Plus, Minus, Prism, and Therapy: Managing Accommodative and Vergence Dysfunction Kristine B. Hopkins, OD, MSPH, FAAO Disclosure Statement Nothing to disclose Meet Karley 10yowf referred to your office for ―eye teaming‖ issues Symptoms/history… Blur and double vision while reading Headaches with reading Symptoms for more than 1 year 4th grader Previous eye exam ―normal health‖ Was given reading glasses that don’t help much What does this history tell us? Functional vs. Organic Dysfunction Functional Organic Etiology Reduced function not related to organic lesion Neurological lesion or other organic defect source of decreased function Symptoms Typically longstanding without precise onset. Typically sudden onset, often severe May be unilateral or bilateral Typically bilateral Signs Not associated with neurological loss, systemic illness, or medications Typically associated with other neurological signs, systemic illness, or medication use. EOM palsy, pupil abnormality, visual field defect, ptosis. Karley’s initial exam… Referred from local Doc VA’s 20/20 without need for Rx Normal pupils, EOM’s, and VF Normal ocular health Near work symptoms Presumed functional etiology Initial exam must rule out ocular pathology and need for glasses Significant Refractive Error Myopia -1.00D or greater Hyperopia +2.50D or greater** Astigmatism -1.00D or greater Aniosmetropia 1.00D difference or greater * *Patients 6 years and older **May prescribe for lower amounts of hyperopia in presence of BV/accomm dysfunction If a significant Rx is indicated, Rx this first and re-evaluate BV/accomm findings 4-6 weeks later with new Rx Comprehensive history with BV symptoms •Supports functional diagnosis •Pt. symptomatic requiring treatment Refractive error and ocular health addressed Binocular and Accommodative Test Battery BV Testing Alignment (dissociated) Comparison of distance and near phoria give intial Duanne’s Classification Cover Test Von Graefe Modified Thorington Maddox Rod Alignment (associated) Fixation Disparity Karley’s CT: 0rtho @ Distance, 8-10 XP @ near Duanne’s Classification Cover Test Duanne’s Classification Greater eso at near than distance Convergence Excess (CE) AC/A High Greater exo at distance than near Divergence Excess (DE) High Greater eso at distance than near Divergence Insufficiency (DI) Low Greater exo at near than distance Convergence Insufficiency (CI) Low Similar eso at distance and near Basic Eso Normal Similar exo at distance and near Basic Exo Normal Nearly ortho at distance and near FusionalVergence Dysfunction Normal Alignment—Fixation Disparity Alignment tested while fused (using polarized glasses) Fixation Disparity Small error in fixation that occurs under binocular conditions (fusion is present) vergence inaccuracy measured in minutes of arc (fractions of ) 34.2 minutes of arc per prism diopter Example: 17’ FD= approx ½ prism diopter Most FD is less than 10’ (<1/3 prism diopter) Fixation Disparity Wesson Fixation Disparity Card Fixation Disparity Saladin Card Fixation Disparity—Associated Phoria The associated phoria is the amount of prism that reduces the fixation disparity to zero (i.e. corrects the vergence misalignment) This prism amount is often used to prescribe relieving prism 5BI Lateral FD (eso/exo): Use BI/BO prism to align vertical vernier lines 2BU Vertical FD (R or L hyper): Use vertical prism to align horizontal vernier lines Analyze Compensating Vergence Group If the patient is Exo, must use Positive Fusional Vergences (Base Out) to compensate (control the exo) Evaluate the Base Out (PFV) group and look for low findings If the patient is Eso, must use Negative Fusional Vergences (Base In) to compensate (control the eso) Evaluate the Base In (NFV) group and look for low findings Presence of abnormal eso or exo with low compensating findings support Duanne’s classification and justification for tx Compensating vergence group Motor Alignment PFV (BO) Group NFV (BI) Group CT @ near PFV smooth NFV smooth CT @ dist PFV step NFV step Fixation Disparity NPC PRA AC/A NRA Binoc accom MINUS Binoc accom PLUS If the patient is exophoric or exotropic, look for low findings here If the patient is esophoric or esotropic, look for low findings here Fusional Vergences FusionalVergences (Fusional Reserves) Prism Bars (step vergences) Risley Prism (phoropter—smooth vergences) Vergence facility-near (12∆BO/3 ∆BI) Near Point of Convergence Indirectly: NRA/PRA Vergence Testing Smooth (Risley) Vergences Step (Prism Bar) Vergences In phoropter Hand held prism bars Can’t see pt Good visibility of patient Proximal cues More ―realistic‖ Difficult for young pts Better repeatability than Prism bar Repeatability (COR) at near PFV break (adults) 7∆ PFV break (kids) 12∆ Poorer repeatability Repeatability (COR) at near for adults PFV break 15∆ NFV break 8∆ NFV break (adults) 7∆ •Antona et al. