X-ray Films As Well As Medical Records Destruction Collected From Dental Labs And Medical Facilities. -Technic, Inc. - Arlington Heights, IL Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Manufacturer Of Plating Equipment & Supplies Umicore Marketing Services - USA - Raleigh, NC Distributor, Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer Company Profile: ISO 14001 & ISO 9001 certified recycling services (battery products, electronic scraps, zinc drosses & ashes) & precious metal refining. Metals include electro optic materials, engineered metal powders, oxides & chemicals, automotive catalysts, thin film products, zinc alloys & technical materials. Industries ... Cohler Enterprises, Inc. - Baltimore, MD Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Gold, Silver, Platinum, Rhodium Williams Advanvced Materials, Inc. - Santa Clara, CA Distributor, Manufacturer Company Profile: ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001:2004 certified manufacturer & distributor of specialty materials used in thin film deposition & semiconductor packaging applications. Product line includes sputtering targets, backing plates, evaporation materials, hermetic lids, solder & braze alloys, electronic joining materials, ... & bonding wire & ribbon. Also offers a variety of services including sputtering target bonding, precious metal refining & recycling along with PVD chamber cleaning services. Johnson Matthey Pharmaceutical Materials West Deptford, NJ Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry. Gemark Land Service, Inc. - Newburgh, NY Service Company Company Profile: Experts to process, sample, assay & refine precious metals from a wide variety of precious metal bearing materials. Garfield | Refining - Philadelphia, PA Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metal Service Ohio Precious Metals LLC - Jackson, OH Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Manufacturer: Platinum, Silver, Gold; Refining Service Metal Management, Inc. - Chicago, IL Service Company Company Profile: Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metal Scrap Recycling Umicore Technical Materials - Contact Materials Business Unit South Plainfield, NJ Distributor, Manufacturer, Custom Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: ISO 14001 certified precious metal services including precious metal refining, platinum machining, electro gold plating, & gold electroforming services. Metal services such as electro-plating & turbine blade machining available for manufacturing alloys & compounds based on silver, gold, copper, nickel, ... palladium, & platinum in wire, strips, rolled, & rod forms, brazing paste, preform, & flux. Cavity-free & bubblefree homogeneous metals with bright-rolled/brush finished surfaces available for use as jewellery metals & industrial metals. Markets served include chemical, electronics, consumer goods, cosmetics, packaging, medical, military, & optical industries. Facilities for precious material manufacturing are ISO 9001:2000 & QS 9000 certified. Metals meet ASTM standards. T.B. Hagstoz & Son - Philadelphia, PA Manufacturer Company Profile: Manufacturer Of Gold Alloys, Platinum, Silver & Solder Windfield Alloy, Inc. - Atkinson, NH Service Company Company Profile: Refiners Of Precious Metals. Full Service Recycler Advanced Recovery, Inc. - Belleville, NJ Custom Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Recycling & environmental recovery of metals from scrap, circuit boards, computers & electronic equipment. Recycling of whole computers including mainframes & PCs. Specializing in cathode ray tubes & monitors containing hazardous cadmium, phosphorus & lead. Also buying & selling of computer chips & memories ... including digital & linear ICs, microprocessors, EPROMs, SIMMs, DIP, SOJ & Flatpack. All precious metals recovery including gold recovery. Recycling consulting to large companies also available. Hauser & Miller - St. Louis, MO Distributor, Manufacturer Company Profile: Distributor Of Precious Metals Ads Gold, Inc - Anaheim, CA Service Company Company Profile: Refining, Recycling & Recovering Services For Precious & Non-precious Metals, Including Gold, Silver & Palladium. Arch Enterprises, Inc. - Hermann, MO Service Company Company Profile: Full service precious metal refining for the medical, dental, photo, chemical & catalyst industries. Buyer of silver, gold, platinum, palladium & rhodium. Custom refining, large amounts of low-grade material accepted. Experienced metallurgist on staff. Hoover & Strong, Inc. - Richmond, VA Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Manufacturer of anodes, wire; smelting, refining service Express Metal Refining - New York, NY Service Company Company Profile: Service Provider Offering Metal Refining For Gold, Silver & Platinum For The Jewelry Industry. Also Offers Assaying Services. Heraeus - Newark, NJ Manufacturer, Service Company Company Profile: Manufacturer Of Precious Metals Wire; Refining, Scrap Dealing Service Jewelers Refining Group, Inc - New York, NY Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metal Refining & Recovery Service Serving The Jewelry, Electronics & Dental Industries Windfield Alloy, Inc. - Lawrence, MA Service Company Company Profile: Cyanide Stripping for Surface Plated ScrapGranulated Scrap Incineration, Acid Reduction for Precious Metal Encapsulated Scrap. Commodity Resource & Environmental, Inc. - Burbank, CA Service Company Company Profile: Scrap film Multimetco, Inc. - Anniston, AL Service Company Company Profile: Precious Metals Refining Services Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Gold Bullion Business Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Gold Bullion Business • • • • • • • • Apex Epic Resources provide support to its certified Gold Enterprisers by making available complete support in supply transactions, document