How to Host a Successful New Graduate Student Orientation Presenters: James Crane & Janice Robinson Brigham Young University Email: Session ID: D6 November 8, 2010 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. PACRAO - Calgary Why hold new student orientations? Opportunity to welcome students to university from Graduate Studies Only chance for new graduate students across all disciplines to meet together and exchange ideas Opportunity to hear from President of University in a graduate setting Introduce students to your office and other services on campus Orient students to campus and city Hurdles of hosting an orientation $$$ AVP support needed Takes time Requires extensive coordination Campus services are not always reliable Goals and objectives Introduce campus services and local amenities Introduce graduate culture Promote P t Graduate G d t Studies’ St di ’ services i Introduce Graduate Student Society Preview the Electronic Thesis requirement 1 Graduate Student Orientation Just how do you plan a successful event? How did we get started? Identified need for additional direction and increased communication with incoming students Determined that an orientation would address issues Researched other university orientations Determined event format Estimated Budget needed Identified possible funding sources (Student Life, Graduate Studies, Students, Departments, etc.). How did we get started? (Continued) Submitted request to the Dean of Student Life to fund all or at least help fund dinner. (Dean approved to fund 1/2 of dinner and agreed to provide plated dinner at cost) Graduate Studies agreed to cover balance Identified businesses to target for donations Received approval to give away three tuition scholarships 2 Possible funding options Request additional budget Solicit funds from services on campus or departments Charge Ch admission d i i ffee Don’t serve plated dinner Finger foods or dessert buffet Solicit donations from local businesses Who and What? All new Spring, Summer and Fall graduate students are invited. Winter admits of same calendar year are also invited Graduate Student Information Fair Graduate Student Dinner Drawing for tuition scholarships, BYU services, and gift certificates from local businesses. Early preparation for the event Schedule rooms in advance Secure event date with Dining Services Invite speaker Set dates for initial student invite, RSVP deadlines, and dinner ticket pickup Set dates to have all publicity and fair passports ready 3 How do we do it? Have IT or Webmaster create online RSVP Initial invitation sent by email Include I l d lilinkk to t online li RSVP Use RSVP list to generate name tags which also serve as dinner ticket Getting donations Identify local eateries, etc Draft a generic letter from Asst Dean Log phone numbers and websites for contact t t lilistt Put donors’ websites on a Grad Studies page that you link in your email invites to students Purchase on campus gift cards, t-shirts Info Fair Participants Contact/visit campus services and invite them to participate in fair and promote services. Traffic Office, Health Center, International Services, Recreational Services, Fine Arts, Library, Dining Services Services, Housing Housing, Statistical Analysis Analysis, Univ Univ. Accessibility, Counseling Center, Women’s Research Center, BYUGSS, Graduate Studies, Writing Center, ETD, etc. Provide booths, tablecloths, and candy for each booth 4 Information Fair – Why come? Opportunity to familiarize themselves with campus services Visiting each booth increases chances to win in the tuition drawing Dinner tickets available for pick up Convenient time during day 11:00 - 4:00 Candy at each booth & fun giveaways If it’s free, they will come! Free dinner Drawing for tuition scholarships, 1 full, and 2 half Drawing D i ffor statistical t ti ti l package k Drawing for 100 prizes by campus services and local businesses Nitty Gritty – Prize drawing Passport listing all booths at the fair Stamp at each booth available Tickets given for booths visited 2 buckets – 1 for tuition drawing, 1 for other prizes 5 Awarding 100’s of prizes Winning tickets are drawn at the close of the fair Winners are recorded on a spreadsheet with prizes listed p Provide 3 copies per table Dinner attendees can look at list during dinner to see if they won a prize Tuition Scholarships are drawn at the end of the dinner I forgot to RSVP! Have a cancellation list; instruct to put “Cancel” in the email subject line if they can’t come As cancellations become available available, replace with late RSVPs Night of the dinner procedure – Line up, write name tag, empty seats released at 6:15 Department involvement Departments hand out passports – serves as reminder All coordinators and secretaries are invited to serve as hosts Optional meet and greet before dinner Departments promote in welcome letters 6 Lessons Learned 3-day window to pick up dinner tickets Prizes under chairs – extra fun Water and cups at the fair Subtract 10% from RSVP list for dinner count Edit emails and letters from prior years Plastic nametag holders / printable business cards - NO sticky name tags Lessons Learned (Continued) Take pictures of event for website Reserved tables for VIP’s, with hand picked students Reserved tables in back of room for late comers Wrap up meeting- staff input Map of the fair, define procedures, lists Thank you party for staff 7 SAMPLE E-MAIL INVITE / REMINDER LETTER Dear (student name), We are pleased you have chosen Brigham Young University to pursue your graduate education. We are committed to providing you with the best education and experience possible. You are invited to join us for our annual orientation event on Thursday, September 9. An information fair will be