Learning How to Ask: Native Metacommunicative Competence and the Incompetence of Fieldworkers Author(s): Charles L. Briggs Source: Language in Society, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Mar., 1984), pp. 1-28 Published by: Cambridge University Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4167483 Accessed: 22/02/2009 16:20 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=cup. 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BRIGGS Department of Anthropology Vassar College and the Committeeon Degrees in Folklore and Mythology Harvard University ABSTRACT Every speech communityboasts an arrayof devices for characterizingcommunicativeevents. These native metacommunicativerepertoiresare culturally patternedin terms of both use and acquisition. Interviews meet with varying degrees of success by virtue of their relative (in-)compatibilitywith the norms underlyingsuch events. An analysis of the way in which Spanish speakers in rural New Mexico gain metacommunicativecompetence suggests that native metacommunicativeroutines provide a rich source of sociolinguistic and social/culturaldata and that awarenessof these repertoires can assist fleldworkersin using interviewsmore appropriatelyandeffectively. (Interviewtechniques, metacommunication,acquisitionof sociolinguistic competence, ethnopoetics, New Mexican Spanish) Speech exerts a powerful role in social interaction,linking the thoughtprocesses of two or more individuals and coordinatingmany of their bodily movements.' One of the richest means of orchestratingsuch connections is by the use of language in describing or evaluating communicative events or processes. This metacommunicativecapacity is used by speakers to draw the attentionof their interlocutorsto the ongoing situation(e.g., "are you tryingto tell me that . . ."), otherspecific exchanges (e.g., "she said, '1reallydidn'tdo it' "), or communicative norms and processes (e.g., "'we don't talk like that at school"). All speech communitiesprovidetheirmemberswith a varietyof such strategies.These range between such elementary (and possibly universal) devices as quotation-framing verbsto complex, culture-specificroutinessuch as discussionsof academicpapers or Malagasy bride-wealthnegotiations (cf. Keenan 1973). Fieldworkersrely heavily on metacommunicativeinformation,supplementing their observations with native exegesis. In obtainingthis material, fieldworkers utilize a metacommunicativeskill which figures prominentlyin the speech economy of their society: interviews (cf. Strauss & Schatzman 1955; Gnimshaw 0047-4045/84/010001-28 $2.50 ?3 1984 CambridgeUniversity Press I CHARLES L. BRIGGS I969, I969-70; Wolfson, 1976). This paper is one of a pair of essays which examine the usefulness of interviewingas a fieldworktechnique. My goal is not to urge practitionersto discardthe practice. I simply wantto show thatinterviews become highly problematicwhen their metacommunicativepropertiesgo unexamined and when researchersfail to familiarize themselves with the metacommunicative repertoireof the society under study. The otherpaper(Briggs I983a) examines the difficulties entailed in interviewing members of a speech community which adheres to communicativenorms which differ substantiallyfrom those presupposedby the interview. These pertain to such factors as communicative channel, social situation, key, genre, interactionalgoals, type of communicativeevent, social roles, establishingand maintainingreference, and the like. The data were drawnfrom my own communicative blunders in research with Spanish speakers in northernNew Mexico (Mexicanos). This essay focuses on the natureof metacommunicationand the relationship between interviews and other types of metacommunicativeevents. I wish to show that metacommunicationis, like communicationin general, culturallypatterned in terms of both acquisitionand use. A sketch of the metacommunicative repertoireof one society - Mexicano New Mexico - and the mannerin which individuals gain competence in these routines is used in outlining the sociolinguistic bases of the problemscreatedby relying primarilyon interviewsin conducting research in this society. A variety of metacommunicativeevents, including elicitations of repetitionsfrom young children, political rhetoric,and scripturalallusions, are analyzed in pointing to the researchpotentialof speech events that natives use in explicating communicative events and processes to each other. The paperconcludes with a typology of metacommunicativeevents. This provides a basis for exploring the relationshipbetween interviewsand other types of metacommunicationin theoreticalterms. THE SETTING The data were collected in Cordova, a communityof about700 inhabitantsin the mountains of northernNew Mexico. The residents are Mexicanos, with the exception of one recent Mexican immigrant;two middle-agedAnglo-Americans who have marriedCordovans;and occasionally a few transientAnglo-American youths. Mexicanos are descendants of primarilySpanish and Mexican citizens who settled in New Mexico and southern Colorado during the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. Their ancestry includes a significant Native-Americanelement, but the Mexicanos consider themselves to be culturally Hispanic. All native C6rdovansare fluent in New Mexican Spanish;the distinctiveness of the dialect was recognized through the pioneering work of Aurelio M. Espinosa, Sr. (igi I, 1930) and Juan B. Rael (I937). New Mexican Spanishdiffers LEARNING HOW TO ASK from the standardand from other Southwesterndialects on primarilyphonological, lexical, and suprasegmentalgrounds. Most residentsunderfifty years of age are bilingual, although to varying degrees. English loanwords are common, although they are used less frequently in C6rdova than in the largertowns and cities. THE ACQUISITION MEXICAN OF METACOMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN NEW SPANISH Awareness of the fact that language use is culturally patternedis old, and the rangeof variationhas been documentedwith increasingcare in recentdecades by sociolinguists. Repertoiresof metacommunicativeroutines vary from society to society with respect to form and function as well as in the rules of alternationand cooccurrence (cf. Ervin-TrippI972) which constrain their use. Hymes has argued repeatedly that one of the central tasks which awaits a fieldworkerupon entering another society is acquiringat least a minimal level of sociolinguistic competence (see especially I97 I). As Karpand Kendall(I982) rightlyargue, the task confrontingthe fieldworkeris not identical to that encounteredby a native child. Nevertheless, the means by which membersof the society gain metacommunicativecompetence is generally the gauge which will be used in interpreting the efforts of nonnatives. Discovering this process is thus critical for conducting and for understandingfieldwork. Native models of socialization One way in which sociolinguistics has departed from Boasian and structural traditionshas been to include native conceptionsof languageand languageuse as an integralpart of the agenda for the ethnographicstudy of communication(cf. Hymes I972:39). This task is especially importantto researchon the acquisition of sociolinguistic competence. Ochs (I982) finds that language acquisition, language teaching, and the evaluation of communicative competence are closely relatedto the views that the members of a society hold of the learningprocess. My own data similarly suggest that the role of different metacommunicative routines in language acquisition is best comprehendedagainst the backdropof Mexicano epistemology. An agriculturalmetaphoris frequentlyused in explicatingthe mannerin which a person acquiresa skill or body of knowledge. You must have seeds in orderto plant. These are equivalent in pedagogical terms to talento 'talent'. Talento refers to a God-given aptitudefor learninga given thing. Talentowill not develop, however, in isolation - it must be desparramado'spreadout' or 'scattered'. This refers to the need to observe those who have expertise in the endeavor. Interes and concentracion are also required;a person must want to learn and be able to concentrate.The next stage involves wateringand weeding the growing plants. The allusion here is to taking the knowledge which has been gained 3 CHARLES L. BRIGGS throughobservation and intensifying and extending it throughimitation. In the case of the acquisition of communicativecompetence, this refers to reiterating the words of one's seniors. A person who lacks paciencia 'patience', who wants to absorba topic immediatelyand believes s/he can be an expert shortlythereafter, will not gain competence. Such attemptedprecociousnesswould also demonstratea lack of respeto 'respect'. Respeto, a centralculturalvalue, prescribes deferringto one's seniors' greatercommand of the pertinentskills. If properlycultivated, the plants will grow to maturityand can be harvested. Another means of scattering your 'talent' gains importanceat this point. A musicianmay be able to play well. If s/he does not get out of the house and play for a wide range of audiences, however, s/he will not become a competent performerand will not gain a reputationas a great musician. This correspondsto the point at which individualsare expected to