Ch10-F0116.qxd 6/17/06 12:50 PM Page 245 Doppler imaging of the prostate 10 Fred T. Lee, Jr INDICATIONS The most important use of colour Doppler imaging of the prostate remains as an aid in cancer detection. This is particularly relevant in patients in whom cancer is suspected based on prostate specific antigen (PSA) elevation without obvious tumour on grey-scale imaging. Other uses for Doppler imaging are largely confined to detection of prostatitis and inflammatory conditions. Controversy continues surrounding diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. This is largely attributable to the wide range of biological behaviour found with this disease. Up to 30% of 80-year-old males will have histological evidence of prostate cancer, yet most will die from other causes. Unfortunately, a more aggressive subset remains an important cause of mortality among men, with 30350 deaths expected in the USA in 2005.1 ANATOMY The prostate lies immediately anterior to the rectum and inferior to the bladder. Prostatic zonal anatomy has been extensively described by McNeal et al.2 In summary, the prostate is composed of three major zonal areas; the peripheral zone, the central zone and the transition zone (Fig. 10.1). The peripheral zone is the most posterior, and the central zone is a continuation of the peripheral zone cephalad. The transition zone is the most central area of the prostate, and surrounds the urethra as it courses through the prostate.The anterior fibromuscular stroma lines the prostate anteriorally. Prostate vascular anatomy The prostate is supplied from two arterial sources: the prostatic arteries and the inferior vesical arteries, both arising from the internal iliac system. The prostatic arteries enter the prostate from an anterolateral location on each side, and give off capsular branches as well as urethral branches. Capsular arteries course along the lateral margin of the prostate, and give off numerous perforating branches which penetrate the capsule and supply approximately two-thirds of the total glandular tissue. The areas of penetration into the capsule are commonly referred to as the neurovascular bundles (Fig. 10.2). The inferior vesical arteries run along the inferior surface of the bladder and also provide urethral branches. In addition to supplying the central portion of the prostate, the inferior vesical arteries also give off branches which supply the bladder base, seminal vesicles and distal ureters (Fig. 10.3).3,4 Both the capsular and urethral branches can be visualised with colour Doppler ultrasound. In the absence of inflammation, neoplasm or hypertrophy the normal prostate is expected to have low level periurethral and pericapsular flow, with only a low level of flow in the prostatic parenchyma.5 EQUIPMENT AND TECHNIQUE Examination of the prostate by ultrasound requires a high-frequency (5–7.5 MHz) end-fire or biplane transrectal transducer. For the purposes of this chapter, conventional colour Doppler and power Doppler are considered simultaneously. For most general applications, 245 Ch10-F0116.qxd 6/17/06 12:50 PM Page 246 Doppler imaging of the prostate 10 ∗ ∗ Fig. 10.1 Axial ultrasound of the prostate in a normal patient. Note peripheral zone (*) separated from the more centrally oriented, periurethral, transition zone by the surgical capsule (arrows). Fig. 10.2 Axial image of the left neurovascular bundle. Note left neurovascular bundle (arrow) with perforating branches penetrating into the prostate (arrowheads). ∗ 246 Fig. 10.3 Sagittal image of the prostate at the level of the seminal vesicle (*) demonstrates periurethral flow (arrows) originating from the inferior vesicle artery. an end-fire transducer is favoured due to the ease of switching between axial (coronal) and longitudinal imaging planes, as well as the more favourable angle for transrectal prostatic biopsies. For specialised applications such as prostatic volumetry and cryosurgery, a true biplane transducer is necessary. No specific patient preparation is required although some centres will give the patient a pre-examination enema and have them empty their bladder. The patient is generally placed in the left lateral decubitus position, and the knees brought up to the chest. A digital rectal examination is recommended prior to probe insertion to rule out any obstructing pathology and also to allow the examiner to evaluate the prostate by digital examination. The probe is covered with a condom into which coupling gel has been placed, and the probe lubricated and gently inserted into the rectal canal. Examination of the prostate by grey-scale imaging is first performed, and the length, width and height of the gland measured. The prostatic volume is calculated based on the formula for a prolate ellipsoid (length × width × height × 0.523); this allows correlation of the measured PSA with a predicted PSA based on gland volume. Normal prostatic tissue produces approximately 0.3 ng cc-1 of PSA, whereas cancerous tissue produces approximately 3.0 ng cc-1 of tumour. Normal levels for polyclonal assays are typically defined as <4.0 ng mL-1; unfortunately, up to 20% of prostatic cancers present in patients with ‘normal’ levels of PSA. A ‘predicted’ PSA can be generated based on the patient’s gland volume × 0.2 for polyclonal assays (or gland volume × 0.1 for monoclonal assays). A level of measured PSA that exceeds predicted PSA increases the suspicion of cancer and increases the positive predictive value of prostatic biopsy.6 Most prostate cancers (70%) arise in the peripheral zone, with a minority originating in the central (10–15%) and transition zones (10–15%). Because of this, it is very important that the sonographer carefully examine the peripheral zone for signs of tumour. Virtually all prostate cancers will be hypoechoic in relation to Ch10-F0116.qxd 6/17/06 12:50 PM Page 247 Doppler imaging of the prostate COLOUR DOPPLER OF PROSTATE CANCER Knowledge of the excess PSA for a particular gland is most important from an ultrasound standpoint when an obvious peripheral zone tumour is not found in the face of an elevated measured PSA. As previously mentioned, transition zone tumours are difficult to visualise by grey-scale criteria due to the in homogeneous nature of normal transition zone tissue. Once it is established that the patient is at high risk for prostate cancer by PSA criteria, and no peripheral zone cancer has been found, a careful Fig. 10.4 Prostate cancer. Axial image of the prostate at the mid-gland. Hypoechoic tumour (+) originates in the left