Rocky Mountain District – Kiwanis International Speakers’ Bureau

Rocky Mountain District – Kiwanis International
Speakers’ Bureau
(Note on size of this file: This file is 91 pages long.
It is recommended that you not attempt to print the file in its entirety).
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Below are Speaker Suggestions:
“3 Tips to Live a Joy filled Life FREE from Fear & Stress” Debra Johnson & Scott
Johnson Speakers, Coaches, and Authors, they will share their story of how they overcame
fear and they now live a peaceful joyful life. They want to help people to live a joyful life with
no stress and no fear. Your members will walk away inspired and empowered.
Call Debra and Scott, 720-922-3458,
“The Key to Improving Your Memory and Remembering Anything” Find it difficult to
remember or learn information? Learn how to become a human computer from Johnny Briones, a
Grandmaster of Memory. Anyone can learn how to have a super charged memory and be a memory
master. Call Johnny Briones: 970-396-0110 Email:
“Power and Impact: How to maximize your influence with decision-makers” Do you
want to contribute, to see your ideas implemented, and be viewed as a strategic partner?
Steven shares powerful methods learned while coaching executives globally that you can use
to become a valued influencer in your work and community. Call Steven Morrow, 303-5232045,
“Did You Know… An Engaged Workforce Makes Good Financial Sense?” Employees
with a high level of engagement have higher productivity and profitability ratings! What does
that mean for you? A positive work culture, a healthy bottom line, and employees which go
beyond your expectations time and time again. In her inspirational keynote, Beverlee Garb
helps you infuse your team with PURPOSE for OPTIMAL ENGAGEMENT &
PRODUCTIVITY. Call Beverlee Garb, 760.500.6332,
“Getting Outrageously Real With Success” What is really in the way of achieving true
success may surprise you! This is not just another talk about how to be successful. If you
want to tap into the source of your creative power and free yourself from what is holding you
back, don't miss this awesome opportunity. Get Inspired to bust a move in your life by gaining
awareness about creating real change. Call Belinda Hoole • 303-588-6484 •
“The Secret to Getting Massive Results with Every Day Actions” Are you getting the
results you want every day? Or does life get in the way? Embrace 5 simple steps that create
a clear vision of your outcome and pave the way to massive results in your professional and
personal life - and have fun at the same time! Book Linda Rhea 303 667 9956
“Hydraulic Fracturing, Its History, Benefits and Science and Current Controversy”.
Contact: Kari Johnson, Kari represents Coloradans for
Responsible Energy Development, and Vital for Colorado,,
“"Unlimited YOU" Stop Fear and Stress in its Tracks” Debra Johnson a Speaker and
Author has a passion to share her story of how she overcame the obstacles of Fear that
limited her from her full potential. She is now helping others to break free from their fears and
stress. Book Debra Johnson, 720-922-3458,
“Fundraising for your Club or Organization - Saving People Money” Scott Johnson has
discovered that 70% of Americans are on Medication and they would save money if they
could. This Fundraiser will put money in your Clubs pocket while you help people save on the
high costs they pay at the Pharmacy.
Book Scott Johnson, 720-922-3458,
“Get Out of Your Own Way!” What's holding you back from being happy more often? Kate
Heartsong will share simple tools to help you reclaim and build your self-confidence and
project a more positive image that others will notice. Book Kate Heartsong, 303-549-0546,
“Our Courts Program” is a joint activity of the Colorado Judicial Institute and the Colorado
Bar Association. Our Courts Program is a nonpartisan educational program dedicated to
providing information and resources about Colorado courts to citizens across the state. It
is available to civic, leadership, community and business groups. The presentations are done
by judges and other speakers. This interactive educational program is designed to give
participants the background and tools they need to stay informed and get involved with
Colorado’s legal system. Our Courts Program has given over 80 presentations to
leadership, community and other organizations. To schedule a presentation or to learn more,
contact Carolyn Gravit, (303) 860-1115 or
“Diabetic? Healthy Food the Entire Family Will Love: Lose Weight
Four years ago, I found out I was diabetic with a blood glucose level of 462 when in the
hospital for an unrelated illness. Since that time, I lost 15 pounds and went from giving myself
insulin shots twice a day to taking pills and eventually was able to stop all shots and pills
simply by changing what I ate. Book Denise Lorraine Southard, 303-936-4134,
“Mindful Money Archetypes: a Practical Bridge to Empowering Prosperity”
Discover how to break free of fear, confusion, and self-sabotage with money so you can
empower yourself to up-level your life, business, and/or career. Gain insight & be inspired
about how to align personal growth & financial success. Book Coach Johanna Alper, 303442-7019,
“REV UP! Your Money Consciousness: 6 Steps to Bigger Profits” Are you
leaving money on the table for your products and services? Learn the six steps to quickly and
easily increase your profits at any stage of business. Yvonne Bryant brings a creative
perspective to finding business solutions. Book Yvonne Bryant, 210-887-3937,
“I Had A Paint Box - Creating the Masterpiece of Your Life!” You are creating a
masterpiece today. But whose masterpiece are you creating? Are you spending your days
doing someone else's work, advancing someone else's dreams? Mark will challenge you to
decide what the masterpiece of YOUR life should look like, and then do the work
you were put on this earth to do! Book Mark Hardcastle, 720-840-8361,
”What is Your 'Why' and Why Does it Matter?” Are you actively creating what you
want or passively allowing life to happen around you? Learn how to manifest your dreams
by establishing a powerful ‘Why.’ Know yourself as a purposeful creator and transform your
life! Book Joshua Handler, 503-735-5403,
“5 Ideas to Replace the Rotten Eggs in Your Nest Egg” Too many people are building
their retirement nest egg with 'rotten' eggs that hatch a less than idyllic retirement. Allow me
to share true-to-life stories, anecdotes and fascinating experiences, through humor, magic
and vivacity, about being born into an Amish family, raised on a farm in Kansas, and moving
to Colorado where I built a multi-million dollar business, with over 100 employees, with less
than $50 start-up capital. Life's little decisions can lay some golden eggs in your retirement
years. Book Hans Helmuth, IBD 303-973-0516,
“Land Investing for the Not So Rich and Famous” Everyone says to invest in land but no
one tells you where, when and how. Liz Campbell is a certified land banker. She will show
you how to start a land portfolio with investment grade land with less money than you think.
Also how to reposition some of your retirement funds into land with no tax consequences.
Book Liz Campbell,303-506-1036,
“What Happens on the Way to Giving Back? Long-Term Friendships Develop! – The
Best Buddies Story” Captivating stories & information on Best Buddies International and
how their simple model has created opportunities for one-on-one friendships, employment,
and leadership development for children/adults with intellectual and developmental
disabilities. 1700 chapters in 53 countries/21 states…AND NOW COLORADO!
Book John Jordan, 303-746-7755,
“Stop Your Bank Account Leaks!” Learn 3 valuable tips to ensure your business keeps all
your sales proceeds. We help you audit and maintain your merchant statement to make sure
you keep more of your own money. Mary Beth, a professional finance auditor, will give you
the "Answer Page" to credit card processing fees. What will you do with the money we find?!
Book Mary Beth Stenzel, 303-268-5506,
“All About Bookbinding” Have you ever wondered how books are constructed or restored?
This talk will show the inner and outer parts of a book with examples of bookbinding styles
and letterpress printing from the 16th century to the 20th century. Book Gail Lindley, 303-4555521,
“The Curiosity of Change” The adage that the only constant is CHANGE, now should read
“The only constant, is rapid change”.In this environment, we have to remain curious to allow
our personal and professional lives to remain relevant Andre challenges the audience to rediscover their curiosity so they can enjoy, instead of resisting change, even if it was
unexpected, like his sudden loss of vision. Book Andre van Hall, 720-339-483,
“Big Marketing for Small Budgets” Gerry O'Brion was an executive for billion dollar brands.
He'll teach you five strategies you can implement right now to attract customers like the big
guys, regardless of your budget. Book Gerry O'Brion,
“Tired of Our Dysfunctional Government? A New Way Forward!” Whether you consider
yourself a Democrat, Republican, liberal or conservative; you're likely frustrated, and maybe
even embarrassed by our federal government of late. Matt doesn't point blame, but discusses
how we, the people, can move beyond partisan election cycles to true governance and in
some cases, mostly bypass government to solve problems. The second half of the talk
focuses on one of those cases: Wildlife Conservation. Book Matt Bergles, 303-909-0831,
“How To Prevent a Back Attack!” Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans will suffer from back
pain each year? Dr. Glenn Hyman from Denver Chiropractic Center has been helping people
deal with back pain for over 15 years. This informative and entertaining presentation will
teach your group 3 simple ways to avoid the dreaded back attack. Book, contact Meredith,
“Untangling the Web of Senior Care” Are you concerned about how your Mom & Dad are
doing these days? Are you confused about where to turn and what your options might be?
Randy & his family have experienced what it’s like to see a loved one suffering from
Alzheimer’s and traveled the twisted path to find help not just for Dad but also for Mom. Hear
Randy’s compelling story & great information for anyone attempting to care for a senior loved
one. Book Randy Gornbein, 303-221-7272,
“Know your Mind - How to Get the Results You Really Want” It's an unfair world out
there. One person begs for food and another is flying around in private jets. What makes the
difference? It's the relationship between the conscious and subconscious minds. Learn the
power of the mind and how it determines your income. Book Meredith Hartigan, 303-9817221,
“Courtesy Bootcamp 2.0 -Mind the (Generation) Gap” Common courtesy in the workplace
and in society has taken a nose-dive over the past decade. With workplaces now containing
up to four generations, there are bound to be some civility mishaps. And lack of courtesy in
the workplace costs US businesses over $300 BILLION a year! This humorous crash course
in courtesy gives not-so-gentle reminders that the etiquette of each generation of employees
and people isn't right or wrong; it just can be polished up a bit. Book Anthonette "Col."
Klinkerman 303-909-8745
“Frustrated by Hearing Loss? 5 Keys to Communication Success” As the 3rd most
common health related condition, nearly everyone is affected by hearing loss in some way.
Despite their high prices and lofty claims, hearing aids are not the miracle cure that
newspaper ads and mailers would have you believe. Luckily, they are only 1 piece of the
puzzle. A practicing Doctor of Audiology for more than 12 years, Dr. Dusty will entertain and
empower audiences with the 5 Keys to Communication Success. Book Dr. Dusty Jessen,
“Play Your Way to Success! Does it Work?” Burn-out and struggle are two common
conditions in the workplace as people climb the success ladder. Does it have to be that way?
Leanna doesn't think so! It's time to learn how to play your way to success! In this thoughtprovoking, challenging and out-of-the-box presentation the audience will learn 3 steps
they can take today to change blood, sweat and tears into laughter, creativity and joy.
Book Leanna Fredrich, 303-904-7327,
“Living Fully: Making Every Day Special. Living the Great Life.” My specialty is to inspire
people to live their life to the max. By using stories, humor, and motivation, I connect with
people and help them to see the bright side of life, even in the midst of darkness. Book K.
Lorraine Fotinos 303-953-0817
“Living With Loss, One Day at a Time!” While it is inevitable that we will all experience a
loss in life, what we do with the loss and how we incorporate it into our current life to reestablish normalcy is the most important gift you can give yourself and your family. Learning
to live with the loss, finding laughter and understanding there is so much more life to live are
the pillars of Rachel's dynamic presentation and the content of her book - Living with Loss,
One Day at a Time ( Book Rachel Kodanaz, 303-619-3547,
“How to Take Control of Your Emotions When Under Pressure!” Whether in life or in
business, our world is becoming busier everyday. Warwick talks from real life experiences,
inspiring your audience on how to take control of their thoughts, feelings and attitude . . .
especially under pressure to lead a fulfilling life everyday! Book Warwick Bashford, 720-6268025,
“Stop Selling; Be Compelling” Old school selling no longer works. This obsolete way of
conducting business is no way to attract and keep loyal customers. It’s about focusing less on
selling tactics and more on compelling ways to demonstrate your product, service or
expertise. Liz teaches you how to generate sales, increase revenue and sell in a way your
customers love. Book Liz Wendling. 303-988-9157.
“How To Keep The Excitement Alive From 9 To 5” Have you lost interest in your work, is
your boss frustrating or are non-work issues distracting you from being totally present at
work? With layoffs downsizing and short staffing, work is stressful for most folks. Brenda
Cody from Career3D will share how to regain your spark and feel a sense of
purpose again. Book Brenda Cody, 720-989-8743,
“Three Absolutes to Grow Your Business, Club or Organization!” Discover the missing
link that connects you to your community. Scott Johnson 720-922-3458
“Four Essential Steps in Downsizing/Moving Plus One” Downsizing/moving is more than
just boxes. Learn the four essential steps needed for a successful, stress-free move. Darleen
Bowman with Next Chapter Inc., a move management/organization company will share the
four essential steps based on 10 years in business. Book Darleen Bowman, 303-725-1825,
“The 20-Minute Secret To Living a Stress Free Life” Discover how to move past the
obstacles, frustrations and fears to a more stress free, fulfilled life. How to win over fear and
anxiety in your life. Book Scott Johnson, 720-922-3458
“How To Flip Conflict And Have More Abundant Relationships” Ongoing conflict at home
impacts our moods and productivity at work and in life.Therapist Ric Taylor provides inspiring
and hilarious insights from the trenches of couples therapy to help you kickstart more fulfilling
relationships at home and work. Book Ric Taylor, 720-924-1144, ric@touchbasecounseling
“What Didn't Adolf Do? Why? How Can You And Your Business Benefit?” Adolf Hitler
and Tojo made three big mistakes in WWII which people continue to repeat today. Moore
takes a fresh and entertaining look at events and personalities and draws thought provoking
lessons that you can learn from them. Book Stan Moore, 303 929 7802,
“Oil and Gas Production, and the Myths and Truths about Hydraulic Fracturing”- Sarah
Landry, Community Relations Advisor for the Colorado Oil and Gas industry, is the presenter.
Contact Sarah Landry at: phone: 303.816.0362 work, 303.907.5568 cell, Email:
“Change Your Story ... Change Your Life!” The stories we tell about our life have the
power to keep us stuck or propel us forward. Through a simple yet powerful three step
process, participants will identify the stories keeping them stuck and how changing them will
change their life. Book Sylvia Theisen , 303-956-3892,
“Lessons From Frank” He was ex-special forces with a fine arts degree - an unlikely mix!
However Frank helped Richard to bring his family business back from the brink of financial
ruin. Learn invaluable leadership strategies that can be applied to any organization today!
Book Richard J Bryan: 303-883-2154,
“Confident You! – Keys To Reclaiming The Confidence That Lies Within You” Through
a dynamic presentation Simon guides his audience to an understanding of how confidence
impacts our lives. He teaches powerful techniques to develop and maintain more confidence
in a world that often feels like it’s trying to drag you down. Book Simon Zryd, 719-238-5808,
“How To Turn Your Dreams To Reality In 3 Easy Steps” Are you living the same day over
and over? Is tomorrow, or next year going to be just the same as today? If so, now is the time
to take the steps necessary to dream and create the life you love! Book Cynthia Howard,
“Seesaw: How November '42 Shaped the Future” Moore examines how the events of one
month shaped history. This is a fresh look at how today's world hinged on personalities and
events coming together at unlikely locations. After all, we speak English, not German. Stan
tells why. Book Stan Moore, 303-929-7802,
“Ready or Not- - Here Comes Health Care Reform” Implementation of the Affordable Care
Act hits full steam in 2014. This speaker is a registered nurse who has worked in health
policy for many years. This presentation provides opportunity to discuss the implications of
healthcare reform in Colorado, including expanded Medicaid and startup of the health
insurance exchanges. Find out what it means for you. Book Lola Fehr, 970-590-0325.
“Beyond Sight, Creating a New Vision with Ms. Colorado Senior America 2013” Gail
Hamilton is a totally blind inspirational speaker, author and singer. Her story is one of
overcoming personal and professional obstacles and creating a life of peace, confidence, joy
and greatness. Her presentations are empowering, heart centered, humorous and musical.
Book Gail Hamilton, 720-984-8082,
“Easily Improve Your Financial Future by Mimicking the Banks!” Do you know someone
who got hurt during the recent great recession? Was it you? Learn about banks and the world
money system. A very safe and lucrative technique to improve one's financial future is to just
mimic what the banks do; not well known but easy! Book Stephen McSpadden, 303-8233733,
“7 Life Lessons I Learned in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: A Long, Long Time
Ago” Has Life ever knocked you down, turned you around and left you wondering what’s
next? Listening to Terry will give you some everyday wisdom and life lessons. Take away
some important messages and learning’s to help you in difficult times. Book Terry Chase,
“The Secret to Fulfillment: How to Do Less and Lead and Live More” Do you know the
difference between success and fulfillment? Fulfillment doesn’t come from doing or having
more. Learn practical ways to reduce stress increase your free time and become a more
effective leader. Book Brian Gast, 303-884-1788,
“5 Keys to Creating Change” Change is the one constant in Nature and in our lives! Learn
the keys that can help guide you to be more masterful when it comes to change and produce
some of the most effective results you can offer! Book Erik Leslie, 719-761-1583,
“5 Secrets to Surviving Obamacare For Individuals & Small Businesses” Healthcare
and health insurance have become more complex than ever. Find out what's going on behind
the scenes in healthcare as well as some little known but practical strategies to stay ahead of
the game. Book Trinity Clancy & Jim Nelson, 303-495-9669,
“Improve Your Health Using Your Mind-Body Connection” Our mind-body connection is
a proven fact. Richard Rybicki, MSW has written three books about this important subject that
affects everyone. Drawing on his 40 years of experience as a Clinical Social Worker, he will
inform your members about five powerful emotional steps to enhance health and prevent
disease. Book Richard Rybicki, MSW, 303-246-7969,
“You Don't Have To Get Lost In Nepal To Find Yourself, But It Helps!” We've all felt like
getting away after a bad time in life, but Keith E. Renninson went half-way around the world
to figure out what to do next. His experiences helped him and they can help you climb the
next ridge in your life. Book Keith E. Renninson, 303-973-1643,
“Stress-Free Peak Performance” Learn how to relax, de-stress, have more fun and be
more effective at the same time. You will learn how to access “The Genius Zone” and stay in
it. Get re-inspired. Book John McKenna, 303-838-9467
“How To Live Life Free from Fear & Stress” Debra Johnson a Coach and a Speaker will
share her story of how she overcame fear and now lives a peaceful joyful life. She wants to
help people to live a joyful life with no stress and no fear. Your members will walk away
inspired and empowered Book Debra Johnson, 720-922-3458,
“How to Quit Your Job and Start Your Own Business.” Learn 5 Steps every woman
should take before quitting your job. LaKetria Cornelious compiles 15 years of on the job
training working with entrepreneurs and launching her own companies to show you how to
start a business. Discover how you can easily save money to pay expenses once you quit
your job. Contact LaKetria Cornelious, 303-946-3049,
“Opening Doors to your Sales Success (Literally!)” Steven Ross is a Realtor who has
mastered the art of going "door-to-door." He has 'knocked' on over 60,000 doors (and
counting!). Steven shares 5 tips that help you be more effective in your sales and overall
business results. Contact Steven Ross, 720-364-2682,
“bunny2BEAR: Stop living life as a bunny, Wake up and be the BEAR!” Top performers
are killing it for a reason. Find out how and why at your next event! Contact Dwight Braswell
“7 Things Children Need to Hear You Say!” You can make a difference in the lives of kids!
It's a challenging and complicated world and it is often difficult to know what to say. Children
need us, all of us to show up! The 7 Things Children Need to Hear You Say ensure you do
just that! Contact Devorah Uriel, M.A., L.P.C., 303-669-6571,
Just (Don't) Do It! 10 Expensive but Common Project Management Failures and
How to Avoid Them Do you struggle to manage cross-functional teams? Add value
through….Project Diagnosis: Determine what went wrong and why….Project Rescue: Deliver
your teams from Project Hell….Project Planning: Implement processes to avoid failure and
improve future outcomes. Contact Susan Pratt, PMP/MBA/Architect; 303.656.9532,
has changed, and learn the critical ingredients that help small business owners succeed
during these times. Hear from people who are helping small business owners be successful
every day! Contact Bob Douthitt of SCORE at 303-898-5971 or
“5 Emotional Steps To Enhance Physical Health” Most of us overlook the role emotion
plays in our physical health. Based on 40 years of professional clinical experience and his
three Contacts, Richard. Rybicki informs and inspires your membership to learn core truths
about improving their health. They will leave his presentation more aware, empowered and
motivated. Contact Richard Rybicki, MSW, 303-246-7969,
“Four Steps to Create Financial Strength” This information can change your life! Do you
really know how money works? Is it working for you or against you? Do you have goals, or
dreams? Through 4 steps, Robin Howard, CFP, will show you how you can strengthen your
financial future. Contact Robin Howard, 303-933-8252,
“Discover How to Die Young… At An Old Age!” We ALL suffer from “age-related” and
degenerative health issues as we age. EVERYONE! In a fun and humorous way, George will
help your group discover the 4 Easy Secrets to living a vibrant life to 100 or beyond, and slow
(OR reverse) the aging process. Contact George Bentley, Esq., 303-388-8887,
“Loving What Is: Four questions That Can Change Your Life” Joy Schultz, Certified
Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie. Learn how to apply four simple questions to a stressful
thought in any area of your life to clear and open your mind. "Her method can cut through
years of self-delusion..." LA Times. Contact Joy Schultz, 303-797-2725,
“Boyd Lake State Park Fundraising Events Facilities” – Boyd Lake State Park has space
for pancake breakfast, camp fire etc. events. Contact: Charlotte Boney, Interpreter-Volunteer
Coordinator. Boyd Lake State Park, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, (970) 669-1739 ext. 19,
“Create Your Family Legacy” - Make certain your loved ones’ journey is not forgotten. The
speaker is Arielle Nobile, Founder and Director at Legacy Connections Films.
Contact the Legacy Connections Films Team, (626) 263-0658,,
“Get Your Eye On The Prize And Your Foot In The Game”. Engaging this simple two-step
process insures that all of your important goals will move off the drawing board and
into action. Contact Dr. Walli Carranza, Summit Coaching Solutions, 719-821-0268,
“Nobody Cares About Your Product or Service!” Learn how marketing works in 2013,
what is critical to do before you attempt to market, and what you have to do before you try to
sell to anyone. You will leave with a new plan for action that really works and will create new
business! Contact Nigel Clayton, C.P.A. and P.C.C., 303-433-1044,
“3 Minutes Can Change Someone's World. You Can Do It, Too” Inspire your Spirit to
Smile. You will learn 3 techniques for causing more Smiles in your life while alleviating
tension in the world around you. An Entertaining event with musical memories. Contact Tom
Hobbs, 303-548-2274,
“Fun, Music and Stories with Bob” In this program Bob will sing some light-hearted songs
by Ray Stevens and Johnnie Cash, and accompany himself on his Yamaha piano. He will
also tell humorous stories on some of the audience members - all made-up of course. It's
great fun! Contact Bob Hadfield, 303-770-4324,
“Four plus One Essential Steps in Downsizing/Moving for Seniors” Learn the four
essential steps that will make your downsizing/moving simple and easier with less stress and
anxiety on whole family. A leading authority, Darleen Bowman with Next Chapter, Inc., a
Move Manager, will share four essential steps with you. Contact Darleen Bowman, 303-7251825,
“Discover How Hypnosis Can Change Your Life!” A fascinating presentation on 21st
Century Brain Science with practical application for everyone. This fast-paced talk includes
cutting-edge information with fun audience participation and demonstrations. Steve Axtell,
Board Certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy has over 41 years of experience in the field of
personal growth and motivation. Contact Steve Axtell 303-250-5138,
“Quadrant Leadership” How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Your group will
learn the 12 Qualities true professionals can develop through experience to make their
businesses thrive! Discover how to get any project done more efficiently and with less effort.
Call John Tucker, 719-597-5541,
“Using Love to Find Your Perfect Mate And Marriage” This talk will energize your
personal and business relationships and discusses how to find the perfect mate and how to
create the ideal marriage. Love is the foundation for all success! A tipping point!
Call Joe Bingham, 303-898-9693,
“3 Hidden Secrets to Making Your Personal life and Business Thrive”, You will discover
how to move past obstacles, fears and frustrations that have been stopping you from moving
forward. Call Scott Johnson, 720-922-3458,
“Magic of Creativity”- Contact Ernie Carwile, author and speaker from Colorado who has
spoken to Kiwanis Clubs throughout the United States. Tele: 303-641-8632,,
“You Can Have More Confidence In All You Do” (Specializing in Retired and disabled)
Diana Hall helps people to discover their inner SWAN - She states we are ALL Smart,
Worthwhile, Attractive and (just a little bit) Naughty. And she proves it! Call Diana Hall 303596-4825,
“Identity Theft: America’s Fastest Growing White Collar Crime” It’s not a question of If;
it’s a question of when your identity will be compromised. Bob Patrick, a small business legal
specialist, will show you how to protect yourself, your family, or business, and restore your
peace of mind. Call Bob Patrick, 303-717-1746,
“Diabetes Self-Defense Class” After only 30 minutes, your members will understand how
to become a black belt in the art of Diabetes Self-Defense, minimizing their risk of diabetes
and its complications. Contact Frank Harritt, Founder, Diabetes Self-Defense, LLC, 6360
Quail Street, Arvada, CO 80004,, Cell: 303-931-9710
“Wounded Warriors Impacting Neighbors (WWIN)” 1.6 Active Duty Military Personnel and
18 Veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY. It’s up to all of us to help these men and women.
This raises so many questions. Let WWIN come and give you answers to the questions.
Call James Lockard, 720-457-0916 X4,
“Connection is Everything!” How to create lasting relationships in every area of life.
Connecting is The Key. Knowing the right questions is the answer. Remember the
expression, “Ask and you shall receive?” But when were we ever taught specifically how to
ask? Call Lee G. Rindner, CHT/NLP, 303-979-5498,
“Understanding Your Mind and the Minds of Others” Open yourself up to a new
understanding of what makes you “tick” and what makes other people “tick”. Your mind is the
most powerful devise on the planet and learning how it works allows you to steer it
in the direction of your dreams. Call Dawn Legge, 303-669-8385,
“It Takes "Horse Sense" to Help Veterans With PTSD to Recover” John Nash works with
Veterans suffering with the effects of PTSD. What John has proven, with the help of his
horses, that these veterans are moving to new levels of healing never experienced before.
Find out what you can do to assist these warriors with the “invisible wounds.” Call John Nash,
“Visions to Do Good: The Personal Philanthropy of Ben Franklin” Ben Franklin began
his philanthropic journey while still a boy. In his Will he made gifts that continue to impact
hundreds of young people today. Be ready to be inspired. Call Russ Kyncl, 303-645-4666,
“Are You Sick of Being Sick?” Has a health crisis zapped your confidence and zest for life?
Learn wise ways to win back your health! Yoga instructor and CO Licensed Teacher Barbara
Vande Berg will share practices that helped heal her (or...helped her heal herself) on her
courageous personal journey dealing with a debilitating auto-immune disorder.
Call Barbara Vande Berg, 303-744-6423,
“Become an Athlete of the Mind” Does your mind sabotage your goals with unsupportive
or negative thoughts? Gain a mind-training program to enjoy more success in your life. Lisa
Shultz, personal mind trainer, will share her strategies to harness the power of your thoughts.
Call Lisa Shultz, 303-881-9338,
“Climb Your Own Everest” Whether it's climbing Mount Everest or Sleeping on the
Summits of every Colorado 14,000'-peak, I'll inspire you to "Climb your own Everest"
in personal and professional endeavors for your real life through amazing stories of facing
adversity on the world's biggest mountains. Call Jon Kedrowski, 970-306-8111,
“Inviting Whimsy: 101 New Experiences in 1001 Days” For 1001 days, Lisa Gillespie
followed her curiosity and found she could milk a goat, pitch a speech while hula hooping,
and other unexpected talents. She’ll reveal the benefits of following the fun path, including
deepening relationships and opening up new opportunities. Call Lisa M. Gillespie, RCMT,
“Feeling Stuck?” If your answer is “yes”, you’re not alone. Google reports nearly 50 million
searches include the word "stuck." Join Trischa Leah for “Get it Done This Time – Really!” to
catapult your way to unstuckable success once and for all. Call Trischa Leah at The Center
for Unstuckable Success, 303-791-3574,
“Seven Steps to Your Best New Normal” Change is inevitable; your attitude and approach
are critical components of success. Drawing on her 16 years of caregiving experience, Joy
Davidson will give you universal skills to navigate all of life’s changes.
