Online learning centers may be the new construct for training and development. How to Build an Online Learning Center By Kenneth M. Boxer and Bernardine Johnson 36 TDAugust 2002 Centers or technological breakthroughs to change our daily lives, they must not only bring something new, but also must enable us to make better use of what we already have. The automotive age, for example, didn’t begin with the internal combustion engine. It began when Henry Ford (and others) integrated new technology with traditional crafts—leather workers, woodworkers, metallurgists—in a system of mass production. Online learning centers may prove to be a comparably significant organizing construct for training and development. Much like Ford’s innovations, a learning center effectively blends powerful new technology—the Internet, intranets, and e-delivered courses—with traditional learning media such as audio- and videotapes, instructor- F 38 TDAugust 2002 led courses, books, and articles. The result is a powerful, accessible learning information source for an entire organization. W.R. Grace, a global specialty chemicals company, launched its online learning center in 2001. The result is a global focal point for learning within Grace as well as a powerful new employee communications channel. The Grace Global Learning Center supports employee development world-wide cost-effectively, while linking learning to performance and talent management, strategic communication, and individual development planning. The blueprint W.R. Grace’s HR leadership wanted to provide managers throughout the company fast and easy access to a wide selection of skill-building tools. Recognizing that not all learning solutions Sample Learning She moved from China to Center Offerings require training, the comthe United States 11 years Internal classroom training pany wanted managers to ago and now works as a External courses have access to on-the-job technician associate. Her CD-ROM courses learning strategies they personal and professional Self-paced learning tools could reference easily to development priority is imStreaming video address all kinds of emproving her command of Internet learning conferences ployee development needs. English. E-learning courses Surveys indicated a wide“I want to speak correct Coaching tips for managers and mentors spread desire for enhanced English to my boss and coAudio- and videotapes professional and personal workers to be sure I say Books and articles development support that things clearly and they unCorporate mission, values, and strategy employees could readily derstand,” she explains. Bo Strategy guides suggesting specific use on their own. adds that it’s equally impordevelopment actions, on-the-job and Grace recognized that tant for her to understand in the community the learning center coninstructions in English to Corporate and industry news cept developed and proavoid rework from misposed by Strategic Partners communication. would provide the answer. Bo taps the Global Specifically, it would Learning Center’s tape ● keep Grace’s learning strategy fully aligned with rental library for audio programs that help her deits rapidly evolving business strategy velop her grammar, vocabulary, and communication ● provide a focal point for worldwide learning and skills. development “I started to rent tapes when the center was first ● ensure fast and easy access to a comprehensive launched, and I listen to them whenever I have time range of valuable learning content, deliverable via a during the day, also on the way to and from work. I variety find it’s a very efficient way for me to learn things,” of media she says. ● link learning content to core competencies Grace’s director of HRD, Ron Pepe, also sees the (competencies identified as essential to fulfilling value of the center in practical terms. “Now, manGrace’s business objectives) agers are working with people who are more intent on ● actively promote and enable open, ongoing comdeveloping their skills and talents. They see job skills munication about learning, employee development, and experience as the currency of the future, part of and key business processes the reward of being in an organization,” he says. ● ensure easy, ongoing addition of evolving learnPepe also thinks complexity is driving a difing content and technologies. ferent approach to managing. “Managers can’t have The result is Grace’s Global Learning Center. all of the answers anymore; it’s too much for one The center was piloted with Grace employees person.” To help, Grace’s leadership development in the Americas in March 2001. Within six months, programs give managers at all levels tools on the its success led to the official launch of the center, Global Learning Center site to support them with now available 24/7 to Grace’s 6000 employees in development ideas and resources, as well as the latEurope, Asia, and Africa. Global Learning Center is est forms and guidance for performance review and a place for them to explore and pursue fresh devel- development processes. opment opportunities, order audio and video instruction, enroll in courses, and keep abreast of Anatomy of a learning center As Grace has found, an online learning center is a what’s new in learning at Grace. treasure trove of learning resources, a career develIt’s empowering opment mentor, and a powerful channel for corpoGrace employee Luhong Bo provides a case in point. rate communications together in one place, which TDAugust 2002 39 Centers employees can access Why a Learning own units. Under considCenter? easily via the Internet or eration is the addition of Access. A learning center provides easy corporate intranet. foreign language pages for access to a wide range of learning content, A learning center’s ofemployees who don’t delivered via diverse media appropriate to differings might be orgaspeak English as their priferent learning styles. nized any number of mary language in the Empowerment. A learning center helps ways based on corporate workplace. people throughout the organization take values, primary business Decisions about responsibility for their professional and objectives, or compoadditions to the center personal development. nents of the organizaand its direction are Focus. A learning center visibly and tion’s mission—or a among the important tangibly links learning and development to combination. functions of the center’s business priorities. Grace chose to orgaGlobal Steering ComManagement. A learning center gives mannize its center around a mittee—made up of repagers direct access to an array of practical set of core competencies resentatives from all of tools to improve employees’ performance which, together, define the business units and and proactively guide career development. the knowledge, skills, drawn equally from and abilities all employGrace’s