1008 Prostate Needle Biopsy Interpretation: Updates and Problematic Areas Omar Hameed, MD FASCP Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN Peter AHumphrey, Peter A MD FASCP Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM TBD This course is designed to provide both pathologists in practice and those in training with an effective and practical approach to the evaluation of prostate needle biopsy material. The focus will be on (a) underdiagnosis of prostate cancer, specifically those deceptively-benign-appearing carcinomas; (b) the latest modified approach to Gleason grading of carcinoma with its clinical impact on patient management, including active surveillance and active therapy; (c) histologic mimics of prostatic carcinoma; and (d) the utility and caveats of immunohistochemistry in the evaluation of prostate needle biopsy material, specifically in the distinction between carcinoma and its mimics. A large number of diagnostic images will be presented to convey the spectrum of minimal and unusual variants of prostatic carcinoma, different Gleason grades, and pseudoneoplastic lesions. A significant emphasis will placed on how to distinguish the latter lesions from carcinoma and the role of immunohistochemistry in this regard. Learning Objectives 1. Recognize (1) the most common deceptively benign-appearing prostatic carcinomas and (2) the histologic mimickers of carcinoma, and understand the criteria utilized for their diagnostic recognition. 2. Become proficient in application of the modified Gleason grading system, and to know how Gleason grade and amount of cancer in prostate needle core tissue impact management of patients with prostate cancer. 3. Recognize the utility and limitations of immunohistochemistry in the evaluation of prostate needle biopsies and how it can (or cannot) be used to discriminate between prostatic carcinoma and its mimics. Speaker Disclosure In the past 12 months, neither of us have had a significant financial interest or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any products or providers of the services that will be discussed in our presentation. 1 DIAGNOSIS OF ADENOCARCINOMA, INCLUDING MINMAL ADENOCARCINOMA, IN PROSTATE NEEDLE BIOPSY TISSUE Peter A Humphrey, MD, PhD Department of Pathology and Immunology Washington University School of Medicine Saint Louis, Missouri USA humphrey@path.wustl.edu ABSTRACT Prostate cancer is a major public health problem throughout the developed world. For patients with clinically-localized prostate cancer, the diagnosis is typically established by histopathological examination of prostate needle biopsy samples. Major and minor criteria are utilized to establish the diagnosis, based upon the microscopic appearance of hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides. Major criteria include an infiltrative glandular growth pattern, an absence of basal cells, and nuclear atypia in the form of nucleomegaly and nucleolomegaly. In difficult cases, basal cell absence may be confirmed by immunohistochemical stains for high molecular weight cytokeratins (marked with antibody 34betaE12) and/or p63, which are basal cell markers. Minor criteria include intraluminal wispy blue mucin, pink amorphous secretions, mitotic figures, intraluminal crystalloids, adjacent high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, amphophilic cytoplasm, and nuclear hyperchromasia. Another useful diagnostic marker detectable by immunohistochemistry is alpha-methylacyl CoA racemase (AMACR), an enzyme selectively expressed in neoplastic glandular epithelium. Cocktails of antibodies directed against basal cell markers and AMACR are particularly useful in evaluation of small foci of atypical glands, and are useful in substantiating a diagnosis of a minimal adenocarcinoma. Reporting of adenocarcinoma in needle biopsy should always include the Gleason grade and measures of tumor extent in the needle core tissue. Measures of tumor extent are number of cores positive for cancer out of number of cores examined, percentage of needle core tissue involved by carcinoma, and linear millimeters of carcinoma present. INTRODUCTION Prostate cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world and the second most common cancer in men, with 679,000 new cases.1 This represents 19% of all cancers diagnosed in developed countries and 5.3 % in developing countries.1 Incidence rates are high in North America, Northern and Western Europe, and Australia and New Zealand.1 In 2013 in the United States there is an estimated 239,000 new cases, representing 28% of all new cancers diagnosed in men. Since a primary approach for establishment of a definitive diagnosis of prostate cancer is 2 histopathologic interpretation of transrectal 18-gauge needle core biopsy specimens, it is critical for diagnostic pathologists to appreciate the histomorphological features of prostatic carcinoma in needle biopsy tissue, and to have an organized approach to the establishment of the diagnosis. The histopathological diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the prostate in needle core biopsy presents a unique set of challenges. First, early detection efforts, including screening with prostate specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination, also have resulted in identification of lower stage and smaller volume carcinomas of the prostate.2-5 As a result, many PSA-detected carcinomas comprise less than 5% of needle core tissue. Secondly, it can be difficult to appreciate an infiltrative architectural pattern of growth in thin 18-gauge needle core biopsies. Lastly, the needle cores can fragment which can also generate problems in interpretation. The focus of this review is an approach to histopathological diagnosis of carcinoma in prostate needle biopsy specimens, especially limited or minimal adenocarcinoma. We define minimal carcinoma in needle biopsy tissue as tumor less than 1 mm in greatest dimension.6 Another definition of minimal adenocarcinoma is cancer involving less than 5% of needle core tissue.7 In the first four sections there is discussion on major and minor criteria for the diagnosis of prostate carcinoma based on H&E-stained sections, features considered specific for carcinoma, and minimal carcinoma. Next, entities in the differential diagnosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma are briefly presented. The following segment includes information on use of ancillary diagnostic studies, particularly the use of immunohistochemical staining. Finally, the reporting of prostatic carcinoma in prostate needle biopsy tissue is addressed. MAJOR CRITERIA FOR DIAGNOSIS OF ADENOCARCINOMA IN PROSTATE NEEDLE BIOPSY TISSUE SECTIONS Diagnosis of prostatic carcinoma requires a synthesis of a constellation of histological attributes that allows for a definitive diagnosis. A conceptual framework for a rationale approach to this diagnosis entails application of major and minor criteria (Table 1).8,9 The first assessment one should perform in hematoxylin and eosin-stained needle biopsy sections, from fixed (usually formalin-fixed) tissue from paraffin blocks, is a search for the first of the major criteria, an infiltrative growth pattern, which frequently presents as the presence of small malignant glands extending between and/or around larger, more complex, (and often paler) benign glands. These Gleason pattern 3 adenocarcinomas are currently the most common pattern recognized in needle biopsy.10-12 They exhibit variably-sized individual and discrete glands.13,14 In carcinomas that are minimal (less than 1 mm)6 or limited10 in extent in needle biopsy, the presence of a few malignant acini between the benign glands is indicative of invasion even though the glands appear only embedded within the stroma. This deceptive appearance is due to the facts that the invading glands do not usually elicit a desmoplastic or inflammatory response, that characterizes many invasive carcinomas at the anatomic sites. A distinctive pattern of infiltration is a formation of a column of malignant glands spanning the width of the needle core. The infiltrative character of high-grade (Gleason patterns 4 or 5 and score 7-10) prostatic carcinoma in needle biopsy is typified by ragged invasion of fused microacinar, cribriform or papillary masses. Linkage of carcinoma cells into chains and cords also indicates poorly- 3 differentiated Gleason pattern 4 adenocarcinoma.11,12,14 Another descriptor of Gleason pattern 4 is ill-defined glands with poorly formed glandular lumina.13 High-grade carcinoma can also invade as sheets, with destruction and effacement of benign prostatic tissue, or be manifested as comedocarcinoma. These arrangements represent Gleason pattern 5, which is uncommon in needle biopsy.12,15,16 In some cases, benign prostate glands are not present to serve as landmarks to evaluate for invasion. This can happen due to destructive growth of tumor, due to invasion into an area of pure fibromuscular stroma, and due to invasion into extraprostatic tissues, such as periprostatic adipose tissue or seminal vesicle tissue. Malignant prostatic glands in thick smooth muscle bundles in needle biopsy can represent invasion of inadvertantly-sampled extraprostatic bladder neck, but it is difficult to be certain in needle biopsy that this represents extraprostatic spread and not prostatic stroma. Also, benign or malignant prostatic glands can be observed in skeletal muscle tissue at the apex, where skeletal muscle of the urogenital diaphragm interdigitates into the prostate gland. The detection of infiltrating carcinoma into skeletal muscle in needle biopsy does not necessarily equate with