neurovascular bundle area. Colour Doppler of prostate cancer normal peripheral zone tissues (Fig. 10.4), although a minority of cribriform carcinomas can demonstrate punctate calcifications.Tumours in the peripheral zone have ready access to sites of anatomical weakness, including the neurovascular bundles, ejaculatory ducts and apex of the gland. This results in more aggressive clinical behaviour of peripheral zone tumours when compared to other locations. Transition zone tumours tend to behave in a clinically more benign manner because they are distant from sites of anatomical weakness, and thus need to grow quite large before spreading outside of the gland. The main problem with the diagnosis of transition zone tumours is the heterogeneous echotexture of the normal transition zone. Because normal transition zone tissue can be hypoechoic, hyperechoic or contain calcifications or cysts, it is extremely difficult to diagnose subtle changes in echogenicity that may be associated with neoplasia.Therefore, colour Doppler can play a crucial role in the diagnosis of transition zone tumours by identifying areas of abnormal flow. 10 examination of the transition zone should be undertaken. It is in the search for transition zone tumours that colour Doppler ultrasound has proven to be most useful. Prostate cancer is generally hypervascular when compared to normal prostatic tissue and this is manifested as increased colour encoding at sensitive instrument settings (Fig. 10.5). These can be targeted for biopsy with increased positive biopsy rates compared to blinded sextant biopsies. It is controversial as to whether targeted biopsies using color Doppler alone can replace sextant biopsies.7 Early work using contrast enhanced color Doppler ultrasound demonstrates an increased sensitivity for the detection of prostate cancer,8, 9 but the exact type of contrast material, imaging algorithm and time after injection has not yet been standardised. Additionally, ultrasound contrast agents have not yet been approved for use in the USA. Spectral Doppler plays a limited role in the specific diagnosis of prostate cancer. Tumours tend to have low resistance (high diastolic) flow, although the exact role and specificity of this finding has yet to be fully elucidated. Fig. 10.5 Transition zone prostate cancer (biopsy proven). Axial (left) and sagittal (right) images demonstrate a hypervascular tumour in the transition zone (arrows). 247 Ch10-F0116.qxd 6/21/06 7:41 PM Page 248 Doppler imaging of the prostate 10 The use of colour Doppler in the diagnosis of peripheral zone tumours is more controversial. Several authors have found increased colour Doppler flow to have no significant correlation with the presence or absence of tumour at histology. In addition, there has been no colour Doppler method consistently to discriminate tumour from focal prostatitis in areas of increased flow. Others have found biopsy of sites of increased flow useful in the face of an increased measured PSA (greater than predicted) and no other obvious sites of tumour.10 This has been found to be particularly useful in black males, where the positive predictive value for biopsy of a focal area of increased colour encoding has been found to be twice that of white males (32.2% vs 13.5% respectively).11 Most authors now feel that colour Doppler is more of a complementary test to grey-scale ultrasound, PSA and gland volume rather than a single factor on which to base biopsy decisions (Fig. 10.6). COLOUR DOPPLER OF PROSTATIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE Prostatitis is a difficult condition to diagnose and treat.There are several aetiologies of prosta- titis, ranging from bacterial to non-bacterial causes. In the case of bacterial prostatitis, the offending organism is usually Escherichia coli or other urinary tract pathogens. Grey-scale findings of acute prostatitis include an hypoechoic rim around the prostate or periurethral areas, and low level echogenic areas within the prostate.12 Colour Doppler is useful in cases of diffuse bacterial prostatitis.The severity of the inflammatory reaction is mirrored by focal or diffuse increase in the colour signal in the prostatic parenchyma.13 When focally increased colour signals are seen in cases of prostatitis, there is no reliable non-invasive method to differentiate inflammation from tumour.13 However, cases of grossly increased flow spread diffusely throughout the gland should be considered prostatitis in the appropriate clinical setting (Fig. 10.7). When the inflammatory process continues to suppuration, a prostatic abscess can develop. On ultrasound, this is seen as a cavity filled with low-level echoes from debris (Fig. 10.8).14 Colour Doppler may detect increased flow around the rim of the cavity, although this finding is not necessary to make the diagnosis. Cases of bacterial prostatitis are treated by antibiotics, whereas prostatic abscess a Axial b 248 Sagittal Fig. 10.6 Peripheral zone prostate cancer. (a) Axial and sagittal grey-scale images demonstrate a subtle hypoechoic area in the left neurovascular bundle (arrows). Biopsy through this area was positive for adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 6. (b) Axial and sagittal colour Doppler images at corresponding locations demonstrate increased colour flow in areas involved by tumour. Ch10-F0116.qxd 6/17/06 12:50 PM Page 249 Doppler imaging of the prostate CONCLUSIONS Fig. 10.7 Prostatitis. Colour Doppler image of diffuse prostatitis demonstrates grossly increased flow throughout the gland. Conclusions requires transrectal catheter or transurethral drainage with unroofing of the abscess cavity. 10 Doppler ultrasound of the prostate contributes significantly to the diagnostic value of sonography in the assessment of prostatic disease. Colour and power Doppler identify areas of abnormal blood flow, which can then be examined more closely with grey-scale imaging, or biopsied under ultrasound guidance. Fig. 10.8 Prostatic abscess. Markedly hypoechoic lesion with subtle through transmission is present in the peripheral zone of this patient. Note lack of flow in the central portion of this lesion, a finding that would be very unusual for prostate cancer. Drainage confirmed the presence of an abscess. REFERENCES 1. Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, et al. CA cancer. J Clin 2005; 55:10–30. 2. McNeal JE. Regional morphology and pathology of the prostate. Am J Clin Pathol 1968; 49:347–357. 3. Flocks RH. 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