preparation, prospect identification and categorization as well as topic specific support. Apex Epic Resources provide secure supplies of AU79 Alluvial Gold Dust 93% Purify 22 Carat or higher in any volume to certified Gold Enterprisers trained by Apex Epic Resources to their respective buyer/clients. Training provided by Apex Epic Resources insure the following: Participant is thoroughly trained in industry standards from point of contact to contract sell. Participant has been certified through Apex Epic Resources (review analysis). Participant has completely and successfully set up an appropriate business structure including all necessary components mandatory by the state of which the participant resides. Participant is clear that Apex Epic Resources is not responsible for participant negligence in any shape or form. Participant wholly agrees to Apex Epic Resources training and guidelines procedures to complete the training and close their first contract deal with a local refinery within 120 days. • • • Participant understands that ongoing development within the precious metals industry is mandatory in order to maintain and increase professional viability. Participant will employ the highest level of integrity at all times while operating as a Gold Enterpriser without exception. Apex Epic Resources train and support the participant complete placement as a Certified Gold Enterpriser within the precious metals industry. Alluvial Low Ore Series 1 High Ore Series 3 Series 2 Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ • • • This overview is intended as a general explanation of import requirements for a person interested in establishing an importing business or a person who may be importing a personal shipment whose value is in excess of $2,000. US Customs want to help expedite the movement of goods in international trade. Continual review of methods and procedures and the enactment of new laws create constant change. Therefore, we encourage you to obtain more specific import information from a Customs officer at the port nearest your residence. To speed customs clearance, the import community and the Customs Service have created the Customs Automated Commercial System (ACS), which receives and processes entry documentation and provides cargo disposition information, all electronically. Cargo carriers, customs brokers, and importers may use the system, which reduces clearance time from days to hours or even minutes. Persons entering into the importing trade who intend to file their own entry documentation with Customs are encouraged to explore this method of transacting business. Also, persons importing merchandise for their own use may use a customs broker who transacts customs business using the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) with ACS. • • • • • • This article from the US Customs Service is intended as a general explanation of import requirements for a person interested in establishing an importing business in the USA or a person who may be importing something for personal use only (not for resale) into the USA. To speed customs clearance, the import community and the Customs Service have created the Customs Automated Commercial System (ACS), which electronically receives and processes entry documentation and provides cargo disposition information. Cargo carriers, customs brokers, and importers may use the system, which reduces clearance time from days to hours or even minutes. Persons entering into the importing trade who intend to file their own entry documentation with Customs are encouraged to explore this method of transacting business. Also, those importing merchandise either for their own use or for commercial transactions may use a customs broker who transacts customs business using the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) in combination with ACS. Import Requirements An individual may make his/her own Customs clearance of goods imported for personal use or business. All merchandise coming into the United States must clear Customs and is subject to a Customs duty unless specifically exempted by law. Clearance involves a number of steps: entry, inspection, appraisement, classification and liquidation. The U.S. Customs Service does not require an importer to have a license or permit. Other agencies may require a permit, license, or other certification, depending on what is being imported. Customs entry forms do ask for your importer number. This is either your IRS business registration number, or if your business is not registered with the IRS or you do not have a business, your social security number. The importer must declare the dutiable value of merchandise. The final appraisement is fixed by Customs. Several appraisement methods are used to arrive at this value. The transaction value serves as the primary basis of appraisement. Transaction value is the price actually paid or payable by the buyer to the seller for the goods imported. Other factors may also add to the dutiable value of merchandise, such as packing costs, selling commissions, royalty or licensing fees, etc. When the transaction value cannot be determined, then the value of the imported goods being appraised is the transaction value of identical merchandise. If merchandise identical to the imported goods cannot be found or an acceptable transaction value for such merchandise does not exist, then the value is the transaction value of similar merchandise. Similar merchandise means merchandise that is produced in the same country and by the same person as the merchandise being appraised. It must be commercially interchangeable with the merchandise being appraised. The identical or similar merchandise must have been exported to the United States at or about the same time the merchandise being appraised is exported to the United States. • • • • • The importer must determine the classification