INDEX TO VOLUME 15 PAGE 829 Appendix, abscess, appendiceal, rupture of. 825 appendicitis, during pregnancy. 730 Arteriosclerosis, of extremities, bone in... 542 Arthritis, hypertrophie, of spine; in patients Brown, L. T.: Thirty-third report of prog¬ ress in orthopedic surgery. Brown, R. : Invagination ileus in polyposis of small intestine. Bucholz, H. C. : Thirty-third report of progress in orthopedic surgery. Bull, D. C. : Human factors in clinic management : study made in surgical and fracture clinics of outpatient department of Presbyterian Hospital... Burns, cutaneous, plasma proteins in. Caffeine, experimental use in shock. 779, calcification, deposition of calcium salts Ascites, Caldbick, S. L. : Adamantinoma, pituitary; 3 cases. Allen, E. V. : Changes in blood following operation Alvarez, W. C: Varying degrees of ane¬ mia produced by carcinoma in different parts of colon. Anemia, varying degrees of, produced by carcinoma in different parts of colon.. Anesthesia, local, in operations on infec¬ . tions . 254 402 402 747 than 50 years old. 118 more portal cirrhosis with; surgical treatment; 26 cases. 418 Atelectasis: See Lung Bacillus pyocyaneus, effect of mercuro- chrome-220 soluble on growth of. Bacteria, pneumocephalus of bacterial ori¬ gin Bacteriemia, clinical grouping of infec¬ tions according to extent of. Badgley, C. E. : Coalition of calcaneus and navicular Barker, H. B. : Injection of absolute alco¬ hol in treatment of hyperthyroidism. Bile, influence of liver on toxicity of. relationship of chronic subdural hema¬ toma and pachymeningitis hemorrhagica interna; 8 cases with bile pigment in hematoma. Biliary Tract, disease, relation of nitrogen bodies of blood to surgical problems in. urinary tract and, analogies between.. Bladder, calculi, diagnosis of. . 958 913 737 . 75 . 918 57 . radium and roentgen-ray treat¬ . infections . injuries malakoplakia . nerve of 316 828 305 308 307 304 827 control. 823 sarcoma . . . diagnosis of. urinary, appendiceal rupture into. urinary, carcinoma Blalock, A.: Mechanism and treatment of experimental shock; shock following hemorrhage Blood, changes, following operation. circulation, venous, foreign bodies in.... cultures, negative, in infections. sugar, postoperative hypoglycemia. Bone, changes, in arteriosclerotic extremi¬ tumors, . . 826 301 316 826 827 762 254 712 740 397 542 ties coalition of calcaneus and navicular. 75 growth of long bones ; experimental ob¬ servations 215 Boyd, D.: Postoperative hypoglycemia.. 397 Brain, relation of chronic subdural hema¬ toma and pachymeningitis hemorrhagica interna; 8 cases with bile pigment in hematoma 45 824 tumors, bladder disturbances due to. Brougher, J. C. : Changes in chemistry of contents of stomach following gastric . ... . . . . . . operations 749 Brown, G. E. : Postoperative phlebitis; clinical study. 245 . areas of. . 441 478 443 265 787 89 660 936 402 943 962 766 Presbyterian Hospital. 443 Coller, F. A. : Injection of absolute alco¬ hol in treatment of hyperthyroidism. R. : Relation of nitrogen bodies of blood to surgical problems in liver and in biliary tract disease; status of nitro¬ gen bodies of blood in severe cases of biliary tract disease and its use in differentiating terminal hepatic and ter¬ minal renal group of cases. Cone, S. M. : Bone in arteriosclerotic ex¬ tremities Counselled V. S. : Bilaterality of liver.. Crane, J. F.: Operations of necessity dur¬ 635 542 589 pregnancy. 