THE OREGONIAN, MORNING lc Basic Clearing. Exchanges. Balances. ?268,061 H8.412 Portland Seattle Taconut Spokane ..- - ?27.flSO 15S.3C3 150.214 78,703 3S.S31 12,011 rORTLAXD MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Etc. There was a sHefet imnreiement in the East ern wheat markets yesterday, and Liverpool 1 was holding rte wa, so that there was not much change In the local situation. No new j charters are reported for near-b- y ships, and, as those at heed are rapidly finishing, matters are daily beeoattag BJOre quiet. There is some milling demand for heavy wheat, and the milts set the pace on prices. As high as 5253c is paid for Walla. Watte, and an occasional Email sale of Valley la made at 62c, but this la about 1c abo.e prices quoted by exporters. Blustern la easy at 68964c Wheat Walla Walla, Gl53c; Valley, 51 S2c bluestem, 5364e per buffet. Flour Beet grades, ?2 652 80 per barrel; graham, $2 36. euper9ue, $2 15. Oats White. 8S86c; gray, 33634c; stained, 293f30c per bushel. Barley Feed, $1&16; brewing. $17 K318 W per ton. Millstuffe Bran, $17 per ton; middlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16. Hay Steady; timothy. $1011; clo,er, $70 7 GO. Oregon wild hay. $$7 per ton. Batter, Esrg, Poultry, Etc. Butter Fancy creamery, S866c; seconds, 424 per rolL 45c dairy, 8087c. store, Eggs 16lc per dosen for Oregon. Poultrj Chickens, mixed, $34; hens, $4 4 SO, ducks, $ 7. geese, $7 8 per dozen. turkeys, live, lSfec; dreteed, 14lSc per pound. Game Mallard ducks, $S; widgeon, $1 5132. teal, $11 26 per dozen. Cheeee Full cream, twins, 12&13c Young America, 14c per pound. . 2227c Fruit, Etc. Vegetables Parsnips. $1; carrots, $1; turnips. onions, $180 2 per cental; cabbage, l'iic per pound, potatoes, KS0c per cental, per pound. sweet potatoes, 88, oranges, $2 753 rrult Lemons, per box for navels, $2 for seedlings; tangerines, $1 75, Japanese oranges, G5o$l 25 per box; pineapples, $4 S96 per dozen, bananas, $2 SO per pound; 3 per bunch, Persian dates, SO, pears, 75c$l 25 per box; apples. cranberries, $6 509? Pr barrel for Ilwaco, IS" 7&e for Eastern. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 7 8c per pound, sacks "or boxes, 45c; pears, sun and evaporated. 66c; plums, pltless, 43 tHfcc, prunes, Italian, silver, extra choice, 8c; Jigs, Smyrna. 22c; California Mack, S6c, ds white, 10c per pound. 60c, 22c $8 7Sc $11 8?6c; Groceries, Xuta, Etc Coffee 'Mocha. 2s2Sc; Java, fancy, 2632c; Java, good, Sti24e; Java, ordinary, 1820c; Costa Rica, fancy, lS20c; do good, lC18c; do ordinar), 19012c per pound; Columbia, roast, $12 26 per case. Arbuckle's, $13 25; Lion, $12 25. Sugar Cube. $6 72)6; crushed.. $5 72; powdered. $6 72, dry granulated, cane $5 22, beet $6 12. extra C $4 72; golden C. $4 60 net, half barrels, c more than barrels; ciapla sugar, 16018c per pound. Salmon Columbia river, tails, $10 tails, $242 SO; fancy. 1 SO, -poand fancy flats, S595c; fiats, $L 8601 76: talis, $1 200130, tails, Alaska. $1 9002 26. Gram bags Calcutta, $707 10 per 100. Beans Small white, 3c, baou, 4c; Lima, 6c per pound. Nuts Peanuts, 0K07c per pound for raw, lOe for roasted, ooooonuts, 89c per dozen; walnuts; 120i8c per pound; pine nuts. 15c; hickory nuts, 7c, chestnuts, 16c, Brazil, lie; filberts, 15c, fancy pecans, 13014c; almonds, 1517 per pound. Coal oil Cases, 21 c per gallon; barrels, 17c, tanks, 16c Rice Island, 6c: Japan, Pc; New Orleans, 4fe06Vfcc. fancy head, $707 SO per sack. Meat and Provisions. Mutton Oross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, per pound. $4W4 23. drMseea mutton, 707c Hogs Oross, choice hea-y- , $5. light, $4 50, dressed, 8c per pound. Beef Oross, top steers, $404 SO; cows, $3 SO per pound. 04 dressed beef, eal Large, 70oe per pound; small, 8 c. Provisions Portland pack (Shield brand): Hams, ttmoked, are quoted at 13c per pound, per pound; breakfast bacon, picnic hams, 13c, bacon, 94c; backs, c, dry salt sides, SV dried beet, 17c per pound; lard, palki, 10c. pails, 8c; 60s, JgC tlercas, 96c par pound. Eastern pack (HamHams, large. 12c; medium, 13c; mond s) small, 13c picntc hams, &yc, shoulders, 94c; breakfast bacon, lSfce; dry salt sides, 8Vl9iic, bacon sides, S01c, backs, &4c; butts, 8c; lard, pure leaf, kettle rendered, &s. 10c; 10s, 10c. tii4c 8c Heps, "Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 701e: 1888 crop, SGc per pound. foi Wool Vattec. 1201SC for coarse, l5fc-2-0 best, Eastern Oregon, S0i4c; mohair, 27030c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, lS02Oc; short-woo- l, 2 30060c; long-woo-l, OOc0$l 086c. medium-woo- l. each. Bear skins, each, as to size. $5g?15; Pelts cubs, each, $106, badger, each. 10014c; wildcat, 26046c. housec&t, S 0 10c; fox. common gray, 40080c. do red. $1 2901 75; do cross. $2 50 6, lynx, $1 5002 50. mink. 3Oc0$l 25; marten, dark Northern, $408. do pale. pine. $1 21 08. muekrat, S 0 12c. skunk. 2S04Oc: ottet (.land) $408, panther, with bead and claws perfect $103, raseoon. 25060c, wolf, mountain, with head perfect. $S 5006. woherlne. $2 5005, beaer, per skin, large. $607. do medium, ptt skin. $406. do small, per skin. $102; do kits, per skin, BOe0$l. Tallow 50C&C; No. 2 and grease, 3Q4c pet pound. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 10 pounds and upward, 1S016HC. do Mo. No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds. 15c per pound, dry ealf, No. 1. under 5 pounds, less than dry 15016c, dry salted, one-thifilnt, salted hides, sound steers. CO pounds and over, St to 68 pounds, S08c; do Sc; kip, 13 to 30 under 60 pounds and cows. pounds, 7H06c, do veal, 10 to 14 pounds. 