How to canvass with confidence The next general election: This time it’s personal! your notes Contents 4 Introduction 6 Chapter 1 your notes Planning your Voter ID campaign 10 Chapter 2 Message and script 16 Chapter 3 Growing your canvassing team 22 Chapter 4 Organising canvassing sessions 28 What to do next? 30 Note space 34 Also available in this series 35 So what did you think? 3 Introduction your notes Introduction your notes Knocking on doors and speaking with residents is a crucial task for local Labour Parties; it keeps us in touch and enables us to stand up for local people and campaign to improve our neighbourhoods. By doing this we find out which issues are important to people, tell them about the Labour Party’s work, and mobilise supporters to vote Labour at elections. And the most effective way to engage with voters is by talking to them! From now until the next general election engaging with residents and building up your Voter ID is going to be more essential than ever. Yet, perhaps because it is so important, starting a door-knocking or telephone canvassing campaign can seem a daunting undertaking for any CLP. This booklet aims to help local parties get started with their Voter ID programme; showing how other CLPs do it every step of the way from planning, targeting your resources, using the script, building your canvassing team and then how it actually works in practice. Take a look through the stories and ideas in this booklet to see what you could do to improve your Voter ID strategy. You’ll also find a series of tips and checklists you can use to keep yourself on the right track, as well as, a ‘what to do next’ section to help you get started. 4 5 Chapter 1 your notes Planning your Voter ID campaign Planning your Voter ID campaign Liverpool West Derby CLP now has one of the highest contact rates in Liverpool and gained an additional seat on Liverpool City Council in May 2008. Here’s how they did it: step Why a manageable Voter ID plan is important CASE STUDY - When Stephen Twigg was selected as Labour’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Liverpool West Derby in September 2007, he sat down with his Agent and set up the ‘West Derby Action Team’. 1 Identifying your priorities Stephen and Liverpool West Derby’s first challenge was going to be the 2008 local elections, where they were defending two seats (one of which has been traditionally marginal and where Labour lost in 2007) and seeking to gain two others. “We knew exactly where we had to target our efforts ahead of the local elections 2008, and drew up our plan of activity to reflect this”, said Stephen. When deciding your own priority areas, or which voters to target, use Contact Creator to analyse your previous Voter ID, Mosaic and other demographic data. This data will help inform your decisions about where you need to prioritise and best use your resources. Stephen Twigg PPC They agreed a clear set of aims for the Action Team; • To increase campaigning throughout the constituency • To establish a regular, weekly pattern of local campaign activity • To foster a sense of teamwork that is inclusive and supportive • To encourage new members to take part in campaigning • To promote campaigning as an enjoyable, sociable activity They then drew up a plan for their Voter ID campaign. Thanks to an effective and targeted doorstep campaign, 6 your notes Mosaic is a national database that segments people into groups who have similar living habits, family circumstances and lifestyles. Overlaying it with our historic national Voter ID has helped us to work out the most Labour inclined Mosaic groups. Mosaic is a useful tool to help you target written communications about issues to the most appropriate audience, or to help you pin down good neighbourhoods or groups of roads in which to find large numbers of likely Labour voters when you do Voter ID. If you have little or no historic Voter ID to start with, Mosaic is a good tool to use to pick out more positive neighbourhoods or particular households in streets, to refine your targeting. The party can talk to you about the most positive Mosaic groups, and Contact Creator has selection reports that allow you to choose particular Mosaic groups of voters to include in your canvassing or direct mails. These voters or households are then added to the report so you can target your communications to them. For further information, contact the Election Strategy Unit on 020 7783 1356. 7 Chapter 1 your notes step 2 Drawing up your plan After setting strategic goals, Liverpool West Derby drew up their plan. This involved organising weekly campaign activities and Voter ID sessions. All activities were advertised to members well in advance, supported by regular updates and reminders, and giving members every opportunity to get involved. Planning, organisation and good publicity help build successful campaigning. Make sure you let CLP members know the events you are organising: • Use Pin2win on membersnet to advertise campaigning activities and their locations • Phone round members who often campaign each week to let them know the time and meeting point for your Voter ID sessions • Gather email addresses from members, and email them regularly with details of your events