How to make simple things complex -Update 2009 Financial disclosure - None z OffOff-label disclosure - Most z References - Apology z How to Make Simple Things Complex -Childhood Epilepsy Update 2009 Suresh Gurbani MD, PhD Child Neurologist, LMOLMO-OCMSA 1 Know your facts Then you may twist them as you want -Mark Twain 2 Definitions of epileptic seizures z z z z z Seizure is caused by a paroxysmal, excessive, hypersynchronous electrical discharge of cortical neurons due to changes in the electrical function of the brain.1,2 Seizure may be manifested clinically by an impairment or loss of consciousness, abnormal motor activity, sensory disturbances, behavioral and emotional abnormalities, or autonomic dysfunction. dysfunction.1,2 Epilepsy affects almost 2.3 million people in the United States.3 -Third most common neurological disorder in the United States. -Direct + Indirect cost is $ 25 billions/year. 1 Kandel ER, et al. Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. 1991:910935. 2 Hauser AA, Hesdorffer D. Epilepsy: Frequency, Causes & Consequences. Epilepsy Foundation of America; 1990. 3 Begley CE, et al. Epilepsia. 2000;41:342-351. z The ILAE proposed definition of epilepsy: “a disorder of the brain characterized by an enduring predisposition to generate epileptic epileptic seizures and by the neurobiological, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences of this condition. A definition of epilepsy requires requires the occurrence of at least one epileptic seizure” seizure” z This definition represents a conceptual change, in that it defines epilepsy not as recurrent epileptic seizures but as a condition where seizures seizures reflect the existence of an enduring epileptogenic disturbance with the potential to generate further seizures. seizures. z This new definition recognizes the neurobiological, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences of epileptic seizures, seizures, which are important parts of the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to people with epilepsy. epilepsy. z Reactive seizures (febrile convulsions or alcoholic withdrawal seizures are usually generalized) can be partial when prepre-existing localized cerebral disturbances make one area of the brain more epileptogenic than others. Definitions of epileptic seizures z A fixed operational definition specifying number of seizures, risk of recurrence, or duration of inter-seizure intervals, is impractical and unworkable. z Operational definition: 2 or more unprovoked seizures. z Operational definition of epilepsy for certain epidemiologic studies, or for specific research purposes could be different. z For general purposes of clinical diagnosis and treatment, each patient should be considered individually. AgeAge-Specific Incidence of Seizures in Rochester, MN (1935(1935-1984) z z New cases of epilepsy Approximately 30% are among those >65 years of age Medical conditions affecting elderly increase risk for seizures and epilepsy 120 Incidence per 100,000 z Definitions of epileptic seizures GeneralizedGeneralized-onset seizures PartialPartial-onset seizures 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 Age (y) 60 80 - Hauser WA, et al. Epilepsia. Epilepsia. 1993;34:4531993;34:453-468. . 3 Classification of Seizures Classification of Seizures International Classification of Epileptic Seizures 19811981- ILAE Etiological Classification – Shinnar I Partial Seizures: z z z z z Acute symptomatic Remote symptomatic Cryptogenic Idiopathic z z A -Simple partial (with motor, sensory, autonomic, or psychic signs). signs). B 1 & B2 - Complex partial C - Partial with secondary generalization. II Generalized Seizures: z z z z z z Absence (petit mal) Atonic Clonic Myoclonic Tonic TonicTonic-clonic (grand mal) III Unclassified Seizures: z z Classification of Seizures Classification of Seizures Proposed ILAE diagnostic scheme for people with epileptic seizures and with epilepsyepilepsy- Engel 2001 Semiologic Classification of Seizures 1998 - Luders 1 Aura 2 Autonomic Seizures 3 Dialeptic Seizures 4 Motor Seizures Simple: Myoclonic,Tonic,Epileptic spasm,Clonic,TonicClonic,Versive Complex: Hypermotor, Hypermotor, Automotor, Automotor, Gelastic 5 Special Seizures Atonic,Astatic,Hypomotor,Akinetic,Negative myoclonic,Aphasic 6 Paroxysmal Event Organic, Psychogenic Axis I : Ictal Phenomenology Axis II : Seizure Type Axis III : Syndrome Axis IV : Etiology Axis V : Impairment WHO ICIDH -2 Proposed ILAE diagnostic scheme for people with epileptic seizures and with epilepsyepilepsy- Engel 2001 z This diagnostic scheme is divided into 5 parts, or axes, organized organized to facilitate a logical clinical approach to the development of hypotheses necessary to determine the diagnostic studies and therapeutic strategies to be undertaken in in individual patients. z Axis 1:Ictal phenomenology – from the Glossary of Descriptive Ictal Terminology, can be used to describe ictal events with any degree of detail needed. needed. z Axis 2:Seizure type – from the List of Epileptic Seizures. Localization within the brain brain and precipitating stimuli for reflex seizures seizures should be specified when appropriate. z Axis 3:Syndrome – from the List of Epilepsy Syndromes, with the understanding that that a syndromic diagnosis may not always be possible. z Axis 4:Etiology – from a Classification of Diseases Frequently Associated with Epileptic Seizures or Epilepsy Syndromes when possible, genetic defects, or specific pathological substrates for symptomatic focal epilepsies. z Axis 5:Impairment – this optional, but often useful, additional diagnostic parameter parameter can be derived from an impairment classification adapted from the the WHO ICID. Infantile spasms Neonatal Summary of key recommendations from the Commission on Classification and Terminology – ICE, Budapest – June 30, 2009 z 1. Mode of seizure onset and Classification of Seizures: z Generalized seizures can be asymmetric. Generalized epileptic seizures originate at some point within, and rapidly engage, bilaterally distributed networks. Such bilateral networks can include cortical and subcortical structures, but do not necessarily include the entire cortex. Although individual seizure onsets can appear localized, the location and lateralization are not consistent from one seizure to another. z Focal epileptic seizures originate within networks limited to one hemisphere, which may be discretely localized or more widely distributed. For each seizure type, ictal onset is consistent from one seizure to another with preferential propagation patterns, which can involve the contralateral hemisphere. In some cases, however, there is more than one epileptogenic network, and more than one seizure type, but each individual seizure type has a consistent site of onset. 4 Summary of key recommendations from the Commission on Classification and Terminology – ICE, Budapest – June 30, 2009 z 1. Mode of seizure onset and Classification of Seizures: z Specific changes recommended to the 1981 classification of seizures are as follows: z 1) The category of unclassified epileptic seizures has been eliminated. Neonatal seizures will no longer regarded as a separate entity. 2) The previous subclassification of absence seizures has been simplified and altered. Myoclonic absence seizures and eyelid myoclonia are now recognized. 3) Epileptic spasms are now included and are classified under generalized seizures. Note, however, that spasms may be associated with focal pathology and seizure initiation, thus spasms could potentially exist in either category. 4) Under focal seizures the distinction between the different types (e.g. complex partial and simple partial) is eliminated. It is important however to recognize that impairment of awareness or other dyscognitive features, localization, and progression of ictal events can be of primary importance in the evaluation of individual patients and for specific purposes (e.g. randomized trials, surgery). Nothing in this recommendation precludes describing focal seizures according to these features. 5)Myoclonic atonic (sometimes referred to as myoclonic astatic) seizures are now recognized. z z z z Summary of key recommendations from the Commission on Classification and Terminology – ICE, Budapest – June 30, 2009 z 1. Mode of seizure onset and Classification of Seizures: z Recommended classification of seizures GENERALIZED SEIZURES -Tonic clonic (in any combination) -Absence 1.Typical 2. Atypical 3. Absence with special features Myoclonic absence Eyelid myoclonia -Myoclonic 1. Myoclonic 2. Myoclonic atonic 3. Myoclonic tonic -Clonic -Tonic -Atonic -Epileptic spasms FOCAL SEIZURES -These can be further described as a function of seizure severity, putative site of origin, elemental sequence of events, or other features. z z -Syndromes themselves will no longer be classified as being focal (or localization-related or partial) versus generalized. Classification of Seizures Summary of key recommendations from the Commission on Classification and Terminology – ICE, Budapest – June 30, 2009 Proposed ILAE diagnostic scheme for people with epileptic seizures and with epilepsyepilepsy- Engel 2001 COMMISSION REPORT z z Axis I : Ictal Phenomenology Axis II : Seizure Type Axis III : Syndrome Axis IV : Etiology Axis V : Impairment WHO ICIDH -2 For Correspondence: Anne T. Berg, Ph.D. Department of Biology Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115 , USA Phone: 815-753-1644 E-mail is Epilepsy Syndromes z z z z z z z z z CSWS (Epilepsy with continuous spikespike-wave during slowslow-wave sleep) Doose syndrome Dravet syndrome Gastaut syndrome LandauLandau-Kleffner syndrome LennoxLennox-Gastaut syndrome Panayiotopoulos syndrome Rasmussen’ Rasmussen’s syndrome West syndrome 5 Classification of Epilepsy Syndromes Idiopathic (Primary/Genetic) z Being neonatal convulsions z Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes z Absence epilepsy (pyknoepilepsy (pyknoepilepsy)) z Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Symptomatic (Secondary) z LennoxLennox-Gastaut syndrome z Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Syndrome Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence – 4 th Edition - 2005 Epileptic syndromes in