MBA CLE Massachusetts Bar Association Continuing Legal Education/August–september 2009 How to Use the Mortgage Discharge Statute to Improve Your Real Estate Practice Course #: PRA10 • Intermediate level INSIDE: CLE by practice area Civil and Criminal Law Handling Depositions with Confidence............. 2 District Court Survival Guide: Criminal Practice............................................ 3 Wednesday, Sept. 16, 5–7 p.m. MBA, 20 West St., Boston Significant changes in the Discharge Statutes have changed the practice of real estate law. Compensation for damages to the current owner and mortgagor allows the conveyancing attorney to enforce statutory changes on delinquent lenders. Our panel of experts will discuss the changes to the Mortgage Discharge Statute and tell you how to use the statute to clear title, protect your clients and be compensated for the work that you do to clear title. Forms and practical steps to implement the changes in your office will be the focus of a lively discussion on the advances made for the property owner’s benefit to clear the title on their home. Lenders who do not comply with the new statute may be held liable to the borrower or the borrower’s successor in interest not only for actual or statutory damages but attorneys fees as well. Learn how to use the statute to benefit you and your clients. Trial Practice Luncheon Roundtable Series: Trial Issues..................................................... 3 Preparing to File a Lawsuit............................... 4 21st Century Civil and Criminal Motion Practice............................................... 8 General Practice From Student to Lawyer: MBA/MSL Young Lawyer Career Seminar.................................. 5 Eighth Annual Western Massachusetts Bankruptcy Conference............................... 6 Immigration Law Immigration Law Essentials.............................. 2 Operating The Profitable Immigration Law Office....................................................... 5 Probate Law Death and Dying: Legal Issues in End-of-Life Health Care Decision-Making......................... 6 M assachusetts Bar A ssociation fourth a nnual Bench–Ba r S ymposium Wednesday, Oct. 21 | 4:30 p.m. John Adams Courthouse | Boston Faculty: Elizabeth J. Barton, Esq., program co-chair CATIC, Wellesley Darly G. David Mevs, Esq., program co-chair Gilmartin, Magence & Ross LLP, Boston Ward P. Graham, Esq. First American Title Insurance Co., Boston Kurt F. Stuckel, Esq. The Law Office of Kurt F. Stuckel PC, Pepperell Elizabeth J. Barton Darly G. David Mevs This event is open to all and free to attend. Sponsoring sections/division: General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Property Law, Young Lawyers Division A P u b licatio n o f th e M a s s a c hus e tts R.S.V.P. to or call (617) 338-0530. B a r Ins titute 2 MBA CLE/August–September 2009 Immigration Law Essentials Handling Depositions with Confidence Course #: IME09 • Introductory level Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2–6 p.m. MBA, 20 West St., Boston Immigration touches various areas of law and affects many lives. Attorneys should be aware of basic immigrant visa procedures and the alphabet soup of immigration status. Course #: CLCC09 • Introductory level Monday, Aug. 10, 2–5 p.m. MBA, 20 West St., Boston • Naturalization; This seminar is a unique opportunity for attorneys with little or no experience in taking depositions to learn how to handle specific issues that may arise when preparing for, taking or defending a deposition. Our experienced faculty will offer practical tips and pointers. • Employer compliance/enforcement; Topics include: Topics include: • Types of visas—permanent green cards and temporary visas; • Family and employer sponsors; • Understanding the “usual stipulations;” • Relief from deportation; and • Knowing when one should be “on the record” or “off the record;” • Immigration reform legislation. • How to handle difficult opposing counsel; Faculty: • How to handle a 30(b)(6) deposition; Joseph P. Curran, Esq., program co-chair Joseph P. Curran Curran & Berger, Northampton Roy J. Watson Jr., Esq., program co-chair Watson Law Office, Bedford Marisa A. DeFranco, Esq. Law Office of Marisa DeFranco, Middleton Kerry E. Doyle, Esq. Graves & Doyle, Boston Richard M. Green, Esq. Roy J. Watson Jr. Richard M. Green PC, North Grafton John P. Marley, Esq. U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, Hartford, Conn. • What