Damaris: How To Efficiently Leverage Multicore Parallelism To Achieve Scalable, Jitter-Free I/O And Non-Intrusive In-Situ Visualization Work involving Matthieu Dorier (IRISA, ENS Cachan), Gabriel Antoniu (INRIA), Marc Snir (ANL), Franck Cappello (ANL), Leigh Orf (CMICH), Dave Semeraro (NCSA, UIUC), Roberto Sisneros (NCSA, UIUC), Tom Peterka (ANL) Gabriel Antoniu gabriel.antoniu@inria.fr KerData Project-Team Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique Maison de la simulation, Saclay, January 2014 Context: HPC simulations on Blue Waters • INRIA – UIUC - ANL Joint Lab for Petascale Computing • Blue Waters: sustained petaflop • Large-scale simulation at unprecedented accuracy • Terabytes of data produced every minute Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach -2 Big Data challenge on post-petascale machines • How to efficiently store, move data? • How to index, process, compress these data? • How to analyze, visualize and finally understand them? Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach -3 Outline 1. Big Data challenge at exascale 2. The Damaris approach 3. Achieving scalable I/O 4. Non-impacting in-situ visualization 5. Conclusion Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach -4 1 Big Data challenges at exascale When parallel file systems don’t scale anymore The stardard I/O flow: offline data analysis 100.000+ cores PetaBytes of data ~ 10.000 cores Periodic data generation from the simulation Storage in a parallel file system (Lustre, PVFS, GPFS,…) Offline data analysis (on another cluster) Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach -6 Writing from HPC simulations: File per process vs. Collective I/O Two main approaches for I/O in HPC simulations Implemented in MPI-I/O, available in HDF5, NetCDF,… • Too many files • Requires coordination • High metadata overhead • Data communications • Hard to read back Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach -7 Periodic synchronous snapshots lead to I/O bursts and high variability Visualizing throughput variability: - - Input Between cores Between iterations Output The “cardiogram” of a PVFS data server during a run of the CM1 simulation Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach -8 2 The Damaris approach Dedicating cores to enable scalable asynchronous I/O Writing without Damaris CORE CORE CORE CORE CORE CORE Main Memory CORE CORE Network Huge access contention, degraded performance Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 10 With Damaris: using dedicated I/O cores CORE CORE CORE CORE CORE CORE Main Memory CORE CORE Network • • • • • Dedicate cores to I/O Write in shared memory Process data asynchronously Produce results Output results Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 11 Leave a core, go faster! Time-Partitioning Space-Partitioning Moving I/O to a dedicated core Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 12 Damaris at a glance • Dedicated Adaptable Middleware for • Application Resources Inline Steering Main idea: dedicate one or a few cores in each SMP node for data • management Features: - Shared-memory-based communications - Plugin system (C,C++, Python) - Connection to visualization engines (e.g. VisIt, ParaView) - XML external description of data Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 13 Damaris: current state of the software • Version 0.7.2 available at http://damaris.gforge.inria.fr/ (1.0 available soon J) - Along with documentation, tutorials, examples and a demo! • Written in C++, uses - Boost for IPC, Xerces-C and XSD for XML parsing • API for Fortran, C, C++ • Tested on - Grid’5000 (Linux Debian), Kraken (Cray XT5 - NICS), Titan (Cray XK6 – Oak Ridge), JYC, Blue Waters (Cray XE6 - NCSA), Surveyor, Intrepid (BlueGene/ P – Argonne) • Tested with - CM1 (climate), OLAM (climate), GTC (fusion), Nek5000 (CFD) Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 14 3 Results: achieving scalable I/O Running the CM1 simulation on Kraken, G5K and BluePrint with Damaris • The CM1 simulation - Atmospheric simulation - One of the Blue Waters target applications - Uses HDF5 (file-per-process) and pHDF5 (for collective I/O • Kraken • Grid 5000 • BluePrint - Cray XT5 at NICS - 12 cores/node - 24 cores/node - 48 GB/node - Power5 - 16 GB/node - PVFS file system - 64 GB/node - Luster file system Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 16 cores/node - GPFS file system - 16 1000 10000 800 8000 Scalability factor Run time (sec) Damaris achieves almost perfect scalability 600 