neonates By J Roger, M Bureau, Ch Dravet. P Genton, Genton, Ca Tassinari, Tassinari, P Wolf z z Epileptic syndromes in neonates z z z z Epileptic syndromes in infancy and early childhood z Epileptic syndromes in childhood z Epileptic syndromes in older children and adolescents z Genetically defined epileptic syndromes and specific etiologies Epileptic syndromes in neonates z BNSBNS-Benign familial neonatal seizures (BFNS) -Incidence: 15/100,000 live births -GeneticsGenetics- EBN1EBN1-20q13.320q13.3-KCMQ2, EBN2EBN2-8q248q24-KCNQ3 -A diagnosis by exclusion of anoxicanoxic-ischemic ,metabolic or infectious causes, reinforced by the familial history of neonatal seizures. seizures. -S/S: full term infant with good Apgar scores who develops tonic seizures with apnea on day 2 or 3 of life with multiple seizures in a day but normal interictal neurological examination. -interictal EEG may be normal, discontinuous with focal or multifocal abnormalities. Ictal EEG may show seizures starting with generalized flattening of the background activity followed by localized or generalized spikes or slow waves. --seizures --seizures respond well to phenobarbital which may be discontinued after a few months. Benign familial neonatal seizures (BFNS) Benign idiopathic neonatal seizures (BINS) Symptomatic neonatal seizures Severe neonatal epilepsies with suppressionsuppression-burst pattern Epileptic syndromes in neonates z z z z Benign familial neonatal seizures (BFNS) Benign idiopathic neonatal seizures (BINS) Symptomatic neonatal seizures Severe neonatal epilepsies with suppressionsuppression-burst pattern 6 Epileptic syndromes in neonates z BNSBNS-Benign idiopathic neonatal seizures (BFNS) - fifth day fits in French fraternity -mostly partial and or apneic, apneic, clonic but never tonic seizures starting between day 1 and day 7 of life. - interictal EEG may be normal, discontinuous with focal or multifocal abnormalities. -Ictal EEG shows rhythmic slow waves or spikes. They can be strictly strictly unilateral or immediately generalized, or first localized and then then generalized. - treatment options include phenobarbital, clonazepam, clonazepam, diazepam Epileptic syndromes in neonates z z z z Epileptic syndromes in neonates z Severe neonatal epilepsies with suppressionsuppression-burst pattern -Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with burstburst-suppression (Ohtahara syndrome/EIEE) -rarest of the 3 age dependent epileptic encephalopathies (Ohtahara syndrome, West syndrome and LennoxLennox-Gastaut syndrome) -usual onset at 1 to 3 months of age, chronic spasms occur in clusters clusters or singly, both in the awake state and during sleep -hemihemi-convulsions, or erratic focal seizures can occur -no myoclonus -burstburst-suppression pattern on EEG with 22-6 second long high voltage slow wave bursts intermingled with spikes followed by suppression suppression phase lasting for 33-5 seconds with unchanging pattern in both waking and sleeping records -majority have brain structural anomaly or damage -majority die in infancy or develop West syndrome Epileptic syndromes in neonates z Epileptic syndromes in infancy and early childhood z z z z z z z z z z Febrile seizures Idiopathic and/or benign localizationlocalization-related epilepsies in infants and young children NonNon-idiopathic benign localizationlocalization-related epilepsies in infants and young children Infantile spasms and West syndrome Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (Dravet syndrome) Myoclonic astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome) The LennoxLennox-Gastaut syndrome Malignant migrating epilepsy in infancy Myoclonic status in nonnon-progressive encephalopathies Benign familial neonatal seizures (BFNS) Benign idiopathic neonatal seizures (BINS) Symptomatic neonatal seizures Severe neonatal epilepsies with suppressionsuppression-burst pattern (EIEE and EME) Severe neonatal epilepsies with suppressionsuppression-burst pattern -Early (neonatal) myoclonic encephalopathy (EME or NME) -usually starts in the neonatal period -partial or fragmentary erratic myoclonus involving face or limbs with a migratory pattern, partial motor seizures, massive myoclonus and and often delayed occurrence of repetitive tonic spasms -burst lasting for 11-5 seconds followed by almost complete suppression lasting 33-10 seconds is a characteristic pattern of EEG which is enhanced during sleep - antianti-epileptic agents, corticosteroids and ACTH not effective -nonketotic hyperglycinemia is common co morbidity Epileptic syndromes in infancy and early childhood z z z z z z z z z z Febrile seizures Idiopathic and/or benign localizationlocalization-related epilepsies in infants and young children NonNon-idiopathic benign localizationlocalization-related epilepsies in infants and young children Infantile spasms and West syndrome Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (Dravet syndrome) Myoclonic astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome) The LennoxLennox-Gastaut syndrome Malignant migrating epilepsy in infancy Myoclonic status in nonnon-progressive encephalopathies 7 Febrile Seizures Epileptic syndromes in infancy and early childhood z z Febrile seizures : An event in infancy or early childhood , usually occurring between 3 months and 5 years of age, associated with fever but without evidence of intracranial infection or defined cause. z Complex febrile seizures : Febrile seizures lasting more than 15 minutes, multiple within 24 hours, or focal. z Seizures with fever : Seizure with fever in children who have suffered a previous nonnon-febrile seizure. Factors influencing predictions in febrile seizures F/H/O febrile seizures in a first degree elective Developmental delay or neurologic problems Complex febrile seizure( focal, prolonged, multiple) Age of onset < 18 months Level of temperature at first seizure (low temperature) Duration of illness before seizure (short duration) Attendance at daycare first febrile seizure + + + recurrence after a first febrile seizure -life time risk of seizure of any kind - 8%, 44-5 % is due to febrile seizures -partial seizure seen in 8% -prolonged seizure(> 20 minutes) seen in 5%, higher coco-relation with MTS (with MTS epilepsy p/h/o febrile seizures 30%) -risk of a recurrent febrile seizure after a first one is 3030-40% -risk of subsequent epilepsy is only 22-5% -in most longlong-term outcome for school performance, behavior and later use of healthcare resources is same as normal population -fanatical use of antipyretics does not reduce the rate of recurrent recurrent febrile seizures -vaccine induced febrile seizures do not affect the overall outcome outcome -incidence of DPT related febrile seizures has dropped by 80% after after introduction of DTaP. DTaP. -Children vaccinated with DTP vaccine are at most risk for seizures seizures on the day of the vaccination. -FeverFever-related seizures tended to occur 8 to 14 days after getting the MMR vaccine. -MMR + V > MMR causes febrile seizures -Human herpes virus 6 ( HHV 6) causes direct viral invasion of brain brain causing initial febrile seizure and its reactivation during subsequent febrile illness leads to recurrent febrile seizures (neurotropic (neurotropic virus) Epilepsy after a first febrile seizure + + + + + + + (15%) - American Academy of Pediatrics Practice Parameter: LongLong-term Treatment of the Child with Simple Febrile Seizures The risk of recurrent simple febrile seizures: -Children < 12 months - 50% recurrent febrile seizures -Children > 12 months - 30% recurrent febrile seizure -of those that do have a second febrile seizure, 50% have a chance chance of having at least 1 additional recurrence PEDIATRICS Vol. 103 No. 6 June 1999, pp. 13071307-1309 Risk of CPS at 25 yrs Presence of number of predictive factors versus risk of seizure recurrence at 2 years after first febrile seizure. 0 = 14% 1 = 21% 2 = 32% 3 = 62% 4 = 76% - Berg AT et al, a prospective study of recurrent febrile seizures. N Eng J Med 1992, 327:1122327:1122-1127. American Academy of Pediatrics Practice Parameter: LongLong-term Treatment of the Child with Simple Febrile Seizures - Phenobarbital and Valproic Acid are effective in preventing the recurrence of simple febrile seizures. - Phenobarbital reduced the rate of subsequent febrile seizures from from 25 % per year to 5 % per year. - Valproic Acid reduced the rate of subsequent febrile seizures from 35 % per year to 4 % per year. - Carbamazepine and Phenytoin are not effective in preventing the recurrence of of simple febrile seizures. - Antipyretic agents, in the absence of anticonvulsants, are not effective in preventing recurrent febrile seizures. - A 44% reduction in the risk of febrile seizures per personperson-year was seen with intermittent use of diazepam. -but a seizure could occur before a fever is noticed. -sedation associated with this therapy could mask evolving signs of a central nervous system infection. -acute recurrent seizures - No study has demonstrated that treatment for simple febrile seizures seizures can prevent the later development of epilepsy. Febrile seizures – Points to ponder -most common convulsive event in humans - simple febrile seizures - 2% - focal febrile seizures - 8% - > 30 min seizures - 20% - multiple factors - 50% (focal, prolonged, multiple) American Academy of Pediatrics Practice Parameter: LongLong-term Treatment of the Child with Simple Febrile Seizures z Based on the risks and benefits of the effective therapies, neither neither continuous nor intermittent anticonvulsant therapy is recommended for children with 1 or more simple febrile seizures. z The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes that recurrent episodes episodes of febrile seizures can create anxiety in some parents and their children, and, as such, appropriate education and emotional support should be provided. z PEDIATRICS Vol. 103 No. 6 June 1999, pp. 13071307-1309 PEDIATRICS Vol. 103 No. 6 June 1999, pp. 13071307-1309 8 Febrile Seizures Molecular Genetics of Idiopathic Epilepsies z Epilepsy Syndrome Linkage z Epilepsies with complex inheritance z Idiopathic generalized epilepsy, unspecified Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy Persisting absence with later myoclonic epilepsy Persisting absence with tonictonic-clonic seizures Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus Febrile seizures z z z z z z z z 8q/3p 6p/15q 1p 8q 2q/19q 8q/19p z z Baram et al In rat pup (10 days old= 11-2 yr child) Hyperthermia causes transient hippocampal CA1 injury, but no permanent cell loss at 3 months. Dube et al Prolonged seizure in animals can cause permanent lowering of seizure threshold Scott et al Prolonged febrile seizure in very young children causes MRI changes after 2 days which resolve in 44-8 months Febrile Seizures Serial MRI after experimental febrile seizures: altered T2 signal signal without neuronal death. Ann Neurol. Neurol. 