2009 LEGISLATIVE DAY RESOURCE GUIDE FOR CAP NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS Thursday, Feb. 26, 2009 Washington, D.C. Table of Contents 2009 Legislative Day Schedule of Events ……………..…………….. 2 Talking Points for Legislative Visits ……………………..………..…. 2 (Includes Budget and HR-1333 talking cards, Congressional Squadron talking card and list of squadron members) Meeting Members of Congress ……………………………...………….. 6 Capitol Hill Map …………………………………………………..…….….. 7 How to Use Washington’s Metro….…………………………………….. 8 (Includes directions to Metro’s Union Station, Capitol South and fare information) Metro System Map ……………………………………………………….…. 11 NHQ Telephone Contact Information ………………………………… 12 111th Congressional Directory …………..………………………….….. 13 2009 Legislative Day Schedule of Events WEDNESDAY, Feb. 25 1830 - 2100 Legislative Day Training Mt. Vernon & Monticello THURSDAY, Feb. 26 0730 - 0830 Legislative Day Kickoff Breakfast Potomac Ballroom 0900 - 1600 Legislative Meetings Capitol Hill 1800 - 1900 CAP National Board Opening Reception Potomac Ballroom Uniform of the day for National Board or activities on the Hill • CAP corporate uniform, service dress or blazer combination Talking Points for Legislative Visits Two talking cards that outline Civil Air Patrol’s stand on FY10 O&M funding and the Homeland Security Support Act HR-133, along with a Congressional Squadron talking card have been inserted into each folder. In addition, a small “state card” has been inserted. The state card has been personalized for each wing, to include the number of members (youth and adults), aircraft, mission hours, saves and a volunteer man-hours value (FY08 data). Information on local activities in specific congressional districts is extremely helpful when communicating with congressional members. This is your opportunity to let your representatives know how CAP is extensively helping their local constituency. You will also find a list of Congressional Squadron members following the Congressional Squadron talking card. State Talking Card Note: The volunteer hours formula is based upon data produced by Independent Sector, a coalition of nonprofits based in Washington, D.C. They have calculated the dollar value for volunteer time on a state-by-state basis, based upon government wage data and local cost-of-living factors. Also included in the equation were the total number of wing members, wing pilots and hours flown in 2008, along with a hourly wage for a pilot (excluding scheduled air carriers) at about $44 per hour nationally. Budget Talking Card HR-1333 Talking Card Congressional Squadron Talking Card & Members Rep. Neil Abercrombie Sen. Daniel K. Akaka Rep. W. Todd Akin Rep. Robert E. Andrews Rep. Douglas Applegate Rep. Michele Bachmann Rep. Brian Baird Sen. Howard Baker Rep. Cass Ballenger Rep. James Barcia Rep. Bob Barr Rep. Thomas Barrett Rep. Roscoe Bartlett Rep. Joe Barton Rep. Charles Bass Rep. Bob Beauprez Sen. Lloyd M Bentsen Rep. Ken Bentsen Rep. Shelley Berkley Vice Pres. Joseph R. Biden Sen. Jeff Bingaman Rep. Tim Bishop Rep. Marsha Blackburn Rep. Ben Blaz Rep. Corinne C. Boggs Rep. David Bonoir Sen. David L. Boren Rep. Charles W. Boustany Rep. Kevin Brady Rep. Virginia Ginny Brown-Waite Sen. Conrad Burns Rep. Richard Burr Rep. Dan Burton Sen. Robert C. Byrd Rep. Ken Calvert Rep. Dave Camp Rep. Ben N. Campbell Rep. Thomas R. Carper Rep. Ed Case Rep. Michael N. Castle Rep. Rod Chandler Rep. Eva Clayton Rep. Bob Clement Rep. William F. Clinger Sen. Daniel R. Coats Rep. Howard Coble Rep. Steve Cohen Sen. Norm Coleman Rep. Ronald Coleman Rep. Michael Mac Collins Rep. Larry E. Combest Rep. John Conyers Rep. Jim Cooper Sen. Larry E. Craig Rep. Philip M. Crane Sen. Mike Crapo Rep. Frank A. Cremeans Rep. Barbara Cubin Sen. Alfonse M. D’Amato Rep. Buddy Darden Sen. Thomas A. Daschle Rep. Danny Davis Rep. Lincoln Davis Rep. Robert W. Davis Rep. Mark Dayton Rep. Diana De Gette Sen. Dennis Deconcini Rep. Peter Defazio Rep. James W. Demint Rep. Charles W. Dent Sen. William L. Dickinson Rep. Norman D. Dicks Rep. John Dingell Sen. Elizabeth Dole Rep. John J. Duncan Rep. Jennifer Dunn Rep. Roy P. Dyson Rep. Dennis E. Eckart Rep. John Edwards Rep. Chet Edwards Rep. Vernon J. Ehlers Rep. Robert L. Ehrlich Rep. Keith Ellison Rep. Brad Ellsworth Rep. John Ensign Rep. Bob Etheridge Rep. Jeff Flake Rep. Harold Ford Rep. Trent Franks Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen Rep. Elton Gallegly Rep. Jim Gerlach Rep. Jim Gibbons Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman Sen. John Glenn Rep. Bart Gordon Sen. Slade Gorton Sen. Rod Grams Rep. Mark Green Rep. Gene Green Sen. Judd Gregg Rep. Raul Grijalva Rep. Gil Gutknecht Rep. Ralph M. Hall Rep. James V. Hansen Sen. Thomas R. Harkin Rep. Katherine Harris Rep. J. Dennis Hastert Rep. Charles F. Hatcher Sen. Mark O. Hatfield Rep. Robin Hayes Rep. Charles A. Hayes Rep. Joel Hefley Sen. Howell Heflin Rep. Jesse Helms Rep. Baron P. Hill Rep. Van Hilleary Rep. Ruben Hinojosa Rep. David L. Hobson Rep. Pete Hoekstra Rep. Martin R. Hoke Rep. Larry J. Hopkins Rep. Amory Houghton Rep. Duncan Hunter Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson Rep. Tim Hutchinson Rep. Henry J. Hyde Rep. Bob Inglis Sen. James M. Inhofe Sen. Daniel K. Inouye Rep. Andy Ireland Rep. Jesse Jackson Sen. James M. Jeffords Rep. Ed Jenkins Rep. Tim Johnson Rep. Samuel R. Johnson Rep. Walter B. Jones Rep. Jim Jontz Rep. Marcy Kaptur Rep. Mark Kennedy Rep. Brian Kerns Rep. Martin J. Kifer Rep. Dale E. Kildee Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick Rep. Ron Kind Rep. Jack Kingston Rep. Mark Steven Kirk Rep. Gerald Kleczka Rep. John Kline Rep. Amy Klobuchar Rep. Joe Knollenberg Sen. Herbert Kohl Rep. Jim Kolbe Rep. John Randy Kuhl Rep. Jon Kyl Rep. John J. Lafalce Rep. Robert J. Lagomarsino Rep. Doug Lamborn Rep. Nick Lampson Rep. Martin Lancaster Rep. Steven C. LaTourette Rep. Jim Leach Sen. Patrick J. Leahy Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Rep. Sander Levin Sen. Carl Levin Rep. Ron Lewis Rep. Jim Lightfoot Rep. Blanche L. Lincoln Rep. Marilyn Lloyd Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo Rep. Jill Long Sen. Trent Lott Rep. Ken Lucas Sen. Richard Lugar Rep. William Luther Rep. David O.B. Martin Rep. Nick Mavroules Rep. Thaddeus McCotter Sen. John McCain Rep. Michael McCaul Rep. Frank McCloskey Rep. Betty McCollum Sen. Mitch McConnell Rep. Raymond J. McGrath Rep. John M. McHugh Rep. Mike McIntyre Rep. Candice S. Miller Rep. Brad Miller Rep. John R. Miller Rep. Norman Y. Mineta Rep. David Minge Sen. George J. Mitchell Rep. Harry E. Mitchell Rep. Joseph Moakley Rep. G V. Montgomery Rep. Sid Morrison Sen. Lisa Murkowski Rep. John P. Murtha Rep. Marilyn Musgrave Rep. John Myers Rep. Sue Myrick Sen. Bill Nelson Rep. George R. Nethercutt Rep. Mark W. Neumann Rep. Robert Ney Sen. Don Nickles Rep. Anne M. Northup Sen. Sam Nunn Rep. James L. Oberstar Rep. Solomon P. Ortiz Rep. Michael G. Oxley Rep. Michael Pappas Rep. Paul M. Parker Rep. William Pascrell Rep. Ed Pastor Rep. Elizabeth J. Patterson Rep. Steve Pearce Rep. Donald J. Pease Rep. Ed Perlmutter Rep. Joseph C. Peters Rep. John E. Peterson Rep. Collin C. Peterson Rep. Thomas E. Petri Rep. Charles W. Pickering Rep. Jake Pickle Rep. Jon C. Porter Rep. John Edward Porter Rep. David Price Rep. Thomas E. Price Rep. Mark Pryor Sen. Alan H. Putnam Rep. Nick J. Rahall Rep. Richard Ray Rep. Bill Redmond Rep. Jack Reed Sen. Harry Reid Rep. Rick Renzi Rep. Silvestre Reyes Rep. Thomas M. Reynolds Rep. John J. Rhodes Rep. Lynn Rivers Rep. Tommy F. Robinson Rep. Tim Roemer Rep. Harold Rogers Rep. Mike Rogers Rep. Toby Roth Sen. Warren B. Rudman Rep. Bobby L. Rush Rep. Paul Ryan Rep. Martin Olav Sabo Rep. Patricia Saiki Rep. John T. Salazar Rep. Ken Salazar Sen. Rick Santorum Sen. Jim Sasser Rep. Tom Sawyer Rep. Dan L. Schaefer Rep. Bob Schaffer Rep. Patricia Schroeder Rep. Joe Schwarz Rep. John Shadegg Rep. Clay E. Shaw Rep. Bud Shuster Sen. Alan K. Simpson Rep. Michael K. Simpson Rep. Joe Skeen Rep. Ike Skelton Rep. Linda A. Smith Rep. Nick