and activities • Hold a weekly telephone Voter ID session and publicise this to members. Remember – if your campaigning happens regularly, and at the same time and day, attendance will build as members get used to the sessions, and know that other people are going to be there. Planning your Voter ID campaign party. In West Derby, Stephen and their Action Team worked to re-elect the two sitting Labour councillors and gained one of their two target seats; in the other, Labour failed to gain the seat by just 35 votes, achieving a 10 per cent swing to Labour and laying the groundwork to take the seat next time. Subject: The year in numbers... your notes From: Nick Crofts To: West Derby Action Team Date: December 2008 s the s of the West Derby Action Team acros lly officia the West Derby Action Team is now nation! It seems like no time at all, but aigning, we d twelvemonth of all-year-round camp one year old. As we enter our secon During our e). nts (and one particularly sad failur can look back at some real achieveme Splendid Birthday greetings to friend inaugural year we have • grown our Team to 98 campaigne rs re-elect Councillors Rose Bailey and • helped elect Captain John Prince and Frank Cooke ts and direct mail in West Derby alone • delivered at least 172,550 leafle • suffered 3 dog bites that doesn't Labour Group Action Saturdays (and • sent a whopping 71 volunteers to d) are supposed to atten include West Derby councillors, who s • organised 103 Team campaign event step 3 Establishing a pattern of regular activity West Derby's Action Team created a real sense of renewal with teams of people out on the streets almost every Saturday and Sunday. Almost 100 party members have joined the Action Team at least once in the past year and teams have gone to campaign elsewhere – including the Crewe & Nantwich and Glenrothes by-elections, and to the marginal seat of Wirral West on National Campaign Days. As a result of identifying their priority areas and delivering their Voter ID plan, Labour made big gains from the Lib Dems in the Liverpool City Council elections 2008. For the first time since 1996 Labour got more votes and won more seats than any other constituencies across the country • been joined by volunteers from 10 aign trail (approximately, based on the • walked 2401 miles out on the camp average of the WDAT pedometer) ss voters • knocked on 1260 doors to canva • sent 55 tiresome WDAT emails •contacted more than 600 Labour voters on the phone • sent volunteers to 2 parliamentary by-elections (won one, lost one) ituencies • worked in all 5 of the Liverpool const • had only 2 weekends off (May 3rd end) - 4th and the August Bank Holiday Week • failed to gain Knotty Ash by a mere 35 votes (it still hurts. Very much.) Campaign email from Nick Crofts, Agent in Liverpool West Derby 8 9 Chapter 1 your notes What worked for Liverpool West Derby that could work for you? 1 2 Improving the quality of your contacts your notes Identify priorities Be clear about your objectives and target your work accordingly. Your campaign will be different if your main priority is gaining council seats rather than returning a Labour MP. The significance of the Voter ID script and the right local message. Think about the culture of your CLP. Make an effort to foster the right atmosphere, value volunteers and members and make this an important part of everything that you do. CASE STUDY - Learning lessons from the Glenrothes by-election campaign Draw up your plan Decide your key wards for local elections: where are you vulnerable, where will a focused campaign help you to make gains? Which parts of the constituency should you focus the parliamentary campaign in? Which voters should you concentrate on? Use past Voter ID, the marked register and information on Contact Creator such as Mosaic to make sure that you are talking to the right people. 3 Chapter 2 To make sure every conversation has the right impact, and that you have a high quality of data to inform your strategic decisions, you need to use the Voter ID script to best effect and stick to a strong message. Labour does this best at by-elections; when there is a short amount of time to gather the most accurate voter information and relay what our candidate stands for. By learning from our focused by-election campaigns, local parties can improve the quality of their own contacts. Establish a pattern of regular activity Make sure that all of your members and supporters are kept informed of your campaign schedule well in advance, as well as, receiving regular updates and reminders. Make it as easy as possible for members to help and get involved. Always say thank you. A personal thank you from the MP or candidate is best. Keep clear records of which members have helped in campaigning and what they have done in the past. 10 Lindsay Roy launching his by-election campaign 11 Chapter 2 your notes This was personified in the Glenrothes by-election where our clear message and targeting led to a fantastic win for Labour. Here’s how they did it… step 1 Understanding the Voter ID script; getting the right information The new Voter ID script, which works with Contact Creator, is designed to achieve three key objectives; 1. Give local campaigners the ability to differentiate between support at local and national elections. 