How to prepare projects for European funding 2014-2020 PNO is market leader in innovation financing, with a special focus on grants. Our service model aims at supporting companies, public organizations and partnerships in their efforts to obtain grants and other financial resources for their innovations, and at boosting the effects of these organizations’ innovative work. PNO works with expert teams, among others in the area of Energy, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Logistics, High Tech and EU grants. a roadmap for future Beneficiaries Vincent van den Bosch Managing Partner PNO CEE EU BRUSSELS FUNDING FOR TRANSPORT 2014-2020 2013-12-08 TRANSPORT INNOVATION The EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 A new EU budget period: time for a change Europe 2020 strategy One of 7 Flagship initiatives is “Innovation Union” Europe is facing many challenges: •create job opportunities for all, especially the young •get the economy back on track •make companies more competitive in the global market •solve the challenges of an ageing population •secure resources like food and fuel •fight global warming •improve smart and green transport As main economic driver of EU economic growth is innovation, the EU needs to improve its performance in innovation. 2013-12-08 INFRASTRUCTURE: NEW TEN-T POLICY WHY to establish a complete and integrated trans-European transport network (TEN-T), covering all Member States and regions providing the basis for balanced development of all transport modes to facilitate more sustainable, more efficient and multiple choice transport maximizing the added value of the network for Europe. HOW TEN-T development at 2 levels. 1.Comprehensive network: a large, basic network, the relevant existing and planned infrastructure in the Member States. 2.Core network: strategically most important parts of TEN-T: 9 major multimodal corridors, 2 North-South, 3 East West and 4 diagonal corridors. – To transform East West connections – To remove bottlenecks – To upgrade infrastructure – To streamline cross border transport operations (cargo and pax). – To improve connections between different modes of transport – To contribute to EU climate change objectives. 2013-12-08 2013-12-08 EU BRUSSELS FUNDING FOR TRANSPORT Smart, green and integrated transport, € 6 339 million funding 2014. Programme for transport innovation under Horizon2020 First calls open 11 December 2013 to close 18 (1st stage) and 27 March Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the key financial instrument for financing the TEN-T policy objectives, focused on the core transport network. € 26 billion budget TEN-T programme, related to infrastructure and pilots. Funding for: •Studies – to prepare project implementation to overcome early stage project difficulties, a.o. preparatory, feasibility, evaluation and validation studies, comprehensive technical or environmental studies and geological explorations, project development activities and preparing the financial package; •Works – meaning purchase, supply and installing components, systems and services, construction and installation works and project launch. If applicable, pilot projects •Last call under MFF 2007-2013 open mid-December 2013 to close mid-March 2014 •First call under MFF 2014-2020 expected Q2 2014. Marco Polo successor programme (under construction) •Funding for operations and deployment of innovative and sustainable freight transport services, where small scale ancillary infrastructure and investments in innovative equipment would be integral part of the projects. 2013-12-08 H2020: TRANSPORT WHY to achieve a European transport system that is resource-efficient, climate- and environmentally-friendly, safe and seamless for the benefit of all citizens, the economy and society. HOW: 4 broad lines: 1. Resource efficient transport that respects the environment Aim: improving natural resource efficiency and reducing fossil fuel dependence. 2. Better mobility, less congestion, more safety and security Aim: innovative solutions for seamless, inclusive, affordable, safe, secure and robust transport systems. 3. Global leadership for the European transport industry Aim: reinforce competitiveness and performance of European transport manufacturing industries and related services (a.o. logistic processes) and retain areas of European leadership (e.g. aeronautics). 4. Socio-economic and behavioral research and preparatory activities for policy making Aim: support improved policy making to promote innovation and meet challenges raised by transport and related societal needs. 