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Man Medicine will do what on want it to do -- make you a real man. Yournameand address will biiuprlt; all you have to do Is tosi ml midjiet it. We send By Fitzgerald Molloy Copyngnt uy li. Fitzgerald Molloy. "You understand what I say?" I lead-wic- k asked. "'es; but why do u think I was misl.ik'ii?" he whispered. the man who was guilty lias confessed and given proof of his crime." "Who was it"'" "Valet ins Galhraith." closed his ces; his (icrgi. mind could bear no more and forsook him. 'I hroughout the remainder of the d.iy and the following niglit hii s.vmptouis were feverish, but next morning lie was calmer, and his frii ud not being there he eagi rly the nurse fof p.irticulais regarding Valerius Cialbraith's confes ion. And they being gien linn, he remained silent an thougiitful, pondering oer what he had heard, dwelling on the ir.Wery that had the tr.uely, or the part he had fell prompted to take when believing himself thing, and on the speculations which had perplexed linn on that he was destined to re cover. And meanwhile Olive Dumbarton, wins,. he..!tii li.iil been tmdermiud by the cruel suspense, terrible anxietv and mental strain which the tragedy of her husband's death and its consequences had laid upon her, broke down the moment perfect relief was aisiind her Prompt and careful treatment alone saed her from brain fever, but utter prostiation, mentally and plnsically, re truth. mained, and at tunes she despaired of "As yet you are a mere boy, and ever regaining Her tornier condition. can So soon as she was able to leave her she a mere girl, and neither of you be expected to know vour own "minds." Riviera, she rooms fo the was ordered daughter's. her "Oh, Mrs. Dtjmbafton,'' he replied, there to nnuui m til winter had passed, hurriedly, "Valerius." and with a tone of reproach. (ieorRt left had so when Hostock that 'Valerius?" repeated Olive Dumbarme, but vou make a mNtake. "Pardon et the lii'spital in IVhruarx she was still the truth not ton incredulousU. am quite resolved to marry Veronica abro.i'l and had by that time almost rereaching her mind. and no one else. You don't understand "He was found dead ttiis morning on covered her strength. how I lov'e her." his1 study. His man came a couch in She smiled at his earnestness. here to tell us, but I would not disturb CHAPTKR XXXIV. "And I don't think Veronica will ever ou. It is terrible, terrible, mother In March Mrs. Dumbarton was back mairy anv man but me," he added, dear." in town, but not to the houe or to proudly. ''She told me site wouldn't. only reply Olive A low moan was the "Vou have settled it between jou?" the district which was fraught with Hut no sooner had such terriblii associations and memoriis Dumbarton gave. "Practically. We felt sur.e you, who she realised the sudden deatli of 'i' for her, for Quinton Quave having vol- have always been so good and kind, whom she had seen in health and unteered to find her a new divelhui' would not stand in the way of our strength a few days previously than Iter he had by lucky chance found a quaint happiness." siiiiuises, her active ntiud began to form i delightful house ni to let. "Nor shall I, Quinton; but I want vivid imagination to shape fears. After whiJi he had immediately taken for to make sure your love is not fancy. a long pause she said: her. It would be a terrible tiling for the "This is pitiful poor Valerius. Tell And here, in this house which wel- or both of you to wake some day to the mc all, Veronica?" comed her by its brightness, its air of knowledge that what you thought was "It is thought it is feared hut solidity, its promise of reality turned out to be iIluion." nothing yet known. A letter lay on his desk "directed to George Con's, and on the table a bottle which had contained chloroform." Presently she asked in a voice that was almost a whisper: "Is there no letter for me?" "1 don't know, mother. I