7c; do calf, under M pounds. 7c. green (unsalted), 1c per pound less; culls (bulls, stags, moth-eatebadly cut. seored hair slipped, weather-beate-n d or grubby), less. 809c;o 7f XHW YORK STOCK MARKET. Increased Interest Manifested by the Baying- - Public. NEW YORK. Feb. 2. Today's stock speculation furnished adequate proof that Increased interest was being manifested by the public in the market. There was xtenive trading in railroad stocks, which comprised properties traversing a wide area. Professional operators, perceiving that support from commission housis could be rolled on In an upward movement In the standard stocks, devoted their energies in this direction, causing the specialties to occupy a secondary position In the market. This change of front was in a. measure due also to the fact that some of the Industrials which had sustained a substantial rise shewed eviRecognition of the dences of good realising encouraging general situation and Indifference of the local market to foreign complications was the primary cause of the revival of outside Interest Important movements appeared to be under us' b substantial Interests as today's strength developed In mrst one group of railroad stocks and then another, until the list showed gains running from 1 to K points. In connection with the on ot mows buying of Baltimore &. Ohio stocks, a statement that the management had sold $S. 80O 80s 4 per cent bonds of the road, and $2,580,808 of that of a subsidiary Use. to pro lde trnptovesBsnta, accounted for their huoy-u- it rise. As the tend one, of prices became pronounced arbitrage hsuseo took advantage of offerings of 18.009 the level to unload, hut shares preosnted no effectual check to the current loan ritswdinr short lines In some of ' raftreade were covered, and the Hildas blooks of 1888 to 3868 shares agured plentifully tnrouhout the HkC Interest was diffused Into t gtoolre, and at tome K great variotr FEBRUARY 1900. 3, 11 eoeteQe9oe9s-iaosot9ftttea(c"stee(- 9 and on email country offerings. May closed, aar(iay, at23c- - . . .r. a 0le ever The provision' mhrketf' was strong Small receipts of hogs and the fact that stacks Increased much less than last year causeVl a good demand. May pork closed 20c over yesterday, of the usually neglected ones vied with the- - reciard 15c higherand May ribs 1012c up. Ma" ognized leaders In point of animation. The leading futures'" ranged as follows: Early operations indicated that the powerful WHEAT. Interests were engaged in the metal stocks, as Opening. Highest. Lowest. Close. prices of the minor securities followed with a S0C6 Jump of 6 points in Tennessee Coal to 104 This February 6S Stock Exchange $0 07 $0 GS $0 67, DIRECT WIRES TO-- ' New-Y6rstock suffered acutely from realization as the May eqvi tjy us T day progressed, and ended with a gain of but juty Chicago .Board o Txadea' . CORN. 34 points Prices of kindred properties were 4 " " S0-I 30-- i 30 better sustained, but all relapsed from the best February cttAmber cfe commerce second May 33ii 33 , 32?i figures. Flucuatjons in Third Avenue contin- July ,. 33 ..... ued to be of a setisatlonat nature, an early rise oaooiosaoeoosaesodosoeoooon OATSl w , to 101 being fellowed by a break to 97 on 23 23"4 liquidation by Interests disturbed by the means May 22 226 22 Julj projected to finance the ompanys indebtedMESS PORK. ness. A rally to 99 occurred in sympathy with 10 77, 10 95 the pronounced rise of the general market In May .. 1077 1095 July 10)7 10 87; 10 97ft 1090 the late dealings. Other utilities lacked feature, aside from the gas securities, which, howeer, did not fully May Bio j; 6?JrSl OdOJi retain a substantial rise. Western railroad July ....:...:. 6Q7j led!? stocks ga,e the first indication of strength, and, SHORT RIBS. although Interest In these waned somewhat as May 5 92 5 82 5 95 -the other groups became prominent, they nev5D5- July 690 597 i ertheless held their extreme rise. Among the quotations were as follows: Cash d Peoindustrials, American Tobacco, Flour Steady. ple's Gas and Sugar aohleied a commanding '. Wheat No. 3 spring. 65c, No. 2'red,j0970c?'f lead occasionally, but ended with a narrow net . Corn NoTS, 31cV change. Oats No. 2, 2222c: No. 2 whUe, 250 A reflection of the stock, market's strength 26V4c; No. 3 white, 2425c. was observed In the bond operations, where Rye No. 2, 54c first-dass'- st "10, the absorption was very heavy of the low and The will sail Barley No. 2, 3842c. , middle-grade Issues. The market was broad Flaxseed No. 1, $1 59. during and active, transactions aggregating $2,380,000. Nome, St. Michael York Timothy seed Prime, $2 55 United States new 4s and 5s adanced per Mea pork $9 60310 85 per bbl. ' cnt, and the 2s declined per cent in the bid Lard Yukon points. $5 S506 jjer cwt. , price. Short ribs Sides, loose, $5 750 BONDS. Shoulders Dry salted, boxed, $5 7500. TJ. S. 2s, reg ??.! . T. Central lsts.109 102N. Short clear sides Boxed. $5 95C 05. do 3s, reg lOSHi'North. Pacific 3s... 07 Steadj ; creamery, 10g24c; dairy, 100 Butter . do 3s, coupon... lOOVil do 4s 104 ft " 22c do new 4s, reg..l33Oregon Nav. lsts..HO . r,- -. do new 4s, coup 133 102 Cheese Steady, 1213c. do 4s do old 4s, reg....ll4iOregon S. L. 03....127 Eggs Steady; fresh, 1616c. r 112 do old 4s, coup114 do con. 5s r Receipts. Shipments do ps, reg Gr. West. lsts. 90 112Rli Flour, 30,000 36.000 barrels do 5s. coupon. ...112 St. Paul consols. ..167U Wheat, bushels 18,000 10.000 Dlst. of CoL 1st. P. C. & P. lsts 1J Corn, bushels 248.0OU 294,000 Atchison adj. 4s... 83 I do 5s 120 FOR RATES AND INFORMATION APP LY TO Oats, bushels 237,100 171,000 C. &. N. W. con. 7sl40 Union Pacific 4s,..1041X Rye, buBhels 2,000 14.000 i do S. F. deb. Ss.l21tfWls. Central lsts.. 90?j Barley, bushels ... 