Document 188728

Editor: Teri J. Allan, BA, CPCS
IAMSS Spring Conference Program Clarification
The program “NCQA Standards Overview, Updates and Delegation of Credentialing” will
cover some of the NCQA standards, but will primarily cover delegation and ways that
this can help an enrollment office and/or medical staff office (if they are handling both
the enrollment piece and medical staff credentialing/privileging) gain efficiencies.
NCQA certification is not required to benefit from this presentation.
Brandi Zevenbergen notes, “I think the discussion that Chip will provide will be very beneficial to the Medical Staff/Credentialing side, if nothing else, for those individuals to
better understand what still has to happen for those providers to be able to bill for services.” The integration of the Medical Staff Credentialing and Medical Staff Enrollment is
evolving with the formation of clinically integrated networks. Brandi adds, “I think it’s a
Volume 2014, Issue 1
IAMSS President:
Jodi Ridder, CHC
Buchanan County Health Center
Independence, IA
Phone: (319) 332-0895
IAMSS President Elect:
Amy Long, MHA
Waverly Health Center
Waverly, IA
Phone: (319) 483-4185
hot topic and I’m glad we are recognizing the importance of this type of information to
IAMSS Immediate Past President:
Brenda Becker, CPMSM, CPCS
our members.”
Pella Regional Health Center
ABIM Introduces Changes to MOC Program
February 4, 2014, an informational letter from the American Board of Internal Medicine
(ABIM) was mailed announcing changes in it’s Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program and its board certification status reporting processes. Highlights from the letter are
ABIM will report whether or not ABIM BC physicians are continuously “Meeting MOC
IAMSS Treasurer:
Crystal Harrington
Cedar Valley Medical Specialists, PC
Waterloo, IA
Phone: (319) 235-5389 x201
These changes apply to all ABIM BC physicians, regardless of when they were initially
IAMSS Secretary:
Shelly Berger
ABIM will no longer issue certificates with end dates.
Current certification status will be updated on an annual basis—medical staff profesyour physician’s status.
To verify status, visit
How to Query System for Award
Management (SAM)
Phone: (641) 628-6658
sionals are encouraged to use ABIM’s annual reverification date of April 1 to verify
Pella, IA
Go to (or click on the SAM icon above)
Click on ‘Search Records’
Enter person/entity name, then click ‘Search’
Greene County Medical Center
Jefferson, Iowa
Phone: (515) 386-0114
IAMSS Newsletter:
Teri Allan, BA, CPCS
Regional Medical Center
Manchester, IA
Phone: (563) 927-7482
IAMSS Website:
Brandi Zevenbergen, MS
Morrisey Associates
Chicago, IL
Phone: (312) 784-5567
Click ‘Performance Information’ checkbox (left side of screen)
Click ‘Entity Information’
IAMSS Membership:
Click ‘Individual Name’
Click ‘First Name’, then input the first name
Click ‘Last Name’, then input the last name
Click ‘SSN’, then input the Social Security Number
Click on ‘Apply Filters’
Julie Cox, CPMSM, CPCS
CredentiaSource—Mercy Medical Center
Des Moines, IA
Phone: (515) 643-0724
Volume 2014, Issue 1
Editor: Teri J. Allan, BA, CPCS
I Love My Job!
(poem found by Cindy Snell of Cedar Valley Medical Associates)
AshLea Anderson
Vicky Norrish
QI & Compliance Assistant/Clerk III
Risk Management Specialist
ISU Thielen Student Health Center
Skiff Medical Center
Medical Staff Services, it’s the name of my game,
Ashley Avery
Michele Ott
My cup of tea, my claim to fame.
Credentialing Coordinator
Quality Management Admin. Assistant
Midlands Choice
St. Anthony Regional Hospital
The services I render are too numerous to name,
Diana Drake
Jan Rhiner
Credentialing Specialist
Quality & Compliance Manager
Blank Children’s Hospital UnityPoint Health
Orthopaedic Outpatient Surgery Center
Send me your insurance, license and the rest I request,
Shari Grace
Peggy Roberts
Or I’ll bug you and bug you and give you no rest.
Director, Health Information Management
Director of Medical Staff Services
Marshalltown Medical Surgery Center
Van Diest Medical Center
How did I end up in this wacky profession?
Erin Hoover
Jill Rogers
Manager of Provider Services
Administrative Assistant
Cedar Rapids PHO
Adair County Memorial Hospital
I’m several months behind and my desk is a mess,
Angela Koppe
Cathi Scharnberg
But all I keep hearing is “do more with less”.
Medical Staff Coordinator
VP of Patient Care
You say you want temporary privileges starting today?
UnityPoint Health—Trinity
Avera Holy Family Hospital
Oh sure!! No problem, I’ll get on it right away!
Melanie Lenz
Deb Theisen-Chenchar
Credentialing Assistant
Network Nurse Executive
Dallas County Hospital
Mercy Health Network—Central Iowa
LeeAnn Mahnke
Deanna Ziino
Executive Assistant
Provider Enrollment Coordinator
The affiliation letters and reappointments are past due,
Manning Regional Healthcare Center
CredentiaSource—Mercy Des Moines
And all of our meeting minutes could be late, too.