Call Joy Davidson, 720.244.2660,
“Design Your Life and Live Your Dream!” "Everything" is Energy! Your health, wealth and
love life is a direct reflection of your thoughts. Angela Lenhardt, an intuitive and feng shui
expert, will share experiences and valuable insights on how to create the life you desire to
live. Call Angela Lenhardt, 720-837-7568,
“Happiness Skills for the New Year and Beyond!” Now is the perfect time to get in touch
with ease and flow in your life. From quick fix steps to effective long term strategies, this is
the speaker you want to hear for living happier in 2013. Call Jane Schreiner, 303-598-2089,
“Need to Connect With Your Gadget-Crazy Kids and Grandkids?” Anyone can play
"geocaching" GPS scavenger hunt game. 10,000 treasures are hidden in Denver! Thousands
more within 5 miles of your house! Kids love it! You will too. Kitty will explain the game, and
entertain using Denver photos, poetry and GPS! Call Kitty Migaki, 303-506-4793,
“How to Build a Winning Team!” In this entertaining presentation Richard shares how he
built a winning team that helped to turn his business around from a $3.5M loss. You will leave
with practical steps that can be applied immediately to your business and your life! Call
Richard J Bryan, 303-883-2154,
“Can We Achieve Affordable Healthcare For All In Colorado?” Yes, the Affordable Care
Act allows for State Innovation. We can design an optimal public insurance plan that includes
all residents of Colorado from birth to death with comprehensive benefits, quality care and
choice of providers. Premiums based on % of gross income. Everybody in, nobody out.
Call Elinor Christiansen, MD, 303-756-4159,
“5 Keys to Expanding Time” Do feel stressed out? Like you literally can't add one more
thing to do your TO DO List? Learn valuable tools to de-stress your life, and expand the
limited amount of time you have in a day. Alexandra Hill, a keynote speaker and Life Coach
will share her tips and techniques for how to ease your stress and manage
your busy life. Call Alexandra Hill, 720-810-5954,
“Transform in 2013: Create the Health, Vitality and Energy You Deserve” Forget dieting!
Learn powerful lifestyle techniques to attain the best health of your life, de-stress, release
excess weight and feel great with more energy and vitality. You’ll leave with modern-day tools
you can use NOW to nourish your mind, body & soul! Call Kathy Basel, 720-217-5692,
“8 Words That Will Change Your Life” Are you just sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Going forward is as simple as getting unstuck! Susan Wagers, a Breakthrough Strategist, will
share the secret blueprint to get anything you want - quickly. Call Susan Wagers, 303-2840307,
“Courtroom to Cause – Walking away from Millions to Live a Dream!” Summa cum
laude graduate & former millionaire attorney, Bill Peters walked away, bought a farm, and
rededicated his life to feeding Coloradoans. Bill shares how giving away over 4 tons of food
enriched his heart and life beyond all dreams! To Contact Bill Peters, call Debra Rodriguez,
“Walking The Leadership High Wire with the Power of Presence” True leadership is a
high wire act. The poise you display has a positive influence on those you work with and
moves your organization forward. Hear how business leaders can use the power of presence
to positively impact those who work with them, especially in times of change and challenge.
Contact: Dr. Ethan Raath, 303-261-2841,
“The 8 Secrets to Having MORE Fulfillment, Love & Happiness in Your Life!” Learn the
8 easy secrets to having MORE love, fulfillment and happiness in life, and how to increase it
every day. Suzanne Muller, Dating & Love Coach, will share her vast experience and give
simple practices that can last forever!! Contact: Suzanne Muller, 303-319-8359,
“Marriage and Menopause” Women will learn the truth about hormone replacement. Men
will gain a better understanding and benefit when she gets her mojo back! Kathy Cagney,
creator of the Hot Flashionista Movement, explains it all. Make fun of menopause! Contact:
Kathy Cagney, 720-838-4590,
“Visions in Philanthropy” In 1710 the President of Harvard published a Contact. In 1714
the Contact transformed the thinking of a ten year old boy. The boy is one of America’s
Founding Fathers, yet the ongoing impact of his personal philanthropy is virtually unknown.
Be ready to
be inspired by his story to implement your own Visions in Philanthropy. Contact: Russ Kyncl,
“Dying IN Peace to Die AT Peace: New Terms of Engagement” Everyone wants to die in
peace. Few of us do. Let’s identify, and learn to overcome the impediments…going deeper
and broader than the mainstream…talk like we’ve never talked before. Don’t go bonkers
when you’d rather go in peace. Bart Windrum, 303-499-8120,
“Four ideas on making a lifestyle change easy” - Downsizing/moving is one area that
causes STRESS and anxiety; a feeling of “YIKE” for most people. Learn how to make that
lifestyle change easier and stress-free. Call Darleen Bowman, with Next Chapter, Inc. She
has been helping people make lifestyle changes for 9 years and will share ways to handle the
process painlessly. Call Darleen Bowman 303-725-1825,
“Wild Animal Sanctuary” - Mission: To Prevent and alleviate cruelty to animals which are
abandoned or that are subject to deprivation or neglect by providing care and boarding for
such animals.1946 County Road 53, Keenesburg, CO 80643. Contact:
“Consumer Bankruptcy- It could happen to you.” Despite best intentions, everyone is
probably one bad break or mistake away from having to face a potential bankruptcy.
Charles Lilley is an attorney who has been practicing consumer bankruptcies for over 25
years. He will describe the rationale and history of the current Bankruptcy laws and explain
the basics and tactics that consumers may use. Charles Lilley (303) 293-9800.
“STAND, WALK, RUN FREE: Overcoming Expectations of a Perfect Life” If you feel
powerless to transform your unexpected and devastating circumstances into a passionate
and purposeful life, CONNIE MORGAN will empower you to use your hidden strengths and
abilities as a stepping stone to living a life you never imagined. Connie Morgan, 303-7583707,
“How to Stay Married for 64 Years and Counting” Do you want a long, successful
marriage? Do you want to be crazy-in-love when you are eighty or older? Hear how to: make
the commitment, meet the challenges, mine for courage. And keep that old sex life going, no
matter what. Lois Hjelmstad, 303-781-8974,
“How to Re-Unite America, Your Family and Your Friends” Political conflict is dividing our
nation, our families and even our friendships. In this presentation we will introduce a
breakthrough in political philosophy that reveals the inevitable end of this conflict. A speech
guaranteed to get people talking. Rick Raddatz, 303-949-8075,
“Did You Know ... The Future Will Be Better Than You Think!” With a crisis here and a
bailout there, many think the world has flat-lined. Mike delivers a stimulating presentation with
factoids that will empower the audience to shift their focus and see the innovation creating an
abundant life for us! Mike Farrell, 303-888-4490,
“Everyone Has a Story – How and Why We Write Them” “Audiences laugh, cry, cheer.”
Be encouraged, entertained, inspired by a breast cancer survivor who wrote 3 Contacts,
appeared half nude on a magazine cover, spoke in all 50 states, is still crazy-in-love after 64+
years of marriage. Lois Hjelmstad, 303-781-8974,
“Colorado Springs SkySox” – Dan Karcher, radio voice of the Colorado Springs SkySox,
farm team of the Colorado Rockies, is available to speak. Contact Dan at Tele: (719) 210-7640.
“It's a Zoo Around Here” In this humorous presentation Richard J Bryan shares rules for
better communication. Funny but true, different personality traits resemble different animals
at the zoo. When you understand your team's various traits and communication styles you
can adapt your communication style accordingly. Richard J Bryan, 303-883-2154,
“The Ripple Effect” How everyday genuine kindness will propel you to reaching your goals
more quickly, with more energy and enthusiasm than you thought possible. Sylvia Theisen,
“7 Things Your Team Needs to Hear You Say” Productive, engaged teams are essential
for success. You can build a motivated team without buckets of charisma - They just need to
hear you say these seven things. David M. Dye, 303-898-7018,
“6 Reasons You’ll Never Retire” Once upon a time, people stopped working at age 65 and
lived on their retirement income. For many Americans, retirement is dead or at the least quite
ill. However, you can enjoy an idyllic retirement if you listen to what Warren Buffet says about
the most fascinating alternative today. Hans Helmuth, IBD, 303-973-0516,
“Take Your Intimate Relationship from Stagnant to Steamy!” Our intimate relationships
can be the source of our greatest joy and fulfillment or our deepest pain and disappointment.
I help individuals or couples turn up the heat by teaching the Relationship Essentials that
allowed me to transform my marriage. Greg Durocher, 303-503-1823,
“How to Maximize Team Performance” - On average, business teams achieve only 63% of
their strategic objectives. Learn the 5 critical principles that directly impact the performance
gap. Build a team of engaged, committed people that elevate results and consistently move
initiatives forward time after time. Kate Ripp, 303-697-5914,
“Preservation of the Rich History of Jefferson County” - The Jefferson County Historical
Commission provides speakers. Created in l974 by the County Commissioners, the
organization serves as the umbrella organization for all the local history societies in the
county. Call David Nelson at (303) 979-0154.
“HARDWIRED to LEAD – The 10 Major Traits of Women” - Can these 10 Traits hardwired
by evolution Save the World? The New Science of a Woman’s BRAIN proves that these
special traits, which are the opposite of those of men, happen to be the very traits needed in
leadership today. Alexia Parks, 303-443-3697,
“Change Your Money Mindset and Have More Money Now” - Tired of taking all the right
steps and not getting results? Can’t understand why money is so elusive? Learn how to
uncover the self-limiting beliefs and feelings that sabotage your success without years of
therapy. This is a life-changing presentation from a Certified Sedona Method Coach. Melanie
Smithson, MA, LPC, 303-271-7659,
“An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure!” - Hear a physician (MD) explains
how the reversal of his eye disease became possible with nutritional supplementation instead
of surgery or medications. There are many medical conditions altered by the validated
science of nutrition, so how do you chose the right product?
Herbert L. Jacobs MD, FACOG, ABHIM, FACS, 303-399-0022,
“Leadership in a 4th Generation Family Business” - What would you do if you became
CEO of your family's business at 28, and it was losing $4M per year? Find out how Richard
turned things around using 7 simple strategies that you can use in your life too. Richard J
Bryan, 303-883-2154,
“Transformational Leadership In the Modern Age of Business” - Learn what defines
powerful leadership in the modern day of business and how modern leaders are changing
their lives and lives of others through a new type of leadership. Erik Leslie, 303-777-2465,
“The Good Girl Addiction” - Perfection, guilt, pleasing others, following the rules, not
speaking up, feeling stuck ... from work to home, women play the ‘good girl’ and block their
own success. Discover proven strategies to break the good girl addiction and find freedom,
power and fulfillment. Kim Shannon, 415-407-5433,
“Do You Speak Health?” - Explore health myths and contradictions in conversation with a
registered nurse. You may be surprised by the language you think you know. Lola Fehr, RN,
“It’s Your Retirement: Are You Financially Prepared for It?” - Statistics show that 3% of
Americans age 65+ are financially secure. In this talk I show how you can earn 35% return
over five years, create cash flow, take advantage of tax breaks and have your money work
for you. Flo Lattery, 303-587-0553,
“Keeping Your Brain Healthy as You Age” - Nothing is more important to your enjoyment
of life than a high functioning brain. Besides thinking, it affects your digestion, moods, heart,
stress levels, and more. In this lively program, learn 5 things you can do now to maintain
brain health. H. Gail Smithson, LAc, 303-762-8994,
“Every Day Solutions to the Very Real Dangers of EMF Exposure” - Health expert
Katharina Spurling-Kaffl talks about how electromagnetic fields [EMF] pose a very real
danger most don’t know enough about. She provides proven powerful approaches and
solutions for contemporary environmental issues as she enthusiastically demonstrates
applications of the Light-Life™ Tools. Katharina Spurling-Kaffl, 303-833-9033,
“What is Cremation?” and “Legal and Practical Considerations for Funerals,
Cremations, and Final Decisions, and Advance Planning (why it helps you and your
survivors.)” Contact: Kristen Van Ryswyk, V. P. & Manager of Advance Planning., Horan & McConaty,, Rocky Mountain
Memorial Parks, 11150 E. Dartmouth Ave., Denver, CO 80014, 303.743.8804 Cell:
“Harlem Ambassadors Show Basketball Team” - The Harlem Ambassadors feature a
"Harlem-style" Basketball Show, including ball handling tricks, slam dunks and hilarious
comedy routines. We will be touring through COLORADO and wanted to see if
your organization might be interested in a special fundraising event with the Harlem
Ambassadors in MARCH 2013. Contact: Brooks Phillips M.Ed., Assistant General Manager,
Harlem Ambassadors Professional Basketball, 3944 JFK PKWY Unit 12-C, Fort Collins, CO
80525, Phone: 888-386-4667,, website at
“The Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (The CELL)” - The CELL is a non-profit,
non-partisan organization dedicated to educating citizens on the evolving threats of
terrorism. Contact Jordan Clark at (303) 844-4000 ext.6 or Email:
“What Will Happen When We Run out of Cheap Energy” - Richard Boettner speaks on
ways to thrive, methods of surviving into a renewable future, growing your own food & fiber
and having enough energy and building resiliency into your life. Contact: Richard Boettner,
email address:
“Assisting Homeless Youth Become Independent and Self-sufficient Young Adults” Urban Peak is a non-profit that for almost 25 years has been providing resources and
services to homeless youth and young adults in the Denver Metro area. Urban Peak
services for homeless and runaway youth include: Overnight shelter, daily
services including food, clothing, hygiene products, laundry and showers,
Intensive case management, an onsite medical clinic, street outreach, job skills
assessment, training and placement programs and other services. Contact: Steve
Hughes, Manager of Volunteers, Urban Peak,,
303.974.2910 fax: 303.295.6116,
“Live Life on PURPOSE: How to Have Purpose in Everything You Do” - Everyone wants
to have a life full of purpose and meaning. Purpose can be found all around you, and creates
energy, happiness and legacy in everything you do. Discover how to tap into this powerful
resource for life-changing results. Michele Towers, 303-356-5080,
“Be Secure at Home and On the Street” Jeff Powers • Firearms Instructor, Security
Consultant, former Green Beret shows: Effective use of pepper spray • A do-it-yourself home
security system • Legal non-lethal weapons • A pocket item that can save your life •
Bodyguard trick to avoid attacks in traffic • And more. Jeff Powers, 303-734-7124,
“It’s Time to Make Your Dreams Come True: Reliably Manifesting Miracles
in the Age of Uncertainty.” What if you knew how to live the life of your dreams?
With her message and her music, Diane will share with you the 4 steps to truly
manifest whatever it is you dream you can do. A truly inspirational talk. Diane Dandeneau
(Dan’-Den-Know), 303-823-0394,
“Difficult Times Demand Innovative Strategies” - Make a commitment to help others
strengthen their businesses. The key is this. Instead of telling people how to work, pose
questions. If your questions are well designed, their answers can Change the World.
Gary M. Lundquist, 303-840-9929,
“Live Your Dreams And Fly On Your Wings” - Gail Hamilton is a totally blind inspirational
speaker, author and singer. She will have your group understanding that nothing is
impossible through stories and song. This inspiring presentation tells a story of determination
and victory challenging you to grab your vision and fly on new-found wings. Gail Hamilton,
“The History of Marriage from Ancient Times to the Present.” Contact: Gregory J DeCuir,
PO Box 4481, Greenwood Villager, CO 80111-4481, Phone 303-910-5160, Email:, Web site:
“Water 2012” is bringing awareness and educational water activities to Colorado. People
around the state are connecting with their water by attending events, participating in contests,
reading and discussing Contacts about water and much more. Visit the website,, to learn more.
Through 2012, the Colorado Foundation for Water Education has a Speakers Bureau of its
own. Presentations will cover some key information about Colorado’s water resources.
Bolstered by the Colorado Foundation for Water Education’s Water Fluency project, speakers
are armed with a short video, a presentation and our own expertise to talk with more
Coloradans about water. Visit the Water Speakers page of the website
at There, you will find speakers
arranged by river basin. Questions: Contact Caitlin Coleman, Communications Coordinator,
Colorado Foundation for Water Education, 303-377-4433,
“The Invictus Initiative” The Invictus is teaming up to do a trip to Uluthe Kenya Jun 23July 9th. They will be installing a solar-powered charging station in the remote village an hour
northeast of Lake Victoria. The Invictus will work to improve the clinic and establish
relationships with the community, as we anticipate to be involved with the community in the
future. Contact Adam Lantelm, or call me at 801-979-3625. The
website is
“The Good News about the Bad News in Today’s Economy” The current creative
destruction can lead to long-term growth. There is a silver lining in today’s world using the
four cycles of life to plan your future. You will learn how to benefit from current trends. Tom
Hoden, 720-320-1292,
“The Evolution Revolution: Escape the Virtual Prison of Mediocrity” Distractions in the
world today leave people feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a virtual prison of mediocrity.
Jason Howard shares his simple strategies and experience to inspire others into taking action
that leads to escaping that virtual prison of mediocrity. Jason Howard, 303-667-9434,
“This Breakthrough Process For Engaging All Employees Is 80 Times More Effective”
Performance evaluations: dreaded, disengaging, demotivating, required! Alternative
Supervisor employee team achievement expectation agreements and reviews: desired,
engaging, self-motivating! They optimize employee productivity & quality of life. Interested?
Duke Nielsen, 303-798-8276,
“5 Keys To the Adventure Called Life.” If you’ve followed all the rules and it’s not been
enough. If you cannot answer yes to life being fun. If you believe Mark Twain: “Make your
vocation your vacation”. Hear how adventure is not an illusion when you know how. Susan
Shirley, 303-485-5969,
“Become a Total Leader” Richard will share some proven strategies that will show you how
to become a "Total Leader" and improve your performance for actual results. These
strategies can be applied immediately following this presentation. Richard J Bryan, 303 -8832154,
“How to Use “The Intelligent Heart” to Increase Business & Health” Learn skills that can
increase your health and teach you to function in your optimal zone. Learn how new science
has found that the heart functions more like a little brain and by using its intelligence it
changes your brain. Erik Leslie, 303-777-2465,
“It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who Knows YOU!” In this high-energy presentation,
renowned marketing speaker David Avrin, The Visibility Coach, shows Business Owners,
Organizational Leaders and Entrepreneurs how to find, craft and promote a true competitive
advantage. Watch a short preview video at David Avrin, 303-7959898,
“Beyond Sight, Creating a New Vision” Gail Hamilton is a totally blind inspirational
speaker, author and singer. Her story is one of overcoming personal and professional
obstacles and creating a life of peace, confidence, joy and greatness. Her presentations are
empowering, heart centered, humorous and musical. Gail Hamilton, 720-984-8082,
“10 Keys to Become a Better Speaker” - Club leadership demands better speaking skills.
Better Speaking improves attendance and increases membership. Grow your club ...
using techniques from both Dale Carnegie and Toastmasters. Available for Lunch Clubs Only
Joe Sabah, 303-722-7200,
“7 Secrets for Navigating Important Relationships” - Are all your relationships
successful? Gain insight into the secrets of impacting important relationships and being a
person of influence. Discover the seven relational priority environments and how they can
dramatically change your life. Start impacting relationships now. Peter Van de Sande
“How to Overcome ANYTHING, when you have lost EVERYTHING!” I survived a horrific
TRAGEDY. With TENACITY I was able to TRIUMPH! My talk can help to inspire others that
they too can overcome adversity and succeed in their goals. If I did it, ANYONE CAN!
Author of THE SOUL SURVIVOR. Captain Joe Townsend,
“How To Sell Yourself and Ideas - Selling Skills for Non-Sales People” (Great for
consultants, independent business people, people wanting to hone their knowledge of basic
sales fundamentals.... it teaches how to use concepts of professional selling to effectively sell
yourself, ideas, and better understand the sales process in everyday life, work or consulting)
“Communicating with Clarity - Do You Act or React?” (helping improve personal, as well
as business interactions)
“What You See is What You Get” (Our perceptions, paradigms and beliefs determine how
we see people and situations, and what we see, we get more of. Change your view/thoughts,
and you get different results)
“180Selling” (Teaches a contrary approach to effective selling to be more effective and of
better service to clients)
“180Leadership” (Teaches a contrary approach to leading/managing to get greater results)
Contact David Suson at or 720.583.4909. Web site:
“Your Purpose Called. It Wants to Talk” Every person has an untapped reservoir of
greatness waiting to be unleashed. Jill will share insights that inspire you to see the truth, and
tools you can use to embark on a journey to discover your life’s purpose and soar.
Contact Jill Christensen, 303-999-9224,
“VA Aid and Attendance Planning and Crisis Medicaid Planning” Dick Dorrough presents
timely information on Veterans Administration funding and State of Colorado Medicaid
benefits for long-term care. Learn why it is vital to start planning for long-term care now.
Contact: Dick Dorrough, War Veterans Association of Colorado, 303 829-0205,, website:
“How do you create your paycheck in retirement?” This talk examines the strategies
people should employ as they transition from working to retirement. Topics will include
strategies to organize your finances to make the withdrawal phase seamless, sustainable and
long lasting. Contact: Robert Pyle, 303-440-2906,
“College Funding at 'Wholesale'” - The high cost of college and how to lower your out-ofpocket expenses - How to get grants, scholarships and the right kind of loans
- How a personal coach can navigate you through the college funding jungle. Contact: Valerie
Franklin, 303-489-9217,
“Is Continuing the Arts in Our Schools Actually Harming our Children?” Schools are
working hard to continue teaching the Arts. Yet with the budget cuts, the buildings
themselves are becoming dangerous to our kids with the presence of chemicals and lack of
ventilation. You can help keep our kids better educated AND healthy. Contact:
Doc (Randall) Davidson, 720-922-0707,
“7 Secrets for Navigating Important Relationships” Are all your relationships successful?
Gain insight into the secrets of impacting important relationships and being a person of
influence. Discover the seven relational priority environments and how they can dramatically
change your life. Start impacting relationships now. Contact: Peter Van de Sande, 303-7949679,
“4.5 Ways to Be Like Superman” John Kyle, a Financial Advisor and 6th Degree Black Belt
presents an entertaining and practical talk on how to be faster than a speeding bullet or more
powerful than a locomotive in both business and life. After this talk, you'll want a new
pair of tights for your cape. Contact John Kyle, 727-517-6802,
“Heeeelp!” If you've ever uttered those words, silently or aloud, then you know what an
emergency is. And if you’re like almost 90% of the American public, you’re probably not ready
for it when “IT” happens. Mary walks you through the 5 keys to preparing for the
unexpected… in YOUR life. Contact Mary Winter, 303-704-2220,
“Your Most Powerful Tool to Mine the Gold from FaceContact, LinkedIn, and Twitter
- For Free!” HootSuite's time-saving intuitive dashboard allows users to schedule posts in
advance to multiple social media accounts and receive campaign results in real-time
so you immediately know what's working. Learn to use social media for its purpose to engage with your prospects and customers. Contact Veronica Cannady, 303-800-4140,
“College By Design" vs. "College by Default" Be sure when your child goes off to college,
you and they are clear about what they want to learn, where the best college is for that and
their best financial strategies. Learn how to be in charge of the college experience. Contact
Shari Peterson, 303-759-0317,
“Ralph Carr Judicial Center housing the Colorado Supreme Court and the Appellate
Courts, the Judicial Learning Center and the Law Library” - Joe Turnage, the Education
Specialist for the Colorado Supreme Court Law Library, would like to tell Kiwanis clubs about
the new building as well as the Judicial Learning Center and Law Library which will be part of
the complex. This learning center will be the heart of civics education in Colorado, not only
for students but for adult visitors as well. Contact Joe at email:
“Fastest Path to Cash: 3 Secrets to Skyrocket Your Business” - Learn Bonnie Preston’s
secrets about Networking, Creating a Calendar and Finding Your Ideal Client. “The Cycle of
Quitting: Where are You?” - Let Bonnie help you understand why and how we quit every
day, and learn her tricks to overcoming this. “How to Create a 60-Second-Commercial That
Sells” - Bonnie will help you build a commercial that grabs attention EVERY TIME! Contact
Wendy Walters, Website:
“Porta-Potty Leadership and Other Little-Known Skills” Diana Hall will amuse and teach
your members about the differences between Management and Leadership. She will talk
about how to find the best in those following and the best in ourselves. Diana Hall, 303-5964825,
“How to Teach Youth to Raise and Gift Charitable Dollars” Does your organization know
how to raise money? Do you know how to teach the next generation? Tom Higgins will help
to connect those “dots” for you. In 2010, Tom Higgins was nominated for Corporate Citizen of
the Year by the Denver Business Journal. Tom's personal passion and engaging speaking
style will give you a program to remember. Tom Higgins 303-886-0488 e-mail
“Stand With No Excuses!!!” These(4)words can turn around exceptionally, potentially, and
positively your life purpose as they did for me. If you are willing to know "HOW" and ready to
take action "NOW" let me get you your inspirational key to open your doors of dream
fulfillment. Ousmane (Oos-Man) Ndoye, 720-277-7333,
“How to Get Noticed, Get Heard, Get Results” Become an effective spokesperson for
your business or organization, position yourself as the expert in your field, galvanize your
message so it sticks with your audience and use it to grab free media attention. Neal Browne,
“Falun Dafa Association of Colorado (FDAC)” - Joy Zhao, one of the founders of FDAC
introduces the organization. FDAC is a Colorado-based 501c3 non-profit organization,
devoted to the public preservation and promotion of traditional Chinese culture, ethics and
arts. The FDAC website is Contact: Joy Zhao, Community Outreach
Director. Cell: 303-886-6979, Email:
“How You Can Jumpstart America” For 10 years our country has gone sidewayseconomically, politically, socially. Are you tired of waiting for a better tomorrow? Get ready to
be educated, entertained & inspired. Leave ready to lead, create and innovate. Jonathan
Fleck, 720.226.5026,
“5 Secrets To Job Security In Today's Marketplace” Traci, an entertaining corporate
insider reveals 5 secrets to job security, identifies effective actions to remain marketable
and provides keys to increase job satisfaction in today's market. Traci Burnley, 720-4120100,
“Entrepreneurship in a 4th Generation Family Business” Find out how Richard Bryan
turned around his family's 95 year old car and truck dealership business from a loss of $3M a
year to a profit by applying 7 simple management strategies. Richard Bryan, 303-883-2154,
“Reprogram Your Mind. Achieve What You Believe!” Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power. ~Lao-tzu from The Tao te Ching ~ When we master our
mind we are capable of anything - hypnosis works. Are you ready? David Resnick, 720-2955360,
“How to Get Noticed, Get Heard, Get Results” Become an effective spokesperson for your
business or organization, position yourself as the expert in your field, galvanize your
message so it sticks with your audience and use it to grab free media attention. Neal Browne,
“3 Keys to Shaping Your Future” Learn how to focus on that which you desire. You'll be
given the proven formula to control the outcome of your desires. Find out what the future
holds for you. John Altenhofen 303-816-0372
“Equilibrium Now!--Learn Self-Soothing with Self-Hypnosis” Learn a simple process to
calm your nerves and de-stress your internal organs...(yes, this method stays with you, and is
free...24/7)! Enjoy deep relaxation and a greater sense of well-being now! Robert Mulcahy
“Inner Strength: 5 Skills Developed from Sports that Impact Business & Life” Prepare
to be inspired by stories and experiences in sports and business. Learn how developing 5
skills acquired from sports can improve any area of your life from happiness to business
sales to improving relationships. Erik Leslie, 303-777-2465,
“Because Show Beats Tell!” Steve Doherty knows what it takes to build great leaders and
champions. His inspirational speech will motivate you to be defined by your actions—not your
words. In a world that “over” promises and “under” delivers—he knows that success will
always go to those in motion. Today’s actions will build tomorrow’s champions! Steve
Doherty, 303-873-1244,
“How Marriage Has Shaped America” The concept of marriage is a hot topic in the news
today. Interestingly, not many people know how profoundly marriage has shaped society and
culture in America from its beginning. My talk is a lively, fun and informative overview of
marriage that is guaranteed to enliven any meeting. Greg De Cuir, 303.843.9357,
“Awesome Vitality at Any Age!” Exhausted? Overwhelmed? You CAN Revitalize! In this
experiential presentation you will be Entertained, Inspired and Learn easy exercises to Calm
Down, Cheer Up and Strengthen Your Energy. Leave Feeling Refreshed!