Smith Rep. Robert F. Smith Sen. Robert C. Smith Rep. Mark Souder Rep. Floyd D. Spence Rep. John Spratt Sen. Debbie Stabenow Rep. Steve Stockman Rep. Bob Stump Rep. Bart Stupak Sen. John Sununu Rep. James M. Talent Rep. Tom Tancredo Rep. John Tanner Rep. Charles Taylor Sen. Fred Thompson Rep. Bennie G. Thompson Rep. Ray Thornton Rep. Robert G. Torricelli Rep. James A. Traficant Rep. Jim Turner Rep. Mark Udall Rep. Fred Upton Rep. Peter J. Visclosky Rep. David Vitter Rep. Tim Walz Rep. Zach Wamp Rep. Curt Weldon Rep. Ed Whitfield Rep. Roger F. Wicker Rep. Addison G. Wilson Sen. Timothy E. Wirth Rep. Lester L. Wolff Rep. Chalmers P. Wylie Rep. Bill Young Rep. Bill Zeliff Meeting Members of Congress The most effective means to emphasize your interest in issues affecting CAP is through a personal visit to a member of Congress. The following tips may help you as you prepare to meet with your congressional member. Make your appointment well in advance, state the subject to be discussed, the time needed and identify persons who will attend. Ask to speak to the “scheduler” on staff – that person is normally the best one to speak to for making appointments. Select a spokesperson if others are going with you and agree on your presentation. Have your wing information on hand. Let them know how your wing is serving their state. (Assets, members, missions, accomplishments, etc.) Arrive early and have one member check in. If there is not enough room in the waiting area, the rest of your folks should wait outside quietly. Meetings are usually short. Present the facts in an orderly, concise and positive manner. Relate the positive impact of legislation you support and any problems it may correct. Relate the negative impact of legislation you oppose, and suggest (where appropriate) a different approach. Leave wing fact sheets, if you have them. Encourage questions and discuss the issues. Ask for favorable consideration of CAP’s position or legislative issue. Thank the legislator for their time and leave promptly. Don’t be disappointed if you only get to speak with a staffer; they will brief the legislator and your message will be heard. You can help shape the approach you will take with your congressional leader by knowing as much as you can about the legislator you plan to visit. You might want to refer to the Web sites at www.senate.gov and www.house.gov. They are both user friendly and will be great starting points to learn about your state politicians. If you believe you have something in common with the legislator, say so! Know his/her committee assignments, interests and background. Observe the office and what is on the walls. You may find something you have in common or a great opening comment. If you have a cadet from your wing attending the Civic Leadership Academy, the staff will be “coaching” them on legislative advocacy and how to present themselves before a member of Congress or their staff. They will be a great asset for you so take them along during your visits to the Hill. If you are unable to meet with your representative in their D.C. office, make sure you make the effort to meet with them back in their home office in your state. Sometimes these meetings can be more productive and easier to arrange. Please send your appointment info (Representative name, time, and location) to John Swain at (334) 354-0825 or dcoffice@capnhq.gov. This will enable him to get the appropriate leadership to the high-interest meetings. For photographic support, please send your info to the NHQ photographer at srobertson@capnhq.gov. Capitol Hill Map How To Use Washington’s Metro The subway in Washington, D.C., is a convenient, clean and easy-to-use way to get around Washington. It is called the Metro by most people and is operated by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Metro station entrances are marked by tall brown columns with a large "M" on each side. Metro lines are color-coded: Blue, Green, Orange, Red and Yellow. The column identifies the station by name, and the color stripes at the top show which Metrorail lines serve that station. The Metro has five lines: Blue, Green, Orange, Red and Yellow. There are maps in the stations and inside the trains. Finding Your Route Using a map, find the destination and the last stop of the line going in the direction you want to go. Note the color of the line and any stations where you need to transfer. Transfer stations are marked on the Metro map on Page with a double black circle. The color of the line is shown in the front window of the train. Most station masters have copies of pocket maps, which are very handy. * Directions from Marriott Crystal City to Metro’s Crystal City Transfer Station * Take the Marriott elevator to Level G, walk out thru glass doors and then turn left to go to the Metro’s Crystal City Station. * Directions from Metro’s Crystal City Station to Union Station * Take the Yellow Line toward Mt. Vernon Square and get off at the Gallery Place-Chinatown station. From the Chinatown station get on the Red Line and head toward Silver Spring and get off at Union Station. The fare will be approximately $1.70. * Directions from Metro’s Crystal City to Capitol South Station * If your first congressional visits are on the House side, you may find it closer to take the Metro to the Metro’s Capitol South station. To do this, take the Yellow Line out of Crystal City toward Mt. Vernon Square and get off at the L’Enfant Plaza station. From L’Enfant, take the Blue Line toward Largo Town Center and then get off at the Capitol South station. The fare will be approximately $1.55. Metro Fares Your Metrorail fare depends on when and how far you travel. Peak fares are charged weekdays between 5:30-9:30 a.m. and 3-8 p.m. Off-peak fares are charged at all other times. Fares are posted in all Metrobuses and at all Metro station kiosks. Up to two children 4-years old or younger ride free when accompanied by a paying passenger. On Metrorail, you need a magnetically encoded fare card to ride. Each passenger must have one. Fare cards can be purchased at any Metro station for as little as $1.35 – the least expensive ride – or for as much as $45. Note: Fare card vending machines give change in coins and the maximum change returned is $4.95 keep in mind if you are using a large bill. You can also use a SmarTrip card, a permanent rechargeable fare card, in lieu of a paper fare card. SmarTrip is plastic, like a credit card, and is embedded with a special computer chip that keeps track of the value of the card. One advantage of the SmarTrip card is that instead of inserting a fare card through the fare gate slot, you simply touch the SmarTrip card to the circular target panels on top of Metrorail station fare gates. Highly recommended! If you're transferring from the Metro to a Metrobus in the District of Columbia or Virginia, get a rail transfer at the station where you enter and give it to the Metrobus operator when you first board to receive a discount on your bus fare. How To Buy Your Fare Card Metro has two kinds of fare card vending machines: Fare cards and Passes/Fare cards. Both have complete instructions on the front of the machine. You can also add value to your SmarTrip card at Passes/Fare cards machines. If you have questions, ask the station manager, who can be found in the booth near the entrances. Note: Fare cards are not refundable. See WMATA's Web site for other places to buy Metro fares, including online. How To Use Your Fare card At the Metro station, just insert your fare card into the fare gate with the green light and white arrow. Keep your fare card – you will need it to exit. When you exit, your fare is automatically deducted and your fare card is returned if any value remains. Fare cards with no remaining value are kept by the fare gate. If your fare card does not have enough fare for you to exit, you need to add money at the exit fare machine. Note: Magnets and Metro fare cards don't mix. Keep your fare card away from credit cards and magnetic wallet clasps. Hours Check the Metro Web site for