How to apply for EU Grants Tool Kit ______________________ What is a grant? • EU awards money in the form of grants (direct payment of a noncommercial nature to a specific recipient) in order to implement projects or activities within diverse fields such as education, health, culture, youth, environment, etc, through a competitive process according to precise priorities. • Grants are a form of complementary financing and cannot be awarded retroactively for actions that are already completed and ongoing. • The grant beneficiaries are mainly private (i.e. NGOs) and public institutions. • Calls for proposals invite candidates to present, within a given deadline, a proposal for action that corresponds to the objectives pursued and fulfils the required conditions. • All applications are examined and evaluated on the basis of criteria that have clearly been announced in the calls for proposals/guidelines for aplicants, while ensuring equal treatment; candidates are individually informed of the final decision concerning their proposal. Who can apply? Applicants must be: • legal persons • non profit making • nationals of a Member State of the EU either a Candidate country (Turkey, Croatia, and F.Y.R of Macedonia) or one from the European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein) or of the Syrian Arab Republic • registered in conformity with the local legislation in force. Syrian NGOs must have been registered for at least two years at the time of the submission of an application. Non-Syrian NGOs must have been registered for at least three years at the time of the submission of an application, according to the regulation existing in the states they have established. • directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their partners and associates. • able to demonstrate to have regularly carried out activities in the field of development. Applicants may act individually or with partners A partnership among a number of organisations is strongly encouraged from the implementation point of view. This arrangement brings together several actors, which have a shared interest in the outcome and demonstrate some degree of ownership, in order to address a particular issue. This does not imply necessarily a legal or contractual agreement but rather an identifiable form of governance. Applicants must clearly demonstrate the value added and advantages offered by the proposed partnership. Partners and Associates • Applicants’ partners participate in designing and implementing the action, and the costs they incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the grant Beneficiary. They must therefore satisfy the same eligibility criteria as applicants. • Other organisations may be involved in the action. Such associates play a real role in the action but may not receive funding from the grant with the exception of per diem or travel costs. Associates do not have to meet the eligibility criteria How to apply for an EU Grants? NGOs SHOULD Step 1: Register in PADOR After identifying a specific call for proposals in line with your own organisation‘s strategy, OPEN CALL Step 2: Prepare and Send the CONCEPT NOTE TOGETHER WITH THE FULL APPLICATION (ONE DEADLINE) RESTRICTED CALL Step 2: Prepare and Send the CONCEPT NOTE If selected, Step 3: Send the FULL APPLICATION (TWO DEADLINES: one for Concept Note and one for Full Application) Before Applying for EU CfP REGISTRATION IN PADOR IS COMPULSORY Potential Applicant Dated Online Registration (PADOR) is data base that will register information on EU partner NGOs all around the world. All legally registered NGOs can register in PADOR at any time but registration in PADOR is MANDATORY for applying to calls for proposals for applicants and partners. WHY? - To better know our partners and to verify legal entity - To facilitate application. Once registered an NGO do not need to fill in the section II related to information about the applicant - Registration number will give access to on-line services (follow-up, application) -To produce less paper documents. IN CASE OF PROBLEMS: - Help desk: - If problem persists make sure you fill the section II in the PAPER application and copy us to your correspondence with the helpdesk. - A proposal with applicant information missing will be rejected. PADOR Information about the NGO 1. IDENTITY 2. PROFILE 3. CAPACITY TO MANAGE AND IMPLEMENT ACTIONS 4. LIST OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD/COMMITTEE Mandatory documents uploaded by the APPLICANTS 1. Statute 2. Annual Financial report 3. Audit report if requested amount < 500 000 € Mandatory documents for PARTNERS 1. Statute Donor’s Role • Publicity (workprogramme + Aidco website /Delegation websites+ info day + other means if appropriate: local publication etc.) • Receipt and registration • Opening and administrative check • Assessment of the quality of the concept notes • Assessment of the technical and financial quality of the proposal • Eligibility check • Evaluation Report • Contract preparation and signature • Publicity (award notice) EU Guidelines In respect