, Ftbruoy 24,1*1 - , you can buy a home . . . ask a REALTOR H teach ***•«* Ufs •7 Open Houses txacuMva baach 99 Zone 1 Savannah fl Zonel Historic 97Op*nHOUMft 99 Zone 2 Savannah REALTOR' 99 Zone 2 Savannah 99 Zone 2 Savannah OPEN HOUSE 2-5PM Richmond Heights 1 lovtty daiHas oricad ataV« SU*.'£M$ONI* ItR, IV* §7 CMfcA, prlv •MMris^^aft ^^A. MB JslMA ^4^^^^. h*^M val- A VICTOH1AR KAt UTY PUrrrV* W1 W/fPI« vwlWr Will »doah* cost* to for dsvotopar-a* I- ^^M '—A ^— _*>:- ^ HW>* (nMMwono* bow •rvinrvo* Cavrtvartf. few Mr«f*f fir* UM^fc fl ACTMft d^^UBAMl^^KA MPCOO MB 4ocfc* Mut'Cpfrlaat - 114 Open Sunday 2-opm CIMNCA ^™^^rw^^* ^••v** 174 acras on tna Honay Rldoa Rd, naar Ouyton. Covanantt 4 Ra^rlctlom. 31ml from tho haart of Sov. V ml tram Statat* FIVE ACRES SOUTHERN EFFINOHAM CO Good ttmbar. dry land and flnanctns avallabte. Asking $14100. but no rootonablt ofter rttwad, Ownar/brokar 9} 474-301*; 471 with mobila hoimt. Ownar financlno* MNMitoi from 1-16. For Sato by Owiw 7% Acras on Long Aero ftd. and Chastor Or., off of Mwv. »$. 4 Mitt* from Fort Howard Bordirad by roadion thraa iMot. 714.7354. RICHMOND HILL 5 acras, lartt hardwoods, highway frontaot on 144. 1080 ft. from puWk boat landing, rtstrktad to housas. »U-W7-*467 or 927.740?_ . RIVERFRONT LOTS Good fishing, lots of trots, prlvatt antrancas from oavad road. Ownar financing. $3500 LR w/tuttom wotMo-woll birch »M»rMai. Dan w/laroa maaonry FPL. lartt country kit, dM. ^/Privacy fan. OPEN HOUSE SUN.,2-5PM 10990 N. Wllliamsburg Hostess: tatty Kahtter, OPEN HOUSE W 114 Phyllis Drlva •97,000 Hostess: Don Hudson 1IM WALTHOUR ROAD Waterfront « $124,900, fWt and crab from your dock* MR, IBatti, new kltchtn, acrt of land. MOVIRIOMT IN 4BR, 2Bath brick ranch is In mint condition, qutat cul-dt-uc attabHsnad rwiohborhood onfy Mayteir. 1471 Date Dr. Ustinov axacutlvt 4BR, 2VM, termal LR * DR, dan, Hostess: Gladys Hill 3S4*7/M VtrnonlDvw/tftcfc* bakofountain hi courtviriL 1FP, H i* tA. OR, LR.1 CAPTAW KtHK LN. Th» UMMftt*. |i<MjML 3 JH. 1W. now caraat. WHWdHf won« sprinklar tvs» * atANDtlWOOD. w/i§i. or tfW. ton/ DRr FP. 147,m Tom Grtor WUtt*. WHnams 4 AtMciatas. Raalton 3S5-MS7. . Low toutty Non-QuatlfvifiB Opan «•$. Baoutnvl Hama in Oortondon. )9R« VMril Plorkla Rm, UKItctMn.Appro*. lUOM tt.« Hardwood Floors* Oaraoa< Mt»t taa to appreciate. Call Mary OaHovHcIt, 23 Ha/Max Savannah. 3M-7ni 310 f. Austin Hill Raatty 354-2100 LOOKING POR AOIPPIRRNT Floor plan? 3 or 4 bdrm, 2W b. 2 ttory on mt South skit downttalrs master suite with facial bath only $113,100. OPEN HOUSE 2-5PM DUTCH ISLAND UwjI13TS will buy your choice of 024 Mertwemer or 0 Mtriwotnar. Qvoltty homes, great , terrific values.. Both ore attractive Wand style homos with 2350 to MOOeoft., 3-4BR. and more. Others are vaUP. m-m-mi, cant and priced to sell. Other oxcoNant buys from 1122,000 to 100-Acrai hi scrlvan Co. naar $305400 Nawlnoton. tS-Acrtt cuttivatad. Charles Sevte, 352-1334 Excatlant farm land. $*50 an acra. Tarry Maiaay 1-JS7-44Q? Shore Kelly ERA 2 story houat. 