number of the merchandise being imported. The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS), issued by the United States International Trade Commission, prescribes the classification of merchandise by type of product; e.g., animal and vegetable products, textile fibers and textile products. The importer must pay estimated duties and processing fees if applicable. Customs makes the final determination of the correct rate of duty. The duty rate of an item is tied to its classification number. The HTSUS provides several rates of duty for each item: general rates for countries with which we maintain normal trade relations (NTR); special rates for special programs (free, or lower than the rates currently accorded NTR countries); and column 2 rates for imports not eligible for either general or special rates. Customs duties are generally assessed at ad valorem rates, a percentage of which is applied to the dutiable value of the imported goods. Some articles, however, are dutiable at a specific rate (so much per piece, liter, kilo, etc); others at a compound rate of duty (i.e., combination of both ad valorem and specific rates). If formal entry is required - the importer may have to post a surety bond. It is the importers responsibility to ensure that his or her goods being imported meet admissibility requirements - such as proper marking, safety standards, etc. - and that the proper permits, if required, have been obtained in advance of the goods arriving in the United States. Arrival of Goods Imported goods may not legally enter U.S. commerce until the shipment has arrived within the port of entry and Customs has authorized delivery of the merchandise. This is normally accomplished by filing the appropriate documents, either by the importer or by the importer's agent. To get a list of importers in the USA To expedite this process, Customs entry papers may be presented before the merchandise arrives, but entry will not take place until the merchandise arrives within the port limits. The Customs Service does not notify the importer of the arrival of the shipment. The carrier of the goods usually makes notification of arrival. Arrangements should be made to ensure that the importer or their agent is informed immediately of arrival so that the entry can be filed and delays in obtaining the goods avoided. • • • The Customs Service defines "entry" not merely as the arrival of goods at a port, but as the process of presenting documentation for clearing goods through Customs. Imported merchandise not entered through Customs in a timely manner (within 15 calendar days of arrival) is sent by Customs to a general order warehouse to be held as unclaimed. The importer is responsible for paying storage charges while unclaimed merchandise is held at the warehouse. If it remains unclaimed at the end of six months, the merchandise is sold at auction. Some types of Customs entry must be made at the first port of arrival. Ordinarily entry is made there for consumption, for entry into a bonded warehouse, or for transportation in bond to another port where a consumption or warehouse entry will be made. If an importer is unable to be there to prepare and file the entry, commercial brokers, known as customs brokers and licensed by the Customs Service, may act as an agent for the importer. These brokers charge a fee for their services. A list of customs brokers may be obtained from the local Customs office or found in the yellow pages of the local telephone directory. In the case of a single noncommercial shipment, a relative or other individual may act as the importer's agent for customs purposes. This person must know the facts pertaining to the shipment and must be authorized in writing to act for the importer. Customs employees are prohibited by law and American Importers Association employees are prohibited by by-laws from performing these tasks for the importing public. However, US customs employees will advise and give information to importers about Customs requirements. Formal vs. Informal Entry Informal entries cover personal shipments, commercial shipments and mail shipments that are being entered for consumption, i.e. for use or sale. In most cases informal entry can be used if the merchandise is valued at $2000 or less. There are some exceptions such as textiles, certain types of footwear and other goods subject to quota/visa restrictions. Personal shipments valued over $2000 will also require a formal entry. The difference between an informal entry and a formal entry is the bond requirement and the liquidation process. Liquidation is the final computation of duties or drawback accruing to an entry and is the final step in the entry process. • • • • Formal entries are generally commercial shipments supported by a surety bond to ensure payment of duties and compliance with Customs requirements. A bond is like an insurance policy that is payable to Customs in the event that the importer does not comply with import requirements. Having a bond on file, allows an importer to take possession of his merchandise before the payment of duties, taxes and fees. Bonds can be obtained from a surety, which is an insurance company that has been authorized by the Treasury Department to write Customs bonds. A port director can require a formal entry for any importation if he or she deems it necessary for the protection of the revenue or for admissibility or enforcement issues. Goods admitted as informal entries do not require the posting of a bond and goods are liquidated on the spot. After the importer receives notification of the arrival of merchandise from the carrier and it is determined that all shipping charges are satisfied an invoice is presented to Customs. When an informal entry is being made, the inspector, not the importer, is responsible for determining the classification number of the goods being imported. The inspector also completes the Customs forms used for informal entry. Formal Entry of Goods To make or file a consumption entry (for imported goods going directly into the commerce of the United States without any time or use restrictions placed on them) the following documents are generally required: 1. A bill of lading, airway bill, or carrier's certificate (naming the consignee for customs purposes) as evidence of the consignee's right to make entry. 