have been so scared, but I'll co and sec." d room, I,eft alone in the jftjw-uwiii-u-Ammv c her nrief and pitv for Valerius, to n immifti' i "ether with the fear which lay behind i them, overcame her, and she began Jo ob and cry hysterically. Seeing this, Veronica, on her return, could not keep back her tears, and they both wept bit terly for some time. When eventually the irl was able to control herself and had partially succeeded in soothing her mother, she produced an envelooe direc ted by Valerius and sealed with red wax, bearing his monogram. And the curtains having been drawn and the blinds raised, Olive Dumbarton with trembling hands opened the letter and read there the confession she bad dread ed and anticipated. Meanwhile all was coiifusion in the house where the boat, oi Valerius Gal braith lay; servants going from room to room with a bewildered air; policemen going to and fro; the chilling, stagnating atmosphere of death weigh ing upon all. And among those who C3me and went was Mackworth, who, realized not without disappointment, that the case which had puzzled him had been brought to an end without his aid or intervention. But ihf previous night the inspector had returned irom .Fans, whither tic had gone, to ascertain for himself if Valerius had been there on the night Without o the Hoxton Road tragedy. much difficulty Mackworth had learned of Galbraith s absence from his hotel 'i that date, and armed with this fact CHAPTER XXXIIT. Olive Dumbarton spent a wakeful, restful, mil troubled night, vivid ami scaring thoughts she was powerless to batiHi, picturing the pa-- t with its troubles, dwelling on the present with mystery, impenetrable its seemingly showing the future with its drtail But when at !a-- t lup came it was" profound, nor did she wake until lite in the morning. The fog which had hung mournfully over the city the previous evening had not yet quite lifted, and at first thought the dull gray atmosphere was the light of early d.iWii. A glance at her watch showed her it was past 10 o'clock, and she touched her hell. As if awaiting the signal, Veronica immediately entered, hastily yet noise-less- h cro-'se- d the room, and flinging one "arm round her mother's, shoulders, kised her. "Oh, mother, mother," the girl murmured with a sob in her throat. I lie terror eromca s dominant m voice struck it? hcaiir, in whose mind immediately arose a fo!cludowiiig of pain, a foreboding of horror. "What is it, child"'" she asked, scarcely able to frame her sentence. "Something has happened." "Ah, I know: he i dead." Olive Dumbarton replied in a tone of despair. "Not .Mr. liostock," said Veronica, quickly. Who then?" her moth r ask"No. ed hurriedly, a load lifted from her heart, her ees fixed questioning! upon e state Remedy Co., Alien. I! Luck Bklg., Detroit, FREE ADVICE ON CURINd CATARRH Without your paying out a pcimv I diagnose your trouble m.d si nd jou the most reliable and hell f'll Don't lose this chance tog' t rid if Catarrh. Answer the questions yesi.rnu, write your name and addre-- s on the dotted liu s, and mall free coupon to Cutunii spfciniut Spruulc, 107 TukIo lliilhlinc, Uintim. immmmimwwtiumtummm FREE MEDICAL ADVICE COUPON vour brmt'i f it It t'lllltlf XMlOlltilltl j' your note ttofpul u, Do vou hare to tint oft- nt lott your mouth taiit I ! tnnrtitngtt Do you hart n dull ftthiKt i i your hntf vXllnij frnnti i linourthi'-atItthrrta Do ou hait im unt,l'ti"tnt lUtchatgtJrom the nmtt Dott tht mueut Amp Into your throat from the nostf XAMK. ADDRl'iS., FREE "ftiiv The Greatest Offer Ever Made f !! ! A real Spring Motor rbODOnroph which talk! ping and plan no naturalljr you would think It wusfl real. wottilng into It lor aiousinic acrowa oren-And talnd you, you can Ret It. tertalnlns a family.required-Jusend your name a st for. Ko money kj postal. o will mail you ireo ix viccca oi jewj rj-kn ai11 tmnfip rntir 1 rltinda nt QQ cacti. Soil their., tl.i: you it- - .pr w turnt the money, nnd we will 9cnd nrgp iiornRuo" Motor rnonoifrapii compicto wim iwt a worthlw. dUy improved! LO.uml box. It machine which ha to vo iiirucu uy unuu, uuiuuc l hat wind! with a key and plays uutoniatlc,r':.