current information. Last train times vary – check the last train times posted in stations so you don't miss the last train. Note the later opening hours on weekend: • Monday-Thursday: 5 a.m. - Midnight • Friday: 5 a.m. – 3 a.m. (Saturday morning) • Saturday: 7:00 am - 3:00 am (Sun. morning) • Sunday: 7:00 am - 12 midnight Where To Wait For The Train Signs in each station tell you which side of the platform to wait for your train. Read down until you find your destination station. Trains generally stop in the middle of each platform, and flashing lights at the platform's edge let you know a train is coming. Destinations are displayed over the train's front and side windows. The color of the line is shown in the front window. Metro Guidelines • • • • • • When using the escalators in the Metro System, always stay to the right unless you plan on walking up or down the steps immediately upon entering them. The left side of the escalator is for those walking up or down; the right side is for those standing. While on the train, try to stay away from the doors – move to the center of the train or take a seat. Since the doors can open on either side of the train, depending on which station you arrive in, it makes it easier for those exiting and entering the train if you're away from the doors. During major events or during rush hour (7-9am & 4-7pm) the trains can get very crowded and it behooves you to move inward. Start moving toward the door about two stops away from your destination if the trains are crowded. Please do not eat, drink, smoke or litter on Metro vehicles or in stations. It's illegal and punishable by fine and jail. Tape players and portable radios are allowed as long as you use an earphone or headset. Let passengers leaving the bus or train get off before you try to get on. Special seats are reserved for senior citizens and riders with disabilities. Please give up your seat if you see them standing. Metro Contact Info • • • • Web address: www.wmata.com General info: (202) 962-1234 Customer assist: (202) 637-1328 Lost & Found: (202) 962-1195 • Union Station Capitol South Station Crystal City Station NHQ Contact Information Marriott Crystal City …………………………………….….………… (703) 413-5500 Don Rowland …………………………….……..……………………..… (334) 717-6212 Executive Director John Swain ……………………………………………………………….. (703) 522-0060 Government Relations Marc Huchette ………………………….……………………..…….….. (334) 868-0115 Legislative Day Coordinator Director, Public Awareness & Membership Development Chuck Mullin …………………………………………….….……..……. (334) 233-2574 Meeting Planner Missie Derocher-Harris …………………………………..……….…. (334) 538-0965 Executive Assistant & Chief of Protocol Susan Easter …………………………………..…………....…………… (334) 412-1737 Chief Financial Officer Rafael Robles …………………………………………….....………..… (334) 224-3038 General Counsel John Salvador …………………….……………………..……...……… (334) 538-2697 Director, Missions Jim Mallett ………………………………………………..………………. (334) 322-5224 Director, Educational Programs Johnny Dean …………………………………………..……….………… (334) 318-0485 Director, Plans & Requirements Larry Kauffman …………………………………………..…………….. (609) 556-3524 Assistant to the Executive Director for Fleet Management Julie DeBardelaben ……………………………………….…………... (334) 868-0198 Deputy Director, Public Affairs Susan Robertson ………………………………………………………… (334) 868-0113 Photographer 111th Congressional Directory District AKSR AKJR AK00 ALSR ALJR AL01 AL02 AL03 AL04 AL05 AL06 AL07 ARSR ARJR AR01 AR02 AR03 AR04 AS00 AZSR AZJR AZ01 AZ02 AZ03 AZ04 AZ05 AZ06 AZ07 AZ08 CASR CAJR CA01 CA02 CA03 CA04 CA05 CA06 CA07 CA08 CA09 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 CA22 Name Lisa Murkowski Mark Begich Don Young Richard C. Shelby Jeff Sessions Jo Bonner Bobby Bright Mike Rogers Robert B. Aderholt Parker Griffith Spencer Bachus Arthur Davis Blanche Lambert Lincoln Mark Pryor Marion Berry Vic Snyder John Boozman Michael A. Ross Eni F. H. Faleomavaega John McCain Jon Kyl Ann Kirkpatrick Trent Franks John B. Shadegg Ed Pastor Harry Mitchell Jeff Flake Raul Grijalva Gabrielle Giffords Dianne Feinstein Barbara Boxer Mike Thompson Wally Herger Dan Lungren Tom McClintock Doris Matsui Lynn C. Woolsey George Miller Nancy Pelosi Barbara Lee Ellen O. Tauscher Jerry McNerney Jackie Speier Fortney (Pete) Stark Anna G. Eshoo Mike Honda Zoe Lofgren Sam Farr Dennis Cardoza George P. Radanovich Jim Costa Devin Nunes Kevin McCarthy D/R R D R R R R D R R D R D D D D D R D D R R D R R D D R D D D D D R R R D D D D D D D D D D D D D D R D R R DC Office 709 Hart Senate Office Building 825C Hart Senate Office Building 2111 Rayburn House Office Building 304 Russell Senate Office Building 335 Russell Senate Office Building 2236 Rayburn House Office Building 1205 Longworth House Office Building 324 Cannon House Office Building 1433 Longworth House Office Building 417 Cannon House Office Building 2246 Rayburn House Office Building 208 Cannon House Office Building 355 Dirksen Senate Office Building 255 Dirksen Senate Office Building 2305 Rayburn House Office Building 2210 Rayburn House Office Building 1519 Longworth House Office Building 2436 Rayburn House Office Building 2422 Rayburn House Office Building 241 Russell Senate Office Building 730 Hart Senate Office Building 1123 Longworth House Office Building 2435 Rayburn House Office Building 436 Cannon House Office Building 2465 Rayburn House Office Building 1410 Longworth House Office Building 240 Cannon House Office Building 1440 Longworth House Office Building 1728 Longworth House Office Building 331 Hart Senate Office Building 112 Hart Senate Office Building 231 Cannon House Office Building 242 Cannon House Office Building 2262 Rayburn House Office Building 508 Cannon House Office Building 222 Cannon House Office Building 2263 Rayburn House Office Building 2205 Rayburn House Office Building 235 Cannon House Office Building 2444 Rayburn House Office Building 2459 Rayburn House Office Building 312 Cannon House Office Building 211 Cannon House Office Building 239 Cannon House Office Building 205 Cannon House Office Building 1713 Longworth House Office Building 102 Cannon House Office Building 1126 Longworth House Office Building 1224 Longworth House Office Building 2410 Rayburn House Office Building 1314 Longworth House Office Building 1013 Longworth House Office Building 1523 Longworth House Office Building DC Voice 202-224-6665 202-224-3004 202-225-5765 202-224-5744 202-224-4124 202-225-4931 202-225-2901 202-225-3261 202-225-4876 202-225-4801 202-225-4921 202-225-2665 202-224-4843 202-224-2353 202-225-4076 202-225-2506 202-225-4301 202-225-3772 202-225-8577 202-224-2235 202-224-4521 202-225-2315 202-225-4576 202-225-3361 202-225-4065 202-225-2190 202-225-2635 202-225-2435 202-225-2542 202-224-3841 202-224-3553 202-225-3311 202-225-3076 202-225-5716 202-225-2511 202-225-7163 202-225-5161 202-225-2095 202-225-4965 202-225-2661 202-225-1880 202-225-1947 202-225-3531 202-225-5065 202-225-8104 202-225-2631 202-225-3072 202-225-2861 202-225-6131 202-225-4540 202-225-3341 202-225-2523 202-225-2915 District Voice 907-283-5808 N/A 907-456-0210 256-772-0460 251-414-3083 251-943-2073 334-277-9113 334-277-4210 205-221-2310 256-551-0190 205-280-0704 334-287-0860 870-382-1023 501-324-6336 800-866-2701 501-324-5941 479-782-7787 501-520-5892 684-633-1372 520-670-6334 602-840-1891 928-445-3434 623-776-7911 602-263-5300 602-256-0551 480-946-2411 480-833-0092 520-622-6788 520-459-3115 415-393-0707 909-888-8525 707-962-0933 530-893-8363 916-859-9906 916-786-5560 916-498-5600 707-542-7182 925-602-1880 415-556-4862 510-763-0370 925-757-7187 925-737-0727 650-342-0300 510-494-1388 650-323-2984 408-558-8085 408-271-8700 800-340-3277 209-527-1914 209-579-5458 559-495-1620 559-733-3861 661-327-3611 District CA23 CA24 CA25 CA26 CA27 CA28 CA29 CA30 CA31 CA32 CA33 CA34 CA35 CA36 CA37 CA38 CA39 CA40 CA41 CA42 CA43 CA44 CA45 CA46 CA47 CA48 CA49 CA50 CA51 CA52 CA53 COSR COJR CO01 CO02 CO03 CO04 CO05 CO06 CO07 CTSR CTJR CT01 CT02 CT03 CT04 CT05 DC00 DESR DEJR DE00 FLSR FLJR FL01 FL02 FL03 FL04 Name Lois Capps Elton Gallegly Howard P. (Buck) McKeon