NEWS An U p d a t e From t he Hear t of Texas Ch ap t er o f W TS 2 014 Vo l.1 WTS Teaches How to Build “Sweet” Bridges at Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day......Page 7 IN THIS ISSUE 2 Message from the President 4 Chapter Announcements 5 Member Update 5 Student Chapter News 6 New Member Event 6 Professional Development Icebreaker Event 7 Introduce A Girl to Engineering Day 8 Meetings at Maggiano’s 9 Corporate Partners 11 WTS Board Contact Information 12 Upcoming Events Cover Photo: Matt Valentine, The Texas Exes Heart of Texas Board of Directors Lisa Loftus-Otway, UT Austin, President Odette Tan, Travis County Vice President Lindsay Wood, HNTB, Secretary April Sandoval, HDR, Co-Treasurer Sarah Janak, UT Austin, Co-Treasurer Heart of Texas Committee Chairs Ashley Williams, UT Austin Community Outreach Haley Norman, Klotz Associates Corporate Partnership Renee Hurtado, DKS Associates Membership Jackie Sartor, CP&Y Gala Nicola Gheno, Bury Transportation YOU Jennifer Bennett-Reumuth, City of Austin and Tonia Norman, TxDOT Professional Development Vicki McEvoy, K. Friese & Associates, Programs Lin Zhou, CDM Smith Recognitions Kelsey Ahern, Cambridge Systematics Blanca Juarez, UT Austin Scholarship & Student Liaison Comments? Questions? Want to Contribute? Tell our Editor! 512-232-3085 A Message from the President... It’s the end of the first quarter of 2014 and we are fast approaching our 10th Annual Scholarship and Transportation YOU Fundraising Gala on April 4th. I joined the chapter after attending the 5th Gala and I take great pride in seeing our chapter go from strength to strength in terms of membership numbers, events and activities, and continued success in fundraising. Thank you to everyone who has helped to get us to our 10th Gala, Committee chairs and members, Corporate Partners, gala attendees, anyone who has helped to get a silent/live auction item, made a bid and helped us to set such a high bar. Just a reminder, the RSVP site for Gala closes on March 25th, so if you have not booked a ticket you have less than a week to do so. The first quarter, has seen our chapter membership continue to grow—currently we stand at 123 members—and renewals are steady and strong which is a good sign that we continue to provide topnotch events, networking opportunities and activities and initiatives that help to promote women in transportation. Our Annual Business Meeting lunch in January had the highest number of attendees ever and saw us give out Honorary Memberships to Gary Schatz at the City of Austin’s Transportation Department and Commissioner Valerie Covey from Williamson county. Both Gary and Valerie have been great supporters of our industry and our chapter. Gary emceed our professional development day last year. Commissioner Covey as many know has also been a supporter of ours for many years, emceeing our professional development day 4 years ago and being a stalwart supporter and attendee at our Gala. Please join me in welcoming them as our 2014 Honorary Members. February was our first luncheon of 2014 with Lisa Weston from CAMPO updating us on the 2040 regional transportation planning efforts. February also saw us undertaking our first Transportation YOU event of 2014 at Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day at UT-Austin. Our awesome chapter volunteers helped these young girls build “sweet” bridges from matchsticks and marshmallows. As a volunteer who helped to put 80 matchsticks and 40 marshmallows into bags on a Friday night, hosted at TTI’s offices, the success of the day was well worth our sore fingers! March was our 2nd annual new member event, which had over 25 folks in attendance. It was great to see so many new members wanting to become involved, and it gives me great confidence in the future of our chapter, as new members become committee chairs, executive committee leaders, and members of the international board and WTS Foundation. Speaking of which, please consider joining a committee, our chairs are always looking for new talent to ensure that we continue to create events that you want to attend. In addition, joining a committee is a great way to get to know industry colleagues better and make new friends. Our next quarter’s events are also being planned, and there are plenty. The UT-Austin Student WTS organization is hosting a professional development night on March 26, members are welcome to attend. The Gala will be on April 4th, on April 11th we are taking our mentees from the Ann Richards School on a boat tour of the Boardwalk Construction with the City of Austin (Corporate Partners have received an email invitation), April 12th sees WTS: HOT hosting a “sweet” bridge competition for the Girls in STEM Annual conference by Girlstart, and on April 23rd the Professional Development Committee will be hosting a professional development icebreaker event. The WTS International Conference starts up May 14th in Portland, Oregon and the 3rd Annual Bike and brunch ride is in early planning stages for May. June will see “Lattes and Leadership” begin its summer run and our Corporate Partners Reception is currently scheduled for June 26th. As always, if you have any questions about WTS or the heart of Texas Chapter, please do not hesitate to contact me or anyone else on our board. Thank you for your continued support of WTS and I look forward to seeing you at the Gala on April 4th. Lisa Loftus-Otway President, WTS Heart of Texas Chapter 2 You are invited to our Casino Royale! Enjoy the games, bid on a variety of auction items, and take a chance at winning great raffle prizes! April 4, 2014 6:00 PM Crowne Plaza Austin 6121 IH-35 N Austin, TX 78752 Dress to Kill (Come in Black Tie or as your Favorite Bond Character) Tickets are now available! 