-., tandard cylinder record!. If you caimo-ic all) khp sf.il n manv aa vou ran umuwowIH' Klvo you lomethlng nlco for your money OuruoodsJ of any premium liomo. Wo ollerj tell fait best ... 9 KH hNUA LW ..n.srl ... wwu j'.v.w mw fflt, fcW n.nil tirhn nfc ,I frt .M.JU..U iKVICniUU live a spring uoior iivt tur aeiuug ewelry article! at 10c. each. PALISADE MOTOB CO.. City, Jf. J. 8S Suuci Btrcat, Jcry j SUFFERING tHOM Bronchitis and Astbna R!IqvJ urri-uiided and Curml Pwnwntniiy by 41' the Vienna Texlea Trtahneni. Kvery preparation hu betn mad by the Toxleo Laboratory, 1C69 Broadway, New York City, to iupply all SufTereri In the entire UniUd BUtoi with Toxleo, the new Vienna cure for aithma, catarrh end bran noted chltli. 'i'bli formula li the dlicoyery of Vienna aavant, and many thociandj of enref nay remedy. been permanently effected by thli wonderful lamplo treatment will N By Special arrangement, ent free by mall to every tuffercr who wrttaa for U, mammi Hm&mBKAEMWmm semi-darkene- Vs , 1 IS" W utiS.9 :'. "Yes," he answered, mLAMA This valuable med leal book tells In plain, simple hoi. Consump-tlrt- i can be cured In your own liomc If you hny oif sutlerinc from Con sumijflon. Catarrh nronchltl'. Asthmn or nny turoat or lunit trouble, nr nrn yourself aflllctccl. this jolt will help you to u cure. Kvin roucrelnthe ulranccd stairo of the (Usen-- o and fee 'here Is no hope, this book Trill sliotr you how otters have cured themselves after nd rmedlM they had tried failed, and they be- neveu tncir csiso tioiielesi write at once to the Yonkerman Consum ption Cure Co., UWi Water St., Kalamazoo, Allen., and thev vv III triad v send vou the booK bv return mall fret nnd olio a sencroui sup. ply of the New 'I rcntment, absolutely free, for ther wat.t every suiTorer to have this wonderful cure before it Is too late. Don't wait write today. It tnav mean the savlne laughing! A Boston boy, with the proverbial Bo ton culture, was visiting his aunt in tl.p west, and was found in her jelly closet poaching upon her preserves. "Charlie." exclaimed the aunt, "I am surprised'' "No, aunt," replied the youngster, "vou are astonished; it is I who am -- sur-Bfisc- IE 1 n wp (....I 1 ( :.,. 1nctnr1 ., frt . T rpcnlvmCT rntmi mn'nte nc fi" w iu uavv in, iuuttv4 .n man who it now seemed possible was with Dumbarton's deatli. connected With morning Mackworth found his labors unnecessary. Valerius had escaped, leaving a letter which acknowledged his deed. When in due time a jury had returned a verdict declaring Valerius Galhraith guilty of the death of David Dumbarton and the innocence alike of Olive and George Bostock was estab lished. That the latter had confessed to a murder of which he had not been guilty was set down by the press and received by the public as a consequence of the delirium from which he being a not had suffered, uncommon occurrence with those whose minds were temporarily affected by drink fever or accidents. As time passed George Bostock's consciousness, at first faint and flitting, gradually strengthened and retained its hold for longer periods; and five days after the last operation he was enabled to answer rjuestions. His replies, which were always monosyllabic, seemed delivered with reluctance, and it was thought advisable not to tax his mind by addressing inquiries, or en- " - lightening him regarding what had happened until his brain regained hiore of its former strength. Again and again Headwick had felt Prompted to tell him of Galbraith'sdisobey but that he feared to orders. But when one afternoon, while seated beside the patient, the latter suddenly asked: "How is she?" "Headwick, knowing to whom he referred, asured him she was well. A look of contentment that relieved