David Dreier Brad Sherman Howard L. Berman Adam Schiff Henry A. Waxman Xavier Becerra Hilda A. Solis Diane E. Watson Lucille Roybal-Allard Maxine Waters Jane Harman Laura Richardson Grace Napolitano Linda T. Sanchez Edward R. Royce Jerry Lewis Gary Miller Joe Baca Ken Calvert Mary Bono Mack Dana Rohrabacher Loretta Sanchez John Campbell Darrell Issa Brian Bilbray Bob Filner Duncan D. Hunter Susan A. Davis Mark Udall Michael F. Bennet Diana DeGette Jared Polis John Salazar Betsy Markey Doug Lamborn Mike Coffman Ed Perlmutter Christopher J. Dodd Joseph I. Lieberman John Larson Joe Courtney Rosa L. DeLauro Jim Himes Christopher Murphy Eleanor Holmes Norton Thomas R. Carper Ted Kaufman Michael N. Castle Bill Nelson Mel Martinez Jeff Miller Allen Boyd Corrine Brown Ander Crenshaw D/R D R R R D D D D D D D D D D D D D R R R D R R R D R R R D R D D D D D D D R R D D I D D D D D D D D R D R R D D R DC Office 1110 Longworth House Office Building 2309 Rayburn House Office Building 2184 Rayburn House Office Building 233 Cannon House Office Building 2242 Rayburn House Office Building 2221 Rayburn House Office Building 2447 Rayburn House Office Building 2204 Rayburn House Office Building 1119 Longworth House Office Building 2421 Rayburn House Office Building 2430 Rayburn House Office Building 2330 Rayburn House Office Building 2344 Rayburn House Office Building 2400 Rayburn House Office Building 1725 Longworth House Office Building 1610 Longworth House Office Building 1222 Longworth House Office Building 2185 Rayburn House Office Building 2112 Rayburn House Office Building 2438 Rayburn House Office Building 2245 Rayburn House Office Building 2201 Rayburn House Office Building 104 Cannon House Office Building 2300 Rayburn House Office Building 1114 Longworth House Office Building 1507 Longworth House Office Building 2347 Rayburn House Office Building 2348 Rayburn House Office Building 2428 Rayburn House Office Building 1429 Longworth House Office Building 1526 Longworth House Office Building DB-40E Dirksen Senate Office Building 702 Hart Senate Office Building 2335 Rayburn House Office Building 501 Cannon House Office Building 326 Cannon House Office Building 1229 Longworth House Office Building 437 Cannon House Office Building 1508 Longworth House Office Building 415 Cannon House Office Building 448 Russell Senate Office Building 706 Hart Senate Office Building 106 Cannon House Office Building 215 Cannon House Office Building 2413 Rayburn House Office Building 214 Cannon House Office Building 412 Cannon House Office Building 2136 Rayburn House Office Building 513 Hart Senate Office Building G-11 Dirksen Senate Office Building 1233 Longworth House Office Building 716 Hart Senate Office Building 356 Russell Senate Office Building 2439 Rayburn House Office Building 1227 Longworth House Office Building 2336 Rayburn House Office Building 440 Cannon House Office Building DC Voice 202-225-3601 202-225-5811 202-225-1956 202-225-2305 202-225-5911 202-225-4695 202-225-4176 202-225-3976 202-225-6235 202-225-5464 202-225-7084 202-225-1766 202-225-2201 202-225-8220 202-225-7924 202-225-5256 202-225-6676 202-225-4111 202-225-5861 202-225-3201 202-225-6161 202-225-1986 202-225-5330 202-225-2415 202-225-2965 202-225-5611 202-225-3906 202-225-0508 202-225-8045 202-225-5672 202-225-2040 202-224-5941 202-224-5852 202-225-4431 202-225-2161 202-225-4761 202-225-4676 202-225-4422 202-225-7882 202-225-2645 202-224-2823 202-224-4041 202-225-2265 202-225-2076 202-225-3661 202-225-5541 202-225-4476 202-225-8050 202-224-2441 202-224-5042 202-225-4165 202-224-5274 202-224-3041 202-225-4136 202-225-5235 202-225-0123 202-225-2501 District Voice 805-546-8348 805-686-2525 661-274-9688 909-575-6226 818-501-9200 818-994-7200 626-304-2727 323-651-1040 213-483-1425 323-307-9904 323-965-1422 213-628-9230 323-757-8900 310-643-3636 562-436-3828 562-801-2134 562-860-5050 714-744-4130 800-233-1700 714-257-1142 909-885-2222 949-496-2343 951-658-2312 714-960-6483 714-621-0102 949-756-2244 760-599-5000 858-350-1150 619-422-5963 619-448-5201 619-280-5353 N/A N/A 303-844-4988 303-484-9596 970-259-1012 N/A 719-520-0055 720-283-9772 303-274-7944 800-334-5341 860-549-8463 860-278-8888 860-886-0139 203-562-3718 203-210-7711 203-759-7541 202-678-8900 302-856-7690 N/A 302-736-1666 904-346-4500 813-977-6450 850-664-1266 850-785-0812 904-354-1652 904-598-0481 District FL05 FL06 FL07 FL08 FL09 FL10 FL11 FL12 FL13 FL14 FL15 FL16 FL17 FL18 FL19 FL20 FL21 FL22 FL23 FL24 FL25 GASR GAJR GA01 GA02 GA03 GA04 GA05 GA06 GA07 GA08 GA09 GA10 GA11 GA12 GA13 GU00 HISR HIJR HI01 HI02 IASR IAJR IA01 IA02 IA03 IA04 IA05 IDSR IDJR ID01 ID02 ILSR ILJR IL01 IL02 IL03 Name Ginny Brown-Waite Cliff Stearns John L. Mica Alan Grayson Gus Michael Bilirakis C. W. (Bill) Young Kathy Anne Castor Adam Putnam Vernon Gale Buchanan Connie Mack Bill Posey Tom Rooney Kendrick B. Meek Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Robert Wexler Debbie Wasserman Schultz Lincoln Diaz-Balart Ron J. Klein Alcee L. Hastings Suzanne Kosmas Mario Diaz-Balart Saxby Chambliss Johnny Isakson Jack Kingston Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. Lynn Westmoreland Hank Johnson John Lewis Tom Price John Linder Jim Marshall Nathan Deal Paul C. Broun Phil Gingrey John Barrow David Scott Madeleine Bordallo Daniel K. Inouye Daniel K. Akaka Neil Abercrombie Mazie Hirono Charles E. Grassley Tom Harkin Bruce Braley Dave Loebsack Leonard L. Boswell Tom Latham Steve King Mike Crapo Jim Risch Walter (Walt) Minnick Mike Simpson Richard J. Durbin Roland Burris Bobby L. Rush Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. Dan Lipinski D/R R R R D R R D R R R R R D R D D R D D D R R R R D R D D R R D R R R D D D D D D D R D D D D R R R R D R D D D D D Name 414 Cannon House Office Building 2370 Rayburn House Office Building 2313 Rayburn House Office Building 1605 Longworth House Office Building 1124 Longworth House Office Building 2407 Rayburn House Office Building 317 Cannon House Office Building 442 Cannon House Office Building 218 Cannon House Office Building 115 Cannon House Office Building 132 Cannon House Office Building 1529 Longworth House Office Building 1039 Longworth House Office Building 2470 Rayburn House Office Building 2241 Rayburn House Office Building 118 Cannon House Office Building 2244 Rayburn House Office Building 313 Cannon House Office Building 2353 Rayburn House Office Building 238 Cannon House Office Building 328 Cannon House Office Building 416 Russell Senate Office Building 120 Russell Senate Office Building 2368 Rayburn House Office Building 2429 Rayburn House Office Building 1213 Longworth House Office Building 1133 Longworth House Office Building 343 Cannon House Office Building 424 Cannon House Office Building 1026 Longworth House Office Building 504 Cannon House Office Building 2133 Rayburn House Office Building 325 Cannon House Office Building 119 Cannon House Office Building 213 Cannon House Office Building 225 Cannon House Office Building 427 Cannon House Office Building 722 Hart Senate Office Building 141 Hart Senate Office Building 1502 Longworth House Office Building 1524 Longworth House Office Building 135 Hart Senate Office Building 731 Hart Senate Office Building 1019 Longworth House Office Building 1221 Longworth House Office Building 1427 Longworth House Office Building 2217 Rayburn House Office Building 1131 Longworth House Office Building 239 Dirksen Senate Office Building SRC-2 Russell Senate Office Building 1517 Longworth House Office Building 2312 Rayburn House Office Building 309 Hart Senate Office Building 523 Dirksen Senate Office Building 2416 Rayburn House Office Building 2419 Rayburn House Office Building 1717 Longworth House Office Building DC Voice 202-225-1002 202-225-5744 202-225-4035 202-225-2176 202-225-5755 202-225-5961 202-225-3376 202-225-1252 202-225-5015 202-225-2536 202-225-3671 202-225-5792 202-225-4506 202-225-3931 202-225-3001 202-225-7931 202-225-4211 202-225-3026 202-225-1313 202-225-2706 202-225-2778 202-224-3521 202-224-3643 202-225-5831 202-225-3631 202-225-5901 202-225-1605 