The I T F

August 2010
T h e M a ga z i n e f o r A c c o u n t s R e c e i va b l e M a n a g e r s
EATURING:How to Improve Collections.....Cover & P7 • The Four C’s of Coaching Skills.....Cover & P10
CURRENT: President’s Message.....P3 • Member News.....P4
The Four C’s of
Coaching Skills
How to Improve Collections
By Jim Lackey
Implementing a few simple steps
can lead to collection success and
more satisfied patients.
By: Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor
hat better time to help our employees
than now? Everyone seems to need a
little TLC rather than being beaten down. If your
employees aren’t doing what you need or want
them to do, there are only two reasons for that.
They either don’t want to or they don’t know
how. Our 4 C’s of Coaching DVD can help
you determine which it is and how to help
them which in turn will help your company
and your customers.
When most people think of the word
“COACH,” they imagine someone on the
sidelines screaming at their players to do a
better job. That may be true in sports situations,
but in the business world, a coach needs to have
a completely different approach in order to help
employees improve performance.
Let’s have a look at the role of a manager /
coach and how that integrates with employee
development. Where does traditional training
come in? How does training relate to coaching?
And what are the differences between training,
coaching and counseling?
Continued on page 10
n the current economic environment,
healthcare organizations are increasingly
challenged to ensure that they collect
all of the revenue that is due to them
while remaining sensitive to the financial
challenges of their patients. As patients’
out-of-pocket responsibility increases,
healthcare financial
managers should
make it easy for
patients to satisfy
their financial
obligations in the
most efficient and
effective manner.
Implementing a few
simple technologies
and processes can
help to optimize
Offer Multiple
Payment Options
Healthcare is seen
as a slow moving
sector of our
economy. From the
Food and Drug
approval process to the construction of
new facilities, healthcare advancements are
measured in years and decades. However,
financial responsibility for healthcare
services has a rapid and stealth-like
shift. Due to employers’ decisions, at
the advice of the insurance industry, to
encourage consumerism in the purchasing
of healthcare services, the patients, not
the payers, are emerging as the primary
payer for services. As a result, an increasing
number of consumers are paying their bills
As online bill payment has risen, payment
by check has declined. (See The Majority of
Healthcare Consumers Prefer Credit/Debit
Cards over Checks at
More than 63 million U.S. households, or
roughly three-quarters of all households
with Internet access, regularly use online
payment services, according to the 2008
Consumer Banking and Bill Payment Survey
conducted by Fiserv,
Inc. And consumers
reported paying
49 percent of their
monthly bills by check
in 2005—down
from 72 percent
only five years
before, according
to the American
Banker Association’s
2005/2006 Study of
Consumer Payment
To meet changing
consumer preferences
and make it easier
for hospital patients
to pay their bills,
healthcare providers
are finding it necessary to offer multiple
payment options to substantially increase
the likelihood of payment. These options
include online bill payment, automatic bill
payment, and credit/debit cards in addition
to checks.
Educate Patients
Ensuring that patients understand their
financial responsibility is an integral part
Continued on page 7
The Voice • August 2010 • P1
P2 • August 2010 • The Voice
Vol. 46 • No. 3
2009–2010 Officers
• President • Patty Werdin
St. Clare Hospital & Health Services
707 14th Street
Baraboo, WI 53913-1539
Phone: 608-356-1331
• Vice President • Jennifer Tarantino
Aurora Health Care
3305 W. Forest Home Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53215
Phone: 414-389-2318
• Past President • Kathy Pinnow
Columbia/St. Mary’s Hospitals
P.O. Box 503
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0503
Phone: 414-319-3090
• Secretary •
Diane Hamm
Hess Memorial Hospital, Inc.
1050 Division Street
Mauston, WI 53948
Phone: 608-847-1863
• Sandy Bowe •
St. Joseph’s Hospital
2661 County Highway I
Chippewa Falls, WI 54719
Phone: 715-726-3477
• Deb Gustafson •
Beloit Memorial Hospital
1969 W. Hart Road
Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: 608-364-5123
• Jacklyn Lippe •
108 Wind Sail Ct.
Random Lake, WI 53075
Phone: 414-640-9375
• Philip Rohs •
5404 Pheasant Hill Rd.
Monona, WI 53716
• Marlene Schmidt •
St. Vincent Hospital
P.O. Box 13508
Green Bay, WI 54307-3161
Phone: 920-433-8115
• Connie Schmiege •
Memorial Health Center
135 S. Gibson Street
Medford, WI 54451
Phone: 715-748-8152
• Jay Wittchow •
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 1997
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Phone: 414-266-6253
• Brian Potter •
Ex-Officio Board Member
Wisconsin Hospital Association
P.O. Box 259038
Madison, WI 53711
Phone: 608-274-1820
• Jim Brick, Business Manager •
Credit Management Control, Inc.
