82 OiKSHB-CMBOOOBSERmi Cldssmeds Sunday August 2901.2004 Ph: 992-2121 3 Announcements HOW TO P U C E A CLASSIFIED A D Phone 992-2121 3 Aiuiomtcc'Jiie/its 3 AniKHincc'iiicnts 3 Annoiijiicnu'nt.s 3 .Vnnounct'nients ADVERTISE your business or service <firectfy to sportsmen and women in BC - 625.000 copies! You get guaranteed distribution to this large target market in two govemment print magazines. Please call Annemarie at 1-800-661-6335. CORN MAZE now open. Hwy 97 South, 32 kms from Maple Drive Lights. 6666 Yorston Road. Watch for signs. $2.00 per person. Phone 747-8339 SMALL BtJSINESS (^rectory for Quesnei coming out this fall - mailed to every twme and buaness. Affordable advertisinq! Call Pam 747-0088 QUESNEL LIVE Arts - Annual general meeting. Monday September 13 at 6:30pm. Ulysses Restaurant. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you tieen audited, reassessed or disallowed certain daims by Canada Revenue Agency? r.gaHen6shaw.ca C^ R.G. Alten& Co.Ltd. © 1250-542-0295; 28 yrs income tax experience; 8 1/2 yrs with Revenue Canada Save-On-Foods Announces New Phannacy Hours. Our Phannacy Team 4 accepted HOURS: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday-friday 65 lj(is( -3S> .it2 fthWiilaiM -12 -15 -1» -21 FMNmOnetay. _33 CMBtnoHagw. Co (ktMRMnHei. FarRMlorSite- .404 -4M -412 -416 -42B .424 .42t -432 _43«" JQO HMliC. Sperteg Goods. -225 -2M .235 Oqon , HelpWHUd. IMoring. s a v e .4e -SBS -512 -Sit D^*9tlRain)ieil. FdrSAorAe HOOMt—. IMeorSMp-25* ..2C2 OPCDHOM*. OtfofToanRVOe* PETSffiMWIWMff ja2 FMdASeed -2M Hones— U*9riQdc- .554 -540 _572 -570 .544 -590 -596 -toe lan. .734 _7J5 -740 -745 SUV«44(ri_ 1hieto-___ .354 .3S( -7SD .742 .74* .774 -740 -716 .415 -430 fHINURL GENERRL HEETING The Annual General Meeting for the Quesnel Child & Youth Support Society will be held Clip, Mail or Fax.. 1. 5. 2. 6- Plus GST ^—^—^—'~~ 3. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. -13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Additional words Please pfinl your ad with one word per line. Add 26c per vwrd per issue over 2^ RENOURTING? uiujuj.contractlngbc.cam CRIME PREVENTION Tilursday, Sept. 2, 2004 11^*^%^ if for Q Address Post Code Ph: [Method of Payment • Cheque • Money Order • Visa -Print clearly and use dark pettlbr good fax reproduction" « r « i * ?«! THINKING ABOUT staying at a B & B in British C o l u m b i a ? Visit www.mondaytourism.com for links a n d colour photos from over 7 0 0 B & B ' s in B C . Smart $pender$ Shop flr$t In our Pledge sheets available al 125 Wanted WANTED: LITE ETTE for long box condition CAMPERin excellent 992-5368 aE> Medic Alert A L W A V S aCM C A L L www.medicalert.ca Classified PageSl 992-2121 195 I'I re wood BIRCH APPROX., Hartley served. The 50th Anniversary of Deliner and Donna Mitchell was celebrated on April 10, ^004 Out of town guests were: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wietrick, Camas, WA; Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gawthorne, Camas, WA; Betti Neal, Tuscan, AZ; Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hogberg, Milton, WA; Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mitchell and Nicholas Mitchell, Fort St. Jotin; Melanie Mitchell, Calgary, AB; Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Lowen, Abbotsford; Jennifer Mitchell, Union Bay; Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mitchell, Edmonton, AB. 1-BOD-66B-15aV WE FIX IT ALL SHOP. 1869 R i c h b a r H i l l R d . W e d o s e r v i c e calls Rebuild appliances B e s t R a t e s In T o w n C a r r y all part N e w o r U s e d fridges, s t o v e s , w a s h e r s , dryers 100 - 4 0 0 with a 6 mo. warranty Phone: 747-5128 ITEMS TO BE GIVEN AWAY or if the a s k i n g price is l e s s than $100.00, c a n b e advertised FREE OF CHARGE in our Word Classified section. Call our office today at 9 9 2 - 2 1 2 1 . 205 Furniture SOLID OAK, LOW LOFT BED WITH DESK THAT SLIDES OUT. (shelves on end) LADDER. SIDE RAIL. NO MATTRESS. $450. OBO 747-4589 SMALL BLACK 747-3100. wall unit $ 2 5 . •• CRIB/TODDLER BED c o m b o & new mattress, excellent c o n d i tion $200 C a r o l y n 7 4 7 - 3 5 1 5 210 Garajze Sales WE'RE 18 Coming Events 160 Appliances FIREWOOD, two truck loads, 4 9 6 S t . , First c o m e , first 200 Free Give Away North Cariboo Co-op, Vet Clinics, Total Pet 85 1 ra> el/ i ours/ Vacation Call shakes for roofing a n d s i d i n g . Different grades a n d prices. 250-5932139 Display booths • Music • Pet contests Dog tricks demonstrations • Pet photos Doggie cake walk • Concession CjC^^jf(^'* .. CEDAR TAPERSAWN The tea was held at the Native Friendship Centre. Over 70 people attended. Tfie hall was decorated with purple and white balloons and streamers. Catering was by Bridget and Crew. Adult: $15.00 Seniors/Students/Children over 6 years of age: $5.00 Pets and Children 5 years S under: No charge 175 Building Materials 6 Anniversaries Quesnel Cariboo Observ^jr involved in our community Participation: Participants are encouraged to collect pledge $$ donations. Top 3 adult pledges and top 3 children's pledges receive a prize package. Pledge sheets can be dropped off in advance at the shelter. You don't have to be present to win. Individual Participation: In lieu of collecting pledges in advance you can register the day of the event. You can donate or have people donate to you online at www.spca.bc.ca BCSPCA 6 Anniversaries HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT Sunday, September 12, 2004 Lebourdais Park, Quesnel, BC REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 10:00 AM WALK BEGINS AT 1:00 PM I immuiiumitm QUESNEL BLOCK PARENT PROGRAM Name 4. 