2. A commercial invoice obtained from the seller, which shows the value and description of the merchandise. 3. Entry manifest (Customs Form 7533) or Entry/Immediate Delivery (Customs Form 3461). 4. Packing lists, if appropriate, and other documents necessary to determine whether the merchandise may be admitted. When a consumption entry is filed, the importer indicates the tariff classification and pays any estimated duty and processing fee. A surety bond containing various conditions, including a provision for paying any increased duty that may be found to be owed at a later date, may also be required. • • • • • Other Types of Entry Imported goods may be sent in-bond from the first port of arrival to another Customs port. In-bond entries postpone final Customs formalities including payment of duty and processing fees, until the goods arrive at the final port. Arrangements for in-bond shipments should be made before the goods leave the country of export. Imported merchandise may also be sent to a bonded warehouse under a warehouse entry. Duties and processing fees are not paid on warehoused merchandise until the goods are withdrawn for consumption. Storage fees are paid to the warehouse proprietor by the importer. Classification All goods that enter the United States are categorized according to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. The act of placing goods into the correct category is called classification. Classification determines how much duty will be collected. Classification is more than simply looking up an item in an index. It is a very complicated process requiring the application of the General Rules of Interpretation; the section, chapter and subheading notes; and the Explanatory Notes. The importer is responsible for properly classifying his merchandise before entry. If he is not sure how to properly classify an item, he can submit a request, in writing, for a binding classification ruling to the National Commodity Specialist Division, U.S. Customs, Attn: Classification Ruling Requests, New York, NY 10048. The rulings will be binding at all ports of entry unless revoked by the Headquarters' Office of Regulations and Rulings. If an importer is not satisfied with the binding ruling received from New York, he or she can appeal it to the Headquarters' Office of Regulations and Rulings, Washington, DC 20229. The Customs Service will not issue binding rulings in response to oral requests. Import Specialists can give oral advisory rulings but the classification-related opinions or advice of Customs Service personnel at one port are not binding on the Customs ports elsewhere. Oral inquiries may be made to Customs offices regarding existing binding rulings that might cover your importation. Binding rulings may also be researched on the Customs web site at Determining Admissibility/Customs Examination of Goods In simple cases involving small shipments or certain classes of goods such as bulk shipments, examination may be made on the docks, at container stations, cargo terminals, or the importers premises. The goods are then released to the importer. In other shipments, sample packages of the merchandise may be retained by Customs for appraisal or classification purposes and the remainder of the shipment released. These sample packages will also be released to the importer after examination. • • • • • Examination of goods is necessary to determine: 1. The value of the goods for Customs purposes and their dutiable status. 2. Whether the goods are properly marked with the country of their origin. Special marking or labeling may apply. Generally, imported merchandise must be legibly marked in a conspicuous place and with the English name of the country of origin. Certain specific articles are exempt from this requirement. (For further information see Customs Publication No. 539 Marking of Country of Origin on U.S. Imports.) 3. Whether the goods have been correctly invoiced. 4.Whether the shipment contains prohibited articles. 5. Whether the requirements of other federal agencies have been met. 6. Whether the amount of goods listed on the invoice is correct, and no shortage or overage exists. If necessary, goods may be analyzed by a Customs laboratory to determine proper classification and appraisal, to determine that the goods meet safety requirements, or to ensure that they are not counterfeit or otherwise in violation of U.S. laws. If Customs determines that the goods are different from the entered descriptions in quantity or value, that the classification of the goods is incorrect, or that a different rate of duty than the one indicated by the importer applies, an increase in duties may be assessed. If Customs determines that the importer has deliberately failed to properly classify and value his goods, he may be liable for a fine, or other penalty. When all the information has been acquired, including the report of the Customs import specialist as to the customs value of the goods, and the laboratory report, if required, a final determination of duty is made and the entry is liquidated. At this time, any overpayment of duty is returned or under-payments billed. Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Protest • Within 90 days after the date of liquidation or other decision, an importer or consignee may protest the decision and receive an administrative review. The protest is filed with the port director whose decision is being protested. At the time the initial protest is filed, the importer or consignee must make a request for further review if one is desired. Review of the port director's decision by the Customs Service Center or Headquarters is then automatic. Notice of the denial of all or part of the protest will be mailed to the person filing the protest or to his agent. Any person whose protest has been denied may contest the denial by filing a civil action in the United States Court of International Trade. Mail Shipments • Shipments by mail which do not exceed $2000 in value, whether commercial or noncommercial importations (except for commercial shipments of textiles from all countries and made-tomeasure suits from Hong Kong, regardless of value), are entered under a mail entry prepared by a Customs officer after the Postal Service submits the package for Customs examination. The parcel is delivered to the addressee by the Postal Service and is released upon the payment of duty, which is shown on the mail entry accompanying the package. A postal handling fee will also be collected from the addressee at the time the package is delivered. This handling fee is not charged on packages sent through military mail channels. A formal entry is required for any mail shipment exceeding $2000 in value. Formal entry is also required, regardless of value, for commercial shipments of textiles from all countries and made-to-measure suits from Hong Kong. Certain other articles valued over $250 require a formal entry (billfolds, footwear, fur, gloves, handbags, leather, luggage, plastics, rubber, textiles, toys, games and sports equipment, etc.) If formal entry is required on a parcel, the parcel is held at the Customs international mail branch and notice is sent to the addressee of the package's arrival. The addressee can then go to the nearest Customs office to file the formal entry on the package. An entry must be filed in the same manner as for shipments arriving by vessel or airfreight. Once the mail branch has been notified that entry has been filed, the package will be released to the postal service and forwarded to its final destination • • • • • Publications Available from American Importers Association People who are interested in contacting importers, buyers, wholesalers, distributors, and buying sgents in the USA will find the following very valuable. Database List of USA Importers and Buying Agents - A database list of approximately 13,000 importers and wholesalers in the USA, including company name, postal/mailing address, telephone/fax number (if available), buyer's name (if available) and the products imported. - Of the companies on the list, approximately 2,000 also include the web site address. - A short guide to direct marketing (shows the best ways to send your sales letter by post/mail to importers on the list). - The popular booklet Exporting to the World Using the Internet (explains how to find and sell to buyers using e-mail marketing and B2B web sites.) - A list of 153 of the most popular B2B web sites used by importers in the US, Canada and around the world. - A brief description of how to be successful using B2B web sites For more information, Publications Available from US Customs People who are interested in the importing business will find the following publications very useful. They may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Telephone (202) 512-1800 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (202) 5121800 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Prices are subject to change. Several of the following publications are available at on the U.S. Customs Website. Customs Regulations of the United States A loose-leaf volume containing regulations published for the purpose of carrying out customs, navigation, and other laws administered by the U.S. Customs Service. Price: $113, includes revised pages for the subscription year; $141.25, foreign mailing (surface). Note: Customs regulations are also contained in the Code of Federal Regulations. Title 19, Chapter 1. • • • • • Customs Bulletin and Decisions A weekly pamphlet containing regulations, rulings, decisions, and notices concerning Customs and related matters, decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the Court of International Trade. Price: $139 a year, domestic mailing; $173.75 a year, foreign mailing. Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (Annotated) A technical document for use in classification of imported merchandise for rates of duty and statistical purposes. Price: $51 domestic, $63.75 foreign. (This may also be found in many public libraries and on line at The following publications can be obtained from the U.S. Customs Service free of charge by writing to U.S. Customs Service, PO Box 7407, Washington, DC 20229: Information on the Customs Automated Commercial System (ACS) and its related systems can be found in the pamphlets ACS UN/EDIFACT, ACH Credit, The Automated Clearinghouse Credit Program, Yes You Can"...On ABI and the more detailed ABI Overview. The information can also be found at on the U.S. Customs web site. Importing Into the United States Publication No 0000-0502 is a highly technical 86-page book providing extensive details on the topics covered in this pamphlet. Aimed at those contemplating commercial importing, it also contains sample forms, lists of quotas and other restrictions on a variety of generic merchandise (fibers, fabric, metals, foodstuffs, vehicles, etc.) of interest to commercial importers. One free copy can be obtained from U.S. Customs. Additional copies can be obtained from the Government Printing Office at $9 each; $11.25 for foreign mailing. This publication is available in both English and Spanish. It is also available on the U.S. Customs website at Customs Bonds: Q & A Customs publication No. 590 describes bonds and who may use them, what