P.O. Box 589
Waukesha, WI 53187
Phone: 262-542-6508 • Fax: 262-542-6601
• Dennis Schommer, Voice Editor •
Reedsburg Area Medical Center
2000 North Dewey Avenue
Reedsburg, WI 53959
Phone: 608-768-6203­­­­­
T h e M a ga z i n e f o r A c c o u n t s R e c e i va b l e M a n a g e r s
A Message from the WMCA President
Hello All,
By now you had a
chance to view our new
Voice formatting. This
was one area where the
board took a hard look
at wanting to continue
producing more cost
effectively. I personally
• Patty Werdin •
think Dennis Schommer,
WMCA President
Editor did a great job
with this task. Thank you,
Dennis! Let us know what you think; we would
love for you to share your feedback. We also
are looking for articles to feature in The Voice,
so if you or anyone that you know would like to
contribute, please feel free to contact Dennis.
In May we had our joint workshop with our
friends the WAHAM folks in Green Lake,
Wisconsin. What a beautiful hotel in a serene
setting. Thank you to all who participated.
WMCA always strives to provide quality
educational sessions at the quarterly workshops
as well as at the Annual Conference. Speaking
of the Annual Conference...I am hoping you will
be joining us August 11, 12 and 13, 2010 at the
Country Springs Hotel in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.
Invaluable Networking Golf Outing sponsored
by United Credit Service Inc. on Wednesday.
Some of the topics we are planning on for
Thursday and Friday are Medicare updates,
Medicaid updates, Healthcare Reform and we
even have a representative confirmed from
CGI to speak about the RAC process. The
registration material was sent out in July. Hope
you all had a chance to get your registrations
in. If there are any questions, please feel free to
contact me or any board member.
I am excited about seeing many friends again at
the Annual Conference. Until then...
Hope you are continuing to have a great
Patty Werdin
WMCA President
Mission Statement of WMCA
Wisconsin Medical Credit Association
is dedicated to the improvement
and efficiency of medical credit
Wisconsin Medical Credit Association
began in 1962 and has been serving
its members for 48 years. WMCA
members are comprised of leaders
from the patient financial services
and revenue cycle departments from
hospitals, health systems, clinics and
physician offices. Additionally, WMCA
serves associate business members
from collection agencies, billing services,
electronic data vendors, and attorney
and consulting firms who focus on the
same disciplines.
Wisconsin Medical Credit Association
is dedicated to the improvement and
efficiency of medical credit management
in the Patient Financial Services and
Revenue Cycle arenas.
The Voice • August 2010 • P3
Don’t try to be perfect—just be excellent
“Perfect” is the ultimate praise. But trying to attain perfection can
cause stress, hinder efficiency, and create unnecessary conflicts with
the people around you. Perfectionists are frequently perceived as:
• Critical
• Overwhelmed
• Unable to see the big picture
• Stressed-out and anxious
• Rarely able to enjoy their accomplishments
A more productive goal is excellence: meeting the highest standards
agreed upon for oneself or by the group. The person concentrating on
excellence focuses on:
• Continued personal and professional growth
• Job satisfaction and customer service
• Clear and reasonable expectations
To go from perfectionism to the pursuit of excellence, follow
this advice:
• Get real. When you find yourself becoming frantic about a goal,
stop and ask, “Is this problem really worth the level of frustration
I’m experiencing?”
• Establish clear expectations. If you know what’s expected of
you, you can better track your progress and draw boundaries when
needed, which help you move forward with the project instead of
trying to make it better.
• Identify your triggers. Learn to recognize the factors that lead
or contribute to your perfectionist thinking and behaviors—and
avoid them.
• Delegate. Many perfectionists mistakenly believe that they—and
only they—can complete the task at hand. Allow other people to
assist you, which will increase the odds that the group will more
easily reach excellence.