Just suffice it to say I’m busy, just the same.
I’m sure that I now need a psychiatric session.
My telephone’s ringing, my head is throbbing,
If I hear one more complaint, I may start sobbing!
“Yes doctor, yes doctor, yes doctor”, I say,
Nine hundred and ninety-nine times every day.
on your New Arrival!
The fact of the matter is I’m stretched to the limit,
I’m working my tush off every single minute!
Whenever I’m asked what I do all day,
Whatever can a Medical Staff Coordinator say?
Graysen Ryan Kintzel
Son of
Ryan and Kelly (Mercy Iowa City) Kintzel
7 lbs., 5.5 oz. - 19 ins.
August 8, 2013
Welcomed by siblings - Raegan & Lillian
Introducing NAMSS Gateway
The National Association of Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) has redesigned their
free, online newsletter to get you the latest healthcare and medical staff service
industry news, helping you stay plugged in to industry changes as they happen.
Not a NAMSS member? You, too, can benefit from this by creating a free “guest”
profile on the NAMSS website! These online publications are sent monthly.
I sure try to answer intelligently and frankly,
But I end up perplexed and they stare at me blankly.
Proctoring, privileges and moderate sedation,
Joint Commission standards and investigations!
My calendar is full, our printer is jammed,
I’m buried in papers...efficiency be damned!
At the end of the day when I pack up my bags,
My hair is a mess and I may look like a hag,
But rest assured I’ll come back each day,
Because despite all the hassles, I like it this way!
~Cathy Alvesteffer, CMSC, Michigan
Volume 2014, Issue 1
Editor: Teri J. Allan, BA, CPCS
Do you have an article/topic
2014 IAMSS Spring Conference
you’d like to see in the next
Friday, April 11, 2014
IAMSS Newsletter?
Iowa Methodist Medical Center—Des Moines, IA
2014 IAMSS Fall Conference
Please send to Teri Allan at
Friday, September 19, 2014
Iowa Methodist Medical Center—Des Moines, IA
2014 NAMSS Annual Conference
October 4-8, 2014
The Hiltons New Orleans Riverside—New Orleans, LA
New IAMSS Website
Just a reminder, IAMSS is now utilizing the NAMSS-hosted website. To access, please follow the steps below:
Click on ‘State Web sites’ under the ‘State Associations’ heading
A map of the United States should come up, then click on the
State of Iowa
A separate internet window will open with the following headings:
Member contact information is located under the ‘Membership’ tab. As a reminder, any usernames and passwords
associated with the old website are no longer valid. For the new password, please contact Brandi Zevenbergen at
You do not need a NAMSS account to access the IAMSS website. As noted above, the only place on the
IAMSS website you will be asked for a password, is if you attempt to access the membership roster.
Also, please make sure when you are in the IAMSS website you are clicking on the tabs associated with our
website and not the tabs associated with the NAMSS website.
Volume 2014, Issue 1
Editor: Teri J. Allan, BA, CPCS
“Edible Landscaping” at Winneshiek Medical Center in Decorah, IA
Whether it’s crunchy kale chips or
Swiss chard drizzled with various flavors of vinegar; patients, staff and
visitors are treated to an assortment
of produce never before seen at Winneshiek Medical Center. The edible
landscaping project on the WMC
campus provides fresh, organically
grown produce, while experimenting
with techniques such as crop rotation
and unique production methods.
Expert gardener David Cavagnaro and his team from the Pepperfield Project plant, tend and harvest the mixture of vegetables and
perennials, while Winneshiek Medical Center Nutrition Services staff process and serve the food. Rachel Barta, Medical Staff Specialist
says, “Our garden is beautiful! There is such a wide variety of vegetables and flowers! We are very fortunate to be able to enjoy these
every year!”
Winneshiek Medical Center’s edible landscape stretches beyond the traditional vegetable garden in that it combines beauty with functionality. Instead of efficient rows of vegetables, tomato vines and winter squash weave together through the growing season over
and around tall arches, allowing the fruit to hang like ornaments. Color, in the form of Swiss chard, purple basil and colorful kale, decorate the space, and flowering perennials can be found throughout. The various heights, colors and planting designs create a space
that invites patients, staff and visitors to linger in the garden. It is functional,
beautiful and a space that truly promotes the healing power of nature.
In the 2012 summer season, the Winneshiek Medical Center edible landscape
produced 1,460 lbs of produce, which was used by Nutrition Services staff to
provide fresh, healthy and colorful meals for patients, staff and visitors.
Jill Walton, Administrative Assistant at WMC adds, “How wonderful to not only
see this beautiful area grow from Spring through the Summer, but to enjoy the
wonderful food it produces. Each summer, a celebration is held in the garden
with delicious hors d'oeuvres made from the vegetables grown here. Food stations, sparkling juice and tall top tables are amongst the garden for the employees enjoyment. We look forward to it every year!"
Now, how amazing is that!? Bring on Spring!