of principles of transparency, proportionality and equal treatment, guidelines is a document explaining the purpose of a Call for Proposals for grants. It sets out the rules regarding applicants, the types of operations and costs which may be financed, and the evaluation criteria. It also provides practical information on how to complete the application form, what documents must be annexed, and rules and procedures for applying. EU Grant Application Form Contracting Authority: European Union <Title of programme> Grant Application Form Budget line(s): Reference: < call for proposals number> Deadline for submission open/restricted call Open Call: The applicant must prepare the concept note together with the full application form and send them both: One deadline Restricted Call The applicant must prepare only the concept note. Only the selected applicants will be asked to send the full application form: Two deadlines (one for CN and one for Full Application) EU Grant Application Form Title of the action: Name of applicant: <specify country(ies), region(s), area(s) or town(s) that will benefit from the Action> Location(s) of the action: Total eligible cost of the action (A) [EUR/National currency] Total duration of the action: Amount requested from the Contracting Authority (B) [EUR/National currency] Check minimum and maximum % of total eligible cost of action (B/Ax100) Check your maths Check the maximum <months> Be realistic! Check minimum and maximum duration Dossier No (for official use only) EU Grant Application Form Contact details for the purpose of this action: Postal address: Telephone number: Country code + city code + number Fax number: Country code + city code + number Contact person for this action : Contact person’s email address : Any change in the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and in particular e-mail, must be notified in writing to the Contracting Authority. The Contracting Authority will not be held responsible in case it cannot contact an applicant. Step 2 : Drafting the Concept Note • The CN is a photograph of the proposal, as clear as possible and underlining why this proposal can “make a difference” • It focuses on the “substance” of the project and avoids details in all different components (ex : the detailed budget is not provided). • No specific template but 4 full pages (A4 size) of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins • 3 sections : relevance of the action ; description of the action and its effectiveness ; sustainability of the action • The size of each section will reflect the relative importance of each heading EU Grant Application Form Part A. CONCEPT NOTE I. GUIDANCE FOR THE DRAFTING OF THE CONCEPT NOTE There is no specific template for the Concept Note but the applicant has to ensure that the text of his concept note: ¾does not exceed 4 full pages (A4 size) of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins; ¾responds, in the same sequence, to the headings listed below and in the Application Form. It is expected that the size of each section will reflect the relative importance of each heading (ref max scores in the evaluation grid and in the Guidelines). The applicant may provide any additional information that he may deem useful for the evaluation, but which might not have been specifically requested (e.g. added value and/or synergy with other similar interventions past, present, or planned - past activities, multiplier or spill-over effects, why the applicant is the best placed for the implementation of the action etc); ¾The evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the evaluation grid and it will be based solely on the information provided by the applicant in the concept note (even if you have already been granted a project by the EU); ¾Is drafted as clearly as possible to facilitate its assessment. Relevance of the Action ¾ Provide a general presentation and analysis of the problems and their interrelation at all levels. ¾ Identify clearly specific problems to be addressed by the action. ¾ Include a brief description of the target groups and final beneficiaries. ¾ Demonstrate the relevance of the proposal to the needs and constraints in general of the target country(ies) or region(s) and to the target groups/final beneficiary groups in particular. ¾ Demonstrate the relevance of the proposal to the priorities and requirements presented in the Guidelines. Description of the action and its effectiveness • Provide a description of the proposed action including, where relevant, background information that led to the presentation of this proposal. This should include: • a description of the overall objective of the action, outputs and expected results; • Description of the proposed activities and their effectiveness; • Involvement of implementing partners and associates, their role and relationship to the applicant, if applicable, and the applicant's relationship with them; • Other possible stakeholders (national, local government, private sector, etc.), their anticipated role and/or potential attitudes towards the