One hour free (Normally $175) ** See page 2 for benefits.

Introduce students to Ohio’s
“Innovation Economy of the
Future” and inspire them to
pursue their STEM and
entrepreneurial education and
careers in Ohio.
One hour free (Normally $175) **
Ashland University graduate credit.
Ohio HS Teachers interested in STEM education
Teacher Professional Development
STEM for Teachers: Building Curiosity, Discovery
Workshop Registration
and Innovation within the Standards
See page 2 for benefits.
**Only teachers eligible to participate in the
Saturday, August 2, 2014 9:00-3:30 pm
program during the 2014-2015 school year will
Zane State College, 1555 Newark Road, Health
receive credit for free. Eligible teachers include
Science Center, Zanesville OH 43701
high school Science, Technology, Engineering,
Math (STEM), Economics, Business or
Saturday, August 23, 2014 9:00-3:30 pm
teachers who will actually be
East Central Ohio ESC, 150 W Main St,
teaching during the 2014-2015 school year.
St. Clairsville OH 43950
Deadline: 5 days before your selected workshop
**No cost to eligible teachers & lunch will be included!
How to Register: Please complete the information below and return this form to: William Kline, 5540 Bayside
Ridge Drive, Galena, OH 43021 or email the following information to
Questions? 914-261-5684
___Ms. ___Mrs. ____Mr. ___Dr.
First: _________________________ Last: ____________________________________________ Suffix: ________
Subjects taught: _______________________________________________________________________________
School Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
*Street Address or PO Box: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: _____________________
School County: ____________________________
*Is this a home address? ____ Yes ____ No
Home Phone (_____) _______________________ Office Phone (_____) _________________________________
Email Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Believe in Ohio is a free, new program developed by The Ohio Academy of Science and Entrepreneurial Engagement
Ohio with support from NorTech, The Ohio General Assembly and The Ohio Board of Regents designed to help prepare
Ohio high school students for the future by 1) Introducing them to the “Innovation Economy of the Future”, 2) Inspiring
them to pursue their STEM education and careers in Ohio, and 3) Encouraging them to become one of the innovators
and entrepreneurs Ohio needs to help develop the new products, services and jobs of the future.
While the Believe in Ohio program includes many components and activities, the centerpiece of the program is an
Annual STEM Commercialization Plan and STEM Business Plan Competition that will begin in 2014-2015. Students will
compete for nearly $2 million in cash awards and scholarships to Ohio’s colleges and universities. We invite all Ohio high
school students to participate.
Continued on page 2
Perspective – Why This Program is Important:
Our State’s and Nation’s prosperity is the result of generations of innovators and entrepreneurs who developed the
products, services, businesses and industries that have made the United States economy the largest in the world.
Today, however, our state and nation are being challenged on an unprecedented basis to maintain their historic
prosperity. We are living in an Innovation Age in which technology advancements and global competition point to a
future where continuous innovation will cause every product, service, and aspect of life to be transformed and
reinvented during the lifetimes of today’s students.
While many challenges are ahead, so will be the opportunities, but only if today’s students rise to the occasion to
become our country’s next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs who create the new jobs. Thus the purpose of
the Believe in Ohio program is to:
Open students’ eyes to what they will experience in the future and learn how to prepare for it.
Inspire students’ interest in STEM where many of the best jobs and careers of the future will be.
Plant in students the seed of entrepreneurship and help develop students’ problem solving, critical thinking,
collaboration and the other 21st Century skills they will need to create the future.
Introduce students to Ohio’s “Innovation Economy of the Future” and inspire them to pursue their STEM and
entrepreneurial education and careers in Ohio.
Recognize and award Ohio’s high school students with nearly $2 million in cash awards and scholarships to Ohio
colleges and universities through participation in the Believe in Ohio STEM Commercialization Plan and STEM
Business Plan Competitions.
The graduate education student taking this professional development course will also:
Come to understand the challenge and opportunity the global economy presents for today’s students and the
importance of them understanding and embracing the innovation economy of the future.
Come to understand the nature of the resources and benefits provided through the Believe in Ohio program and its
many initiatives and how to apply them in whole or part in their teaching, be it in the classroom or on a blended
learning basis outside the classroom.
In addition to the many student-oriented resources and benefits of the Believe in Ohio program, the graduate
education student taking this professional development course will:
Come to understand how the Believe in Ohio program helps teachers address and meet the requirements of the:
New standards required of science and social studies teachers in the areas of reading and writing (i.e.
Technical Reading and Writing Standards) required under the Common Core State Standards.
New PARCC Problem Based Assessment System.
Differentiated Student Growth Measure requirements under the new Ohio Teacher Evaluation System
(OTES), especially for becoming an “Accomplished Teacher”.
Come to understand the many other benefits for the teacher and his/her program, including:
The ability for a teacher to receive a program support grant of from $500 - $2,500 (based on the level of
student participation).
The ability for a teacher’s school to receive funding of up to $2,000 to hold a STEM Commercialization or
Business Plan competition (based on the level of student participation).
The ability for a teacher to obtain STEM Mentors for their students through the Ohio Academy of Science.
The ability for teachers who fully participate in the Believe in Ohio program and have Internet access
problems to receive a “loaner” iPad (that comes fully loaded with the program’s online course instructional
materials) for use in the classroom.