Johanna Alper, Master Acupuncturist, 303-442-7019,
your own healing victory campaign. 8-year Breast Cancer survivor, Jane Wood, can help you
design your own custom healing journey. Jane Wood, 1-800-581-0732,
“Is Today the Day You Got Out of Bed For?” Chris Lynn poses the tough questions that
we all face. His matter-of-fact manner both entertains, educates, and inspires on the
importance of living life with confidence and authenticity. Chris has a passion and focus for
bringing people along on the journey of their own lives, and for them to “enjoy the ride.” This
outgoing and positive man will inspire and challenge you with a forward thinking mindset.
Chris Lynn, 303-229-5556,
“How Are You Liking Those Compact Fluorescent Bulbs?” Proper lighting is integral to
productivity in the office. Harsh, glaring lighting is not ideal or conducive to maximizing
productivity. Alternatives exist that provide balanced office lighting -- you don't have to use
bulbs you have been told you must use! Shelley Black, 303-715-9030,
“How to apply 7 Winning Strategies for Business and for Life! Richard outlines 7
strategies that helped him turn around his 100 year old family business from a loss of $3M er
annum to profitability and a successful Trade sale. You will be able to apply these strategies
immediately! Richard Bryan, 303 883 2154,
“The Christmas Tradition of Hanging Stockings by the Chimney – the Real Story.” For
years hanging stockings by the chimney has been a Christmas tradition. Now the Real Story
is exposed in this entertaining “whodunit” Speech. Attendees will delight in memories of
Christmas past and the Salvation Army’s methods of giving to those less fortunate. Bill
VanSickle, Chairman of the Aurora Salvation Army Adopt a Family program, 303-680-5593,
“Self-Hypnosis: a new Meditation for the 21st Century” Did you know that by combining
the centering skills used in meditation with the goal-oriented methods of Self-Hypnosis, you
can say good-bye (and good riddance!) to stress, un-needed pain and useless habits?
Discover why modern Hypnosis is on the cutting edge of Neuroscience, and what this means
for you and your brain. Robert Mulcahy, Cht. 303-964-9734 303-968-9123,
“How My "Defining Moments" Put Me On the Path of Purpose.”Have you ever thought
about who and what you became and how you got there? My presentation paints a portrait of
how all of us have those consequential moments. Universal themes, subliminal messages
and human stories constitute a compelling and interactive session. Andre Shaw, 720-4138509,
“How To Unleash The Power Of Compliments For A More Joyful Attitude, Sizzling
Relationships And Successful Impact” Author Monica Strobel shares compelling research,
myths and insights into the overlooked practice of giving compliments. This warm, wise and
witty speaker reveals how this simple habit creates more happiness, health, influence and
income, at work, home and the world around us. Monica Strobel, 303-898-8706,
“Culture Savvy: Keys to Communicating Successfully with People from Other
Cultures” In this entertaining and informative session, you'll gain an insight into what
culture is and learn strategies to communicate effectively, build stronger relationships and “do
better business” with people from other cultures, at work and at home. Suzanne Whitby, 720317-7209,
“Question Authority!”Ever received news that made your head spin? Been told “NO” too
many times? Learn ways to think beyond the ‘Bad News Box’ and be empowered to think
outside of the limitations! Learn about greater options for personal and professional success.
Question Authority! Determine NOW how you’ll respond! Linda Giebelhaus, 720-308-3958,
“Defuse the Drama! 5 Steps to Create Harmony & Trust in Your Relationships” Mary
Lynne puts joy and fulfillment back into people’s lives -whether it's in the office or at home.
Participants walk away with tools to use that day to lessen the frustration and create more
peace, tranquility, and productivity in their lives. Mary Lynne Fernandez, 303-246-6825,
“That Crazy Social Media! How to Harness Its Power For Your Organization” Social
media has taken the world by storm in a stunningly short period of time. Matt Buchenau,
President of 5Weight Internet Marketing, distills, in plain English, why social media has
become a must in any respectable marketing plan. Matt Buchenau, 303-495-5997,
“Breathe and Let Go – A Lung Transplant Adventure” Gavin Maitland delivers a dynamic
and awe-inspiring keynote on organ donation, lung transplant, tenacity, spirit, hope and
survival. Program Chair: “In my 37 years, this is best presentation I have ever heard!” Gavin
Maitland, 720-300-0118,
“Play More, Earn More” - In addition to its ability to restore, play is a direct route to
success. Often dismissed as frivolous, we miss out on a key element to goal achievement.
Learn how and why to loosen up, and reap the health benefits. Melanie Smithson, MA, LPC,
“To Thine Own Self Be True – Just As Relevant Today” The choices you make today
directly affect your future; be sure your choices are working for you, not against you. Learn a
simple technique to aid your decision-making. Experience more life satisfaction, fulfillment
and freedom by honoring and expressing your unique self. Levya Braman, 303-919-7771,
“We All Live Down-stream...” ... have you got your waders ready? Everything you ever
wanted to know about water, waste (yes, waste), and your wet future. "Waterman" Jim, 303-
“The Collaborative Advantage – The Secret to Extraordinary Performance” Competitive advantage is no match for the collaborative advantage. Learn how to use the
power of collaboration to engage workers and delight customers. And when you do, your
business will make a leap to extraordinary performance! Rod Collins, 571-236-6900,
“Finding The Gold in Times of Change” Do you know how to find the treasure with
whatever comes your way? With humor and joy, Susan shares the latest research on skills of
resilience (they're really fun to develop!) and the influences supporting change (it's not about
willpower!) Susan Osborn, 303-284-1764,
“Zombie Leadership- Are You Leading With A Purpose?” As a leader, have you found
your followers trailing behind you like a bunch of mindless zombies? Do you ask yourself,
“How do I get my people to follow me with a purpose?” Call Mike today and find out!
Mike Stanley, 720-331-2864,
“Forgiveness: The Ultimate Revenge”. Harmed by someone? Get even. Forgive. He’ll go
nuts or improve your relationship. Your brain and body will grow younger. Blending poignant
and humorous personal experiences with cutting edge brain research, Jack takes you on a
health-enhancing and age-reversal forgiveness journey. Jack Lavino, 303-245-0552,
“Is Your Grocery Cart on Auto- Pilot?” Have you been feeling sluggish? Doing the same
thing over and over again in the kitchen? Well join Sylvia for an exhilarating talk about
breaking out of our old patterns and start feeling amazing through food! Sylvia Salcedo Rojas
MSOM, 720 352 9404,
“Success - Quick Like A Bunny” Bob Cornell shares how unbeknownst to us, others may
have influenced our success. Just as the rancher or farmer must frequently check their well,
we must check our “well” of success tools and traits. Checked your well lately? Bob Cornell,
“Reverse Mortgages – Myths vs. Facts” Medicaid or reverse mortgage? The choice is
yours. A survey found many seniors and their children need information about reverse
mortgages. Learn the facts: Who can benefit? Do they help parents, children, or both? Why a
reverse mortgage? This talk is information only. Don Opeka, 303-469-1254,
“Building your 30 second commercial”, “Building Better Personal Relations”, Organ &
Tissue Awareness, to “The Next 30 Seconds”,” Following through the relationship”,
and “Challenging your Goal” Contact: Steve Burns, 720-938-5008,
“How Bad do You Really Want it? The Key to Getting What Has Been Avoiding You.”
Everybody is looking for a change in some aspect of their lives. Something to help them feel
better, succeed or just improve. Yet most people never seem to get those feet moving, and if
they do, most fizzle in just a short while. Find out why. Are you ready for your next big step?
Bill Knapp, 303-823-5457 or 937-477-4057,
“Are You Singing the Song You Came to Sing? (Noon Clubs Only)” Get ready for a fun,
informative 20 minutes with Joe Sabah as he teaches and challenges your members to do
exactly what they want to do with their lives. + 5 inspirational and valuable quotes will be left
behind for each member. Joe Sabah, 303-722-7200,
“Does Moving Your Molehill Feel Like You're Moving a Mountain?” Two things in life are
inevitable; downsizing is one of them. Suddenly inanimate items have control of your life and
home. Gain valuable tips on limiting the stress and demands of moving or downsizing.
Darleen Bowman, a professional move manager, will share her many years of experience.
Real, practical ideas everyone can use. Call Darleen Bowman, 303-757-4124,
“Memory Magic – A Program You’ll Never Forget!” Learn how to apply simple but
effective techniques to help yourself remember things you never thought possible as Keir
Mathur presents an entertaining, humorous and thought provoking program while he shows
you how to maximize your mind's potential! Keir Mathur, 720-318-4425,
“How Bad Do You Really Want it? The Key to Getting What Has Been Avoiding You.”
Everybody is looking for a change in some aspect of their lives. Something to help them feel
better, succeed or just improve. Yet most people never seem to get those feet moving, and if
they do, most fizzle in just a short while. Find out why. Are you ready for your next big step?
Bill Knapp, 303-823-5457 or 937-477-4057,
“Live It Up! 5 Ways to Share Joy When Your Friend Has Alzheimer's” David shares five
of the lessons he has learned from seven years of caring for a friend with Alzheimer's. He
demonstrates that joy is available in all circumstances and that the lives of all parties can
benefit tremendously. David Lazaroff, 720-218-3254,
“Fun, Music and Stories with Bob” In this program Bob will sing some light-hearted songs
by Ray Stevens and Johnnie Cash, and accompany himself on his Yamaha piano. He will
also tell humorous stories on some of the audience members - all made-up of course.
It's great fun! Bob Hadfield, 303-770-4324,
“Three Secrets to Achieve Your Full Potential and Rock Your World” - This talk is
focused around how to get set goals and achieve them in a fun and provocative (but not too
provocative!) way. Contact: Leslie Peabody,, (303) 8887339
“How We Walk our Path and Live In and For Today.” For seven years, Dana Hall walked
next to her husband Nate as he fought canceslieer, a path he did not choose. That path
ended last year when Nate died at age 38. In some way (especially in this economy!) each of
us is walking a path we did not choose. Dana’s candid nature will bring audiences face to
face with their REAL journey and how to make the most of it. Contact: Dana at 303-374-4767
or email at
“Identity Theft” affects 1 in 7 households in the USA. Hardly a day goes by that you
don't hear something regarding Identity Theft. There are ways for you and your membership
to learn some basic facts that can help you avoid being subjected this problem. Contact Brian
Dillon, [or] call 303-888-3242
“Anti-Aging – Impossible? Not Any More!” - Aging is caused by toxic attacks breaking
down the body. Toxic attacks cause your immune system to weaken and host up to 200
diseases. Shari Peterson delivers an inspiring talk about reclaiming your quality of life and
turning back the hands of time. Shari Peterson: 303-759-0317,
“Keeping Kids Safe: An Internet & Mobile Safety WorkshopTM” - Provides a clearer
understanding of cyber issues kids face; Resources to better communicate with kids about
making safer decisions; An overview of technology to help protect children from predators
and bullies and to help manage their privacy and reputation online. Inger Johnson: 303-6194349,
“Fundraising on Fire” - You can light the fire to reach your group's vision, taking your
members on a fun roller coaster ride of creative ideas, funny stories, and “ah ha” moments.
When you know more, then you raise more. Make Fundraising fun & successful by turning
inspiration into action. Change wishes into reality. Bill Young: 720-221-9214,
“How to Increase Revenue Without Selling” – Are you tired of attracting The Customer
From Hell by using old school or franchise-based techniques that are invasive, manipulative
and counterproductive? Discover how to help clients BUY because it is in their best interest
to do so in this fun and interactive session. Marty Wolff: 303-525-1642,
“Lost and Found Inc.” - Lost and Found Inc. provides mental health and life/work/social
skills training for at-risk children, youth, adults and families. The organization has outpatient
services, Intensive Outpatient treatment, therapeutic group homes for boys and girls, an
outreach to military, veterans and their families, a Transitional Living Program for male youth
who are aging out of the foster care or youth corrections system, and an Independent Living
Program for “graduates” from our TLP or group homes. Lost and Found Inc. has expertise in
many topics: addictions, mental/emotional/behavioral disorders, criminality, gangs, sexual
abuse, PTSD, TBI, bullying, boundaries, parenting, etc. Contact: Linda “Ole” Ferguson,
Development Manager – Lost and Found Inc., Marine Mom, 303-420-8080 x1203, email:, Website:
“How a Company’s Website can Actually be found on the Web, and Converting Web
Surfers to Customers” - Steve Johnsen, founder of Cumulus Consulting, a company
dedicated to helping businesses use their websites to make them money answers the
burning questions every businessperson has about the web. Contact Terry Dunagan, email, or telephone 303 246-3308. Website:
"How to Network with Confidence and a Giving Attitude" – David Lampe talks about how
networking is about giving of yourself and developing close relationships. David provides you
with tools and techniques to help you network confidently and get results. Contact David
Lampe, Telephone: (303) 550-8563, email:
“5 Ways to Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits” - When should you elect to start
receiving benefits? What steps can you take to minimize income taxes on Social Security
income? How do you optimize benefits for a surviving spouse? And much more…
Aaron Hersch: 720-259-3777,
“Six Topics – Choose one or All” - “ Self-Love: It's Not Self-Centeredness!”, “Discover
How to Create Positive Change in Your Family Relationships”, “The Passion Test: The
Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose” ,“How has the Computer Industry
Changed and Where is it Going?”, “The Science of Analytical Human Behavior – The
Study of Why We Buy and How We As Professionals Can Control The Buying
Process”, “Growing Your Business by Growing Your Spirit”- Speakers are: Mary Lynne
Fernandez, Kate Heartsong, Greggo LeVeille, or Glenn Daniels II. Contact: Glenn Daniels:
Telephone: (720) 468-6822, or email:, web site:
“Higher Ground Youth Challenge” - A grassroots nonprofit agency that provides vital
services to Denver’s most at risk kids. Since, 1997 Higher Ground has been striving to meet
its mission of providing a safe environment for at-risk youth to challenge themselves and their
limiting beliefs through mentoring and outdoor experiences. Through these services, the youth
of Higher Ground find hope and support in an otherwise challenging and difficult
environment. Contact Dorothy Farrel, D.M. , Executive Director, Higher Ground Youth
Challenge, (970) 222-5627
“How To Sell In A Tough Economy” - Learn how to close more sales in this tough
economy including: How to turn “think-it-over’s” into “yes.” How to pre-qualify prospects and
stop unpaid consulting. How to create an environment of “discover selling” versus “convince
selling” Joe Gregory, 303-741-5200,
“Why Connecting Matters: Networking for Success!” - Discover tips on how to start a
conversation, the best to way to connect and network with others that leave them coming
back for more. Learn the 4 basics you MUST have before you start connecting and the
H.E.L.P strategy for successful networking. Gina Kaelin-Westcott, 303-949-0882,
“How to go into Business: 8 Keys to Success (Do you know, what you don’t know?)” Compelling description: For persons in career transition or considering a business venture,
this will give you a complete “how to“ road map. From self-preparation, how acquire a
business, to how to exit profitably. Lee Thomas, 303-739-5160,
“How To Get More Clients FAST” - Discover the 3 mistakes keeping you from getting more
clients in the next 12 weeks than you have in the past 12 months. And how to generate a
steady stream of clients wanting to work with you from now on! David Koons, 303-4744367,
“Bounce Back and Thrive in Life changing times” - Times are tough and mood and
morale are low. Resiliency is the key to personal and business success. Become the person
that outperforms, outlasts others and reinvents yourself to keep relevant for the next round of
changes. Jeff Vankooten, 720-891-9182,
“Financial Self Defense - How to Become a Financial Black Belt” - Learn about The Five
Techniques to Creating Your Financial Self Defense System. Get the knowledge and
understand the importance of building a personal portfolio and creating wealth on the path to
becoming your own "Money Master"! Roger "Your Money Master" Hauf, 720-329-6666,
“The Super Human Effect- Ready for the Moment when Everything Changes?” - The
world is currently plagued by unprecedented fear and uncertainty. Author Dennis Rodriguez
will show you how to shift your perceptions from a state of resistance, struggle and
overwhelm to a place of peace, flow and connection to your boundless joy!
Dennis Rodriguez, 303-585-1232,
“What is the Altitude of Your Attitude?” - Everybody is looking for a change in some
aspect of their lives. Something to help them feel better, succeed or just improve. Yet most
people never seem to get those feet moving, and if they do, most fizzle in just a short while.
Find out why. Are you ready for your next big step? Bill Knapp, 303-823-5457 or 937-4774057,
“How to Cultivate Creativity” - Tap into your creativity, and add a richer quality to your
personal life and your professional work. Applying a new thought process could even land
you a raise in your job!!! Cynthia Thomas, 303-375-9754,
“Are You a Problem Solver?” - You will learn how keep your job, even get promoted;
definitely enjoy it more. Organization leaders can improve results one employee at a time.
Learn how to become a MVP. MVPs don’t get cut and organizations with lots of MVPs
become winners; even champions. Jim Rohrer, 303-679-0144,
“Electromagnetic Vibrational Radio Wave Energy” - This technology is 80 years old first
invented in 1930 Paris France by Nikola Tesla. Tesla and a scientist named Georges
Lahkovsky used this device to treat cancer with stunning success. What this device turned
out to be is the perfect Chi machine, the Chinese word for energy and in the seven years I
have used this technique in a clinical setting I realize the importance of the free flow of body
energy. My talk concerns the relationship of wellness to the free flow of energy through the
body. Contact: Jon Neet 970-397-4997
“Domestic Violence and Child Abuse” - Natline Sidberry, (303) 377-6279 or email
“Be Someone's Hero...” To be a hero is a lofty goal many of us don't expect to achieve.
HEROES is an organization that enables anyone to make the choice to be a hero. We work
with the broken hearted (military families, orphans, and prisoners). We can help you be a
hero. Dave Weikel, 719-339-6259,
“How to Hit a Home Run When Life Throws You a Curveball” Let Life Transitions Leader
Cheryl Eckl guide you through The LIGHT Process—the fastest way to a positive new
beginning. Using the five LIGHT questions, you’ll learn to keep your cool and actually thrive
through life’s toughest challenges. Cheryl Eckl, 303-587-9115,
“Dream Like A Champion” Enjoy stories and beautiful pictures from adventures
photographing National Geographic assignments, global advertising campaigns, and the
world's great golf courses. Be inspired to spark the ideas needed to transform your dreams
into accomplishments and to shape your destiny. Dick Durrance,
“The Other Side of Pain: How to Find the Gift in Life’s Challenges” Susan turns riddles
to knowledge as she shares the skills that can be learned to transform experiences of pain
and loss. Learn ten reasons why people don’t find their gifts and the new science of life after
loss, which overturns convention. Susan Osborn, 303-284-1764,
“Twisted Logic: The Window of Depression” Chaplain Yong Hui McDonald offers hope
and encouragement to those who suffer from the twisted logic of depressive thoughts.
Chaplain McDonald will share the details of the multi-faceted approach to healing from
depression. This talk is filled with don’t-miss stories. Yong Hui McDonald, 303-9197492,
“Why Smart Employees Under-Perform” Is your team on track to deliver? This crashcourse will take a look at common management derailers and what can be done to avoid
running off-track. This Managerial & Executive Briefing defines 5 key derailers and offers
remedies to help keep your team on track. Kristene Elmore, 303-659-6743,
“5 Keys to Attract Your Ideal Customer” - Learn how to get more leads, build your list and
grow your business FAST! Your Business is a lighthouse. Light it up! Turn it into a beacon
that lights the way for your ideal customers to find you. Debra Zimmer, 303-834-1094,
“GO FOR IT! You Can Achieve Your Goals” - Go for it ... Now is the time ... To achieve
your goals, overcome obstacles and become the person that you want to be. You can do it
and you can start now. This is your time! David Kirk Allen, 720-404-1395,
“5 Secrets to Happiness Without Changing Your Lifestyle” - Learn how you can feel
wonderful starting now, with less effort than you might think. In this 25-30 minute talk, we
explore secrets to happiness you can apply right now, with a genuinely funny and upbeat
approach. Katie Schmatz, 720-987-6176,
“Inheritance Planning Pitfalls” - Overlooked problems that have nothing to do with taxes or
probate can create headaches and financial losses to your heirs. You CAN prevent them!
Learn how. Russell Kyncl (Kinsel), 303-275-7172,
“A Beautiful Death – facing the future with peace” – Author Cheryl Eckl talks about her
story and Contact. Contact Cheryl at (303) 347-0880. Website:
“Getting Organized and Staying that Way” - U.S. Air Force veteran and Certified
Professional Organizer, Angela Cody-Rouget, presents organization skills and techniques.
Angela is CEO and Founder of Major Mom and is currently the president of the Colorado
Chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers. Contact: Frederic Rouget,
Major Mom Partner, AKA Dynamic Dad, Telephone: 303-668-0176,
“Raft Trips in the Grand Canyon – Stories of Adventure” - Charly Heavenrich shares
stories from his 33 years of sharing the Grand Canyon with people from all walks of life.
Contact Charly - The Canyon Guy at, 303-545-5414. Web sites:,
‘When Moving Seems Impossible - Solutions for Downsizing and Moving” - Trauma
and stress are normal feelings for anyone who is moving, a senior or otherwise. A good
Senior Move Manager will organize the entire move process for clients to ease those
feelings. Next Chapter, Inc is the answer to your stresses. Darlene Bowman, 303-757-4124,
“Taking Charge In the Rapids of Change” - Learn how to Embrace Change, and Manage
Your Transitions. Gain insight into why we tend to resist change, what we need to overcome
that resistance, and understand the essential steps to manage the three stages of transition.
Charly Heavenrich - The Canyon Guy, 303-545-5414,
“Time Travel On a Journey To the Past” - Families have been recording their memories on
a variety of equipment through the years. Watch and re-visit an earlier time with old family
movie films, audio recordings and other technology from yesteryears. "The most entertaining
presentation your group will have!!"
Time Travel Facilitator - Steve Dalbec, 303-469-3806,
“Can the Internet Really Help Your Business?” - Learn how the Internet has changed how
we do business today and in the years to come. Very interactive and informative. Jill
Wisehart, 303-504-4423,
“Better Image = Better Job...Make Your Wardrobe Work for You” - Relevant, interactive,
real-life explanation of why image is important and how appearance can improve confidence
and your bottom line. Finally understand how to put together outfits, use colors, shapes, and
accessories to look smart, stylish, and totally professional.
Marian Rothschild, 720-933-9247,
“Tossed & Found” - Barb Tobias’s story; from farm girl – to fashion model – to corporate
executive – to frugal fashionista, takes her audiences on a moving
journey of personal transformation, encouraging them to renew and renovate their lives, their
businesses and their homes. Barb Tobias, 303-503 1557,
“How To Tell the World About Kiwanis District Secretary” - Grow your membership and
grow your members' confidence in telling the world about Kiwanis District Secretary. Learn
the 10 tips to better communication for powerful results. THIS PROGRAM IS FOR NOON
CLUBS ONLY. Joe Sabah, 303-722-7200,
“They Call it Golf Because Life Was Taken” This funny and inspirational look at GOLF will
bring laughs and raise the 'GAME' of Golfers and Non-Golfers alike. John Barnes, 303-9170661,
“Is Believing in Yourself Enough? - The 8 Laws of Motivation” If believing in yourself is
enough why aren't we all rich and retired? What does it take? Join Richard as he takes you
on as entertaining and provocative journey through the 8 Laws of Motivation. Your dreams
are closer than you think! Richard Mogan, 720-260-4106,
“Upgrading Your Home for Maximum Enjoyment and Return” Don’t leave out one critical
voice when you upgrade your home and landscape: that of your eventual buyer! Mike uses
his 30+ years of design, construction, and sales experience to help you invest wisely for
maximum enjoyment and value! Mike Wolff, 720-309-1228,
“7 Secrets of How to Be Found On the Internet By Web Guide” In the past, all an owner
needed to do to be found was to advertise in the Yellow Pages. Today this is simply not
enough; one needs a guide to learn how to navigate through the maze of the Internet
advertising options. Capture business tips, trends and techniques that can be implemented
today. Jill Wisehart, 303-504-4423,
“Walk In Your Greatness – An Opportunity to Leave A Legacy” Have you passed your
wisdom and insights to anyone in the next generation – willing to learn from you? Discover a
proven process to impact the world and connect with someone under 30 hungry to be
mentored! They’re waiting! Dee Valdez, 970-308-1062,
“Pilot your Passages – Six steps to Smoothly Navigating Life’s Transitions” Do you
steer your boat or toss about as you meet the winds of change? Whether a change in job,
lifestyle or relationships, this inspirational message puts you at the helm to triumphantly guide
through your life’s transitions. Smooth Sailing! Lori Bachman, 303-791-3253,
“Why Salespeople Struggle - And What You Can Do About It!” Do you manage a sales
team and find yourself frustrated with long selling cycles, unmet sales forecasts, caught in
bidding wars, dealing with “think-it-overs” who then disappear, or hiring salespeople that
underperform? Don Overcash, 866-379-6257,
"Prescription Drug Abuse in Colorado" - The organization, Peer Assistance Services,
gives hope, strength and direction to lives changed by substance abuse. One of the points is
that all drugs like vicodin, percocet, should be locked up and inaccessible to contractors,
household help, house guests, children, teens, and relatives. Contact: Beverly Gmerek at
303.369.0039 ext. 203 or Website:
“The "You're Ok, Kid!" Program” - Team Reinhardt (Ed, Pat and Ed Jr.) work with
organizations and individuals who want to turn obstacles in life into opportunities for growth.
They share their journey of anguish, love and empowerment - and show how ordinary
individuals can do extraordinary things. For the past 18 years the family has been involved
with Ed Jr.'s recovery from a brain injury in a football game while playing for the University of
Colorado. He spent 62 days floating between life and death in a coma. His rehabilitation has
taken years. Contact: Ed Meintzer, 303-796-7312
“Pep Talk International” - gives presentations on health subjects such as Allergies,
Fatigue, Depression, Digestion, Insomnia, Stress and Women's Issues. Doctors teach how to
minimize visits to the doctors, as well as educate about self-care strategies that will improve
health dramatically! Contact: Kathryn Gaspard, National Coordinator, Pep Talk International,, Telephone: 888-882-9436, Cell: 949-306-9712.