Americas, Euees are expected to atrope (including Africa), tain. The center’s visitors and Asia Pacific business can use the search option to explore and access re- regions. Through regular meetings, the committee’s sources relevant to a particular topic or to instantly role is to keep the center attuned to the real developaccess a range of relevant tools and action options. ment needs of employees, including managers; to Training sessions is a list of Grace-approved internal promote the use of the center in each of the regions; and external programs, including e-learning op- and to provide HR leadership with feedback on how tions, for developing each core competency. the center is doing meeting identified needs. Recommended readings is a list of the best books on Last but far from least, the learning center is each topic (ordered by email), as well as download- a powerful channel for communicating manageable articles. ment messages and sharing learning success stories. Rental library is a place for ordering audiocassettes, Every six weeks, the center sends an electronic videotapes, and CDs for self-paced learning. Employ- newsletter, Career Advantage, to every employee’s ees throughout North America can have such learn- desktop. ing tools delivered to their desks within a few days. Career Advantage’s mission is threefold: Strategy guide lets visitors browse a list of quick 1. Keep all of Grace up to date on what the learning ideas, learning assignments, and other direct actions center offers. to develop a competency. 2. Report on the wide variety of ways Grace employAmong the most popular features in the center ees are using the center effectively. are links to the guidelines and forms for complet- 3. Encourage Grace employees worldwide to ing an annual performance development review. make the most of the center as a learning and Grace intends to make it possible for managers development resource. and their staff to complete and submit all review Links embedded in the e-newsletter take readers documentation electronically. directly to whatever part of the center is being To come are links to external resources such as Har- described. Just as with all e-initiatives, internal marvard Business Review and a section dedicated to Grace’s keting, promotion, and communication are imporSix Sigma initiative. Because Grace’s business and tant to success. Career Advantage helps provide functional units are diverse in the markets they serve continuing visibility to all employees. and types of worker knowledge required, employees will soon be able to access information about key How to ensure success learning and organizational initiatives within their Based on our experience, here are the keys to 40 TDAugust 2002 successful implementation: Who’s Ripe for Learning Centers? els regarding relevant competencies and, if a Line up strong senior Here are some characteristics of organizaquick brush-up is retions we think are especially ready to implemanagement support. quired, identify the best ment a learning center: That’s always a smart resources. ● geographically dispersed learners Keep it visible. The frething to do, of course, ● technology-friendly employee population quent appearance of Cabut it’s especially com● drive to maximize learning ROI reer Advantage helps keep pelling when imple● strong senior management commitment to the center visible to emmenting a learning learning, and attracting and retaining top talent ployees right at their center. At Grace, senior ● t&d staff overextended in trying to meet desktops. Other promoexecutives quickly needs and fulfill commitments. tional strategies for maingrasped the advantages taining visibility include a of a learning center, comprehensive global and they’re still solidly behind it. VP of HR Mike Piergrossi frequently launch campaign with articles in other employee refers to the center as “the easiest sell to our execu- media, posters displayed in cafeterias and other gathering spots, and rewards for successfully comtive team I’ve ever made.” Build gradually. Resist the temptation to quickly pleting an online scavenger hunt. construct a grand technology temple. It’s far better Ensure that the content is fresh. Not surprisingly, to get a modest learning center up and running first, employees expect to find something new and difgather feedback from users, make any needed ferent each time they visit an online resource. The learning center’s regional administrators keep the adjustments, and then build on that. Invite involvement. People tend to support what center up-to-date with the latest course information they help create. Grace established the steering and learning resources. The center’s easy-to-use, committee to give its HR staff, business leaders, secure administration system lets designated employand other employees around the globe ongoing op- ees in each plant or location add course information portunities to help shape the center. to the site. Once it’s reviewed and approved by the Provide a variety of learning tools. Address diverse authorized administrator, it’s posted instantly. learning priorities and styles with a broad mix of inWill online learning centers revolutionize trainhouse and ing and development in this century, much as external learning resources. Make the learning cen- Henry Ford’s production line revolutionized ter valuable to each part of your organization. transportation in the last? Grace’s experience with Make the learning center a focal point. Many organi- its center suggests that potential. Paul Norris, zations have corporate intranets and have implement- chairman, president, and CEO of W.R. Grace, sums ed e-learning and a learning management system. The it up: “Targeted, practical learning—the kind learning center should be the focal point for use of all of learning fostered through our Global Learning learning tools to increase the value of learning to Center—is how people achieve professional growth. the organization. And professional growth will take us all where Make it part of the whole organizational system. we want to go.” Although the center is the learning focal point, it Online learning centers is a concept for our times. must be integrated with core processes and systems Expect to see many more of them, soon. TD such as performance and talent management, communication, and rewards and recognition. At Grace, employees, including managers, find performance review forms at the center and will soon be able to link to Kenneth M. Boxer is president of Strategic Partners, current job postings and employee referral systems. Potomac, Maryland; Bernardine An employee considering applying for a new posi- Johnson is director of HR for W.R. Grace, Columbia, Marytion will be able to quickly assess his or her skill lev- land; TDAugust 2002 41
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