2004; 56(5):70956(5):709-14 (ISSN: 03640364-5134) Dubé Dubé C; Yu H; Nalcioglu O; Baram TZ Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697926974475, USA. z z z z z z z Febrile Seizures - J. Takanashi et al. Diffusion MRI abnormalities after prolonged febrile seizures with encephalopathy. Neurology. 2006; 66(9): 13041304-09. Seventeen patients ( 10 months to 4 years age) Prolonged febrile seizure (more than 1 hour in 12 patients) as initial initial symptom Clusters of complex partial seizures were seen after 44-6 days in 16 patients MRI within 2 days showed no abnormality Subcortical white matter lesions were observed between 3 and 9 days days in all 17 patients which disappeared between 9 and 25 days experimental prolonged febrile seizures in immature rats abnormal MRI signal in "temporal lobe" structures at 24 hours in in 75% , and at 8 days in 87.5% altered T2 values in dorsal hippocampus (75%), the piriform cortex cortex (87.5%), and the amygdala (25%) no evidence of neuronal injury or death in these regions. synaptic reorganization of granule cells, and transient and longlong-term alterations in the expression of specific genes. changes denote pathological cellular processes that promote epileptogenesis persistently modified hh-channels after complex febrile seizures convert the seizureseizure-induced enhancement of inhibition to hyperexcitability GEFS + Syndrome z z z z z z z The term "generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures seizures plus" (GEFS+) was first used by Scheffer and Berkovic to describe "a genetic disorder with heterogeneous clinical phenotypes" (Scheffer and Berkovic 1997). 1997). large AngloAnglo-Australian extended family febrile seizures, often of unusual duration or severity Simple febrile seizures constituted the most common manifestation. manifestation. However, these often tended to occur beyond the usual upper limit limit of 4 to 5 years afebrile generalized seizures of various types, mainly generalized tonictonicclonic ones, but in some cases, myoclonic attacks, myoclonicmyoclonic-astatic epilepsy, or even episodes of status epilepticus occurred in some some pedigree members transmitted as a autosomal dominant inheritance the term "febrile seizures plus" (FS+) was proposed 9 GEFS + Syndrome z Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS1+) -19q (SCN1B) (sodium channel B1 subunit) z sodium channel 1 A subunit (GEFS2+) z gaba receptor gamma 2 subunit (GEFS3+) z -(SCN1A) extended spectrum of GEFS+ ? Epileptic syndromes in infancy and early childhood z z z z z z z z z z Febrile seizures Idiopathic and/or benign localizationlocalization-related epilepsies in infants and young children NonNon-idiopathic benign localizationlocalization-related epilepsies in infants and young children Infantile spasms and West syndrome Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (Dravet syndrome) Myoclonic astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome) The LennoxLennox-Gastaut syndrome Malignant migrating epilepsy in infancy Myoclonic status in nonnon-progressive encephalopathies Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (Dravet syndrome) z First described by Dravet in 1978, 445 cases published by 2002 per per review by Dravet. z In 1989, the revised classification of the ILAE "epilepsies and syndromes undetermined as to whether they are focal or generalized," as the the syndrome shows both generalized and localized seizure types and EEG paroxysms. z In the last proposal by the ILAE, ILAE, the Dravet syndrome is considered an “epileptic encephalopathy,” encephalopathy,” defined as a condition in which the epileptiform abnormalities themselves are believed to contribute to the progressive disturbance disturbance in cerebral function. z However, it is not proved that the cognitive decline observed in the first stage of the disease is only the consequence of the epilepsy. z Variable mutations in the sodiumsodium-channel gene SCN1A has been described in patients of Dravet Syndrome both with and without myoclonia. myoclonia. Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (Dravet syndrome) z starts during the first year of life, development is normal prior prior to the onset of seizures z In many cases, the first seizure, focal or generalized, is associated associated with fever with normal EEG. These seizures in these cases often recur in 6 to 8 weeks, often changing sides sides and may be prolonged, leading to status epilepticus and are commonly treated treated with phenobarbital. z Dravet syndrome (interictal EEG abnormalities) Other convulsive seizures, both febrile and afebrile, occur in the the following months, manifesting as (1) generalized clonic and tonictonic-clonic or unilateral hemiclonic, hemiclonic, initially predominating in the head and face and then evolving to variable bilateral localization and and loss of consciousness which can be characterized as “unstable” unstable” seizures. EEG now shows polymorphic changes. (2) Myoclonic seizures involving the body axis and proximal part of the limbs appear accompanied by generalized spike and waves, and polyspike and waves in the EEG. These myoclonic seizures are often associated with interictal segmental segmental myoclonus. (3) Absence seizures, which are atypical and of rather short duration, duration, with more or less rhythmical generalized spike waves in the EEG. (4) complex partial seizures with atonic or autonomic features as well as automatism, with occasional secondary generalized lesion. (5) frequent convulsive (often febrile) status, or nonconvulsive (obtundation) status with associated fragmentary or segmental erratic myoclonias. Convulsive seizures can initiate, occurred during or terminate these statuses which can last for several hours or days. The EEG shows a diffuse dysrhythmic slow waves, intermixed with focal and diffuse spikes. 10 Dravet Syndrome- interictal myoclonias increased by movements Epileptic syndromes in infancy and early childhood z z z z z z z z z z Febrile seizures Idiopathic and/or benign localizationlocalization-related epilepsies in infants and young children NonNon-idiopathic benign localizationlocalization-related epilepsies in infants and young children Infantile spasms and West syndrome Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (Dravet syndrome) Myoclonic astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome) The LennoxLennox-Gastaut syndrome Malignant migrating epilepsy in infancy Myoclonic status in nonnon-progressive encephalopathies Myoclonic astatic epilepsy (Doose (Doose syndrome) z z z z z z Prior to the onset seizures, 84% show normal development; the remainder remainder show moderate speech related psychomotor retardation. Usually begin between 2 and 5 years of age, Boys (74%) are more often affected than girls. The first seizures are often prolonged, recurring frequently and daytime generalized tonictonic-clonic type (50%), and rarely myoclonic, astatic, astatic, myoclonicmyoclonicastatic, astatic, or absence seizures. After a few weeks or months, soso-called daily "minor motor seizures” seizures” appear, consisting of myoclonic seizures, seizures, absences, and drop attacks which can last for 11-3 years. The most common and characteristic seizure type, is the myoclonic-astatic seizure with symmetrical myoclonic jerks immediately followed by loss of muscle tone (postmyoclonic atonia). Lapse of consciousness accompanied by myoclonic and astatic seizures occurs in 62% of the cases. The pure myoclonic, pure astatic, or combined myoclonic-astatic seizures occur in 100% of the affected children. Avoid CBZ (OXC), PHT, VGB – as it may worsen seizures. Rx- LTG + VPA, KD. Predictors of unfavorable outcome (1) (2) (3) (4) Epileptic syndromes in childhood z Epilepsy with centrocentro-temporal spikes and related syndromes Panayiotopoulos syndrome and Gastaut type idopathic childhood occipital epilepsy Non idiopathic partial epilepsies of childhood The HHE syndrome (sequential Hemiconvulsions, Hemiconvulsions, Hemiplegia, Epilepsy) Electrical status epilepticus during slow sleep (ESES or CSWS) including including acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau ==-Kleffner syndrome) Childhood absence epilepsy and related syndromes z The syndrome of myoclonic absence z z z z z Frequent generalized tonic clonic, clonic, tonic or clonic seizures during the early phase Nocturnal generalized tonictonic-clonic seizures Myoclonic, astatic, astatic, myoclonicmyoclonic-astatic , or absence status epilepticus Failure to suppress EEG abnormalities (4(4-7 Hz rhythms, and spike and wave discharges) Benign Occipital Epilepsies Childhood (BOEC) Syndrome Panayiotopoulos Syndrome Features Age at onset Seizures - frequency 4 (1(1-14) yrs Gastaut Syndrome 8 (3(3-16) yrs infrequent frequent - duration prolonged brief - timing nocturnal daytime - first symptoms autonomic s/s visual s/s - LOC yes rare - post ictal headache no yes Not needed/ mono AED Required – 2-3 poly AED In 22-3 yrs In 33-5 yrs Treatment - remission Epileptic syndromes in childhood z Epilepsy with centrocentro-temporal spikes and related syndromes Panayiotopoulos syndrome and Gastaut type idopathic childhood occipital epilepsy Non idiopathic partial epilepsies of childhood The HHE syndrome (sequential Hemiconvulsions, Hemiconvulsions, Hemiplegia, Epilepsy) Electrical status epilepticus during slow sleep (ESES or CSWS) including including acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau ==-Kleffner syndrome) Childhood absence epilepsy and related syndromes z The syndrome of