K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T How to maximise the return from your online display advertising As it has matured, we have learned that online advertising can improve awareness and brand perceptions. For a medium where frequency levels can be capped, it is worth noting that the first exposure is the most effective, so aiming for reach among your target is a useful objective to set. Improvements on most key brand measures tend to stabilize after around four exposures. There are many factors which affect an ad’s ability to perform well online. Placing the ad on a relevant site can make a big difference for some categories, and the amount of clutter on the site can affect most performance measures. Beyond these aspects, the creative itself has a huge influence on the ad’s ability to perform, with the best ads sharing some key characteristics. Introduction Incremental effect of internet on Brand Metrics within multimedia campaigns Average Percentage Point Increase over Unexposed (Control) Baseline 10 Exposed - Control In the last decade there has been, and continues to be, a lot of speculation about what the web can realistically bring to marketing. Here we focus not on speculation, but on what we have learned. 8 6 5.9 4.4 3.5 4 3.0 1.4 2 How the medium works 0 Ad Awareness Online advertising achieves more than just driving behavior via click-through. In thousands of research studies comparing exposed to non-exposed respondents of various campaigns, online advertising has demonstrated its ability to drive key brand metrics – brand and advertising awareness, message association, brand favorability and purchase interest. Message Association Brand Favourability Purchase /Intent Consideration Brand Status Online advertising works regardless of how well known the brand is. Average ad performance is similar for well known and lesser known brands for most key brand metrics, although the indications are that it is easier to generate purchase intent for less well known brands. This is consistent with our offline learning. Further, when used in a multimedia campaign, online advertising can enhance brand awareness, ad awareness, intended communication and favorable brand opinions. How to maximise the return from your online display advertising Aided Brand Awareness 1 © Millward Brown January 2008 K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E Brand status P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T Opinions on online ad formats 0% 12 9.8 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Banners 9.8 Ads wit h video 8.7 Delta Skyscrapers Ads wit h audio 6 5.2 L arge Rectangles or Squares 4.9 Out-of-frame ads 2.7 2 2 2.5 2 Pop-in between ads/Interstitials 2.9 Pop-up ads 0 Very Postive Online Ad Awareness Message Association Brand Favourability High Awareness Medium Awareness Low Awareness Somewhat Positive Neutral Somewhat Negative Very Negative Purchase Intent Coverage Source: MarketNorms From a cost-effectiveness standpoint, the first impression is the most effective; the most cost-effective exposure frequency is one. While this is true for many media, this is particularly relevant in the online world, where frequency caps can be set. However, the ability of online advertising to generate brand awareness and purchase intent tends to stabilize at around four exposures. How popular is the format? Many online ad formats are received positively. However, Dynamic Logic’s AdReaction Study (2005) showed that non opt-in e-mail (Spam) is almost as unwelcome as telemarketing. Both are viewed negatively by over 75 percent of U.S. consumers. By contrast, Web site ads have far greater acceptance. Optimal exposure frequencies 80% Opinions on general ad formats 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 60% Newspaper ads Magazine ads Bil lboard/Outdoor ads 04% T V ads Radio ads Cinema ads 20% Product placement ads Website ads 0% Direct mail (postal) 0 Opt-in email ads Brand Awareness Non-opt-in email ads 1 2 3 4 5 6 Purchase Intent Telemarketing Very Postive Somewhat Positive Neutral Somewhat Negative Context Very Negative The nature of the Web site on which the ad is featured has little or no impact on the ability of an ad to generate brand awareness. However, for some categories, notably Automotive and Pharmaceutical, context is hugely important in driving purchase intent. Being in context may simply be a surrogate for being in the market (or having a given condition/disease in the case of pharma). This is not true for all categories, however. Entertainment ads for TV shows and movies tend to appeal to a wide audience and, thus, the in-context argument does not apply. Nevertheless, there is another hierarchy within Web site advertising formats. Pop-up and pop-under ads and those that pop in between loading pages are particularly disliked, as are ads that have animation that move over the page (out of frame). How to maximise the return from your online display advertising 2 © Millward Brown January 2008 K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E Aided Brand Awareness Delta Purchase Intent 5 4.2 4 3 2.7 2.3 2.2 P O I N T 3 2.5 2.1 2 1 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 0 Skyscraper Banner 2 1 K N OW L E D G E The role of ad sizes, CPG example aided brand awareness Is context important? Aided Brand Awareness Delta P O I N T Standard 0.7 0.6 Rectangle L arge /Wide Source: MarketNorms 0 Automotive In context Pharmaceutical Entertainment Not