729 ing Cranium, pneumocephalus of bacterial ori¬ gin Cullen, T. S. : Acute and chronic pan¬ creatitis; clinical observations. Cyst, dermoid, of mediastinum. of semilunar cartilages of knee. Dandy, W. E. : Glossopharyngeal neural¬ gia (tic douloureux) ; its diagnosis and treatment Pneumocephalus of bacterial origin. Danforth, M. S. : Thirty-third report of progress in orthopedic surgery. Davidson, E. C. : Influence of liver on toxicity of bile. Plasma proteins in cutaneous burns. Digitalis, experimental use in shock. Duskes, E. : Extrarenal venous circulation in case of congenital polycystic kid¬ neys ; unusual varicocele communicat¬ ing between splenic and renal veins. Dystocia, abdominal distention as cause of. Eagleton, W. P.: Carotid venous plexus as path of infection in thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus ; its relation to retropharyngeal and sphenoidal sup¬ puration Ely. L. W. : Internal callus; experimental study Embolism, postoperative pulmonary, fatal, relation of obesity to. pulmonary, fatal; statistical review. Emerson, W. C. : Influence of liver on toxicity of bile. Downloaded From: on 06/15/2014 918 . . of. 312 313 surgical treatment of. diverticula, diagnosis of. exstrophy exstrophy, operation in. herpes of. tumors 45 635 962 316 ... Dermoid cyst of medias¬ tinum Callus internal; experimental study. Cancer, in different parts of colon; varying degrees of anemia produced by. Cerebrospinal Fluid, normal variations in rate of formation. Chyluria, apparent, in malingerer. Circulation, effects of hemorrhage on. Clinic Management, human factors in : study made in surgical and fracture clinics of outpatient department of Colp, ... cancer, ment cancer, in 478 . . . 913 1 660 677 198 913 478 57 265 775 580 962 . 275 . 936 237 231 57 TO INDEX VOLUME 15 PAGE Enterostomy, status of, in treatment of acute ileus; statistical inquiry. Ephedrine, experimental use in shock. Epididy rnitis, complication of prostatec¬ tomy Epinephrine hydrochloride, experimental use in shock. Ether, experimental use in shock. Farr, C. E.: Suprarenal hemorrhage; case Fibroma, ossifying, of jaw. Fingers, isolated giant cell xanthomatic . . 288 781 300 779 777 627 30 of. 499 Fistula, vesico-ovarian. 306 Fiat-Foot, coalition of calcaneus and navi¬ cular as cause of. 75 Foot: See Fiat-Foot Foreign Bodies, in venous circulation. 712 Foshay, L. : Postoperative hypoglycemia. 397 Foulds, G. S. : Review of urologie sur¬ gery ...129, 298, 799, 962 Fractures, internal callus; experimental 936 study Friedenwald, J. : Acute and chronic pan¬ 1 creatitis; clinical observations. . . . .. 689 732 552 148 613 . on . 132 Hypoglycemia, postoperative 397 .. alcohol in treatment of. 918 Ileus, acute, enterostomy in treatment of; statistical inquiry. Infection, general principles underlying 288 of. 737 negative blood cultures in. 740 portal of entry. 744 postoperative .747, Intestines, redundant colon. small, acute traumatic ulcers; observa¬ tions on effects of clamps on gastro intestinal tract 689 Experimental observations on growth of long bones. 215 Gauss, H. : Redundant colon. 560 Ghormley, R. K.: Thirty-third report of progress in orthopedic surgery. 478 Goiter, during pregnancy. 734 exophthalmic, pathologic change as result of administration of iodine (Lugol's Cysts of semilunar cartilages of knee. 677 Jaw, ossifying fibroma of. 30 Jelsma, F.: Relationship of chronic sub¬ dural hematoma and pachymeningitis hemorrhagica interna; report of 8 cases, with report of finding bile pig¬ 45 ment in hematoma. J. J. : Postoperative massive atelectasis: influence of posture. 855 Joints: See Knee Judd, E. S.: Review of urologie surgery. ..129, 298, 799, 962 Joelson, Varying degrees of produced by Keyser, L. D.: Review of urologie sur¬ gery....129, 298, 799, Kidney, abscess, perinephritic. of 962 154 renal artery. 803 135 aneurysm calculi carbuncle of. 810 congenital poly cystic, extrarenal venous circulation in case of; unusual varicocele communicating between splenic and renal veins. 580 cysts.147, 812 experimental surgery of. 129 fluoroscopy of. 814 function tests. 813 horse-shoe 133 horse-shoe, tumors in. 134 808 infections 148 infection, pyelonephritis neoplasm growing into lumen of renal 806 veins . . . . Hand, isolated giant cell xanthomatic tu¬ 499 mors of Hanford, J. M. : Roentgen-ray treatment of tuberculous cervical lymph glands ; study of 145 patients treated by small . . emptying of gallbladder. 