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2008 Sep;28(5):475-91 •Rouse et al. Optom Vis Sci. 2002 Apr;79(4):254-64 Vergence Testing Bottom line… Cannot compare in phoropter ranges with prism bar Pick one method and stick with it Be mindful of normal fluctuations in measures NPC testing—target selection? Accommodative target 18 controls Transiluminator and red lens 36 subjects Accommodative Target 18 CI Transiluminator and red lens NPC Break Controls NPC Break CI Sensitivity False Positive False Negative AccommTgt 4.31 cm 10.05 cm 94.4% 15% 6.25% Trans/red lens 4.08 cm 13.04 cm 100% 10% 0% Pang et al. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2010 May;30(3):298-303 Negative Relative Accommodation NRA requires good PFV Low NRA indicates: Unable to relax Divergence would occur with relaxing of accomm A accommodation Low PFV (BO) ranges target Must use PFV to keep fusion Plus lenses Positive Relative Accommodation PRA requires good NFV Reduced PRA indicates: A Convergence would occur with increase in accomm Must use NFV to maintain fusion target Reduced accommodative amplitude Reduced NVF (BI ranges) Minus lenses Compensating vergence group Motor Alignment PFV (BO) Group NFV (BI) Group CT @ near PFV smooth NFV smooth CT @ dist PFV step NFV step Fixation Disparity NPC PRA AC/A NRA Binoc accom MINUS Binoc accom PLUS If the patient is exophoric or exotropic, look for low findings here If the patient is esophoric or esotropic, look for low findings here BV Test Battery Test Cover Test Age Any AC/A CA/C Smooth Vergences BI/BO ranges in phoropter with Risley Prisms Step Vergences BI/BO ranges with prism bar Any Any Any Any Near BO Near BI Distance BO Distance BI Near BO Near BI Near BO Near BI Distance BO Distance BI 3BI/12BO Expected Value 3 XP (±3) 1 XP (±1) 3/1 to 5/1 0.5D per 6Δ 17/21/11 13/21/13 9/19/10 X/7/4 23/16 12/7 19/14 13/10 11/7 7/4 15 cpm Vergence Facility Fused prism NPC Children Adults Adults With accomm tgt With accomm tgt With R/G tgt 6 cm (minimum 10cm) 5/7 cm (minimum 10cm) 7/10 cm Child 7 to 12 Adult 12 Condition Near Distance Scheiman M. Wick B. Binocular Vision Heterophoric, Accommodative, and Eye Movement Disorders. 3rd Edition. Lippincott. 2008 Summary…(bottom line) History suggests functional etiology Start analysis with Cover Test --8-10XP @ N, Ortho @ D Look at PFV Group and compare to normative values (look for low findings) --PFV, NRA, NPC, Make Diagnosis…CI! Karley’s diagnosis… Cover Test Ortho @ dist, 10XP @ near Greater exo at near suggests CI PFV Group NPC: 40/75! cm (Norm = 6cm)…Low PFV: X/3/-5 (Norm = 23/16)…Low NRA: +1.75 (norm = +2.50)…Low Symptoms + Exo at near + low PFV group =Convergence Insufficiency What about Karley’s Accommodative System? Accommodative Test Battery Amplitude Push-up Pull away Minus Lenses Facility +/-2.00 scaled MEM NRA/PRA Accommodative Amplitude 61 subjects (18-32 years) Measured Amps with three different methods on 2 visits Method Mean Amp (D) SD (D) COR (D) AA by push-up 13.08 2.79 ±4.76* AA by push-down 11.25 1.77 ±4.00 AA by minus lens 8.56 1.72 ±2.52 *COR =5.32D for 5th and 6th graders (Rouse et al. OptomVis Sci. 2002 Apr;79(4):254-64 Minus lens 2D< push down 2D< push up Minus lens gives lowest amp value and has highest repeatability Poor agreement between methods Antona et al. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2009 Nov;29(6):606-14. Epub 2009 Aug 3 Amp Norms? Hoffstetter’s Minimum 15-0.25(age)…?? Sterner examined push-up amps in 6-10 year old Swedish children OD, OS, and OU Over 1/3 of the subjects were 2D less than Hofstetter’s minimums Why? Norms are to high? Swedish children all have accommodative problems? Minimum= [15-0.25(age)]-2 Accommodative Facility Traditionally +/-2.00 @ 40cm Facility measures 8-12 year old different than 13-30 year olds Facility measures not reliable under 8 years of age Measure OU first (pursue monocular measure only if fail OU) Binocular minimum Monocular minimum 8-12 year old 2 cpm 4 cpm 13-30 year old 8 cpm 6 cpm Accommodative Test Battery Test Age Condition Expected Value Amplitude Any Any Minimum=[15-(age/4)]-2 Monoc. Facility 8-12 yo ±2.00 flipper 7 cpm (±2.5): at least 4 cpm 13-30 yo ±2.00 flipper 11 cpm (±5): at least 6 cpm 8-12 yo ±2.00 flipper 5 cpm (±2.5): at least 2 cpm 13-30 yo Scaled flipper 10 cpm 13-30 yo ±2.00 flipper Approx 8 cpm Binoc Facility NRA Any +2.00 to +2.50 PRA Any -2.37 to –3.37 Accom Response Any MEM +0.25 to +0.50 Back to Karley Symptoms indicate near blur Run accomm test battery Look for low findings Min (15-0.25(10))-2= 10.5D At least 4 mono/2 binoc NRA +2.50; PRA +0.50 Diagnosis: Accommodative Insufficiency (Disorder of Accommodation) -2.50 Good VA without need for glasses Start with CT to make initial Duanne’s Classification (CI) Look for low values in the compensating vergence group (BO) to confirm CI Look for low accommodative findings to make diagnosis of accommodative disorder (AI) Binocular Vision Disorders High AC/A CE DE Normal AC/A Low AC/A CI DI Basic Eso Accommodative Disorders Accommodative Insufficiency Accommodative Excess Basic Exo FVD Convergence Insufficiency Symptoms: (occur with near work) headaches, eye strain, blur, diplopia, movement of print, poor reading comprehension Signs: Greater exo at near than distance, receded NPC, reduced PFV findings, low AC/A Treatment options: In office therapy, home based therapy, prism, pencil push-ups… Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial (CITT) Funded by National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute (NIH/NEI) $3.8 million study done with OD and MD collaboration in 9 centers in the US UAB Bascom Palmer Mayo Clinic SUNY NOVA Ohio State PCO Ratner Eye Center SCCO Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial Study Group. Randomized Clinical Trial of Treatments for Symptomatic Convergence Insufficiency in Children. Arch Ophthalmol. 126 (10) October 2008. pp 1336-1349. CITT Randomized Clinical Trial of 221 children between 9 and 17 years of age with CI Research Question: Compare common treatments for CI to determine which is most effective Pencil Push-ups Office VT/Orthoptics Base-In Optometrists 36% 16% 15% Ophthalmologists 50% 5% 30% *Scheiman, M, Cooper, J, Mitchell L et al. A survey of treatment modalities for convergence insufficiency. Opt Vis Sci 2002;79:151-157. CITT Kids (9-17yo) were randomized into one of 4 treatment groups… 221 kids Office based vision therapy Placebo office based vision therapy Home based pencil push up therapy Primary Outcome: Symptoms Secondary Outcomes: NPC & PFV Home based pencil push up plus computer therapy CI Symptom Survey (CISS) Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey Name _____________________________________ DATE __/__/__ 1. 2. Primary outcome measure Symptom score (CI Symptom Survey) Score less than 16 considered asymptomatic Score 16 or greater considered symptomatic 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Never (not very often) Infrequently Sometimes Fairly often Alw ays __x 0 __ x 1 __ x 2 __ x 3 __ x 4 Do your eyes feel tired when reading or doing close work? Do your eyes feel uncomfortable when reading or doing close work? Do you have headaches when reading or doing close work? Do you feel sleepy when reading or doing close work? Do you lose concentration when reading or doing close work? Do you have trouble remembering what you have read? Do you have double vision when reading or doing close work? Do you see the words move, jump, swim or appear to float on the page when reading or doing close work? Do you feel like you read slowly? Do your eyes ever hurt when reading or doing close work? Do your eyes ever feel sore when reading or doing close work? Do you feel a "pulling" feeling around your eyes when reading or doing close work? Do you notice the words blurring or coming in and out of focus when reading or doing close work? Do you lose your place while reading or doing close work? Do you have to re-read the same line of words when reading? TOTAL SCORE ___________ Symptoms Mean adjusteda CI Symptom Survey score 35 30 25 20 15 HBPP 10 5 HBCVAT+ OBVAT OBPT 0 Eligibility 4 week 8 week Study examination 12 week NPC Break 16 Mean adjusteda NPC break 14 12 10 8 6 HBPP 4 HBCVAT+ 2 OBVAT OBPT 0 Eligibility 4 week 8 week Study examination 12 week Positive Fusional Vergence Break at Near 35 HBPP a Mean adjusted PFV blur/break 30 25 HBCVAT+ OBVAT OBPT 20 15 10 5 0 Eligibility 4 week 8 week Study examination 12 week Convergence Insufficiency Tx Office based VT is more effective than home based pencil push-up or home based pencil push-up plus computer vergence training at improving symptoms and signs of CI. Pencil push-ups are no more effective than placebo therapy Home based computer therapy showed improved PFV’s over pencil push ups but no difference