Creative Source: MarketNorms Clutter also affects ad performance. In a study conducted jointly by Dynamic Logic, NielsenNetratings, and Double Click, clutter was shown to negatively affect brand favorability, message association and click through rates. In assessing effectiveness, the creative itself is more important that other variables such as frequency of exposure and category. An analysis of over 2,500 online campaigns showed that the quality of the creative was the biggest explanatory factor distinguishing between strong and weak ads. Just taking video ads, the difference in performance between those with highest ad awareness (top 20 percent) and those with lowest ad awareness (bottom 20 percent) is marked. Ad size There are many types of ad sizes used online, but most can be separated into three groups: • • Banners, which appear horizontally (typically at the top of the page). There are two predominant sizes, standard banner and leaderboard (super-banner) Skyscrapers, which appear vertically (typically along the right hand margin of the page). There are two major sizes, standard skyscraper and wide skyscraper Rectangles, which are much more square shaped than the more classically rectangular banners and skyscrapers. The two most prominent sizes are the medium rectangle and large rectangle Most noticed video ads have biggest effect Most and Least Noticed Video Ads 20 Exposed-Control • 15.6 10 0 10.3 9.3 1.8 0.2 6.9 3.1 3.2 0.1 -1.5 -10 Aided Brand Awareness Video Best When considering ad size, bigger is better. Looking at ad shapes, rectangles tend to perform better, because they do not frame the content like the more ignorable ad shapes such as skyscrapers. How to maximise the return from your online display advertising 7.4 6.1 Message Association Brand Favorability Video Norms Purchase Intent Video Worst Note: Most/Least noticed defined as top/bottom 20 percent sorted by Online Ad Awareness delta Source: Dynamic Logic’s MarketNorms through Q3/2006, Video N=108 campaigns, n=125,733 respondents Looking at static ads alone, while the numbers are smaller, it is again clear that the more noticeable the ad, the greater its influence. 3 © Millward Brown January 2008 K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E • • 6.3% Exposed Control 6.0% 4.1% • 3.0% 2.2% 2.2% 1.1% • -1.1% Me s s a g e Ass o c i a t i o n -1.9% Pu rc h a s e I n te n t B ra n d Favo u ra b i l i t y • The effectiveness of online advertising is affected by the speed with which new developments become commonplace. Over time, as the novelty of rich media has worn off, we have seen a lessening of its impact and persuasive ability. Video is becoming more popular as an online ad format, but its performance is likely to decline over time as well, as the novelty subsides. Source: Dynamic Logic’s Market Norms approx 250+ campaigns Sta t i c No r m s Static Best P O I N T The value of novelty -0.5% -1.9% Aided Brand Awareness K N OW L E D G E sumers may only be exposed to one frame of an ad, it makes sense to include the brand in all frames) They are enjoyable and entertaining They engage the viewer. In many instances this creates an interactive experience that takes advantage of the interactive nature of the web, such as linking to recipes, joining in discussion groups or downloading a coupon However, viewers should never have to interact with your ad in order to see your brand or message — click through rates are simply too low Communication is kept simple Most noticed static ads have biggest effect Most and least noticed static ads 8.5% P O I N T Sta t i c Wo r st Creative units containing video elements perform up to two times better than other online advertising campaigns on measures of awareness, message association, brand favorability and purchase intent. Rich media and video: aided brand awareness 10 Ads containing video elements tend to outperform the average Overall Vs. Video 20 Exposed - Control Shift 17.2 0 10 02Q1 02Q2 02Q3 02Q4 03Q1 Rich Media 8.8 03Q2 03Q3 03Q4 04Q1 04Q2 04Q3 04Q4 05Q1 05Q2 05Q3 05Q4 06Q1 06Q2 06Q3 06Q4 07Q1 Video 7.9 Rich media and video: purchase intent 5.9 4.8 3.5 6 3.2 2.1 1.8 Aided Brand Awareness Overall Online Ad Awareness Message Association Brand Favourability Purchase Intent Shift 0 Video Source: Dynamic Logic’s MarketNorms Q4/2006 0 02Q1 02Q2 02Q3 02Q4 Rich Media 03Q3 03Q4 04Q1 04Q2 04Q3 04Q4 05Q1 05Q2 05Q3 05Q4 06Q1 06Q2 06Q3 06Q4 07Q1 It is clear that, online at least, there is value in using the latest technologies. The creative is inextricably linked to the brand (in some instances a constant component of the ad — when con- How to maximise the return from your online display advertising 03Q2 Video Source: MarketNorms CPG The best performing rich, online media ads (non-static ads) have striking similarities to the best TV ads: • 03Q1 4 © Millward Brown January 2008 K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T K N OW L E D G E P O I N T Information cited in this document is drawn from MarketNorms®, Dynamic Logic’s database of online advertising in the U.S. and Europe. Knowledge Points are drawn from the Millward Brown Knowledge Bank, consisting of our databases of 50,000 brand reports and 40,000 ads, as well as 1,000 case studies, 700 conference papers and magazine articles, and 250 Learnings documents. www.millwardbrown.com How to maximise the return from your online display advertising 5 © Millward Brown January 2008
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