extraprostatic spread. As incidental findings, periprostatic tissue can be found in up to 77% of needle biopsies17 and seminal vesicle or ejaculatory duct tissue can be seen in up to 20% of needle biopsies.18 Periprostatic adipose tissue is most often seen at the tips of the needle cores and the presence of carcinoma in this fat can be a useful diagnostic finding . However, this is rarely an isolated finding, and is generally associated with extensive carcinoma in the rest of the needle biopsy tissue. Prostatic carcinoma infiltration into seminal vesicle/ejaculatory duct tissue is an uncommon, incidental discovery, which tends to be more common in more extensive, higher-grade carcinoma in needle biopsy. Thus, in prostatic needle biopsy, carcinoma of the prostate can present a range of images of infiltration, with invasion into prostatic as well as extraprostatic tissues. In a minority of needle biopsy cases, an infiltrative pattern is not evident. These appear to be well-differentiated, Gleason score 3 to 4, adenocarcinomas that are, by definition, wellcircumscribed small gland proliferations, with smooth, pushing edges.11-13 However, an entire Gleason score 3 to 4 nodule is usually not captured by needle biopsy and also, well-differentiated Gleason score 3 and 4 nodules are characteristically found in the transition zone of the prostate, whereas it is the peripheral zone that is typically targeted for needle biopsy. Most apparently well-differentiated adenocarcinomas in needle biopsy tissue actually represent intermediate grade carcinomas at follow-up radical prostatectomy,6 such that it has been recommended that Gleason score 3 to 4 should be rarely, if ever, assigned to adenocarcinoma in needle biopsy tissue.13 The second of the major criteria for diagnosis of adenocarcinoma is absence of basal cells in the atypical glands. Basal cells may assume a range of appearances, 19,20 making careful study of basal cells in glands that are clearly benign a vital exercise to rule out their presence in malignant glands. Thin well-fixed sections with quality H&E staining are crucial for the appreciation of a single cell lining layer in malignant glands. A historic challenge for the surgical pathologist has been the distinction of periglandular stromal fibroblasts from basal cells. Another common difficulty is that distorted, crushed, or poorly preserved carcinoma cells in minimal cancer foci can mimic basal cells. In cases such as these, application of a basal cell-specific immunohistochemical stain for high-molecular-weight cytokeratin and/or p63 can be 4 diagnostically advantageous. (See the section on ancillary studies). However, these immunostains are not a “malignant stain,” and Totten and colleagues8 put basal cells in their proper context when they noted the following, based on scrutiny of H&E-stained sections: “This basal cell layer is not always present in benign small glands, so that its absence is not an absolute criterion of carcinoma. Conversely, however, we have not seen it in any case in which the diagnosis was cancer.”8 Basal cells may be completely absent in scattered benign and especially atrophic glands,21,22 and a fragmented basal cell layer is characteristic of atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (adenosis),23,24 where, on average, 50% of glands lack a basal cell layer. Additional, but rare benign mimickers of prostatic carcinoma that can lack basal cells include mesonephric hyperplasia25 and nephrogenic adenoma.26,27 Loss of basal cells in a few glands of partial atrophy or crowded benign glands is a most common problem that leads to diagnostic difficulty.28 To emphasize, absence of basal cells is a central finding in an atypical small acinar proliferation, but by itself, it is not fully diagnostic of adenocarcinoma.29 Nuclear atypia in the form of nuclear enlargement and nucleolar enlargement is the third of the major criteria for diagnosis of adenocarcinoma. Nuclear atypia in malignant glands most often manifests itself as nuclear enlargement and prominent nucleoli. Failure to detect prominent nucleoli in prostatic carcinoma nuclei is likely multifactorial; large nucleoli might be present but undetectable owing to poor preservation, poor fixation, overstaining, or section thickeness. This last factor of overly thick sections is an extremely common problem. In addition, lack of chromatin clearing might contribute to inability to detect nucleoli. Lastly, some prostate cancers do not harbor macronucleoli. Examples include foamy gland carcinoma, which can have shrunken nuclei,30 prostatic carcinoma with androgen deprivation therapy effect,31 and some well-differentiated adenocarcinomas (so-called nucleolus-poor adenocarcinomas).32 The latter two examples are usually not seen in needle biopsy tissue. One essential point is that when macronucleoli are absent, there should be significant nucleomegaly with or without nuclear hyperchromasia to definitively diagnose carcinoma. MINOR DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA Minor diagnostic criteria (Table 1) are found, on an individual basis, in a lower proportion of cases compared with major diagnostic criteria, with the exception of intraluminal amorphous pink material. These minor or “soft” diagnostic attributes are not specific for carcinoma but are useful for prompting in-depth study of the glands harboring these changes, with a view toward assessment of the aforementioned major diagnostic criteria. With the possible exception of highgrade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), none of the listed minor criteria should, by themselves, be considered a sufficiently atypical finding to warrant rebiopsy. (Note that a recent recommendation is that men do not need routine repeat needle biopsy within the first year following a diagnosis of high-grade PIN.33) 5 DIAGNOSTIC CARCINOMA FEATURES CONSIDERED SPECIFIC FOR PROSTATIC Diagnostic features that have been forwarded as specific for malignancy34 – perineural invasion, collagenous micronodules (also known as mucinous fibroplasia),35 and glomeruloid intraglandular projections36 – are present less often in prostate needle biopsy compared to whole glands with carcinoma.37 These findings are rare in minimal prostatic adenocarcinoma,34 and this obviously diminishes their diagnostic usefulness in this setting where they are needed most. Perineural invasion was identified in 0% to 3% of minimal or limited prostate cancer cases,6,7,10,34 and collagenous micronodules were seen in 0.1% to 5% of cases.6,7,34 We saw only 1 case with a suggestion of glomeruloid intraluminal tufting.6 In another series,34 not a single case had glomerulations as a key feature in diagnosing very limited cancer. True perineural invasion, which is characteristic of adenocarcinoma of the prostate, needs to be distinguished from benign glands abutting prostatic peripheral nerve.38-40 Collagenous micronodules are a distinctive, but uncommon, type of stromal response to invasive prostatic carcinoma, which often exhibits mucinous differentiation.35 Adenocarcinomas of the prostate with glomeruloid features are remarkable for intraglandular tufts of malignant cells that resemble (somewhat) renal glomeruli in their low-power appearance.36 Another finding specific for carcinoma – lymphvascular space invasion – is vanishingly rare in prostate needle biopsy tissue. MINIMAL ADENOCARCINOMA One of the major diagnostic challenges confronting the histopathologist in prostate needle biopsy interpretation is the definite in establishment of a malignant diagnosis based on a minimal or limited amount of carcinoma in needle biopsy. The major and minor diagnostic criteria should be put into use here, just as for more extensive carcinoma. The presence of a few small malignant glands located between larger, more complex, paler benign glands is the most common pattern of invasion in minimal carcinoma, accounting for fully 80% of cases in one series.10 The second most common pattern of infiltration of limited carcinoma was a haphazard growth in stroma, without adjacent benign glands. Uncommon patterns of growth that typically accompanied the common patterns were cords of cells, single cells, and cribriform glands.10 The major criteria do not include a quantitative threshold for the number of glands required to establish a diagnosis of malignancy. In our series,6 80% of minimal carcinoma foci contained more than 10 glands and in a second series,10 the median number of malignant glands was 20. In a third series the mean +/- SD number of acini to diagnose carcinoma was 17 +/- 14.7 It is possible to diagnose invasive carcinoma based on just a few glands. In our experience, the smallest number of atypical glands which formed the basis for a definitive diagnosis of malignancy was three to four. In these cases, there should be excellent preservation of cellular detail, without tangential sectioning, such that it was clear on the H&E sections that basal cells were absent and that significant nuclear atypia was present. Both of these major criteria are of immense importance for these most minimal of the minimal carcinomas, where architectural abnormalities are difficult to impossible to discern. In another series on minimal (limited) carcinoma, the lowest number of diagnostic glands was two.10 At a consensus conference,9 most urologic pathologists felt that three glands constituted the typical lowest numerical cut-off. Finally, in this era, there is a trend to confirm the diagnosis of minimal adenocarcinoma with 6 immunohistochemical stains for basal cells and AMACR (see below section on ancillary studies).29 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF ADENOCARCINOMA IN NEEDLE BIOPSY, INCLUDING FOCAL ATYPIA Numerous entities, both benign and malignant, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma. In-depth discussion of these entities is beyond the scope of this review. Recent reviews have highlighted the benign lesions, or pseudoneoplasms, that may mimic prostatic adenocarcinoma.41-43 It is important to note that atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (adenosis) and atrophy are the benign conditions that are most likely to be misdiagnosed as prostatic carcinoma.29,41-43 Crowded benign glands may also be mistaken for prostatic adenocarcinoma.29 A descriptive diagnosis that may be rendered if the histological and/or immunohistochemical findings are felt to be worrisome, but not fully diagnostic of carcinoma is atypia,33,44 also known as atypical suspicious for carcinoma or atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP). Such a diagnosis is given in about 4 to 5% of all prostate needle biopsy cases.33,44 Focal glandular atypia, also known as atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP), is a descriptive diagnosis for a gland or group of glands with architectural or cytological atypia that does not allow for a definitive diagnosis of reactive atypia, adenosis, PIN, or carcinoma. Distortion artifact, section thickness, and overstaining can contribute to difficulty in interpretation. Immunostains can be very useful in addressing the differential diagnosis of atypia vs. minimal adenocarcinoma (see below). Patients with a diagnosis of atypia (ASAP) should be clinically followed and re-biopsied because about 43% of men are diagnosed with carcinoma on rebiopsy.72 ANCILLARY DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES The most valuable adjunctive study for the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the prostate, particularly minimal adenocarcinoma, is immunohistochemistry with antibodies directed against basal cells (34betaE12 and p63) and alpha-methylacyl CoA racemase (AMACR; also known as P504S). Historically, the most widely used immunostain employed monoclonal antibody 34betaE12, which binds to high-molecular-weight cytokeratins expressed in the cytoplasm of basal cells and not in luminal cells.21,29 This antibody, which also has been identified by its commercial catalog number, CK903, is useful for documenting the absence of basal cells in focal atypical small acinar proliferations, yet there are caveats in the use and interpretation of this immunohistochemical staining reaction. First, basal cell absence is an important criterion for the histologic diagnosis of prostatic carcinoma but is only one of several of the major criteria. That is, this immunostain, like other adjunctive studies, should be interpreted in the context of all histologic findings in the case. Also, as noted above, not all benign glands have basal cells. 7 Finally, this immunohistochemical stain is based on a negative result to give a positive diagnosis of malignant neoplasm. Many factors can cause failure of immunohistochemical staining, and absence of proof is not proof of absence. So, it is absolutely critical to study the immunostained cores for a positive internal control – benign glands with a strong, positive basal cell signal. Preferably, these benign glands are located near the adjacent carcinoma or are at least in the same core. With these pitfalls in mind, the 34betaE12 immunostain can be useful as a confirmatory measure in specific circumstances. It should not be used as a screening test in all prostate needle biopsy specimens, but rather should be applied specifically in selected cases with selection and the differential diagnosis driven by the histologic appearance of the H&E-stained slides. In the last 10 years, the use of basal cell immunostains has increased : In a large series form 1995, only 2.8% of all prostate needle biopsy specimens were immunostained with antibody 34betaE12,45 compared to a recent series from 2004, where immunostains were used in 22% of prostate needle biopsy cases.46 In our recent prospective experience spanning a full year, we ordered immunostains on 11% of all prostate needle core biopsy cases. Basal cell stains are most often ordered to evaluate a focus of atypical glands. They have also been ordered in selected cases in which the differential diagnosis encompassed atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (adenosis), PIN, basal cell hyperplasia, and atrophy.45 The immunostain also can be used to distinguish cribriform high-grade PIN from cribriform invasive carcinoma.47 In one series of needle biopsy specimens, it was concluded that the 34betaE12 immunostain substantially reduced the percentage of prostate needle biopsy cases diagnosed as atypical.48 The 34betaE12 immunostain can be particularly valuable when the differential diagnostic consideration is radiation-induced atypia vs focal minimal residual carcinoma in patients with prostate cancer treated by radiation therapy.49,50 In this setting, reactive basal cells can mimic cancer cells cytologically in nuclear alterations, and, here, the 34betaE12 immunostain can provide important diagnostic information. Minimal residual carcinoma after hormonal therapy also can pose diagnostic challenges, and positive immunostains for PSA and pan-cytokeratin, with a negative 34betaE12 immunostain, sometimes can be helpful.50 Additional basal cell markers for the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma include p63,51,52 cytokeratins (CK) 5/6,53 cystatin A,54 and calcyclin.55 The p63 immunostain appears be more sensitive in basal cell detection than the immunostain using the 34betaE12 antibody.29,56 Some have combined p63 and 34betaE12 antibodies in a cocktail.46,56,57 While this cocktail increased the sensitivity of basal cell detection and reduced the staining variability,57 in one study of atypical glandular proliferations there was little, if any advantage in using the cocktail compared to a p63 immunostain alone.56 While basal cell antibody or antibodies may still be used alone in immunohistochemistry, a trend is for their inclusion in a cocktail with an AMACR antibody. It would be desirable in diagnosing adenocarcinoma to have a positive marker that is relatively specific for malignant prostatic epithelial cells, in addition to the negative basal cell markers. One such marker, alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR), is selective and very sensitive for carcinoma, based upon immunohistochemical studies.29,58-69 About 80-100% of prostatic adenocarcinomas stain. Up to 21% of benign prostatic glands also stain, including atrophy,reviwed in 29,67 but the staining signal is usually more focal and weaker compared to carcinoma. A 8 misleading result can be obtained with partial atrophy, where up to 79% of cases have reported to be AMACR-positive.28 This finding, combined with focal basal loss and nuclear atypia70 that may be seen in atrophy could result in a misdiagnosis of partial atrophy as adenocarcinoma. Most high-grade PIN foci stain,64 a minority of atypical adenomatous hyperplasia cases stain,58 and nephrogenic adenoma, which rarely involves the prostate, can also be positive.26,27 This immunostain can be quite helpful, as a confirmatory tool, in cases of minimal carcinoma.61,62 It is best interpreted only in histologic context and in conjunction with 34betaE12 and/or p63 immunostaining. Cocktails comprised of AMACR and a basal cell marker such as p6365-68 or AMACR/p63/34betaE12,69 with single or two chromogens, are useful for simultaneous assessment of these markers in the same glands. Application of such a cocktail is diagnostically advantageous if only a small atypical focus on a single section or slide is available for immunohistochemical evaluation.67 Such cocktails can also be used on destained H and Estained sections, if unstained sections are unavailable.68 Immunohistochemistry for ERG has also been studied as a prostate cancer marker.70a-70d ERG protein is an ETS transcription factor, with expression in the nuclei of normal endothelial cells, vascular neoplasms, and the subset of prostate cancers that harbor ERG gene fusions (predominantly TMPRSS2-ERG fusions). ERG expression is seen in about one-half of prostate carcinomas and can also be seen in high-grade PIN. It is uncommonly expressed in benign prostatic glands. Diagnostically, ERG immunohistochemistry could potentially be used in difficult cases where the AMACR/basal cell cocktail immunostains are not contributory. Added value beyond the AMACR/basal cell cocktail immunostains has not been proven for ERG immunostaining. In one study ERG immunostains did not aid in the workup of atypical glands that were suspicious for carcinoma.70d AMACR was superior to ERG in diagnosis of foamy gland carcinoma,70e which can be difficult diagnosis based on examination of H and E-stained sections alone. Finally, in certain cases, additional immunohistochemical studies are indicated.29 For example, in the differential diagnosis of focal granulomatous prostatitis vs focal poorly differentiated prostatic adenocarcinoma, a panel of antibodies to cytokeratins (AE1/AE3), PSA, prostatic acid phosphatase (PSAP), lysozyme, antimacrophage M, and leukocyte common antigen (CD45) reliably distinguished the disorders.71 The differential diagnostic workup of prostatic carcinoma vs urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma in prostate needle biopsy tissue likewise can be aided by use of a targeted panel of antibodies,29 including PSA, PSAP, 34betaE12, GATA3, and thrombomodulin. PSA and PSAP are the best prostatic markers in general, but