myoclonic absence z z z z z 11 Criteria of CAE as defined by Panayiotopoulos Epileptic syndromes in childhood z Childhood absence epilepsy and related syndromes z AbsencesAbsences-a lapse of consciousness, at times associated with minor movements such as eye blinking or facial twitching. - typical, or petit mal: brief (usually less than 10 seconds), with with sudden onset and offset, and associated with a characteristic 33-3.5 Hz spikespikeandand-wave EEG pattern. - atypical: longer duration with some postictal confusion and less less regular EEG features. - absence with myoclonus - absence with eyelid myoclonus z inclusion criteria: -frequent, brief typical absences -age at onset between 4 to 10 years -high amplitude 33-Hz spikespike-wave with single spikes, or no more than a double spike per complex with an abrupt onset, gradual slowslow-down, -duration of 4 to 20 seconds. z exclusion criteria: -presence of prominent myoclonia, myoclonia, -stimulus sensitivity (photic sensitivity) -arrhythmical and multispike complexes -predominant brief discharges of <4 seconds duration -frontal dominance or leadlead-in. Childhood Absence Epilepsy: Evolution and Prognostic Factors. Recent Developments in Absence Epilepsy - Grosso S, Galimberti D, et al: Epilepsia; 2005; 46 (November): 17961796-1801 z 119 children with typical absence seizures were identified. z 62 met the stricter criteria as defined by Panayiotopoulos for CAE and were assigned to group 2; and were compared to 57 patients assigned to to group 1 who did not meet these criteria. z Compared to group 1 patients, group 2 had higher rates of seizure seizure control (95% vs 77%) and terminal remission (82% vs 51%); fewer generalized convulsive seizures (8% vs 30%); and shorter mean periods of treatment (2.2 vs 3.8 years). z Hippocampal Volume in Childhood Complex Partial Seizures and Absence Absence Epilepsy z Small number : CPSCPS- 24; CAECAE- 9; controlcontrol- 21 z Quantitative MRI z Significantly smaller anterior hippocampal volumevolume- CPS<CAE when compared to control - Caplan R et al – AES December 2005 -Fewer patients in group 2 required polytherapy (11% vs 47%) and had relapses following discontinuation of therapy (0 vs 22%). -Specific factors that predicted an unfavorable prognosis included included generalized tonictonic-clonic seizures during the period of absence occurrences, myoclonic seizures, eyelid or perioral myoclonia, myoclonia, and atypical EEG features. Don’ Don’t Worry Be Happy ! Proposed Planned Physician Preparation Paradigm Axis I : Ictal Phenomenology Phenomenology Axis II : Seizure Type Axis III : Syndrome Axis IV : Etiology Axis V : WHO ICIDH -2 Impairment 12 Why Oh Why ! Why Oh Why ! z z Evolution of EpilepsyEpilepsy- Evolution of EpilepsyEpilepsy-Same injury at different developmental ages may results in different different epilepsy syndromes - “Double Hit Theory” Theory” (Substrate + Insult) -Different injury at same developmental age may cause same epilepsy syndrome - Substrate – genetic trait, hippocampal dysgenesis, or prior prolonged seizures seizures - Insul - initial precipitating injury (IPI) which include 1) birth trauma trauma – HIE -sequential development of receptors GABAA -> NMDA -> AMPA -> KA 2)CNS infection 3)head trauma or 4) prolonged febrile seizure, etc, etc, etc -Epilepsia 46 (supplement 7), 2005 Neurogenesis and Migration Neurogenesis and Migration z z z z z z z Transfection of genetically engineered retrovirus Reporter gene green fluorescent protein (GFP) in developing rat brain and time lapsed video microscopy It is not true that glial and neuronal cells are separate cell lines from separate lineages In ventricular zone (VZ) of dorsal telencephalon, radial glia neuronal stem cells generate excitatory pyramidal neurons and radial glial cell through asymmetric cell division (80%), which is determined by the intrinsic determinant factor “Numb” Numb”. Neuron cells migrates to subventricular zone (SVZ) and acts as a progenitor cell for symmetric division In SVZ symmetric cell division produces two daughter neurons Rapid and symmetrical expansion of neuroepithelium leads to expansion of the neural tube and formation of the neural axis Neurogenesis is the period of time during which neural cell are generated, predominantly during embryonic age Neurogenesis mainly occurs in 1st and 2nd trimester, is mostly complete by birth; but a small population of neural stem cell remain in the hippocampus and subependymal region which continue to produce neuron through adulthood Neurogenesis and Migration Why Oh Why ! z z z z GABAergic inhibitory neurons are generated in mesial ganglionic eminence in ventral telencephalon, migrate tangentially to the cortex, 70 % dive down down to VZ and then migrate radially to the appropriate laminae GABA signaling plays a tropic role in proliferation, migration and and differentiation of cells. Radial glial cells have GABAA receptors during embryonic phase . Evolution of EpilepsyEpilepsy-Same injury at different developmental ages may results in different different epilepsy syndromes -Different injury at same developmental age may cause same epilepsy epilepsy syndrome sequential development of receptors GABAA -> NMDA -> AMPA -> KA -Epileptic Syndrome = Developmental Age + Type/Severity of Insult Insult + Genetic Substrate 13 Same injury at different developmental ages may results in different outcome Birth Defects Teratogen Exposure z PrePre-implant (Fertilization): : Abortion/Normal z Implantation : : Abortion/Normal z Organogenesis: : Malformation z Fetal period : z Evolution of EpilepsyEpilepsy- z z z z Histogenesis: Functional maturation : Growth retardation : Functional loss : Malformation z Teratogen Exposure AEDs are most common teratogens VPA – Most potent teratogen AEDs cause 2 –3 fold increase in birth defects, higher with polypharmacy If NO AEDs during pregnancy NO increase in birth defects i.e. epilepsy does not cause increase in birth defects Why Oh Why ! -Same injury at different developmental ages may results in different different epilepsy syndromes -Different injury at same developmental age may cause same epilepsy epilepsy syndrome sequential development of receptors GABAA -> NMDA -> AMPA -> KA -Epileptic Syndrome = Developmental Age + Type/Severity of Insult Insult + Genetic Substrate -Epileptogenesis depends on – genetic risk, maturation program, early pathology, prolonged seizures, treatment regimen success Cure Epilepsy 2000 Conference No Seizures No Side Effects No Compromise in QOL Epilepsy Polytherapy CURE ? 14 Epilepsy Polytherapy Epilepsy Polytherapy: AEDS Ketogenic Diet AEDS Brain Stimulation Resective Surgery Research Identifiable mode of action Optimal AED Therapy z z z z z z Identifiable mode of action Simple pharmacokinetics Clearly defined therapeutic range Minimal adverse effects, interactions, toxicity Wide safety window Easy to use through routes z z GABA: Receptor targets GABA A - pentameric structure chloride channel GABA, barbiturates, ethanol, neurosteroids, benzodiazepines GABA B – potassium ion efflux GABA Receptors Millennium Minute z z Receptor targets Glutamate: Inotropic – 4 AMPA (GluR1(GluR1- GluR4) 5 Kainate(GluR5 - GluR7 KA1 – KA2) 5 NMDA (NMDA R1 NMDA R2 A – D) Metabotropic – m Glu 1-8 in 3 sub groups Combination of subunits make a glutamate receptor 15 Glutamate Receptors Optimal AED Therapy z z z z z z Identifiable mode of action Simple pharmacokinetics Clearly defined therapeutic range Minimal adverse effects, interactions, toxicity Wide safety window Easy to use through routes Protein Binding of FirstFirst- and SecondSecond-Generation AEDs Millennium Minute z z z z z z Agent First-Generation Carbamazepine Phenobarbital Saturation Kinetics Phenytoin : Zerokinetics Valproic Acid : Faster rise in level > 100ug/ml Gabapentin : No transport > 100 mg/kg/dose Zonisamide : RBC saturation @ 200200-400 mg/day Agent First-Generation Carbamazepine Phenobarbital Phenytoin Primidone Valproate >90% Valproate >90% Gabapentin Lamotrigine Levetiracetam Oxcarbazepine (monohydroxy derivative) Tiagabine Topiramate Viagabatrin Zonisamide Site of Clearance of FirstFirst- and SecondSecond-Generation AEDs Second-Generation Felbamate Gabapentin 50% hepatic, 50% renal Gabapentin Lamotrigine Levetiracetam Oxcarbazepine (monohydroxy derivative) 100% renal 85% hepatic 66% renal 45% hepatic,45% renal Tiagabine Topiramate 90% hepatic 30-50% hepatic, 50%-70% renal Zonisamide >90% hepatic significant 0% 55% minimal 40% >90% 15% 0% 40% Optimal AED Therapy Clearance >95% hepatic 75% hepatic 25%renal >90% hepatic 50% hepatic 50% renal >95% hepatic significant significant Phenytoin Second-Generation Felbamate Hepatic metabolism -P 450 vs nonnon-P450 Protein Binding z z z z z z Identifiable mode of action Simple pharmacokinetics Clearly defined therapeutic range Minimal adverse effects, interactions, toxicity Wide safety window Easy to use through routes 16 Optimal AED Therapy Millennium Minute z z z z z z z z z z Therapeutic Range Felbamate Gabapentin Lamotrigine Levetiracetam Oxcarbazepine Topiramate Zonisamide 60 – 180 mcg/ml 12 – 25 10 – 20 20 – 40 12 – 35 ( as MHD) 8 – 25 20 - 30 z z z z z Identifiable mode of action Simple pharmacokinetics Clearly defined therapeutic range Minimal adverse effects, interactions, toxicity Wide safety window Easy to use through routes Optimal Concentration Range and NOT Therapeutic Range Optimal AED Therapy Summary of AED related Adverse Reactions: z General: Mood Modifying Medications PB: cognitive interference, hyperactivity in children, sedation/clouding sedation/clouding in adults PHT: lymphadenopathy, lymphadenopathy, ataxia, cosmetic side effects CBZ: skin rash/SJS, bonebone-marrow toxicity OXC: Hyponatremia ETX: Lupus VPA: hepatic/pancreatic toxicity, obesity, alopecia, PCOS FBM: hepato + bonebone-marrow toxicity, insomnia, GI disturbance, weight loss GBP: weight gain, depression LTG: SJS & TEN, psychosis LTC: behavioral and mood issues ZNS : renal stone, oligohydrosisoligohydrosis-hyperthermia, learning issues, weight loss TPM: same as ZNS + anomia, speech dysfunction, glaucoma z Children do not read books – FBM , VPA, Benzodiazepines z z z z z z z z z z z z Effects of FirstFirst-Generation AEDs Added to SecondSecond-Generation