project. Sustainability of the action • Provide an initial risk analysis and eventual contingency plans. This should include at minimum a list of risks associated for each action proposed accompanied by a relevant mitigation measures. A good risk analysis would include a range of risk types including physical, environmental, political, economic and social risks. • Give the main preconditions and assumptions during and after the implementation phase (involvement of stakeholders should be addressed and not taken for granted). • Explain how sustainability will be secured after completion of the action. This can include aspects of necessary follow-up activities, built-in strategies, ownership etc., if any. Clarifications Sustainability 3 dimensions must be envisaged to evaluate the expected short and longterm impact of the Action: • Financial level: how will activities continue to be financed when the grant ends? • Institutional level: will structures allowing the activities continue to be in place at the end of the action? Will there be local "ownership" of action outcomes? • Policy level: what structural impact will the action have - e.g. will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc? The different components must be well explained and fit into a coherent framework in the application form. Risk analysis of each action (physical, environmental, economic, political, & social risks) & mitigation measures are useful tools. EU Grant Application Form II. CHECKLIST FOR CONCEPT NOTE CRITERIA FOR ADMINISTRATIVE CHECK (Make sure that your application complies with the checklist below) <PUBLICATION REFERENCE + TITLE OF THE CALL + BUDGET LINE> ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Name of the Applicant EuropeAid ID number This number will be obtained through registration in the PADOR database (See below) Nationality[1]/Country[2] and date of registration Legal Entity number[3] File Legal status[4] Partner 1 Name/EuropeAid ID number: Nationality/Country of registration: Legal status: Partner 2 NB: Add as many rows as partners Name/EuropeAid ID number: Nationality/Country of registration: Legal status: EU Grant Application Form BEFORE SENDING YOUR CONCEPT NOTE, PLEASE CHECK THAT EACH OF THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS IS COMPLETE AND RESPECTS THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA : To be filled in by the applicant Title of the Proposal: Ye s 1. The instructions for concept note, published for this call for proposals, have been followed 2. The proposal is typed and is <in English, French, Portuguese or in Spanish> 3. One original and <X copy (ies)> are included 4. An electronic version of the concept note (CD-Rom) is enclosed 5. The action will be implemented in an eligible country(ies) No EU Grant Application Form 6. The duration of the action is equal to or lower than <X months> (the maximum allowed) 7. The duration of the action is equal to or higher than <X months> (the minimum allowed) 8. The requested contribution is equal to or higher than <X EURO/other currency> (the minimum allowed) 9. The requested contribution is equal to or lower than <X EURO/other currency> (the maximum allowed) 10. The requested contribution is equal to or higher than <X %>of the total eligible costs (minimum percentage required) 11. The requested contribution is equal to or lower than <X %> of the total eligible costs (maximum percentage allowed) 12. The Declaration by the applicant has been filled in and has been signed 13. The present Checklist and the Declaration by the applicant are filled in and sent with the Concept Note The answers for the above checklist should be YES, if not, you have to double check your application EU Grant Application Form III. DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT FOR CONCEPT NOTE The applicant, represented by the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of the applicant, including every partner, hereby declares that the applicant has the sources of financing and professional competence and qualifications specified in section 2 of the Guidelines for Applicants; the applicant undertakes to comply with the obligations foreseen in the partnership statement of the grant application form and with the principles of good partnership practice; the applicant is directly responsible for the preparation, management and implementation of the action with its partners and is not acting as an intermediary; the applicant and its partners are not in any of the situations excluding them from participating in contracts which are listed in Section 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions (available from the following Internet address: Furthermore, it is recognised and accepted that if we participate in spite of being in any of these situations, we may be excluded from other procedures in accordance with section 2.3.5 of the Practical Guide; if selected, the applicant is in a position to deliver immediately, upon request, the supporting documents stipulated under section 2.4 of the Guidelines for Applicants.; the applicant and