45 Students/Government/Retirees • $85 Members • $120 Nonmembers • $150 Couples (2 tickets) • $1000 Table for 8 $ You Only Live Twice RSVP by March 25, 2014 at or contact Jackie Sartor at for more information ANNOUNCEMENTS... PRELIMINARY PROGRAM As of March 1, 2014 2014 WTS Annual Conference... Join us in Portland, OR! THE POWER OF CONNECTION May 14-16, 2014 The Annual Conference is the WTS annual networking event of the year. It attracts more than 500 corporate and governmental industry leaders worldwide. Private corporations, public agencies and government officials invested in every transportation mode will exhibit, present, learn, and network. Eight distinct events, including an opening night reception and a banquet dinner, will showcase the tremendous leaders represented. You don’t want to miss attending this multimodal conference! The 2014 WTS Annual Conference keynote speakers are Cokie Roberts and Kat Cole. For more info visit: WTS ANNUAL CONFERENCE May 14 – 16, 2014 Volunteer for Girls in STEM Conference The Girls in STEM Conference features hands-on workshops for girls interested in learning more about STEM fields. It is facilitated by over 200 volunteers and presenters for over 500 girls from the Austin area 4th through 8th grades. WTS will be hosting the “Sweet” Bridge Competition and is looking for volunteers to help set-up and present. Saturday, April 12, 2014 9:30am-3:30pm If you would like to volunteer please contact by March 28, 2014. Join the WTS Student Chapter for a Professional Development Event Resume and Interview Tips March 26, 5:30 - 7 pm in the Student Activity Center (SAC) Room 1.106 Upcoming Professional Development Events: - Professional Icebreaker Event – Wednesday, April 23rd at the LBJ School of Public Affairs North Lobby from 5:00 – 7:30 pm; snacks and beverages provided; members only event - 8th Annual Professional Development Seminar - September 10th at Maggiano’s!- Ideas for speakers still needed - please email Tonia at or Jennifer at . - Committee meetings-fourth Wednesday of every month. Please get involved and volunteer - great way to network! Email Tonia and Jennifer for more information. Watch for email updates and check our website: Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! @WTSHOTChapter. 4 Member Update We’re still growing! We currently have a total of 123 members! Please join us in welcoming our new and renewing members! Jennifer Batchelder, Gorrondona & Associates Annick Beaudet, City of Austin Chris Bilich, Aguirre & Fields Gwendolyn Brown, Surveying and Mapping (SAM) Sarah Calfee, HNTB Corporation Kerri Collins, Pape-Dawson Engineers Valerie Covey, Williamson County Precinct 3 Diane Cowin, URS Corporation Jennifer Duthie, UT Center for Transportation Research Jon Engelke, AECOM Erin Gonzales, Brown & Gay Engineers Paula Gruber, Prime Strategies Erin Grushon, HNTB Corporation Gayle Heath, Alliance Transportation Group Angelina Herrera, Rios Engineering Katherine Holtz, SAM- Construction Services Renee Hurtado, DKS Associates Keri Johnson, Alliance Transportation Group Lindsay Liggett, Jacobs Belen Losada, Atkins Sergio Martinez, University of Texas at Austin Vicki McEvoy, K Friese & Associates John McNeese, HDR Engineering Nikelle Meade, Brown McCarroll Rachel Niven, Cintra US Sarah Overmyer, UT Center for Transportation Research Lauramaria Pedraza Sanchez, University of Texas at Austin Rodolfo Rivera, RJ Rivera Associates Nicole Rockey, CP&Y Gary Schatz, City of Austin Transportation Department Elizabeth Smith, Terracon Consultants Odette Tan, Travis County Lauren Van Andel, CP&Y Marie Walters, Prime Strategies Cindy Washburn, Prime Strategies Caitlin White, Capital Metro Transportation Authority Kate Wilder, RS&H Monica Wommack, BD Collaborative Mia Zmud, MZ Insights For information on how to join, visit: Student Chapter News: WTS Student Chapter President Chosen for Vanguard Class of 2014! Adrian Lipscombe Adrian Lipscombe has been selected for the Vanguard class of 2014. Vanguard is an annual gathering of the best and brightest young urban leaders working to improve cities across sectors, including urban planning, community development, entrepreneurship, government, transportation, sustainability, design, art and media. This year, 40 rising stars (out of over 500 applicants) were selected, whose bright ideas for cities, experience in the field, and ambition for the future all show great promise to become members of the new Vanguard class. The Vanguard conference will be held in Chattanooga Tenn. on April 24-26th. Adrian says—when asked about her presentation—she will, “express the need for understanding critical race issues in city planning. We need to take time to understand a city’s past challenges with racism and segregation as we continue to renew and redevelop low-income high minority areas within cities. As urban leaders, we need to reflect upon our role as a conduit between the organizations we work for and the communities we serve.” Congratulations! 