17,000 63,000 D. &. R. G. lsts...l02Gen. Electric 5s. ..117 COMMERCIAL AND - FINANCIAL NEWS The weather yesterday sed up the liberal receipts of potatoes, wale have been coming along this week wtta a regularity g which was . la realmost aoMtowK, bet the steake-rinceipt effect la strengthening prices. had heavy wader dioping stm The egg market to receipt and the persistent efforts of bearish sold la round lota aealers, and yesterday tfcer as low & 16c per doses, with single cases moving at There was a considerable number of dressed tarkeys on the street yesterday, , and beet stock sold at about 16c, with seme j "iery fair coins at 14c Chickens were quieter than had been expected earij la the week, but ' no material redactfoa was made In prices. SATURDAY, TRAttjttar' manszzzz TRAVELERS' GUIDE. CULLISON & CO. FASTESr'AffU'SoST DiREQ lINE Wheats Stock Brokers TO THE Union Depot, Sixth, ;; fCdplf" .33 "FAST MAIL AND PORTLAND CA.GO SPECIAL ItOUTE and m do 4s STOCKS. C.atSt. Excr-angre- , Etc. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2 Sterling on days, $4 85; do sight, $4 SS. Mexican dollars 4SSi8c Drafts Sight, 15c; do telegraphic. 17c NEW YORK. Feb. Z Money On call: Easy at 22 per cent; last loans. Prime mercantile papei? 15 per cent. Sterling exchange Easy, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 87s-- i 87 for demand 84 for oO dajs; posted rates, and at $4 $4 85 and $4 SS4 SS; commercial bills, $4 83 04 84. Silver certificates 2. 844 Barsiher COc 5900c Mexican dollars 47c Irregular; Bonds Goernment, railroad, firm. LONDON, Feb. 2. Consols Foreigrn state, firm; 100. Financial News. Feb. 2. The Commercial financial cablegram says: The extreme, dullness which has characterized tlhe markets during the week was again In evidence today. Prices began firm on yesterday's rumors, but sagged In the absence of news. Americans were dull and Idle1 until midday, when they "became strong on German buying, and closed at the best, under the Influence of purchases by New York and Berlin, mainly of Atchison preferred. The bank lost 60,000 gold to Argentina. Money was easier. NEW YORK. London Stocks In London. Feb. 2. Canadian Paclflc, 9S"; Union Paclflc preferred, 77; Northern Pacific preferred, 77: Atchison, 20; Grand Trunk, Anaconda, LONDON. 7; 8. THE GRAIN MARKETS. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2. Wheat, firm. Barley, weak. Oats, steady. Spot quotations: Wheat No. 1 shipping, 07c; choice, 98c; milling, $101 02. Barley Feed, 70075c; brewing, 77S5c. Oats Gray, Oregon, $1 O701 12; milling. 20. $1 1501 17; red, $1 Call board sales: Wheat Firm; May, $1 02 per cental; December, $1 O0S: cash, 9Sftc Corn Large yellow, $101 10. 121 New York Grain, Flanr, Etc NEW YORK. Feb. 2. Flour Receipts, 15,794 barrels, exports, 16,437. Market neglected. 7. Wheat Receipts, 32,200 bushels: exports, Spot, firmer; No. 2 red, 77e f. o. b. afloat. Options opened steady, closing strong and s0?tc net higher; March closed at 76sc, May closed at 74c; July closed at 745ic WoolSteady. TACOMA, 63c. SAN Wheat-Cl- FRANCISCO 51c; ub, blue-ste- GRAY & MARKETS. P. BAUWGARTNER, 'i J'4 r r it at ' 7 A. M. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. European Grain Markets. Feb. 2. Wheat Cargoes off coast, nothing doing; cargoes on passage rather caster; English country markets, firm. LONDON, LIVERPOOL, Feb. 2. Wheat, easy; wheat and flour in Paris, steadj; French country markets; firm. Wheat Futures closed steady; March. 5s lOftd; May. 5s 10d, July, 5s 10d. Spot. No. 2 red Western winter, steady, 5s No. 1 Northern spring, steady. 0s Id. CornSpot. American mlsftd, new, firm, 3s nrm, as 4ja. jtwures. quiet; Alarcn, a, lld. Cd. CUicntro Grain, Produce, Etc. - I OR. PORTLAND AND DAYTON. The Direct Line to Denver; Omaha. Kansas City and Si Loub. Only 3 Days to Chicago, Oniy4 Days to NewYorkand other Principal Eastern cities Paltce Sleeer Toarlst Sleepers Heals a la carte), and Free RcoIIbIbk Chair Car Operated Daily ea Fast Mall Trains ThroBgrh Dining: Cars Throagh tickets, baggage checks and car ageammodattees can ha arranged at 1 lieej-teg- . CITY TICKET OFFICE Portland. Oregon gborgk lano. 33 Third Street j. h. Lonraop. Qty Pass. & Tktt Agt, Gea'rAgeat. OK. EAST J jo SOUTH ordinary paper, o ,' OVERLAND Good as the Best. ' Pittsburg 'You have some fine roads, I see," said' drove him the stranger", as thd 'native " " "oveF the botJlevards. "(Sood roads!" repeated the Plttsburger; "I should say so! They haven t better roads In Rhode Island Itself." Chronicle-Telegrap- EX- PRESS TRAIN3. for Salem. Rose-bur- g. ' Ashland. SacOgden. ramento. e. San Francisco. Los Angeles. El Ppsw, New Orleans and the East. At WoodBurn (dally except Sunday), morning train connects with train rt for ML Angel. on. Browns-lll- e, 7X) P. M. h. 8:30 A. M. 3:15 A. M. A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Pa1 sen jeer Agent, 23S Merrtaea St.. Cor. Third. Pertlaad. Oregen. 