in symptoms and NPC Compliance? Longer treatment time? Home Based Computer Therapy for CI Home Based Computer Therapy for CI Serna et al. JAAPOS 2011 Retrospective evaluation of the efficacy of HTS computer therapy for CI 42 patients (5 to 16 years old—mean 9 years) received combination of HTS, BI prism, and pencil push ups 35 PPU plus HTS 7 HTS only Some subjects also received BI prism (2) and near plus (?) Treatment lasted between 3-30 weeks (mean 12.6; SD 6.6) Home Based Computer Therapy for CI All objective findings significantly different pre and post tx All subjects reported improvement in symptoms (not standardized—subjective) Good compliance in all but 7 subjects Reasonable alternative to in-office VT for CI—more research coming… Convergence Insufficiency What about BI prism? CI Base-in prism study (Scheiman et al. Br J Ophthal. 2005) 65 CI patients (9 to <18yo) 31 BI-Prism reading Glasses (Sheards) 34 Plano (placebo) reading glasses Symptom survey score improved 15 points ( 12) Symptom survey score improved 11 points ( 13) NPC and PFV minimally affected NPC and PFV minimally affected Statistically no difference between Placebo glasses and BI prism glasses BI prism not good treatment choice for young CI patients Convergence Insufficiency in Presbyopia Presbyopic CI Prism Study (Teitelbaum OVS 2009) 29 symptomatic 45-68 year olds Baseline Symptom Score = 30 BI Prism Glasses Placebo Glasses BI Prism Symptoms= 13 Placebo Glasses Symptom Survey BI Prism Glasses Placebo Rx Symptoms= 23 Significant (p<0.00001) decrease in symptoms with BI prism in presbyopic CI’s (CISS>21 is considered symptomatic in adults) Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Office based VT #1 choice Home based VT with computer vergences may be beneficial but may require more than 12 weeks of treatment Base-in prism not effective in children but may show some benefit in presbyopic CI patients Pencil push ups are not effective Back to Karley CI/AI Why didn’t she like her low plus readers? Treatment? Karley—Final (after 12 VT sessions) VA: 20/20 Accom amps: 20D CT at near: 4XP Accom fac: 22 cpm CT at dist: ortho NRA: +3.00 NPC: TB PRA: -2.50 PFV (near): >45/>45 MEM: +1.00 NFV (near): X/35/20 In Karley’s words: •Love to read •Concentrate better •Don’t see double •Don’t see blurry •Don’t loose spot •Even though it took up my time to get here and do homework, I knew I had to do it. •It has made school work easier •It has changed my life Carolyn--Baseline 64yo female Complains of dry eye stuff…oh, and she also looses her place and has double vision when reading VA 20/20- CT @ distance 4XP CT @ near 10 IAXT (trope 30%) NPC 8/40cm PFV @ near x/4/1 NFV @ near X/6/2 W4D Crossed dip at near CI! Recommended VT Carolyn—Final Baseline Final VA 20/20- 20/20- CT @ distance 4XP 8 XP CT @ near 10 IAXT (trope 30%) 6 XP NPC 8/40cm Nose/6cm PFV @ near x/4/1 X/45+/30 NFV @ near X/6/2 X/12/10 W4D Crossed dip at near - Finished therapy in 15 visits Much slower progress with presbyopic patients No accomm therapy—push BO and NPC “Reading much better and no more double vision!” Joyce--Baseline 70 yowf referred by outside doc for ―reading difficulty‖ Trouble with reading since July (3 months ago) when seizures (possible stroke) began Can read first couple of words and then struggles to complete Reading improves with one eye covered Was seen by neruo-ophthalmologist, referred to low vision specialist, then sent to our office Joyce--Baseline BCVA 20/20 OD/OS CT @ D: 4XP, CT @ N: 18XP NPC: 25/35cm PFV @ near: X/16/8 Stereo: 200 sec W4Dot: Fusion D and N VT Demo Brock String: Exo at near without suppression Stick and Straw: 12cm! Computer Vergences: able to appreciate RDS targets Recommended VT… Joyce Baseline After 13 VT visits CT @ D: 4 XP CT @ D: 5 XP CT @ N: 18 XP CT @ N: 18 XP NPC: 25/35cm NPC: 12/16cm PFV: X/16/8 PFV: X/12/2 Stereo: 200 sec Stereo: 20 sec Hmmph! Determining Prism Rx for exo Rx least amount of prism needed to relieve symptoms Consider Sheard’s criteria as starting point Sheard’s: 2/3(phoria)-1/3(compensating range) Rx prism in trial Fresnel (test drive) Tweak prism power if necessary May consider associated phoria measurement as starting point BI Joyce Trial 6∆ BI prism (Fresnel) CT @ D with prism: 2 XP CT @ N with prism: 18 XP PFV with prism: X/24/16 (improved from X/12/2 without) One week later…loving the prism…Rx’d it Sheard’s: 2/3(phoria)-1/3(compensating range) 2/3(18) – 1/3(16) = 6.67Δ Binocular Vision Disorders High AC/A CE DE Normal AC/A Low AC/A CI DI Basic Eso VT VT or BI for >45 Accommodative