exhibit their rhetoricalvirtuosity. Once a speaker has masteredall of the requisite skills, s/he must practicediscussing community affairs, performingproverbs, singing hymns, or the like in public. Observationand elicited repetition in early childhood As Snow (1977:37), Ochs (I982), and others have noted, societies vary greatly in what is believed about and expected from children. In Mexicano society, caregivers from six years of age on up are quite voluble with infants. This does not, however, reflect the assumption that infants are trying, if imperfectly, to communicatewith them (as has been assertedof Anglo-Americans[cf. Bates et al. I979; Shotter 1979; Trevarthen'9791). It is ratherbelieved thatchildrenmust be able to observe a great deal of speech if they are to be expected to "pick up" the language. Such verbal interactionalso enhances the child's interes and concentracio'n,ensuring that observation will promote learning. Eliciting Repetitionsfrom YoungChildren. Duringthe first year of a child's life, caregiversuse interrogativeforms in drawingthe young child into conversation. Caregiverdiscourse often consists of asking a series of questionsover and over, varying pitch and word stress. Once childrenreach the holophrasicstage, caregiver emphasis shifts from encouraging observation to eliciting responses from the child. The point, however, is not to induce the child to come up with novel utterances. Caregivers assume that comprehensionprecedes production; the absence of an intelligible response thus is not necessarily interpretedas reflecting a complete lack of understanding.Observationalone is not a sufficient developmental basis for gaining the ability to generate the properforms in the appropriatesocial settings. "Imitation" is seen as a requisiteintermediatestage between comprehensionwithoutproductionand the acquisitionof truecommand over linguistic forms. Interestingly,this sequence from comprehensionto imitation to production coincides with a leading theory of linguistic ontogeny (cf. Menyuk I 977:68-69). 4 LEARNING HOW TO ASK As children approach two years of age, one means of eliciting responses assumes a centralrole in caregiver-child interactions.Any person who is about six years of age or older is likely to amuse her/himself by directing the baby to 'say X to so-and-so.' The following tape recordingwas made while Linda (1.9) was being held by her grandmother,Lupe. Linda's mother, father, grandfather, and her uncle Ben (Lupe's oldest son) were standingneara large woodpile. I was standingbetween the two groups, with my tape recorderpointed in the direction of Lupe, Manra(Lupe's youngest child), and Linda. Maria approachedLinda frequentlyand gave a gentle yank on one of her legs, to the amusementof all. The game continued intermittentlyfor eight minutes, while Lupe attendedalternately to the adults' conversation and to Maria and Linda's play. Then Ben pretendedto charge Linda. She squealed with delight at first, but soon began crying. Lupe told Ben to desist, using a serious tone of voice, which he did immediately. When Mariabegan anew to pull on Linda's legs, Lupe triedto end the game. i. Eliciting repetitionsfrom Linda (i. 9) Lupe: iDejala! (Linda startsto cry) Lupe: iNo! iDe todos rumbos la jalan! (everyone laughs, including Linda) Lupe: Como se rie. Pobrecita. Leave her alone! No! They pull at her from all sides! How she laughs. Poor little thing. (all laugh) Lupe: No, Maria, leave her alone. Maria: Okay. Lupe: No la jales. (said in sing-song; Maria and Linda laugh loudly) Lupe: 6Quieresque yo te jale los shongos2 de indio? Maria: No. (everyone laughs for 10 seconds) Ben: Dile, "shongos de perro." Linda: [anos] Ben: Yah, "Maria, shongos de perro." Lupe: iNo, Maria, no la jales! (previous utterancestated in stem, serious tone) Ben: "Shongos de perro," dile. Linda: [biygal No, Maria, leave her alone. Okay. Don't pull on her. Do you want me to pull on your Indian braids? No. Tell her, "dog's braids." [anos] Yah, "Maria, dog's braids." No, Maria, don't pull on her! "Dog's braids," tell her. [biygal 5 CHARLES L. Ben: No, dile "shongos de perro." Linda: [sagmiy, samiy] Lupe: Leave her alone, te digo. Ben: "Shongos de perro," dile. Linda: j[miya]? Ben: "Shongos de perro." That's good! BRIGGS No, tell her "dog's braids." [sagmiy, samiy] Leave her alone, I'm telling you. "Dog's braids," tell her. [miya]? "Dog's braids." That's good! The game then ended; Linda was put down on the ground, and Lupe focused on conversing with the other adults. In the interestof brevity, I will confine my analysis of this text to pointingout (i) the reflection of importantculturalpremises in the discourse, (2) the rangeof the social roles which are played by the participants,and (3) the role of metacommunication. Cultural Premises. The interpretationof this conversationinvolves important culturalassumptions.One of these underliesthe mother'sambivalence.She is obviously enjoying the game, but her admonitionsto Mariaand Ben are not entirely playful. Infantsand young childrenare inocentes 'innocentones'. They cannot be blamed for their own actions, since they are too young to know the difference between right and wrong. But they are also highly susceptible to supernaturalharm, which can manifest itself as a potentially fatal physical illness, such as mal de ojo 'evil eye' or susto 'fright' (cf. Trotter & Chavira I98I:90-92). Playing with babies is enjoyable, but it is also potentially dangerous. If an infantor young child laughs loudly for an extendedperiodof time, s/he becomes a potential target for supernaturalillness. (Anglo-Americansare notoriouslyindiscreetin this regard.Since my daughterspentthe first year and a half of her life in the field, I was continuallybeing lecturedon the inadvisability of eliciting too much laughter.) Lupe was becoming more and more concerned about this possibility throughoutthe interaction.This element seems to simply add to the tension, hence the humor, in the course of the game. Lupe's fear is beginning to outweigh her enjoymentduringthe second partof the text, and she brings the game to a halt shortly thereafter. It should be noted that Ben's feigned attacks on Linda elicit quite different reactions from Lupe. Ben is immediately admonished No me gusta que la agarres, Ben 'I don't like you grabbingher, Ben'. The children's reactionsare similarlycontrastive- Ben ceases this form of play at once. He then picks up on Lupe's semantic lead by pointing out Maria's long and beautiful braids, thus becoming a second ally for Linda. This contrastin the children'sbehaviorcannot simply be attributedto age or gender (Mariawas six and Ben was fourteen).Two boys span this age gap in the family, and they persist longer in the face of such admonitionsthan Maria. It is rathernecessary to understandthe special role that 6 LEARNING HOW TO ASK accrues to the eldest male child, who is often referredto as the papacito 'little father', in Mexicano families. Being accordeda quasiparentalstatus, his responsibilities are much greater, the range of acceptable behavior is much narrower, and his rights are correspondinglygreaterthan those of his siblings. A thirdculturalpremise involves the importanceof fighting one's own battles and defending one's dignity. From the time that they are ambulatory,children are not picked up when they injurethemselves slightly or are roughedup by other children. (Anglo-Americans are considered horrendouslyindulgent in this respect; I was constantly being told that I was spoiling my daughter.) Constant interventionsare said to preventchildrenfrom learninghow to stand up for their own rights and to resist assaults on their person or reputation.Maintainingone's dignidad de la persona 'personaldignity' is the key to preservingself-respectas well as a good reputationin the community, and actions which are construedas attacking an individual's dignidad de la persona are treated with the utmost seriousness. Linda is still too young to fight her own battles. But Lupe is encouraging her to defend herself (rather than to rely solely on caregivers' efforts) by framing some of her admonitionsas Linda's own words throughthe use of the dile X "Y" formula. These data strongly supportOchs's contention that the mannerin which individuals gain communicative competence reflects and is based on "a particular set of cultural values and beliefs" (i982:88). Elucidating the meaning of this shortconversationprovides the analyst with a good point of departurefor investigating Mexicano conceptions of the person and the importanceof this cultural constructfor social interaction.This is, of course, hardly surprising.As CookGumperzand Gumperz(1976) and Ochs (1979, I982) have argued, caregivers' speech often focuses on basic cultural knowledge as well as features of the communicativesituation itself that are often assumed in adult-adult discourse. Alternationof Social Roles. Interpretingthis interactionalso presupposesthe ability to discern the manner in which the participantsare moving between a numberof different social roles. Lupe's participation,for example, is structured by her movements between two different role sets. On the one hand, she alternates between a mother role, playing with and supervising the children, and interacting with the other adults. Lupe plays two roles within the children's game, altemately "playing along" with and enjoying the game and trying to extricate Linda from a potentiallydangeroussituation. Manrasimilarlyplays the partof the mischievous child, pretendingto attackher niece, as well as thatof the obedient daughter,respondingseriously to her mother's admonitions("okay"). She also distances herself from the child's role entirely earlier in the interaction by assuming the role of a dictatorialteacher (sie'ntensey mirense 'sit down and watch'). Note that this places both Linda and Lupe in the role of naughty students;Lupe apparentlyappreciatesthe humorof this suddenreversal, because she laughs heartily. 