Part III How to Cook Prologue In previous parts I encouraged you to celebrate eating and take good care of yourself and your child with food. Now we move on to extending and supporting that celebration and caring with food management. Our task is to translate the positive principles of eating and feeding into food preparation. Unless you have unlimited resources, in order to celebrate eating and take good care of yourself with food, you have to cook—and keep on cooking. In order for you to keep it up, it has to be rewarding, and you need to feel successful at it. As we found in our research, feeling comfortable with cooking, and even enjoying it, can increase your overall eating competence.1 This part is a food-management primer—an instructional manual about planning and preparing family meals as well as including children in the kitchen and at the table. Secrets is written to convey the message, “You can do this,” and to help you begin to learn your way in the kitchen. Secrets Teaches Food Management I chose every one of the recipes in this book to teach you something about food, nutrition, or cooking. More importantly, I chose every recipe because I like to eat it, and most other people do, too. I used many of the recipes when I was raising my own family, and my children still make them. They are easy, they use familiar foods, and they can be assembled and cooked SecretsBook.indb 89 in 20 to 30 minutes. Because some are cooked in the oven, others in the slow cooker, and still others simmered on the stove, they may take longer to cook in some cases, but your actual production time is low. To help you with longerterm planning, the recipes in all three chapters have been combined into a cycle menu in the planning chapter. In chapter 8, “How to Get Cooking,” and chapter 9, “How to Keep Cooking,” I plan every main-dish recipe into a meal. Then I go on to give you fast tips about the recipe, list jobs you can do the night before, and give suggestions for presenting the food to make it attractive. Then I address the children—both in the kitchen and at the table—with suggestions for involving your children in food preparation and adapting the meal for children. Chapter 10, “Enjoy Vegetables and Fruits,” reminds you that enjoyment is a far better reason than nutritional obligation for eating your broccoli or zucchini. Chapter 11, “Planning to Get You Cooking,” emphasizes using planning as its own reward in making cooking and eating enjoyable. Chapter 12, “Shopping to Get You Cooking,” shows you how to streamline, as much as you can, your efforts to keep groceries in the house. I have chosen recipes to help you learn food skills and strategies so you can be successful with the everyday challenge—and reward—of getting meals on the table. Many of the recipes have figures that give more detail about the food—how to purchase, how to handle, how not to worry. I find food fascinating and the 7/30/08 10:43:38 PM 90 Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family science of food even more so. Knowing the basic principles of cooking and why certain things work and others don’t can give you the satisfaction of knowing what to do and, more than that, why you’re doing it. At the end of many of the recipes, I suggest variations. Check those out, because the simple changes will vastly expand your recipe repertoire without complicating your cooking life. To remind you that they are there, the variations are bolded, indexed, and listed in the recipe list. I also hope that the variations spark some ideas and that you’ll feel comfortable expanding on them. Increase Your Efficiency To help manage daily time constraints and competing priorities, think before you cook. Read through the recipes, make up your mind about your menu, do the night-before jobs, and plan your sequence of cooking times. Think about cleanliness. Keep an orderly space by cleaning up as you go along. Keep a bowl of hot sudsy water handy to wash your utensils. Think about putting other people to work. Coordinate and supervise while they cook. Think about PPMs—pre-prepared meals—by using extras from dinner for lunch the next day and by doubling recipes and freezing half. Think about the future. Letting your young child play in the kitchen and admiring oddlooking food prepared by awkward little fingers will produce an older child who is hooked on cooking and can make a real contribution. Think about food safety. Wash your hands thoroughly and often, and teach your children to do the same. Keep hot food hot (above 140 degrees F—simmering or hot eating temperature) and cold food cold (40 degrees F or below—refrigerator temperature). Discard food held at room temperature for 2 hours or more. The Mother Principle Figure PIII.1 on the next page outlines the Mother Principle of meal planning. I planned the recipes and menus in these chapters with these principles in mind. I am using the term “mother” as an honorary title to denote the person who takes primary responsibility for nurturing with food. That person could be a father SecretsBook.indb 90 or a grandparent as well as a mother. The Mother Principle combines nutrition principles with feeding dynamics and eating competence principles. The Mother Principle gives you the same guidance as in figure 5.1, “Being Considerate without Catering,” on page 48, but in more detail. Applying the Mother Principle I realize the list adds up, but settle down, we can do this. Let’s start by planning a meal that includes all the food groups as well as includes four or five foods or more. Consider our first menu: tuna noodle casserole, poppy seed coleslaw, celery sticks and dill pickles, bread, butter, and milk. Now let’s do the count: protein (tuna), two starches (noodles and bread), two vegetables (cabbage, celery, and cucumbers), and milk. That’s six. I counted celery and cucumbers together as one because you usually don’t eat that much of the crudités. Oh, and butter. That’s seven. Then if you count the cream cheese, that’s