8. UJUJUD.precisionfK.ca S.P.C.A. 6til ANNUAL "PAWS FOR A CAUSE' CALM EFFECTS sou treatment with TLC, offering reiici and full body relaxation 250-398-8790 Ph: 992-2121 Fax; 992-5229 P R E C I S I O N FK To join the Website Directory, call LaRee at 992-2121 Anyone interested in serving on our Board is invited to attend this meeting. SEXY BRUNETTEtookingfor generous gents for discreet encounters 991-6256. FREE Reach over 24,000 readers per weeic Items valued at less than $9.35 one issue 20 W O f C l SlOO or pets to be given away will run Free for 4 issues. $13.49 two issues claSSlfiedS $18.46 six issues ,—"T"—'^--x.. OBSERVER $33.00 12 issties :CNO REFUNDS: 1B8 Carson Am. Quesnel BCV2J 2A8 mujuj.northlandpureujater.com at 10:00 a.m. at #12 - 665 Front Street. The most complete coverage of Quesnel & area. -412 -4U -424 -430 -436 -442 -444 -705 -710 -715 -724 .735 QUESNEL CHILD & YOUTH SUPPORT SOCIETY 70 Pt'i-s(»nais Saturday 10 am - 6 pm • Sunday 10 am - 6 pm 155 Malcolm street, Quesnei • PiK)ne: 992-2291 N O R T i l L R N D P U R E LURTER Vim IN STORE Monday - Friday 9 am - 9 pm -5a ujuJUJ.douglaslake.com OBSERVER LOST: NORTH Quesnel, fluffy black and white cat, blind in one eye.. 991-0609 Pharmacy Hours: -S3B -535 -542 -tn -470 mssassmjmm f o o d s DOUGLAS LHKE E Q U I P M E N T UJEB QUeSNCL - CARIBOO LOST: KAYAK paddle, left at Beavermouth recreation site, August 20th. Can be dropped off at tfie Ministry of Forests offk», 322 Johnston Ave. Phannacist Technician so MUCH -ses JS4 UsaNeison Phannacist Phamacist -4M .IK mmm mmn man LOST: LADIES watch, 10 Mile Lake, Aug. 19th. Silver Swiss, Reward. 564^148 -4tS -472 .47i .1st -M _HS .170 -in -IM .m .m .210 .215 AmaijK Sidhu Brian Grant O F L O C R L M E R C H A N T S T H A T V O U C R N U IS IT O N T H E c;-o. Q S l i SKSSISKIBI ElQISlIiniil DUGimQii siaaQBiia D Em a S|T|A|G|E Found FOUND: LADIES prescription glasses. Puntchesakut Lake Aug 14th 992-5156 to ktentjfy. .4SS -45i .12 RTOUR us LOST: cat female black, tong fluffy h£ur. Johnston Sub area. Saturday August 14th 992-5495 -3GB -3t8 nueUn www.quesnelobserver.com IPIOIKIE Fi.i>()niils or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave,, Quesnel, BC fMiSp«. mm BC Newspaper Group CO Q: UJ See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com Sunday, August 29th, 2004 B3 3 Announcement.s B L Over 14,000 ads - updated dally QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER ATTENTION Ail Clubs, Groups and Organizations Do you have an upcoming event? Use this space to promote and inform the Quesnel readers. 175 liuilding Materials FLOORING WHOLESALER NEEDS CASH FLOW Laminate....$.49 sq/ft, L a m i n a t e tile (40 choices)....$.99 sq/ft, 1x6" knotty fir....$.80 sq/ft, 3 1/4" o a k , maple o r birch pre fin....$3.99 sq/ft. 3 1/4" J a p a n e s e cherry p r e fin...$4.75 sq/ft, 3 1/4" b a m b o o p r e fin....$3.99 sq/ft, O a k , maple e n g i n e e r e d floating....$3.25 sq/ft. TONS MORE! 1-800-6313342. MAKING a c l e a n s w e e p ! T o o l s , g a r d e n items, decor, clothes, b o o k s , toys. Sunday, Monday Aug. 29,30 from 9 a m to 4 p m . 108 L a w l o r Drive ( J o h n s t o n S u b ) MOVING SALE: 1302 B a s s R d , 9am-3pm, Saturday, August 28th. 7.5 H o n d a motor a n d lots more. 220 Miscellaneous HOT TUB (Spa) c o v e r s , best price, best quality. A l l s h a p e s a n d colours available. C a l l 1866-585-0056. B4 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, August 29th, 2004 QUESNELCARIBOOOBSERVER Sunday,August29th,2004 QUESNEL. CARIBOO PIi: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com wwvv.quesnelobserver.com 12 IJirthdavs 12 Hirthdavs 21 Congratulations • 21 Congratulations Ph: 992-:2 220 Miscellaneous VANCOUVER TICKET SERVICE Concerts & Sports. Mariners, Seahawks, Sarah Mc-" Lachlan, Josh Groban, Sting, Sienfeld, Deep Purple, Seal, Norah Jones, Hilary Duff, Beastie Boys, Pixies. Hotel Accom. Available 1-800-9200887. rincess Call us for all your tire needs. Nick & ShelaghWivueharuk are proud to announce their son, Bavid has graduated from Northern Alberta Institute of Technology amihas earned a Inter-J}roviricial iicht in millwrighting Harald Bartel Fountain G onsueia fa Tire Full Mechanical Services anana'-nammoc. 1195A Hwy 97North« 992-5254 O p e n 8 am - 7 pm Monday - Saturday Larry Giesbrectit m 21 Congratulations • 21 Congratulations 30 In .Memoriam 30 In .Memoriam d d O d 6 Jewellery Repair Ring Sizing & Retipping Watch Repairs 8f Batteries Engraving Watch Bracelets o n 992-6060 y o u r 328 Reid St B a c h e l o r of A r t s i n C r i m i n o l o g y L o t s F r o m 3343 Red Bluff Road Quesnel, BC V2J 6E1 of L o v e a l l ''GORDIE EDWARD TURNER-COODWIN'' FEB. 5,1972 - AUGUST 2SJ989 & ''ROBERT MAYNARD GOODWIN'' DEC. 9, 1974-AUGUST 31,1992 f a m i l y 33 Obituaries Peggy Heaton ^ T r o y P e r l i t z BEEISTUS O B I T U A R Y Bartending Available Specializing in Parties & Celebrations 3 To place an obituary tribute please call 992-2121. 'A 33 Obituaries T R I B U T E S OBSERVER OUKSNCL • CARIBOO Obituary tributes are $45/single spot. $75/double spot and $l04/triple spot and includes archiving on our Internet site. 220 Miseellaneous ALPINE 6 disc changer, Alpine 50 watt X 2 channel amp, Alpine cassette deck/ am/fm tuner. $180,250-552-9148 TREASURED TBOUGHTS OF LOVED ONES so DEAR OFTEN BRING A SILENT TEAR SWEET MEMORIES WILL LINGER ON TODAY, TOMORROW, FOREVER WE WILL REMEMBER NO MATTER HOW LONG y o u r 747-3921 lone Moore 250-747-2348 250-991-6565 HIGH PERFORMANCE 8" speaker system. $60 747-3100 24" ALMIN apartments size stoves., Stainless steel sinks 16 1/2"x17 1/2"x 7" deep. 992-8949 235 Tools 254 Business Opportunities D O W N T O W N Q U E S N E L : New 2400 sq/ft., liquor store & cold beer delivery, 5000 sq/ft., nightclub & billiards. Buy businesses only or with building & parking lot. Must see. Not a driveby. O F F E R S ! Trades? Phone: 250991-2006 N E T U P to $3200 per month, safe, secure, complete turnkey set-up, no competition, no selling. Min. investment $16,800. For free information 1-800-3216126 CONSULTANTS NEEDED! Join Canada's Premier Home Party Company. Call Bev 250395-4775. Exclusive collection of home decor, entertaining, cooking, holiday accents. Very affordable. Great earning potential. Oievron 258 Careers F/T HAIRDRESSING instructor. Must have passion for teaching and sharing ideas with students. Call 250-542-9268. Avail, immediately. D E N T A L HYGIENIST required. Send resume to Quesnel Denta) Group c/o Dr. Pellizzari, 674 Front Street, Quesnel, B C , V2J 2K8. 262 Daycare KIDS K A R E Centre - 288 Flamingo. Want licensed, qualified daycare? Don't be disappointed. Pre-register your school child/children for September. Spaces available for infant-toddlers, pre-schoolers and out-ofschool children. Family rates available. Call 992-1000 220 Miscellaneous B E D F R A M E S - 2 metal double size with wood headboards, $30 each., one queensize waterbed frame wood. $75. 