2. Have a clear way of being able to show strength of support for Labour. 3. Have a question that gives us a clear picture of whether we should continue to target a voter. In Glenrothes, we needed to find out which party voters were thinking of voting for, and their strength of feeling. This meant the Campaign Team could then use different tactics to communicate with different types of voters. For example, in the final weeks they approached “weak Labour” voters (those who answered L, 1,2,or3, Y) differently than “Undecided” voters who answered higher on question two (4 or 5), or answered ‘yes’ to the target question three. Colin Smyth the Scottish General Secretary and the by-election Agent said “a lot of our strategic decisions during the campaign were based on the data we were getting back from canvassing. It was vital that the data was accurate, so we impressed on all our volunteers the importance of the Voter ID script”. step 2 Agreeing your narrative and message; giving the right information Not only do you want to find out how people are going to vote and their strength of support, you will also want to talk to voters about your campaign aims and what your candidate stands for. In Glenrothes, Labour’s Campaign Team worked to ensure that all of our target voters knew the real difference between Labour’s Lindsay Roy and the SNP candidate. Balancing the positive reasons for voting for Lindsay, with attack messages detailing what an SNP 12 Improving the quality of your contacts victory would mean. Lindsay was a highly regarded head teacher with an action plan for Fife and was standing up to the SNP Council Leader who oversaw massive increases in home help charges, and introduced charges for OAP emergency alarms. Lindsay was campaigning to be a new voice for Fife. your notes Once the team agreed their messages they appeared in all Labour’s communications; from letters, leaflets, newspapers, press releases, to every doorstep or telephone conversation. “With everyone sticking to the main campaign points in their canvassing, we knew that our message was getting through personally to hundreds of people everyday”, said Colin. step 3 Training and supporting your volunteers; getting high quality contacts It is all very well having a script and your messages agreed, but you are relying on volunteers to get the right information and deliver the right message. Training and supporting your volunteers is crucial to getting high quality contacts. In Glenrothes, because a lot of Labour’s volunteers came from across the country to support Lindsay, there was a real emphasis on supporting our canvassing teams. Colin explains, “scripts and prompt sheets were available at all the campaign offices, and every team went out with an experienced campaigner who could brief them on the main issues of the campaign.” The teams had materials to use on the doorstep to reinforce Labour’s message, including the, now famous, Fifer newspaper. Also, by sending people canvassing in teams with one person collecting all the Voter ID information, that person could monitor and encourage the quality of the Voter ID coming back in to them. “Importantly" says Colin "always explain why the task is important and how it will help the campaign, and thank everyone who helps!” 13 Chapter 2 your notes your notes What worked in Glenrothes that could work for you? Invite anyone who has not canvassed before, or for a long time, to shadow another canvasser for the first few doorsteps. 1 Provide supporting materials or ‘out cards’ to the canvassing team. Understand the value of the Voter ID script Read about the new Voter ID script on the Resources section of Membersnet or in the Campaign Toolkit. Thank everyone and remind your volunteers how important their help has been. Before every canvass session brief your team on the importance of the questions in the script. Feel free to contact your Regional Office or the Election Strategy team for help. 2 Agree your narrative and message Before every canvass session brief your team about what you want to convey to residents. Keep your message simple and to the point. What are you campaigning about? Boil your message down to a few key points. Balance messages about yourself and your opponents. Make sure your messages repeat in all your materials. See the other booklets in this series for more information on running a joined up communications campaign. 