Disorders Accommodative Insufficiency Accommodative Excess Basic Exo FVD Brook Cover Test: more eso @ distance than near Compensating vergence group (BI at distance): Unable Divergence Insufficiency Divergence Insufficiency Symptoms Longstanding intermittent diplopia at distance, headaches, ocular fatigue, difficulty focusing from far to near Signs Greater eso at distance than near, reduced NFV at distance Treatment Options Base Out prism--#1 treatment option for low eso amount Vision Therapy—treatment to improve NVF ranges Surgery—reserved for larger angle eso’s that cannot be managed with prism and/or therapy alone Brook 4∆ BO Fresnell Trial: gave fusion without prism adapting RX: Wet Ret (similar to hab Rx) with 4∆ BO split 5 month follow up Wearing +3.00 with 2∆ BO OD; +3.25 with 2∆ BO OS VA good CT @ D: Ortho CT @ N: 8 XP Stereo: 140 sec (no global) W4Dot: Fusion distance and near 2 year follow up Same Rx with good VA CT @ D: ortho CT @ N: 2-4 XP Stereo: 200 sec W4Dot: Fusion Trial of 2∆ BI Fresnel caused CLET @ distance Brook 3 year follow-up Good VA with minimal change in Rx Good fusion and alignment with specs Trial of 2∆ BI Fresnel showed 2∆ ILET present less than 50% of the time Trial of BI Fresnel produced discomfort—maintained 4Δ BO in specs Thomas--Baseline 82 yowm –retired Referred by LV specialist for dip management Complains of intermittent diplopia and ―distortion‖ at distance, it’s worse at the end of the day, makes driving difficult Also occasional dip at near while reading Ocular hx: end stage glaucoma Systemic hx: HTN x ―several years‖ Thomas—BV eval BVA 20/30+ OD, 20/20- OS (w/low cyl rx) Cover Test 6 ILET at distance (70% trope) 2 EP at near (Maddox Rod = 6EP) EOM’s Full, Pupils normal Suppression during vergence testing W4D at distance uncrossed diplopia Thomas—Final Divergence Insufficiency (borderline?) Trialed prism to obtain fusion…reported fusion with 6 BO at distance and near Trialed 6 BO Fresnell for 3 weeks Rx: -0.50-1.25X083, 3.0 BO OD +0.50-1.50X075, 3.0 BO OS +2.50 add Referred back to LV specialist with recommendation to discuss driving! Determining prism Rx for eso’s Rx least amount of BO prism to provide fusion Fixation Disparity (associated phoria) Rx amount of prism that eliminates the fixation disparity BO Percival’s Criteria 1/3(greatest vergence range) – 2/3(lowest vergence range) Little lit support but suggests better for eso’s than exo’s Prescribing Prism: Bottom Line Esophoria Eso’s will generally accept prism better than exo’s Eso’s will generally take a prism power closer to phoria measure than exo’s (may take full amount) May begin with Percival’s and tweak (consider FD) Always trial the prism before final Rx Exophoria Generally need lower percentage of phoria compensation with prism Don’t typically respond as favorably to prism as eso’s and hyper May begin with Sheard’s and tweak (consider FD) Always trial the prism before final Rx What’s gong on with Kelsey? 8-10 CAET at distance and near with full plus Rx and bifocal Trial 8 BO, CT=8 CAET (16 ET) Trial 16 BO, CT=8 CAET (24 ET) Trial 24 BO, CT=8 CAET (32 ET) Beware of the PRISM EATERS! Prism Adaptation ―Eating Prism‖ Example: No prism: CT @ near = 6XP With 4 BI: CT @ near = 6XP With 10 BI: CT @ near = 6XP Normal vergence response to the stress of added prism Asymptomatic patients more likely to prism adapt and less likely to need or accept prism Symptomatic patients are less likely to prism adapt and more likely to accept prism Prescribing prism Prism adaptation occurs within minutes Recheck cover test after 10 minutes of trial If CT returns to original deviation, prism adaptation has occurred Patients with strong prism adaptation mechanism may find little benefit from prism Rx Binocular Vision Disorders High AC/A CE DE Normal AC/A Low AC/A CI DI VT BO VT or BI for >45 Basic Eso VT? Accommodative Disorders Accommodative Insufficiency Accommodative Excess Basic Exo FVD Hannah Cover Test: Convergence Excess Compensating Vergence group non-contributory Accommodative measures normal Convergence Excess Symptoms—headaches and eye strain with near work, blur, diplopia, fatigue with reading, poor reading comprehension, avoidance of reading Signs—More eso at near than dist, high AC/A, low NFV findings, may show high lag on MEM Treatment Options: #1—Additional plus at near Rx plus to reduce near phoria to near ortho Base Out Prism May be necessary if small eso still present at D and N with add Vision Therapy may be helpful if Rx still leaves symptoms (push BI training) Hannah CE Trial + at near RTC 4 weeks Ortho with +2.25 OU Wet Ret: +1.50-1.00X105 OD +1.50-1.50X090 OS Rx: wet ret with +2.50 add Seg at lower pupil margin Glasses ―made a world of difference!