7 .00 P. M. GO EAST VIA (MESON Lg Springfield HOPE t. 3T 117:30 A. P. M. Dally. FOR and Natron, ani evening" rraife" fsr Mr. Angel and SH . -- , vertoru- Corvallis M. Sheridan passenger.. IIDally except ttS-2- A. M Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sacramento and San Franclscc Net rates $17 first class and $11 second class. Ineludlng sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and Can be obtained frem J. R AUSTRALIA. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. 134 Third . YAMHILL h av Ton good reason to hope, as HUD-DAhas cured hundre d s of men. When you get up In DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7.20, 0:40 A. M.. 12.30, 1.53, 3 25, 5;15, 6.25, 8:05. 11.30 p. M.; Arrive at and 0 0(1 A. M. on Sundays only Portland dally at 6:33, 8:30. 10:50 A. M . 1:35, 3.16. 4 30. 6 20. 7.40. 18.00 P M., 12 48 A. M. dally, except Monday; 8.30 and 18.05 A. M. on Sundays only. Leate for Dallas dally, except Sunday, at morning' 4.30 P. M. Arrive at Portland at 0.30 A. M. the Passenger train leaves Dallas for Atrtie Monand tired and Fridays at 2:46 P. M. weary, ready days, Wednesdays Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Returns evJump to at Except Sunday. ery itraw or gust st wind, R. KOEHLER. C H. MARKHAM. go to your Manager. Gen. Frt. is Pass. Agt. ard druinrlfft yet HUDYAN. II U D Y A N 'ores Pam In Pacific Coasl Steamship Co, Back, Wfak-ncs- s, Jtetrccs-nes- s. SleenleaaMelan- - HUDYAN FOR NERVES ness, ALL DRUGGISTS 60c. cholia. Fig, 0 shows torpid liver. Fig. 5 shows indl Fig. 4 shows pain la shoulders. Fig. 2 shows coated tongue. Fig. 2 shows ple, thin face and. sunken eyes. Fig. 1 shows arnrfa-he- s and HUDTAN cures all the above cndhloni. If your nerves axe weak, your utomxch ,s tut of orders then such symptoms as 'he bove are present. Remember, HUDYAN cures, anl permanently, HUDYAN is what you need it will not fall you. HUDYAN wm make cu stt ong. hearty, robust. Get HUDYAN from your druggist, tX)j i ra- -, agtf ; sfx packages. $2.50. If he doos t ot l .od it I'send direct to HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. comer Stockton, Ellis and Maricet strt-cis-, San Francisco, Cal. Consult Hndan Doctors Free. "Write. FOR ALASKA elegant THE COMPANY'S steamers Cottage City, Ctty of Topeka. and Al - Kl leave TACOMA A. M., SEATTLE S A M . Feb. 4. 9. 14, 10, 24, Mar 1. 11, 16. 21, 2B. 81. Ape 5 and every fifth day there after For further information obtain company's folder The company reserves the right to ohane. steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing without previous rotlce. AGENTS N. POSTON. 210 Washington it. Portland. Or.. F. W. CARLETON, N. P. R. R. dock. Tacoma, J. F TROWBRIDGE. Puget Sound Supt., Ocean dock. Seattle. GOODALL. PERKINS S. CO . Gen. Agt . S. F. THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY, DENVER OMAHA. OR KANSAS CITY, WITH CHOICE OF TWO ROUTES. Via the fast man hue or the seenle Mae through Colored. NO CHANGE OF CARS TO DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO and the ATLANTIC SEABOARD. PWTLVW LEAWtt Wm Km, BAH.Y. AT 89 ? tickets aad all ether Information apply to CITY TICKET OFFICE Fsr rattread and 124 Third Street, Portland, Oregos J. R. NAGBL. City Tleket Agt. W K. COMAN. General Agent. llfiREATORTHERNl Ticket Offloe: 122 Third St. 'Pfcne S9 The Flyer, dally to aad from SC Paul. Mtaae-apoth- ), Dulth. Chicago and all polaU East. LEAVE. No. 3:46 P. M. ARRIVE. No. 3. 800 A. M, Through Palaee aad Tourist Sleepers, Dlalag and Buffet Siasking-Llbrar- y Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE STEAMSHIP KINSHIU MARU For Japan, China and all Asiatic petals leave Seattle . ABOUT MARCH W WHITE COLLAR LINE RIVER A PUGET SOUND NAVJ. GATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. COLUMBIA .fAOlFffig SOO PACIFIC LINE BANKERS ft Governm't, Municipal, law 1 1 sfo Railroad, Gas and 1 Electric Comoanies I Al Offers the LOWEST RATES and BEST SERV Ice to and from all Eastern paints and Europe. Through cars from coast to St- - Paul. Montreal a&I Boston Toronto, WITHOUT CHANGE. Direct Route to Kootenay Mining District Letters of Credit and Draffs British Columbia Issued on Bank of Scotland, London, Credit Lyonnais. Paris. Canadian Pacific rrjl mill Mlbtxaiitp ltees u INTEREST ALLOWED OK DEPOSITS Japar Bought and sold, Including total Issues. 204 Dearborn St., Chicago. 31 Nassau-sf.- - New York 67 Milk St., Boston "ftXtt? IThompson's Eye Wafer Rad-ay- hie. do s v;ta Fills are smafr and purely cure constipation and Uver ilia. MANHOOD RKTOREDSfSS-SE- ; deeac) BAILEY GATZKRT (Alder-streLeaves Portland daily every moratsg at Returning, leaves As o'clock, except Sunday. Saaday terta every night it 1 o'clock exee-Orecoa phoae Ma. a 881. Columbia gtieae 381. U. B. SCOTT. Preidnt. f TANCOUYER TRANSPORTATION CQ- Steaaner Undine, Captain Charles T. Kami, M. leaves Vancouver at 8 30 A. M. and 4 SO P M. Leaves Portland at 10 W A. M. sadsasaage apSundays excepted. For freight or ply oa board, foot of Taylor street. RouaJ trip. lr l AMttaiia. ialM and Intormatfcm. apply to H. H. ABBOTT- - AgeaC 14ff Third street, ctty. E. J. COYLE. . A. G. P. A.. Vancouver, B. C ret Astoria & Columbia ' River Railroad Xq. F8r Msy&rsT Rainier ARRIVES hie VltaIlieXrthBprescrIptionofafnmouiFrenchphysIoFto,TrllI qnteklycuroyou ofallt 'LEAVES UNION weaipari, TJNSION JtstSicaaie. nervous or dlstasesat the generative, organs, such as .Loss Manhood. Innomnia. DEPOT. Astoria. War- - DEPOTS Cltften. Pains Sriqlnal Back, tboMnrry, Debility, Pimples XerToaa in Emhsloai. Hajn- . Flavel, Varicocele-aiiaconstlpiitlonreateo. un tne, to Kxbriastln-- : rhlniV JJ mond. Fort Stevens, hisseibydayoDilght. PretentsqWcknessof dfachnrge. which IfTjotchecked Itsoisnll Gearhart Park. Seaside leads to Spermatorrhoea andal thfr horrors ot Jmnotency. CUPinENBcleannestho ".luuB-aBu8:00 A.M. . Astoria and Seashore 1I: A. M. " uivuxuuugr crjau; jmpunues. ujjrjuuiUixusirenginon3 I, Express Dally rrrTT?SJ':.eS!5on?aftrer' 5re "oi coJ T 3octorsl3becmsapeTcent ttre tronblcd with Prostatitis. quPHJENE the only known remedy to cure, without aa operation. 