its And aa the ilumea consumed each aepnrnte sheet It naa all though existence had eacaped his grasp. she met George Bostock for time since his accident. As he entered the room where she awaited him, she rose nervously and advanced with outstretched hands, her eyes meeting his, her heart too full for utterance of what she felt. lie was telling her in a voice he strove to steady and command how glad he was they had met again after what comfort, the fir-s-t darkness it had held for both, when she suddenly interrupted him, for she could keep no longer silent: flow can I thank you? What words of mine can tell you how I feel for what you would have done, for the sacrifice you would have made for me?" It was now his turn to remain mute. but only for a second; the opportunity he desired was given him, and he rapidly replied: "Give me, if you can, your love: it is the one thing I have hoped for and drew near. said Paint : "It is yours already." - of1 fj A RAILROAD MAN aad aara tram t SO ta CIS & per maalh 1 a. WjtM Oil Btmarkabla Discovwy TtMt Citt Dowi tht Coat of Pakl IfTMty- Par C fly t raataf U titlta. la MfUf Ira a Via Wrltaa. . L. Blew, a aromtnwt aaotaetantf ti Adami, J. T., tea dUoovMM a rro-fat pais wHM-- A Trial maklof a new klci of of oil. HocalUltFowdrpalnt. It Htmm to Si f ora of a dry jowdor and aU that la rwttNdU a paint weafter cold water to proof and as tttnaWaatoUpaiat ItaakajMla any surface, wood, itooa or bflafc, tpnaMa) aai looks Uka oil taint ao eottt atovt aj a ona-War- m fifth Writ to Mr. A L Bice, Maaafr., m North St., Adami, If. Y., ana ba will atad a tre trial package, alto eolorcard aaa nui Ufonaa- you can tare a food ataay tton nowiDf yoa-Maouan. Wrlto in PARKERS &a Cuion. trr ' Look t. II. I'arker. Ucst. Gd Watch rLU k i ww.niai railroad manager!, and qualifies yoa for I Instructors I Immediate employment. ex all prominent rauroaa omciais. i Writ for catalog. Begin itudy at once. WHttt Of. Carr. School, DiplIM Fruporl, III. I FITS I wl'l si nd a full two y vt mytrw and iny "i. ilJe IJSJRED dcspsit eelcs'tt--.t-me- nt Kern, ly Lpll-m- fir lplltt!is youriclt and fc e what 3 A In i Dr. It will rati In 5 .. ut.ia .fc?, 187 Munioe W.Creen, n- HiuTf.Lt uy romedy toper-tnancDt- ly enro the worst RoUicra ):avo failed. Send at easel. Don't once for trwttkw ntxl n, freo ItotlWj of rcy Infallible remedy. Olvn mnrwtardl'crti'3coaddros. r. V.,i Cc ar St., (.T York., rnor. W. II. tj an)one t ningxoiesi iu d in1 m njr ) t cmm the fits arc stop-FREE" atment alone. Tryltf r chiie t NVlicn I sayenrod, I mean aradiculcure. Ihavoiude thodlocaeoof Fita, nesBU.li'0-ljnstudy and ifd aastaa. SO kfll HM ?ntn Suilva-t r flTS aWt""? fi A..) I 1 for Pact B oiyouril'c. i I We teach yoa by mall for poiltlonotl imiMAH 01 f REMAN I Oar Initru tlon la practical) endorsed by I I u nmm POEMS. IV SEO. llnvdtr. nnd Arrnnco asi JAbtRa MU3IC C0.4H Comr-rr-r- ) mim :, Chno. ii...i.ii. SSPaidZZ'tL mzszzttszE&rnivizxmanN-jrmc- i lilES TWO PIANOS! GAH YOU sucusruL COIJHT THESI wx aivt to thok rAnMi::s THE POTS IN THE P1AX3 CSMECTtY OR NI THE rcaoWINQ LIST OT TRIZEI : CAN YC cnetoaiadyaml Two Elegant Pianos, 2nd. Tvro hundred Dollar 3rd. One Hundred Dollars 4th. Fiflv Dollars Cash. Dollars 5th. Twenty-fiv- e nou o. (en uunars tac Next 10. Five Dollars Ea Next 25. Tvo Dollars El ivAV:svVAV:i!::.vAtt;: iVifsCwv-i:::::t:- ; CO.fDlTION-- : 50 ce nt pnya for rount. SI. (10 im for Ino renin e You net .