The Indonesian Seas & its throughflow Why & How to observe Arnold L. Gordon Division of Ocean & Climate Physics Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University • Attributes of the Indonesian seas to be considered in a long-term observational strategy; • Observational strategies, that they can and can’t do; But first: It is not just the Indonesian throughflow [ITF] that is important to the regional and largerscale climate- the processes within the Indonesian seas alter the profile [mass, temperature, salinity] of interocean stream, coupled to the local sea-air fluxes and mixing environment. The Oceanography Society magazine, Dec 05: The Indonesian Seas Gordon- OOPC-11, May 16-20, 2006 The Indonesian Throughflow [ITF] sees This: Heat/freshwater [buoyancy] Pacific Indian Not this: Pacific Indian upwelling [tidal] mixing Pacific Water is modified within the Indonesian seas; “Stuff Happens” in the Indonesian seas, it is not a passive pass-thru. The Indonesian seas: It’s a big place, a complex array of seas and wide range of depths depths; it’s where ENSO meets the Asian Monsoon The ITF is a product of ocean scale wind stress (Godfrey, 1996) and the moist Pacific climate. But the Indonesian seas add buoyancy and regional tidal induced mixing alters the stratification N.Pacific Secondary ITF portals 1350-m Large Freshwater flux. Primary ITF portals 2800-m Heat/FW [buoyancy] injection fm the atm. 580-m S.Pacific 1940-m Complex morphology [ITF pathways] ~1000-m 680-m Tidal mixing; monsoonal reversals ~1200-m 280-m 1300-1500-m Indonesian Blend ~zero • Large-scale observation based studies (including inverse solutions) reveal significant Pacific export of mass, heat and freshwater into the Indian Ocean (Piola and Gordon, 1984, 1986; Toole and Raymer, 1985; Wijffels et al., 1992; Toole and Warren, 1993; MacDonald, 1993; MacDonald and Wunsch, 1996; Ganachaud et al., 2000; Ganachaud and Wunsch, 2000). Uncertainty in the size of the ITF is the dominant source of error in analyses of the basin-wide budgets of heat and freshwater for the Pacific (Wijffels et al., 2001) and Indian Oceans (Robbins and Toole, 1997). • Oceanic heat and freshwater fluxes into the Indian Ocean - at the expense of the Pacific - affect atmosphere-ocean coupling with potential impacts on the ENSO and monsoon phenomena (Webster et al. 1998). • Models reveal dependence of Pacific and Indian Ocean SST and upper layer heat storage on the throughflow (Hirst and Godfrey, 1993; Verschell et al., 1995; Murtugudde et al., 1998). The Indian and Pacific Oceans would be very different if the ITF were zero (MacDonald, 1993; Schneider, 1998; Maes , 1998; Wajsowicz and Schneider, 2001; Wajsowicz, 2001; Lee et al., 2002). The ΔSST [ITF/NoITF] patterns are model dependent. It is often said that the ITF warms the Indian Ocean and cools the Pacific: tropical deep precipitation is thus moved west by this effect in coupled ocean/atm. models – this affects the atmospheric circulation globally. Schneider, 1998. The ~10 Sv ITF must affect the Pacific and Indian Ocean thermohaline stratification and surface layer. The ITF peals off Mindanao Current otherwise destine for the Pacific’s NECC, hence disturbs the Pacific subtropical/tropical connectivity. But the Pacific is immense, hardly noticing a paltry ~10 SV. It’s the littleolde monsoonal Indian Ocean gets hit harder, as its SEC is boosted by maybe 30% with a jet of cool/fresher Pacific thermocline to intermediate depth water. We often see reported ITF heat flux into the Indian Ocean, 0.5 to 1.0 PW. These are based on relating the ITF temperature and transport to a reference temperature: the temperature of the compensatory transport out of the Indian Ocean [~10 SV cools from ~15°C to 3.75°C, or more often relative to 0°C].But what would the Indian Ocean look like if it were not for the ITF? A simple questions: • Does the ITF warm or cool the Indian Ocean? it cools the thermocline, if no ITF, the Indian O would be warmer. The ITF flushes out the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean to the Agulhas Current, it leaves it entirely to the Indian Ocean meridioanl overturning circulkation to cope with the atmosphere forcing. 