AEDs Gabapentin Lamotrigine Topiramate Tiagabine Levetiracetam Zonisamide z z z z z z Identifiable mode of action Simple pharmacokinetics Clearly defined therapeutic range Minimal adverse effects, interactions, toxicity Wide safety window Easy to use through routes Effects of SecondSecond-Generation AEDs Added to FirstFirst-Generation AEDs Oxcarbazepine (MHD)* Gabapentin Carbamazepine None None Phenobarbital None None Phenytoin None None Primidone None None Valproate None None None None None Phenytoin Carbamazepine Valproate Phenobarbital Primidone None None None None None Lamotrigine None None 25% None None Levetiracetam None None None None None Oxcarbazepine May None None Slight None Tiagabine None None None None None Topiramate May None 11% None None Zonisamide None None None None None Slight 17 Optimal AED Therapy z z z z z z Identifiable mode of action Simple pharmacokinetics Clearly defined therapeutic range Minimal adverse effects, interactions, toxicity Wide safety window Easy to use through routes Practice Parameter Update: Management issues for women with epilepsy— epilepsy—focus on pregnancy (an evidenceevidence-based review) Practice Parameter Update: Management issues for women with epilepsy— epilepsy—focus on pregnancy (an evidenceevidence-based review) Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee and the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society C. L. Harden, MD; P. B. Pennell, Pennell, MD; K. J. Meador, MD, FAAN; W. A. Hauser, MD, FAAN; G. S. Gronseth, Gronseth, MD, FAAN; J. A. French, MD, FAAN; S. Wiebe, Wiebe, MD; D. Thurman, MD, MPH; B. S. Koppel, MD, FAAN; J. Hopp, Hopp, MD; T. Y. Ting, MD; C. A. Hovinga, Hovinga, PharmD; PharmD; B. Gidal, Gidal, PharmD; PharmD; P. W. Kaplan, MB, FRCP, FAAN; J. N. Robinson, MD; A. N. Wilner, Wilner, MD, FACP, FAAN; B. Vazquez, MD; L. Holmes, MD; A. Krumholz, Krumholz, MD, FAAN; R. Finnell, Finnell, PhD; P. O. Shafer, RN, MN; D. Hirtz, Hirtz, MD; C. Le Guen z z z z It is estimated that three to five out of every 1,000 births are to women with epilepsy (WWE). If a woman is seizure free nine months before she becomes pregnant, it's likely that she will not have any seizures during the pregnancy. Women with epilepsy are not at a substantially increased risk of having a cesarean section, late pregnancy bleeding, or premature contractions or premature labor and delivery. Levels of seizure medications in the blood tend to drop during pregnancy, so checking these levels and adjusting the medication doses should help to keep the levels in the effective range and the pregnant woman seizure free. -released April 27, 2009 Practice Parameter Update: Management issues for women with epilepsy— epilepsy—focus on pregnancy (an evidenceevidence-based review) z z z Valproate - increased risk for fetal malformations and decreased thinking skills in children, whether used by itself or with other other medications consider avoiding the epilepsy drugs phenytoin and phenobarbital in order to prevent the possibility of decreased thinking skills in children. children. Women with epilepsy be warned that smoking may increase substantially substantially the risk of premature contractions and premature labor and delivery delivery during pregnancy. AEDs and Birth Defects Teratogen Exposure z PrePre-implant (Fertilization): : Abortion/Normal z Implantation : : Abortion/Normal z Organogenesis: z Fetal period : z AEDs are most common teratogens AEDs cause 22-3 fold increase in birth defects, higher with polypharmacy If NO AEDs during pregnancy NO increase in birth defects i.e. epilepsy epilepsy does not cause increase in birth defects All 4 old AEDs and LTG, TPM, ZNS have similar birth defect rates – 7% VPA – Most potent teratogen! z z z z : Malformation Histogenesis: Functional maturation : Growth retardation : Functional loss : Malformation 18 Practice Parameter Update: Management issues for women with epilepsy— epilepsy—focus on pregnancy (an evidenceevidence-based review) Practice Parameter Update: Management issues for women with epilepsy epilepsy -focus on pregnancy (an evidenceevidence-based review) Recommendations: z z Conclusion: Conclusion: The fact that PB, PRM, PHT, CBZ, LVT, VPA, GBP, LTG, OXC and TPM cross the placenta may be factored into the clinical decision regarding the necessity of AED treatment for a woman with epilepsy (Level (Level B for PB, PRM, PHT, CBZ, LVT, and VPA and Level C for GBP, LTG, OXC, and TPM). VPA, PB, PHT, and CBZ may be considered as not transferring into breast milk to as great an extent as PRM, LVT, GBP, LTG, and TPM (Level (Level B when compared to PRM and LVT and Level C when compared to GBP, LTG and TPM). z There is no evidence to determine if indirect exposure to maternally ingested AEDs has symptomatic effects on the newborns of WWE. Recommendation: Recommendation: z No recommendation is made (Level (Level U). U). Optimal AED Therapy z z z z z z Identifiable mode of action Simple pharmacokinetics Clearly defined therapeutic range Minimal adverse effects, interactions, toxicity Wide safety window Easy to use through routes Vimpat (lacosamide) Tablets and Injection approved on October 28, 2008 z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z 1912 - Phenobarbital 1935 - Mephobarbital 1938 - Phenytoin 1946 - Trimethadione 1947 - Mephenytoin 1949 - Paramethadione 1950 - Phenthenylate 1951 - Phenacemide 1952 - Metharbital 1952 - Benzchlorpropamide 1953 - Phensuximide 1954 - Primidone 1957 - Methsuximide 1957 - Ethotoin 1960 - Aminoglutethimide 1960 – Ethosuximide 1968 – Diazepam 1974 – Carbamazepine 1975 – Clonazepam 1978 - Valproate 1981 - Clorazepate z 1992 - Felbamate 1993 - Gabapentin 1994 - Lamotrigine 1997 - Topiramate 1998 - Tiagabine 1999 - Levetiracetam 2000 - Oxcarbazepine 2000 - Zonisamide 2005 - Pregabalin 2009 - Rufinamide 2009 -Lacosamide z OrphanOrphan- Brivaracetam z P III - Vigabatrin P III - Eslicarbazepine P III - Brivaracetam P III - Carisbamate P III - Retigabine P III - Clobazam z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Lacosamide acts by enhancing slow inactivation of voltage gated sodium channels. channels. Voltage gated sodium channels are the membrane proteins responsible for generating generating the neuronal action potential, potential, the all or none electrical event which causes neurons to release release neurotransmitter. During an action potential voltage gated sodium channels undergo fast inactivation, inactivation, a process which takes a few milliseconds. This inactivation prevents the channel channel from opening, and helps end the action potential. z Many typical antiepileptic drugs, like carbamazipine or lamotrigine, lamotrigine, slow the recovery from inactivation and hence reduce the ability of neurons to fire action action potentials. As inactivation only occurs in neurons firing action potentials, this means that drug that modulate fast inactivation selectively reduce the firing in active cells. z Slow inactivation is a similar processes, except that it does not not produce complete blockade of voltage gated sodium channels, and it occurs over the course of hundreds of milliseconds or more, and recovery from this state takes equally as long. Lacosamide Lacosamide makes this inactivation happen at less depolarized membrane potentials. This means that lacosamide only effects neurons which are depolarized or active for long periods of time, time, typical of neurons at the focus of an epileptic focus. z Lacosamide does not affect AMPA, AMPA, kainate, kainate, NMDA, NMDA, GABAA, GABAA, GABAB or a variety of dopaminergic, serotonergic, adrenergic, muscarinic or cannabinoid cannabinoid receptors and does not block potassium or calcium currents 19 Rufinamide for Generalized Seizures Associated With LennoxLennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Glauser T, Kluger G, et al: Neurology; 2008; 70 (May 20): 19501950-1958 z On November 20, 2008 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Banzel (rufinamide), for use as an adjunctive (add-on) treatment for seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. z The principal mechanism of action of rufinamide is considered to be the modulation of the activity of sodium channels and, in particular, prolongation of the inactive state of the channel. z Rufinamide was granted orphan drug designation by the FDA. (A drug is eligible for orphan drug designation if it is intended to treat a disease or condition that affects fewer than 200,000 people in the United States.) z Rufinamide, at a dose of 45 mg/kg per day, in a single four-month clinical trial studying patients 4 to 30 years old, improved seizure control with a 41 percent reduction of tonic plus atonic seizure frequency over placebo and 20 percent reduction of total seizure frequency over placebo. z Common adverse reactions reported by patients using Rufinamide in clinical trials included headache, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, gait disturbance, double-vision, nausea and vomiting. Status epilepticus in children z Status epilepticus (SE) occurs in an estimated 40 per 100,000 children per year. z Seventy percent of children younger than 1 year who are subsequently diagnosed with epilepsy present with SE as the initial symptom. z In children with epilepsy, 20% have SE within 5 years of diagnosis. z Five percent of children with febrile seizures present with SE. z SE is defined as recurrent or continuous seizure activity lasting longer than 30 minutes in which the patient does not regain baseline mental status. z Pathophysiology: Prolonged seizures are associated with cerebral hypoxia, hypoglycemia, and hypercarbia and with concurrent and progressive lactic and respiratory acidosis. When cerebral metabolic needs exceed available oxygen, glucose, and metabolic substrates (especially during status epilepticus), neuronal destruction can occur and may be irreversible. z Hypoxia, hypercarbia, hyperthermia, tachycardia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia, and lactic acidosis result from massive sympathetic discharge. Status epilepticus in children Status epilepticus in children Status epilepticus in children z Use intraosseous (IO) infusion if intravenous access is not immediately available in the children < 6 years of age. z Phenobarbital (20-25 mg/kg intravenously/IO) is effective for febrile and neonatal status epilepticus and may be infused after benzodiazepines if the child is likely to have these types of seizures. z Infuse D5NS at 20 ml/kg over 1 hour. z Obtain serum anticonvulsant levels prior to administering additional long-acting anticonvulsants such as phenytoin or fosphenytoin. z Consider treatment with 25% dextrose at 0.25 g/kg (max 25 gm/dose) – low sugar; Naloxone 0.1 mg/kg (IV,IM,SC) – narcotics overdose; Antibiotics – meningitis etc. z Phenytoin (20 mg/kg intravenously/IO) or fosphenytoin (20 pe/kg intravenously/IO). Phenytoin and fosphenytoin are effective for most idiopathic generalized seizures and for posttraumatic, focal, or psychomotor status epilepticus. Use a slow rate of infusion (Phenytoin =<1 mg/kg/min or <50 mg/min, and fosphenytoin <3 mg/kg/min or <150 mg/min). z Lorazepam (0.05-0.1 mg/kg intravenously/IO slowly infused over 2-5 min) has rapid onset and longer duration of action. z General anesthesia z For patients without parenteral access, use intramuscular midazolam (0.1-0.2 mg/kg). z Pentobarbital (5-10 mg/kg intravenously/IO loading dose followed by 0.5-3 mg/kg/h) or midazolam (0.2 mg/kg intravenously/IO loading dose followed by 0.75-10 mcg/kg/min) z For patients without parenteral access, per rectal diazepam (0.3-0.5 mg/kg /age) z All children must be intubated and paralyzed, have continuous cardiorespiratory and EEG monitoring, and be in a pediatric critical care setting. 