37' acras of tend, 927-1088 mostly fancad with pond in stcludtd araa. 4 mllas E. of Lyons . 1 Vernon River Dr. on Hwv am Sot to approciata Looking tor a townhoma that's oilIM 1 ftoprT BaoutmHiy unit open Sun'il-llf* *ande*«^n*^ 5 or 10 ACRE TRACTS *-^. ** . vQifMI OV olTloff Ciost to Ctoxton 4 oasy accass to l-U. Owntr flnaneinoJIOOO chrdfcor call Susan Kuhn Realptr acra. aJUBl or 615-53] l. m LYNDA WERNTZ REALTY 097-1955 Saa Our Saacial 94 Farms MINI-FARM with Custom horn naor l-U call Martorit Ktnnadv 7644249 or 764-5tW. Thf* Prudtntial Johnston Rtatty. ^ Wtstorn NC. 100 Acre Farm + Trout Straam, Spftos, High Altitudt. 30 Acroo, Grassland, Tractor, TinabtOnFronts Pavad Rood. Ao^ofNatJonal Fortst, MarkotabhK^Timpor, OM Log Cabin, H/^», $150XW. . Raal Estata. 1-& 2 ACRE FARMS NO DOWN PAYMENT Proptrtv tocatad in Tattnall Co. Covtrad with bio Oak, Pint, Dogwood 4 HOlly. Rivor accats, vary privata. $40. Ptr /mo. Largtr- trracts 4 watar ; front avail. CtM»12-2t5-7516 95 LOtS A<rt Lot In Qwlot Country Aroa. 30 Min. from Downtown Sov. Exc. school systom. Bryanwood Estatas. EHabaiL 740-470*. Boautlful sunsats mafct this Windsor on mt Marsh Lot a groat buy at 142,400. Call Ownar/Aoant 9254364. , _ CITY LOT, 600 BLOCK OF WEST 44th St. v $5.500. 925-5132 _ Efflnflham County MMMZni** 1/2 acra 4 1 acrt tofUCommunitv watar._No down itaynwnt. Mobila homts OK. Sondhni Road. Owntr/Aotnt 234-2111 or 097-1747. OPEN HOUSE 1:30-5:00 ^AAflAAMUBUOuaA ^•k^&^k^MA^M WHnllOPl POflvST MOTIVATED! D»r Johnny Mtrcar Rd to Wllm. island R«Y laft on Cromwrtl, loft on Daarlit houat on loft, Joanna m-1372 JOAWHiOlROOLO 509 Tattnall St. Charming restored 2 story brick LR, DR, 3 BR. 2M B, 109 W. Charlton St. Celfa W. Dunn Enormous. ...,. ,. ..._ . ,, bonus rm, groat rm, dlnlno rnx .10 tUtcnan w/breakfast bar, 2car oarago, secluded tot. Dir: Coffee Bluff Rd. left on Honey Bee, right on Lot St. LolsHolscher 097-3729. IflJACQUILYN DftlVC Isle of Hope. SelOOO. 3BR, t tile baths. CH4A, new roof, oarege, Ig. fenced yard* appx 1300 so ft, great school. Dir: LaRoche, 2nd left after crossing bridge on isle of Hope. Ann Maitorv 354-3*07. MTALAHI DRIVB 4BR, 2ViB, formal dlnlno, to. kitchen, bonus area, docking facilities. May Howard school, wonderful neighborhood. Carolyn 234403 $64,900. MR. 2» nofHHWlhVlna VA loan, wondarntf stem flraplaca. lo. shadad lor! Now atemantary scnool PUonad. Call Juna Dalton. W7-4053. HlWUITIMO-tOJTAyiRNtD. $67,WO. 3 BRs, 2 baths. LR/DR. Fraa flowing floor Plan. Huaa insidt laundry rm. Extra inaulatlon. atfk fan. Sinate aaraaa. CalUudy Shumate, 125474*. OalOROaTTOWN Baautiful 4BR, 2B on 1» x m landscapad comtr tot wtttt privacy tenca, inaround sprinkter system. Dan with ptraataca. Ovtf 2000 w. ft. Garry DIHonJSWWO. 