"Helping the Veteran in Today's Economy." - Bert Hendricks, Regional Local Veteran
Employment Representative and Dennis Orr would include time for Q&A. Contact:
Dennis M. Orr, Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist, Jefferson County Workforce
Center, Laramie Building, 3500 Illinois St., Golden, CO 8040, 303 231-4717
“7 Ways to Supergood” covers the foundational principles of success to help everyone get
one step closer to their goals. Contact: Mike Swanson, telephone: 360-319-7391,
“Breaking the Cycle” - I watched my dad leave and I could not do that to my son. I want to
help Dads create bonds with their kids after a divorce with tips that I learned from my dad of
what NOT to do. Tommy Maloney, 303-263-3118,
“Linking for Success” - How do busy people become successful? It’s as easy as following
a roadmap. Linking key markers can make life’s journey a success, bumps and detours
included! The secrets and insights on my Roadmap to Success can change your journey
forever. Dr. Vicki Rueckert, 970-689-3227,
“Music!! It Warms Your Heart and Fires Up Your Soul!” - Music is a tremendous
inspiration and motivation to children of all ages! Paul will inspire you with an understanding
of the magical power that music has on our lives, and what we can all do to keep the positive
power of music alive in today’s environment. Paul Gleditsch, 303-522-6662,
“Unleash Your Skyscraper Business Growth! – A step-by-step plan to:” Charge higher
prices than your competition, systematize your lead generation, generate floods of referral
business from customers and partners, and protect future profit streams by building
redundancies into your business model. Gogo Erekosima, 303-900-2894,
“How to Grow Your Business with Social Media” - Is social media BS? Grow your
business and spend less money than traditional marketing. Five top tips to attract more
customers and leads while building a strong brand. Your competitors and customers are on
social media. You should be too. Jo Guerra, 303-632-2928,
“Help! I'm Not Working on My Goals! 5 Steps to Get You Back on Track” - Gotten off
track recently and feeling unmotivated to work on your business? This fun, lively presentation
will stop the procrastination, get you back on track, and motivate you toward outrageous
success. Leanna Fredrich, 303-904-7327,
"Getting Found Online - for the Local Business" - Local Media Experts helps local
companies bring qualified customers through their front door. We do this through local
business search, social and mobile marketing strategies. My presentation is dynamic and
information-rich. It can be customized from 30-90 minutes and I can use one of your
member’s businesses as an example during my presentation (if time allows). Contact: David
Koons, President - Local Media Experts, direct: 303.474.4367,
“Identifying, Analyzing, and Solving Problems to Maximize the Potential of Business” Speaker: Doug Johnson. This is Doug’s objective: Helping businesspeople understand how
the most successful businesses in history survive and thrive. Doug is author of “You Sold Me
At Hello: How to Get People to Buy Without Being A Salesman”. Doug Johnson,
President, G. R. Johnson and Son Consulting, LLC,, (719)310-8380,
“You Always Get Results; Are They the Results You Want and Need?” Organizations
average only 63% of their strategies' potential value because of flaws and breakdowns in
planning and execution. Follow five simple rules to increase performance and impact the
strategy gap shortfall. Noon Clubs Only Please. Kate Ripp, 303-697-5914,
“You Can Do It!” You Can Spread Your Wings and Fly! Are you wondering what your next
step is? How to overcome? This entertaining, inspiring and informative presentation coupled
with music tells my story of determination and victory challenging you to grab your vision and
fly on new-found wings. Gail Hamilton, 720-984-8082,
“Inheritance Planning Pitfalls” After January 1st 2011 every estate over $1,000,000 will be
death taxed. The death claim from your LIFE INSURANCE will be taxed. The tax is 55%. I
show you how to protect your heirs from this tax. Russ Kyncl, 303-645-4666,
“How to END Fear, Anxiety and Worry in Two EASY Steps” Recently, many have found
themselves tortured with fear and anxiety about their unexpected circumstances or uncertain
future. Even day-to-day worries range from exhausting to paralyzing. Improve and impact
every area of life by scheduling this engaging and entertaining presentation now!
Kari Moore, 720-383-4782,
“Emotional Ice Water” Everyone encounters emotional ice water. Regardless of the
source, how do you keep the spark in your spirit? Receive value, inspiration and laughter as
you discover how to be more Productive, Profitable and Happier. Elaine Love, 303-2840514 -
“Banks, Taxes, and YOU” - The Real David and Goliath Story. How the tax deduction on
Qualified Plans creates a financing need for us and a jackpot for the banks. Turn the tables
on the financial giants while creating a legacy for your family without having to make more
money. Chuck P. Winn, 720-887-4000 ext 1,
“The Looting of America” - What's Really Happening With Our Government and What It
Means to You. This is a provocative yet humorous look at the shortcomings of our current
system, some possible solutions, and most importantly, how it affects you and your business.
This will be a fun and interesting interactive discussion about what really happens behind the
scenes. Brian Beck, 303-570-1365,
“Live Your Core!” Find Your Authentic Self! Live, Work and Write from Your Core. 6
Steps to discover your life force. ANNE RANDOLPH helps clarify the "hot center" that drives
you, makes clear your goals, and brings you joy. Anne Randolph, 303-758-3426
“Find Your Passion!!” Chris Howlett pushes clients to achieve their real world balance in
Fitness, Finance, and Lifestyle. He will happily push you out of your comfort zone and
challenge your limits. He is the Accountability Coach and Keynote Speaker many have been
looking for. Living by example, Chris has started several businesses, purchased foreclosed
real estate, been a landlord, built websites, had careers in sales and marketing, finished
several marathons, century bike races, Ironman Triathlons, recently competed in his first
Natural Body Building competition, and published his first Contact. To schedule Chris as a
speaker, please contact Chris at: Website:
“Health and Safety Lectures” Presented by: Dr. Niels Pedersen and Dr. Caitlin Czezowski.
Topics include “Stress Management: Boosting Your Health Potential and Reducing
Stress”, “Back Safety and Injury Prevention: Secrets to a Healthy Back”, “Growing
Healthy Children, Stay Fit While You Sit”, “Headaches: A Real Pain in the Neck” and
“Peak Performance: The Six Facets of Health”. Please contact Lyn J James CA,
303.953.1471, email:, website:
“Those That Take Action Get Results” Would you like a healthier life with less stress, to
feel younger with more energy, live longer with better quality of life, be sick less often without
relying on drugs? Dr. Parham shares the secret to all this and more! Dr. Jeffrey Parham
(303) 570-9448
“Sometimes, __IT Happens!!!” Jeff will be sharing his must hear motivational tale of
inspiration, perspiration, sometimes consternation, and definitely, determination. His is a story
of survival, recovery, and success, in the face of unbelievably long odds! Jeffrey L. Deaver,
“Ease Your Public Speaking Fears - Express With Confidence and Passion!” Rob
Hamilton leads a safe, fun and highly interactive method of exploring ways to uncover the
natural, magnetic and confident speaker in you! Volunteers will receive a video of their turn.
Rob Hamilton, 303-525-8742,
“Tap Into Your Inner Passion” Elaine Love reveals how discovering and tapping into your
passion makes you more Productive, Fulfilled and Profitable. Elaine brings your members the
secrets to a happier life in a humorous program. Elaine Love, 303-284-0514 -
“Those That Take Action Get Results” – Would you like a healthier life with less stress, to
feel younger with more energy, live longer with better quality of life, be sick less often without
relying on drugs? Dr. Parham shares the secret to all this and more! Dr. Jeffrey Parham
(303) 570-9448
“How to Use Social Media to Make Your Business More Profitable”, The latest statistics
and benefits of using Social Media. • How I got 70,000+ followers and doubled my income.
• How simple software (much of it free) can build your Social Media network for you.
Ingrid Elfver, 800-246-0106,
“Money: Don’t Get Older Without It!”
Do you have a recession-proof plan that is sure to provide enough money for your golden
years? You will learn how to start or strengthen your retirement plan even if you don’t have
much to work with. Trinity Clancy, 303-495-9669,
“CHARGE! The Life Lessons of Theodore Roosevelt.” Teddy is one of the most dynamic
presidents in our history, his legacy is simple in concept,”I am the master of my own destiny”.
I cannot change people’s nature but I can inspire them to be better by example and personal
commitment to do the best. Don Moon (AS Teddy Roosevelt), 719-650-6350,
“Transform Stress to Work & Live With Ease.” Too much to do in too little time? Want
Relief? Learn practical tools and prevention strategies for dealing with stress, overwhelm and
chaos. Become more effective and productive. Gain clarity and focus. Clarify what you can
control to get the results you want. Constant Hine, (303) 253.4161,
“The Minerals Management Service (MMS)” – The MMS collects, accounts for and
disburses mineral revenues from Federal and American Indian leases. Since its inception in
1982, MMS has collected and disbursed more than $210 billion to Federal, state and
American Indian accounts. Operationally based at the Denver Federal Center in Colorado,
the Minerals Revenue Management (MRM) Program of the MMS has field offices near
principal energy development areas in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico to augment the
Using sophisticated, computerized accounting systems, the MRM processes nearly $1 billion
(mostly via electronic funds transfers) each month. Bonuses, rents and royalties from more
than 67,000 producing and non-producing leases can amount to several billion dollars each
year -- an amount that peaked to more than $23 billion in 2008 and has averaged
approximately $13 billion during the past five years. Totals fluctuate with market prices,
amount of production, and the number of lease sales. For offshore leases, the Minerals
Revenue Management Program distributes the collected money to U.S. Treasury accounts.
In recent years, annual deposits have included nearly $900 million to the Land and Water
Conservation Fund and $150 million to the Historic Preservation Fund. The remainder is sent
to the U.S. Treasury's General Fund. Distribution of revenues associated with onshore
federal lands is generally split with states where the energy production occurs, and is
returned 100 percent to American Indian Tribes and individual Indian mineral owners. In
addition to collecting and disbursing crucial revenues, MRM maintains a comprehensive and
aggressive compliance program designed to ensure industry compliance with mineral
revenue laws, regulations and lease terms. MMS’s enforcement program includes both
audits and other compliance checks and often results in additional collections as the result of
orders to pay, judgments and settlements.
To have a presentation about the MMS, contact: Patrick Etchart, email: or telephone: 303-231-3162.
“State and Federal Energy Tax Credits and Rebates” - Discuss credits and rebates that
are currently available for a limited time. Also discuss new laws affecting homeowners and
rental properties regarding carbon monoxide safety, indoor air quality, how to lower your
utility bill since up to 60% of your bill is related to home comfort (heating and air), and
production of hot water. Website: Contact Marc Honigsberg –
303.242.6149 Cell, 303.346.3466 Office.
The Language of Business Gets Business Done Have you ever felt like you were talking
to a brick wall? Learn the 3 most common enemies of today's business writing--the Mangler,
the Pontificator, the Professor--and how to make sure your message gets results. Laugh, cry,
and see yourself in the examples! Call Valerie Kendrick, 303-552-7349,
Get Back In The Box! A compelling message on getting back to the fundamentals of building
a profitable business. Thinking "Outside the Box" is highly over-rated; "Inside the Box" is
where you make your biggest impact. A powerful, practical, and life-changing message for
business leaders. Bill Reed, 303-999-6710,
Everything You Know About Networking Is Wrong!! Learn how to avoid being avoided Learn how to be magnetic at any networking event - Learn how to become the connector Learn how to effectively follow-up with your new contacts. Christina Schulz, 720-810-7447,
Seniors Are Dying To Take a Bath… Literally! Discover how safe bathing technologies
keep seniors at home, and help everyone manage pain and health problems. Attorney and
Senior Advocate, George Bentley provides entertaining and powerful information. George
Bentley, 303-388-8887,
How to Experience the Incredible Journey of Time Travel A "Facilitator of Time Travel", I
help families Travel Back in Time by transferring yesterday's Home Movies and Audio
memories. Our Time Machine starting point is 1928 as it takes you on a journey showing
American life, values and courage. Steve Dalbec, 303 469-3806,
Be All That You Were Intended To Be Clear Your Mind of ‘Can’t’ Surround Yourself With
‘Can DO’ People Live Your Life With Purpose and Passion At Home and At Work Kelly Krei,
“Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Denver (IHN)” - Through a unique partnership
with diverse communities of faith, IHN provides emergency shelter, meals and supportive
services to families experiencing homelessness in the Greater Denver area. In 2009 we
served 271 individuals and 84% of those people secured positive housing by the time they
exited the program. Of those 271 individuals, 153 of them were homeless children. Along with
providing a warm and inviting shelter, all of our guests meet with a case manager to work on
self-sufficiency plans and attend classes twice a week which helps them reach to their
goals. Website: Contact Kathryn Chaney, IHN Executive
Director, at 303-675-0713 to schedule a time to speak at your program.
“Business Made Simple - How to Run a Business for Fun and Profit” - Turn your
passion into a business. Learn how to look at any business in very simple terms. Make your
business fun and profitable. Why would you want to run a business? Maybe you prefer a job.
This will give real life answers from decades of experience. Call Don Opeka 303-469-1254
“Thriving in the Rapids of Change” - Change is Part of the Natural Order. At times we
choose it, at other times it chooses us. How we respond is up to us. Charly brings a fresh
voice and perspective to help you become a Change Management Expert. Charly
Heavenrich, 303-545-5414,
“Fearless Marketing— How to Get Clear and Confident When Marketing Anything!”
Learn three essential truths for getting your co-workers, boards of directors and volunteers
rallying around the same vision. Pecanne Eby, MBA, will share her tips, insights and stories
based on many years of consulting with clients big and small. Pecanne Eby, MBA 303-7488087,
“Your Wealth - How To Create, Collect, and Preserve Wealth in Today’s Economy” Learn invaluable truths from a war survivor and successful global entrepreneur. Izabela’s
heartfelt story will leave you with 7 key golden nuggets of how she creates her personal
wealth. She will for sure entertain your group while delivering an unforgettable message.
Izabela Lundberg 720-371-3688
“3 Key Strategies to Grow and Protect Your Net Worth in an Uncertain Economy” Traditional asset allocation has been challenged in the current economy! Jim Lunney, CFP
and McGraw-Hill published author, Surviving the Storm, 2008, presents three strategies
every day people can use to protect their wealth, from IRAs to home equity.Jim Lunney,
“Finding Your Inner SWAN.” Diana Hall knows that everyone is: Smart, Worthwhile,
Attractive and (just a little bit) Naughty. Diana will come to your group and show your
members just HOW to become all of these things in a fun and humorous way. Diana Hall,
“Surprize Me! The Gift of Uninvited Change.” Discover specific everyday skills that
transform pain, and obstacles into unexpected gifts. Learn to release what no longer serves
you, to respond in a way that creates new opportunities, and how to enhance your most
important relationship along the way. Susan Osborn: 303-284-1764:
“Insights on the future of energy, food, water, jobs and other key societal needs as
Colorado Strives to find a Workable Path to Sustainability.” Speaker Michael
Lindemann shares insights on the future of energy, food, water, jobs and other key societal
needs in Colorado. Mr. Lindemann provides an overview on how Colorado is blessed with
vast renewable energy potential and is becoming a go-to magnet for green R&D and
manufacturing, provides an overview of the challenges Colorado faces including severe water
constraints that will only get worse as its population grows and the effects of climate change
increase and discusses the big trade-offs to consider between Colorado’s livestock industry
and more sustainable agricultural options. Contact Maria Miller, Lynott PR for EarthWorks,
Topics: “What to do with serious money.”, “Fraud and Financial Services—what to
look for”, “You are the target!”, “Congress has your number”, “The truth about wills,
trusts, and probate” and “Sheep Shearing, Eggs and Baskets”. Speaker: Mr. Al
Woodward, principal, Woodward Wealth Management. Contact: Dawn M. Marsh, Director of
Administration, Woodward Wealth Management Group, Inc., Denver, CO Tele: 303-3550556, email:, Web site:
“Organ Transplant” - I have a lively 20-25 minute interactive talk on the intricacies of organ
transplant, a demonstration of a successful outcome, and why it is important to register as an
organ donor. I feel a strong personal connection to the topic, as I had a double lung
transplant in 2008. I completed a triathlon only thirteen months after my operation. I am also
the author of the newly published Breathe and Let Go: A Lung Transplant Adventure. More
information about the Contact is available at and would be happy
to offer this Contact to the members of your group. Contact: Gavin Maitland, 915 Estes
Street, Lakewood, CO 80215, Telephone: 720 300-0118
“The 10 Most FAQ about Long Term Care” works best as an informal presentation that is
useful to many ages as long term care is a topic that is (thankfully) gaining more and more
attention. Colorado's enactment of the Long Term Care Partnership Program has increased
awareness, as well as the aging population and national focus on the cost of health care.
Contact Sue Dickinson, Tele: 303-330-8354 or email
“Why Did You Paint My House Pink?” Colorado’s top colorist and master painter, Bob
Bennett, presents: Three Key Steps to Getting Your Color Right. Bob will make colors change
right before your eyes. If you picked color from a paint chip, it’s wrong. Why should you worry
about color? (if mamma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy). Contact Bob Bennett, 720-3644858
“Helping patients enjoy the Highest Quality of Life Possible during the last Stage of
their Lives.” Although hospice care is for this last stage, this presentation is upbeat and
geared toward helping the community understand how this time can be comforting and
memorable for both patients and their loved ones. Contact Vonita Huson at 303-865-7162 or
by email at
“Take a Flying Leap” Could 2010 actually be your most profitable year yet? What if your
business was in rapid growth mode instead of shrinking? What if you suddenly understood
that “Midas Touch” you've always envied in other business owners and sales professionals?
What if you could find a way to grow your business by as much as 25-50% in just 100 days?
Take a Flying Leap is fast-paced, fun and practical look at how anyone can increase their
productivity and have their most prosperous year ever -- even in a difficult economy. There
are no magic pills, but Gary will share proven strategies that anyone can implement
immediately for greater results.
Gary Barnes is a Global Premier Business and Money Coach, an author, and an International
speaker. He is the founder of MaxLife International. Gary believes anyone can lead an
empowered life, no matter what their circumstances are. He has built three successful
businesses from the ground up. To do this, he developed principles and tools that helped him
increase his business 1800% over a four-year period. He also understands dealing with
adversity - he has fought life-threatening illness and won. He believes that your worst day is
the day you meet the man or woman you could have been. It's a choice.
Contact Gary at 303-989-0066 or email him at
“Improve Your Attitude, Improve Your Life” Presented by Ramone Yaciuk. Explore how
to improve your life, with your attitude. Find out how to thrive in rough times and with difficult
emotions. Benefit from expressing yourself and delivering your gifts. Learn simple techniques
to give your attitude a boost. Discover strategies for long term behavior change. Explore
staying positive through obstacles and major changes. Contact Ramone at Telephone: 303-499-7644. Email: Website:
“The Dangerous Edge” Why do people fall off cliffs? Why do people engage in pointless
activities? Why managers must understand the push/pull facing employees. Dr. Bowen,
widely experienced industrial psychologist, guides you to fresh understandings for yourself
and your company. Call Dr. Hugh Bowen 303 300 0588 e-mail
“3 Simple Solutions to Stress: How to Tame Tension & Start Enjoying Your Life” Stress
is not going away. Learn strategies to combat stress you can implement today. Dr. Kelly
Shockley, a wellness professional, will share her many years of experience. This is real life
stuff everyone can learn from. Call Dr. Kelly Shockley 303-790-7650 email
“Marketing Mindset” — How to get clear, calm and confident about marketing anything!
Learn practical principles to get you and your marketing stewards rallying around the same
marketing vision. Pecanne Eby, MBA, will share her insights and stories based on many
years of consulting with clients big and small. Call Pecanne Eby, MBA at 303-748-8087
“How to Improve Your Marriage & Lower the Risk of Boredom, Infidelity &
Divorce.” People in successful marriages have better physical & mental health, raise
more well-adjusted children, and are more productive in their careers. Learn the secrets from
a marriage & sex therapist that happy couples know & you can too. Call Rhoda Lipscomb,
LPC, DAACS 720-530-6545,
“Exploring Intimacy” Your club members are in relationships with parents, children,
siblings, co-workers, peers and friends. Suzann Robins is a lively speaker who will provide
your audience with ideas for improving all relationships. Call Suzann Robins 303-428-0968
How to Recognize Your True Magnificence! Come discover why you’re SO wonderful and
amazing! Through simple techniques, you’ll see why you (and everyone else) are so
important and vital to people around you and to the world. You’ll appreciate yourself more
and have an inner smile. Call Kate Heartsong 303-549-0546 email
“What is Real Retirement?” Members will Gain a new perspective on retirement. Members
will see retirement from another point of view. Members will gain Food for thought and how to
chew it. Joe Clark, 303-886-2229 email
“THE Key to Effective Conversations” Have you spent significant time and money with
your negotiations / conversations and the only thing you have to show for it is being tired,
frustrated, and overwhelmed? Gain the uncommon knowledge to turn these negotiations into
effective ACTION! Call Michael Miller 303-887-9151 email
“Greed Is Good!” -- Did Gordon Gecko Get It Right? In today’s world of ponzi schemes,
corporate fraud and incomprehensible executive compensation, we are challenged to
understand what has caused people to act so contrary to traditional American values . Evan
Goulding will take us back to the roots of character that made this country great. Call Evan
Goulding 303-863-1733 email
“Fundraising Event – Purchasing Jewelry” - Rocky Mountain Gems provides a template
for co-branded collateral and emails, sends professionally trained buyers to your location to
purchase unwanted jewelry from members, provides immediate payment for all jewelry sold
by attendees and pays the organization between 10% to 15%* of the total amount purchased
at the event. * 10% paid on total event purchases of $1,000 to $2,000; 12% paid on total
event purchases of $2,001 to $10,000; 15% paid on total event purchases of $10,001 or
greater. Members are also encouraged to make an additional donation from their sale. Every
attendee gets a $25 coupon for Rocky Mountain Gems Jewelry Store (in Old Town Arvada).
Call: Be Be (720-276-1841).
“Gain Access to 32 Top Rated Attorney’s for $1.20 A Day!” - Learn how to: protect your
identity, receive unlimited phone consultation, unlimited document review, a standard will,
living will, medical power of attorney, assistance with traffic tickets, trial defense services, and
help with IRS audits. Obtain “legal peace of mind”. Julie Harris 720-470-4787,
“Natural Solutions to Digestive Problems” - 61 million Americans suffer from digestive
problems. Learn how the digestive system works and natural approaches to improve the
health of your digestive system. White-Eagle Perry, a wellness professional will share his
knowledge of digestive health. White-Eagle Perry L.Ac. 720-317-2695,
“Are You Ready for Retirement?” Does your retirement look like adventure and relaxation
or does it resemble trips to the doctor? Denise Curran will show you how to optimize your
health or get you the services you need. Helping you help yourself. Denise Curran 720-3203097,
“How Old Would You Be If You Didn’t Know How Old You Were?” - Vitality exists at
every age. Learn the ancient secrets, simple strategies and modern science that slow, even
reverse the aging process and maintain vitality energy through our entire lives. Discover in 20
minutes how you can reverse 20 years of aging. Richard Garde 303-709-5068
“Learn About the 7 Fatal Mistakes Divorced and Separated Parents Make!” – Every one
knows someone that could benefit from learning how to be the best parent possible after
divorce or separation. Shannon has the answers and will let you in on them in her interactive
presentation that everyone can learn from! Shannon Rios 303-284-3441,
“The Care and Feeding of Your Computer Guy (or Girl)” Every one has a computer guy
(or girl) who rushes in to fix an ailing computer. Wonder what makes them tick and how to
keep them ticking away on your problem? Find the answers to the 3 most important
Computer ‘Guy’ questions. Brian Kempton: 303-246-3670,
“6 Steps to Personal Freedom, Living the Life You Love.” - Every one of us is capable of
succeeding; yet often we don't make the choices that give us the freedom we crave. Hear 6
simple steps to start making a difference in your own life and really getting to the place of
personal freedom. Les Jensen, 720-981-1236,
“Adaptation Education” – Marc Romero explains Adaptation Education and discusses his
own accident/injury and rehabilitation, finding skiing, making the US Adaptive Ski Team and
racing, top free-skiing and filming pursuits and new trails blazed in and for adaptive skiing,
advances in prosthetics and other disability assistive devices. He goes “Behind the Scenes”
with his characters and stories and shares the importance of ski helmet usage to help prevent
brain injury.
Audiences Will Learn About:
•The top enabled skiers and stories of our time
•Today’s advancements in prosthetics and disability assistive devices
•The importance of community and giving back to others
•Adapting to and overcoming physical and mental challenges
•Being positive and persistent despite circumstances
•Importance of Helmet usage
Contact Marc at Tele: 303-838-8407, website:
“Bo Knows, And So Do You!” – Robert Dunlap shares lessons learned from reading Bo's
Lasting Lessons by Bo Schembechler, the late Michigan Wolverines football coach. Robert
shares scars from the trenches, incredible stories of corporate behavior that range from
slapstick to nightmare, and stories of incredible success. He wants to show how some people
are in fact doing what Schembechler taught for decades, and how everybody wins that way.
Bo knows, and so do you! Contact Robert Dunlap at
“Food Safety Awareness: My Son Contacted E.coli” – Kip Moore’s five year old son,
Chance, contracted e.coli when he was a year and a half old and nearly lost his life. Kip
shares his story with the hope of making others aware of food safety issues. Contact Kip at
telephone: (720) 560-9912, email:, web site:
“Ready to ‘Meet and Greet’ People from Other Planets?” Jeff Peckman has been
interviewed by Larry King, Geraldo, and even David Letterman, about UFOs and
extraterrestrial visitors. Learn how “thinking outside the planet” can improve the economy,
healthcare, and create clean energy, with Jeff’s fun, fascinating, and comforting,
presentation. Call Jeff Peckman today 303-949-9654,
“Being a Champion in Life and Business” - Have you recently experienced challenges in
your life and/or business? Former National Champion and 7th Degree Black Belt, Chris
Natzke shares how you can transform your life and business through his 7 Qualities of Black
Belt Excellence. Call Chris Natzke today. 720-427-2835,
“How to Overcome Everything: Taking Your Dreams from Idea to Action” Learn how to
refine your dreams, identify resources, overcome hang-ups, and develop an action plan. Julie
Martino, professional coach and analyst, will share her 20 years of experience and passion
for bringing ideas to life. Call Julie Martino today 720-429-0799,
“Secrets of Living a Full Life” - Gayle Downen is a little person at 3'7", yet this fact does
not hamper her living a full and aspiring life. Gayle will present an encouraging overview of
dwarfism, and challenge others to live up to their full potential! Call Gayle Downen today 303353-7013
“Shift Your Beliefs – Shift Your Life!” Are you living the life you desire? Barbara Joye, Reinvention Life Coach and author of The Light Won, shares ‘The Thirteen Steps to Shift a
Belief’, which will bring to your life the Belief Shift Process. Using this process you are able to
create the life you desire Call Barbara Joye today 303-880-5950
“Political of Not!” - Valuable tips on how to hold elected officials accountable and
transparent. Corky Kyle, The Lobbying Pro, will share his many years of political experience.
This is real life experience. Call Corky Kyle today 303-263-5422 kyle@TheLobbyingPro.Com
“How to Make Your Life Magical!” Learn the secrets of success from professional speaker
and magician Keir Royale as he shares his insight into his formula for tackling life's most
challenging obstacles in a program filled with humor and magic! Call Keir Royale today 720318-4425
“Two Presentations on Alzheimer’s Disease” …one is for effective communication for
person’s with Alzheimer’s and the other is care giving tips and strategies in dealing with
Alzheimer’s Disease. Colorado Second Family is a non-medical service provider in the
Denver metro area. Some of the services we provide are personal care services such as
meal preparation, errand assistance, transportation to and from doctor appointments and
social outings, and companionship services. We can also provide assistance with
ambulation, shower assistance, and rest room assistance. Please feel free to visit our
website at for more information. Contact: Nicole Adante,
Program Manager, Colorado Second Family, 4155 E Jewell Ave Suite 806, Denver, Colorado
80222, Telephone: 303-756-6119.
“Colorado Youth at Risk” empowers teenage students to make life choices that positively
impact their future through community-based mentoring and intensive training. Colorado
Youth at Risk aims to reduce the number of high school dropouts, match students with an
adult mentor and provide students with a sense of the future and their place in that future.
Contact: Drew DeMarie, MA, Program Manager, Colorado Youth at Risk, PO Box 13410,
Denver, CO 80201, Telephone: 303-623-9140, Email:,
“Various Subjects” – including: The Formula for Success, Leadership: Why it Matters, We
Are Products of the Past; That Ain’t A Good Thing (when it comes to achieving out best),
Finding Your Hidden Potential, Setting Goals You Will Achieve, Customer Loyalty, Customer
Service, Putting a Mission Statement into Action, Personal Balance for the Busy Professional,
Attitudes: The Breaker or the Maker? Entrepreneurial Leadership and Smart Actions,
Conditioned for Less, Getting to More, and Youth Leadership - The Dilemma. Contact Jim
Snyder, President and Founder, Bold Potential Associates,, (303)
“The Newest Developments in the Field of Pain Management” - Athletes and weekend
warriors know that the pain associated with old injuries is one of the greatest barriers to success.