3 Train and support your canvassers Print up copies of the script and a prompt sheet for your messages. Or you could draw up your own, more prescriptive script combining your messages and Voter ID questions. Brief volunteers before they going out canvassing, and answer any questions. Canvass in teams, with one person running the central board. By-election campaign script and prompt sheet 14 15 Chapter 3 your notes Growing your canvassing team Growing your canvassing team Increasing your activity and numbers of volunteers CASE STUDY - Cllr Susan Elan Jones, Deputy Leader of Southwark Council’s Labour Group introduced a specific co-ordinated role to her local party. Susan’s method for recruiting and mobilising volunteers was a key part of Southwark’s 2005 General Election strategy where Labour members in Bermondsey and Old Southwark received communications about campaigning through email, phone and text which saw their volunteer base grow to 100 strong. They have continued to build on her work across Southwark since then. creates a timetable which is circulated amongst ward organisers and volunteers so everyone has a clear view of what’s happening and when. your notes “The roles and responsibilities are clear; I get in touch with ward organisers and advertise the campaign dates, but it is each ward organiser’s responsibility to run canvassing on the agreed day in their ward every month. So they know it’s up to them to sort out Voter ID sheets, maps and venues" said Susan. “That way I can manage all the wards, and the responsibilities are shared. By working as a team with everyone knowing what’s expected from them, whether they are an organiser or a volunteer, things run a lot smoother and people are more likely to keep up their role and manage their work.” step 2 Have a communications plan and publicise events “Creating a communications plan of how and when you are going to publicise events is really important to ensure the success of canvassing and campaign activity,” said Susan. “Lots of publicity is needed. I send out an update at least once a month which includes all the upcoming dates and the contact details of organisers. We also encourage wards to publicise their events through their own communication channels as well, so we get double the impact.” Here’s how they do it… step Cllr Susan Elan Jones 16 1 Introduce a timetable with roles and responsibilities In Southwark the team of canvassers move around the constituency from canvass session to canvass session. Susan contacts all the target ward organisers to agree monthly dates for canvassing in their area. She then Southwark's canvassing team Susan advertises events through a facebook group, emails, texts and will telephone volunteers to ask them to come out and help. “Short messages, that are repeated with all the information 17 Chapter 3 your notes step 1 people need is essential. Just keep repeating the dates and inviting people to come. Remind members at the end of every meeting, and get in touch with people a few days before an event,” said Susan. “I do think email is important but don’t spam members; make sure Introduce timetable with roles andthey responsibilities theyaare receiving the information want. My email list is a combination of all Councillors, local party officers, local members who I contact or contact me to ask to be included. Knowing it’s relevant to them means they are more likely to read it than delete it!” Growing your canvassing team “Also, remember if you communicate with people then expect replies! Always add contact details so people can respond to communications. Reply to people promptly in a friendly way, because this is all part of the work of growing your team. People need to have someone they can contact with any questions who knows what’s happening, where and when.” step 3 your notes Run campaign days and weekends Every month Southwark has a campaign weekend (except in August). About 40 members turn out to help campaign on these set days where the team collect large amounts of Voter ID and get to talk to the local community about the issues that are important to them. Ward Organisers find a single venue to be campaign HQ from 11am until 5pm. It’s where volunteers report to so they can be put into teams, given the information they need and return to for a break and some refreshments before heading out again. “Volunteers can pop in at any time during the day, and most will work for about two hours. Though many stay longer to get to know other members better, have chat and some refreshments (which are always provided at the campaign day venue),” explained Susan. “The social context, the sense of purpose and the flexibility of timings, so people can come and go when it suits them, are all vital to successful campaign days.” Southwark also encourages and advertises for new members and campaigners to come to a special session so they can be shown the ropes by an experienced member. “We find this really makes a difference, it reassures people - knowing they won’t have to go out alone makes them more likely to come, enjoy the experience and come again.” 18 “For campaign days and weekends to work, there needs to be a serious commitment by Councillors and local party officers ” said Susan. “In Southwark, we have been up-front about this and the Labour Group of Councillors has agreed that the Chief Whip should record attendance at all sessions and report this to the party's Local Government Committee. So Councillors seeking re-election know that their attendance will have a real effect on whether they are re-selected. I believe it is essential for Councillors and local party officers to show a lead and commitment on this.” 19 Chapter 3 your notes What worked for Southwark’s canvassing team that could work for you? 1 Planning Who are the people in your campaign who are good at planning all the details? Appoint people to organise detailed and deliverable timetables and canvassing plans. Decide how early you need to plan events and activities. The earlier the better. Campaign team should review plans regularly to measure what’s working and where things can be improved. Be clear in all plans who is responsible for delivering each task (and check they agree!) Establish ward organisers to run campaign days if not in place already. Agree all the dates, times and venues with ward organisers. Circulate the plan to everyone involved so they can get the dates in their diaries and start recruiting volunteers. 