() xxtrii If on Iiut lhre pay you to bat e three, eeo conditions) I I OON'T DELAY! IP YOU WANT A PIANO OR OTHER mX331 SEND I YOUR COUNTS AT ONCE I PRIZE WINNERS IN PAST CONTESTS IIIi:n.Wi1 rifl Bveyreopl?n-ayenUr- l h i ibiiw ivi v i. ww. j jut contest. Knowing sI How ,. v.i v.v.;..v..?: . -- flr treatment. that tbey will recelie flail I t. win a piano for so .mall an I umount and wholly u&eipectcd. Iba paper atone i. wonn an i paia. Hits. L. W. NOTT. Marion. la. , rlSnO. Rsf.r peopletome U If tha--f I U. tlE nOn a D!... want to know whether yoa re honest. I gel a plane for a prise snd your ad. n.rer heard of you until I answered Your paper Is worth twiee the eabecrlptlon .u. rxLivii, auuuooh. iow. priee. S100.00 Prize. are bard to count but I know theprlws I dots CO to mose wno win mem tairiy. ... .!.' II lysfcS'&ii&ixi (?.:V::VV.I:iW:fvv::,: ::':::?: J:::;:-v- i .1. If this chart cets destroyed anotbe r "-- iSi . a JSj W A W a. printed up-heary paper w 111 ba lent upua receipt oisc stamp ror pottage. fflNITINC--0,"en- t, P'1'8 foroyear'a labscrlptlonto ut airnn.-- L ToWhomltllsyConearnil -Fahminq and one count: wuilll I lUllo BcccESsrcL 11 tin vuvu waen. i won craniirrlz.ol Z&r SIIOI It 00 pare for two Tiura and throo counta and mates Tun Cash In last contest. I was much surprised. 1 1 eligible for the epeoiul tsu.uo priies glvon to winners of ictprltcslf they wacttaToachaato successful tarmins'. mm ess to anys have tbreo connti. Hoe below. JUiiM a. tiwutvin. tucsmosa, vs. and everybody. A 10 Canada IwonSSO. nn i..n J. Wayuphsro Winncwlllbomndonnfollowa The person BlTingeorrce.orne&r - ten 3U,Uwl0r wdndJd. I uerer tnerr there na. such a I niVlO estcorrectcouutwillgctUrtprlzo. Meit nearest second, eto- paper until I answered ad, now I will neTcrte without It I hv, V.'JAFS rtli vSlI IpDI7PC"8boIleTeo''cr'"0','shonIJhaTctbreocountsso suv KILL J canbayeonoeachsldoof wuattney inina is encourage more sure to hit It. To bo this we w.ll sire K"'?: ll. rnlLLJ "?-- SW 00 tboy MISS E. r'OKMElt,lIantaue,(jueIeo correct to asaln. . t .1... extra to win- - Won 8 PianO. iJSr ri?ent ana all ?i rirtect ? .i..i . !' v te i wu Jiauw U"JJ a"" r at Uturty to tut my nana aa reference any Unu yoa tt 'uAMshould DDI7PC-843.- 0U Kxtra. WetutuuVwUUllU'i feel early counters TIMP Willi. 1JJUU DUW1 II111L, be rewarded and ire Trill (Ire 1.00 to tht persan OTHERS WHO HAVE WON sendlDg best answers by Fcb.SSth. , nr. . MyTa A. Fursman.rasola.l 11 E. L. Jonc, . ... n..- -. - ... Y K . 8tottaeAT.An.qni.Coni. Mr. Ul UUR -- -. ww msj us auu re V""",',,""" una. uaiu uiuit St. I'aal. Minn. w. H. L'aavap 817 Freeman villi t,tairtit!rk stated. W refer to Iowa National llank. Central Stato Hank. Gorman Et. Cincinnati, U. J. Oemachllch, Kensington, Kan. Edltls Savings Bank; in fact any llank. Express Company, business home or uutcnicson, lieonaro. loria vaEsta. Individual In De3llolr.es, as well as Dan or Ilradstreets Agsncy, or the C-lf- in CB. Wymaa, publisher of this paper. UU Eval.Buekner.Fr.donla.Ka.. Vinton. Iowa. E. M. Uall, ilontrose, Mo. J. IIinrjEC We bavo wholly dlslntereittxl Judges to award prlns. Here U vt.a. urnitn, noma, . ... . . . ttja 9 w. 5Jt,B:in.on,ArcU, Calif. A. J. 1'erdaa. Altoona.Ia. TO WHOM IT MAY COIKCM: Wt have keen aektd by pnbllaMra el Albert retr.on,lloldreg, Neb. Cha SlcUrlde. I'oorla.llL rARMlNQtt MtMMfM hi their oentssl ant eee thai print are ill Jos. L'nser, Bellerlsw.O. Urs.U. U.fatouer, Granger, la. aware) laWy. This w wRI BuarantNlng each eotitsitist abtalsle lair THESE ARE BUT A TEW Or MANY. WE COULD OIVE SlgiMd-- W. W, MMMW, TraMursr tut tf lews; HUM BREHKAN, OREOS IP WE HAD SPACE. YOU BIOHT AS WELL IK A trMbMat. CO AT IT AT ONCE. Joslis DlslrW Ceurt; Rev. a. J. WIIXUMS. Bm I In ease of tie we will write each person so tied asking them to make rubllihsr tUCCMSnn. fARMINB, ZI4 Teeth M few words as possible from the letters of the alphabet, nsing each letter of the alphabet twice and only twice, and do one word more than for scfcscrlptlon to Btrc I enclose I once, each letter left over counting as on word. To the one tied In the (write ladles' c counting who glresns the fewest words as abovo will bo awarded first and I0(1with to enter the If only 600 IS DSld If Sl. .anald i.nd thrat-countPTife. This practically eliminates all question of tie, bnt if there should only to tbos having ' by any possibility be a tie in this the prlxe will be divided equally beconnt The extra I&0.00 go connta