they are not absolutely specific and can stain benign and malignant nonprostatic cells and tissue. PSAnegative carcinomas comprise 3 to 13% of high-grade prostatic carcinomas. In these cases, P501S (prostein), PSMA, and NKX3.1 immunostains may be helpful in establishing prostatic origin.29a Although usually resolved by examination of H&E-stained slides, the distinction of small seminal vesicle glands and minimal prostatic adenocarcinoma also can be accomplished by PSA, PSAP, AMACR, and 34betaE12 or p63 immunohistochemical studies, in which seminal vesicle glands should be negative for the first three immunostains and positive for the last two. 9 Genetic abnormalities such RNA overexpression or underexpression, DNA ploidy, chromosomal anomalies, gain or loss of specific DNA sequences, DNA methylation, and specific gene mutations are not used in the diagnosis of carcinoma in prostate needle biopsy specimens. PSEUDOBENIGN ADENOCARCINOMAS IN THE PROSTATE Deceptively-benign appearing adenocarcinoma of the prostate may assume the form of atrophic pattern adenocarcinoma,72-74 pseudohyperplastic pattern adenocarcinoma,75-77 and foamy gland adenocarcinoma.78-81 These pseudobenign carcinomas figure prominently in needle biopsy series on false-negative diagnoses of prostate cancer.82,83 A recently described variant of both pseudohyperplastic and atrophic patterns is the microcystic pattern.84 REPORTING The most important attributes of adenocarcinoma in prostate needle biopsy that merit reporting are Gleason grade and amount of tumor in needle biopsy tissue.11-13,85,86, 88-90 Measures of tumor extent in needle biopsy include number of positive needle cores out of total number of cores, percentage of positive cores, percentage of needle core tissue involved by carcinoma as determined by visual inspection, and linear millimeters of tumor extent. It is likely that all these measures provide nearly equivalent information, such that there is not a standard method of appraising needle biopsy tumor extent. Indeed, several measures should be given for the same set of needle biopsies.85-87 It is also worthwhile to report, for needle core biopsies, perineural invasion by carcinoma, the presence of extraprostatic carcinoma in adipose tissue or seminal vesicle, and lymphvascular space invasion by carcinoma.86,88,89 10 Table 1 Criteria for the Diagnosis of Prostatic Adenocarcinoma* Major Criteria Architectural: infiltrative small glands or cribriform glands too large or irregular to represent high-grade PIN Single cell layer (absence of basal cells) Nuclear atypia: nuclear and nucleolar enlargement Minor Criteria Intraluminal wispy blue mucin (blue-tinged mucinous secretions) Pink amorphous secretions Mitotic figures Intraluminal crystalloids Adjacent high-grade PIN Amphophilic cytoplasm Nuclear hyperchromasia PIN, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia * Adapted from Algaba et al9 11 References 1. Parkin DM, Bray, F, Ferlay J, Pisani P. Global cancer statistics, 2002. 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Humphrey, MD, PhD Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University School of Medicine Saint Louis, Missouri USA humphrey@path.wustl.edu INTRODUCTION Grade may be defined as a degree of severity in illness (1). Histological grade of a neoplastic process is often equated with the degree of differentiation of the neoplastic cells. In the last three quarters of the twentieth century, over forty histologic grading systems for prostatic carcinoma have been proposed. These systems have typically utilized differentiation capacity, architectural growth patterns, mitotic activity, and nuclear abnormalities in generation of a histological grade assignment. In Europe a three-tiered grading system was widely used (2a). Currently, the most widely used grading scheme in the United States and worldwide is the Gleason system (2-10), while other grading methods are applied in some laboratories. The Gleason grading system is recommended for use by the 2004 World Health Organization “blue book” and the 2010 AJCC/UICC cancer staging manual. The International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) published recommendations on a modified scheme that was based on new data and recognition of new histological variants of prostatic adenocarcinoma. Newly encountered areas of difficulty and controversial areas where no data or consensus exist were also addressed (8a). The most recent modification of the Gleason grading system is presented in the 2011 AFIP Fascicle (2). It is this modified scheme that should be used (Figure 1). There are particular challenges in the application of Gleason grading scheme to thin needle biopsy tissue samples. The aims of this review are to provide a general approach to using the Gleason system, to discuss grading issues relevant particularly to needle core biopsy tissues, to present new findings on grading in needle core tissue, and to explore possible avenues for future improvement and investigation. GLEASON SYSTEM General Approach 18 The Gleason grading system was developed by Dr. Donald F. Gleason, a pathologist in Minnesota, and members of the Veterans Administration Cooperative Urological Research Group (VACURG) (3-8). From 1960 to 1975 the VACURG enrolled roughly 5,000 prostate cancer patients in prospective randomized clinical trials. One of the outstanding strengths of the Gleason grading system is that it was tested in this large patient population, with long-term follow-up that included use of survival as an endpoint. The Gleason grading system is based entirely on the histologic pattern of arrangement of carcinoma cells in H&E-stained prostatic tissue sections. Specifically, the method is one of categorization of histologic patterns at relatively low magnification, using a 4X or 10X lens, by the extent of glandular differentiation and the pattern of growth of the tumor in the prostatic stroma (8). Use of a 20X lens is allowable to confirm a low-power impression, such as identification of gland fusion or necrosis (8a). Nine growth patterns were consolidated into five grades and these were illustrated in a drawing by Dr. Gleason. (Illustrations of the drawing and photomicrographs of these patterns may be found in references 10). The five basic grade patterns are used to generate a histologic score, which can range from 2-10, by adding the primary grade pattern and the secondary grade pattern. The primary pattern is the one that is predominant in area, by simple visual inspection. The secondary pattern is the second most common pattern. If only one grade is in the tissue sample, that grade is multiplied by two to give the score. What should one do if there are two patterns and one pattern is less than 5% of all the tumor? According to the Gleason approach of 1990, if the second grade is less than 3% of the total tumor, it is ignored, and the primary grade is again doubled to give the Gleason score (8). However, this has been modified in the recent consensus meeting (8a) : In the setting of high-grade carcinoma (patterns 4 or 5), one should ignore lower-grade patterns if they occupy less than 5% of the area of the tumor. So if there is 98% pattern 4 and 2% pattern 3, the score should be 4 + 4 = 8. For focal high-grade carcinoma in needle biopsy, though, one should always incorporate the high-grade pattern. So, for 98% pattern 3 and 2% pattern 4, the score is 3 + 4 = 7. For radical prostatectomy with less than 5% pattern 4 or 5, this should be noted in a comment (8a). Gleason sum, Gleason grade, combined Gleason grade, and category score have been used as synonyms for Gleason score, but “histological pattern score” was the initial 1974 designation for the sum of the two patterns (4) and “histologic score” has endured in usage in the writings of Gleason (5-8). The assignment of a Gleason score, which is the addition of the two most common patterns, essentially averages the primary and secondary grades. This procedure appears to be unique in grading of human cancers, where, for other malignancies, it is the worst grade that determines patient outcome. Peculiarly, for prostatic carcinoma, when there are two different Gleason grade patterns, the cancer death rates are intermediate between the rates for patients with only the pure form of each of those two grades (6-8). The Gleason grading system allows for two separate grade patterns in an individual tissue sample, but the histomorphological appearance of prostatic carcinoma is more heterogeneous than this. Indeed, in one study (11), an average of 2.7 Gleason grade patterns (range 1-5) was found in carcinomas in whole prostate glands. Three additional papers report that 14-23% of patients had more than two grades in sections of their prostatic carcinoma (13,14, 14a). In one of these reports (13), 3% of cases had 4 different Gleason patterns. The number of grades assigned depends on tumor sample size and size of the tumor in the whole gland. So, more than two grades is more often observed in TURP chips (28% of cases) compared to needle biopsies (4-7% 19 of cases) (12,14), and tumors greater than 1-2 cm3 in size tended to have more than 2 grades (11,13). There are data on prostatic carcinomas with more than 2 grades. Gleason wrote that the VACURG was unable to acquire enough three-grade tumors to evaluate their behavior (8), and proposed an algorithm to provide a Gleason score in cases with more than two grades (8). Recent data on radical prostatectomy specimens indicate that a high-grade Gleason pattern 4 or 5 that is a tertiary component occupying less than 5% of the tumor influences pathological stage and progression rates (14a,15,16, 