10-12 yrs Spreading of the Indonesian Throughflow in the Indian Ocean Q. Song, A. L. Gordon and M. Visbeck JPO 2004 Upon reaching the western boundary within the South Equatorial Current (SEC), the trajectories of the ITF tracers within the thermocline exhibit bifurcation: at the western boundary about 38%±5% thermocline ITF water flows southward to join the Agulhas Current, consequently exiting the Indian Ocean, and the rest, about 62%±5%, flows northward to the north of SEC. In boreal summer, ITF water penetrates into the Northern Hemisphere within the Somali Current. The primary spreading pathway of the thermocline ITF water north of SEC is upwelling to the surface layer with subsequent advection southward within the surface Ekman layer toward the southern Indian Ocean subtropics. All the ITF water eventually exits the Indian Ocean along the western boundary within the Mozambique Channel and the east coast of Madagascar and, farther south, the Agulhas Current region. The advective spreading time scales, represented by the elapsed time corresponding to the maximum of transit time PDF, show that in the upper thermocline the ITF crosses the Indian Ocean, from the Makassar Strait to the east coast of the African continent, on a time scale of about 10 yr and reaches the Arabian Sea on a time scale of over 20 yr. • ITF cools and freshens the Indian Ocean thermocline [on isopycnals] relative to the ambient thermocline. • ~10 Sv of ITF water flushes the Indian Ocean thermocline waters to the south by boosting transport of the Agulhas Current [by ~15%], increasing southward ocean heat flux across 20-30°S over the no-ITF condition, thus altering the meridional overturning of the Indian Ocean [Pacific too] Temperature on sigma-0 = 25.0, upper thermocline Wa rm ITF cool po ol Salinity on sigma-0 = 25.0, upper thermocline freshwater input Low salinity Agulhas with ITF add-on N. Pacific water peeled-off to the Indian O, rather than feed the Pacific warm pool Indonesian Mix-Master S. Pacific, deeper feed to ITF Indonesian Throughflow must exit the Indian Ocean within the Agulhas Current, the ITF follows a torturous route to the Agulhas Current [Song, Q., A. Gordon, and M. Visbeck (2004), J Phys Oceanog] A.L. Gordon, 13 July 05 The ITF cools the tropical Indian Ocean, and flushes Indian Ocean heat into the Agulhas Current. Tropical heat No northern Agulhas Return Eq. Agulhas + ~10 Sv “cool” …ITF Northern Indian O polar cooler upwelling Monsoonal regime anomalous deep thermocline Deep/Bottom overturning A.L. Gordon, 13 July 05 X A “thought” coupled model: What if no ITF? Diminished flushing of tropical water to south may allow for: 1. Reduced heat flux across 30°S [4°C ≈ 10Sv]; 2. deeper monsoon regime thermocline; 3. hotter SST in tropical Indian [>evaporation:stronger monsoon?] Hotter SST Agulhas Return Eq. Reduced southward Qf No ITF Deepened isotherms reduced upwelling of cool ITF water Deep/Bottom overturning A.L. Gordon, 13 July 05, Bali SST Summer [Jun-Aug] SST Winter [dec-feb] upwelling Chl-a Summer downwelling Chl-a Winter [dec-feb] [Jun-Aug] High chl-a low chl-a Top: Satellite derived fields of sea surface temperature from Aqua-MODIS [northern summer: left; northern winter: right] Bottom: Sea Surface Salinity [archive hydro stations] Barotropic M2 tidal speeds Fm Ray et al TOS Dec’05 issue Non-linear scale NP s-max NP s-min Maybe? from Banda Sea Western August 1993 Salinity Path Eastern Path South Pacific lower thermocline water enters Seram from Halmahera Upper Thermocline: Attenuation of the smax [Makassar to Timor] with reasonable residence time implies a thermocline Kz of 1 cgs. Kz = 1 cgs coupled with intense thermocline yields vertical heat flux of 40 W/m2. This balances the sea-air heat flux, so