entered. tween these so tlolng. Babiorlptlon wltbont connti Is 15 cents per year, additional counts after yoa have throe entered as per onr terms in paragraph "condition" above My Count li: (t). may b entered ntSS cents each. Ale contest Is not to bo confused with tt guetslcs or estimating contests. NAMB Oah? contest Is a test of skill in planning and counting and the bsat nrasy-rrlNobody connected with onr paper will b allowed to compete. p o CoatAst closes June 30, bat get your counts in at once. See abont time Start. .ttn DOT. ... (if rtanoa ... . Ll'''"""11, .r,r.n.i.n.. mi. KhNS 9f jti. .... It, .).! .(). in 2 Mn is all letters to SUCCESSFUL FflBMHQ, 284 Tenth, St.. Bill Pit rrsj flWK3EjEEi 1 hie "Yes," he answered, impressed by the gravity of her voices "that would be terrible, but I cannot imagine it happening to Veronica or to me, for I love her cry dearly, and she But what test can I give you?" "Time is the only test which can be employed. Become engaged for twelve months, and then if you and she are still of the same opinion, you cad marry." "Twelve months is a long time," he said regretfully, "and I thought but never mind; it wont be long passing if we may see each other com: Thank you. I can't tell ypn how' you have made me. I wMl ge Verohiea now, and starting 6 Mw'ent towards the1 garden, where he knew the" girl was waiting for him. , "How long yea have been. I thought you were" Mrit coming to tell me? What has owther said? Veronica exclaimed in Uefrous impatience as he desired." Very calmly, her eyes seeking his. she year SSirfraire Book that's for luck." THE END. y "Mine?" he exclaimed in delicht. and he took her in his arms as if he would snatch her from all further nam and OX BLOOD shelter her from care. While the short afternoon of that FIRST $1.00 I0X 25e. WW spring day died, they two emptied their 8end9Sc itampa.we will lend prepaid. tl.OOboi of ex blood Ttiiuts. Cure Ithcumatlim.Indleeatlon, hearts. He told her what he believed Nervomneu. riuk fnttmr. Thin people rain 10 she neither knew nor suspected, how month. Fleaianttotake Ifaiuffererorwlah tb. to gain neah. try them. trom the first day he saw her a fresh Bodertoa Pru C; 4th It., aariada. Iowa interest had come into his lonely life, and out of this interest had sprung a love that was to him a revelation: told EUREKA PILE CURE II the beat euro on earth. W can weariness passed across Bostock's- face. her of the pride he had felt in her sucprove It. Trial free, fonrot. Then his friend, bending over him, cess, of the happiness he had found in box. wltb nrlrata lnitrnetlana n p. aktk said, in a low voice: ti. Bt. her tricndshiD. of the urrief he had OURIDFOnei. CO., Paal, ivnan. "We know now that you made a mis- known because he was unable to claim that you never killed Dumbar her as his own. A WEEK SALARY take; ton." ? WHIBPBBlMIONW COMPANY v 1S38 BROADWAV, NEW YORK :f',,,,r Bostock looked at the speaker fixedly, Be sure and use Mm. Wlnelow'a floothlna-WANT SALiaMIM tVIRVWHIRK anxiously wondering, but made no reply. Syrup tor your Children while Teething, ase. a botUa Bend H cent today for eaapies. Sr W PILES "What, deare-t?- " "That we arc engaged." ConsiasHpta Kui-onetoi- Medical Advice Freewill a? .k "She says we must be engaged fjr twelve months before we uiav nuirrv " "She does? Oh, Quinton, I can hanl- -- aid, Wr lv believe it, can vou?" trembling voice ready to break into tears or laughter. We haven t entered into our en gagement vet, vou know. I hat alvv.ivs begins with a kiss." Must ours?' she asked, pouting prettily even while she raited lar flushed face to his. A second later she cried out: "Ah, you have taken three." 