202-225-3801 202-225-4501 202-225-4272 202-225-6531 202-225-5211 202-225-4101 202-225-2931 202-225-2823 202-225-2939 202-225-1188 202-224-3934 202-224-6361 202-225-2726 202-225-4906 202-224-3744 202-224-3254 202-225-2911 202-225-6576 202-225-3806 202-225-5476 202-225-4426 202-224-6142 202-224-2752 202-225-6611 202-225-5531 202-224-2152 202-224-2854 202-225-4372 202-225-0773 202-225-5701 District Voice 352-799-8354 352-337-0003 904-810-5048 N/A 727-773-2871 727-893-3191 813-871-2817 863-534-3530 941-951-6643 239-573-5837 321-632-1776 772-288-4668 305-690-5905 305-668-2285 561-988-6302 954-437-3936 305-470-8555 561-544-6910 561-684-0565 908-757-7835 305-225-6866 770-763-9090 770-661-0999 912-265-9010 706-320-9477 770-683-2033 770-939-2016 404-659-0116 678-493-6176 770-232-3005 877-464-0255 706-226-5320 706-447-3857 770-429-1776 478-553-1923 770-432-5405 671-477-4272 808-541-2542 808-935-1114 808-541-2570 808-541-1986 515-288-1145 515-284-4574 563-557-7789 319-351-0789 888-432-1984 515-232-2885 641-782-2495 208-236-6775 N/A 208-336-9831 208-734-7219 618-998-8812 N/A 773-224-6500 708-798-6000 708-352-0524 District IL04 IL05 IL06 IL07 IL08 IL09 IL10 IL11 IL12 IL13 IL14 IL15 IL16 IL17 IL18 IL19 INSR INJR IN01 IN02 IN03 IN04 IN05 IN06 IN07 IN08 IN09 KSSR KSJR KS01 KS02 KS03 KS04 KYSR KYJR KY01 KY02 KY03 KY04 KY05 KY06 LASR LAJR LA01 LA02 LA03 LA04 LA05 LA06 LA07 MASR MAJR MA01 MA02 MA03 MA04 MA05 Name Luis V. Gutierrez Vacant Peter Roskam Danny Davis Melissa Bean Janice Schakowsky Mark S. Kirk Deborah “Debbie” Halvorsen Jerry F. Costello Judy Biggert Bill Foster Timothy V. Johnson Donald A. Manzullo Phil Hare Aaron Schock John Shimkus Richard G. Lugar Evan Bayh Peter J. Visclosky Joe Donnelly Mark Edward Souder Stephen E. Buyer Dan Burton Mike Pence Andre Carson Brad Ellsworth Baron P. Hill Sam Brownback Pat Roberts Jerry Moran Lynn Jenkins Dennis Moore Todd Tiahrt Mitch McConnell Jim Bunning Edward Whitfield Brett Guthrie John Yarmuth Geoff Davis Harold Rogers Ben Chandler Mary Landrieu David Vitter Steve Scalise Joseph Quang Cao Charlie Melancon John Fleming Rodney Alexander Bill Cassidy Charles W. Boustany, Jr. Edward M. Kennedy John F. Kerry John W. Olver Richard E. Neal James P. McGovern Barney Frank Niki Tsongas D/R D R D D D R D D R D R R D R R R D D D R R R R D D D R R R R D R R R R R D R R D D R R R D R R R R D D D D D D D DC Office 2266 Rayburn House Office Building 1319 Longworth House Office Building 507 Cannon House Office Building 2159 Rayburn House Office Building 432 Cannon House Office Building 2367 Rayburn House Office Building 1030 Longworth House Office Building 1541 Longworth House Office Building 2408 Rayburn House Office Building 1034 Longworth House Office Building 1339 Longworth House Office Building 1207 Longworth House Office Building 2228 Rayburn House Office Building 428 Cannon House Office Building 509 Cannon House Office Building 2452 Rayburn House Office Building 306 Hart Senate Office Building 131 Russell Senate Office Building 2256 Rayburn House Office Building 1530 Longworth House Office Building 2231 Rayburn House Office Building 2230 Rayburn House Office Building 2308 Rayburn House Office Building 1431 Longworth House Office Building 425 Cannon House Office Building 513 Cannon House Office Building 223 Cannon House Office Building 303 Hart Senate Office Building 109 Hart Senate Office Building 2202 Rayburn House Office Building 130 Cannon House Office Building 1727 Longworth House Office Building 2441 Rayburn House Office Building 361A Russell Senate Office Building 316 Hart Senate Office Building 2411 Rayburn House Office Building 510 Cannon House Office Building 435 Cannon House Office Building 1108 Longworth House Office Building 2406 Rayburn House Office Building 1504 Longworth House Office Building 328 Hart Senate Office Building 516 Hart Senate Office Building 429 Cannon House Office Building 2113 Rayburn House Office Building 404 Cannon House Office Building 1023 Longworth House Office Building 316 Cannon House Office Building 506 Cannon House Office Building 1117 Longworth House Office Building 317 Russell Senate Office Building 218 Russell Senate Office Building 1111 Longworth House Office Building 2208 Rayburn House Office Building 438 Cannon House Office Building 2252 Rayburn House Office Building 1607 Longworth House Office Building DC Voice 202-225-8203 202-225-4061 202-225-4561 202-225-5006 202-225-3711 202-225-2111 202-225-4835 202-225-3635 202-225-5661 202-225-3515 202-225-2976 202-225-2371 202-225-5676 202-225-5905 202-225-6201 202-225-5271 202-224-4814 202-224-5623 202-225-2461 202-225-3915 202-225-4436 202-225-5037 202-225-2276 202-225-3021 202-225-4011 202-225-4636 202-225-5315 202-224-6521 202-224-4774 202-225-2715 202-225-6601 202-225-2865 202-225-6216 202-224-2541 202-224-4343 202-225-3115 202-225-3501 202-225-5401 202-225-3465 202-225-4601 202-225-4706 202-224-5824 202-224-4623 202-225-3015 202-225-6636 202-225-4031 202-225-2777 202-225-8490 202-225-3901 202-225-2031 202-224-4543 202-224-2742 202-225-5335 202-225-5601 202-225-6101 202-225-5931 202-225-3411 District Voice 773-342-0774 N/A 630-893-9670 773-533-7520 847-925-0265 847-328-3409 847-940-0202 815-726-4998 618-451-7065 630-655-2052 815-288-0680 217-403-4690 815-394-1231 309-793-5760 309-671-7027 618-532-9676 219-548-8035 219-852-2763 219-795-1844 574-288-2780 800-959-3041 574-583-9819 765-662-6770 765-962-2883 317-283-6516 812-465-6484 812-288-3999 620-231-6040 913-451-9343 785-628-6401 620-231-5966 785-842-9313 316-262-8992 859-224-8286 859-219-2239 270-487-9509 270-842-9896 502-582-5129 859-824-3320 606-679-8346 859-219-1366 504-589-2427 504-589-2753 504-837-1259 504-717-7551 337-367-8231 318-798-2254 318-322-3500 225-929-7711 337-235-6322 617-565-3170 413-785-4610 413-442-0946 413-785-0325 508-831-7356 508-999-6462 978-681-6200 District MA06 MA07 MA08 MA09 MA10 MDSR MDJR MD01 MD02 MD03 MD04 MD05 MD06 MD07 MD08 MESR MEJR ME01 ME02 MISR MIJR MI01 MI02 MI03 MI04 MI05 MI06 MI07 MI08 MI09 MI10 MI11 MI12 MI13 MI14 MI15 MNSR MNJR MN01 MN02 MN03 MN04 MN05 MN06 MN07 MN08 MOSR MOJR MO01 MO02 MO03 MO04 MO05 MO06 MO07 MO08 MO09 Name John Tierney Edward J. Markey Michael Capuano Stephen Lynch Bill Delahunt Barbara A. Mikulski Benjamin L. Cardin Frank Kratovil, Jr. C. A. (Dutch) Ruppersberger John P. Sarbanes Donna Edwards Steny H. Hoyer Roscoe G. Bartlett Elijah E. Cummings Christopher Van Hollen, Jr. Olympia Snowe Susan Collins Chellie Pingree Mike Michaud Carl Levin Debbie A. Stabenow Bart Stupak Peter Hoekstra Vernon J. Ehlers Dave Camp Dale E. Kildee Fred Upton Mark Schauer Mike Rogers Gary Peters Candice Miller Thaddeus McCotter Sander M. Levin Carolyn Kilpatrick John Conyers, Jr. John D. Dingell Vacant Amy Klobuchar Tim Walz John Kline Erik Paulsen Betty McCollum Keith Ellison Michele Bachmann Collin C. Peterson James L. Oberstar Kit Bond Claire McCaskill William Lacy Clay, Jr. Todd Akin Russ Carnahan Ike Skelton Emanuel Cleaver, II Samuel B. Graves Roy Blunt Jo Ann Emerson Blaine Luetkemeyer D/R D D D D D D D D D D D D R D D R R D D D D D R R R D R D R D R R D D D D D D R R D D R D D R D D R D D D R R R R DC Office 2238 Rayburn House Office Building 2108 Rayburn House Office Building 1414 Longworth House Office Building 221 Cannon House Office Building 2454 Rayburn House Office Building 503 Hart Senate Office Building 509 Hart Senate Office Building 314 Cannon House Office Building 2453 Rayburn House Office Building 426 Cannon House Office Building 318 Cannon House Office Building 1705 Longworth House Office Building 2412 Rayburn House Office Building 2235 Rayburn House Office Building 1707 Longworth House Office Building 154 Russell Senate Office Building 413 Dirksen Senate Office Building 1037 Longworth House Office Building 1724 Longworth House Office Building 269 Russell Senate Office Building 133 Hart Senate Office Building 2268 Rayburn House Office Building 2234 Rayburn House Office Building 2182 Rayburn House Office Building 341 Cannon House Office Building 2107 Rayburn House Office Building 2183 Rayburn House Office Building 