7 CHARLES L. BRIGGS Ben enters the interaction, having just finished carrying a truckloadof firewood to the woodpile, by displacing Maria in the role of mischievous attacker. After being scolded by his mother, he assumes the role of an older sibling who is admonishinghis junior. He does not, however, discardhis playful maliciousness entirely, but simply converts it into a means of playfully sanctioningthe misbehaver. His allusion to 'dog's braids' is derogatory;it may be slightly off-color as well, equatingMaria's braidswith a dog's tail and thus its posterior,but I did not pursuethis possibility with my consultants. Ben also distanceshimself from the child's role, assisting his mother in admonishingMaria. This movement is completed within the game when he switches into English and changes voice to play the role of parentwith "that's good!" Finally, both Lupe and Ben alternate between playing themselves and assuming Linda's part. The latter is accomplished by creating lines for Linda and then reciting them themselves. Withinthis shortdialogue, Lindahas been exposed to a broadrangeof familial roles. Each is similarly presented vis-a-vis complementaryroles, providinginsights into the norms for interactionbetween elder and junior siblings, parents and children, teachers and students, and so forth. Exchanges between persons playing these roles also provide Linda with insights into the rights and obligations which accrue to individuals who stand in these relationships.Lupe's frequent reversion to a serious, parentalposition enables her to provide a running metacommunicative commentary on the appropriatenessof these roles. Obviously, close observation and analysis of such interactionscan provide fieldworkers with insights into these areas, which are of central socioculturaland sociolinguistic importance. The Role of Metacommunication. The precedingmaterialraises the question as to how both Linda and the fieldworkercan perceive such alternationsin the discourse. Cook-Gumperzand Gumperz (1976) argue that communicationis punctuatedwith "contextualizationcues" which mark relevant featuresof the social and linguistic setting, thus providinginterpretiveframeworksfor deciphering the meaning of other participants'signals and for shapingone's own contributions. The central contextualizationcues in the precedingtext are changes in prosodic features and the elicitation of repetitionsfrom Linda. Lupe, Ben, and Manraalter the pitch, quantity, rhythm and stress patterns, and the speed of utteranceof their speech. In some cases, these are used in markingan utterance as mothereseor baby talk. But they are also used by Lupe in framingthe relative ludic versus admonitorycharacterof her statements. The best example of such variations is providedby the three ways that Lupe articulates no. No's which are framed as feigned prohibitionsfeature a slight increase in pitch and quantity over that of the adjacentlexemes, with a slight prolongation of the vowel. Lupe marks another admonition (no la jales) as facetious throughthe use of a "sing-song" intonationwith exaggeratedcontrasts in pitch. Lupe also uses no in an elicitation device earlier in the game. Here the 8 LEARNING HOW TO ASK no in "'no,' dile" ' "no," tell her' is distinguishedby a greaterrise in pitch on the word itself; the utteranceas a whole is markedby a diminutionin the quantity and by laryngeal constriction - the illusion of a "small" voice. All of Lupe's no's following her initial "leave her alone" conformedto a thirdpattern.Here, stridencywas complementedwith greatly increasedpitch and quantityto create a sharp, stem tone. The no's which are followed by a laugh are perhapsthe most interesting. They not only constitute a strikingcontextualclue to Lupe's simultaneous enjoyment in and fear of this situation, but also suggest that she is at times playing this tension for dramaticeffect. A second type of contextualizationcue is providedby the repetitionelicitation formulae. These provide the child with a host of pragmaticinformationon the speaker'sperceptionof the ongoing social situation.They are often used to draw the child into the interactionand to keep her/his attention.They provide a clear index of the caregiver's desires, telling the languagelearnerwhom to addressand what to say. The formula specifies the types of assistance that the baby can reasonably expect to obtain from the third party, thus illuminating the norms which govern such relationships.The utterancealso inforrnsthe child as to which speech acts are appropriatefor obtaining the desired effect. Lupe and Ben are using these formulae to teach Linda to tease, scold, and to defend herself verbally in this case. Such formulae are also used in teaching children how to shame, insult, console, plead, demand, and the like. Repetition elicitation formulae thus provide a link between a particularconversational setting and the relevant social and sociolinguistic norms. The questionremains, however, as to the natureof Linda's involvementin the interaction. In this text, it is apparentthat Linda has acquired the ability to identify the first partof adjacencypairsand to providesecond parts,a skill which commonly emerges at about this age (Ervin-TrippI979:412). She repeats segments of the embeddedutterances;her success in this pursuitat 1.9 years of age varies between being accurate,even if partial,and unrecognizable.Note thatBen evaluatesher approximationsand providesfeedback. Having left the field shortly afterthis interactionwas recorded, my next observationswere taken when Linda was 2.3. At that time she had mastered this interactionalpattern, providing accurate and complete repetitions. The forms she repeated then were not only multiclausal, but many contained English phrases embedded in Spanish sentences (e.g., dile a tu grandma ['tell your grandma'] "I love you eight-nineten"). Interestingly, the distribution of this strategy for the acquisition of sociolinguistic competence appearsto be quite widespread. Eisenberg (I982) presents an extensive description of the use of dile among recent Mexican immigrants in northernCalifornia. The similarity of the two sets of data is striking: "The childrenwere told what to say to initiate interaction,to get theirown way, to tease andjoke, to greet, to apologize, etc. Ratherthan intercedefor the young child in an interaction,the adult speakerspushed them to interacton their own" 9 CHARLES L. BRIGGS Ochs (1982) and Schieffelin (1979) have also reportedclosely analogous data from WesternSamoa and PapuaNew Guinea. How do we accountfor these parallels?I have tried to show that caregivers' speech containscontextualizationcues which foregrounda wide rangeof aspects of the presentinteraction. Childrenthus "'read"these subtle cues, along with the widercontext, in discerning conventionalizedexpectationsfor these types of settings (cf. Cook-Gumperz & Corsaro 1976). Caregivers construct their utterancesin such a way that the formalfeaturessimultaneouslyindex (in Peirce's 11932:2.305] sense of the term) what they take to be the crucial dimensions of the present interactionand its socioculturalbackground(cf. Corsaro 1979; Ochs 1979; Cicourel 1970, 1974). Repetitionelicitation formulaeare particularlyuseful in this regard,becausethey convertconventionalizedexpectationsinto one of the parametersof the context the child's speech. They constitute the clearest (although intentionallynot the most direct) means of telling the child "this is how the normativebackground intersects with this particularinteractionat this particularmomentfor you." (I982:90). Bearing messages in later childhood Beginning at about six years of age, children assume an importantrole in adult communication. The dile X "Y" formula is used in asking a child to relay a short message to a member of a nearby household. A child will be told, for example, dile al Santiago que me preste una pala 'tell Santiago to loan me a shovel'. The child will then go immediatelyto Santiago'shouse and tell Santiago (or, in his absence, anothermemberof the household) in a very high-pitchedand excited voice, dijo me daddy si tienes una pala pa' prestarle 'my daddyasked if you have a shovel to loan him'. Note thatthe requestitself foregroundsthe nature of the utterance(as reportedor indirect speech), the identity of the sender, the purposeof the visit, and the mode of transaction(a loan). Childrenof this age are thus expected to be able to interpretand generatea numberof speech act types. Since the child provides a report of the senior's speech (ratherthan a direct quotation), s/he must modify pronouns, verbal inflection, and syntacticform