held during the day to introduce campus services available for graduate students. “An Evening for New Graduate Students” will begin at 6 p.m. with a formal welcome followed by dinner. Our guest speaker will discuss ways that you can enhance your graduate experience. • • • Date: September 9 Information Fair: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Wilkinson Center Garden Court Dinner: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Wilkinson Center Ballroom You must RSVP for dinner no later than 4 p.m. on September 2 by visiting the following web link: OR by calling our office at (801) 422-4091. These events, particularly the dinner, have been extremely popular in the past, so we hope you will join us this year. The dinner requires tickets, which you may pick up at the Former Presidents' Home, September 7 and 8. (You may request a vegetarian meal when you RSVP.) We hope you are having an enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you in September. Sincerely, James Crane Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies Supply sources: Plastic name tag holders: KLEERTECH, 2380 N. Lark, Fenton, MO 63026-4330; phone: 877.552.2343, option 1; email: Item # 18-008-1001-002; description: Stock TS8 with bulldog clip, 8 gauge clear, CR80 insert. The cost in July 2010 was $162.60 for 1,000 name tags. Holds a business card perfectly. Avery printable Business cards (perforated for easy separation) Avery 8371 Card size: 2” x 3.5” 250 per pack, 10 per sheet. Prize drawing tickets: any roll of numbered tickets with double tickets per number – students keep one and one goes into the drawing. Purchase at Partyland. New Graduate Student Orientation Planning Timeline & Responsibilities Plan Week (For September 9 2010) done Task Description Assigned to 9/20 3/27 Submit request for WSC facilities Confirm schedule of WSC facilities Janice Janice 6/2 6/13 6/13 Prepare and send memo to grad depts Set date for RSVP deadline (2 Sep 2010) Write letter of invitation to grad students Janice Janice Janice/Janice 7/2 7/2 7/11 7/11 Select possible keynote speakers President's welcome speaker Write letters to door prize donors Order plastic name holders (need 1200) James/Bonnie Janice/Bonnie James/Janice Janice 7/18 Activate & update RSVP linik Update HTML file & CGI program Run Query for delimited text file of students Place all files in cgi-bin folder Purchase raffle tickes from Partyland Make decision on keynote speaker (Sandra Rogers) Webmaster Webmaster Janice Webmaster Janice Bonnie/JeNeal 7/25 Send memo to grad depts (including meet & greet) E-Mail letter of invitation to grad students Make list of VIP invitations (include Grad Council) Create formal invitation for VIPs Implement short survey w/ RSVP Janice Janice Janice/JeNeal Publications intern Webmaster 8/1 Guest Services re 2 escorts at ballroom entrances Contact Info Fair participants Arrange for harpist/pianist for dinner (pay $75.00) Order perforated business cards Ask GSA to help w/ ETD booth at Info Fair Inivte GSA officers to give prayers at dinner Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice 8/8 E-mail letter follow up to grad students Schedule dinner menu planning meeting w/ Dining Services Mail invitations to VIPs, Assoc Deans, etc. Mail invitations to Grad Coord and Grad Secretaries Prepare tentative evening program outline Check on wireless Internet connections for Info Fair Get Vita for speaker (Sandra Rogers) Check on signs directing students in WSC Get banner made for Clair & James' booth WSC Scheduling for setup at Info Fair WSC Scheduling for Garden Court "Meet & Greet" WSC Scheduling for setup at ballroom Campus Scheduling for US & international flags Janice James JeNeal Janice Janice/JeNeal Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice 8/15 Get head count of RSVPs Put notification of events in Annual Conf agenda Get new ETD Brochures printed Purchase good candy from Sam's Club Send information to Info Fair booth participants IT Services: music in room, microphone & AV for Info Fair Webmaster/Janice JeNeal/Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice 8/22 Get head count of RSVPs Ask GSA to serve as dinner hosts Submit ad to Daily Universe on event Take Passports to UPB for printing (500 sheets) Pickup Passports from press Distribute Passsports to departments Purchase Bookstore certificates Purchase Skyroom gift certificates Print OGS brochure to be distributed at Info Fair Prepare other handouts for GS booths Borrow/rent drum for mixing prize drawing tickets Arrange Daily Universe news coverage Webmaster/Janice Janice Janice Webmaster/Janice Webmaster/Janice Janice/Janice Janice Janice James/Janice James/Claire Janice Janice 8/29 Get head count of RSVPs Prepare year summary stats for Dean of Grad. Studies Check with Athletic Dept on tickets & All Sport Passes Check on Perf. Arts tickets donation Print enough extra blank name tags Reminder notice to grad students Memo reminder to grad coordidnators & secretaries Pickup donated door prizes Set up seating chart for VIPs in ballroom Call VIPs re invitation reminder Prepare cancellation list for dinner Print numbered late-comers list Print scholarship certificates Finalize evening program & review with Dean of Grad St Fix HTML file re RSVP deadline Print master list of RSVPs Print host tags for tables Print instr cards for those not RSVP Print & laminate signs for prize tables Daily Universe re news coverage Janice re Info Fair Booth arrangement Separate and sort/arrange name tags Take-out catering: order for 2 containers of water Webmaster/Janice Nathan Janice Janice Webmaster Janice Janice James/Janice Janice Janice Webmaster Janice Publications intern JeNeal/Janice Webmaster Webmaster Webmaster Front desk Staff