each partner (if any) are eligible in accordance with the criteria set out under sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants; if recommended to be awarded a grant, the applicant accepts the contractual conditions as laid down in the Standard Contract annexed to the Guidelines for Applicants (annex F); the applicant and its partners are aware that, for the purposes of safeguarding the financial interests of the Communities, their personal data may be transferred to internal audit services, to the European Court of Auditors, to the Financial Irregularities Panel or to the European Anti-Fraud Office. Signed on behalf of the applicant (1 ORIGINAL) Name Signature Position Date EU Grant Application Form IV. ASSESSMENT GRID FOR CONCEPT NOTE (FOR THE USE OF THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ONLY) ADMINISTRATIVE CHECK YES 1. The submission deadline has been respected 2. The Concept Note satisfies all the criteria mentioned in the Checklist (Section II of the Concept Note). – Make sure to comply The administrative verification has been conducted by: Date: DECISION 1: The Committee has decided to recommend the Concept Note for Evaluation after having passed the Administrative check. DECISION 2: The Committee has approved the Concept Note and asked pre-selected applicant to submit a full proposal after having pre-selected the best Concept Notes. The evaluation of the Concept Note has been conducted by: Date: NO Step 3: Filling the Full Application Structure: • • • • • Description of the Action Logical Framework Budget Applicant Partners Description of the action • To be clear and precise on : Title, Locations, Cost, Summary, Objectives, Relevance, Description of the action, Methodology, Duration and indicative action plan, Sustainability, Logical framework • To describe legally binding commitments (e.g. activities to be implemented) rather than general aspirations. • To include indicators of performance/milestones • This document will be the Annex I of the grant contract, if the proposal is selected. EU Grant Application Form PART B. FULL APPLICATION FORM I. THE action [Open procedures: <To be submitted by all applicants> Restricted procedures: <only to be completed by the applicants who receive an invitation to submit a full proposal (at the time of the invitation)>] 1. DESCRIPTION 1.1 Title 1.2. Location(s) Country(ies), region(s), town(s) 1.3. Cost of the action and amount requested from the Contracting Authority Total eligible cost of the action (A) Amount requested from the Contracting Authority (B) [EUR/National Currency] [EUR/National Currency] Total may not vary more than 20% from total in Concept Note % can be increased after Concept Note but only up to max allowed % of total eligible cost of action (B/Ax100) %Check your maths Check the maximum [Where the financing in full of the action by the Contracting Authority is allowed by the Guidelines for Applicants, justify your request to benefit from such financing in full, by showing that it is essential to carry out the action] Please note that the cost of the action and the contribution requested from the Contracting Authority have to be expressed in EURO EU Grant Application Form 1.4. Summary (max 1 page) Total duration of the action <… months> Be Objectives action Refer to logframe of the realistic! Overall objective(s)> the CALL objective(s) Specific objective= Project Purpose= 1 Partner(s) Do not mention here the associates Target group(s)[1] Different from final beneficiaries Focus to ensure impact Final beneficiaries[2] Different from Target groups Estimated results Refer to logframe Main activities Refer to logframe Where applicable, clearly indicate the sector[3], theme, or geographical area specified in the call for proposals to which the proposed action would apply: [3] See paragraph 2.2 in Section II for the list of Sectors Clarifications What is the difference between ‘’beneficiaries’’ and ‘’target groups’’? Target groups: the people who will participate directly in the project. Beneficiaries: the people who will ultimately benefit from the project activities. Example: proposal to raise the awareness of young people about the existence of environmental NGOs - the target groups will be young people, - the final beneficiaries will be environmental NGOs EU Grant Application Form There should be no repetition in the following parties as each one of them is adressing a different part of your logframe. If there is, something is wrong with your logframe. 