• Know what’s important. Ask yourself, “What’s most important
about this project?” Consult with your supervisor, colleagues, and
employee. Analyzing your objectives, then narrowing down key
points and agreements, allows everyone to measure his or her
performance accurately.
• A strong sense of accomplishment
In Shakespeare’s time, mattresses were
secured on bed frames by ropes. When you
pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened,
making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence The best way to appreciate your job is to
imagine yourself without one.
—Oscar Wilde
the phrase...”goodnight, sleep tight.”
An Excellent Company...Expect Something Special
“Where Total Performance Is the Standard.”
a wholly owned subsidiary of Asset Management Outsourcing, Inc.
Contact: Randy Lengling • 1-800-759-9121 • Ext 2050
AMO Recoveries, Inc
6737 W. Washington Street, Suite 3118 • West Allis, WI 53214
Metro Milwaukee Area
WI Medical Credit Association, Inc.
Purposes and Objectives
• T
o promote good will and better understanding
between medical managers and associates
• T
o stimulate interest in educational activities for its
• T
o hold regularly scheduled meetings (clinics,
workshops and seminars) where members may receive
instruction and exchange views and experiences
• T
o collect, correlate and disseminate materials and
information to assist its members to better understand
and apply principles of good medical credit procedures
• T
o keep current on passage and modifications of laws
needed for the equal and just protection of patients,
hospitals, clinics and doctor’s offices
• T
o coordinate and improve methods of medical credit
procedures, patient and insurance collection
P4 • August 2010 • The Voice
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
11:00 am–2:00 pm WMCA Golf Outing and Invaluable Networking
Sponsored by United Credit Service, Inc.
Willow Run Country Club (next to Country Springs Hotel)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
8:00 am–9:00 am
Continental Breakfast and Registration
8:45 am–9:00 am
President’s Welcome, Patty Werdin, WMCA President
9:00 am–10:15 am
Jerry Augustine, Brewers Analyst for FOX Sports
Jerry, who played for the Brewers from ‘75–’84, will share some anecdotes
and then offer an open Q & A session.
48th Annual Conference
Wednesday–Friday, August 11–13, 2010
Country Springs Hotel, Pewaukee
tos from pastY -conf
3, 2 1
ST 11
10:15 am–10:30 am
10:30 am–12:00 pm
Information Overload: How to Manage Medicare’s
John Bartell, Partner, Bay Area Healthcare Consulting
This presentation will be an interactive discussion on how to manage and
disseminate CMS’s instructions. Examples will be taken from the NGS and CMS
websites on how to extract key data for identification and routing to appropriate
personnel throughout your organization. A review of present and future CMS
instructions will also be discussed.
12:00 pm–1:00 pm
Lunch / Short Business Meeting
A special presentation honoring Steve Baseley
1:00 pm–2:15 pm
EDS Presentation
Maria Schwartz, Professional Relations Representative HP Enterprise Services (EDS)
Maria will provide an overview of the various programs, including the newBasic Plan,
and update you on changes. If you have any questions or specific topics you would
like her to cover, please send an e-mail to prior to
August 2nd.
2:15 pm–2:30 pm Break
2:30 pm–3:30 pm
Open Forum
Kenlyn Gretz, President & CEO, Americollect
This forum will give you an opportunity to ask questions regarding billing,
collections, or anything related to the revenue cycle as well as teach you about
specific processes.
3:30 pm
5:00 pm–7:00 pm
Vendor Faire
The annual Vendor Faire is your opportunity to meet the WMCA Associate
Members and to see how their companies can help your facilities and clients. It’s also
a chance to win raffle prizes donated by the generous WMCA Associate Members.
Friday, August 13, 2010
8:00 am–9:15 am
Hot Breakfast
9:15 am–10:15 am
RAC-Recovery Audit Contractor Update
Mary Hoffman, Project Director of the Clinical Audit Division of CGI
Meet a member of the CGI staff who is willing to share her extensive RAC
knowledge & experience. In this session you will receive an update on the RAC
review process and what has been learned since the project became operational in
Wisconsin. If time allows, a question and answer session will follow.