Being able to manage pain can give you a competitive advantage over the competition. Even if you're
not an athlete, the feeling of physical pain can detract from your over all feeling of well-being and can
have negative effects on your every day life and work performance. Dr. Paul Burns is recognized
worldwide for his contributions to the fields of Pain Management, Sports Medicine, and Chiropractic
Medicine. He has spent 28 years in clinical pain management and neuroscience research with the
National Institutes of Health. His teaching experience in medical schools and universities has
contributed to the creation of the evidence-based treatment protocols in Integrative Neuro-Muscular
Pain Management. Contact Dr. Paul Burns (303) 694-9759.
“How to Improve Health and Physique through Exercise and Nutrition” - Groups love to
participate in the fun, lighthearted seminars that approach exercise and nutrition in a positive,
inspiring way! Each seminar is specifically tailored for the group and each group is
guaranteed to have a great time and a fulfilling learning experience! Contact: April Sharrock,
“How to Optimize Your Computer” Rose Keating will come and teach your club how to
keep their computers running at optimum speed, with handouts and tips. Rose will also let
your club know how they can help Tech For All, a non-profit helping kids get computers for
free. She is always looking for volunteers. Contact: Rose Keating, 303-989-2832,
“How to Understand the Challenge and Resurrect Your Retirement” Sleepless nights
and anxious days. What is happening to your financial future can be overwhelming. Bob
Malone, Ben DiSalle and Mike Malone of J.P. Turner will lead your group in an enlightening
discussion about understanding the challenges of investing. Contact:
Bob Malone, (303) 996-9898, Email:
“Energy” - The message of the talk is to stay present to the master piece of what is this
existence. From there each person will have their own great awakening in the form of a
message, or a gift to the planet. This is the New Earth that has been talked about by many
sages and new age people. The talk consists of a funny and inspiring story of how the
journey started to change from a jail cell, it might have been only one night, but it was the
start of a journey. This journey consisted of the speaker learning about himself and engaging
the body in adventures and things it had never experienced. He tells of that journey to open
up the stage, asking the audience for permission to share the story. Contact Rico Goncalves,
CEO Strength in Unity, LLC, 303-551-4910
“Leap into Life….Letting go of the fear of decisions and change”. In this presentation
you will learn how to move from fear to freedom by reclaiming the lost gifts of childhood. Fun,
inspiring and educational! Contact Sally Bonkrude, Telephone number: 303-717-9580, email , website
Secrets for Finding Your Winning Management Style! – Contact Mary Elston.
Management Secrets blog is at Web site: Telephone: 303-589-0799/
How to Get a Great Long Term Care Benefit with NO Monthly Out of Pocket Expense
and No Medical Exam! Contact: Kent Montavon, Telephone: 720-495-9594
Veterans’ Benefits & the Veterans History Project – Contact: Steve Smalley, Telephone
The Economic History of Our Country and How it Affects Our Present Financial
Situation - Events and trends which have had an impact on some of the financial cycles our
country has experienced from the Great Depression to our recent financial collapse and the
bailouts which have followed are highlighted. Contact: Al Smith, Golden Eagle Financial,
LTD, 5984 S Prince St #205, Littleton, CO 80120, Telephone 303-744-1128 or 866-744-1128,
Fax 303-744-1113
Farmlands, Forts, and Country Life: The Story of Southwest Denver – presented by
Sharon Catlett, telephone: 303-985-7761.
RSVP, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program - a part of Senior Corps that works with
Volunteers of America and numerous other area programs to get volunteers age 55 and older
to work with many non-profit organizations, providing supplemental health insurance and
other benefits for volunteers. Contacts for RSVP are Jan Munoz and Melissa Joslin, at 303297-0408, and
Sisters of Color United for Education - This organization focuses on health issues in
Colorado for Hispanic youth and adults and has programs that cover concerns such as
HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, STIs, sexuality, cancer,
nutrition, cardio health, and diabetes. Contact: Cheryl Lucero at 303-446-8800. Website:
Stop And Change Directions. Learn to stop and make a positive change at any moment.
Cassie will teach your group how to stop a downward spiral and begin moving in a more
positive direction. This topic is perfect for today’s climate! Call Cassie Parks 720-231-5213
Clarity of Purpose! Energy comes from having a purpose. Creativity flows from having a
purpose. When you are clear about why, you will figure out the how. It’s true for any age.
Listen and be inspired by the story of one individual. Contact Colorado storyteller, writer and
voice talent Robert William Case, 303-947-3408,
Flu Preparedness Based on a Track Record of Success - Fortunately, the current
outbreak regarding the H1N1 flu seems to be receding, but it is far better to plan and prepare
now, with a proven and specific preventive homeopathic medicine, rather than reacting to a
crisis down the line! Bill Bergman, M.D., 303 374-1393,
Are You Doing All You Can to Escape the # 1 Killer in America? Every day, in the United
States, 2500 people die from Cardiovascular Disease! For half of them the first warning sign
is sudden death. Learn about resources you can use to handle stress and reduce your risks
of heart attack and stroke. Judy Sabah, 303-777-1765,
an alarming rate and looking for money solutions… National money expert, Chris Wise,
Enlightens & Empowers Entrepreneurs & Investors on how to get working capital to then
grow, and even explode their businesses in a difficult economy! Chris Wise, 720-524-3907,
Pain and Current Trends to Eliminate it. Pain is one of the greatest barriers to living life to
the fullest. Physical pain can detract from your over all feeling of well-being and can have
negative effects on your relationships, work performance and over-all quality of life.
Jason Howard, 303-694-9759,
10 Steps to Super-Immunity During the Cold, Flu, and Allergy Season. Come learn 10
exciting nutrition, herbal, and lifestyle strategies you can apply right now, in home and office,
to achieve super strong immune resistance in the face of an attack by viruses, pollens, and
pollutants. Todd Nelson, N.D., D.Sc, 303-969-3052,
Debt Elimination & Debt Education: How These Programs Really Work - You’ve all heard
the Ads for Debt Elimination, Your Bank-Your Way, and the like. Learn the pitfalls and the
benefits of these Debt Elimination Programs, what they might do for you (good and bad), and
what they really cost. Barry Miller, 303.713.1122 x305,
Easy Ways to Be Joyful in Tough Times - I share insights in how it is that many of us walk
around with a range of unhappy and unpleasant emotions and think that we have to suffer
from these forever. I show easy ways to get rid of negative moods, apathy and worries and
cultivate a more healthy regime of joy and good feelings instead. Throughout I emphasize
experiencing joy despite circumstances and how to do this. This is the key issue. By doing
simple exercises on the spot, the audience gets a feel for how they can easily control the
amount of joy they feel. Contact: Hans Houtman, M.A, Tel. 303-955-4186, 704 W. Longview
Ave., Littleton, CO80120 Web site:
PEAK PERFORMANCE - No nonsense ways for you and your loved ones to attain and
maintain mental, emotional, and physical peak performance. Great information to learn and
grow from. Roechelle L. Smith 303.337.1321
The Great Game of Business - Improve your financial results and the lives of those who
drive those results! Watch your team become as informed, involved, and focused as you are
in moving your company forward! Specific methodologies and actual tools to do it better than
ever! Rick Gretz 720-733-9003
How to Check Your Turn Signal Fluid - Ever wonder why no one uses their turn signals
anymore? How can this relate to business? Get valuable tips to make your customers come
back (and theirs too!!) Jerry Chesser 303-469-3650 email
Share the Past with Tomorrow: How To Create a Story Legacy - The greatest legacy we
can give is ourselves: the story of who we are. Discover what a story legacy is and why it
matters. Learn how to share your story with your family and future generations. Contact Liz
McCutcheon; 303-939-9977;
I Survived a Disaster - Learn about how surviving an airline disaster changed lives. On
February 24, 1989, United 811 – cargo door opened and 9 people were sucked out of the
airplane at 24,000 feet to their deaths. Those 9 people were seated around Shari. Contact
Shari Peterson 303/759-0317
Insulate Yourself Against Layoffs, Get Work Done with Leaner Workforce. Discover how
to crack the code to “make a difference management TM” and tackle layoff challenges during
tough times. Author Mary Elston has 25+ years of management experience and shares
secrets for taking charge of your career, your success! Mary Elston, 303-589-0799,
A Guaranteed Strategy to Grow Even In a Tough Economy - The difficult economy
doesn’t mean that your business or your organization can’t grow. Jim Rohrer has a proven
growth strategy that any business or organization can afford to implement. Find out how this
can work for you. Contact Jim Rohrer 303-679-0144.
Life Changed? Seeking Fresh Opportunity? - Dick Durrance, with his stories and
photographs from assignments for National Geographic and global advertising campaigns,
inspires you see what is, imagine what can be, and create the opportunities you need to
survive in this tough economy. Contact Dick Durrance, 970.945.5666,
Triumph Over Loss: How To Find the Gift in Life's Challenges. Loss can result in pain,
obstacles, and challenges. It can stop you in your tracks. It can also catapult you to new
heights. Susan Osborn, an authority in finding gifts in life's challenges, will share her
experiences and practical tips. Call Susan Osborn at 303-284-1764 or email
Your Three Easy Steps to Increased Energy, Stress Reduction & Vibrant Health - Dr.
Jeffrey E. Parham draws from over 20 years of natural health care to share with
you techniques to release stress and anxiety while increasing energy and connecting
to vibrant health anytime, anywhere. Contact Dr. Jeffrey E. Parham, telephone: 303 570-9448
State of Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) – Learn how DORA helps
consumers protect themselves as they interact with a wide range of regulated Colorado
professionals in the healthcare sector. Contact Wendy Anderson, Program Director, Colorado
Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Registrations, Board of Pharmacy, 1560
Broadway, Suite 1350, Denver, CO 80202, P 303.894.7754, F 303.894.7692, web site:
Venturing – is a youth development program of the Boy Scouts of America for young men
and women who are 14 (and completed the eighth grade) through 20 years of age.
Venturing’s purpose is to positive experiences to help young people mature and to prepare
them to be responsible and caring adults. Contact: Scott Glaser, Venturing District Executive,
Denver Area Council. Telephone: 303.455.5522 x2163, Fax: 303.455.4689. Email: Web site:
Life Is Magical – Keir Royale is a professional magician and speaker. Keir is willing to speak
to Kiwanis at no cost. Contact Keir at Keir’s website is: Please see video testimonials from those who have hired Keir to
speak at their organization at:
Maximized Living Foundation - Dr. Paul Price presents workshops including: Principles of
Maximized Living (overview of 5 Maximized Living Essentials), Maximized Living Makeover (3
hour seminar and 30 day challenge), Eating By Design/The Un-diet – Nutrition, Time Sense –
Life and Time Management, Peace Building – Stress Management, Quickset Program –
Fitness and Exercise, Raising Maximized Kids – Kids health, Weight Loss Resistance –
Hormone based weight loss, Diseases of the new Millennium – Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue,
and autoimmune diseases, Our Toxic World – How to avoid daily toxins in our environment.
Contact Dr. Price at: 303-347-1112,, web site:
YES, PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED - My wife’s condition indicated that she would have to
give birth to our daughter at 24 weeks; the Doctors gave us a 10% chance that our daughter
would survive. My younger sister had melanoma cancer. How were my prayers answered?
Robin Gray, 720-279-2554. Email:
How to Thrive in Tough Times Life delivers many types of Tough Times. Learn specific
strategies that help you Thrive no matter what tough times life throws your way in your
business or personal life. This presentation can be tailored especially for your club so your
members know how to Thrive Every Day! Linda Rhea, 303-758-6641
How to be a Human Being
Author and Energy Therapist Lauren Miller will share the basic EFT technique along with her
personal experience with stage three cancer and how it can all work together to help
embrace the art of being in life. Call Lauren Miller: 303-521-6134 or visit her website:
Finally, I get to be ME…Recreating Yourself at Any Age
No matter your age, you can recreate yourself to live your dream life right now! Limiting
beliefs, messages from the media or our own families, keep us stuck! Blast the doors open to
YOUR endless possibilities with Cindy’s dynamic presentation! Cindy Morris, msw 303. 442.
Great Leadership Starts with Intuition In these turbulent times it is essential to feel
confident in your decisions. Great leaders know how to use intuition. You too can learn how
to make good decisions in the face of chaos through using your intuition. Greg Meyerhoff:
Fearproofing Your Future
Economic uncertainty, threats of terrorism, and political change can cause us to feel
overwhelmed. Rather than "headlight-freeze” in oncoming circumstances, Bruce’s message
of encouragement leads audiences into a new paradigm of boldness, optimism, and courage
to overcome our self-limiting fears! Dr. Bruce R. Porter, 303-800-6132
Have You Already Broken Your New Year’s Resolutions? Do you actually want to lose
the weight, stop the smoking, make more money . . . ? Ever wondered about hypnosis, how it
works . . . find out! Drake Eastburn, Hypnotherapist, has helped thousands of people to
create the lives they have always wanted. Call Drake at 303-424-2331 or e-mail
Websites: A Love-Hate Relationship – History and tips on developing and marketing via a
website. Contact: James Morgese, President, Instinct Media Solutions, 720-280-9180
Various Topics Related to Business and Personal Development – Sharon Gibson.
Sharon’s experiences in business have spanned over 20 years –including successfully
turning a near bankrupt medical practice to great profit within a short three year span. She
has a passion for business, leadership and community. She is currently involved with MakeIt-Fly, a company that forms business advisory boards and helps businesses grow. Contact
Sharon at 303-816-1502.
To Recession or Not to Recession? – You do not have to participate in the recession! Get
valuable tips and learn how others are having the best year ever in their businesses. Jerry
Chesser, a Business Coach with ActionCOACH, will share his successful experiences with
business owners just like you! Call Jerry Chesser 303-469-3650
Improve Your People Skills - Empower Your Relationships – Hank provides practical
insights and understandings enabling all to embrace more positive relationship dynamics.
Hank will share secrets to developing better people skills--with family members, friends,
clients and co-workers. Call Hank Innerfeld at 720-962-6565 or e-mail
Icarus found alive on beautiful Aegean island! That’s right, Icarus, the boy with wings, did
not fall into the sea and drown all those years ago. The old myth is either a lie or a ruse, and
this Contact proves it. So says Colorado author, lawyer and storyteller, Robert Case. To
entertain and inspire your membership with the true story, he can be reached at 303-9473408, or
Seven Secrets of the Impressive Communicator. Howard Lester, international theatre
director and adjunct professor at Denver University, reveals the secrets of exceptional
Communication Skills. A funny, insightful, interactive talk, utilizing thirty years in theatre and
education, for those who wish to convey their thoughts with humor, precision and clarity.
Howard Lester 303 759 8683
Amazing Confessions of a Cruise Director!! is a hilarious, behind-the-scenes look at a
career on cruise ships. Robert Landau, an outrageous, witty, professional speaker, has been
successfully entertaining groups and organizations for over twenty years. Contact Robert
Landau 303-745-0980,
3 Easy Ways of Making Conflict a Positive Asset! Conflict is everywhere. Let's benefit
from it! Elizabeth Suárez, a culturally savvy mediator/facilitator/trainer and adjunct professor
at University of Denver shares a humorous, realistic and winning approach to conflict
management. To Contact this and many other highly interactive training/presentations, Call
720-635-5535 or email
Eat This! Don’t Eat That...Great Health is Just a Few Bites Away is a creative way to
learn what to eat to fight colds and flu, have energy to keep up with the kids, and finally get
into skinny jeans. Peggy Green is a Wellness Coach who serves up eating strategies for
being your healthiest ever! Contact your next presentation at 303-345-1501 or
Calming the Financial Warrior Within: The nation's top Certified Financial Coach gives you
tools to combat the #1 cause of stress in the US – Money. Entertaining and insightful. Learn
your financial warrior style and meet URSLA
Evonne Ryan 303-904-3177
Start Talking: 8 Conversations to Teach Kids Money Matters Cassie with “Spiral Up”
delivers 8 valuable conversation topics for teaching kids about saving and spending money
with intention. You'll learn tips for how and when to teach your kids to be financially
successful adults. Contact Cassie Parks call 720-231-5213, or email
Better than "Fine" in 2009! A practicing PollyAnna offers methods to tap into the healing
virtues of exuberance and to bump up the "glad factor" in our daily lives. Lisa Rusciolelli, a
local leadership development professional, takes time away from surfing the waves of
corporate change to bring a smile or two to your group. Contact Lisa Rusciolelli, call 303-7175535 or email lrusc@comcast.nett
HEY….WHO STOLE MY CUSTOMERS? Learn how to increase profits by keeping your
valuable customers, as well as coaching your people for successful customer relationships!
Create sustainable profits by partnering with your customers! Steve Sorensen has spent 30
years helping companies create CUSTOMERS FOR LIFE! 720.343.0033,
Move More of Your Members to Leadership Performance, Not Just to Leadership
Titles. Hugh Curley has served in management and leadership functions in not-for-profit and
corporate organizations since 1978 and discovered a huge difference between leadership
and management. This presentation describes those differences and provides a six step
process to true leadership. Contact Hugh at 303-482-1703 or
5 Key Tips to Turn Your Home Back Into a House When It's Time to Sell Learn simple
and fun ways to clean up, clean out, stage the house for best sales appeal and leave a fresh
slate for a new family. Win a Professional Walk Through for you or a family member. Contact
Jane Schaefer, Senior Real Estate Specialist at 303-520-9466 or email at
“How To Have More $$$ & Make the IRS Like You, in 6 Weeks or Less” Chris Kauza has built or turned-around businesses over the last 20 years. Learn how you can
get more value for your business, out-maneuver your competition - and still make the IRS
happy. Chris' engaging style can be Contacted through Frances Fitzgerald at 303-862-8484
“Is Brain Fog & Fatigue Limiting Your Success?” - What simple lifestyle changes can you
make to stimulate your mind and reach your peak potential? Dr. Quell -- a chiropractor of 31
years specializing in balancing physical, emotional and spiritual bodies -- will guide you and
offer free check-ups for the L-Form Bacteria, an invisible invader that make be holding you
back from your best. Call Kathy at 720-217-5692 or
“Downloading the Happiness Menu to Create Your Perfect Life” - Andy shares
techniques that make living a life of happiness, Freedom and prosperity a reality. He is a
businessman and the author of “Simple Happy, finally learning to listen to yourself” Visit his
website to see more of his message. Andy Feld, 303-954-9451 or 505269-9909,
“Save your Savings!” - Everybody needs to protect their accumulated wealth.
I'll bring you up to date on CURRENT safe investing in our failing economy.
Prepare yourself for the future with a sense of security. Tamara Thoene, 303-771-5825,
“How to Improve Teamwork While Horsing Around!” - Would you like to enhance the
productivity of your team, whether it is a “working team” or a marital team? Debbie is a
licensed therapist and a dynamic speaker, and the presentation is interactive! You learn by
doing! Debbie Stjernholmn, LPC, 303-809-3817;
“Tired of Dealing With Conflict?” - Most of today’s struggles relate to conflict people must
be empowered with conflict management skills. Learn the top 3 tips on how to succeed in any
conflict. Elizabeth Suárez, a well-known mediator and strategic facilitator, takes a humorous
and realist look at solving conflict. Call Elizabeth at 720-635-5525 or
“Tax issues? The Tax Stop Team Tames Your IRS Problems” - We pull back the curtain
and give you an inside look at the Tax Wizard. The Team includes attorneys and a former
IRS Revenue Officer. We have a very lively, fun presentation and answer questions at the
end. Call Richard J. Banta at 303-860-8048; email
“LinkedIn for Business Development.” LinkedIn is the world’s #1 on-line
social business network with 30 million users. While LinkedIn may seem
difficult to some, Mike O’Neil, the world’s leading LinkedIn trainer, makes
it easy. Mike entertains while he educate people on how to realize more
business in less time and with less effort Mike O’Neil, 303-683-9600,\
“What Rocks Can Teach Us, Metaphorically Speaking” An expert in working with change,
transitions and work/life balance, Susan Osborn blends humor and wisdom to help people
embrace change. Learn to turn pain to gain, obstacles into stepping stones, and how to move
when you are stuck. "Change is inevitable, growth is intentional." Call Susan 303-284-1764,
or email
“Frustrated or Concerned with Building Your Financial Security?”
Learn how Buying into the 8 money myths can cause unintended
consequences to your investment and retirement plans. Learn about
the 5 risks of building a retirement portfolio. Steven White, local financial
specialists will teach you what the pros are doing with their money in an
up or down economy. Call Steven at 303-548-9124 or
Various Motivational Topics - Ernie Carwile is an Author and Motivational Speaker in the
Denver Metro Area. Currently, Ernie does not charge for speaking as long as he can offer his
Contacts for sale at the end of his presentation. Contact Ernie at telephone: 303-641-8632,
Email: , website:
5 Ways to Simplify Downsizing and Moving” Darleen with “Next Chapter” has helped
people move and downsize for 6 years. You’ll learn tips on how to ease the stress. Darleen
Bowman, 303-757-4124,
“The Graceful Art of Aging” Today everyone is trying to live longer and look younger. Join
Dr. Steven J. Schwartz for the secret to living longer
and staying healthier. A must hear, must attend event. Dr. Steven J. Schwartz, 303-9964663,
“How to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally” The Myth about the Current Cholesterol
guidelines - Do Statins really have any effect on your risk of Heart Disease? Learn what diets
are as effective as Statins. Get a sample menu that you can use to Lower Cholesterol
Naturally. Dr. Mark Dempsey, 303-757-8758,
“How to Lose Weight and be Healthy for Life!” Are you sick and tired of being overweight?
Learn about the missing link in weight loss and a revolutionary new program to lose weight
and keep it off for life! Insights from helping thousands lose weight safely and effectively. Dr.
Steve Tashiro, 303-985-5540,
“Attitude Is Magic” Former Governor Bill Owens said, “Ernie, I have always taught my
children to look on the bright side, and your Contact on attitude expresses this concept
perfectly.” Through captivating stories and quotes, Ernie Carwile will remind you of the
humongous importance of attitude.
Ernie Carwile, 303-641-8632,
“A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Hospital, or
You Gotta Have Heart” It's not hard to laugh at yourself, unless you're the one having the
heart attack. Randy's humorous look at heart attack prevention is a personal, non-medical
journey that teaches through laughter. J Randy Penn, 303-635-0357,
“3 Steps You Can Take Today to be in Charge of Your Health and Prevent
Medical Errors.” Learn from a nurse with 22 years of experience about the challenges of
being a health consumer today; reasons to be in charge of your health information; how to be
prepared for treatments and emergencies. Audrey Friedman RN, CLNC, 720-535-9598,
“Genius Simple Branding.” Andy Cleary of Orbit Design Are you the best kept secret in your
industry? Gain awareness of the increasing importance of mapping a vital, cohesive brand
that positions you out of competitive combat zones and into your prosperity zones. Sandy
Sage, Project Coordinator, 303-433-1616,
“Wake Up. Live The Life You Love! Finding your Life's Passion” #1 best-selling author
Chula Fleming shares secrets of tuning in to your life's passion through clear, concise
communication; pinpointing your greatest desires to achieve your goals through a system of
clearly constructed thought and affirmations. Chula at 303 601-9682 or
“Religion and Government Under the Constitution” Daniel Lynch will explain how
government can and must allow religion in the public square without supporting or opposing
any religious belief. Daniel F. Lynch, 303-832-1403,
“Is Brain Fog & Fatigue Limiting Your Success?” - You may have the L-Form bacteria!
Learn about new discoveries that can help you: Reduce brain fog, resolve physical and
emotional issues that hold you back, reduce your stress, strengthen your immunity and give
you more energy.
The Transformational Health Center specializes in gentle healing modalities to address this
and other physical and emotional issues that may be holding you back, including: Neuronmuscular Technique (NET), Kinesiology, Activator Methods, Bio-kinetics, Essential Oils, and
the new Launch Pad Balance! Contact Dr. Larry Quell, 303-692-8655.
“Interested in Visiting a Prison?” The position of Area Development Manager, Prison
Fellowship, allows Pam Montgomery the opportunity to extend to Kiwanis clubs an invitation
to see the inside of a prison and to interact with inmates in whatever way is comfortable.
Contact Pam at 303-547-0917 Toll Free: 866-333-6966 Ext. 5 or
“How not to run out of money before you run out of life—“ John Krol, Phone: 303-7737143, Email: Presentation may be viewed at: http:/// This is a 30 to 35 minute presentation. The speaker will also give an
eContact copy to members and will give away one hard copy Contact by a drawing at the
“Is Your Computer really out to get You? How to Keep your Computer
Safe on the Internet.” Brian Self is a Certified Ethical Hacker and considered a computer
security expert. He has worked for IBM, Northrop Grumman's Command, Control and
Intelligence division and consulted for numerous other companies securing classified and unclassified computer systems. He will share his experiences and humorous stories to help you
safely use your computer on the wild wild Internet. His presentation will provide a great
foundation for protecting your privacy while on the Internet and answer the question "Why
would anyone want to attack my computer?" Contact Brian – Telephone: 720-271-8221
“How Men and Women Function differently in the Workplace” Diana Hall likes to point
out “Nothing is Ever Always” but there are very basic differences between how Men and
Women communicate, plan their day, and accomplish their jobs. Not understanding this can
lead to frustration and ill-will. Diana shares her always irreverent (but NEVER inappropriate)
look at how men and women function differently in the workplace. Contact: Diana at 303-5964825 or Email
“Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE).” - CIEE is an exchange
program that facilitates high school students from countries around the world to attend high
school here in the U.S. Our organization was formed in 1947, and our mission has been “to
help people gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop skills for living in a globally
interdependent and culturally diverse world”. As a local coordinator, my role is to place the
exchange students with host families, and to support the students during their stay in the U.S.
Currently we are looking for host families here in Colorado, and I would like to reach out to
people in your organization to see if they may have interest in hosting an exchange student.
Hosting a student is a unique and rewarding experience that enriches the lives of the host
family and the student. Many students form strong bonds and develop long term
relationships with their host families. Contact: Jason Veatch at 303 550 0491, or at Website:
“LAW OF ATTRACTION MADE SIMPLE” Today's thoughts and attitudes create
tomorrow's outcomes. They attract the people, events and opportunities that determine how
your life is turning out. This talk provides practical tools to change your thoughts and
attitudes. When you change these, your outcomes must change as well. Contact Jonathan
“HOW TO REDUCE DAILY STRESS INSTANTLY.” Lauren Miller will teach the EFT
technique and share her personal experience with cancer and divorce and how this energy
therapy brought her instant relief, emotionally and physically.
Call Lauren Miller: 303-521-6134 or visit her website:
personal testimonies about experiences that caused her to accept the illusions of failure.
Jasmine will show you how to overcome those illusions and become a happier and more
complete you. Contact Jasmine at 720.343.9081 or
"STOP PEEING IN YOUR OWN POOL!" Our negative thoughts, words and actions are
polluting and destroying our businesses, relationships and lives. And most of us don't even
know it! Learn the simple secrets to "waking up," and how you can clean up all your
relationships, your life, and yes, the world! Call Laurie Cameron at 303-740-0352 or email
“GIFTS...GOALS…AND GUTS...” Discover Your Unique Gifts That Are Tied To Your
Purpose In Life. Learn powerful Goal setting techniques that work. Finally, be encouraged to
get started and never give up. It takes Guts to get out of the ruts! Call Brian Gish at 303280-7131 or
rider talks about his life coming from New Jersey out West to
compete in rodeos. Motivational and inspirational. Engaging. Abe is a freelance writer, wellknown author and financial services rep. Call Abe Morris 303-369-8837 e-mail website
Getting the best from employees, suppliers – and customers!” Do you want to improve
collaboration and commitment with the people you deal with? Dan Montgomery, Executive
Coach, will teach you a simple four step process to improve buy-in, accountability, and
performance. Dan 303-942-1696,,
chatter; gain laser-like clarity that propels you forward; and much more! After over 35
entrepreneurial years developing businesses, Ted Case will share his three secret mental
conditioning exercises. Call 303 898-0423 or email today to Contact
“BE THE MAESTRO! How to “Conduct” Millennials into the Mainstream.”