as well as transformone type of directive (an explicit request to convey information) into another(an implicit request by a third party for a materialitem). What sort of communicative competence, then, do six throughtwelve year olds possess, and how are these skills regardedby the community?As Goffman notes, children possess incomplete selves. They can enter other (1959:95-96) householdsmore freely thanadults, and theirvisits do not requirethe residentsto shift from intimate, mundane to formal and ceremonial presentations. As Hotchkiss (1967) suggests, this renders them perfect messengers for errands which would cause adultsto lose face (e.g., requestinga petty loan) or would be nearly impossible (e.g., finding out what your neighborsare up to). Cordovan children are thus sometimes told by adults or older siblings to observe what is said and done at a neighboringhousehold or in the street and to reportback to 10 LEARNING HOW TO ASK their seniors. This advantageousposition is not, however, without its price tag. Childrenare not yet consideredfull-fledged actorson the householdor community stage, and they accordingly are given few lines in the substantivedialogues. The youths' strictly linguistic competence is not at issue here. They have already mastereda broadrange of speech acts and, as demonstratedby the verbalgames they enjoy with peers, they can be quite creative. They are, however, expected to exhibit respeto for theirseniors at all times, that is, to honorthe latters'considerably greateraccess to the center stage of interaction.In short, they are expected to have mastered a set of complex metacommunicativeskills relating to the of speech in a mannerwhich will be deemed approtransference/transformation priatein a broadrange of social settings. I noted above that repetitionelicitation formulaeprovideyoungerchildrenwith crucial informationregardingtheirrights vis-a-vis other children and adults. Carryingmessages provides older children with models regardingadult privileges and responsibilitiesvis-a-vis otheradults. The metacommunicativepersuasiveness of adults Once individualshave begun earning a living, married,startedraising a family, and establisheda household, they are presentedwith opportunitiesto make their voices heard, so to speak, in interactions with members of their and their spouse's extended families. As they progress from thirty to sixty years of age, many assume roles of importancein religious voluntaryassociations, irrigation ditch associations, parishaffairs, domestic waterand land grantassociations, and other intracommunitygroups. If they prove themselves to be thoughtful and persuasivespeakers, their statementswith regardto communityaffairscan come to be taken quite seriously by persons of all ages. These are the years in which men and women who possess talento for public speakingare expected to develop and exhibit their rhetorical facility. A great deal of prestige accrues to the community member who can sway an audience in the course of a meeting or other public gathering. The following transcriptis taken from a tape recordingof a meeting of the boardof directorsand the membershipof an associationof the users of the local water system. As is the case in any small community, an issue occasionally arises which creates a persistent dispute. Problems with the community water system had resultedin frequentshortagesover a periodof years. This serious and at least temporarilyirreconcilablesituationhad produceda numberof lasting rifts that surfaced during the meeting. One involved two geographic parts of the community, while the other divided the association's boardand its membership. The presidentof the board used his opening remarksin directing the discussion toward the technical and legal dimensions of the situation. Everyone knew, however, that the true agenda was the members' feeling that the boarditself was behind many of the difficulties. A room in the local school was accordingly packed. One member, whom I refer to as the Disputant, had been particularly 11 CHARLES L. BRIGGS vocal in denouncing the actions of the board. He interruptedthe president's remarkswith a series of questions, but he had not been able to induce the board members to address the central issue. 2. Dispute at board meeting3 Disputant: What is needed . . . I. Lo que se necesita . . . 2. Yo soy de eso opini6n. A mi no me importa quien es usted, de comision o como quiera que sea. Para ml, todos son buenos. Pero si digo una cosa. IO. Lo que se necesita II. en este negocio 12. [es que] se arregle 13. y camine todo I4. como sopone caminar. I am of this opinion. It doesn't matterto me who you are, a board memberor whatever you want it to be. For me, all are good. (meaning 'I am impartial') But I will say one thing. What is needed in this business [is that] it work itself out and that everythingproceeds the way it is supposed to proceed. 15. Y no que . . . And not that . . . i6. Y no camine bajo de, 17. bajo de politica I8. o bajo de envidia I9. o bajo de esto y el otro. And that it doesn't proceed under, under [the influence of] politics or under [the influence of] envy or under this and that. 20. Es hacer . . . It is to do . . . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. I am revealing the fact that there is a lot of envy here, as much from one direction as from the other, so we are all wrong. I like to make [myself] clear and I like to say what I am going to say in public. Yo estoy cantando a conocer que aqui hay mucha envidia, tanto por un rumbo como por el otro, ya estamos todos mal. A mi me gusta hacer claro y me gusta decir lo que voy a decir a un puiblico. I don't . . . 30. Yo no . . . Yo no le rodeo a nadie. 32. Se necesita que todos nos 33. trabajemoscomo hombres 34. y que todos digamos la verdad 35. y no la mentira. Other board member: 36. La verdad es/ 31. I don't walk aroundanybody. What is needed is for all of us to work like men and for all of us to tell the truth and not lies. The truthis/ 12 LEARNING hOW TO ASK Disputant: 37. /Porque yo se ciertamente 38. que hay muchas cosas escondidas en esa linea. 39. /Because I know with certitude that there are many things hidden in that line. The other boardmemberthen responded, referringdirectly to the chargethatthe board had been getting more than its fair share of water. The Disputant's (hereafterD) words constituteda focal event in the meeting, and they were highly effective in bringing out the topic he wished to discuss. Wherein lies their efficacy? Theform of the discourse is crucial. In comparison with the preceding statements, D's words were marked from the start by an increase in volume and a decrease in the speed of utterance.The pitch, loudness, and stress evince a much greater range of variation than the surroundingdiscourse. The individual utterances are separatedinto clear tone groups, which come close to being poetic lines. The nucleus rests in the final word in all utterances save i6, 20, and 30, which are false starts, and in the last line (38-39). Each is followed by a longer than normal pause. The speech is also segmented prosodically into quasi-stanzalikeunits (I-8, 9-19, 20-25, 26-3I, and 32-39). The end of each "stanza" is markedby a sharpdropin pitch and an even longer pause. D's words were preceded by a period of short turns with frequent interruptions. Once D secured the floor in i, all side conversationsceased, and all eyes turned to him. Even when the other board member tried to prevent D from coming to the point in 36, D was able to retain the floor. His slow, clear, measured, rhythmic, forceful speech marked his statement as climactic. This formal elaboration highlighted his abilities as rhetorician, thus increasing the stakes, so to speak, of the success or failure of his efforts. When D shifted register, he signalled the audience that the meaning of what he was aboutto say must be sought less in its overt referentialmeaning than in the way in which the poetic form provided clues to underlying, implicit meanings. This strategywas crucial. D and his fellows had promptedthe boardto call the special meeting in orderto bringtheircharges againstthe latterout into the open. This had not taken place thus far, and the discussion of technical problemswas becoming so tedious that many of the participantswere losing interest and beginning side conversations. D had to bringthe key issues to the fore soon if the momentum produced by the special circumstances of the meeting was to be preserved. Nevertheless, to accuse the board directly of taking more than their shareof the scarce water and of covering up their actions would have constituted a real affront. Such public accusations controvertthe accused's dignidad de la persona 'personal dignity', and are likely to spark a real confrontationand to engender lasting enmity. D thus sought to force the issue withoutdirectly referring to it himself. D accomplished this feat by juxtaposing allusions to three fundamentalMex13 CHARLES L. BRIGGS icano values with implicit allusions to the basic conflicts which underlaythe meeting. Lines 3-8 express a basic ideal of interpersonalrelations- tratarigual a todos 'to treateveryone equally'. One of the highest complimentswhich can be paid a person is that s/he 'treatseveryone well' (bien) or 'the same' (igual). This