10:15 am–10:30 am
10:30 am–12:00 pm
ow Health Care Reform May Impact You and Your
Rich Donkle, CPA, Director of Financial Consulting Service, Wisconsin Rural
Health Cooperative
This session will review some of the changes we know health care reform will bring,
and discuss the implications for Wisconsin providers. Although there are many issues
to be resolved in implementing this reform, there are some things that will affect
your organization immediately, with more changes to come. Learn about the many
changes that will impact providers, both as providers of health care services, and as
business organizations during this presentation.
12:00 pm
The Voice • August 2010 • P5
State Collection Service, Inc.
Meet o u r D i re c to r o f R e ve n u e Cyc l e !
Systems’ Healthcare Division
(creators of Artiva Healthcare)
of America’s largest healthcare
providers including Healthcare
Corporation of America and
Catholic Healthcare West
Steve Beard,
Director of Revenue Cycle,
State Collection Service, Inc.
numerous national seminars
and conferences
With over 25 years of experience
in the receivables management
industry, Steve Beard has the
solutions to meet your
outsourcing needs.
As State Collection Service’s new
Director of Revenue Cycle, let
Steve’s extensive knowledge of
the entire revenue cycle –
including first-hand experience
with Artiva Healthcare, our newest
technology offering – work for you!
Contact us at 800.477.7474
S e r v i ce. I nt e g r i t y. Re s u l t s.
Credit Management Control
Celebrating 30 years of making debt
collections look like a piece of cake.
You know that collecting on accounts receivable isn’t
easy, but after three decades of experience in the industry,
CMC makes it look that way. We’ve made a lot of
changes over the years, in everything from collection
technology and strategic processes to our ownership. But
our commitment to being the best in the industry has never
changed and it never will.
The CMC Sales Team:
Brian White
Sondi Grassman
Bonnie Lee
Committed NEW OWNERS
 POWERFUL Technology
P6 • August 2010 • The Voice
Continued from cover article...
How to Improve Collections
of the collection process. Developing a
policy, sticking to it, and clearly outlining the
policy can help patients understand what
is expected of them when they arrive for
service. Healthcare businesses are increasingly
finding it necessary to include financial
counseling or advisory services during
admission or discharge to assist patients
in understanding the process of letters,
explanations of benefit, and statements that
will begin to fill patients’ mailboxes after the
clinical visit has been forgotten.
Verify Eligibility
Providers that verify patients’ insurance
coverage and benefits before service to
avoid unnecessary accounts receivable days,
staff time dealing with denied claims, and
the costs associated with sending multiple
statements to patients. Automated eligibility
verification processes reduce the time and
expense of verifying coverage by contacting
the payers electronically with added frontoffice efficiencies. A corollary benefit to the
automation offered at admission or check-in
is the fact that valuable coding and billing
resources deal with far fewer eligibility-related
denials from insurance companies, resulting in
an increase in payments and greater utilization
of resources in the back office.
Collect Payment Up Front
Requesting payment at the time of service
has enabled providers to significantly increase
collections. When front-office staff members
inform patients early in the scheduling or
preregistration process that their financial
responsibility is due at the time of service,
patients are much more likely to pay their
copayments up front. One general practice
provider experienced an increase in cash
collections in excess of $30,000 per month
merely by asking for up-front payments when
the practice administrator realized that the
intake staff felt uncomfortable asking for
payment. She implemented a script, similar
to one used in the fast-food industry, and
required a receipt be given with payment or
the patient would receive a free office visit.
Develop Clear Patient Statements
A provider taking part in
study found that presenting
statements in consumerfriendly formats reduced
calls from patients who had
questions about their bills
by 37 percent and improved
collection rates. (The same
study found “dissatisfaction
with the format of medical
bills” was among patients’
chief complaints and reason
for ignoring medical bills).
Eliminating office jargon
and codes helps patients to
understand what they are
being charges for, increasing
the likelihood that they
will pay their medical bills
promptly and in full.
Offer Payment Plans
Despite having other best practices in place,
some patients (especially the uninsured,
underinsured, and those with high-deductible
plans) may be unable to pay their full
responsibility at one time. Offering payment
plans and options saves on collection
expenses and reduces write-offs. By training
staff to offer payment plans when practical,
providers can ease patients’ financial burden
and improve collections. Care should be taken
to ensure that any payment plan process
developed by the healthcare business is
compliant with the Payment Card Industry
Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) dealing
with the storage and processing of credit/
debit card information. Not only is the
process important, but also the technology
and security standard more critical.