16a). In one investigation using needle biopsies, patients with Gleason score 7 and tertiary pattern 5 were more likely to suffer from bone metastasis compared to patients without such a tertiary 5 pattern (18). In a second study on Gleason score 7 in needle core tissue, men with tertiary Gleason pattern 5 had a significantly shorter time to PSA failure after therapy (surgery or radiation therapy with or without hormonal therapy) (18a). Currently, the recommendation for needle biopsy is that for cases with patterns 3,4, and 5, that the primary pattern and the highest grade should be recorded (8a); in this case the score would be 3+5=8. For radical prostatectomy cases, one should assign the Gleason score based on the primary and secondary patterns with a comment on the tertiary pattern (8a). Application of Modified Gleason Grading In general, use of the modified Gleason scoring rather than conventional Gleason scoring has resulted in upgrading (18b,18c). For example, use of the modified as opposed to the conventional Gleason grading scheme for needle core biopsies resulted in this change in Gleason score distribution : Gleason scores 2-4 decreased from 2.7% to 0%, score 5 decreased from 12.2% to 0.3%, score 6 decreased from 48.4% to 22%, and score 7 increased from 25.5% to 67.9% (18c). In one study, the modified Gleason score in needle biopsy predicted biochemical failure after surgery, whereas the conventional Gleason score in needle biopsy did not (18d). In another series the modified Gleason grading in needle biopsies identified a higher number of patients in the aggressive Gleason score 8-10 group who had a worse outcome after radical prostatectomy (18e). Gleason Grade of Histological Variants of Prostatic Carcinoma The Gleason system is designed for application to all untreated prostatic glandular carcinomas. Recommendations for grading variants have been made (8a, 10, 19). Additional recent recommendations include assignment of Gleason pattern 4 to glomeruloid adenocarcinoma (19a), Gleason pattern 4 to all cribriform adenocarcinomas (19b), and pattern 3 to PIN-like adenocarcionomas (19c, 19d). Squamous cell and urothelial carcinomas of the prostate should not be graded by the Gleason method. Grading in Fine Needle Aspirates Attempts have been made to apply Gleason grading to fine needle aspiration biopsy samples of prostatic carcinoma, but since epithelial-stromal relationships are not preserved in these specimens, this is not advisable. Rather, traditional cytologic grading as well, moderately, or poorly-differentiated, is recommended (20). Grading in Different Prostatic Tissue Samples 20 Gleason grading should be performed in all prostatic tissue samples, including needle core biopsy specimens. Indeed, of Gleason’s original series of 2,911 patients, 60% were graded solely on the basis of a needle biopsy (6). Gleason Grading in Needle Biopsy Samples A Gleason grade should be given for all adenocarcinomas in prostate needle biopsy tissue, including all variants and focal or minimal (limited) adenocarcinoma. The only times a Gleason grade should not assigned to adenocarcinoma in prostate needle biopsy is if there is hormonal or radiation treatment effect (see below). A Gleason grade should be assigned to needle biopsy cases with minimal prostatic carcinoma, defined as less than 1 mm of tumor (21,22). Of importance, a small amount of carcinoma in needle biopsy tissue should not be equated with well-differentiated Gleason score 2 to 4 adenocarcinoma. Most minimal adenocarcinomas in needle biopsy tissue are intermediate Gleason grade, usually of a score of 6. Comparisons of Gleason grade in needle biopsy with Gleason grade in the matched whole prostate gland indicate exact correlation in 43% of cases (range 20-88%) and agreement to within ± 1 score unit in 77% of 3,789 cases (range 62-97%) (reviewed in 2,18b). Undergrading of tumor in the needle biopsy, with a higher Gleason score in the matched whole gland, is the most common problem, occurring, on average, in 42% of all cases. Overgrading of carcinoma in needle biopsy tissue also takes place, but with a much lower mean of 15% of all cases. Gleason score 2 to 4 should rarely, if ever, be assigned to adenocarcinoma in needle core tissue from the prostate (8a,22a). This is so because the peripheral zone is typically targeted by the prostate needle biopsy procedure and Gleason score 2-4 adenocarcinomas are not typically found in this location. Also, it is not feasible for a needle core to capture an entire Gleason score 2-4 nodule and so even if the tumor appears partially circumscribed in needle core tissue, it is not possible to determine if the entire carcinoma focus is completely circumscribed, which is necessary to diagnose Gleason grade 2-4 adenocarcinoma (8a). As noted above, reporting of adenocarcinoma with high-grade tertiary Gleason grade is different for needle biopsy vs. radical prostatectomy tissues. To reiterate, for needle biopsy tissue it is critical to incorporate any tertiary high-grade Gleason pattern 4 or 5 into the final score, regardless of the amount of high-grade pattern 4 or 5. For needle biopsy cases there are several sources of grading error, including difficulty in appreciation of an infiltrative growth pattern, tissue sampling error (related to the small amount of tissue supplied by needle biopsy and grade heterogeneity), tissue distortion, pathologist experience, and observer variability. Gleason Grading in Larger Tissue Samples Assignment of Gleason grade to larger tissue samples, including TURP chips, and open (simple) and radical prostatectomy specimens is often more straightforward than in needle biopsy cases. A distinctive characteristic of carcinoma grade in TURP chips and open (simple) enucleation prostatectomy specimens is that well-differentiated Gleason score 2 to 4 adenocarcinomas are much more common in these tissue specimens compared to needle biopsies and radical prostatectomy specimens. Cautery artifact can generate difficulty in grading carcinoma in TURP chips. The Gleason grade of incidental stage T1a/b carcinoma tends to be somewhat less than the grade in the whole gland since the TURP procedure samples the transition zone where lower-grade carcinomas arise. 21 Reproducibility The Gleason grading system, like all histological grading methods, possesses an inherent degree of subjectivity. Intraobserver and interobserver variability does exist (18a,23,24). Recent data suggest that for needle biopsy grading, pathologist training and experience (25) can influence the degree of interobserver agreement. For pathologists, improvement in Gleason grading of carcinoma can be achieved by participation in educational courses at meetings and by use of tutorial programs (25,26) including web-site programs [at www.pathology.jhu.edu/prostate (25) and http://www.pathology.ks.se/egevad/gleason.html (26)]. Grading in Metastatic Deposits Gleason grading of prostatic carcinoma outside the prostate and in metastatic deposits has been reported, but the Gleason system was not originally designed for this purpose as it is based upon epithelial (carcinoma)-stromal architectural relationships within the prostate. Grading after Radiation and Hormonal Therapy In general, the Gleason grading system should be applied only to tumor that shows no evidence of treatment effect. For radiation therapy cases, where there is no evidence or minimal evidence of therapy effect, Gleason grading may be utilized. Hormonal therapy can cause pattern alterations resembling high Gleason grades. Overall, the consensus view is that one should not report histologic grade after hormonal therapy (27). Relationship of Gleason Grade to Pathologic and Clinical Endpoints Increasing Gleason grade is directly related to a number of histopathological endpoints and clinical endpoints (for a review, see reference 2). Indeed, Gleason grade is one of the most powerful prognostic indicators for patients with prostate cancer. Needle Biopsy Gleason Grade and Prediction of Pathologic Stage, Insignificant Cancer, and Response to Treatment Needle biopsy Gleason grade is in routine clinical use in the “Partin Tables” is pretreatment prediction of pathologic stage (27a). Gleason grade may also be used in nomograms to predict low-volume and low-grade organ-confined prostate cancers that are likely to be clinically indolent or insignificant (27b,27c); patients with these cancers could be candidates for expectant management. Indeed, needle biopsy Gleason grade is always one of the criteria (usually along with clinical stage, PSA level, and amount of tumor in needle core tissue) in selecting patients for active surveillance (27d). Needle biopsy Gleason grade is one of the key factors used in models and nomograms to predict response to therapy, including surgery (radical prostatectomy) (27e) and radiation therapy (27f). Experimental Approaches Grade, as a measure of intrinsic biological aggressiveness, may be assessed in the future by both structural (morphological and morphometric) and functional means. One proposed morphological approach is quantitation of amount of high-grade (percentage Gleason pattern 4 or 5) carcinoma (28-30). Overall, use of the % 4/5 parameter in needle biopsy seems to be limited by a high false-negative rate (31). The amount of carcinoma comprised of high-grade Gleason 22 grade pattern 4 or 5 has potential for adding information to standard Gleason grade assignment in TURP and radical prostatectomy tissues, while its utility in needle core tissue is currently uncertain. Quantitative measures of nuclear abnormalities have also been forwarded as grading tools. Genotypic grading of