obligations users assume, terms and definitions. Customs Bonded Warehouse Customs publication No. 537 explains what a bonded warehouse is, users' costs, different types of bonded warehouses, advantages to importers of using bonded warehouses; plus entry, treatment, and storage procedures for merchandise and how to establish a Customs bonded warehouse. Import Quotas "Import Quotas" (Customs publication No. 519) describes the merchandise subject to U.S. import quotas, as administered by the U.S. Customs Service. International Mail Imports Customs publication No. 0000-0514 answers most frequently asked questions about mailing merchandise to the United States from abroad. It covers gifts, articles for personal consumption, packaging/labeling requirements, and the like. • • • • • Marking of Country of Origin Customs publication No. 539 describes the purpose, procedures and statutory requirements for marking merchandise and containers. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): A Guide to Customs Procedures This NAFTA guide (Customs publication No. 571) explains the rules of origin and procedural obligations relating to Customs administration of NAFTA. It summarizes various terms of the agreement and gives an overview of the benefits to and requirements of importers. One free copy can be obtained from U.S. Customs. Additional copies can be obtained from the Government Printing Office at: $6 each, $7.50 for foreign mailing. Temporary Importation Under Bond (TIB) Customs publication No. 527 explains the TIB procedure, under which merchandise may be entered into the United States Customs territory temporarily free of duty by posting a bond. It describes classes of goods, eligibility requirements, restrictions, and benefits of the TIB procedure. Ports of Entry Additional information may be obtained from the ports of entry listed below, or you may consult your telephone directory for a Customs port closer to you, as there are 300 ports of entry in the United States, its territories and possessions. The listing will be found under U.S. Government, Treasury Department. Restricted Merchandise A license or permit from the responsible agency may be necessary to import: alcoholic beverages animal and animal products certain drugs firearms and ammunition fruits, nuts meat and meat products milk, dairy, and cheese products plants and plant products poultry and poultry products petroleum and petroleum products vegetables There are also restrictions on the importation of certain trademarked and copyrighted articles. (For further information see Customs Publication No. 549 U.S. Customs and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights.) Certain items in these categories may also be prohibited.The following items must comply with applicable regulations of other agencies: art materials cultural property hazardous/toxic/flammable materials household appliances some electronics products toys and childrenÕs articles Most of the above items are regulated, variously, by: • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Washington, DC 20226 (202) 927-8110 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (202) 9278110 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (alcoholic beverages) (202) 927-8320 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (202) 9278320 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (arms and ammunition) Animal and Plant Inspection Service (Animals/animal products) USDA-APHIS-VS Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 734-7885 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 7885 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Animal and Plant Inspection Service (Plants/plant products) USDA-APHIS-PPQ Hyattsville, MD 20782 (301) 734-8896 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 8896 end_of_the_skype_highlighting U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Management Authority 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, VA 22203 (703) 358-2104 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 2104 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Food and Drug Administration Division of Import Operations and Policy 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 (301) 443-6553 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 6553 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Consumer Product Safety Commission Office of Compliance 4330 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 504-0608 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0608 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (301) 734- (301) 734- (703) 358- (301) 443- (301) 504- • • • Today, an increasing number of goods and products such as textiles, clothing, automobiles, boats, radios, CD players, television sets, and medical devices, are subject to special standards, declarations, certification, marking or labeling requirements. Other merchandise must be examined for fitness of use, freedom from contamination, or may be subject to quotas on the quantity imported. All these requirements must be met before the merchandise may be released by Customs. Finally, many categories of goods are subject to quota or visa restrictions. Please see our brochure Import Quotas for a complete list. Foreign Assets Control U.S. trade sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) generally prohibit the importation into the United States (including U.S. territories), either directly or indirectly, of most goods, technology, or services (except information and informational materials) from, or which originated from Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Serbia, or Sudan; from foreign persons designated by the Secretary of State as having promoted the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; named Foreign Terrorist Organizations; designated terrorists and narcotics traffickers. Vessels