20 DiffusionDiffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Partial Status Epilepticus. Status epilepticus in children Di Bonaventura C, Bonini F, et al: Epilepsia; Epilepsia; 2009;50 (January): 4545-52 z Refractory status epilepticus (RSE) is defined as a seizure lasting longer than 60 minutes despite adequate treatment with intravenous benzodiazepines and other antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Refractory status epilepticus occurs in approximately 30% of patients with SE. Approximately 9% of status epilepticus cases in children are refractory z Patients who experience RSE have high morbidity and mortality. Neurological morbidity has been reported in up to 57% of these children , and the mortality is as high as 32%. Outcomes often correlate with underlying etiologies but are also impacted by seizure duration. z Nonconvulsive SE and focal motor seizures at onset are risk factors for RSE. z Current recommendations for the management of RSE include the use of intravenous midazolam, pentobarbital, propofol, thiopental, levetiracetam and valproic acid. z Lacosamide? z DiffusionDiffusion-weighted MRI imaging (DWI) can detect changes in the distribution distribution of water molecules in brain regions affected by various pathologies. Status Status epilepticus can cause vasogenic and cytoxic brain edema with shift in water molecules and signal alterations on DWI. z Significant signal alterations in different brain regions on DWI correlated with location of ictal activity. Acute phase signal abnormalities resolved in all patients with DWI and FLAIR signals returning to normal in 9 to 30 days. z Prolonged overactivity of epileptic neurons increases local glucose and oxygen requirements leading to regional hyperperfusion. hyperperfusion. When this can no longer compensate, anaerobic glycolysis and lactic acid accumulation occur, leading to cytotoxic edema, decreased extracellular volume, and bloodblood-brain barrier breakdown with vasogenic edema and water diffusion. This accounts for the changes on DWI. DWI. DWI is useful for showing areas of hemodynamic and metabolic involvement with electrical SE. LongLong-Term Risk of Epilepsy After Traumatic Brain Injury in Children Formulation Changes of AEDs Associated With Increased Risks and Young Adults: A PopulationPopulation-Based Cohort Study. z Design: Retrospective, populationpopulation-based, cohort review. Participants: 1,605,216 people born in Denmark over a 2525-year period (1977 to 2002). Methods: FollowFollow-up data for a for a total of 19,527,337 personperson-yrs. z Relative to no brain injury, risk of epilepsy over time was 2 times times higher after a mild brain injury, 7 times higher after severe brain injury, injury, and 2 times higher after skull fracture (all statistically significant). The relative risk of epilepsy after TBI was highest during the first first 6 months following the injury, but remained significantly higher for >10 years. Risk for epilepsy after TBI increases with increasing age ( >15 yrs), female gender, and a positive family history of epilepsy. z z z z z z z Unfortunately, we have no established prophylactic therapy at this this time for the prevention of epilepsy in TBI patients. z Christensen J, Pedersen MG, et al: Lancet; 2009; (February 23) Epilepsy Polytherapy: CaseCase-Control Analysis of Ambulance, Emergency Room, or Inpatient Hospital Hospital Events for Epilepsy and Antiepileptic Drug Formulation Changes -Zachry WM III, Doan QD, et al: Epilepsia; 2008 Methods: Cases and controls were identified from a large geographically diverse diverse database that includes Medicare, Medicaid, and commercially insured insured patients with dependents (Ingenix (Ingenix LabRx Database). Results: There were 416 cases and 1,248 controls for matched analyses and 5,562 controls for nonnon-matched analyses. -Zonisamide was the most commonly associated medication with cases cases (42.4%). The next 3 medications were gabapentin (15.2%), phenytoin sodium extendedextended-release (13.6%), and clonazepam (18.2%). -A majority of patients experiencing AA-rated formulation changes did so within 2 months of their index date. Conclusions: Patients who utilized urgent services (Emergency department, ambulance, or inpatient) for their epilepsy had 81% greater odds of having had an AArated AED switched within the last 6 months. Reviewer's Comments This study demonstrates patients switched from one AED formulation formulation to another are at increased risk of requiring emergency medical services. What concerns this reviewer is that many more patients are on lamotrigine, levetiracetam, levetiracetam, and valproic acid than on zonisamide. –J. Layne Moore, MD, MPH). -Oakstone Medical Publishing History of Fasting and Ketogenic Diet in the Treatment of Epilepsy Epilepsy -Circa 30 ADAD-The Bible states that Jesus Christ recommended fasting associated associated with prayer for convulsing demon possession (Mark 9:149:14-29). -1911 “La cure du Dr. Guelpa” Guelpa” was defined as fasting followed by a restrictive and vegetarian diet (Guelpa and Marie 1911). 1911). Ketogenic Diet - 1921 Wilder published his preliminary report on the ketogenic diet in the treatment of seizures (Wilder 1921). 1921). - 1971 Huttenlocher described the mediummedium-chain triglyceride diet (Huttenlocher et al 1971). 1971). -1989 Schwartz shortshort-term metabolic effects and clinical efficacy of the “classical” classical” ketogenic diet and the mediummedium-chain triglyceride diets (Schwartz et al 1989a). 1989a). - 1996 Freeman and colleagues extensively described the classic ketogenic diet method (Freeman et al 1996). 1996). - October 1994 Ketogenic diet on NBC Dateline & February 1997 A televised movie. Unfortunately, the lay public was left with the impression that most children taking anticonvulsant medications are plagued with adverse side effects and that the diet is the only option leading to a “cure” cure” of epilepsy. 21 Ketogenic Diet in the Treatment of Epilepsy z A study from the Mayo Clinic mentioned that patients with symptomatic symptomatic epilepsy might respond less well to the diet than patients with idiopathic idiopathic epilepsy (Keith 1963). 1963). z Livingston, summarizing the experience from Johns Hopkins University, University, mentions exactly the opposite opinion, stating that patients with with idiopathic epilepsy respond less well to the ketogenic diet, and the patients with myoclonic and akinetic epilepsies (which are commonly due to symptomatic epilepsy) have the best response to the diet (Livingston 1972). 1972). z Schwartz and colleagues showed that the seizure type may not be important because, at least with shortshort-term followfollow-up, no particular seizure type showed a significantly better response to the diet (Schwartz et al 1989a). 1989a). z These results were later confirmed by a prospective study of 150 patients by Freeman and colleagues (Freeman et al 1998b). 1998b). Contraindications to Ketogenic Diet -Fatty acid oxidation defects: - A history of episodes of weakness or muscle cramps precipitated by fasting or prolonged exercise is suggestive of a disturbance in the fat oxidation metabolism metabolism (Haas and Marsden 1996). 1996). -Other phenotypes include history of myopathy and Reye syndromesyndrome-like episodes (Haas and Marsden 1996). 1996). The latter are characterized by encephalopathy, elevated liver transaminases, transaminases, and hyperammonemia. hyperammonemia. Many of these patients will have family histories of unexplained unexplained sudden infant death syndrome (Bale and Bennett 1992; Haas and Marsden 1996) -MiddleMiddle-chain acyl dehydrogenase deficiency is the most common form of betabeta-oxidation enzymatic deficiency (Haas and Marsden 1996). 1996). In some specific enzymatic disturbances, such as longlong-chain acyl dehydrogenase deficiency, a diet using middlemiddle-chain fatty acids may be tolerated, because it bypasses the faulty system. With the exception of glucose transportertransporter-1, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and phosphofructokinase deficiencies ketogenic diet for other inborn errors of metabolism such as organic acidurias, acidurias, urea cycle defects, or even mitochondrial disease, disease, should be avoided. -Static encephalopathy and cerebral palsy tend to be used as a “waste basket” basket” diagnosis. One should always be suspicious of the accuracy of these 2 nosological entities - Also attempted is a screening for the social situations that make make the ketogenic diet an impossibility, such as a completely unstable family structure. NonNon-pharmacologic Treatments of Epilepsy - Ketogenic Diet: - fast vs slow initiation - MCT vs Cream diet - KD vs LGID - Modified Atkins diet - response in pediatrics versus adults The “Classic” Classic” Hopkins Ketogenic Diet Protocol • Initial fasting for 1 to 3 days until 4(+) ketonuria. ketonuria. • Initial feeding: - One third of total calculated caloric intake on the first day after after 4(+) ketonuria. ketonuria.