5000 ttwUnmiilals. A written 700 P.M. fl:ap. Si. Astoria Express, ssranieogiven ana mon.y retnrned u Oboxesdnesnot effect a permanent care. teOabox,6for5.00, Dafly.. ymalt. Send for yitEKclrtular and testimonials. iaaress jja m nnuxvutxi vtt. r. o. Box 3078. Ban Frandseo. Cal, Ticket offlce. 2SS Merrlson'st. and Untsa depot. For sale by Woodard, darke & Co., Portland. O- ri. C MAYO, Geo. Pass. Agt., Astoria. Or. vr S PICTO 0rsU Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. whip most of those clevgr lightweights we hear so much about. "'McGoVerrrJis the feather-weigchamnlon all rlphfHe is. the greatest little fighter the world has ever known I am simply unlucky to be In the same class with him," George Slier, the referee, said: "I counted Santry out. When I reached the cduntof 10, 1 said "Ten and out; Eddie, you lose. He was then on his hands and knees, and did not have a chance to get up. My move in getting between the men and waving McGovern off appears- to have been taken as itidlcatlngr that I AND CORVALLIS, PORTLAND Steamer Ruth, for Salem. Albany. Corvalui Tuesdays. and way points, leaves Portland Return-ag. Thursdays and Saturdays leaves Corvallis Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 A. M. Steamer Modoc for Salem and way points, lecves Portland Mondays, Weanesoays and Fridays at 6 A. M. Returning. leaves dalem Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 0 A. M. YAMHILL RIVER ROUTE. 0d CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Teddy McGovern, European plan; headquarters for who last night at Tattersalls won the Chllberg's restaurant la men. connection. clear title to the feather-weig- ht championship of the world by knocking out Hotel Butler, Seattle. Eddie Santry In the fifth round of a six-rouEuropean. Room with or without bath. bout, said In an Interview.: gents' grillrooms In connection. and "Santry gave me a better fight for two Ladles' rounds than Dixon did, and I must give Kruse's Grill Room and Restaurant-Sta- rk all the credit In the world for hl3 showstreet qpp. Chamber1 of Commerce. ing. Dixon worried me longer, and, I o think, was able to stand the pace better. Bishop's Doer. Tne say that Santry had meyja trifle I must "The Life of Edward White worried In the 'second round; After that From Archbishop of Canterbury by A. C Benson. I got the range, and it was only a matHe was often accompanied tp church by ter of time." our collie, "Watch, who had- - a place- - in the Eddie Santry said. pew in the transept, and whose claws we t "I thought I was fighting at mj best could sometimes hear pattering In fhe when I was knocked out. The awful pace aisle, if he found his accustomed seat jacuovern sets is Killing to any manj draughty or felt Impelled to change It. and I honestly think this little fellow can "Watch had also a special place under a AND ASTORIA. r,rr-s-i- y r- Steamer Elmore, for Dayton and way points leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursday and Saturdays at 7 A. M. Returning, leaves Dayten ftw Portland and way points Mondays. WedneJUay and Fridays at 6 A. M. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. window In the chapel, which he always attended, as well as the 8 o'clock, matins, RIPARIA. WASH.. AND LEWISXON. IDAHO. Spokane or steamer Lewlaton leavej Steamer and a special rug of his own. It was 'it daily at 1 20 A. M., arriving at Lewlstoa .Truro that the two adventures oX Watch' Riparia 12 o'clock noon. Returning, the Spokane or at occurred that gave my father such de- Lewlston leaves Lewlston dally at 8.30 A. M., light. My father was' reading the lesson,' arriving at Riparia same evening. W. H. HURLBURT. wtych was the 13th chapter of St. Mark, General Passenger Agent. In, . winch the word, "watch" occurs sei V. A. SCHILLING. City Ticket Agent. Telephone Main 712, eral times. The dog, who had been slumbering perfectly, became very restless, and as the bishop ended with the words, "What THE DHSNO CAR ROUTS FROM PORTLANH unto you1 1 say xmto all, Watch," In I say TO THE EAST. a very Imperious voice, there followed a VTHE ONLT MRBCT LINE TO THE XELLOW great scuffling and scratching, and Watch STONE PARK. CHINA AND JAPAN. FROM PORTLAND. emerged hastily from his place and proIn connection with THE OREGON RAILROAD ceeded to the door of my father's stall. & NAVIGATION CO. Schedule, 1000 (subject to Mljt,Ftttt Leave Hll StS Arrlv The other occasion "was on the evening1 change): of an ordination, when some 12 candidates Portland. Steamer .Leave No. 2. No.L Fast matt fsr Taeo-aJan. 25 were staying In the house. 