1 Don't suffer with Catarr'i any longer! Don't let It destroy voiir ln'nlth- - jour happiness our verj" fife ! Don't think it can't be cured because other (doctors and other treatments have failed to euro you. Write to mo at once and learn how It can be cured, absolutely and permanently. Catarrh Is mora 'than auannojiug, dls- trouble it's a terribly Ousting, loathsome one. Catarrh is (he forerunner of Consumption. Neglected Catarrh leads to thousands of dea ths every year. Take i t in hand NOW before it's too late. - Let me tell vou just how to cure Catarrh how to clear every bit of it out of your system. I'll gladly "study your case, entirely without cost, and give you PHONOGRAPH It was in the earlv summer that Qumton Quavc, looking shy and ner-oii- s, came to t.ll Olive Dumbarton that, jti-- t having been taken into partnership by his father, he was now lit a position to marry. "I hcartly, congratulate: you, Qttin-ton- ," she said warmly. "Oh! thank you, thank you," he exclaimed, feeling fresh courage to continue. "And you know I hope, there's onl. one girl I wish to marr." "1 should be shocked to hear you intended to niarrv two or three," replied Olive, who coufd not keep from laughing. (Juinton lai-'h- ed likewise. "I fear 1 am rather foolish," he stammered ; "but what 1 meant to say was I love no one, I never have loved JJfiy one, but Veronica and and " "She knows thi- -, I suppose?" Mrs. Dumbarton said. "Oh, yes, I'm sure she does; at least I strove to let her know that I cared for her aliove every one else." "And do yoti think she loves you?" "I hope you won't think me conceited when 1 say I fancy she doesT And that's the reason I've come to ask your permission to marry her." Olive Dumbarton leaned back in her chair, a pensive look upon her face as she remembered her own early marriage. "I hope you have no objection to me; that vou don't dislike me," Quinton said, alarmed by the silence which had succeeded his last speech. "Xo, indeed, Quinton, I Hke you very much." "Vou are awfully good." "But you are verv young, and Veron ica is younger still. "We grow older every day, you know," he said, as solemnly a if he were for the firt time asserting a great ABOUT YOUR LOVE ABOUT tfOUR ABOUT JHEALTHr 3PECULA1 1 E ABOUT 5ALEiWRaa5E ABOUTt KJL of propertyCi: ABOUTt CHILDREN IAN&IN& IR SU5INESS BUSINESS!- ABOUTC - MDUU lx MARRIAGES MATTERS ABOUT CHANCIf iABOUT ABOUT M ONOR OUR POSITION5 PERP LEXITIES ABOUT YOUR ABOUTJOUR ABOUJffl SICKNESS LUCKY DAY.5 UNUIOWOmS WILL BR FAMILY mA aim "Tha atari abova ua troYM-- onr witHHo " Ttia ShmhmrAe TT SBana-oaarfteea of our Savfor. Tha twelva Disciples were each bom under a diffarect aUr. We are each coidaa na. Da You Know Where Your Star la Guldlna Yon? U aot. it fa my important that yoa should know, and I will gira YOU thta knowledre WITHC fax A edal bofoacopa pointiac out what tha future has in store for jou, warn you against evil a and what opportunities to taka adyanta-j- of. The advice and information given will assist you in t mark the tunringpoHit iareor career and will bring you SUCCESS, HEALTH, HAPPINESS, Fi ITY IN BOTH BUSINESS AND SOCIAL LIFE. I eaa tell yoa baw to avoid misfortunes that are most likely to overtake yoa, so that YOU and turn failure into aaceeaa, telling yon just what life has in store for yoa. xae noroscopo sena you ana me aavice given wiu aover your aflairs in sucn a w i wiu that your futura will ba Uka an open book to you. Yon will then know what to avoid and what you most desire, whether it ba business success, social success, health, success in speculation, tsartii e nk AHyoahavetodoUto-a'-ritemeterfayteUlngmewhetheTy- wl o - with the data of your birth aad year and you will have my wonderful astrological deliaeatioa Cy and you will alwava in after vean thank me for the valuable and that thla hoi WRITE IMMEDIATELY aad endow a stamp to pay tha poetaga at tha JvroiiifH infor-mitto- JUST THINK how valuable it would be for yoa to knew that voa eaa make years In such a way that you can mould the destinies of events as thev oeear to voa so that and not tha slave. Address: EXALTED MYSTIC, Number. 1U North WBftkuB Strait, Now Yafk ! d. .'WA' .jD . ? j. .
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