5 2nd Annual New Member Event Renee Hurtado The WTS HOT Chapter has so much to offer its members that sometimes it is hard to know where to begin! Transportation YOU? Professional Development Committee? Program Lunches and more!?! The second annual New Member Event was held at Z’Tejas in the Arboretum on March 6, 2014. There were approximately 20 attendees including potential new members, new members, and current members. Aside from enjoying appetizers and happy hour, the event was a great way to meet other new WTS members and learn about the various programs, committees, and events that the Heart of Texas chapter has to offer. We are always looking for volunteers to help in whatever capacity fits your schedule. Please contact Renee Hurtado (srh@ for an informational packet with committee descriptions, the 2014 calendar of events, and a list of firms and agencies represented in the Heart of Texas chapter. Professional Development Icebreaker Event Tonia Norman Have you ever wanted to get to know more about the professional careers of our chapter members? The HOT Chapter Professional Development Committee is hosting a special Professional Icebreaker for chapter members, the student chapter of WTS at UT-Austin, and students of the LBJ School of Public Affairs to share their professional development stories in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. This Professional Icebreaker event will be held on April 23rd from 5:00 – 7:30 pm at the LBJ School of Public Affairs North Lobby on the UT-Austin campus. Some of the Austin transportation community’s best networkers will serve as facilitators for each table, guiding the participants to share about their careers (past, present, and future) with icebreaker questions. These skilled networkers will also provide participants with an invaluable take-away: their personal tips on effective professional and personal networking. Chapter members and students alike will benefit from this chance to get to know one another better, learn about the challenges and opportunities presented in the diverse transportation fields represented within our chapter, and identify potential connections for future professional development. Mark your calendars for what will sure to be a fun and educational event. Look for the opportunity to register coming soon. Contact Tonia Norman at or Jennifer Bennett-Reumuth at jennbennett@gmail. com for more information. 6 WTS Teaches How to Build “Sweet” Bridges at Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day Nicola Gheno Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day is an international event celebrated during Engineers Week each year. On February 22, 2014, the Women in Engineering Program hosted the 13th annual Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day) at the University of Texas in the engineering campus along with the help of over 700 volunteers. This year, WTS sponsored the Marshmallow and Toothpick Bridge Challenge activity to fourth through eighth grade participants at the event. With more than 2,700 kids in attendance this year, WTS volunteers were thrilled to see all the enthusiastic faces of the future engineers that stepped foot through our workshop. Students where challenged by the WTS volunteers to experiment with different design alternatives that would build the strongest bridge. The bridge competition gave students an opportunity to learn problem solving strategies and utilize critical thinking skills while making the connection between theory and real-world applications. Through trial and error, they learned the importance of trusses in bridge design and the importance of determining the weakest link. Students tested their structures by loading jolly ranchers to the surface deck similarly to vehicles crossing the span of a bridge. The students were quick to pull their bridge before it collapsed to re-build and test it again. It was a delight to hear about the little girl who built a bridge that could withstand nearly a hundred jolly ranchers knowing that her structure may have only weighed less than a hundred grams! Once the bridges were tested, students had smiles of accomplishments stretched across their faces as they held their “sweet” bridge in triumph and in attainment. It was a very rewarding day for all those that participated including both volunteers and students. Many thanks to WTS members Mary Jo Galindo, Cheryl Goodgame, Odette Tan, Nia Ray, Danielle Hannah, Lisa Loftus-Otway, Linda DuPriest, Ashley Williams, Blanca Juarez, Ipek Sener, Charlotte Gilpin, and Laura Friello for making this event a success. It couldn’t have been accomplished without you! 7 Meetings@ Maggianos President, Lisa Loftus-Otway, Member of the Year, Jackie Sartor, CP&Y, and Honorary Member, Commissioner Valerie Covey Annual Business Meeting January Lunch Program 2014 Each year, the WTS-Heart of Texas