DNA abnormalities might one day be used in conjunction with the current phenotypic grading. Functional gene expression profiles of prostatic carcinoma might one day provide information on carcinoma aggressiveness, or grade, but this is currently an experimental tool (31a). In one study, gene expression profiling of carcinoma in radical prostatectomy tissues provided only slight information about prostate cancer recurrence once clinical and pathological parameters, including Gleason grade were known (32). In another study, a 157-gene signature helped predict lethal prostate cancer amongst men with Gleason score 7 disease (32a). Reporting of Gleason Grade for Needle Core Biopsies To summarize, Gleason grade should be provided for all carcinomas in needle biopsy tissue (8a,17,33) even for minute, minimal, or limited carcinomas. In needle biopsy tissue, if there is one Gleason pattern, it should be doubled to yield a score. High-grade pattern 4 or 5 should be incorporated into the score, even if it represents a minor secondary or tertiary pattern. So, for 96% pattern 3 and 4% pattern 4, the score is 3 + 4 = 7. If a lower grade represents less than 5% of tumor, it should not be incorporated into the score. So if there is 97% pattern 4 and 3% pattern 3, the score should be 4 + 4 = 8. For cases with three patterns, the primary pattern and the highest grade should be recorded (8a). For a needle biopsy case with 3+4+5, the score would be 3+5=8. For needle biopsy cores, Gleason grade should be assigned to carcinoma in each separate core or as a composite for the biopsy cores in each separately-submitted container, designated by site. Two studies have presented data that each core should be given a separate grade (34,35). Difficulty may arise if more than one core is submitted per container and the cores fragment into pieces. Still, it is important to know that clinically the core with highest score will be used for clinical management purposes. Reporting of Gleason Grade in Larger Tissue Samples Gleason grade reporting in TURP chips and enucleation specimens should follow the standard Gleason method of reporting the predominant pattern as the primary grade and the second most common pattern as the secondary grade. If a tertiary Gleason pattern 4 or 5 is detected, it should definitely be noted. Radical prostatectomy Gleason grade should be assigned in standard fashion, with the most common and the secondary Gleason patterns in the whole gland used to determine the primary and secondary Gleason grades. There are published recommendations to grade only the “dominant nodule” or to report separate grades for separate tumors in the whole gland (17), but many prostate glands lack a dominant nodule and no data exist to support reporting of separate tumors. A tertiary high-grade component, when present, should definitely be reported since this has an impact on prognosis (15,16). The recommendation that is evidence-based (15,16) is to keep the original Gleason score (based on the first most common and second most common patterns), with a notation on the presence of a tertiary high-grade component. 23 References 1. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster. 1991, p. 530. 2. Epstein JI, Cubilla AL, Humphrey PA. Tumors of the Prostate Gland, Seminal Vesicles, Penis, and Scrotum. AFIP Atlas of Tumor Pathology. Series 4. American Registry of Pathology : Washington DC. 2011. 2a. Egevad L. Recent trends in Gleason grading of prostate cancer. I. Pattern interpretation. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 2008; 30:190-198. 3. Gleason DF: Classification of prostatic carcinoma. Cancer Chemother Rep 1966; 50:125-28. 4. Mellinger GT, Gleason D, Bailar J III: The histology and prognosis of prostatic cancer. 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AFIP Modified Gleason Grading Scheme PSEUDONEOPLASTIC MIMICS OF PROSTATIC CARCINOMA Omar Hameed, MD Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, Department of Urologic Surgery, and the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 1211 Medical Center Drive, 3020D VUH Nashville, TN 37232-7415 E-mail: omar.hameed@vanderbilt.edu ABSTRACT The differential diagnoses of prostatic carcinoma include a number of histological mimics that should be known to avoid misdiagnosis. Pseudoneoplastic lesions in the prostate include those of prostatic epithelial origin, the commonest being atrophy, adenosis (atypical adenomatous hyperplasia), basal cell hyperplasia, and crowded benign glands, as well as those of non-prostatic origin such as seminal vesicle epithelium. Such lesions often mimic lower-grade prostatic adenocarcinoma, while others, such as clear cell cribriform hyperplasia and granulomatous prostatitis for example, are in the differential diagnosis of Gleason grade 4 or 5 adenocarcinoma. Diagnostic awareness of the salient histomorphological and relevant immunohistochemical features of these prostatic pseudoneoplasms is critical to avoid rendering false positive diagnoses of malignancy. INTRODUCTION There are many normal structures and pathological lesions in the genitourinary system that can histologically resemble neoplastic processes. Although some, such as nephrogenic adenoma, can be seen in different locations, most are identified in particular organs and, as such, have unique differential diagnostic considerations specific to that organ. This review will focus on those pseudoneoplastic conditions that are in the differential diagnosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma. There are many lesions that can mimic prostatic adenocarcinoma histologically. Such lesions can be broadly divided into those that mimic lower grade adenocarcinomas (Gleason grade 3 or less), and those that mimic higher grade tumors. A more detailed and practically useful classification that we 1 and others 2 have used in classifying these lesions is based on the architectural pattern(s) seen in routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained sections (Table 1). The benign entities most often misdiagnosed as prostatic adenocarcinoma are atrophy, crowded benign glands, adenosis (atypical adenomatous hyperplasia), and basal cell hyperplasia, depending on the study and type of tissue sample (needle biopsy vs. TURP). In one review of 535 consecutive needle biopsies, seven (1.3%) were classified as false-positives.3 These seven cases were comprised of 5 cases of adenosis (atypical adenomatous hyperplasia) and 2 cases of atrophy. A second investigation on needle core biopsy tissue found partial atrophy and crowded 30 benign glands to be the most frequent benign mimickers of prostatic carcinoma.4 In a study that focused on TURP chips, cases misinterpreted as adenocarcinoma included atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (26% of the false-positive cases), basal cell hyperplasia (26%), atrophy (16%), sclerosing adenosis (10%), high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (10%), xanthogranulomatous prostatitis (6%), florid cribriform hyperplasia (3%), and post-atrophic hyperplasia (3%).5 TABLE 1: Histological mimickers of prostatic adenocarcinoma Small gland pattern Lesions of prostatic epithelial origin Atrophy Adenosis (atypical adenomatous hyperplasia) Crowded benign glands Sclerosing adenosis Basal cell hyperplasia Radiation and reactive atypia Verumontanum mucosal gland hyperplasia Lesions of non-prostatic epithelial origin Seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct epithelium Cowper’s glands Mesonephric remnants Colonic glands Nephrogenic adenoma Large and cribriform gland patterns (Clear cell) cribriform hyperplasia Cribriform basal cell hyperplasia Medium to large-sized hyperplastic glands Solid and non-glandular patterns Granulomatous prostatitis Prostatic xanthoma Paraganglia Signet ring-like change Small gland pattern; lesions of prostatic epithelial origin Atrophy Atrophy is a common age-related process that represents one of the benign lesions most frequently misdiagnosed as carcinoma. Atrophy may be classified as simple atrophy, simple atrophy with cyst formation, and postatrophic hyperplasia.6 Sclerotic atrophy has also been a recognized category.7 These patterns are often admixed. Proliferative atrophy and proliferative inflammatory atrophy are optional designations.6 The hallmark of atrophy is cytoplasmic volume loss, while most prostatic adenocarcinomas harbor a moderate amount of cytoplasm. Most cases of simple atrophy of the prostate can readily be distinguished from prostatic adenocarcinoma on account of their dark basophilic silhouette on H&E sections secondary to their crowded hyperchromatic and bland-appearing nuclei with high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios, in the face of gland space formation by the atrophic glands. Furthermore, the glands may assume a lobular or circumscribed arrangement without infiltration around and between larger, clearly benign glands. Basal cells may be difficult to recognize in atrophic glands due to nuclear compression and 31 crowding. Additionally, it is sometimes difficult to identify basal cells even with the use of immunohistochemistry (IHC) as up to 23% of atrophic glands can be completely negative for basal cell markers.4, 8 A disrupted basal cell layer can also be seen, with a reduced number of basal cells in individual glands. Compared to simple atrophy, partial atrophy and postatrophic hyperplasia are usually more difficult to distinguish from prostatic adenocarcinoma. Partial atrophy usually appears as collection of crowded small pale glands, sometimes with a stellate shape, composed of clear cells and usually with bland nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli.9-11 The nuclei in partial atrophy glands can assume an elongated cylindrical shape and visible nucleoli can be seen in up to one quarter of cases.9 Partial atrophy can resemble prostatic adenocarcinomas composed of clear cells such as some low grade and transition zone carcinomas 12 as well as foamy gland carcinoma.13 In postatrophic hyperplasia the small regular acini are closely packed and a central duct may be seen. The constituent cells may harbor prominent nucleoli, particularly when acute inflammation is present,14 further contributing to the difficulty in separating it from adenocarcinoma. The stroma in atrophy is altered by a pale fibrosis with periacinar collagen deposition, which can impart a sclerotic appearance. This alteration is present is all forms of atrophy except partial atrophy. This sclerosis should not be confused with a desmoplastic response to invasive prostatic carcinoma, which is unusual. Inflammation is common in atrophy and infrequent in adenocarcinoma. Other minor diagnostic criteria include luminal contents: Corpora amylacea are more likely to be detected in atrophic glands compared to adenocarcinoma, whereas crystalloids and wispy blue mucin are conversely more prevalent in adenocarcinoma than benign atrophy. Atrophy, especially partial atrophy, may also be mistaken for prostatic adenocarcinoma due to its frequent (at least focal) expression of α-methylacyl coenzyme-A racemase (AMACR). 1, 4, 10, 15 This, along with the fact that basal cells are often difficult to discern in this form of atrophy as well, may also account, at least in part, to why it represented the most frequent lesion sent in for consultation in a recent study.4 The presence of elongated nuclei that are perpendicular to the gland circumference, irregular nuclear placement, identification of basal cells (by H&E or IHC), and/or merging into adjacent simple atrophy, when present, can all help point to the correct diagnosis of partial atrophy. Lastly, one should be cognizant that atrophic pattern adenocarcinoma does exist.16-18 Features favoring benign atrophy over atrophic pattern adenocarcinoma include lack of infiltrative pattern of atrophic glands between larger benign glands, lack of co-existing usual acinar adenocarcinoma with a moderate amount of cytoplasm, and lack of diffuse, significant cytological atypia in the glands of concern. Adenosis (Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia) Adenosis, or atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH) is another common mimicker of prostatic adenocarcinoma on both needle biopsy and transurethral resection specimens.19-21 It is invariably an incidental histologic finding usually localized in the transition zone, and is thereby seen more often in TURP chips. The incidence in needle biopsy is less than 1%. Histologically, it is characterized by a nodular proliferation of closely packed small glands that often merge with larger, more complex glands. While the periphery is typically rounded, in a minority of cases the small acini can extend into surrounding stroma in a pseudoinfiltrative pattern. Uncommonly, the 32 small acini exhibit a more extensive, crowded, and nonlobular distribution, in a pattern termed diffuse adenosis of the peripheral zone.22 23 By definition, the basal cell layer in adenosis is fragmented, with some small acini completely lacking basal cells. Immunohistochemical staining with antibody 34betaE12 demonstrates absence of basal cells in about one-half of all glands (with a range of 10% to 90%).9,11 Cytologically, the luminal cells have cytoplasm that is pale, and cleared to granular, and round to oval nuclei usually with inconspicuous nucleoli. Intraluminal wispy blue mucin and/or crystalloids are sometimes present and up 18% of cases have been found to express AMACR,24 all features that may lead to diagnostic confusion with adenocarcinoma. A very useful fact to remember in this situation is that basal cells are at least focally evident (by H&E and/or IHC) in all cases of adenosis, and that the nuclear atypia in adenosis is not as marked as in adenocarcinona. Crowded benign glands Foci of crowded small benign prostatic glands, less than what would be considered diagnostic of adenosis,may also simulate adenocarcinoma and have also been found to be common benign lesion for which a second opinion is requested.4 Although a lobular pattern of growth may not be easily identified in needle biopsy samples, an infiltrative pattern of growth and cytological atypia are lacking, and basal cells can almost always be identified (at least focally) by routine H&E sections or IHC. Sclerosing adenosis This lesion, rarely seen in needle biopsy specimens,25 is characterized by a circumscribed proliferation of small glandular structures separated by a cellular and myxoid spindle cell stroma. 25, 26 The glands of sclerosing adenosis are surrounded by a thick eosinophilic membranous structure in most cases. There is true myoepithelial differentiation, with the spindled cells being immunoreactive for muscle specific actin and S100 protein. Basal cells are also present. The spindled stroma, identification of basal and myoepithelial cells, and lack of appreciable nuclear atypia are useful in distinguishing sclerosing adenosis from adenocarcinoma. Basal cell hyperplasia (BCH) Basal cell hyperplasia is classically seen in the transition zone, but can also occur in the peripheral zone 27 and may cause diagnostic confusion with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia or adenocarcinoma in TURP chips and needle core tissue. Basal cell hyperplasia is characterized by two or more layers of basal cells with a range of growth patterns, including acinar, cribriform/pseudocribriform, and solid patterns, 23, 28-30 or mixtures of these patterns. These growths are often focal, but in the transition zone they can form nodules and also can involve nodules of benign prostatic hyperplasia. An infiltrative appearance due to presence of the hyperplastic foci between benign glands may be seen. There can be focal, eccentric, partial gland involvement to a symmetrical circumferential proliferation with central retention of secretory cell layer. Complete luminal space loss with the creation of solid small nests may also be noted in basal cell hyperplasia. The cribriform (adenoid basal cell) pattern is rare.23, 29 Additional unusual morphologic patterns include basal cell hyperplasia with intracytoplasmic eosinophilic globules and squamous features.29 The stroma surrounding basal 33 cell hyperplasia may be similar to adjacent uninvolved prostate, may reveal a few concentric layers of cellular or mxyoid compressed stroma, or may show a hypercellular, hyperplastic stroma, which has been called sclerosing basal cell hyperplasia. Microcalcifications are seen in nests in about one half of cases.28 The basal cells themselves are basophilic or slate grey with scant cytoplasm and round to oval nuclei. The differential diagnosis for basal cell hyperplasia centers mainly on high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN), particularly when nucleoli are present, but basal cell hyperplasia is a uniform cell population and does not exhibit the tufted and micropapillary patterns commonly present in PIN. Tubular and cribriform basal cell hyperplasia can be mistaken for adenocarcinoma but again the multilayered uniform basaloid cell population is the key finding that aids in diagnostic recognition. The finding of small solid basaloid nests is a diagnostic clue pointing towards basal cell hyperplasia since such nesting is not typical of adenocarcinoma unless the carcinoma is high-grade and extensive. The aforementioned stromal alterations favor basal cell hyperplasia over adenocarcinoma. Microcalcifications also suggest the possibility of basal cell hyperplasia since they are hardly ever seen in adenocarcinoma. Cytologically, the occasional presence of prominent nucleoli can be concerning for neoplasia but is allowable in basal cell hyperplasia. Demonstration of strong immunoreactivity for basal cell markers and lack of AMACR positivity can be useful to confirm the diagnosis of basal cell hyperplasia if doubt is persistent, although the differential diagnosis can usually be resolved by examination of H&E-stained sections. Finally, basal cell hyperplasia should be separated from basal cell carcinoma: Infiltrative permeation, extraprostatic extension, perineural invasion, necrosis, and stromal desmoplasia are characteristics of basal cell carcinoma that can help in the differential diagnostic distinction from basal cell hyperplasia.31 Immunohistochemical marker studies for bcl2 and Ki67 may also be of value in this separation,32 as the proliferative index in basal cell hyperplasia is low (less than 5%) and bcl2 is not overexpressed. Radiation atypia in benign glands Radiation atypia in benign glands is seen in follow up needle biopsy tissue or salvage prostatectomy specimens following brachytherapy or external beam radiotherapy for prostate carcinoma.33-36 The degree of histological alteration in benign glands depends on dose and duration of irradiation and interval from therapy.33, 35 Radiation therapy effect may persist for years. Changes include stromal dominance with decrease in size and number of glands, glandular atrophy, and nuclear atypia, including nuclear enlargement and prominent nucleoli. Basal cells, with nuclear atypia, often predominate. In the non-glandular components of the needle biopsy, there can also be evidence of radiation effect with stromal fibrosis, slight nuclear atypia of stromal cells, and vascular damage. The assessment