1408 Longworth House Office Building 133 Cannon House Office Building 1130 Longworth House Office Building 228 Cannon House Office Building 1632 Longworth House Office Building 1236 Longworth House Office Building 2264 Rayburn House Office Building 2426 Rayburn House Office Building 2328 Rayburn House Office Building 320 Hart Senate Office Building 302 Hart Senate Office Building 1722 Longworth House Office Building 1210 Longworth House Office Building 126 Cannon House Office Building 1714 Longworth House Office Building 1122 Longworth House Office Building 107 Cannon House Office Building 2211 Rayburn House Office Building 2365 Rayburn House Office Building 274 Russell Senate Office Building 717 Hart Senate Office Building 2418 Rayburn House Office Building 117 Cannon House Office Building 1710 Longworth House Office Building 2206 Rayburn House Office Building 1027 Longworth House Office Building 1415 Longworth House Office Building 2229 Rayburn House Office Building 2440 Rayburn House Office Building 1118 Longworth House Office Building DC Voice 202-225-8020 202-225-2836 202-225-5111 202-225-8273 202-225-3111 202-224-4654 202-224-4524 202-225-5311 202-225-3061 202-225-4016 202-225-8699 202-225-4131 202-225-2721 202-225-4741 202-225-5341 202-224-5344 202-224-2523 202-225-6116 202-225-6306 202-224-6221 202-224-4822 202-225-4735 202-225-4401 202-225-3831 202-225-3561 202-225-3611 202-225-3761 202-225-6276 202-225-4872 202-225-5802 202-225-2106 202-225-8171 202-225-4961 202-225-2261 202-225-5126 202-225-4071 202-224-5641 202-224-3244 202-225-2472 202-225-2271 202-225-2871 202-225-6631 202-225-4755 202-225-2331 202-225-2165 202-225-6211 202-224-5721 202-224-6154 202-225-2406 202-225-2561 202-225-2671 202-225-2876 202-225-4535 202-225-7041 202-225-6536 202-225-4404 202-225-2956 District Voice 781-595-7375 781-396-2900 617-621-6208 508-586-5555 800-870-2626 410-263-1805 301-860-0414 443-262-9136 410-628-2701 410-832-8890 301-516-7601 301-843-1577 301-797-6043 410-465-8259 301-891-6982 207-622-8292 207-945-0417 207-774-5019 207-782-3704 906-789-0052 810-720-4172 989-345-2258 616-395-0030 616-451-8383 989-631-2552 810-239-1437 269-385-0039 517-780-9075 877-333-6453 248-273-4227 586-997-5010 248-685-9495 586-498-7122 734-246-0780 734-675-4084 313-278-2936 507-625-6800 218-287-2219 507-206-0643 952-808-1213 952-405-8510 651-224-9191 612-522-1212 320-253-5931 218-253-4356 218-828-4400 816-471-7141 573-651-0964 314-367-1970 314-590-0029 314-962-1523 417-532-7964 816-842-4545 816-233-9818 417-889-1800 573-364-2455 636-239-2276 District MSSR MSJR MS01 MS02 MS03 MS04 MTSR MTJR MT00 NCSR NCJR NC01 NC02 NC03 NC04 NC05 NC06 NC07 NC08 NC09 NC10 NC11 NC12 NC13 NDSR NDJR ND00 NESR NEJR NE01 NE02 NE03 NHSR NHJR NH01 NH02 NJSR NJJR NJ01 NJ02 NJ03 NJ04 NJ05 NJ06 NJ07 NJ08 NJ09 NJ10 NJ11 NJ12 NJ13 NMSR NMJR NM01 NM02 NM03 NVSR Name Thad Cochran Roger F. Wicker Travis Childers Bennie G. Thompson Gregg Harper Gene Taylor Max Baucus Jon Tester Dennis Rehberg Richard Burr Kay Hagan G. K. Butterfield, Jr. Bobby Etheridge Walter B. Jones, Jr. David E. Price Virginia Foxx Howard Coble Mike McIntyre Larry Kissell Sue Myrick Patrick McHenry Heath Shuler Melvin L. Watt Brad Miller Kent Conrad Byron L. Dorgan Earl Pomeroy Ben Nelson Mike Johanns Jeff Fortenberry Lee Terry Adrian Smith Judd Gregg Jeanne Shaheen Carol Shea-Porter Paul Hodes, II Frank Lautenberg Robert Menendez Robert E. Andrews Frank A. LoBiondo John Adler Christopher H. Smith E. Scott Garrett Frank Pallone, Jr. Leonard Lance Bill Pascrell, Jr. Steven R. Rothman Donald M. Payne Rodney P. Frelinghuysen Rush Holt Albio Sires Jeff Bingaman Tom Udall Martin Heinrich Harry Teague Ben Ray Lujan, Jr. Harry Reid D/R R R D D R D D D R R D D D R D R R D D R R D D D D D D D R R R R R D D D D D D R D R R D R D D D R D D D D D D D D DC Office 113 Dirksen Senate Office Building 487 Russell Senate Office Building 1708 Longworth House Office Building 2432 Rayburn House Office Building 307 Cannon House Office Building 2269 Rayburn House Office Building 511 Hart Senate Office Building 204 Russell Senate Office Building 2448 Rayburn House Office Building 217 Russell Senate Office Building DB-40A Dirksen Senate Office Building 413 Cannon House Office Building 1533 Longworth House Office Building 2333 Rayburn House Office Building 2162 Rayburn House Office Building 1230 Longworth House Office Building 2468 Rayburn House Office Building 2437 Rayburn House Office Building 512 Cannon House Office Building 230 Cannon House Office Building 224 Cannon House Office Building 422 Cannon House Office Building 2304 Rayburn House Office Building 1127 Longworth House Office Building 530 Hart Senate Office Building 322 Hart Senate Office Building 1501 Longworth House Office Building 720 Hart Senate Office Building SRC-1 Russell Senate Office Building 1535 Longworth House Office Building 2331 Rayburn House Office Building 503 Cannon House Office Building 393 Russell Senate Office Building G-55 Dirksen Senate Office Building 1330 Longworth House Office Building 1317 Longworth House Office Building 324 Hart Senate Office Building 317 Hart Senate Office Building 2265 Rayburn House Office Building 2427 Rayburn House Office Building 1223 Longworth House Office Building 2373 Rayburn House Office Building 137 Cannon House Office Building 237 Cannon House Office Building 114 Cannon House Office Building 2464 Rayburn House Office Building 2303 Rayburn House Office Building 2310 Rayburn House Office Building 2442 Rayburn House Office Building 1214 Longworth House Office Building 1024 Longworth House Office Building 703 Hart Senate Office Building DB-40D Dirksen Senate Office Building 1505 Longworth House Office Building 1007 Longworth House Office Building 502 Cannon House Office Building 522 Hart Senate Office Building DC Voice 202-224-5054 202-224-6253 202-225-4306 202-225-5876 202-225-5031 202-225-5772 202-224-2651 202-224-2644 202-225-3211 202-224-3154 202-224-6342 202-225-3101 202-225-4531 202-225-3415 202-225-1784 202-225-2071 202-225-3065 202-225-2731 202-225-3715 202-225-1976 202-225-2576 202-225-6401 202-225-1510 202-225-3032 202-224-2043 202-224-2551 202-225-2611 202-224-6551 202-224-4224 202-225-4806 202-225-4155 202-225-6435 202-224-3324 202-224-2841 202-225-5456 202-225-5206 202-224-3224 202-224-4744 202-225-6501 202-225-6572 202-225-4765 202-225-3765 202-225-4465 202-225-4671 202-225-5361 202-225-5751 202-225-5061 202-225-3436 202-225-5034 202-225-5801 202-225-7919 202-224-5521 202-224-6621 202-225-6316 202-225-2365 202-225-6190 202-224-3542 District Voice 601-965-4649 228-863-1988 662-449-3090 662-741-9003 601-932 2410 228-872-7950 406-761-1574 406-252-0550 406-256-1019 704-833-0854 N/A 252-789-4939 888-262-6202 800-351-1697 919-967-7924 828-265-0240 704-209-0426 910-735-0610 704-786-1612 704-362-1060 704-481-0578 828-835-4981 336-275-9950 919-836-1313 701-852-0703 701-746-8972 701-235-9760 402-391-3411 N/A 402-379-2064 402-397-9944 308-384-3900 603-752-2604 N/A 603-641-9536 603-358-1023 856-338-8922 973-645-3030 856-546-5100 800-471-4450 732-914-2020 732-350-2300 973-300-2000 732-249-8892 908-518-7733 973-523-5152 201-646-0808 973-645-3213 973-984-0711 609-750-9365 201-558-0800 505-454-8824 505-346-6791 505-346-6781 575-522-3908 505-324-1005 775-882-7343 District NVJR NV01 NV02 NV03 NYSR NYJR NY01 NY02 NY03 NY04 NY05 NY06 NY07 NY08 NY09 NY10 NY11 NY12 NY13 NY14 NY15 NY16 NY17 NY18 NY19 NY20 NY21 NY22 NY23 NY24 NY25 NY26 NY27 NY28 NY29 OHSR OHJR OH01 OH02 OH03 OH04 OH05 OH06 OH07 OH08 OH09 OH10 OH11 OH12 OH13 OH14 OH15 OH16 OH17 OH18 OKSR OKJR Name John Ensign Shelley Berkley Dean Heller Dina Titus Charles Schumer Kirsten Gillibrand Timothy H. Bishop Steve J. Israel Peter T. King Carolyn McCarthy Gary L. Ackerman Gregory W. Meeks Joseph Crowley Jerrold Nadler Anthony Weiner Edolphus Towns Yvette Clarke Nydia M. Velazquez Michael McMahon Carolyn B. Maloney Charles B. Rangel Jose E. Serrano Eliot L. Engel Nita M. Lowey John Hall Vacant Paul Tonko Maurice D. Hinchey John M. McHugh Michael Arcuri Dan Maffei Christopher J. Lee Brian M. Higgins Louise