'Watch, seeing MONMOUTHSHIRE Seattle. about Feb. 10. so many grown, sensible men about, when ABERGELDIE Harber and Cray's , Mar. 4 complins had Just begun It was before the Bead SotHa etata. For rales, accommodations, etc. apply to Spebaoe. JteestaBd. K. chapel was fitted up took the opportunity CODWKLL & COMPANY. Limited. tqi go and rout in the bit basket, and, General Agents. Portland. Or. 11:10 A.M. C., Pullman. Moseew. SIM P. X. Lewlstoa. Buffalo To principal points In Japan and China. eeleotlng.a crumpled envelope, he offered tttHBp satRiag ctHJiwry, in turn, to be thrown for him It h, MtnaeaMtt. Helena. St. Paul. Omaha. Ka-sthen, falling to attract attention, he put City. St. Lsuts. lt..dawn In thevmlddle of the room, looked No. 4. No. a. CMeago and all petees plteously at my father and wagged his tall. east and southeast. o 1130 P. M. Ptiget Sound Express l7:0 A. M. for Tacoma and Seattle -- n Paper That Will Not Bnrn. sunset via O CCTEN4 and intermediate tots SHASTA -Youth's Companions , ' Arst-elaand towrist sleepers to. Mhv rcStes Pullman ltn It has been found possible to make a neapotts. St. Paul and Missouri river tetats wttS-o-ut change. thin, smooth and strong paper of asbestos, Vesttbuied trains. Union depot eenneoMons la which can be employed In the manufacall principal cities. ture of paper lanterns and" others articles Baggage checked to deermatkm a-- Oekeu. which need .to he at the same time light For lllMraed descrtoUVe matter. sleeHag-sa- r tfekets, aridi fireproof. reservatiese. etc., asN oa or The asbestos naier can wtKe Drpof Rttb I3 1 Slrtifi also he made waterproof. It'fs prepared,. witn tne same macmnery used for jnaklng 674 McGovern and Santry Tallc. CHICAGO, Feb 2. May wheat opened a shade under sesterday. at 6734G7c Cables were barely steady, and Argentine shipments indicated that the plague was not curtailing the export business to a great extent. The market soon turned firm, as Paris at the close showed some recovery, and some apprehension was felt for the domestic crop. Upon the arrival of private cables announcing a nerlous prospect for the French crop, the advance, which had been rather irregular, received new impetus, which carried May to 0Sc The close was ts0jC higher, at 6S0OSftc for May. The last hour of the session, trade preUously being rather quiet, was active. Corn Small country offerings and a good cash business were factors In the strong com market. May closed e up. at 33c Oats were firm, la sympathy with other PORTLAND S MC!jSjy 4. TOURIST Uy. except Steamer Hassalo leaves Portland Sunday, at 8 P. M., oa Saturday aWP. Returning, leaves Astoria daily, except Sundo-- t 253 Washington St. MITCHELL, General Agents,, SanJ Francisco. F. A2I F. S. S. CO. Spring-Neva- da, Wool SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2. That is not the case, 12015c per pound: Eastern Oregon, 12 stopped the fight. 010c; Oregon, valley, 2022c Fall Northern and thos,e who bet that Santry would be mountain, 10012c; mountain, 8 10c; plains,. 80 knocked out win. It was as last a .fight 10c; Humboldt and Mendocino, 15017c as I ever saw." Hops 1899 crop, 11013c per pound for choice. 1 o--t Mlllstuffs Middlings, $18(321; bran, $14 500 " HOTEL ARRIVALS. 15 per ton. Hay Wheat, $6 5009 60 per ton; wheat and THE PORTLAND, oat. $6 6009; barley, f507; alfalfa. $607 50; M Stern. San Fran L L Torrey, Boston clover, $708 per ton; straw, 30045c per bale. D Wilson, Daenport i-- E Dowe, New yorx Potatoes Early Rose, 90c$l; river Burbanks, A C Vincent, Chicago Q H Emerson.Hoqultm. 60085c; Salinas Burbanks, SOc0$l 10; Oregon A Tlnllng & boy, Ta 0 H Oeortre. Astoria coma Cbas Kenneoy, Chicago Burbanks, 75c0$l 10 per oack; eweets, $1 65 W H Gorham, Seattle 3 Schwabacher, S F 1 75 per cental. R A Balllnger, Seattle H Taylor, Seattle Onions-- $1 7502 25 per cental. Thos Dovle, Tacoma M G Johnson, San Fran Citrus fruit Mexican limes, $405; common Mrs R Burns, WallaW A Bollach, San Fran do A"C Barbeau, Silver California lemons, 75c $1 50; choice, $1 7603 C B Upton, ' do Creek. N Y Tropical fruit Bananas, $1 50 0 2 50 pel Mrs C B Upt&i, Mrs A R Burford, do Barton Hill, N Y bunch; pineapples, nominal. do Chas Crowfleld, N x R R Reedford, Apples $101 25. Mrs R R Reedford &. W L Vinson, Sumpter Butter Fancy creamery, 27030c; do seconds, son, Walla Walla L F Lampurg, Seattle G W Drjsdale & wife, fancy dairy. 22026c; do seconds, 18 25J6c; Eureka, (Jai F G Balcom, Tacoma 2ic; pickled 22024c; firkin, 21022c per pound. H Chrlstman, Chicago iO F Reichenbach, 6F Cheese New, 10011c: Eastern, 1617c pet . G.FTll-rhman"Hugh D Bowker. do N Y. pound; 'Young America, l)011c; Western, Henry S Dewey, N Y J W Bennett, Marsh- -. 13014c per pound. R Smith, Perry, Or field. Or Eggs Store, 16017c; Eastern, cold storage, Geo T Burroughs & W, Miss Bennett, do , Mlndoka, Fla C E Hlldebrandt.. S F 14016c; ranch, 20c per dozen. Wm Newman, San Fr Mrs J E Watson,. Milwk Receipts Flour, quarter sacks, 1388; do OreE Llndsley. Montana Clay Clement, N.Y gon, 4500; do Washington, 4532; wheat, centals, Geo Brochardt, San Fr Mrs (Jlay Element, ao 3990; barley, centals, 3795; oats, centals, 1240; A W BUtt. Wash. D tJ Mr & Mrs G Lynn Miss Mabel Bucklej ,SFi Thomson, Yokohama do Oregon, 400; do Washington, 450; bears, ueo wappie, S F S M Cooper, San Fran sacks, 840; corn, centals, 600; potatoes, sacks, airs H B Fischer, N Y F D Walsh, Clcye-ali- a 1103; bran, sacks, 685; do Oregon, 135; midG W Megrath, Omaha dlings, sacks, 220; hay, sacks, 392; wool, bales, THE PERKINS. 