Dr. Carl “Chevy” Chevallard, professional conductor. In this whimsical and
interactive talk, learn about leadership from a conductor’s perspective, about the gifts and
challenges of the Millennial generation, and about the THREE WAYS the Magnificent
Millennials want to and NEED to lead. Call Chevy 719.592.1458 email
inspirational story of Room to Read, which is breaking the cycle of poverty through education
and has the goal to provide learning for 10 million children by 2020. Contact Jim Abbey at
720-810-5679 or
funds to entice students other colleges want. All it takes is a 3+ GPA and being coached to
meet the profile. Starting early in high school is key. High income is welcomed! Get the loans
in the student’s name. Set up your finances in a way not to hinder loan eligibility. Use the
“loan friendly” alternative to a 529 plan. Les Simpson 303-579-6881
“18 PRINCIPLES TO HELP YOU THROUGH LIFE” – Dealing with adversity, friendships,
problem solving, suicide prevention and other life issues. Increase your awareness, change
your thoughts and change your life. Call David Sabetay at (303) 757-7100 or e-mail
Have you been interested in a hobby or vocation that seems out of line with who you are and
what you normally do? Christy Wessler, a singer, songwriter, speaker and comedian
illustrates the importance of beginning an endeavor without knowing where it may lead
because it just may be your destiny. Contact Christy at 303-220-8212 email
“MILE HIGH YOUTH CORPS (MHYC)” - Mile High Youth Corps helps urban youth make a
difference in themselves and their community through meaningful service opportunities and
educational experiences. The Corps works to improve communities and the lives of youth by
putting young people to work in urban neighborhoods, public parks and open spaces. MHYC
serves Denver metro area youth ages 16-24. Participants, called Corps members, work on
crews with 8-10 of their peers to complete community improvement and conservation projects
for multiple city, state and nonprofit agencies., 303.433.1206
Option 1, x344. Contact: Anna Black: 303.433.1206 opt. 1 x344.
“cityWILD” provides low-income, culturally diverse youth ages 11-17 with outdoor and
environmental learning opportunities that promote developmental themes of personal
empowerment, leadership and community participation. Participants reach their potential at
home, in school and within their community., 303.227.6862
personal growth and academic achievement in youth through mountain art, science, literacy,
and recreation education. We “bring the mountains” to 6,000 students in the Denver Metro
area through in-school activities and field trips including Mountain Weather, Avalanche
Science, Physics of Rock Climbing, Physiology with an Altitude, Conserve Our Mountains,
Conserve Our Neighborhoods, and more., 303.996.2748
“Operation: Military Kids (OMK)” is a collaborative outreach initiative to provide support
and assistance to military youth and families on installations and those geographically
dispersed National Guard and Reserve families in our communities. Based on individual and
family needs and upon request, OMK assistance includes a variety of hands-on and
engaging support programs for children and youth. An OMK speaker will provide an
informative, hands-on program about the military culture and the impact of deployment on
military families providing your club with opportunities to help support our military families.
Contact: Shauna Woods, Operation: Military Kids Program Coordinator, Colorado State
University Extension, CSU Extension - University Square #1D – 4050, Fort Collins CO
80523-4050, 970-491-1807, Fort Collins CO 80523-4050, or
Linda Fuller, Youth Program Specialist, Operation: Military Kids and Joint Family Assistance
Program, Colorado National Guard Family Programs, 12200 E. Briarwood Ave., Suite 160,
Centennial CO 80012, 720-250-1188,
“S.M.A.R.T. Method of Goal Setting” - Joe White is the author of 4 Contacts. His most
recent two "Jumping on the Path to Prosperity" and "The Step Forward Home Selling
System" have been major successes. Goal Setting is an extremely important key to individual
and organizational success. Joe will show your group how to set goals that are Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. To schedule Joe, call 866-460-5570 or send
an e-mail to
“Childhood injuries - the leading cause of death to children in the Rocky Mountain
District - who is at risk, and what we can do to prevent them.” - Contact: Theresa
Rapstine, BSN, RN, Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute, Director, Injury Prevention and
Outreach Education, The Children's Hospital. Telephone: 720.777.KPTI (5784) Office,
720.777.6628 Direct. Theresa can also speak about fundraising, working with volunteers and
leadership. After working for 5 months in the Asia Pacific region, Theresa can address global
injuries and non-profits working in Asia, specifically related to pedestrian safety.
“Second Wind Fund” - has speakers available to discuss its program and youth suicide
prevention to your club. The Second Wind Fund, a 501(c)3 non-profit, has the unique
mission of providing mental health counseling to youth 19 and under at-risk for suicide. The
Second Wind Fund approved 1200 referrals from 250 schools, mostly in the Denver metro
area, in five plus years. Contact: Jill Knussmann, Program Director, Second Wind Fund, at
303.988.2645 or . For more information about Second
Wind, feel free to visit our website at
“Places, People and Experiences I have encountered” - Gavin Attwood, Telephone: (720)
323-8136, email: describes his expeditions to places such as
Mt Kilimanjaro, Everest Base Camp, and Mt Aconcagua. Click on the link, Gavin Attwood for
a biography.
“Railroad Safety” - The presentation will include an appropriate video, some inter-active
discussion as well as some beneficial literature to share with family and friends. This
presentation is about 1 hour ... or longer if your members have lively questions or
discussions! Contact: Jeannette Stack, Colorado Operation Lifesaver, telephone: 720-8986872. Website: Operation Lifesaver is an organization devoted to the
enhancement of public safety in and around the railroads of America. This includes grade
crossing safety and the prevention of trespassing incidents
“Host A Youth for Understanding (YFU) Exchange Student!” - At this moment, over 2,000
international young people from over 60 different countries around the world are waiting to
live their dream of coming to the United States and attending one of our high schools—and
live with a family like yours. Maybe one of these wonderful students could become a part of
your family? Come one step closer to building a lifelong connection and making the world a
smaller place. For a presentation, contact: Tangi Lancaster, telephone: 720-221-3696 email:,
“Double-Digit Returns – How to Make Money and Revitalize your Community
without Lifting a Finger” – An in-depth review of the foreclosure crisis in Colorado and
how it will have a positive impact on neighborhood revitalization. Contact: Misty Ramsey,
telephone: 303 534-7078, email:
“Individuality” and “Authenticity” - Modern-day Muse Ingrid Elfver helps others discover
their uniqueness and use it to their advantage in their personal and professional lives. Ingrid’s
speaking style combines nurturing and inspiration with concrete tools to help others become
more successful and fulfilled. Those familiar with Ingrid’s work call it “encouraging”,
“empowering”, “profound” and “life-transforming”. Ingrid Elfver is the founder of Simply
Authentic™ and a frequently sought-out speaker on the topics of individuality and
authenticity. This summer she will appear in the film documentary Leap! with Dan Millman
(Way of The Peaceful Warrior) and many other well-known authors, thinkers, and spiritual
leaders. In addition to hosting her own weekly radio show, My Muse™, Ingrid is the author of
a syndicated weekly column, Simple Tools for Authentic Living™, and two Contacts: Simply
Beautiful: The Art of Acceptance and Believe in Dreamz. Contact Ingrid via phone (720) 2124200, fax (443) 241-2568, or email Learn more about Ingrid
Elfver and Simply Authentic™ at
“Valuable Health Tips” Mayer L. Horensten, D. O., F.A.C.O.I, the “Wellness and Longevity
Doctor” presents a light-hearted talk on valuable health tips to keep people healthier and
happier. Contact Mayer at telephone: (303) 355-2994 / E-Mail:
“How To Be A People Magnet:” The Secrets of Winning with People
In this insightful and informative talk Paul shares practical tips and techniques
that will greatly improve your people skills enabling you to develop better
relationships--with your family members, friends, clients and co-workers.
Call Paul Barnes at 720.427.8922 or e-mail
"Mom Always Loved You Best" David M. Cook, Attorney at Law
Learn how to heal your family after you're dead. See why understanding your children is a
better legacy than money. Culled from 35 years of listening, David takes a humorous and
humane look at family relationships in challenging times. Call David or Jill at 303-584-0500 or
“How to Sell in a Down Economy” What Sales Issues Keep You Awake? Spending too
much time and not closing the deal. Doing Unpaid Consulting quotes, bids, proposals.
Are you tired of think it over’s? Do you have the right selling beliefs, behaviors, and skills to
succeed? What is all this costing you? Patrick Geary 720.232.3881 cell or 303.741.5200
“Moving or downsizing?” - Help yourself or your loved ones. Get valuable tips
on how to limit the emotional stress and physical demands of moving.
Darleen Bowman, a professional move manager, will share her many years
of experience. This is real life stuff everyone can learn from.
Call Darlene Bowman 303-757-4121 email:
“Teaching and Learning with Fun and Pleasure” will equip you with the
simple yet effective stress-free passive learning technique which makes
teaching and learning easy, so you progress as planned. It has been tried and
proven many times. The presentation is interactive with humor and stories.
Call Nick Samoylov 720-280-6662, or e-mail
“Maximize Your Advertising Budget for the Strongest Return on
Investment” - Learn advertising strategies from this insightful presentation
that can give your business branding, lead generation and a strong
return on investment without blowing your advertising budget.
Call Melody Mickeletto 303-406-8758 or email
“Who Stole My VaVoom!” Physically exhausted, emotionally drained from all
the "energy" it takes to really live within your busy life? Take it back! Life's
passions, goals, dreams can become a reality. Walk away with great lifestyle
energy tips and a step-by-step action plan to implement other positive daily
healthy habits. Call Dr Scott 303-883-8828,
"How to Increase Your Profits In ANY Market." Learn powerful strategies to maximize
your business and life. Create more time, more team, more income...guaranteed! Charles
Holland is a Brian Tracy certified business coach to small and mid sized companies. Call
Charles at 303-942-1904 or
“Take Control of Your Personal Economy: Invest In Your Debt”. This
educational talk offers no nonsense tips on how to eliminate debt and save
money, change how our credit driven society affects us, and for some, get out
of credit prison. Taking charge of debt creates less stress, more peace and
better health. Call Judy Sabah 303-777-1765, e-mail
“Over 60?” How to avoid the four most common, major financial mistakes.
An educational talk about how to solve unique problems people face when
they are retired or getting ready to retire.
Call Les Simpson 303-579-6881 email
‘How to Light the Fuse of Your Inner Champion!” Steve Doherty details
his own incredible journey to become an author and public speaker as he
challenges audiences to identify their own unique gifts, overcome obstacles
and challenges, and pursue their own life's mission!
Call Steve Doherty 303-873-1244, or email
“PERC Up Your Office and Decaf Your Staff.” Diana Hall, Author of
Coffee and Other PERC's, How to Keep Your Staff, wants to come to
play with your group. If turnover is costing you money, Diana is the person to turn that
around. Call Diana Hall 303-596-4825 or email
“18 Lessons from Golf about Life” is a funny, inspirational perspective about golf and its
applications. The best life lessons are humorous, and JOHN BARNES mixes his passion for
the game and its many lessons with his ability as a former stand-up comedian to entertain
and inspire. Mr. Barnes connects the victories, failures, and challenges of golf and golfers to
business, relationships, spirit, and life in general. Contact: John Barnes, Tele: 303-917-0661,
“Korean-American (KoAm) Foreign Student Exchange Program” – Learn the benefits
and rewards of a foreign exchange program. Young students attend American private
schools and stay with American host families. The Korean students bring a rich cultural
heritage and different perspectives of life which will enable U.S. children to widen their
horizon as well as gain lifelong friendship. These cultural exchange experiences help the
American students with connection to the world and opportunities to interact with kids from
the opposite side of the globe. Contact Haewon Park, H: 303-543-2284 C: 720-339-7710.
Web site:
“FasTracks” – To schedule a presentation on this RTD metro-Denver program, contact
Megan Trusty, FasTracks Public Information Team, telephone: (303) 299-6908. There’s a lot
going on right now with FasTracks, RTD’s voter-approved 12-year transit expansion program.
FasTracks is building out 122 miles of new rail transit for the Denver metro area. The
presentation would address what’s happening in a specific area as it relates to the program
and answer any questions or concerns your membership may have about FasTracks.
“Have More Energy, Be More Relaxed with 10 Habits for Better Brain
And Heart Function” An entertaining talk with simple, proven techniques
for living larger, developing your own rhythm, and becoming more creative. 303-523-4663
”The Path With Heart Guide to Documentary Filmmaking” Having made
films in Tibet, films about teen-age moms, gay/straight marriages and brain
research; this passionate producer's talk reveals what it takes for you to
make your dream documentary. Call Roslyn Dauber 303-664-5011, or e-mail
“All About Contactbinding” Have you ever thought about how Contacts are bound
or restored? This talk is about Contact assembly, repair, and publishing.
Hear helpful hints on publishing your own Contact, or bring in an older Contact
you cherish that might need a little loving care. Call Gail Lindley 303-455-5521 or email
“How to turn theory into reality: Mentorship!” Everyone should both have
a mentor and be a mentor. Many times that is easier said than done! This
informative and interactive discussion will offer several techniques on how to
mentor others more effectively as well as how to attract quality mentors to you!
Call Mike Stanley 720-987-4743, or e-mail
“Let Your Millionaire Out(R)”: How to Get Out of Your Own Way!
Drawing on his experiences from Special Operations with the US Marines,
to creating multi-million dollar companies, David keeps the audience
captivated with strategies to breakthrough your personal obstacles.
Call David Koons 303-474-4367, or e-mail
“Healthcare, Real Estate, and Charities”....The National Healthcare Insurance
debate is all centered on illness. See today what you can do about wellness,
hear the latest real estate insights, and see how a new Foundation is combining
the two while not donating, but generating $1,000's in contributions to charities.
Call Dave Bovard 303-523-4663
“Do You Want To Be Pain Free? Massage is the answer”
You can throw away your prescription medications.
Feel better without putting toxins in your body. Would you like to have more energy? Have
massage table/chair will travel. Call Andrew Bolton 720-435-7454 or Email:
“Take Control of Your Personal Economy: Invest In Your Debt” This
educational talk offers no nonsense tips on how to eliminate debt and save
money, change how our credit driven society affects us, and for some, get out
of credit prison. Taking charge of debt creates less stress, more peace and
better health. Call Judy Sabah 303-777-1765, e-mail
”From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed: Managing Life in the 21st Century.” The
speed of change has accelerated beyond human benchmarks. Productivity is
sinking and it’s impossible to keep up. There is something you can do. With six
BASICS, Cindy Gabriel will entertain, educate, and inspire you to thrive in what
feels like a culture gone crazy.,720-317-5173
”How to Create More Time, Energy, and Happiness” Enjoy this entertaining
yet inspirational talk about how to simplify your life, so you no longer feel like
you're living in the "rat race." Learn to apply the "simplicity formula" to your life.
Call Judy Schiller, M.A., Simplicity Coach and Trainer, at 303-477-2547,
or email
”Better Behavior for Your Child Through a Stronger Bond with You”. Learn
3 Essential Tools which Empower Parents, Grandparents, and Anyone who
wants to Help a Child Experience More Success and Happiness in Their Life.
Inspiring, Heartwarming, and Immediately Applicable Tools That Work!
Kathy Kinskey, M.A., L.P.C. 303-443-1220
"Dollar Like Coins", "Mint Errors" and "WWII Coins and Currency" and more -The
Denver Coin Club has Special Speakers who are willing to present programs at local Civic
and Group meetings. Contact: Joseph Coggon, 303-798-4426 or e-Mail:
“Senior Reach” is a collaborative community education, referral and outreach program that
can assist older adults with case-management, counseling, and wellness services.
Assessments along with the assistance of professionals can be provided in the senior’s home
at no cost to the older adult. The program serves seniors living only in Boulder, Broomfield,
Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Jefferson counties. Part of the focus of this grant is to also train
persons in these communities on how to identify and refer older adults who might be benefit
from the program. To schedule a presentation, contact: Elaine Feldhaus, Wellness Specialist,
Senior Reach, 303-432-5715
“Conscious Performing ….from fear to freedom” - Performance Anxiety? Think dry
mouth, sweaty or cold hands, pounding heart, frozenness, shakiness or complete avoidance
of putting yourself in the situation. Experience how to breathe, release tension and quiet the
inner chatter of the mind and become a conscious performer that is embodied and breathing
freely. Contact: Sally Bonkrude MA, LPC, MT-BC, 607 10th St., Golden, CO 80401, 303-7179580
“Wake Up and Play!” - Come and wake up your inner creative playful spirit. We will move
energy through your body, expand the power of your breath, invite your play spirit in through
visualization, learn firsthand how the creative process works AND you will leave with an
ACTION PLAN to jump start the fun in your life. Contact: Sally Bonkrude MA, LPC, MT-BC,
607 10th St., Golden, CO 80401, 303-717-9580
“So, You Want To Lead a Band” - Have you ever wondered just what a conductor does?
What do all those crazy gyrations mean - and how do the musicians know what to do?
Here's a lively "hands-on" session that will keep everyone involved and guessing what
comes next as you learn to conduct the group. And, you'll take away some principles of
leadership that you can apply to your business or organization. Contact: Charles (Charlie)
Boyer, Immediate Past President, Kiwanis Club of Ken-Caryl, Phone: (303) 972-2245, Email:
“Cutting Through the Clutter” is an informative, practical and humorous series of talks
about more fully experiencing being alive. Ian Kernan will share with you ideas like Touch
Your Desk and Thank Your Demons, for releasing the often involuntary, repetitious stream
of thoughts that cloud our personal brilliance, productivity and focus. Discover how “We Have
Won the Ultimate Lottery” and “Live Better than Kings and Queens Have for Centuries”
by taking a second to marvel at the life we have right in front of us and inside of us. Learn
practical tools and techniques for staying present - and why you should stay present at all. To
set up a speaking engagement with Ian Kernan: Phone 720-296-2192, e-mail
“How to Strengthen the T.I.E.S. that Bind”- Fiona Cattermole, MSW, CPBA – Fiona is a
speaker and parent/child coach with a thought-provoking and entertaining 20-30 minute talk.
It’s aimed at giving some tips to busy parents about how to keep the focus on their
relationship at the same time as attending to the challenging job of raising children. T.I.E.S.
is an acronym that stands for Time, Identity, Energy and Sex/Intimacy – the four areas of
greatest impact on a relationship when a couple has children. Contact Fiona at: Perfecting
Individual & Organizational Performance, Telephone: 303-807-1044.
“The Science of Glycobiology” - This science of Glycobiology has won many international
accolades, entered most of the major medical journals and is now being taught in our medical
universities. Science has now shown that this technology has a direct relationship to most of
the degenerative diseases that plague 50% of Americans today. Contact: Dick Gordon, The
Glyco Educational Group, Telephone: 719-686-7560. Website:
"Dad-Why Didn't You Tell Me These Things?" - Steve Chase provides a hilarious look at
discovering the ups and downs of married life-things his father should have told him. His
stories range from relationships and laundry to hair disasters and home repairs and are sure
to leave you laughing. To Contact Steve for your next event call 720-488-0747 or email
”IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU! How To Be In The Driver’s Seat In Your Life!” It doesn’t have to
take a life threatening change to give ourselves permission to
invest our time in people and things that really matter, take back control and live a more
meaningful life. Judith Haynes, N.D., promoting better health for over 24 years, Call Judith
303-506-0868,, or
”The Seven Signs Of A Changing Economy ... What To Look For, Where To Find It And
What To Do When You See It!!!” A fast paced and fun presentation featuring the three keys
to effectively predicting where the economy is headed and why. Contact Jim Lunney,
McGraw-Hill published author, by calling 303.933.2107 or email
”In "Women with Breast Cancer & the Men who Love them" Dan & Cynthia
present a fun, informative review that answers these burning questions and much
more: What is an On Call-ogist?-Who's the bald person in the bathroom?-Why
are we yelling?-Will chemo cure athlete's foot?-How do you win on "Survivor: BC"? To
Contact Dan and Cynthia call 303-935-7334 or email
”From beauty pageants to conjoined twins, one must Plan Accordingly;
Expect a Miracle.” Emily Stark has been featured on 48 Hours, Larry King
Live and Discovery Health where she shared her journey of many miracles.
Contact Emily Stark, a wonderful story-teller whose packed with humor for you
next special event. Call Emily at 303-593-1199 or email
”The Most Important Personal Skills - Communicating with Style!” 3 Most Important for
Success - 5 Most Important for Leadership - 7 Most Important
for Sales. Communicate with Style! Nik Nikkel Business and Personal
Consultant and Coach delivers vital information with a light touch. Call Nik @ 720-570-3272
or E-mail him at
”America’s Freedom Documents: Sparking a National Revival!” America--Pass It On?
Powerful Learn-and-Share Program—Re-visiting the Declaration of Independence, U. S.
Constitution and its incredibly important Bill of Rights. America--Pass It On!, author, 607-page, TOTAL Power of ONE in America; 303-421-7619.
”Increase Profits, Improve Relationships.” Larry Cerrillo is a mediator/facilitator that shows
you how to increase profits and improve relationships by helping you to recognize,
understand, and deal with
conflict in the workplace. It may even improve your home life. Larry Cerrillo, 303-674-6484,
”How to Tap the Vitality in YOU!” Is life too difficult? Learn why you are the cause, and how
you can change it, from the man who has lived it. Kirk Axelson, a widowed father of 2 shares
his life experiences, so you can learn before its too late. To Contact Kirk Axelson for this life
changing talk, call 720-837-3290,visit , for Luncheon or evening events Only.
’Live Your Dreams: Are You Really Living Yours?” If there’s something in your life that
you really want, but don’t have now, you’ve got to get Lydia to your next event. It’s not about
elusive clouds of frivolous imaginings. It’s the real deal for manifestation! Call Lydia Thurston
at 303-734-9767 or
”Your Results Show Your Past Thinking; Your Dreams Create Your Future
Reality.” Let Hugh Curley, a certified Life Success Consultant, show you how to turn your
dreams into reality in this entertaining presentation. For thirty years, Hugh has researched
what separates the winners from the masses and he wants to share this exciting information
with you. 303-682-1886 or email
”Find out 5 Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger” with the Regaining Your Youth
And Vitality Workshop .Also available is Getting The Most From Your
Employees While Reducing Your Healthcare Costs .Dr Craig Stimson , DC
works with you on all 3 major stress levels, Structural, Chemical & Emotional
Not just one level like most Drs or clinics . Call him at 303-691-1771
”3 Categories of Employees: Profit Makers, Fakers and Takers.” How to Tell the
Difference Before Making the Hiring Decision! The Right People aligned with the Right Job
based on natural strengths = Profit Makers, resulting in greater success and satisfaction for
the employee and the employer! Employers - Learn how to do Success Job Matching - Kevin
Stoffel 303-960-5122 or
"College and Retirement Planning for Morons" How in the world did we end up here?
Ouch! Contact Nationally Renowned Financial Strategist Paul Luchau
for a contrarians point-of-view about True Wealth Creation at 303-948-5884 or
”Turning Chaos into Simple Systems and Strategies that Work” Using her own
experience turning a dilapidated country motel into a top-rated New England retreat, Anne
McGurty shares her proven strategies for dialing up productivity while dialing down stress. To
Contact Anne, call 303-778-0588 or email her at
”Achieve Enduring Success: Unleash Your Passions” Using a thought-provoking
presentation style infused with enthusiasm and humor, Cheryl has inspired intimate
audiences and large gatherings alike. She is renowned for her ability to help others to
discover clues to personal success by living their passions. Call Cheryl Burget at 303-4317373, email
“Circus for the Performing Arts (CAPA)” - The web site is The Executive Director is Kevin Harvey and he can be
reached at 303 909-0507.
How to say, “Yes.” with confidence, when the question is “Can I afford it?”
Hear Jeffrey Reeves expose money myths that make others wealthy
instead of you!...Author of Money for Life – Wealth for Generations©2008,
Jeffrey has 35 years helping clients build personal economies that last.
Contact Jeffrey Reeves 303-355-0550 - email
Five Things I’ve Learned—From Being Crazy!
Even mental illness can bring some surprising blessings.
Janet Lynne Roots (author of Memoir of a Basketcase) shares
her experiences and how they changed her life.
Call 720-941-2560 Email Janet at
Foreclosures – Good or Bad????
How to thrive in an “up, down, or sideways” market and build a successful wealth
portfolio. Cheryl Garlock, creator of “Play Your Way To Financial Freedom”
and Red Rocks Venture Club shows you how.
Call Cheryl at 720-373-0654 or email her at
Everything I Really Need to Know About Leadership I Learned From Old
Movies. Watch heroes and villains of B&W movies portray a classic model of
leadership for today. Tim Burke (Regis University faculty member) speaks on
human performance at conferences and business meetings.
Call 303-428-9356 or email
One Doctor’s Journey - A forensic doctor’s humorous and inspiring autobiographical
reflections of her incredible and fascinating journey. Great Storyteller.
Appeared on 48 Hours and 60 Minutes. Contact Kathy Fortune, also a cancer
survivor, for this amusing and serious presentation. Available for luncheon/dinner
events. Call Kathy at 303-794-4112 or
How to Be Emotionally and Physically Free from Pain...
I AM even in the midst of stage three cancer and a divorce.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is acupuncture without the needles.
Lauren Miller, a Master EFT Practitioner shares her story and EFT techniques.
Call 303-521-6134 Website:
Curious Critters - a photographic journey - a wide-ranging entertaining talk
about some of the planet's most fascinating creatures. Hear Dr. Paddy Ryan
- accomplished biologist, author, nature photographer and speaker. Worked
with San Diego, Denver and Fort Worth Zoos, BBC & National Geographic.
Contact Paddy at (303) 457-9795 or
Save Energy and Money
An informative and entertaining presentation about energy wise
improvements that will save you money at your business or home.
Contact Renee Putsche for a great presentation.
Call Renee at 720-353-1659 or email
”How to THRIVE...When You're Not Even Sure You Can Survive!” Life presents
"opportunities" for growth every day from Disease, loss of a loved one, career changes, etc.
Learn easy steps to turn these opportunities into success & create a better life than you ever
dreamed possible! Call Linda at 303-758-6641 or email
”The Seven Signs Of A Changing Economy...What To Look For, Where To Find It And
What To Do When You See It!!!” A fast paced and fun presentation featuring the three keys
to effectively predicting where the economy is headed and why. Contact Jim Lunney, by
calling 303.933.2107 or email
”Balance Your Business, Boost Your Bottom Line!” Look at your business from a broader
perspective to discover what is needed to improve business performance. Contact Kris
Britton, President of Britton Business Solutions, LLC. Call Kris at 303-341-4145 or email
”It Only Takes One to Leave a Hole, It Takes Three to Make a Whole.” As an adoptee,
Lissa Ann Forbes knows the aching longing of wanting to know her past, but also the value of
starting where you are, with your own story. Call 303-885-0652 or email Learn more at (For all
touched by adoption.)