- Two thirds of total calculated caloric intake on the second day after 4(+) ketonuria. ketonuria.- Three thirds of total calculated caloric intake on the third day day after 4(+) ketonuria. ketonuria. • Total caloric intake (full diet) is 75% of the total daily allowance allowance for age and weight. • Total protein intake is 1 g/kg per day.• day.• Initial ratio is 4 to 1 (4 g of fat for each g of carbohydrate or protein). • Carbohydrate or protein intake is one tenth of the total caloric caloric intake). • Add vitamins and calcium supplements. • Supplement carnitine if serum levels are low. The Ketogenic Diet in the Management of AEDAED-Refractory Epilepsy Nonfasting Mayo Clinic Ketogenic Diet Protocol z The diet is initiated as an outpatient regimen without fasting in in a 1 to 1 ratio and increased gradually to a 4 to 1 ratio over a period of 1 to 3 weeks (Williams et al 1997). 1997). z Buchhalter and colleagues achieved a 4 to 1 ratio in 9 days without any complications complications (Buchhalter et al 1996). 1996). z Huse and Wilder reported no problems with immediate initiation of a 3 to 1 diet (Wilder 1921;Huse 1994) z The disadvantages of this approach include slower onset of ketosis ketosis and the lack of the initial “boost” boost” of seizure control seen with fasting. Some families are also reassured reassured by the faster onset of seizure control associated with fasting and prefer fasting, in in spite of the initial inconvenience of hospitalization, fingersticks, fingersticks, and other problems. z At times, a faster onset of seizure control is medically desirable, desirable, as in cases of infantile spasms. z z The lack of the initial period of teaching during the hospitalization hospitalization for fasting has to be substituted by a lecture in the “outpatient setting.” setting.” z z Efficacy similar to that seen with the classical ketogenic diet (Williams et al 1997). 1997). These results have been recently replicated with other nonnon-fasting protocols (Bergqvist et al 2005; Hood 2006) z z z z z z ‘First Do No Harm’ Harm’ Hypoglycemia Hyperlipidemia Hypercalciuria Hyperuricemia Protein deficiency Diarrhea (MCT Oil) ; Constipation (Classic) Rarely, renal calculi, impaired neutrophil function 22 Results from a KD Prospective Multicenter Study: Johns Hopkins, Monteflore, Monteflore, Harvard/Boston’ Harvard/Boston’s Children’ Children’s, University of Texas, University of Kentucky, Dalhousie University Vining EP et al. Arch Neurol(1998);55:1433Neurol(1998);55:1433-47 z z z z z z z z z Number of patients: 51 Age range: 1-8 years Seizure frequency: 230 per month Follow3,6,and 12 month Follow-up: Outcome analysis: Intent to treat Seizure free at 1 year: 10% (5/51) > 50% Seizure reduction: 40% Continuing on diet: 47% D/C diet due to AE: lethargy,infection,constipation,vomiting dehydration/acidosis,behavioral changes Neurotechnology -Brain Stimulation z z z z z z Epilepsy Polytherapy: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) rTMS) -nonnon-invasive method to reduce cortical excitability, there by reducing both the severity and frequency of seizures in the patients with refractory epilepsy SubSub-acute Temporal Lobe Stimulation Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Intercept Epilepsy Control System (IES) Responsive Neuro Stimulator (RNS) Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Surgery Brain Stimulation Deep Brain Stimulator (DBS) z DeepDeep-brain stimulation of the anterior thalamus, evaluated in the SANTE trial, showed improved seizure control in most patients (findings presented by Dr. Robert Fisher at the 2008 American Epilepsy Society meeting in Seattle). Brain Stimulation Brain Stimulation Intercept Epilepsy Control System (IES) Responsive Neurostimulator System (RNS) z z Consistent Electronic Signals to stabilize brain activity. The trial includes approximately 150 patients in a prospective, randomized, doubledouble-blind study at approximately 15 sites in the U.S. and Canada. All patients will be implanted and monitored for 13 months following implant, with longlong-term followfollowup until the device is approved or the study is stopped. z An investigational implantable responsive neurostimulator system – ‘”NeuroPace ‘”NeuroPace RNS,” RNS,” is being evaluated in a multicenter, multicenter, andomized, andomized, doubledouble-blinded trial for the treatment of medically refractory epilepsy -(Sun et al 2008). 2008). 23 Brain Stimulation Brain Stimulation Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) z z z Vagus nerve stimulation is used as a safe adjunctive therapy to intractable seizures. Complex partial seizures with secondary generalizations respond well to this therapy with significant reduction in seizures as well as improvement in alertness (Buoni et al 2004). 2004). Vagus nerve stimulation involves repeated stimulation of the left vagus nerve through implanted electrodes. Despite studies in animals and man, which show changes in brain electrophysiology, metabolism, and neurochemistry, the mode of action remains uncertain. Stimulation is delivered via a programmable generator, allowing variation in current, pulse, frequency, and dutyduty-cycle. Complications of this treatment can be divided into: adverse events related to surgery, late complications, and stimulationstimulation-induced effects. Adverse surgical outcomes are acceptably low in experienced hands (Tecoma and Iragui 2006). 2006). z VNS Summary : z First new mode of antianti-epilepsy therapy OnOn-going and Abortive therapy Seizure control @ 24 mth >12 mth > 6 mth Less than 10% seizure free Seizure Control - > 75% : 34%; >50% : 60% z z z z Buoni S, Mariottini A, Pieri S, et al. Vagus nerve stimulation for drugdrug-resistant epilepsy in children and young adults. Brain Dev 2004;26:1582004;26:158-63. Tecoma ES, Iragui VJ. Vagus nerve stimulation use and effect in epilepsy: what have we learned? Epilepsy Behav 2006;8:1272006;8:127-36. In the Final Analysis: z z z z The role of VNS In the foreseeable future : VNS as an adjunct to a rationally chosen AEDs before subjecting patients to intolerable side effects VNS before more invasive procedure with limited benefits such as callosotomy VNS before invasive monitoring and resections in the nonnon-lesional, extraextra-temporal, partial epilepsies Caveat: Duty Cycle; Lead Fibrosis/Fracture at higher output current? current? Epilepsy Polytherapy: When to do surgery: z z Resective Surgery z z z z z The potential for becoming seizure – free is the most important factor that tilts the scale The price is the risk associated with craniotomy and the potential potential for neurologic deficit from the resection If the probability of freedom from seizures is < 50%, a trial with with VNS before undertaking craniotomies may be reasonable in such cases Lesionectomy - AV malformation, DNET, MTS Hemispherectomy - SturgeSturge-Weber Syndrome, - Rasmussen Syndrome NonNon-lesional resection Corpus Callosotomy 24 Surgery for Epilepsy in Children With DNET (Dysembryoplastic (Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor:) Clinical Spectrum, Seizure Outcome, Neuroradiology, Neuroradiology, and Pathology. z DNET in children is commonly associated with refractory partial onset seizures. z MRI typically reveals a well demarcated lesion that usually does not enhance significantly following contrast administration. z Pathological classification usually WHO Grade 1. z Rare malignant transformation. z Methods: 29 consecutive patients who had DNET between 1994 and 2007. z 70% localized to the temporal lobes, 30 % extratemporal. extratemporal. z Outcome was complete seizure freedom or Engel Class IA in 27 (>90%) (>90%) and Engel Class IB in the remaining 2 patients. Recurrence of seizures seizures occurred in 8 patients with residual tumor, and a second surgery, surgery, with resection of the residual tumor resulted in seizureseizure-freedom in all 8. Anterior Temporal Resection Outcome: z z z Complete seizure control in 78% with MTLE and 85% with temporal lobe tumors, 1 year after ATMR in Yale experience (Spencer DD, 1998) Similar results from Mayo. Cleveland and UCLA ContraContra-lateral upper quadrant visual field defect -Bilginer B, Yalnizoglu D, et al: Childs Nerv Syst; Syst; 2009;25 (April): 485485-491 ExtraExtra-temporal Neocortical Resections z z z z In lesional cases, outcome depends on the completeness of removal of lesion + mapped epileptogenic region NonNon-lesional cases generally require invasive monitoring prior to surgery SeizureSeizure-free rate for nonnon-lesional, extraextra-temporal cases ( overall UCLA 19861986-19901990- 44%;Engel – 1990) Montreal Series: Frontal lobectomy: 23%( 1975) Parietal lobe resection : 45%(1992) Occipital resections: 46%(1997) Hemisherectomy for SturgeSturge-Weber Syndrome z z z z Hemisherectomy Outcome at UCLA z z z z z Chugani et al(1993): N = 23; 65% sz free; 78% had > 90% sz reduction Peacock et al(1996): N = 58; 88% had a sz reduction of > 90% Asarnow et al(1997): Developmental outcome at 2 years was better than those in other series where patients received medical treatment for symptomatic infantile spasms Early onset seizures( < 1 years) usually associated with significant hemiparesis and significant mental retardation Later surgery outcome associated with IQ of 3030-60 range Surgery performed < 1 year of age associated with IQ of 9090-99. Hoffman et al. Child’ Child’s Brain(1979), 5:2335:233-48. Callosotomy z z z z z Atonic and tonictonic-astatic seizures(‘ seizures(‘drop attacks’ attacks’) benefit significantly from the procedure Partial seizures deteriorate as transtrans-callosial fibers have inhibitory effect No improvement in neurocognitive development following procedure Procedure is not curative; rather it is palliative at the best VNS may offer equal or greater benefits without craniotomy or associated risks 25 Epilepsy Polytherapy GammaGamma-knife Radiosurgery z z z A