552 Hughson, W. : Portal cirrhosis with ascites 318 and its surgical treatment; 26 cases. Relation of pylorus to duration of experi¬ mental gastric ulcer. 66 anemia carcinoma in different parts of colon.. 402 . . 689 Jaffe, H. L. : 878 solution) 895 intrathoracic of chronic R. Griswold, A. : Relationship subdural hematoma and pachymeningi¬ tis hemorrhagica interna ; report of 8 cases, with report of finding bile pigment in hematoma. 45 doses of Altered roentgen ray, with follow-up results. 377 Hart, D.: Cerebrospinal fluid; normal variations in rate of formation. 943 Harvey, F.: Human factors in clinic management: study made in surgical and fracture clinics of outpatient department of Presbyterian Hospital... 443 Hematoma, chronic subdural, relation to pachymeningitis hemorrhagica interna ; 8 cases, with bile pigment in hema¬ toma 45 Hemorrhage, shock following. 762 Henderson, E. F. : Fatal pulmonary em¬ bolism; statistical review. 231 Higgins, C. C. : Intrathoracic goiter. 895 Higgins, G. M. : Effect of pregnancy on . 74S 560 small, invagination ileus in polyposis of. 441 varying degrees of anemia produced by carcinoma in different parts of colon. 402 Iodine, administration in exophthalmic goi ter ; pathologic change as result of 87i (Lugol's solution). 118 Gatewood: . . treatment tumors Gallagher, W. J. : Acute traumatic ulcers of small intestine ; observations on effects of application of clamps on gastro-intestinal tract; experimental study Gallbladder, disease during pregnancy .731, effect of pregnancy on emptying of. hypernephroma of. Gangrene, spontaneous, of extremities. Garvin, J. D. : Hypertrophie arthritis of spine; incidence and nature in patients more than 50 years old. Gastro-Intestinal Tract effects of clamps Hydronephrosis, partial, nephrotomy in. Hyperthyroidism, injection of absolute . operations on, during pregnancy. pelvic. fetus. suprarenal hemorrhage; case. surgical technic in. syphilis sarcoma, in . transplantation tuberculosis tumors . .137, . 734 804 807 627 799 811 802 810 142 variations of renal arteries and veins... 804 Knee, cysts of semilunar cartilages. 677 Kuntz, A. : Distribution of sympathetic rami to brachial plexus; its relation to sympathectomy affecting upper extrem¬ 871 ity Kutzmann, A. A. : Review of urologie surgery.129, 298, 799, 962 Lamp, cold, illuminating instruments in diagnosis and treatment of urologie . conditions . Leukoplakia, urinary. Lewis, D. : Spontaneous gangrene of ex¬ Downloaded From: on 06/15/2014 tremities . 962 827 613 INDEX TO VOLUME 15 PAGE 589 Liver, bilaterality disease, relation of nitrogen bodies of blood to surgical problems in. 635 influence on toxicity of bile. 57 portal cirrhosis with ascites; surgical . treatment: 26 cases. 418 Low, H. C. : Thirty-third report of prog¬ ress in orthopedic surgery. 478 Lugol's Solution: See Iodine Lung, postoperative massive atelectasis; influence of posture on. 855 postoperative pulmonary atelectasis. 155 Lymph Glands, tuberculosis of : 145 patients treated by small doses of filtered roent¬ gen ray, with follow-up results. 377 W. C. : Varying degrees of anemia produced by carcinoma in dif¬ ferent parts of colon. 402 Mclndoe, A. H. : Bilaterality of liver.... 589 McKenzie, K. G. : Paraplegia associated with congenital scoliosis; report of 222 case McNamee, E. P.: Postoperative pulmonary atelectasis 155 Mann, F. C. : Effect of pregnancy on of 552 emptying gallbladder. Mason, M. L. : Isolated giant cell xantho¬ matic tumors of fingers and hand.... 499 MacCarty, . . Mastics, E. A. : Postoperative pulmonary atelectasis Matthew, C. W.: Plasma proteins in cuta¬ . 155 burns. 265 dermoid cyst of. 660 Melanoma, snbungual; Hutchinson's mela¬ notic whitlow. 