value is seen as following from Christ's love for all humans. Christianvalues dictate the avoidance of pettiness, spitefulness, and conceit. D thus implicitly contrastshis compliance with these normswith the members'assertionthatsome board members feel that their position entitles them to a greater share of the water. In otherwords, D is saying to the president, "you may thinkthatyou, as a board member, are better than I am, but I treat everyone equally well." Lines io through 25 juxtapose a second value, corporatism, with another dimension of the conflict, that between the two sections of the community.La gente 'the people' should ideally be united, sharinglabor and resourcesin times of need. This, too, has a Biblical precedent; it is often said that 'we are all brothersand sisters, because we are all children of God.' This is the way that community affairs 'are supposed to go.' Envidia 'envy' and politica 'politics' are the majorobstacles to realizing corporatism.D goes on in 21-25 to suggest that all partieshave given way to envidia. The use of rumboin this context is a double entendre. Todos rumbosis the common expression for 'all over'. But the otherside of the communityis generallyreferredto locally as el otro rumbo 'the other side'. D's allusion to the internecine conflict thus similarly combines a veiled but clear reference to a basic aspect of the dispute with a value-laden exhortation. A final juxtapositionof value and conflict involves D more directly. Priorto the meeting, D had personallyqueriedmost of the memberswith respectto their feelings aboutthe board's actions. Since he had not yet spokendirectlyto anyone on the board, some of the commissionersaccused him in privateof being afraid to confrontthem directly. This constituteda serious charge. The inabilityto face one's opponent in person constitutes a loss of face and a diminution in one's sense of personal dignity. D asserts, on the contrary,that he likes to speak not only clearly but publicly, and that he 'won't walk around'(i.e., isn't afraidof) anyone. Now that he had adumbratedboth the conflicts and the perceived strengthof his own position, D goes on to state his charge publicly - if still implicitly. Having declared himself to be forthrightand truthful,he exhortsall participants to behave similarly and to tell the truth.A boardmembercorrectlyperceivesthat D is just aboutto drive the last nail into the board'swould-becoffin, so to speak, and tries to interrupthim in 36. Not lacking in rhetoricalstrengthat the moment, however, D concludes 'because I know with certitudethatthereare many things hidden in that line'. This may seem cryptic at first glance. Several of the key issues in the dispute revolved, however, arounda water line that passed next to the houses of several of the board members, and this line had been discussed at 14 LEARNING HOW TO ASK length in the precedingdialogue. Linea also denotes a line of reasoning, and the ambiguityis very much a partof D's strategy. In essence, D is telling the board directly "we all know that your statements about the real cause of the water shortage are lies, and it is time to tell the truth." D's plan worked. Withoutmakingany directaccusations,he managedto bring the chargesout into the open. His allusions were so clear thatit was necessaryfor the board members to refer to them directly in responding to D. The second commissioner proceeded to summarizethe people's feelings with respect to the board's actions and then to detail her own involvement. My analysis suggests that D's success rested both on his use of sub rosa argumentationand on his juxtaposition of commonly accepted, traditional values with specific issues. These values provide an indisputablesource of legitimacy for his points. They also provide him with a means of interpretingthe events in line with his position. D's use of a formal, quasipoeticform for his words highlightedthe importance of his statement as well as his own rhetoricalskills. By relating these current, specific issues to basic values, he enhancedtheirconsequence. Gaining recognition for one's verbal abilities is an importantpart of the process of moving throughthe status of muchacho (lit. 'boy', meaning 'young man') and into fullfledged adult status. Speaking out on the affairs of the community is the most importantmeans of establishing one's reputationat this point in life. Just as such individuals gain access to new sociolinguistic skills during this period, however, importantconstraintsare operative as well. Muchachos draw on traditionalvalues in coping with contemporaryaffairs, but they lack the right to speak authoritativelyon the locus of these principles, 'the elders of bygone days.' These values are most directly embodied in 'the talk of the elders of bygone days,' which consists primarilyof such folkloric forms as proverbs,oral historicalvignettes, and scripturalallusions. Although persons underthe age of sixty may refer to such forms, they are not generally accorded the right to performthem, particularlyin front of their elders. Nevertheless, public rhetoric provides them with opportunitiesfor practicingjust the skills that will later be necessary for mastering 'the talk of the elders of bygone days.' Geriatric metacommunicativepower: 'The talk of the elders of bygone days' Los ancianos or los viejitos 'the old folks', females and males of about seventy years of age and older, are the legitimate bearers of traditionalknowledge in Mexicano society. The centralprincipleof respeto 'respect'constrainsboth what and when individuals can speak. The oldest members of the community are obligated to preserve and transmit 'the talk of the elders of bygone days'; they are the only speakers who are accorded the right to use performancesin specialized genres in doing so. Just as the more esteemed speech types and the knowledge they presuppose belong to the elders, theirs is the floor as well. A 'respectful' younger speaker will always yield the floor to an older person, will 15 CHARLES L. BRIGGS not contradicther/his senior, and will not grow angryif contradictedby a viejito. The elders thus do much of the talking, especially when two or moreof them are present. 'The talk of the elders of bygone days' emerges in three main types of social situations. First, elders who are highly versed in these traditions enter into exchanges of oral historical vignettes, proverbs, and the like. These are true virtuoso performances. The participantsare experts in presentingthese speech forms;the young and inexperiencedmay watch, but they keep theirdistance.The texts are presented in an abbreviatoryfashion, and they are not explicated. Anothercontext consists of discussions of the past by personsof roughlythirty to sixty years of age. These take place in informalsituations, such as conversations between good friends and trips to the mountains.The materialis generally drawn from the more recent past, and it is presentedas the personalrecollection of the speaker (e.g., yo no tenia mas que como diez anos cuando . . . 'I was only about ten years old when . . .'). Such exchanges of stories are seen as recreational,ratherthan competitive or pedagogical. The thirdand most common arenafor presentationof this 'talk' is pedagogical discourse. Here, an elder or elders engage one or more younger persons in a dialogue about the past. The explicit object is to inculcatethe basic moralvalues that exemplify the actions of 'the elders of bygone days' to succeeding generations to such a degree that they come to be reflected in the thoughtand action of the latter group. Common settings for pedagogical discussions are informal gatherings in livingroomsor kitchens;elders also frequentlylaunchinto pedagogicaldiscourse upon passing a local landmarkon a walk or a trip into town. These conversations are generally initiatedby the elder, althoughyoungerpersons' questionsregarding some facet of the past can serve as an entree into a lengthyexposition. Elders have much more control over what will be discussed and how the conversation will proceed; nevertheless, pedagogical discourse is dialogic in nature. The elders often query theirjunior(s) as to whethers/he is comprehendingwhat has been said by ending a statement with such questions as Gno ves? 'you see?' isabes como te digo? 'do you know what I'm telling you?' or 6verdad? 'right?' Similarly, the "student" is free to ask for reiterationsor furtherelaborations. Younger persons use questions (e.g., iverdad? or e;si? 'really?') or such exclamations as si 'yes,' "um hum," and the like in signaling the elder that they are comprehendingthe "lesson." Scriptural Allusions. Having presented analyses of other genres elsewhere (0983b, in press), I will draw on performancesof scripturalallusions in illustrating 'the talk of the elders of bygone days.' Scripturalallusions are a fairly flexible genre, so to speak, since they can be used in a varietyof situationsand can incorporatetexts of various degrees of length and complexity. They consist of the insertion of a text bearing on moral principles which is identified as 16 LEARNING HOW TO ASK scripturalinto ongoing discourse. The following scripturalallusion was used by Aurelio Trujillo; he and his wife, Costancia, informally adopted me when I enteredC6rdova in 1972. Mr. Trujillo was highly religious, and he placed great emphasis on teaching me the importanceof placing total faith in God. He was commentingon a growing tendency on the partof Christiansto lose the sense of the divine presence and to maintaintheir devotional practices. 