99 lone 2-Savaimah AMES HOME INSPECTIONS . SyWon^Structwo-lnsoct Rpts LIC-BONOED-INS 912-35*4132 « BUYER BE AWARW* IIICARLTONItOADWILMINOTON ISLAND PARK Low SsVs for this 3BR, 2B homo plus Ig. LR & DR, den fireplace, garden room, office, fenced yd, walk to tennis 4 pool. Carolyn Solos 097-0402. ISLE OF HOPE 31 Do4an Drive. Country atmosphere on quiet street. Handsome 3BR, 2 tile baths, FR w/FP, new carpet, nice landscaped fenced yard. $01,900. Ann M»llory 354-3607. . Ardsley Park's Boat NeWiborhuud, 2BR, iBth aungotow, FPL, sunporch, hardwood floors, updated kitchen. Fen Yd. By Owner. 233-5455. 211 B Mlc ln txoc S04.900 li sallar pays cond., formal LR ft OR, sc Porch, ^^_ *" oant foyar, SUPOT steraaa. Rabacca Hadwta N1W LlfTtMO ^ 1NV1STM1NT PHOPtiRTY 4 apartments with a rent roll of $1235.00 per mo. Great ^ tenants, great area. All 2BR opts except one. Ownar to a licensed 02 BULL RIVIR BLUFF $4034 equity • non-ouallfvlnfl loon. Beautiful river-front 2BR, 2B condo. Has fireplace, new carpet 4 paint. Susan Faulkner 3554745. Ardsley Park Area. OPEN SUN 2pm-5pm 233 E. 55th it. formal LR 4 OR, METRO Realty Inc. 234-1240 oat In kH, 3BR. fern rm. CH4A. 1SPALMAVINUB $29,900. Investor special. 3BR central heat, fireplace, sun porch, deck 4 Mietoo. SoM os-ls. Mary T 097-10*9. refinished hardwood firs, sec. system, dock, detached oarage, fen. yard, totally CALL C.A. PERRY REALTOR S7e^00.230-497o Large brick bktg at 327 E. Liberty, suitaMt for many uses, party. CJk. Parry, Ra- 98 Zone 1-Historic <\ CONDO FOR SALE CEDAR — new within the ojalBe of Foteet Cove ^ 1SPCRBORINE CROSSING THI LANDINGS Low country family home in immaculate cond. Features heart pine floors, family kit. w/frplc, formal LR w/frplc, 3BR, 2.5B, 2 additional rms over garage that could be 4th 4 5th BRs + rm Plumbed for 3rd bath, sunporch w/lagoon view. Owner will consider trade. $257,500. Wilton* Cobb 355-7711o352-«394 OPEN SUNDAY 1-3 209 TREASURE LOOP 1 CAR LOW LANE THI LANDINGS Wilmington Isi. 3BR brick. LR 4 SOP den w/fireplace. Nice tot, single oarage. Low equity, seller wttl carry 2nd. Nonqualifying. 1t3 SYCAMORE Bank repo. 3BR, 26 home In new subd. Split BR plan, dbt garage. Fireplace. Neutral colors. Only $94,900. Call todavK Looking for something a little different? You wont want to miss fhie groat home! Roomy contemporary includes screened porch and_ large dock opening from master suite 4 LR, sop din area, eating area, lovely kit. 4 morer«215,000, * RICHMOND HILL 3 new homes on lagoon at Redbird Plantation. 48R, 2B, dbt. oarage, tap DR, great rm w/fireplace brick. Only $122,900. The Prudential Southeast C o a s t a l Properties Gail 355-4171 Re/Max Savannah R» IBalhSi ownor ft* nancino. $3000 down will buv tMs attractivt offlciancv. Marotrv Barroll 233*2191. Ml B. LltlRTY $T. Wonderful J BR, 3 B townhomo over 1 BR, 1 B oardan apt. den on parlor fir., spacious kit & breakfast room. Off St. parking, courtyard. Cora Bett Thomas 234-3950. ss,"— "as, 900 Mfe Coridos SAT. . SUN.. 2-6 ..WU.,14 2 & 3 Bedrooms, Pool & Dock OvedooMng Intracoastal Waterway ^Richmond Hill* 351-9701 Tired Of Paying MH Lot rent. Call Pecan - , . • * We of Hope* Just fntnutee fffOlfl the IflBalS. , HERIT 914 ABCRCORN 6 NEW PLANS 50,000 to 80,000 En|oyeeeurny, boating, awlmmlng and tannta in tht only SoulhaWe Thomas '29,500 •133,900 Medtfin/GIImora Realtors IB B. OoMhorpt 2B-7127 - 321 Abercorn. Spacious 1 BR condo. with all •ppllancts. Priced at $49,900. 