eight, and why not count the jam? That’s nine. If someone in your family is skeptical about the tuna and you feel like going to the trouble, flake the tuna, heat it up with the mushroom soup and milk to make a sauce, and serve the sauce in one dish and the noodles in another. If you don’t feel like it, don’t worry. There are plenty of other foods to eat. Sometimes one person gets lucky, sometimes another. The Mother Principle also says, “to give your child the fat he needs without overloading your menus with fat, include high-, moderate-, and low-fat foods.” Let’s again examine our menu. The tuna noodle casserole and coleslaw are moderate in fat; the celery sticks, dill pickles, and bread are low in fat; and the butter and cream cheese are high in fat. If you offer whole milk, you will have three high-fat foods. That’s just fine. Trust your child to eat as much or a little fat as he needs. Chapter 13, “Choosing Food,” discusses nutrition and food composition in more detail. Put pleasure first. The Mother Principle incorporates pleasure, but the element of planning might spook you into forgetting it. You might eat dreary food in order to satisfy your nutritional requirements, but your child won’t, even if you tell him it is good for him. You will tire of foisting dreary food on your child, and you just might give up on family meals altogether. 7/30/08 10:43:38 PM Part III Prologue Figure PIII.1 The Mother Principle of Meal Planning Plan meals that include all the food groups: meat or other protein, grains, fruits and vegetables, and dairy. Round out your meals with spreads and sauces and with dessert, if you wish. Offer four or five foods. Let your child (and yourself) choose what and how much to eat from what is on the table. Here are the kinds of foods to put on the table: •• Protein source. Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, or nuts. If you have cereal and milk for breakfast, milk can be the protein. Cheese, like milk, gives protein and also calcium so it can do double duty. 91 protein, so there you get a threefer. However, the fewer choices you put on the table, the greater the likelihood the meal will defeat inexperienced eaters. •• Dairy. Use whole milk for children under age 2 years. After that, only switch to lower fat milk if everyone likes it, drinks it well, and has another reliable fat source. You depend on milk for calcium and vitamin D, so if you substitute a soy or rice milk, compare the label to be sure it gives the same amount of protein, calcium, and vitamin D as cow’s milk and keep in mind the product is likely to be low in fat. Milk and other dairy products are a twofer because they give protein and calcium. At breakfast, milk can do double duty as both a protein and a calcium source and the fruit/vegetable can be orange juice. •• Two grains or starchy foods. Include two foods from this list. Every culture has a certain starchy food that has to show up on the table, such as rice, spaghetti, grits, potatoes, or plantain. Children and other people can generally eat bread and other starchy foods if all else fails. Potatoes aren’t a grain, but they are starchy and easy to like. Make the second starchy food bread, and put it on the table with every meal. Your bread can be anything made with grain, such as regular sliced bread, tortillas, biscuits, cornbread, oatmeal bread, chapattis, fry-bread, or bagels. •• Butter, margarine, dressings, sauces. Offer regular (not diet, low-calorie or fat-free) salad dressing, vegetable dip, or gravy. These fatty foods make foods taste better. Children depend on fat with the meal to get the calories they need. Let children eat as much or as little fat as they want. To give your child the fat he needs without overloading your menus with fat, include high-, moderate-, and low-fat foods. •• Fruit or vegetable or both. Canned, frozen, or fresh fruits and vegetables are all okay. Try raw vegetables with a dip, put a dab of butter or some cheese sauce on vegetables to perk them up, or toss frozen vegetables into the soup. Corn, potatoes, and lima beans are starchy, so you get a twofer—they count as a choice from two lists. In fact, lima beans also have a lot of You offer the food, your child eats—or doesn’t. Help him be successful by matching familiar with unfamiliar food, favorite with not-so-favorite. Don’t make more or different food. Don’t make him eat some of everything on the table. He may just drink milk and eat bread. That is all right. At another meal he will eat more or different food choices. Children in the Kitchen Your child will grow up enjoying cooking, and it will hold no terrors for him when he is grown, if you let him share cooking chores with you. Many of the recipes in this book have suggestions for involving children. When your child is young, your task is to find chores for him that are safe and interesting and that don’t slow you down too much. A toddler can happily play in water in the sink, with mixing cups and spoons, or he can more or less wash durable vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and celery. A pan of rice for measuring and pouring is good for a few minutes of entertainment. As your child gets older, he will become more and more helpful. An older child can assemble simple recipes, if you help with the hot dishes SecretsBook.indb 91 and sharp knives. I have written the recipes simply, but you might want to simplify them further for a child by making note of which pan or bowls to use. For a child who does not read, adapt written directions by drawing pictures of the ingredients. To get an idea of how to do this, see Mollie Katzen’s book Pretend Soup and Other Real Recipes or use some recipes from Katzen’s book. Older children can do most of the tasks for simple recipes and you can be the assistant. Of course, a child can set the table. At age 16 months, Sebastian, our office toddler, is most territorial about his job of putting the glasses on the table. Your child might enjoy setting the