and aircraft under the registry, ownership, or control of sanctions targets may not import merchandise into the United States. The importation of Cuban cigars or Iranian carpets is subject to certain restrictions. Contact your local Customs office. Diamonds may not be imported from Angola without a certificate of origin or other documentation that demonstrates to Customs authorities that they were legally imported with the approval of the Angola Government of Unity and National Reconciliation.Import restrictions imposed against sanctions targets vary by program. Contact the Office of Foreign Assets Control at (202) 622-2490 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (202) 6222490 end_of_the_skype_highlighting with specific questions or concerns or visit OFAC's website at State _____________ Date______________ Gold Bullion Business • • • • • • • • • • • Forming your Revenue chart involves three simple steps: Earning Capacity How much you can earn Channeling the earnings through specific functionaries Active Revenue is your actual working income generated as a Gold Enterpriser. Passive Income is generated through fixed products or services which earn revenue through Gold Enterprising. Residual Income is generated through multiple sources usually others selling your products/services earning you a percentage of sales generated through Gold Enterprising. Virtual Income is of course web based income such as web based services, downloadable products, etc. Also available through Gold Enterprising. Leveraging Revenue equates to combining all of the above earning capacity as both fixed and liquid assets forming a combined net worth to achieve greater financial objective. Combining these assets using a balance sheet provided a clear understanding of how leveraging your assets vs. liabilities can help you achieve desired results regarding your ultimate economic/financial objective. Use the balance sheet sample provided to create both a true and all inclusive balance sheet which should reflect your current status as well as a projected balance sheet which would reflect your future status as an exercise. H/V Income Revenue Arc Blueprint Projections VERTICAL Income-Revenue Structure Active Passive Residual Virtual Leveraged HORIZONTAL Income-Revenue Structure Active Income is what you will generate as a Gold Enterpriser ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Passive Income fixed revenue generator: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Residual Income multiple sources or others: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Virtual Income web based combining and establishing: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ How much can be earned daily/weekly/monthly Four areas of Gold Enterprising Gold Contract Seller Gold Refiner/Buyer/Seller Gold Professional Referrer Gold Resource Conversion Servicer All provided in the total training package!! Configuring a true and representative balance sheet works best to increase the efficacy of your balance sheet by adding non traditional resources and contacts which can easily be included in a balance sheet reflecting added value to a traditional balance sheet which you can also attach dollar value to these non traditional resources ( Use Excel ) to create your balance sheet The following bullet points are examples of valuable additions which can be added to your inclusive balance sheet This method will derive a greater range of flexibility in bringing together all of your potentials to accomplish your primary goals and objectives • • • • • Your varied skills which can contribute to your endeavors Mentors or Consultants who can help you Contacts with various professional who can assist you Contact with skilled practitioners like web designers, business owners, your banker, organizations you belong to, bartering potentials etc., include every conceivable resource, connection, contacts and resources available either directly or indirectly accessible The balance sheet also shows you where you are financially and where you intend to be as a Gold Enterpriser Gold Enterprising Notes Subject ___________ Date______________ Conclusion ________ Results____________ __________________ __________________ __________________ • • • • • • This is the breakaway point of the pre-training provided in the current manuals one and two, which thoroughly introduce to the reader clear and highly descriptive procedures, protocols established standards practiced within the precious metals industry. The information and data contained in manual one and two is very important as an exercise of readiness to begin the total training and support necessary to become a Gold Enterpriser combined with Apex Epic Resources assurances that the trained and certified participant will close their first contract deal with a local refinery within 120 days. Taking the next step with signing up as a participant in the training is what is required and as a purchaser of these manuals you are qualified for a 30% discount on the full training offer. When you register, simply type the discount code into the appropriate discount code box and your 30% discount is immediately applied. The Gold Markets are buzzing at unprecedented levels, this is while fewer and fewer people know how to enter into this multi-trillion dollar Gold market industry as a functional player generating substantial income and revenue. Apex Epic Resources is not interested in convincing anyone about the highly lucrative opportunities available within the precious metals industry for a thoroughly trained Gold Enterpriser. The reader should undertake a concerted effort to research and thorough investigate just how lucrative the precious metals industry actually is through their own efforts to confirm Apex Epic Resources Offer . • • • • • The masses will never catch on to precious metals as a mechanism