to do if the deponent wants to speak to his or her attorney; Sponsoring sections/division: Access to Justice, Criminal Justice, Family Law, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Labor & Employment Law, Immigration Law, Individual Rights & Responsibilities, Young Lawyers Division • How to use documents during a deposition; • What to do if a dispute arises during the deposition; • Available sanctions for improper conduct during a deposition; and • Ethical issues that arise during a deposition. Faculty: Grace V. Bacon Garcia, Esq., program chair Morrison Mahoney LLP, Boston Erin M. Boucher, Esq. Hinckley, Allen & Snyder LLP, Boston Philip M. Hirshberg, Esq. Morrison Mahoney LLP, Boston Sponsoring sections/division: Grace V. Bacon Garcia Civil Litigation, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Young Lawyers Division Looking for simple, affordable time and billing software? Check out TurboLaw Time and Billing®, offered exclusively to MBA members for as little as $30 per month. Featuring: • Simple timekeeping • Accurate billing • Professionally presented bills • Easy statements • Powerful reporting Visit for a FREE, 30-day trial subscription. M a s s a c h u s e t t s B a r I n s t i t u t e • 2 0 We s t S t . • B o s t o n , M A 0 2 1 1 1 - 1 2 0 4 • ( 6 1 7 ) 3 3 8 - 0 5 3 0 MBA CLE/August–September 2009 3 District Court Survival Guide: Criminal Practice Course #: CLEE09 • Introductory level Trial Practice Luncheon Roundtable Series Monday, Aug. 17, 4–6:30 p.m. MBA, 20 West St., Boston Trial Issues The Criminal Practice session topics will include arraignment, bail, trial and 209A practice. Course #: CLGG09 • Introductory level Thursday, Aug. 20, noon–2 p.m. Lunch provided MBA, 20 West St., Boston In part two of the trial practice series, our panelists will lead a discussion on specific aspects of the actual trial. Attendees will learn real-life courtroom skills and specific strategies for implementing those skills in their practice. Topics include: • Opening statements; • Direct and cross-examination; • Evidence and objections; and • Closing arguments. Faculty: Jeffrey N. Catalano, Esq., program chair Todd & Weld LLP, Boston Hon. Andrew M. D’Angelo Associate Justice, Stoughton District Court Alice B. Braunstein, Esq. Duane Morris LLP, Boston Charles M. Waters, Esq. Sheehan, Phinney, Bass & Green PA, Boston Sponsoring sections/division: Jeffrey N. Catalano Business Law, Civil Litigation, Criminal Justice, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Young Lawyers Division Faculty: Amy Cashore Mariani, Esq., program chair Fitzhugh & Mariani LLP, Boston Hon. Robert A. Cornetta Presiding justice, Salem District Court Matthew T. Duffy III, Esq. Duffy Law Offices, Everett Martin F. Kane II, Esq. McGrath & Kane Inc., Boston Raymond Sayeg Jr., Esq. Denner & Associates PC, Boston Amy Cashore Mariani Sponsoring sections/division: Civil Litigation, Criminal Justice, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Young Lawyers Division R e g i s t e r a t w w w. M a s s B a r. o r g / C L E 4 MBA CLE/August–September 2009 Preparing to File a Lawsuit Save money and time with the MBA’s E-publications Course #: CLHH09 • Introductory level Monday, Aug. 24, 4–7 p.m. MBA, 20 West St., Boston You are a new lawyer, or a lawyer who does not ordinarily handle litigation matters, and you are asked to file a malpractice, personal injury, commercial or other civil action. Where do you begin? This practical seminar that will cover the mechanics of preparing to file a lawsuit from start to finish. Our experienced faculty will begin by conducting mock client interviews and then discuss the legal, ethical and client issues raised during the interviews, as well as other issues associated with lawsuit preparation. MBA members can now quickly and easily download selections from our extensive library of CLE publications. E-publications are PDF versions of our regular CLE publications, written and selected by our experienced program faculty. E-publications offer: uSearchable text uThe choice to save or print PDFs uA cheaper alternative to print publications Fi nd o ut mo re a t w w w. Ma s s B a r. o rg /e p u b s. Topics include: • Client relations and client control; • Massachusetts rules and statutes to know when preparing to file a suit; • Background and investigative work required before filing a civil suit; • Ethical issues associated with filing a lawsuit; • Information needed for pre-judgment relief; and Visit new MBA section/division Web pages at • Medical malpractice pre-suit procedures. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn real-world tips that aren’t taught in law school. Faculty: David W. White Jr., Esq., program chair Breakstone, White & Gluck PC, Boston Alice B. Braunstein, Esq. Duane Morris LLP, Boston Brian C. Dever, Esq. Keches Law Group PC, Taunton Denise I. Murphy, Esq. Rubin & Rudman LLP, Boston Sponsoring sections/division’s recently improved section/division Web pages now offer members access to more interactive and relevant information, including: David W. White Jr. Civil Litigation, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Young Lawyers Division • • • • Upcoming meetings and relevant CLE programming; Links to practice documents and forms; Links to section/division-specific online and print publications; Articles by your section or division from Lawyers Journal, Massachusetts Law Review and Section Review; • The ability to participate in or review discussions on upcoming legislation, statutes, resolutions, cases and reports; and • An opportunity to provide your feedback and ideas to leadership. visit or M a s s a c h u s e t t s B a r I n s t i t u t e • 2 0 We s t S t . • B o s t o n , M A 0 2 1 1 1 - 1 2 0 4 • ( 6 1 7 ) 3 3 8 - 0 5 3 0 MBA CLE/August–September 2009 Massachusetts Bar Association and Massachusetts School of Law 5 Operating the Profitable Immigration Law Office Course #: IMA10 • Introductory level Tuesday, Sept. 22, 4–7 p.m. MBA, 20 West St., Boston This program will offer insights, tips and guidance on how best to set up an immigration law practice. From Student to Lawyer: Young Lawyer Career Seminar Sponsored by the Lawyers in Transition Committee Course #: GPA10 • Introductory level Wednesday, Sept. 16, 4–7 p.m. Networking reception to follow Massachusetts School of Law, 500 Federal St., Andover Transitions are never easy and the transition from student to young lawyer is no exception. From getting a handle on starting out in practice to portraying a professional image, from being productive, efficient and successful on the job to handling young lawyer stress and burnout, the transition from student to young lawyer comes with many questions. This program will aim to answer some of those questions, providing young lawyers with helpful tips, advice and strategies for success, as well as the opportunity to network with other young lawyers and experienced attorneys. Topics include: • How to set up your office; • Who to hire and how; • Which resources and equipment to purchase; and • The best technology options. Faculty: Rodney S. Dowell, Esq., program co-chair Law Office Management Assistance Program, Boston Roy J. Watson Jr., Esq., program co-chair Watson Law Offices, Bedford *Additional faculty to be announced. Rodney S. Dowell Sponsoring sections/division: General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Immigration Law, Law Practice Management, Young Lawyers Division Topics include: • Successful strategies for navigating the transition from student to young lawyer; • Practical tips for starting out in law practice; • Valuable information about beating first-year associate burnout, handling stress, avoiding substance abuse and related issues; • Strategies for increasing productivity and efficiency; and • Tips for avoiding common young lawyer pitfalls in ethics and professionalism, and strategies for projecting a professional image. Faculty: Ursula Furi-Perry, Esq., program chair and moderator Director of Academic Support, Massachusetts School of Law, Andover Robert Armano, Esq. Law Offices of Robert Armano, Methuen and Adjunct Ursula Furi-Perry Professor, Massachusetts School of Law, Andover Alan J. Klevan, Esq. Klevan & Klevan LLP, Wellesley Lisa Terrizzi, Esq., chair, MBA Lawyers in Transition Committee Career coach and consultant, Boston Gina Walcott, Esq. Executive Director, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, Boston Co-sponsor: Massachusetts School of Law R e g i s t e r a t w w w. M a s s B a r. o r g / C L E Roy J. Watson Jr. 6 MBA CLE/August–September 2009 Death and Dying: Legal Issues in End-of-Life Health Care Decision-Making Course#: HLA10 • Introductory level Wednesday, Oct. 7, 4–7 p.m. Bulkley, Richardson & Gelinas LLP, 1500 Main St., Springfield This seminar will explore the legal issues relating to the