667 Mercurochrome-220 soluble, effect of, on growth of bacillus pyocyaneus.958 Montgomery, A. H. : Ossifying fibromas neous Mediastinum, of jaw. Morris, J. H. : Malignant tumors of tes¬ ticle, with special reference to classi¬ fication Morrissey, J. H. : Chronic seminal vesiculitis and prostatitis; further report on results of operative treatment and its . indications . Mullen, B. P.: Experimental observations on growth of long bones. Mussey, R. D. : Operations of necessity during pregnancy Myomectomy during pregnancy. . 30 Paraplegia, associated with congenital sco¬ liosis; case. Peet, M. M.: Pituitary adamantinomas; 3 cases Penis, rupture of, following trauma. Pericardiotomy for pyopericardium : review of literature to May, 1927; 10 new . cases cases bladder operations 215 729 732 treatment.... 198 351 surgical hypertrophy punch operation cancer; sarcoma 237 Pachymeningitis, hemorrhagic internal, re¬ lation to chronic subdural hematoma; 8 cases with bile pigment in hematoma.. Pancreatitis, acute and chronic. 817 . 300 . Prostatectomy.298, Prostatitis, chronic seminal vesiculitis and; further report on results of operative treatment and its indications. suppurative Proteins, plasma, in cutaneous burns. Purpura, vesical Pyelography, in diagnosis of renal tumors. Pyelonephritis, atrophie Pylorus, relation of, to duration of experi¬ mental gastric ulcer. 301 821 . 102 822 265 828 . 807 809 . Roentgen-ray treatment of tuberculous cer¬ vical lymph glands : 145 patients treated by small doses, filtered, with follow-up results . W. 312 treatment. 313 . 66 377 W.: 878 Saline infusion in shock. 788 . atelectasis: influence of posture. 855 Seminal vesiculitis, chronic, and prostatitis; results of operative treatment and its indications 102 . Semsroth, St.: Suprarenal hemorrhage; . Shipley, A. M. : Pericardiotomy for pyo¬ pericardium: review of literature to May, 1927, and report of 10 new cases . 627 317 Shock, experimental, following hemorrhage; 762 mechanism and treatment following. carotid venous plexus as Sinus, cavernous, of infection in path thrombophlebitis of ; relation to retropharyngeal and 275 sphenoidal suppuration Smith, B. C. : Status of enterostomy in treatment of acute ileus; statistical in¬ 288 quiry Smith-Petersen, M. N. : Thirty-third report of progress in orthopedic surgery. 478 Snell, A. M.: Relation of obesity to fatal 237 postoperative pulmonary embolism. Spinal Cord, tumors. 824 with Spine, curvature, paraplegia associated congenital scoliosis; case. 222 hypertrophie arthritis of; in patients . . . Obesity, relation to fatal postoperative pul¬ monary embolism Orthopedic Surgery, thirty-third report of . . . .. 635 . radium and roentgen-ray treat¬ cancer; ment 552 729 823 . cases. progress in necessity during. 102 . terminal renal group of . of 829 913 Scholl, A. J.: Review of urologie surgery .129, 298, 799, 962 Scott, W. J. M. : Postoperative massive . diagnosis and . . Prostate, calculi 317 245 3 Sager, Exophthalmic goiter; pathologic change as result of admin¬ istration of iodine (Lugol's solution). . ; .. 829 962 530 Nephrectomy, extraperitoneal abdominal 805 approach Nephritis, surgical treatment. 132 and 136 treatment. Nephrolithiasis, diagnosis Nervous System, distribution of sympa¬ thetic rami to brachial plexus; its rela¬ tion to sympathectomy affecting upper 871 extremity Neuralgia, glossopharyngeal (tic dou¬ loureux) clinical study. adamantinomas of, Body, Pneumocephalus of bacterial origin. Pregnancy, effect of, on emptying of gall¬ case Nicholson, B. B.: Varicose veins: etiology and treatment; clinical and histologie study_. Nitrogen relation of nitrogen bodies of blood to surgical problems in liver and in biliary tract disease; status of nitro¬ gen bodies of blood in severe cases of biliary tract disease and its use in dif¬ ferentiating a terminal hepatic and a . Phlebitis, postoperative, Pituitary 222 478 45 1 more than 50 years old. 118 Spittler, F. A.: Postoperative pulmonary atelectasis Starr, C. L. : Paraplegia associated with congenital scoliosis; report of case.... Steinberg, M. E.of: Changes in chemistry of contents stomach following gas¬ tric operations Downloaded From: on 06/15/2014 . . 