3, hides, 119. F W Braner, St Paul F Gleason, Montesano H M Swartz, Vanc.Wn Wm Holder, Moro EASTERN LIVESTOCK. E C Gruman. Oreg Cy Mies B E Latham,H ,J C Johnston, do Hillsboro CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Cattle Light receipts; i JJ iiaignt, Spokane tor G-- WriKhtMcMlnn T Laneon. San Fran Aiaua tsiqwarj, jjorsuir native steers about steady, Texans firm. Good J A D'Wheeler, Salem Bessie Stewart,' dd to choice, $5 1506 25; poor to medium, $405; T O Carson, Goldendale W O Minor. HeDMier mixed stockers, $3 2503 85; selected feeders, L C Palmer Bridal VI p R Holcomb, Rltzvilla CO, Mrs Letty Tipton $4 2504 85; good to choice cows, $3 4004 Geo Erb, Grand Lodgp, Troutdale jaano k. r, lwtston heifers, $3 3006 05; canners, $2 2502 90; bulls, li M Hauselman, 9F $2 7004 60; calves, $5 50 0)8 75; fed Texas J A Strain, Fomeroy, Wash Geo E Day, Castle Rck beees, $4S 25. Ben Blrsin-rer- . Phlln. Pay, Castle RociC Hogs Market weak, to So lower; top, fancy, E P Caldwell, TorestGr Mrs Dan .Manning, Ulckin- jb good 95; to Mrs $5; mixed and butchers, $4 6504 caiciweu. do, i A' . C Saunders. San Fran Mrs Mannlnc-do choice heavy, $4 8006, rough heavy, $4 65 4 75; light, $4 6004 77; bulk of sales, ?4 800 S P Sloan. Grant's Pas J J Roulstone, Adams', Robt Hartin, Lakevlew r 4 87. J W Dwyer, Rabor.NMJMlss Ransom, Indp, Or Shpep and lambs Market strong to 10c highu uwyer, ao wye, frinceton, w er: lambs, $5 6007 20; Western 'wethers, $4 75 D B Bernhoff, Woodbn Wis Mrs D B Bernhoff, do Mlss Nye, do 05 25; Western lambs, $6GT 10. F E Gpwnig, Sumpter W T Spautwlch. Omaha Receipts Cattle, 2500, hogs? 21,000; sheep, F A Rosenkranp, Can- - Geo Russell, Oakld. Cal, 7000. by. Or Geo H Temple, Dllley Mrs F A Rosenkrans, Mrs O H Temple, do OMAHA. Feb. 2. Cattle Receipts, 2000. MarCanby, Or J P Anderson St" Paul W F Slaughter, St Hln R B Lorlmer", St Paul ket slow to 10c lower; natUe beef steers, $4 20 Slaughter, do A J Johnson, Astoria 6 75; Western steers, $404 85; Texas steers, Mrs E H Carlton. Canbv.Or B B btoner, Astoria $3 1004 30, cows and helfei-s- , $3 1004 45; canCarlton, Canby.Orl Cdgar J Dlven, New Yk ners, $203; stockers and feeders. $3 6006 25; Mrs wm a xanee, Han r W H Borrow. Seattle cahes, $3 5007; bulls and stags, $2 3004 10. F A Elliott, Newberg Ted Smith, Sherman, Hogs Receipts, 5600. Market steady; heavy, O J Elliott, Newberg Texas 80; mixed, $4 6504 70; light, $4 50 $4 THE IMPERIAL. 4 70; bulk, of sales, $4 6504 70. C, W. Knowles, Manager. Sheep Receipts, 3400. Market strong to 10c G L Llndsley, Mich 'I Cohn, San Fran higher; fair to choice Westerns, $4 40 0 4 75: T G Scotchler, Eagle Zl W D Harfr. HUlahoro common and stock sheep, $404 50; lambs, $5 Ben Jones, Sumpter ,Dr DTK Deerlng, H A Spencer, Vaiicvr Union 06 75. M S Edeler. Saomnto iWm Blajtley, Pendlet n S A Keeler, Oakland W Grace. Tacorpa I KANSAS CITY, Feb. 2. Cattle RecelptB, C W Forman, Boston 'Miss R Allen, Uinru 4000. Market steady; Texas steers, $3 0004 70; G B Chaplain, Boston J O'Nell Texas cows, $2 5003 40; native steers, $4 250 C S Silverman, Ska- - 'Miss Agnes Raickfen, do mokawa IE S Gottron, Wasco 5 00; native cows and heifers, $2 4005 40; Silverman, do IR C Atwood, Wasco stockers and feeders, $3 2006 30; bulls, $3 2505. Mrs E Bruhn, do 'Max F Vogt. Dalles Hogs Receipts, 10,000. Market weak to 5c J E W Searls, Helena C H Chapman & son. lower; bulk of sales, $4 6004 65; heavy, $4 65 H Ramwell, Pt Townd Dallas N McCandless, El- - A P Nash. La Grande"" 04 72; packers, $4 6504 70: mixed, .$4 500 F lensburg jMrs Nash, La Grande 4 G5; light, $4 2504 00 Yorkers, $4- 5504 60; Mrs McCandless, do C.L Ireland, Shermn Co pigs. $3 9004 52 W A N Gilbert, Salem Hall. Victoria Sheep Receipts, 2000. Market steady; lambs, MrsF Hall, Agnes Gilbert. Salem Victoria 20. muttons, $3 5005 W L Clarke. San Fr $506 60; E M Jennings, St L E L Harkness, ijlnnpls T B Folsom, Fargo, NDi W F McGregor, Astora McKee Rankin, The Mc,tal Markets", tr DorenBen. siona jrvance u rteii 'Miss Julia Marlon. Cor- NEW YORK, Feb. 2. Considerable Irregular- M B Ewing, Chicago ity existed in the tin "department all day, but M J LIddy, San Fran I vallls. Or Keating. Astoria W T Wright. Union other metals were featureless and quiet. The Jas Mrs Keating, Astori . i Geo Ricks, New York London news was largely responsible for the u a SKinner, ift StvnslB Wall, Astoria action of tin here, causing a sharp rise in the Mrs R E Smith, As- - i Mrs Wall. do turia K Osburn. price and leading to an Increased demand from do do warrants, E W Labdell, Astoria (Mrs Osburn, local and Western bujers. Pig-iro- n W Robb. Douglas. L Astoria IWm do dull; lake copper, unchanged, $16 25; tin, unSmith, (Mrs Douglas, J P Seattle do settled. $27 76; 6pelter, unsettled. $4 7004 SO; Mrs Smith, Seattle 7 E Ferguaan, do I Mrs Ferguson. lead, unchanged, $4 7004 75. The firm that J W Both. Rainier do La-fO a IC O .Moore. Vancouver Lownsdale, fixes the selling price for miners and smelters M ette J O Spehoer, Pt Townsd quotes lead at $4 45 at the close. Bar Oliver, THE. ST. CHARLES. 60c per ounce. W E C Ward & wf. New Lewis, 'Astoria berg SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2. Bar slher, 60c R G Dorey, Qulnna A. Poulson. Astoria Frank Smith, city LONDON, Feb. 2. Bar sliver, 27d. J O Johnson. Astoria a, Montgomery. L L W Girt, Astoria Kelso. Mrs M C Duffy, Keu; Robt Rice, Glencoe Coffee and Sagor. C N Thompson, do is a. tfeacn, Corvallis Henry C16use, Corvallis NEW YORK. Feb. 2. Coffee Options closed F Pfrry, Glencoe W S Lyeons. Kelso ' Turner, Portland firm, with prices 10 points higher; sale?, 23,750 W R M Hutchinson, Oak A J WIer. 