that the atmosphere buoyancy input to the Indonesian seas penetrates into subsurface, with impact on Indian Ocean stratification. Additionally: fortnightly [tidal] variability Δ Lower thermocline: 1°C in SST provide high freq signal on sea-air heat flux North Pacific subtropical salinity maximum Upper thermocline Lower thermocline South Pacific subtropical salinity maximum North Pacific Intermediate Water Ffield and Gordon, 1992,96 vertical mixing? Upper thermocline lower thermocline NPIW SPtherm Isopycnal mixing? Salinity @ Lower thermocline Shallower thermocline during El Niño exposes thermocline to wind induced mixing; also reduced ITF during El Niño…La Niña flushed out the El Niño signal. Eastern passages: Deep Banda Sea overflow [Lifamatola Sill, black line] Also: ENSO variability [N.Pac thermocline water via eastern seas during 1996 La Niña, dashed line,] [for brevity I removed this section] Banda Sea southward ~0 ~350-m 1 kt Downslope, overflow into Banda Sea, ~1 to 2 Sv ~1750-m sill = 1950-m From: Hendrik M. van Aken [INSTANT PI], The Netherlands ~0.25 m/s overflow into the Banda Sea. Fortnightly tidal beat; 0.25 m/s for a slab of 300 m yields 1.2 Sv across the ~15 km Lifamatola channel Water masses suggest this ITF pattern within the thermocline ? La Niña extra Lifamatola deep overflow none ITF: ~10 Sv [somewhere in range 8-14 Sv, with interannual modulation by ENSO] is a pretty good ‘ball-park figure* Above Makassar 680-m sill depth: The transport of Timor Passage and Ombai Strait [Molcard], sea surface and 680 m is between 5.6 to 9.0 Sv, with the Lombok Strait transport ~ 1.7 Sv [Murray], total 0-680 m transport is 7.3 to 10.7 Sv. which is not significantly different than the Makassar Strait transport of ~8 to 9 Sv [~ 1 or 2 Sv from eastern route?] Below Makassar 680-m sill depth: The total ITF export below 680-m into the Indian Ocean is 1.8 to 2.3 Sv. The Lifamatola Passage overflow [VanAken] of 1.5 Sv can explain roughly all but 0.3 to 0.8 Sv of the >680 m export to the Indian Ocean. Noting the short time span of the Lifamatola moorings, an additional 0.5 Sv of Lifamatola Passage overflow as required to close the deep throughflow budget, is reasonable. Caution: All of the measurements were made at different times and the assumptions of a steady state system does not necessarily apply in this case, but the near balance is instructive. 0-680 m INFLOW thermocline Makassar [8-9 sv] Eastern route [1 sv?] Relative steady inflow Lif ~1.5 Episodic overflow Sill @680-m ITF segmented into 3 streams; Strong intraseasonal activity Regional ITF transports EXPORT [timor; ombai; lombok] 7.3 to 10.7 sv [average 9 sv] __________________680-m _________Makassar Sill_______________ > 680 m Lifamatola [1.5 sv] Deep water 1.8 to 2.3 sv [average 2.1 sv] January to March 1985, the estimated overflow transport through the Lifamatola Passage deeper than 1500 m is 1.5 Sv (Van Aken et al. 1988) March 1992 to April 1993 the average transport within the Timor Passage (south of Timor) measured during the JADE French-Indonesian program, from the 0 to 1250 m was 3.4 to 5.3 Sv (Molcard et al. 1996). Arlindo Makassar moorings dec 96-july 98 7-11 Sv (Gordon et al 1999) 4.5±1.5 Sv from 120 -1050 m, Aug 1989 - Sept 1990(JADE; Green = JADE [Timor] Blue = CTD Molcard et al. 1994) +SOI = Higher ITF transport Red Red= =moorings Arlindo [Makassar] La Niña La Niña La Niña INSTANT INSTANT DEC03-DEC06 DEC03-DEC06 Mak moorings 1985 El Niño El Niño Lombok Strait transport of 1.7 Sv measured from Jan 1985 to Jan 1986 (Murray and Arief, 1988) -SOI = Lower ITF transport El Niño November 1995 to November 1996 in Ombai Strait, North of Timor, yielded a transport of 4 to 6 Sv (JADE; Molcard et al 2001). ITF pathways within the thermocline; water masses indicate that Makassar Strait is the primary ITF pathway Lifamatola overflow MAK-1 MAK-2 Sill @680-m The great 97/98 El Niño Labani Channel Mak 1 and 2 NW Monsoon SE Monsoon Makassar transport for 1997 is ~ 8.0 Sv; uncertainty ~ 2 Sv. A cool ITF: Makassar ITF Thermocline intensified Transport weighted temperature ~15°C Indian O Kelvin Wave See: Gordon et al, 1999; Susanto & Gordon, 2005 NW Monsoon Lots of Intraseasonal <90 day, variability The great 97/98 El Niño Lesser transport (4.6Sv) is observed during the peak of 1997/98 El Niño from September 1997 to February 1998 compare to the rest of the mooring record. Surface layer data gap [July 97=June 98] required creative solutions. The 7 months of surface record [Dec 96 - June 97] shows a remarkable correlation with zonal wind in the Java Sea [Gordon et al. 2003] The ADCP time series extrapolation based on regression analysis to the 200-m current meter data and the Java Wind was used to fill the surface layer data gap. WHY IS THE ITF SO COOL? [~15°C transport weighted] May-June ~june 27 v profile • The cool transport-weighted temperature is the consequence of restricted contribution from the warm surface layer. Why? ~march 1 v profile Jan-Feb transport Sv in 50 m slabs • During the northern winter monsoon buoyant, low salinity surface water [upper 50 m] from the Java Sea is ‘blown’ into the southern Makassar Strait. This induces a northward pressure gradient within the surface layer of Makassar Strait, counteracting the seasonal southward winds. • During the summer monsoon, reversal of Java Sea winds force more saline surface water from the Banda Sea into the southern Makassar Strait, eliminating the northward pressure gradient, though northward summer winds over Makassar act to constrain the surface throughflow. Gordon, A.L., R.D. Susanto, and K. Vranes (2003) Cool Indonesian Throughflow as a consequence of restricted surface layer flow. Nature, 425, 824-828. Significance of the vertical profile of the Indonesian Throughflow transport to the Indian Ocean. Q. Song and A. L. Gordon GRL 2005 Using an ocean general circulation model, we find that the vertical profile of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) transport is important in regulating the stratification and surface heat fluxes of the Indian Ocean. With the same total ITF transport, a thermocline-intensified ITF, relative to a surface-intensified ITF, not only cools the surface layer of the Indian Ocean while warming the Indian Ocean below the thermocline, but also induces negative temperature anomalies at the sea surface throughout the Indian basin. As a consequence of this surface effect the net heat gain of the Indian Ocean is increased. The results suggest that it is necessary to properly represent the vertical profile of ITF transport within ocean and climate numerical models. X ITF reduces the net heat gain by ocean. This is partly off set if the ITF were thermocline intensified. The net heat gain of the Indian Ocean from the atmosphere in ITF10TH is 0.02 PW more than that in ITF10. SST SSS Wind arrows shown Low SSS Java Sea ~<50 m deep Higher SSS Surface σ Buoyancy gradient buoyant Not so buoyant So…The ITF heat and freshwater flux depends on the regional freshwater input and its distribution. All sorts of couple ocean/climate feedbacks implied. Changes in the freshwater budget of the western Indonesian seas and Southeast Asian monsoon winds would be expected to alter the intensity of the ‘freshwater plug’. Greater amounts of freshwater expelled from the Java Sea into the southern Indonesian seas would induce a colder ITF (lesser amounts would lead to a warmer ITF). As the regional precipitation changes with the phase of ENSO, Asian monsoon and at longer temporal scales, the ITF temperature may adjust accordingly. A strong ‘freshwater plug’ would reduce transfer of the western Pacific’s warm pool into the Indian Ocean, with potential feedback to ENSO. The Indian Ocean surface layer would receive less Pacific heat, affecting its surface temperature and altering the pattern of heat and water vapour exchange with the atmosphere, Asian monsoon and the Indian Ocean dipole. Significance of the