543-5 E.Harris Comp4«telv renovated duplex. 2BR one sldt, 1 BR other, CHtA. Owntr financlno at low interest r»te w/$IX»0 down pay- 525 Howard Str Enjoy apadoua homa altaa In an o)atabNahad community Ill E. Broad St. eModato Stalling At Newly renovated duplex or of ftct or I family • 3BR, 2 bath houso. Zoned RIP, Price 192,500 Open Dally 10 Am-5 PM of Savannah Information Center Located in Forest Cove Open Daily 10 AM-5 PM The finest In petto Hvino,. Enjoy marsh views & aurtoota Homesites from 92S,900 New Homes .....Low MOO'S 920-8000 DIRECTIONS: South on Abercom post Savannah Mall, left at King George Bird, then left into Forest Core. Marketed by Re/Max Savannah •69,900 Courington Realty 1eE.4tth V VVOWlpw OJSjp) j^__ 2 Story Hist. In exc. cond. 3 BR, m B, hardwood floors, large rooms. Owner will finance. $49.000. The LaFavette • OjB^S^0ajOjBna1NB^OJHPp Vg^SnMW cm Low equity Assumabto VA loan on baautiful 2BR, 2Vk bth row house. CH4A. Walled oardtn. all appliances. Price $94,500. Btautifvl 1/2 acra woodotf lot in privato subdivision. UrxJeroround utlte. cable, oas* private wator svstom. Phont 1-727-2677. 97 Open Houses IIMa74 10449 GRAY FOX RD _ AFFORDABLE LAND 3 milts from Blitchton, 25 minwtas from Savannah, Phast IV now open. Remaining lots in Phasts 1*1 1 1 discountod. Our farms can't at boat. Contact DavM W. Mason, Realtor 355-ltM or Erntst Davi» 7404331 wtoktnds. _ LANDINGS/SACRIFICE 3/4 Aero lot. 15ft. Elovatton at prestigious Mid-Point. Trot survey included. Make reasonable offer. MUST SELL! 3554*00, before 5pm. othorwtst 590-1073 MARSHFRONT lot In Rodbird Creek, Richmond Hill, Go. By Ownar. 912-590-7170. MIDWAY GEORGIA 2-Loti Together 200 X 315. Good High Land with Big Oaks. Septic Tank and WaH. 112400. Trailers are okay. 925-4597. 748-7519 or 748-4518 Oolta on Htway l»A. Co. 3 Call Judy Rowtend 1S4-13M. MOP>IR«$TAPEN, Raaltors /Baiter Homaa & Oardans Downtown araa. $53^00 • no dwn ovmnl for reputable Purcheser. 232-3155 ELDOR ALARMS Grove Owner Fin. _ lOMlNUTEfTO OOWNTOWNAVANHAH REALTY CO. PALMETTO COVE Wilmington Island. 3BR, 2BA low country wnh bonus rm, 1900' sf heated, enioy the largo front porch. Prke drastically reduced for QUICK SALE. ENJOY the lagoon view from deck on this spacious ranch. Great Rm plan, 3BR, 2B, custom wallpaper 4 decor. Call Nick for showing I detain. Models open 3**om. mm trooks 422 E. State St. tv C*. Information On Today's Ooon Homos Wanda *andsomt brick rastorad homo. 3 sterlos ovor aardan apt. with rattorod carriaat housa. Enetoosd brick courtyard I 4 off