9918045 TILL WE MEET AGAIN FOREVER LOVED & REMEMBERED MOM & DAD 220 Miscellaneous 220 Miscellaneous $26.12/FIRST M O N T H for a phone line. Reconnection with no credit check, no deposits, no one refused. Email: csr@need-a-phone.com Call or visit Need-A-Phone.com Tollfree at 1-866-444-3815 2 double bed frames & 1 queen frame with headboards, all for $100. Homelite chainsaw 25" bar needs chain $100. 13 round table tops some 4' and some 6' across all for $50. 1200 watt microwave ex working cond. $75. New 5 bulb chandelier $10. $75. new air paint sprayer. $50 each, 1/2" used air impact wrench $50. 2 - 3/8" used air ratchet $30. Aluminum canopy fits ranger extra cab 66"x 61.5" $100. Small medal shot for calves or other small live stock $100. 991-8045. FLOORING W H O L E S A L E R NEEDS CASH FLOW laminate...$.49sq/ft.. laminate tile (40 choices)...$.99sq/ft., 1x6" knotty fir...$.80sq/ft., 3 1/4' oak, maple or birch pre fin...$3.99sq/ft., 3 1/4" Japanese cherry pre fin...$4.75sq/ft., 3 1/4" bamboo pre fin...$3.99sq/ft., oak, maple, engineered floating...$3.25sq/ft. T O N S M O R E ! 1-800-631-3342 THICK HEAVY duty axle grease. $25 per 5 gallon bucket 991-8045 PYRAMID 300 watt amplifier for vehicle. $40. 747-3100 Lots Of Boots In Stock WeMI Fit You! • Gore-Tex lining • Brown leather • Mossy oak breakup • Moisture wicking nylon lining • Thinsulate insulation More... Iff MshSetter, • r mo mtma tuor» Raider 2950 Hwy 97 N . SPEAKER BOX $80. 747-3100 for vehicle H O M E L I T E C H A I N S A W , 25" bar needs chain $100. 9918045 991-5145 254 Business Opportunities RETIRING A F T E R 20 years • Retail Fireplace Business. Turnkey operation, debt free, handling top brands of gas & wood burning appliances. Selling inventory, good will, customer base, data base. Fraser Valley. 604-816-4799. D O Y O U LIKE C A N D L E S ? Would you like to earn more income? Partylite is for you! We offer full/part time career - excellent compensation - no deliveries/inventory. Choose your own hours/income. Call collect Loretta 604-719-7178 or email: bdobson@dccnet.com 270 Help Wanted T H E Q U E S N E L CARIBOO OBSERVER ^ Permanent carriers are required for the following: (Britton, C o a c h & Grosz N.) (Anderson, McRae, West Fraser Rd) (Westfraser, Ruric Spring & Skyline) (Dennis, May, Racing, Ryan, Toby, Valhalla & Westland) (Banner, Couldwell, QuesHixon, Salton, Scott Rds.) ( Whitecotton, Hwy 97S, Durrell Rd.) (Carlson Canyon, Higdon, West Fraser Rd., Williams, Alma & Corey Rd.) as soon as possible Anyone interested in these routes please call Jaicey al 992-2121. Ciievron Be Your Own Boss! Chevron Canada Limited is currently looking for a Retail Operator in W i l l i a m s Lake. Y o u will be a part of the #1 retail gasoline and convenience store network in British Columbia. Your outstanding leadership qualities, exceptional people skills and proven retail experience will ensure success with our Town Pantry team. Investment required: $40,000 to $50,000. Quality Workmanship Done on Premises Stan Krumm C o m p l e t i n g T W E L V E R O U N D table tops, 4', 5', 6' alitor $50. 991-8045 G E R M A N B E A R D E D Irises, 60 colours, have pictures of them. Have 400 . 305 Doherty Drive. 992-5368 "IN lOVING MEMORY OF'' GOLDSMITH & MORE B U R N G A S Bill. 97.2% efficient , Pacific Western Outdoor wood furnaces. C S A , ISO 9002 registered company.. 25 year lihiited warranty, stainless steel. 3'-6' unsplit wood, hookup forced air, radiant. Hotwater, shop, pool. 100% Canadian. Dealer heating 17,000 sq. ft., Fraser Bridge Inn, Quesnel. "Heard of the Rest, C o m e get the Best" M E E T OR B E A T PRICE. 250-992-7417. Willimas Lake & 100 Mile House: 250-791-5279 email:canadiancoldkiller@ telus.net l.com www.quesnelobservencom Visit www.chevron.ca/career to apply on-line. We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted. For more information call 1-800-663-1650. 258 Careers 266 Education DINOFLEX M A N U F A C T U R I N G is a leader in rubber flooring products distnbuting worldwide (see www.dinoflex.com). We are looking for an Inside sales manager operating out of our Salmon Arm plant. Minimum of 5 years of sales experience preferably within the flooring industry or with a buildings products' manufacturer. Knowledge of polyurethanes and/or coatings would be an asset but is not a necessity. Position reports to the Director of Sales. Some travel required. Please respond in confidence to: DINOFLEX Manufacturing Ltd. Sabine Presch. T P D S A N D C O L L E G E of New Caledonia, Heavy Equipment Training, Class 1 & 3 Driver Training, Super "B" Training. Prince George and Kelowna. Call 1-877-860-7627 or 5647624. Email: spresch @ dinoflex.com Private fax: 250-832-1985. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY D D C Automation Technician required for programming and commissioning of Automated Logic D D C Control Systems. We're looking for a mechanical/electrical engineer or technician with at least 3 years of building automation experience, strong interpersonal skills, and a team attitude. Care Systems Services Ltd., 915 Kalamalaka Lake Road., Vernon, B C , V I T 6V4. Email: dennis ©caresystems.ca Tel: (250) 558-5409. Fax: (250) 558-5567. FILM AND acting classes start September 20th. Seats still available...register now! Victoria Motion Picture School, phone (250)381-3032 www.vicfilm.com 270 Help Wanted B U S Y L A W office looking for experienced conveyancer. Send resume fo Box 2939, Revelstoke, BC VOE 2S0 www.revelstokelawver.com If you're unemployed and want to start your own busine.s.s, you may be eligible for financial and technical a.ssistance under the Self-limployment Benefits Program To fmd out more about this opportunity, call Marc St. Laurent at 991-5132 Sponsored by Human RMOUTCOS M Y S T E R Y S H O P P E R S Wanted. Get paid for shopping and dining out. $24/hour plus free merchandise and meals. Free brochure and enrollment form. Shopaid: 8-2259 Kingston Road, Suite 9, Toronto, Ontario. MIN 1T8. (416) 761-5629. 7 P E O P L E needed to work from home, for yourself, on-line. www.dreamingluxury.com Start NOW. $20Whr. p/t-f/t, LUXURY CONFERENCES. Train to earn $240,000, year one. Company training. C a l l l 800-821-0143. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. Major Victoria Lumberyard has a position available for qualified door hanger. The self-motivated applicant must be capable of" reading work orders and assembling complete single and double door units. Excellent wage and benefits package available to the successful applicant. Fax resume to 250-4793743, email: hr@lumberworld,net, phone: 250-479-7151 ext. 229. C L A S S I DRIVERS & 0 / O P S required with reefer exp. to run Canada/US. 604-857-9709 www.southcoasttrucking.com or fax resume 604-607-7474 QUALIFIED P A R T S P E R S O N . Immediate opening James Western Star Sterling, Williams Lake, BC Permanent full time employment offering competitive salary and benefits. 250392-5050 Fax Resume Attention Ken 250-398-6367. C O N T R A C T S A L E S preferred or 4 yrs. Retail Hardware Store experience. Required immediately for Building Supply Store 8750 sq.ft. and full size lumber yard in Scotch Creek, Shuswap Lake. Phone/fax 250-955-0556 Attention: Sherry for an interview. LICENSED HEAVY Duty/or Commercial Transport Mechanic required for North Okanagan shop, CVI ticket an asset. Please send resume with salary expectations to Box 36, C / O 4407-25 Ave.. Vernon. B C V I T 1P5 QUALIFIED P A R T S P E R S O N . Immediate opening, James Western Star Sterling, Williams Lake B C . Permanent full time employment offering competitive salary and benefits. 250392-5050. Fax resume Attention Kevin 250-398-6367. Everything _you need for ' 3 a c k i o school you'll find it here... 155 Malcolm Drive Quesnel, BC tel. 992-6765 fax: 992-6566 UPCOMING EVENTS Getting ready for back to school lias never been easier backpacks, lunch boxes, binders, gym shorts, running shoes, gel pens, pencil cases, dividers, clothes, white out, glue, rulers... we have it all at west park mall Westside LiQiior Store Grand Opening Saturday August 28 Draws, Giveaways, Prizes & Product Sampling Join The Party hours of operation Mon to Thurs & Sat 9:30 - 6.00 Fri 9:30 - 9:00 Sun 11,00 - 5:00 B5 B6 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSEVER -1 QUESNELCARIBOOOBSERVER Sunday,August29th,2004 B7 Sunday, August 29th, 2004 ' Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com www.quesnelobserver.com Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassifie(l.com www.quesnelobserver.com 270 Help Wanted KITCHEN & BATHROOM RENOVATIONS SPECIALISTS 26 Y E A R S E X P E R I E N C E - F R E E E S T I M A T E S ! New & Used Cabinets Design Consultation Tile Setting Countertops Customjj^iHwark Interio^Finish '.Distributor of VanWay Cabinets- ^ " j f e f & Wendf^Hart 4jB3B%yd»gulic Rd. ' 747-2642 GNIB • 270 Help Wanted The Canadian. National Institute fbrthe Blind APPLY NOW. CNIB is seeking a highly motivated and upbeat person to run our annual campaign. Must have excellent leadership skills and have the ability to work independently. Must also have access to a valid driver's license and able to work evenings. Training provided. PLEASE FAX OR MAIL RESUME WITH REFERENCES TO: The Canadian National Institute for the Blind #100-490 Quebec Street Prince George, BC V2L5N5 Ulau/anesa Fax (250) 563-1787 Wc now offer discounts for newer homes and mortgage free homes. Attention: Diane (Closing date for applications will be September 3,2004) • •SBBSBSBB 270 Help Wanted across Irom post office 992-6611 1 C U T T O length dangle head FAMILY D E N T A L Clinic in Wilprocessor operator needed in^ liams Lake has openings for full IVIcKenzle area. Non smoker time receptionist, part time with own pickup.; (250) 997C D A , and full time Hygienist. 8066 Please fax resume to 1-250398-8633 S E R V I C E M A N A G E R required by Riverside Nissan in Courtenay. f/inimum 5 years new vehicle franchise experience. ADP computer experience preferred. Fax resume to Danny at (250)338-7944. H O O K T E N D E R E R required for Madill 071 Yarder. Fulltime permanent in Revelstoke, B.C. Fax resume to (250) 837-7173 or call (250)837-5171. FINANCIAL S E R V I C E S company in Quesnel looking for individual to manage office. Duties will include lending, collecting, reporting and supervising. Ideal new manager will possess skills in finance or sales. Please forward resume including wage expectations to: Cash Factory Loans Inc: E X P E R I E N C E D S U P E R Train Flat Deck Class One Driver wanted. Call 250-828-1219, leave message. 366 Main Street, Penticton, B.C. V2A 5C3 Fax: 250-4939111 Or email: hr@cashfactory.com PARTS PERSON INSURANCE 333 Reid Street 270 Help Wanted Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd. is the Mack & Volvo heavy duty truck sales and service dealer for Northern BC. There is an immediate job opening for a selfmotivated, experienced parts person in our Prince George shop. Experience in heavy duty truck parts is a definite asset. Must have competent computer skills and hold a valid B C driver's license. Excellent wage and benefit package available. Tracy Montgomery Forest P r o d u c t s Llmlteel HEAD FILER SODA CREEK DIVISION 'The Sharpest Deals Around" SAW REPAIR complete Bandsaw & Round saw Sales & Service & Sharpening Small Bandsaw Blades $10.00 •Carpentry Saws & Tools • Household Saws & Tools • Carbide Service • Knife Grinding • Mill Supplies • Lubncants 1185B Hwy 97 N (across from Co-op) • 992-9119 QUALITY V A C U U M SAIES Riverside Forest Products Limited has an immediate opening for an hourly Head Filer in the Sawmill Complex at the Soda Creek Division.located in; Williams Lake. HHHIHHHIHJ 270 Help W anted B E R E C O N N E C T E D for 39.95 per month. Phone disconnected? Free long distance. No refusal. 1-866-747-3425 Dial A Phone Inc. L O G A N D timber frame builders wanted. Experienced and entry level positions available. Send resume to: Unique Timber, P O Box 730. Lumby, B C V0E2G0 DO Y O U need a phone line? First month, $25, no credit checks. No deposit. No refusals. Call us now. All About Cash. 1-866-692-1105. T O P COMMISSION for certified hair stylist with clientele. Phone: 992-5615 (Rose) DELIVERY DRIVERS needed immediately. Must own vehicle. Apply in person with resume to Gold Dust Diner 274 Anderson. Submit resume by mail to: Babine Truck & Equipment 9341 Rock Island Road Prince George, B C V2N5T4 The sawmill produces 2200 MMBM annually. The mill consists of a DLI twin band canter coupled to a curve sawing gang. The mill also consists of robo guided board edger and a resaw. Attention: Pat Amett or by e-mail to: pat_amett@babinetruck.com The position requires an individual with strong interpersonal, organization and communication skills with the ability to work in a safe and productive manner. V O L V O Qualified applicants are invited to forward a resume prior to September 20, 2004 to Riverside Forest Products Limited, 5000 soda Creek Road, Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 1M3, Fax (250) 398-3617, Attention: Human Resources Department. 