vertical profile of the Indonesian Throughflow transport to the Indian Ocean Q. Song and A. L. Gordon GRL, 2005 Using an ocean general circulation model, we find that the vertical profile of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) transport is important in regulating the stratification and surface heat fluxes of the Indian Ocean. With the same total ITF transport, a thermocline-intensified ITF, relative to a surface-intensified ITF, not only cools the surface layer of the Indian Ocean while warming the Indian Ocean below the thermocline, but also induces negative temperature anomalies at the sea surface throughout the Indian basin. As a consequence of this surface effect the net heat gain of the Indian Ocean is increased. The results suggest that it is necessary to properly represent the vertical profile of ITF transport within ocean and climate numerical models Kelvin Wave Total 1 to 15 Sv, mean ~8 Sv 15 Sv Mean: 8.1 Sv 1st Baroclinic El Nino low 1 Sv Nino3 2nd Baroclinic, Susanto & Gordon, JGR, jan 2005 The Banda Sea: Inhale-Exhale effect The Makassar path provides most of the total ITF, maybe >80%. But the Makassar water, which is Pacific water, is altered by sea-air flux of heat and freshwater, by mixing [mostly tidal], ekman upwelling. What finally emerges into the Indian is not just Pacific water, it is now Indonesian water. Much of the conversion takes place in the Banda Sea where “inhale/exhale” due to seasonally reversing Ekman convergence induce thermocline heaving of ~40 m [Gordon & Susanto’01] Inflow Outflow Inflow/outflow not in phase due to Banda seasonal storage deep thermocline warm SST Upwelling Warmer Thermocline depth seasonal oscillating = 40-m in La Niña Cold SST Downwelling Colder in El Ninõ Shallow thermocline Banda Sea inhales and exhales: Upwelling/downwelling cycle within the Banda Sea induces a 40 m seasonal oscillation of the thermocline depth [0.33 m in sea level] instilling a seasonal divergence / convergence pattern of surface water volume and affecting the phase relationship between the Makassar ITF and the Sunda passage export. Maximum divergence ~2 Sv is attained during the transitional monsoon months, of October/November and April/May. During the El Niño growth period of 1997 the surface layer is divergent, but in 1998 when the El Niño was on the wane, the average rate of change is convergent. Surface layer divergence attains values as high as 4 Sv. Makassar transport 100 day lag Vranes and Gordon submitted to GRL South of Java transport The geostrophic transport between 0-400 meter time series constructed from XBT data from December 1996 to July 1998 with a 100 day lag correlates at r = 0.82 with the Makassar Strait 0-400 meter transport as measured by current meter moorings for that time interval, providing confidence in the utility of repeat XBT data to detect ITF variability over at least two decades. Mean speed from Makassar to XBT line is 0.5 m/s. Vranes and Gordon submitted to GRL Kelvin W International Nusantara Stratification and Transport (INSTANT), is a multi-national program to measure the velocity, temperature and salinity of the Indonesian throughflow with simultaneous mooring deployments in the inflow and outflow passages, the over a 3-year period. INSTANT PIs: USA: Gordon, Susanto, Sprintall, Ffield The Netherlands: Van Aken Australia: Wijffels France: Molcard Indonesia: Indra Jaya, Irsan Brodjonegoro Schematic of Indonesian Throughflow pathways (red numbers represent previously determined transport in Sv (106 m3/sec); the smaller black numbers refer to the literature source). Inserts A-D show positions of INSTANT moorings. Insert A: 2 United States Makassar Strait Inflow moorings (red diamond) within Labani Channel. Insert C: The Netherlands mooring within the main channel of Lifamatola Passage (yellow triangle). Insert B, D: Sunda moorings in Ombai Strait, Lombok Strait, and Timor Passage: United States (red diamonds); France, (purple square); Australia (green circles). The positions of the shallow pressure gauge array (United States, green X). Here, we focus on the INSTANT measurements in Makassar Strait, but a composite along-axis speed time series as last slide. Makassar Stream, primary inflow pathway deployment --- rotation ------ final recovery Dec03/Jan04 - June/July05 - Dec06/Jan07 El Niño: ITF reduced INSTANT Arlindo La Niña: ITF increased El Niño: ITF reduced INSTANT Arlindo La Niña: ITF increased fortnightly a Tidal oscillation~40 cm/s Thermocline max to ~1.30 m/s x Kelvin? SE monsoon Apr’05 Jan’05 NW monsoon INSTANT Makassar ADCP Record July’05 SE monsoon Oct ’04 April’04 NW monsoon Intraseasonal July’04 Kelvin? Speeds in cm/sec; negative values are towards the south. Makassar Strait throughflow over the initial 1.5 year INSTANT record is ~8 to 9 Sv Mak-East Min south speeds 140-m; vm = -61 cm/sec Mak-West Max south speeds Max south speeds MAK-East ~ 75-82% of MAK-West speeds 300-m; vm = -44 cm/sec • Minimum thermocline speeds toward south at end of the monsoon transition months: May/June 04 and 05 and Nov/Dec 04; • Maximum thermocline speeds toward south in late SE and NW monsoons. ~680-m 750-m; vm = -3 cm/sec • 750 m record is 180° out of phase with the 1500 m time series, ~30-50 day period. 1500-m; vm = 0 cm/sec 04-05 SOI: Neural to slightly ElNiño Southern Makassar Sill INSTANT Makassar time series, the 1st 1.5 years. Min south speeds ADDITIONAL SLIDE: INSTANT Makassar time series at 140 m, upper panel. Tides removed The time series for the same place and time from the NRL EAS16 model. Tides not yet removed Min south speeds Mak-East Min south speeds Mak-West Max south speeds Min south speeds Max south speeds Min south speeds Mak-East Max south speeds Max south speeds Mak-West Speeds in cm/sec; negative values are towards the south. Is the model good enough? What is good enough? Southern Makassar Sill ~680-m From J. Sprintall: Lombok West Velocity Comparison INSTANT (left) vs. GLBa0.08-05.3 (right) Note: INSTANT observations span Jan 2004 – Jun 2005, while HYCOM output spans Jan 2004 – Dec 2004 From J. Sprintall: Lombok East Velocity Comparison INSTANT (left) vs. GLBa0.08-05.3 (right) Note: INSTANT observations span Jan 2004 – Jun 2005, while HYCOM output spans Jan 2004 – Dec 2004 INSTANT, Sunda passages Strong intraseasonal (<90 days) signal due to Indian Ocean tropical winds Wijfels and Meyers 2004 Frequently Repeated XBT lines: 1984-present; low spatial resolution (~1degree) monthly fortnightly • seasonal range: -10 to 25Sv • interannual range: 5 – 15Sv. Transport Correlations with Equatorial zonal wind stresses SOI: 0.61,4 months lag Pacific Zonal Stress: 0.74, 4 months lag Indian Zonal Stress: -0.57, 4 months lag Can we explain transport variability using a linear sum of equatorial wind stress-variability? Best fit: T = 2.9*<Eq. Pacific zonal winds (4 months lag)> + 0.3*<Eq. Indian zonal winds(zero month lag)> Accounts for 56% of interannual transport variance. Blue: Makassar [Gordon; Susanto; Ffield] Green: Lifamatola [Van Aken] Orange: Lombok [Sprintall] Purple: Ombai [Sprintall; Wijffels] Red: Timor [Wijffels; Molcard] Some comments: there is so much here! Negative speeds are towards Indian Ocean; values in cm/sec 100-150 m • Makassar Strait thermocline throughflow is relatively steady, in comparison to Lombok and Ombai, with a transport of ~9 Sv • Timor is the most steady export route of the Sunda passages, with thermocline speeds ~30-50% of Makassar speeds; • Lombok and Ombai exhibit speed reversals, dominant intraseasonal signal; 350-450 m • Lifamatola sill overflow is far more vigorous than deep flow in other passages. • The sub-sill Makassar flow [750 / 1500 m] are 180° out of phase. • What are: mass, heat transports and profiles; their intraseasonal, seasonal variability; Timor, 700 m >700 m Makassar 750 • Inflow/outflow imbalances, interiro sea and 1500 m time series seasonal storage. Lifamatola ~300 m above sill of 1950 m. negative