”World Change starts with Educated Children” - Learn the amazing story of CEO, John
Wood, who left Microsoft to Create
. A global literacy non-profit that has established 5000 libraries. Call Jim Abbey (spiritual life
coach) at 720-810-5679 or email at\
”How to Send Your Child or Grandchild to College on Uncle Sam” Enjoy this fascinating
talk about the reality of college costs today and tips every parent or grandparent must know
to save money. Call Jay Murray 720-529-0707, or e-mail
“Upcoming Switch to Digital Television (DTV)” – The National Association of Broadcasters
(NAB) gives a presentation on this topic. Contact: Sonia Kim, Account Executive, CrosbyVolmer International Communications, 1025 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 401, Washington, DC
20036, Telephone: 202.232.6799, Fax:202.232.6535,
”How to say, “Yes.” with confidence, when the question is “Can I afford it?”” - Hear
Jeffrey Reeves expose money myths that make others wealthy instead of you!...Author of
Money for Life – Wealth for Generations©2008, Jeffrey has 35 years helping clients build
personal economies that last. Contact Jeffrey Reeves 303-355-0550 - email
”Five Things I’ve Learned—From Being Crazy!” - Even mental illness can bring some
surprising blessings. Janet Lynne Roots (author of Memoir of a Basketcase) shares her
experiences and how they changed her life. Call 720-941-2560 Email Janet at
”Foreclosures – Good or Bad????” - How to thrive in an “up, down, or sideways” market
and build a successful wealth portfolio. Cheryl Garlock, creator of “Play Your Way To
Financial Freedom” and Red Rocks Venture Club shows you how. Call Cheryl at 720-3730654 or email her at
”Everything I Really Need to Know About Leadership I Learned From Old
Movies.” - Watch heroes and villains of B&W movies portray a classic model of leadership
for today. Tim Burke (Regis University faculty member) speaks on human performance at
conferences and business meetings. Call 303-428-9356 or email
”Lift Every Voice!” A forensic doctor’s humorous and inspiring autobiographical reflections
of her incredible and fascinating journey. Great Storyteller. Appeared on 48 Hours and 60
Minutes. Contact Kathy Fortune, also a cancer survivor, for this amusing and serious
presentation. Available for luncheon/dinner events. Call Kathy at 303-794-4112 or
”How to Be Emotionally and Physically Free from Pain...” - I AM even in the midst of
stage three cancer and a divorce. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is acupuncture
without the needles. Lauren Miller, a Master EFT Practitioner shares her story and EFT
techniques. Call 303-521-6134
”Curious Critters - a photographic journey” - a wide-ranging entertaining talk about some
of the planet's most fascinating creatures. Hear Dr. Paddy Ryan - accomplished biologist,
author, nature photographer and speaker. Worked with San Diego, Denver and Fort Worth
Zoos, BBC & National Geographic. Contact Paddy at (303) 457-9795 or
”Save Energy and Money” - An informative and entertaining presentation about energy wise
improvements that will save you money at your business or home. Contact Renee Putsche
for a great presentation. Call Renee at 720-353-1659 or email
”How to THRIVE...When You're Not Even Sure You Can Survive!” - Life presents
"opportunities" for growth every day from Dis-ease, loss of a loved one, career changes, etc.
Learn easy steps to turn these opportunities into success & create a better life than you ever
dreamed possible! Call Linda at 303-758-6641 or email
”The Seven Signs Of A Changing Economy...What To Look For, Where To Find It And
What To Do When You See It!!!” - A fast paced and fun presentation featuring the three
keys to effectively predicting where the economy is headed and why. Contact Jim Lunney,
by calling 303.933.2107 or email
”Balance Your Business, Boost Your Bottom Line!” - Look at your business from a
broader perspective to discover what is needed to improve business performance. Contact
Kris Britton, President of Britton Business Solutions, LLC. Call Kris at 303-341-4145 or email
”It Only Takes One to Leave a Hole, It Takes Three to Make a Whole.” - As an adoptee,
Lissa Ann Forbes knows the aching longing of wanting to know her past, but also the value of
starting where you are, with your own story. Call 303-885-0652 or email Learn more at (For all touched
by adoption.)
”World Change starts with Educated Children” - Learn the amazing story of CEO, John
Wood, who left Microsoft to create , a global literacy non-profit that
has established 5000 libraries. Call Jim Abbey (spiritual life coach), at 720-810-5679 or email
”How to Send Your Child or Grandchild to College on Uncle Sam” - Enjoy this fascinating
talk about the reality of college costs today and tips every parent or grandparent must know
to save money. Call Jay Murray 720-529-0707, or e-mail
Variety of topics - Jefferson County Justices want to speak to your Kiwanis Club. Contact:
Judge Brooke Jackson, 303-271-6163, Fax: 303-271-6114
”Dealing with life ~ Inspiration ~ Managing change” Click on the following name to link to
the speaker’s information: John Barksdale, ATMS
”Importance of humor ~ Presentation tips” Click on the following name to link to the
speaker’s information: Beth Boaz, DTM
”Wyoming history with humor” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s
information: Nancy Brooks, CTM
”Ergonomics ~ Enhancing workspace” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s
information: Sharon Breay, ATMB
”Public Speaking, Communication in Writing” Click on the following name to link to the
speaker’s information: Thomas Christopher, ATMB
”Internet Strategy ~ Self-Publishing” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s
information: Marty Dickinson, ATMB
”Communication in Writing” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s
information: Elizabeth Frick, Ph.D., CTM
”Public awareness ~ Goal achivement ~ Challenge ~ Competition ~ Speaking tips” Click
on the following name to link to the speaker’s information: John Graham, DTM
”Marketing” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s information: Susan Grattino,
”Goal setting ~ Dating ~ Leadership ~ Speaking tips” Click on the following name to link
to the speaker’s information: Preston Hickman, CTM
”Leadership ~ Alzheimer's ~ Optimism” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s
information: Angela Jankousky, ATM-S
”Disaster recovery ~ Organization ~ Learning ~ Creativity” Click on the following name to
link to the speaker’s information: Dirk Kittredge, ATM-S
”Planning ~ Time management” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s
information: Kirk McCrimmon
”Making life choices” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s information: Dave
Meyer, ATM-B
”Public relations ~ Survival” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s
information: Janet Reese, ATM-S
”Adversity ~ Overcoming setbacks ~ Business” Click on the following name to link to the
speaker’s information: Cindy Rold
”Business, Management, Leadership, Goal Setting” Click on the following name to link to
the speaker’s information: Dennis Ryan, ATM-B
” Motivation - Discovering Your Talent ~ Leadership - Personal ~ Personal Growth”
Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s information: John Shell
”Communication ~ Challenge” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s
information: Carl Thornton
”Motivation - Goal Setting, Business - Management, Leadership - In Workplace, Health Stress, Personal Effectiveness, Leadership, Communication - Body Language,
Business – Relationships” Click on the following name to link to the speaker’s information:
Karen VanCleve
”Health, Diet, Long-term Care, Weight Loss, Business” Click on the following name to link
to the speaker’s information: S. C. Visentin, ATM-S
”Medical advancements ~ Stress management ~ Children health’ Click on the following
name to link to the speaker’s information: Glen Winkel, Ph.D., CTM
“Are you building a team or a family?” Diana Hall, Speaker and Author of Coffee and
Other PERC*s – How to Keep Your Staff, is available to speak at your next meeting. Diana
shares her *Preferred Employee Recognition Concepts in an amusing and enlightening 25minute talk titled She brings her management style to life with her stories, lessons and
PERCs. To Contact Diana for your next meeting, call 303-596-4825 or email
PO Box 6801, Denver, CO 80206
“Denver Public Library” or “Archiving Old Kiwanis Records or Memorabilia” - Erin J.
Edwards, Special Collection Librarian for Acquisitions Western History and Genealogy
Denver Public Library 10 W. 14th Ave. Parkway Denver, CO 80204 720-865-1810
The Cholesterol Myth: New evidence suggests that lowering cholesterol
with drugs may miss the point in many cases in reducing the true risk factor
for heart disease and stroke. Help protect yourself and your loved ones by
learning the bigger picture. Visit Bill Bergman, M.D. at
and call 303-819-7072 or email:
I’m building my own home, and, I’m “Blind as a bat.”
An inspirational look at how this process of hammering nails without sight is an
empowering and transforming event. Contact Gail Hamilton (a Habitat for Humanity
recipient) for this humorous and powerful presentation. Available for any type of
venue. Call Gail at (720) 984-8082 or email:
Let Me EnterTRain you. Have Bob Hadfield treat your group to one of his
eight stimulating presentations. Seven are interesting, meaningful and fun, and
one is strictly entertaining. See a list of the presentations on Bob's website: To schedule Bob to speak, call 303-689-0847,
or email
How to feel better and live better in 4 short days. Dr. Glenn Hyman gives this
Learn 4 simple steps that you take to dramatically improve your health.
Glenn D. Hyman, DC, Denver Chiropractic Center,, 303.300.0424
Building powerful profits by retaining your customers!
Losing hard won customers undermines profits and growth! Learn how to
create lasting partnerships and profits! Contact Steve Sorensen for a thoughtprovoking and potentially revenue enhancing presentation.
Call Steve at 303.953.2018 or email at
I turned $10,000 into $1,000,000 in less than 7 years.
Discover the path to real estate investing success.
Contact millionaire real estate investor Kevin Mackessy to
speak on buy & hold / fix & flip strategies in metro Denver.
Call Kevin at 303-956-3507 or email
FANTASTIC, Everyday is FRIDAY!!! Widowed father of
2 children shares with the audience how to turn everyday into
FANTASTIC, Everyday is FRIDAY!!! Contact Kirk Axelson for incredible
Fantastic, It’s Friday! Available for luncheon events ONLY
Call Kirk at 720-837-3290 or email
Maximize YOUR Business, Money and Life!
Gary Barnes inspires, entertains and motivates in his
Talks, Keynotes and Workshops. Unlock unlimited possibilities
and Maximize your next event by Contacting Gary at
303-989-0066 or email
Meditate your Way to Success. Contact Rochelle Fisher a top
multi million dollar sales producer for one of Denver’s leading
manufactures. Let go and achieve more than you ever thought
possible. Available for breakfast and dinner events.
Call Rochelle at 303-549-6502 or e-mail
Make Every Click Count For Your Business!
Learn Search Engine Marketing Tricks for Success.
Presentation customizable for beginners to experts.
Learn search skills today to keep your business competitive tomorrow.
Call Heather 303-841-3111 Ext. 1 or
Find out "What It's Like to Be A Texan, Trapped in a Coloradoan's Body".
Bob Bennett left Texas at the age of seven, but by then the damage was
done. Contact Bob Bennett, humorous and entertaining speaker, for your next
special event. Call Bob at 720-364-4858 or email at
“SkyVenture Colorado home of indoor skydiving.” SkyVenture Colorado is one of very
few high speed vertical wind tunnels in the United States and the world. We are in the
business of providing pure body flight experiences for the individual or advance competitive
training of sky dive teams and military applications. We train teams from throughout the world
here in Colorado and have become a state of the art international training center. The ten-tothirty minute presentation would include how this works and why would someone build such a
facility in Colorado. Contact: Bob Burke, Managing Partner,,
Tele: 303 768-9000
“IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU!: How To Be In The Driver’s Seat In Your Life!” - It doesn’t have
to take a life threatening change to give ourselves permission to invest our time in people and
things that really matter, take back control and live a more meaningful life. To Contact this
dynamic speaker NOW, call or email: Judith Haynes, N.D., promoting better health for over
24 years, can be reached at 303-506-0868 or email
“Nikola Tesla, Forgotten Genius” - Tom Keller, Tele: 303-986-7944 OR email speaks about Tesla, inventor of the AC (alternating current), who
changed America with his numerous inventions. Tom is available after September 1, 2007.
“Make Smarter Decisions, NOW!” or “The Business Owner’s Survival Guide” or
“Creating a Family Legacy that Matters” – Contact: Justin Schulz, AinstIB, Member of the
Kiwanis Club of Ken-Caryl, Telephone:303.904.0849
“Friendship Match” The University of Denver matches local individuals, couples and
families with international students and scholars for cross-cultural friendships.
Matches are made by mutual interests in language, geographical regions, and cultural
or recreational activities. Community members are asked to meet with students once
a month during the academic year for social activities including a home meal, coffee,
walk, cultural event, or recreational outing. Matches can also be arranged for a onetime event, such as a holiday gathering. A picnic, holiday dinner, or special program is
planned at the DU International House once each quarter to bring together students
and hosts. For more information, contact: Community Outreach Coordinator, (303) 871-4912
or, Subject: Friendship Match,
“How To Be Better Than You Ever Thought You Could Without Really Trying.” Don C
Royal DC - In this talk your members will learn how to install beliefs in themselves and
others, the basics of emotional state management, rapport, self-identity, self-esteem and
congruence. Don is a naturopath and chiropractor. Don has been involved in various aspects
of healthcare for 35 years. Don has been practicing NLP for the past 8 years with tremendous
success. Don works with groups, individuals, and small businesses with an emphasis on
increasing resourcefulness easily, enjoyably, automatically. Contact Info: 303.996.4663, 1777
S Bellaire - #405, Denver CO 80222
“Coaching For Tomorrow” and other Leadership Training topics. Understanding how
you think and how you communicate with others will increase your ability to communicate
both at home and at work. Contact: Dave Meyer, Tele: 303-681-8982, E-mail:, Web site:
“How to Select a Skilled Nursing Facility, aka “Nursing Home” - What You Need to
Know about the Long-Term Care Industry.
Learn about the Long-term care industry from it’s inception to where it stands today and the
different types of communities you may find yourself or a loved on in (home health,
independent living, assisted living, PCBFs, CCRCs).
Learn how to access and read state survey results of skilled nursing facilities in your area.
Learn what to look for, when to tour and what to ask during your tour of a skilled nursing
Learn an overview of the Medicare/Medicaid system as it relates to Long term Care.
Presented By: Stephen Wester, Owner/Administrator, Mapleton Care Center,
115 Ingalls Street, Lakewood, CO 80226, (303) 237-1325
“Colorado Chill, Women’s National Basketball Association Team” - Contact: Frank
Greene, Development Associate, Triple Crown Sports, 3930 Automation Way, Fort Collins,
CO 80525, Tele: 970-223-6644 x238
“Solar Energy and Renewable Energy” – Contact: Erin Shine, Solar Energy Consultant,
REC Solar, Inc., Cell: (303) 653-8457, Toll Free: (888) OK SOLAR (657-6527), Fax:
“’Together with the Children’ Organization”. Jeni Goevelinger Harger is the director of a
nonprofit in Denver that helps street-involved children and their families in Mexico. Contact
Jeni at: Work: 303-859-9595, Email:, Web site:
“Credit: How to build it, how to manage it and also how the credit scoring model really
works and the little hidden secrets that the banks, lenders and creditors do not want
us to know.” John Deckys, President, Deckys Consulting, Inc, 720-212-0768 direct, 720329-2608 cell. Online at
“IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU! How To Be In The Driver’s Seat In Your Life!” - It doesn’t have to
take a life threatening change to give ourselves permission to invest our time in people and
things that really matter, take back control and live a more meaningful life. Judith Haynes,
N.D. - 303-506-0868 -
“Tune Up Your Life!” - Learn how exciting 21st Century innovative programs can make you
healthier, happier, more efficient and productive, while reducing your stress and making your
life easier. Dr. M. Stuart Tessler - 303-744 6508 – or Lisa Whaley, CN - 303-730-0338
“Radical Responsibility: How to take charge of your life using tools from ancient
teachings” -Drawing on insights from Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, and shamanic
traditions, learn fundamental, holistic methods to heal emotional and physical pain, allowing
you to gain better control of your life and to achieve your goals. Joanne Wambeke - 303-5194205-
“Food is Medicine-- Six Ingredients for Optimal Health” - Brent Jaster, MD, family
physician and nutrition researcher, teaches how to help reverse or prevent diabetes,
overweight, heart disease, cancer, and many other ailments. Brent Jaster, MD - 720-9716588 -
“If You're Shorter Than You Should Be Something's Going to Hurt” - How to Quickly Be
Taller and Feel Better. Donald Kipp, NCTMB - 303-697-4923 -
“Breathe.....Your Life Depends On It” - How to Breathe For Optimal Wellness and to
Prevent Dis-Ease.” Donna Aazura, C.Ht - 303-697-4923 –
“Learn how to make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy
elegant.” - Moshe Feldenkrais, Experience the Feldenkrais Method with Certified
Feldenkrais Practitioner. Shannon Kolman - 720-220-2180 -
“Discovering Sole Treasures” - Find a key in the map of your feet to treasures yet to be
uncovered and take time for renewing and relaxing discoveries of the senses, starting at your
feet. Available for morning and evening talks only Eleanor Grannis - 303-437-6175
“Inflamed in the Brain: 5 Things You Should Know To Keep Your Brain Working
Strong” - Dr. David Arthur , DC, CCCN – 303-781-5617 -
Suzanne Davey 303-257-7979
Bobbi Thompson - 303-777-2555 -
“How to Be a Jumper - Getting Results That Count” - Jack Jewell is a speaker, author, and
entrepreneur. In addition to being a speaker, Jack has written a novel, The Lincoln Society,
and invented the Poker Business Chip (the business card they won’t throw away) and runs a
couple of successful businesses. Jack is an accomplished speaker that will inform, inspire
and entertain. See "What the Audience is Saying" about the presentations at Jack has spoken to over 50 area service groups in the last 90 days.
For more information or Contacting, contact Jack at: Phone - 720-971-3511,
E-mail -
“How to Pay for College” - Topics covered in the presentation include: 1. The Cost of
College - Public, Private, Elite
2. The Value of a College Education
3. The Categories of Financial Aid and how much
is available
4. What is need-based aid?
5. What is merit-based aid?
6. What is endowment-based aid?
7. What are private scholarships?
8. What are “tax” scholarships and how do you get
9. Who is Eligible for Financial Aid?
10. How do you determine if you qualify for need-based
aid? 11. How do you apply for financial aid? Contact: Brittany Thiess, Business Development
Manager, The Heartland Institute, 303 773-1415. E-mail:
"How You Can Find Deep Sleep Naturally" presented by Dr. Lee Parimuha, D.C. A
question of balance. An ergonomic and common sense path to deep sleep or "How You
Can Gain Innate Body Healing for Chronic Health Concerns" presented by Dr. Lee
Parimuha, D.C. - A mind and whole body work to regaining health and wellness. "How to
Find Hope and Relief for your Chronic Condition" presented by Dr. Rosanne Dektor, D.C.
Discover tools to regain your health and vitality - how to recover from chronic conditions
thought to be irreversible. These informative talks on chiropractic healthcare are 20 to 25
minutes with 5 to 10 minutes of any questions. The areas they would be speaking would be
Lakewood, Golden and Wheatridge. Should you have any additional questions on these
talks, please contact Dr. Parimuha directly at When you are ready to
schedule one of these speakers, please contact: Eileen Miltz at or 303416-0136.
“Heritage House in Louisville” - Heritage House opened its doors in Louisville in 2003. It is
a "life skills" home that focuses on the needs of teenage at-risk girls between the ages of 1221. We serve the counties of Boulder, Broomfield, Longmont, Weld, and Jefferson. It is a
State of Colorado Certified Group Home. The state provides approximately 54% of the yearly
expenses for Heritage House. The following is the mission statement for Heritage House:
“Heritage House is a non-profit organization which provides a safe haven for "at-risk" teenage
girls. We are committed to providing a nurturing and loving home, building self-esteem, and
establishing life skills essential for a promising future.” The website is: Contact: Debbie Yeager, Director of Development, Heritage
House Ministries. E-mail:
“Essential Law Enforcement Spanish Skills” Kendal Knetemann, Owner, Spanish On
Patrol, presents his ideas for teaching various Spanish-speaking skills to law enforcement
officers. His company offer specific Spanish courses for the workplace and designs specific
courses for corporations looking to train their employees in English or Spanish. Web sites: (This one is specific for public safety employees) and (Different fields of occupation). Kendal will speak to clubs in
the Denver Metro area. Contact: Kendal Knetemann, 303-9544875, PO Box 441607, Aurora, CO 80044-1607
“Babies, Baboons and Bones, International Volunteering for Fun
and Focus” Jane Stanfield shares her favorite moments and insights from her trip around
the world doing volunteer projects for one year. Click the following link to read more: BBB
flyer 5 rev.pdf. For Contactings, contact: Jane Stanfield, Where Is She Heading, 10879 W.
Dartmouth Ave., Lakewood, CO 80227. 303-988-1356.
“Documenting, preserving and protecting personal assets” – Aaron Hansen (303) 810-7368,
“The Inner Game of Visualization: Daydreaming Your Way to More Enjoyment and
Success” - Mira Rubenstein, MA, CCHT. Mira will explain and demonstrate how to use
visualization; a tool used by star athletes and entertainers, to more easily and enjoyably
achieve personal and professional goals. 303-778-8366,
“Body Awareness, The Miracle of Being Human” - Carol McAnnally. Carol gives an
inspiring and informative talk about developing body awareness and how that supports your
life purpose and helps you approach everything with greater vitality and passion, 303-9105644,
“Imagine Life without Back or Neck Pain” - Dr. Maria Gentile and Lauren Ramsey, PAC
Ways to get your life back without surgery, 303-781-7862,
“Caring for the Caregiver” - Andrea Lord, 303-343-4114,
“Using "The Secret" to Manifest Outrageous Success” - Annelle Norman or Patrick
Harrington. Manifest outrageous success in health, wealth and relationships through the
power of focus and intention. 720-854-1445,
“Physical & Financial Wellness” - Jeff & Pam Anderson. How to remove toxins from your
self, your home and your environment, 303-681-2396,
“The WELLNESS TRAIN is coming!” - Pat Kochaniec. We hear the word “Wellness” every
day, somewhere! Wouldn’t you like to get some clarity about this nebulous term? 303-7225262,
“3 Secrets Hospitals Don't Want You to Know: How to Empower Patients” - Mark
Meaney highlights three problems patients and their families face with the delivery of their
healthcare in the hospital setting. Mark then describes how they can access hidden
resources to solve these problems in getting what they need when they need it. Contact Dr.
Mark E. Meaney, President and CEO, National Institute for Patient Rights. Phone: (303) 3218600 (o), (303) 519-3296 (c)
“How You Can Find Deep Sleep Naturally.” Finding Your Resting Sweet Spot (tm) for Deep
Sleep. Contact Dr. Lee Parimuha, DC 303-233-1293
“Desserts for the Stressed.” The effects of stress and 8 ways you can minimize it.
Contact Dr. Shane Steadman, DC, DACNB, CCCN, 303-781-5617
“Understanding of 6 Factors Involved With Addictions.”
Contact Dr. Ted Winchester, 303-221-0195,
“The Inner Game of YOUR Health.” How to decrease stress and improve wellness in your
life. Contact Herb Jacobs MD FACOG, FACS, ABHM, 303-399-0022,
“One Up/One Down: How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Relationship.” Dynamic strategies for
moving from disharmony to connection in ANY relationship. Contact Judi Spendelow & Mike
Misgen, 303-639-5240 ext13,
“Light Up Your Mind” A Program that Motivates and inspires Youth about the Importance of
Education in their Lives. Contact Linda Theus-Lee, 303-333-5730,
“How to Find Hope and Relief” Discover hope and help. Learn tools you can use to regain
your health and feel like your old self. Contact Rosanne Dektar, 303-233-1293,
“Facial Exercise: Yes, it Works!” In 3 minutes, 3 time a day, you can lift your face and tone
your neck. Contact: Sandra Coulson, 303-759-2760,
“Congruence: The Key to Health” Simple ideas for living in Harmony with our natural
health. Contact Scott Zamurut, 720-841-4415,
“Acupuncture” Steve Bennett is a Five Element Acupuncturist interested in being a guest
speaker at Kiwanis club meetings in the Arvada, Westminster and Denver area.
Steve’s talk is a 30 to 45 minute presentation on the basic principles and the conditions
acupuncture can effectively treat. Steve will answer frequently asked questions. Does
acupuncture hurt? How long does acupuncture take? etc. Contact Steve at 303-425-0887.
“Mastery Over Overwhelm,” shares breakthrough insights to balance both our work and
home environments. Randy Ferguson is an acclaimed international speaker, trainer and
author. Randy has facilitated top-level leadership training for Ford, Gerber, Mazda, Novartis,
United Airlines and the U.S. Government. He has traveled across the world, through Europe,
Asia and South America presenting his dynamic approach to making a good team great. His
undergraduate degree in Business from Arizona State University and his Masters degree in
Counseling Psychology, offer an educational background that is both practical and visionary.
Another reason Randy Ferguson’s time is in such demand is his commitment to do far more
than motivate and entertain. He demonstrates specific, powerful tools that charge an
audience with new possibilities for improvements in both business and home environments.
Steve Vannoy, best selling author of “The Ten Greatest Gifts I Give My Children,” states,
“Randy is one of the most powerful presenters in America today.”
Two of the tools and techniques Randy teaches are the “Three Mind Factors” and “The
Energy Circle”. We have found that people that use these techniques accomplish and
achieve more in less time with less stress in there lives. This allows them to be more
productive at work and with their personal lives. Because Randy has made his home in the
Colorado foothills, there is an enormous benefit for Denver-area organizations and
businesses; there are no travel expenses and he is able to provide world-class presentations
significantly below his national and international rates. Randy has set aside a portion of his
time for local non profit organizations with 20 or more participants. These are 35 to 60
minutes long and are provided to the public at no cost.
Please log on to his website,, and click the “Public Speaking” tab to
see Randy’s topics, or “Schedule of Events“ for his itinerary which is typically quite full.
Contact: Chuck Lake, Cell 303-888-6216, Office 303-989-2605,
“The Healing Potential of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Age-related Disorders”
Topics include: Relief of disorders such as arthritis, neuralgia and chronic fatigue, stroke
prevention and post-stroke recovery, lowering high blood pressure and heart attack
prevention. Hear about relief from these in an informative seminar with Dr. Li Xin Zhang,
DCM, L.Ac. There is no charge for the hour-long seminar. If there is a particular topic your
group wants Dr. Zhang to discuss, please advise the clinic when scheduling. To schedule Dr.
Zhang’s appearance, call his clinic at (303) 832-7070. Web site:
“Take Control of Your Health.” Joy Carpenter has traveled the country inspiring people to
improve their personal wellness. She wants each of us to live the longest, healthiest life
possible and believes that we have to take responsibility for our own health, for that to
happen. Her practical answers to many of today’s health issues offers effective methods for
eliminating these problems. Contact: Joy Carpenter, 12861 North Dixon Drive, Parker,
Colorado 80138 Phone: (303) 503-8929, E-mail:
“How to Select the Right Realtor for You - Questions to Ask and the Answers You
Want to Hear.” This Speaker is willing to speak in the following areas; Denver metro,
including south to Colorado Springs and as far north as Brighton/Boulder. Contact: Susan
Falzone, 303-250-0118, website:
“The Real Estate Market - What the Heck Happened?!?!?!?”This Speaker is willing to
speak in the following areas; Denver metro, including south to Colorado Springs and as far
north as Brighton/Boulder. Contact: Susan Falzone, 303-250-0118, website:
“Preparing Your Home for Sale - The Dos and Don'ts of Home Décor for Resale.” Speaker is willing to speak in the following areas; Denver metro, including south to Colorado
Springs and as far north as Brighton/Boulder. Contact: Susan Falzone, 303-250-0118,
“The In’s and Out’s of Fix and Flips - Real Estate Investing for Dummies (like me).” Questions to Ask and the Answers You Want to Hear. This Speaker is willing to speak in the
following areas; Denver metro, including south to Colorado Springs and as far north as
Brighton/Boulder. Contact: Susan, 303-250-0118, website:
"Top 10 Ways to Sabotage Your Portfolio" This is a PowerPoint presentation on some of
the most common mistakes investors make. There is no product or company pitch, but an
evaluation form is left if people want more information. Gary Poling,
“SHOUT” is designed to give teenagers the confidence and leadership skills needed to make
wise choices and have a more positive impact in the world. This 9-week program including: 8
sessions plus Orientation, is designed for teens age 15 through 21 years of age. The
outcome of this participatory adventure for many teens will result in stronger life skills.
SHOUT Teaches Young Adults to: Build Greater Confidence, Improve Communication Skills,
Strengthen Relationships, Overcome Fear, Worry, and Stress, Improve Financial Knowledge
and Become a Stronger Leader. Next session starts March 31, 2007.
Session One
* Understanding ourselves better
* Living life with purpose
Session Two
* Commit to strengthen relationships
* Declare your vision
Session Three
* Overcome worry, stress, & fears
* Developing courage
Session Four
* Strengthen relationships
* Recognize achievements
Session Five
* Commit to leadership
* Foundations of financial knowledge
Session Six
* Acknowledging strengths in others
* Overcoming worry, stress, and fears
Session Seven
* Dealing with conflict
* Leadership
Session Eight
* Celebrate breakthrough results
* Your vision for the future
Contact: Rob Maxwell, Shout, 720-270-9465,
“Liberty Day” The Liberty Day organization is a non-profit, non-partisan volunteer effort
dedicated to educating Americans about the US Constitution and Declaration of
Independence. The goal is to come along side educators, parents, civic organizations, and
government officials to provide them with ways to reach our youth with the facts of our
founding documents. What we ask of service organizations is the ability for each club to
adopt a school or a class and purchase the educational materials needed to teach the
contents of the U.S. Constitution. Contact: Judy Williams, Liberty Day, 303 333 3434 or tollfree at 866 718 3434.