‖ VA 20/25 OD, 20/30 OS CT 3 EP at dist and near Suppression with W4D and stereo Hannah—Follow-up 6 month f/u VA 20/30 CT ortho distance, 3 XP at near Stereo 50 sec MEM +1.00 W4D Supp at distance 9 month f/u VA 20/30 CT ortho distance, 3 EP at near Stereo 30 sec +global MEM +0.25 With glasses she reads much better, better handwriting, catches the ball better, -dip, headaches Jessica--Baseline 10wf presented for general eye exam CC: headaches while reading, no diplopia, no meds, sulfa allergy VA (uncorrected) CT @ dist 10/10 with HOTV OU 6 IRET CT @ near MEM PFV/NFV at near 19 IRET +1.00 unable Stereo Dry Ret 70 sec Plano Jessica--Baseline Trial +2.00 @ near=9 IRET (less troping) Trial +2.50 @ near=6 IAET Maximum plus would be +2.50 at 40cm Wet Ret: Plano OD, +0.50 OS Ocular health: unremarkable Rx: plano OU with +2.50 add Jessica—2 week follow up No more headaches VA: 10/10 OU CT (with Rx) 6 IRET at distance (trope 1/8 times) 6 IRET at near (trope 2/10 times) Stereo 50 sec Additional tx? Emily Cover Test and BV findings all normal—No Duanne’s Classification Accommodative findings show low amps, shifted NRA/PRA, and high lag Dx: Latent hyperopia with AI? Accommodative Insufficiency Symptoms: blur, headaches, tired or sore eyes with reading; poor reading comprehension Signs: Reduced accommodaitve amps ((15-0.25*age)-2), MEM may be normal or show slightly elevated lag Treatment Options: #1—Additional plus at near Vision Therapy—often prescribed when other accommodative and BV problems exist Prescribing Plus for AI Plus build up method—subjective MEM method Useful for pts with high lag Trial binocular plus until MEM returns to normal (low) lag NRA/PRA midpoint method (NRA + PRA)/2= tentative add power Accounts for binocular condition but doesn’t always indicate the need for an add BCC method—subjective and difficult with peds Back to Emily Dry Refraction: plano OU Wet Ret: +1.25 OU NRA/PRA: +3.50/-1.25 (+3.50 + -1.25)/2= +1.12D Add Rx’d plano OU with +1.25 add Emily Follow-up—Reading much easier with add VA 20/15 OU CT Ortho dist and near (Where’d the exo go?) Amps with add: 14D OU MEM: +0.50 OU 2 years later… Different doc Rx’d wet ret of +1.25 DS OU (no add) Patient returned complaining she had to look over the glasses at distance to see We returned her to the add and she lived happily ever after (5 years and counting…) Prescribing Plus at Near Convergence Excess High AC/A! (a little plus goes a long way) Rx amount of plus that reduces near phoria to ortho Basic Eso Normal AC/A Rx near plus to reduce eso to near normal levels Accommodative Insufficiency Low amps (pt has difficulty accommodating) Rx amount determined initially with MEM method, NRA/PRA method, or build up (trial). Final Rx usually low plus Research on near plus? Plus commonly Rx’d for AI but lack of evidence of efficacy Abdi and Rydberg 2005: Prospective study of 120 children with AI and CI received combination of therapies (VT/plus/ ) 98% with AI had improvement in symptoms with near plus No standard measurement of symptoms Unmasked No placebo control Mazow et al 1989: Retrospective review of 26 patients (7-28 years) with AI and CI. 22 received VT, 21 received plus (+1 to +2.50) Symptoms improved but objective findings did not No standard measurement of symptoms Unmasked No placebo control Will plus at near result in wimpy accommodation? Base line Accom Amps =8.75D (95% CI =7.99 to 9.51) 28 Convergence Excess (AC/A =9.04±1.06) Accom Amps after 4 years in add = 8.93D (95% CI=8.25 to 9.6) 56 children 5-8 years old Baseline Accom Amps = 10.96D (95% CI=10.51 to 11.42) 28 controls (ortho D & N with AC/A=3±0.86) Fresina M, Schiavi C, Campos EC. Do bifocals reduce accommodative amplitude in convergence excess esotropia? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2010 Oct;248(10):1501-5. Epub 2010 Jun 4 Accom Amps after 4 years in add = 10.68D (95% CI=10.31 to 11.04) Will plus at near result in wimpy accommodation? Accomm amps measured Younger group 21-30 years Older group 38-44 years Normal BV and amps ≥3D before tx, immediately after 2 months of tx, and 2 months following tx with +1.50 reading Rx Amps decreased following tx and did not recover 2 months later Accom decrease was 0.65D in younger group and 0.7D in older group Vedamurthy I, Harrison WW, Liu Y, Cox I, Schor CM. The influence of first near-spectacle reading correction on accommodation and its interaction with convergence. Invest OphthalmolVis Sci. 2009 Sep;50(9):4215-22. Epub 2009 Mar 5 Binocular Vision Disorders High AC/A CE Near + DE Normal AC/A Low AC/A CI DI VT BO Basic Eso VT VT or BI for >45 Accommodative Disorders Accommodative Insufficiency Near + VT Accommodative Excess Basic Exo FVD Kayla 4yo with eye turn Cover test Ortho at near 15 IAXT at distance (60%) NPC: 4cm Vergences: unable MEM: +050 Wet Ret: Plano OU Dx? Divergence Excess Symptoms: Cosmetic concerns over IXT, rarely diplopia, rarely near point symptoms Signs: Greater exo at distance than near, PFV and NFV may be normal at distance and near, may show suppression at distance, high AC/A? Pseudo DE Prolonged occlusion (30 mins) or +3.00 OU shows basic exo AC/A is normal True DE Deviation at distance remains larger than at near even after prolonged occlusion AC/A may be high but often still normal by gradient Divergence Excess Treatment options: Over-minus—recommended for young pts (under 6) with true high AC/A Trial over minus in office and recheck dist CT Vision Therapy—may be 1st line of tx in older pts; stress diplopia awareness vergence ranges 3 targets near 2 targets 1 targets distance Divergence Excess Additional Treatment Options Occlusion—FT/PT occlusion for up to 2 months to decrease suppression and improve fusion--? Surgery—Considered for very large (>35-40 ) deviations that fail to respond to more conservative tx Kayla At 4 yo… At 6 yo… DE IXT (15 Glasses un-cool for school @ dist) To young for VT -2.00 over Rx controlled the XT at distance for 2 years 15-20 IXT @ dist present >50% Surgical candidate? Rx’dVT Amount of over minus found by in office trial (generally -1.50 to -3.00) Kayla (7 years) After 25 visits of VT, she was able to voluntarily control her IXT at distance No longer required added minus Over minus short term fix but may buy time until child is old enough for VT One year later, still holding XT well but…emerging myopia! Kayla (9 years) 2 years post VT Still showing excellent alignment at distance and near Wearing CL’s for myopia Will over minus lenses cause changes in refractive error? Rutstein et al. (OVS 1989) Retrospective review of 40 IXT’s treated with over minus Age 1-15 years (average age 7) Over minus Rx between -0.75 and -3.75 (approx 1.95D) Mean changes in refractive error were same for hyperopes, myopes, and emmetropes and similar to values reported for non-exotropes Paula et al. (Arq Bras Oftalmol 2009) Retrospective review of 21 IXT’s treated with occlusion 13 were also treated with over minus Rx Over minus Rx between -0.50 and -3.50 (avg 2.46D) No induced refractive error changes in over minus group Cover Test: DE IXT Compensating Vergence Group (BO): Show only mild reduction—suggest possibly different mechanism than high phoria and low BO ranges? Accommodative testing: Normal except for low NRA finding Treatment options? Denton Divergence Excess Treatment Options: Over Minus—Denton’s too old Occlusion—Didn’t consider Surgery—Deviation large enough to consider… Vision Therapy—Recommended therapy Emphasized anti-suppression/diplopia awareness Vergence ranges dist and near Final 20∆ XP @ distance, 14∆ @ near BO: X/40+/40 D & N BI: X/35/25 D & N Prescribing plus or minus Consider added plus Consider added minus Convergence Excess Divergence Excess (High AC/A) (High AC/A) Basic Esophoria Large Basic Exophoria (normal AC/A) (normal AC/A) Accommodative Insufficiency Young age (< 6yo) Added plus and minus not considered for low AC/A conditions: →Convergence insufficiency → Divergence Insufficiency Binocular Vision Disorders High AC/A Normal AC/A Low AC/A CE DE CI DI Near + - Rx for preschool VT BO VT Basic Eso VT VT or BI for >45 Sx/occ? Accommodative Disorders Accommodative Insufficiency Near + VT Accommodative Excess Basic Exo FVD Lee--Baseline History Findings 7 yobm presented as BV VA 20/20 corrected referral Reported that left eye turns in Wearing mild hyperopic Rx with +1.25 add CT at distance 10 IAET (30%) CT at near 14 IAET (50%) W4D at distance: fusion W4D at near: alt suppression 70 sec stereo NVF: unable Accom Amps 12D DX: Basic Eso ~CE Basic Eso Symptoms: headaches, eye strain, blur, diplopia, poor reading comprehension Signs: Eso similar magnitude dist and near, reduced NFV at distance and near, MEM may show higher than normal lag, normal AC/A Treatment Options Additional plus at near: Rx lowest power to normalize eso BO prism: Rx lowest amount of prism to allow fusion Rx prism to eliminate diplopia Rx associated phoria Vision Therapy: improve NFV at distance and near