2 Publicity Who are the people in your campaign team who can communicate easily to the right people at the right time? Identify what communication channels you have available (e.g. meetings, emails, texts, newsletters, telephone etc) and decide on the messages you want to deliver and when. Plan how and when you are going to publicise events. Include all the details volunteers will need (e.g. times, dates, venues, who to contact for more info and a brief message about what’s expected and what this work will achieve). Make it clear what you are asking volunteers to do. 20 Growing your canvassing team Ask ward organisers to publicise events through their own communication channels. your notes Ask elected representatives to publicise events through their own communication channels. Make messages short, relevant and repeat them often. Ask Chairs to remind members of the dates, times and venues at each meeting. Develop email lists of people who want to receive campaign information. Check with ward organiser on volunteer numbers. (How many people are expected and where additional ring rounds will need to be done). 3 Delivery Who are the people in your campaign team who’ll bring all the materials, give people the right jobs, and will make everyone feel part of something special? Develop a check list for ward organisers so they know what materials they are expected to have on the day. (e.g. Voter ID sheets, maps). Confirm numbers of volunteers and elected members attending and act immediately to boost numbers if necessary. Set expectations with elected members about how often they are going to attend campaigning. Confirm with volunteers your expectations of them. (What they will be doing, for how long and what this will achieve). Ward organiser to find and open up advertised venue. Run a slot where new members are welcomed and shown the ropes. Ward organiser to organise refreshments for volunteers. Thank everyone who helps. A personal thank you from an elected representative or candidate is best. 21 Chapter 4 your notes Organising doorstep and telephone canvassing sessions your notes Organising doorstep and telephone canvassing sessions How every CLP can achieve results with year round canvassing CASE STUDY - Rob Marris MP for Wolverhampton South West and Mike Foster MP for Worcester Rob Marris MP and Mike Foster MP contact thousands of local residents each year, with both constituencies achieving over 70 per cent contact rates. But they still both insist that there is no rocket science, it's just down to good organisation and hardwork. “No CLP is blessed with infinite resources and Worcester is no different, but many contacts can be made with just three or four regular volunteers.” says Mike Foster MP for Worcester. “And we have seen time and again how a high contact rate and fresh Voter ID helps win elections.” Rob Marris, MP for Woverhampton South West, agrees “basically we run a very simple operation; year round canvassing with a few volunteers, and then an intensive short campaign and polling day, and as a result we have seen a real difference in the turnout of Labour voters; up to 50 per cent turnout amongst our most targeted groups.” Rob Marris MP Here’s how they do it… step 1 Draw up a timetable which prioritises areas and target voters “With all Voter ID work it is extremely important to target the work so that resources are being used in those wards and with those individuals for whom it is most important!” says Mike. This is critical because it sets the direction for your campaign. Work with your Campaign Team to agree where to focus your canvassing and who you need to speak to before the next general election, then decide a manageable weekly programme to deliver this. Also, by targeting your resources on your most crucial areas, your attention will be focused on residents who are most likely to be wavering or weaker in their support for Labour. Rob adds that at this stage it is important that all members and Mike Foster MP 22 23 Chapter 4 your notes volunteers understand these reasons and decisions. Vitally, “those who are canvassing with you need to know what happens to the gathered information and that their efforts are valued and will make a difference to the campaign.” “Our philosophy is not to crusade but to talk to residents, ask their views and definitely follow up on any of their concerns with Labour Councillors or myself, as the Member of Parliament” says Rob. “Then we always go to the pub at the end of each session for a well deserved refreshment break, to say thank you and make it more fun”. step step 2 Have a year-round programme By holding regular Voter ID sessions – not just at election time – makes a big difference to your contact rate. As Mike explains, “We hold regular Voter ID doorstep sessions all year round. Usually once a