2013-12-08 H2020: COUPLING RESEARCH TO INNOVATION Calls •Mobility for growth •Green vehicles •Small business and fast track innovation research for transport •Innovation is integral part of the activities •Projects do not just regard research, instead have broad approach to innovation: mixing research and technological development with product innovation, service innovation, social innovation, innovation in design, business model innovation … •Both technological & non-technological innovation •Both incremental & disruptive innovation 2013-12-08 GREEN VEHICLES Calls for proposals top-down formulated: requested research is pre-defined. Often obligation to participate in international consortium. Cooperation between different disciplines is of paramount importance. Many opportunities for participation of SME. Funding rates: 100% for research, 70% close-to-market project, 25% for overhead Green vehicles calls open 11 December, deadline 28 August 2014 GV1 Next generation of competitive lithium ion batteries to meet customer expectations GV2 Optimised and systematic energy management in electric vehicles GV3 Future natural gas pow ertrains and components for cars and vans GV4 Hybrid light and heavy duty vehicles GV5 Electric tw o w heelers and new light vehicle concepts GV7 Future natural gas pow ertrains and components for heavy duty vehicles 2013-12-08 MOBILITY FOR GROWTH • Calls open 11 December, deadline 18 March 2014 1st stage, 28 August 2014 2nd stage MG2.1 I²I – Intelligent Infrastructure Rail MG2.2 Smart rail services MG2.3 New generation of rail vehicles MG3.1 Technologies for low emission pow ertrains MG3.2 Advanced bus concepts for increased efficiency Road MG3.3 Global competitiveness of automotive supply chain management MG3.4 Traffic safety analysis and integrated approach tow ards the safety of vulnerable road users MG3.5 Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion-free and sustainable mobility MG.4.1 Tow ards the energy efficient and very-low emission vessel Waterborne MG4.2 Safer and more efficient w aterborne operations through new technologies and smarter traffic mgt MG4.4 Advancing innovation in the Inland Waterw ays Transport sector MG5.1 Transforming the use of conventionally fuelled vehicles in urban areas Urban mobility MG5.2 Reducing impacts and costs of freight and service trips in urban areas MG5.3 Tackling urban road congestion Logistics MG6.1 Fostering synergies alongside the supply chain (including e.commerce) MG6.2 De-stressing the supply chain Intelligent transport systems Infrastructure MG7.1 Connectivity and information sharing for intelligent mobility MG7.2 Tow ards seamless mobility addressing fragmentation in ITS deployment in Europe MG8.1 Smarter design, construction and maintenance MG8.4 Smart governance, netw ork resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation 2013-12-08 TEN-T • • • € 11.3 billion from CEF is earmarked only for cohesion countries, to prioritize East West connections Projects on the defined TEN-T core corridors and/or in appointed nodal points in the Cohesion countries need to apply for funding with TEN-T in Brussels Also eligibility rules, closer monitoring and the application of the use-it-or-lose-it principle apply Type of projects All Member States Studies (all) Works on 50% Member States eligible for Cohesion Fund 50% Cross border Bottleneck 40% 30% 80-85% Other projects of common interest 20% 80-85% Cross border 40% 80-85% Bottleneck 30% 80-85% Other projects of common interest 20% 80-85% Inland transport connections to ports and airports (rail and road) 20% 80-85% Development of ports 20% 80-85% Development of multi-modal platforms Reduce rail freight noise by retrofitting of existing rolling stock Freight transport services Secure parkings on road core network Motorways of the sea Traffic management systems ERTMS (rail) Other modes Cross border road sections 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 50% 20% --- 80-85% 20% 20% 20% 20% 80-85% 80-85% 80-85% Rail Inland waterways 2013-12-08 80-85% TEN-T CRITERIA Maturity of the project Socio-economic effects Environmental consequences and benefits Need to overcome financial obstacles Soundness of the financial package Complexity of the projects, for example due to the need to cross natural barriers Degree of contribution to: continuity and interoperability of the network, capacity optimisation improvement of service quality, safety and security internal market and other priorities of the trans-European transport networks re-balancing of transport modes in favour of the most environmentally friendly ones Quality of the application. 