McIntosh Slaughter Eric J.J. Massa George Voinovich Sherrod Brown Steve Driehaus Jean Schmidt Mike Turner Jim Jordan Robert E. Latta Charles Wilson Steve Austria John A. Boehner Marcy Kaptur Dennis J. Kucinich Marcia L. Fudge Patrick J. Tiberi Betty Sutton Steve C. LaTourette Mary Jo Kilroy John Boccieri Tim Ryan Zack T. Space James M. Inhofe Tom Coburn D/R R D R D D D D D R D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D R D D R D D D R D D R R R R D R R D D D R D R D D D D R R DC Office 119 Russell Senate Office Building 405 Cannon House Office Building 125 Cannon House Office Building 319 Cannon House Office Building 313 Hart Senate Office Building 476 Russell Senate Office Building 306 Cannon House Office Building 2457 Rayburn House Office Building 339 Cannon House Office Building 2346 Rayburn House Office Building 2243 Rayburn House Office Building 2342 Rayburn House Office Building 2404 Rayburn House Office Building 2334 Rayburn House Office Building 2104 Rayburn House Office Building 2232 Rayburn House Office Building 1029 Longworth House Office Building 2466 Rayburn House Office Building 323 Cannon House Office Building 2332 Rayburn House Office Building 2354 Rayburn House Office Building 2227 Rayburn House Office Building 2161 Rayburn House Office Building 2329 Rayburn House Office Building 1217 Longworth House Office Building 120 Cannon House Office Building 128 Cannon House Office Building 2431 Rayburn House Office Building 2366 Rayburn House Office Building 127 Cannon House Office Building 1630 Longworth House Office Building 1711 Longworth House Office Building 431 Cannon House Office Building 2469 Rayburn House Office Building 1208 Longworth House Office Building 524 Hart Senate Office Building 455 Russell Senate Office Building 408 Cannon House Office Building 418 Cannon House Office Building 1740 Longworth House Office Building 515 Cannon House Office Building 1531 Longworth House Office Building 226 Cannon House Office Building 1641 Longworth House Office Building 1011 Longworth House Office Building 2186 Rayburn House Office Building 2445 Rayburn House Office Building 1513 Longworth House Office Building 113 Cannon House Office Building 1721 Longworth House Office Building 2371 Rayburn House Office Building 1237 Longworth House Office Building 1516 Longworth House Office Building 1421 Longworth House Office Building 315 Cannon House Office Building 453 Russell Senate Office Building 172 Russell Senate Office Building DC Voice 202-224-6244 202-225-5965 202-225-6155 202-225-3252 202-224-6542 202-224-4451 202-225-3826 202-225-3335 202-225-7896 202-225-5516 202-225-2601 202-225-3461 202-225-3965 202-225-5635 202-225-6616 202-225-5936 202-225-6231 202-225-2361 202-225-3371 202-225-7944 202-225-4365 202-225-4361 202-225-2464 202-225-6506 202-225-5441 202-225-5614 202-225-5076 202-225-6335 202-225-4611 202-225-3665 202-225-3701 202-225-5265 202-225-3306 202-225-3615 202-225-3161 202-224-3353 202-224-2315 202-225-2216 202-225-3164 202-225-6465 202-225-2676 202-225-6405 202-225-5705 202-225-4324 202-225-6205 202-225-4146 202-225-5871 202-225-7032 202-225-5355 202-225-3401 202-225-5731 202-225-2015 202-225-3876 202-225-5261 202-225-6265 202-224-4721 202-224-5754 District Voice 775-686-5770 702-220-9823 775-686-5760 702-387-4941 315-423-5471 N/A 631-696-6500 631-951-2210 516-541-4225 516-739-3008 718-423-2154 718-725-6000 718-320-2314 718-373-3198 718-743-0441 718-272-1175 718-287-1142 212-673-3997 718-356-8400 718-932-1804 212-663-3900 718-620-0084 845-735-1000 914-428-1707 845-225-3641 N/A 518-465-0700 607-273-1388 518-563-1406 315-252-2777 315-423-5657 585-663-5570 716-852-3501 585-232-4850 585-218-0040 216-522-7095 216-522-7272 513-684-2723 800-784-6366 937-225-2843 419-999-6455 419-354-8700 330-533-7250 937-325-0474 513-779-5400 419-259-7500 440-845-2707 216-522-4900 614-523-2555 330-865-8450 330-425-9291 614-294-2196 330-489-4414 330-630-7311 740-452-6338 405-608-4381 918-581-7651 District OK01 OK02 OK03 OK04 OK05 ORSR ORJR OR01 OR02 OR03 OR04 OR05 PASR PAJR PA01 PA02 PA03 PA04 PA05 PA06 PA07 PA08 PA09 PA10 PA11 PA12 PA13 PA14 PA15 PA16 PA17 PA18 PA19 PR00 RISR RIJR RI01 RI02 SCSR SCJR SC01 SC02 SC03 SC04 SC05 SC06 SDSR SDJR SD00 TNSR TNJR TN01 TN02 TN03 TN04 TN05 TN06 Name John Sullivan Dan Boren Frank D. Lucas Tom Cole Mary Fallin Ron Wyden Jeff Merkley David Wu Greg Walden Earl Blumenauer Peter A. DeFazio Kurt Schrader Arlen Specter Robert P. Casey Robert A. Brady Chaka Fattah Kathy Dahlkemper Jason Altmire Glenn (GT) Thompson Jim Gerlach Joe Sestak Patrick Murphy Bill Shuster Christopher Carney Paul E. Kanjorski John P. Murtha Allyson Schwartz Michael F. Doyle Charles W. Dent Joseph R. Pitts Tim Holden Tim Murphy Todd R. Platts Pedro Pierluisi Jack Reed Sheldon Whitehouse Patrick J. Kennedy James R. Langevin Lindsey Graham James DeMint Henry E. Brown, Jr. Joe Wilson Gresham Barrett Bob Inglis John M. Spratt, Jr. James E. Clyburn Tim Johnson John R. Thune Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Lamar Alexander Bob Corker Phil Roe John J. Duncan, Jr. Zach Wamp Lincoln Davis Jim Cooper Bart Gordon D/R R D R R R D D D R D D D R D D D D D R R D D R D D D D D R R D R R D D D D D R R R R R R D D D R D R R R R R D D D DC Office 434 Cannon House Office Building 216 Cannon House Office Building 2311 Rayburn House Office Building 2458 Rayburn House Office Building 1432 Longworth House Office Building 223 Dirksen Senate Office Building DB-40B Dirksen Senate Office Building 2338 Rayburn House Office Building 2352 Rayburn House Office Building 2267 Rayburn House Office Building 2134 Rayburn House Office Building 1419 Longworth House Office Building 711 Hart Senate Office Building 383 Russell Senate Office Building 206 Cannon House Office Building 2301 Rayburn House Office Building 516 Cannon House Office Building 332 Cannon House Office Building 124 Cannon House Office Building 308 Cannon House Office Building 1022 Longworth House Office Building 1609 Longworth House Office Building 204 Cannon House Office Building 416 Cannon House Office Building 2188 Rayburn House Office Building 2423 Rayburn House Office Building 330 Cannon House Office Building 401 Cannon House Office Building 1009 Longworth House Office Building 420 Cannon House Office Building 2417 Rayburn House Office Building 322 Cannon House Office Building 2455 Rayburn House Office Building 1218 Longworth House Office Building 728 Hart Senate Office Building 502 Hart Senate Office Building 407 Cannon House Office Building 109 Cannon House Office Building 290 Russell Senate Office Building 340 Russell Senate Office Building 103 Cannon House Office Building 212 Cannon House Office Building 439 Cannon House Office Building 100 Cannon House Office Building 1401 Longworth House Office Building 2135 Rayburn House Office Building 136 Hart Senate Office Building 493 Russell Senate Office Building 331 Cannon House Office Building 455 Dirksen Senate Office Building 185 Dirksen Senate Office Building 419 Cannon House Office Building 2207 Rayburn House Office Building 1436 Longworth House Office Building 410 Cannon House Office Building 1536 Longworth House Office Building 2306 Rayburn House Office Building DC Voice 202-225-2211 202-225-2701 202-225-5565 202-225-6165 202-225-2132 202-224-5244 202-224-3753 202-225-0855 202-225-6730 202-225-4811 202-225-6416 202-225-5711 202-224-4254 202-224-6324 202-225-4731 202-225-4001 202-225-5406 202-225-2565 202-225-5121 202-225-4315 202-225-2011 202-225-4276 202-225-2431 202-225-3731 202-225-6511 202-225-2065 202-225-6111 202-225-2135 202-225-6411 202-225-2411 202-225-5546 202-225-2301 202-225-5836 202-225-2615 202-224-4642 202-224-2921 202-225-4911 202-225-2735 202-224-5972 202-224-6121 202-225-3176 202-225-2452 202-225-5301 202-225-6030 202-225-5501 202-225-3315 202-224-5842 202-224-2321 202-225-2801 202-224-4944 202-224-3344 202-225-6356 202-225-5435 202-225-3271 202-225-6831 202-225-4311 202-225-4231 District Voice 918-749-0014 918-341-9336 580-256-5752 405-329-6500 405-273-1733 541-858-5122 503-326-3386 800-422-4003 541-624-2400 