270 Help Wanted E L E C T R I C A L SUPPLIES RESIDENTIAL & C O M M E R C I A L WIRING QUALIFICATIONS: Masters Degree in Human Services or equivalent SALARY: $27.50 - $30.00/hr. for Contractor $22.50 - $25.00^^. for Temporary Employee C L O S I N G : Thursday, September 9, 2004 at 4:30 pm RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide direct, individual/family therapeutic support to children, youth and their families who require services for developmental issues, adjustment issues, behaviour problems, neurological disorders, parent training, and/or support around issues of family violence and sexual assault. Case management and systemic intervention skills are essential. Send resumes and covering letters (by Fax or mail ONLY please) to: •Consumer Rated #1 www.samsungvacuums.ca i •Filter Queen Central Vacuums Carol Oakley, President Quesnel Child & Youth Support Society qcyss@goldcity.net (Fax) 992-6010 607 Doherty Drive Only applicants considered will be contacted. 992-5211 Contractor #15979 m VACUUM: REPAIRS • BAGS • BELTS 4 NBED INFORMATIOir n R « F m 7 P n V^Ca^KVE/K call 992-2121 ,o place your ad. ON A LOCAL EVENT? iov. .iix/i^^ visit www.SouthCaribooTourism.coro Proposal Writer/Project Administrator The successful applicant will be a person of Metis ancestry and will be a member of a Metis local in Region 5. They will have completed training in proposal writing or worked as a proposal wffiter. They vflll research and write proposals, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, to sustain funding for the North Cariboo Metis Association. They will work out of the NCMA office in Quesnel and oversee the day-to-day operation of some ongoing projects. The successful applicant will work 24 hours per week, hours of work to be negotiated. F O R E S T R Y T E C H . Assit. F/T perm, position. Camp work involved 3-4 nights per week. Suitable for M/F. Experience not required but would be an asset. Wage approx. $500/wk. Email resume cff@bcinternet.net or fax to: 250-791-1907 IOLKO IMDUSTttlES LTD. Tolko Industries Ltd. Is a forest products company witti marketing, resource managementand manufacturing operationsttiroughoutWestem Canada. We are cun-ently seeking a Certified Electrician to join our progressive team at Tolko's High Prairie OSB Division, located at Higti Prairie, Altwrta. CERTIFIED ELECTRICIAN Ttie successful applicant will be a Joumeyman Electrician with a provincial or inter-provincial ticket combined with experience in medium/high voltage systems and considerable knowledge of all electrical systemsinduding VFDs and PLC controls. Experience with Allen Bradley/Wonderware technology and proven trouble shooting skills are definite assets. The successful candidate must have Grade 12 or equivalent. Preference will be given to those applicants with a good working knowledge of OSB manufacturing, operating large industrial machinery and previous experience working in a 24-hour operation. Candidates must be prepared to mrk shifts. This position offers a competitive wage and benefits package. If you are a results oriented individual with a proven record of accomplishment in your trade, a strong safety background and a desire to wortc in a team environment, please fonward your resume by September 10,2004 to: Heinz Zierl Maintenance Manager Tolko Industries Ltd. High Prairie OSB Division Fax:780-523-2204 • E-mail: heinz zierl@toiko.com # O Mm K . iMOUsritims \ ^ THE BRITISH COLUMBIA PRESS COUNCIL, which serves as the regulatory body for the province's newspaper industry, is seeking a Public Director to serve as a Southern Interior representative on its 11member Board of Directors. Directors serve two-year terms and are eligible to serve a maximum of four terms. Candidates should have a record of community involvement, a good awareness of public events and a keen interest in how the print media operates in the province. The Press Council meets on a quarterly basis and also holds public hearings as and when required. Public directors receive a per diem stipend for each sitting day, as well as travel and other expenses. Applications, along with two letters of reference, should be submitted no later than Friday, Sept. 17, to the B C Press Council at Suite 201 -1290 Broad Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 2A5. Tel: (250) 384-3344; Fax: (250) 384-3346; Email: 274 I'roJ'es.sional 274 Frofe.ssional mERLE n o R m n n C O S M E T I C : .S T 11 n I O S MIR VIP#1 Manicure Eye brow wax Colour makeover Mini pedicure Facial 111] VIP#2 it Manicure Eye brow wox 111 Colour makeover Shompoo / cut/ style MlnKpedtCtKfe' Facial VIP#3 Facial Wax Acrylic noils Shampoo/cut/style ^ Colour makeover Eyie brow wax Pedicure Faciol [110 i Great for gift certificates i -I 324 Reid Street • Downtown Quesnei 992-3246 • F r e e ' G i f t WITH PURCHASE YouVrecdve a cnHom cosmetic bag LimVA*Mo««un! Ricb Facial Treatment LUXIVA •C3iangingSlao Eye Convex ' LUXIVA.*Ct)angingSlcmN#tCnsmc LUXIVA "OffleEyelia!