2013-12-08 TEN-T CASES 2009-2011 Bottleneck elimination north-south artery Motorway A2 in Maastricht (priority corridor) Construction of a tunnel for the A2/E25 motorway running through the centre of Maastricht. A 400 m section of the overall tunnel will be realised within this action after the preparatory works are completed. These include the setting up the building site, deviation of the technical infrastructure, demolishment of parts of housing estates and construction of a temporary road for the A2. It builds on a predecessor project funded by the TEN-T programme which studied the feasibility and planning of this project. The project received over € 20 million of TEN-T funding (10% of eligible costs). 2012 Intermodal Terminal Melnik (nodal point on priority corridor) Works to improve the inland port of Melnik as nodal point on EU Railway 22 Athens-Sofia-BudapestWien-Praha-Nürnberg/Dresden and on the river Elbe. To stimulate combined transport, the transhipment capability is improved (to 200,000 TEU annually, ability to receive 750 m cargo trains), rail tracks extended to facilitate rail traffic in the port and entrance and positioning area for trucks expanded. The project receives € 826,000 of TEN-T funding (20% of eligible costs for this project phase). 2013-12-08 STRUCTURAL AND COHESION FUNDS Managed at the level of the authorities of the Member States Poland: 73 billion euro for the period 2014-2020 Priority areas : Innovation Entrepreneurship Research & development Motorways and expressways Green energy Environmentally friendly transport IT Science, labour market & social integration 2013-12-08 CHANGES IN STRUCTURAL FUNDS MANAGEMENT? • • • • • • • The funds will be distributed among 5 central programs, one supra-regional and 16 regional Emphasis on stimulating innovativeness of Polish enterprises Most support for SME companies Subsidies for large companies to support efforts to adapt to the requirements of the EU Large companies impact on priority fields to receive funding. Plans to shift non refundable grants into fundable grants; soft loans. Increased role of regions: over 50% of allocated budget managed at voivodship level. • from Q4 2014 first calls for proposals. 2013-12-08 PROPOSAL FOR DISTRIBUTION EUROPEAN FUNDS FOR NATIONAL PROGRAMMES Źródło:MRR PLUS ok. 28 MLD euro na programy regionalne 2013-12-08 MRR PROPOSITION TO DIVIDE EUROPEAN FUNDS ON REGIONS (MLN EURO) • Źródło:MRR 2013-12-08 2013-12-08 PUBLIC SUPPORT LEVEL 2014-2020 2013-12-08 STRATEGIC GRANTS PLANNING 2015 SUCCESS HORIZON NEW FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE SOON TOMORROW TODAY RISK ANALYSIS PROJECT MANAGEMENT & APPLYING GRANT MANAGEMNT PLANNED PROJECTS OPERATIONAL PROJECT ASSISTANCE MANAGEMENT RECOVERY PACKAGE IMPLEMENTATION 2013-12-08 CURRENTLY AVAILABLE GRANTS 2013-12-08 INVESTMENT PROJECTS FUNDING SOURCES 1.4 POIG 4.2 POIS 4.4 POIG Gekon Demonstrator Patent Plus Szybka ścieżka Blue Gas Innolot LIFE 2013-12-08 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INNOVATIVE ECONOMY 1.4 SOURCE: POIG 1.4 „ Support for targeted projects” PROGRAMME AREAS: Conducting targeted project focused on technological or organizational actions – alone or in cooperation with research institutions as well as by research institutions alone at the request of entrepreneurs- till the prototype creation. FUNDING: up to 70% of eligible costs- industrial research up to 45% of eligible costs – development works ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS: SME CALL TERMS: I Q 2014 2013-12-08 Thank you for your attention find more info on: PNO is market leader in innovation financing, with a special focus on grants. Our service model aims at supporting companies, public organizations and partnerships in their efforts to obtain grants and other financial resources for their innovations, and at boosting the effects of these organizations’ innovative work. PNO works with expert teams, among others in the area of Energy, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Logistics, High Tech and EU grants. Biuro w Warszawie Biuro w Krakowie Biuro w Rzeszowie PROMENADA Ul. Ostrobramska 75c 04-175 Warszawa T: +48 22 611 73 20 F: +48 22 611 73 21 FRONTON Ul. Kamienna 21 31-403 Kraków T: +48 12 349 62 55 Al. Tadeusza Rejtana 23 35-326 Rzeszów T: +48 17 852 26 43 F: +48 17 852 26 44
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