Chapter holds an Annual Business Meeting that summarizes all the events our chapter hosted during the previous year, as well as an outlook for future programs. At this year’s meeting on January 15th, our 2012–2013 board members were recognized for their valuable contributions and dedication to WTS, and the 2013–2014 board officially took office. The meeting began with President Lisa Loftus-Otway providing an overview of our chapter’s accomplishments in 2013, including a recap of our program lunches, happy hours, Lattes and Leadership series, our Professional Development Seminar, our 9th Annual Transportation Scholarship and Fundraiser, the WTS Student Chapter at UT, and a huge thank you to our Corporate Partners. She also introduced Ms. Jackie Sartor, CP&Y, for her much deserved recognition as WTS - Heart of Texas Chapter’s Member of the Year! Jackie was recognized for her amazing work making our Gala a huge success year after year. Also recognized were the WTSHeart of Texas Chapter’s Honorary Members for 2014: Commissioner Valerie Covey, Williamson County Precinct 3, and Gary Schatz, Assistant Director of Transportation, City of Austin. They were selected due to their strong leadership in our transportation community and the fact that they truly personify the mission of WTS. We are very excited to have Valerie and Gary join our membership this year, so please join us in welcoming them to the WTS Heart of Texas Chapter! WTS Lunch Programs are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month, January-May and October-December. 8 February Lunch Program 2014 Our February speaker was Dr. Lisa Weston, Program Manager for the CAMPO 2040 Regional Transportation Plan. Dr. Weston provided an update on the 2040 regional transportation planning effort currently underway for the six county CAMPO region. CAMPO coordinates regional transportation planning with local jurisdictions and transportation providers Bastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson Counties. She has lived in Austin since 1989 and holds degrees from Mount Holyoke College, UC Berkeley, and the University of Texas at Austin. Lisa has worked in city and regional planning for 13 years in both the public and private sector working on projects related to air quality, light rail, bicycle and pedestrian planning, and long-range transportation planning. In addition, Lisa was a visiting professor at Texas A&M University. 2014 Corporate Partners 9 Engineering Construction Environmental Architecture 800.477.7275 CREATING A BETTER TOMORROW The success of our WTS Heart of Texas chapter could not be attained without the support of our corporate partners. From the Board, our members and our scholarship winners, we greatly appreciate all the contributions from our 2012 corporate partners. If you are interested in learning more about the Corporate Partners program, please contact Haley Norman at Ranked #1 in Transportation by Engineering News-Record, we consistently deliver innovative, sustainable, reliable and visionary projects. 10 Get Involved! Want to know more about WTS? Have suggestions for our membership, or just want to help out? Contact Email Phone 512.232.3072 512.854.7587 512.691.2213 512.479.1628 512.232.3113 512.419.5822 Ashley Williams, Communications Chair Center for Transportation Research, UT Austin 512.232.3085 Haley Norman, Corporate Partner Program Klotz Associates 512.328.5771 512.492.6846 512.329.2723 512.328.0011 512.656.7578 Vicki McEvoy, Program Chair K. Friese & Associates 512.338.1704 Lin Zhou, Recognitions Chair CDM Smith 512-592-3874 512.691.8506 512.471.6214 Lisa Loftus-Otway, President Center for Transportation Research, UT Austin Odette Tan, Vice President Travis County Transportation & Natural Resources Lindsay Wood, Secretary HNTB April Sandoval, HDR, and Sarah Janak, Center for Transportation Research, UT Austin, Co-Treasurers Melinda Clary, Immediate Past President URS Jackie Sartor, Fundraising/ Gala Chair CP&Y Renee Hurtado, Membership Chair DKS Associates Nicola Gheno, Transportation YOU Chair Bury Jennifer Bennett-Reumuth, City of Austin, and Tonia Norman, TxDOT, Professional Development Co-Chairs Kelsey Ahern, Cambridge Systematics, and Blanca Juarez, UT Austin, Scholarship & Student Liaison Co-Chairs 11 Sunday April 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 10th Annual Gala & Scholarship Fundraiser Transportation YOU Field Trip Saturday 4 Girls in STEM Conference 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 Programs Lunch, 16 Nathan Wilkes, City of Austin 17 18 19 20 21 22 Professional Ice- 23 breaker Event, LBJ School 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sunday May 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 11 5 Friday 12 Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WTS International 2014 Annual Conference, Portland Programs Lunch, 21 22 23 TBA 24 18 19 20 25 26 27 Sunday 28 29 June 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 30 Friday 31 Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lattes & 17 Leadership Event, TBA 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Corporate Partner26 Event 27 28 29 30 12
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