155 222 749 INDEX Stomach, contents following gastric TO opera¬ tions, changes in chemistry of. 749 pylorus to duration of experi¬ relation of mental gastric ulcer. 66 Strychnine, experimental use in shock.... 775 Suprarenals, tumors. 808 Sympathectomy, distribution of sympathetic rami to brachial plexus; its relation to sympathectomy affecting upper extrem¬ 871 ity . VOLUME 15 Urine, acidification of. 962 Urology, review of urologie surgery. .129, 298, 799, 962 Van Beuren, F. T.: Status of enterostomy in treatment of acute ileus; statistical 288 inquiry Dessel, A. : Thirty-third report of progress in orthopedic surgery. 478 Varices, etiology and treatment; clinical and 351 histologie study Varicocele, unusual, communicating be¬ tween splenic and renal veins; extra. Van . K. Human factors in clinic management : study made in surgical and fracture clinics of outpatient de¬ partment of Presbyterian Hospital. 443 316 Testicle, tuberculosis Taylor, M. : . tumors . tumors, malignant; classification. undescended, replacing. Thornton, J. : Human factors in clinic management: study made in surgical and fracture clinics of outpatient de¬ partment of Presbyterian Hospital. Thrombo-Angiitis : See Gangrene Thrombophlebitis, of cavernous sinus; carotid venous plexus as path of infec¬ tion in ; relation to retropharyngeal and sphenoidal suppuration. Tuberculosis, of cervical lymph glands: 145 patients treated by small doses of fil¬ tered roentgen ray, with follow-up re¬ sults renal Tumors: See also under names of tumors, as Adamantinoma ; Cancer ; Fibroma ; Melanoma isolated giant cell xanthomatic, of fingers and hand malignant, of testicle; classification. 311 530 962 275 . 377 810 499 530 ovarian, during pregnancy. 733 pelvic, during pregnancy. 731 Ureter, calculi ectopic opening operations, during pregnancy. transplantation in carcinoma of bladder. tumors Urethra, double fibrosarcoma polyps prolapse stricture, dilatation of. . . . . . . . traumatic rupture tuberculosis . . Urinary Tract: See also Kidney; Ureter Urinary Tract, biliary tract and, analogies between . venous circulation in case of . 815 816 734 303 815 310 962 311 962 962 962 309 962 580 962 962 . . 443 . . renal congenital polycystic kidneys. Vasotomy Verbrugge, J.: Review of urologie surgery .129, 298, 799, Vidgoff, I. J.: Changes in chemistry of contents of stomach following gastric operations Warthen, H. J., Jr. : Fate of foreign bodies in venous circulation. Watt, J. C. : Deposition of calcium salts in areas of calcification. Whitlow, Hutchinson's melanotic; subungual melanoma Wilensky, A. O. : Relation of nitrogen bodies of blood to surgical problems in liver and in biliary tract disease; status of nitrogen bodies of blood in severe cases of biliary tract disease and its use in differentiating terminal he¬ patic and terminal renal group of cases Treatment of infection; general principles underlying treatment from surgical standpoint and therapeutic indications to be drawn therefrom. Wilson, P. D.: Thirty-third report of progress in orthopedic surgery. Winslow, N. : Pericardiotomy for pyopericardium: review of literature to May, 1927, and report of 10 new cases. Womack, N. A. : Subungual melanoma; Hutchinson's melanotic whitlow. W. H. : Isolated giant cell Woolston, xanthomatic tumors of fingers and hand Wright, I. S. : Effect of mercurochrome220 soluble on growth of bacillus pyo¬ . .. . . cyaneus Zadek, I.: knee . Cysts of semilunar cartilages of . Zimmermann, A. R. : Varying degrees of anemia produced by carcinoma in dif¬ Downloaded From: on 06/15/2014 749 712 89 667 635 737 478 317 667 499 958 677 ferent parts of colon. 402
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