1.5. Objectives (max 1 page) Describe the overall objective(s) to which the action aims to contribute towards and the specific objective (= project purpose=1) that the action aims to achieve. [The Specific objective should not be formulated as a sum of results but rather as the consequence of results (higher-level achievement] 1.6. Relevance of the action (max 3 pages) ¾ Please provide the following information: Provide a general and detailed presentation and analysis of the problems and their interrelation at all levels. ¾ Provide a detailed description of the target groups and final beneficiaries and estimated number ¾ Identify clearly the specific problems to be addressed by the action and the perceived needs and contraints of the target groups. ¾ Demonstrate the relevance of the action to the needs and constraints in general of the target country(ies) or region(s) and to the target groups/final beneficiary groups in particular and how the action will provide the desired solutions, in particular for the targeted beneficiaries and population. ¾ Demonstrate the relevance of the action to the priorities and requirements presented in the Call Guidelines. (Beware! Threshold! See evaluation grid!) EU Grant Application Form 1.7. Description of the action and its effectiveness (max 14 pages) WHAT? Provide a description of the proposed action including, where relevant, background information that led to the formulation of the action. This should include: ¾ Overall Objective and the Purpose of the Action (= specific objective=1) (max 1 page). Provide and describe the overall objective(s) to which the action aims to contribute towards as well as the purpose that the action aims to achieve. ¾ Outputs and expected results (max 4 pages). Indicate how the action will improve the situation of target groups/beneficiaries as well as the technical and management capacities of target groups and/or any local partners where applicable. Be specific and quantify outputs as much as possible. Indicate notably foreseen publications. Describe the possibilities for replication and extension of the action outcomes (multiplier effects) [Bear in mind EU visibility guidelines] ¾ The proposed activities and their effectiveness (max 9 pages). Identify and describe in detail each activity to be undertaken to produce the results, justifying the choice of the activities and specifying where applicable the role of each partner (or associates or subcontractors) in the activities. In this respect, the detailed description of activities must not repeat the action plan. ¾ Indicate clearly the sequence of, and links between all different activities in an appropriate Project Management form, identifying the critical path for implementing the action (start-to-finish, finish-to-finish, start -to-start, etc.) Clarifications • Expected results: describe how the action will improve the situation of target groups + the technical and management capacities of target groups or partners (where applicable) • Outputs: be specific and quantify outputs as much as possible. • Multiplier effects: explain the possibilities for replication and extension of the action outcomes. EU Grant Application Form 1.8. Methodology (max 4 pages) HOW? Describe in detail: ¾ The methods of implementation and reasons for the proposed methodology; ¾ Where the action is the prolongation of a previous action or project, how the action is intended to build on the results of this previous action; ¾ Where the action is part of a larger programme, explain how it fits or is coordinated with this programme or any other eventual planned project. Please specify the potential synergies with other initiatives, in particular from the EU; ¾ The procedures for follow up and internal/external evaluation; [There should be at least one external evaluation at the end of the project] ¾ The role and participation in the action of the various actors and stakeholders (local partner, target groups, local authorities, etc.), and the reasons for which these roles have been assigned to them; ¾ The organisational structure and team proposed for implementation of the action (by function: there is no need to include the names of individuals); ¾ The main means proposed for the implementation of the action (equipment, tools…) and for carrying out the proposed activities; ¾ The involvement of implementing partners (partner and associates), their role and relationship to the applicant, if applicable, and the applicant's relationship with them; ¾ The attitudes of all stakeholders towards the action in general and the activities in particular; ¾ Any anticipated synergies with , or possible constraints due to other current or planned projects or activities in the vicinity of the location of the action. Clarifications What about the ‘’Methodology’’? • Methodology refers to the structure and design of the project • It establishes a clear link between proposed activities and expected results • It justifies why these activities are the most efficient method for achieving the expected results • To fill : methods of implementation ; prolongation of a previous project ; potential synergies with other initiatives ; internal/external evaluation ; participation of actors and stakeholders ; organisational structure and team (by function: no need to include the names of individuals) ; main means (equipment, tools…) ; role of partners EU Grant Application Form 1.9 Duration and indicative action plan for implementing the action Be realistic – Check min and max duration The duration of the action will be <X> months. The indicative action plan may not prejudge a specific start up implementation date. To this