week, and then more frequently in the build up to elections. Members are contacted by email giving the meet time and location, with sessions held on Saturday morning or on weekday evenings - depending on the season.” If you have a core mass of five to six people, choose a central ‘board-holder’ who runs the session, sending people to individual houses – this keeps the pace brisk and is much friendlier than sending people out on their own. “One useful tip is to overprint the canvass sheets with ‘Ask for telephone numbers’ in big red letters! So that we can then run a successful telephone bank as well.” “We make the calls from our CLP office and try to stagger the sessions – going over the sheets to do those that weren’t in the first time. One day may be 3pm-5pm, another day 5pm-7pm, another day 7pm-9pm and so on. A good tip is to avoid making calls during popular television events – football matches for instance, or the final of X Factor”, advises Mike. Rob’s team also focus on phone canvassing, gathering the majority of their contacts with just five telephone lines in their CLP office. “We run a session every Thursday from 6pm to 7:30pm, all year round, breaking only in August and the Christmas fortnight.” Although they may only get four or five people coming along each week, the quality of the calls make each contact valuable. 24 Organising doorstep and telephone canvassing sessions 3 your notes Increase your activity and increase your contacts Worcester CLP works to encourage their members to stand as candidates and involve them from the start with their year-round canvassing. By selecting local government candidates well in advance of elections they are able to talk to more people and add a real momentum to the campaign. Rob and the Wolverhampton SW team also increase their activity levels in the run up to elections; by increasing their canvassing sessions and their numbers of volunteers. On polling day itself they run a telephone knock up operation from local campaign offices in their target wards alongside doorstep knock ups. Rob believes this is where their year-round work proves its importance. “We have been doing this for the last three years and after recent elections we analysed our Voter ID work. We found that of the Labour supporters we spoke to during the year, 35 per cent turned out to vote. Whereas, those Labour supporters we spoke to during the year and revisited in the short campaign, 40 per cent turned out to vote. And better still, those Labour supporters who we really targeted; by speaking to them during the year, in the 4 weeks before the election, and phoning them on polling day, 50 per cent of them voted!” If Rob and Mike and their teams had not spoken to people throughout the year and identified Labour supporters, people who were undecided or wavering, or people who occasionally vote and needed a reminder, the Campaign Team would not have been able to focus on them and get them out to vote on the day. Every CLP can build up their contact rates and make a real difference at elections, just as Worcester and Wolverhampton South West CLPs have done. 25 Chapter 4 your notes What worked in Wolverhampton South West and Worcester that could work for you? 1 Planning Review your current Voter id, recent election results, Mosaic and other demographic data on Contact Creator. Use this to inform your decisions and planning. Agree within your Campaign Team where to prioritise your canvassing, who you would like to contact and how you are going to do this. For example, doing a weekly doorstep and telephone canvassing session starting in x ward, talking to everyone except known ‘againsts’ and continuous nonvoters. Agree your narrative and key messages. Set a regular time and stick to it. 2 Year-round activity Keep to your planned sessions. Organising doorstep and telephone canvassing sessions 3 Increasing your activity at election times your notes Increase your activity in the months ahead of all elections. Get all your candidates involved and ask them to build up teams in their wards. Review your Voter ID and reconfirm you are focusing on the right groups of voters as you go into the short campaign. (Make sure you are revisiting the people you need to actually come out and vote for you, do not waste your time talking to people who are unlikely to support you on the day). Think about doing a postal vote knock up within the 48 hours of postal ballots arriving. Plan your polling day. You have to use your data to the best effect because you only have one day. Use your phone bank effectively to complement your doorstep knock up operation. For example, your first knock up of the day could be by phone. After the election review your Voter ID against the results. Did your work increase turnout, did you focus on the right people? And then start again. Have everything ready for each session (see Chapter 3). Don’t worry if you don’t get huge numbers of volunteers, but make certain you have enough people to run each session. (four or five people as a minimum to run a successful session). Make sure your volunteers know what they are doing, know why it is important and are thanked. Provide training around the Voter ID script and your key messages, so that you get good quality canvass returns and residents know what you are campaigning for. Make sure you ask for people’s phone numbers so you can follow up issues with them with your phone bank. 26 27 What to do next? xxxxxxxxxxxx What to do next? What to do next? There is no doubt that CLPs who regularly talk to voters throughout the year do better in elections than those who only canvass in the run up to polling day. It is also true, that approaching canvassing as little-and-often, is far easier than trying to speak to everyone in the last few weeks of a campaign. 