table, and it is helpful, but don’t get in a rut. To keep cooking interesting to your child, share the cooking jobs. Even when your child becomes adept in the kitchen, however, don’t wander off. 7/30/08 10:43:38 PM 92 Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family For children, the main attraction of cooking is being with you. If you run out of jobs to do for tonight’s dinner, keep yourself in the kitchen by starting on the next day’s meal. Read the suggestions for the night before and work ahead. Make sure you have equipment that will make your child’s participation in meal preparation safe and fun. Children need sturdy stools to stand on. I like the little two-step folding ladders that have the waist-high, overarching handles because they give children something to hang on to. Sebastian drags a chair into the kitchen to join his parents with cooking. Children need aprons. Consider cutting the arms out of a big old shirt, then button it on backward. Or check out the hardware store for the little full-length carpenter aprons. If you tie a knot in the string that goes behind the neck, it converts easily to child size. Children at the Table With most of the recipes, and the menus accompanying them, I have made suggestions for adapting meals for children. Being considerate in the ways I suggest is not short-order cooking. It is just setting up the menu to help your child to be successful. If the dish seems a little strange, like Mostaccioli with Spinach and Feta, it will help your child to have something familiar on the table that he knows he can manage, like corn. Remember, your child doesn’t have to eat everything that is served; he can pick and choose from what you have made available. If a dish is complex, like Marinated Chicken StirFry, I suggest making some minor modifications to serve some of the parts separately. After a child masters the parts, he will be ready to start learning to like the whole. For the learning eater at the table, we have to be careful about the shape and texture of food and about detecting food sensitivities and allergies. A young child could choke on whole, raw vegetables like carrots or celery, or on some crisp-tender cooked vegetables, such as carrots again, or broccoli. You might cook a few vege tables a little longer for your youngest eater, or give him the more tender ones, like zucchini. Before you give the beginning eater a mixed dish, try to introduce him to all the components separately. That way, if he has an allergic response, you won’t have to guess about what caused the reaction. SecretsBook.indb 92 Sometimes I suggest dessert, and sometimes I don’t. You don’t have to have dessert; you don’t have to avoid it. I have used dessert to make a meal more enjoyable and filling and to make a nutritional contribution. Many desserts have fruit; many have milk as well. When serving dessert to a young child, it works best to put a single helping of dessert at each plate and let him eat it when he wants to—first, last, or during. Don’t give seconds on dessert. Putting dessert on the table keeps it from being something that you hold out to reward your child for eating his vegetables. When your child is older and has mastered his food acceptance skills, you can go back to the traditional method of offering dessert at the end of the meal. Taste Comes First I hope that dealing with food and cooking so concretely will help you settle down and stop worrying so much about fat, nutrition, food safety, the environment, and who-knows-whatelse that you can’t get a meal on the table. To help you relax about those worries, I will help you find the middle ground. In order for food to taste good, you have to use some salt and fat in preparing it. You don’t, however, have to throw away all controls and let the sky be the limit. You will discover an in-between, where you use fat and salt but don’t overload your food—or yourself—with it. Be moderate, but do not filter out the essence of good taste by strictly limiting fat and salt. These recipes will help you know what is moderate—not too much and not too little. Salt My menus contribute to an average sodium intake of 3,000–4,000 milligrams per day—a moderate amount. My standard is 1/4 teaspoon of salt (525 milligrams of sodium) per cup of food (or broth, or water for cooking pasta or vegetables). To reduce sodium to the 2,300milligram therapeutic level recommended by the Dietary Guidelines, leave out the salt in the recipes, choose salt-free soups, avoid cured meats, and use frozen or fresh vegetables instead of canned. And see a registered dietitian. Fat My recipes have about 1 to 2 teaspoons of fat per helping. I follow my own advice about including low-, moderate-, and high-fat foods in 7/30/08 10:43:38 PM Part III Prologue meals and varying fat sources. I use butter, olive oil, and a variety of vegetable oils. I recommend olive oil when a recipe benefits from the flavor. Use the better-tasting virgin olive oil for dressings and sautéing and the more heat-resistant “refined” or “pure” olive oil for frying. To find the virgin olive oil that is right for you, have a tasting party. I have said this before—more than once—but it is worth repeating: If you are going to go to all the trouble of keeping up the day-to-day routine of family meals, those meals have to be richly rewarding for you to plan, prepare, and SecretsBook.indb 93 93 eat. The juice absolutely and positively has got to be worth the squeeze. Otherwise, your energy will run out, you will drift away from your best intentions, and you will go back to grabbing, eating on the run, and feeling dissatisfied and guilty. When the joy goes out of eating, nutrition suffers. References 1.Lohse B, Satter E, Horacek T, Gebreselassie T, Oakland MJ. Measuring Eating Competence: psychometric properties and validity of the ecSatter Inventory. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2007;39 (suppl):S154-S166. 7/30/08 10:43:38 PM
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