of financial liquidity, and if they do, many will not have a clue as how to obtain them which will, by then be utterly unaffordable. How to identify a crisis and quickly move in front of it vs. being in it or worse; behind it. Specific skill adaptation or how to get inside of highly guarded resource tributaries. Acquiring the know how to access channels which offer extreme measures of which can be taken to circumvent crisis of magnitude. By simply familiarizing yourself thoroughly with this information reduce your time by 30% respectively regarding the total training program • Power to change vs. poverty expressed as complaints are two proverbial sides of the same coin, one is proactive and self-directed towards an object, the other outer directed towards a definite end, yet both can be traced back to the value of information one expose themselves to, followed by action or inaction taken. • The impact of Gold Enterprising training has evolved into a unique world class arbiter for individuals, entrepreneurs the self-employed as well as newcomers as a way of life that before was unimaginable, now these Gold Enterprisers know quite well that self-initiative, commitment to qualify and an undying thirst for knowledge trumps any and all aspirations of hope or wishful thinking. Gold Enterprising is a tool of financial liberation, however under current conditions, Gold Enterprising has a time limit on who will be able to enter into this market at this level very soon and as we all know the world is changing to fast and to greater extremes thus to procrastinate and deny yourself such an opportunity isn’t in your financial interest . How to make money as a basic Gold Referrer To generate income as a basic referrer requires the following steps: Identify 25 persons primarily woman who have friends, who have friend who all have friends who all have gold items they would not mind parting with for a paltry 75% of spot price guaranteed vs. 45 to 55% offered by most Create a 8 ½ x 5 ¼ colored well designed flyer 500 or more to get started, also have the women to distribute flyers among their friends as each person will receive a referral fee The referral fee works like this, anyone you refer will earn you 10% of the sale and if the person you referred refer someone you will receive 5% of that sale and non of it comes from the sell it self, it comes from the buyer, so that your entire profit is intact Motivate your contacts to sell through follow ups and comparisons of gold buyers and your new source which pay a much higher rate Once you have your potential sellers lined up the next step is to contact mike Kim at (213)- 999-2709 and tell him that Apex Epic Resources Referred you Mike Kim of the Golden Pig will then instruct you on how to proceed Three up front suggestions to know the karat content of your items are to take it to a gold buyer to get the weight and carat content, just don’t sell the items Next thing is to write down that information as it will be sent to the golden pig, keep a copy for your self as well a picture is also good to keep of the items for documentation purposes Spot prices change every minute, I have found that the best day to sell is on Saturdays when the spot market closes for Saturday and Sunday, this way the price is set and will not change until Sunday at 7PM EST. as the Asian markets open twelve hours ahead of the US Follow mike Kim instructions and you will have your money in three to four business days this includes the seller and you as the referrer Access your This endeavor represents basic gold referring, but of course the Professional Gold Referrer could accurately be described as the Bentley Automobile vs. a Volkswagen beetle regarding the total training in comparison, and is also a part of the total training package offered by Apex Epic Resources Enjoy the money you will earn as a basic gold referrer, you can also use this resource to pay for your total training package!! • • The opportunity of becoming a Gold Enterpriser is so enormous considering that there are only three Gold Enterprisers for every one million persons living inside of the US, that those who do become legitimate competent Gold Enterprisers will soon possess a power similar to that of financial services in the near future. If by now you are unable to see the value and necessity for becoming a Gold Enterprise properly trained and certified, then nothing more can be offered and presented to provide more facts than we have throughout these publications. . State _____________ Date______________ Gold Enterprising World Class Training. The Beginning of Tomorrow starts right NOW. Inside Gold Enterprising total training: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Apex Epic Resources Gold Delivery to Refineries Online web-based Convenient video training 24/7 Four Professions to choose from or all four in a bundle Video Training Package Live Q & A bi-weekly on line sessions Gold Enterprising Alert Bulletin monthly Complete Training Kit 3 manuals, 3 audio cd’s 2 DVD’s Bi-weekly podcasts Optional one on one consultations Training Support Four distinct professions to choose from of which you can earn a fortune Close Your First Contract Deal With a local Refinery in 90 to 120 Days Bonus DVD I future trends and opportunities Bonus DVD II Gold Refinery Psychology Practice Exercises Gold Enterpriser industry data base Gold Enterpriser Certification • DVD: 1 Crisis and Opportunities Future Business Opportunities Future Trends Emerging Strategic Positioning near term Becoming the Bank and the Broker • DVD: 2 Hands on Gold Analysis Testing Surface Gold Items Assay Gold Testing Karats and numbers Regional Producer Psychology (Thought Process) Gold Smith Refinery –(The Win Win Objective) Apex coupon discount to you of 30% off Bundle Package Go to and register Today •
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