400 200 Perfect scaling 6000 Damaris 4000 File-per-process 2000 0 0 576 2304 9216 Number of cores Kraken Cray XT5 Application run time (50 iterations + 1 write phase) Collective-I/O 0 5000 10000 Number of cores Weak scalability factor S=N Tbase T N: number of cores Tbase: time of an iteration on one core w/o write T: time of an iteration + a write Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 17 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Collective-I/O File-per-process Damaris BluePrint Power5, 1024 cores Average, max and min write time 10 576 2304 9216 Number of cores Kraken Cray XT5 Average and maximum write time 28MB per process Time to write (sec) Time to write (sec) Damaris hides the I/O jitter 8 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 Total amount of data (GB) Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach 30 - 18 Damaris increases effective throughput Aggregate throughput (GB/s) Average aggregate throughput from the writer processes 16 8 4 2 1 0,5 0,25 0,125 0,0625 File-per-process Damaris Collective-I/O 0 5000 10000 Number of cores Kraken Cray XT5 Average aggregate throughput from writers Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 19 More results… Damaris: How to Efficiently Leverage Multicore Parallelism to Achieve Scalable, Jitter-free I/O Matthieu Dorier, Gabriel Antoniu, Franck Cappello, Marc Snir, Leigh Orf Proceedings of IEEE CLUSTER 2012 (Beijing, China) Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 20 Damaris spares time for data management 300 250 250 200 Time (sec) Time (sec) Time spent by Damaris writing data and time spent waiting 200 150 150 100 Spare time 50 50 Used time 0 0 100 576 2304 9216 Number of cores Kraken Cray XT5 0,05 5,8 15,1 24,7 Total amount of data (GB) BluePrint Power5 (1024 cores) Damaris spares time? Let’s use it! Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 21 4 Recent work: non-impacting in-situ visualization Getting insights from running simulations From offline to coupled visualization • Offline approach • I/O performance issues in the simulation • I/O performance issues in visualization software • Too much data!!! • Coupled approach • Direct insight in the simulation • Bypass the file system • Interactive BUT • Hardly accepted by users Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 23 Towards in-situ visualization • Loosely coupled strategy - Visualization runs on a separate, remote set of resources - Partially or fully asynchronous - Solutions include staging areas, file format wrappers (HDF5 DSM, ADIOS, …) • Tightly coupled strategy - Visualization is collocated with the simulation - Synchronous (time-partitioning): the simulation periodically stops - Solution by code instrumentation - Memory constrained Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 24 Four main challenges User friendliness Low impact on simulation code Adaptability (to different simulations and visualization scenarios) Performance Low impact on simulation run time Good resource utilization (low memory footprint, use of GPU,…) Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 25 In-situ visualization strategies Coupling Tight Loose ? Impact on code High Low Minimal Interactivity Yes None Yes Instrumentation High Low Minimal Impact on run time High Low Minimal Resource usage Good Non-optimal Better Adaptability • Researchers seldom accept tightly-coupled in-situ visualization - Because of development overhead, performance impact… - “Users are stupid, greedy, lazy slobs” [1] • Is there a solution achieving all these goals? • Yes: Damaris [1] D. Thompson, N. Fabian, K. Moreland, L. Ice, “Design issues for performing in-situ analysis of simulation data”, Tech. Report, Sandia National Lab Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 26 Node Node Node Node Node Connect to a visualization backend File System Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 27 Node Node Node Node Node Interact with your simulation File System Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 28 Let’s take a representative example // rectilinear grid coordinates float mesh_x[NX]; float mesh_y[NY]; float mesh_z[NZ]; // temperature field double temperature[NX][NY][NZ]; Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 29 “Instrumenting” with Damaris ! Damaris_write(“mesh_x”,mesh_x);! Damaris_write(“mesh_y”,mesh_y);! Damaris_write(“mesh_z”,mesh_z);! ! Damaris_write(“temperature”,temperature);! ! (Yes, that’s all) Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 30 Now describe your data in an XML file <parameter name="NX" type="int" value="4"/>! <layout name="px" type="float” sizes="NX"/>! <variable name="mesh_x" layout="px">! <!