end, it may not make reference to specific dates or months, and therefore simply show "month 1", "month 2", etc. Applicants are recommended to base the estimated duration for each activity and total period on the most probable duration and not on the shortest possible duration by taking into consideration all relevant factors that may affect the implementation timetable. The activities stated in the action plan should correspond to the activities described in detail in this section. The implementing body shall be either the applicant or any of the partners, associates or subcontractors. Any months or interim periods without activities must be included in the action plan and count toward the calculation of the total estimated duration of the action. The action plan for the first 12 months of implementation should be sufficiently detailed to give an overview of the preparation and implementation of each activity. The action plan for each of the subsequent years may be more general and should only list the main activities foreseen for those years. To this end, it shall be divided into six-month interim periods (NB: A more detailed action plan for each subsequent year will have to be submitted before receipt of new pre-financing payments, pursuant to Article 2.1 of the General Conditions of the grant contract). The action plan shall be coherent with, and based on the identification of all links and relation between the different activities described in section 1.7. The action plan will be drawn up using the following format: Year 1 Semester 1 Activity Mon th 1 2 3 Semester 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Implementing body Preparation Activity 1 (title) Local partner 1 Execution Activity 1 (title) Local partner 1 Preparation Activity 2 (title) Local partner 2 EU Grant Application Form 1.10. Sustainability (max 3 pages) Provide a detailed risk analysis and eventual contingency plans. This should include at minimum a list of risks associated for each action proposed accompanied by relevant mitigation measures. A good risk analysis would include a range of risk types including physical, environmental, political, economic and social risks. Describe the main preconditions and assumptions during and after the implementation phase. Explain how sustainability will be secured after completion of the action. This may include aspects of necessary follow-up activities, built-in strategies, ownership etc., if any. In so doing, please make a distinction between the following 3 dimensions of sustainability: ¾Financial sustainability (financing will follow up activities, sources of revenue for covering all future operating and maintenance costs, etc.); ¾Institutional level (which structures would allow, and how, the results of the action to continue be in place after the end of the action? Address issues about the local "ownership" of action outcomes); ¾Policy level where applicable (What structural impact will the action have - e.g. will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc.). 1.11 Logical Framework EU Grant Application Form II. THE APPLICANT EuropeAid ID number[1] Name of the organisation: Applicants that are registered in PADOR do not need fill in the rest of this section. IDENTITY Legal Entity File number[1] Abbreviation : Registration Number (or equivalent) Date of Registration Official address of Registration to The Legal Entity Form • Name • Registration No. • Supporting Doc for Reg. No. • Signature& Stamp • Submit a copy EU Grant Application Form III. PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT Name: Organisatio n: Position: Signature: Date place: and Send one original SIGNED version. If not signed, proposal will be rejected EU Grant Application Form IV. ASSOCIATES OF THE APPLICANT PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTION Different from partners PADOR not mandatory do not forget to fill in the information sheet V. CHECKLIST VI. DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT Do not forget to sign it Original needed Otherwise proposal will be rejected EU Grant Application Form Budget Preparation The budget should indicate specific financial needs for implementation of each activity planned in the project proposal EU Grant Application Form 2. BUDGET FOR THE ACTION Fill in Annex B (worksheet 1) to the Guidelines for applicants for the total duration of the action and for its first 12 months. For further information see the Guidelines for grant applicants (Section 2.1.4). 