Janice Janice/Janice Front desk Janice 9/3 Call in RSVP count to dining services (+ veg meals) Reminder to grad coord & deans Send final schedule/reminder to Pres & keynote Contact MPA & EMBA re eve students attending dinner Print name tags on Avery Business cards Prepare sign re "name tags = your ticket for entrance" Confirm with Info Fair participants Type new prize list for drawing Create large list of prizes for posting at Info Fair Confirm needs with WSC scheduling Request American & Utah flags for on stage Arrange for sound system through large speakers Delineate stand-by procedures Prepare VIP table/name place settings Prize list breakdown for Bonnie Email reminder to grad coord & secretaries Prepare front desk student assignments Confirm with Julie Edholm, Harpist Janice Janice JeNeal James Webmaster Janice Janice Janice/Breann Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice 9/7 Start passing out name tags (tickets) Get check cut for pianoist/harpist E-mail reminder to RSVP list to pick up tickets at GS Front desk James Janice/Webmaster 9/7 Notify ASB & WSC Info desks about events on Thursday Make sign (Please Scan Your BYU ID Card Here) Janice Janice 9/8 Assemble supplies for evening dinner Collect & prepare posters & banners Assign someone to take pictures at Info Fair Assign someone to greet at doors of Info Fair Arrange for light lunch for Info Fair participants Purchase balloons for GS booths as eye catchers Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice Janice 9/9 Pick up candy from Bookstore candy counter Take-out catering provide water and cups for attendees Go help with Info Fair setup Take supplies over for Info Fair Setup ETD Booth including computer(s) Distribute candy and stamp markers at each booth Set up water on table in center of room Set up easels with directional signs & others Put up entrance/exit signs and GS banners Decorate balcony with flags & post US & Utah flags Janice Janice Janice Staff Janice/Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Janice/Staff Put reserved signs on each booth table Put two host tags at each table Put raffle tickes at each non-host seat Tape perf tickets under 1-2 seats/table Do prize drawing from info fair tickets Prepare prize list & copy Put 2 copies of prize list at each table Set up prize tables up front with signs Have 3x5 card for tuition awards Count empty chairs during dinner Everyone leave name tag holders to recycle Janice/Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Janice Bonnie/James 9/9 dinner setup 9/20 Thank you notes to all participants Prepare final budget of total costs Prepare & administer student surveys Media Services for copy of video tape of talks Thank you letter to all VIPs Possibly flowers for Dining Services Representaive Hold debriefing meeting on events Janice Janice Janice Janice JeNeal James Sample Prize List Draw random tickets, record number and color next to prize name. Then sort by color, and then put each color in alpha order to easily see if you are a winner. Ticket Color 599084 599365 599386 599445 599646 599666 599827 599887 600323 600637 600736 600966 116160 116200 116279 116300 116341 116501 116621 116721 116760 116761 116860 116920 116981 117060 117180 117260 117620 117721 117821 117860 117901 117921 441135 441216 441341 BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE Prize Ticket Color Movie Tickets (Cinemark 16) $100 Graduate Scholarship Performance Tickets (BYU) Performance Tickets (BYU) $100 Graduate Scholarship Skyroom Gift Certificate P.F. Chang's Los Hermanos Pita Pit (Free Pita) Hale Center Theater Tickets BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) P.F. Chang's BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) Supersonic Car Wash Performance Tickets (BYU) BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) Skyroom Gift Certificate Movie Tickets (Cinemark 16) Athletics All-Sport Passes IHOP ( 2 complimentary meals) See's Candy BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) Café Rio Skyroom Gift Certificate Skyroom Gift Certificate Café Rio $100 Graduate Scholarship $100 Graduate Scholarship Pita Pit (Free Pita) Brick Oven Hale Center Theater Tickets BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) Skyroom Gift Certificate Café Rio Performance Tickets (BYU) Hale Center Theater Tickets 442731 442858 442878 442927 290021 290022 290057 290077 290336 290356 290396 290476 290493 290516 290556 496148 496269 496488 496628 496649 496709 496763 496803 496804 496843 496859 497066 497181 497242 497321 497622 497682 497808 497828 497908 497970 065021 ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET VIOLET YELLOW Prize P.F. Chang's Brick Oven Marriott Hotels (1 night stay) Supersonic Car Wash Supersonic Car Wash IHOP ( 2 complimentary meals) BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) Performance Tickets (BYU) BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) $100 Graduate Scholarship Café Rio Utah Jazz Game (2 tickets) UB BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) Skyroom Gift Certificate Provo Theatre Tickets (2) Brick Oven Performance Tickets (BYU) BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) Skyroom Gift Certificate Skyroom Gift Certificate BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) Hale Center Theater Tickets Los Hermanos Seven Peaks Water (2) Utah Jazz Game (2 tickets) UB BYU Bookstore Gift Card ($25) Performance Tickets (BYU) Hale Center Theater Tickets Café Rio Performance Tickets (BYU) Skyroom Gift Certificate $100 Graduate Scholarship $100 Graduate Scholarship Supersonic Car Wash $100 Graduate Scholarship Café Rio PRIZES ARE REDEEMABLE AT THE FRONT OF THE BALLROOM DURING DINNER
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