speeds along the channel axis, 124° Dynamics of the Lombok Striat, a developing research program for 2008 Sustained Observing of the ITF, must be cost effective and compatible with the Indonesian government concerns. The ITF data stream must be assimilated into a proper model to anchor the model in reality. Approaches may include these method: Sea Level Tide gauges shallow pressure gauges satellite altimeter Stratification Repeat XBT/XCTD Gliders PIES [pressure sensor-equipped inverted echo sounders] Argo floats Circulation Argo floats gliders ADCP moorings drifters A B Sulawesi Rossby Waves Seasonal variability of N-S sea surface tilt A Weak N to S surface slope B Strong N to S surface slope but the Makassar ITF is thermocline intensified, does sea surface slope tell the whole story? BAKOSURTANAL and NOAA have been discussing collaboration in the collection of, and timely access to, observations of sea level from tide gauges at the following GLOSS locations [X]: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Padang, West Sumatra, Cilacap, South Java, Kupang, Timor, Bitung, Celebes (together with Davao in the Philippines, this is important for monitoring the Throughflow), Kokenau or Agats, Irian Jaya, Benoa, Bali, Sorong, West Irian, Surabaya, East Java, and Ambon, Ambolina. X X X X X X X X Janet Sprintall maintains the Shallow Pressure Gauge Array [set in ~15 m depth] since 1996, which is continuing as part of the INSTANT program. Shallow pressure gauges are used to estimate the upper 100 m, which is better than just the sea level slope, but the ITF profile is not constant and extends to 1300 m. Detided Pressure from Bali (Jan 04 – July 05) Kelvin wave TABLE II Location of Shallow Pressure Gauges Sensor No. Latitude Longitude Description 1 12 11.2 S 123 4.0 E Australian territorial waters (separate deployment) 2 8 22.0 S 125 3.0 E N. Ombai Strait 3 8 38.5 S 125 6.5 E S. Ombai Strait (E.Timor waters, separate deployment) 4 10 49.0 S 122 41.0 E SW Roti 5 8 24.0 S 115 43.0 E W. Lombok Strait 6 8 21.0 S 116 1.5 E E. Lombok Strait 7 10 15.2 S 120 31.1 E S. Sumba (recovery in 2003 only) Surface drifters usually don’t make it through the Indonesian seas, and anyway their direct data reporting to satellite runs afoul with Indonesian authorities. Profilers can also provide a time series of the stratification, though the satellite reporting from Argo is a problem within Indonesian waters. Seaglider and Sensors [C. Lee UW/APL] Inferred • Depth-Averaged Current • Surface Current • Vertical Current Profile (|w|>0.5 cm/s) • • • • Hull length: 1.8 m, Wing span: 1.0 m Mass: 52 kg Easy to deploy and recover Surface to 1000 m. • Horizontal speed 0.1 - 0.45 m/s (~22 km or 12 nm per day @0.25 m/s) • Vertical speed 0.06 m/s (minimum) • Buoyancy range ~840 g 5 kg/m3 density range ►250 g Sensors • SBE Conductivity/Temperature • Endurance depends on ambient stratification, dive depth and desired speed • SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen • Longest range to date: 3900 km • WETLABS BB2SF- Chlorophyll a Fluorescence, Optical Backscatter (red & blue) • Longest endurance to date: 31 weeks Gliders are effective, but their satellite reporting is a problem…but we will use gliders ]and EM-APEX profilers in the 2008 program, with the data reported to the net and to a local site at the same time. Getting below the surface layer, through the thermocline: XBT and XCTD are very effective in monitoring the ITF monthly fortnightly Temperature variability off Shark Bay, WA. data Out of fish net way Bottom moored ADCP in shallow passages Sea floor Mooring with deep ADCP will provide time series in key passages, e.g. Makassar Strait To get discussion going: here is a strawman 2800-m SeaGlider 580-m ADCP/PIES 1940-m ~1000-m 680-m OUT Interior 280-m W FLO XBT/XCTD PIES SeaGlider OW Satellites, tide gauge aray FL IN XBT/XCTD 1350-m PIES 1300-1500-m Shallow Pressure Gauges ~1200-m
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