3. EXPECTED SOURCES OF FUNDING Fill in Annex B (worksheet 2) to the Guidelines for applicants and partners to provide information on the expected sources of funding for the action. Please note that there are two different sheets to be completed Please mention here below the contributions in kind to be provided (please specify), if any (maximum 1 page). Note that: • If one budget sheet is missing, the proposal will be rejected; • Respect the format of the budget; • All Budget must be in €; • Check the eligibility of the expenses in the guidelines. Budget Worksheet 1/a Budget Worksheet 1/b Budget Worksheet 2 Means and Costs Means are physical and non-physical resources that are necessary to carry out the planned Activities and manage the project. Distinction between human resources and material resources. Costs are the translation into financial terms of all the identified resources. Eligible costs must meet all the following criteria: - be necessary - indicated in budget - identifiable and verifiable - be reasonable (economy and efficiency) - incurred during the implemention of the action (exceptions: costs relating to final reports and expenditure verification) EU Grant Application Form When preparing the budget, consider that expenses should: Be needed for the action Be consistent with the description of the action Be reasonable and justifiable for the action Be incurred during the implementation period of the action Be identified and verified (be recorded in your accounting system) What not to include in the budget: Any overhead cost as this should be covered from the administrative cost (max. 7% of the direct eligible cost) Any contribution in kind except for the cost of staff assigned to the action Equipment Do not forget to include: External evaluation if required by guidelines Yearly audits if required by guidelines Budget for visibility actions (or explain how outputs will comply with EC rules) EU Grant Application Form 4. EXPERIENCE OF SIMILAR ACTIONS Maximum 1 page per action. Please provide a detailed description of actions managed by your organisation over the past three years This information will be used to assess whether you have sufficient and stable experience of managing actions in the same sector and of a comparable scale to the one for which you are requesting a grant. Reference no: Name of organisation … Project title: Sector (see section 2.2 of section II): Location of the action Cost of the action (EUR) lead manager or partner Donors to the action (name)[1] Amount contributed (by donor) … … … … … Dates (from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy) … Object and results of the action … [1] If the Donor is the EU Union or an EU Member States, please specify the EC budget line, EDF or EU Member State. You should also include your previous experiences as partners if you have any and explain your role in the project How to transmit the proposal? All the documents must be transmitted • In 1 original and 3 copies in A4 size, each bound + in electronic format (CD-Rom) • The Checklist and the Declaration by the applicant must be stapled separately and enclosed in the envelope. • In a sealed envelope : the outer envelope must bear the reference number and the title of the call for proposals, together with the title, the full name and address of the applicant, and the words "Not to be opened before the opening session“ • Exclusively by registered mail, private courier service or by hand-delivery to the Delegation of the EU (or for global call to BXL) • Applicants may submit more than 1 proposal under this call, but will receive funding for max. 1 proposal • Late and incomplete applications may be rejected Submission of proposals • Submission period – Open Call: minimum 90 days (60 if grants below €100.000) – Restricted Call: minimum 45 days + 45 days • Information Questions by potential applicants 21 days before deadline • Answers from Contracting Authority 11 days before 50 How is conducted the evaluation process? Step 1: administrative check Step 2: evaluation of the Concept Note - relevance x/15 (minimum 12/15), effectiveness x/25, sustainability x/10 - minimum 30/50 to pass Show the importance of the proposal to Syria, target groups/final beneficiaries & priorities and requirements of the Call for Proposals. Step 3: evaluation of the Full Application - Financial and operational capacity: x/20 (12/20 minimum) - Relevance: x/25 (20/25 minimum) - Methodology : x/25 - Sustainability : x/15 - Budget and cost-effectiveness : x/15 Step 4: eligibility verification (supporting documents) Step 5: preparation of the contract Contract preparation (« fine-tuning ») • Selected applicants are informed of the award decision • The Contracting Authority prepares the contract • Adaptations to the proposals may be made if – Dictated by changes in the target country/region’s situation – They concern budget adjustments – They do not modify substantially the proposal – They refer to comments made by assessors/evaluators during evaluation process • Note: budget adjustments may never result in a budget increase or an increase in the % of EU funding. Timeline Restricted CfP average of 7 to 9 months Second phase of project preparation First phase of project preparation Publication of guidelines INFO DAY highly recommende d Evaluation of concept notes month 1 launch Invitation of best concept notes to submit a full proposal Deadline for receipt of concept notes + 30 days Deadline for receipt of full proposals Evaluation of full proposals + verification of supporting documents (eligibility check) month 7 month 3 +45 days minimum Final evaluation report +45 days minimum BEGINNING OF