* CONSUUING LTD. CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHT Part-time computer Draftsperson WESTFOREST CONSULTING LTD. has an opening for a Part-time Computer Draftsperson. The successful applicant will be proficient in Microstation forestry applications. A working knowledge of Pathfinder CPS and Ozi Explorer will be an asset, as wil! forestry field experience. Wage will be commensurate with experience. Please forward resume to (Fax) 992-3132 Attention Reg LeBlanc. Fred Dupas Maintenance Team Leader High Level Division 11401 - 9 2 n d Street High Level, AB TOH 1Z0 Fax:(780) 926-4773 • E-mail: fred_dupas@tolko.com For more information about Tolko visit: www.tolko.com 278 Skilled Trades council@bcpresscouncil.org At it's web site at www.bcpresscouncil.org, full details on the Press Council's mandate and operations can be found. Tolko Industries Ltd. is a forest products company with mari<eting, resource management and manufacturing operations throughout Western Canada. The High Level Lumber Division offers an attractive wage package under a collective agreement with the IWA. Tolko's High Level Division has immediate openings for the hwo following positions: Applicants are required to have previous band saw experience with dual trade qualifications. Related experience with a circular saw will be considered a definite asset. If you are a results oriented individual with a proven record of accomplishment in your trade, astrong safety background and a desire fo work in a team environment, explore this opportunity by sending a detailed resume by September 10,2004 to: EXPERIENCED COOK required for Wilderness Retreat,. Must have diverse skills and experience. Energetic, hard-working, willing to relocate. Email your resume to Taseko Lake Outfitters, sig@tasedolake.com www.tasedolake.com K E M E S S MINE Recruitment Opportunities: Heavy Duty Mechanics Kemess Mine is a large open pit mine, located in north-central British Columbia. For a complete list of job qualifications and experience criteria please go to our website www.northgateminerals.com. These positions will work a two week in/two week out schedule. A chartered flight is available for these positions from either Prince George or Smithers. Qualified candidates are invited to send their resume to: Kemess Mine - Northgate Exploration Limited, Fax: (604) 6398501. Email: resume@kemess.com LTD. CERTIFIED SAW FILER email: wildwooda!@shaw.ca Persons telephoning In regard to this position will not be considered. Marketing and manufacturing specialty forest products. Applicants must have a valid Alberta or Interprovincial Trade Qualification, with extensive planer experience. Knowledge of hydraulics and strong welding skills will be considered definite assets. 1901 Alder Rd 747-1626 Or 983-2916 Please drop off your resumi^ with a cover letter, in person, to the NCMA office at #7-345 S L Laurent Ave. Applications close August 31** at POSITION: CHILD & FAMILY C O U N S E L L O R Having^ Development Corp L T D D A N G L E H E A D C T L processor operator needed in Mackenzie. Non-smoker, pickup required. Leave message (250) 9978066. Marketing and manufacturing specialty forest products. Providing: • As.sisted Living • Independent Living Condominiums • Day Program.s • Respite Services • Homecare Services • TVan.sportation • Wheel-Chair Accessible Handidart • Medical Equipment Sales & Rentals Wildwood WANTED: FULL-time driver with class 1 license, clean abstract. B-train chip haul experience preferred. Call Randy at 1888-245-8848 Q U E S N E L CHILD & Y O U T H SUPPORT SOCIETY ICC 270 Help Wanted N A N N Y REQUIRED: An interest and knowledge of ranch life a plus. Phone: 394-7338 For more information about Tolko visit: www.tolko.com II 270 Help W anted I I r Closing date: September 4, 2004 Reporting to the Maintenance Superintendant the successful candidate will possess superior knowledge and skillin the sawfiling trade. The preferred candidate will hold a Benchman Trade Certification and will have a minimum of five years experience. • • FRf'.E with Ihc purchase of two or more Mcric Norman cosmetic products, Co^.mctlC acccssoncs nol included. OfTcr valid while supplies last at participating Merle Nomian Cosmetic Studios beginning August 15,20O4. Limit one per customer. Z4 324 Reid Street Downtown Quesnel 992-3246 Mcric Nomian C(»anetx; Studjus ha\e been inJqicnLlciidy owTiod ami (.^wjlcd SDIU; m E R L E ^ RECYCLING*^'""- ill n o R m f l f i I. I> B8 QUESNELCARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday. August29th, 2004 QUESNEL CAfllBOO OBSERVER Sunday, August 2dtf), 2004 B9 WORLD Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com www.quesnelobserver.com Open daily 9:30ani - 1 1 p m 278 Skilled Trades SNOWMOBILE (Full S e r v i c e Liquor Store) Outside Entrance on East Side of Mall Cold Beer & Wine Competitively Priced TECHNICIAN WANTED: MAINTENANCE FREEU 290 Complimentary ^OPEN Consultation and 2Tue.-Sat Sample Treatment W o r k Wanted SHIELA'S CLEANING/ house & pet sitting services. Home/office cleaning. Daily/weekly/monthly. Free estimates. Please call 747-2577 gentle permanent hair removal 316 St. lauroni Ave. Starting from 992-,5615 :.;R«»*3nHoif$}y&ig bin. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. 992-9772. 1 QaesnelLtd. Variable Rate 3.00' IVe iv/// beat ihe banks posted rate 992-7295 254 Reid Street 404 Apartments Computers Use the job bank, create a resume and research companies I mZ i Job Search Packages .... inmiiii F All your job search ^ questions are | answered with easy to use pamphlets, jf Aportnnents #101-242 Reid St. Canada I I I Monday - Friday 9 am • 5 pm 992-7868 428 #3658 - This attractive home makes a unique commercial property in the heart of Quesnel. Extensive renovations, originat hardMvood floors and stairway. "Basement siule rented for $400 pfus utilities. Good income property. Basement suite renters would efer to stay. Parking at back Call nda or Stacey. B #3749 - 3.27 acres of prime commerciat property. Excellent Cocation near new d^relopments with Hi0ms/ exposure. Zoned C4. Good ir>vestment Phone tvan. #3729 - reOUCED RH3tICED. Good #3846 - 7 Years New. 1% story, fexjfa'ng 4 becftroomfamilyhome in wirest Quesnei. tbtalty redone oak kitchen fufl Basement beauty with 4 sets this home apart from the others. bedroonns. 9/10 of an acre partty Quiet, no thru road. All appliances fenced. Garden Spot, attached included and more. A good buy. Call double Garage. Call Rick Hughes or &rin bnda or Stacey. 992-2806 or 992-7346 starting $365; 2 bdrms, $400, utilities included. New renovations, clean, quiet, family oriented. Parking, storage, laundry. 992-3563, 992-2187. 1 BDRM suites available, cable included. Clean & quiet, adult oriented. Cedar Court Apartments, North Quesnel. 776 Vaughan St. Please call: 9921556 -^Make . ^ Chateau St Laurent your home • bachelor suite turnished ;^ 992-2201 /g? 420 Commercial 432 I^uplex/ lor 2 bedroom in 4 plex, $450/mo. plus utilities. Phone 992-7637 Adult oriented. 1 #3803 - This 2 bedroom home features a great yard and access to the river front trait across the street. There is a great view of the Fraser River from this iarae comer lot. The yard is bordered with lilacs and saskatoons. Zoned West Quesnel Local Commefcial. Call Emn. #3778 Great family home, split leve( on quiet dead end street. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1180 ft^ on .22 acre with fenced back yard. Peter will show it to you. #3364 - Quiet no thru road. Good buiFding site, lightly treed 1.01 acres. G o o d neighbors. Call Rick Hughes. #3387 - 1050 Mountain Ash is the address of ttiis targe family home. 1500 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 gas finepfaces, large deck & much more. Call Ivan. #3420 - Great commerctal property si 69t Johnston Ave. Two wide open, spacious ffoors totaling over 7600 s q . ft Will lease or se» outright. Call Rick Hughes or Errin. #3790 Enjoy the panoramic view of Dragon Lake from the covered deck of ttiis quality t 440 ft^' home. Other features include jetted tub in large ensuite, double garage and 1zx12 shop. Call Norm. QUIET 3 bdrm in 4 plex, close to Voyageur School & daycare. Includes W/D. $450/mo. 9927740 NORTH QUESNEL: park, 1 close 1/2 3 bdrm, in to Lebourdias bath, hookup, no pets. F/S, W/D 992-2861 or 983-8585 $425/rno. + utilities. 2 BDRM side by side duplex, W/D hookup, carport, patio, small pet welcome. $400/mo.. 1/2 damage. 992-2774 QUIET 2 bedroom, Supermarket, near Frank's Includes heat- & 'A place you can be proud to call home' #3746 - Quick possession! 4 bedroom solid family home on no thru street 1320 sq. ft. ranch style home with full basement and fenced yand. Detached shop/garage, wired 220 and carport with paved driveway. Wood insert in basement and O S B E Call Ray 5.04 - We will get you started. 992-7295 254 Reid Street 440 Houses #3779 Make your dollars work. T,360 ft?, 3 ^ S a s t Reliable Service Stttu.i Ma VIM It #3775 J u m p ml and enioy the above ground pool and covered deck of this well cared for family home in the oty. S p a o o u s T,45S ft* main floor with fir^lace. tiled entry and kitchen nook. Basement Is set up nicely far h o m e care or in law suite with O S B E Includes: 2 fridges, 2 stoves, 2 washers & dryers. Try your offer. Calf Ray. -^•-v • ' #3776 Nice hobby farm, 114 acnes. 1,250 ft? rancher, 4 bedroom. Approximately 20 acres in hay: Property is fenced and includes snriall guest house, 24 X 30 workshop. 13 x 15 tack room, 3 stall bam and more. Call Peter today #3777 Newer de-registered mobile on % acre fenced lot in Dragon La,ke area. 2 bedrooms. 5 piece bathroom, 980 ft2. Immaculate condit'on. Calf Peter today to view #3789 This 3 bedroom home features many updates, a 14x8 covered deck, brand new renovations in the liegaf basement suite and liane access to the back yard. This house is k5cated on a quiet street by the Fraser River Call Errin #3794 - Am you ready to move into this? 2+2 bedroom. Full basement home on a private, landscaped .99 acre lot. Vinyl windows, custom blinds. 2 bathrooms, new counter tops and some new flooring. Double carport has 12' ceiling. Storage shed, playhouse and much more. Call ray r\ ^STAN'S MOVING ii tsedroom. full basement home. Doutile g a rage, 3 tjathrooms and fireplace. Located in the city. This home with a little upgrading will create value. Spacious, comfortable #3815 - Three tsedrcram home on quiet cul-de-sac in Uplands. Private fenced yard. Mortgage may be assumable to qualified buyer with small downpayment. Call Norm or Ivan. floor plan. Call Rick Johnston to view. #3809 - This 4 bedroom home located across from Dragon lake Golf Course is waiting for a new family. The property is landscaped and the home, with many extras, is a pleasure to show. Large back yard with garden area. A must see. Call Linda or Stacy. #3817 - 8 unit town home complex. Spacious 3 bednoom units with identical floor plans. VA bathrooms. NG Fireplaces and full basements. Cement aads for parking. Resident manager, -amily oriented tenants. Playground across the street Call Ray for info. r -tol3 Lots Lt»« Rick Johnston 747-2912 JO , OnagsRoM #3589 - Nicely treed .92 of an acre fot in a very quiet neighborhood. Slightly sfoped, great for a sunshine basement. Perfect for a new home owner Inquire: Linda or Stacey. - • Ivan Malinosky 747-3488 Call Stan Bergunder 991-0234 7 # Quesnel # Wiiiiams Lake • 100 IVIiie House 2 weeks 25 words or 3 communities •i #3827 - Don't miss this rareopportunity to own this 4 bedroom exclusive home on Dragon Lake. Quality throughout with % inch hardwood floors, built In appliances, hot water radiant heat and best of all, 100' of lakeshora Vbu really don't want to nniss out on this home! #3ai6 - Level city lot located on the Fraser River. Great view of the cutfaanks from a quiet no thru Street. Gas, hydro, sewer, and water available. Priced below as-sessment. Call Errin #3821 - Exclusive Listing. This treasure a must see. Hardwoodflooring,oak kitchen with the country look. Just too much to list. Fully fenced backyard, 2 fireplaces and an in-law suite. Ask for Linda or Stacey #3836 - Make your dollars wori< for you on this 1,122 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, full basement home on .41 acre near Quesnel golf course. Fire place, ensuite, double garage. Be the first to view. Call Rick Johnston. #3841 - A River runs Through It Buy your own piece of B C wilderness when you purchase this 142 acre property located at the confluence of the Euchiniko river and ttie Blackwater river at Gillies Crossing. Unbelievable fly fishing, good access and 3 catsins. Call Emn. #3832 - Business Opportunity - Restaurant, motel, RV Park and gas bar. Excellent gross income and stable yearly sales. Located 12 miles south of Quesnel. 