of radiation atypia vs. persistent adenocarcinoma is best made at lowpower based on architecture of the glands. A non-infiltrative glandular pattern should prompt consideration of a diagnosis of benign glands with radiation atypia. The cytologic and nuclear atypia induced by radiation in benign glands can mimic malignancy. In difficult cases, positive 34 basal cell immunostains and negative AMACR staining 37 can be extremely valuable in establishing a diagnosis of benign atypia. Reactive epithelial atypia Reactive epithelial atypia may be noted in association with acute and chronic inflammation and/or infarction. A non-infiltrative pattern and the presence of basal cells point to a non-malignant diagnosis. Reactive squamous metaplasia adjacent to infarcts may show prominent nucleoli,38 which should not be interpreted as an indicator of neoplasia. Verumontanum mucosal gland hyperplasia Although this is usually an incidental finding in radical prostatectomy specimens, it can also be seen in needle biopsy material.39 It is characterized by a proliferation of uniform, wellcircumbscribed, closely packed, rounded glands that usually contain eosinophilic secretions. These glands are cytologically bland and basal cells are usually identified with ease. Small gland pattern; lesions of non-prostatic epithelial origin Seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct Both the ejaculatory duct and seminal vesicle may be incidentally sampled by routine needle biopsy; the latter is sometimes also specifically targeted for biopsy by the urologist. Both are characterized by branching glandular structures often with numerous small glands that can resemble adenocarcinoma. The presence of nuclear hyperchromasia, with smudged chromatin, and scattered pleomorphic cells (sometimes striking) beyond what is seen in acinar adenocarcinoma, as well as the presence of lipofuscin granules, occasional intranuclear inclusions and, in the case of the seminal vesicle, a muscular wall, are all helpful clues leading towards the correct diagnosis. However, it is important to note that the mere presence of lipofuscin granules is not specific for seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct epithelium, as they can also be seen in normal, hyperplasic and carcinomatous glands.40 Difficult cases can be resolved by IHC as seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct epithelium is usually prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) negative (they have been reported to be occasionally positive with polyclonal antibodies 1) and the epithelial structures are surrounded by basal cells. Cowper’s (bulbourethral) glands These glands may be sampled by needle biopsy and TUR procedures. They are characterized by closely packed, rounded mucinous glands with a central duct in a lobular configuration. Because of their pale cytoplasm and their bland, basally-situated nuclei, Cowper’s glands can resemble foamy-gland adenocarcinoma; however, their classic appearances are sufficiently distinctive and should allow for an accurate diagnosis. Mesonephric remnants This is a rare lesion in needle biopsy and TUR material. These remnants can undergo hyperplasia where there might be a greater chance of being misdiagnosed as prostatic adenocarcinoma.41,42 It is histologically identical to what is seen in the female genital tract being composed of small glandular structures lined by a single layer of cuboidal cells, usually with dense eosinophilic intraluminal secretory material. The characteristic lack of PSA and PAP expression 1 can be useful to confirm the diagnosis in difficult cases. 35 Colonic glands Although quite frequently present in prostate needle biopsy and rarely a differential diagnostic issue, colonic glands can be significantly distorted during the biopsy procedure and may cause diagnostic difficulty, especially when blue-tinged mucin or prominent nuclei are evident. 43 This problem can be compounded by the fact that colonic glands are usually negative for basal cell markers and positive for AMACR. Identification of other colonic structures such as the lamina propria or muscularis propria and, if necessary, a negative PSA immunostain should be able to resolve the problem. Nephrogenic adenoma (NA) As noted earlier, this lesion of presumed renal tubular origin can be seen in different locations with the urinary system including the renal pelvis, ureters, urinary bladder (most common location) and prostatic urethra.44 The latter location is where it might cause confusion with prostatic adenocarcinoma. Histologically, papillary structures, small tubules, or cysticallydilated tubules lined by cuboidal, low columnar or hobnail-shaped eosinophilic cells are seen. Lesions predominantly composed of small tubules are those most likely to be confused with prostatic adenocarcinoma. This is confounded by the fact that NA is frequently negative for basal cell markers and not infrequently positive for AMACR, PSA and/or PAP by IHC. 1 The characteristic histomorphologcial and immunohistochemical features, possibly supplemented by positive PAX2 and/or PAX8 immunostains, both recently described specific markers for NA,45, 46 can be used to arrive at the correct diagnosis. Large and cribriform gland patterns (Clear cell) cribriform hyperplasia This lesion is usually seen in the transition zone as part of benign nodular epithelial hyperplasia.47 As its name indicates, it is characterized by a complex cribriform proliferation composed of pale/clear cells. These cells are cuboidal to low columnar in shape, lack cytological atypia and are surrounded by basal cells. The latter two features serve to distinguish this pattern of hyperplasia from Gleason grade 4 cribriform adenocarcinoma. One should also be note that normal central zone glands, occasionally sampled by needle biopsy, may also have a pattern of growth similar to clear cell cribriform hyperplasia. Cribriform basal cell hyperplasia See above section on basal cell hyperplasia. Medium to large-sized hyperplastic glands Hyperplastic glands are characterized by complex large, often cystically-dilated glands with luminal undulation, papillary formations or branching. For the most part, such glands can readily be recognized as benign and easily distinguished from prostatic adenocarcinoma. However, a variant of acinar adenocarcinoma termed pseudohyperplastic carcinoma 48 can, especially on lower power magnification, looks very much like such benign hyperplastic glands even in needle biopsy material.48, 49 Features of benign hyperplastic glands in comparison to pseudohyperplastic glands include lack of crowding, lack of association with usual acinar adenocarcinoma, benign appearing nuclei, presence of a basal cell layer by H&E and IHC, and absence of AMACR staining. It should be noted however, that about one-quarter of pseudohyperplastic adenocarcinomas are negative for AMACR. 50 36 Solid and non-glandular patterns Granulomatous prostatitis In addition to be being a histological mimicker of carcinoma, this lesion is also a “clinical mimicker” as it is frequently associated with an abnormal digital rectal examination 51 and/or elevated serum PSA levels.52 It is characterized histologically by a granulomatous inflammatory infiltrate that is usually non-caseating and often includes giant cells. The problem with granulomatous prostatitis is that the sheets of epithelioid (or foamy) macrophages as well as scattered epithelial cells from remnants of ruptured prostatic ducts and acini, may all be confused with high grade (Gleason grade 5) adenocarcinoma. The presence of giant cells, identification of lobulocentric pattern of growth and, remembering that prostatic adenocarcinoma is rarely associated with an inflammatory infiltrate, are usually sufficient to arrive at the correct diagnosis. In difficult cases, lack of cytokeratin, PSA and/or PAP expression in the epithelioid histiocytes (which usually express CD68) by IHC is diagnostic. It should also be noted that nongranulomatous, “usual prostatitis” may also be occasionally confused with prostatic adenocarcinoma especially in the presence of significant crush artifact. 2 Prostatic xanthoma Although rare, collection of lipid-laden foamy macrophages in the prostate can be confused with the foamy gland variant of prostatic adenocarcinoma or, if appearing as individual cells, with Gleason grade 5 adenocarcinoma. 53, 54 The presence of additional inflammatory cells can be helpful, but IHC for cytokeratin (using antibody CAM 5.2), CD68, and AMACR is often needed to resolve problematic cases. Xanthomas will be CD68 positive and negative for cytokeratin and AMACR. It is important to note here that foamy gland carcinoma can be negative for AMACR in up to one-third of cases.50, 55 Paraganglia Usually located in periprostatic soft tissues, paraganglia are occasionally sampled by needle biopsy and may cause diagnostic concern for adenocarcinoma. 56, 57 The presence of a nested “zellballen” growth pattern including identification of sustentacular cells and a sinusoidal vascular pattern are key to a correct diagnosis. Immunostains for PSA, PAP (which are negative) and positivity for neuroendocrine markers such as chromogranin can resolve difficult cases. Signet ring-like change in non-epithelial cells Lymphocytes 58 and prostatic stromal cells 59 (Figure 14) can rarely display a signet ringlike morphology secondary to thermal injury (in TUR specimens). It is important to be aware of this possibility to avoid misinterpretation as high grade signet ring adenocarcinoma of the prostate. REFERENCES 1. Hameed O, Humphrey PA. 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