st. parklna spaost. Wit400. Xrde StHlB4 *M*ft» 2 ttorv masonry, fraa ttendina noma. laa rooms, carrlaaa houso. sldt aardan. stlS^OO. Quality Home* .Reoitjr $104,900. for Beat Value on the Southaide enaoy BwumiNni BK^MB\^^A* ^^^^^J^^AMBBhAtsh EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUMITY From *50,900 236-2737 99 Zone 2 Savannah S it KiNAv,M. 43,9003 Br.. 2 Ba. S S 3()4 A Month HOW TO RECOGNIZE A BEST BUY. Com* Vw, (j, /« Thutderbott OnRtverDrivt . \.GA i-A-^.r- '*•? nili $ A Residential Masterpiece,..] PATIO HOME 8 Laurel Oak Court $134300 2 bedroom, 2 bath, one car garage, Brick exterior with Patio overlooking 6th fairway on golf course. Move-in condition. Refrigerator and window treatments to remain. Fireplace with cabinets and bookshelves on both sides. VaultedceiKngsinGreatRoom. Mirrored wall in Dining Room. Large Master Bedroom and bath. Nine foot ceilings with Crown Moldings throughout SECOND FAIRWAY 316 Wedgefield Crossing $195,000 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, split bedroom floor plan. Living Room, Dining Room, Family Room with firekitchen with eat-in space overlooking deck and 2nd fairway Vaulted ceiling in Master Bedroom. Extra molding in Living Room and Dining Room. Jacuzzi tub and separate shower in Master Bath. Side entrance garage. Stucco exterior Two heating and cooling units. Mine foot ceilings with crown molding. JACUZZI 126 Pine Lakes Avenue $185,000 3 bedroom/ 2 1 / 2 baths with brick exterior and side entrance garage on 2nd fairway of golf course. Screened porch and deck-overlooking fairway. Vaulted ceiling in Great Room and tray ceilings in Master Bedroom and Dining Room. Jacuzzi tub and separate shower in Master Bath. Eat-in kitchen. N ine foot ceilings and crown molding throughout. 30483* A Mo : lim ••• ! i in II I I • •• I |H I'.: Kim til 3 I *3 3-; c! i - "^^11 ii i n. i TTZMr>I*r"~~'S!^l- J...iu.-\-~-r %<=n >a^ LOOK FOR THIS SIGN AND THIS SIGN. Come To Battery Point Plantation Or Piercefield Forest ,\s to Get The Best Buy Available. TWO STORY 314 Wedgefield Crossing $189,500 4 bedrooms, 21 /2 baths with Master on first floor. Great Room with fireplace and high vaulted ceiling. Eatin kitchen. Large deck overlooking second fairway. Brick exterior and side entrance garage. Jacuzzi tub and separate shower. Master bedroom has tray ceiling with vaulted ceiling in Master Bath. 2Sou*MdacBtvd S«vannah,G«*gia 31405 1 (912) 651-5«0 or 1 (800)852-4255 1*' •17\ tUUDEK f*C. 897-4200 756-3419 * Great American Builders, Inc. will pay closing costs and points for you to obtain a FHA fixed rate, 30 year mortgage for 7.5% 1st year, 8.5% 2nd year, 9.5% 3-30 years. Sale price of $43,900. Initial Investment of $1900. Loan Amount of $43,5% including MIP, 1st year payment principal and interest of $304.83. Hurry - this is subject to loan availability. [OPELS OPEN AT BOTH LOCATIONS DAILY 10-6 PM • SUND,
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