3. Scripturalallusion Aurelio Trujillo: Pero al cabo que Dios los sabe premiar lo mismo que premia al (pecador), porque dice "perdonaral inocente," dice, "porque no sabe lo que hace." Y todos semos [sic] hijos, todos semos brothers, todos semos hermanos. CLB: Sf. Aurelio Trujillo: Y muchos no, porquetiene un nickel more que el otro; es orgullo. Mire, la vanidad se acaba, no tiene fin. El dinero se acaba, no tiene fin. De modo que hay tres cosas que no tienen fin. Y la amistad reina en la vida. But in the end God knows how to reward them just as he rewardsa (sinner), because He says "pardon the innocent," He says, "because he knows not what he does. " And we are all children, we are all brothers, we are all siblings. Yes. But not for many, because s/he has a nickel more than the other; it's pride. Look, vanity comes to an end, it is pointless. Money comes to an end it is pointless. And so there are three things that are pointless. And friendshipreigns in life. This scripturalallusion is metacommunicativein two majorrespects. The allusion is to Christ's invocation on behalf of his crucifiers(Luke 23:34). The term inocente refers to those who lack the knowledge of good and evil, and it is generally applied to young childrenand to imbeciles. The term is extendedto all humans in the text, however, since we lack divine omniscience and our actions are fallible. God will accordingly forgive those who forget Him just as He 17 CHARLES L. BRIGGS forgives sinners. Mr. Trujillo extends this logic in this allusion and in two subsequent allusions to suggest that humans must love their fellow inocentes, regardlessof what wrongs they may commit against them. He also lists what he sees as the three greatest obstacles to the expression of such brotherly/sisterly affection - pride, vanity, and avariciousness. The second majorthrustof this allusion - its bearingon the situationat handis especially clear. 1 had inauguratedmy fieldworkin the communitythreeweeks previously, and I met Mr. and Mrs. Trujillo four days before the presentmeeting. During this initial session, my position was quite ambiguous. I was a stranger, an Anglo-American, who came with a tape recorder, and wished to conduct research. As an educated representativeof the superordinatesociety, I possessed a high degree of status. I was, however, also a nineteen-year-oldwho obviously sought the Trujillos friendship and wanted to learn from them. Mr. Trujillo's speech reflected this ambiguity. He used formal/deferential,usted forms while occupying the preeminentposition in an asymmetricmode of interaction - pedagogical discourse. But Mr. Trujillo had an obvious interest in playing down the deference-tohearer and emphasizing the solidarity-with-hearerdimension (cf. Silverstein His speech was accordingly pronouncedly performative in that he i98i:5). sought to create a close friendshipand to be accordedthe deferencethathe, being fifty years my senior, deserved. Like Mr. Trujillo's utterancesin this conversation as a whole, a numberof features of the scripturalallusion were carefully suited to this goal. His condemnationof pride, vanity, and avariciousnessis not simply reflective of basic values - Anglo-Americansare commonly stereotyped as proud, vain, and avaricious. Moreover, these characteristicsare believed to engender in Anglo-Americansa sense of superiorityto Mexicanos and a reluctance to develop close friendshipswith them. Mr. Trujillogoes on to arguethat friendship (amistad) conquers these obstacles. He indexes the fact that his remarks are directly applicable to Anglo-Americans (presentcompany included) by inserting three English lexical items into the discourse. Thirty-five seconds after this segment, Mr. Trujillo argues that the obligation to extend fraternal/sororallove to everyone admits no racialdistinctions:No importaquien sea, no importaque sea negro o que sea lo quefuere o austriago o lo quefuere 'it doesn't matterwho it is, it doesn't matter if s/he's black or s/he's whateverit may be or a foreigner or whatever it may be.' Friendshipdid come to reign in the situation.The Trujillosbecame two of my best friends, central consultants, and major sponsors within the community. They shifted to tti forms before long, and we adoptedkin termsfor use in address a year later (I addressed them as papd 'father' and mamd 'mother', and they addressed me as hijo 'son'). Scripturalallusions thus provide metacommunicativecommentaryon the ongoing conversation in two primaryways. First, scripturalallusions drawupon a textual traditionwhich is sharedby the speaker, her/his interlocutor(s),and their 18 LEARNING HOW TO ASK audience. Such phrases as Dios dice 'God says' or dice mi Sefior Jesucristo en sus evangelios 'my Lord Jesus Christ says in His gospels' tell the hearer "these are not my words, these are the words of Jesus Christ." Use of a scriptural allusion thus places the highest source of legitimacy in the society behind the speaker's words. Since the scripturaltext is irrefutable, the legitimacy of the speaker's point of view can only be disputed by challenging the bearing of the text on the issue at hand. This is no simple task, and such challenges rarelyoccur outside of rhetoricalduels between elders. The rhetoricalforce of scripturalallusions cannot be attributedentirely, however, to the connection of the discourse of this shared textual background.The effective use of a scripturalallusion uses this source of legitimacy in advancing the speaker's view of an issue of presentconcern. Text 3 adumbratesthe values which Mr. Trujillodeems central. It also affords us insight into his perceptionof Mexicano-Anglo-American relations, our friendship, and of what was taking place on an interactionallevel that afternoon. The scripturalallusion thus functions as a blueprintor, in Peircean terms, a diagramof the speaker's view of a particularsituation. This diagrammaticfunction is two-sided, so to speak, since it also includes an iconic condensationof one aspect of 'the talk of the elders of bygone days.' In anthropologicalterms, scripturalallusions connect an ideal model with a real, temporallybounded event, specifying how the formerapplies to the latter. Such speech events thus show great promise for ethnographers.Some fieldworkerscollect extensive dataon structuralprinciplesor decontextualizedideals. Others are less concerned with norms and meanings than with the details of "objectively" observable behavior. The ideal and the real are, however, never equivalent, and ethnographersencounter difficulties in relating the two. The study of these sorts of speech events thus provides the ethnographerwith a large set of examples of how the people themselves envision the relationshipbetween culturalnorms and concrete situations. Summary:The evaluation of metacommunicativecompetence Taken as a whole, these materialspoint to the centralityof threetypes of tasks to the developmentalprocess. Lacking basic linguistic competence or commandof a given type of speech event, individuals are expected to learn initially through observation. Once the learnerhas gained some grasp of the requisiteskills, this mechanismis complementedby a second type of acquisitiondevice - repetition of the words of one's seniors. Once this reiterativecapacity has been acquired, the focus turns to practicing the production of original utterancesin dialogue. These skills roughlycorrelatewith basic stages of the acquisitionprocess, with childrenobserving and reiteratingthe wordsof theirseniors, adolescentsgenerating original utterances in interactions with peers, and adults generating increasingly sophisticatedspeech acts in public. Nevertheless, all threedevices are 19 CHARLES L. BRIGGS utilized at each stage as well, albeit in differentsocial contexts. Young children, for example, are not encouragedto offer originalcontributionsto adults' conversations. But they possess competence in and a rightto performverbalgames that are hardly sharedby adults. Similarly, while most adultsof thirtyto sixty years of age can speak freely on issues which pertainto wage labor employmentand communityaffairs, they are still primarilyrestrictedto observationandrepetition of the elders' presentationsof 'the talk of the elders of bygone days.' This progressioncontinues throughthe lifespan, and a personnormallyreaches her/his point of maximumcompetence in these areasjust priorto joining 'the elders of bygone days,' barring senility. Rhetorical facility and the right to perform the most esteemed genres are not, however, simply guaranteedby growing older. The degree of rhetoricalcompetencewhich is requisiteto discussing such "'advanced"topics as oral traditions,ethnotheology, and moralvalues is thus gained in the course of a gradualand lengthy process of masteringsocial and linguistic skills. The combined effects of talento, interes, concentracion, andpaciencia renderit possible for some persons to gain rhetoricalcompetence much earlier than others. Two factors play a major role in assessing rhetoricalability. First, ceteris paribus, the