Track Payments
To minimize the possibility of internal fraud—
an unfortunate but real possibility—providers
should keep a close eye on collections.
Cash payments, especially those in small
denominations, are difficult to track.
Providers should issue a receipt for payment
at the time of service, with a copy for the
provider’s records. Maintaining accurate
records of all payments can help decrease
instances of fraud.
In addition, providers should segregate
employee collection duties so no single staff
member has overall responsibility. Lockboxes
provide an option for eliminating employee
access to incoming payments entirely,
while reducing labor costs and freeing up
resources for more productive and revenuegenerating functions.
Refining the Collection Strategy
Practicing efficient revenue cycle
management can help healthcare financial
managers improve both collections and
patient satisfaction.
Jim Lacy is CFO and counsel, ZirMed, Inc.
Louisville, KY, and a member of HFMA’s
Kentucky Chapter (
Reprinted, by permission, from Revenue
Cycle Strategist, November, 2009, pages
7–8. Copyright 2009 by the HEALTHCARE
The Voice • August 2010 • P7
Just complete the application below and send it with your check to:
WMCA • P.O. Box 1507 • Waukesha, WI 53187
name of hospital, clinic, doctors office, other (circle one)
contact person
controller or financial officer
date of application
email address
did anyone refer you to this organization? please list so we may thank them.
Individual Hospital
• note membership fee includes “VOICE” subscription
Mulitple Hospital System
if multi-hospital system, please list which facility(s) you are enrolling
Dues are $250/$350 per year payable January 1st, or when necessary, are prorated per month for a partial year. Provider membership is open to all hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, nursing
homes and other providers of healthcare. Associate membership is open to collection agencies, insurance companies and other organizations providing services to the medical credit industry.
SPECIAL NOTE: Memberships are in the name of the individual hospital, clinic, etc. Benefits of memberships are available to all employees of each member facility.
P8 • August 2010 • The Voice
2010 Meeting Calendar
August 12 & 13, 2010
Country Springs Hotel/Pewaukee
October 22, 2010
Hotel Sierra/Green Bay
(Job Listing Information)
2425 Airport Road
P.O. Box 83
Portage, WI 53901
If you answer YES to any of these questions
you need to call 800-873-2560 TODAY!
• Do you want an agency that collects more
accounts than they return? (Efforts Exhausted?)
• Do you want an agency that does not set
limits for litigation amounts?
And Collects on all balances?
(Why the limits? Not enough profit for who?)
• Do you want a live contact? Tired of voice mail,
being just another number and lost in the shuffle?
(You deserve immediate service!)
Your goals are not too high to expect your agency to
work all accounts—not just the easy recoveries. You deserve
an agency that will recommend litigation on small as well
as larger balances. We guarantee you will receive prompt,
professional and courteous service.
Specializing in Medical Recovery with a
combined 100+ years of experience.
The Voice • August 2010 • P9
Continued from cover article...
The Four C’s of Coaching Skills continued...
The process starts with training. That’s the
first step. Let’s say you’re training a group.
What usually happens is most of the group
understands, learns and benefits from the
information you’ve taught. Unfortunately, not
everyone “gets it.” What do we do about
that small percentage of employees—often
good, conscientious people—who may need
personalized attention after training? Those
are the ones who need coaching.
Remember that coaching is strategically
guiding someone into improving performance.
It’s analyzing feedback to see the areas where
the training hasn’t taken hold.
Is remedial training needed? That’s where the
coaching comes in. These are the people
who need one-on-one customized help
to develop their skills. OK, we’ve talked
about training and coaching. Where
does counseling come in?
Concurrence: It’s critical. Unless you and
the trainee agree (concur) that there is a
gap, and they commit to the improvement
that’s needed, you won’t be able to coach to
your full capacity for effectiveness. We need
to achieve concurrence. Both you and the
employee need to concur there is an issue.
Once that’s done, we can go on to
the content.
Content: Next, identify the content that
needs to be improved. What needs to be
done? What are some of the issues involved?
Normally where coaching is needed, it’s either
due to the fact that the employee doesn’t
know how to do the job (they just don’t ‘get
To be most effective, coaching
should be done in private;
especially when it becomes
an on the spot type of
coaching. It’s important
to remember to never
embarrass the employee.
That’s not coaching, that’s just
being mean!