“Humanitarian and Missions Support Project in Guatemala” Editor’s note: These presenters
live in Michigan. We run a humanitarian and missions support project in Guatemala that
provides air transport to the small Mayan villages in the Ixcan region. We live there for two
years working, providing emergency air transport to those villages and many other
humanitarian activities - including much that aids children. We are going to be in the
Boulder, Colorado area during the last two weeks of February, 2007 and are seeking
speaking engagements. I don't know if Kiwanis clubs would be interested in hearing us talk
about our project - a 501(c)(3) charity - but we are trying to set-up talks everywhere we go.
Our website is: Rob and Jennifer Rice Great
Commission Air (734) 846-4070. E-mail:
"Make-A-Wish Foundation” Make-A-Wish Foundation grants approximately 200 wishes
annually to Colorado children, and assists with the granting of wishes for children from other
states that involve a visit to Colorado. The Colorado chapter is part of the largest wishgranting organization in the world, with 69 chapters in the U.S. and its territories and 27
international affiliates on five continents.
To support our efforts, we are involved in year-round fundraising and publicity efforts to
ensure that as many Colorado children as possible know about this opportunity. All funds
raised in Colorado are used in Colorado. Of every dollar donated to Make-A-Wish
Foundation, approximately 78% goes directly to the wish granting program. Contact Eileen
Danahy, CFRE, Director of Development, Make-A-Wish Foundation of Colorado, Inc., 7951
E. Maplewood Ave., Suite 126, Greenwood Village, CO 80111, Telephone: 303-750-9474
"Prison or Praise? Where is Your Leadership Taking You?" Your answers to four
questions can determine your destiny. Dr. Larry Donnithorne, 303-988-1898,
"How to Plan, Manage and Brand Your Career" Using the Strategic Career Plan
workContact, David will challenge you with exercises and concepts you can use to create
your personal strategy NOW! David Sandusky, 303.325.3225,
"How to Hire Your Dream Remodeler" In this entertaining talk you will learn the 10
essential tips on how to make your remodeling project successful. Tom Higgins, ViceChairman Remodelors Council, Metro-Denver Home Builders Association. 303-347-2555 - South Metro, Evergreen/Conifer areas only.
"The Nuts and Bolts of Discovering Your Legacy" Discover the tools needed to leave a
Legacy to your Family. Dr. Vivian “Anne” Stoel,720-220-6316,
"How to Conquer Your Lemons, and Turn Them into Successes!" Discover strategies to
become a contagious winner in life. Deborah Acheson, 720-939-6685.
"What's For Lunch?" Fun facts and simple techniques to help you eat well and enjoy better
health ... Sara Davenport, Author/Health and Relationship Specialist - 303.905.3360
"Help 'The Kids' Buy Their 1st Home Without Using Your Money" What government
funds are available to first time homebuyers in Colorado and Denver Metro and how to
access these programs. Cindy Howeth, 303-317-6379,
"Vision For A Change" Lynn engages entrepreneurial leaders who want to clarify their
vision for a change and inspire renewed passion and dedication among their colleagues.
Lynn Price, 303-791-0915,
‘Stability in a Changing World-the Role of Character in Your Workplace’ and
‘How to Be a Great Staff Leader with Trouble-Free Employees’ - In these presentations
you will hear four key concepts to develop a successful individual and business. You will also
hear how to identify and minimize challenging personnel problems by dealing with them from
a unique perspective. Dr. E.C. Gaffney Jr. is the founder and president of Essentials For Life,
Inc. which provides training for businesses, schools, families and cities. Dr. Gaffney holds a
bachelor's degree in education and a master's and doctorate degree in counseling. He is the
author of a recently released Contact entitled, “How To Have Self Controlled Children In An
Out Of Control World”. To arrange a presentation, contact E C Gaffney Jr. PhD, at telephone
303-721-1222 or email:
‘Colorado Family Resource Centers Association (FRCA)’ – has speakers that present
information about: What the Family Resource Centers do in their local communities, the
upcoming Family Resource Center Appreciation Day in February, the Family Resource
Centers Fund line item on the Colorado state tax form that is part of "Checkoff Colorado and
volunteer opportunities for your club members. More information is available on the web site
at: Contact Tracy Atlas via email ( to
arrange for a speaker. Family Resource Center Association, Inc. 1653 Vine Street Denver,
CO 80206 Ph: 303.388.1001.
‘Operation Tribute to Freedom’ – Returning soldiers who have served in Iraq and
Afghanistan can speak on a variety of topics that include leadership, teamwork, camaraderie,
personal experiences in Iraq/Afghanistan and mentorship. Contact Michal Miller, Operation
Tribute to Freedom, Army Outreach Division, Office of Chief of Public Affairs, FleishmanHillard, 202-828-5063,
‘Effects, Care and Prevention of Diabetes’ - Bob Hudson, Certified Diabetes Motivational
Coach. Bob gives an informational talk to Kiwanis Clubs to educate them on the often
overlooked symptoms of Diabetes. Education is our first defense in fighting this horrible
affliction. Bob is in the Denver area. Contact Bob at
'Write from the Inside' – Lissa Ann Forbes Boulder County Speaker - Entertaining,
motivating, and inspiring -- providing a series of queries/exercises to trigger the mind,
bringing back memories so you can write down significant events or even small events that
had significant meaning. Included are stories from the author's life as examples to help show
you how it's done. Phone: 303-926-1890 Cell: 303-885-0652 Email:
‘Breast Cancer Prevention’ – Dr. Bill Bergman. Dr. Bill Bergman is a licensed medical
doctor who is currently working as a complementary medicine specialist and community
health educator for a complementary alternative medicine center in Centennial, Colorado.
The center is called Divine Physics, and its web site is Click on the
following link to learn about this program. Tele: (303)
‘College Planning” – Jay A Murray, Certified College Planner, speaks about the dramatic
changes taking place in college planning today and how to implement strategies to save
money, reduce stress, and how to integrate college planning with cash flow planning,
retirement, and elder parent care. Founder, Solutions for Tuition, 720-529-0707,, and Cheerleader Tennyson Center for Children,
‘Colorado Christian University’ – Kevin Storatz, Center Director, introduces this school
located in Lakewood, CO. Contact: Jenna Willett, Project Coordinator, Adult and Graduate
Studies, 1-800-44FAITH ext. 3358, Website:
‘A Life Time of Leads’ - Bob Cornell - 303-756-6771- Nine
proven methods for developing a solid and growing prospect base ... without cold calling.
Gain new skills, develop new strategies, and renew enthusiasm as you explore several
practical alternatives to traditional telemarketing.
‘How to Talk So People Will Listen & Listen So People Will Talk.’
Deborah L. Flick, Ph.D. - 303-443-5677 - In this entertaining talk you will
learn how to say what's on your mind, so people will listen and understand you, and how to
listen so people will be authentic with you.
‘Reverse Mortgages - Fact or Fiction?’ George Hamblin or Dan Morton - 303-238-3030 George Hamblin and Dan Morton are available for a 20-25 minute
presentation - including Power Point. This educational talk will answer all of your questions
regarding reverse mortgages
‘GUTSPAH! The Secret To Getting What You Want’ Karen Kataline LLC, MSW
EnterTRAINER - 303-668-2737 - A bubbling, uniquely entertaining &
substantive presentation about the most important aspects of assertiveness and truthfulness.
A talk you'll never forget! Available March 2006.
‘How to Meditate Easily and Effortlessly and Release Your Potential’ Lisa Guyman (303) 861-2280 - Learn about the research and the purpose of
sound-based meditation and the many benefits it provides while also learning just how easy
and effortless meditation is supposed to be.
‘Right Sizing-Right Now: A Presentation for Proactive Seniors and Their Families’ Mare
Tolbert - 303-423-5520 You will learn: what will I do with my valued
treasures; do I have the right systems in place for the future; and where and how do I begin
this sometimes overwhelming process?
‘Life's Too Short For Leftovers-Lessons from the Third World’ Michael Ditchfield 303.717.5429 - Michael was a Goodwill Ambassador to Africa and
presents a captivating & inspiring talk on the individual masks we wear in Business &
Personal Relationships.
‘How to Use the Power of Drumming to Better Your Life’ Reverend White Eagle - 720941-1700
- History of the drum - and how it relates to
you. Drumming helps you release tension, dispel stress and aggressive feelings, and
restore your energy.
"How to Use the Power of Drumming to Improve Employee Morale, Reduce Stress and
Turn Over" Reverend White Eagle - 720-941-1700, History of the drum - and how it relates to you.
Drumming helps you release tension, dispel stress and aggressive feelings, and restore your
5 Principals for having ‘You’re Best Year Yet!’ Sharon Roberts-Meyer, Advance Motivation
- 970-568-8001 - - Are you achieving your maximum
potential? Learn how to fill the gap between where you are and where you want to be. GET
‘Put Your Whole Brain to Work’ Cheryl Eckl – 303-587-9115 –
Make better decisions, improve communication skills, and be more productive. Use your
brain’s hidden resources to leverage your strengths and partner effectively with others.
‘I Had a Stroke. Boy Am I Lucky!’ Joe or Diana at 303-722-7200 -
A humorous look at life after a life-changing event. Joe Sabah (a Stroke survivor) and Diana
Hall join their speaking talents in this fun/serious presentation. Available for luncheon events
"Grow or Die" Joe or Diana at 303-722-7200 -
Santa America - ,
I am a Santa Claus representing Santa America. The best way for me to describe who we are
is to send you to our a web-site
I live in Arvada, CO. I am currently offering my volunteer services to Children's Hospital and
the Lutheran Hospice Program, pending their approval and acceptance into their volunteer
training programs. I will make myself available to any hospice program in the metro area. I
would love to talk to any or all your clubs about our unique services. Santa John Shager 303638-3305 My web-site is but it is not specific to my volunteer
work with santa america.
"The Wealth of Nations" Chris Crennen, 303-777-8743- I’ve prepared a speech I’d like to
give to one of your Kiwanis clubs. Last year I made a DVD entitled “The Wealth of Nations”
that I’m selling on Amazon. The idea of the movie and the speech is to show that capitalism,
not democracy, is the cause of wealth and our best hope for a peaceful and prosperous
world. Some of the topics covered include: the views of the founding fathers on democracy,
constitutional law, the factory system of the Industrial Revolution, capitalism’s record of
invention, the record of socialism in the 1900s, public education and foreign policy. The
speech runs about 27 minutes. I’m a lawyer by background.
"How to Recognize and Avoid the Four Common Retirement Pitfalls – While You Still
Have Time!" Cameron Morgan Whatever your stage or status in life, we will share immediate
steps you can take for a more successful retirement Cameron Morgan, Core Financial, 303257-9747,
"Securities Regulations and Current Investment Schemes and Scams in Colorado"
Fred J. Joseph, Securities Commissioner, Colorado Division of Securities, 1580 Lincoln,
Suite 420,Denver, CO 80203-1506, 303-894-2320 (Phone) 303-861-2126 (FAX)
Lost and Found Inc. , Harl Hargett, Executive Director.
Residential Treatment Centers for Chemical Addictions, Sex Offense – Specific Therapy,
General Mental Health, Family Counseling, Substance Abuse, Family Preservation Services,
Play Therapy.
Licensed Child Placement Agency. Other Therapeutic/Supportive Services. Individual and
Group Therapy. Behavioral Contracts and Safety Plans. Pastoral Counseling. Forensic
Evaluation and Assessments. ADHD/OCD Diagnostic Groups. Parent Support Groups
Parenting Education. Domestic Violence Therapy for 12-17 years.
Auraria Early Learning Center. Auraria Campus on Colfax and I-25
Vicki A. Martin, M.A. Program Coordinator 303-556-2139
They have 300 children from low-income families trying to attend college to better their lives
and those of their children. Would like to partner with Kiwanis clubs for some service projects.
“Ancient Medical treatments, Specifically Chinese medicine”. Lisa Newman, L.Ac.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. (303) 596-3587.
Court Appointed Special Advocates For Children. CASA – Gilpin and Jefferson County.
(303) 271-6537.
starlight*starbright children’s foundation.
Gail M. Prostrollo
Executive Director
T: (303) 691-0700 F: (303) 691-0127
720 South Colorado Blvd Ste #350 South
Denver, CO 80246
What We Do – When a child is ill, the entire family is affected. To help
Families cope with the rigors of treatment and hospitalization, Starlight’s
Core programs help restore some of the laughter and fun that is often
Taken away from kids and those who love them.
Learn how your club can sponsor a Kids Activity Network (an exciting
Outpatient program offering special outings to kids and their families;
movies, sporting events, picnics and hospital parties.)
“Items related to children’s legal issues” Shari F. Shink, Esq. Rocky Mountain Children’s
Law Center. Founder – Executive Director. Shari presented an awesome forum at the RMDK
Midwinter Conference on Child Advocacy1325 Colorado Blvd. Suite 308
Denver, CO 80222 Phone (303) 692-1165 Fax (303) 302-2890
“Jumping off the Train Without Breaking Your Bones ~
Simple Ways You Can Have Balance in a Fast Moving World”. Kim Pentecost.
(720) 935-1225.
728 South Sherman Street
Denver, CO 80209
“How to Boogie down Life’s Path . . . even though you have a catch in your get-along”
Marty Segelke - Kaleidoscope
or (303) 761-1824.
“My experiences in the German and American armies”. Herb Schemmerling I was born in Germany in 1926 and grew up during the time when
Adolf Hitler was in power. I served in the German Army during WW II. At one time I was
stationed in Hitler's secret wartime headquarters. Served, and was wounded, on the Russian
Front. In 1945 I became a prisoner of the Americans, but escaped. As a stowaway, on a
freighter, I came to the US in 1949. In 1951 during the Korean conflict I was drafted into the
American Army.
I became an American citizen in 1953, and live in Denver since 1957. I have written and
published a Contact about I usually speak for 30 to 45 minutes and most organizations pay
me $ 25.00 for my time. Telephone: 303-756-0516.
Various Presentations on “Communications” Mike Faber is a speaker, trainer and
certified professional coach who has taught thousands of business leaders to communicate
passionately and effectively. Presentations can be seen at Faber Communications Contact
Mike Faber at (877) 262-2402, or by email at . On the Web at
“Buffalo Commons” Valerie A. Traina Valerie is the Director of Development for Great
Plains Restoration Council. It is a multi-racial, multi-cultural environmental nonprofit building
the *Buffalo Commons* step-by-step by bringing indigenous prairies back and restoring
healthy, sustainable communities to the Great Plains. In addition to preserving and restoring
prairie lands in the Great Plains region, we also operate the Plains Youth Inter-ACTION
Project, teaching environmental health and leadership skills to our most disadvantaged
minority children in the prairie inner-cities and Native American reservations. This program
operates in inner-city Fort Worth and in Wounded Knee, SD on the Pine Ridge reservation.
Contact Valerie to schedule a presentation. Office: 720 529 0412 Cell: 720 220 9945, Website:
“Saving Lives - one story at a time (i.e. The absolute importance of preserving your
family history and preparing an ethical will)” Ivy Green - Stories used to be transmitted
'round the dinner table. Told again and again, family lore was imprinted on each succeeding
generation through constant repetition. No longer. Today families are scattered,
conversations hurried. We need to take deliberation action if we want to pass on our heritage,
our traditions and our values. People are recognizing this need, and the Memoir Movement is
in full swing.
A 2005 study by Harris Interactive says that boomers, by a factor of ten to one, consider their
real legacy to be the "non-financial leave-behinds"-the personal stories that reveal not only
the family events, but also the family ethics. As a result, ethical wills have been getting a lot
of press lately. Unlike legal wills, ethical wills pass on values instead of valuables. They can
be a stand-alone document or incorporated into a Contact of memoirs. .Memoirs can be
better than medicine for some people. Studies at major universities show that relating life
stories can alleviate symptoms of depression, lower the frequency of doctor visits, ease
symptoms of arthritis and asthma, and even extend longevity by three to four years. You
really do need roots to sprout wings. Researchers at Emory University have found that
children who know their family history have higher self-esteem and fewer emotional
problems. While some people dream of writing memoirs that will be displayed on the shelves
at Tattered Cover, most are more concerned with producing family heirlooms that will grace
the coffee tables of children and grandchildren.
For a presentation, contact Ivy Green -
or 303-394-9339 (home: 303-377-0907)
"From Burned Out to Fired Up!" Leanna Fredrich - Executive and Professional Women Leanna presents 3 simple steps in this dynamic, workshop-oriented session. - 303-904-7327
“Learn to Win!” John Wren - Since 1996, John Wren has been sharing Ben Franklin's
powerful education technique, what may have been Ben's best invention! To invite John (and
Ben) to your next meeting, contact them at 303-861-1447 -
"Get in the Game", Mark McIntosh - Victory Productions,
Denver Art Museum Video - The Denver Art Museum has a community DVD program
available. It's a 20-minute DVD that gives background on the new museum complex (opening
in October) as well as the history of the institution. contact Rose Beetem at or telephone: 720-913-0000.
“Chief Hosa, also known as "Little Raven"” - David Peri. David's company resurrected
and operated the Chief Hosa Lodge and Campground for the City of Denver for five years
where his historical research and restoration won many awards and recognition. From that
work, he shared some of the highlights of eight years of research about the incredible events
and Colorado history where Little Raven fought for Peace. Little Raven's quest for peace
among ALL people is a lesson for us all. David is available to speak to groups and can be
contacted at
"Identifying and Overcoming Roadblocks to Success" Bob Hadfield - 303-689-0847 or
303-770-4324, or In this presentation Bob
identifies a number of traits that have become roadblocks to people's success and shares tips
on how to overcome them.
"Well, It's About Time" Bob Hadfield - 303-689-0847 or 303-770-4324, or - Learn dozens of ways to manage your
time, reduce your stress and increase your personal productivity.
"The Key to Motivational Leadership" Bob Hadfield - 303-689-0847 or 303-770-4324, or - Learn how to lead and influence others
using critical communication and human relation skills.
"Power Writing" Bob Hadfield - 303-689-0847 or 303-770-4324, or - Learn a number of ways to improve your writing so it becomes
easier to understand and more credible.
"Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy" Bob Hadfield - 303-689-0847 or 303-770-4324, or - See how Fiscal Policy and Monetary
Policy impact individuals and the economy.
"The Art of Effective Listening" Bob Hadfield - 303-689-0847 or 303-770-4324, or - Discover ways to improve your
listening skills that will increase your productivity and keep you from offending others.
"The Energy Crunch" Bob Hadfield - 303-689-0847 or 303-770-4324, or - Learn what events have brought about
$3/gallon gasoline.
"Fun with Bob and Yamaha" - Bob Hadfield - 303-689-0847 or 303-770-4324, or In this presentation Bob plays
his electric piano (Yamaha), sings his light-hearted songs, and tells entertaining
stories involving members of his audience. It's lots of fun!
"How to Win in any Conflict and Gain Friends Along the Way!" Bill Kipp - The King of
Conflict Resolution, 720-256-3898, Experience this fun and energizing
exploration on how to skillfully prevail in any sized conflict, big or small, while building
unstoppable confidence that will magnetize people to your cause!
”Intuition: Your Secret Asset" Greg Meyerhoff and Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA” 303-2789585 We all have intuition: call it a hunch or a gut instinct.
When we tap this inner wisdom we give ourselves an edge. Learn how intuition can become
your biggest asset.
"Finding Your Way in the New Career Economy” Mike Boyd The Entrepreneur’s Source 303-593-9828, Career management as we have known it is
definitely changing. Threats, Trends and Solutions that you may not have considered.
"How to Live Your Passion to the Fullest: 3 Keys to Living it Now!" Bob Bennett - 720364-4858. Bob shares his success in living his passion, 24/7.
"We Really Are What We Eat". Corie Goodson 303 868-3162
The impact that nutrition or lack thereof has on health, aging, mood and emotions.
”Survival Skills for Small Business Owners” Dhyan Atkinson -" 303-415-0243 The 6 most essential skills small business owners need
to be successful in marketing and sales.
"How to Make Learning Fun for You and Your Students: Using the Arts in Teaching”
Darlene Franklin -, 303-783-8915, An experienced Sunday school
teacher and curriculum writer will share easy, practical ways to incorporate music, art, drama,
creative writing and games into your lessons.
"I Can Get Money For Business When Banks Can't" Lillyan St. Louis , 720 635 1839 You are in luck, because bad credit is no issue for getting
just about any kind of business loan you need!!!!
"Empowering Patients and their Families: 3 Secrets Hospitals
Don't Want You to Know," Dr. Mark Meaney, (303) 519-3296,
When you or a loved one enter a hospital and encounter problems with the delivery of care, I
share my experience with you in divulging 3 resources you can tap to get what you want.
"Inexpensive Ways to Create an Avalanche of Customers". Derek Fisch - Velocity Media
303 809-0053 How to use the internet, print, mass media and public
relations to quickly bring in a substantial number of new customers, without spending a lot of
“How to Destroy Your Career in Ten Easy Steps”- John Heckers, Employment Columnist
at Denver Business Journal and Career Coach for 25 years, shares stories of outrageous
executive antics, how it got them fired, and how to avoid falling into the same trap. Hilarious
and enlightening. John Heckers, MA, CPC 303.480.5484 or
”If You Have An A.R.M., Discover The Results!” Describes the coming payment shock of
borrowers with Adjustable Rate Mortgages. Some loan payments can easily double at
today’s rates. Free check for your loan so you’re not shocked. Don Opeka, President, Orion
Mortgage, Inc. Don Opeka 303-469-1254 or
”How to Fly Over the Rainbow” - Gail Hamilton. I am a totally blind speaker, singer, and
writer. My mission is: I am the voice of hope and inspiration who has come to Earth to
empower others to spread their wings and fly on their dreams." To discover how: 720-9848082 or
”What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up? Decision Making for the Rest of Your
Life” - Patricia Lane Williams. We have all asked, What do I want to be when I grow up? Pat
will help you identify how you make decisions and why you are holding back from answering
that all important question, what do I want to be when I grow up. 303-367-4496 or
”Mentors & Tormentors--How to Hire and Motivate Successful Employees”
Myke Howard. In today's business environment, it is increasingly more important to hire and
lead a team of successful, highly-productive employees. Old management practices are
questionable at best. This NEW approach to management lowers turnover, increases
productivity and improves the bottom-line. 303-791-8738 or
”Pain Is Inevitable, But Misery Is Optional!” Melisa Schoeppler. After surviving burns to
95% of her body, Melisa felt angry, lost and dead inside. Then she realized that the choice to
embrace life again was hers. Sharing the life-lessons from her journey of recovery, Melisa
inspires and empowers. 303-205-8805 or
”How To Get What You Want: The Secret Law Of Attraction” - Jonathan Manske. The
Law of Attraction is every bit as relevant as the law of gravity. Most people either don't know
about or how to use this law, consequently they are attracting what they don't want. Learn to
activate this powerful law. 303-552-7285 or
”Tapping the Vitality Within” - Kirk Axelson. Success is all about believing and self talk.
With the use of 6 steps; Power of Thought, Self Talk, Attitude, Fear, Doubt, and Balance, you
can overcome adversity. By saying it over and over, negative or positive, it will happen, I
have experienced both sides. 720-837-3290 or
”Family Directions Program” – Click on the following link to learn about this program.
“Can Your Life – The Key to Self Preservation” – Lissa Ann Forbes. Click on the following
link to learn about this program.
“Natural Mineral Promotes Self Healing” – Dr. Bill Bergman. Click on the following link to
learn about this program.
“Here Lies Colorado” – Dr. Richard Wood. Click on the following link to learn about this
“Problems with Intelligence, Collection and Management.” – Vern Tharp. Click on the
following link to learn about this program.
"Understanding our Differences, Communicating our Needs" Janice Hoffman - Discover
essential strategies that enable men and women to understand one another- how they think,
why they behave the way they do, and what they value. Telephone - (303) 604-2222 or email:
"From Red Pumps to the Red Hat Society, How to Begin Life After 40". Diana Hall - In
this presentation, Diana shares her journey so far and helps people realize that our options
never disappear. Tele: (303) 596-4825, e-mail: . Web site:
"PERC* Up Your Office" Diana Hall brings her *Preferred Employee
Recognition Concepts to life in this lively session put together exclusively for
Organizations. Tele: (303) 596-4825, e-mail:
. Web site:
"Maria and the Stars of Nazca," Anita Jepson-Gilbert is a children's author living in
Westminster and has spoken to several adult groups in the area on the subject of her Contact
"Maria and the Stars of Nazca," which was published in 2004. Last year the Contact received
two First Place awards by the Colorado Independent Publishers Association. The Contact is
written in both English and Spanish and comes with an audio CD to help Hispanic readers
learn to read the story in English. For this reason, it received not only an award for best in
children's Contacts, but also an award for its contribution to literacy.
The subject of the Contact is the mysterious Lines of Nazca, discovered in Peru by Maria
Reiche in the 1940s and sensationalized by Eric van Danniken in his Contact Chariot of the
Gods, by claiming that these enormous figures could only have been created by space
aliens. However, Maria Reiche's theory does not agree with his, and Ms.Jepson-Gilbert's
presentation will attempt to share with you a more scientific explanation. Contact Anita
Jepson-Gilbert Web site: Telephone:
“The Secret Millionaire Business Person Or Organization” Debra Arko
Debra's Innovative Style will Delight and Inspire all as you Discover the
Secrets that the successful organizations and professionals use to propel
them to the next level. Debra Arko - 303-989-2727
“Can Money Buy Happiness? What Science Tells Us About Living
the Good Life." John Shell reviews the latest research. 303-313-1570
**Whine NOT** - Cathy Rise. Cathy's hysterically-funny insights into the positive power of
your WORDS become a wake-up call with a simple question:
Are you a passion sensor - or a passion censor? 303-512-3939 -
"Health Care Crisis and the Affordable and Equitable Solution” Elinor Christiansen, MD
is available to speak on the. She is also available to give a review of her Contact "Doctor
Lois, Woman Surgeon of China", a biography of her mother 303-756-4159
"What does your handwriting say about you?" - Kathi McKnight, International
Handwriting Expert, Kathi McKnight reveals cutting edge secrets found in this ancient science
that aid in employment screening, compatibility analysis and fascinating insights into one's
own handwriting. 303-693-2511 -
My Life as a Sister of Dog, the Bounty Hunter. What is and was life like as a sister of
Dog, the Bounty Hunter?” Jolene Chapman. The answers may be
shocking. Ride along on the collision course with fate. Contact Karen Powell
for speaking arrangements - 303-595-3733 -
“Diversity” - Matt Kailey. Are you committed to diversity? Bring your organization into
alignment with your values. Matt Kailey provides seminars and trainings on gender diversity
for employers, human resource departments and staff. Matt Kailey - 303-864-0249
“Self-injury and cutting: What you need to know.” - Jennifer Finger. Jennifer will provide
you and your organization with the tools you need to recognize and respond to self-injury -. 303-765-1677 -
"Unlock the Goldmine in Your CheckContact!" - Gary Barnes, LUTCF Why Do Some
People Spend and Grow Rich and Some Spend and Grow Poor? Gary's passion for
unlocking the secrets of creating wealth will provoke, entertain and inform your audience! 303-989-0066 Cell 303-915-3025 Fax 303-989-0099 -
“Are You Stressed? Here's Help! Dynamic, Resilient Life Balance: How to Balance
Your Life, Like You Balance a Bike!” - Sharon Barnes, MSSW, LCSW Sharon reveals
simple, creative secrets to life balance-things you can DO NOW to GET and KEEP your life
balanced. -303-987-0346,
award-winning author and illustrator would like to show you how
one amazing Contact project changed history forever, and how you, too, can make a
difference!" - 303-469-2223 -
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