10 unit motel, 17 RV sites and a licensed restaurant that seats 72 patrons. Call Rick Johnston for more iformation. #3833 - Solid 3 Bedroom North Quesnel charmer. Perfect' starter/ retirement home close to schools and all amenities. A little updating will make this great investment into a wonderful home. Price has been reduced and verxJors are motivated. Call Peter. #3845 - spotless 4 bedroom Johnston S u b home. Fully finished basement wifh tons of storage, cold room, fireplace, workshop and dry bar Gorgeous vinyl covered deck with hot tub and built in B B Q . New flooring throughout Paved alley access to double carport. Call Ray for the rest of the story. #3834 - WHAT A GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNfrY! This property is a bare land strata development With 31 kjts developed in Phase one and remainder up to 103 strata lots. 3 strata lots have been sold with residents living there. South of town and close to alFamenities. Call Linda or Stacy. Norm Redden 747-0067 MM less, 75( each additional OBSERVER #3649 - Four-plex on Willis Street generating solid income. Gross income of $20,400. Insurance approximately $850.00 per year. All units have 2 bedrooms with laundry hook-ups. Includes all appliances in all four units. Good investment opportunity. Call Stacey or Linda. Peter Yaffe 249-0010 T H E TRI-CITY CLASSIFIED B U Y WILKINSON APARTMENTS #3719 - Looking for a great starter or retirement home, check out this wonderftjl condo in north Quesnef. The unite is spotless with loads of upgrades. Strata fees; 40.00 per month. G o o d value here. Call Peter to see. WHYRENTP QUIET 3 bedroom in 4 plex, close to Voyageur School and Daycare, includes w/d, $400/month. 992-7740. plex, #3599 - REDUCEDt Top quality home overlooks city. 4 tsedrooms on 3 levels. 2 decks, patio. Master bedroom, vaulted ceiling, 2 sided gas fireplace, 5 piece bathroom, walk in closet. Kitchen second to none. Call Rick Hughes. (^iK'.-iicI L t d . suite in 4-plex $375/mo., utilities included. 992-5115 ask for Bob. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT or Quiet, spacious & clean 1 & 2 bdrm suites. Free hot water, elevator, laundry facilities, resident manager. Ray Blackmore 991-2787 l^ent or Sale NORTHLAND MORTGAGES BDRM hotwater. $375/mo. 992-7740 lease approx. 1200sq/ft. 146 Barlow Avenue Central Downtown Location Recently renovated. Upper level. Air conditioning. Available immediately. Call Brian at 9920177 or 992-2252. Stacey Finlayson 5*3-2718 Rick Hoghes 992-S^ NORTH QUESNEL, 4 Linda Gabara 991-2964 Fourplex \Secur\iy enirance\ Downtown Quesnel Ift2 btlrm, 2 bathroom suites. Free hot water. Resident manager. Rents from $300./mo. #3656 - Prkne location on two #3670 - Enjoy the quiief afKl pnvacy of k3catk3n tn Southiilis - ttOO sq. ft, mite flat wttft revenue avaitabfe 2thsbedroom Rancher on a street with firom restaurant, retail Truck cut'^ie-sac Large smdecfc for those summer barbecues. 2fireplacesaid " & residentiai tenandes. bathrooms. Call Rick Johnston to view. 1.05 acres. Call Ivan or Norm Tel: (250) 388-6^5<i Fax: (250) 382-356^ Internet: http://www.colliers.com $350 per mo. 992-2670 r v i S T A MANOR' I & LARK APTS #3575 - Irwestment or development. Commensial zoned .35 acres on HWY 97 S commercial area. G o o d location near new de vetopment Call Ivan or Norm. Rent as low as Available immediately. Johnson Sub. ground level entry.. No dogs or cats. Includes heat, light & cable. Call 992-7288 or 992-8834 #3603 - 4000 sq.ft. building & ware#3782 This 3 bedroom home featur house and amazing profitable business. air conditionir^, tane a c c ^ . apple Heavy equip, parkretailer.Equipment trees, covered deck with skylights and to much to list. The Business Develop a chain link fenced yard. Theire's also ment Bank has expressed keen interest a lovely basement suite. Too many looking at any potential buyer. Inquire. things to mention here. Call Norm Linda or Stacey or Errin. Property e-mail: ross.mclleever@colliers.com • 2 bedrooms • 2 full baths 1. 2 & ."^ b J r m suites a v a i l a b l e . On site manaecr. 2 BEDROOM L 991-5111 The Government of Canada tas contrilxjted funding to this initiative. Charlotte Manor Board ^ bedroom 1 BDRMS CONNECTIONS Quesnel, Cariboo, BC, Alberta jobs updated daily. Employers welcome to post jobs. & 2 TOWN- Renaissance II Credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend!! If you own you own home - you qualify. 1-877-987-1420. www.pioneenwest.com Member of the Better Business Bureau. NORTHLAND MORTGAGES 992-7111 www.royallepage.ca #3805 - Over 15 acres of serenity ancf sectusion. Backs on to community pasture. Large 1,700 ft^ rancher with sundeck. tiot tub to v j ^ . Large horse bam with riding arena, power and water. " must see. Call Rick Hughes. • approximately 18' ceilings in warehouse • ample electric service • air conditioned office space plus luncheon and reception • secure compounded yard with access off Glanford and Enterprise Crescent • four (4) 16' grade level loading doors • fully sprinklered • extensive ventilation systems in place •paint booth, spray booth and ample parking For further information please contact Ty Whittaker or Michael Miller e-mail: ty.whittaker@colliers.com e-mail: michael.miller@colliers.com • • or'.' • apartments. Security door, laundry facilities, clean and quiet. 992-6684. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad WORK NETWORK llllllllllllllllllilli 30,385 square feet which can be divided NORTH QUESNEL. Mort<iaj4e Job $300/mo. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. 2 bedroom house. 1 bedroom basement suite. 1 bedroom c a - 328 Mniince/ liil Commercial Royal Oak Industrial Park 575 Oofierty Drive 992-1195 or 992-7346 TD 25 bulldozer for hire. Call 250-991-2984 UiOTtwJ &> 420 205 St. Laurent Ave. 770 Enterprise Crescent, Victoria, B.C. N.R.U. GENERAL for trailer fleet. Brakes, lights, small welding repairs, etc. In town, Williams Lake. 1-888-245-8848 Commercial REFERRAL Apartments 1, 2 & 3 bdrm, some newly renovated, ceramic tile, gas fireplace, fridge & stove, i vert, blinds, spacious decks & balconies, security entrance. quired immediately, two vacancies. Commercial and Residential. Apply by. fax 250-8618974. Servicing local area and Okanagan Valley. Delivery Service 420 Independently Owned and Operated Renaissance I JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER re- QUKNEkEUICROLYSiS CUNtCj Shoryl A'Jaiiin EJcciroiogisl 404 Apartment.s needed for very busy repair shop in Aldergrove. Min. 5 years experience. Personal watercraft exp an asset. $15$25/hr depending on exp. Email: jetfactoryl ©telus.net Fax: (604) 857-5345 Westside Liquor Store >,4 ROYALLEIWGE In the West Park Mall 992-2923 W I D E G^' won! 992-2121 #3830 - This 2 bedroom home is located on a quiet street overlooking the Fraser River banks. It is close to schools and shopping. T h e home features a pnvate yara, sundeck and carport. Call Rick H or Emn Errin Evans 992-2427
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