Lee--Tx Original CT: 10 IAET @ D & 14 IAET @ N TX: Trial additional plus at near and BO prisms 6BO with +2.25 add gave CT 4EP at distance and 6-7EP at near RX: 6BO prism (split) with +2.25 add **At 6mo f/u, still some symptoms… Will Cover Test: Basic Exo (IXT w/o Rx) PFV Group: Low BO at near, Receded NPC Accommodation: Reduced Amps Basic Exo (IXT) Basic Exo Symptoms: Eye strain, headaches, blur, diplopia, poor reading comprehension, movement of print on page Signs: Similar exo at distance and near, reduced PFV findings at distance and near, receded NPC Treatment options: Vision therapy: responds well (similar program to CI) Prism: BI relieving prism may be considered Surgery: Rarely considered for large deviations with very frequent loss of fusion Will—Basic Exo Recommended VT to improve PFV ranges Mid Therapy By visit #13, vergence ranges were normal and accommodation normal Added 2 BO fresnell to glasses By visit #17, vergence ranges normal with additional 2 BO fresnell Added another 2 BO to glasses (neutralizing the 4 BI in habitual Rx) Will--Final CT w/o prism 6XP at distance 10-15 XP at near NPC: TB Amps: 10D X3, OD and OS PFV: X/24/18 NFV: 20/24/14 ―Now I can read for hours instead of just a little while. I don’t need prisms and my head never hurts.‖ General Guidelines… Exo’s Respond well to therapy BO ranges easier to train than BI Generally don’t do as well with prism Eso’s Respond well to plus and prism BI ranges harder to train but VT still an option Binocular Vision Disorders High AC/A Normal AC/A Low AC/A CE DE CI DI Near + - Rx for preschool VT BO VT VT or BI for >45 Sx/occ? VT Basic Eso Basic Exo Near + VT BO VT Accommodative Disorders Accommodative Insufficiency Near + VT Accommodative Excess - Rx for preschool BI FVD Jake Cover Test: Normal, equal XP No Duanne’s Classification Vergences: Low PFV and NFV Accommodation: Low Amps, Low PRA, High Lag FusionalVergence Dysfunction & Accommodative Insufficiency Fusional Vergence Dysfunction Symptoms: Headaches, eye strain, and blur with near tasks; poor reading comprehension, and avoidance of near work Signs: Normal phoria, reduced PFV and NFV ranges at near and/or distance, reduced NRA and PRA, reduced binocular accommodative facility Treatment Options: Vision Therapy: Training to improve vergence ranges CPT 368.30--Binocular vision disorder; unspecified Jake Treatment Options: Consider plus Rx? Vision Therapy? Jake completed 21 visits of therapy with excellent results! Binocular Vision Disorders High AC/A Normal AC/A Low AC/A CE DE CI DI Near + - Rx for preschool VT BO VT VT VT or BI for >45 Basic Eso Basic Exo Near + VT BO VT Sx/occ? - Rx for preschool Accommodative Disorders Accommodative Insufficiency Near + VT Accommodative Excess BI FVD VT Anna 14yowf presents with complaints of distance and near blur. Previous doc said she had an ―accommodative problem‖ and gave her +1.75 readers (which didn’t help much). Taking thyroid and attention meds Family are missionaries—considering move back to Africa in 6 mos Father died of brain tumor 9 mos ago Anna VA 20/150 OD/OS CT 5 EP at dist, 14 EP at near (ortho with +1.75) MEM -1.00 to -2.00 OD/OS Dry Auto/Wet Auto…Dx?...Tx options? Accommodative Excess Symptoms: Blur (at distance or near) may be worse after prolonged near work, headaches, eye strain, fatigue, diplopia Signs: Neutral or lead with MEM, difficulty clearing plus with facility testing, Reduced NRA, dry ret more minus than wet, often associated with psychological stress and may show tubular VF Treatment Options: Vision therapy for mild accommodative excess (push plus training and NFV ranges) Cycloplegic agents for more severe accommodative spasm Consider 1% Atropine 2x/week with near add (wean over time) Anna Tangent Screen VF Anna Dx: Accommodative excess/spasm/pseudomyopia Tx: Atropine 1gtt twice/week OU Use +2.50 OTC readers for near work RTC 4 weeks 4 week f/u Better with drops (it’s been a week since last drop) VA 20/20 OU CT Ortho at near MEM +0.75 to -1.00 Anna 8 week Follow-up Symptoms are gone. Good VA, enjoying reading, last drop >2 weeks ago VA 20/20 OD, OS CT ortho at distance and near MEM -0.50 (stable) Dx: accomm excess resolved Tx: d/c Atropine, monitor Binocular Vision Disorders High AC/A Normal AC/A Low AC/A CE DE CI DI Near + - Rx for preschool VT BO VT VT VT or BI for >45 Basic Eso Basic Exo Near + VT BO VT Sx/occ? - Rx for preschool Accommodative Disorders Accommodative Insufficiency Accommodative Excess Near + VT for mild VT Cycloplegics BI FVD VT
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