greater the numberof folkloric genres in which a person can perform, the greater her/his status as a rhetorician.The second factor entails the development of a heightenedpragmaticsense. The best speakersselect an utterance type, such as a joke, a story, or 'just words,' which best fits the social context of the conversationand the predominanttopic. Likewise, the utterance does not falter (through slurring of words, a lapse in memory, etc.) and is accompaniedwith appropriategesticulation, body movement, facial expressions, and prosodic features. A good speaker will maintain the cohesion of the discourse, making her/his hearer(s)aware, whetherexplicitly or implicitly, of the relevance of the utteranceto the present situation. Such individualsthus subtly manipulate both linguistic forms and aspects of the social situation to lend compelling force to their utterances. RHETORICAL COMPETENCE AND INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES Question-answer sequences play several distinctand quite importantpartsin the acquisition process. Young children repeat adults' questions to other adults and then convey the latter's answers to the former. Childrenare also accordedthe rightto pose permissionrequeststo the appropriateadults, as in our society (e.g., "'mama,may I go to the store with Mary?"). This act presupposesa knowledge of appropriateage and genderroles and of authorityrelations,since unreasonable requests or queries directed to the wrong person would be ineffectual or even criticized. At a much higher level in the rhetoricalhierarchy,individualsare permittedto query their seniors with regard to "traditional" Mexicano knowledge - eth20 LEARNING HOW TO ASK notheology, oral historical traditions, spoken and musical genres, and so fortn. Posing questions in this way does not, however, even resemble an interview. Persons who wish to acquire such knowledge frame a repetition of part of the elder's preceding utterancewith an interrogativemarker(Briggs I983a). Common questions thus assume the form of Zque no dijo usted que . . . ? 'didn't you say that . . .?' or ique quieredecirX? 'what does X mean?' It is importantto note that I) the referentialframe for such questions is provided by the elder's speech, 2) the latter's pedagogical discourse provides the dominant conversational structure for the interaction, and 3) the utterance of such a question presupposes both basic knowledge of this type of information(gained through observation) and the mannerin which it is disseminated. Standardanthropologicalinterviewing technique inverts these conversational norms in three ways. First, nonnative ethnographersenter the society lacking acquaintance with norms for comportment and speech. Instead of acquiring communicativecompetence by ascending throughthe established succession of developmental tasks, however, interviewers skip the stages of observationand repetition of their seniors' words to move immediately to the generation of original utterances- questions which emerge from their own interests. Furthermore, such questions frequently pertain to the most esoteric topics - those in which only the most advanced speakers are competent. Second, control over the interactionlies in the hands of the interviewer.It is s/he who exerts the most control over the process of turn-taking,it is s/he who introducestopics, by and large, and it is s/he who decides when to move onto the next topic. This constitutes an inversion of the normativestructurefor the conveyance of informationon such topics between a senior and a junior. Finally, the interviewer'sinitial lack of familiaritywith the relevantreferential frames and accepted mode of dissemination for the informationfrequentlyrenders her/his questions disruptiveto the cohesion of the discourseor inappropriate for the social situation. These problems are compoundedwhen the interviewer attemptsto shift the discourse to a subjectof greaterrelevanceto her/his research interests or moves from topic to topic. Problems emanating from insufficient competence in the language or dialect or in basic culturalpremises also undermine the effectiveness of the interviewer's speech. As I argued in the paperon interviewing(I983a), questions which contain such stumbling blocks are difficult to answer. The repeated emergence of proceduralproblems, to use Churchill's (1978) term, prompts the consultant to reassess the former's ability to effectively engage in this level of discourse. The pragmatic effectiveness of a person's speech - providing the proper referentialframe, avoiding significant formal or semantic flaws, making one's remarksappropriateto the social situation, and maintainingthe cohesion of the discourse - is one of the two primarymeans of judging rhetoricalcompetence. The emergence of such proceduralproblems thus suggests to the hearersthat their interlocutorlacks sufficient competence to enable the latter to generate 21 CHARLES L. BRIGGS original utterances.One's consultantsare accordinglynot obligatedto repairthe proceduralproblem, answer the question, and give the turn back to the questioner, as is prescribed by Anglo-American, middle-class speech norms (cf. Churchill 1978:89). It is indeed far more appropriatein the case of the fieldworker to signal her/him of the failure of her/his efforts to assume a sophisticated communicative role. ATTEMPTS TO CIRCUMVENT THE ACQUISITION PROCESS Inverting norms for the acquisition of metacommunicativecompetence, nevertheless, is par for the course. Although some fieldworkers, such as Geertz (1973), provide notable exceptions, most ethnographersseek to impose their own metacommunicativenorns on theirconsultants.Ratherthanadoptingnative metacommunicativenorms, consultantsare taught a subset of the fieldworker's own metacommunicativedevices - those pertainingto interviewtechnique.This is the practice that I have referredto as communicativehegemony (i983a). The legitimacy of this approachis enhancedby its enshrinementin manualson ethnographicfieldwork. One of the most commonly used discussions of anthropologicalfieldwork, Pelto and Pelto's Anthropologicalresearch: The structureof inquiry,suggests that ". . . humansdiffer in their willingness as well as their capabilitiesfor verballyexpressing culturalinformation.Consequently,the anthropologist usually finds that only a small number of individuals in any communityare good key informants"(1978:72). Note, of course, thatthe basis of the selection is the communicativenorms of the fleldworker,not those of the natives. Then, having selected the "right" person(s), "some of the capabilities of key informantsare systematicallydeveloped by the fieldworkers,as they train the informantsto conceptualizeculturaldata in the frameof referenceemployed by the anthropologists"(ibid.).4 We are thus left with two fundamentaland, it seems, commonly accepted assumptions regardingthe epistemology of fieldwork. First, obtaining large quantitiesof ethnographicdata entails (or is at least aided by) the trainingof one or several natives in the metacommunicativenorms presupposedby the interview. Second, this process is facilitatedby the selection of "key informants" from among the ranks of those who appearto have the greatest facility for operating within this mode of discourse. I found the second premise to be quite accuratein my own fieldwork. George and SilvianitaLopez served as my primaryconsultantswhen I beganmy research in Cordova.They had also assumedquasi-parentalroles, being recognizedby the communityas my adopted family. After a numberof preliminaryvisits in 1971 and I972, I proposed writing a book on the local wood carving industrywhich would focus on the couple (cf. Briggs 1980). They respondedquite favorably. I inauguratedthe fieldwork with the traditionalopen-endedinterview,concentrating on Mr. L6pez's fatherand on Silvianita and George Lopez's participationin the industry.Mrs. Lopez respondedto nearlyall of my questionswith iooo, pos, 22 LEARNING HOW TO ASK quien sabe! 