process of dying and the determination of death, including DNR orders, living wills, health care proxies and cessation of artificial support systems. The panel will explore who can, and should, be empowered to make end-of-life treatment decisions, how to manage the ethical and legal challenges that can sometimes arise in such cases, and the new Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code. SAVE THE DATE Eighth Annual Western Massachusetts Bankruptcy Conference Course #: BLA10 • Intermediate level Tuesday, Oct. 6, 4–7 p.m. Western New England College School of Law, 1215 Wilbraham Road, Springfield Faculty: Justin H. Dion, Esq., program co-chair Bacon Wilson PC, Springfield Jonathan R. Goldsmith, Esq. program co-chair Law Office of Jonathan R. Goldsmith, Springfield Hon. Henry J. Boroff U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Worcester *Additional faculty to be announced Sponsoring sections/division: Business Law, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Young Lawyers Division Topics include: • The legal issues involved in end-of-life care, including advance directives, health care proxies, DNR orders and living wills; • The legal issues involved in the initiation and cessation of artificial support systems, such as artificial nutrition and hydration; Co-sponsors: Western New England College School of Law and the Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire County bar associations • Appropriate standards for determining death and the medical and legal issues involved in, and consequences of, making such a determination; • The distinction between brain death and a persistent vegetative state; • The medical and legal issues involved in cases of brain death; and • The roles of health care providers, family members, lawyers, guardians ad litem, the courts and others in end-of-life treatment cases. Faculty: J. Michael Scully, Esq., program chair Bulkley, Richardson & Gelinas LLP, Springfield Hon. Christopher J. Armstrong (ret.) Dwyer & Collora LLP, Boston Thomas J. Carey Jr., Esq. Dwyer & Collora LLP, Boston Paul Jodka, M.D. Baystate Critical Care Medicine, Springfield Lynn Tenerowicz, R.N., B.S.N., J.D. Director, Risk Management, Baystate Health, Springfield Justin H. Dion Jonathan R. Goldsmith Hon. Henry J. Boroff J. Michael Scully Sponsoring sections/division: Civil Litigation, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Health Law, Probate Law, Young Lawyers Division Co-sponsors: Hon. Christopher J. Armstrong Western New England College School of Law and the Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire County bar associations M a s s a c h u s e t t s B a r I n s t i t u t e • 2 0 We s t S t . • B o s t o n , M A 0 2 1 1 1 - 1 2 0 4 • ( 6 1 7 ) 3 3 8 - 0 5 3 0 MBA CLE/August–September 2009 7 M BA cle r egis t r a t i o n f o r m NOTE: All programs are subject to cancellation. To check the status of a program, visit or call (617) 338-0530 on the day of the program. Name: Mr./Ms./Hon.:_____________________________________________________________ MBA member # (if applicable):_ ______________________________ Firm, company or law school: _ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c New address. Please update my member profile. Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c I require special assistance. City: ________________________________________State: ___________________________ Zip + 4: _____________________________________________ Please contact me. Phone: _______________________________Fax: ___________________________ E-mail: _ _____________________________________________________ M B A M E M B E R S NonSponsoring section/ Paralegals, Co-sponsors, members division/committee law students, other members 2008-09 admittees members Check sessions you will be attending (fees include any written materials and meals when applicable): c IME09 Immigration Law Essentials Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2–6 p.m., MBA, Boston c CLCC09 Handling Depositions with Confidence Monday, Aug. 10, 2–5 p.m., MBA, Boston c CLEE09 District Court Survival Guide: Criminal Practice Monday, Aug. 17, 4–6:30 p.m., MBA, Boston c CLGG09 Trial Practice Luncheon Roundtable Series: Trial Issues Thursday, Aug. 20, noon–2 p.m., MBA, Boston—Luncheon roundtable (lunch provided) $80 (AJ, CJ, FL, GP, LE, IM, IR, YL) $40 $115 $160 $80 (CL, GP, YL) $40 $115 $160 $80 (CL, CJ, GP, YL) $40 $115 $160 $15 (BL, CL, CJ, GP, YL) $15 $25 $50 $80 (CL, GP, YL) $40 $115 $160 c CLHH09 Preparing to File a Lawsuit Monday, Aug. 24, 4–7 p.m., MBA, Boston c CLA10 21st Century Civil and Criminal Motion Practice Tuesday, Sept. 15, 4–7 p.m., MBA, Boston v $40 $115 $160 c GPA10 From Student to Lawyer: MSL/MBA Young Lawyer Career Seminar** Wednesday, Sept. 16, 4–7 p.m., Massachusetts School of Law, Andover NA NA $40 $50 c PRA10 How to Use the Mortgage Discharge Statute to Improve Your Real Estate Practice Wednesday, Sept. 16, 5–7 p.m., MBA, Boston $80 (GP, PR, YL) $40 $115 $160 c IMA10 Operating The Profitable Immigration Law Office Tuesday, Sept. 22, 4–7 p.m., MBA, Boston $80 (GP, LP, IM, YL) $40 $115 $160 c BLA10 Eighth Annual Western Massachusetts Bankruptcy Conference* Tuesday, Oct. 6, 4–7 p.m., Western New England College School of Law, Springfield $80 (BL, GP, YL) $40 $115 $160 c HLA10 Death and Dying: Legal Issues in End-of-Life Health Care Decision-Making* Wednesday, Oct. 7, 4–7 p.m.. Bulkley, Richardson & Gelinas LLP, Springfield $80 (CL, GP, HL, PL, YL) $40 $115 $160 REGISTER EAR L Y — Pre-registration is strongly recommended as space is limited, and cannot be processed without payment by check or credit card. Walk-ins on the day of the program cannot be guaranteed program materials or a seat. $ * WNEC alumni/faculty — $80/ WNEC law students — $15 **Massachusetts School of Law: alumni/faculty—$25; law students—$15. p Aym e n t i n f o r m a t i o n c Enclosed is my check in the amount of $____________. Charge my: RETURN FORM WITH PAYMENT TO: MBA Continuing Legal Education, 20 West St., Boston, MA 02111-1204. Include check made payable to the Massachusetts Bar Institute. Faxed registrations will be accepted with MasterCard, Visa or American Express at (617) 542-3057. c MasterCard c Visa c Amex Acct. #: ___________________________________________ Exp. date:___________ Signature: _ ________________________________________ Date:______________ CLEDM R e g i s t e r a t w w w. M a s s B a r. o r g / C L E MBA Your Partner in The NON PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID Boston, Ma Permit No. 53555 Profession 2 0 We s t S t r e e t , B o s t o n , M A 0 2 1 1 1 - 1 2 0 4 21st Century Civil and Criminal Motion Practice Course #: CLA10 • Introductory level Tuesday, Sept. 15, 4–7 p.m. MBA, 20 West St., Boston With electronic devices playing an increasing role in all facets of society, electronic evidence is becoming central to discovery disputes in both civil and criminal litigation. The growing status of electronic evidence and the information derived from it (e.g., e-discovery), will undoubtedly influence civil and criminal motion practice in civil and criminal matters at both the district and superior court levels in Massachusetts. If you handle civil and criminal trial matters and are seeking practical tips and concrete tools that will assist you in drafting, analyzing and arguing pre-trial e-discovery issues, you will not want to miss this session. Topics include: Faculty: • How to handle e-discovery disputes in a manner consistent with the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure, Massachusetts Superior Court Rules and Massachusetts Rules of Criminal Procedure; Daniel K. Gelb, Esq., program chair Gelb & Gelb LLP, Boston Hon. Timothy S. Hillman U.S. District Court Dana D. Babbin, Esq. Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office, Cyber Protection Program, Daniel K. Woburn Gelb James J. Berriman, Esq. Evidox Corp., Boston Christopher A. Callahan, Esq. Campbell, Campbell, Edwards & Conroy PC, Boston John H. Crawford Jr., Esq. Law Office of John H. Crawford Jr., Spencer *Additional faculty to be announced. • Strategy behind requests for production of documents; • Drafting and responding to interrogatories seeking testimony on e-discovery; • Serving and receiving 30(b)(6) deposition notices for technical witnesses and representing the witness; • Moving for, and defending against, sanctions in civil and criminal matters; • Briefing suppression issues involving electronic evidence, certification of discovery production and crafting affidavits; • Arguing motions to compel, strike and in limine; and • Challenging and defending experts in Daubert hearings. Sponsoring sections/division: Hon. Timothy S. Hillman Civil Litigation, Criminal Justice, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Young Lawyers Division
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