how to ship with CMA CGM to ship with CMA CGM how to how ship with CMA CGM how to get contact PT.CMA business covered CMA CGM, ANL, DELMAS, CNC. You need to contact our Sales or Customer Service of each services how to send my Booking how to get my quotation we prefer to receive your e-booking via eChannel (CMA CGM Web site / INTTRA / CargoSmart / GT Nexus) you can register by online or you can send your booking by email to our customer service you need to have valid quotation to cover your shipment. Please ask our Sales to give you SQ reference by email. Check the rate mention in SQ. Ensure SQ reference are indicated on your booking to our Customer Service. Informative data i.e SQ reference, parties, vessel, pol /pod/ fpod, quantity, equipment, HS code, commodity, payment term, special cargo (DG/OOG) need to be mention on your booking. please see contact information • Quotation • Vessel Schedule • Booking and Bill • Container Tracking how to ship with CMA CGM how to get my schedule Contact information to get the schedule please send email to or go to our website or how to register CMA CGM eCommerce Customer Service Export Contact Center 6221 28546980 • Jakarta • Surabaya • Semarang • Medan • Panjang • Makassar CMA CGM CNC ANL DELMAS Document Centre Invoice Office Contact : 6221 2854-6800 : 6231 293-1800 : 6224 351-7071 : 6261 415-5095 : 62721 474-720 : 62411 330-613 A Company may have more than 1 user ID Takes sometimes to process registration You will Notify by email for Account activation User ID and Password will be sent to user email Please contact for guidance how to ship with CMA CGM how to ship with CMA CGM how to get my Booking Confirmation how to ship with CMA CGM Once Booking sent, you will receive Booking status notification from INTTRA. Booking Confirmation (BC) will be send to your email by our Customer Service. In some area BC can be use to pick up empty container but some area need Release Order, please ask our customer service. Bring your booking confirmation to stack at CY. Please read 2nd page of our BC which consist of important information for you how to send my final SI & get draft BL We only received 1st Final SI via our eChannel or You need to send Final SI with accurate data maximum 1 day before vessel departure on weekdays and Friday for weekend vessel. Manual Processing fee will be apply if you send your Final SI manually. unless you need to revise your BL, you can send draft BL revision with email attachment to Your BL will be serve base on queing system how to stack my container To ensure data accuracy, switch container are not allow. Stacking only valid for particular vessel state in Booking confirmation Please follow stacking period provided by CS. Extended closing time not allowed. Please ensure PEB information state in Final SI. Document cut-off please refer to Manifest submission cut-off time. Usefull information In order to process your Booking / Shipping Instruction we need your cooperation provide data: Documentation Shipper Name, Consignee Name & Notify Party Name & Address (mandatory if Consignee is shown as "To Order"; EORI # whenever available) Acceptable Goods Description (e.g. Refrigerators should be stated instead of “Appliances”) 6-digit HS commodity code (though EU requires 4-digit Code, CMA CGM highly recommends the 6-digit Code for better data quality & reduce risks of ENS rejection) Package type & Number of Pieces Container number Seal number Cargo Gross Weight (in kg) UN code for Dangerous Goods Term of payment (Prepaid / Collect BL type for USA (Automatic/Non Auto) Place of BL issue Special Units Dangerous Goods (DG) Provide MSDS 2 weeks before booking sail Provide DG declaration to enter CY Follow Terminal & Syah Bandar regulation Reefer Do PTI carefully Do not do hot stuff (will effect temperature setting) Contract Reference & Specific Request SQ how to get loading information Trace your loading information through our web site how to ship with CMA CGM Trace your shipment through our web site or how to pick up my BL ensure you have confirm the BL to Our Bank Account state in Invoice. Invoice inquiry please send email to Local charges apply at CMA-CGM please refer to Late payment will be charge for BL pick up more than 7 days after departure Quotation reference (SQ reference) Specific request Specific request for BL, Free time Demurrage & Detention LOI Should be provide as per CMA CGM format for cargo Flexitank / Flexibag / Marble / Iron steel / Scrap / Cocoa butter / Drum / DG Manifest Submission Cut-off time Manifest for Indonesia Custom You need to provide latest Final SI as per vessel closing date Vessel Closing on Weekday : @ 16.30 LT Vessel Closing on Weekend : Saturday @ 10.00 LT AMS For Destination USA and via USA ENS For Destination Europe CCAM For Destination China
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