'ooo, well, who knows!' Mr. L6pez alternatedbetween this reply and the provision of highly abbreviatedresponses. The interviews got nowhere for over two weeks. On the otherhand, I proposeda set of interviewsto FedericoCordova,another communityelder. He agreed both to the interviews and to their tape recording. When I returnedfrom my car, Mr. Cordovaasked me 'Now, what is it that you wanted to know?' I provided him with one of the questions that had fared so poorly with the Lopezes. He then proceededto producea long, flowing narrative history of the local carving industry. How are we to account for such differences? Some researchersmight have worked almost entirely with the more "cooperative" of the three. But the ability and desire to communicate were not the problems here. After the Lopezes restructuredour interactionsby inducing me to carve wood along with them, I found that simply sitting in the couple's kitchen, carving as they carved, produced a fair amountof exegesis aboutthe art. I laterdiscoveredthat I could elicit additionalinformationthroughthe use of a repetition-elicitation formula - repeating one of their statements with a rising intonationor with a pre- or postpositioned tag question. The conversationswhich were structuredby the couple turnedout to be extremely fertile sources of data, since the form of the discourse provided crucial information on how the carvers perceived the history of the industryand their own participationin it. I ratherthink that an awarenessof the vastly differenteducationaland linguistic experiences among the three can bring us closer to understandingthis situation. Mr. C6rdova was fluent in English, and he was literatein both languages, while the L6pezes are virtuallymonolingual. Mr. Cordovagained his first extensive contact with English speakersin WorldWar1, and he masteredthe language while attendingteacher-trainingcourses at the regional normal school. He then taught for many years in the local school. He later worked for the U.S. Forest Service, a job which involved interactingwith English speakers, asking questions, and completing writtenreports. Mr. Cordovaoften readEnglish-language newspapers. Interestingly,Mr. C6rdova's wife, who is monolingual, responded to my questions in the same fashion as the Lopezes. Mr. Cordova had acquirednot only the phonological, syntactic, and semantic systems of AmericanEnglish, but he had masteredits conversationalstructureas well. He had such a sophisticatedidea of the interviewingprocess that he even thoughtto make sure that the tape recorderhad been turnedon before beginning his account. (The one stipulationthat he imposed in helping me was that I was to give him a copy of the final publication.) Why, then, was the latterinterviewso painless and so "successful"? Even though Mr. Cordovaand I spoke in Spanish, the interview was bilingual, since the frame of referenceand the conversational structurethat we used were derived mainly from AmericanEnglish. Fortunately, this is not true of the sections of the interactionsin which Mr. C6rdova "wandered off the point," that is, gained control of topical selection. Here the tape 23 CHARLES L. BRIGGS recordingsreveal the same richness of metacommunicativeroutinesand rhetorical structurethat characterizethe pedagogical dialogues with the L6pezes. My research methods thus dictated the imposition of my own conversational norms on my consultants. The gap between American English discourse structure (especially interview techniques)and that of New Mexican Spanishis sufficiently wide that my initial position of communicativehegemony was successful only with a bilingual consultant. CONCLUS ION Having outlined some of the problems which are posed by the use of interviews in fieldwork in a previous paper (i983a), I proceed to analyze native metacommunicativeroutines here. I argue for the richness of such routinesas sources of ethnographicand sociolinguistic data. A sketch of the mannerin which metacommunicativecompetence is acquired in one society suggests that the use of interviews, particularlyearly in the fieldworkperiod, may be highly disruptive.I argue that a better proceduremight be to learn the native metacommunicative repertoire. Interviews can then be utilized where they prove to be compatible with these patterns. The limitationson the usefulness of interviewingemanate from the natureof the interview qua speech event. Shifting into this mode of interactionsends two crucial signals to the participants.First, it selects for certaintypes of messages. These are, in Silverstein's (1979, 198I) terms, surface segmentable,referential, and relatively presupposing.The meaningof surface segmentableforms accrues to units such as affixes, lexemes, and phraseswhich are susceptibleto traditional syntactic and semantic analysis. A focus on referentialityentails a concern with the generationof propositionsabout events which exist outside the actual utterance itself (althoughthe referentsmay be speech acts, too). The meaningfulness of relatively presuppositional(as opposed to creative) statementsrests on the prior existence of specific aspects of the present context. Use of the token "she," for example, presupposes a shared understandingas to the fact that a nonpresentfemale is the subjectof discourse. Interviewsthus rest on the assumption that the respondentwill supply "answers" which are segmentable,referentially rich, and for which the necessary presuppositionalinformationhas been provided. The interview frame also alerts the participantsthat messages will be decoded (and should be decodable) via the contributionof segmentableunits to propositionsunder specifiable (presuppositional)conditions. Second, interviews negatively select for metacommunicativeevents which are less surface segmentable, more creative, and whose meaning hinges less on reference. This description closely fits nearly all of the Mexicano metacommunicativeroutinesthat I have presentedin this paper. Stylistic features,such as tonality, pitch register, stress, phrasing, laryngealconstriction,Spanish/English code-switching, and so on, convey crucial information regarding meanings 24 LEARNING HOW TO ASK which are not decodable vis-a-vis business-as-usualreferentiality.The less segmentableand referentialmessages provide the juxtapositionof clarity with indirectness that is the sine qua non of more advanced rhetorical strategies. The emphasis on creativity is obvious; speakers use their words to transformthe parametersof the interactionitself. The complementarydistributionof interview situationsand a broaderrangeof metacommunicativeevents should come as no surprise.Silverstein (1979, I98I) has suggested that segmentable, referential, and presuppositionalelements are the type of signals that universally lie within the conscious control of speakers. Interview questions prompt natives to constructexplicit, conscious statements. They accordingly provide a useful means of discovering the range of social/culturalknowledge and metacommunicativeforms which lie within the conscious control of speakers and which jibe with the sociolinguistic norms of the interview situation. The Mexicano data suggest, however, that a vast arrayof metacommunicativeroutines lie outside of these narrowlimits. The exclusion of native metacommunicativeevents by fieldworkersis unfortunate,because they provide crucial informationon the interactionbetween language use and social behavior as a whole and between social/culturalnorms and observed patternsof interaction. These materialsthus point to the critical need to achieve a deeper understanding of the interview process. It is perhapsthe most central mode of data collection in the social sciences and linguistics, but it is one of the least understood. Only occasionally have interviews formed the focus of theoretical analyses or ethnographicdescriptions. Scholarshave begun to compile descriptionsof native metacommunicativeroutines and to demonstratetheir usefulness as sources of sociolinguistic and ethnographicdata. Unfortunately,few practitionershave related specific routines to the nature of metacommunicativecompetence as a whole, and theoretical and methodological studies are badly needed. Grasping the natureof interviews and their relation to other types of metacommunicative events thus forms an importantitem on our collective researchagenda. NOTES x. Financialsupportfor the various fieldwork periods was providedby the IntemationalFolk Art Foundation, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Research Committee of Vassar College. Dell Hymes kindly invited me to write the paper;James Femandezencouragedmy pursuitof this line of research. Ben Blount providedvaluablesuggestions on the section on the use of repetitionelicitation routineswith older children, and JulianJosue Vigil submittedthe paperto a meticulous reading. The threeelderly C6rdovancouples who are mentioned in this paper have not been pseudonymed, as is the case with the other consultants. The C6rdovas, L6pezes, and Trujillos have requested that their names be used in characterizingtheir pedagogical discourse. Given the many kindnesses they have extended to me, I am happy to do so. 2. Interestingly, C6rdovansreduce 161to IgI. This featureenables Mexicanos from surrounding communities to identify a speaker as a resident of C6rdova. 3. The discourse transcribedas texts 2 and 3 is formally elaborated.Such featuresas tone groups, pauses, and stress parallel the semantic and pragmatic content of the words, creating carefully 25 CHARLES L. BRIGGS constructedrhetoricalstructures. In keeping with the ethnopoetic principles elucidated by Hymes (1981), McLendon(I982), and Tedlock (1971, 1972), I have used these formalfeaturesin attempting to preserve a sense of the rhetoricalstructurein the transcriptionsand translations. It should be noted that Pelto and Pelto do express some reservationswith regardto the use of 4. key informantsand do allude to the fact that ". . . the interactionbetween fieldworkerand informants is a complex social process" (1978:74). Nevertheless, like nearly all writers who offer critiquesof interview techniques, they simply point to the sources of potentialbias ratherthanurging fieldworkersto be constantly aware of their patternsof interactionwith their consultants,especially in comparison with native norms of interaction. (See Karp and Kendall [1982] for a penetrating critique of the book.) REFERENCES Bates, E. (1976). Language and context: The acquisitionofpragmatics. New York:AcademicPress. I Camaioni, L., & Volterra,V. (1979). 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