Multicenter, Multicenter, Prospective Pilot Study of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Seizure Response, Adverse Events, and Verbal Verbal Memory. Barbaro NM, Quigg M, et al: Ann Neurol; Neurol; 2009;65 (February): 167167-175. Results: Both groups had significant reductions in seizures by 1 year after after treatment. At the 3636-month followfollow-up evaluation, 67% of subjects were seizureseizure-free for the prior 12 months (77% in the highhigh-dose group and 59% in the lowlow-dose group), prevalence of verbal memory impairment was 15%; 12% of subjects had verbal memory improvement. Subjects often experienced a transient increase in auras. This effect receded as seizures came under better control. Higher RS dose resulted resulted in increased steroid prescribing, new headaches, and visual field defects. z Three of 30 subjects did not complete the 36 month study: 1 was lost to followfollow-up, 1 required urgent temporal lobe surgery because of massive brain edema, and another underwent temporal lobectomy at 24 months. months. z Temporal lobectomy - most common surgery for intractable epilepsy, 11-year seizureseizurefree rate of 65% after temporal lobectomy. Adverse events can include include verbal memory deficits, mood disorders, psychosis (rarely) after this costly costly open surgery. Ketogenic Diet AEDS Brain Stimulation Mode of Action of Current AEDs 5 molecular targets : Na+, Ca++, GABA, GABAGABA-T, GABA uptake, Glutamate z z z Novel mechanisms under investigation z z z z Facilitation of K+ channel opening Inhibition of K+ channel inactivation Blockade of mGlu7 receptor Modulation of forebrain nicotinic receptor Research Genomics! Millennium Minute z Resective Surgery z Genome Project - 3 billion genes initiation, cessation, protection, vaccine gene PharmacoPharmaco-genomics: Genetics of Human response to study efficacy/safety of drugs genome microchip Syndrome/Seizure Type specific AEDs 1990s - Decade of the Brain z z z z z z Epilepsy Genes - sodium channel a1 subunit(GEFS2+) - calcium channel b4 subunit (sz (sz & ataxia) - nicotinic cholinergic receptor b subunit(ADNFLE) neuroserpin (progressive myoclonic epilepsy) -gaba receptor gamma 2 subunit(GEFS3+) 1990s - Decade of the Brain z z z z z z z z Epilepsy Genes - benign familial neonatal convulsions:20q, 8q - benign familial infantile convulsions:19q, 16 - nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy AD:20q - juvenile myoclonic epilepsy - 6p, 15q - progressive myclonic epilepsy - 21q 22.3 - persisting absence & myoclonic seizures:1p - febrile seizures:8q, 19p 26 UCLAUCLA-Kaiser Permanente Research z z z z z z z Publications Daley, M.D., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Levitt, Levitt, j., Gurbani, S., Shields, W.D., Sankar, Sankar, R., Arthur Toga, A., and Caplan, Caplan, R. Amygdala volume and psychopathology in childhood complex prtial seizures. Epilepsy and Behavior 2008;13:2122008;13:212-7 Daley, M., Levitt, Levitt, J., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Mormino, Mormino, E., Hojatkashani, Hojatkashani, C., Gurbani, S., Shields, W.D., Sankar, Sankar, R., Toga, A., and Caplan, Caplan, R. Frontal and temporal volumes in children with complex partial seizures. Epilepsy and Behavior 2007;10:470 2007;10:470--6. Caplan, Caplan, R., Levitt, Levitt, J., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Taylor, J., Daley, M., Wum K.W., Gurbani, S., Shields,SW.D. Shields,SW.D. and Sankar R. Thought disorder and frontofronto-temporal volumes in pediatric epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior 2008;13;5932008;13;593-9. Caplan, Caplan, R., R., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Stahl, L., Lanphier, Lanphier, E., Vona, Vona, P., Gurbani, S., Koh, Koh, S., Sankar, Sankar, R. Donald, W.D. Childhood absence epilepsy: Behavioral, cognitive, and linguistic comorbidities. comorbidities. Epilepsia 2008;49:18382008;49:1838-46. Caplan, Caplan, R., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Vona P, Stahl, L., Bailey, C., Gurbani, S., Shields, W.D. Language in pediatric epilepsy Epilesia (in press) Caplan, Caplan, R., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Vona P, Wu, KN, Gurbani, S., Sankar. Sankar. Frontal and temporal volumes in childhood absence epilepsy Epilepsia (in press). UCLAUCLA-Kaiser Permanente Research z z z z z z z z z Neurotechnology Imaging the Developing Brain UCLAUCLA-Kaiser Permanente Research z z z z z z z Abstracts Tosun, Tosun, D., Siddarth, Siddarth, P. Toga, A., Caplan, Caplan, R., and Hermann, B. The neurodevelopmental relationship between intelligence and cortical morphometry is altered in children with complex partial seizures. Annual Meeting Meeting of American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, December 2008 . Caplan, Caplan, R., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Vona P, Stahl, L., Bailey, C., Gurbani, S., Shields, W.D. Language in pediatric epilepsy. Annual Meeting of American Epilepsy Epilepsy Society, Seattle, December 2008. Caplan, Caplan, R., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Vona P, Wu, KN, Gurbani, S., Sankar. Sankar. Frontal and temporal volumes in childhood absence epilepsy. Annual Meeting of American American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, December 2008. Caplan, Caplan, R., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Bailey, C., Gurbani, S., Koh, Koh, S. Language in pediatric epilepsy. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago October 2008. Siddarth, Siddarth, P, Gurbani, S., Lanphier, Lanphier, E., Bailey, C., Stahl, L., Vona, Vona, P. and Caplan, Caplan, R. Language deficits in pediatric epilepsy. Annual Meeting of International International League Against Epilepsy, Singapore, July 2007. Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Gurbani, S., Vona, Vona, P., Koh, Koh, S. and Caplan, Caplan, R. Vulnerability for linguistic deficits in pediatric epilepsy. Annual Meeting of American Epilepsy Epilepsy Society, Philadelphia, 2007 Imaging the Developing Brain Publications (continued) Tosun, Tosun, D., Caplan, Caplan, R., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Gurbani, S., Toga, A, and Hermann, B. The neurodevelopmental relationship between intelligence and cortical morphometry is altered in children with complex partial seizures (under review). review). Caplan, Caplan, R., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Levitt, Levitt, J.G., Taylor, J., Daley, M., Wu, K.W., Gurbani, S., Sankar, Sankar, R. Donald, W.D. Language and frontofronto-temporal volumes in pediatric epilepsy (in preparation). Jones, J.E., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Gurbani S., Shields, W. D., Caplan, Caplan, R. FollowFollow-up study of comorbidities in pediatric epilepsy (in preparation). Jones, J.E., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Gurbani S., Shields, W. D., Caplan, Caplan, R. Suicidal ideation and brain volumes in pediatric epilepsy (in preparation) Smith, K., SIddarth, SIddarth, P., Gurbani S., Shields, W. D., Caplan, Caplan, R. Psychopathology, cognition, and language in siblings of children with epilepsy (in (in preparation) Tosun, Tosun, D., Hermann, B., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Gurbani, S., Toga, A. and Caplan, Caplan, R. Cortical morphometry in childhood absence epilepsy (under review). SchreibmanSchreibman-Cohen, A., Daley, M., Siddarth, Siddarth, P., Levitt, Levitt, J., Gurbani, S., Altshuler, Altshuler, L. and Caplan, Caplan, R. R. Amygdala voumes in childhood absence epilepsy (in preparation). A z z z z z Standard Head Coil with 1.5 Tesla – Macrostructure of brain Phased array technology at 1.5T significantly improves SNR (signal (signal to noise ratio) – detection of subtle macrostructural changes 3T phased array allows visualization at 300300-400 micron level 7 T phased array allows visualization at 100 micron level 23 phased array coils available and 92 coil prototype is being tested tested Imaging the Developing Brain 1.5 T 7 T, at experimental stage, needs extended scanning time. 1.5 T four coil phased array images showing left frontal lobe dysplasia dysplasia not seen in 1.5 T head coil image. 27 Imaging the Developing Brain z z Diffusion Tensor Imaging ( DTI) z Provides rate, magnitude, and directionality of water diffusion in the brain FA (fractional anisotropy) is a measure of directional bias of diffusion that is influenced by white matter maturation, myelination, density, type, and coherence More tightly packed is the tract with fewer vs many directions, brighter will be signal Increases in FA are associated with the development of ion channels and precede the appearance of myelin by electron microscopy Decreases in T1 signal signify an increase in the concentration of cholesterol and glycolipids around external myelin membrane Decreases in T2 signal signify a tightening of axonal myelin due to changes in protein configuration Decreases in ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) occur as the size of neurons and glia increase FA values can help Dx changes related to MS, TSC and TLE ( both mesial as well neocortical) Decreased FA value with MTS Decreased FA value correlates with cognitive impairment in TSC z z z z z z z z z In the Final Analysis: White Matter Organization z z z z z In the foreseeable future : AEDs will remain a major tool in the treatment of epilepsies Monopharmacy is insufficient and so embracing polypharmacy is a necessity to achieve seizure control Complications of AEDs increase sharply as we use polypharmacy in medically refractory patients I've gotten over it, yet here it comes again, nothing can make me, become a great fan. It could be worse, they could not know, why i am not like them, why i am slow. “ One who is confronted with the task of controlling seizures in a person with epilepsy grasps at any straw “ - William G. Lennox, MD. 1928 I do worry, about my life, how i will grow up, with all my strife. What i do know is that, no matter how hard it gets, or how bad, i will always have my mom and dad. 28 Know your facts (Then you may twist them as you want) -Mark Twain IRAQ Weapons of Mass Destruction IRAN/N.KOREA GOD BLESS AMERICA! 29
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