28 Campaigning with the MP Jenny –7783 1361 11am Both Campaign Office, High Street e.g. Sat 12 Jan By email and in GC notice CONTACT PERSON TIME DOOR/ PHONE/ BOTH LOCATION DATE Example timetable ADVERTISED? NOTES So the best thing to do is draw up a timetable and start - you can always tweak individual aspects later on. There is a lot more help available: • Look through the Resources page on Membersnet, where there is Labour’s Campaign Toolbook (which gives a comprehensive guide to Voter ID sessions, blitzs, GOTV and more), copies of the Voter ID script, information on Mosaic and targeting, and other campaign booklets. • Check out national and regional training events, including our ‘Building a competent and confident canvassing team’ session which goes with this booklet. These are regularly advertised on the Events section on Membersnet. • Get in touch with your Regional or National Office, who can help your CLP prioritise polling districts and voters. EAST MIDLANDS Tel: 0115 943 1777 Fax: 0115 943 1888 SOUTH EAST Tel: 0118 923 9400 Fax: 0118 986 4493 EASTERN Tel: 01473 228 700 Fax: 01473 228 710 SOUTH WEST Tel: 0117 972 9440 Fax: 0117 972 9450 GREATER LONDON Tel: 0845 850 0588 Fax: 020 7783 1266 WALES Tel: 029 2087 7700 Fax: 029 2022 1153 LABOUR NORTH Tel: 0191 246 5276 Fax: 0191 246 5277 WEST MIDLANDS Tel: 0121 569 1900 Fax: 0121 569 1936 NORTH WEST Tel: 01925 574 913 Fax: 01925 234 655 YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER Tel: 01924 291 221 Fax: 01924 290 098 SCOTLAND Tel: 0141 572 6900 Fax: 0141 572 2566 29 Notes space your notes 30 your notes Notes space your notes your notes 31 Notes spaceX Chapter your notes 32 Notes space xxxxxxxxxxxx your notes 33 Other books available in this series Feedback your notes Other books available in this series your notes So what did you think? The Election Strategy team have put this book together to help you organise canvassing sessions. Making Labour’s new campaign tools work for you Step by step guidance to Print Creator, Contact Creator, Text Creator, Email Creator and Membersnet. Cutting Edge Campaigning: Making Labour’s direct mail service work for you Examples of the different types of digital print direct mails available to CLPs via Print Creator. It would be helpful to know what you liked, what you found helpful and what you think could be further developed. We’d really like to hear from you. 1. Reading about other CLPs’ activities was helpful to my own campaigning Strongly Agree Agree Slightly Agree Disagree Strong Disagree 2. Having steps and checklists gave me a good place to start Strongly Agree Buy at the campaign shop Agree Slightly Agree Disagree Strong Disagree £3.00 3. Practical advice and manageable instructions are more useful to me in my work Strongly Agree What makes a winning campaign? Case studies of successful campaigns and lessons we can learn from them. How to boost your membership and fundraising activity Making membership and fundraising easy, or at least, showing how some CLPs make it look easy! How to develop your writing skills for your local campaigns Looking in detail at best practice writing styles for letters, direct mails, emails and websites. Agree Slightly Agree Disagree Strong Disagree 4. How would you like to see the information in the book develop? 5. Write a review of this book. You can buy copies of these booklets on the Campaign Shop, or download a free pdf copy from the Resources section, both of which can be found on Membersnet or contact the Election Strategy team on 020 7783 1356. 34 Get in touch and give us your feedback: The Labour Party, 39 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0HA. t 020 7783 1356 e Log onto Membersnet to give your feedback online and post a review. 35 How to canvass with confidence Knocking on doors and speaking with residents is a crucial task for local Labour Parties. Yet perhaps because it is so important, starting a doorknocking or telephone canvassing campaign can seem a daunting undertaking for any CLP. This booklet takes you through planning and targeting, gathering the correct data and building up your team, to how to run a session so that you will be able to canvass with confidence. Other books available in the series Making Labour's New Campaign Tools Work For You Making Labour’s Direct Mail Service Work For You Your Essential Labour Party Campaign Toolkit What Makes A Winning Campaign 0391_08 Promoted by Ray Collins, General Secretary, the Labour Party, on behalf of the Labour Party, both at 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HA. Printed by Elanders Hindson Ltd, Merlin Way, New York Business Park, North Tyneside NE27 0YT.
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