503-231-2300 541-440-3523 503-588-9100 717-782-3951 215-405-9660 610-874-7094 215-387-6404 814-456-2038 724-226-1304 814-353-0215 610-409-2780 610-892-8623 215-826-1963 717-264-8308 570-644-1682 570-496-1011 724-543-3607 215-517-6572 412-264-3460 610-861-9734 610-444-4581 717-270-1395 724-850-7312 717-600-1919 787-723-6333 401-943-3100 401-453-5294 401-729-5600 401-732-9400 803-933-0112 864-233-5366 843-445-6459 843-521-2530 864-224-7401 864-232-1141 843-393-3998 803-854-4700 605-226-3440 605-348-7551 605-394-5280 865-545-4253 423-756-2757 423-254-1400 423-745-4671 800-883-2369 931-490-8699 615-736-5295 615-451-5174 District TN07 TN08 TN09 TXSR TXJR TX01 TX02 TX03 TX04 TX05 TX06 TX07 TX08 TX09 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 TX15 TX16 TX17 TX18 TX19 TX20 TX21 TX22 TX23 TX24 TX25 TX26 TX27 TX28 TX29 TX30 TX31 TX32 UTSR UTJR UT01 UT02 UT03 VASR VAJR VA01 VA02 VA03 VA04 VA05 VA06 VA07 VA08 VA09 VA10 VA11 VI00 VTSR Name Marsha Blackburn John S. Tanner Steve Ira Cohen Kay Bailey Hutchison John Cornyn Louie Gohmert Ted Poe Sam Johnson Ralph M. Hall Jeb Hensarling Joe Barton John A. Culberson Kevin Brady Al Green Michael T. McCaul Mike Conaway Kay Granger Mac Thornberry Ron Paul Ruben Hinojosa Silvestre Reyes Chet Edwards Sheila Jackson-Lee Randy Neugebauer Charles A. Gonzalez Lamar Smith Pete Olson Ciro Rodriguez Kenny Marchant Lloyd Doggett Michael Burgess Solomon P. Ortiz Henry Cuellar Gene Green Eddie Bernice Johnson John Carter Pete Sessions Orrin G. Hatch Robert F. Bennett Rob Bishop James D. Matheson Jason Chaffetz James Webb Mark Warner Robert J. Wittman Glenn Nye, III Robert C. Scott J. Randy Forbes Tom Perriello Bob Goodlatte Eric I. Cantor James P. Moran Rick Boucher Frank R. Wolf Gerry Connolly Donna M. Christensen Patrick J. Leahy D/R R D D R R R R R R R R R R D R R R R R D D D D R D R R D R D R D D D D R R R R R D R D D R D D R D R R D D R D D D DC Office 217 Cannon House Office Building 1226 Longworth House Office Building 1005 Longworth House Office Building 284 Russell Senate Office Building 517 Hart Senate Office Building 511 Cannon House Office Building 430 Cannon House Office Building 1211 Longworth House Office Building 2405 Rayburn House Office Building 129 Cannon House Office Building 2109 Rayburn House Office Building 1514 Longworth House Office Building 301 Cannon House Office Building 236 Cannon House Office Building 131 Cannon House Office Building 1527 Longworth House Office Building 320 Cannon House Office Building 2209 Rayburn House Office Building 203 Cannon House Office Building 2463 Rayburn House Office Building 2433 Rayburn House Office Building 2369 Rayburn House Office Building 2160 Rayburn House Office Building 1424 Longworth House Office Building 303 Cannon House Office Building 2409 Rayburn House Office Building 514 Cannon House Office Building 2351 Rayburn House Office Building 227 Cannon House Office Building 201 Cannon House Office Building 229 Cannon House Office Building 2110 Rayburn House Office Building 336 Cannon House Office Building 2372 Rayburn House Office Building 1511 Longworth House Office Building 409 Cannon House Office Building 2233 Rayburn House Office Building 104 Hart Senate Office Building 431 Dirksen Senate Office Building 123 Cannon House Office Building 2434 Rayburn House Office Building 1032 Longworth House Office Building 144 Russell Senate Office Building DB-40C Dirksen Senate Office Building 1318 Longworth House Office Building 116 Cannon House Office Building 1201 Longworth House Office Building 2438 Rayburn House Office Building 1520 Longworth House Office Building 2240 Rayburn House Office Building 329 Cannon House Office Building 2239 Rayburn House Office Building 2187 Rayburn House Office Building 241 Cannon House Office Building 327 Cannon House Office Building 1510 Longworth House Office Building 433 Russell Senate Office Building DC Voice 202-225-2811 202-225-4714 202-225-3265 202-224-5922 202-224-2934 202-225-3035 202-225-6565 202-225-4201 202-225-6673 202-225-3484 202-225-2002 202-225-2571 202-225-4901 202-225-7508 202-225-2401 202-225-3605 202-225-5071 202-225-3706 202-225-2831 202-225-2531 202-225-4831 202-225-6105 202-225-3816 202-225-4005 202-225-3236 202-225-4236 202-225-5951 202-225-4511 202-225-6605 202-225-4865 202-225-7772 202-225-7742 202-225-1640 202-225-1688 202-225-8885 202-225-3864 202-225-2231 202-224-5251 202-224-5444 202-225-0453 202-225-3011 202-225-7751 202-224-4024 202-224-2023 202-225-4261 202-225-4215 202-225-8351 202-225-6365 202-225-4711 202-225-5431 202-225-2815 202-225-4376 202-225-3861 202-225-5136 202-225-1492 202-225-1790 202-224-4242 District Voice 931-503-0391 901-873-5690 901-544-4131 512-916-5834 806-472-7533 866-535-6302 877-218-1997 972-470-0892 903-628-8309 214-349-9996 972-875-8488 713-682-8828 409-883-4197 713-383-9234 979-830-8497 325-659-4010 817-338-0909 940-692-1700 409-766-7013 956-682-5545 915-534-4400 254-752-9600 713-691-4882 432-264-0722 210-472-6195 830-896-0154 N/A 432-336-3975 972-556-0162 512-916-5921 817-531-8454 956-541-1242 210-271-2851 281-999-5879 214-922-8885 254-933-1392 972-392-0505 801-524-4380 801-524-5933 801-625-0107 801-486-1236 801-851-2500 804-771-2221 N/A 757-874-6687 757-326-6201 757-380-1000 434-634-5575 N/A 540-885-3861 540-825-8960 703-971-4700 540-980-4310 800-945-9653 703-256-3071 340-778 5900 802-229-0569 District VTJR VT00 WASR WAJR WA01 WA02 WA03 WA04 WA05 WA06 WA07 WA08 WA09 WISR WIJR WI01 WI02 WI03 WI04 WI05 WI06 WI07 WI08 WVSR WVJR WV01 WV02 WV03 WYSR WYJR WY00 Name Bernie Sanders Peter Welch Patty Murray Maria Cantwell Jay Inslee Rick R. Larsen Brian Baird Richard (Doc) Hastings Cathy McMorris Rodgers Norman D. Dicks Jim McDermott Dave Reichert Adam Smith Herb Kohl Russell D. Feingold Paul Ryan Tammy Baldwin Ron Kind Gwen Moore F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. Thomas E. Petri David R. Obey Steve Kagen Robert C. Byrd John D. (Jay) Rockefeller, IV Alan B. Mollohan Shelley Moore Capito Nick Joe Rahall, II Michael Enzi John A. Barrasso Cynthia Lummis D/R I D D D D D D R R D D R D D D R D D D R R D D D D D R D R R R DC Office 332 Dirksen Senate Office Building 1404 Longworth House Office Building 173 Russell Senate Office Building 511 Dirksen Senate Office Building 403 Cannon House Office Building 108 Cannon House Office Building 2350 Rayburn House Office Building 1203 Longworth House Office Building 1323 Longworth House Office Building 2467 Rayburn House Office Building 1035 Longworth House Office Building 1730 Longworth House Office Building 2402 Rayburn House Office Building 330 Hart Senate Office Building 506 Hart Senate Office Building 1113 Longworth House Office Building 2446 Rayburn House Office Building 1406 Longworth House Office Building 1239 Longworth House Office Building 2449 Rayburn House Office Building 2462 Rayburn House Office Building 2314 Rayburn House Office Building 1232 Longworth House Office Building 311 Hart Senate Office Building 531 Hart Senate Office Building 2302 Rayburn House Office Building 2443 Rayburn House Office Building 2307 Rayburn House Office Building 379A Russell Senate Office Building 307 Dirksen Senate Office Building 1004 Longworth House Office Building DC Voice 202-224-5141 202-225-4115 202-224-2621 202-224-3441 202-225-6311 202-225-2605 202-225-3536 202-225-5816 202-225-2006 202-225-5916 202-225-3106 202-225-7761 202-225-8901 202-224-5653 202-224-5323 202-225-3031 202-225-2906 202-225-5506 202-225-4572 202-225-5101 202-225-2476 202-225-3365 202-225-5665 202-224-3954 202-224-6472 202-225-4172 202-225-2711 202-225-3452 202-224-3424 202-224-6441 202-225-2311 District Voice 800-339-9834 888-605-7270 425-462-4460 253-572-2281 206-361-0233 800-562-1385 360-352-9768 509-543-9396 509-353-2374 253-593-6536 206-553-7170 206-275-3438 253-896-3775 800-247-5645 715-848-5660 262-637-0510 608-258-9800 715-831-9214 414-297-1140 262-784-1111 920-231-6333 715-398-4426 920-437-1954 304-342-5855 304-262-9285 304-428-0493 304-264-8810 304-325-6222 307-682-6268 307-856-6642 307-261-6595
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