'Wh Salmon April, 10; 20; including bags, $7 March at $7 IH H, Marble. Cascades. Or land. May, $7 20. Spot, Rio, steady; No. 7, Invoice, C E Wyman, do xi nyatmar, iaiama DTanK K sells, Canyn C N X 8c, do jobbing, 8c. Mild, steady; Cordova, AlW Bmltn, G Rhude, N YamhlllA Moore. Bridal Veil 8012c B B Bradley, do IH H McKerm, MtVern Sugar Raw, strong; refined, firm. S C Smith. Eugene 'R C Fulkerson, do Thos J Newman, do 'H Tracy, Jit Vernon ry, B jN Livingston, Evans Jas do London Sheepskin Sales. t .RAldrich, Seattle dp LONDON, Feb. 2. A sale of sheepskins wes F D Hennessey, iSeattlelM L Patterson, do held In Mincing Lane, today. The offers amountDan Paulson, Seattle C Chlllpg, do W M Goodb, city iC H Oakee, Corvallis ed to 86,812, all of which were sold. The at)J B Riley, Chicago L Paulsen, city skins w ere in L tendance was good. Coarse-woole- d Geo Cross, city J Stark. Antelope d strong demand. skins were d, A C Lewis & wf. Mo- - IF T E Sink, Wasco lambs d and short parcels lower. lalla 'Frank Thomas, Wasco John Flnley, Astoria Hops Steady. 3s 0?sd; May. 3s Feb. 2. IS THE - CHL SLEEPERS. Water llres schedule, subject to chanxs without no tlce: OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Steamships saftfroos OCEAN DIVISION Alnsworth dock at. 8 P. M. Leave PorHafttf Columbia sails Thursday, Feb. 1; Sanday, 11, Wednesday. Fob. a. state of Canferata. sails Tuesday, Feb. 6. Friday, Feb. IB, Feb. 26. From San Francisco State of California sails Friday, Feb 2. Monday. Feb. 12. TnuretJajj, Feb. 22. Columbia, sails Wednesday, Feb. T, Saturday, Feb. 17. Tuesday. Feb. 27. COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. days ''.. PULLMAN THROUGH and Tacoma "Wlicnt. The total sales of stocks today were 590,300 shares. The closing quotations were: Atchison 47 20)Unlon Pacific 75-l-i do pref 63fet do pref Bait. & Ohio 6 62H,'Watash Can. Pacific 9G .. 21 .do pref Can. Southern ... 49&I Wheeling &. L. E.. 10 Cnes. &. Ohio...... 2SV4 27 do 2d pref Chi. Gr. Western. 13y.Wisconsin Central. 18 124(P. C. B. & Q L... 70 Chi., Ind. & L.... 15 EXPRESS CO.'S. do pref 115 48 lAdams Chi. & East. 111... is American 146 Chicago & N. W..161 Unlted States 47 R. I. & Pac...l08jWells-Farg- o 124 C inSCELLANEOUS. Cl) C,CC.i.SLk Colo. Southern .... 6'Atner. Cotton Oil.. 344 do 1st pref 44 i do pref 93 do 2d pref.. 15'Amer. Malting .... 5 Bel. & Hudson... .114 25 do pref , , & W..177 Del Lack. Amer. Smelt. & R. 41 90 Dener & Rio Gr. 18' do pref GOkiAmer. Spirits do pref 3 Erie 17 llK. do pref 33V.: Amer. Steel Hoop. 46 do 1st nref do pref. 83 Vireat zsortn. prer.lDT Hocking Coal 17 Amer. Steel & W... 57"-Hocking Valley .. 34! do pref 94 Illinois Central ...112 Ame. Tin. Plate.. 33 83 lowa jenirai 12ft do nref do pref 62 Amer. Tobacco ....10354 Kan. C., P. & G... TJ4 do pref 136 Lake Erie &. W.... 21 lAnaconda Min. Co. 46 do pref 84 Brooklyn R. T 75 Lake Shore 194 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 46 Loula. & Nash.... 79 Cent. Tobacco .... 31 .... Manhattan EI 86 96l do pref jaet. st. Ky 172V Federal Steel 50 Mexican Central .. Ili4j do pref 75 Xjouis & .aiinn. at. General Electric ..124 j do pref 95 Glucose Sugar .... 5Git Missouri Pacific .. 455 do pref 100 Mobile & Ohio.... 40' Int Paper 24 68 do pref 10 ai.. k. & T do nref 33 ILa. Clede Gas 79 New Jersey Cent..ll7 iNatlonal Biscuit .. 33 New York Cent...l34v do pref 93 Norfolk & West... 25 National Lead .... 26".i do pref 71 j do pref 105 Northern Pacific . S3 National Steel .... 47 do pref 75 do pref 94 Ontario & West... 23 iN. T. Air Brake...l2! O. R. & N 42 North American ... KK do pref 76 IPaclfic Coast 51V4 Pennsjlvanla ....130!i do 1st pref 82 Reading 18 i do 2d pref., 63 do 1st pref 43 659siPalfie Mall do 2d pref 28 People's Gas 107 Rio Or. Western... 40 (Pressed Steel Car.. 66 do pref 86 do pref 87 St. Louis & S. Ft. 10&1 Pullman Pal. Car.186 do 1st pref 60 IStand. Rope & Tw. 8 r do 2d pref SSfclSu-ra118 113 St. Louis & S. "W do pref do pref Coal & Iron. PS 28llert. St. Paul S. Leather 119'U. J6 ao pref do pref 75 ...171 St. Paul & 0 112 U. S. Rubber 38V4 101 lo pref Southern Pacific .. 391 12M,'Westem $831 Southern Ry Union ... do pref 50iRepubllc Iron & S. 2&H Texas &. Pacific... lOiii do pref 69 Money, eyery ' 3:13 Leaves for the East "via. Spokane' dallx-a- t P. M. Arrives at 8 A. M, Leaves for the East. via. Pendleton and Hunt. Ington. dally at 8 P M. Arrties, via Huntington and Pendleton, at 6:45 P. M. S. S. GEO. W. ELDER, S. S. NOME. CITY S. S;,'IESPATCH above earners season the for Cape " river fc FOR ALL POINTS EAST CAPE N:OME ...:,.. 597! . TW&fRAINSDAILY ooo9soeeeooeooeooaBao EASTANDSOUTHEA sod 4 Streets. - mum, scmY m wamt M.m pmsi You can be trea.ed at ooom under same guaranty, it you have takea mer-ctr- y, ledlde potat, aad still have acnes and Sere Throat. mobs, Xacos Patches- - la Spots, Cker ea any ritaal's, Cofper-Colire- d p&rt of Um body. Hair or Eyebrows failing PerBMiiteatly Cared. out. write COOK REMEDY CO. JM0 Mssoalc Teawlfc, CWeaao. Hi ter wools ot cmms, CaatiaL. SOMyWO. W aollaKJlleaK oh. stJaaf aasM, W finw ettetsl : ft? Sek I tor 3f cfeya. V
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