We’re going to give you the Telephone
Doctor® Four Step Model for effective
coaching in a call center or business
environment. We call it the 4 C’s of
The 4 C’s are:
2. Content
3. Commitment
4. Congratulations or
Let’s cover them one by one:
Congratulations or Continuation: Once
you and your team member have found the
content that needs to be corrected, you give
them the instruction on how to do it right
and there is commitment it will be done.
Lastly, it’s time for CONGRATULATIONS.
Let them know they’ve done a good job.
This is critical. It’s most important you don’t
leave that part out. If more work is needed,
we cycle back through with continuation.
Figure out what work is needed to reach the
congratulations step.
Much coaching takes place to
fill a perceived need. You find
out that there’s a gap in the
performance of an employee,
and then plan a coaching
approach that should
improve the performance of
that employee. It’s nice and
orderly to be able to think
about what you’re going to
do. Formulate your plan and
decide when you’re going to
do your coaching.
Counseling is helping someone explore,
and possibly resolve, personal problems.
Counseling is utilized if, for whatever
reason, the employee isn’t performing.
It’s for that special situation when
training and coaching haven’t worked,
where the employee is not willing, or
is unable to do the job. Especially if
there is some distraction that is not job
1. Concurrence
we’re working with an intelligent, conscientious
employee who wants to do a good job. With
some coaching, the job will be done right.
it’) or doesn’t want to do the job. You need
to find out which it is. The coach and the
employee need to agree on the content, the
issue and the problem. Only then can they
make a commitment to solve it.
Commitment: The coach and the trainee
need to agree. They can then make a
commitment to solve the problem. Normally
Nancy Friedman is President of Telephone Doctor,
a customer service training company in St. Louis,
MO. She is a featured speaker at association,
chamber and corporate meetings. To receive our
free monthly email article on customer service
and a free subscription to the Telephone Doctor
Newsletter, The Friendly Voice, go here www. or call 314-291-1012.
Visit our webpage at
P10 • August 2010 • The Voice
Simplify—It’s the key
to working smarter
Efficiency at work is more important than
ever in these days of budget cutbacks and
ever-growing productivity demands. One
of the key elements of working smarter is
simplifying the way you work, and where
you work. Here are some tips:
• Schedule routine tasks into four
segments: early morning, late morning,
early afternoon, and late afternoon.
Decide which tasks you perform best
to what time of day.
• Organize your workspace. Remove
from your space anything that you
don’t need constant access to, like
a stapler or three-hole punch. Keep
papers in appropriate baskets: pending,
action, active project, or to be filed.
Deal with paperwork when you do
administrative work.
• Keep a to-do list to manage projects
and activities. The list can help you
maintain a focused list of priorities.
Toll Free (800) 799-7469
Three skills for better negotiation
Negotiating is a make-or-break skill, whether you’re a CEO in charge of a merger or a
parent trying to sort out a sibling squabble. Follow these tips to negotiate agreements
• Keep an open mind. Brainstorm ideas. Listen to outlandish proposals. Entertain
unusual possibilities. This will expand opportunities for agreement.
• Treat people fairly. When people feel you’re being fair with them, they’re more likely
to make real commitments. If they think you’re trying to cheat them, they’ll walk away
in a huff. You won’t get commitment unless the other party feels you’re sincerely
trying to do what’s right.
• Listen actively. Don’t plan what you’re going to say while the other side is talking. Pay
attention to what they’re saying so you know where they’re coming from and what
they really want. When your response makes it clear that you’ve really been listening,
they’ll be more willing to listen to your proposals.
Begin at the top
Mountaineer Ed Viesturs has conquered the 14 tallest mountains in the world—
without extra oxygen. One secret of his success, and his longevity in a dangerous
sport, is his approach to planning.
Viesturs doesn’t plan his upward climb first. He begins by planning his descent from
the peak. This tells him how much time he’ll need to reach his base camp before
darkness falls—which tells him what time he should start climbing. In other words,
he assumes from the beginning that he’ll achieve his goal of reaching the summit,
and he plans his strategy around that. Maybe everyone should make plans by
anticipating success, and then working backward for safety.
Your Partner In Receivables Management
The Voice • August 2010 • P11
PERMIT #2783
Payment Monitoring
Over 50 years of successful medical collection experience.
Service by professionals . . . for professionals.
3031 N. 114th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53222
(414) 479-3800
• Chuck Worgull