PROJECTS... Contract finalisation (finetuning) and signature month 9 Timeline Open CfP average of 6 to 8 months Single phase of project preparation Final evaluation report Publication of guidelines INFO DAY highly recommended launch Deadline for receipt applications concept note, partners declarations, full proposal: budget, logical framework month 1 month 3 + 30 days +90 days minimum Evaluation of concept notes + evaluation of full proposals + verification of supporting documents (eligibility check) month 6 BEGINNING OF PROJECTS... Contract finalisation (finetuning) and signature month 8 After Evaluation… MAIN REASONS FOR REJECTION • Deadline • Administrative check • Relevance • Original Signature of the applicant declaration and partnership statement(s) • Financial capacity Implementation of the Projects • Carrying out of activities according to the awarded project proposal • Visibility • Procurement • Reporting EU Visibility • Visibility is about raising awareness on the EU support to the project • A special effort has to be made by selected applicants on communication and visibility actions planned during the project’s lifetime • Projects should follow the EU Communication and Visibility Manual to ensure an appropriate written and visual identity of the EU (i.e. use of the flag, how to draft a press release…) • The Manual is available ot AIDCO website : m Procurement Purchasing any item under the contract has a procedure to follow… • Contracts must be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender (i.e., the tender offering the best price-quality ratio) • Proper filing system should be set up to cover all the procurement process (request for quotation, letters, invoices, etc..) Procurement • Rules of nationalities, origin, exceptions, grounds of exclusions; exclusion for contract award. Rules of Origin: PRAG 2008 page 14 • A product can not originate in a country in which no production process has taken place. • The country of origin is not necessarily the country from which the goods have been shipped and supplied. • The country of origin is deemed to be the country in which the goods have undergone their last, economically justified, substantial transformation. If the last substantial transformation has not taken place in a Member State of the European Union or one of the eligible recipient countries, the goods cannot be tendered for the project. • The supplier must certify that the goods tendered comply with the origin requirement specifying the country or countries of origin. Procurement • Supplies: – Contracts under 10,000 euro: single tender – Contacts between 10,000 and 60,000: competitive negotiated procedure – Contracts from 60,000 to 150,000: open local tender • Works: – Contracts under 10,000: you can place orders under a single tender; – Contract between 10,000 and 300,000: negotiated procedure • Services: – Contracts under 10,000 euro: you can place an order under a single tender – Contracts between 10,000 and 200,000: competitive negotiated procedure Monitoring system • Performed by internal management • On-going • Uses indicators of the LFA Matrix to measure progress of: - Activities - Resources/inputs - Results Monitoring • Desk monitoring • Field monitoring • Reports: - Inform stakeholders - Provide formal records of achievements - Document changes - Promote transparency and accountability Monitoring and Change • Change is the rule in projects • Flexibility is essential • Moniting provides the tools to assess change against: Activities Budget Resources and Time Results Reporting Interim (more than 12 months project): only narrative + Procurement listing of over 5.000 euro Final narrative: description, assessment, partners’ cooperation and visibility Financial: expenses Final Report • Project achievements • Resources, Activites, Results, overall objective/Purpose dealt with. • Strength and weaknesses • Provisions for Gender/environmental approach • Lessons learnt • Sustainability and Dissemination of results Evaluation Evaluation is an assessment, as systematic and objective as possible, of on-going or completed project. The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfilment of objectives, developmental efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. An evaluation should provide information that is credible and useful, enabling the incorporation of lessons learnt into current of future actions. Audit • Assessment of legality and regularity of project expenditure and income • Primarily a financial and financial management focus • Process can also be assessed • Incorporates external organisation EU Advice • Read Guidelines Carefully • Give yourself sufficient time to meet deadline • Double check applications, checklists, copies, signatures • Check questions/answers on website + deadlines for clarifications • Draft logframe before concept note and use it for whole application EU Grant Application Form For more documents on EU Grant Application, please visit the following website: ures/implementation/grants/index_en.htm
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