-- idem for PTY and PTZ, py and pz, mesh_y and mesh_z -->! ! <layout name="data_layout" type="double” sizes="NX,NY,NZ"/>! <variable name="temperature" layout="data_layout” mesh=“my_mesh” />! ! <mesh type=“rectilinear” name=“my_mesh” topology=“3”>! <coord name=“mesh_x” unit=“cm” label=“width” />! <coord name=“mesh_y” unit=“cm” label=“depth” />! <coord name=“mesh_z” unit=“cm” label=“height” />! </mesh>! • Unified data description for different visualization software • Damaris translates this description into the right function calls to any such software (right now: Python and VisIt) • Damaris handles the interactivity through dedicated cores! Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 31 Plugin exposing vector fields in the Nek5000 simulation with VTK VisIt interacting with the CM1 simulation through Damaris Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 32 Damaris has a low impact on the code VisIt Damaris Curve.c 144 lines 6 lines Mesh.c 167 lines 10 lines Var.c 271 lines 12 lines Life.c 305 lines 8 lines Number of lines of code required to instrument sample simulations with VisIt and with Damaris Nek5000 VTK : 600 lines of C and Fortran Damaris : 20 lines of Fortran, 60 of XML Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 33 Results with the Nek5000 simulation • The Nek5000 simulation • CFD solver • Based on spectral elements method • Developed at ANL • Written in Fortran 77 and MPI • Scales over 250,000 cores • Data in Nek5000 • Fixed set of elements constituting an unstructured mesh • Each element is a curvilinear mesh • Damaris already knows how to handle curvilinear meshes and pass them to VisIt Tested on up to 384 cores with Damaris so far Traditional approach does not even scale to this number! • • Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 34 Damaris removes the variability inherent to in-situ visualization tasks Experiments done with the turbChannel test-case in Nek5000, on 48 cores (2 nodes) of Grid’5000’s Reims cluster. Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 35 Conclusion: using Damaris for in-situ analysis Coupling Tight Loose Damaris Impact on code High Low Minimal Interactivity Yes None Yes Instrumentation High Low Minimal Impact on run time High Low Minimal Resource usage Good Non-optimal Better Adaptability • Impact on code: 1 line per object (variable or event) • Adaptability to multiple visualization software (Python, VisIt, ParaView, etc.) • Interactivity through VisIt • Impact on run time: simulation run time independent of visualization • Resources usage: • preserves the “zero-copy” capability of VisIt thanks to shared-memory, • can asynchronously use GPU attached to Cray XK6 nodes Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 36 More results… Damaris/Viz: a Nonintrusive, Adaptable and User-Friendly In Situ Visualization Framework M. Dorier, R. Sisneros, T. Peterka, G. Antoniu, D. Semeraro, In Proc IEEE LDAV 2013 - IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization, Oct 2013, Atlanta, United States. Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 37 Conclusion The Damaris approach in a nutshell • Dedicated cores • Shared memory • Highly adaptable system thanks to plugins and XML • Connection to VisIt Results on I/O • Fully hides the I/O jitter and I/O-related costs • 15x sustained write throughput (compared to collective I/O) • Almost perfect scalability • Execution time divided by 3.5 compared to collective I/O • Enables 600% compression ratio without any overhead Recent work for in-situ visualization • Efficient coupling of simulation and analysis tools • Perfectly hides the run-time impact of in-situ visualization • Minimal code instrumentation • High adaptability Dealing with Big Data on post-petascale machines: the Damaris approach - 38 Thank you! Damaris: How To Efficiently Leverage Multicore Parallelism To Achieve Scalable, Jitter-Free I/O And Non-Intrusive In-Situ Visualization Work involving Matthieu Dorier (IRISA, ENS Cachan), Gabriel Antoniu (INRIA), Marc Snir (ANL), Franck Cappello (ANL), Leigh Orf (CMICH), Dave Semeraro (NCSA, UIUC), Roberto Sisneros (NCSA, UIUC), Tom Peterka (ANL) Gabriel Antoniu gabriel.antoniu@inria.fr KerData Project-Team Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique Maison de la simulation, Saclay, January 2014
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